-- z SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKPTJOURNAL. JtftlVAL Or THE' GEORGIA A'" CITV. ji, LaUr fi Calltsrul' V Mail SlMtner t8rpt d at Ne York;tffFe two wk late dm "jib previously in"" J'w Orleans.' trrirad oil 8ti nily Major U ,'ono of lha f ef January He .idly teeading y: The '.. r ich have. beei1? nust hawJ)afiJ b"S which wli M "7 yet dill. flakea of geld - uayi DaitKe terday who haied n Sacramlol lo fromourofticag vasmng gold vt nff he week, iiccess, howevl trom the mou lt- mines were ci 'shS, On the lu tiell as i fork dtwtains tlhet wS5 to GoU la tor o. a. and arm ;ned to look believed th houiand persle ions of the I is said jone VT ' "ThJ ..decrease in Iho protj s exnaustion, but , "'guvror. Large, h '"., mere is room fori jnber, if ihey only v' re selling at comnarai J diggings. Flour-by thn ( ' VUIIU -c. Potatoes readily co No other vegelabl On the Middle and erienn miners' camps "en wim venison, selling i Sacramento , great reduction frorn'- ' hole' are being erectei been held in San Franc building District, on Ami ie 2jvers- t carru' h,t been 'aken ( ices. i;.eiehine wenty:t merican a . u""v,ur" pv conia n. .r1" u" ne tninai or roc ini. . m . "6 o Air known when roy I Those fu'arly ,,k lfn.. .i-t n . fa"'1 Ihc lere'nce of cli- .,vhac'u,-Th' Im,ian . " '"an to jdly indebted to Js Mid, arfltt ii to sharpen it 'heir though ihey some- - " hi 3 , . fia. We re (Pa.) Whig. 1 regret to learn that Mr. Pow- slill declininc lie was at Ha- wt account, but contemplates he States, not having lealized V-lw. I effects -from his visit that he ted. It it said hu entertains but faint f his recovery. - , Icher boy in New York says that he tard of the or quarters ol the globe, ever heard any person cay any thing e hnd quarters. ' &l)e ittcirkct3. Philadelphia Market March 13, 1830. --Flour is oulet and the price "wea iping brands are selling at ii 4 75. ur 89 and 25 50. Rye Flour is held tt 82 90. Corn Meal is worth 82 62. . There is a limited demand for t at 81 04 a 81 06, prime White at 12. 'enna Rye is held at 84c per bush. -&mthern are worth 32c, and Penna :v. SJesof Whiskey in bbls at 24o at 28 a Ih. cents. Baltimore Market March 10j 185d. At the beginning ut the week the ned at 100 109 cts. t- fair good ds. The receipts have been quite d to-dilv we nude fair Id foime i 104 dents) strictly prime parcvU bly command a cent or twomor, .'Cols. Sales of white Wheals at tuts, and of family flour whites at in Is- U00U retina reus are worth t sales of MJ. were at 84 a 56c hite at 47 a 48 cents and of vi-U 0 cenls. To-day sales of while. 1 a 47, & of yellow at 48 a 49c. ;es range from 30 to 33 cents. Sales of bbls were made at 254 thds at 24 4 cenls. Since then I a shade of decline. V TRICE CURRENT. tfssify by Jsnry Hatur. URT 0r JURORS O A D i,brl.M,d County for April Tsrrs Grand Jurors "Altss. IiMKiTina, AhmiH. 1 'i ? l r! Hontine. Farmer, Tuibut, John Deppin, . Jackson. Stephen Hurah, ' Rush. 4. Jacnh Soil-- ' ti Wm. L Cook, Cemloman.Northam'land. Henry Reiser, Farmer, Lower Augusta. 7. Joseph Hoont. " Shamokin. Shamokin. Joseph Sharpie panfel Leshar Rush. i n-i. 10. Levi Balhet, Merchant, Delaware. 1 1. t,onrf! I)hnk,.i. t.m.. t..LiA. 1 1. conrad Rhebock, Farm !. Enoch Wolv-rton, ' 13. kl is W. M'Carty. Blacks M. John Gippin, Farmer! 15. Georse Miliar - ' 1 Husti. smith, Delaware. rmera. ChilisannrTna eorffe Mill. - u Rlvt.i.:. 6-paH.Evert, --'ti Coal. . y.irTn D. Conrad. " L Anemia lg id ward Moyer, Merchant, L. Mahanoy. 19b.siinri Honpt, Cabinet Maker, Sunbury 50?'-A. Clark, Farmer, Shamokin, of-Andrew Nvei " Delaware. ?3 i it i aIi'iH onmuri jonn, " - oniniin Nathan Haas, " " Vp. Mahonoy. . Samuel Lents, Low. Angusla. Traverse Jurors 1. Jacob Snvder. sen.. Farmer. Up. Mahonoy 2. Elias limerick " Low. Mahonoy. 8. Michael Moore, " Rush. 4. Wm. Stroecker, " Jackson. 5. Benj. Krohn, Bnntman, Sunbnry. 6. Amos Vasiiue, Farmer, Shamokin. 7. John B. Leinbach, " Delaware. 8, Jacob Bower, Jackson. Lower Augusta. Low. Mahanoy. Up. Mahanoy. Delaware. Shamokin. Point. 8. James Reeder, 10. Joseph Spats, 11. Michael Paul, 12. David Wilson, 13. Conrad Yost, 14. John Johnson, 1 tl 1 II II II II II Little Mahonoy. 1. rfuun iiennyi, 16. Waller Speece, Mill Wrieht, L. Augusta. 17. John Hetrich, Farmer, Up. Mahanoy. H. Gideon Adam, " " " 1. Henrv Hount. Tailor. Sunbnry. 1 PO. Solomon Kramer, Sawyer, Lewis. 1. Michael Wilvert, Laborer, Snnbury. I 2. Jacob Wertmnn, Carpenter, Lewis, . Andrew Geist, jr., Farmer, Up. Mahonoy & Jacob Rhoiidcs, Fanner, Chilisqtiaqiie. "Fred. Lazarus. Gentleman, Sunbnry. 2'John Lvon, VVugon Maker, msaac r isher, 91obert B rimer. Farmer, Up. Augusta. Lewis, Rush. Lewis. L. Augusta. Jackson. Up. Augusta. Sunbnry. 11 Shamokin. Coal, ovndrew Kunlon, 1 ni 1st Knup, weph Uau, hn Adams, hn Clark, sen., iiirv Weise, " . Jn'Haas, Clerk Jn Fisher, Miller, Simon Marlz, Farmer, P-rShrefTer. Miller. Delaware. Etrd Enterllne, Tanner, Up Mahonoy tllCttoKfllev. Farmer, Rush I?aiel Ktish. jacKson. 4)IW.ShafTer, " AtlRoh Giffin, i lSartl Gilger, " 4t.lVVnvares, Merchant, 47.9ohiberdorf, Farmer, 48. Thou Wolf, " L. Mahanoy. Chilisquaque. Shamokin. Jackson. Rush L. Augusta. Petit Jurors 1. Hogtaul, Farmer, Chilisquaqtit. 8. jKmelirk. " Delaware 3. Alex ililwell, Laborer, Coal. 4. Wm.eaTer, Inn Keeper, " 5. Jacobiisenrintr, " Shamokirli 6. Elias tsious, Shoemaker, Sunbury. 7. Georgtlarner, Farmer, Jackson 8. John Vf, jr., " " 9. Peter S,riz, " " 10. Aaron hfa, " - Up. MahanrJV. If T.. 1 ' . HI I 1 V.,U.,H..,.l 1 a ,.,,. ""whoz. fhilipUi, Farmer, Up. Augusta. 1 . o BeesVn ls- JcromiaUlam, " .T '' "nl monff 3t Adam V.iling, 8r"e, he declare that ft '5- Sam,'', fainsoi., " "es that deai J? !5' l?Jti Jackson. Point. Up. Augusta. Jackson. !. .wy. Point. Delaware. Turbul.. Delaware. .. unniei u isn, r aimer, .'Joho Nfeon, Farmer, S. John Bolh, " 2 George kuss, " 2. Robert (lutics. " 9', n.:i f'L.... 11 Up Mahanoy. 24 4b. Shlptnar.. Surveyor, Lower Augusla. n k ... nj-r. . . 1 e t m ii van;, ueniiemaii, ouuuiiryi 28.Vm. Heinen, Merchant, Milton 27. amn Shrin, Farmer, Northumberland. 28. (eo. W. Slaral, " Shamokin. 29. linit-l lletrict, Tanner, Up. Mahanoy. 