V",'"'',w-TWi in " "", SUNBURY AMERICAN AND S1IAM0K1N JOURNAL. CO. Wmi tmw. -"rfl arm , ...l. S. ,1T1 1 Uh'"" " V... Ovtrowd-JrArnin. Property, and SufftringamcmgfatnMtAtjtmer. icam Attacked by Mf t.onj, fe. fe. Nw Om. teb. S3, 1850.' Th steamship Atabahia has ust trried from thanes nl t hasten to lay her news, which is highly important, before you. She bring aixty-fie passengers and half a million in gold dust. - She also brings advices from San Francisco to the 16th of January, being two weeks later than our previous accounts. They were received at Panama by the steamship Oli to'ihia. ' The City of Sacramento has been over sowed by water. But few spots of land are Visible and the inhabitants are suffering ter Vibly from the dreadful and unheard-of Calamity. The loss by this unloosed for visitation is estimated at over one million of dollars. Immense herds of cattle and other property have been swept away. While this great flood, however, destroys a great deal of pro perty, it will wash out the gold in immense quantities. A party ol Chilians had made an attack upon the Americans at the mines in the vicinty of Stockton, in which two of the as sailed were killed, and the others imprisoned, though the latter were afterwards released. The ship Prince de Jyinville and baik liar man, from New York, had arrived at San tranciico. THE FATAL EXPLOSION O THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD. The New York Post, whose reporter was passenger in the train of curs, from this city for New York, in the Cumden and Amboy line on Friday morning last, gives the follow- ing particular relative to the fatal explosion iioticed in the Ledger on Saturday: The twelve o'clock morning train of cars from Philadelphia, consisting of three first class, one second class pawenger car, and one car of baggage ciates, drawn by Engine No. 29, with eight feet driving wheels, left Camden at twelve minutes past nocr. yester day, and had proceeded as far as the small Village of White Hill, on the Delaware, tvven-j--eighl miles from Camden, and one mile from flordenlawrt, when the boiler of the im mense engine exploded, causing the instant death of two engineers, and dangerously, if not fatally wounding the assistant, a fireman and A breakman . Tbe train had just passed a curve, and was probably going at the rate of about twenty five miles per hour, the momentum of the train carrying it about eifht rods from the place of explosion before the cars Were brought to a stand the engine being thrown off the track at right angles, Crushing one of the mammoth whocls on which it fell, and dragging after it the baggage car, the crate of which were torn to pieces anil piled up in frightful confusion. All the remaining cars kept their places on the track, ami no serious injury happened to any person but those on the engine and tender. Not so with thuse on the engine the spec tacle presented by the bodies (dead and dy ing) of those blown from the engine and len der, was harrowing in the extreme. Phila. Ledger. Th Plttaborg Puddlrrs Itoutfd bj Frmalos. Pittsburg, March 2, 1850. About eleven o'clock this morning, one hundred females enteied Graff, Lindsey & Co.'s rolling mill, in the Fifth ward, and drove out the Eastern tmildlers, who were working at lower wages. They went to an tber mill, but the lords of creation proved rnOre courageous, nd stood their ground. During the scuffle, however, one or two of the polrce were slightly wounded. The Mayor soon arrived, and the fair assailants Went home The mills will all be in opera tion again to-mwrow. A second despatch says that the men had nothing to do with the riot, and the puddleis ki held a meeting denouncing it. The military and police were under duty, to pre serve the peace against the women. This is (he second time, Within a few years, that the women of Pittsburg have been engaged in a riot. CA1T IRON RAILSt A writer in the American Railroad Journal, says that prejudice only prevents the imme diate substitution of cast iron for wrought iron Railway bars. We know that experi merits recently made by the most practical ram of England prove conclusively that the strength of cast iron is only i-9th less than the wrought artiilej while the cost is 3-bth less. Cast metal resists much better the Com pression that flattens and exfoliates the other, as we see in the bars of the Reading railway; And by chilling the top of the cast rail, its re silience to compression anil wear and tear blight be perfect i The destruction by rust is very