Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 09, 1850, Image 4

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- . From Ui American Fowl Breeder.
Theso aty considerably, on account of ex
tra aWantagci which cannot b taken into
consideration; and they also depend ""e.
what on the variety or fowl kept, some- de
criptions feeding more greedily than other.
V append a atatement of expenses, which
may he token aaa fair medium one by those
who desire to ascertain the rate at which
fowls mny be kept, under circumstances in
dependent of any extra adfnntnge whatever.
Mr. Howard B. Coffin, at Newton Corner)
Mass., keeps above two hundred fowls, most
ly of the breed known a the Chinese, none
of them less than four months old. He has
been very particular to ascertain the exact
cost of keeping; and having to furnish all
their food, his opportunity for calculation of
expense has enabled him to note exactly the
amount. 'This observation has extended over
sufficient time to satisfy him that seventy
five cents per fowl, per annum, is a fair estimate.-
. . ...
Corn has been constantly kept within the
reach of all, nnd it has been occasionally boil
ed. Meal has been given every morning,
part of the time noted, mixed with potatoes,
squash, ke. Fresh meat, tallow scraps, and
other animal food, has been furnished at least
twice a week.
The families who keep .from a dozen to
twenty fowls, and have considerable kitchen
waste, or to farmers who ore raising much
tuff to feed with, the expense, of course,
would be less.
Mr. J. A. C. Butters, bookseller, 19 State
RifOPt. Boston, has also taken particular pain
in calculating the expenses of his stock. His
observations extend over some eigiueen
wnniha. He uses corn, whole nnd crushed,
wheat, barley, and oats mixed. He never
boils any, and has never fed any on potatoes.
He provides a regular supply of fresh animal
food, and the annual expense per fowl is
eighty cents. This, however, includes supe
rior feeding.
Mr. Butters complains of the feeding pro
pensities of his China fowl. Two of them,
he say?, eat ns much as fivo of the
fowls, which keep batter in flesh on a
lor amount of food.
Colonel Jaqucs, and some other gentlemen
to whom wo have spoken on this point, nre
of opinion that a dollur per anuum is about
the rate ot expense per fowl, and, if not fed
methodically, this would indeed bo the aver
age; still tho above statistics are correct, and
show a very important saving where a large
number of fowls are kept.
The other day a gentleman who had occa
sion to cross New York in a cab, found, on
alightinjr, that he had no change in his poc
kHt. Tlia onlv shon at hand was a cigar
tore iu which were some three or four fellow
beside the proprietor, puffing the villanous
Th fentlernan entered, renuestins the
o '
cabman to follow him, and handing a five
dollar bill to the "Yorker," usked him to
change it. The cigar-vender handed him a
three dollar bill and tho balance in silver, out
of which the cab-man was paid, and went on
his way rejoicing.
But a moment afterward, the gentleman,
looting at the bill, found it to be a very suspicious-looking
document, purporting to be a
promissory note of the Dogtown Lumber and
Mining Company, or some such ambiguoes
and apocryphal institution. Finding he had
been shaved, he asked the cigar vender if
that was a good bill.
, "A good bill ! yes! I wish I had ten thou
sand of 'em," was tho answer. "Bill!"
(winking to villanous-looking "Brhoy") "isn't
that 'ere a good bill V
"Good as wheat!" said the b'hoy: and
",jood .' good !" was echoed round tho shop.
. "Yury well," said the gentleman, '-laskiul
for information. You seem to have no doubt
of the genuineness of the note, and as you
were kind enough to accommodate me, I
think the best thing I can do is to break it at
your counter. Gentlemen, try another cigar
-piece nt my expense."
. The cigar man was regularly taken in and
done for caught in his own trap. With
great reluc'.anco he changed the spurious note
and the operation cost the intended victim but
about a shilling.
As he was leaving thi store, one of the
"B:hoys'' touched him on the shoulder.
. "You're one of 'em," said he, "and I'll bet
high that you're a Yaukee."
ain't any thing else," replied the gen
tleman, "and while I'm in this small village,
I mean to keep my eyes open."
KESPEOTFl'LLY . informs the citimns of
Danville and the public at lnrgc, that ha has
located in Danville, ami it now prepared to prac
tice Medicine and Surgery in all its various bran-
he. He will operate on all the various torms
of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft
palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors,
amputation or limns, end all other surgical dis
eases. His collection of instruments comprise
all instruments in medcrn Surgery, of the latest
improvement and finest finish. He flatters him
self that many years' practice and experience vill
he a sufficient guarantee to those who may fcel
disposed to employ him.
His residence is nearly opposite the Monttrom
ry Building, and next door to Isaac Rosen
hauin's store, in North Danville.
Danville, Dec. 1, 1819. ly.
Wew II Me Oil and Leather Store.
No. Ill North 3d St. 3 doors below HattSt,'
i Philadelphia. ' ' '
THE sulwrlliers offer to the tanners on the
most favorable terms their fresh importation
of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ayres, Laplata,
Caraccaa, Lapuire, Hung-Dry, Chili, Salted Per
mbuco and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry end
ltcd. Also, Green Slaughter, fry Balled, ana
Black Dry Patna Kips, - ' '"'
Also, Strniahts, and Dank oil and general as
sortment of Currier's Tools.
Thev will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter
Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on
bettcT terms, than old Houses in the city,
Cash paid for Leather of all kinds.
Philadelphia, Mny 36, 1849. ly
"JUncoiirage Your Own!"
THE subscribers respectfully call the attention
of the public to their larprp and splendid assort
ment of every qunlity and price of
which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one
who will examine it, on nccoimt of ita durable
workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the
best stock to bo Imd In the city. Nocllnrt is
spared in the manufacture of their wave, and the
suhscrilicrs ore determined to keep np with the
many improvements which ore constantly being
made. 1 lieir stock consists of Mahogany
$r.ia, Divans and I.omip;t,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, cnual to Phila
delphia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
in short, every article in this line of their business,
They alio manufacture all kinds and qualities
'nclmling varieties never ltcfore to be had in
Snnbury, such as Mahikiant, Black Walxct
Asn O-RLEn Maple Giif.ciax : An Mtsnsnn
CHAIRS, ami fa- t Piano Stools, which are of
the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by
none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscribers are determined that there shall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can tie entertained
about the quality and finish of their ware and
Their articles will be disposed of on as Rood
terms as they can 1)0 purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken intinymcnt for work.
'1ST UNDERTAKING attended to on reason
able terms.
tJF The Ware Room is in Market Street,
opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite
Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbury, April 28, 1849 0"
to" mysiciaxs, "drccgists "and country
DR. J. N. KEEI.ER & Bro. most respectfully
solicits attention to their fresh slock of
lish, French, German and Amciean Drugs, Med
icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stutls, Glass
ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &c. Having
opened a new store No. 294 Market St. with a
full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, wc re
spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our
stock before .purchasing elsewhere, promising one
and all who may feel disposed to extend to us their
patronage, to sell them genuine Drtttrs and Medi
cines, on as liberal terms as any other house in the
City, ond to faithfully execute all orders entrusted
to us promptly and with dispatch.
One of the proprietors bcinjr a regular physician,
affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of
all articles sold at their establishment.