00. j.tias Liaeiilui, farmer, a 1. .rin rleming, 32. E jah Bverly, 33. Jon Qlketl, 34. R.varl Grady 35. Sani Gillingir, 36. Get. Ptasyl, 11 L. Augusta. L. Mahanoy. Rush, Point. Rush. Shamokin. 0EPR4NS' COURT SALE. T X jirsusk of tn Jer of the Orphans' Court iortlnratwrtaniltouiity, will be exposed to puUiealc i Moud the 25th day of March next,' the luMic Howe of Henry Haas, in the Borou? of 5orthumbtrland, the following pro perty,.! wit Two certain contiguous lot of ground ii the Borough of Northumberland num bered 8 and 9B, and xiunded N. E. by Queen street, V bj an al!e:, S W by Duke street, and S E v lot i9 ; conUning each one-fourth of. sn sere. Whesoa arectej a two story frame dwelling isuse, and s (ine building, formerly udasfcUaulhy. AI,sO:A lolof T3uniin said Borough, num bered 74 henjfi b bj Mueen iUeet, N W by lot 75, S USy Ihise ttntt and S E by lot 73 containing ie-fourh of ta acret and whereon are erected to dwelling uusea, one on Queen tr'. theM.r on Uukeitreet ALSO it-tut contigisut lots In the Borough aforeaaid, auiwred 139,130, 131, it 132, boun ded N E bylits street, i W by n alley, S W by est wai j S E by ifth street' containing in sll ahout tu., tcroi ALSO: 6ii-onliuai lu in said Borough, iiiil iiuiiibted,r, 98.13,100, iOt if 108, bound k w 1 17 M,rk'ttr,'lN W by sixth street, f ,, 1,v Hev,nd 8 Eby lot 103, containing m all aH,lt lw, jUelh, t,e of William wcjLsy , dx-ead. sV tocommence at I o'clock uamel manoAM, ) Adm.ri nii'inm....-. Aam n ociC March S.u $ PeUr Lilly ).4,Aprit,rmA.D. 1850. va Eluabeth Lilly. S ' oubP " "9re" Yo. . k i Sb'h Lilly, 1 os are hereby n-j. . . , 1 u. fors th. J, ),,.. A, .iH' "i 8PP n -ourt of Coruruon Pleas of Northuilrlnd coC " 0m April next, to I M.0" f how eau, (if bove complaint and to VimM. Maiiimviir h.) why a diorcs . vou J1,1 not r decreed against Sheriff's office-, 8unb1,ES COVERT, Sbr'ff. March 2, lS60.''it 100 68 SO 37 14 9 t J28 10 25 8 10 82 280 1 er Auguata town .f otv f hem ner, at Cotwtable's saK ,d 'f Conrad Ksrsch purchased by me, sad lou,ry 15- I850' "M to said foi(visi 1 iurhig my pteaatlra 9 t VI '1 . tl 10 rrrft. of Rj, (m0r or l."1) 8ttnd lllind Horse; 1 Mantis CI? tl ground 5 . Wll' A two horse sled. J-owef Augusta, Tefc. J3, "wiwi. . 1 , JKr--8t T ETTEK envlowa. . i at this aW M kinds, M sale REQISTEIVS NOTICE. , NOTICE Is hereby given to sll Lsgstees, Cre ditors and other persons, Interested in the eatates of Peter Swank, dee'd., settled by his exe cutors William Swank and Solomon Swank t of Jeremiah J. Vsstjns, doe'd., settled by his adm'rs. Peter E. Vsstins snd Lydia Housel ; of John Marr, ttee'd., settled by his sdm'r. David L. Irland of Martin Garmsn, dee'd., settled by his adm'r. Jacob Carman 1 of Jacob Ruhle, dee'd., settled by his ex tor. smuol Herri or Christiana Ferster, Uerrr., settled hy her adm'r. Jesse Hensyl. OTat the Executors and Administrate! of saitstates have filed their accounts with ths Register of Northum berland county, snd thl ma samt will be presen ted to the Orphan' Court of said county on Tues day the 2nd ilry of April next for confirmation and allowance. , JOHN P. PURSEL, Register. Register's office ) Sunbury, Mafcti 2, 1850 5 t c JAMES BIOLAN & CO., IMPORTEUS OP ' F.nglUh, French & Oernian Goods, No. 138 Marktt Stttit, alova vocSth srassT, vr stiIss, PHILADELPHIA, Needles, Stay Binding, Sewing Silk, Pins, Carpet do Thimbles, TspeS, Coat,, do Bodkins, Cotds, ' Flsnnel do Hooks & Eyes, Galloons, Quality do Zephyr Worsted, Buttons, Furniture" Tstent Thread, Tailors Twiat, Purse Twist, Wire Ribbon, Silk, Cotton, and Linen Canvass, . . Gloves, Hosiery, Shirts and Drawers, Comforts, Infanta' Socks, Children's Gaiters, Suspender, Woolen Yarn and a great variety of 8TAPLE AND FANCY TRIMMINGS. March 2, 1850, lm CAUTION!! MASON'S CHALLENGE BLACKING. THE immense snd steadily increasing demsnd for the celebrated MAJON'8 CHALtiENGfi BliACKlNO Mas Induced numerous unprincipled persons to slteinpt an imitation of his Box Labkl, Varying it slightly, With a view to evade the law, but at the same time designed to impose upon the univer sal confidence of committers, in favor of Mason's Blacking; and as the counterfeit bears no resem blance to the original, except in the label, and has none of its good properties, Country Merchants, when ordering Mucking, ahould be nareful to ssk for "MASON'S ORIGINAL CHALLENGE BLACKING," which is sold by all respectable Wholesale Dealers, in every City in the United States. - JAS. "S. MASON & CO. . Philadelphia, March 2, 1850 4t Louisa Bcnnet, by" her next friend Ja- No. 10, January term 1850, cob Conrad. Al. Suhpcona in Divorce. vs I Edmund Bennet. J "To Edmond Bennet," You are hereby hotifiad, to be and appear before the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas ofNor ihuinberiand county, on the 1st day of April next, to answer the above complaint and to ahow cauc (if any you have,) why a divorce a Vinculo Ma trimonii should not be decreed aguinat vou. JAMES COVERT, Shr'ff Sheriff office Sunbury, ) March 2, 1850, 4t ) H'lL.II4!rfV A.Vn-lYSP8iPTIC ELIXIR ia, with the utmost confidence, offered to the Medical Fncully and the puMic for the cure of Dyipep aia or Indigestion, and all disease arising from it, such as Nausea, Headache. Vertigo, Dimness of Siehl, Debility of the iNervmSJ Sys tem. Mvnochondria. Juundice. Bilious Vomiting, Burning sphmtlon at the pit of the st-trtnch, l.ivercnmoloint. Oppression after eatingf iomoi appetite, raipiijnion oiineiienu, Wasting of the strength. Pain in the pit of the stomach Flatulence, with frequent or towards the right side, belching of wind, l-ldlloWneRS of complexion, Vitiated tuste, Depression of the spiriss aad Constitution and nueasiuess! irritability of tamper, &C of the bowels, I If a case of dy6prpfcia should be neglected, most scriooS effects may ensue, for it lays the foundation for, is the iu cipent cause of, and very frequently terminuL- iiicmeumn linn. I would impress upon the UlimVjtV.', JitL wil.h this disease may he to s.wa.'Vi.n.l W, tuies, -'ce by adding a consciousness of folly to iM penalty of nam. ' This medicine ia neatly put dp in bottles, with ample directions for use, and ia sold in Sunbury by Jonx W Fai!, JA.MKS WILLIAMS. Testimony of Mr. Abner Elmes, hntter, Market