saV sM 1 "svu; as. SUNBURY AMEltivN AND SirAMOKIN JOURNAL. V. svi THE PORTRAtT OF 801 RATE t r K. W. CMKRIOH. '"Ile wai 8 cool fellow, adding to hi hu mor a perfoot tamper, and a knowledge of hit man, be ha whom he might whom he talked With, which laid the companion open to certain defeat in any debate he Immode rately delighted. The yottng men are pro digiously fond of him, and invite him to their feasts, whither la goe fr conversation. He Can drink, too;' has the strongest head in Athens; and after leaving . the whole party under the table, goes away, as if nothing had happened to begin new dialogues with some body that is sober. In short, he was what our. country people call an old one." "Un- dej his hypocritical pretence of knowing no thing,, be attacks and brings down all the .finest speakers, all the fine philosophers. No boJpan refuse to talk with him, he is so honest, and teally curious to know; a man who whs raise., ..A pitiless disputant, who know nothing, but the bounds ef whose con qoariaf -intelligence no man had ever reach ed, vhrte tem per was imperturbable, whose dreadful logio was always leisurely and spor tive, 'so careless and ingorant, as to disarm the-wariest, and draw them in the pleasantcst manner, into horrible doubts and confusion. 1351 Tie always knew the way out, knew it, yet would not tell it,' No escape; he drives them to terrible choices by his dilemmas, arid tosses the ilippiases and Gorgiascs with their grand reputations, as a boy tosses his kaJIs.-W ' - - v A. Blunder. Two gentlemen mot, a few evenings ago, at the house of an acquaintance some young ladies for one of whom both gen tlemen entertained tender feelings. In a spirit of lrolic one of the young ladies blew out (lie lamp, and our two friends, thinking if a favorable moment to make known tho nMfo of their feelings to tho fair object of their reyard moved scats at the same instant, and placed themselves (as they supposed) by trM lady's side; but she had also moved, .ami the gentlemen were in reality next each ojher. . As our friends could not whisper without betraying their where abouts, they bath gently took, as they thought, the soft imiu nana ot tne charmer, and when after avlii'lc lliey ventured to give a tender pres sure; each was enraptured to find it returned with an unmistakable squeeze. It may well b'oimaguied that the moments flew rapidly ia this silent interchange of mutual affection. But the rest wondering at the unusual silence of the gentlemen, one of them noiselessly supped out, and sudddonly returned with irgtrt. There sat our friends most lovinrlv egaeezing each other's hands, and supreme delighl beaming in their eyes. Their con. efernation 'aud the ecslacy of the ladies may beHtnagiried, but not described. Both gen tfemen bolted, and one was afterwards heard to say, that he "thought all the while iMiss C- 's hand felt rather hard." Liverpool Times. ' r Dlt J- J- UPDEGItAFF, y E8PECTFULLY informs the ritisens of 1 Danville ami the publio at largn, (hat he has located in Danville, snd is now prepared to prac tice Medicine snd SiirgerJ in all its various bran ches. He will operate on all the various ferns of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, and all other surgical dis rates, .His collection, of instruments comprises til instruments in modem Surgery, .of the.' latest Improvement snd finest finish. lie flatters him self thst many years' practice and experience will be a sufficient, guarantee to those who may feel disposed to employ him. . i Ilia residence is nesrly opposite the Monigamt ry Buildings, and next door to Isaac Rosen ba urn's More, in North Danville. : Danville, Dec. 1, 1849 ly. "12 ii co u rage Your Own!" HAAS &RENN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. THE subscribers respectfully call the attention of the public to their large and splendid assort ment ol every quality and price or ' t AIU i;T-AVAItE, which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort Is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the subscribers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which sre constantly beii.g made. 1 lieir stock consists oi Mahogany Sofa, nivanrj and Lounge, Uttrraus, Sccmar frs, sracfcoiTrlrs, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds snd qualities CHAIRS, ncluriins varieties never before to be had in Sunbury, such as Mahooakt, Black Walsut asd Ci-msn Maslk Grsciax; asd Wixdsob CHAIRS, axdhscv Pi ao Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, ss every confidence can bo entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pavment for work. C3T UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. Ci?" The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite eaver s Tavern. DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN Sunbury, April 88, 1849. tf MORAL CHARACTER. T There is nothing which adds so much to the beauty and power of a man as a good moral character. It is his wealth his life. If dignifies him in every condition, and glori fiea him in every period of life. Such a char acter is more t be desired than any thing else on earth. It makes a man free and in dependent.'. No servile tool, no crnuchintr sycophant, no treacherous honor-seeker ever bore such a charscter. The pure joys of truth and righteousness never spring in such a jjerspn.'. If young men but knew how much a good -character would diynify and exalt them- how glorious it would make their prospects, even in this life ; never should we fin.ihern yielding to the groveling and base born purposes of human naturo. w. , ClTl'MBERS. Vadviso those who aro desirous of ob taining this excellent fruit in perfection, to try tha following plan, which is highly re commended by many, and which is said, by some, who have tested its cfliciency, to be attended almost invariably with flattering success: .As soon S3 the temperature is sufficiently mild, cart out a few loads of old well rotted chip manure, and spread it evenly on a patch of green sward say one or two inches deep -j-and plant the seeds the same as in garden sail.. The hills may be four feet apart, and have not a suificiency of manure com pletely to cover the entire surface, drup one f bushels a place where the hills are toLf, and leave the spaces intervening un rrpVd.. The vines will grow with surpris ing vigor and luxurance, aud the fruit, rest ing on-the clean frass, is easily plucked, and nVjVer defiled