Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 23, 1850, Image 4

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- -r i-T---s t11 1 Till
TYP ' u I MiiiJtJvAl1 J. i
-V.VrECTKl I.I.Y inform llic citiren of
,- Vv Danville nnd the public at largts'thi't lie ha
located in Danville, nrii) is Mom prepared to prac
tice Medicine nnd Surgery in nil Hi varioti hran
tries. He will operate on ell tli various form
ef blindness, cro. eyes, cjnb- feet, harelip, cleft
palate. 'and attend to the utraction of tumors,
amputation of limbs, end nil other triifir1enl'tliJ
dasc. Ilia collection of instruments romprisr
II Instrument In tnmlem Surgery, of the latest
improvement and firrcst ftrtisli. v lie flatters him
elf that many yr-ara' practice and experience will
tie sufficient guarantee to those who may feci
disposed to emplipy him.
liis residence is nearly opposite the Montiromc
ry Jhiiiliiigt, and nevt door to Isaac lioscn
laum'a store, in North Danville.
Danville, Dee. 1, J(J19. ly.
"Encourage Your Own!"
'"THE suliscrihera respectfully call the attention
of tho puHlic to their lnruc and splendid assort
ment of every quality and price of
which ennnot fail to recommend itself tocvery one
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the
best stock to b had in the eity. No effort is
spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the
subscribers are determined to keep up with the
many improvements which are constantly being
made Their atock consists of Mahogany
?, Sofas, DlvniM and Lounges
Bureaus, Sccrr Cirfrs, sra cbonrts,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Thila-
dclplua mani'.lacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
in short, every article in this line of their business.
They also manufacture all kinds and qualities
ncluding varieties never la-fnrc to be lind in, such as Mahorast, Duck Walxi't
mn Ci BLrn Mai'lc CinKci.tx ; .un Wixnsnn
CHAIRS, .tn FAjrrr l'liso Stools, which are of
the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by
none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscriliert arc determined that there shall
le no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can be entertained
about the quality and finish of their ware and
Their articles w ill be disposed of on as Rood
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken inpayment for work.
13 UNDEKTAKINti attended to on reason
able terms.
,' The Ware Room Is in Market Street,
opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite
AYeavcr's Tavern.
cr.onrjE klnn.
, Punbury, April 29, 1810. tf
DR. J. N. KEELER Sc Rro. most respectfully
solicits attention to their fresh stock of Kiitf
li.ih, l'reiith, German and Arwiean Drugs, Med
icines, Chemicals, I'uinU, Oils, Dye Mulls, Glass
ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &.C. Having
opened a new store No. 234 Market St. with a
full supply of Fresh Dru?s and Medicines, wc re
Kpcotfuliy solicit Country dealers to examine our
etock before purchasing elsewhere, promising one
and all who may feel disposed to extend to us their
patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi
cines, cn as liberal terms as any other house in the
City, and to faithfully execute ull orders entrusted
to us promptly and with dispatch.
- One of the proprietors beina a regular phvsician.
affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of
ill articles Gold at their establishment.
, VV'e especially invito druirgkU and country
merchants, who may wish to become agents for
Pr. Kretet's Celebrated Family Medieinen, (stan
dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad
dress. '' '
Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect
fully remain, -
J. N. KEELER et BRO., Wholesab Druggists,
No. 2!M Market street, Philadelphia.
September 15, 1810 ly.
rvr Hide Oil nnd leather Store.
No. 1 1 1 North 3rl St. 8 doors below Race St.
THE sulmcribera offer to tlie tanner on the
most favorable terms their fresh importation
of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ay res, Laplata,
Caraccas, Laguira, Hung-Dry, Chili, Salted Per
amhucp.and all kind! of Spanish Hides, dry and
salted. Also, Green Slaughter, Dry Halted, and
Btadt Dry Taint Kips, ; 1 !
Also, Straight, and Bank oil and a general as
sortment of Currier's Tools.
They w ill sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter
Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on
better terms, than old Houses in the city,
Cash paid for Leather of all kinds.
Philadelphia, May 80, 1849 ly
4 Sew Assortment of Fresh CSoods.
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, cus
tomers and others, that he has just received a
handsome assortment of
at his store in Market Square in Sunbury, such as
Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens
ware, Hardware, &c.
Sunbury, Jung 23, 1849.
i -
I.ERY.of wile by
JOZ1T 2. CCL1A1T, .
Nos. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 8, North
THIRD Street,
Comprising S000 dozen Penknives, Scissor and
Also, a choice assortment of Rodger Sr Rone,
Wostenholin's Greave' W. Sr S. Butcher's and
Fenney's Cutlery,
Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives.
Also, Guns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives.
Also, The American Razor Strop, a superior ar
ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers.
Cinn Dealers in Cutlery, will find tha above
Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscriber'
chief business is importing: and selling cutlery.
Philadelphia, June 9, 149 ly
A N extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT-
I.ERY.of i
: razor sTiiors. v. .
riHIS Powder la warranted far superior to any
X thing in use far imparting a keen, smoothed ire
to R a tort, Surgical instruments, and all kinda of
fine Cctleri it may be applied to any kind' of
strop. Also superior Raaor, Knivea, and Perfu
mery, wholesale and retail, by
Depot of Fine Razors. Strons. Brushes, and
Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a
bove Chestnut Philadelphia.
Piiinnsi riiiA, Feb. 15th, 1848.
This may certify that I have used one of the
Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA
MOND POWDER, end can attest in the most
unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be
found that will produce the same effect in my opin
ion, and must aay to others, try it, and you will
nnd it superior to an' licjetofore in use. 1 can
truly aay that I never I.iicw what a sharp razor
was before.
JOHN SCOTT, Iron Sale Maker, 41 8. Third st.
Pnit.iiiri.riff A, October, 1848.
A very hard bear.) and tender face has compel
led me to seek and lest many contrivances design
ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with
Intlillerent success, until I maile use of the Magic
DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett,
and Roussel's Shaving Cream. Their united pow
er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor
to remote the most stubborn beard, wtthnut irri
tating the skin or temper of their owner. , .
J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street.
For sale at this office Price 25 eta. per Box
November 25, 1848 Cm. ' '
Concentrated Sarsaparllla,
For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipalaa, Piles,
Chrome. Rheumatism and nil disorders of tho
Blood, Mercurial Disease, cVc.
I T is recommended to Physicians and others, aa
the strongest preparation now in use, nnd en
tirely different from that put up in quart bottles,
possessing little or no active principle ol the oarsa
parilla, but intended to deceive tho public. For
sale by M. A. MrvA) , XVorthumberlantf.
HEYL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will
cure Sprain. Bruises, Cut, Galls, Swellings, and
nil complaints requiring on external remedy. Ij
is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, stiff
ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, Ac.
It has also been used with great success by per-
sous,afllictcd with Rheumatism, and other com
plaint. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel
phia, and lor sale by M. A. iUciay, oriuuiuier-
Philadelphia, May 28, 1849. ly
r-VAnoc-TT-wi rrr. T v SP i
. i j wc ,'-.r u --j
JOHN W. FRILING has just received at hi
store in Sunhury an extensive assortment
NEW GOODS, of every variety which he is now
ready to sell or exchange for produce ; anil consist'
ing in part of
Linen and Cotton drilling, and summer
wear of all kinds.
Camcoe?, Chintz, Gingham, Lawn, &c.
Muslins bleached and unbleached.
Oucensicare and Hardware of all
Dnucs Paints, and DvESTrrr?.
A nd a great vuriety of other articles all of which
will be sold at the lowest terms.