street above Sixth, corroborative of the efficacy of Williams Auti-Dyspeotlc Kliair , , niiiDstrau, October 3, IMS. Ma. Jambs Williams ! ' Dear r?ii : It gives me a rent pleasure to kmw that yotJ are uin preparing you medicine for the cure of Dyip. sia, for many of my acnuniiitances have repeatedly asked me Where Itendld be nrocuied, knowing that 1 had been cured by it. As I think Hint a public acknowledgment of the great benefit 1 have recelven front the use of your med icine no. ..my one vt you, ntu may ie useiui to others; I now make it. For several years I suffered from Drsprp. sia. which iucreaaed to such an extent that my health and constitution were rapidly aiuking under it. I was com pelled to restrict myelf to the frowt simple food, and even that I Could not dige.n. I felt a loss of strength, disincli nation tn exercise, and, as yon have it in your advertise ment, a general feeling of depression and indeaCrihahle weariness. In the year hearing from others high re commendation of your Anti-Dyspeptic Elixir, I procured and used It With the most hnppy effect ; under it influence Ktufuorend Wariness gradually passed away, and my appe tite returned which I could gratify with impunity. Ten rears have now elapsed, and my e-wfidence in the curative powers of your medicine haa of eourac increased, fi it completely cured me when I failed toobtntn relief from any other source. Very reapectfully vmrs, ABNKR EI.MF.H. Testimony of Edward H. Rowley, Wholesale, Nerehant of the firm of Rowley, Ashhtiuner ft Oo.j No 6 South Vharves, in proof of the efficacy of Williams' Anti-Dyspeptic Elixir. riiiLADixrilM, October 29, 1810. Mr. Javks Willisms! Dear &ir : I take plivsure in reconunendine your Anti Dyspeptic Elixir for the cure of Dyspepsia. I have taken it myself for the disease, snd have been entircljr cured. Yours respectfully, EDWAHD FI. ROWLEY. Aorxr JOHN W FRIUNG, Sunbury, Pa. March 2, ly IMULADELPIIIA MEDICAL HOUSE. ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS AGO, BT Dlt. KINKELIN. iV. W. Corntr of Third and Union Strtttt, BETWEEN SPRUCE AND FINE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA FIFTEEN YEARS of extensive and uninterrupted practice apent in thia city Vive rendered Dr. K. the nust exiiert and successful practitioner far and uear. in the trentuieut of all diseases of a private i.atura. Persons afflicted with ulcere upou the body, thr.iat, or legs, pains iu the neaoor nones, uiercunui rn.'uiuaiism, strictures, gravel, disease arising from y milifull excesses or impurities of the bl od, whereby the e..itsniuiiuu hua become euiecbled, are all treated with success. He who plnees himself under the care of Dr. K ., may re ligiously confide in his boil s' as a gciillouiau, and euUidant- ly rely up u uia ssn. as pnysiciau. TAKE PAHTICL LAR NOTICE. Youne Men wfe have injured themselves br a certain pi act ice indulged in -a habit frequently tainted from avil toompanliaia ur at erhnL-he efleeia of which are nightly fall, even when aSlech and destroy b ah mind and body, ah uld apply imuia.liately. Wankuesa and e.'iistitutional debility 1 sa of muscular energy, phyaical lassitude aiul gen ami pr .Siraii ai. Irritalnllly aitfl all nervmia aflecurms, indi geatiiMH aluasishness aT ths ttvsf, and every disease ui any way connected, wi'h the die rder of Uia proeraatjva fune ti 'lia f-uri'd. anirl lull vigrW restored. VOL I II 3t !11 4KIIOOD, A VIGOROUS LIFE, oa 4 Prematura Death. kiMttLi.x ua ulf Pnunttlua. ONLY 25 CF.NTS. This B tfikiusl publisliedis filled with useful information nn the infirmities and disehar of the Generative Organs It adraases iiseli al.W lo YOUTH, MAMHOOD snd t U) AOK. and aiioukl be land by aH Tui valuable adtua aia) imptaaiva warning it tlvaa, will prevent years of misery and suffering mud saVs SAuaau. 1 TaANiaanda of Lives. . Parenta by raarHi 11 wul hand sow topraVsnt ths aaa. tracuou of lnir chnJion. -A remittance -rf S3 ornte, e1oaed In a letief. ad drM u' BKJilNaiEUN, N. W.ruar of THIRD 4 l"1oN eHraati, between feuce Pn, Ph.ladelphia, will ensure a book, uialar envelope, per return ol mail. Paraouaat a l inca may address Dr. tt. by letter, (poet- picTaA&a&Fa DiBECnONS, r.a-warded by aemling a remittaucs, end put upaeoue frota Sook-aellera. New Agente.Pedlara, Cuvaaaara, and all others annulled wan ma auova ; " February 9, 1840 -If sasKaaMasa3ESSa mWO NEW CANAL B0AT8 For aale by X IRA T. CLEMENT, funbury Msreh 9. 180. ' , WlLlTRTT & IIAnDIXG'! WHOLESALE Comtnlsaion PA-11 nJ RAO WAREHOUSE, Nr. ' MINOR Street, PMladelphia.-. VVhee - f' rt ment of all kinds of Tap- "P! '' ' the lowest cash prte -Ctep, Lajttx tid Prtntlnff Papers, i - Ac. on bund. , Plain snd ftiled white Csps. " " blue Flat Caps. , . Plain and ruled whit tanar. , ' e " bine " Blue and white Folios. White and colored Printing Paper Tissue Papers. Shoe" . Wrapping" Envelope , ." Hardware and 6testhin Paper. 4 , Tar Boards. Straw Boards, Bonnet Board. , All orders front the Country will be attended to at the shortest notice. All goods sold will be carefully packed, and de livered at any place in the city. The highest cash price paid for Rags, or ex changed for Paper, as low as can be bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849. Groceries! Groceries!! coirow & Co. S. W, Cornet Arch $ 6th Street Philadelphia, "JFFER for sale to the inhabitants of Sunbury end vicinity, Family Groceries of the very finest quality consisting of Extra Fine, Superior and Common Green and Black Teas. . - . v Coflees of sll kinds and prices. Sugars of every kind. Rice, Farina, Sago, Hominy. All kinds of choice Pickles, Sauces, Ketchups, Olive Oil, Preserves, Ac, warranted to be of the very finest grades in the market and at the cheapest rstcs possible. . AW goods carefully packed and promptly for warded, COLTON & CO. 8. W. Cor. Arch & 6th SU Pfclla. Oct. 28, 1849 che3m ly my 58, . Winter Arrangement. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO POTIVILI.E. ON and after November 1st, 1849, the Pas senger Trains will run between Philadelphia and Pottsville as follows : Leaves Philadelphia at 8 J A. M., daily except Sundays. A rrives at Reading at 1 1 IS. Arrives at Pottsville at 12 60. Leaves Pottsville at 6 A. M. daily except Sun days. Arrives at Rending at 10. Arrives at Philadelphia at 13 60. FARES. Pottsville and Philadelphia 3,50 and 3.00; Pottsville and Reading 1,40 and 1,20; Reading and Philadelphia 2,25 and 1,90, Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tinkets. There will be no Afternoon Train. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will be al lowed to eaeh passenger in these lines ; and pas tengers are expressly prohibited from taking any. shing ss baggage but their wearing apparel, which will be the risk of the owner. By order of the Board of Managers. 8. BRADFORD, I Nov. 24, 1849i Secretary. ROBT. L. SETH. THOS. P. B. SETIt SRTII & BROTH EH. WHOLESALE GROCERS AMD (Zommtosiou lrrc1i.iuto, NO. 89 PRATT STXBBT, (Nea Bowi.v's WHAsr,) BALTIMORE, Will pay particular attention to the sale ofGAIN u.""' oilier products of the farm. -Baltimore, January in t THE PEOPLE'S VADB-WtflCTJBK COMPRISING A COLLECTION OOVE 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, lit the Useful and Interesting Arts with d few iiuple aad Cartoaa ExperlsMeUts 1st 1. CHEMISTRY I NCLUDttCi Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectiunsry; l)o- incv.iw uuouuiiiv,cic crc. eic. r rice rj cts., tor ale by HENRV MASSER; Sunbury, Dee. 8, 1849, nutate of Henry Yoxtlielmer, dee'd OTICE hereby given, that, letters of admin- 1 w iatrntinn ! lw.ii atmntmA . n . I. k .... i - - p . . hjuiv .uimnivr on the estate of Henry Ydxtheimer, of Upper Au- iu . 1 : . I.- ., . , 1 . 5""' luwnaiiip, iorinumocrLana county, dee d. All person having claims to said estate, are re quested tODreaeni them for si.min.iinn in debted to the estate are requested to makeimme- uiaur payinenu I'KKUERIfJK LAZARUS, Adm'r. Sunbury, Jan. 5, 1850. 6t THOMPSONS sr$qsi'K:iiAiVA bxpreh.s, Between Philadelphia, Sunbury, Ji'orthum berland, Danville, Millon, Muncy, WUliamsport, Levisburg, Mif. fliriburg, Jfew Betlin and Selinggrovei Leaves the City every Thursday Morning OFFICES IN FRXX.ADEZ.FHZA. FOR PACKAGES AND LIGHT GOODS, At L1YINGST0X te Co 's Express, Depot 43 North third Street; . AND FOR HEAVY ARTICLES, At CONRAD, CARTER tr Co.'s, Depot dot . of Broad $ Cherry. January 19, 1850. Win. . Cochran fc Co., Wbrflf.ale and Retail, WiXE AXD LIQUOR MERCHANTS, No. 72 H'alnut Stfeet, Philadelphia. B AVE always on hand a very Urg stock of I Wines, Liquors and Segara, of their own importation. Store Keepers, Hotel Keepers, and private gentlemen, will bis supplied ea the asost liberal terms. Philadelphia, Nov; IT, 184li STONtj Ware. THE subscriber would1 most respectfully In form his friends and a generous public, that he is manufacturing ths' btat quality of stoiIb Ware, in all its varieties, sftd is prepared ttt sell I little cheaper than any other manufacturer in the Union. He is slso importing slid dealing most extensively in CHINA, GLASS ASl) QUEEfcsiir ARE, which he offers on the moat reasoniible terms. His Potteries are oif Boftd street ttorlhoT Fcty ette, and China store and Sttelliflg tt fto. 8, E. Baltimon street. ..... DAVID PARR. No. 8, E. Baltimore street, BalTiitsas, Maryland. February , lSS) ly STONE Were, Earlrren Wsrs, Raisins; A I monds, Prunes and Cream Nuts. ' Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster Just received and for sale by - JOHN W. FRILINO. . Sunbury, Dee. 29,' 1649. ROSE pINTMENT. A fresh supply of this ana lor sale py nvui .n.J-in. Sunbury, July 28, 119 , . t TUB FARMER'S r , t. ENCYCLOPEDIA. EDITED BT OOUVKRNF.UR EMEHSO. IN ONE VOLUME, Royal octavo, tlJ3 pages, beautifully bound, containing, 17 fine plates, besides numerous Wood Cuts. Sold at about ons fourth the cost of the English work, Without any Plates. - " ' " u "The Farmer'a Encyclopedia Is a'resl treasury of practical information, wherein the experience of all ages and countries is csrefully ostkt cr to the present dsy, and admirably arranged for con venient reference." Dr. Darlington. - "We are fully convinced that such an amount of valuable knowledge for farmer can be found in no other work in so chesp and convenient a form In fact, no Farmer who pretends to be well inform ed in his profession, should be without this work." New uenneasee Farmer. - , An excellent work, fit to be distributed in pre mimnshy Agricultural Socities. J. 81 Skinner. For sale at this Ollice, price 4. .. . Also, by E..W. C A lilt, Third street, opposite: the Exchange, Philadelphia ; and N. HICKMAN, Baltimore, Maryland. t3T Ali Oabkaa sicst ieccstfiaita at THsCitSH. ' July 14, 1849. 8m E. J CITES, . WHOLESALE DEALER k MANUFACTURER OF WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE. Importer el French flaskets Ieklng ClaaSSs, and Fancy floods, No. 18 North Second Street, Between Market snd Arch 8ts., under J. Sidxsi Jokes' Carpet Warehouse, two doors beldtv Christ Church, ruiLAnELPHiA, ' . 1LT AS on hand atid is constantly receiving a large and extensive assortment of Combs, Brushes, Fsncy Goods of every description, (too numerous to mention,) Looking Glasses Of Gilt and Mahogany frames, Baskets, Coaches, Chairs, Ac. - ' BROODS,', Shaker's Eastern Wisp and Country Brooms, Window Blinds, Door Mats, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Washboards in fact, Wooden and Wil low Ware of every description, ell of which will be sold low for Cash or City acceptance. Merchants would save themselves much time snd trouble, by calling and examining my stock before purchasing. , . .. 1 N. B. Looking Glasses, are insured against Brcukagc to all parts of tlie Union, without extra charge. " ..-, .- - l;-. , . August S3, 1349. 3m TIMtMOniS COLUMBIAN KPBLI.XMO SOOtL ' B1 a progressive and Comprehensive Sys tem of Orthorminv anrl nrlhini, Inplu.lin n rj " iv- a vanety of definitions, adapted to the nso of Schools in the American Republic, by Almon Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-five year's experi ence, snd author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, Ac' The attention of Tenrhxra. K.'imrJ 11.-..