by dirt. Melons and squashes are grown in this way also. As soon as the plaits 'make their appearance, spread over ihni a-thin cake of cotton wadding, and to prevent its being removed by tho wind, con fine it in its proper place by wooden pins. The lightness of the article enables the plants to grow without hindrance from its close con tact, and te derive the necessary principles frj n the atmosphere with the same facility a thoegh they were exposed to it without promotion. We request our agricultural f. lends, one and all, to make trial ef this method, aud establish the results. - .t i . , , v.iii uj r vaptaim iuiT. j lie ar. ixiuis Inion, of .the 19:h ult. contains an account of the life and death of this young officer, who woVtdie earliest laurels that were gathered il tho lata Mexican war. He died, in San Fjajioisoo, alter a short illness from scurvy and bronchitis, produced by a long and very disagreeable passage from New York to that plae; by tha course of Cape Horn. At the period of bis deal I. Ite was about twenty-seven year of age. t- ' . 'OVum Tsadr or China In 1796 this trade was prohibited by the emperor. At that time the annual import was about 1000 chests. At present it is nearly 50,000 chests, or 70,000,000 puunds, It is estimated to da . atroy 100,000 lives annually.,' TO PHYSICIANS, DRCGGISTS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. TR. J. N. KEELER & Bro. most respectfully - J solicits attention to their fresh stock of Eng lish, Preach, Grrwuut and Ameican Dnici, Med icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dya jStuli, Glass ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &c. Having opened a new store Mo. 294 Market M. with full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we re spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stock lu'lor purchasing else where, promising one and all who may feci disposed to extend to us their patronnge, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi cines, on as liberal terms as any other house in the City, and to faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. -One of the proprietors being a regular physician, affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of all articles sold at their establishment We especially invite druggists and country Hi.taiEuw, nu may wiKti to uecoine agents lor Dr. Kteler' Celibrattd Family Mediriurt, (stan dard and popular remedies tn rrroi i i. -j-diess. ' Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain, J. N. KEELER St BRO., Wholesala Druggists, No. 294 Market street, Philadelphia. September 15, 1849-ly. f ANNERS TAKE NOTICE. v . New Hide Oil and Leather Store. As. 1 1 1 North 3d St. 8 doort below Hac St. , Philadelphia. .., . THE suWribers offer to the tanners on the most favorable terms their fresh importation of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ayres, Laplata, laraccas, Laguira, Hung-Ury, Com, Salted r er ambuco and ail kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and salted. Also, Green Slaughter, Dry Salted, and Black Dry Patna, Kips, , .. Also, Straights, and Bank oil and 4 general as sortment of Cu rrior's Tools. They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on better terms, than old Houses in the city, Cash pard for Leather MtU kinds. , .,. - KEEN & KIRKPATRICK. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. ly .. JTT3T iklRPJVED. A New Assortment!" Fresh Goods IRAT. CLEMENT, o T) E5f ECTfCLLY informs his friends, rus- x s tomcrs and others, that he has just received handsome assortment of -' I NEW GOODS at his store in Market Square In Sunbury, such ss ' Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens ware, Hardware, &c. 1 ' Sunbary, Jun:23, 1849. lugrnillude In the basest crime of man. XJ E are not among that class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (at the exnense oft ruth and honesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rupid sule ; neither are we willing to remain silent, after having tested the utility of an im provement or discovery in science or art. Our readers will recollect we told them we were un well with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottles of WINSLOWS BALSAM OF HOREHOUND and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who aro afflicted, may try it upon our recommendation. Lewiston 2V g'ayh. A fresh supply of the above valuable medicms just received, and for sale in Sunbury, by John W. r riling, Mary A. McCay at Northumberland, and at wholesale by Frederick Klctt, Sl Co., cor ner of 2d and Callowhill streets, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Sept 22d, 18498 mo. WALL FAFEK3. FT11IE Subscriliers have on hand the largest as JL sortmcnt of Wall in the city of Phi- liidrlphia, Wholnuli ami littail, consisting of every variety suitable tor 1'arlors, Uutnes, Dining Rooms, Chambers, Scc, which for quality and style cannot be surpassed. Doing a cash business we are enabled to sell a better article at a much lower rate than any store doing a TRADE BUSINESS. n usnu, a large assonmeni oi widi firm, for Curtains, rire Prints, llorders, etc, which will be sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done in the country at ritv prices. N. B, Dealers are invited to call and examine their stuck before purchasing elsewhere. FINN & BURTON. No. 142 Arch Street, Houth aids Philadelphia, MuyS6, 1849. ly Tne, most usofut sign painter in the worlds aia publishers of nowspapaisi-advartise your business in the ppers, if you wuuld draw custom, V . ' 1 .The rairrdeer has lien k.uoau to travel r 100 lujlfsiu 4 huuri. BOSS OINTMENT, FOR TETTER 1 )1'.AD lK riSluwuit? certificate from Cnnt. Devne, lh J 1 wt-U ktMWii suit popular bliatu Bust C'spuim (ol' lbs Tm.ttm.nuk, October 31, 1810. Srvrra! veere aiuce I was attacked with a breaking oat on my iters hi th form or Trlter, which 1 am convinced wae eontravltfl at the MHrhersShon. It a raiKltially extend ed over my lave unlit it rcutlied the unner twrt of the cheeks. During Uie several maillis that it continued B)icaliiur, I ueed different applications, amne of which bad the tiled, apprently at leuat, of increaaina; the diseaae, but from none ot them did 1 perceive the least benefit until I am'lied ilie Mots Ointmxkt. hj ue nt of one jar of it, 1 was periectly cured aud have reoeuned tree uf tha aflec- UOII. 1 have aiwe used the Ointment. linHlhr armlied for rooeh- lieaa ia ute lace, uiacnea, enappea naiala, a e wits ivt aueoiw. I have uo heaitatem ut reoonuaeuduif lite eiruugeei umtutti tu ur uuuue. . JAME9 DEVOE. Arent Httai MAsasa, Sunbury. July , tats. CUTLERY. AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT LERY, of sale by JOE1T M. COLEMAIT, Nos. 34 and 33 ARCADE, and Si North TlllKV street, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, 8cissors and Razors. t Also, a choice assortment of Rodgers A Sons, Wostcnhohn's GreaveU W. lr 8. Bntchcr's and Fenney's Cutlery, s Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, Guns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives. Also, The American Razor Strop, a superior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. Csan Dealer- In Cutlery, will find the above Stock worth; their attention, as the Subscriber's chief business is importing and selling cutlery. Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly - MAB9UALLII Concentrated Sarsaparllla. For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipelas, Piles, Chronic Rheumatism and all disorders of the Blood, Mercurial Disease, cVc TT is recommended to Physicians and others, as - the strongest preparation now in use, and en tirely dift'erent from that put up in quart bottles, possessing little or no active principle of the Sarsa parilla, but intended to deceive the public. For sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland. HEYL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Galls, Swellings and all complaints requiring an external remedy. Ii is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, stifT ncss of tho Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, &c It has also been used with great success by per sous sfllicted with Rheumatism, and other com plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel phia, and for sale by M. A. McCay, Northumber land. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. ly GREAT ARRIVAL. " JOHN W. FRILING has just received at his store in Sunbury an extensive assortment NEW GOODS, of every variety which he ia now ready to sell or exchange for produce; and consist ing In part of CLOTHS, CJSSIMERES, t c. Linen and Cotton drilling, and tummei wear of all kinds. Calicoes, Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, &c. Muslins bleached and unbleached. PALM LEAF AND OTHER HATS. Quccnsware and Hardware of all kinds. Drugs Paints, and Dyestufps. FISH, SALT, AND PLASTF.R , j . ." raneiy oi other articles all of which will be sold at the lowest terms. Sunbury, May 26, 1849. WEISE & CLEMENT, Saddle and Harness Makers. THE undersigned respectfully inform the public, that they have commenced the above busi ness in unbury, and will con stantly keep on hand and manufacture to onler, at their stand in Market street nearly opposite Young's store, all articles belonging to their line of business. All articles manufactured by them will be made m the best and most durable style, and at prices as reasonable as they can be had at any other estab lishment jthe county. They therefore respectfully solicit pefSons to call and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro duce taken in by the stores will be taken in ex change at the market price. it i wbisn. AUGUSTUS H. CLEMENT. Sunbury, June 23, 1849. lTquoks, avines, &c. rPHE subscriber has just received a new supply A of the best liquors that ever came to Sunbury, consisting in part of Superior old pale Brandy. Fine Cogniae Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. New England Rum. Fine Holland Gin. ( . ( Superior Old Whiskey ;. Common do. - Superior Msderia Wins. Lisbon do. da. Superior Port Wine, Burgundy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wins in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, May 26 1849. DIAMOND POWDER FOR RAiMi STROPS. , , ... 4 THIS Powder Is warrant fnr mprnor to any thing in use for imparting a in. smoothedge to Kamori, Surgical instruments, anu Ml kinds of line CcTLzai ; it may be applied W shy Sind of strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and Pcftw mery, wholesale and retail, by , ALr KED HENAETT, Agent Depot of Fine Ritzors, Strops. Brushes, and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a bovs Chestnut Philadelphia. , 1 ESTJMtJAlAIiS. Piiilaiiklphia, Feb. 15th, 1848. This may certify that I hnv used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA- MOA U POW UER, anil can attest in the most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing con be found that will produce tbe some effect in my opin ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will find it siiierior to any hejetofore in use. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st. PiiiLAiisLraiA, October, 1848. A very hard licard nnd tender fuca I in compel led me to seek and lest many contrivances design ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but' with indifferent success, until I made use of tbe Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, and Roussel's Shaving Cream. Their united pow ef act like magic, and Impart a power to the Razor to remove the most stubborn beanl, without irri tating the skin or tenier of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street. For sale at this oflicc Price 25 cts. per Box November 25, 1848 6m. J. J. GHEElTOtXGE. (Late Keller & Greenotigh.) 1 PATENT ATTORNEY. . AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER, WaNliiugton, O. CJ. . i ) WRA WINGS and papers for the Patent JLFOliiee, prepared and nil the necessary bu siness, in relation to securing patents, trans acted, and promptly attended to, at their of fice opposite the l atent Umce. October 28, 1848. DR. TOWSSESD'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OP SAKSArAIULL. LAUD LAMPS. CORNELIU fc CO. Pi a. 1T6 t'brsnut at , 1) ESFECTFULLY announce that they have of , just finished the most extensive asasrUnent BOOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several cop ies of the hfs of Christ, and also a number of gold pens which we will srll at Ika PhUiUalptua f sale al Uuaattiaa. Tll ANTvS. BLANKS of every dsseripSioa tan lis bad by apiitfiag at aba atria ef the A man asm. rinSSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue psper for l coveruuj (laaaaa, its., fur sal al the eltie s4 jks Aatsriesa. LAMPS, they have ever oficred for sale, comprising ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, MANTEL , ( LIGHTS, Sic. In great variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of these Lamps, and such are made as will produce Ute greatest amount of light Irom the least consumption of Lard. Recent improvements in the manufactory, with the introduction of new and perfected machinery, enaliles them to sell st a very lilCr.A J litULU TIUN from former prices, snd all articles before leaving the manufactory, ar carefully inspected, and are warranted perfectly tight, aud togivs satis faction, Philadelphia, June 2, 1849, ly FJLTE1TT lEDICIlTES. Green's Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Tosrn aeud's Sursaparilla. Baker's Sarsaparilla. i Swayne's Byrup of Wild Chen Swayne's Vermifuge. Ay re's Cherry Pectontl Dr. Drake's Pauacaa. . Dr. Cullcn's do , Tibbit'sPain Killer. Dr. Haofland's Germasi Biltersr Indian Vegetable Pill Horse and Cattle Medicines For sal by HKNKY MAI8ES. wasasy, Jttky 14, M4. COLD & SILVER WARE.' J. STOCKMAN, No. 60 Chemut-ft, at the sign nf the Gold Thimble, beticeen id. $ 3d. .if., South sidt Philadelphia. MANUFACTURES snd keeps constantly on hand, at wholesale and retail, tho fol lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduced prices : Gold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do r inger Shields, Silver Table, .Desert, Tea, Suit and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Ovtcr Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks and Chains, Knitting Sheaths, fee. ALSO, Jewellery, Plated snd Brittannia wnre, German Silver Spoons, cVc; (told Diamond poin ted Puns at various prices; Jackson's Superior r.verpoinioti i,caus, a e, esc. Philadelphia, May 36, 1849. In presentlnc the public with a remedy for the trrntmrnt and rare of Fsvaa and Aoi't anal other bilious, no apolojry ia netdrd. Vt numlirni in (he United States, who liffer from thene alfiTtloiia in their viincil (omit, are eomprllftl to anrk rtlicf frian other aaireei tliun Hip imme diate prearriplioits of tit regular thvnieiuu. !l tHrititiea therefore an object of humtiuitv. nm w'-tl nn of public inter, eat, to brius tietoir them a mmtYty preurl fntui iniM.h rx perietue, und which tuny alwityn Im? relieii tiwui am afs, irFSCTOAL, ASD nAXMLX TO THf. COXKTlTl'Tlot. 'I'llllt lu ll It the true rbamcler of U IN 111 A k - amply ntteated by lb uuivrraai " - '" " la" Kxtract from a canmuuicJition f Uia Tlou. Wit.. Liam U'oorbsidos, of the U. t. Heimte, Inte Governor of Michigan. . . DKTHoir, Oct. 1S10. Pocros Cuasleii Osarwia, Uir !ir, 1 have read with mucii iiiierrat, your little TSAB4THB upon the eauteB, trentinent and cure'' of the febrile diatiaea which have au axteiMivd prevailed in our country duriliff the laat few molltlia nn ititereat liKTeiiaett no iloubt, by the fact that 1 hiiv luilivlfliuilly aiiocveu much from them. Thonali 1 feel myarlf very ii oinietent to judae anfoiy upon a subjei't m entirely professional, yet your the'wy aeema to me well reaaiaiwl, and your cmhicJu aiona just, and t think withal, that your imphlet ia calcu laleil to produce much praetienl coimI. riprRkmg tt( the meiticine lie says t ft fully juali6ed your flidlenns expectations, and aa a sufe, ctuivemt-nt, and popu lar remedy, my own experience, o fur. imluees me to lie lieve ttail'it will pruva a sreat puUic benefit. I am pleased to leal n that you have recently established several airejieiea for iiadispoaiiitai though 1 refrret that, with a view to a mire general diaaeminatiiai of il, you alaaild nave found it neeessiiry to remove from yinir present reeidenoa among ua. 11 un nuicu respeet I nave me noii'M to sir, Your ohlieed ser'ant, WUIJAM WOtlUIIUIDOE. CF From Hon. Srsnun V. R. Taowsainoa. of Michi gan Stale Senate, to the Agent al Detroit. . IJIRMINOIIAM, OAKLAND I D., VCC. IJ, . Sir you wish ine to inform vou what I know of Dr. Oaotst's balm CholriKogue, or unti-biliona medicine. 1 do ueiieve ttiat u the virtue anil emcacy ol this nietlieine were generally kiaiwu, Die vvvek and aocs wuld diaupjear in Nliehigiui. 1 procured a bottle In the snrine of ltl. nnd have eNd rnasim to believe that myself nnd family escaped the ague laat seastai in consequence aT its at. I'erhnps in m suinuter suae the settlement of this fin pemustila, has the fever and ague lieen so prevalent as the faist. 1 have recanmended this medicine In iiuiuennis in staneea and when the diaense lud teeouie hxtxt und tKilflrd the skill of phyeicinna; mat 1 hnve tiever known il fail. I- hns universntiy pritiuceii uh musi sappy eneets, und I iet lieve it has never lieen execd-i by any medicine in reimw ring the bilious disenaea ta' the climate. lours, resiMX'inuiv. - BTKi'llKX V. R. TnoWBIllIMJK. Al'ill ( Sunliurv II. il. MAS."I'.R ; Norlliuiulierbnd. WITIIINGTOM 4 Cn.j MiUou, J. U. KASlUt: Saliac grova, MAY A KIAWK. stay o, iM-ii THlft F.xtmet la put up in ntmrt bottles. It ts six times cheapia-, plnimnter, and warranted superior to snjr old.. It enrra disenws without vomitine, purging, sick neta, or debilitating th patient, snd is particularly adapts "'". , TAi.L, AND SrRINO MKDICINE..' Th gVnt beauty and snperiorily of this 8nrprtrill vr other remetiea ia, whilst it nirtiea aiaena, it invigorates th sis. . j ..- ; Conaumpliot eur'd-. , I . . ,, C1eni)e nnd eMrei gtlierl. , . ,i, Ilmnehitia, Coiitiim.tKni. Liver Ci mplsint, Colds, Coughs, . tjaiarrn, Asmma,rMitiing(4 m mi, ooreneas mm Cheat, Hectic Plusii, V.iiflrt went, LitK- i , ,. cult and Profuse F.xrnVnnutorl, end Pain in the Bide, A., ftc.i timtJt saiul nan list aiaMl f niUUIv there tievef wns n renirdv Hint htA In fl cewfnl in denprrate rain of mumintptioii o thift ; it cmv rfr nn ihe lniipn, ntitl pntienM grudiiully regttin their uaual 1 limit ii and streiiifth. CL RKH S CASK OF CONt MPTION. There fa twnrretr dn nntuum bnl there lire a nnmher nf tnt,(f rfMintitnjttiitii reftrletl ns enred by the um ol" Dr TnwiiBeii'i lHrsuiKuMla. .Tho following wu rcccully re Dr. TnVJte.rxi Deor Sir: For th butt three veoni I have been aMUi (fri with genenil debility, (iiid nervoim ron ii mint mn iif ilia hist itae, bimI did ivtt expect tn erer jniin my fienlih st nil. Aftr gotim thioituH a cuutse o( niulicine iiniler the cure rti tmme of t Tie rnnt d'RtitiKniiiher. rfgulnr nhyaii iniia ami menilKTi of the li'mloi H .