Cjovticultural. From tin NorrisUwru Heia'rl.) CIJI.TIVATIO OF FRI ITS GRAPES " kTRAWBERTIItCS. The Grape is now one of the most market able fruits that can be raised. It is easily cuUivated, requiring but litlle room and littlo labor, and besides its talue as a marketable product, supplies a most ngreeabl', cooling and refreshing articlo for family use. The foreign rarielies nr, as a general thing, much too fragile and delicate to justi fy any attempts to cultivate them, unless un der very peculiar circumstances; but. we have the Ellensborough, Catawba, and the Isabella all of which are native grapes, very hardy and prolific, and capable of rewarding almost any degree of care and attention that that tho cultivator may bo pleased to accord to them. We do not enumerate these be cause they comprise the whole list of grapes capable of withstanding the algid tempera lure of our climate, but simply because they are readily obtained, are generally well known aud highly esteemed. As to the lu crativeness of this fruit, it is asserted that an individual residing at Camden, New Jersey, sends annually to the Philadelphia market, several thousand weight of the Isabella and Catawba grape, for which .e receives from ten to twelve cents per poio.!. These varie ties are very prolific. The Ellensborough produces fruit smaller in size, but excellent in quality, and is, perhaps, on many accounts the best native grape we have. In cultivating grapes, one thing appears to be indisnensable. viz: The selection of a 4 , suitable soil. This should be a free, moist, warm and which loam, and replete with those principles of vegetable productiveness which are supplied by tho foliage of the vine it is required to support. The very best compost that can be had for this purpose, is formed of the foliage and ten drills of the vine itself; and hence in pruning no particle of those portions which it may be necessary to remove should be lost or thrown away. The fact that these constitute a valu able manure, was first discovered, it is said, by the vine dressers of France, where com post formed of the pruning, is now almost the only stimulus used, whenever asuflicicn cy of it can be obtained to supply the demand Where this is not to be had a valuable substi tute is supplied by tho foliage of forest trees, rotten wood, and straw ; but these must be composted, and great care should bo had that they be reduoed to a degree of fineness which will admit of their being thoroughly and in timately incorporated with the soil to which they aio applied. . By mixing them, forming them into close and compact heaps, and adding a fow bushels of ashes and gypsum, they will soon be re duced to tho required state and consistency, and when applied in the spring, and, as cir cumstances demand, at subsequent periods during the season, will produce highly bene ficial and salutary effects. No fruits is more easily propogaled than tho grape, but the proeess is now so generally understood that any specification of the details uppears to be unnecessary. All that is important to bo ob nerved, is to select good soil and good vines, and to treat then) with ordinary care, while young. If tho land be infested with worms, ashes or lime must bo applied in sufficient quantity to dislodge and drive them off. The Strawberry is another valuable fiuit v.hich should have a place, and a prominent and favored one, in every garden. A good strawberry bed occupies but litlle room, is easily managed, and will produce more nett income than the same surface devoted to any other fruit that can be grown. In the vicini ty of cities and manufacturing towns, the fruit always commands a ready market, and a high prico. Those, therefore, who are in the market iine, and who have butter, eggs, milk, Lc, which they carry duily to city customers would find it to their profit to cultivate the strawberry, especially the more valuable va rieties, as it would find a ready sale, and tidi ly repay them for the labor and expense in volved in raising and disposing of the fruit. It is asserted that a poor widow woman, in the vicinity of Natches, sold from her small garden, fruit enough to produce the sum ot fifteen hundred dollars in a single year. Those who cannot conveniently obtain im proved varities, may transplant the native . vines which so plentifully abound in the fluids, and with the fullest assuiance that the product will abundantly repay the cost. No fruit is characterized by a more easy suscep tibility to improvement, when judiciously transplanted, than I ho wild strawberry of our fields and forests. Even in its uncultivated state delicious, it becomes, by the assistance f art, and a more congenial locality, equal to the niost luxuriant products of the tropics. I have often seen strawberries plucked from native vines, which measured ono inch in diameter, and instances aie mentioned where they havo greatly exceeded even this large II. D. WHITE. Mercy. Mercy is goodness in tears. Good ness is kind to tho good; Mercy is kind to the bad. UooJues., extendeth a helping hand to bun that can already wulkj Mercy to him lhat is prostrato nnd cannot rise. Good ness makes good men out of nothing ; Mercy makes good man of bad men. Goodness puts living man into a beautiful garden and Lids him dress it; Merry erects the cross and bids . dying man look and live. Goodness gives lo Ihe younger son the portion of goods that ful leih to hiin ; Mercy toes the prodigal a great ' way off, and has compassion, and runs, and falls on his neck, nnd kisses him. He that makes light of Goodness, sins; he lhatmnkes light cf Mercy is doubly damned. X. Y. RicorJcr. A distinguished writer upon health and longevity says : "Extend the same favor daily to your whole person thut you do to - your fact and hands. All you require is two to fivo quarts of cold water, (and as much more as you please,) and one or two towels; the whole operation need not occupy five minulrs. When you can faithfully and fear lessly wash yoursolf all over with cold water daily, you will have taken a vast step in the commencement of uniulerruptoc health." The religion of some whom we call heathens enjoins this upon them, while we, with all the light of ChrUtiuniiy and civilization, are loo apt to ftrjjW-l it. "Encourage Your Own I" HAAS &REXN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. THE subscribers respectfully cnll the attention of the public to their large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of A11IXET-WAIIE, which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, maile up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in tho manufacture of their ware, and the tibscriliers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Sofas, Divan) and