SUNHU11Y AMEKICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Messrs bextoti akd foote. i The following scene In the Senate, be tween Messrs Cenlon and Foote on Tues day last, was most disgraceful to that body . MKFooteS conduct is inexcusable. A tcene also occurred in the House. Mr. Ring of New York charged the Speaker with altering the Journal. ' . Vr- Foote, after some remarks for tho pur pose of showing that tho objection by the Pater Scnatns to personalities was entirely in consistent with his own course and example, replied to the charge of cowardices follows: I am not much in tlie habit ofdealing in pcr 1 sonalilles, and never havo insinuated that the senator was cowardly. I never make al ' legations that I cannot prove. I feol bound now to say, that whon tho senator dares, in his place or elsewhere, to remove certain stains which clung to his cscutclien, nbont Which I know the history as well asany man ' in Christendom allusions to which ought to f oause his cheek to be suffused with the color of tho jeep blush of shame or if the Sena" tor remains in his present attitude without that special discredit with which he knows I am familiar, and which that palling cheek --that ' blushing countenance acknowledges, as well as the terrific fear which he knows I have witnessed. Whenever he comes out frankly and boldly, instead of shielding him--ftnlf behind his established cowardice when ever he is prepared to hold himself amena ble to tho laws which govern gentleman, I am prepared to meet him on that footing. I Mr. Benton I pronounce it cowardly to give insults where they cannot bo chastised, i Mr. Footo rose Loud calls of "order." ' Mr. Benton Is a Senator to bo blackguard ed day in and day out ? ' Mr. Foote (in said) lie is a blackguard ! cries of "order," "order!" Mr. Benton (resuming) U language, to be vjisod hove which could not be used in an oys ter cellar, grocery or tavern ? Mr Foote called to order ..' The Vice President The Senator is called to order. Mr. Benton (continuing) are such things to goonl Sir, it is lime to Mop them, and if per sons use such language here, in a place where acudgel cannot be applied to them the voice of public indignation must be biought to bear open them, until public sentiment can make them behave with the manners which are duo to llio Senate. Tho Vice President repeated the call to or der. MONTOl'R COLXTY. The Mon lour county bill was taken up in Committee of Whole, in the House, on Thursday morning and amended by the adoption of the following amendment oi?J vd by Mr. Packer of this county Sec. No. 13. That nt no time hereafte shall an v parlor parts, of the territory now embraced within tho limits of the county of ' Northumberland, be annexed or attached to the county of Montour without the unanimous consent of the voters of said county of Nor thumberland. The bill as amended was then reported to the House and laid over for the present J the House refusing to proceed to a second reading. The I'f.nnsyi.vanian complains that we have published precedents to prove that "protection is Democratic doctrine, and that " fiee-trado is Federal doctiine." Well, and when you, Peniisylvaniau.and other free-trade papers, talk about protection as a "federal doctrine," are w not justified in giving pre cedents to show that it is quite the reverse 7 Disprove those precedents if you can, or else cease to represent the doctrine of protection as anti-Dcmocralie. Pithburg Mercury. corsiMMi. A country gentleman lately arrived at Bos ton, and immediately repaired to tho house of a relative, a lady who hail married a mer chant of that city. The parlies were glad to -.jpjp him, and invited him to make their jhnuse his homo (as lie declared his intention i of remaining in that city but a day or two). The husband of the lady, auvicus to show at tention to a relative and friend of his wife, took the gentleman's hoise to a lively stable in Hanover slieet. Finally, tho visit became a visitation, nnd the merchant, after the lapse of eleven days found, besides lodging and boarding the gen tleman, a pretty considerable bi'l had run up Jit tho livery stable. Accordingly, ho went to the man who kept the stable, and told him when the gentleman took his horse he would pay the bill. "Very good," said the stablu keeper, ' I understand you." Accordingly, in a short lime, the country gentleman went to the stable, and ordered his horse to be got ready. Tho bill, of course was presented. "Oh," sniit the gentleman, "Mr. , my relative, will pay this." "Very good sir, pleaso to get an order from Mr. ; it will be the sumo as the money." The horse was put up again, and down went the country gentleman lo the long wharf, where the merchant kept. "Well," said he, "I am going now " "Are youl" said the merchant, "well, good lye!" "Well, about my horse; the man says the bill must be paid JVir hi keeping." "Well, I suppose that is ull right, sir." i "Yes well, but you know I'm your wife's cousin." "Yes," said the merchant, "I know that you are but your horse is not." . In 1832 Captain Ross, examined the north eastern coast of North America, and proves that the continent reaches to Lancaster Sound. The faster you read the following the more amusement you will have ; "I- saw five brave maids, silting on five 'broad beds, braiding broad braids. I said to ( ts.five brave maids, silting on five broad (aiding broad braids 'liraid broad maids.' " of the chluride of (ino is an inst bed bugs, ll is a il ls the discovery of N Am Election was to be held in Mobile an the 27th nil., on the question of authorizing the corporate authorities to ulscribo $300,. 