We especially invite drugKists and country
merchants, who may wish to become agents for
Dr. Krcter's Celebrated Family Medicines, (stan
dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad
dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, wc respect
fully remain,
J. N. KEELER A- BRO., Wholesale Druggists,
No. 294 Market street, Philadelphia.
September 15, 1849 ly.
A New Assortment of Fresh Goods,
T E.?PECTFlLLY informs his friends, ens
-- tomers and others, that he has just received a
handsome assortment of
at his store in Market Square in Sunbury, such as
Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens
, w n re, II a rrl w a re, &c. , '.
Sunbury, June 83, 1849.-
A N extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT.
" LERV, of sale by
ATos. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 81 North
THIRD Street,
Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and
Also, a choice assortment of Rodcers Sr Sons,
Wostenliolm's Gi cave's W. Sr S. Bntcher's and
Fenney's Cutlery,
Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives.
Also, (inns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives.
Also, The American Razor Strop, a superior ar
ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers.
Cabo Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above
Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscriber i
chief business is importing and selling cutlery.
Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly
' . FOR
PT1HI3 Powder is warranted far superior to any
A thing in use for imparting a keen, smoothedge
to Rotors, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of
fine CrjTLSat I it may he applied to any kind of
strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and Perfu
mery, wholesale and retail, by
Alit KMJ tlt,lil 1, Arenb
Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and
Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a
bove Chestnut Philadelphia. " -
FiiiLAfisLMiA, Feb. 15th, 1848.
This mnv certify that I have used one of the
Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA-
MUaU rUW DElv, and can attest in tlie most
unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can he
found that will produce the same cftert in my opin
ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will
find it. superior to any hcjetofore in use. I can
truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor
was before.
JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 8. Third st.
PniLAtr.irni t, October, 1848.
A very hard beard and tender face has compel'
led me to seek and tut many contrivances design.
ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with
indifferent success, until I made use of the Magic
DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett,
and Kousscl s Shaving Cream.. J heir united paw
cr act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor
to remove the most stubborn beard, without irri
tating the skin or temper of their owner.
J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street.
For sale at this ollice Price 25 cts. per Box
November 25, 1848 6m.
(Lute Krilor ft. firccntMigli.)
Washington, n.V.
RAWINGS nnil papers for the Patent
Cotirctilruted Snrsapiirllla,
For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipalos, Piles,
Chronic Rheumatism and all disorders of the
Blood, Mercurial Disease, &c
T T is recommended to Physicians and others, ns
' the strongest preparation now in use, and en
tirely different from that put up in quart bottles,
possessing little or no active principle of tho Sarsa
parilla, but intended to deceive the public. For
sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumlicrland.
HEYL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will
cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Galls, Swellings, and
nil complaints requiring an external remedy. Ii
is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringlione, stiff
ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, cVc.
It has also been used with great success by per
sous arllicted with Rheumatism, and other com
plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel
phia, and for sale by M. A. McCay, Northumber
land. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849 ly
Olfiee, prepared ami all the necessary bu
siness, in relation to securiinr patents, trans
acted, and promptly attended to, at their of
fice opposite the Patent OiKce.
October 28, 1848.
CiOI.E) & SILVF.R W1KI.. .
No. 60 Chcsmtt-ft, at the si'irn of the GM
Thimble, between 2d. If 3i. ss., South side
MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly
,f B on hand, at wholesale and retail, tlie fol
lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduce !
prices : Gold and Silver Pencils. d Thimh.cs. do
Finger Shields, Silver Table. Oesert, Tea. Salt
and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster
Ladles, do Combs. Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks
and Chains. Knitting Kliealhs, Cv.
ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and Hrittannia ware,
German Silver Spoons, &c; Gold Diamond poin
ted Pens at various prices ; Jackson's Superior
Everpoiuted Louis, Sic. ice.
Philadelphia, May 26, 1849.
aariAL virties.
Kindness, foibearanee, meekness, tender
ness, love sweet virtues! lei them he culti
vated in every bosom. Who would feel like
fretting Qrscolctin?, it he hail in exercise a
forbearing spirit. Who would seek for op.
porlunities fur revenge, if lovo reigned in
his bosom. Oh, bo kind, and tender, nnd
forgiving. Study to possess aud cultivate Ihe
blessed" social virtues -these virtues that
make up the happiness of heaven. If all
were as amiable as it is in their power to be,
we should not feel like saying
There's somi-'haig every day to muV
Tlie clmiige fat spirits sad ;
A wort) t c.iuaF the heart 10 aclis,
When it ii sweetly clad.
. But in every face we should read the les
sons of love and kindness. If we should feel
the wing of sorrow pressing one hour, a do
zen hand would be extended to our relief,
aud a thousand . smiles would fall like sun
shine on our path.
Ingratitude is the basest crime or
Y7E are not among that class of Editors who
for a few dollars will, (at the expense oil ruth
and honesty) "crack up" an article and bring it
into rapid sale ; neither are we willing to rcinuin
silent, after having tested the utility of an im
provement or discovery in science or art. Our
readers will recollect we told them we were un
well with a sure throat and violent cold sonic few
weeks ago. ell, we purchased two bottles of
snd so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we
ever had a cold, i hose who uro all ic ted, may
try it upon our recommendation. Lewitton Tre-
A fresh supply of the above valuable medicine
just received, and for sale in Sunbury, by John
W. Friling, Mary A. McCay at Northumlierland,
and at wholesale by Frederick Klelt, & Co., cor
ner of Cd and Cal'owhill streets, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Sept. 22d, 1849. 8 mo.
frillE Subscribers have on hand the largest as
Jl sortmeiil of Wall Pafkhs in the city of Phi
ladelphia, W'holesule and Kittiil, consisting of
every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Dining
Rooms, Chambers, Ac, which for quality and
style cannot lie surpassed. Doing a cash business
ne are enabled to sell a better article ut a much
lower rate than any store doing a
On hand, a large assortment of Win a Pipkh,
for I'n rlH ins. Fire Prints, Eotdrra, &C, which will
be sold for Cash.' Paper Hanging done in the
country at city prices. .
i. Ii, Dealers are invited to call and examine
their stock before purchasing elsewhere.
FINN fir 111 1UUN,
No. 143 Arch Street, South side
Philadelphia, May 26, 184U. ly
T OHN W. FRILING has just received at his
" store in Sunbury an extensive assortment
NEW GOODS, of every variety which he is now
ready to sell or exchange lor produce; and consist
ing in part of
Linen and Cotton drillinq, and summei
wear of nil kinds.
Calicoes, Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, &c.
Muslins bleached and unbleached.
Quccnsivare and Hardwarr of all
Dnrcs Paints, and Dvestitf.
And a great variety of other articles all of which
will he sold at the lowest terms.
Sunbury, May 50, 1849
Saddle nnd Hariicsa Makers.
H E undersigned respectfullv
inform the public, that they
have commenced the above busi
ness in Sunbury, and will con
stantly keep on hand and manufacture to order, at
their stand in Market street nearly opposile Young's
store, all articles belnngini; to their line of business.