Lounges, liurcatts, secretaries, SftcfcoavKs, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOAKDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS. ncluding varieties never before to be had in Sunbury, such as Maiiooakv, Black Walsct Aim CrniLtn MiruGntcus; Ann Wuiwm CHAIRS, AMD taxcy Piaso 8-roni.s, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The HuWrilicrs are determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chnirs, Their articles will be disposed of en ns good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. tiT" UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. tV The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, and nenrly opposite caver s 1 avern. DANIEL II A AS, GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, April 28, 1849. tf TICKNOR'S COLUMBIAN SPELLING BOOK. TJEINGa progressive and Comprehensive Sys- tcm of Orthograpy and Orthoepy, including a variety of definitions, adapted to the use of Schools in the American Republic, by Ahnon Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-five year's experi ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, etc. The attention of Teachers, School Directors, parents, &c, is invited to this new Spelling Book, which conforms to the modern spelling and usages in Orthography as being one of the neatest, cheapest best arranged, and better adapted to the wants of children, than any other published in the United Stats. It is what it purports to be, a Spelling Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the United States. Just published, and for sale by llnxitT Mauser, Sunbury. Where Teachers and Directors can procure copies for examination, August 4, 1819. N. S. LAWRENCE, Agent for the rale of Sottthicorth Manufactu ring Go's. Writing Paprs. Ware House, No. 3, Minor street PHILADELPHIA. 100 8, of the above superior Papers now in store, aim lur suie lu iraiie at me lowest market prices, consisting in part of Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 15 and 16 lbs. blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi 'Writings, blue and white. Extrasuper and superfine Folio Posts, blue. Superfine Cammerical Posts, blue and whit plain und ruled and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt. Superfine and find Bill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Counting-House Caps and Posts, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue aud white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfino Sermon Caps and Posts. Supcrfiued blue Bath Posts, blue and white, plain aud ruled. Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes, "Lawyer's" Brief Papers. Superfine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. Also, 1000 reams white end asserted Shoe Pa pers, Bonnet Boards, whito and assorted tissue, Tea, Wmpping, Envelope, assorted and blue Me diums, Cap Wrapping, Hardware Tapers, ic. Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1819. Groceries ! Groceries ! ! COLTOX & Co. S. If. Comer Arch If 6th Street Philadelphia, OFFER for sale to the inhabitants of Sunbury and vicinity, Family Groceries of the very finest quality consisting of Extra Fine, Superior and Common Green and Cluck Teas. C'olVees of all kinds and prices. Sugars of every kind. Rice, Farina, Sago, Hominy. All kinds of choice Pick leu, Sauces, Ketchups, Olive Oil, Preserves, &c, warranted to lie of the very finest grades in the market and at tha cheapest rates possible. 4 II gooibi carefully packed and promptly for warded. COLTON & CO. S. Cor. An h & 6lh St. Phila. Oct. S3, 1S19. chcUm ly my 20, TO rUYSH'IANS, DRL'CGISTS AND COl'XTRY MERCHANTS. DR. J. N. KEEI.ER &. Bro. most respectfully solicits attention to their fresh slock of li"g-ti-sh, French, German and Amtican Jlrni;, Med icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye iS'tulls, Glass ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &c. Having oiieucd a new store No. l Market Su with a full supply of Freeh Drugs and Medicines, we re (.pcetfnlly solicit Country dealers to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, promising one and all who may feel disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi cines, on as liberal terms as any other house in the City, aud to faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. One of the proprietors being a regular physician, affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of all articles sold at their establishment. W'e especially invite druggist and country merchants, who may wish to become agents for Dr. Jireler't Celebrated Family Mtdiri)u, (stan dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad dress. Soliciting the patronage of deulers, we respect fully remain, J, N. KEFhER Sc BRO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 8tf4 Market street. Philadelphia. September 15, 1819 ly. Win. ii. Cochran JL Co., Ubdesale mmt Retail, WINE ANU MCIUOH MERCHANTS, No. 72 H'nliiul Street, Philadelphia. H AVE always on hand a very lurga stock of Wines, Liquors and Segars, of their own importation. Store Keepers, Hotel Keepers, and private gentlemen, will lis supplied on the most liberal term. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 184t TONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Kaisins, Al nonds, Prune and Cream Nut. Plane of all kinds. Sail and Platsr. Just received and for sals by JOHN W. FKII.INO. fuitbury, Dec. SB, 1649. SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOiaN DRJJ.UrDEGllAlT, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Danville and the public at large, that he has located in Danville, and is now prepared to prac tice Medicine and Surgery in all its various bran ches. He will operate cn all tho various forms of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, end all other surgical dis eases. His collection of instruments comprises all instruments in nmdem Surgery, of the latest improvement and finest finish. Ho flatters him self that many years' practice and experience will lie a sufficient guarantee to those who may feel disposed to employ him. His residence is nearly opposite the jUTonttrome ry Buildings, and next door to Isaac Rosen baum's store, in North Danville, Danville, Dec. 1, 1849. ly. Ingratitude Is the basest crime of man. VE arc not among that class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (at the expense oft ruth and honesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale; neither are we willing to remain silent, after having tested tho utility of an im provement or discovery in scienco or art. Our readers will recollect we told them we were un well with a soro throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF HORE1IOUND and so sudden was tho cure, that we forgot wo ever had a cold. Those who oro ulllieted, may try it upon our recommendation. Leieitton Tele graph. A fresh supply of tho above valuable medicine just received, and for sale in Sunburv, by John W. Friliug, Mary A. Met ay at Northumberland, and at wholesale by Frederick KU-tt, & Co., cor ner of 2d and Callow lull streets, l'lulailclphia. Philadelphia, Sept. 2 id, 184 'J 8 mo. .WALL PAPERS.