much less in the east article; : It i Asserted that no cast iron track has ever been laid on continuous bearings, that , ought to be an essential Condition to fair ex periment, because what is mrtst feared, the fraCIUre from percuasiort, is then entirely pre vented. The idea is suggested also that the bars should be cast hollow, giving with the same weight of metal greater depth and strength io the rail; Besides the difference in the general mar ket value of cast and wrought iron rails, there would be another important laving, vit : along the route of most interior line of tail Way, furnaces may be found to furnish the cast article at great saving of carriage over the other; whereas iron rolling mills to make wrought rails are comparatively scarce. The subject is worthy of the consideration rof parties about constructing railways. JPoHlvills .Mining Register. ' Col. Pkimcc, a member of tbo Canada House, from Essex, has just published a bold and vigorous letter in favor of the independ ence of the colonies. A letter from Vienna of ihe 23d of January aays, the snow was five Jtet higher (Aon the ' THE FORREST DIVdRCE. , TH New York Atlas or yesterday has the fWlowinff in reference to the anblioatibn for itivnrna IIAfli Sir01inrv fel IlarpiahtirfT T ,k- cm. IfiQV .ft.. M. V.. "... h.t quired fame and fortune, he was married in London1 to Miss Caroline N. Sinclair, (laugh ter of the celebrated John Sinclair, the voca list. Immediately after the union of Mr. arid Mrs. Forrest, they returned to the United States, and made this city their residence. They originally went to "housekeeping," in Reade street, in a house belonging t Mr. James H. Har.kett ; but, soon after, removed to nn establishment Mr. Forrest had purchas ed in Chelsea Village Twenty-Second street, Ninth avenue, where they remained till the 30th of April, 1849, when they agreed on a mutual separation. From the day the separation took plate1, up to the first of January last, nothing transpired to lead any one to suppose that Mr. Forrest had the remotest idea of implicating his wife's integrity. It was then, for the first time, reported that, he charged lhai, her mar riage vows had been violated ; and he now( orj the charge of infidelity, appeals to Penn sylvania, his native state, for divorce. The whole affair is a subject of deep regret to the friends of both parties, and is the cause of intense solicitude to the connexions of both families. Mrs. Forrest, whilst presiding over the1 es tablishment of her husband, necessarily made the acquaintance of many literary and pro fessional gentleman ; and all, without a sin gle exception, readily and justly ascribe to her the possession of every talent and attrac tion tegarded herns ihe bright and glorious representative of every female virtue; She now stands accused of dereliction from the sacred vow of a wife, by her husband ; and, it is believed that divorce is the necessary consequence. The friends of both parties deeply and sin cerely lament that, the ill adjusted laws of this State, and of Pennsylvania, compel Mr. Forrest to prefer charges that the delicacy of woman shrinks from, to enable him to obtain a divorce equally desirable, under all the cir cumstances of the case, to wife and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest, we suppose, will soon be "divorced pair," and it is hoped that both will be happy. Thej have no offspring though the lady has been the mother of sev eral children, who died in early infancy, to participate not in their jarrings, or to inherit their domestic sorrows for sorrows they must be, that can rend the condition of wed ded love. In another part of Ihe same paper we find the following paragraph: We have been requested to say that, Mrs Edwin Forrest will reply to the publications that have been made in several of the news, papers, in relation to the petition now pend ing before the Legislature of Pennsylvania for divorce. Mrs. Forrest will deny the right of the tribunal to which Mr. Forrest had ap pealed, to interpose in her domestic relations; and, will bIso deny the legitimacy and truth of Ihe disreputable charges which have been preferred against her. Until her response can be prepared and it will be published probably to-morrow the friends of that lady respectfully solicit, in her behalf, a suspen sion of public opinion." REGISTER'S NOTICE. TOTICE is hereby given lo all Legatees, Cre ditors and other persons, interested in the estates of Peler Swank, dee'd., settled by hi exe cutors William Swank