All articles manufactured by them will be made in
the best aud most durable style, and at prices as
reasonable as they can be had at any other estab
lishment in the county. 1 hey therefore respectfully
solicit persons to call and examine for themselves
before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds ot pro
duce taken in by the stores will be taken in ex
change at tlie market price.
Sunbury, June 23, 1849.
'PUB subserilier has just received a new supply
x of the best liquors that ever came to Sunbury,
consisting in part ot
Superior old pale Ltrandy.
Fine Cogniae brandy.
Superior Old Jamaica Spirits.
New England Rum.
Fine Holland Gin.
Superior Old Whiskey
Coin m m do.
Superior Maderia Wine.
Lisbon do. do.
Siierior Tort Wine,
liurgundy Port do.
Sweet Malaga Wine.
Superior Claret Wine in bottles.
Champagne do. do.
Sunbury, May 6 1849.
1 1 ft 1 ( i SriTTn ' f " VA mf?.'3
y w n iTi?k'i?'S.inT k i ? itjj s
. "Pa, what it punctuation V ' It's tho art
.of putting the stops," ('Then I wish you
vroukl go ilown in the cellar and punctuate
the couk of tha ciiler barrel, as the cider is
running all over tha floor."
Nxvca take a papr more than ten years
without paying thy printer, urat least sending
him a lock uf hair to let him know that you
art) about
Pridc emenates from a weak mind, you
never tee a man of strong intellect proud and
Six Thousand Shad were tent from fiilti
l&o; ou Friday week, for fhiladalphiA.
"I KAO the following ceiuhrnte fnun Cipt. Dov, the
Philadelphia, CMoUr 31, U46.
Several vcart since I wui ntfcickecl u-iili a break id out
on my neck in the lonn of Teller, uU't-li 1 am ciiviiirat
wua c ntrucieU ut tlie uurocr ttiop. ligrmiiduallveJiteiHl'
ed over my face until U rtsiclirU tti upper ixirt of ihe
check. During the erven! mnithe tlmt it contiiiunl
eiieu1ing, I uko tittrre ut apuluaUuua1 uie of wluch had
ttie diet I, apprently at fcat, of iwreaiiif the fiiaeuae, hut
1mm none ot ttiem did I perceive the Ivom benrtit until I
pniim me now ointment, tty ine use one jur of it
wui perl eel i y cured and buve remained irec ot Uie aaoc
1 lieve Wiwe need the Ointment, 1 1 irmly nnnlicxl forrouirh-
neee ot mature, oitwnea, rhttpptxi luttwit, c. tin pe
feet Bnoccea. I buve no hesitation in recommending It
the strongest maimer to the puUte.
Aft-tit Htast Mauii, Buuuury.
July SW, levlu.
In presenting the public with a remedy fr tlie trentment
ami fure of Fkvkh axd Aon nml Miter liili 'tis rlitte;itii,
no apolory is netnleil. V'nst unmtier in Ihet'nitt'd StntesT
who sutler from theite afleelioiis in their vunrd forni!, me
e unpolled to seek relief fr.nn nthir s uirce Mian the iniin
dm l preseripii'ins n' the rnrnkir ph ?iri:in. It Iter mifS
therefore tin nlijeet of liumuuity, as well as "f piitilic inter
est, to lrini tiefote thein a remedy prepnrnt inini much ex
pcrienee, and wiueli mny alwuys lw reneit upii as FK,
anehis the true ehuiueter of the IN'UIA CIJOLAtiOGt K.
is amply nltete0 by the unirersu) suecess with which it has
been employed.
fiP" Kxtmci from a ommiuiicntion of the IIn. Wij.-
tUM WoodbriihjE, of tlie U. 9. hciiate, late Govenmr of
M letiijfJii.
Detoit, Oct. 21, mo.
DncToit rriAiit. OGOOU,
Dear Sir, I nuve read with much iiiterrst, vour little
traeatiac upon lite ''emises, trentment ami cure" of the
fehrile ilisetnws which have u extensivelv nrevniled in mir
country during the Inst few mmths an interest inerenseil
no dtiulK, by the laet thfit 1 have iikii VhiiiKlly sunoreu S'i
much fr nn thnin. 'J'htiush I leel myself very ine inieteut
to judire safely upon a suhjeet so eutirelv profrni.initl, yet
your theory seems to me well reas nrti. and your cmelu
stems just, and 1 think witlml. thnt your pumphlet is calcu
luletl to pONluee nnirh pmctieal B'Kul.
8eakiiifE of the medicine he suys : It fully justified your
flat terms; expectations, and us a safe, convenient, and popu.
lur remedy, my own experience, s i fur, induces me t be
lieve that it will pr ve a irrct puMic Ix-ncrit. I m pleased
leara lhat vou liave reentlv esttiiilished several areuciee
for lis disp iihni though 1 regret thnt, with a view t- a
m re guertl dissen mint ion ot it, yon shoulil have f-und it
necenaary to remove from your present residence among us.
i un mucu respeci i nuve ine n-tnor in oe, sir.
tMir nitlitfeo iter vu lit,
" From Hnti. Stefiies V. R Trowbridok. of .Michi
gan Skate Semite, to the Aent at Detroit.
Sir vou w mli ine to infirm you what 1 know tl lr.
Osgood's Indiu Chol tff Mfiif, or uuti-hilions mcilu-ine. I do
belie e that if the virtue nml efiVaev ol this iiHilicine were
cenciully known, the k'rvKK and aolk would disuppeur iu
1 nt oc u red a lottl ta the snriuir nf 1R41. and hive!
reason to believe tlcit myself and fumily CKupad the ugue
lust season iu coiiseinifiH-e of its use.
Perhaps iu ih sumimn stnee the settlement of this fine
peninsula, bus the lever ami asrue iHt-u so prevalent us the
lust. I have rec immnned this met heme in tinmen hi i
stance, and when the di sense had boeitine bxed ami Uilhetl
the skill iH physiemus; nml I luive never kuowu it tail. I
has uuiveraully pr ulucml the in st h ippy etferts, and I hot
Iicve it has never ieeu exceeii)tt nf any mudicme ui remo
ving the hdioiis dmeiiM'Sof the clnnaie.
lours, respceuuuv,
Asrenr for Puuhurv II. H. M ASM-: II: North tmtierinud.
Wii'HINGTOM A 0 ; Milton. J U RASblR ; Selius-
grove, MAY c KI.USK.
bu towssexd's tnmn extract op
THIS Kxtraet It put up m qnart hot ties. It It si I times
cheaperi pieneanter, and warranted superior to any
sold. It cures diseases without Vomiting, purging, sick
ness, or debilitating the patient, and It particularly adapted
ier a . ,
Th great beauty end superiority of this Snrsaparllut Vtr
oiner remenies is, wnutx ii aranicatet disease,
It mvigirates the body. .
Consumption cured.
Clou nee and Strengthen.
Consumption can be ctifed.
Bronchitis, Consumptln, l.iver Complaint. Colds, Coughs,
fjaiami, Astnrrta.ppitlitigni if (owi, ireuena in the
Chest, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, UilTj
cult and Profuse Kxpecmration,
and Pain in the Pule,
.Ac., Ac,
hnve nnd can I cured.