- FJ1HE Suliscriliers have on hand the largest as- M. Boitment ot v ail I'Arms in the citv ol l'lu lailclphia, Wholesale and Retail, consisting of every variety suitable for Parlors, r.ntnes, Dining Rooms, Chambers, &c, which tor quality and style cannot be surpassed. Doing a cash business wc are enabled to sell a belter article at a much lower rate than any store doing a TRADE BUSINESS. On hand, a large assortment of Wins Paper, for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, Ac, which will be sold fur Cash. Paper Hanging done in the country at citv prices. N. B, Dealers are invited to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. FINN & BURTON, No. 142 Arch Street, South sido Philadelphia, May 26, 1649. ly CUTLERY. A N extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT- LEKV.of sale by JOH1T 1. CCLElvSAlT, Aos. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 8i ATorft THIRD Street, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and Razors. Also, a choice assortment of Rodgers tr Sons, Wostenhohn's Circave's W. iV S. Butcher's and Fenney's Cutlery, Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, (iuus, Pistols, and Bowie Knives. Also, The American Razor Strop, a superior ar ticle, worlhv the attention of Dealers. Caiiii Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscrilier's chief business is importing and selling cutlery. Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly MARSHALL'S Concentrated SarNaparllla, For the cure of Teller, Serofula. F.rvsipalas. Piles, Chronic Klieuinatism and all disorders of the Blood, Mercurial Disease, &c. XT is reeommended to Physicians and others, as the strongest preparation now in use, and en tirely uilterent lrom that put up in quart bottles, possessing little or no active principle of the Sarsa parilla, but intended to deceive the public. For sale by M. A. McCA V , Northumberland. HEYJS EMBROCATION for Horses will cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Galls, Swellings, and all complaints requiring an external remedy. I is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, still ness ol the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, &c. It has olso been used with great success by per sons atllietcd with Rheumatism, and other com plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel phia, and for sale by M. A. McCay, Northumlier- land. Philadelphia, May 2(5, 1840 ly WEISE & CLEMENT, Saddle and Harness Makers. PHI HE undersigned respectfully l-xifik M. inform the public, that they u-f-r.iAV have commenced the above busi- J - v- ness in .Sunburv, and will con stantly keep on hand and manufacture to order, at their btund in Market street nearly opposite Young's store, all articles lielonginii to their line of business. All articles manufactured by them will be made m the best und most durable style, and at prices as reasonable as they can be had at any other cstuh lishment in the county. They therefore respectfully solicit persons to call and examine for themselves Ix'furc purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro duce tukeii in by the stores will be taken lu ex change at the market price. HENRY WEISE. AI GCSTL'S 11. CLEMENT. Sunbury, June 23, 1849. LIQUOKS, WINES, &C. rPHE subarrilier has just received a new supply - of the best liquors that ever came to tSunbury, consisting in part of Superior old pule Brandy. Fine Cogniae Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirit. New England Rum. Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey Coin m m do. Stijicrior Ma Jena Wine. I.uIhjii do. do. Superior Port Wine. Burgundy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Suiicrior Claret Wine in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, May 26 1S49. L V 11 I) L A M PS. COIINELIll CO . No. 176 ( licsuul ail, RESrECTFl'LLY announce that they have justliuUhed the most extensive assortment ol . LAMPS, they have ever offered for sale, comprising ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, MANTEL LIGHTS. &c. Ill great variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of these Lamps, and such are made as will produce the greatest amount of light from the least consumption of Lard. Kceent improvements m the manufactory, with the introduction of new and perfected machinery, enable Ibeiu to sell at a very GREAT REDI'C. TION from former prices, and all articles before leaving the manufactory, are carefully inspected, and are warranted perfectly tight, and to give satis faction. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849. ly ri'IBSl'E FAFEH. Yellow Tiue pair for A covering claase. Ac., (ur nl al the Iliac o4 i th Ami isuu. In prmentincr the public with a rctm-ly for the trmtmenl nnil pure of Fkvkr ai Aoi-k onilotlier bilioua rlipr-aaea, no npolotry in ncnlrrf. Vnst number, in llie doled i-lntea, wno sillier irorn mean niiei-iions in meir vnrirti inrrm. nre compelleil to seek relief from other squires than lire iinme dinte prcaeriplions of the rrffulnr physician. It becomes therefore nn t -Inert of hinnmiity. as well ss nf ptihlip inter est, to brins: b'forr lliem n remedy prepared from much ex perience, and which nmv nlivnys be relied ujmn ns sapx, EFFKCTI'AI., AID 1IARMI.K. TO "ti!K CONT!Tt'T10?t. Thnt such is Ihe true eh imeter of IhelMHA CIHIt.AHOOt'K. is nmply attested by Ihe universal success with which it tins been employed. fir Kxtmet from ft eommunienti-in ef the Hon. Wn,- .iam WooDURlDciK, of Ihe L'. S. Semite, lute Governor of M iehigun. DirrnoiT, Oct. 31, 1SI0. Doctor Chart.f. 0noon, Dcur Sir, 1 Imvo rend with much interest, your litlle trakati.r upon Ihe ''emiscs, tret ment and cure" of the febrile diseases winch have so extensively prevailed in our country llnrinij Ihe lust few inonlha nil inlcrest increneed ii' doubt, by the fuel Unit 1 have individually sulfered so much from them. Thouuh 1 feel myself very inonipctcnt to judre snfely upon a subject so entirely professional, yet your llienry seems to me well reiismeu, anu your timeiu sions just, rind I think willed, that your pamphlet is Cftlca kited Im niiHlnce much practical cood. Sneaking ul the nic'liciiie he snvs : It fully justihed yonr naUCIIIIS CXpiTU" I'll, .'nil lis 11 iwnc. nin.i iiniii, mm "iu' lur remedy, ntv own experience, s i far, induces inet.iW lieve thai it will prove u preat public Ix'itelit. I mil pleased to leniii ilmt ym have recently established several agencies fur its disvsili'in though I regret tiinl. with a vew to a in re irenenil tlisscuuuatioit ol it, yni stiotnu nave loutiu it necessary to remove from your present residence among us. With much respect 1 have the lonot to lie. sir, WIM.IAM WOOUlliUDGn. i our miuecn scream. tr From Hon. fTttetiEN V. R. Trowbridge, of Michi gan Stute Senale, to the Affenl nl Detroit. til !! MING it AM. I'AKt.ANII L.O., liec. ;i, 1U. Sir von wish ine to iiitOrm vou wlmt 1 kn"W of t)r. Osuiwd's India Ch'lTi".'jrue. or auti-bili.tus medicine. 