000 to the Mobile and Ohio Rnilrcmd. A Toast, drink at a Fourth of July celebra tion, was given as follows: "Woman without her, man would bo a savage." The Boston Post thinks the punotunlion erroneous, and should bo corrected thus: "Woman, without her man. would be a sa vage." A subscriber to the Burlington Sentinel re cently paid his 43d year's subscription to that paper. The) New York canals will not bo opened till the first of May. Our canals have a clear start of eight weeks over the canals of. Now York. MARttlE l. At Lancaster, on the 85th nil., by the Rev. Mr. Jlarbarh, Mr. Joseph W. Norbiibv, of Philadelphia, to Miss Catharine A. Har mony, of Northumberland. It I K I. lu Little IWahnnnv township, on the lfitli inst., Mr. JOHN F Ali ELY, Esq., aged 66 years, 9 monllis and 28 days. On the 25ih of February, of cholera, nt Natchez, Mr. WILLIAM SNYDER, who had the day before left Trinity, where he has re sided for several years. Mr. Snyder was one of I lie principal citizens of the place, and was an industrious and a worthy man. In Danville, on tho 16th inst., Mr. ELLIS HUGHES, in the 64ih year of his age. In the name place, on tho 17th inst., Mrs. MAGARET WOLF, aged 40 years 9 months mid 28 days. In the same place, on tho 14th inst., Mr. JOHN RIFFLE, aged 40 years. Philadelphia Maiket. March 27, IS.'.O. Flour. Flour is nniei and the pi ice wea ker; shipping brands are selliusr at $ 4 81. Extra Flour So and $5 50. Rye Flour i- held at SS2 87 & 2 f0. Com M.-al is worth rifl. Wiikat Theie is a limited demand for red Wh'sit at St 05 a St 07. piime While nl 51 12 a 1 12 1 Rvt lVim.iRve hel I at G:ii.-. per bush! Cokn. Coin is latliei -dull at St r! for yel low. Oats. Southern n:e 32e, and 35c. Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey i.i bb!s at 221c and hhds at 22 cents. Baltimore Market. March 26, 1850. Wheat. Small sales of good to prime reds weie made to-day at 95 a 103 cts., and while at 105 a 110 cts. Cokn. Whila at 47 a 48 cents and of yd t'ialow at 51 a 52 cents. Oats. Prices range from 34 to 35 cents. Whiskey. Sales of bbls were made nt 25 nts, ryiJ of htnls at 22&a23 cents. SUNRUUY IMIICC CU I ill 13 NT. Corrected treikhj by Henry Masse r. Wm kat. Rtk. Cohx. Oats. HcTTi.n. EiiiiH. Piihk. Flaxhkkd. Tallow. Dkkswax. - Kl. Hki m-r.n Flax. Dill K II Al'PLKS. - Do. Peach i:s. 100 56 50 37 14 8 5 125 10 25 8 10 2 200 A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At Hie 'iUliit Wai'w Itoom or SEPX IIOITPT k CO. Market Square, Also at the earner of Fowh street If the Railroad, SUNBURY, PA. Thankful for the pntrunatre of his friends and customers during t lie 17 years lie has lieen in busi ness in this plate, lie solitilx from the pulilic a eon liwuaiiie of their favors. During thin period he has endeavored lo keep Ui with the improvements of the day, and has ut'tonliiijflv extended his busi ness in every brunt li and variety. The public arc therefore invited to the attention uf tho present stock lit' (Alil.MT XV A UK AM) I'HAIKS, M.l NV FACTT It Ell BY SEBASTIAN H0UFT & CO. At tlu Old Mund, Where in addition to their formrr stork establishment they now uiaiiiifuiturc Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs, Larire Spring Sent Hocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, und a vurieiy of other new style und Fa h i o ii a h I c Furniture. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary srriineeiiipnt for tho purpose, they are now in'iured for lindcrtukint; in all its branches, in ill is vicinity or at any convenient dintunre. Ye maiil and mist rivet, and hufttiuiuU bio, Here's fiirniliirii trf every st le iunI hue, From aide Iwmrda down tn kitchen tuhles, From rockintr rlwirs In locking entitles BlioiitH you not have the rcnily John to (my, WuMI wiiil uwliile for brighter In'ttrr day, Or tuke. piCti"., imiIi, corn, wlieut nml rve ; llnrk, hoop i t-s. slaves, or luililier wet nml dry, Or uuy tliinf! t.uT yikcssiHl tlircsliini! nulls, Fiotu .tLf mid turk'es down to liule rjnnils. C"lue I'lithen iVicndu, come oiienn.l till. Keep triile a moving, '"ei on ihe IkiII " 17 'Orders from a ditain e promptly attended to and w ork ot u!l km. Is delivered w ith uiKjmt, h, Sunl.ury, Jtanli U, leO tf riH)CLA!ATI()X- OTIC'K is hereby ("iven that Ihc several conns - of ColumiAii PteaH. (ieoersl Qunrter Chsions of the H aee, and Orhiius' 'oiirl. Court of Oyer und Terminer snd ( Juil Delivery, ill and lorthe county ot JSorlliuinlierluiid, to commence. at the Court House, in the horoiiiih nl riiinliniv. at 10 o'rloi'k. A. M. on Monilav. 1st ol Atiril next, will continue TWO WKKK&. TIm coroner. Justices of the Peace and consta bles ill and for tho county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their projier r sons, with their tolls, records, mcjuisitions, and oilier reineuibraiuvs, to do those things to their several otlices uirlaiiiiinr to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending; in their proiicr jH;rsons to prosecute against hiui, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. liiven under my hands at Sunliury, the 0th uuy of March in tlie year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty and the Indcoeiulciica of luc L'uiteU bUtes uf America the 7 ad. JAME8 COVtKT.fck rr. SI1EIMFF S SALES. KY virtue of a certain alias Jr. Farias to mc directed, will be exposed to sale by pub lic vendue or outcry, at the C'ourt House In tho Uorough of Sunbury, nt 1 o'clock P. M., on Mon day the 1st day of April next, tho following real estate to wit: A certain lot ofjnnd situnte in the Borough of Northnmlicrland, in Norlhuinlierlnnd county, marked in the plan of said Borough as lot No 1 1 S, hounded Southwardly by Wcstvny, Westwnrdly by lot No 111, Northwardly by Duke street and Eastward!' by an Alley. ALSO: The south half of lot No 111, situate ns follows to wit i CO feet on AYestwsy, 120 feet adjoining lot No 112, to the place of beginning together with the buildings nnd improvements, rights, liber ties, privileges nnd nppurtnncrs. 