Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 23, 1850, Image 3

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-er April nn,-
, A certain lot of land situate in tha
h of Northumberland, in Northumberland
marked in lha plan of tald Borough
lit, bounded Southwardly by Weatway,
ardly by lot Ni III, Northwardly by
treet and Etwrdly by an Alley.
otilh half of tot No 111, ait uale aa follow
60 frat on Weatwar, 180 fret adjoining
IIS, to the place of beginning togrtrtct
ie building and iniptovcmcnta, riirlita, liber
ivilegra and appurlanres. Seized taken in
on and to be told aa the property of Alba
ret. v
rlrtue of certain Writa of few. Exponas, a
Trart of Land, situate in Little Mahonoy
ip, in twirl county, bounded by lands ' of
im Reiti and Daniel Dortisicf, containing
more p4t, whereon are erected a two
if dwelling House and a losr Stable. Seized
n execution and to aold as the property of
in Peifer and Leah hi wife.
irtain Tract of Land, a'tuatc In Lower
y township, in aaid county, boumli-d by
tiantango Creek, lands nf Adam Sir dr
hars. (containing 30 acrea more or tew,
n are erected a dwelling house an I a loir
8eird taken in execution and to I aold
troperty of Andrew TVhopn and YMip
f, adm'ra. of Frederick Tacliopp, !et-"A
rtain Tract of Land, situate in l;pper Au
iwnahip, in aaid county,, bounded on the
r lands of Jacob Hoover, on the cast by
Goo. Zimmerman, on tlie south by land
a Keen and on the west by lands of Jos.
!, containing ninety-three acrea, more or
tereon are erected, it one sMrv frame dwel
ls, a frame bam, and an app'e orchard
cired taken in execution and to be sold as
larty of David ttnrnliarU
-tain Tract of Land, situate in Tapper Mali
wnship. in said county, bounded by Inmls
Dunkelberger, Daniel Zerbe, Andrew
i, John Brown, Frederick llehnck and
lisdle, containing 161 acres and 57 perches
i arc erected a two story loir dwelling
ilso one other story log dwelling house
rboarded.) a log barn, a spring house, an
chard &c. Seized taken in execution and
Id as the property of John IX-lb.
he interest of the Deft., (supposed to be the
rd half part,) of, and, in a certain lot of
situate in the town of McEwensville, in
re township, in aaid county, bounded on
h by an Alley, on the east by tha Main
ading to Muncy, on the aouth by lot of
lays, and on the west by Back street, eon-one-eight
of an acre more or less, whereon
ti-d a two story brick dwelling house, a
om and a frame stable.
undivided half part of and in a certain Lot
id, situate in the town, tutvnsliip and conn
said, bounded north by lot of Ale .1 r
n, east by the Mam Hmul Iciidii, to
, south by an Alley, and wedt by lla-U
ontiiiuing one-eilitli ol'an arrc more or
.croon arc erected a store; a:i.l a small
rtain Tract of Land, situate in the town
J county s foresaid, bounded north by lands
non Truckmniller and John Donch, cast
i of Franklin II. Carver, r until by lands
el iSmith and west by lauds of Isaac Via
ntaining 12(1 acres more or less, whereon
ted a dwelling hotiws (part brick and part
a log liaro.a sprintf uad well of water at
r. (Seized tuken in execution and to be
:he property of John Vincent.
interest of the ftefl. supposed to bathe un-oiie-fifth
part of and iu the following real
J wit : A certain tract of land, situate in
township, in aaid county, bauixJed by lands
lea Riddler, Sudden and Chamberlain,
ing in the whokt 130 acrea more or lass,
a are erected a brick dwelling botise, log
wagon shed &c
rtain lot of land, situate in the Borough
n, in said county, bounded north by lot of
eraiKl wwank, east bv street, south
klley, and west by Front street, whereon
ted a larje two stor brick dwelling house
irick store room, shopj, as iargc styblc &c.
rtain lot af land in said Uorough. situate
street, bounded on the north bv sn Al
the cast by an Alley, on the south bv lot
ig to the heirs of Chas. Couiley dee'd.,
it by street, containing one-eiulitli
re, more or less, whereon is erected a 1 J
me dwelling house.
tain other lot of land, situate in saiJ Bo
near F.ckert's saw mill. Iioundcd north by
(Jeo. F.ckert, east by lot of Josih Our,
V lot ofOeo. Eckert, and west by an ' "e.,
ng one-eighih of an acre more ar ci.s.
taken in execution and to be so-d aa fit
IT of Oscar Hammond.
i office, Sunhurv,
l9lli, l50.-te
FOKtrml in lbs Court Coin in on Pleas of Nor
thumberland County at April Term 18.S0,
Bowers Lowber et al vs George Miller & sun
same vs Jonas Bowman
Jonas Bowman et al vs Abraham Shipman
same vs Samuel Kaulluian
Danville h Pottsville , . Q , R.d Co. " Haywood i Snyder
Wm dc R. Fejely George Hcckert
Freilsrick Keener
ohn Garver's heirs
lenry H. Burr
.aeh Sttoecker
'eter Richter'a ex'n
Ln Xlvtrs
vs t m. Ay res
vs Iah Stroecker
vs Wm. McCav'sadm'rs
vs Jacob Hoffman
vs Dodge &. Barret
vs Dewartfc Jordan etal
v l'.lialilrt Wivlnl al
achael McCarty
tn. V K. Jegely ACp. v, John Khiaalei
oah S Markev .vs Samuel Finnev
S. Dodge for Moore & Kiddle vs W. V K. Fegrly
cob Karchner
vs Uavut t rvalue et al
iron Reppart
iss. W. Richards
try Snyder et al
a Ira T. Clement
vs Jofcph Pattit
vs KoUrt W Dana
vs James Dunn
vs Jacob Cabel
a H Thompson
tph Vandyke
va Carrtelius Hniitb
itius 1 homuson
vs 8trauel R Wood
for Sam) Furman vs S JwJan, 8 HanUr
. -. lex joru'iBi
B Miller vs John U Bjvd s si rs
rt McCay vs Eward A Kutxurr
b Philips vs George L. eimer
awrence auinr ot
. r . i
Sarah Lei;
bou " eier unci'iin et si
yton for J McWtlluin., vs Jjlm C v eu
Mmell Cor Wm F Nio a Join, . i.c
rben et al
U Piatt U Co.
11 Frirk
. v iii. live Siui I
Rolen (Jiii.i
vs Peter 1 Yier . .
vs Peter Li rounds
vs John Uohli
vs Daniel Ui invert
vs tsiarrirk it tshriner
vs sjiue
s E'u titfir
umuiing et at vs J paike i D li Riht!
Lfed, et al va Wm MvCay's adin'rs
raants vi Jmnes & Win Hom
thoads v Jacob Wcrtman
on lor Job lysonvs Damol L, tScduieck
vs Charlts House 1
vs Benj. C. Clayton'
va Y, Mat tli wa
vs John Conrad
vs Richard Gnodmsn
.ndrew Petrci
Cjj ex ra
Philip Spayd
Geo jJowman
a John Arnold
Frederick Sticker
s John N Im et al
Dixon Bon ham R Ksae
J Htfnaat ? ' i 8 Doagal
D8 Cal(,w,,,!, MAP Wilhela
HanaarH?,h',;'' Joseph Rhoad
Qreeaj 4, wot T Howard vs Henry Lanti
DaidFftf , Abraham Lunger
aame v Henry Halderman
Com. for rBm" Thoa A Billington '
Elimbeth fr1' WJohn Prick' exr "
Montgomery ?w,ny Y James Covert '
John Hsilv ' ' vi Namurt Blain' - '
Win McOloo v Samuel A Leidy
Betij Uunun" vs Pliilip Clotfrlter '
Margaret N' v '' llB ex'r t H Summer
,t , jtl F A II .' S V O KTH , rtth'ry. '
ProthonoH olli' ' '-- ' "
Sunbnry, J!.9. 1850. J( ' ' !.
lis or jurciis
' . F Noril!''l,''nr"' County for April Term
find Juror
1ftK , OrcrrATios. ' Rn.iDlirs. ,
1' Ch.irl-sl,',l?,',l,i Fuimer, Tinlnit, . .,
v2 J iliR'B i- " .. Jiifkauii. , ,
3. S pfin, l, ' ... Bnah..
"4. J K-nb Si : " Jarkaun
1 5 W.n. L ki CfiillutnainNoilhuni'laiiJi
6. H nry. Kf Farmer, Lower Auust'i.
7. J.., ph itU
. 8 Jna-pli S'lotM, .
n r, i r v
Rnh. , . i
9. Dinnd Lr, - " . Point :
10. L-i Balli Merchant, Delaware, .
1 1. Ciiiira.! Roikj' ? Farmer. Jackton,
12 Enotih W-M'on, " ' Rush.
13. KHia W.irty, Blacksmith, Delaware.
14. John Gii'i Farmer, Chilisqnnque.
15. Gt-rtifff 'Jfr, " Shnmokiu.
16. D.iiiicl K'i ' " Ctml.
17. John O.iO'l) " L Antrusta-
18. E IwnrdlV1'''! Mprehunt, It. Mahanny.
19. Srliastinn'T'i Cabinet Milker, Snnbury
SO. F. Ai-Cltip Farmer, Hhamokin,
21 Amlrewfi " Delaware. '
82 Saninm jr. " Shamnkin.
43. Nath'tin ' " Up. Mahunoy.
B4. Sitiiisifcl Lt, " Low. AngiiFta'.
i Tr.crsc Juror
l I . Jacob 5ny-9ei)., Farmer, Upk Mahonoy
2. K I iua mrt " Low. Mahonnv.
3. Michael he, " Runli.
4, Wm. Stiwr, " Jackson.