and Solomon Swank ; of .lerrntiah J. Vastine, dcc'H., settled lv his ailm'rs. Peler E. Vastine and Lvdia HouroI ; of John Marr, dee'd., settled by his oJm'r. David Li Irlatul ; of Martin Uarman, dec d., settled by his adm r. Jaroh Gorman; of Jaro'n Kuhle-, dee'd., settled hv bis ex'tor. Samuel Herr ; of Christiana Fersler. dee'd.. fettled ly her adin r. Jesse Ilemyl. That the Executors and Administrator of said estates have filed their accounts with the Register of Northum berland county, and that the same will be presen ted to the Orphans' Court of said county on Tues day the 2nd day of April next for confirmation and allowance. JOHN P. PURSEL, Register. Register's office Sunbury, March 2, 1850 j tc Peter Lilly vs J No. 4, April term, A.D. 1850. Plu. Subrxena in divorce. Elizabeth Lill "To Eliiabeth Lilly," You are hereby notified, to be and appear be fore the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, on the 1st Monday of April next, to answer the above complaint and to show cause, (if any you have,) why a divorce a Vinculo Matrimonii should not lie decreed against you. JAMES COVERT, Shr'tf. Sheriff's office, 8unlury, ) .narcb , 1H'0. at CONSTABLE'S SALE. rillE following j,roerty of Jacob Fox, of Low I. er Augusta township, sold by Conrad Kersch ner, at Constable's sale, r'eluiary 15, 1850, was purchased by me, and loaned during my pleasure to said fox, vi '. 3 acres of Wheat (mora or less) in the ground ; 10 acres of Ry (more or less) in the ground ; 1 Blind Horse; 1 Mantle flock ; A lo horse sled. WILLIAM HOOVER. Lower Augusta, Fein 83, 1850 3t ORPHANS' COURT SALE. 1 N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court - of Northumlierland county, will lie exposed to public sale on Monday the day of March next, at the Public House of Henry Haas, in the Borough of Northumberland, the following pro perty lo wit : Two certain contiguous tots of ground in the Borough of Northumlierlaml num bered 87 and 89, and bounded N E. by Queen street, N W by an alley, S W by Duke street, and S E by lot 88 ; containing each One-fourth of ah acre. Whereon are elected a two story frame dwelling House, and a stone building, formerly used as a distillery; ALSO : A lot of ground in said Borough, num bered 74 hounded N E by Queen street, N W by lot 75, 8 W by Duke street and S E hy lot 73 ; containing one-fourth of an acre ; and whereon are erected two dwelling houses, one on Queen street, the other oh Duke street; ALSO : Four contiguous lots in the Borough aforesaid, numbered 129, 130, 131, 6l 132, boun ded N" E by Duke street, N W by an alley, S W by West way and $ E by filth street' containing in all about one acre. ALHO: 81 x contiguous lots in said Borough, and numbered, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101 4- 10S, bound ed N E by Market street, N W by sixth street, M W by an alley and 6 E by lot 103, containing in all about two acres. -Late the estate of William MeCay, deceased, hale to commence at 1 O'clock P. M. of said day, when the terms of sale will be made known by DANIEL BRAUTIGAM. 1 . DAVID T AGO ART. J Aara " i)y order ol the Uourt, Jobs P. Pursel, Clk O. C, March 2, 1850 t s HP WO NEW CANAL UOATd For sale by X IRA T. CLKMENTt fiunlnnr, March 9t &bo JAMES IVZOLAN & CO., IS! PORTERS OF ' English, French & Gernian Goods, No. 136 Market Street, v isbvf vtftSTg sHitr, ttr snias, PHILADELPHIA, Needles, Stay Binding, dewing Silk, ' Pins, Csrpet ii Thimbles, Tapes, Coal, do Bodkins, Cords, Flannel do Hooka 4c Eyes, Galloons, Quality do Zephyr Worsted, Buttons, Furniture " ' Patent Thread, Tailors' Twist, Purse Twist, Wire Ribbon, Silk, Cotton, and Linen Canvass, Gloves, Hosiery, Shirts and Drawers, Comforts, Infants' Socks, Children's Gaiters, Suspenders, Woolen Yarn and a great variety of STAPLE AND FANCY TRIMMINGS. March 2, 1850, lm CAUTION!! CHALLENGE SL&cklKOt fTMlK iinmcnie and steadily increasing demand JL for the celebrated MAtONS CHALLENGE PLACKIXG Hah induced numerons unprincipled peraona to attempt an imitation of his Box Label, varying it slightly, with a view to evadti the taw. but at the same time designed to impose upon the univcr sal confidence of consumers in favor of Mason's Blacking; and as the counterfeit bears no resem blance to the original, except in the UM, and has none of ita good properties, Country Merchants, when ordering blacking, should be oarcful to aflk for "MASON'S ORIGINAL CHALLENGE BLACKING," which is sold by all respectable Wholesale Dealers, in every Citv in the United States. J AS. S. MASON & CO. Philadelplm March 2, 1850.