8ei7.ed taken in execution and lo lie sold ns the property of Alba C. Burret. ALSO: By virtue of certain Writs of Vrn. Exponas, a certain Tract of Land, situste in Little Mahonoy township, in snid comity, liounded by lands of Abraham Reilr. nnd Daniel Dornicf, containing 20 acres morn or less, whereon are erected a two story log dwelling House nnd a log Stable. Seized taken in execution nnd to sold ns tho property of Jonathan Pcifcr and Leah his wile. ALSO: A certain Tmct of Land, situate in Lower Muhouoy township, in said county, bounded by the Miihnntiiugo Creek, hinds uf Admit Snyder and others, containing 30 ncres more or less, whereon are erected a dwelling house nnd a log barn. Seized taken in execution nnd to lie sold as the properly of Andrew Tsclinpp and Philip Tsrhnpp, adm'rs. of Frederick Tschnpp, dee'd. ALSO: A certain Tract of Lund, situate in I'pper Au gusta township, in said county, bounded on the north by lands of Jacob Hoover, on the cast by lands of (ico. Zimmerman, on the south by lands of Snrah Keen nnd on the west by lands of Jos. Snvidge, containing ninety-three acres, more or less, whereon are erected, none story frame dwel ling house, a frame barn, and an apple orchard &c. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the projierty of David Bnrnhart. ALSO: A certain Tract of Land, situate in I'ppcr Mali snoy township, in said county, bounded by lands of Jacob Diuikellierger, Daniel Zerhc, Andrew Erdmnn, John Brown, Frederick Reboek nnd Wm. Shsdle, containing 101 ncres nnd 67 perches whereon arc erected a two story log dwelling house, also one other story log dwelling house (wenthcrboarded.) a log barn, n spring house, nn ni'!e orchard cVc. Seized lakeu in execution and to be sold as the property of John Delli. ALSO : All the interest of the Deft., (supposed to he the undivided halt'.ut,) of, und, in a certain lot uf ground situale in the town of McKwensville. in Delaware t.iwnl.ip. in .-nid county, bounded on the north by an Alley, on the ea-t by tiie Main V -luil le.T.lui.; lo Muncv. on the south, In lot of in. 1 1 ay s. nnd on the west by liaek street, con Uiui.: ciirht of an acre nire or lesi, whereon are erected a two story bri. k dwelling house, a tore room and a liame stable. ALSO: The undivided half part of snd in a certain Lot off-round, situate in Ihetown, township and coun ty aforesaid, bounded north bv lot of Alexander MiEweu, east bv the Main Koud leading to M uiicy, south liy an Alley, and west by Back street, containing one-eighth of nn acres more or less, whereon ur erected n store house nnd a small shop. ALSO: A certain Tract of Land, siliinto in the town ship nnd county ofuresuid, liounded north by lauds of Solomon Truekainiller and John Bouch, cast by 'ai'ds of Franklin H. Carver, south by lands of Danud Smiili nnd west by lauds of Isaac Vin cent, containing 1C0 acres more or less, whereon are erected a dwelling house (part brick nml part Iraine.) n log barn, u spring nnd well ol water ot the door. Selyed taken in execution and to be sold ss the property of John Vincent. ALSO: The interest of the Deft, supposed to be the un divided one-lil'lh part ol'ainl in the following rcni 1 estate to wit : A certain tract of land, situate in' Turbiit township, in said county, hounded by lauds ; of Chnrlc Kchller, Stud leu and Chamberlain, ! containing in the who'e Did acres more or less,! w hereon arc erected a brick dwelling house, a !o; barn, a wagon shed etc. , ALSO: A certain lot uf hind, situate in the Borough of Milton, in said conntv, bounded north bv lot uf Mastcllcr and Swank, east bv street, south ! bv an Allev, and west bv Front street, whereon i are erected a Inrge two story brick dwelling house, alurge brick store room, shops, as large stable Ar. ALSO: A eertain lot of bind in said Borough, situate on street, bounilcd on tlie north by an Al ley, on the east by nn Alley, on the south by lot lichiiigutg lo the heirs of I 'has. ( oinlcy deed., and west bv sireet, containing one-eighth of nn acre, more or less, whereon is erected a 1J story fruiiie dwelling house. ALSO: A certain other lot of land, situate in said Bo rough, near F.ckcrt's saw mill, bounded north by laud uf Geo. Kckert. east bv lot uf Joseph Our, sniilh by lot oiOeo. Kckert, and west by an Alley, containing one-eighth of uu acre more or less. Seized taken in execution nnd to be sold as lye property of Oscar Hammond. J AM KM COVKKT.Shr'ir. Shcrill oflice, Suiiliiii'V March Dili, 18.rll.-ts LIST OP CAUSES OK trial in tho Court Common Pleas of Nor thumlierliind County at April Term 1K50. Bowers Lowlier et al vs George Miller &. son snme vs JoiiiiM Bowman Jonas Bowman et al vs Abraham Shipman same vs Samuel KauHiiian Danville & Potlsville , - . Kail Road Co. H-ywood & Snyder Wm & B. Fcgcly Frederick Keener John Garver's heirs Henry H. Burr Laeh Nlris'cker Peter ltichler's e't Ann Myers H.icl.aci McCurly Wm. oV K. Fcgcly A Ci No.ih S Maekev D.S. ;e for Moore & Ja'.-oh K irchuer Aaron Kcppart ('has. W. liichnrds Mary Snyilci et ul same Win 11 Thoinp.oii Jost-oh 'una i.e vs George Heckert vs Wm. Ay res vs Leah Stroecker vs Win. McCay'sadin'r vs Jacob llollinuil vs Dudge eV Barret s Ucwartci Jordan ctal vs KliaU'lh Weilxvlvtal . John Khisslcr vs Samuel Finney Ilitl.Ui s W.& It.Kegely vs ll.nid Fryiiiire el ul vs Ira T. C lenient vs Joseph Pellit vs l'ohert W Dunn vs James Dunn vs Jacob Cahcl vs Curnei.uv Smiih s Saiiiucl U tioil routine i Tiioiiipsou s Com. for Sand i'uriu.iu vs S D Jordan, S Hunter - lex Jord iti John li .Miller vs John 1J Itod's cx'rs Ko'oert Mi t'ay vs KwarJ A Kiitucr Jacob l'hdips . vs lleorge I.. Weiuier A S l.uwreui'e ttdin r of vs Peler A V Weiuier ct si Surah Leighoo, J CbiylouforJ McWilliamsvs John Bowen F O'Donnell for Win F Nagle vs John Divers Win. Iteed, adm'r of Hugh Bellas Mary Yickery HoU'rt S. (iruiit vs Peter Fessler vs I'cter Brosious vs John Bobh vs Duuiel (ionsert vs Slurrick ot Hhriner vs same vs Kli Slifnr suina same same John Urbcn et al Franklin Plutt & Co., Charles H Frick Thos Cuuiiiiiiigs et al vs J Purke cV D H Rishel Jonathan Lecdaui t t ul vs V'm McCav's adm'rs ('has Pleasunts vs James fi Win ltos Daniel lthouds vs Jacob Vmnn G P Tyson for Job Tyson vs DuX chneck vs Dair "rhnf Bi'IiiSm. 