-tilth in New York nnd eimnrhere, and nnemfiiiii the moat of mv enriuiura in attempting to rnriiiu my health, nnd after reading in tne npr of vont Sirmiwtrtlln I rewHved tn try it. After lining aix bottles I toniHl it dme nic treat prnod. mul called to ate you at your utftre ; witli your ml vice I kcpl un, an dn mont heartily thnnk yon for your ndvice. I persevere iu tnkiiifr the Hnrmprtnlln. nnd hnve heen able to attend to my umml ktleorsfor the Lm four month, and I hoe by the hk'Miiigs of Goii hikI ytntr ftirftnpurllta to tfontintie my Itenlth. ft helped me beyond the expeetntioiw trf nil who knew my ense. CI.AK1,KS ITIMJIY l)rnin, Knsex co. N. J., Aiifr. 9, JM7. Htnteof New jHraey. Ktwex county, s. CltflHce Quim- th-it the f.rtff.tiitir ntntement is true nee'inhnff to th bnt of lufkuowtedcennillrrluf. lUIARIsKt Cjl-IMBY. Sworn nnd aiilwcribed to liefore me nt Onnific, the 3d August, ls47. CVKI tH BAIal)Vl. ' Justice ot the 1'unce. PPITTTNO T.I.OOD. Ilcnd the following, and sny that consuinption is iu ineii nlble if you enn : ' NeW York. Anril 2H. IW7. Dr. ToWrnb : I Verily Mieve that your pWsrtpiirilln hiis lKeii tire mams, through I'mvidem e, of suviuir mv lite 1 hnve for sevend ynnrs hud n led etniffh. It leruine woree nnd wttrw, At Ittet I nuwd Inree qunnlitiea of Wood. )iad niirht sweats nnd was tntly dthllitnted and reduced, nnd did not expert to live. I have only used ymr tirsn.pnrilla Iwt a abort time, and there bns a wonderlnl chance .teen wnmcht in me. 1 am now able U walk all iver the city. niiiwr no i ho mi, ana my coiign imi leit mc. you can well itDHviine thttt I aia thnnk Oil fur thefV rcKnltn. Your obedi. cut servant. WM. KLiSKliI, (to Cntlmrine st. I.OSTIIKR BPKKC1I. The annexed cert ificate tells a simple and truthful story of (tutfrrhuT mul relief. Tnt-re are tlioumnds or similar ca ses iu this city nnd Hmoklyn. nnd yet there are thoiiMiids of pnrenla let tlieir rhddren Uie tor i"ir of being humbugged or iu mvc a lew snuuitgs. nrooklvn. 9ent. 1 1B47 1r. Tnn!MHn : 1 tnke plrnmire in stating, for the bene fit ot those whom it may concern, that my rlauuhter, two yunrs and six iiKMitlis old, was altticted with generul de- imny sun loss oi sKucn. ?ne was given up us pusi ie cover by our family phvsicinn ; but fortunately I was re- commended by a friend to try your Sarsnioriln. liefore liaviiig used one bottle site recovered her speech and was enaHtfl to walk nlone, to the tistouishment of all who were fteiiuuinted wiih the circutmtHncea. !he is now uuiie well. and in much better hentth than r hns been for IH tmniths past. JOhKI'H TA LOH, I York st., Brooklyn two riiM.DiiF.v SAvr.n. Very few families inileed--in fnrt we have not heurd of one that used l)r. Townst'nd's HtirRipurilla in time, lost nnv Chiliireu the past Summer, wlnlc those that did not sickened aud died. The cereifieiite we nublish below u corirliwive evidence of its value, and is only another instance oi uf Niviutc me uvea oi cnuuren : Dr. Towsk?id Uenr Sir: 1 h:ul two ehildrert cured In; your Snrauimrilla of the summer complaint and dyaentnrv; one wns only 15 month okl and ihj other 3 years. They were verj- muen muieeo. anu we exieeted iney wouw dta j they were given np by two respeetaMe phvsiciaun. When the doctor informed us Ihnt we mum Inne tiietn, we resol ved to try iur !trsnwirtlla we had heard ao miR-h of, but hutl little confidence, there brine; so mueh stuff ndvertiscd Hint is worlhless: but WO nre thankful that we did, for it undoubtedly saved the lives of both. 1 write this tliat oth ers nuty be iuduced to use it. Yours, resnectfnllv, J()ll VWfUN. Jr. Myrtle-avenue, nrooklni. let. 15, 1p,T. ' TO THE LADIES. ' omi.VT fkmai.k mkdicim:. Pn.Tow.XBKNb's lARsAPAKitLA is a S4ivereiffii and speedy cure for tiwimeiit ctHisuiuntion. and lor the ffneral nriturrn. tion of the system no mailer whesL-r the result of inhe rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac cident. Noilm g can be more surpristiiu than it invigorating ef fectsou the huuiuii frame. iVrsous nil wenkin'ss and las situde, from taking it at once liecoine robust and full of energy under its mduence. It iuimediately ctmnterncts the iiereleiuiiiessof Uie feuuile frame, winch is the grmt cause l-nrre niifsa. It will not lse expected of us, in cns-s of mn delicate a na ture, to exhibit certitirntcs ol cures performed, but we can ussure ineuininou tnat Hundreds ol cnte Ituve beeji n:por- LIVEIl C01MPLA.INT, JAUNDICE,' DYSFEPSlAi, CHUONtC OR NEllVOCS DKBILITY. D1SRXSE OF ,THB KIDNEYS, A nil nil diseases arising from a disordered Livtr or Stomach in both Malt and r ' ' Female: ' Ifltn remedr for leh as pain in tha fcFa.'HOOFLAlTD'S' (1oT)i?.tcd German liittert rm , lla Sin h at Conttipnlion, Inward Tiles, Fullnoat or Blond to the Head. Aeidicv of the rttomaeh, Nantta. Heart-bam. lliaaaat for Food. Fullnms or weisht in thtKumneh. Ronr l-Vuebitiona. Hiiikina nr Flutterins at the nit nf tha Stomach Hu'iuiniina of Ihe ifearl. Hurried and Difneull Itrrnthn ia . Flulterinir at the Henrt, unoKing or riuneaimc tenantimiti when in a Iving posiure uimuetsoi vitmn. Dots or weiii Iwfore tha Hiirlii, Fever and dull pnin in the Hmd,Uefirien o nf l.r.i,imtioti. Vnllitwiiemi of the Hkin aiul K.vmi. Pan In the Hale, unos. uneai, i.inins. aie., riawn nutnea m Hmt, llurnuiff iu tha Flesh, Constant linngminsa of avl and area! depression of Spirits Can be effectually cured u Ihnt nroeeetl in mi rtinnaeh ; also in Re the efleets of 1- ev lemales suffering nnde 1 S,m wmkness. will ni . "tw:,MiSi li ni,! iiird aV.i D.aniift mnetlv. and I neir power over th anove - ; ) L iaa ij ennnlled by sny other & the I niloi m . "'" as ine eiiren aiirm, in inuiiy eases alter SKllllul nlivMciAu. I aval. tm.-. , I I I - nun iniiMi. v Uerniifremait of lb Liver and Stomm'-h ara annrsV. mjr Insnnity, and will also produce diaense ol" the Ileart.pkin Oxygen ATiiD ! ht o 53U LCI S53 PIITItlSlC, AND . . , VtSltSltAS. DBBB rVltiflsor, V (a. Acid Stomanli, l.t Swma. and even nnd Asthma, or l-nim tie Womnch (or Uy; winch often rVsl",! a l ryptKrr.) ia relieved laneen proen in hat nroeeed from a o Lunrra and Kidnevs, and tnrs the tsxlv open to an atl; the (Jholeru. Hilions, or Yellow Fever, ami is generair first cause of lliat inost aanel'ul disease, Coiwuuiition, Optnwnn of the rhUudelphut Press, "THE DISPATCH." Deeembei 31st saya;- - AN INVAM'AIII.K .MbaJICI.Vi:. WshSvefroqeeni: or V" 1 1 1 I rd the Celebrated German Itinera. tnantifel,mwl h. ! ll'Millhind. Sx'ken of in terms of eonlinendatlon, and w Know rteaerveilly so. It isn too common nrnetlee. in em tain qunrlers, Wl pun" all tnunner of useless trash, but in Ihs llilters, huiHlnl. are living witnesses of their groat moral nnd physieiil worlh. Asa mbeii.a of Omipliiint, Jnuniliee, Nervous Debility nnd Dysiieptin, it ...urn. ui.uiuHiiiir, eneeiing eureaaiHi uioMnghiy . 