--41 Louisa Bcnnet, by" ner next friend Ja c)b Conrad, vs Etlmf mil TtctiTipL No. 10, January term 1050; AU Bubpwua in Divorce. "To Edmond B'rnnet," You are hereby notified, to be and appear before the Judges of the Court ofComnmn Pleas of Nor. thumbcrland county, ort Ihe 1st day of April next, to answer the above complaint and to show caute (if any you have,) why a divorce a Vinculo Ma' tritfiouii should not be decreed against you. JAMES COVERT, Shr'tr 5herifToiTice Sunbury, March 2, 1850, 4t WILLIAMS' AiTi-niSPEP nti EIJXIR in, with the iitmiFf confiiVnre. oflVrrrWo the , Medical Faculty ond the nuMu: for the cure t f Pyspejv am or IndigestKui, and ull Uiwusc arising frjiu it, bucIi XtuiBea, Headache. Verdpo. DimneMof Sight, Debility of ihe Nervous Sys tem, DtHuus Vomiting, Uurniiig enftntioit at tlit pit of the at m-ich, l.iver poniplitint, Oppressiiiu hOct entinfr, Palpitation of the Haul, Hyp'H'Imidrifl, Jaundice, lisfol appetite. Vntinir "fthe wlreiirth iPuiu in the pit of the stoniaeh Flatulence, with irequentl or towards the ripht tide, belrhitiffof wind, 'NiH wiiewi n complexion, Vitiated tiiste, Deprowi n of the spirmnttd CoiiKtHiitioii and uucasineral irritability of tamper, &.C. of the tviwcls, ' If a e:iw of dvunensin iV.nuld be neclfeted, most khuhi ertect may enmic. for it lays thr f mndtti ui fa-, is the in cipent cause of, and very f requently terminiHe incnic'iinp ti'n. 1 w-'iild iiiiprtiw upon the mind th'it to tt iths with thm d incase may he to nport with the reason which cotmti tutei man uperennnent anion? animal heiiiftM, or to em bitter existence by adding a consciousness of Colly tu tho penalty uf iiu. 1 ins medicine is neauy pin ,np in iDnnen, won ainpm lirections for use, and is sold in Suulmrr by Jons W. Fkilino. JAM I ;9 W1L1 JAMS. Testtm'tnvof Mr. Aimer Elrne, hnrter; Market street nlnve Sixth, v rr"horntive of tho efficacy of Williams Anti-Dvspeptic Klixir Philadelphia, October 3, 1319. Mr. Javej Williams : Dear Sit : It aires me creat treasure to kmw that ynn are arain preparing you medicine f t the cure of lhspep- biii, t t rrrmv ot my ncmmintniices mve repeat rvny nun en me where it could he nncined. k no win that I had been curel by it. As 1 think thnt a public s-know'h'dirment of the prent benefit 1 have received frm the use of your med icine is not only nite to vu, but may he nsetnl to others, I now rcnkc it. For several years I suffered irom lysnep siti. which increased to such an extent that tnv health and const it nt ifi were rapidly sinking under it. 1 was com. pellri to restrict myself 'ihe mnsi simple nnn. ana even thnt 1 could nt digest, i felt a hies of strength, riisincli nntt to exercise, and, as yu have it in vour advertise, mcnt, n general feeling of depression nnt indescribable weariness. In the year 1. hearing from others high re eonnnen lntion of vour Anti-Dyspeptic Khxir, I procured and used it with the most happy effect ; wider it influence hugnorand wariness gradunlly p4fced away, and my appe tite returned which I cm Id gratily with iinpnnity. Ten years have tvw elapsed, and my confidence in the curative p nvers of yiur medicine has of course increased, for it completely cured me when 1 failed toolttniu relief from any other urce. Very respectfullv vmirs, ArtNF.R KI.MFf. Testimony of Edward H Rowley, Wh-'lcsnle Merchant of Ihe firm of RnwVv. Ashbunner ft fn., No 5 Suth Whirvf. In proof of the efficacy of Williams Anti-Dyspeptic Elixir. Philadelhiu, October 20, IF 10. -Mr. Jamks Williams: Dear ir : I take pleasure in reenminendinc your Anti Dvsjieptic Elixir for the cure of Dvsnepsia. I have taken it myself tor the disease, and have been entirely cured. Yours respectfullv. EDWARD II. IlOWl.EY. AnxsT. JOHN W FIllUNG, Sunburv, Ps. March H. leoO. ly ORPHANS' COURT SALE. I X pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Nortliunilu'rlnnil rnmiLv. uill lu trnu.A 1. public sale on Friday the 15th day of March next, on the premises, to wit : A certain TRACT OF L4D, situate in Point tou-nnhip, "being the Mansion Farm," adjoining land of R. M. Curry, John Paul, River Suxpjehanna, Joseph Vankirk and Alhin Newberry. Conluiniiig seventy two acres and twenty perches, alrict measure. AVhereon is erected a two story Log limine weather-hoarded, a small frame kitchen, a large frame Barn and Waggon ahed. Also tw o (rood Orchards of choice truit. Lute the estutii of Henry llunsicker, dee'd. Kale to commence at 10 o'eleck A. M., of saij day when the terms