11 F. Matthew ( lirisliuii UoMiuger vs (corge Troxel Vs Chas. A. Andre vs Daniel HauiiabacU vs John Conrud Moses Bower vs Itichard (juudiu)n Ckss Shulst vs io Kuts . Chns O. Dotts vs Andrew Fetzer's ex'rs Samuel Seaman vs Philip Spsyd snma vs Geo Bowman 8. A. Jordan ct nl vs John Arnold Bcnj Fordsinan vs Frederick Slicker Jns Carnthers et al vs John N Lane ct at J Dixon ly U A Dixon vs Bonham R Kasa J Hunter A; wife vs Dr. J S Dourral D & C'nul & O Lawrence vs H & F Wilhclni Hannah Montgomery vs Joseph Ithonits flreen fi Bros, for T Howard vs Henry Land David Perry vs Abraham Lunger soma Vs Henry Halt'crninn Coin, for P Ilileman vs Thos A Billington I'liznbetli Frick's ex'rs vs John Flick's cx'rs Montgomery A Swcny vs James Covert John Biiilv vs Samuel Blnin Win McCIcry vs Samuel A In-idy Bcnj Hummel vs Philip Clolfelter Margaret Summer vs The ex r of II Summer JOHN FAltNHWOUTII, 7'A'iy. Prothonotnry's olliee Studmry, March 9, 1850. J LIST OP JURORS F Norlhiiinlierlnud County for April Term A, D. 18.-)0. s'raii(l Jurors Namk. OecuPAiio. Hk.idkncs. 1 Charles I lottenstiiic, Varmcr, Tuiluit, 2 John Deppin, " Jackson. 3. Stephen Hiirsh, " Push. 4. Jacob Soil or, " Jackson. 5. Win. 1, Cook, GiMilluman, Northum'land. 6. Henry Kciser, Farmer, Lower Auonstu. 7. Josc)h llonpt, " Phamokin. 8. Joseph Sliarplcss, " IJusli. !. D.tniel L"sher, " Point. 10. Levi Ralhet, Merchant, Delaware. 1 1. Conrni! U'lehock, Farmer. Jackson. 12. F.nneh Wnlvrtlnn, Bush. 13. Ellis W. M'C'arty, Blacksmith, Delaware. 14. John Gippin, Farmers, Chilisiiiaiiic. la. Ueoroo iMiller, " Miamokm. 1G. Daniel Eveil, " Coal. 17. John D. Conrad, " L Antrusla 18. Kdvrard Moyer, Merchant, L. Mahanoy. 19. Sebastian llonpt, Cabinet Maker, Sunbury 20. F. A. Clark, Farmer, cihamokin, 21. Andrew Nye, " Delaware. 22 Samuel John, " Shamokin. 2S. Nathan Haas, " Up. Maliunny. 24. Samuel Lantz, " Low. Augu.-la. Traverse .litrors 1. Jncob Snyder, sen., Farmer, Up. Mahonny 2. Klias Kinerick " Low. Maliunny. 3. Mu hael Moore, " Bush. A. Win. Stroecker, " Jackson. 5. Benj. Kiuhn, linatmati, Sinibiirv. 6. Amos Viistine, Farmer, Shamokin. 7. John H. Leiubach, S. Jncnb Bower, 9. James lieeder, 10. Joseph Spats, 11. .Il. hael Paul, 12. D.ivid Wilson, 1 3. Conrad V osf, 1 I John Johnson, I ft. lleiisvl. Delaware. Jackson. Lower Augusta. Low. Mahanoy. Up. Mahanoy. Delaware. Shamokin. Point. Little Mahonoy Hi. Walter Speece, Mill Wiiijht, L. Augusta. 17. John lletrich, Farmer, Up. Mahanoy. IS. Gideon Adam, " " " 19. Henry llonpt, Tailor, Rnnbury. 20. Solomon Kramer, Sawyer, Lewis. 21. Michael Wilvert, Laborer, Sunbury. 22. Jacob Werlman. Carpenter, Lewis, 23. Andrew Geist, jr., Fanner, Up. Mahonoy 24. 1 1 null M. Davison, Chairmaker, Milton. 25. Jacob Hlioades, Fanner, Chilisitiaque. 2(5. Fred. Lazarus. Gentleman, Sunbury. 7. John, Wagon Alakcr, 23. Isaac Fisher, Farmer, 29. Hubert Brimer, ' 30. Andrew Kuiiiou, " Up. Augusta. Lewis, ltush. Lewis. L. Augusta. Jackson. Up. Auytista. Su nlmry. 31. Cluisl Roup, 32. Jiii ph Gas.-,, 33. John Adams, 34. John Clark, sen. 35. Il-Mirv Weise, a Cleik Miller, Farmer. Mii'.T, r. T-iiitr .1 dm Ilnus, Ldiit Fisher, S'iIoiihvi Martz. P-ier Sllo-li-l, F. I waid Rnterli'! Ch tiles Kelli-y, S.ll.illrl Klisll, Win. Simile.-,' liob.-ri Giiiiu. Shaiiiokiii. ClKll, Delaware. Up M.!,o:.;.y. rainier, ii liusli Jackson. " L. Mahanoy. " Chilis puiqne. " Shamokin. Merchant, .TacUsoii. Farmer, Bush " L. Autiila. S.ii'iiiid Gilder, Wm. Ktllrs, J din Olieidorf, Thomas Wolf, i'vtii J(ii'(ir 1. ILioh Caul, Farmer, Chilistpiaime. 2. James Iviik, " Delaware. 3. Alex. Caldwell, Laborer, Coal. 4. Win. Weaver, Inn Keeper, " 5. Jacob Leisenrimr, " Shamokin. C. Fdias Brosious, Shoemaker, Sunbury. 7. Geoiio ll-irner, Farmer, Jackson. 8. John Wolf, jr., " . Peter Swart, " " 10 Aaron Holla. " l-p. Mahanoy. II. James Tajiart, Merchant, Northum'land. 12. Philip Kenn, rarmer, I p. Augusta 13. Jeremiah Ailam, " 14. Adam Vaudlitig, " 15. Samuel Robinson, " Hi. Isauc Jepnin, Siuglo Jackson. Point. Up. Augusta. Jackson. 17. Daniel llilbish, Fanner, " 18. Benj llefl'iicr, Merchant, L. Mahanoy. 19. John Nixon, Farmer, Point. 20. John lloush, " Delaware. 21. Gi oil'h Kuii, " Turbnt. U.ibeil Castles, " Delaware. 23 Daniel Goiiseil, " Up Alalianoy. 24. Ah. Shlpnian, Surveyor, Lower Augusla. 25. Win. M'Caily, Gentleman, Sunbury. 20. Win. Heinen, Merchant, Milton 27. James Shiiner, Farmer, Northumberland. 28. Geo. W. Slar.el, " Shamokin. 29. Daniel llelrick, Tannei, Up. Mahanoy. 30. Jonas hisenhart, rarmer, 31. John Flemimr, " L. Ancusta. L. Mahanoy Bush, Point. Bush. Shamokin. 32. Klijah Bverly, 33. John Colkett, 34. F.dward Giady, 35. Samuel Gilliuur, 36. (Jeo. I ensyl, Louisa Bennet, by her next friend Ja- No. 10, January term lhoO. cob Conrad. - Al. Subpu iia in Divorce. vs I F.dmoud Bennet. J "To I'dmoiid Bennet," You nre hereby notilisd, In he und spear Wfore the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Nor thumberland county, on the 1st tiny of April next, to answer the above complaint und to show cause (ifanv yon have,) why a divorce a Vinculo Ma trimonii should not be decreed against vou. JAMES COVEKT, Shi'ff SherifTofl'ice Siinburv, ) March 2, lSiO, 4t Peter Lilly r Lilly i No. 4, April term, A. D. lrtytl vs Pin. Subpu'ini in divorce, ilh Lillv. Eluuhc "To ElinalM-th Lilly," V.... .. fa 1,Pr..l... ....lir,.,,! I,. Im. aiiil nitlie:ir lu 41'UUIl. .1.1.1.. . - ,-, fore the Judaes of the Court uf Common Pleas of Norlhunilicrlund county, on tho Isl Monday of April next, lo unswer lUn above complaint and to show cause, (if any you have,') why a divorce a Vinculo Matrimonii should not lm decreed against you. JAMES COVEKT, Wir'll". edicrilV's oilier, rluubury, ) March 2, 1850. $ 4t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. V OTICE is hereby given, thill letters of Admiu- ' istratiou on the estate uf George Deppin, late nf Jackson township, Northumberland county, dee'd., have been granted to (lie subscriiier. All persons having claims against the estate, will pie sent them for examination und settlement, und ihoso indebted will please make immediate pay ment. WILLIAM DEPPIN, Adio'r. Jackson tshp., March , 1H50. 