Sunbury, May 20, 1849-
luzi atltutlc Is the basest ciiiue of
J E are not among that class of Editors who
' lor a few dollars will, (at the expense oft ruth
er.l lionestv) "crack up" an article and bring it
into rapid sale ; neither are we willing to rcmuin
silent, after having tested the utility of an im
provement" or discovery in science or art. Our
readers w ill recollect we told them wc were un
well with a sore throat and violent cold some few
weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottles of
and so sudden was tho cure, that wc forgot wc
ever hud a cold. Those who aro ulUicted, may
try it upon our recommendation- Lttrinton Tete-
A fresh supply of tie above valuable medicine
just received, and for sale in Sunbury, by John
W. Friling, Mary A. McCay at Northuuibciluud,
and at w holesale by Frederick Klctt, & Co., cor
ner of 2d and Callowhill streets, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Sept. 22d, 1S43 8 mo.
THE Subscribers have on hand the largest as
sortment of Wall Pieras in the city of Phi
ladelphia, M'liolrfnlt an,l lirlail, coiiointing of
every variety suitable fun Parlors, Entries, Dining
Rooms, Chambers, &c, which for quality and
style cannot be sunisoscd. Doing a cah business
we are enabled tocll a belter article at a much
lower rate thun any store doing a
On hand, a lari;e assortment of Wite firtu
for Curtains, Fire Prints, Uotdcrs, &e., which will
lie sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done in the
country at city prices.
- N. B, Dealers are invited to call and examine
their stock before purchasing elsewhere.
No. 113 Arch IStrcct, South aid
Philadelphia, MjyS6, 1S19. ly
Saddle and Harness Makers.
THE undersigned respectfully
inform the public, that they
have commenced the above busi'
ncss in .Sunbury, and will con
stantlv keen on hand and manufacture to order, at
their stand in Market street nearly opposite Young'
store, all articles belonging to their hue o! business.
All articles manufactured by thein will le made in
the best and most durable style, and at prices as
reasonable as they can lie had at any other estab
lishment in the county. They therefore respectfully
solicit persons to call and examine for themselves
M'orc purchasing elsewhere. All kind ot pro-
uce taken in by the stores will be taken in ex
hangc at the market price.
HEN 11 Y Wklis.
Sunbury, June 23, 1819.
I'llG subscriber has just received a new upply
of the best liquors that ever came to JSuubury
consoling in part of
HnjK'rior old pale Uramly.
Fine Cogniae Brandy.
Superior Old Jamaica Spirit.
New England Rum.
Fine Holland (iiu.
Superior Old Whiskey
Common do.
Superior Mudciia Wine.
Lisbon do. do.
.Superior Port Wine.
Burgundy Port do.
Sweet Malaga Wine.
Superior Claret Wine in bottles.
Chuuipague do. do.
Sunbury, May 26 1849.
(Iatc Keller H. Grecnough.)
Washington, U. J.
DRAWINGS and papers for the Patent
Ollice, prepared and all the necessary bu
siness, iu relation to snciirini; patents, trans
acted, and promptly attended to, at their of
fice opposite the Patent OHice.
October 28, 1848.
court & sn.vrn wakk.1
No. 60 Chcsnitt-st, at the ixn of the Gold
Thimble, betireen id. If 3d. sis., South side
ANITA CTURES and keeps constantly
on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol
lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduced
prices : Gold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do
ringer shields, Silver 1 ablo, JJosert, Tea, Salt
and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, soup and Oyster
Ladles, do l ornlis, l'urse Clasps, Scissor Hook
and Chains, Knitting Shcntlis, Ste.
ALSO, Jcwellerv, Plated and Bnttanma ware,
German Silver Sonns, eVe.; (told Diamond poin
ted Pens at various prices ; Jackson's Superior
Everpointed Leads, Ac, &c.
Philadelphia, May 20, 1649.
H C I MfM&l URUUt? fill
In firenf-iitiiiff the public with ft rcmtnly fur the treat meut
am) cure of Fkvkr ayd Ahvk Hiidnthpr Im)i-U8 thsiniMti,
iu vkfry is ueettrd. Vust numlirra in the Oiled HMtm,
w1m iuticr from Uiew atlwctiiuw in their vitriol fimnK, ore
cmHllel lo iwk relief fmin other urceii than the imme
diate prerritionin'f the rf-g-ukir phvuiftan. It lcronii.-i
Uterrtore an mijeci i nunwittiy, Mwrimini puitite inter
est, to bring before them remnly prturm1 liom lum-h ex
perimeo, mul vhieh limy uiwnys be relied upon as jfr,
ii eh ia the true crmrm-trr of the IMHA i'lKH.AI.Uf.f K,
ia amply ntteated by the uuivernsU ui-oca wilii which it liua
been employed.
tV Kxtrurt i"rom a rvunrnuiiicnliini of the IIn. Wn.
i.i am Vu.taBntDGK, of the L". H. tmte, bite Goreruiv of
Dktboit, Oct. lit, lMO.
DoTTOa CllARt-lt 0JOD,
Dear Hir. I hnve read with much interest, your little
TXAEATiftS upou the kcuusea, trentiiH'nt and rure." of the
febrile difbdises wlueh )mve a exteniivdy prevuileil in our
country during the lust tew untiuhs- Jtn interest increased
no Ami a, by the fet tlmt I b;ve iinlividimlly sntfered t
ranch t'nnn thrui. Tiioutrh 1 letH myself very HKoni)Heut
to juitcc safely upon a suhjert w entirety protest it net I, yet
your the.wy aeems to me well ref'neu, und yur cntelu
aUnis just, and I think witlml, ttmt your pumplilet is calcu
luted to piotlwe much pnicttctd sjood.
Hpeuking of the medicine he anys : It fully just US ed yoir
flat term expectations, aial as a sufe, nuivenieiit, ami pHiu
btr remedy, my own experience, so fur, induces ne to W
lieve lliat'ii will pmve n (creat public beneiit. I am pleuaed
to leuui hat you have recently established se.verai ajreneica
for itsdispHMliOit tlmutrh I regret that, with a view to a
more general disseminniion of it. Vhi stwuiM have ftiund it
liertsmry to remove fnnu yimr present residence aiaons; ua.
'ilu much respect I huvo the h'nr Ui le, sir,
Vour tihliired servant,
CV Fiom Htm. Ptbpmkji V. H. Tbowbbidok, of Michi
gan EHate tSvnnte. to the Afrent at OH mi l.
JllKMlxr.HAM. ()HMi Co., Dec. 13, IMI.
Sir you u-inIi me to iuturiu you what A know of Dr.
Ortx.d's India Chiiffiie, or aiiti-biluHis medicine. 1 do
t wheve tlmt if the virtue and ertiency f this meilieuie were
reueiully known, the FWKJt AiitE wuuid dianpiMstr in
1 piocured a bottle ut the aprhtfr of IMt, and Imv vnod
reusiiii to believe liiat ui sdl iumI faintly escaped Uva agus
lust seusii iu consequence of its use.
erhnus iu no suintuer since the settlement of thin fine
peiuusua. hits tits fever and aue bevu so prewilent as tha
List. 1 have recjuin tended this imitK'iite iu tin morons in
stances, and when the disetie had become fixed and luitHod
the skill of physicians ami i have never knmvit it fail. I
has uiuversully pnwlnecd the moat happy etfeets, and 1 lict
lieve it has never Isceii exretxlul by any lucdiciue iu remo
ving the bilious uisi'Jises ot the cuuiale.