5. Benj. Kroh Bnnlmnti, Sunbnry.
6. AmnsVaatB Farmer, Shamnkin
7. John B. Le-jch,
o, jacoo Bowc
9. James Rtteik
Lower Au(!Uta.
Joseph ' Spat
Michael Pal
Duvi.l Wilsft
Cmimd Yoal.
J ihn J ihnsot.
Low. Ma ha liny
Up. Malianoy.
Point .
15. John H-iihI,
Lilll Mahonoy
16. V.Au r Spetn-Mill Wricht. L. AnauHa.
K. Joim Il-tijcb tanner, Up. .Ma ha in .y
l". Oi l-Mi. A.lill
19. Henry lliupl.
Oil C . .
S. ver.
Lew i
" ' " non rvi :
21. M: li I y,s
:? i t. h- :,:
24. II :h M D.:v
2.1. .1r. li i:ii..a,l,
20 F .1 L-.x. nun.
I.:. lauer,
Nu.niu v.
l ,11. L-w is. ,
, I- mr.iM. I p. MnlioiiO
( j ' milker, M limn.
T ni: it, Cliilicjiniipii;.
G i!i niiiii, Suiiburv.
27. John Lwm, y..;, Maker,
Up. AugnMa.
jv Mien Bnmer,
30. A (Inuv Rutiitiii.
31. Cliiis! Iv.inp.
32. Jiwepli Gns,
33. Jnli'i Ailnin.4,
34 John Chirk, sen..
35. Hein v Weixe,
Lew if
L. Ai.gusla.
Up. Augusta
36. Jnhii 1 1 an ,
oi. joiiii r isner, Miller,
38. Solnnion Marlz, firmer,
3Q P..iUr Ql,r ti lt..
wiimirri, liner, Lirinwsre.
40. E.lwaril EnterltneTanner, Up Mahonoy.
i uiirs rvrney, Urmer, Jtustl
a. Samuel Rush, " Jackson.
43. Wm. Shaffer, L. ftlahanor.
nuinn uiinn, ii chiluquaquft.
i.r u"Br - " Shamokin.
46. Wm. kares, Mrrtunt, Jackson.
47. John Oberdorf, IJtmer R118h
48. Thomas Wolf, L. Augusta.
Pelil Jurors
1. Ilnyh Caul. Fanifr, Chilisquatiue.
2. James Kiik, Dataware.
3. Alex., Labver, Coal.
i. Win. Weaver. Inn k.vii.'r. "
5. Jieoli Luisenriuc, , Sliamnkin.
6. E.'iiis ILosicms, SlineiiMker, Suubury,,
7. (leui'OK ll.uiwr, F.irm r. Jackson. . ,
8. J 1 1 h i Wull, jr., " ' ., " .
8. Peter S.iniiZf .... u .
10 Aaioii Huilii, : Hp. Miihnuov.
11. J imr Tf.'i!.irt. Mercli4iil, Nm iliniirlntiiL
l'.. 1 lnlip Ui'iin, fuiiner, L'p- Auanata.
to. jiMeiiiinri A.nini,
14. A lam Vnnil'iiijr, "
lp. Aujrns'a.
15 Siinn. l Robinson,
IB. U iae D -ppiu, Siiile
17. Duiiel lli'iili. Fanner,
l. H : j H -flner', JlertliHut, L. Mahanoy.
IS. J h Nivnii, Farmer, Point.
?'. 1 dt . R m-h " rVL.vrare.
81. ( niue Runs, " Turbot.
21 Rol.i'rt Cstlea, " Delawara.
?i n.i..iel Cnuaeii. " Up Mahanoy.
24. Al.. Shlpinnu, Suwevor, Lwr Antfuata.
25. W n. M Cartv. GHillemaii, nunoury.
26. W'ii. HWuenj Merchant, Mlltmi
27. Jiim Shriner, farmer, Northumberland.
5a. ti..,i. w. Sir " cnnmoKin.
29. Daniel Hetrick, Tannet, Up. Mahanoy.
30. hweuttttt, farmer,
31. .1 dm Fh-miuz, '. "
L. Augusta.
L. Mahanoy
32. Elijah Bverly, (
33. Jnhii Colkett,
31. E hvnrd IJraily, '.
35. Sainnl Gilliner,
36. Geo. Pensyl,
Louisa Beunet,
her next friend
cob Conrad.
Ja- No.lO,
Januan term 1850,
o-'ua in Divorce.
Edmund Benuet
"To Edmondflennet,'
You are hereby notified, be audippcar before
the Judges of the Court of omraoa Pru of Nor
thumberland county, on tli 1st da jf April ne it,
to answer the above comph nt and to il10W cause
(if any you have.) why a i ivorce 4 l'i.,o Ma
trimonii should not lie dec icd airuiaa 0u.
fherilt office Hunbury,
March 2, 1850, 4t ) 1 3
Peter Lilly No. 4, Asril term, K.. 1850.
vs riu. cul.s-ens in drce.
Elixa'wih Lillv. '
-To EliiiUth Lilly." ;
Van ire bere'.-v irililiiM, to I nd i-.-.r hr
i ii,, l.l ,i ilia I1!,.! 4 I'rt-tiiHi.b.
; ' 'r ; :-- " y : " " r:caa oi
i . , . ,.l.l . I ' ' . 1 1 .... I . ' I
ay oi
1,1.1 to
);'. e a
! ail ml
I'V C ll' ' I .Vi' , i.
'i ." 'u jr it ii'.'it v v uiw J'i beiUcri
S :Mt COVElfT s o.u.e, .uh:hi
Mar.h 2. IS50. ( it
' OTICE it hereby ijivVh, that letUri al Jo,;,,.
' x istralion on the estals pf (jcorje Dprtae
of Jackson township, iirtliuuililund! nty
Ji't'd-, have I tcu granted lo the subuctiU. 'J
persons tiaving claims agonal the estate, Vipre.
snt them for exaiuiuatiiii and settle men, lnj
tso Indebted writ pleasei make iimiiiIUta
nvent. WILMAJs) lUKPPIN.tAd,"'
Jackson tslip., March l, 50 Ot 1 . .
fecerved and kt aal at 0i stor of
TnnhMrr. TW. li. ia
IN pursuance of n orJr of ln OTn4"' Court
nf Notthnmberland roulilv. will b exiiosed to
public sale en Monday the Soth day m March
next, at the Public House of Henry Haas, in tha
Borough of Northumberland, the following pro
perty to wit I Two certain contiguous lots of
ground in tha Borough of Northumberland num
bered 87 and SS, and bounded N. E. by Queen
treet, N W by an alley, 8 W by Dnka street,
and S Ely lot 16 1 containing each one-fourth of
an acre. Whereon are erected a two story irame
dwelling House, and a stone building, formerly
Used aa a distillery. '
, ALSO i A lot of ground in said Borough, nnm
bered 74 Imunded N 8 by queen street. N W by
lot 73, S W by Dnko street and S E by lot 73 1
contaiiiinit one-fourth of an acre ; and whereon
are erected two duelling houses, one on ljuren
street.'lhe other on Duke street. '
rA.LS.Qi-s-Fonr contiguous lots in the Borouglt
foresaid, numbered 129. 130. 131, & 15"J, boun
ded N E by Duke street, N W by an alley, S W
by West way end S Ii by filth street' containing
in nil about one acre.
' ALSO: Six contiguous lots fn said Borough,
and numbered. 97. 08.99, 100, 101 4 102, bound
ed N E by Market street. K W bv sixth street.