of sale will l madu known by GEORGE A. FRICK, Adinr. By order of the Court ) John P. Pursel, Clk. O. C. J February 10, 1850 t s rillf.AOELI'lli A IMEDICAL HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS AGO, BY mi. K1NKKL1N, AT. ir. Comer of 'I lurd and Union Streets, BETWEEN SfRt'CU ND FINK STREETS, PHILADELPHIA I-MFTF.P.N VKAR8 or rxte.nive and unintsrruptrd .r . li,; ini iii liii st cily lisve reariernl ilr. K. Hie m.'st exicrt tind rucrasiul prucuuuurr lr and ursr, in tU triutiuent oi'all dDMaiitrt H'a private tialare. Psrvtiil tfiiclutl with ulcers upi'a the tmly. (lir it, or Irgs, punn iu the heaihir b-'lus, iiiercarial rtu'uniuliun. sirH-lurrs. uravrl, Uisense sn.inK from y.ut)iluil urnna t impat itiri ul the bl vt, wlnreliy the coimlitaliou luu liec mie tiilceUtd. are all 1reuted with succeu. He who plnci litmself under the rare of Dr. K., muy re ligi.iuslr ouifide w his huu.ir as a gemlsinaii, and cuuUtlent. ly rely upnu bis skill as a physician. take Particular notice. Young M whu have injurnl themselves by a certain nineties indulged in a habit frequently learned from evil enrnpaniiuis uc at school the effects H which are nightly fell, ven whan asleep, and Uesiruy Uith mind and lly, sli aid apply immediately. Wenkness and vi nstitutiunal debility I a inusi'iilar enerpy, physical lassitude and gen sral pc'istrati'm. irritability and all uervous sir. elimis, iiali-g.-slion, sluggishneM iif the live), and every diaraeein any way counoLted with the disorder ui Uia procreativs liiua tl mis cured, and full vigor restored. VOl'lll&It4IIOOI, A VIGOROL'8 LIKE, oa a Premature Death. klhb.LL on irlf PnirrvBtiua. ONLY 25 CENTS; This d iok just published is filled with useful irtforthsti m on the tufiriiiitles and diseases of the Generative Organs. II addresses itscti alike lo Vut'TII.MAMiUUliauil OU) AUK, and aiiould b lead by all. Tlis valuable adv tea aial inipreseivs warning it gives, will prevent years of misery and surfurtng and save animal l Thiausuids Lives. Parruts by reading it will learn bow to prevent tbe dsa truetiuu uf tueir cluUlreii. sA reinltunee 4 45 cents, enctused lu a leUer, ad dreasedkUK. KINKKIJN, N. W. comer ofTIIIHD. IMON three is, between ttproce Fine, rhiladeliWua, will eusure a b "ok, under envelope, per return of mail. Persons at a distance aiay address Vt. K. by letter, (post, paid,) and be cured at home. PACKAGES OF MKIJirlFEfl, DIRECTIONS, Jke., forwarded by sending a reiuiiuuce, aiat aut uasecuis froia DAMAGE ot CI 'KIOttTY. liu 4-sellers, New Ageuts,Pedlars, Canvassers, and all ethers supplied with the above work at vary lew rates. February S, liKl ly WILLF.TT & IIAIIDIXG'S WHOLESALE fcommimion PAPER and RAO WAREHOUSE, No. 19 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. Where genbral assort ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale at the lowest rash prices, Cap, Letter and Printing Papers, &.C. on hand. Plain and ruled white Caps. . blue . Flat Caps. Plain and ruled white Leltttn ' " blue Blue and white Folios. White and colored Printing Paper Tissue Papers. Shoe .. ' Wrapping Envelope " Hardware and Sheathing Paper. Tar Boards. Straw Boards. Bonnet Hoards. All orders from the Country will bo attended to at the shortest notice. All goods sold will lie carefully packej, and da. livered at any place in the city. - The higheat cash price paid for Rarrs, or ex changed for Paper, as low as can be bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849. Groceries I Groceries ! ! C OLTOA &, Co. 8. IF. Corntt Arch If Gffc Street Philadelphia, FFER for sale to the inhtbitaiits of Sunbury ' and vicinity, Family Groceries of the very finest quality consisting of Extra Fine, Superior and Common Green and Black Teas. Coffees of all kinds and priest. Sugars of every kind. . . Rice, Fnrinn, cmiito, Hominy, All kinds of choice Pickles, Sauces, Ketrhups, Olive Oil, Preserves, Ac, warranted to be of the very finest grades in the market and at the cheapest rates possible. A II goods carefully pneked and promptly lor- warded. COLTON & CO. S. W; Cor. Arch ct 6th U Phila. Oct. 28, 1849. theom ly my 2, Winle r Arrangement. PHILADELPHIA AND READIXO RAIL ROAD, FROM PHII.ADEl.rHtA TO POTTWILI.E. N and after Novemlier 1st, 18-19, the Pas senger T ruins will run between Philadelphia and Pottsvillc as follows : Leaves Philadelphia at Sj A. M;; daily except Sundays. Arrives at Rralling at 11 IS. Arrives at Potts'villh at 13 SO. Leaves Pottsviltcat 8 J A. M; daily except Sun days. Arrives at Renditirr at 10; Arrives at Philadelphia at lC SO: FARES. Pottsvillc dttd Philadelphia 3,r0 and 3.00; Pottsvillc and Rending 1,40 and 1,20 j Reading and Philadelphia 2,25 and 1,90. Passengers catinot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. There will lie no Afternoon Train. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will be al lowed to each passenger in these lines; and pas trngcrt are expressly prohibited from taking any siting as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will be the risk of the Owner. By order of the iiuui d of Managers. S. BRADFORD, Nov. 24, 1849. Secretary. ROBT. L. SE'i'll. TIIOS. P.B.BETH SKTII & lsKOTIIKIt. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Coiumfssfou fUrvcliitnttf, NO. e9 PRATT STREET, (Xer Howi,y"s Wmabf,) BALTIMORE, Will pay particular attention to the sale of GRAIN and all other products of the farm. Baltimore, January 26, 18.')0. ly TITO PEOPLE'S VADE-TrTJICtftrl COMPRISING A COLLECTION OF OVER 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, In the Useful and Interesting Arts with a few Simple and Curious Experiments la CHKMISTHV : T NCLL'DINO Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Hying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price 6 1 eta., for sale by HENRV" MASSE R. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1849. Etttate oflleiirj Yoxthclntef , dee'd JsVTOTICE hereby given, that, letters of admin istration have been granted to the subacrilier on the estate of Henry Yoxtheitner, of Upper Au gusta township, Northumberland county, dee'd. All erson having claims to said estate, are re quested to present them for examination, those in debted to the estate ore requested to make imme diate payuletit. FREDERICK LAZARUS, Adm'r. Sunbury, J"". 1850. Gt TEC1F501T'S SI SJl I'll ! X 1 l: R Esg, Between Philadelphia, Sunbury; jf&rthufA berland, Danville, Milton, Juricy, Williamsport, Lewisburg, Mf flinburg, Yew Berlin and Selinsgrove. Leaves the City every Thursday Morning OFFICES IN PHIX.ASBX.Pmil. KOK lACKAIii:S AND UlillT HOODS, At LIVISGSTOS le Co.'s Express, Depot 43 North Third Street; AND FOR llfcAVY ARTICLE, At CON RAD, CARTER, (e Co.'s, Depot Cor. of II road If Cherry : January 19, 1860. Wm. i. Cochran Jc Co., M hole q1c and Itclall, WINE AND LlyLOIl MKUCHANTS, No. 72 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. IB AVE always on hand a very large stock of B Wines, Liquors and Srgurs, of their own importation. Store Keepers, Hotel Keepers, and private gentlemen, will be supplied ea the suost liberal terms. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1841 STONE WARE. THE subscriber would most respectfully in form his friends and a generous public, that he is maliufactUring the best quality of STONE WARD, in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell little cheaper than any other manufacturer in the Union. He is also importing and dealing most extensively in CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSlVARE, which he offers on the most reasonable terms. His Potteries are on Bond street north of Fav ette, and China store and dwelling at f.o. 8, E. Baltimore street DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. Baltimore street, , DAlTixeitK, Maryland. February 9, I860. ly STON E Wa'te, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al monds, Prunes and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Salt and Piaster. Just received end for sale by JOHN W. FRILINO. Sunbury, Dec. 13, 1849. ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this excellent article for Tetter, Vc, just received and for sale by HENRY MASSES, fctmbury, July 58, 1849 Hi -.Ml' I y..-:. r t TUB FAnitfER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. - EDITED BY GOtJVKRNF.LK EMEH80I. IN ONE VQLUME, Royal octavo, 1165 pages, beautifully bound, containing, il fine plates, besides numerous Wood Cuts. Sold St about one fourth the cost of the English work, without any Plates. . . "The Farmer s Encyclopedia is a real treasury of practical information, wherein the experience of all ages and countries is carefully postko i t to the present day, and admirably arranged for con venient reforence." Dr. Darlington. "We are fully convinced that such an amount of valuable knowledge for farmer can be found in no other work in so cheap and convenient a form In fact, no Fanner who pretends to be wpII inform'; ed In his profession, should be without this work." jNew Gennesscc Farmer. An excellent work, fit to be distributed in pre miums by Agricultural Socities J. S. Skinner'. For sale at this Office, price $4. Also, bv E. W. CARR, Third street, ep'posite the Exchange, Philodclphla ; and N. HICKMAN, Baltimore, Muiylund, IV -4l L OllUKUS MCCT BK ACCCYriXltSD t TIIS OrfSH. July 14, 1819. 