- parents, dec, is invited to this new Spelling Book, which conforms to the modern spelling and usages in Orthography as being one of the neatest, cheapest best arramrcd. snd belter mlnntrrt tr. .m. r children, than sny other published in the United owia. ii ia wnai ii purports to be, a spelling Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction Into the Schools of the United States. Just published, and for sale by HfcKkr Masses, Sunbury. Where Teachers and Directors can procure copies fur examination. ' AUgUSt lt4. HICtfEtt & TULL, So. I.0 C liPNiutt Atreetj (Opposite the Arcade) FHILADELFIIIA, 1 ANUFACTI'RERS of Ihcir improved stvle J-'A Elastic Ster"! a-nfln S,ll,l nl l. il,.r Solid Riveted ' " ' ' Till Mi. whirh took the only first premium, awarded by me rrankiin tnsiituie al tlieir last exhibition. H. & T. Like pleasure in informing the travel lino milllir. lhl.1 tliev tliaVf. nnw mt t.nn.1 a ... ttful assortment of their improved style of Solid t. l rl '. V""V and Single Koho I funks, of vsnous styles; Ladies 1 runsa, lice Trunks, Honnet Boxes, Cap Cases, Carpet Basra, ahd Sn elerrant ataur.rtmr.nt e.f t.n.viv V... amcled Patent Leather Bags, with every article in ineir line oi, Business, i ITr Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange for New ones. ' ALEX. L. HICKEY. RICHARD VV.TULL. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849.. 50,000 Victims Every Year Fall n Prey to Consumption, Asthma and liaising Blood. Ileclio Fever and Night Sweats. ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION. L. J. Beals. tt Delaiieev ur..l ... i law who had tMeo an invalid lur yeara from Asthma i to another considered aa in eoiisuinptiun. It relieved them at auee, so that they travelled several hundred miles. SPITTING BLOOD Is always abrniii.f . It leada to the worst kind of Con sumption, and uuieaa arrested in time ia (enerally fatal bhennan'a AU-Healma; UaJsam is the beat remedy known : It heals the wounded or ruptured blood vessels ol the luusrs and thereby etleete a perinanuiit cure, while other renie. iliea only atop the blood lor the tune. A few doses of thiS Balaam will satisfy the roost akepticnl that it ia the hiadicine required It haa been saocessful in many eases, end thut too where they had run Into a rapid decline, or. as liuwe generully exnresed, "IIASTV CoNSl .'PTlOfJ.1 Youiin pers His, or thno of middle age, are nure subject to these attacks than the aped. Price is cenls and 1 per. bottle. Dr. Hhei man's Cuugh aiid Woria Loieneea, sud Poor Man'a Piasters, a 'kl us above ' Principal Office 108 Nassaa-etreet, New York. SUERSAS'S POOR JIAN'S PLASTER has cored more cases of Ifir-umslism, Pain In ths Back, Side and Chest. Lumliugo and Weakness, than any aph ration tliat hiia increased, hutlreds of unprincipled rascata have attempted tn eouuterl'ei tt, arid pa njl oft upon ihe ci'mmuiiiiy ee hic genuine. I V iseware H Iecep!ofll.sl Keuiemlier that the true aid geniiine Plaster ia IpreadtltKin reddish pdper niaile expieraly for the purpose and every case the signature of Ur. Sherman is printed upon the buck of the Plaster, and the whole secured by Copy Kight. None others are genuine. Therefore whs! you want a real good Sherruau;a 1' oor Alairi Plaster, call at theollice, (J0 Nussuu street, and yon Will tint be disappointed. Hemember principal Ollice 106 Nnssau-sYreet, New-York, Where all Dr. cMiernnin'a Loaenirea are a ild. iiis Agents are Mrs. Hays, 1)9 Fulton street. Brooklyn j H meson, Williamsburg j and Heddmg k Lo, Hoaton, and i JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury. M. A. McCAY, Noitliumbejiancl Nov, 10, 1819 cheJiu-lv n. s. lawucnce, Agent for the sale of Southicorth Manufactu ring CVi. Writing Pap rt. ITat e House, Ko. 3, !lluof street PHKZ.ADBX.PBZA. 100 CES of the above superior Pspers now in store, and for sale to trade at the lowest market prices, consisting in part of Fine thick Flift Cspa; !5, 14, 15 and 16 lbs. blue arid white: '" 1 Superfine MedtuS) tnd Demi Writings, blue and while. Extrasuper1 ahd superfine Folio Posts, blue. Sup'cVfhre Carnmcrical Posts, blus and white plain an4 ruled ahd white, plain and ruled. Extra super Lincu Note Papers, plain and giL Supe.fine and llndBill Papers, long and broad. 8uperGne and fine Counting-House Caps and Posts, blue and white. ' Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white. - Extra super CongreM taps snd Letlerl, gllL Superfine frrrtffti Csjvs and Posts. rtuperfiued blue Bath Posts, brue and white, blain and ruled. ' Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes, "Lawyer's" Hr ef Papers. Superfine sud fine Cape and Pests, ruled1 and plain, blue and white, various rpjalilies and prices. . Also, 1000 reams white end asserted Shoe Pa pers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorted tissue, Tes, Wrapping, Envelops, sssorted and blue Me diums, Can Wrsppirfg, Hsrdwsfe Psfr, 4.' I e:i.j.ui. S.'.a ..... tftntmnh of Ourn if Tifta. CaSevrs. firpMlt. smJ Starr ASsart hmue tf tkt BliHtni Iff, ary SMALL QUANTITY wAicS test suMd e UtHirhu a efeat Cans a tniM Duxmml r amy nrtaft ifu fmriftfrnf atWIeai seas r tn A Afrrlictns wkuA sal tuMurd mnd eewcaaissl ssmA DisMuw tarn laers Is gasilwSai tiidmei 1JU1 BRANT'S HNDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT If ntrk i Mtdirint. In every respset ; anrl ttlarS Is sbn. dant aroof. In fru mrss vHacted, that UM BOl'TLK ml It contains auart parilying. healing virtue, aad sbImI fowif. thsn there Is eunmined in i'ew tottla of aay aar-aarHtr-i7l, or sny wtktr m4i-inl that has aver beaa oflVrad for ssla. There Is andimbled proof In oar pamphlets, that bv tha use af this (treat nfie PttrU.r. they that were Uvino yet t.ivathey llial trara I. ana and Caip n.ao ess now Walk they thst ware Pick. ftraoruLSvs, and olherwisa diiea.ed, have been Ukslks and Cvase. - Hundied3 "fhousands ' wh. tiava user! Baaar'a Peairiaa. after havlag ased aas tested st.L the eartartert'Hd and other meriirinee raeaffa ueaded to ears blood diseases, have seriaWd Ibst- Brflflfs is tliu Cli6ap6fit, baeants Oat KMU at It tiae start mrdieal. earatlt aaaw ler In It and, In eoRjeaneneei eures etert sIImms ia saaesi lui itms, than etc auulf of ant btbsr mediriua. If. then. OSS Bitttltot Bs.lr t PvsiriSS will tars FOUR TIMUS mam disease than "U imlt of tarseiM vflla, ' lis. nt s I'oairiFS" would be s chrmp it fwiir d.A tort a bottle, as tartpriltm at sat dollar. But BRANT'S I'UIIIPIKIl is sold lor only ONL DOI.I.AH a boltle ; and as a bonis of it sot cured, and Is mpnhh nf euring.