'i.-n an uiner mncinea navj iiiuen,. e led eonvmecil, Ihut in the ute nf the German llittera, the patient doesn M liecoine debilitated, but cntistnntly rains strength and vigor to the fnmif- a fact worlhv of a rent contiilernluai. The Hitters are pleasant in Uiste' and smell, nnd e.m be ndiniiiitiereit under nnv emi,n.limees, to 11,2 most delicate stoinaeh. Indeed, lliey enn lie ilseti liyslt per raia with tha mat ncrfc-ci safety. It would lie well fot those who are much affected in the nervous aystem, u 1 " i'-' nic i,n ttt,mni or less, ana frnnnaiiy irf create, n esrswlc from experience, nnd ate of courko, $ i iic (wets ir nun wine, nave uniteo. in r eommenilmg Uie (ierninu Hitters, and to Uie afflictod w v...,i..i; miiviim; tueir ute. ... .s SPIRIT OF THE TIMES," June 2llh anvs: . the mnnysitoiiitliiiig eun-s Ihnt have been performed Is Dr. Ilootfland s Cel.brateil German Hitlers? If they ikj all who are alnictcd pepaia. or Nervous our citizens after the used them, and theyliuvo proved to lies medicine that nT one tn.iuiii snowoi, ana we ennnot refrain giving oiiav tiniony in their fnvor, and tliat which gives tlieul afc .t .i . . "Tiiiit nuvi r,e o.rusi it U.n publio ; ""vertised, but sr tllicaey In the family , with a like trsi ), it .is known iu the ni. ii,-.ii,-iiie t . ,... fttttia in alt its ditTerent f.wa kin oi i-miusic. lla oalv h stiayof Itawond, IButn south or by letter fro, xlJanir- where thete Bitter. ulryitrciiown to th propria . aaMia eertifienlet, srtint tr riTlI-IATKD lllTrERS," iir: many of tliein aignt iKatP III pub) Ite. , t.Kfo s a J lOR, Vt., OotoHer Is following CertlKf , 1tVliv nig mad use of nun's,., Geo. B. Oreeeicy , 4rXainedofih,-Wie. ,oK niend them t 'os ,,r ,,. valuabltant ' JJiKotitthe "T T ... flnl ven: a u,,n h-hrated German Hitlers? If they drl artel,:" """fC,,n d therrl to til "German Mediein UlorJ V. 1. AR.V. d with Liver Coinptoiiii, Jaundice, li BretofR. 8. Sc, i Debility the Doctor hnaeitral iiunif t. WonrJIDOi., he beat phvtieinna had fniled. W ! Iwof Ml-Vi. T elaun upon our humble effort, they are entirely Veg' "THE DAILY NEWS," Jutv4thmva: 9 "We speak Itiinwiugly of Dr. Hooftiind'sCelebralM 'T man Bitlert, V !un e sny it is a blessing nf this ar,nd in disease of the liilinrv. riigealive nnd S'er-nutSytt"- ' hiitnot Mathink nn e,iuil. Il ia a Vnretnble lVsMr""1! and iiuide witlloitt Alcohol and to all invalids we eii re' coinniend it us w.ulliV their eonfi,lenee; I .w'.'r wholes-lie and retail, al th prineiaaJ "T. OKKMAN MKUICI.NH STOHK, No. l!il Awa""ei I'hlbidelpliia For sale hvM I MrfAV v,.nl,mlw..i. Jk ' J Sun bury and resnecUhl deaiera aenerallv thrataatiS th April SI, 1M9. ly ffl . M.tB"ntelegat in Co... ry. ; " ' Hi D- t'tKK, Member f C lenatvlvoiiia. Wasiiis'utoh. D. IV, J piv haV oeei' s dyspeptic sullen aoJIre resorted to various meilK Pit'in'"" rrsiae urn ,ive usefl sitiui iwii u.'w.c, willerfel t health The forms in . iise r: til mv ense, were, gn Vli ofSppetile, extreme Hiitnleis a e, bowels, awl violent h(adi ihs- knowledge of yoi.r Vahule re nsriatrlynltlu-teil. 1 take trset pi' m.- I., lit ruo.tive v.'cr irk laat while on a visit nt n ' jilileteil a purtol d Itntle tod .Jitllii M with emit ln:c. They re . THE i. Et A.i riICCJATVE FOR TUB CTTEE OP ted bi us. Dh. Tow: Winkre'ts .,w;rgeiieniKtebmt0t .lui'UT grenlly distressed by ...itl. i.tlier dimeultiet, and hu'iiiB smjf.ii rusfc Wner'eyonr medh-ine has cnVcled great cures; and also hearing it reivmiineltdeil for siieh cases us I have dcs.Tlln.ii, I ontuined a It.llle of your V.xlnict of .iriirilln and fol lowed the directions yon gave inc.- In a short period it rctthived ber eouipkiiuts ami restored her to tieaitll. Hclug grt-ntful lor the lienehta she received. I tuke pleusnra in thiisaeknowledclilg it, and reoailinemling it to the public. M.J). MOOKK, Albany, Aug. 17, Ml. cor. Grand Jr. Lydla st. DYHI'F.I'SIA, No fluid ttr meitieina has ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the gustnc juice or saliva iu decouissiiur foitl and sLreiiirtbeuiug the orgnns of digestion aa tins pre paration of SursnpurilUi. It ptsuttvely euies avery cas uf dyspeisia, however severe or chriHiic. Hunk Depnrtmeut, Alliuiy, May 10, 1B4S. Dr. Towuseiul fir i I have been alilicted for several years Willi dyspeiiaia iu its worst form, attended with iur ness of stoinaeh. tiss of apix'tite, extreme heartburn, and a great uversiiai to all kinds of food, and for weeks, (what I could eat) I have been unable to retain but a ausili portion on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they lud but little or uo effect ill removing the complaint. 1 wus in duced, alsiut two mouths since, to try yoir F.xtraet of Stir snpurilla, aial 1 mutt any with little (XudUlrnce ; but after using nearly two Italics, 1 found my apetlle restored aial Ilia heartburn entirely removed; audi would euruesily re couuneial 111 ute nl lltu Uiose who liave lieeu ultlietnl as 1 havelieeu. Yours, c.. W. W. VAX ZA.NDT. Ageut f.a- Sunlwry JOIIX W. FRlld-Mi; Nor thumherkuHt, MAHY A. McCAY i Danville, WM. A. M 1 11 KAY Co., A piii si. ltus ly Headache. Giddiness, fiueuuiiiuBin. files. Dyspepsia, Scurvey, Small Pox. Juundice, I'niiitin the Hack, Inwurd tVenkness, Palpitation of the Heart, Kiting in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma) Ketera nt nil khlds, Female Conipbiuta, Miiiales fall RhM Heart llurii, War t'hotera Morlasa, Coughs. ( in tasty, Yhitpiiig Ojsurt Cotisuniptioiti Ft Liver Complaint. Kritipetua, Deal', Itehiugs ul tDSSSi Coins. GoutOnt, Nervous Copip' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, HOARSENESS. ASTHMA, HOUp. 1NO COUGH, BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION. THIS vnluatite pre ji ration, m astiiistiinffly ueeeasful iu curing diMisue i the Lutifrs, is the result o, skill ful ciHtiliinutii si id tlas kiwivvu curative nriucinles of medicine, its ingredient are freely iiuide. known tothe public, and are those acknowledged to medical men as ptsMessiiig rare iiteoiuai virtues, winen iiecutmr virtuea are XHiilunnl in the "CI1KRH I'lX' Toll Al." in their great, est purity and eltk-ary, and wlaru uaed,ua will t seen from til lollowUlg vuiuuoie i4iiiiony : l'KOFKSSOIt