Proliant v there never was a remedy thnt hns been so suc
cessful iu desperate eases of consumption ns this f it demi
ses and strenirtheiis the nvstem, and appctirs t.i neai the Ml-
cere on the luiiffs, and patients gradually regain their ususl
nenun bihi srreninii.
There is scarcely a day passes wit there nre a nnrmVr f
ruses oi consumption reporteu ns cured uv tne use ot jr
Townseirt Sarsapaiilla. The following "was recently re
ceived :
Dr. TowxM Ienr Sir: For the tart three venrs I
hnve been nlllicted with geneml debility, and nervous con
sumption if Um Inst statin ami did not expect to ever trim
my health at all. After a: intf through a c mine of medicine
under tha care of some ot tlie m wt distiniruished reffiilnr
pliysiciuns ami members of the R.mlof ilenlth in New
York ii nd elst'wliere, and siwrnliiiif the m ist of my enmities
in attemptinir to retrain my henhh, and after reading in
s tine pnper of yiait $nrmmrilln 1 rea ilvcd to try it. After
wine, six b-Jtiles I found it d ue ine grout good, aud called
to see you at vour otFice; with your advice I kept on, and
do most heartily thank you for 70'ir advice. I persevere in
taking the 8nrspnril(a, ami hove lcen able to attend to my
nmiiii lanors t or tne last lour mouths, audi hope uy ine
blessings of G'kI and your Rtmipariiln to continue my
heidih. It helped ine beyond the pxpectntions of nil who
knew my ense. CHAHLKS yLIMBY
Orautie, IOskcx co. N. J., Aug. fl, IM7.
Plate of New Jersey, Ksscx county, sf. Charles Quim
by being duly sworn according to Ihw, on his oath a-iith,
tint Ihe foreg ing stntemeut is true ncc rdinn to thr heat of
hi 1 knowledge ninl In-ltef. CHAltLlirf (tlM IIY.
Sworn and subacrilied to twfore tne nt Ornnee, the 3d
Ajgust, ItJ7. CYKI S AlA)VN.
Justice of the Pence.
Rend the following, and any that cmsumptimi it in incu
rable if y u 0:111 :
New York, April SH. 1S47.
l)r. TnwxsF.ND : I verily Itelicve that y ur H.irs.iimnll3
hns lcen the menus, through Providence, ot' savins my lite
I have 1" r sevend vears hud a hud c niuh. It btvnme w rse
and worse. At last I raised I: true quantities of hUi h, had
11 iff I it nvents and was cmitlt .lebilitnted and reduced, nnd
did u t expect to live. I hnve only ticd your iSirsnpurilla
hut a sh rt tiu.f, and there has a woudcniil climue been
wr 'iihl In me. I nm n w nblr 1 1 w ilk all over the city.
1 raise 11 Howl, and my e mrh I sis left me. You can wel
imagine tht 1 am thankful 1' r ihese rosulls. Your oletli
cut stimuli. XV M. Kl'SSMLI,, 6j Cnthuriiie st,
The annexed certificate tells a simple nnd truthful story
'I suticrins nun relict. I Here nr IU nsriniis t simitar ca
st! in thin city nnd I1im iklyu. uud yet there are tlnusamls
u tn rents let ttieir cini iren die lor tear ol ueiu utiinbuaued
r to Biivc a few shiliums.
Rnklvn. Sept. 13. A7.
Dr. Towsro: I bike nlcamre iu Matins, fir the bene-
ht of th -se wh n it m tv concern, tint iny d:ut!hier, two
veirs nn.t six m nths old, Wis ii.Micel with geueral de-
bilitv and I sa of speech. Jhe was iriieii up ns ptst je-
verv bv our fainilv j hvsiei.tii; li lt f rtuu iieh 1 w is re-
nimeiH leil bv a friend to trv v r S imiV,riJla. Hei' re
havinf nnil one tattle she rec ivurcd her speeeh and was
eiiuMed tn vv ilk nl me. to the nst nishment k all wh were
ae piaHiret with the I'ircumstuiH'es. She is now quite Weil,
svi'l 111 much tvitcr lie HI h th in site ins ticeu I r 18 111 nit In
pas.. JOSKP1I TAYI-OU, York sl.t llrouklyn.
Very few f'iniilies in let-d in fact we have n it heard of
ne that unnl lir. T wusendB r irsapsirilln iu time, I si
aav did Iren the past Summer, while th me lhat didn't
sickened and died. 'Hie rerei urate we publish below is
c 'iielusive evidence ( its v due. ami is only another instance
I its invinir ttie lives 01 cnimren :
Dr. TowKin Dear Sir: I had two children cured by
y ur S.iraniriiln f the summer complaint nnd dysentary:
i ne whs -lily 1 m nit h old sih! tha other 3 years. They
were verv much reduced, ami we exixvteil thev won hi di
thev were given up bv tw 1 respectable phvsicians. When
thed'ictor iufrmedus I lint we must lose them, we restl-
ved to try your SiraaparilUi we lind heard so much of, but
had little confidence, there beiiifrst much stulf advertised
lhat is worthless: but we are thankful thut we did, for it
undouUedty saved the lives nf bth. I write this that oth
ers may be induced to use it. 1 ours, reseetrullv,
Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn. 3ept. 15, 1S7.
Db.Towxseno's Saksaparilla is 11 sovereign and speedy
cure lor mcimeiit consumntion, and lor the general prostra
tion of the svstem no matter whelhct the result of inhe
rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, t lineal or accident.
Nutldig can tie in re surprnunsr than its invigorating ef
fects on the liiuuaii frame, Persons all weakness unu las
situde, from Liking it ut once liee nie robust uud l ull of
eneigy midcr i;s intUieuee. ll immediately counteracts the
uervelessiteM of the female frame, which w the gie-tl cuuse
it wdl not te expected of us, iu cases of so dclienle a na
ture, to exhibit certificates of eurcs performed, hut we can
iipsme the aliiieted that imudreds ol cases ha e been repor
ted to us.
Da. i owssExn : My wife being greatly distressed by
weakness and general di lafy, and sitflVrtiig c minually by
iai.i and with other diiheuuics. and having kn wn caset
where your medicine tins efieo'.ed great cures; and also
hearing it rec unmeudeil I T such caws a 1 liave described,
I ooUtmeil a b tiie ol y air Extract of & usaparilta and fob
Weil the tli reel 1 -ns y u gave me. in a u n peri a 11
rem vcd her c ttiipkouls and restored her to health, lb-nig
p real iu 1 f.r the leueiits she received, 1 lake pleasure 111
thusacku wlcdmg it, and rec jinineiimnc it to tne punne.
Atbiiny, Aug. 17, ML or. Co a ml A Ldia sis.
No fluid or mediciua ever been diwovered which so
nearly resembles the gis'ric juice or silivu in dec imposing
kI and streucLheiiHig the "rgans o iliiresti n as tins pre-
p irati m ot Sarsiiui ilia. It positively cures every case of
dyspepsia, however severe or chronic.
iiauK Department, Aiuniy; .iay to, ifmx
Dr. Towuseisl Sir: 1 have been adhered" for sevenil
years with dysjtepsia iu its worst f rm. attended with a air-
uess o st-tmnch, I ol appetite, extreme hetirttiuru, and a
great aversi m to uil kimls t.f f 1 d, mhl f 'r weeks, (what I
c uld eat) I have been unable to retain hut a small portion
on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they had
but little or no effect in removing the n mpl.nut. 1 was in
duced, utt ut two mouths since, to try yo ir Extract of Sar
itviruia. and I must sav with btile v nilnienee : lint utter
using nearly tw lnttles. I fmind my apetire and
tlui heurthoni entirely rem vl ; nnd I would earnestly re
commend the use of it I t those who hnve hern uthictetf as 1
ii, ve been. Yours. Ac, XV. XV. VAN AND T.