1 do believe that if the virtue nnd erticacy ul this medicine were ceneially known, the ffver and aucs would disappear in .Micuifiiiti. I procured n tioltle in the spring of and have (rood reason to believe that myself nnd family escaped the n&uc lust season in consequence of its use. IVrliaps in no summer since the settlement ol tins tine peninsula, luui tne lever nurl ague oeeil so prevalent us t lie lust. I Imve rrc'Mnmrnilen ibis meilieine in numerous iu slunees, flint wlien the Ulseiist Ittlit 1'eenme fiXTri uml lr.it)b-il Ihe skill of pliysirinus ; nnil 1 linve never lin-iwu it liul. 1 bnu universally pnwtueetl llie m st bnppy etfeets, nud I bet lieve it lins never iieeu exeeeu'ii ny nny uieuielile ill remo ving tbe biiious ibst-Msi's 01' Die eliuiate. i ours, rcspeeiiitiiv. sri'.i'itv.N v. r. TrHiwimmnn. Atreirt f..i Sunburv II. II. MASSl'.R; N .rtlnmilM-rbiiul. WITHI'(';T(lr .V l'i. Mlllon, J. Jl. UASl:llj Seliws IP.ve, MAY & KI.USi;. .May B, IMS II Acer's Cherr Pectoral, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, HOARSENESS. ASTHMA. DOOP. IN (J COUd If. HROSCHUTIS AND CONSUMPTION. rrMI!?? v.'ilmible pre;vir:iti.n. s st. .iiisliinijty successful 1 in eurliiir disiMses il tiiu l.uims. is the result ul'n siV. ill- fill eolul'ln'iti.'u ul' tl.c known cunilne lirinc-ii.les nf mctbeiue. Its inureilu-iils tirr frn ly tuuile kieovn lo llie pul.lie. nntl lire itinse iirkniiwW-, lu'iil to ne-lie:il men us possrssuiu rare ineili',.'il virliR-s. whii-li prvuliitr virluesnre (in.liln.nl in the I II Kill! V I'Dr'I'i ill in Ih. ir urnil est purity nnd einrney. mid whi-ii used, ns will be sl-cii fraul tne toihiwimr vioiuii.t.. tesiuu uy : l'Ktii isiut ri.iix i:i.am), of D vd .in r..lle;e. Ilitiuswiek. Muiiie, writes: "I Imvc witnessed the elb'fts ol y.mr t In-rry IVet.inil lu my own family and ill lliat ol mv friends, imd it lias fri veil great salislaeti.'U in eases lv ih of adults mid rliii.lri-n " A VOIi'i: FKOM MASSACIII Sl'.TTS. From Or. llrvanl, Druiririwl and l'.-sl master, Chie.ipee Falis, Mass: JjH.J.tJ.AvrR Pt-ar Sir : Fuel sed pit-use fi:;d remit tance for nil the Cherry Pectoral last s.-nt me. 1 can nn liesitstut)ily say. that u medicine we sell piles such s-itis-faetlon us your's d'S-s nor have I ever seen a inwhcine which cured so many eases ol" c.ni'jh and Inns c.iiuptuiiits Our Physieinus ore usiiiff it extennive!)- in the practice, and with llie lispplesl eneets. Truly yours, V. M. llll AM'. 1)R lT.rtKINS. President of Verm uit Alnlieal tolh ye one of tbe incst learned nud tntctliiicul physicians in the country, 4eousiders it n c iinp.isiti.il! "f rare excellence f.r the cure of that for midable disease, ('. usiiuipiiiin." An almost ineredit'lc nunilier of certificates, have been received ; proving thru the i Merry IVctoral is. lu truth, u till tat i:r.ii:iiv for Oi.uyhs. r-il.1-. Asiheri and all p.ilin .n iry einvilaints. t'liii i: :.j i:ts pi;it iiu rri.r:. Prc.vir.-d lo .1. l'. A I'.li. I. !!. Miss, and s Id l.r II M AfSF.lt, Sunbnry. nnd M .Ml Y MeCAY, Xorlhiii.i bcrland. .March 31, lli' TANNERS TAKE NOTICI cw Illlt- Oil and l:tl!i'i' Store. No. Ill North 3d St. 3 doors below Race St. PlnUult Iplua 1 IIF. sol s. libers offer to llie tanners on the most favorable tortus their frosli importation of Hides, consisting; of Dnenos Ay res, Lntilala, Caraccas, Ltu-uira, IIuntr-Drv, Chili. Sailed l'cr- ambtico and all kinds nf Spanish Hides, dry and Ited. Also, (irecn slaughter, Drv !alled, and Dlaek Dry Patna Kips, Also, tstraiiihts, and Hank oil and a general as sortment of Currier's Tools. They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, the alsne Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on better terms, than old Houses in the city, Cash paid for Leather of all kinds. RISEN & KIUKPATUICK. Philadelphia, May 2G, 184U. ly JUsTsT .B.PJTEE. A Xctv.iNKortiueiitol Treali 4; o oris. IRA T. CLEMENT, TE.?rKCTFrUiV informs hU friomU, rim toiueriiai.il otlicm, tliat he lias just received a handsome assort mmt of NEW coons at hi store in Market Square in -Sunhury such as Dry (loods. Groceries, Queens ware, Hardware, tau Sunbury, Juno S3, le19. cm: at AHRI VAIj. OHN W. FKU.IXCS lias just ren ivcJ at liis ' stori' iti Stinliury an extensive us-orlim-iit NEW (.(lOlls, cl'rti'ry varii-iy wKiili lio is now rcaily lo mil or oxi-lianye for jmnjuco ; nil J vuiisUt- g in iart ol cloths, cjsslveri:s, & c. Linen und Cotton drilling, and summer wear of ull kinds. Cai.h'oes, Chintz, Gingham, I mvns, &.c. Muslins bli'aclipd and uiiljlt-achctl. PALM LEAF AXD OTHER HATS. Qitecnswore and Hardware of all ktnds. Ditvus Paints, ami Dvrstcffs. FISH, SALT, AM) PLASTF-K. Anil a pri-at vuiioty of otlit-r urtUIca all of hicli will lie sold ut llie lowest terms. huuluiry, May S(i, lSI'J. 7. 7. G?kESlTCTJGH. (I.alc Kt-llrr & ;ri;oiiius;Ii.) PATENT ATTOPvNi:Y. AND MECHAiriCAX. ENOINEEn, U'sinIiIiikIuii, II. '.' UAWIXGS ami jiitpfid for ihe l'uten'. Ollicx, m, pii'pari'.l ami all tin1 iifcfs.aiy tin rclaliun lo scfnrinjj nalcnls, Irani; snit'ss, m rclaliun lo Bfruriii" nalfiils, acted, and promptly allcnilcil to, at their ul' lice opixisitu th l'.ilcnl Ullice. Oclubcr 28, 1813. Kutli'C (o Itcllnqiiriilaj. I.L jicrsona ituU-bted to the utiliarrihrr, longer Ihuii six nionlhs, on notii or book ai-count, ure rfquratril to mil anil inuke sctili incnt, or rise tlirir arcount will be U-lt with a 111 iirislrute lor rollw. Uon. JOHN V. FIW.IXU bunbury, July 7, 1849, - STONE WARE. OTONE uiilk l'aua, atone Jug and FiU-hera, anil other artirlr of atone ware just receive J and for sale by JOHX W. FKILIXU tfuubury, June 31, 1819. ALllJ'H celebrated llor-e and Cuttle Medi cine for sale by HENKV MAS1:I bunbury Jan. 7lh, 1840 JOURNAL DR. TOWNMJND'S COUrOl'ND EXTRACT OP SAliSAl'AUILLA. THIS Extract ts put Up in qimrt botttei. It te six time cliropcr, ptenwuitcr, and wnrrnnteil superior to miy sold. It rnrrs difnws without vimitinff, purging, sicK- ness, or debilitating Ihs ptient( and is particularly anspioa FALL AD PIPKIINU MlUlUIAiC The great leauty and superiority nf this