S V by an alley and SE by lot 101, containing
in all about two acres. -Latethe estate of William
McCoy, deceased, i f ale to commence at 1 o'clock
P. M. of said day, when the terms or sale will be
made known b
f Adm'ra
Bt order of the Conrt,
John P. Purset, C'lk O. C
March 8, 1850. ts
FlM-iE immense and steadily increasing demand
JL Tor llic celebrated
Has induced numerous unprincipled persons to
attempt an imitation of his Box Lji skl, varying
it slightly, with a view to evadn the lew, but at
the same time designed to impose upon the univer
sal confidence of consumers, in favor of Mason's
Blacking; ond as the counterfeit licars no resem
blunce to the original, except in the ialn-l, and has
none of its good properties. Country Merchants,
when ordering blacking, should be oarcfiil to ask
BLACKING," which is sold by all respectable
Wholesale Dealers, in every Citv in the Vnited
Slates. JAS. 8. MASON St CO.
Philadelphia, March 2, 1850 It
JAlft E sTlVI O If A.N & CO.,
English, French & German Gooda,
No. 136 Market Strett,
rmt wiraiA,
Needles, Stay Binding, Sewing Silk,
Pins, Carpet do Thimbles,
Taics, Coat, do Bodkins,
Cords, Flsnnel do Hooks & Eyes,
Galloons, t)ua ity do Zephyr Worsted,
Buttons, Furniture " Patent Thread,
Tailors' Twist, Puree Twist, Wire Ribbon,
Silk, Cotton, ami Linen Canvass,
Gloves Shirt and Drawers. Conif.rts,
Infants' Socks, Children's Gniters Suspenders,
Woolen Yarn mid o great vuiiety of .STAPLE
U ll.f.l ti
a . I- VM'I.I' i C
' I.IX1K Is. Willi llir utin-wl c tiifiileure. (b ri-il M tho
1.', Fiirn'iysml Hi -Mililic r-irthrcHrf f l)yii.p
iaiiriiuligustil;n, anttiill Uiscaiie uriving I'r.ini it, inch
N;uisca, lTi'intache.
Vertijio, Uinmcfis (Y Sight,
IMnlityof llio Nurwiiiii Os
tein.' t I
Hyp ich. mnrin, Jaundice,
Hili 'in Vomitinf ,
Itnrniiig sriiNirion at tlm
ol t lie M m ich,
Op;irensi ii nftt-r rntinit.
! -Mnl'niioetile. ot tin lltitt.
WiiKling iiftlicKtrclipth. l'aiii in the . it .-l' tin-SI mirb
Flalulrtice, with ircijucutl or evv.inls llic right side,
liclrhing of U'iiul, 'P:ill..wiirrs . I aiiilrxi li.
VilisleilUiste, Dt.irssi ii ia' the tiiriMsiMl
Consiiiutioii and unessiueas. lrrumUliir or lai ar, c.
ol the b m-ela,
If s case of tlysepsia ssoakl be atKleetedi most srri ins
eflects may susue, fur it lays th f.r, is ths io
eipent cause of, sad very 'reouetilly terniiijl in cHMump
tiun. I w.HiUl impreas spoil ilie'rniiul tliat u ti irte with
this disease may he to sport with the reason which coiisiii
tutes man sapsreiiiinetit among anlinai heinsvi or It erni
bitter existence by adding a eonsciotiSricss of folly tj tht
penalty t4 pain.
This medicine is neatly put up in boitlis, Willi ampls
directimis fur use, and is sold in fcunhurv by Jnti! V
FaiLiao. JA.MKS Vvil.l 1A.MS.
Trsloii Hiy of Mr. Miner F.lmes, Imtter. Mnrkrt street
alMive HtKih. e-irr'-binuive of the efficacy of YVilii.-inis
Anti'Dysieiiit' l-'.hxir
Philadelphia, fct-iher 3. X?i9
Ma. Jam Wim.iams :
Ociir Kii : It pivrs nie erwit I'lpnearc t-i Un w ll.nt y u
are nsvin preparing yon milicine f r ill evre ..I Iircp
lil, I r inniiy 'f my :cni, litilimrrs h ivr re .fiilfslly iiMkrd
me wln re It Ci ulil he -riH'Hlei(. Ihut I l.a.t .i-rn
cured liy if. As I tlii'ik t' al n pn'.: U- ai-..a wViI.'tnnu nf
the rriflMmi'fil J havr fr 'in Iht- nsi n y nr itii-tl-
ienie is n itonly ilur 1 1 ym. lull may h" urn-nil I th- rp, I
n w m-ihe it. l-'..r scceml veins I nift"'"-.! li-.v- fyn, .-p.
sin. winch itirrcnse.1 losuch mi rxi.'ttl ll-ft mv hfilili hih)
eonsiHMti ii wure n.; wllv inl(iin nmlrr it. I fi
CSI'd t n-strii! nrvw'f I llw m si shinnc f id. suit cvi-ii
tbnt I r-Mlri n-I aiv,-Hr. I f..'i n I ll's -I striMiffth, il;i.if!i.
li-iii sit i rxe:i"e. snrl. as yu h .ve it in v.ur n.lvr-'s-
lll.:it. a --ii T.;! :i illtl ' i'." r"S. II Jl I 1 1 'i fi'-ilnl 1
rt''-iiriii.'s. 1:1 - : 'fr t'Hfi. -,-,riMC n 'Clirrs hinl' re
e niiMi'n ! 'i ii 1' c .r An!-! v:-i" I p Kl-xir. I t onrfil
ami til i! wrh tin. in 1. 1 h in;iv i if -t ; iiii.Iit p ii.r!n.iiri.
I 'iieu ir ;wvf veiifin.aii Si-udnslly n'tesM nw ty, hihI my n.- e.
lili? n turned whirh I c uld vri'iiy . ilh' y . Ten
Vrirs havr n w el-ifsed. and mv e nhdn. in the curative
p iwcrs i-f y lir lunticine has '4 t-tlrvf inrrensnl, for it
eiiiletcty eureil nii wii"ii I Itiilfd t-i"hfiin reliei fr m any
iHhnr B'lurva. Ver reSiWlfdMv vnrs.
Testlm'inv M M wwd It nWlev, Wh a..le Merrhint
nrtha Ann . R..k v. Aslilsinnit f 1 nth
Wlsnin m iMi the ttiu-mey . tt'tlliama' Anti-Dve-aeeaie
PsntABUMiA, October fltt, 14.
Mi. JontWuitlul
Dear Mr i I lake tdeaMre tn rerommendbi y-mr Anti
Drsiaintie F.lillr f the cafe Uvieisia. I Inve taken
it snyaslf for the discs, and have been entirely eured.
VHlfs respclfnllv
' ' KPWAHfi II: ROWIJCY. -JOHNW FniUINO.Sonbuty, Pi.
Msreht, 150. ly
I'll I I. A lF.LIII I A
IP. Corner of Thud and Union Streets,
1"IFTRF YKAIIS of extensiye and iiniiiterrupted
lirarllce sieut in this eily have remkred J)r. K. the
III ivl csin'rt nail MH'ct'iwiul .ructlliniitT lur mid near,
in the treatment of nil ttiseiiwes of e phvatr linltire. Pcrs ins
ttfhicted with ulcers up m ihelt-sly. ihr ml, or letrs. min in
the heudor h sies, mercurinl rhciuittilisin, strirlures. icravrl.
disease armiiiK Ir an y. tnlilull ezceiwrs or liii.iiulieiH the
bl kI. wherehy the e nuttilulioa lias liec me uileeiled are
all treated with success.
He whoplarre hmierlf nndec th ear of Dr. K., mar re
ligi wsly confide In his bouor as a genllemau, and conbiteut
ly rely up ai his skill as s physician.
Vomii Men who have injured ihemselve by a certain
atactic iudulejed iswa hahit frraunltlv lenriied ffota evil
eantpamunsoralseais ths erirei ut which sr aifhtly
lt svet when asleep, and destroy bah mind and body,
eh. uld apply imuiedialely. Vnkiiess and dotisuttttional
Vebtliiy ls of atusciilar energy, plivsical lasutiid and feu
ral pr atrali n. irritability and all nervtsas sfloi'liiis, indi
(, liuntisttHeM of Itw hr, and every disaasetn suy
wjv eotineeted wo ll. dia-rder isf Ui procreativ fan.
ti tis ilreet, and fuH vuror restored.
1 I'reualur Death.
u u. vn hi. i if Yi Mrvuliuii.
Tins B ukjusi I'lilinshv-U is li:lml with useful utf rinati si
mi ihc l.ili.uii.ivs .nil U.c..ii.'S -f Hie ttenernllvs Urpmis.
ll ad.h'es. ixl. alike t VtjfTII, MANHOOD and OLD
AOiC, mii I fclioulJ lie lead hy all.