CI.KVEI.AXD. of Bowdoin CoHege, Hrunswick, .Maine, writes: ''I have witnessed the eaetta uf your Cherry l'octorai ui my own family and in tliat 4 mv friends, and 11 lias aiveu grout satisfaction ill easesKilh of adults and children. A VOIl'H FROM MASSACHl KK'rrS. ' From Dr. Bryant, Druggist and Postmaster, Chitfopee Falls, Hans , Da.J CAvv DsarWr; Koel.aMd pkaite Had remlt taiK' ftf all the Cherry Pectorul lust sent me. 1 cuu tuu hesitalingly any, that no medielus we sell give such arttiet fxctKui as your s does iva? hav I ever aeeu a mediein which cured ao many case ol' ftuiah aud lung cmupkuota. llur Physicians are using u ciieittiv vety iu tile practice, and D. M. BBYAXT, with the luippieal ecTtsHa. Trulv vuurs. un. I'l.itni.n. President of Vrr m-tit Mrtlical College ime of Ilie rrsait learned and intflllgeia laSysieians iu l be country, eiaistders it a eonitMiitioii ol rura exeelleia for the cure of tluit for niiduble diseuse, CollSulltplkll.,' Ausliu sJt iuerrxlilik. uuuSier of eerlifiiula lutve been received ; iutoviiis that Ilie t'heirv Pcciorui is, iu truth, s tiHF.AT KKMF.DY -. for Cougha, Cokls. Asthma aud U pulnmary cumplalut. PK1CK 7a t:KX'-S Pl'.lt UOTT1.K. Prepared by J. C. AY F.R, Isiwell, Muss , and aokt by H. MASnUH.Suillsiry, aud MAHY McCAY, Norluuia" berland. Marcs Sl, 1H9 ,i; Kollce to DcUmiueiita, I I.I. utxaoiis itulubtaj VI tlus aubaciiUif, 1 angel than six months, on not or hook set mint, are requested to call siui mute aeulenient, or else tlieir rrouuts will b li lt with a iiiagialraut fur cullec Uoii. ' - JOHN W.K1UU.NU Kunbury, July f, 1149, STONE WARE. ' STONE milk Pans, stons Jugs snd Pitcliers, lid other artklo ot stone war just received and fur sale by JOHN W. FKILINU. . uubss Jaa U, 119 . COLUMMAX SERIES OF The Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort. 'THE COMWimAN CALCULATOR, This 1 work is ulreaJv introdtieed into some of the liet Aeuilninies und a !itrte ittttnrH'r of 8'hools, where its use hits Kiven dei iiled and univrrsal sa tisfaction, both to teacher und pupil. It is purely American in its character, based upon our own la-iuitiAil iteei mal tytttui eurreury. It contains more, Ilie arrangements are better, and it is the easieat snd cheapest work of the kind now in use ; and it is so ronuijcreil by hundreds of the moat rnmpi'lent teufhiT and men of x-ieiua in the I ni on, who have recommended it, It is the book, particularly anil expressly prepared for our -rirnn tciolars 1 lif Almoa Ticinor. Till VlllTll's CoLVMBlAK CLffLTOR. This volume couluins 91 puges, with alaiut 000 exam ple for solution on the slitte. It embrace the Funihimnutat Kules, Compound Kules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Bingle Rule of Three, Proortioii, &r? TirKson's AaiTHMSTicAt TBirs, is destined for the use of youniter classes in tlu 8-liools of the United Mtatea. A ta-autiful little book and pleas, ing to children, and the only one of the kind of any value. There are Keys to both Arithmetic Km ml sin fjle or double, for th convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions are given with much extra matter for the black board. These Keys are Uie most completo works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, &en for the use1 of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the alxivo books examined, and no teacher who is cuuuintfd with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the beat works that have ever Urn published in this or any other country. Although Issued but a few months, they hnve already Ix'en introduced into the Night I'uhlic (Schools' of New York Citv in all the Schools mblie end tirivate, except two, in the City of Heading. Alio, iu about twenty Acs Jamie iii the Hula of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the Schools iu the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and lit the liomutrlis of ilarnsburg, York, Chambcraburtr, Lebanon, Doylestown, Potta- villa, Orwiiitburg, &c, AiC forsaleby Hssar Miuiii Bunbury, Agent for Northuiulirrluitd County, Bunbury, Dec 2, 18 IB. KENNEDY' PATENT SASH FAS TENINGS. A cheap and excellent arti cle lor fastening sash tV sale by J. W. FRILINO. Sunbury, July 7, 1849. DADD'R celebrated Home and Cattle Medi cine for sate by 1IUNKY MAXtTrKR I'uateivy Jaa. I7s, 1848 AND A VAR1ETV or OTHER DlSBjASI AR1SN0 FROM 1MPURITIK5 Or THE H, A.ti OBSTRUCTIONS IN Til 001 OF DICEsflO. i rspenenre tuia proved that nearly eveaSIIateorip'mntel from Impurities of the Itlooil or ilereniwi(f the Diges tives orgiinsi and to meure Health, vi sltusicmove Uiwe onsinicilonsor restore the Mood hi ilsisiUlssnl. Hie aversion to taking imttieine is svi'etil,lr re-l moved by Click er 'a Vkobtabi.s I'i isssi l'n.t.t. hei e niipletely euvelopeil with n craning nftwwliilt Suvar (Which is as dl.-tinct from the ii,I.T,iI.lti..ici,la Ulnm: shell rotu the kernel) und tinveuo tattiisdicine. Hut are aa easily swnllowed at bus f adv. Moreov tin y ueitlier nimaeiite or gripe in 1 1 atleat degree. 1 operate eipmlly on nil Ihe ilihami i sMt-lhe svtlem. slenilol eoiiniitug tlieuiseiics bi. nn.l nanmt al-v imrtii it! region. Thus, if thel.iver lie ulleel.4 it mgmhriit openteoii Ihnt irticiiliir organ, hiiiI JbtKuntiiig il nf i e xcess ol Kile restore It to its iiiitui rl r?i Another w Inllni; ... .- u.h ...J,.,., ii to. they strike nt the titit or ihsense tmn-e nil Impnrs in 'it ir.iiii uie itNiv. oim-ii mi nti s smaii aim r nally ; sn-ierHle all foreign and obuos'el puracjes froi chyle, so Hint Ihe bloml nuiy l tlioi :atfuySire thus ringa free and healthy aetionto lltepTft, bniKftatid anil ttiereny they restore health v ojl aaM all older liuve luileil. 4 he entire truth of the ahov e:isj W aseertlined trial ol auntie box ; suit their virtanire ao petit!.- certain in restoring itsaitti, unit therttpnetor bldt in reiurn me moiiev Ituu tor (lietat call cuaes h'lii il, ..r.f ni.'. i.iii.'.w'il i ul..n, Ia. I ' llctall Price, 3.1 tfj, per II Prineipul O'Tiee Xo. UfA'fSfr St., (. boiu uy JtniA i . -tIM. HoniSry M. A. Bl' tY. ,i,tkii Of rtememlierDr. 0. V. ('Iiekiitii th iitraat i-hig.'ir lolled ribs, and thul iiiKhig of the ant tieanl ol until he uitroiluceii thei uiBile. 