3m WHOLESALE DEALER i MAttL'FACTt'REIt OF WILLOW AND WOODEJI WARS; Importer f Fri-nrh flasket Looking Grasses, and Fancy floods, No. IS North Second Street, Between Market and Arch Sts., unJef J. Sidxit Joxct' Carpet Warehouse, two doisTs below Christ Church. PHILADELPHIA, TTASon hand and is constantly receiving large and extensive assortment of (Jomlis; Brushes, Fancy Goods of every description, (too numerous to mention,) Looking Glasses of Gilt and Mahogany frames, Baskets, Coaclics, Chairs, cVc IiROOJIS, Shaker's Eastern Wisp and Country Brooms, Window Blinds, Door Mnts, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Washboards in fuel, Wooden and Wil low Ware of every description, all of which will be sold low for Cash or City acceptance. Merchants would save themselves much time and trouble, by railing and examining i.iy stock before purchasing. N. B. Looking Glosses, are insured against Breakage to all parts of the Union, without extra charge. August 25, 1849 3m TXCKNOR'S COX.TTXTBXAXT r.rX3LI.XNO BOOK. 1 J EINU a progressive and Comprehensive Sys tem of Or(hoi;rapy and Orthoepy, including s variety of definitions, adapted to the nso of Schools in the American Republic, by Almon Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-live year's experi ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, ccc. The attention of Teachers, School Dtrectnrs, parents, Ac., is invited to this new Sw!ling Book, which conforms to the nindcru spelling and usages in Orthogfiiphy as bring one of the neatest, cheapest best ariahgcd, and better adapted to the wonts of children, than any other published in the United Slats. It is what it purports to It, a Spelling Briok and not a Reading Book, and only requires an fxailliuntion on ihe part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the United StnteS. Just published, and for suic by Hknrt MxssEh, Sunbury. Where Teacher's and Directors can procure copies for c'xuiriinutiuri: August 4, 1S4!. HICKEV & TtfLXi, No- l."0 CiioNiiut Ntrcet, (Opposite the Arcwli) PHILADELPHIA, " AN UFACTURERS of their improved style 1,1 Elastic Steel Spring, S;iid Sole Leather, and Solid Riveted which took the only first premium, awarded by the Friinklin Institute nl their last exhibition. H. cV-T. tnkc pleasure in informing the travel ling public, that they have now on hand, a beau tiful assortment of their improved style of Solid Sole Leather Trunks; Double and Single Folio Trunks, of various styles; Ladies' Trunks, Ya lice Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Cap Cases, Carpet Bags, and an elegant assortment of superior En ameled Patent Leather Bags, with every article in their line of business. W Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange for New ones. ALEX. L. HICKKY. RICHARD W. TULL. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, '1 819;- 50,000 Victims ti'verv Year Fall a Prey to Cohslimjitioh, Asthma and Raising Blood. Hectic Fever and iS'ipht Sweats. - ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION. L. J. Benls. Ill Dchuecy street, snve it to his sister-inlaw who had been ait invulitl lor years trom Aithtna ; to another conshlernl as in coiiiiiiiption. It relieved ihein at aiice, so Ihut they tmvrllnl nevi-ral hiinrlrcil miles. SiMTTINli m.OOD la always abirniieg. It Innls f the wirst kiiul of Con'. iimii.ii mi. ami iiiikKs iirrirtccl in time is (.rn.-r.iliy Intnl. Xhrnnun's AII-II.iImii: Ua!uiu is the txrst mnnlv kuou n ; it heals tht woiinrlrtl or rupturixl blisnl viwH ol'tlit luns, tind tlicrcliy ctiffts n prniriimtit cure, while oilier reme dies only stop ihe UkI lor thr tune. A lew cl-scs of this HulKini will citiMiy the rnt skepriiil thnt it is the medicine required It hss rs.i siiocctslul ill esiny cases, and thut too where they titut run into n mpij itecline. or. us more Kfiieruily cxjircwit, "HAbl'V l't)Nsri'TH.n Y'oci'k prrs.il.. or tlioo of middle ugc, are m -ro subject toihefie ntlufkNthnn tlie iiyed. Price 45 cents and 1 per hollle. lr. Shrrmnirs t'ouh and Worm fjoxenfes, and Poor Mnn's I'lmlers. s M ns ntove Principal tlllice luO uiin-srrrct, ev York; POOR MANS i'LAS'i'Kli lm cured more cntrr of Rliernntism', luiii in the Ba'v k, fute mid L'htt. I.iintlwic unit W. uk'tfMis, than any pti-i-utiou tliut li.