'Itie vaht.ibl atlvic and bn;.ressiv wsriituf h gives,
wih prevsia A-earS'4' outcry andsuUetuuj and Bavs siluumI.
k 'fu taiHls ul lavs.
Pareu s l.v re l imit it will Irara how to prevent lb des
truelksi ofliteir ehikheti.
ji-OA reuiUuince .f eruls. enckised iu a leuer. ad
,lr, i-.l 1 1 Ui. Kl.Kt;i.l.N, N. W.ciruer of'IiliKD
L'.MO. Htieets, between spruce h Pine, IMiiluiteliihia,
W'tll eiuaire a b sik, uuiler euveloiie, per return of uuul.
tr.aa) al a distant aiay addtess Dr. K. by letlet, (ioet
imi.l.) and becuied al home.
f. irwanWt hy seiiitinjr s remiiutue, and pot up seem frutu
DAM AUK .r i LKlotiTV.
U .ik-elle'. New Ageuts,Pedlurs, Canvsssers, Slid sll
ethers suiolied wuk th ahov work at vry low rates.
rsUunry , teiO. ly
("E R ftiimym, 4t variu kiada, Ihr eakt
NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees, Cre
ditor and other uersona, interested in tha
estates of Peter Swank, dee'd., settled by his exe
cutors William Swank and Solomon Swank t of
Jaremiah J. Vastine, dee'd., settled by his adm'ra.
Petef E. Vastine and Lydia Housel or John Marr,
dee'd., settled by his adm'r. David L. Irland ) of
Martin German, dee'd,. settled by his adm'r. Jacob
Garmant of Jacob Ruble, dee'd., settled by his
ex'tor. Samuel Herf of Christiana Fcrster, dee'd.,
settled by her adm'r. Jesse Hensyl. That the
Executors and Administrators of said estates have
filed their accounts with the Register of Northum
berland county, and that the same will be presen
ted to the Orphans' Court of said county on Tues
day the 2nd day of April next for confirmation
and allowance.
JOHN P. PLRSEL, Register.
Register's office
Suubury, March 2, 1850 t c
AV into r A ria n go in out.
N and after Novemlier 1st. 1849. the Pas
senger Trains will run between Philadelphia
and Pottsville as follows :
Leaves Philadelphia at 6j A. M., daily except
Arrives at Reading at 11 18.
Arrives at PotUville at 13 60.
Leaves Pottsvilte at 8 J A. M. daily except Sun
days. Arrives at Reading at 10.
Arrives at Philadelphia at 13 50.
FARES. Pottsville and Philadelphia 3,50
and 3,0(1; Pottsville and Reading 1,40 and 1,30;
Reading and Philadelphia 3,35 and 1,90.
Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi
ded with Tickets.
Then! will lie no Aflernoon Train.
NOTICD. Fifty pounds of baggage will beal
lowed to each po.wnirer in these lines; and pas
tengers arc expressly prohibited from taking any
ailing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which
will lie the risk of the owner.
By order of the Board of Managers.
Nov. SI, 1819. Secretary.
Cpocoi'ios ! Grocories ! !
t:oiro. & Co.
S. IP. Corner Arch $ Gth Street Philadelphia,
I FFER for sale to the inhabitunla of Suubury
' and vicinity, Family Groceries of the very
finest quality consisting of
Extra Flue, Superior and Common Green and
Black Teas.
Collccs of all kinds and prices.
Sugars of every kind.
Rice, Farina, ago, Hominy.
All kinds of choice Pickles, 5auces, Ketchups,
Olive Oil, Preserves, Ac, warranted to be of the
very finest grades in the market and at the
cheapest rates possible.
A II goods carefully packed and promptly for
warded. COLTON & CO.
8. V. Cor. Arch 6l 6th St.
rhila. Oct. 28, 1849 rhe3m ly my 28,
. t i ."l T ii 1 1 tl(llG'3
"S "E HOLES ALE Commission PAPER and
f?trect, riiilatletphla. Where a general assort
ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale at
the lowest casb prices.
lap, I.fllvr uitl frliitlnar Tnpcrs.
KC. Oil llMllil.
Plain and ruled white Caps.
" blue "
Flat Cups.
Plain and ruled white Letter,
" " blue "
Blue and white Folios.
White and colored Printing Tapef
Tissue Pujiers.
Shoe "
Wrapping "
Hardware and Sheathing Pspsr,
Tar Boards.
Straw Boards.
Bonnet Boardsi
All orders front (he Cdtullry will be attended
lo at the shortcut notioe.
All Aoods sold will be carefully packed, and de
livcri'.j at dtiy place in the citv.
'I'lte billies', cash price paid for Ivors, or ex
chained lor Paper, at low as iso be bought else-
be re.
Please cull and enuiniiie for oinsrives.
Plii!adf iplua, .Nov. 17, la-iJ.
ROI1T. h. SF.Ttl. THUS. P. II. fETH
(Ntut Bowlv's Wtuur,)
W ill .av particular intention to the sale ofGRAIN
and all other products of the farm;
Baltimore, January .G, 1850; ly
co.MraisiNtt a collection orovca 200
Jn (A Vtt Jul and Interesting Arti with a eii
impl mm Carina ataarrlaaeaU 1st
INCLUDING Medicine, lerfumery, Chemistry
Cwkery, Farriery, Hying, Confectionary, Io
nestic Economy, etc etc. etc. Price 6 cts., for
sale by HENHl MA.1SKR.
Suubury, Dec. 8, 1849.
Sl SQl'l II 1 i:PIli 8.
Between PhihMphvi, Sunbnry, J'orlhum-
Oerlnnilj Uiinrill., Ahtton, Jfnney,
IVilinmnporf, Leu-isliurir, .Vif;
jllnburg, J'cw Berlin und
Leaves the City every Thursday Morning
At L1V1SGSTOS C'o.'j Express, Depot
43 aonn intra street;
At COSRAD, CAUTER If Co.'s, Depot Cot
of Broad l( Cherry.
January 19, 1850.
FlHE subscriber Would most respectfully in.
E form his friends and a generous public, that
D is manufacturing the best quality of
in all its vcncties, and la prepared to sell a little
cheaper than any other manufacturer in the Union.
He is also importing and dealing uiuat tensive ly
which he offers on the lnns( reasonable terms.
His Potteries are on Bond street north of Fay
ette, and China store and dwelling at No. 8, E
liultimori street.
No. 8, E. Baltimore street,
BilTimsss, Maryland.
February 8, 1850.-ly
J t 0'E OlMTMENT A fresh supply of this
H (I excellent article for Tetter, 4 c, just received
and for sale by HC.NKV MAisSER.
Hunbury, July 28, 1819
I J) A new supply of this excellent article just
received and for aale by
Banbury, March 16, 1850.
Auahuia; Maeea , 1M0.
Importer at French Basket f.oklnv Glasses,
and Faacy oods,
No. IS Korlli fierond Street,
Between Market arid Afch fits., tinder J. Sidsit
JvnKs' Carpet Warehouse, two doors below
Christ Chuirh,
T T AS on hind and is constantly receiving a
J-- large and extensive assortment of Combs,
Brushes, Fanry Goods of every description, (too
numerous to mention,) Looking Ulosses of Gilt
and Mahogany frames, Baskets, Coaches, Chairs,
Phuket's Eastern Vinp and Country Brooms,
Window Blinds, Door Mats, Tubs, Buckets,
Churns, Wnshbonrd in fact, Vooilcn and Wil
low Wurc of every tlcscription, all of which will
be sold low lor Lush or Cily acceptance.
Merchants would savo themselves much tune
and trouble, by calliuir and examining my stock
lie I ore purcha.-nnei
I. B. Looking dlassc, are insured against
Breakage to all parts of the Union, without extra
August 25, 1849. 3m
N ONE VOLUME, Roval octavo, llfiS pases,
beautifully bound, containing, 17 fine plates.
besides numerous Wood Cuts. Sold at about
one fourth the cost of the English work, Without
any Plates.
"The Farmer'e Eneyclottedia is a real treasury
of practical information, wherein the experience of
all ages and countries is carefully postko cr to
the present day, anil admirably arranged for con.
venient reference." fllr. Durlingtnn.
"We are fully convinced that uuch an amount
of valuable knowledge lor farmer cun be found in
no otber work in so cheap und convenient a form
In fact, no Farmer who preleuds to be well infurin
ed in his profession, should be without this work."
fNew Ccmiesspe runner.
An excellent work, lit to be distributed in pre
miums ny Aricunurni oneirics.. i j. r. Milliner.
For sale at this Ollice. prico .fil.