Sours, reapeen hhv,
Au'lil Til S.iuliur II. II .IASl'.lt; N.irlliuiiilHillnikl,
WITllli;T)M ft To.; Miltoii, J. H. KASKII: HIihj-
trivt, MAY KLOSK.
Mu', 1MB U
THIS Extract li put up in quart bottle. Tt tt six timet
ehenner, plensnntrr, nnd warranted superior to any
sold. It cures diwnsea without vrnnitinsr. purging, sick
ness, or dubiktating tha patient, and is particularly adapted,
The grtwt beniity and superiority of this Wnnmpafilla avaT
other remctlica is, whilst it eradicates disease,
it iuvigonitcs the body, . - , ' .
CooMimpti mi cured.
Cleanse nnd ttrcnirthert.
Consumption can bo cured.
Bronchilin, CnnsmnpliiHi. Liver Complaint, Colds, Coughs,
Cutiirrh, Asthma, Spltliitg of HlondT Hureness In L lie
Cheat, Hectic Flush, Niirht Hwtnts, Dilll
cult and Prof urn Kxpect'iratioii,
and Pa iu in the Vide.
Ac, Ac,
hnve nnd enn be cured.
Protwbly there never was a remedy that has been so iiic
cesstul in desperate cases of consumption as this : it clean
sea nnd strengthens the system, ami appears to heal th- ul
cers on the liuifrs, and patient gradually regain their usual
health ami strength.
There is scarcely a day passes but there are a number f
cases of consumption reported as cured by the use of Dr
Townseu'a fcfcirsapaiillu. The following was recently re-
oei ved :
Dr. TowxK?in Dear Sir: For the last three years I
have been afflicted with general debility, ami nervous con
si i unit it m of tlte last statue, ami dnl not ex wet to ever gain
my lien ltd nt all. After goint: through a coutseof medicine
umlcr the cure of some of the most tlistinptiinbitl rcffiilar
physicians ami memliera of the Hoard of Hejtlth in New
York ami elsewhere, and spendimr the most of my earnings
in attempting to retrain my health, and niter rending in
eome,per of ymi NirsapariHa I rea-ilved to trj it. After
using six I Kittles I found it done me grrnt gtunl, and called
to see you nt your office j with your mlvice I kept on, and
do most heartily thank yu;i for your advice. 1 persevere iu
taking the arsannrilta, and have been able lo attend ro my
usual labors for the last foor months, and I hope by the
blessinirsof tid nnd v'iir Harsapfirilln to coiitinti my
health. It helped me beyond the expectations of rdl who
knew my case. C1IAKLKS til" 1MB Y
Oraiure, Ksaex co. N. J., AiiSf. I47.
Staletif New Jnrsev. I'uies eiuntv. as. Chnrles Outm
bv bein dulv sworn accunliiiir to law. on his oath snith.
thit the fore(riitng statement is true ncrording to the best of
niiKuowioueamineaui. LilAKLhS m imiii.
Sworn and sultscribcd ta before me nt Oruuce. the 9d
Justice of the Peace.
Rend the following, and say that consumption ia iu incu
rabie if you can :
New York. April
Dr. TowxsKDf t verity lielieve that your Sarsnparilla
lias Itcen the means, through Providence, ot snvine my life
I have for several years had a I mil coiitfh. It btcaiiie wirse
and worse. At Inst I raised kirgc quantities of luood, had
melit sweats and was arrentlv debilitated and reduccil, and
did not expect to live. I have only used your Sarsnparilla
mil a snort time, ana there hns a wonoeriui cnaiure neen
wnantht iu me. I am now able to walk all over the city.
I raisu no bUnxl, and my cough has left nic. You can well
imagine that 1 am thankful for thene results. Your obedi
cut sexvant. V.I. UUSSKLI, 05 Co i liar me st.
The annexed cert iheate tells a simple and truthful story
of sntferinff and relief. There are thousands of similar ca
ses iu this city ami Hrooklyn. nnd yet there are thousands
ol parents let tlieir children die tor tear ot being liumbuggea
or to save a lew shillings.
Brooklvti. Sent. 13. 1S47
Dr. ToWNSKin: I take n (ensure iu statins, for the bene
fit of those whom it may concern, that my daughter, two
years nnd six months old, was ufllicted with generui de
bility and loss of speech. She was ajven up ns past je
covery by our family physician ; luit fortunately I was re
connnended by a friVjid to try your Samtparilta. Uefcire
hnviiiir used one bottle site recovered her speeeh and was
enabled to walk alone, to the astonishment of all who were
acmiaintcd with the circumstances, feme ianowqiiita well,
aial in much I tetter hen I ih than she has been for t4 mouths
past. JOSEPH TAYLOK, V2b York at, Brooklyn,
Very few families hidccd--in fact we have not heard of
one that used Dr. Townseml'i SaraaiarilMi in time, tost
any children the past Summer, while those that did not,
sickened and died. The cerciticnte we publish -below is
conclusive eviitcnce of its value, and is only on- ther instance
ot itsaaviiia the Uvea ol ehitOren :
Dr. TowxKn Dear Sir : 1 had two children cured by
vour SNirsiinnrilla or the suumier coititti unt nml uysculary
one wns only 15 month old anil t)u other .'I years. They
were very much reduced, and we expected they would die ;
they were given up by two respectable phynicians. Vhen
the doctor informed ue lhat we must Uise them, we resol
ved to trv vour S.irsunarilla we Intd heard so much of, but
hud little confidence, there beina; so much stuff advertised
that is worthless: but we are thankful that we did, for it
undonlitrdlv saved the lives of both. I write this Hint oth
ers may be induced to use it- Yours, rcupertfullv.
Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, Sept. 15, 1847.
Dr.Towxskso's Sarsapahilla is a sovereign m! speedy
cure for incipient c 'Iimuuimiou, and lor the general pDStnv
tion of the system no mutter whether the remit of inhe
rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac
cn ent.
Nodui ir can he m re surprisiuir Uian its iuvicorutiiur ef
fectsou the human frame. Persons all weikueM and las
situde, from taking it ut once liecnme robust ami full of
energy under ils mtluence. It iiumcdmiely counteracts the
uerveiessness of the female frame, which is the great cuusa
It will not l-e exacted ns. ui cases of sr delicate a na
ture, to exhibit ccrtilieatcs of cures performed, hut we can
usstirc the atllictcd that hundreds of cases have been repor
tett U us.
D. TowEn: My wife lieing qrenlly distressed 1y
weukness ainl gene nil dclnhty. ami sntferuis: oaitiuuslly by
jiaiii and with other dithVuli ies, and having known eases
where your medicine h'(S effecliHl great cures; and also
hearbis: it riTmiimrnded for such cases as I Imve descrilicil,
I ootanieil a bttite tt your Extract of Sarsnparilta and fol
io wed the directions 'you gave me. Iu a short period if
reimn'etl her conit:iiuls and retorcl her to health. Being
grcutl'ul for tlie !eiietits she received, 1 tnke pleasure in
Uiusacknowlcdging it, and recomiueiidimr it to the public.
M. D. MOOUt,
Allxuiy, Aug. 17, '41. cor. Gruud & Lydm its.
No fluid or mediciiu has ever been discovered which so
nearly resembles the jriistnc juice or saliva in dcxxHnposiog
fornl ttmt strctuMhciuug tlie iirpuis of direction this pre
paniti'Ni of Surirapaiilla. It positively cures every case of
dyspepsia, however severe or chronic.
Hank DetHtrtmeut, Allsmy. Muy 10, 1H45.