01 ADY'S Ml.'Fr'S-r-GUM SHOES Ac., jn.t S received and for sale at the store of HENRY MAfEll. Fsnhnry, Pee. IS, 119. MJGISTE1VS. NOTICE. . OTiCK is hereby given to nil Legatees, Cre. ditors nnd oilier persons, interested in tho estates of Peter Swank, ilec J., settled by Ins exe cutors William Swank and Solomon Swank ( of Jeremiah J. Vnsline, dee'd., settled by his ndm'ra. Peter U. Vnstino and Lydia Honsel ; of John Mnrr, dee'd., settled by his adm'r. David L. Irlnnd t of Martin Garman, dee'd., settled by his adm'r. Jacob Carman; of Jacob l'uhle, dee'd., settled by his ex'tor. Samuel llerrt of Christiana Ferster, dee'd., settled by her adm'r. Jesse llinsyl. That the Kxcciitors und Administrators of said estates havo tiled their accounts with the 1'egisterof Northum berland county, and that the same will be presen ted to the Orphans' Court of snid comity on Tues day the 2nd day of April next for confirmation nnd allowance. JOHN P. Pl.KSEL, Kegister. Bcgistrr's office ice ) S, 1 S.'iO 1 1 Siinhuiy, March CAUTION!! !T3.tM.V.s CHALLEHGa 21.A.CKINO. riIlK imuieiefe and steadily increasing demand A for the celebrated ,MA-i)N'rl I'll M.I.KN'nr. III.ACKIM Has imlnced munerons unprincipled persons to attempt nn imitation of his But l.mri., varying it sliglilly, with a view to ovinia the law, but at the snme time designed tn impose upon the univer sal confidence of consumers, in favor of Mason's Blacking; nnd ns the counterfeit bears no resem blance to the original, except in the label, nnd has none of its good properties, Country Merchants, when ordering Mn-king. should be nnrcful to nsk for "MASON'S OKICINAL CHALLENGE BLACKING," which is sold by all respectable Wholesale Dealers, in every City in the United States. JAS. S. MASON & CO. Philadelphia. March S, 1830. 'it JABSES IJ20J.AN 6cl30T, ivroii'iT.iis nt-' English, French & Gorman Good, No. 13(5 AfdW-ri Street, AiinvK rncnnt stskkt, vp sTAins, rKILADELPHIA, Needles, Slay Binding, . Sewing Silk, Pins, Carpet do Thimbles, Tapes, Coat, do Bodkins, Cords, Flannel do Hooks A. Eyes, Galloons, tjun'ity do Zephyr Worsted, Buttons, Furniture " Potent Thread, Tailors' Twist, Purse Twist, W ire Kibhon, Silk, Cotton, und Linen Canvass, Gloves. Hosiery, Shirts and Drawers. Comforts, Infants' Socks, Children's (iuitera. Suspenders, Woolen Yarn nnd n (rent varielv of STAPLE AND FANCY TBIMMINGtS. Mnrch 2, lfioO, lm WILLI AHV 4.V1 J-!lSIl.lriC E MXIH is. vvilli the utmost c nR .leive. i (Tcrer! to t'.ie .Mi ilie i! Kseillly Hint liif i- lor lite ell. e of lspe sia or lililiL'.c8:i'n. mul nil disi-ase unic: Ir.'iu ii. euc li ns Viuscn, Henitirhe, Vrrlitro, lliiiiiu ..nof Snrlil. Llcliilily i.l (ho .crv im ?k (.'iii. H IKK-luinrtria. J iuniliec, 1 psol'iipi etili', Waslini; I'l lhe strength. I'lalulcnce, with inpK'Ut Is lchiiu: of vvinil, Vtili im Vomllii'. Itiiriiinff niiKation si tlie pit nl I lie Kt in-u-ll, t.ivcrcontpl ii':t. I lj!,r,'M"il nfl.T ealiliir. r.tlliilntion ol' the Hcait, 1'ain in tin pit of (he Slotnseh or tow.-ir.U the nirht side, S-i!ovVllCKB el'c.)lll(tlexioll. ,lleresi.Mi ol" the siiirn-K anil V lUalnttasle, i. Cimaiituliuti nm niR'asuifffi trntul.ilii y of tiin-er, ice nt the trowels, I If n awe ot" rtynpcpmii khouIH be ncfilfPted, mewt serious rfbrts uuiy enmii', I'or it ln Unrfuun.bti m fr, in the in-eijM-iit must of. mu wry riu,ntly ffrininntcs ineointtnip ti ii. I w-iiUI iiiipriha" iiviii Utf'itiiint timt to tiirle with thin fline.iso nmy l l sp-iri willi I lie reum wtinh roiwti-tnt'-it niuii suptTuiiunriit anions yiutn;il iH-in!ti. or to nn liiitiT 'xintritro ly milling n concioumii-ps ut'Mly to tlie penally nf p:iin. '1'iiin iimlifinc iniKvtlly put up in I rot tie, with ample tlin .'ti'Htti fur ur, und is Bul'.l ih SunLmi v hv .loll' W . Kitif.!o. JAM I .S VIM.IAM9. 'l'titiiiiHmVif Mr. Al' J'.ttnrs. (i.-ittrr, .Mnrkit ntnt iiii. Si.xtU. c'.rr l.ririt- tfl- cii-acy of Willimns Auli-11 -s;t"it iij J .liir Mn. Jaiht V'i r.i .r : : It f-ivr uif imit'e d kn w tlutt you nr- n-j-on pr-'-irih - u iiiftlicjni- f r I It eure of Dysprp mii. ! r inmiy i( ftv iif-jimiii'iuics e rt;irt rflly akril me whiT- it r Mil.t ; ri'!i:Mt. ku wii'LT ttif I I:H1 hTt rnrt-it hy it. I flii.i'i i Jji; r a pn'iti' iu1nifwf',ilr.ient of the Hi-rut Ln-n--r.t ! I' t c li- t i'C'l fi.nn t tit" nf y. mc H.ftl i'Mii n-'t only 'tn t vtu. tcit tniy t-" ihh:'uI to otltf rn, I n v in it. l'or fv.cval yiar I st.ifreu ifi'in Drfipf-p. t. . t!u'i i i--"tH'.tl ui li - :i -x:t"iil lliitt my l.p:it:ii mid c tiiVitnti -ii w. t r:ii.i'I!v n'nkine unMrr i. I wss cotii- p. lit ii t ( ivsiri"! invM If n the uit sinipV I'.inl. nint even lltiii I 'ulil M' 'i l ji'fl . 1 felt a li o btrciurlh. disinrli iiMii -nt) rxc. '"'. ,-ttrl, n? yon h:i p ii in vour uUerii(iQ- wrarimv, In cnr v. In-.trtii fr.'tn n'her hiah re- r -iimi'it.l iti -ii "i oiir Anti-1 ppt v liiixir. I proonrrd mt u.-cil n wi.ti i!;t hi "i li-'pi'v il.-.-t ; innUr it iinliieuca lii"tlT nii't v; I .'i''. I;-!!'; t:.s-il iiwitv. so id niv in ti'f i luim'il wliirli I i- ml I ci t'iiy wih ti'iimni'v. 'IVn Vfirs Iimvc ii- v t; i; itn.t my r ntnl'it''c in the onritive p tWi'fB t-f Viii IlinluMlii liri of O lirw ilirTPUFcd, tor it P'luiplcti'ly rnre-.l i.u wh-i ! f nl-rt t mlnin rrlipi fnaii auv ithrr nure. Very ivr-pecffiillv vonrn. AHM-H FI-MKS. TcliuvMU'of Jyliv ml II llowlfv, Wlii-s.i,r Mfrclmut nf flu- firm nf llnwli'V, Arliti)iiii'at C., t 5 Smh Wti:irTK. in prutf (f the eifuwy if Willinini1 Anti-Dyt-H'ptic KiiJtir. ruiLAHEi.Piiu, Octotrer 29, 1M9. Mr. Jamfh Wiu.utf : Dwir Sir : I Ifikp ptrasurf lu Toeoimnpuiline ytmr Antt I)ylKplip I'.lixir for tliP pure of l)yhpupitui. I have tukeii it myself f"i the disttixf. nod hnve lieni entirely cured. Venrs n-n' fullv i ia a u i if. nmvi.F.v. A.knt JOHN XV I'liH.I.NO. SuiiUtv. Ia. Mio-eh l-K). ly V II 1 1 A K) K I. V II I A rvISiDICAIi HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 15 YKAUS AGO, 13Y mi. KINKKL1N, iV. l . Comrr oj Tiuvd and Union Streets, DKrWKBS SIMMTK AND VXSF. STI! KKTS. IIFTKKN MlAlfH of t xtenfive nml nninternipted piaeUew spent in tins city luve rvndtrrd Hr. K. (lie in ift expert nul snrrrgMul pr u '.itioiur ur aji.l wear, in the iie;itii(Mi oi i.'