Pnrrwparllls otst other remedtrs is, whilst it eradicates disease, it invipronitcs the vnf, Onimimption eured. Clcmixe nnd !trmgthn. Cnnnmiipti'tn enn Ikj rnml. Bronchitis, CntiKiiiniittoH, Iivrr Cmiplniut, Colds. Coughs, talnrrh, AmUiiiiii, SUtimff of KI.whI. rrnrw mine Chest, Ilwlif Vluxli, Niirht ?wents, Jiilfi cult nitd Protnse lixj'rtonition, nntl Pain in the Side, Ac., Vc, linvr und r.m le rurfd. Pnitmhlv there never wiir n rrimdv tliat hns ln so suc cessful in drnprrntc rjises of coiiiinnpliou as this ; it clenn- scsniHl streiifitheiis the svsirm. aim apwnri w wi cers on the linitrn. and puiienis grudually regain their usual health and strength. Cl KIOLS CASE OF CONSUMPTION. There in stnrrelv a Aw tmrM hut there are a nnniljer of casrs if consumption rernrtpd as rnrrd hy the tine of l)r rviist-u s ?wrNipuuitu. ine i Mowing wai rcvuimjr ceived : . Pr. Towhksp Tlcnr Sir: For the lout three yenrs l hnvc Imch ntrlir-teil with frenend dchility. nnd nervous eon utiinntiftu nf the lust stae, and did not expert to ever puui mv hriilth :it nil. After iroiiiir ihroitah a courwof meilicme miller the mm of some if (Tie m"t dirtingtiinhed rearnhtr Klivsieiiins and mrmlier of the Bmnl of Health in New York nnd elsewhere, nnd spi'mlma; tlie most of my cnrninKS in attemptitifr to retnun my henlth, and alter rendm in some pM.T if you i Saranjmfilta 1 resolved to try it. After lining rix luetics 1 found it dune ine rent point, and cnlled to see you at your office ; with your adviee ! kept nn, nnd do most hinrlily th.iuk yon lor your nilvice. 1 persevere in takinir llie S:irKintiriUu. nud hnvc teen able to attend to my nmuil lntKrsfr ihe List four nvnitliF, nnd I hojte hy the Memiucs of fi'Mt nnd your Snrnnnnrilln to rontinne mv heulih. It hcled me beyond t lie expeetnti'ms of ull who k,iew my c:ie. CIlAKLKS IL'IMUY Oinime. V.pnex co, N. J., Auc. 2. 117. Stnteof New Jertw-y, K.swx county, Charles O.nim hy heinar duly sworn iteeordmfir to hiw, on his onth mlh, th it tin forrifiiiir nijiteinent is true neenrdins: to the heat ul" hiikuowledtrennd lelief. II AKI.I.S ql l.MMV. Sworn nnd subscritH.il to lefore me nt Onmce. 1lie2d August, P-IT. CVlll S BAI.WIN. Justice of the Pence. SPITTING HI.O(H). Rend the following, und suy that c nmmi;itimi is in incu rable if you enn : lew 1 oik, ipru t.i. irw. lr. Townskno : I verilv U'hevo thut 'your S:irt.in;irill;i Ims Iweii the menu?, through Pn tvitlence, of suvinn my lite 1 hiivelor evernl venm hml a iMtl c nrh. it necnnir wrne nnd worse. At Inst I r;iiw;d Inrne qnitutitieB of Ii:h(, hnd ht-lit Fweats nnd nn riiiliy debiliUiled and reduced, unit ilul nut expect to live. 1 have only used V'-nr S:irnriparilU. lint n Phi-it time, and there hnp n "wonderful ehnnire been WTiMicht in tne. 1 inn now nhle to walk all over the city. I nine no blood, tuul my c nili hns left me. You enn well iinnfjinc that 1 tun thankful I t these results. Your obedi ent servant. YVM. KL'SSKl.U W Catharine st. LOST HKIl SPKKCIl. The mmexed ceriiheate tells a Finiple nnd truthful story nf ptiirertiiff and relief. There nre th nisituds of siinihr ca pes in this city nnd Itnvtklyn. nnil yet therenre th-msnm! of pm-entP let their children die lor ic.ir of being hu;uhusi;el or to kivc a lew ahiliiiiss. Bnioltlyn, Sept. lH. 1-17. Tr. Townknti: 1 t-ike pleasure in -uitinc:, for the bene fit of those whom it tuny concern, that my dnuuhtcr. two ye-1 is mid nix tn nt Iih old. w.is ntliieieil wtih g- a.-i.-il dc i.iliiy aud loss nf stpeie!i. She was piv-n up as je C"erybyour family physician ; b-it ( irtunv.ely I w-is re e .niuiended by a friend to try yur Siraaik-iriila. Hef re lu'viiur useil one Imttle she recrtvered her speech nud was eualtktl to walk alone, to the ast miithincuf "i nil wh were acquainted with the ciremnxtajicej!, Siic is now quite writ, uml in murh better he ih h tiian she bus he-n f r 1" in nil hs pas.. JOSIIPII TAYI.tUl, I J- York st., llr.H.klyii. Tvt cim.i)iu;N svi;n. Ycrv few f.iniibep indeed in f u t we h;ive n l heard of one (hat uc.l lr. T 'wnst-nil's S:irH'tftnlla in time. I -si n:iv children the past Simiuir r. while th -se ibii ib.l n-'(, siekemil nnd tlird. The eercificnte we puM'-h Iwl uv n inclusive evidence . im value, nud is only an -tber inai;incs of its savinit the lives ii children : J)r. Townkm) l)c:ir Sir : I had two children cured by y ur Strsaparii'a 't th'' summer ciimpi out un:l ity-i'-ni.-iry ; one v.iis only 1 in 'uthold nud th.i other H years. Tiny were verv much reduced, nud we expected they w Mild die; lhev were aiveii up bv tv res. eet able nh . si'-i:nis. Wli'-n liie d tcbr iuf rnu'd us lint we inns I sethetu. we r !- ' ver ft try vur S-irsupnril!:i we Iridheird s iuti"h ct. but j had little c-nilideii'-e, theic lieiiur nineli sinif a IvcrtiMi! , that m worthless: but we are thankful thai we did. f.ir it j und..iibteiU at veil the lives tf b 'th. 1 wriic thin li;;it ulli i ers mav he 'induced to use it. Y-Mirs. res e-rf'illv. j .P Hl YII.S(. .Ir. ! Myrtle-avenue, nro -k!u. S. pt. -,, l-t: TO tu: h.M.". (iRKAT FKMAI.K Ml 'A ''N Dn. Townrlmi's Si:s p at. i t. a :i s v, cure f ir incipient e insami tii u. u f -r the l- :il ; lion of the system no mailer whe her the n mi:i oi' iniie rcut cause or can:, pr-Klm-cd by irtctilai My, illiica ur ac cident. Noihn p can be in -re snrpriftn thni its inviff'iralinjf fects on the liumin frniue. Peiitous nil weak new tmd laa LtiiLle, from taking it at once Ui- -ine r tbust uml of euerev under iis intluen. e. It imuiediati-'y c-imi-:.vi the uer i i KMiess "f the fciii iie liame, wliteh is the great c;iut barrenness. It will ii"t be expected f us, ill c.-is of km delk-ute :i i;a lare, to cxiiihtt cei 1 un-a1 oi cures pcif -nnc'l. l ul we c u i!-i?re the alt.i'-'ted thai h ia!r...lb d' e s have Ik'.-ii ier- tilt t ' l!S, Iik. i'ovx.F:n : My wife l i ne rre.itly diM'Si-ei by V ikn- m ae 1 cu- ra: o--' :i.i; uh i uii-l wi ll tber -ul. 1 ii I.I n :;, i I It lv in.; k ii va r i where v--tir llieil'cit.e Ins cfiee-rd p.'tTll l lire.i ; ;.,)tt ; i m ! i rf I have d-'f Ti' i S1iKi5.a11i.r1 mi..1 In ;i s . " .1 t . r 1 ;.- : hearna? it Tec- uiuu n-U .1 i' r chch c I oiilained u I. liic , -l ur l'.XM.H't I-'Will tho dirccii ii(j-t' in rciu-Ai'd her e m; 1 liul- ;m: ) -'-i : pieritint fr tt'f i'CM'-lt:s (-' i'f h lh.in ku -w!v !-:ia, it. .u..; l---- i Alh'irv, iJ ! iJ'lhi !.l '.i tin ul nr iih ;ii'lv rt hfllll ii'-' fU'lli.' illii'r hi i- ' 1 n t,ii m rM'j 1 h'-m it.r Uiv Mi-.'Tiiis oi iii.' S Mil p.ir.iti 'ii ol hitKiurilld. It 11 mm' ruit'n every imsc ( d niH-'iihi.i, liowcvrr f-wrenr rlircuic. i:ini uiiir'iiii-iiT. AiiKiny, .i:iv in, .