Also, bv li. W. C.M'li, Third street, opposite
he Exchange, Philadelphia ; auJ N. HICKMAN,
Dnllimore, Aiiuyiunii.
All Okukii mcst ax y
July 14, ls-9 3m
No- i;0 Ciii'Niiut alrcct,
(Opposite the Arcade)
VI ANUFACTURER8 of their improved style
Elastic Steel Sprine. Solid Sole Leather, and
Solid Riveted
TIC I Alt S,
which took the only first premium, awarded by
tlie rruiiklin liiflilute at tlieir last exlulntion.
H. dc T. take pleasure in informing tbe travel
liusr Public, that thev have now on band, a ltrmi.
ttful assortment of lltrir improved style of ISulid
hole Leather i runks; Double and Single Folio
Trunks, of various styles j Ladies' Trunks, Ya
lice Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Cap Cases, Carpet
Bac;a, and on elegant ussortuicnt of superior En
ameled Patent Lcathor Bags, with every article
in their line of business.
I V Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange
for New ones. ALEX. L. HICKEV.
Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 134 1).-
Agent for the sale of Suulhvorth Mcnvfactu.
ring Co's. Writing rap rs.
Ware !Init . 3. !Iltitir slrct t
'00 -"E f 'he above superior Papers now
in store, and for sale to trade at (lie lowest
market prices, consisting in part of
Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 15 and 16 lbs.
blue and white.
Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue
and while.
Eitrasuper and suierfine Folio Posts, blue.
Superfine Caiiinierical Posts, blu and whit
plain and ruled
and white, plain and ruled.
Extra super Linen Note l'aiers, plain and gilt.
Superfine md find Dili Papers, loiitf and broad.
Huiierfine and line CouiitiiiR-llonse Cans and
Post, blue and white.
Kilra siiier Cuiirc Caps and Letters, plain
ami ruled, blue nud white.
Extra Biipcr Congjcm Caps and Letters, gilt.
tSuperlinc Seruion Caps and Pouts.
rkiperfincil blue liulli Posts, blue and white,
plain and ruled.
Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes,
Lawyer's" lir ef Pujiera.
Su)iertine and f.ue Cups and Pol, ruled and
plain, blue and while, arioiisiualilies ami prices.
AIhj, luill) reams white cud as.vrted S1i,m Pa
pers, lSonuet Hoards, while and assorted tisntie,
Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted und blue Me
diums, Cap Wrapping, Hardware l'upers, oVci
Philadelphia, .Nov. 'ii, IHiH.
TjlElNOa progressive and Comprehensive Sya
tern of Orthoscopy and Orihoepy, including
t variety of drfuiitiuns, adapted to tlie use of
Schools in the American Kcpublic, by Ahnon
Tlcknor, a Teacher of twenty-live year'a eipert
ence, and author of tile Columbian Calculator,
Practical Common Schddl Mensuration, Ac
The attention of Tcacbers, tScbool Directors,
parents, Ac, is invited to this new Spelling Book,
which conforms to the modern spelling and usages
in Orthography anlieingoneofthe neatest, cheapest
beat arranged, and better adapted to Hie wants of
cliildien, Ihi'.n any other published in the L'uilcd
Stats. It is what it purports to lie, a Kiclliii.'
Rook and not a Heading Dock, nnd on'y re.piircs
an examination on the part of Instructor of youth
to secure fof it a universal introduction into tl,c
Schools of the l.'nitcd states. Just J, and
for sole by Hknhi MasnKb, Suiilmrv.
here '1'eachcrs and Directors can procure
copies for examination.
August 4, lSl'J.
50,000 Victims Kvci-y Year
Fall h I'rey to ('nnsumiiion, Astlnna
and Raisin; Dhwd. Hectic Fever
and Night Sweats.
L. J. Bcalt, 111 Uelancey street, guvs it to his sinrerin
law who luiil iM-euau inialul lor years Iran Aathuia : to
another cimaiderol as ui cmsuiiiplion. Ii lelirved llieia at
anc, so lluu Uisy travelled several hundred wiles.
Is slwsys alarinlng. Ii leads to ths worst kind nf Coo.
sainivti ai, aiid uiik-M ariealed in time I. g,erally fatal.
Sherman's AU-llealing Uiilauiii is ihelieat remedy known i
it heals th wounded , ruptured WkJ veaa-la nl ih lunas!
and therehy ctfecli a ieriiunaiut curs, Khila oUicr reiue
diesiiiily stop 111 l.l.i l I'm ih imi. A few d ra of
tuls UalsaiUM 'ke lu.t akrical Dial It is III
medicine required It, l licru uocruuul in utauy tviaes
snd lliat too where ib. hud run into a rapid decline .,r a
mot gonerully Miilrs.fd, 'llASfy IO.NM, V fU), "
Young peri mi, of ll, v m' liiliWe age, are uuii
tollu-a. ul.-i. '.l thin irfc uK.ed. ' uuj5l
Price ii cents and . .rr Ihitlle.
.1)r.' '",","' C.aiHh ami Worm I.oenges, and Tvi
Mini a l'lamera. s ikl as uli ive -Prmcnail
Ollice tuO Najau-Mreel, New York
has cured mor cases of Itlieiimutiwn, Pain in the Itacki
tilde and t'hi sl. lamilaig i and Wcakaena, lliuu any .,li
caluai Hut lais luncaaul, hiuidrcda ..r uiiiiik i,,i,xI ratals
uaveallrmnl to e iiiilerli-il it, and sihii it . U 'in, m ih
C.1UUUU111I) an ll.e genuine. l r-llewi,r, ,m l)ec.-,,ti hi m. i
i --- - e-"'". w ,-wnie.H J'eci'pll lll. I
neuieiulr Ihe true and genuine Piaster is Mu..l SZ'Z
rnUlsh paper made ejpr.aslj f .r the hii, ,, every
7 .1 hi ' j . '""mu pnnie.1 uivm me lauK
ol Ihe I'laMor, and Ihe a Me secured by C ay itiabl. N.iue
others are Kniuiiie. There when y .u want a leal ajial
Mierniau's I'oor .Man's I'lasler, call al llisulice, IUI Siuwu
streel, and you will ll he diainrvmued.
KeniemlT priueiiwl Ortic llHI Nassau-street, New-York,
where sll 1)1. Suerluau's UizcuKcaate s 4d. ills Aseuis
ars Mrs. Hua, i:w FuU ai dreai. Ueiuklyu; Hiueaai,
lUiamsuuri j and IteiUiuf k Co, Boalou, awl
JOIIV Yor0, Punburr.
w M MeCAY, NorrlmmeerlaiHl
V ie, lM3h)eana-lf
In nil rhriftt.mifl an, rtvilim. enutitr.. hut rmi.. il
lurfrf tmpvirtirttl of (tontha than ttnjr uthrr multrly that
flirt tb btirnnn fwiniljr ""til within ft tw yenr,
tbrr hu titrt mrn any crrtmin ftmtdf tu ttuji u dTafti
liim of the deatrujar. Uul io-
Curt Ttrif tnrttijr f th mmt $trontf itiHrhtnl and ril
.mi'sl riiaui nf nufaonarv 1numvfin nt n tmtittubttJ
tit vt.erol$d ntid ttiMd lV.V(J turb kojitiuB r-
en nt wrrr nrvrr liflloro eun tl tT nt nihrr iiimimmhi.
.n utterly hoftettsi wre nme nf tl- urtln-tt tl pi.una. m
t hT torrn rnnouiui d hy jeh;trinvt urn. frit n1i tn If
ACTUALl.T wrirTii. Some, who had llilr huiml rlmliri
tiinilf. hurt' hfvh rurt ti nd t Kt-r otlif-rs yin it mm
mv would tt-fi Hra HMothor Uny, r ij jw hii.1
hrnrty at tlit-y tr wciv. (
It itevpflVf'tt n'l th rloKtis'nif fnt pUi-'fyint? virhifi
nrnily a ooriul nil I actit'ti a tl.e jji-iifiaiiHiin winch
Thi ' d !f. r fr.iin llmt. li-an'" tVi V"'" s ti tivral n h.i
.tr-ii a: font wh, h a r f-tKl.ttKy ft !itei U en J ktc ui
tially ttc- t'i-nrit, ti i uro
Coughs and Ccii-ouiAiption??,
Mini ni! .Hii ft of n i)iltiiMitni-y ntun -m lt tlir't a") m
iHti'illy iri.v m lntl under onliimry trni:ni n,
iht y hi! a. k tlin
Hrens!, Thronl, LniiAS, au l He.irt.