Agent for Sunbury JOHN XV. FRH.INU; Nor-
Ihimiltcrlnnd, MARY A. McCAY ; Danville, W.M. A.
Mr It RAY A Co.,
Aplil Xi. 1MH Iv
- am yka ms
VL'iiV(in nrmi itv niti-1 st' rf f . A
And all diseases arising from a disordered
T rtt . .. m .
iwtr or niomacn m Ootn MUt and
Female : .
Such ts Comllpailnn, tnwarri Pile, Fullnew nr Bland to
th Htati, Aciditv nf the SttinMrh, Nnnm, Hnrt-lmrn,
Diun fur FivM, Fullnemnr weight in Hit ?Kiinrh, S iur
riiwiwrn., inninv "r r utTTcTin ui me nil oi me stttimncn
!wimniiiifiif the Head, llurtiea and Dilficult Hrcnlhiiig,
Khitleritiff ot Ihe Heart, Ch..kiiif or fliiflicming aeunti mi
when hi lying piiira Dimnst ifVi . Iin it wcla
hafin-e the 8ihl, Fever ami Hull rain in ihe llmrl Drflri.n.
rynf Prrtiiirnliinl, Yell, iwnewi nf the Skill and Kvra, Pain
in the Pule, Birlc, CheM. I.iinlw, e., Sud.len ((iiahea nf
Hent, nnnilnjt In lli Fleuli, Cnnmniit ImiiBiiiini. of evil
and ini deprmiiuii of Spirits Can be eflectualljr cured by
Cclehruted Oerman letters.
Tlieir power over the above diermei I not eicellrd if
efnnlled hy any nther prepnrntimi in the I'nited Slatea
aa the rnrea attcat, iu inany caaea after akillful pbyaiciaiia
had fniled. 1 '
Dernit.jmrntirihe t.ivr and fltomnch nre anireoa nf
Inniiily. nml will iilo pnclnee diwnK of Hie Henri. Skin.
I.unffi and Kidnrva. and lava the Ik-mIv nin tn an it.M.k nf
the Co ilero, Hill m,, or Yell -iw Fever, nnd II generally the
firat eauae of thnt miet hnneful diseune. Consiimntion.
Opinions of tht Philadelphia Press.
UeiTmbei 3lt My.:
A INVAl.fAHI.K .MKUicli':v.K..r....i
heard the Celelirated Oelman Bittera, manufactured by lr.
H niflluml, up 'ken ,( in term, of c.innieiidiiti it, and we
.ii .. mmvRii) ri. i, isn ioo emtn.n pruciire, In eer
Uiu qu.'irlem, to puif all nuuiiier of usdcu tnnh, but iu the
... .... .,,..,. ,,uiiuium, nic living wnue.Besil llieir great
in oral and phyaiml worlli. Asa inedicina of the Liver
Ciillipluml, Jnundicc, Nervoui Debility uud llysnenaia, it
hns been lonnd iuvuluiible, elfwling cure.nnd th'irouhly
emdimting cli.r:ifc, when nil oilier limlit'ines hare fulled.
ve icm uonviuceil, tlmt in tlie ue of ihe Uermun Bitters,
the patient d esn t become debilitated, hut eonstantlyenins
streiitilh uud vigor fi Ihe frame u fnct worlhv ot great
consideration. The Kilters ore plejunnl in tnste and sme:l,
and c.-in te-nihiiuinleretl under any circuinnuinces, t i the
in .st delicnte stonndi lndertl. Iliey cuii lie used bv all per-
a 'us with the moat perfect safety. It w mid be well for
th wh i nre much alfct'ted in the uervus st stem, to
o nrBeiice who one tea spmnlulor lesa. ami irrudunlly in
crease. Vesiie:tk from extterience. uud are f c :mse. I
pr 'per illdre. The nreas far and wide, hnve united in re.
viiiiiueiiuiu me .jeriuui tamers, ana to ttie anucted we
tn isi coimally nnvise their use.
June 31th snvs
DO OUR OOODCI ri.i:!4 who are invalids, know
the tmiiviistduiahiusr cures Ihnt Imv lieen pert rined by
Dr. II ifTI mil's lelebrnted Oenmn Hitters? If ihey do
n t, we re- nninend litem lothe"(ieriunu Meilii ino Store,"
all who nre ulilii led with l.ivcr t'otnpl linl. Jaundice, llys.
Ipni.i, ii .civ"u Lfciniuy j uie ij.wt r n-iscurcl in'uiv 1
our citizens niter tlie best physii inus h id filled. NVe h'a.e
nseil llie:n. and they have proved 1 1 beu meflicinethnt every
one sh-viM know of, and we cum il refrain giviin our tes
tim iny iu their liiv .r. uml thnt wbic-h gives them greater
claim upon our hmnMe effirt, thev nre entirely Vegetuble.
July 4th snvs :
"We Sxelk kn-wiui'lv of llr. II , (l-.nd's Tel-brated Oar.
m in Ititters. when we sav it is n Mesjnti- of this aee: and
in u.'senses f the bill try, digestive an l ervousSvs;ems, it
hasti'it wethink nil eoital. It is a Yeve' il.Ie Preparntion.
and made without Ale li !. nud t all uivalull we would re
c nnmeiid it as w irtby llieir c Mifidcnce.
F -r sale, wh leale nnd retail, at the principal Depot,
ForsdehyM. A. McCAY, N irlhnmlierlatid and Sun
bury and respectable dealers generally throughout the
April KM!). ly
,i .dyspepsia,";.
GEORGE B. GREEN, Propribtor.
'Undsor, Vermont.
A forme, sucl , a, , j m, s,,,.,, Heartboni,
S;,'"r'?: Ac"'9'naeh, Heailachi, lM of I
met f the dtomach (, Dyspepti,. Ahma,) 1)
Hrealhmg, which often results from imperfect dleestt
ansmy ef tti
irn. hakttaal .
P Irs Night Sweats, UKI even Cm.umnti.w fDrsneotie K
ith derange.
i I DifKrnlt
lly.peptic Syepno-a,) is relieved hy these Bittera lu short.
Ihetr use hus liccn proved in the relief of almost all the
svmpt line that proceed from e debilitated or atomic condi- .
tlonnf thePl nnachj also In general debility arising from
age nr from the eneote of Fever, particularly Fever ai4
Anna. Females .ufleriug nmler any uterine derangement "
arising from wenkneaa, will find tirt "OsTaisaTED Bit-
, excellent remedy, end not surpassed br suit medi. .
cine in use.