Dr. Townseml Sir: 1 have ticeii aiilicted fr several
years with dyspepsia iu Its worst form, attended with sour
ness of stomach, loss of apetile, extreme heurtlmni, and a
great aversion to ull kimls of food, nml for weeks, (what I
could cat) 1 have been uiwiblc to retain but a small portion
on nrv stomach. 1 tried the usual remeihes, but they ltttd
but little or no effect iu removing the complaint. I wns in
duced, about two mouths since, to try yo ir Extract of Sur
suptirilln. ami I miiKt say with little caifideuee ; Uit alter
iisiuff nearly two I it ties, 1 found my appetite restored ami
tha heartburn entirely removed; audi would earnestly re
coininetHl the use f It to those who have been afflicted as 1
huelieeii. Yours. Ac., W. W. VAN ZANDT.
Agent for Sunbury JOHN V. KHIUNii; Nor-tluuntw-rland,
M Alt Y A. McCAY; Danville, AVM. A.
ApitDN, ly :
, n THE KIDNEYS. .)., i. . .
And all distaste arising from a ditordtrtd
juwer or atomacn in ooin jntui una t
U .tl . ;,Femal9 ;!. .:
Snch as Constitution, laward Pile. Pallnss ot IM
tli. Hrad, Aridity of th Btomnrh, Nsvses, Hsnrt-lmnt,
iiipyitm nir rnmi, I- niinm of weii-nt in tn jtstsfn, wmr
Kruplntioiis, Hitikin nr Flnttwtn at th pit M th. Stm ea
)M imniiti if the Head, Hurried Slid Difficult Uresthmf ,
i- iiitirniig nt ins llenrt, uhokinf or numcstinf Mnmiuns
whn itt a Ivin postiirn I)imnpf-a nf Vision, Dots or w.lis
loftir tha fiirlit, Fever and rinll nain in th Hesd.Deteteii.
cyof Prriqiiratton, Yelhtwnesa or Ih Shin and hves, Psi
in the Sulf, Hark, Chest, Limbs, ke., Sudden (lushes t, nnrnitis; in tlie) FleHh, Constant Imnf inings of stU
and great depression of Spirits Can b effoctnallv earl hf
Celebrated German Bitten.
Tlieir power over tha above diseases la not excelled- if
eons I led by auv other or ens ration in the United PMsise
as the cures attest, in many cases after skillful physieiana
nan laumi.
Derangement of tha Liver and fltomach ara sources af
fnsnuity, and will also produce disease of tha Heart, fftkin,
lunsn and Kidnevs. and tavs the bodr ooen to an attack of
the Cholera, Bilious, or Yellow Fever, and ia generally tha
nrst cause ol that moat tMneful disease, Ikm sumption.
Opinions of the Philadelphia Prest. .
s4 - !'
it , .par
t P"
f ' Pr
I . 1
J Pt
tt' P"
. i P"
I. - Pf
W"!' P
.t snv.
AN INVAI.I'AHI.K, MKl)ICIfcW.h.T.rrineHtl
hrnnl the Cehibnited Uerman Bilter,. mmaraetared br Dr
HouflhiKl. spoken of in terms of cummenchition, and w
know deservedly so. It is too conn mm fractice, in cer
tain quarter., to tniffall mannei of useless traata. feat M Ih
ahove Hilti'ra, hundred, Sr. Jiving witneases a tlieir iraa
inonn nun pny.icni wort, as a medicine 01 in L4ver
Coinplniut, Jiiundicr, Nervous Ddahty and D-speaia, it
has been ftmtid invalnalile, erTbcting curea ajid tboroaghly
erniliratinir dmeaat-a, wheu all ther madiainea ha v. failed.
ye len eouvliKeil.trait i Ui uMOt h umrni Hitters,
the patient deaiia becisna doliihtated, but eonetantlv gaias
Btrnmtli and vipor to tha Ira me a fact worthr of grit
coiiRiitrrHtion. Tlie Bitters sra pleaasnt in taata and smell,
ami ran be edminietered nnder any eircunanaiKM, lo the
nu4t Uelimte stomac-h. Indeed, they can be need by all par
sine with th most perfert aarcty. It woald be well for
those who are much aifccted in the nervous system, to
commence with one tra apnonf ul or less, and gradually in
crease. We apeak from ennerieoce, ami ar of emirae, a
proper jnitee. The press lur and witle. have united in ra-
coininenilitifr the German Hitlers, and to th. afflicted w
ntuH coniiaiiy afiviae ineir use.
June 91th anva:
"DO OUR GOOD CIT1ZKNS who ara invalids, knew
the mnny ssVmishing cures that have been performed by
ur. iiooiiiaurt's Uclcurntcd (ierrrutn Bitters J If they do
not, we recommend them to the "Uerman Medicine te.,,
ad who are afflicted with Liver Complaint, Jaundiea, Dys
pepsia, nr Nervous Delality ; the Doctor haecured many sf
our citizens after the lest physicians had failed. We have
usen inem. aim they nave proven n be a meuiciiie that every
one stiould know of, and we oanwH refrain giving our tea
tinitiny in their favor, and that which givss them greatar
claim upon our humble effort, they are entirely Vegetable.
Jutv 4th anva
"We speak knowingly of Dr. Hooflnnd's Celebrated Oar-
man uitccra, wtien we any it la a Messina ot thta age; aa
in diseases of the biliary, dilutive and Nervous Systems, It
has not we think an equal. It ia a Vegetable Preparation,
and made without Aleohoh and teall invalids wa wooW r
commend it as worthv thetr confidence.
For anle, wholeana and retail, at th principal Depot,
rnmtiifipnia. '
For sale hy Mr A. McCAY Nortrnmbsrland and Bun'
hnry and respectable dealers generally throughout . In
April S, li49ly
TI3I; ;it A l ltJltATlYE.
Th Ihlbrarint Mat ahow. .
I vnfli Bank Nutaa, IV
llane sss h alawd npon h. . . . ' p.".
airefully omtMrad Hh and ci -J f?" Bi,k,
aU' RsaviriM. r. it , - - ij 1 ' ' ' ' .
rTisj. ( , iHtciTiy . Pajittn
ak iar..L a..
vHi.n in t. irriii nimiii.
Bnk of th Nortbarn IJbnrtt.
Commercial Bank of Perm'.
Pirmer' and MwhanlcV Bank
Kansinfton Bank
Philadelphia Bank
8chalkill Bnk
Sonthwark Bank
Western Bank
Mechanic Dank
Manufacturer' & Meehsnies'
Bank of Pann Township
Giranl Bank
Bank of Commerro, lata Moj
Bank of Pennsylvania' f .
Country Bf
Bank of Charter County JV-"
Rank of Delaware County iCI'
Bank of Cennantown jj,intown
Bank of Montgomery Co. Niowri
Doyleatoon Bnk EMW"
Rlon Bank I ti
Parmer Bank of Bnek en Bil
Bank of Nnrthomherland i gdOTnrwrland par
ColumMa Bank cV Tlrlilgs eoCD' pr
rsrmers' Bank of Incterf IP par
Lancaster County Bank i As1 pr
l.ancaaler Bank f IMr pat
B.nk of Rewling Fling pll
nmceofBsnkof Pet,n'. Haif- Thes
OfTir do do i: lr I office
Offico do do rVn on not
Office do do if" J tuen.
nk ofth United 8Ute? Mlhia U
Miner' Bank of Polt.ville fVi'l par
Bank of Uwistown i ! failed
Bank of Middletown i llstotown 1
Carlisle Bank !( 1
Exchange Bank f ! f"t I
Do do Waned of , sbBrg
Harrishurg Bnk f ? Josliurf 1
Ubsnon Bnk I i par
Merchants' dc Mantif Bart e'"l I
Bank of Pittsburg " 1
West Branch U .nk f i "atnport i
Wyoming Bank f S'sharr par
Northampton Bank f . "'own as s.le
Berk County Hank t it &n htM
Office of Bank of IJ. 8 1 1 ",'rs failed
Do do do j j. I 'lo
Do do do l Brighton do
Bank of f'hambarshofg f '
Baak ol Ueityahurgs t" rityshorg
Bnnk of Hu.quelianns tj.'" lntroe
Erie Bank i I""
Farmers' tc Droosr.' ItaraV 'rnshurg
Franklin Bank f aahington
H,inel iU n.i.k i lonesdar
ITeadache. Oitkliness,
Kheumntisin. I'ilrs,
l)yeftiii, Hcurvey,
Small IVx, Jiiuudice,
ruins in the I luck,
Inward Wcakuera.