-u. Ilr. Tiiwn inl Sir: I htve tn-ni atllii-irtl tr Kfvcrul :ir with lv.Lwia in im wnrt trm, HtiiMMUtl with ur nrw of BiniiiHi'li, i-mii if nppriiii-. t'xtrniif lic.irthurii. hihI a git.1; it averm m t ull kimlhi't U d, Mint (t wrt-Un, (wlitii 1 u Iti ei) l imve tx-cii uiuiiiic u r i;iiu uui u hiiiuii itoiiinu nit mv BH'tiUK'li. I Irifil tht! iiKii.tl rrmt'ili.-!, hut lln-y hud iiit little or ii cflrt in ninoviiiiF tn coinphnnt. 1 v;ts 111- UiK-tnl, alMit two inoiiihs inin-t. to tiy yo 11 Kxtrnri ui Sar Kinrtnllii. ami 1 nuit.t viv wiih little v u!ik-iice ; l''it m'trr tli:i hinrtlitini int irr lv rt'in ivtAl; mul I would o;iritrsily re- lir iTi ixv'i n uui . i loirri in .iii-(.-iit- 11 fU'M-o nun liiiii'-ml Hie us;- of it lo llmse wli linre Is-t-M nlllirleil as 1 ls.-e Im:mi. Yours, e.. W. W. VAN ZAXUT. AL'i-iit for Sinil.iiry JDIIN YV.. I'ltll.l.XU ; Nor- IliiiuiU-rliiinl, M Alt V A. MeCAY i Uunviilr, W.M. A. MI'RHAY Co., Apnl'Ji, im. Ir DIATvZOND POWDER. " FOIl RAZOR STROPS. riMIIS Fowjer is warranted far suierior lo any 1 thin-' in use lor iiiiii.i Jm,' a keen, smootlieilL-e to Itamrs, f-urnii'al instiuuieuts, anil all kinds of tine ( c n.mv ; it may In- applied lo nny kind of strop. Also superior Kozor, Knives, and Ferfu- inery, wholesale anil retail, by Al.l-KEU HEXXETT, Airent. Depot of Fine Razors, Strop, Urushes, nud Cheap Fancy Goods, No. IS 8oulh Fillll street a- bove Chestnut Fhiladeliliiu. TESTIMOXIALS. I'll l la Ii 1. 1 i-ii 1 1, Feb. lfllh, 1SH. This nmv certify lhat I have used one of the Strops prepared wilh HAYXEiS' MAGIC 1IA- MUMI FOWUEK, and can attest in Ihe most uneipiivoeal manlier, that there is nothing can be found thai will produce the same effect in my opin ion, and must s.iy ta others, try it, and you will find it stitM-iior lo any hejrtoforc in use. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor was before. JOHX SCOTT, lion Safe Maker, 418. Third t. Pull ilii.Lriii a, October, 18H. A very hard beard and tender face has compel led me to seek and text many contrivances design- cd to make shavinir easy and pleasant, but w il'.i iudifierent success, until I made use of llie Maie D1AMOM) FOU UEU, sold bv Allied llennett, and R Kissel's rshavinn Cream. Their united pow er net like mair, and impart a power to the liazor to remove the most stubborn beard, without irri tating the skin or temper of their ow ner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street. For sale at this oli'ue Fricc 2" els. per Dot November SS, ISiri Cm. i;tu.t & mi.vi:i Willi:. J. STOCKMAN, .Yo. 60 Chesnnt-st, at the siisn of the (wold Thimble, between id. If 'id.sts., South side I'lllLAIHI.I'HIA. AXI'FAC'J'L'KES and keep coustautly un hauJ, al wholesale and retail, the fol lowing arlii les, of a superior quality, ut reduced prices : Hold und Silver lVneils. il l Thimbles, do Finder Shit-Ida, Silver Table, 7)cscrt, Tea. r-'alt und Muslard Spoons, do Forks. Soup and Oyster Ladle, do loiiilis, Furse Clasps, Scissor Hook and Chains, Knitting Sheaths, &c. ALSO, Jewellery, I'lated aud Urittaunia ware, German tiWr Spoons, &c; Gold lliuinoud poin ted l'jtr jiiou price ; Jackson's riuperior Eve ils, Ac, &c. fi lay 1849 BLANKS. u bL. LAXKS of every description can b had by applying al th office of Ul Aairisun LIVER COXVXriiAXNT, JAUNDTCK, DYSrRI'SIA, CHRONIC OR. NERVOUS PEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, And all diseases arising from a disordered ' Liver or Stomach in both Male and Female: Pitch as ConsHpatlon. Iirwarrl Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Hend, Acidity of the tomachi Nausea, Hmrt-horn, Distrust for Fiv-d, Fullness or weight in the Stmnnch, ur F.ruetati'ais, Siuktnp or Fluttering at the pit of the Stomach Swinmiius; of the Head, Hurried aitd Dirticnlt Ureathms. Flutterinff at Ihe Henrt, Chokitiff or SufncHtinf Kiianti'Uis when in a Ivtus: p'stnre Uimnehk of Vision. lots or webs before the Sitrht, Fever ntKl dull naiii lu the Head, Deficien cy of PrrpirniioM( M ellowness of the Skin nnd Kyes, Pain in the ritle, lnck, Chest, Limits, ftc, rndden nasties ui Ileni, Buruinft in the Flsh Constant Irnnirmiuss of evil and great depression of Spirits Can lie effectually cured by ex. hocflaitb;s Celehrated Gerninn Hitters Their power over the above diseases is not excelled if equalled hy any rtber prepnrnti u in the Tinted States as the cures attest, in nuiuy cases after skillful physicians had fniled. Uenunremeut of the IJver snd Stomach are sources of Insanity, und will also produce disease of the Honrt, Skin. I an lira nud Kidneys, nnd lavs the body open to an attack of the i'holern, Dili ms, or Yellow Fever, and is frenernlly the first cause ol that inmt buueiul disease, Cousumpiion, Opinions of the Phifftdctphia Press. "THE DISPATCH," )ecemlei Dint Bays: AN INVALFAHLK .U:ilt.i.K. We liave frequently heard the t'elehratiil tier man Hitters, manufactured bv Ur II jotllmid, spoken of in terms uf commeuihiti m, antl we know desrvoilly go. It is a too common practice, in cer tain quartern, to putt nil manner of useless trash, tm ui tha ah ve Hitters, luiudreil. arc living witnesses of lie tr i:.'fit in iral nud physical wrth. Asa meiheuis nf the I aver , CoinpLunt, Jauiitlicc, Nervous Debility and J spej n i, it lius iwen l nn,) iu aluahle, etlectiug eure niut tn 1 uily ! eraibeutiiiff iliseases, when all other medicines have failed. We feel cuiiviucL'd. (hut in the use of the (iermaii Itittcrtj, the tatient desn it lue ane debilitiitctl, but constantly gains strength nud vipor t the frame a furt wirthy ot grent consideration. The Hitters are pleasant in taste and stneil, and can Imj abniiiis;ercd under any circumstances, to the in st iletieate stturir h. Indeed, they cju lc nsett by all per siiMwiOith ni st pcrfei-t safety.' It would le well for th'ise win nre much nllVcteil in the nervous system, to c iinmenee with one ten sp'K'iiful or less, uml jiradually in crease!. Wc spenk from exerieuer', nirt arc of course, a pr 'per judpe. The press far and wide, have united iu re coinnieiidinp th toM-iiian Hitlers, und to the olllictcd ws most c.'nlially advisetheir use. SI'IIUT OF THE T1MKS," June I til Rivs: 'D( Oi ri noOLClTlKS who are invalids, know the m tuyastMiiishina: cures thnt Inve been perf rniRd bv Dr. Hi '(Hand's Celebrated ticrm.ni Hitters? If they d-i ii 't, we rccoiuinend them to the'-( icnnnii Medicine Sinrc," all who nrr nftlicied with Ijiver ( Vmplaint, Jaundice. Dys pepsia, or Nervims Debilit y ; the l)oct r has cured many uf our citi.cus after the best physieituis Imd failed. We have used tliem, and they Inve prnved ben meilieine that every cue sh mid know of, and we e inn ! retrain pivnnr our tes i titu 'iiy in their fnvor, and that which pives them greater 1 claim up. in our humble eirrl, thev are entirely Yegc:able. I "THE DAILY NEWS," July 1th s-ivs "We B-irik ku nvin-ilv