1811 I ahoulil, therefore alwnva nsk forivkiier's lssV f 'ouinl ills, aud lake uo others, or the ir roads .icStrlinrief I I !. Kcbritsrr, 17, 1649 ly ' . - -,oui an aaenev at l'H1'i"i vthe nieilieine enn lie obtniifd. f.r your prosperity and Inippiuces, finir inepci 't. liv.o. 11. nttH- AVindSoti Vt ilil Wholesale and Retail by rife ntiilth rixth street. Philadelphii . . gent for "siiiuairv n : it. m .rs-i-.,. gents for .M iltoii M Al'lvA Y II gent for I'pper .Mahtaioy. J. O l1 4vii i.i) ie-i IlTollTANT TO Tl ZOPaSE A1TD f MEDICI Don't permit your ltorthe n means of cure are w: apent se' The undersirrned ',ice in ' tuily of Veterinary nvnittt W inlioro','' he hii'.' nit.rcelebri' lies of LfibilJ,,',,,.!, twnrdi a sntritnted .,,;i.Hii.l" oft .rf '""""JjlU oi prtrtl W" n of all medicines Wtobenf-A .hmiSfrmi. ' w,,f" .-I U article the liev r m.nty I v-i I . frrlaDd. uf tha w evsr ijhntera laMtdert SOKKS CA BtCt RID. Burn., Scalds, and all fc'ns'o 'iiiimtd Seres riOfSKY'S lAMVKIi.a.Vta.NTOEN-.litlli 1 coinnMe Hum AiiikI 4 m klsitvi It iMantly, !. mw ., ,,, .,iKi-, r-ivf,-,iM is luewti Brfprmie Uurn albl hcald. l-'ia old Sqrstiiniit. Ci.4. ssiik. are (.uiiiuuor beitst, it ia the Is-sl; a-ucstiou th 4'i. made I h 'iisanils have trleif aisl tlgMlSxts imnse i ll wheinast lierteet nv. user of imiu evesiirlpivnmrl. .'J why tit re commend it. Kvery fatnitf- sast tie tysynladwith it. None can lei how sit iu 'iae tdietanillv my Red it. t f I Ihaerve ench l "f Ui'Miuuie uitni.e, kn the liauienl !. I'ncssT, writlos) xlatiMtaid' hbei-T units jo tlua ia lorgery. a, . Iloulinen, Livery M'-ir. f otrt, sad al ' wlita llntstes, will find this Ointment th rr orat tl'Ug !r can use f ir Collnr tialls,rVratehes)-1tki4r.I I on trir ai.niuu tnrely every iiiereyful mail v,ut kfp ii aatfls as trea from -vim nt i. ruble. 'Cparl'iljiiviad Cuu incut ia all tlmt it reriuired Try it.' HirKSKK INSKCTf tori-si, j or it ef noissri us Insect. T.nuey 's OiiitiUUNKsd--luri.lreiishar tried it unit toiml It goat. PI l.l l' I' It t'.l) ! FoTtbe'.Ira, Tisey1s uiversnl Oil ment isiaie tg' the best ftflnaie, issi can 1 applied. All who have tried it for liMaP' raroniiiiajMlt. Old) SOUKS I'l'KKP. orua ,.l sImo Sirea, tkar is laithing equal to Tolly 'lislnjeiit. Iers m iu Mnini us had, for a number f Vn. a irerlhat bsffleii tha skill ol Ihe doctors. T.HttsW itksj,,,, ,,! v renaninended by one of the visiting twi, ( , tu Us great vir tues.) and Him lt.xes at beifit than th ps tieul had received Iroia aunad all tu) lemedie. Lsl IH'HNS AXI ICA-fl tRp.a.' twS, of eases of Hums nnd teakis; uf all mi , rtieouulej-. have bee eured by Tousey's I uhrersJunt, ml. Certiliial. a enough could be hud to till th Whulttf t k sbft. Mwi.r.N i nm 1M.MHIE11 T,ii,ila on tesli moniul in favor of 'ieWli,4iri,,f curing Hruiset heve been ot'iired th prioet,. J i Svciciis williwtil) loiugr.-iiutrarriJvBvtiepai!'Oi ti.a st severe llruisrs. All Berts trt ikl t-g Sl.'Al.l) ItliAl) CTKE1 hi. eases f Scald llmi' hnve ueeueuiad by fo,; utgaat. Xry it it seldom litlls I SALT ItHKI M Ct ltryar) teineti.-a ever di coveren lorllis in Inr.shle eaifciiiil. Tnisev's I ti verul Onilliieiil la vkeu Cisapas ucver was kilU "i'iIappiid n wjisiiij, nEettpn-Touteft rm- verail Oint nt witmi,,,,,,, , r- clurt M t,:huji. ped !.-orea Jf (oai taORtlJl. tJlir Forib,":'; l.i-tk. waa never anylhiaf rtpt mati t,; iiuueut. 11 ia aure to eurethevs. fry it. It laa -lciitihcmauuud, wcd no to contain "V nreparalioi of Mortarr. IV p, s eenls -r It'X Per furUier purliculancoiiesiaiiur llaso.. valuable Ouitnu-ul the laibhc srerelorialv, PsuiiwiUl bad giant, "i re , table DruajMsl sad Mefdv i througlsalt ill I ned rUale. 5 Preiaired by ft TOl'SEY, N. If Nmssu Street, New Vol. A.-e-t Jt HM YODItO.ury. M. A. McCAT, Northumberlaiai, ' Fehruar)-17, IWf-l, potton Yani, Cotto fj thtul) Cotton Lsp and Wadding, CotbfJuUiires, ResJv mJ Pairtalooms Jlesdy msd, Coagreri Knives, Porcelain liiW preaerr fc.nle. iut received for sale by i . . . ; " H.MASSER- bunbury, De. J, u PATENT TVus UidTTlarnwn's wrilulg and Ukl,e yrn Hid laps, just rfceived j i. i -r a W. FKILING. . Sunbur?, IJ, jg unewy.lW s. snnt'll 'I T,eusi,.the nature inintsm. .. sjcatroyin. safcin th It.' ' " : .. i ...... fv6ti oil. ' a Li.i.r i. G.1I.DADD.M. rhvsic ball,, 75c. V"1 C,,,U 5,Mllc,", Alterative ball, 7.V (. " powders foi " '.', ace. conailii'rljVoef Heav powder fonliHrase' , . rrine rnnvd-r for "e lin6 lOlltc limn er l..r l.a.l .nh.lll. ""? i .v'i,,nii. l-urdial dunk fur uiflumstioii bottle. Liipiid blister, 75c per Mile. ' Ointment fiif pY.ttiioling the frowtl per pot. Heulinii balsam for wounds and eaj er Ikillle. Vash fof iii(1:liel eye, &0c per bo'j Oiiitineut for manse seratcliea, olj arti' a?r bottle, j Kmbrocatioii for sore throat, 75c I!' Hoof oiiituieiit for saiid crack, hddf, i pur Imltle. Horse Linifficnt, the nirMt cctAJed articl ill England for lametieas of',ery Jescripti & $1 per bottle, Distrmia-r powder for rrJ"' 9 1 per I Worm (Hiwilcr for the nmoval of worn the intestinal canal, H' psckatre:.' For sale bv cVriV.'WON St KBED, i chanta Kow." also ' DADD'8 HOKS CA'JTI.K MEIV'INE UEI'OT, No. lUyiliurkel eiiure, Huston. Painiililets irsiTibiiisj tle disfsac ft these, icincdietare used can be hud grain Niimerotii,""i'cnt,s are in poaaeskio Projirietor. jf cures perfornif d by tire sin cine. SoldhWJKEEN & FLETCHER,.S'o SI.VTH Street, Philadelphia, and by hit AsrT Hxxst Musts, Sunbury I'efrunry 3, 1849; if ' SPaC W1T'3 ' ESSKNCE OF JAM AICA ftl3l PREPAKED and sold only, a FRE BKOWN'ct 1)1U (1 and IvfrvMRV N. E. corner of Futh atidiiK"!'l"r ladclphia. This Esaenc warranted in a conccntruted foru- H s!uable of Jamaica tlimre snd will be found excellent Familr .Medicine. It Is psrt comiueudcd H tonic, lo persons reco fever or other di !, ft lWP 'f the aUimach s glow snd yigor, equal elaai of brandy or oilier stmiuland, wl , dcbilitatinu cffii-t. which are sure I use ctf liiitutr of any kind i ; , : .fc..i.i.. tn cltililrCnatid f esta-ClSlly scrvicruow - Ihs seed, it will prove , great coin' dyspeptic, snd to those who are pr gout or rheumatic alKcttons, it gives and to the inebriate who Wishes tf whose etomsch is constantly craving liquor, it is invaluable giving mn. .... .ml strength W telt ten is consequently a great agent in the persnce. UT Full direction, aeeon bottle . , . . The above article can be had at I 'pVitadllj-lils, iun , 1849. ly Vuluable Ilooh IKE" or t Ha isT, naiuiaomety gss iiistosv or DllSS PAI-SOOS SID S.SW6S. Forssls st the publishers pnees b H, n Junburr, Jury 14, 14, nriLEY'A tXtCtlaf P-jN" . lent remedy (of cvgh at this - TA'K. A uperior srticl IV More of ' HEM Mnbury, Feb l, 180j