.l tl'miiH'S i fu privute menre. lrus nfliiehtl Willi ulcer upni itieli kIv. thr.-tt, or letc itiium in tlm tiuulor lotiies, iiiLti'iiriul iiu'4iiuutiMU. atfielures. tinivej, disciixti rrinii'j: ir m y uiliiiili exeetiid-s or inipuiiiietiof the bM. wheretiv the roimtituiiuii has U-c uie i-nfivhlrd, urc nil treat et wilh stweesn. He wiii pL-ieea liinitu If under the enre of l)r. K in.iy r ligi'iiiRlv im Lis honor ns h,:uul ejiUilent- Taki: ivii'ncri,Ait notu k. Yonntr M'-h wh hmv in'ire:! :li.-inlfi( by n pertain pinrltec litdtiV'ttl in a luit-ii ffiipientlv linirutl fn-ltl e. il cmiiiaiM'.ti or al wh'xil th elf.-ctn .' wlii' li nre wlthtly fell, even wJien nsli cp, niwl t-Hiroy li t!i tr.ind and Imh(, Khi itld apply iiiiiiu'diately. Ve;iknets and e Mistitutioiial deliility l of nnm-iilur energy. pli xn-al lav.-iiittltj anil ire" rnl proafrnttoii. irrhid.lMty nnd nil nervous aileetiotif. iih ireation, sluir'jiiihneitu of the livei. nntl evcrr diwjisem any -iy eimneeien with Id ilm irder of Ue piocreulive tunc ti ns cured, uiul full Mtf'T rtKt ret. y VOl" II & .11 4EIOOI, A VIl.llROlS IJFE, Ull A rrcuiulnra lrnth. klKKLI. on i;lf I'nsrrvaliui. ONLY 25 c i:ts. I'll! lt'N.lj jniil jiiililmli- il in fiui-.! Willi useful mf'-rtiLiti -ll nil llif nitiiii.ilK n nml iiiix-in. . ti( lltr li.'iiiT.i'ive Orpum. II m lt. II i.Iikt I . tit 1 11, MAMlUOilund OI.U All, Hlllt ll.hlM lit! UMtl la' Ull. Tlie viiUi.iliit. u. U u-i' uiul ini.r Mi t WJrnii!,; it git't-p, wii! iirfvcnl r. it ni:rrj u;u M'.iKrii.g au.t uve uiuiuul. I 'rti.iiH;iii.iM 111' I .iv. li " ru't-uia l.v iilir it will ka.ii Imw I'ur.-vtfiil tlie tlf.- triK'tliMI nl' tli' ir t iiu.l:fll. iA rt-intll.-uti'i 'i S rMit. riicl-iiinl in a Mtrr. atl ,lr. i..-.l In Dlt. KINKi:i.lN. N. . c rner i.l THIKD IMIlN Ulreoli., lifl wwii Hjii ue.! & l1!!! riiil:il-liluu, will t-imLiri; 0 1 H'li. iluili-r riivrl-'it', iiuv ri-tiirii'.if imill. nt a iliMlmit.. niuy atklrt-t lr. K. by irllt-r, (Kist IKtlit.) 'tml iil'illrU til ll.HIIO. r.u K.i.i;s ui .MKiiicii i'.s. niui:c"nt).s, tc., I irwiinli.l )y .'iiilui? a ri-'iuttntirp, ui.ti put uparruia I'rmii liAM Vl.t-: "I 'l Hit TV. 11 KiW-wtll.TS, Nfv A'jculn.lVnltira. Cuiiviiiwra. antl all fithiT. aiiitL-tl Willi t) alHk' w.nk ut vrry ltw litlca. Krliruui v II, lniU ly p O.SE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this S crcellent nrliele for Tetter, & e., just received a ml lor sale by HE N K V M ASSE R. Wunburv, July I", 1819 KOWN'H ESSENCE OF CIMiER A new supply of this evcelleut artielo jut received and for xule bv 11. D. MAMSER. riunbury, March lb, 185(1. lAV Klf. An rxcellent arti.le for sale by UEMiY MAS!EU. bunliury Jn. U?th, lS4il if. yiIITK UKAMlY f r preierviug trandy ' peaches of an excellent qualitv, for sale K II- M.SER. ' r?imV.iiry, Pcpt. lid, 1S43. AI.- I .N ciir.iiiU. i'in.n, ihifse, peppar kjntc, lli'mrf. I' For sj'e l y I. W. Fit II. IN tj THOMPSCIT'S fvi s(i i:ii4cvi Ei'nr,HS, Between Philadelphia, Sunbury, Jforthum btrland, Danville, Milton, Munry, Witlmmsport, Ltwisburg, Mif ftinburg, JVVw Berlin and Sclinsgrove. Leaves the City every Thursday Morning OFFICES IN FHILASELPRtA. FCIK PACKAOKH AND LIGHT HOODS, At LIVINGSTON ft Co.'s Express, Depot 43 North Third Street; AND FOR HEAVY ARTICt.K!, At CONRAD, CARTER tt Co.'s, Depot Cor. of Broad If Clierry. January 19, 1850. ROllT. L. BF.TH. THOS. P. B. SKTH SPIT!! & BROTHER. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Commfjowf on Hcrrliaudtf, NO. PRATT STREET, (Near Bowlv's Wharf,) BALTIMORE, Will pay particular attention to the sal ofGR AIN and all other products of the farm. Baltimore, January 26, 1950. ly TUB rEOPI.E'S VADE-aiECTTM COMFltlSlKa A COLLKCTION OF OVER 200 VALUABLE RECIPKS, In the Useful and Interesting Arts with a Jew Simple and Carious Experiments in CIIK.M1ST11Y : T NCLUDINO Medicines, l'crfuincry, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. l'lice Of cts., for sale by HEMtY MASSliK. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1849. STONE V7ARE. flUIE BiiWrilirr would mowt rosprctfully in l form iiis friciulsand a generous public, that he ib iiiunuf'actuiiiifr the best quality uf STONE WAES, in all its variclicA, nnd is prepared to sell ft little e lien per than any other nmuuf.icturcr in the Union. He in also importing and dealing most c&tcnsively in CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSIVARE, whit h he offers on tho most reasonable terms. II in Potteries are oil Bond street north of Fay ette, and China store und dwelling al No. 8, E. Ualtiinore street. DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. Baltimore street, Haiti MRr, Maryland. February 2,1950. ly HIIXI IT &. IliliUl.VG'S 7HOI,K.AI.K Commiwion PAPER itml KAU WAIiEHOLSE, Jt. 13 .MIA OK Iptrct't, PiilatlilltiH. Where a geiii-ml assnrt mciit of all kimls of Paper is kept, and fur aalo at the lowest cash prices. Cup, Lclter and Printing I'aprrs, &.C oil liaud. Plain and ruled white Cap. " ' blue " Flat Caps. Plain ami ruled white Letter. " " hi no " Blue anil white Folio. White and colored Printing Taper Tinsue Papers, tshnc " Wrapping " Envelope " Hardware and fbeathinf Papar. 'I'.ir l.onrtla. Straw UoarJi liuiiiii't lioariln. All orders from tlie Country will bo attended to tit (he fihorti'nt notice. All nooils sold will he carefully packed, and de li'.erej ut any place in the city. " 'J'lic hiirhent cukIi price paid for Rags, or tx changed tor Paper, ad low as can be bought else where. Please call and examine fur yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849 HicfKB'sr ITtull IV o. l.'iO ChCNuut street, (Opposite the Arcade) PIIItADELPIIIA, I AM FACTI RERS of their improved ntvle i ' Elastic Steel Spring, Solid Sole Leather, und Solid Riveted TKUAKS, which took the only firnt premium, awarded by tltc Franklin Institute ut their last rxhihition. II. & T. take pleasure in informing the travel ling public, that they have now on liund, a beau tiful assortment of their improved style of Hoi id Sole Leather Trunks; Double and HiirIc Folio Trunks, of various atvles; Ladles 1 ruuk, a- lico Trunks, llonnet lloxes, Cap Cases, 1 'urpet UairM, and an eleirant assorHnent of superior Lu- iimeled Patent Leathar Bags, with every nrticla 111 their line ol bus'licss. t'xf" Old Trunks Repaired or taken in erchangc lor Xcw ones. A l.E V. 1.. HIUKh; . RICIIARU W. TL LL. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, TIIC i'ARMca'S BNCCLOPUDXA. I'.liri'KL) l)Y li HI V Kit N Kill i:.Mi:itstN. BN ONE VOLUME, Royal octavo, 1 105 panes, beautifully Ixiuud, containing, 17 fine platex, liesides numerous Wood Cut. Soltl at aliout one fourth the cost of the English work, without any Plates. "Tho Farmer's Encyclopedia is a reul treasury of practical information, wherein the cx)ierience of all arsaml countries is eareliillv postko rr to the prcaent day, and admirably arranged for con venient refcrrnec." Dr. Darlinijton. "We are fully convinced thai such an amount of valuable knowledge fur farmer can be found in no other work in so cheap nml convenient a form In fact, no Farmer who pretends to lie well inform ed in his profession, should lie without this work." New (ionnesee Farmer. An excellent work, fit to lie distributed in pre miums by Agricultural Socities. J. S. Skinner. Fr sale nt this OHice, price $ I. Also, by E. W. V A Hit, Third street, opposite the Exrhance, Philadelphia ; and N. HICKMAN,'invire, Maryland. V Ji . Onums arsT as icccuriKiio bi the CASH. Julv 14, 1949. 3nt inter Arraiu'ement. rUlLAOKI.riUA AMI kkadixo kail KOAD, FKOM l'Hll.ADKU'HIA TO 1'OTTs.VILLE. N and sftor Xovi-tnlxr 1st, 1849, the rs-iM-niier 'I'ruins will runuclwecu I'hiludeliiUia anil Pottuville as follows : Leaves I'ltiludi-ljiliiia at 6 A.M., daily asccpt Sunduys. Arrives at Kc-adine at 11 18. Arrives at l'ottsviilti at 13 ."'0. Leaves 1'otUvillt) at 8 A. M, I'aily axeept Sun days. Arrives at liea.ling at 10. Arrives at l'hilad-liiia at 19 SO. FARES. I'otUville ami I'hils.telphia 3,50 and 3,00; I'oltaville and Keailinj 1,40 aud l,'i0; Hi-iiJing and I'hiladelphia 9,84 and 1,90. l'ttsaeiiKera eauiiut cuter tlie cars unless provi-di-d witU 'I'iekctH. Tltt-rc bo no Atlemoon Train. NOTICE. Eilly jiouiuls uf laf; ;uge will U al low id lo eat li pa nKi r in Uu-se lines and uas li nm'ia are expn-iily prohiliited from taking any eliint; us but llioir weuriug apparel, avliicli vtill he (lie iik ot tlie owner. Liy onler ut the Hoard of ManaeeiA ti. 11HA1JKORD, Nov. il, 184:1. Koretarv. iET I'Lll ' nvvloiiea, of vatio.s kinds, h rr ante 4 at t?t u.iue. Tfthnuiand$ of 0ru f SnfuU Cnerr$, Syphilis 4mS ofhfT impure diMt of t HlovAand iftkt ty SMALh liUASTITY kick wrU us f Mtfiuint $0 egetH IVW of tuck JHtttwm, b any tf oftht purifying mtiiicml pM ninth MrtUHni ric tubdutt and enfHrn4 nm IHuatt thm thcrt U unqutslionalU nidtnet Uti BRANT'S INDIAN mmxm extract Ot tuck m M'dirin, tn averv mpct ; nnd lb re It abav danl prnnf. In firtmt eure c it !. that ONE HUTTLK mt 1 tt eoiimim tHvrt puriiyiiif, hfnllm Tiriua aad mtthtmt po"r thnn ttiera U eontrfiw! tn w Hotttf or aay aar nytrilla, nr any othr mtdirim thnt hn Tr la oflVr4 for taia. Thcra it undoubted pi-oof In our amphlt that ly tha ut nf tint treat Indimn 'wrtr, thoj that wcra fly in q ypt l.ivKthey timt war I. ami atid Catr ran now Wm-thry that nwro Stra, 8t aorutaut, and uthervi.ta dieatel, hava bep Ueai.kd and Cl'ftfta Hundrsds Thousands wlir litre u'rd Brast's rirmril. after ImTinf aiad a 4 tettfd a i.l tho tarMsjHirilltu nnd ottter ndtnnaa ratoa UtwaJcti to cum Wuod dif-ftiiavi, have dtcxdtd thai Brant'3 is tbo Cheap03t, heraurc Ont T.'''e if It Imi rtcrt medlral, ciiratira naV trr in it. and. in rot: ieiurvie, curet mon Hitet im aaaa It sr time, limp e-ie (ft:U 1" any t ther mrdieina. If. th-ti, f3YK fttittU nf liaAXT t Puairita will ar F'H'R TtStiCS nvir i1ita than on bottU of trp i7i. " Mai nt s Puatfirn" woi!J he i ch -up at four orf Inrt a hnttle. an MrntjM'il'a at a?:r JpUir. Hut HRANT'tf ITIilKJKil I- foil uv 0:1.7 OMIC I'OI.I.AK a bolt la ; and at a lKttle ol it ha$ eiiced, atid i c&pnld nf curing. Four 'Suits m imi"h diK'"f M r,-i hotel uf tmriatari(lm thara fore. iarar.irUlft. in eonsrqurnca ot Hi tV, power aoj i inr-li- nl ilii 'tr-jr, ImulJ hi luhl at w mor$ thaa) Tventw Firt rVift per bottle, to ha ai chtap at tha Pvftl rtMa at On l)ii r. Oua Dollar's Worth! Mow much Cavcr h.iwmurh STpintti how raaak Sranrt'LA will One UoHar't trortku't Rronts VURlftsXM cure. ? Kami tha Mlowing fltaletueut, wkivh it apaai men of it power. CANCEROUS SCROFULA! 'I t 11 11 tlie caie nt a 'yinf man who yrt ttrr Ha m rii-fi uf rone ea of Srrotula. tT orily Ttolc Bottlm r f t ,it' I'nt if.t r. titan erer was cured by the ua of Turin (s',ii;out u tbe but parsapitrilla that wai vver mad a. Fiirpapn ilia linx not tr.-JHi-ina mrdirol ptwtr to rflacl ikm Cur of niifh n rrro'.tvtfly hopples ete. Mr. J It If AiKiN, ul' itome, Otitirfa Co . Jf, T.. had Scrof ula fvur ytur wan mnfim-d to hit bed the last year ha wm t much dieard and delijlitated ai to tit wuaMa tm raiau hi4) hm J to hi liead. He had tha best medical ad vire tiad um tt ail t the a..l urtt;vtrillru to no foo4 efliet cot writ and . )'. and wai conaiilered to be la a Liinjf Stat, and could not life twenty four knurs longer, wl.-n he ciinuii. nr-.'d ublnf l!it AN'l'rf I'l'H IKIKH. I.u vr-k wm ea'.en r.r.jr'.y oj. fmm far to tar hot waa eatt ti:roti;!i hi vinSpij. unler his chin, so that he breath! through the hole hit for waa to eaten around that li could he lifted up out of itt i1nce, it only holding bv a small ii,ti' the me of on arm wa de$troyed by two ul cert nn I leer under tlte arm. at iarce at a man'i Wa had netr!y mien thmMfih h.s ide info hit body. hat, hm wni niAicid wiih 'iirenty turh putrid, mrri l. ojfsnsiv VU art. 1 11 va; iotis j.a; U ot hi partcu. Tor farther aud full pnrtif ulnm, are our rnmphl't. luct. 1'iiomas Williams, one of the mntt tkilfut pby. liriktri of Koine, wut railed to tee Ilaalcin tha tfny btfoT4 n ctimiiu nerd ueing V-rant't purifier. hocX. W. exai it. fit Imri. arid tl'fti ti-l.i him ttmt all thn medicines lm Uuf icjrld- could not cure him thnt hi caie wu W orco th?n Hopeless ! Ki.w linr Mr. IIASKIN S atntetnent nf mra. lie aaul : Mr wi- p'oeurej nn- h ilt!