t.f lr. I loi Maudes Celebrated Ger man IJiitciri. when we say it is a hlessinrt f this ape; and in uie ts'S'il tbe biliarv. digestive ami N ervous Svstems. it Ims not we think on equal. It is a Vegetable Preparation, and mane wi'!i nt Ale h l, and 1 1 all invalids we wnild re- c tintueiid it us w-'iihv their c uihMcuce. ! F"r sde. wh ies,;!e nud retail, at the nrincipnt Denot, fiKHMAN MKHIC1.NK STUKK, No. PA) Arch Street, I I'uiiaiicipiiia. For sile by M. A. MeCAY. Northumberland nnd Sun- j burv nud respectable dealers generally throughout ths i State. ' April Ul, letO. ly COLfJMDl.W SERIKS OF jnivfttimrttcfi. The Pupil's friend and Tcarhcr's tnmfort. J1IK ( (H.U.MniAN (' A IA: L'LATOIl". Thia nrl; is nln aily introiUicnl into aoine of the l.c-;t Ai-ixLunit-fl nnil a lars;p titmilior of School, i hcrc its use has ijivpn iltvuii-ii and tinivprsal a I tis!'a,iion, liolh to teacher nnil pupil. It ia purely Am- lienn in its rhanietrr. h;ne:l upon our own ! Iienntiful tlerim,,) frm of citrreney. It contains j iii-ire. the arrangements are hctter. anil it is Ihe easiest anil cheapc-t tvnrli of th.e kiml now iu use; j in: I it is mi coni;lcrr ' ,y hiMiilreds of the most I . ii:)'etent teachers nnil men ol'm-irnre ill the I'ni I on. who havo rei ninnienileil it, It is the hook, ! par'ietilarlv anil expressly jirepareil lor our Ame i rieaa .S,7ori. : Ry Anion Virliwr. Tn i: Yo exit's On i.r miu At Pi.i i t iTim. This volume conia-ns '.! piiL'c. with a' out HOO cxnin p'.es I' -r so!uti.):i mi the .e. It e;iihr.ues llie I l'uii.l iinenl.il Kiiles, ( 'oiiij-oitr.il Iviili-s, Simple unl ( 'onipotiiu! Ivfiiu-tion, -.ie;!r Kule ofThre, IV ;' 'ition. ve. T A 1: . T . i; , is ilcstinrtt in V. j S.'hols ot' tho iiicuUiio kind ol' uny in-' 1:1 IV i!t ArithniPtirs bound tin r vi'iiioitrc ot' toachors, itt tjiitsii his arc 4tvtMt with lor tin- Ma- hoiiril. 1 lirse oi'llii' ku;l ever 'i : i. in ii-i.i ii.-it. i.: ,.tit t-.Vvi i y rsi.rm.Mi -Ve. tor the All ilial is w-ititPii is In have ll.t- the ;i' b'J-'ks e. m:i:i 'l. awl : lea lier who is a'qi:;iiii;i-.t w itii llie sen iK-e ul' Aniii.-neti:-, will lifsitiitf In i-ronoume them the best works thut huvc ever been pnlilislu-d in this or any other country. i Although issued but a few mrmths, they have iihe.nlv been inlioilui-ed into the Xi'-rht FuMic ; Sehools of Xew York t'ity in all the S:-honls public and private, except two, in the I'lty of Kemliti. Also, in iilmtit tweutv Aeadanites in the Mate ol IViHifYivaiiiii in a hire portion ot the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in the Uorough of llarnsburfr, York, Chumlicrshurtr, Lebanon, Uoylestowu, I'olts- ville, OrwiKsburir, inc., &e For sale by Hi vkt Massi.ii, Sunbury, Agent lor .orlhtmibcrlaiid C ounty Sunbury, Dec. 2, 18-18. KCSU OJNIJYIFNT, rOR TETTER It I'.Ail the followine eritifinile from Cait. Drvoe. Ihe 1 will kit iw a uiul popular Mium litsit Capiaia (of the Tiavelli-r.) PlIILtDELPHIa, Octols-r 31, li-IS. Sevcrrtl veara aiii'-i; I wna nttackej with a lirtsikin out on mv nei-k in Ihr f .nil ot' Tetter, whii-h I sin e-'iiviuctsl wits iv tilraeti-d at Ihe Uiirlier'aSliop. It irnnwliuilly exteiul eil over uiy fuee mini it rent-lied tile appt-r (uirl of the elii-i-ka. llnriuu the aeenil m sitha th:it it eoutitiiuil . i n ailing. I use.1 iluh-renl applieatssis, a sue of whii-h had the eili-ci, nptm-ntly lit liviat, o' iiu-rtsi.111 Ihe ilisrase, hut from ii.iii.-oi Ihem ihtl I prreeive Ihe Usist hem-fit until I :i;-pli.-.l Ihe lloss I Iimjiknt. Iiy the use of one jar ol it, I w.ia pt rleetly euied unU have reiiiuiued free of the ulTec- tlo 1 Imve aine n.iil the Ointment, lightly applied forroilh nets ot the luce, hi u-hea, chapped hands, itc. Yilli pt-r-feet siK-et-ss. 1 have no hi-aiiuiioii iu reeoiuiueadiuir it in the stroneat msiiuer to the puhltu. JAMES DEVOE. Aeeni Hsskt Masse, Suiihury. July IJ, Ibiu. P.TE1TT 2EEEICI1TEO. Green's Oxygenated liuter, price reduced. Old Jacob 'Fownscud'a Sarsuparilla. Dakt r's S.ii iaparillu. C. . . .f u-:i t', . .va ne - yrup oi uu t-nerr Sway ne' Ycrmwuo. yie's Cherry IVelaral llr. Drake's Funacta. Ur- Culleu's do Tibial' Fain Killer, llr. H Holland's German Bitter' Indian ecelahle Fills Horse und Cuttle Medicine For sale bv HENRY MASTER, .-unbury, July I I, 1840. 'ottou Yarn. Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Lap and W adding, Coliou Outlines, Ready made l'antal-Hins. Ready made Yests, Counress Knives, Fon-elain lined preserving kettles, just received for sale by IL MASSE R. Sunbury, Dee. 2, 1848. JATEXT Trusses of all kiml. Harrison' writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and laiis, just received and fur sale by . J. W. FKILIXG. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1848. Al'S. An assortment just received. Also 1 silk HATS at 5, for sale by H. MASSER. Kunbury, Dee. t, 1848. BOOKS and Gold Fen. On hand several eop ie of the life of Christ, and olso a number ol gold pen which we will sell at tlie Philadelphia price. For ale at thisoflice. KEXXEDY"S PATENT SA.SH FAS TENINGS. A cheap and excellent arU cle lur fsU-iiinz sash for sale by J. V. FR1MXG. fuubury, July 7, 1819. OXYGENATED A SOT FR Eia?f REMEDY FOR PHTHISIC, AND GErfCItAL SEOILITT. GEORGE B. GkEEX, PHOPR;rroR. Windsor, Vermont. T nvereifn rcme.lv f ir DVf l'KI'.-l A, In m,y ,f , J. form,, Midi im r,i, in the W.rni.n-h. Henrtbur,,. hWt,i.l PhthLlc.) m.d AMIhii., ..r rilthi.iriilleiKlnl wliU.,; meiit Df til.-St..iiurh I ,r Dyinrnlic Ailhnn.l U,trJ.. Hrealhliu, which iirtrn riwilli fnim imperfect cliircli.m , Drancptir SvsraiT.) ia relii-vert hv lhe. 11,11. i their uk ha lieen prvcl in the relief of lmii all tl( j iiipiniiia mm proceeo inun a dehihlnted cr wnnic comii Hon f the St .mneh j nlan in jreneml rivhllitv oriiin frt.nl (tjre r friira the fclfcrra ..f Fever, particularly Fever anr Ajue. Temalra aiilferinl niKlcr biiv nlcrni lernnement anani fnm u-rnknem. will find the "Oitokmatid Bit tfb." un excellent remeily, anil nH nirpaaaed by any medi' cine in nee. The hiaMrr nf lliif meilieine it peculiar. It haa rmda it1 way to public liivnr lulely hy the force of In on hnrhisi mcrna. No arlifichil irtiuna have been uaed t rive it tie toricty anil throat it upnrf nulilic attentinn. It haa nevef before even lieen ailvertierd. but having firrt abown ita r marknhle efficacy in the family of the proprietor, mt bf him nllcrw-niil. mlmiiiiaternl to hil afflicted friende ! ac quaiulnncra u-ilh a like reault, ita reputation rranuallv ax' tended until it if known in the rnont diatant parta of th" I'nion, na a medicine of unrivalled virtuea in tha rax of Wyapepaia in ml ita different forma, nnd also for the cor f Asthma or I'luhiaic. Ita only hcmld and itt only eul"y hna been the etory of ila wonderful efficnev, aa told froii month to month or hy letter from friend to friend. In v. ry inatiince where thrae Bittera have Iwen uaed, and lhlr ul uiiiile known to the proprietor, they have proved re in, .j . Numcrona ccrlilicntes. nlteatiiur tha .ino-nlnr m. the Oxicrv.TKB lltTrp.as." nie iu the ixwaeaaion of th liroprietor: ninny ol them alined by pcraona already widalr known to tlii. nulilic ' t.KU. II. GHEEN, Proprietor. WINDSOR, Vt., October 3, 1W5. ' V The fullou-iiig C'ertificntes have recently teem recrived t Wa.iiotos, D. C , Jtri 10. 