The history of this medicine It oecullar. It has made ita
wny to public fRvor solely by the force of its own iiitrinaie
menle. No srtlftcmV means hare been nsed te aire it n
toriety and thrust it upon public attention. It has nevef
before eren lieen advertised, but having Rret shown ile re-
mnrknble efliuicy in the family of the proprietor, and by
him nfterwaids adiniuiatered to his afflicted friends and ac
quniutnnces with a like result, its reputation gradually ex- .
.. ui.... i. .ipiwn in ine rrriai Illsuint parte ol Uie
l.iiion, ase medicine of unrivalled virtues in the rare ef
Dyspeiisie iu nil its different forms, tid also for the cure ef
Asthma or Phthisic, lis only herald nnd its only eukajy
Ims been the story of its wonderful efScacv, as told from
mouth tn month or by letter from friend to friend. In eve
ry instance where these Bittera have been nsed, and the re
mit made knuwu to the proprietor, they have proved a re
medy. Numerous certificates, attesting the singular efficacy ef
the "OxTctNATED BitteHs," are in the possession of Ihe '
Eroprietor many of them sign -l by persons already widely
nuwu to the public.
GF.0. 11 GREEN, Proprietor.
WINDSOR, Vt., October 3, 1045.
Tlie following Certificates here recently beeat
WaeuiaJiiTini, D. C, Juw 10, 184.
Ilaving mnde nse of the "(Ixvgenaled Bitters" premred '
hy Dr. Go. II. Green, t.f Wimhuf , Vt.and from knew
ledge obtained of their efflenry ill other oia-s, wetheerfully
rec mimend them t the.ul,lic, believing that they willfully
sustain the rec mtineudnti n of the Proprietor. We h ne
,m:.l,m. v.iiuunie remenv mav lie si generallT dinuse
thrmcliout the country tlmt it inny be accessible' te all the
S A M I PI. PHI-I.PS, ..,
AM I'l'H t. J U. S. Seiaitot from Termont. r
JAMF. F. SIMMONS, U. s. Senator from B. Island.
J. T iMOIlKllKAD. L. S. Senator nnd f.irinrlv
or of Kentucky.
I.. H. AIIN(LD, Member of Comrese and formerlv fi.
vennr of R. I.
W.M. WOOnHRIDGK. U. S. Senator and farmeri. (5
...... .
ron tub
Headache. Gldihuess,
KheuiniiliHiii. l'ilea,
Dysjwpin. S-urvey,
Sin ill Piix. Jaundice,
Pains in the Hack,
Inward Weakness,
P.ilpitaiion of the Heart,
Hume in the Throat,
Dropsy, Asthma.
Fevers of nil kinds,
Female Complaints,
Measles Salt Itheum,
le;irt Burn, Worms,
Cholern Morbus,
Coushs. iuiusey,
Whooping Couch,
Consumption, Fits,
l.ivcr Cninpiaiut,
KrinipeLis, Deafness,
Itchities of the Skin,
Colds. Gout, Gravel,
Nervous Complaints,
rito.M i.MrtKirits of
M. I.. MAUTiN. Deieirata in Conereai
From Hon. H.
from Wiscensiti ,
D. Foster, Member ef Congress fron
L A It I) LA 21 PS.
C Oil K ELI I' It CO .
No. 116 1 hetnut Si ,
1 ESriXTKL LLY announce that llieylinve
jumfinisliej the most evtensive aaeertuieiil
Experience has proved that nearlv every Disease originates
fr im iinpuiities of the Blood or derangements of the Diges
tive, (minus; and to secure Health, we must remove those
obstruct! ni or restore the HI ixl to iuiialural state.
Tlie aversi on to taking medicine is in st curotuully re
moved by CttrsMB's Ve.iktai.k Pcrisstivi Pills, being
c moletely cuvel .pnl with n cviluig ..f pure while Sugar,
(which ia ns tlistiuet from tlie iulenial inrredienta a. a nut
shell t'r im the kernel) mid havenotuste of median.
But ure ns ejsily sw.ill iwcd as bits ofc Moreover
they ueiiher u iiiseme or Rripe iu I lie s.iulil'rst degree, by
opiTite eptiillyon nil Ihe diseased parts .1 the svsiem. iu
rend of c inlmiuir theniselves t., and racking anv imrticulnr
rem m 1 hus. it thejl.iver be iilfn-tetl one ingredient will
operate on that imrtictil'ir nran, and, hv cleansing it of an
Kx-ees of Bile rest re it to ita niime I sinle. Auo'lier will
pesite on the Krd and renvivenll impurities in its eircu
liti u ; whiles third will ed'eeiiinlly ex,.el whatever impu
irnes miy hnve been discharged into the sf-anarh. nnd hence
they ;nke m the r.iot or disease rem 'Ve all Impure Hu
mirst'r m the b .!, open the pores externally nnd inter
n illy; separate nil f ireignand ol.uoji us particles from the
chyle, si that the hi l may lie t Is riu?h!v pure thus secu
riinr a free and heallhv action tn the Henri, I.uiigand I.iver
nnd thereby they restore health even when all other menus
nuve lanen.
The entire truDi nf the ah -ve can he ascertained Uy the
trial -f n siiiele bux : ami their virtues are si positive and
certain in rest riiu limit h. that ttie pr priet r bin. Is hi.nself
to return the m un-v paid f..r them in all coses wllere they
do iritgiveotiiveraHl aatisftictiou.
Ilt-lall I'rlrv. '2 d. per nox,
Principal niTicc No. Crt Verv st., N. Yoik,
S dd by JOHN Y. Yol Nti.' Suuhnrr.
M. A. McCAY, Nortluiinlierland.
tr Renirnilier Dr. C. V. Clu kner is Ihe inventor of tlie
Snirir C.xited PiMs. and tin' nothine nf the .rt was ever
heard of until he intnxhiced tliem in Jiule. 141. Pnn-haseis
sn mid, therefore nlwavs ask for Clickner's Sugnr Cted
Pills, and take ii j oiliera, or tlicy will be nuilo the victims of
a fraud.
February, 17, IsiO ly
Washixotox. D. C . Jcns 10. tail.
Denr Sir I have been a dysieplic auifercr for about ten
years, and have res rted to various medicines for relief .
withiail success, until 1 made use of your "Oxvgeiuited
Bitters." I liave used nlmit two bottles, ami Slid myself
restored tn perfect health The forms in which the dis
ense showed itself, in my case, were, great acidity of the
st Munch, I s ol eipetitej extreme flatulence, severe eonstl
pnti on ol the b nveis, and violent headache. Feeling deai
rous lluit a knowledge of yoirr valuable remedy may reach
others similarly nihil ted. I take great pleasure in record,
ing my testim my 1 1 its curative power; anil would ale
reniaik, that while on a visit at home n short time since, I
administered n part of a Untie to a number of mv nfflicted
friends, with greut sucess. They are desirous that yon
should establish nu agency at Pi'ttsburir. or inform them
where the medicine can lie nlilnined. With an earnest de
sire for your prosperity and happiness, I subscribe myself,
truly vour friend H. D. FOSTER.
Duct. Geo. B. ORxrx.AViiidsor, Vt.
S .Id Wh .lesnle and Retail Inr Gieen k. Fletcher, He.
SG South Sixth Street, Philadelphia.
Aireni lor minnury rl. M. M ASSl-.H.