IVIpitaiiou ot the Heart,
Hiiiiig in the Throat,
Drupsy, Asthma.
Fevers of all kinds.
Female Complaints,
cure or
Measlrs 9alt Rheum,
Heart Burn, Wariai,
Cholera Morbus,
Cuugha, Cfuinsey.
WlMtstpiiir Couh,
Consumption, Fits,
XAver Complatiii,
KriBipcais, Deafness,
Itching! of the Skin,
Odds, Gout, Gravel,
Nervuus Complaints,
Irowm riltt
Eosn oiWTirNT, roa tetter
READ the following ccitifl-ote frt-m Copt. Ilevoe, ths
well ku.iwu ujU ij.uU iSluun Boat Captain (of Die
J4tii ruiLiBExrau, October SI, WW.
. Beverul years since I war attacked with breaking out
ivi my u.rk in the form 'IVIier, wliuh 1 am eoii.luccd
' - . ...iw.t.-.,t i.t ili ILirtM'.Shon. It anualualtv extend-
.,. iu. uiiul il ruu htj tha unuer twirl of the
thei K.. Ik llie vcr nkauiia mat it continued
'innliiif, I uarti .... , ,,,,.414.,!, iuua, aoina uf which liad
'" ' '. !'Pr,ll ." .'1 mcreasiiiK Ih tlisaase. hut
' "! l'K"' 1 P'1'-- u,- oai Uuefil until 1
.,! IcBwOihtmi nt. Hy tile of one jar ot' it,
I v. i ncctly cared ud have remained ti e
I h ive Mm nert th Ointtaent. lihlly spoiled forroun
11 . .? of tlie fu'e. M-SA'tiea. ch-jpiu hiiiwU, kc. With per
1 . t S'Il-c.-. I liavc t'Ht iu rccuimueudiitg kin
M'-'b' b-uau to Ui HiUic. JAMEg pKV0E
Ag'tit IIciky Mi-itrs, Siwlury.
July-, IctO.
Win. . t'ocl.raii & Co.,
Wbulrkalv anil Retail,
" ' No. 74 ll'd nut Street, I'hitaddphia.
ft y AVE alwav on ban l a ery lar tok of
S. .g g Winn, Liquor anJ ttjar, of their own
"-w. sjlSnortatinn. Slot Keeper, HJteJ Keeper, and
X'Hi.i gentlemen, iU L uj'fU4 H
, v Spiral two.
'.-..'"".iJelrkw, Jivt. L til.
LA 111) LAMPS.
C Oil NKLIl'l k CO.
No. 170 t'krsnut at ,
ESPUCTFL'LLY announce that theyhave
just finished the most extensive assortment
Uicy have ever oflvrcd for sale, comprising
- . .In iirat vnrintv. sml of ;
1 : - .
t ntiit:tvit iiif:w
,'I11V1.,AU S.t'.w-.
Much attruiiuu Uasliccn paid to ECONOMY,
in th construction of theae Lamp, and such are
made as will produce tlte greatest amount of light
from tlie least consumption of Lard.
.Recent improvement in the manufactory, with
tt, Introduction ol new anj nerlected inaciiiiiery,
enahU- thran to sell at a very GREAT KEDL'C
TIll.V from ibfiner price, and all articlea before
Icaviuv the manufactory, are carefully inspected,
aud ara warranted perfectly tight, and to jive satis
Philadelphia, June S, 1849. ly .
Utw Coqiiiac Brandy,
do Juninw Spirits,
.1. 11..11 I
uu iiuiianu uiii,
A fresh supply just received and for sal by
Punbury, March 9, '60. HENRY M
TONE Ware. Earthen Ware, RaUiua, Al-
munds, Prune and C'resni Nut.
Plane of all kind.
Sail and Plaster. Jiwt received and for sal
Sunbury, Dee. S9, J819.
a ISSUE PAPEhV-Yellow Tissue paper for
1 covering g!ae, if., for sal at ttut elllo
the Atnriui,
Ayer's (Mierry Pectoral,
isa cough, h nose urns
THMvuluuMe prt'tKiriition, s ustouishiuly sueeessful
in cui iuir disttM-s il the l.unirs, is the result of a ikill
fill csHiil'iii.tti mi tA tho known eumlive prineijiles of
met I it i ue. Its utgrudictitii are fret-ly umde known tt the
puhlie, and are llitme uekunwledtrttl tu uieiheul ineu ai
IHWiiitttsiiitf rare iulunl viiiiien. winch jieeuliar virtues are
etHiilmMHl in ilie -t llKKIt V I'Kt'Ti H AL" in their Rreid
est purity ami edvey, ail wIk-ii used, as wdl be smm frtuu
Uie liMLiWing 'iuuiinm irmuu 'iiy :
of Biwtl"iu 1'iilh e, Hi uinvvK-k, Maine, wrilen: 'I hnre
wiluessed the etfeets if ytmr Cherry Peeii.rul in iny own
family and m lout ui my fiieinle, and it h:is (riven grrul
aatisiMctwu in eaes t till H aiuiis ami einiMren "
a vt'it't: i- H(.i massai'hi 8i;rrs.
From Dr. IJryaiit. liruifuist and Ksi muster. Chiennee
Falls, Mwi-
J. U. Avra Dear Sir: Kmlsed pltmse find remit
tauee fur all Ihe fhrrry leetml 1-ibi nil nie. I ran uu
hesitatuielv iv. that n inctlicine we sell eives such sriiis-
fueliiHi us vouf's diei it r have I ever seen a me!iriue
whieh eureil si truuiv eases l eouih and luiur rmunluinle
Our Physieians are usiup it extensively hi the practice, and
With the luipruest cnecis.
1 ruly yours, u. m. on i a. t .
PH. I'F.ltKINa
President of Venn nt Metlicid t'olleire nue of tha m st
learned and intelliiii physit-mns in ihe e.untry, 4'enni.lers
it a eauMaiiUt Hi rare ei'elh nee for the cure of tlmt f -
inidaule thiwuM'. iLinmuitiui."
Auatniosl iiHTiNhhle uuiniMT of eertituvitea have been
faeeived: pfuviiut that the I'ln-rrv PtHrol ia, iu truth, a
fur CtNiha, C'tHs, Anthina nnd ull puhnonxry eotupbints.
run r ia r m ri. i i ira.
Prenarrd hv J. C. AS KH. Ivf'WfM, Mum., and ld bv
H. MAsV&H.feuj.uury, uiidMAUY McCAY, NurUiuui.
Muck 31, IMS
Notice to Ilellnqucntsu
ALL personu indebtod tu tha uhcrilcr, longer
than ait months, on note or book account, are
requested to rail and muke cUlenient, or else their
account will be lull with a magistrate for collec
ts,,. YV, ruiuiu .