1IMII. lliivinr made use of the '-Oxvireiiriled Ritier.o nmr. by Dr. lie i. II. Green, of Windsor., Vt. and from know ledge obtniiml of their e!Tiericy in other cnai-a. wecheerfully rec iinini-iul ihem to Ihe public, believing thnt they will fully aualnm the ri-eommciiii:iti.-ii of the 1'mprietir. We hop in... mm. Hiii;uitT ruiuiMiv iimy na ao a;euerally diirused tlirouliout the country that it limy be accessible ta all th atHieied. WII.I.IA.M l l'HAM. J I-. S. Senator from Termoat. JAMm T SIMMONS, f. S. Seimtor from ft. laland. J. T. MOIIKIIKAD, L'. S. Senator ami forirurly Govern or ol Kciitnckv. I' II. ARNi-il.D, .Memijer of Congrcaa and formerly O' verimr oi It. I. WM. WOODHIllDGi:, V. S. Senutor and formerly Ga vcrn -r if Micbienn. M. I.. M.MM'l.N, Delegate in Cougresa from Wiacemio Territory. Trim ll -n. II. ). Fotfr, Member of Cnngreaa fram I'eiinaytvilnia. ,. WAililxaTo.n. D. C, Jl- 10, Peir ir. I hnve h"en a dvspeptie anlTcrer lor almut ten years, ninl have res irtml to vari .in malieinea for relief u ilhout ant-cess, until I iimde use of yonr '-Oxveenuted Hitters." I have used aliout two Uitlles, aisl findmraelf restored to pcrm-t he:illli The forms in which th dis ease showed itaelt. in inv ease, wore, great acidity of th atomuch. loaa of appetite, e-.treaie tiatulem e, sever eonatl. pntlon ol the h iwels. nnil violent headache. Feeling deai nniathnlakiiowleiltreof viur valuable remedy mav reach others similarly ntllii'ted. 1 take great pleasure in record luir mv testiiii.iiiv t i ils cnnilii- imm- nnd u-iinM rrinatk. tha! while on u vis-l at h ane a short tuns since. I nihiiinisten.l a part of n I, .Ue tn a number of mv afflieted Irieiiils. with tjreat sueess. Thev are desirous that you ah sil l establish mi agcucv at Pittsbare, or inform there where the meilieine can be obt lincil. With an earnest tl sirc for yoiir prosperity and happiness, I subscribe mvaelf, tru'v y-nr Iri-nd II. U. FOSTER. l) -et. Ueo. II. fiitEE.Wiadr, Vt. S ld Wh ilesale ami lletnil bv rueen it Flsti-hsr, 5. aOS.ulh Sulh S:reet. Philadelphia. Aeent f -rStioburv H. II. MASKR. A emits for Mil:nn MACKAV A IIAAC. Acent f -i 1 nprr Mali . ii -v J. o. Ki:.N. Ajiril I.".. IBIS IM.'OKTANT 'fO THE I'LIBLIC. AITS SATTLS MEDICINES. Don't pennit vnur Uorsrs or cattle lodie, whan the nii-una of t-u,-,. are within the reach of all ! The unilersi-;ned has spent several year in th study of Veterinary practice in "London and E" linlioro . lie lias a No availed himself of theresear- eiesel I.i!'!-r, and iVher, en-'uii!ed men, who lid v eon'riliiio-d M nui--!i towards a j-idii-iotis treatment of animals; tlir- pi-iueitile-i nl" our practice consists iu the rejection of aener.il bleedinj and the total rejeeli n of a!! me-U. i-ies that experirnee ha. li."Mi to be ,-!' ., -onni f-nd .nicy. These r-i.-:-.1'!!--.-! -! in i. ii-aeiii- will, thevital prineiple. and when ;;iven aeeonliiu i i tlie direction which ae i-oiiipjiiiy ca- h artii-le thev a:e capable of exciting and iitereaniit t the natural fimetiom. without di. niipi-iiiii'; salein (lie lie :r ;.iwr-r, benee are . ti. ijAi-n. m. e. llle M-tl;ritt'-t. A I.Nt of :.i:-s ru-1 I ball. 1.V ,! .. p iwders lor kiJ conditimi,75e per pack. Heae pow.Vr for disease of the InnRa, 75c de. Fiiiie powder for " " kidney, 7 5e do. Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75e do. Cordial diink for inll.imatiuti of bowela, 75e pr bottle. r Liiuid blister, 7oc per bottle. Ointment for promniing the growth of hair, 50e Hr pot. Healins balsam for wounds and saJdl fIU, 75e. per bottle. Wash for inllam'.l eyes. 5('c per bottle. Oiulment for uianire seratcliea, old sore, Ac., 50V ier bottle. Embroealion for sore throat. 75c per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, die, 50e per but lie. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in Enqland for lamcnes of every description, 75e iV 1 per bottle. 1 listemper powder for red water, $ 1 per bottle. Worm powders for the removal of worm front the intestinal canal, 75 per package. Fornle by STIMFSON & KEED, 58 Mer chants Row, also at DADD'S HORSE AXD lai iLctirjuitlAK Dfcl'OT, No. 1 & 3 Haytnuiket Square, Boston. Pamphlets describin-' the disease for which these remedies are used can he had gratis. .Mitnerous I ertilicate are in possession ef the Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi cines. Sold by GREEX & FLETCHER. Xo.2BS.uth SIXTH Street. Philadelphia, and by hi Am. n'ts llttt SI .ssta, Sunbury, February 3, 18-10. tf BPsrVlT'S i:ssi:ci: of Jamaica gixger REP A RED und sold only, at FREDERICK ; HROWX'S DRL'U and CHEMICAL Store, N. E. comer of Fii ru und CutsMT streets, Phi ladelphit. 'I'hi Essence is warranted to possea in a concentrated form, all the valuable properties of Jamaica Ginger, und w ill be found on 'rial an em-client Family Medicine. It ia particularly r commended as atonic, to persona recovering from fever or other disease, a few drop imparting to the stomach a glow and vigor, equal to a wins glass of brandy or other stimuland, without any of the debilitating effects, w hich are sure to follow th use of liquor of any kind : and it i therefi esjicciully serviceable to children and females. To the nited, it will prove a great comfort ; to tho dvsH-plic, and to those who are prcdisioaed lo tj'oiit or rheumatic alK-cliotia, il give great relief ; und to the inebriate who wishes to reform, but whose stomach is constantly craving the aoxious liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to the diges tive organs, aud strength to resist temptation J and is consequently a great agent in the cause of tem perance. l7 Full direction accompanying sach bottle. Tbe above article can be had at tlie office of ths v4meiican. Philadelphia, June S, 1849. ly Valuable Hooka. IFE or Chsist, handsomely bound, D'Ar ' aaii'i llisrosi or t RsroasiLTiea, Bl.sk Dr-aooK aud Lkiiu sua, full bounded Far sale at the publisher prices by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. w TILEY'S C'Ol Gi Cj4NDY. sin excel lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sal at this office OAZORS A superior article for sals at storo of HENRY MA"" fconbury, Feb. K, 1850, Sjgjl