Agents for Milton MACKAY HA AO.
Agent fol I pper Mubonoy 1. U. KENN.
April li, li
Don't permit your Horsei or cattle to die, when
the means of cure are within the reach of all I
The undersigned has spent several years in tht
study of Veterinary practice in "London and E
dinboro','' ho has also nvniled hiinself'of Ihe resear
ches of Leihijr, am! othrr celebrate J men, who have
contributed so much towards n judicious treatment
of animals; the principles ofuttr practiee consists
in the rejection of iicucral hleedin? and the total
rejection of nil medicines that experience has
shown to be of a dangerous tendancy. These re.
medies act in harmony w ith the vital principle, and
when given accordins to the directions which ae.
company each article they are capable of exciting;
oo nii.icaiii me naiurat functions withAii, a-
1 OOKS and Oold Pens. Ou hand several cop
ies of the life of Christ, aud a Wo a nunilwr of
gold fens which we will sell at ike I'htloslelphia
t or sale at Uusottice.
BLANKS of every description ran be had by
applying at theoUiee of the American.
fISSlTE PA PE R. Yellow Tissue papei for
A coveriug glasses, etc., for sale at the etiiee sat
they have ever offered for sale, comprising
In irreat variety, and of
Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY,
in the construction of these Lamps, and audi are
made as will produce the greatest amount uf light
from the least consumption of l.urd.
Kecent improvements iu the manufactory, with
the introduction of new and perfected machinery,
euublrs tht-m to sell at a very liltEAT HEDl J
TION from former prices, and all articles before
leaving the manufactory, are carefully inspected,
and are warranted perfectly tight, and to give satis
rhiludelnlua, June 2, 1849. ly
Green's Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced.
Old Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla.
Sway tie's yrup of Wild Cherr
Swayne's Verinilugc.
Ayre's Cherry IVetoral ,
Dr. Drake's Tanucea.
Dr. Cu lien's do
Ttbbit'sPain Killer.
Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters:
Indian Vegetable l'illa
Horse and Cattle Medicines
For sale by HKNBY MAISEB.
, JiW 14, le
Ayor's Cherry Pectoral,
rTMlIS valuable preparation, si est aiisliiugly successful
X lu curing uisi'uscs ol tne Lungs, is the result ol u skit:
ful cnuihnuti' in nf the known curative iiriuciiilea o
medicine. Ita ingredieuu are freely made kit wn to the
put.lic, and are Ukmhs ackuovvlcUteAl to uietlic-al men as
p.nuta.&siug rare meilieal virtues, which peculiar virtues ure
couibliKd in the "l IlKltltV PKCTHIt Al." ill thwtgri-al-est
purity and clhcacy, und wheu used, us will be aeeu fiom
the loll IWIIIff Valual.le Irslllu -iiv :
of Bawd tilt College, lirunswtck, Maine, writes : "I have
witnesseil the etlccts of your Cherry Pectoral iu my nwu
family ami in that of mv fiieinls, and it has given great
sutislacti n iu cases b 'tit of adults aud children."
From Dr. liivaut. Dfuiuist aud Poatuiustr. Chicopee
Fulls, Muss i
Uu J. C. Avrs learSir: r.ncl -sod plcuse find remit
tance f a all tho Cherry Pectoral hist sent mo. 1 euti un
hesitatingly say. tliat uo mooiciue we sell gives such rait
fucti ni us v air's docs u ir have I ever seen e medicine
which cured a i many cases ot couch and lung complaints
Our Phisieiaus are using it extensively iu the practice, aud
With Ihe happiest edects.
Truly yours, u. si. but jt.
Preaident of Verm ait MetlicaU Colieae one ta the met
learned aud iulelligeiit physicians in thee aiutry, i'C'Hisilers
it a e nnpittitl at a rare excelliaa'C 1 or the cure ot tltat lor
mtdable disease, C nsoiiiisi'ai.11
Aiiulinosl incredible inimtier of cemhentes have been
received j pcoving that ihe Cherry Pect rai ut, ui truth, a
uitr.A t Kr.vti.iiY
for Coughs. CoMs, Aslhma mwl all pulmonary complaints.
i-riicr. ?a i i-.. its I'hiri ui'i i t.r..
Pretsirefl by J. C. A YKR, Uiwell. Mass , and sold br
II. M AShlilt, feuubury, aud MAHY McCAY, Northumberland.
March 31, 1W9.
Kolirelo UelinquciitB.
ALL persons indebted to the subserilier, longer
than six months, on note or book account, are
I requested to call and make settlement, or else their
accounts will be left with a magistrate fur collec
Sunbury, July 7, 1849, - 5.
STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers,
and other articles of stone ware just received
and for sale by JOHN W. FKILING. .
Caa.eees M, Hit.
The Pupil's friend and Teacher's eomfort.
' work is already introduced into some of the
liet Acndamies nnd a lnnre uumlier of Schools,
where its use has given divided aud universal sa
tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely
American in ils character, base. I upon our own
beautiful dteimit system of eurrritey. It contains
more, the arrangements arc better, and it is the
easiest and cheapest work of tho kind now in use;
nud it is so eonsidcre ! by hundreds nf the llint
fometent teachers and men of s -iencn in the Uni
on, who have recommended it. It is the book,
particularly and expressly prepared for our Ame
rican Scholars : By Aman Tirt nor.
Thr Yih th's Cm.fM hi n Ciiti.toh. This
volume contains 91 panes, with almut M00 exam
ples for solution on tho slato. It embraces the
Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, (Simple
and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three,
Proportion, cVc.
Tick son's AaiTHMHTirxi. Tint r, is destined
for Ihe use of younger classes in tha Schools of the
I inted Slates. A beautiful little book and pica-t
in n tn children, and the only one of the kind of any
There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin
gle or double, for tt 'orvenieuce of teachers, in
which the solutions of the qucsti nu are siven with
much extra mutter for the black board. These
Keys aro the most complete works of the kind ever
published, and contain, iu addition, about two
hundred examples in Mensuration, iVc, lor tne
use iaf the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have
the above books examined, and no teacher who ia
acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will
hesitate to pronounce tbem tlie best works that
have ever been published iu this or auy other
Although issued hut a few months, they have
already been introduced into the Night Public
Schools of New York City in all the Schools
public and private, except two, in tha City of
Reading. Also, in about twenty Acadaiuies in Uie
State of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the
Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of
Lancaster, and in the liorouglis of Harrtsburg,
York, Chambersburg, Lebanon, Doylestown, Potts-
ville, Orwigsburg, inc., &c
For sale by Hsnbt Mssssa, Sunbury, Agent
for Northumberland County.
Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1648.
SORl.S ( A ItCd itKII.
Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of inflamed Sores
complete Hum Antid ile ever known. It instantly,
(and as if bv Maine) stonsnaina of tlie im mi a.iiHruta
Bum uud Scald. For old S ires, Hi uises, Cuts, Strains, la
on manor hcuM. ii is the best anolieation tlmt ,-:i K mi.,le
Th siaauds huve tried und tlaniKaiida praise it. It is the most
pcrieci luasicr ol pain ever discovered. All who use re
commend it. F.very family sh mid lie provided with it.