-jrear 7et as much disease as en boltU of srsiisaru7e. thara fore, sarsnpsrllls. in eonsequence vf its Zeis, puwer sud let inedirel effii-acy, should be sold nt nm atert tbsal Trnaiy AVrt Oni. ier bottla, to ba as car aa tha Pvai riaa at Of Vtllar. One Dollar's Worth ! How much C.wria hnwuiurh PrpHit.ti hnw murtli ScKorviaA will Out DolUr'a ttxn-Uoi Brmnf Ph'MFiBK eurct HmsJ ih tuliowtn( t.leDinnt, wkkh U lymi oti of iti pownr. CANCEROUS SCROFULA! 'I'hiii it the cf nf Iitf !! who yt ftr. Ha w curmi of won cat of Scrofula, br only Tmht Bettlm of Hmnt'i Purinnr. than er wn r'ured by the ut of Tclvt Gntlong uf tha bert ftmaparilla that wu avrr matia, tfrapnril)a hm not ntjicient mniieml powtr to effect tha cur vt iirh a revoltingl kopeiest ra. . Mr. J ft TIaskin, ol Ront, Onrida f . X T. had ttsrtt uU fott jffsjr fonrlnnl to hia bed tli la yrcr ha wisi mi much di-caed and diri!itsitd at tti unahle to raits- hit liNiid to hit head, He had that btt medical d Tfrn had utcd alt of tha fjt aurfaparWai to no food afr-rt pot Myyrtt and raw and wm rontdrfd to be a tying StaU, mid cuuld nul lit twenty four hours lunfer, win n ht rimimrnr'tl timn? UltAN'l'M l't'ltlKIKH. Hit ttrk km eaitn nrarty off. innn r to far a holt wh eatv tltiotijrh bin tvndpiptx uiidrr hit thin, to that he hrralhad through ihr ho! bit far wm $w rattn around that It cimi'l be lyttd up tint ot iti pm-j ii imlf tvildtii( by a malt piertt the mo of ant arm wm destroyed y two UK rera an Vleer tindff the arm. a Wra at a tnnn't kmnd, had nearly ttUtn tbi nttfh hia aide intm kit body. 1 bv. h wm nQlirtrd with ftctnty turh putrid, azrid, offnnv 1 cti. oh vaiiout iiaitt nf his parton. Fur farther aad full onrticiiN-a. ere Our pamphlnU. Iiutt. TUnil Willi MS, one of th mott tkilful phy ictana of ftuiur, wm rul ed to Ilniiiin tha day b'tn no enmmrnerd tiinp Vrttnt't fairi Port. V. exam ined him, and then told him Uiat all lh mtJUinu m thm mvrld could not curt him that hia cae wea Worse than Hopeless ! Wow hear Mr. HASKIN'S ttatemptit nf eur Tie 4 My wife procured mirt bottle ot BfXrs PUR1FYJ!Q EXTRACT of Bisttll A Leonard, Drutita, of Home I trommrnced ming that, and bean u vet aHr that bottlh enM?d ma to ret off mv W wUm i hmA ... emiflned out ymr 'ao txcunn huttla enabled me to m 0"t vt the Aok'f-thn third Ituttia euahled m tu aA 7Vo Mites, to Hiitnc Crntrr, where 1 procured Six Btulm mom: ami when I had finished winj thnt. Seventeen out ol Twenty t.'h ert had hrai.kp it and thru bottltt mora effected a i'KHKKf V XKE of all tha Clean, ami re ttorcd me to good health. FOURTEEN WITNESSES I Mr. IlASKlN has sworn to the shove fsrts, snd tha facts arc v.iti,e,ed snd certified to by Dflt'T. T. WIL-I.IAMS-Mr. G. K BROWN, prufrb-tor of the IfMlTieaH ;v(-Mes,rs. HISAKl.t. it I.KONAHD. Wholesale and retail Druugiats and Kt.F.VKN other rttptetablm srilntssss. We Challenge the World To TROVE a Curs of aa rtnhing and trry aejMteas a caea of Scrofula, by thn use nf TEN TIMKS as much sarMparltla. ur any other medicine, as was used of Btant't turifitr to etteel the abbve cure which enra ahall ba prueed by as atony mtU-kntnen, rtrptciabU amiiaMaf, as ia the above cure. FOR SALE BV John VT. Friline, Sunlmry Pa. Msry A. McCay . Ni.rthumberalnd. JhnH.ltasei Milton, Henry J. Shaeffer do Kdward A. Kulziier do AiUim Courhd Pottsgrova, Vnyn McCormick; McEweiiavils, W. P. I. Painter, Muncy, J. P. Mann k Co., ' Iliigbravilla, I'.dward Wilam, New Berlin, Thornton k linker, Lewisburg, S. J. Cr-.use, Aeiinsgrova. W H. Hickley, l)anv.lle, E. P. Leila A: Johri It. Mnyer, Rliiomsl.nrg. All Inters and nrdera must bs addressed to WallaSe i Co., 106 Uroadway, New York. SiuiUiry, July SI, letO ly. Kquliable lAte Iiisiirhnce, Annuity nnri Trust Coiupanv, OFFICE 74 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA Capital SW,000. Chaktse PxarxTCAL. THE Company are now prepared to transact business nrxvn the most liberal and advantageous terms. They are authorized by their charter jserrt. 3) '-to mnk all and every insurance appertaining to I'.ie risks of w hot ever kind Or nature, and to receive and execute trusts, rriake endow meiile, and to grant and purchase annuitiea.M The Com. nany sell annuiliea and crkrvdlsnts, and act as Trustees for minors and heirs. table of Premium, required for th AssurancS of I too far the whole term of Life. Ag. fnm. Ag. Pfem. Age. Prem. 19 tso ai aim i sa il 1 53 32 9 15 47 3 49 18 1 58 33 9DI 48 3 6 111 1 59 34 X I!7 49 3 77 90100 3533 50 3 04 tt 183 30 8 4 U 61 4 IS 180 37 S.47 St IN M 18 3S 54 S3 4SI SI ITS 4 63 4 4 71 . j 40 70 S3 4 SI li IM 41 (Hi Ml SU 7 ,6 57 SXl 43 3 01 S854 1 8X 44 3 IJ tl IN DO SOt 45 3 t 80 3 03 The premiums are less than any other company, and Uia policiea afford greater ailrantattee. Tables of lialf-yearly and quarterly premiums, half credit ratea ol" preruuiin, abort terms, Joint lives, aurvivorshlps aiid eiHlnwinnus j also, form of ApphcatiiHi (l. Which there acf binnk abeeU') are to be had on aiplicuti,ai at the otfice, or by letter to tha "em, 11 t. suf, ounoury. KAtara vox tsstsisa 1 00 on s si-igle Life r or 1 y 81 99 For 7 yeara. For Life. J.0 IM .70 .o4 80 4U 50 i,3o i7 3,43 3.97 (,03 ExAMn-n A person aged 30 yenrs next birth dav, by saying the Company gg eenu would secure tr. his family or heirs 8UJ sliould h die in one vear : or for Sa.aO he se cures u them SlouO; or for 13 aiimtslly for seven years he secures to Una tf 1000 .should he die In Seven yeara ; or f AI.40 paid annually Uunng hie he secures fiooo to ba Paid vbfi he diet. The insurer aecuiing his owu Uams, y the difference in ammiftof premium, fomthiarrharKrd by other orticea. F Stg.SO ths heirs would receive S5kj should he die iu ope year. , Fofma of application and all particulars may h had at thornc. PETKR CULLtN, President. Vice Pretideht, W. M. Bairb. i-'sancis W. Kawls, Secretary and Treasurer. Com.iltiso Ihts1cin tr. J. D. Miisser, iuiibury. J. It. Pussy, Sunbury, Agent for N'orlhuiabsrlaad unaa- ty- Sunbury, Jul)' 3S, 194S FIRE PROOF CHESTS, FOR BOOKS, PAPERS, JEWELRY, tc. EVAIMS & WATSON, No. 90 Mrf Third street, between Arch