Wunlmry, July 7, 169, - , .
STONK utilk Pan, atone Juf and Pitchers,
and other article of atone ware just received
aud for sale hy JUliN. W. fKILLXO.
SunUisy, Jon 9, 1840.
Tk Pupil's friemt and Teacher's comfort.
' work ia already introduced into . some of tli
best Acadauiie aud a lare nuuila-r of exhoois,
where it use has given decided aud uuiverauj
tisliiction, Inith to tt-uehrr and )iiul. It is purely
American in it character, based upon our own
iH-atitiful derimaj tystem of tummy. It contains
more, the arrangements are better, and it is the
easiest and rhcairst work of the kind now in use;
aud it is so considered by buudieda of the most
competent teachers and men of science iu the Uni
on, who have recommended it, It is the book,
particularly and expressly prepared for our Ame
rican Srliolars : By Atmou Ticlnor.
'1 ua Yovth's Cou'waiA CiU tnTos Tliia
volume contains 91 pages, with about 1)00 exam
pies for solution on the shite. It embraces the
Fundamental littles, CoimxHind Kules, Simple
and Compound Reduction, bingle liulo of Three,
Proportion, Vc.
Tu kmik's AaiTUMtTiciL Tsai.Es, is destined
for the use of younger classes iu tha Schools of the
United (State. A beautiful little book and pica. :
ing to children, and the only oneoflhe kind of any
value. .
There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound 'sin
gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in
which the aoiultPU of the u,ucauoitart Ktren with
much extra mutter for tlie black board. , Tbw?
Key are the most complete work of the kind cjer
published, and contain, ill addition, aVmt two
( uudred examples ill . Mrusurutitui, Ae-. fr the
ue of the Teacher.' All that i wanted is to have
the above books examined, and no len'-her who is
acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will
hesitate to pronounce them the best works that
have ever been published in tins ur any otiier
country. ' '
AllliotiK'h issued but a few months, they bav
already been introduced iutn the Tviijlit Public
Schools of New York Citv in all the School
nublic and tirivate, except two, in tlie City of
Keadins?. Also, in anout twenty Acauaiuiesin tne
State of Peunsvlvaiiia iu large portion of the
School in the City of Wilmington, in the City of
Lancaster, and lit the Uurouglia of Uarrwuurg,
York, ChauiberaburK, Lebanon, X)oy leatown. Potts
wille. Orwnrsliunr. 6tc Ao. ' . : j
For sale by Jlssar Mutti, Sunbury j Agent
for NorUiuuileriiuul Uouuty,
Bunbur)', Vets. 8, 1848. i
TliMlNlj!. A clteap and excellent arli
cle lor fasuuiugsaah for sale by "- .. . .
r 1. W. PKILINU.
Sunbury, July T, 1849,. . , , , "
Experience has prnverl that nearly every Dianasaorlpinstes
ir.mi irnpiiriiica 01 me nvvm nrrauccmcma hi me utjs
ttves tlit'Tiim ; ami t' secure If Mill h, we must remav tlioa
t.!is:nirti -nsir rcarore the til.iml to itsnatilral stale.
The avcrai.tii to takiiiir nidicitie ia nvas erToctuaUr re
c rnipMcly cncrl imI with a cmting "f pure while dugur,
(which is n Histinci fr. 'in the iiitcnvil ingredients as aailt
slieM pim the krnl) anfl haven ' laste nf medicltie.
Itnt are as easilv snll iwpd as hits ofcamlv. M 'Trtvcr
tliey neither nnuscnte or gripe in the slightrst ttrgice, ty
per;itn dpetlly nit all the disniaeil parts nf the sysimii, is
Stcailnf emailing themsHve, I... snd maing Sty (nrticuir
reai'Si Thus. If IhellJver he nITertwt fits HfirrH'-nt w.n
ojierate on thnt particnlrir rjrm. aial. by elcaiitrc ir 'f an
n nwn n 11. nuiiir., nnie. n i, (r will
narnte tmthe Hnard and remorenll iinpiiritina In its circii
httitn ; whiles third will erfretitallr esiiel wnaterer irrtpa
irties may hnve tien dischargeH tarn re, atiim-tch, and hence
they strike at the nml or disease remove all Impure llu
m im ffin the txily, open the pores externally and iirter
nnlly; separate all fureiirn and olHtoxhms narliclea from th
chyle, an that the hhinrl may he thoroughly pure thus seru
rinsa free and healthy action to Ilia Henri, langsaild Liver
aiul therehv they reator aealta vea when all other eaaana
liave fiiilcd.
The entire truth of the above ean b sarertained by ths
triii! nf a single Ims : nnd thnir virtues ara so iwawtiv and
eerbiiu hi restoring llenllh, that the proprteuir btuda hitnaalf
t. return llie mnny )aud for thejn in all eaae w tiers lawy
do ntt give universal sutiaf action.
Retail I'rlre, 25 rts, per Box.
PriiKipsI nlTiee No. M Verary St., N. Yerk,
dou uy jun.r l . rot nu, Bunsairy.
M. A. McCA V, Nanhaaabwlaaal.
0 Remember Dr. C. V. Clielnier is the inventor as th
rng'ir Ctaited Pills, and that aolhlng ar tha sort was evr
heard nf until he introduced ihein in JuUe, ta43. Purehaaar s
sh'Sikl, therel'or always ask for Clieknar's Sugar Coated
I'illa, aiai lake no others, or they will e aiad the victims af
a fruiul.
February, 17, 1649 ly "
Buriig, Scalds, and all kituts of inflamed Strts
cmoidcte Burn Aiilul a ever kitowu. It iiistaully,
(ami as ii' by Magic) so, pa pains of the must dcaperat
Buriiuial "Viild. Vor old tiore. Hiuiaea, Cuts, bprauia, A
ii ukui or buuat, tt is the lieat appluwtMNl tlau can las BaetM
'Ir iistukls iiuvetricdaiultiaHianialanraiaa it. it is the ami
ierl'ecl iiauUar T pniu carer Uwxwered. All who uaa ra
iMiniuciiil it. Kvery family ah'sikl he proeidaal with it.
ftime oaii te4 how so-mi simu (a uie lauiily may ueaa il.
lT OlSKTve aucli tas) of tli genuine has th
iiauiais ti. '1', wntteu on IIm vaunt MMj T aaite
i tliia is l'raery.
H"nlnien. l.iver' Men, Farmers, and all who oe Hwses,
will find tins Ointment the very best Ihuar they ean uaa
f'r Cnllur tinlls. Hi'nitchea, Kicka, Ac, Ac, oil tiietr auiuiala
Purely every incrcvl'ul man would keep biajuiimala a. tra
from pain as pusailile. Tousey s I'nivaraat Ouitmeut is sll
that is rniiird. Trv il.
IH'TtM UK 1XSKCTS. Forth sting or bit of pnisan
ns luaiicls,T'iisey'sOiulinent ia uiuivalled Hundreds Uav
trim it mul f'luml il gal.
p , s c I' K KB ' ' th Pilea, Tousey's Universal Oint
ment ia ime S the beat Krnwdle thai caa b a pot Mat. All
...i... I..I-. ..imI ,t fur the Filea ransnmeiul U.