None ran Id how so n some of the familv mav need it.
tMJIerve each non r the genuine Oiutiiicni has the
iiameot S Toi .kt, written ou Uia outsida label. To unite
to tins is i irgerv
11 t.ivery Men, Farmers, and all who use It uss,
will Hod this tlintiiiciit the very best thing they can ue
f ir Collar l alls.S. ratchcs, Kicks, ftc, 4 con their aninuls
Surelyevery niercful man would Weeji his Hiiimals as free
front pain ns possible. Tousey's L'tiiversul Ointment is all
tliat is reituireti. Try it.
HITi:s(H' l.SI-:cTS. Forihs sting or bite of noisnn
us Insects. T mscy's Ointment is uiiui ullcl lluiulreiui have
tried it an I f mud it go d.
PI I .I .S C L K 1)1) I For the Piles, T uisey's Universal Oinl-
isoue of tltelk'Sl Itctnedics that can be uppliut. Ail
liave tried it f ir the Piles rec inmeiid it.
OLD KOHLS CfHLD. For old . bstmate 8 ree. there
is nullum equal n T uisey's Ointineiit. A per. u in Maim
us had. f ir a number of ycuis, a s re leg that baffled the
skdlof the d-tet us. T alsev's Oiulmetit wis rec nnmeiuted
by one of the visiting hysiei ins. (who knew its great vir
tues.) and Iw b xes proiliieed in ire ln-nefit tliaii theps
lieut had rtx'eived from any uud ull pre i us remedies. Let
all tiy it. ,
ni i;s and scalds rtni:n. Tii uuuds reuses
of Bnroa and Scalds, iu all ,mrts I the c iinlrv, hnve lieen
cared by T aisev 's L'liivcrsil Oiiitiueut. Cerldicatesun -ush
cul l lie bad I (ill the wh 'le of this s'leet.
VUH.KVr It ( L'ISLS CFH Fl). Tes'imonials on tesli-
in -oi il in 1 iv r .H T useys Omrmeut f r euriinr lirnisea
heve lieen odered the pr '(invt as. Ilundreda iu Si rauuse
willeertify 1 1 its gre?' merits relieving theiuuf the m it
severe nniPT ;tll .-ra IIS sn tin! try II.
SCALD lil.Al) CIMKt). S ires t cases of H...l
have liccnctireil by Tousey's Oiiilmeut. Try it ii seldom
SALT RIIF.IM CfHLD. Of all the remedies ever dis-
coveren I m 'St (lisigiceahle c 'Uuiluiitl. T Hisev's I'nl'
versai ciuiuieut is ine m at c iuplete. It never was kuowu
to I III.
ClI APPI'.n H ANDS CAN HKCL RF.D Toaaev's I ni-
vers il Oinliueiit will always cure the w 'rst cases of Cuni
ned Iliads. S-ires-.f iters uis will shite Ibis.
mint'. i.iiTtt For the cure r 8 re l.ipsinere
was never auvtliiiig maile equal to Touaey'a Ointment, tt
ts sure ut cure mem. t ry a.
It isa ecieniihe compound, warranted no tn contain any
nrenarati n of Mercury, f Pnce 2 cents per lss. For
further iMrliculars cNtceriiing this reMlly valuable Ointment
ihe public are rei'erred Ut lhtuiplilels, to be had grans, ia re
speclalite Drugi'isle and Mert lutiits tlirougltout Ihe Lulled
Prepared by S. TOISEY. Drusgtat, No. 10 Nu
Street. New York.
Ai-.kxts JOUX YOUNG, Suubury, M. A. McCAY.
February 17, lets ly
mimshintr or drstrovinz their nnwer hnc
safein the hands of every one.
' G.H. DADD, M. D.'
A List ef Horse and Cattle Mediclaee.
Physic balls, 75c. per bo.
Altorative hall, 75c do.
" powders for had condition, 73c per pack
age. Henve powder for diseases of the lungs, 75e de.
Urine powder for " kidneys, 75e do.
Tonic powder for had condition glanders, 75e eta.
Cordial drink for inflamation of bowels, 75c per
Liquid blister, 75e per bottle.
Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c
per pot.
Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c
per hot! le.
Wash for inflamed eyes, 50e per bottle.
Ointment for inauge scratches, old sores, ice., 60c
per bottle.
Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per bottle.
Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, dec, 50e
tier bottle.
Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known
in England for lameness of every description. 75c
ti 1 per bottle.
Utsteinpcr powder for red water, $1 per bottle.
Worm powders for the removal of worms from
the intestinal canal. 75 per package.
For sale hy STIMPHON A REED. S8 Mer.
chants Row, also at DADD'S HORSE AND
Haymarket fSquare, Boston.
Pamphlets describmj the diseases for which
them; remedies are used can he had gratis.
numerous v.crtituates are in possession er tha
Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi
Soldhy GREEN & FLETCHER.No.S6Sa.uth
SIXTH Street. Philadelphia, and by his
A n u x i s. ll it v ii t M t ssi a , -Sunbury,
February 3, 1840 if
TENINGS. A cheap and excellent arti
cle lor fastening sash fur sale by
Sunbury, July T, 1849.
DAUD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi.
cine tor aalo by HENRY MAKMKR
frutneerar Jaa. 87 sis, 14
ptoUon Yam, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps
and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Heady made
Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Congress Knives,
Porcelain lined preserving ketUes, just received
lor sale by . NASctiK,
Sunbury, Dec 2, 1S48.
VBATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's
writing and iiulellible ink. Cotton yam and
laps, just received ana lor
8unbury, Dec, , 1818
ale by
CiAP!i An assortment just received.
J silk HATS at 41425, for sale bv
Sunbury, Dee., 14.
REl'AKEI) and sold only, at FREDERICK
UKOWN'S Ditl-'G and CHEMICAL Store,
E. corner of Fitth and Chssstct streets, Phi
ladelphia. '1 his Essence is warranted to possess
in a concentrated form, all the valuable properties
of Jamaica Ginger, and will be found on trial an
excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re
commended as atonic, to persons recovering from
lever or oilier diseases, a lew drops imparting to
the stomach a slow and vigor, equal to a wine
glass of brandy or other stimuland, without any of
the debilitating e fleets, which are sure to follow the
use of honor of any kind : and it is therefore
especially serviceable to children and females. To
the aged, it will prove t great comfort ; to tha
dysteplic, and to those who are predisposed to
gout or rheumatic alleetions, it gives great relief;
and to the inebriate whn wishes to reform, but
whose stomach is constantly craving the aoiioua
liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to the diges
tive organs, and strength to resist temptation ; and
is consequently a great agent in the cause of tem
perance, ts?" Full directions accompanying eaeh
The above article can be had at the office ef th
Philadelphia, June S, 1849 ly
Valuable Uooba. (
LIFE or Cnbisti handsomely bound, D'Av
aiems's HisToar or tbs RsroaaisTios,
Dun Dsf-aooas sua Ltostas, full bounded.
For sale at the publishers priees by
Sunbury, July 14, 1841. .. . r
lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sals
at tbia eshae v . y : , ' A
1 J AZORS A superior article fur sal it la.
store of HENRY M AUSEg.-
loikury, Feb, , ISaO,