and Race, and 83 Dock street, OPPOSITE THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. Patent Soap-stone Line and Key . bole t'ovef SALA1IANDERS, FIRE AND Tintrr PROOF IRON CHESTS, yvarranted to stand mora Hsat IISrTlSijnS " Chesia in thia i If" IftV i'AAiao Fatiiit Ail-Charob llu. J ft' .4'll ci"Mmt 1000 now m us, . f STl St - .J. HUM! ftiUHULII. ... m. k a. H.j Counlrv. Chamber Inin use. The Ihe ordina- l'P"lCf Tip ry Mrs 1'ro.ls, at tt J?K a!Ff"stil ciHtibuiaiicai i Utjal itiLi Cuagc avet-a. which Very low prices aliaii icks. Wilh vhich ca: he ehatM ed several thouaaud liinea chaiigw ble in fact every time the l-h la need if deailabl. . Tha Locks are proof againat the moat expert Thieve, being supplied with lb Pulenl Key-aol Cover, and mada very strong, they eauimt be blown open br Gunpowder. The Locks ar uitended for HANKS, TOR ES, S A F E8, k s. Seal and letter copying presses, firs proof doors for Bank and Stores a Petaia Slat Ijiatd Rafritefalorf. warmnt superior to alt otkeia. Water Fillers, Suowct ctains of la beat qual ity tW Persons wishing to purchase any of th abov ar ticle, will pleas give them s call, sa they sail cheaper than say etnar as ths L ulled gtatea. DAVIDF.VANS, . . , J'IHANI WATSON. Philadelphia, November 10, INu ly 1 hsfti NOB AND cSFIflSO iiORTISE LAT CHE0: An sxcellent article, for ssls st havlf ths istisl priesj by J. W. FKIMNO. Caution Extra. A man try ths name of CLAPP has VHttl young Main of tha name of 9. P. Towneaad, snd asrs kj name to nut np a Parsparilla, wtlteh thei- rail Dr. TasVaJ s-nd's Sarsnarills dennminatirrf it GENUINE Original, This Town send is bo dtir, and nrreg vras ; tat was for merly s worker on ths railroads, canals, and tha lika. Vat f'ir wluit he is not This la lo caution th pubiie noS sa ksj deceived, snd purchase nraie tmt ths Oenoine Original Ota In. Jacob Townsend'S Saraparilla, having e 4 lh Oti Dr's, likeness, hia fnnuly coat of arena, aad ais agaartarl across taa soai of arms. OLD DOCTOR JACOB TOWftSKftD, THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER OF Tit at Cinulne Town end arsaparlllai OLD Dr. Townsend is now about 70 years of age, sat has Inng been known as the author snd discoverer at Oi Genuine Original "Towusend Sarsaparilla ' al ingnoor, he was compelled to limit ita mauufactura, bf . which mean it has been kept out of market, and th aalel circumscribed to thi se only who hsve proved its worth and known its value. It had reached the enra of many, novar theleaa, as tboee persons who bad been healed ordi,,s,isx and saved from deuth, proclaimed ita exeeileuc and ws derfui HEALING POWElti Knowing, msny yeara ago, that ha had, bv his skill, Bel ence, and experienced, deviaed an article which weald be) of incalcuable advantage to mankind, when one knowm and extensively uaetK he hned and pe'raevcred, exrwetiaej the time to arrive when the means would be furnished t bring it into' universal notice, when its iitestimsbl virtaaS would be known and appreciated. This urn has coat, tava means sre supplicil ; this GRAND AND LNEQLELLED PREPARATIO, Tt manufactured on the largeat snle, and is eaOcd for througliout the length and breadth of th land, especially sat it is found iiicnpable of degeneration or deterioration. Let every nam ring throughout tha kind, that Old Vt: ' Jacib Triwiiscnd is now manufacturing the real 'Towuaeaet Sarsaparilla.' which never sours, never ferments, snd nvt changes its chnrut-ter. From thia day forth the people shall have the Pur 0m uina Towusend Harsparilla, which ahall never soar in th bottle, or in the stonutrh, and it ahall yet banish from tha land all Ferrrlf rttiitg, Souring, Exploding, Vinegary Sar eaparillaa, now in use. A good Sarsaparilla, par aaa) genuine, ought to MVe; spoor souring, slip-slop Saras pa-' rilla ought to droop and die. The Hi t Dr's. Sarsnpaiiiia will keep pars snd serfs lOOyeirs. Culike young S. P. TowrsenJ's it improves with sgs, snd never chanee,, but for the better; because it is pr- Enreil on scientific principles by a scientific man. Tho ighest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the Art have all been brought into requisition in ths manufacture of the OLD DR'S. SAKSAPARlLIJk. Ths. Sarsaparilla ro-t. it Is n-eil known to medical men, eon tains mmy medicinal properties, snd som properties wn.o5 nre lnert or usr:rs, anil omera, wiurn, tl retain in preparing it for use, produce fermentation snd acid, which is iiiMtrious to the svntcm. Some of tha prprtiea ofSarsarMir'ilin are so volatile, that they entirely ei'aporatai and are lost in the prepnration. if they are not preserved by by a scientific process, known only to those experieneeo in its manufacture. .Moreover, these' volatile principles, which 11 v off iu vanor. or as an ex imlni ton. under heat, are tha veriS rsreiitiul medical propertiea of the root, winch girs ts f u tts value. Anv rwr?inn can boil or stew the root till tl.ey get s dark coloteLl liquid, which is more from the coloring matter its. the root than from anything else ; they ran then atrain this insipid or vapid liquid sweeten with aur molaasea; an) then call it "Sarsaparilla Extract it Syrup." But suck as not the article known as tl.e GLNl'lNli OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SAR SAPARILLA. Snrsjiariila root'ure first removed every t'ling capahl of ueconung aciu or ni lermeniiaimn, ia riinctca ana tk,wt. ed ; then every pnrtirle of medical virtue is secured in pure and enneentrnted form ; and thua it is rendered (nea- Pible of losing any of its valuable aud healing propertiea, repnred in this way, it is mada th most pewetful agssrl id the . , CURE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES, itenrethe reason why we hear commendstions on ever tide in its favor by men, womeu,snd children. We find it doing wonder in the cure of Consumption, Dyspepsia, anal I.iver LouipKiiin, auu in ivnciiiiHfii.iii, ocmi.i., . im Costiv-enens, ail Cutaneous Eruptions, Pirnplcs, Dlotckss; and all affcctlonsnrisine from IMPURITY OF THE m.OOD. . . ;. , It nossesses a mervollous emcar'v. in all complaints artsinaT from indigestion, from AcidiLy of the Sthmach. from n ' eipiul circulation, tleteriuin&tion of bioou to the neao, paipt tation of the heart, cold feet and cold hernia, cold chins snal hci Hushes over tl' body. i has not its equal in Colds and Coughs ; snd promotes ensv expectoration, aiid gentle per spiration relaxing suiclureuf the lungs, Uiruat, and atarf oilier pnrt. Kut in ii'hins is its excellence more msmfestrf ssn an sckuowleUrcd ti:a:i in aii kiuds mid stages of Female Cwas- fjums. . . It works wonders in ensr of Fluor A'.bus or. whites. f jfl'ini. rrf the Wonih. Olistructed. SuiT-reased. or Painfai Menses, Irregularity of the mensiruai petioua, tira arv and laa effectual in curing atl the forma ol Kidney Diaa. Uyrcmuvingobstnirti'.ais, and regulaiiug tha general syav 4. . tone and atreogth to tha wool body, an IMS curea all forms ot NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, . . And thus prevents or relieves a great variety of other sxaV Indies, as Spinal irritation, Neuralgia, Si. Vitas Dan Swooning. Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, kc. And yet be whiII lain have it understood that Ol Bs; ' Jacob Townsend'S Ueuniiie Original Sarsaparilla, tt ask IMITATION of hit Interior preparation! Iliniven forbic1 thai we should deal in an article whjs . would bear the most distant resrtnblanc to S P. Town scud's article ! and which would bring down upon tha 4lgt Dr. such a m iintuih load of eompUtiura and crimination from Aircnta who Imve aold, and purchasers who have uaarl S. P. Townsend'S Fermenting Compound. We wish At iiudrrsuiod. Iiecatise it is the sl'Solute truth, that . F. TownsrR.rs article and Old Dr. Jucob Townsend'S Saras pirillu are luniveu-wi,le aisirt and inimilely dissimilar fhat they are unlike iu every parliculai, tiaving uot on singll thing in common, - As S. P. Towiis-ikI is no d 'etr, snd never wsi; is so cheinist, rhiphnruiiuiceutiatkirowa no miYa of medieins or distase lliau any other c miiikm, unscientific,' unprofaa SiiMvd ntnn: wlmt guarantee can the public have that taT are receiving a genuine scientific medicine, contaiaunf nil the virtiica iLclin prenring it, and which are incapable of cluing.', which might render them the agenta of diseaa isv-tliati-aict of healUi Hut wlint else should be expected from ons who knows nothing e.eupamtively of medicine oi disease ! It require a pei a ni of eome ex.nerience. to cKik and sen's up even common decent meal, how ftiuch store important ia it that Ihe per ms whoia-inul'acture medicine, designed for v,aV stomachs and enieehled systems, should know wU hf mcrltcul proMrnies of jilaiitst the lieat manner of sjeettrvaay sud concstitrating the'.r healing Vtrtnea, also av, axtcHBiva)' knowledge of tho vurtous diseases which street 'tW kaaassi' aystem. and how to aih.pt reuiediea to these diaimssi !- It ia uotthMwible for thia rardicin blditvooil; rt basnav' lliiug in it which can ever harm, U can sever sour tii; and therefore, can nvet Vxaie curative properties It cleaiwe Iho WmhI, excite the ltvr to. aaJlbV sctioav bmes the VUHmrh. and civea eoott .i.M Miu ih. Iwcla of i.pur aud eouatipatioa, alkiva iufUmaiBui, pari. Scs tiieekin, equahxea the circulation' of th blood, ar ducuiggeuile warmih equally aUover the bodr.an'd at tts insensible pcrspiialum ; relc.xea aU obatrueiaiui, and inTura. ratea the entire nervous t stem. Is not this. lh H. the mi. cine yon pre-eruiucutlr iced liul eau mtt nt llee tk.ti, be said iSH Towienu"s inferujf article f Thia .au. CO.MPAUED WITH THE OLD DR'S. Because of on grimd fart, that the on is inca,bls rs" d. teruwalnai, d NEVER SWItX whi!f th ntlwr do; it atwrs, leriuents. and blows the bottlct coulaiuing it ml Iraginenls; the air, neid liquid exploiting, and damaging other g,)dt ! Must ma Ibis borritile c.unH,und b poiaMS--nns to the eyatriu What ' put acid into a avstem already diseased with acid!, What causes Dysneiaua but arid. 1j w not nil know, that when fmid iu'rs in our stomachae whnt iniwliief its produ.'ct flatulence, hearthburn, palpi tution. fihe heait, livr c mipJilal, duartha-, dentry,' colic, and cirruptiin of the blrvid What ia Scrofula tmt au avid huiuiar in Hie body I What produces sll the huaaoraf which bring mi Krupu n,a of the Sum, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Erveipcute. White Swctlmga, Fever Snre. and aai ulccrutMiia iij;.-riml and externa, 1 It is nothuuj uudss heaven bdt ,i acid sulwtanre, which sours an.1 thua epo.j' aU tie nuida of. thn body, more or less. What ruar R heurr'atisin. t.ut sour or acid Itiiid, whick inaiuuals uv. self between th J mils and claewlnri, imtalhig aiut m Aainiug the tender aial(drlicnte tissues upon which it sets Sjoi uervuua diacuua. of impurity ,tt thS bltxal, ol 4m--ranged circuliitious, and lienrly all I,. Slllrueuts which af fllct human u.itiiie. Now is it not fenrribl to mak and sail, snd tnlnitarf Witfse to use th's SOt RINO, FF.RMENTtNf!. ACffV COMPOUND"' OF 8. H. TOWNtKND!- It is horiible to think, aud to know how cruelly the aVV Hk led are imi.'seil upon by presumptuooe men lor th akf of naairy Fortune nuilivout of lb agtaiia of th saak f nd ii'i eiiivnh-iit r.mdcre.1 Ihe despairing Buffer! ! It is to iirrcsi frnorta up.i lha uiuortuoate. to poert bales' into wounded buiiwiiitv, to kuidl hop in tha aespairiiur Uftaom, i.. restore heahh and bloom, and vigor into lh duelled aud brokvii, and lo baiiiidi uifirmity, lliat Oat Pr. Jac.H Towusend bus a.ught aiai found th opportunity andt meaiw to bring his (rruial Universal OtueerunitM Riat wtihin the reni-h, and to the kuwlclge of all wlio need lij that they mhy leirn and know, try joyful xparietws', rS TRANSCENDENT- POWER To HEAL, And thua tn hav the aiMWrcbaacable aatiafacti,; of haviaff raised th.xteaitd. aud million, from the bed of eickneas aas deantdeny to htipe, health, and s twig life of vigot sts4 aaefuiuncss Ut tUriusrtves. their familieaand frin- Aasar HKNRV MASSl.lt, Sunbury. July , ItHS. ly cow T-) AISIXA. rnrrant. ritrnn. -1 - -V .au,.,,, &e. J-or by J. YT, fRIUNO Buntiurv, Iter. S, 1B4S. BAY HL'M-An sxcellent srlicls (of satis) by UENttV MAMC&. Sunbury Jsn. tTtlt, 149 tt. 7HITE BRANDY for rMmrtru4r ' ' peachea of sa cxecllrnt quality, for ashf bv H. MAsVSEsV ta. . - ' l . mianpiriTTB, nor. . I'ff fimhnrv, J iU- T, 1H9 aaikW niiisj asvifc J? ',