Th RAT. 9 A V heal and cure ll'cr in th I ,tft, iJ
fU hent intrrnnlltf, m ctrtninly unil tnrilti tlie prm
rviNo KxriiAcr rurr nnd hml ni -rr tJtrrnrlii. 'Jhn
K.iiatni fine .Vine rawt tif CoMfAmnl CnnvHmptlnn nut
of Ten. niter nil tHir remcdifi hnve fniltd to tic guud.
Thousands of Consumptions
and Chronic Oought, ab.indnntlv nruve Its vnfailin e&-
rttcw in u-h dtaKHM.a. and It
undouhttMi rurittivn iihwit,
mid toothing. Iicslin propcrlies, in Ihe t'nllnwiiii
pUints and riieeaf. vis. i SpiUintr of Itlonti. HlnJinf mt
the .wir Vain in (A BrrmM and Siitt. jVf?At..redu. .Ver
rJ CVitSiainu. Pnlrilntion of the Itrart. Cholera llinn
Iwi. Oy-r merit and Summer Complaint In Children 'hud
Attain, Akthma, snd ALL
No mnrily tht linn bfm ofli'rrd to thf iuMir hnn r r
lri-n half rt frrtain nuH efyrvhtM in nm-ertimf ALL the in
I'!iI'iImI rrftli new m) irmriilnrttirtt tin; tt-nivlo , mi
HUAWS J't LVOSAHY RAI.s.iM. h m. no ti t-li-n-iK-t
wlii'tlh-r ih. tif t-itu it f'. ru-rf-'i n rr-t.
nr mlipr inci,ltntal crnknt- i!K(,l'(,A TKS A 1.1,. l j
frr7f.'A(jijp llir "v-li'tn, ftin': ir: l th?. rir ;Jttt:on, ti 1
ran;:,in ') aHivtas M.KVOl 'a III l !TA1V V. if
our rmttphlrts I'm p-ti. f.
A Dyins Voinsn CuroJl!
VVt' ttvlr t'lii rurr tn rtriiVH ffr;-tr in t"r 1 V. v ''ti
lilt" I .H M If! tl, r-vrn (I. t mi CM.Mf '('..'
,y phii 'inn runt iiirtnU to lo in Uu- tt I r.. j .,! .ii t ?
y ilvhiit - Mini, in thU cit..'. " jar tin' llif
rh'Oltit Mini burti rt'-'hrt Wen l'n-i-. it. ,. j,r'i u
lart et" lh':u vnw nntl llio rr)vtnlle ntnl undoubd proni
nf m 1 thf riu i.iiuUiK-es uhU tu Is icltr tu ot'r
VAM iMII.n s.
TUU inr.' w-m rfT.TtM on Mm YAR nVKI'MAM. o"
RuHfton Sj4. tSttrntoftt Co., y V Y enn n.vr. I;:intl
a tltm it. pictuy ntli-i a'mo't rfttd'v n Impf t. in !
mfrablet'HivA of Ctufh'nvi ('nnrttkifint ( 7 RF.l, inch
Wtl irutiotinfil in.-uraOU hy rUiliu) p'rjicia:i$.
?c lbs cur or Dr. 4'!"lbard uf ."trmlurd, Ct., and others
Dyspepsia !
See the cure nf T S iriltox. mcrchsnt. "f Attirs. Wyo
ming t.'o , N. Y., and many inor. in uur rsmjihltta.
Dysentery & Summer Complaint
in t'AiUres anil A lnlU sre I-iy cured. MVaUy Children
will hii-oiin i--Ay. ftal.'iv. and htar'.i. and glow rafiuly,
hy the un ol III.. II M.l-AM.
So nether need cv.-r mourn llic dnth of tier el.H-l hv
i..l in Iiirmitiin-, h li. tci-.hui;. ir UttASVS
1'Vl.HIOSAnY HA .V he .liMini't.-r-il . It.huuM be,
lr inch cN.cs, given in lurjrer thiin t'.ie nriliusry duset.
-J 'j I
'i 1',.'
..IVMIT-Ii illl.-il I), rlj s mi 1
I.I.--J T i'... mi.iii".iil..,l I'.tlAN'l".-! Mt:ii,
Hr. N. MfillUKi). Hininl.nd. Ci.nn.
!:. J. N. .'Ml I'll, W.c.Tl.iu-n. N. V.
IV. K'WHM tS. 1.1.' Hi ury .ir -et, Uivjklyu, N. Y.
Dr. T M. I It.' ST. Aiihurti. N V.
Hr. lift;. I il.isc.s, M l.lle:.,n. Cuua.
Hr. Iii:i). A Utf :' Hnth. N. V.
Dr. s W'lITi' I r.n. N. V.
Ilr. 11 li M.i;M !m:, llvron. N. V.
IV. J. II. Sllll'M N. Favi.tevil. N. Y.
IV. J rKINNi:il. ll.-n. v'M.. lir,. ililyn, K. X
Dr. I). .illli'MAN, Cuiliin 1. N. V.
FOIt S.vl.K ItY Jjhu W. I-rilinr, Sanl.arv Ts.
Marv A. .McCy N. rlhanibersUid.
J -hn 1). H:iri
lli-nrj- J, Sliarflfer
Kihvanl A. Ku'.zuer
Ailain r.inrlid
II in s A Md'oriuiclr,
: V. I. Painter.
J. P. M inn A Co.j
I'.ilvvard Wil ii,
Tli 'riitiin A B iker,
S. J. Cram,
W. II llu-kley.
. do
New Herlia,
E. I. Iits A John II. Mover,
All letters and nrilera innat b addreued to Watlass 4
Co.. KSI Unmilwav, New York.
Suubury, July SI, IB49 ly.
Iiultablc 11 Te Insurance, Annuity
nml Ti iiNt Company,
Capital S'J'in.iiOO Chaste PKsrKTt'AL.
riHE Ciulpnnv are now prepared to transact bunineat
I the in.ial hlierul und iiilv-anuireous tennis. Thev
are aiith irieil by their rliarter (sect. :l) "to make all and
every iiuiirunee liiertailiiiig lo lite rinka of whatever kind
or iialure, and to receive anil execute Iriliiti.. nuk emlow-
lili-nli.. aiiil I i crnut end puri-hane anuuilieH.o J'lie Com
nniy sell iiiinmiieB and riidowiiicutf, und set ss Trustees
t'..r inin.ira and Urtt-
Table uf Premium' for lim Asmnuics of l'r
the term of late.
Aj. ( I'rem.
j ;io
3 77
3 VI
4 I I
4 'U
4 61
4 71
4 V)
5 li
5 ru
5 64
a T
The nrenilnnta are less tlKrl anv other romrmuv
and thi
notifies ulT-ird re;iter aitVtttitacem. Tallica .a' hall'-vearlv
and qnanerly )ireniiutn. hall' ereilit n.tes of preitiuim. Short
lerina, loiia lives, aurvivorlnjia and enitowineiiiai also, uf Application (l. which then are uliuik alieeu ) ars
to be hud on at ths orlice, or by letter to us
Agent, J. II. rl KUY, Hunbury.
Rarss ros laacaiaa 100 od a sing! Lift
l'n-m. A-e. Pn-rii.
1 .'1 111 -JIM
1 .vi :i a i i
I ..l) 3:1 4 -.ll
1 .V.I lit 'J J7
1 no :u a j-t
1 til :'yi ! Ill
l ' :i7 a i-
l iii hm i
l j; aii.1
I d tn a ;n
IK 41 3pI
I 4 2 4 l-J
I ill 4'J 3 HI
1 If 44 3 14
3 01 45 3 J
For I;if.
I. 0
II, 04
r.JAViri.p .f II ni ff.l .111 yejrl next birth dav, by
pnv nig tlie l'iiniiany no centa would Bin-lire lo Ins laiuny
or hens -lllll alinuiil he die in nnc year : or fur SvoU he s.--rurn
.. llii-ni eilliHI; nr ..r fl:i aiuiualli I ,r aevca ears
he i....-i:u-v to lliem i.ili0 kh .uld lie the in aevcu yearii; oi
f r v-JO. Ill paid nnuii.ii:y iliiiui- hie lie wruiei Slima to ha
pa.d . Iii-ii l.e dl. s. Tile tuMirer S-i-uiii," hie own l.niua,
by Ihe doli-mn-e hi am I .n i reuniirus Vr.iiu th laecharsed
hy olhri ..iliccs. For slB.,0 ue heir Would leceue ji'ju
a.i -ul.l he die in o.u- ye.a.
l-'.iiuw oi upplii-uti a, aii-1 all pnrtic. liars mar l-.e Irid ut
''"" Ve. PKTKit l l .l.l.EX '
n e Prist. lent, V. .M.lltiuu.