OI,L) rtOHKr C't rtKU. Fia- old obaliuat Sore, thar
im .,tliii,ff Miiinl to Tnuaev's tllntment. A neratHi in Mainl
us hud, for number of yaara, a r. leg that battled Ihe
skill is llie d.rt'Ta, Tousey'a Ointment was recominaaded
hy tale is tlieviaiuiig pn aw-wina, iwh.. , svm "
tuea,) and tw ir produced more bauent than tnapa
ticnl hud received from Buy ami all previous remedies. Lei
all trv it
Hl'HNS AND SCALDS CURED. Thausauds of eaaea
of Hurna and licukla, in all ru th e-untry, have haea
cured by T.aiaey'a L'uiversal Oiidraenl. Caniaosteuough
.u,Ll Im. huil i.i till the whole of Una sliaet.
VI01J-..N T liltl HM-J 1 l. n r.lf. I eaunaaoaia .m .i-
nvsiial in fuv Touaey'a Oinlineirt f euriiaj Bruiaei
ln, ori'i-red the u-.inrwaiaui. Huudreda iu 8ymsa
Wlllcemly WIU grrat menu relieving inapaw wm aaian
severe Hrniae. All pera 'ns should try it.
PH' ALL) HKAD CTKr.U. ot eases Oi Beam naaa
hnve been cured by Tousey's Ointment. Try it u setd'
fada . ...
m ii.t Rio m f .1 ' k r.ij. ia an ina rameniaa snr mi
eovaran f'Wllia moat diaagreuable ciarmlaiiit, Taanary s I'lil-
varaal Ointment is the Ufa oomiueie. nssnrwu suuwu
... cii , .. .- - -
rrra il iuimil will aKvaa care the avwat eaaa of Chnf-
uvl llMita. H.. ,rea S ni'tarnB will atutathla.
1 i.i-;. r ll . I.'.... - .JA.m. lualkw.
'aa never lull lliins maile lltol to Tousey's Ointment. Il
.. ...... ... .nn. iIm.ui Civil
Ii w i'i,ii . niii.t. wrriiiiteil nolo etifam aa.
irer.iuiti 1 1 Mercury. IV I'rire gj cauls par . rr
furllwr iini'-iii us c :ie. -riling tins ically valualrf Onemeut
i.. ...ii.'i r.-'rril t. . lnm.hlelr. to be Had erttla, of
s ictiiUc Drugeiats and Mn lun'.a Iticeueh'iut th United
Pfeonred hy . Tt F.V,, PJ. Ita nai
Ar.sTS JOHN YOU.-VU, MunMiry, M. A Jin.i
February 17, ItH ly
vbiiionrshels M-aik of B.
York H.nk
N. 3. 1 he note it " on which w
mil ouolaiions. and uoats lah ( ) ar oot
luirchaced by the Pfcilil broker, with th
treption t( those wktcllie letter of reference.
fhilndelphi 8sv. In. j PllilsJelhi
I'hilsdrlphi Loin Oow, 110
Schuvlkill 8.ln.j lo
Kenaingtmi 8v. Ir.a, A d
Penn Township 8-rs) (M d
Manual Labor llsntf fT' UyMi, pn.p.
rowauda llank
Alleghany Bunk of Beaver
H mk . So v-i',,
Wnk i- 'V.. :.
C-nrre Mar-It
tVrv t-r.V
F r,' v
A Mi
'.itt er-t e
tit'. ,
k ,r
ier. i: of il
. n,4i) ! I .. itrtif
' ii.'ia .
H r,Fri-thijr'
-riiisic:v. -
- and
oenbixai -DSBILZTY.
T.... ""dsor, Vermont.
rr'T'r hMwiiw,. i.
C.Wivene.,, A"d,clV u,!h' Hearnnirr
P'les, Nigh rSwearV rS. Hmi lof '
Ma or from the effecr Fe'T-1 ',rhlli'-' ""
Aga. Female, Mri-I'Psrt'eularly F,
"ing from yrm '" dera
einainuse. VTrT' "T-saed by ai
merils No aniftcial mL2 2 ? 1,1
haHety and th "1 Ti" L " Jve VV twed
It ha
h-riety .rat ,hru h .v ed te I
tafweevenl;-'-' . a. Ilia
mnrkabhs ttW, iTbTS?I T ,?T.",
'Ll',Z""WVn ,he " 't-t oar
T,7 'XLTT' " Inh.
Asihm. or Phthisic ii, .k k' , . 'T1"1 ,h
kas been ,h, at?mr of ii. T , ! "nd '
mouth to ZZLZt ELTSfT"" - I
ry itisiAiip ,k. ,l' I " "m riw to i r lend.
Zi drkjow 't? is. ,,e.tav heen nMd'"
medy. " " "' P"T"t-r, they have pro
wtND-on, v,., octoiiS,0""-Pru
'to,,'n tertlflcate. have recently
received r
AMII5IOTO.V. D. C . t,t II
recommend I hem tu r.Vr" ,TJ V V
stnriain the recnimeiifi'. lM::,b? "V." l,M lhY
,i. .- uir rniiirift rr.
t ""Vingrnad.,"'11'0"'. CJv,
by Dr. (ieo. B. o, ' ? ;.""e,":!1 ''
leilg. obtained .S V Vt- a"H
uny be aucemnble
vu ki, Plini.PS. 1 .
?:.'!M'I, I: 9. rVia.. r.,.m n
S. Senator ami wrnwrl
lhal.h.. i...i.,." "
thnnehrau . "'..'' ? ."r be .
.rn.cfed. """"
fAMUEL Pllni.PS.
J. r. Mdlti.iiKMi r
or of Keiitnrliv.
VM. WfMinitRIDr.r. f a a . j -
vernor of Michigan. '
Territory 'AR ' Dle,, in Congrea. from t
From Hon. H.
Dear Sir.-
D. F.te, Member f Ceiurre
Wa.imnotos. D. C, Jux I
1 hsve heen - ,t..n..., ...n- .
.nd hov ' ' 'various medicinra
Si....... .T"' U""1 1 t""'le "f vour ').
Milters. 1 have iih. i,lk,i. t i.... 1....1'.. it
T'.'- I"""h Tl,e ' whirl
eaae sl...wl ,l.. , ,y ,..
st armeh. I wa ,s aniKtite ... M,....i....!r
rV.7l,','! I''; n":,"i",''htehe: F.
runs that a kii'.wle.lve ..1 c.M.r 1.1. .-...a.. .
other, .iiuilarly alllictnl. I ttike gre.rt nleasiir'a
ing my leatini .iiy to its eumtive pmver ; mid
rcmalk, that while on 11 visit nt home a short tin
administered a part s a L.ttle m , nnmlK.r of m
friends, with grKll ,.. TllPV are ucljr,
sh-iuld eaiabhsh nn agency at Piitaloirg, ur ml
where tha ineilicnie nn I nhiained. With an e
sirs your nrnerity and InippineM. I aulwril
truly y.nir frieml h po
I.ict. tiso. B. GltKSI.WilHlB'.r. Vt
"-,ld Wh 'h-anle aud Itcail ,v r;,cen A Tl.t.
!S.Mitli 8imh Street. PhibeMpliia.
Aeent f. Himlaire II. M. M SSKR
Agents for Milton MAI'KAV ft MA0.
Agent fir Upper Mslunuy J. G. RfcW.
April 13. liMtt
no sale
Ir 1
Don't permit your Horse or entile to d
the menus of cure are within tlie reach of
The i.,l,ri",-.e.! K
stlldv of Vert"nry pr-s
Hinlioro'," he has nl o n
dies of Leiliirj, n"d olber
e.iiitrilmteil i m.ic'i t .iv.,
of rrnirna's: tlie iiviw i 'r
ill the rej.r't' in .,1 .-e....!".1
reieetton f ul' i.t.-(1. i-
"-entl vc.i
!i'-e in "f.onilcii
.tiled liii:icll'ol"t!
rl'.'irsicd men. i
' i :t j 1.1 i V:-i 1
- i' . n'.-ti.'.
a. -u v vr .