- uf IM.Yr.t FL'KJfllS0 EXTRACT uf IurI Ltomrri. rujffitt, of Roma I erniruiice. wini; tli tt, a-td bfj?an to get better tuaV rotti.k etiriblrd nt1 (0 rrf ojj my bed, where I had bee eotifl-icd ont yrar thu second buitia enabled me to got out of the houe -thr third buttle en a bind me to Wtk Itco Miles to ttuinr (Vntie where I procured Siz fioulso inie; uml u Jim I had ftnihhrd tiling them. Seventeen oat of Tverttf t irr-ri 1 ai iirai id i r- and tret bottles mora 'i-rr.ft.-d a I'KiIFKfT rl'HE ul all the l"lrera,an4 n ttured tne to foci hrLh. FOURTEEN V7ITNE3SE3 1 Mr. ItAi:KiN Inn iworn to tan aliova facta, and the fust! are witn.-f.vl and crrliflnl to hy POUT. T. WIL--I.IAVS-Mr. (i It I'.ltOWN (iropni tur of the Wutfuxm tf'KW-M.-. U!S.K1.I. 4 I.KONAHD, Wholesale anal retail llrtn'jfi.ta nnd Kl.KV'KN other rtiptctabU wxtntttm. Wo Cliallcngo tha "World To TKOVK a Cure of a, revolting and utterly kptltm co t)f cruriila. by the uao of TKN TIMKS xt mack earMjmriUl, or any otht-r medicine, a waa used of Jtrc I'urijitr to rfl'ert the nhnve cure which cure ahall b provnii ty m ma-iy wll knmen, rttptctmble antsaMas, sa ba the atiove cure. pon 7au: nv John w. Fiiiini Sunliarr Ps. NofthuiubtTmk. Milton, do do Pottaejova. Mi-Kweuaritfsr Minicy, lii!rheanlta ' New Kertirtf t.evvialiur(, ftflinaSTOTS, IMiiTille, iimry :. .tirvoy J"iill II. ItiUH-t Henry J. Sli-n Set Kiiwnril A . Kalzuer Aitiim CMiirlut Ilnwa jMi'Ciirinii'k, W. 1'. I. I'.lillllT, J. 1. .M;uin .V Co.,'.vurit Wita m, Tli 'rutin A li-ikcr, f ) IT me. W. II. Uicklev, K. I'. I.eltz ' J ilm ft. Mnyer, AtMrtTP'rt n:nl ord'-ra must bs si Co.. 1(10 Uroiulwiiv, New York, (jiml.uiy, July SI, 1MU ly. Jil.iomarmrf. Urcaied to Wallaaa a Equitable I.tfc Insurance, Annuity nnd Trust Company OFFICE 71 WAI.M T 8TBF.KT, PH1IJTJF.I.PHVA. Cif ITAL SiiO.DIHI. t'lUSTEB PUFKTtTAL. ppIIF C niiny nre now prerett to transact buai'neafl 1 npim the most liliernt and aitviiiitufrermi terms. The? nrt-nittli'iri'-tl hy tliflr I'lmrtiT (at-t-t. 3) -'to irutka all ana) every instinmce iiprfrtntnttie; ti tile riaWa of whaterer kind or uulure, ami t'i ru-eive and eitet-ula Uuala, make enHew menla. nml to crnnl and purrlutae annuities. ,f Tha Coal pany sell anuiiiiiea and enduwincitta, anid sot ss Tntataaa) lor luni'-ra and heirs. Tahle uf Premium reqiurctl for tha Assurance of 910 fas the whole term of l.n'a. Age. Prem. I Aee. 1 Trcm. Af. Prsaa. 10 1 sn 31 ti lit) 40 IM 17 I S3 3-.' a IS 47 3 iV IS IM St -i -.Kl it 3 " lfl f I 511 31 it 37 40 3 77 1 ill! M i at 6U IH at l i;.l n.i a in &i 4t3 L'J t lit! 37 917 S-i 4 3 lot :is !tai S3 4 21 1 7-! 3! Si 0.1 64 4 71' lii 1 III 411 !i 70 II in --1 1H 4 1 i-l 4J I It !i7 1 M i-l l! tkj ST i 3 v! I pi 41 3 HI SS , t 64 11" 413 14 SO 79 UU -2 HI 4.'. 3 ja SO U3 Tin- pi'-miuiiia nre less linn any other e tnipnny. and tkaj l-.ilu-.i-n iill'-i'l jrrea'rr iiUviinlairea. Tililvs ai hall-yearly itu.1 iju irtt- ily prviuiuniK, iutli crrUt tutes oi prt-muun; ahort t.'iiiiii, j -mt livti., uml rililowinenta ; aler., l.tiiu i A.-tilii-nli- n (i--r wln.-h ihem nre bhmk aheeta) arc l-i t h.t on :tp;-lic:tl n n! Vlic t'ltve, or by letter to Um Ajviit, J. II. 1'1'KDY, Suaotiry. I'aiks fob t.s.i'BiM. SlOtroa a siugls Ufs A-te. Fori yeur. For7yejis. For I jfs. VU 81 fit 1.60 311 oa 1.30 ,04 4'l I.J.i l.rVI t,70 Stl l.'d (I7 3(r Stl 3,11 3a7 ,0J r.XAueiE A pera.-u aetl 30 yeara neit birthday, f put nig tlie t'oiii;iaii) veuta rHtid aecura tt hia faiaihj or hi-iia e-linl alioiu.1 lie tin- in one i.r : or for Su.aU be se' etirii to iIk-iii KIikmi; or for 13 uninialry tW aeven yaarv tit- a'-t-itit'S to liiciii 5 hhki filioultl he die iii seven vaara; of fr "'.'",10 pal. I UMiiuaMy tlutiujr 4tle he aei-ures 811100 to be pai.l wtnii la- tin'. The insurer aeeui iiitf In a own bmraa. h Iht tlirt-Ti-ui-e in mn utitot preiiiimna l'romth..aaeharaM l-y other oih'-ua. For Hl0 yi the heirsvrould rseeitrstSMM all ult! he the iu ia- year. l-'oitna ol'ut.; it'll air! all nartienlara maT he hast at the ...h.-e. J'KTKK CXia.F., Preauteut. Vi.-e PresMenf. Wm. M. IIiird. Fk4NCi W. Kawls, r-ecretiry and Treasurer. Cox!.-!. TING ' Dr. J. If. Maaarr. Hnn:.Ut'y. J. il. 1'unt?, tunljiiry, Agant for Nortliuuibsilaad ones. Iv. ' f!.ui!.ury, July 2S, 1P1!). FSRX3 PROOF CHESTS, FOR HOOKS, PAPERS, JEWELRY, &c. l.VAAS & WATSON, No. 00 North Third street, between Arch and. Rare, and 83 Dock street, OPPOMTK T11K PHll.ADF.I.PmA KXCHANCF. Puteut Soap-Slono I.lnod and Key hole iwver sala;uandehs, I -HIE AMI THIEF I'ROOK IHO If EStS, i.vj.!e Warruntetl to stand mora Hsat ? -"3 Hi nt am riirats in this Country, lif.-t Sifi-" ri Al Pateiu Aii-luuiolr letm A .' 1 .1 fhests, ItUsj uow iu aaa. Tkc rfil y,r'lrT. ""ijij ih" conlinue to make the ontuw I -rfefj-Cii-. I' &vi l '" p-vf.' vy k.w i-itieiii i.uiioiMiiiittii lot-KB. Wlta l.uam- Kt-va, whirh an be ckaiuretl .aevenil tiHUiaaml tiinea etumcea tf hie in iHi t every nine Ike lAiek la uaed II TUce UK-ka ure nnaif arniuet tha sanat expert Tincvta, lienis iuiil.hed with the FalriU Keytd (N-eer, ami inmle vt-ry etnme. Ihey eanu.4 lie Idown (Ha bv tinupowtlfr. Tntw Uieka ar inlaiiueit (of RANKS, M'OUI'S. SFKS, Ae. Kmlamf lettel copying presaea, firaprunfdtioraft Banks ami Stores. Palrnt Siliile Lined Rel'riarralor. warranted anperlor tA nil oiht-ia. Water Fiilcia, Mkiwii liutha oi tb bast quaU ity. Pera.ina wiahing lo fairtduiaa may of Uis bothtar- tirt.-a, wilt pleee eive them a eatl, aa tbey aeM chaapaf tauu any other in tlia t'nited Sittea HAVID F.VANW. J(iHAJNK8 WATSON. Pliihnletpbui, NovsntbM 1, Ie4u ly prNOIl AND xrGIMs MORTI8C LAT. W CilUS. An rsefllenl article, for- aakt l.all' ti e t piine hy J. W. F RILING. Snnlmry, July 1, li 13. f V