1'lUNCIa XV. ItAXVLE. Secrct.irv m.1 Tr...... PntMciAk Dr. J. II. Masser,,ure.
... i vuui, nuuuury, Again lor AorlUuuH,ilaj,a eoun
' Suubury, July tH, leiO.
Vo. 90 North Third street, between Arch and
Racet and 83 Dock street,
Patent Soap-stone Lined and Hex'
hole t'oter
- Wrmiitd to mmd mora Hnt
W I,-.'. rTTiT l,MM "' VUrnu in tin Cuumr.
llSi!.1'' J-.!- C,,,'Bl-' l(kit n,,w in nwt. They
Jfrf! "';yM,e,,M:i,me iTOUU.eorai.iw'
VTifnttl --ifTJ 1 " 1 r01 u very low price.
(ZJr Rir-aiif Key., which (., 1 rhunci-d
tJWt5 "vrrul itmeti rlwntoa
. ,trlrr--s' iilr in iuvt every time the Ur L im
nfd ll itcmiule. Thrae Ux-k ur )iotf oir.iiiii( the niti
rirrt Tliifvt's. being tippiit-d w ith Hit uieu( Key h .
Cover, mul made very mump, thev ramut he tltiu'' "Pt
liv wiler. TliiM lickn mxt hitcu Ir J liA(v,
Se.tlad leiiei cnj.vinj preeM, lire prof Jouri fur Banks
and t'rra.
i'Mtent Slala Linert ltefrieralort, rarninlnl pnfierhr It
pll uU.era. Ytet Jliei , biiowcr LaLl.t tie bcAi qiial
iv tV IVrarna win.i.nft to porctuiw anv of the above ar.
lmlr-, will nlrae iiv them a eoll, aa iliey aell cl;eajer
tiiau am- uihci ui Uia L'uUed &ute.
DAVin r'An,
Philadelphia, November 10, iU ly
CUES. A u &celleut arlii U. fttx aala at
For 1 year. For 7 year.
01 1
0 I,:)
l.'tl 161
!.' 9 07
htJl lit umial prir h J. Hf. rKH.lNO.
BunHiiy, July ), 1749.--
Caution Kt.
A mn bytli nsma nf rr.AI'P kss e'if
yourtf msn ot the nsme of . r. Towasenrl. sua invna a
name to put up s Borsparilla, uhih tliev csll llr. Tow
end's Harsrarlltailnsnniiiatitig It urNL'I.NK Orif insl. t.
Tins TowniKt is no doctor, ami never wss ; mil ws lor
merljr a worker on tli rsi!rnfls, esnsls. sod tb lik. Y
h ssmmes ths title of Dr., for the ptirpos of rstiiinf erdit
for what he is nr This is io csulion th puhlie not I b
deceived, and purchat none' out th Oenuin Orif last Oi
pr. Jacob TowiMend's Ssi'sparills, having an it Ik OI
Dt's, likeness, his family eoat of arsu, so his sigaanrg
acres th oat of arms.
Genuine Tounf c cd orsaparllla !
OLD Dr. T WiiMi;d ia new aViut 70 yera f ajf, ar1
hns Inner been linnwn us the nuili- r nnd H-ic verar f
the (fcnuine Oripitud TowubmhI S;.rnMriila " lla
inff p wiia compelled v limit ita nianufarture, Ly
which inenns it hnnheeu kept out of market, and the an lea
circmnacrihrd to th"M only who hnve proved ia worth mx4
knowti Hi vnlne. It had reaehed the eara of many, never
thelea, oa tli'ae rerauna who had been healed euredieeaeaa.
and saved from deathi proclaimed its exeelleuct and wb
Knowinr. many yfart o( that hs baa, by his akil!, aai
enee. and eierieiu'e(l. devised an article whieli would Ue
ot mmluMlle advantage to mankind, when once knows
and extensively lifted, tie hoped and perecvered. espectinf
the time to arrive when the means would be furniihed im
lirniff it into univurs l notice, when its ineatirnsMa virtaaa
w uld be known ond npnreciuled. This tinit has come, ta
nicnns are punpled ; tins
Is lanr.tfiict nred cn th hrprat s-'le, and is eslled (ot
lliroujjhi.Mii Hi'.- lr:u',;i nnd brcmlih of the land, especially ai
it if fjuntl fi decenrrntion oi deleri ration.
,t every iii-in rinic llir 'Uglii-ut the Und, lliftt Uld Dr.
Jar- ! T-iwuTinl ir ii"'W uirniMinftnriiiit thcreil T nr.ien4
S ii)':ij.n.tlL.' Vii.U'h tir'er s tuts, lcrraeiiti, a ad never
c!i:mi;(jim rh:iiLi'!cr.
l i'im this d;iy t'.irili the people shall have tha Pure Gen-'
uine TjWiisvh.1 Sf.irniiiriilii, wiiich ahull inner r ur ui the
btlle. or in tt.r B!"i'.i:ii !i. :uirl it ahnll yel bmali from it-a
laml nil Verni-ntia;:. n ring. K.iit'Hln'if, Vinegary Sar
s.'ipariil.ia. now in use. A g xd Snrsaparilla, pure end
Ri'iiulnc. nti'.;!it tulive; a px-i auuiinj, siiji-tlwp Sdiaupa
iilli Miht i-uliMop nnd cic,
Tiie Old Dr's. SaraypariJla will kfep pare and p:rfeat
10u ycors.
I'nlike youin P. T wp.ipVi it improves w!.h age.
nml never fhri!'iir4, but for t!:e better; because ii ia pre
pared on tv.-i'MitiLi'- j'!"it:;ilti Ly a B,i-u:ilic mai. Tua
lii'rheit kiMwIcde f.f rhrmistry. oud the btesl diacoverioc
ol" the Art have all been brought int re((aiitioii m tiie
inamiliuMiiie of the OLD DIt S. ARSAPA KH.I.A. !
8irs;i!arii:u root, it is well known to medical ine;:, c n
ttiins manv m.ilicinul properties, and urn nroj)eriiea
which are inert or uueless, and others, which, if retained
in preparing it for uao, produce fertneiitatiun and a'-id,
whk-U la injurious to the system. Some of the preperttee
ol Sarsaparillu nre ao volutile, that they entirely evaporata
nnd are kst in tlie preparation, it they are not preserved by
by a acieiitilic prces8, known only to those experienced ta
its manufacture. Moreover, these volatile principles, waice
fly off in vapor, or as an ettulation. under neat, are the verir
essential medical properties uf Uia xuott whiek fira Uf
all its value.
Anv pcrvm run boil or stew the foot till they get a ..arc
c 1 iied ii.jniil. which is more from the col Ting matter ia
the root than it Jin nnythimr thev can then strain thir
insipid or Viipixl liqUUl IWWm Wlin imr iihxkiki, mnm
then call it "Sar-mitiirilUi Kxtratt or Syrup." ttul such ta
u t the nrtivle kmvnH8 the
HAl'AKll.l.A. Thisissi prcpnrf.1, that all the inert properties rt the
Htrsnriun vo. t nre fufct removed every thins- cupsHe ef
I iff 'TMiiitr uci-i or of ti;rmfiiiiiili'.n, is extracted snd rejaet
el; thrii .-v-'iv pnrrir'e of inc(li":il virtue is secured in
p iriMiivl citicaitiiticl f rin ; imd thus it is rendered inca-i.r.'.e-f
I Mil1,- uiiv-'f a'u.ib,.e and hei'lihjr pmper;i'-a.
I, I I.. . i . ..: ... i, a1- i;,a in .11 nau-rfl.! xal
1 ,ccvr1: or iNNr.Mr.riAPi.K D:pn.r
Hericeilic rc-.F m why we bar ittinnie-vliiiions ' n efery
S!.!c in its f:t .ir by men, wunien, and cliildrru. V'e find it
d u?n vo,i.:i',T in'ti.i (.''iici'i'i 'oMtuutpUoii, Dyspftia. ar.d
l.t.T i.'i.inpi.nat, and in Klicaniiilisin, ro:a;, Pt'aa,
C iF'iv r-v.vs. nil i.'ntiine. us lOiuptioiis, I'jnplea, Ulotciiaa
and all i!iiJctIon:tri".inL' fiom
i.Mi'i 1:1 rv op Tiii:nixOD.
It p.-t. ti ur'rv"l!oUP caU'in-y, in a'l C"tni.leii!s arisi.:
fr in indi'i-.-ii in, from Aridity cf'the P'.oiiiach, frm ua-e-;ud
ciicnldtion, cK-lcrminalioi, .f Kutod w the headtpalpi
tali. -n of tin: liuart. roUl .-.l nnd c!d han.t. 6-id r!i;.!t ai.4
h it ti:iklit-s ov-'r t':e b nIv. Itloa n t its eqii&l in Cldsanst
Combs ; nnd promotra easy expelratit and (jentis per
s, iralioti reiaxtnj airictureof tlia lungt, throat, aol avarf
other part.