Silvei L.ikn ttKiik . " -
Lniisn Bank of l'n ... !'..i.. tibd
t esiinoielaiolilsi.- ' .ned
W ilkesrmrrt. Ikldift '.V ilkesnirr nnstl
fXj All notes (w"a 1.1 " m. any i'e inyt.
.am. Bat.k not CVM the shave li-t, ny he act
town as frauds. -
."1. II..,.
o.ul it
. ;: ,!-.
. aifein
.1, ':.tM li.-if.-1.
iVl.'.ir.'t t!.rf
.IK .! :-( ...
tile of r
Bank of New 'Crisack
Belvidete Beak
Burlington Co. Bs
Commercial S ank1
Cumberland tVanf
farmers' Baafk
AUD'S eclebratnl Horse and Cattl Mdi-
citi fur ale by ' HE.Mvi' ' MAKetKR
sitmkusy Jan. IftaSuW
Perth Amlwiy
Mount Holly
Farmers' ral Mantes' Bk Railway
Parmera' and Msaie' Hk N. lliunsick failed
Farmer' ana) Ham Is' Bk Middletown Pi. . i
Franklin Usi j t, Jersey City
HiMioken Bt' i ' Hob-ken
Jersey City
Freeh dd
New .ik .
.leer. .
ersey Uny
Maiiufactut; K M
Morris llcay aa
Munmouta (til.J.
M.chsiiiiV mf
Mrcbaoicassrhnul. B'
Morris Cki lika
Newsik t it, 1 o
vje Hl.j !'.. . . '
J. Via? ' . .
l J rto's. est;..." ''
traiige U uV
Uaiera-MH Saar
IVoples' t'"
iinteuaTi Bs
.-Mlrlll lie ok. 1 i
tt.te bin'
rtaie llantk
Slate Kaly
State Baoli Mm ri' '
?tie Bairi
Salem aatChad Man f t'o
osaeat Bat'
I ren'OSt Ming (.0
I "ill. .11 ti.
V satdi'ffK Uankingt.'o.
Bk if Witt Draiiiiiie Wilmington
Uank1 r'ajware' ! Wilmington
Bank oTtyni ' 8niyrna
Jvi bland Milford
farrn'-ts I of Iistr if V'' Dover
1 P. . !
11 l-i. e. ..ti ,. -I ,
S .l.'in fur I
cwark i '
f.lijlithiowii i
tamden pur
Trenioti tailed I
SjIiiid tailed
it'ewlnn I
Trent. 111 p.r
Dover i
Hackoiisac.k faded
I t.iin ii
IT 'set n'. '
f'hli . v. ftitt"-.!
' ....,. ('", "
pa 1
otton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Lf
V .nd Wadding;, Cotton Outline, Ktuuly maa
rantaloon, Kcady made Veata, Congre Knives),
Porcelain lined preserving kettle, just receive
for aale by H. MA88ER.
Sunbury, Dec , 1848.
PATENT TrtisBe of alt kind, Harrison's
wriUii j aud uiiiellible ink, Cotton yaru and
Uiai, just received and lor aale by
Suutmry, Dec. ?, fl8. ; '.
iAVS Ah assortment just received. Alt
V-r ilk HAT.- at 1XS, lee Mat Vei v ITT", 1
u ic.t' 15 "
..As. MASOSss.
Xuabory, Dm. , 1H.
M - ie - " '- "
?laiTT lsricjiiTS
Otn, Oxygeaatea) Bitter, price reduced.
lOkt-oh i:owpseiuJ'Saraunlla.
I 8u'aSarsaparillf
f Slaae's eiyrup of n'iVl Clterr a,
I Se s Vermifups.
e Cherry Feclorsi
I )rke'a I'snavos. ,
IVullen's do
Tt', pin KUler.
I'Hoofland' uenr Bitters
Wn Vegeuble PiU
. Hky. Jaly I.
On hand aeveraf eop-
. - .1.1 Sk.n.
ISIp.n.wluck "TT"
. lor mf thi-Hie. - m -
,i. Mi'.' lii it pr;rir
" t- . .t.irv. '..
. -.1 '.'. f.e . i (r:ric.
.. iiu d,-. . uiin.. .
-iev are eumbJe ol
e,ain.'ai I'tn 'lions, wi'
" iiitr ' ertr inmer. In
every o'.ie.
fi. H. DADD,
A I. itt ( Horse and Cattle Mrdlcia
Physic balls. Toe. r hog.
Alterative bull, 75c do.
" powders for bad condition, 75c
Hear powder for diseases of the lungs, 7
I'rine powder for " " kidnevs.
Tonic powder for bad condition glanders.
Cordial drink for inllaniatioit of bowels,
Liquid blister, 75c per bottle.
Ointment for promoting the growth of h
per pot.
Healing; halsain for wounds and saddl g
per bottle.
Wash fur inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle.
Ointment for ntane acrutelies, old sores,
per bottle.
Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per bolt
Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof,
per bottle.
Horse Liniment, Ihe most celebrated articl
in England for lameness of every descrip
caVt'lper bottle.
UUtcnia?r powder for red water, $1 per
Worm powder for lite rc.novul of wor
the intestinal caniil. 7'V -r package. j
For sale by STIMP i)N A UEED, 'J '"
chants Row. irlao at 1JDI'S IXnM'rW SNL
V.'V ' I K Ml'. i it'l. K HBrHI'Pr X ' I 5
Haytnurkrt Sqiure. II wton.
l'Mmfli.eti. (itMcru ti'i ilio ii.rf-use b wuior
theae remclica a;e url ca:i in? had grjtJ
Numerous Cerlilieatcs are in pofcacn1" th
Proprietors, of cures performed !v the l"'v Medi
Sold bvf.'K KEN fi FLETCHEK Sut
SIXTH JStreet, Philadelphia, and f
Aoss rs. IKvst M ssku, cii'ry,
February- 3. 1849. tf
PREPARED and sold ontv. JREDERIC
N. E. eorner of Firm .nA'"" Te,u' r
ladelphia. This Essence 'rranjed to poss
in . concentrated lorm, . valuable proper
of Jamaica Gimrer. atvs ' f"
excellent Family MedH'- " - Prtlcularly
eom.ner.ded as atonic. o recovering f
fever or other disease imparting
the .tomacb . glow." Vr' 1"' '
Klaas of l.nW or e ntuland, without at
j..i.iiii,in- .ill-, which are nre to follow
ua. of liquor of "' k"' !, ,nJ 1 "
epe. ially ervW W diddrenand females,
thrged,it wi.'V ret comfort ; t
dynW. th:rg. Wh are Pred,8P&
gout or rhein """''. '
nd lo the ebf1',le '"" wl"'le 10 reform
whose atom. ' c,nUniy cravimj the
liquor, ai.ivalua!ue- -,v. , tone to the
liveonaii 'f'11-'11 l t f 'lat leutptatl H
is con- " " lhe nute 0
pt raiice l 'u" direction accompanyii
lMTb rticl' cu be had at th ofTK-
'SdaXlphia. June , 1849. ly
" "7 Vislunble llooki.
t IFB CaiT. handsomely bound
!' HiTor or Ta Rsn
Bt isa DvT.aooss l.tooea. ion
For sal at tha puNisHer prn-e "T
Sunbury, July 14, IMS.
mrlLEY'V CiH U'f falNUY. .
9 lent scinedv tor cousha, coloo.
at this rlieat
v i Miineiior
- store of . tt..
etal ltvr
article Iiu