Itut in nolhitiK is its excellence more manifestly see anc
a-ltitowie-igcd Uuuiui au Mtmls and sugea Of r tma.a uoaa-
pta.nts. .
lt w.rks wonders in casee of FlUof Albtl or Wnitae.
Fallm- of the Womb, Obstructed, Suppressed, oi larnfal
Menses, Iircfrularity of tha menstrual periods, and the uka;
and is a eflectuul in curing ail the forms of Kidney Disaaaa
By muovinfr otiatructi ma, and regulating tha general y
tem, it irivea tone and strength to th wlwle body, mnc taaar
cures all forms of
And thus prevents or reheves a great variety of other aaa
hdu-a; as Sinnal Irritnti n, Nenrolfia, Pi. Vitaa Dane,
SwiKmini-, i'pdeptic Pit. Ct-nvulsi ns. Ae.
And vet he w.iuul lain have it underttod that OM Df
J.-icb'Tovvnscii l s l.cmune Ungual Sjuraapariiia, km mm
IMITATION of his interior )Te;wration!
Jlc-ivru forbid Ihut w." ahoiiid deal in aa'e wriiea
vv.iniil l";iriiKtii' diwasit rerembinnce in! P. Towa-s-ud'a
'article ! nnd whivli w -uid bring d -wit upon tha OH
Dr. audi it nt imt.iin loud ,.f e unplamm and cfiminaticn
li. m Alomi's wlio I.nve, nud pmchasera who hnve us4
S. P. 'J'..vnicitirB pcnnniinK i'ompuuiid. We wish H
nndcrvo id. U ";mijc tt is I be nbs !nte tru u, that S. P.
T..u i !, ; . 5i!.d o!.l Ur. Jac b Twuvi'aI'i S'traa
, a: a:ia nt-- b-ave:i-v:-,i; unt and tauaiiely d.Hi:mar ; that
iii:iyrc i.-i:;.V.i' in c.ciy 1 .HtivulJi , h ivi::g 4.ct c:is s.rg.a
1 tlna:! tn ivt n n.
I Am S. p. T . ,w?::d i n d et r. oik! never was. is na
lili nut-:, n (.'..-.r.aii i. !it.t n Ht no in- re f;a
J or d:afc Iban jutv o'Jit-f c U.lil :U, Uais ;.c:;' l., t'llur -fea-i
ct '.ril ii. ir.. w ii t i :ar. !i' -c c the ywl.'-;c have thay
i nre n-.-fiMiit; H tfi'i'.uhn? at-i'-n'-iri' ineKi'.ne, c '; al
j ll:c vartn twA in tn ,riu:vz tl, and v l.i.a. are nii'upsi .e .f
1 rhn.vs wUu-h in;,;:. I leudvt ti.eui .lie a' ii'.s if C.ea :a
! iii-l, ::.i oi I.imI:!i
M"t wh it f! ah-ni'.d be exreete;'. from rra wSv k-iowr
! nolhiiaj coinivarativ vly of mt-Oa me or diaae ! I; reifuirea
u pel a in of a mm e ujerience, lo cok r.urt serve up even a"
ennui in (bi''ul meat, h ov in'K-h m ire im-rtant is it trial
tha era nts who mniiuwu tiire mfvlieine, designed f r week
stomachs und enfeebled a alcnis. sh atM knuW well ti.a
iiifslicni iroveriics ol plains, tiie lest muniscr Of serai ing
and cimceulnitinir their htrulnur vitlnes. a's an extensive
ku twledge of the varioua diseusea which affect tha hana
system, and how to adapt reirtrdira to these diseases !
li is not poejible for thia meriiciiie to do gJod ; it has na
thine; in it which can ever harm, it eau never aur or
Sxm1, and therefore, can never loose ita curative properties'
Itcieanisea the blaod, eicitea tiie liver to healthy action,
tones the aiotiMch, and gives s;oik1 dige Um. relieves ii
Uiwels of torpor and constipation, ulliiva mjUinaU-ai, purw
hes the skin, euualiaca Lite circubt ion of ttia biuud, pro
diictnc ecntle watinth eqna.iy nlioer the luxly.nud at the
inai'iihitile ersnraliou ; rrhixea all obsl ructions, and tnvlgo.
noes ihf. i-ai ire nerr'.uis aysietn. is no! tins, then, the nieui
cine y m prr-eiuintntiy iieel f Hal can say of these
le and oft p Towaaet.d' iutsrt-i arUcia! This faa
m ni It .uid ikf n.t t be
B.e:,u? i if p;!f erni''; fact, tlut the one '. fi:?apL!a of rfa
leri :ra:;. n. r;id MA Kil Spoilt, while tie oiuer d--ea;
it s-an-, fcrui' i.t. und l-l avi '.lie b .i;tt-s c ntanni.g it nit
l.-ii!:uifnia; t:tfl s -in , und h.puA ei, and dair.ainf
i Cm ( W I M-i-i ii. t ll.if ii Tl ..:e c .::i;ouud ! e;i
nus t p the hvv1!! ? 'nt pnt n. id inio a evs.rm abeady
diMt.i?.- I wiili . '.u ! Xi c:;ufs is;e;.:a but acid $
Da we no nil kn- w, tlnd v lien fm-d uis in v-ur siuiuachs,
wbil iii.s ilk i r -tbi.-es f il.dn ru.-e. Iieartiiburn, psl;i
tati ii i f !!:.- bf ot. Uvi-c i-ij.l'i'it. dianha-a. djamiery,
Cjh nnd c inu; ol tiie blood W hat is Scnifu1 bdt
uu uaa ham r ui th" I 'l.ii produeeaa!! b j;n..ia
wtoi h bru-iT on liiupti i: of !be in. SiN.ld He . Sa't
llireuir. ;rft'e;.i. Wln.c vveiais, 1'rver Sorea. and ari
Ulcerations iu...aa i! nnd ruteniai lt is nothing un !ar
heaven buMu: a i t s.i!-i:tie. wincli s arsand thas s ia
nil the ti nits of the b-tly, morn or 1cm. What causa
Itheiiiiauiixtu, but a 1'iir xr a. id riui.l, winch inaaiuaies iU
acl! '-Hvvcen the j mils and Isrwlierw, iiritalina: and i:i
riMiMti.r i e tender and delicate tiMuea ujm which it acta f
S o nervous diseases, of impurity of the bUx-il, of da
rtimrl circuiiitiuna, aud iienily ad ihe aiilmeuts whick af
flict bumau nature.
Now is it ti"t horrible to mke mA aell, and uiftiulafy
worse pj use this.
It is bofiiUle ti think, and to know how cruelly the af
flicted are imposed upon by presumptuous mentor iba aak
of ni mey Fortunes nvikeout i the eromea of the siok f
and i equivitlent reiulered the deapuiring anflereni !
It is to h rrcei frauds upon the uiilorlunaie. to pour baiai
into wiMiikleri hurruiintv, ( kiiutle hop in the despairing
bitaom. to restore heahh and bloom , and tftor into the
e'Uithud and broken, and to baiHh bitirmily, tKat
Jucob Townaend hns oicrht and found tlie oai-:".1 -mHiis
M brin lini.nind liiveiml IVi , lf,n1
wiilnn the rt-Hch. and to tbe kn .-;fe'e w,, nr ,l
that tiny uiav htiru and i--" l' J""lul 1P" U
TitANscr1-vr to i:i:ai.,
And thus "ave l, e uipwrclintmble witistactiou of hat :ag
tJ .j -i( tts.oids mid Ian a. ti fioni the beil of siciviieaa an
.n-frjfiideiTry t It 'ir. hrabli, anl a 1 -na; l.fe of .f r m4
uatMUtimefs I I'mn.-liM, tbii fatinU'St;d ;t,c:s.
AotiXT MKNUY Mi;it, fcu;bu.y.
July 2.-, l-i ly e.w
lJAI.lN.S, rurratila, ritron, ttiefse, pppof
1 - same, Ar, 0r by J. W. FUIU.NU
fciunhurv, Deo. 3, 1S-IH.
Jtl'M. Ad sra!lcnt sriid jt aalt
Biiiilmn' Jan. t7i
f-MSjst :"'AX.rt- .stt-vrf.vv'-'"vvs
'Hll'U IS ISA .NOV fr .rewin Wdy
jarHaf of an i-l!snl quality, for ar
T 11. MArbB.
jnurT. .!.. ;: f l$?