-'t mcrrri i.'d, liuiittrutU yf uiinik iclcl ruaeala have attfinpt'ii to r.iuilerUit if. 9:ui pnUa It iilmm the cominiinity u l he fiemimr fiF"lU.-vnrr ti IVcrpti n.m& RfiiiPinlMT tliut tin; tnif and ciiuinf lMuMfr in ftprmd lip m rcdtli)i LHer tiuile rxjueM-ly i'r ihe iiTmi and every cuw the Pitmature i(' Dr. lit-nn:iii in lu iuinl noon thejiack ot the I'liikitr, and thr Imlr m-curml bj C-'jiy Niht. Hone Dthrranre p'niiiii. Theref tre w hen ynu v.tuit a nrat cu-d Shrrman's I'tntr M:iti'i 1'laM-T, cul at Iheoiuccj 100 Nuaauu airrct. ami you wilt nt diicipp mited. lieinetntir priuciprttOtfice U Nuaiciu-fetrtt, N'cw-York, where all lr. ShfntLiu, Irfizeiwa ore aikl. (lit Aicenig are -Airs, lluva, l;tfi Fitlion air!. HnNklyn ; Jlmetvii, Willwnubuig j m.d Keddin l o, floaton, and JOIlV VM'n. StinUiry-. St. A. Ml'CAV, -NtMtimiiibprland Nov. 10, iri). cb ram ly N. S. LA WHENCE, Agent for the sale of Sottthu-orlh Manufactu ring Co's. Writing Pap rs. Ware House, So. 3, Mlnur street 7IIIX.ADSZ.FHZA. 100 ''ES of tlio alwve superior Pajiers now in store, anil for sale tu trade at tlie lowest market prices, cuiisisting in part of line thick Flat L'u"j, 1?, 14, 15 and 16 Ilia. Mm) and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and wliite. (xtrastipcr and superfine Folio Posts, Mue. , tsupcrfine Camuicricul Tiists, blue anJ white plain and ruled and white, plain and ruled... Extra super Linen .Note Picrs, plain and gilt. Super fine and find Dill Papers, long and broad. Superfine aud fine Counting-House Caps and Posts, blue and while. Extra su)ier Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue rlnrl white. Extra super Congress Cups and Letters, gilt. Superfine fccrmon Caps and Posts. Superfined blue Uath Pos'ls, blue aud white, plain aud ruled. Embroidered Note Papers' and Envelopes,' "Lawyer's" Brief Pliers. Superfine and fine Caps snd Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and price. Also, 10U0 reams white end asserted Shoe Pa pers, lioiinct bosr.ls, white and assorted tissue, Pre, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Me. diuras. Cap Wrapping, Hardware Pstvra, die, Pbilideleliia, Novttl, 1819. In nil rhrtntlatiltml an 4 rivlilrMl emmtrlr. bss eirwrl Isrtrr proporHrn of drsthi ih.B any other malsdjr Ihsl sflticn the human fsmiljri snd. until trlthbi s lew rssrs, thei-e hss ant hern sny nrrala rtmtttv to stop las dsvasta Hon of His dettruvar. But now BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM Curt r of flitt rhnat rironvtv mrk-d anit Am. iIed crw ol Plmonar 'numj.tin ant. nm lout-tut rniea ol ulctratrd and dittarcd LLNOSwrU K'ypeltna ea 99 mi wtrfl ncTpr tmloro ciirpd y muy nthcr nudiLiim ?n ufaf fy fltfkiM wehi aoltw of th llicted peraona, at to have 1clii pniuouurrd bjf pSymcati$ and ftiendu tu b attuai.lt DViNv. .Snnie. whi hfld their burial -rlothot miflo. have beV-n rured, and ypl livr--iMhrrt. Kho it Wa laid would not live another day, Mr tiuw aa aud henrljr a they evar wem. It )ioeMa nil the cleattSs ahrl phrifyint ihia nrarly an powerfill atiJ act. re m the brnparatiori which we call brant's iNjtAft Purifying eVtiIact. Thi diffVra from hfit, teraint thi pf-if ap mr..i othtt Medi ation whirh are peculiarly da.itd to. and aru um.i tialljf ntctsiiarit, to cure Coughs Juid Consuniptioht?, and all dlarata of a pulmnnnry nnturp urh diteatn at tntially prow ao fatal under ordinary trratinmit, wIksd th.-y Httt, k tlm . Brcnst. Thrnnf, Lnn, nnd Ilfiirt. ThU BALAAM ktal$ and ettrtn Mem if ths Luj?$, and flarwbert internally, as ttrtntnlir and ttutly nn ih rat rriKO i:xTncT cirM nnd heah tiirrrF rxternnUp. ' )t lUUitn rim-a Via; crwi ot Courh an I (UmMumnthn nut of 7W. alter all other n-im'tl ie biive ailed to do good. thousands of Consumptions and K'hranie Onvuht, abundantly prove tta nnfnilime rtXT in Mu-h thw-HKi'i. and itp undonbtRd euntiirs power, ni'tl MHiTliiiis. Ifiilinij proKTtisi, In inf ft.llowinir rim pliiuti ftnd iifenana. vi.: Spitting of ninod. Tlltrdixr nt th Li'nfff. t'nin in thr llrtart and Side. JS'U'ht Swat Nrr row fumftaints, I'atfn-oiion of the Hrart, Chnttra Jn'an htm, lijfffntety and Summer Comjlaints iu Children and A. luits, Atthma, and ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES & COMPLAINTS. No rrmMly tjiat ha boon ofttwri t' Xhf p!h!lo b avrr boon half A'feithih and ffj'ertval in corrr tiur ALL the In-cid'-ritnl tr'akueses and irreultrltie$ nl'tlti It'tiMo !: nt liltAXrs rirS.MU.SAHY HALSAM. It inahaa no d f-ft-rrnn wjirrhr lh(? drt'Hngt'incnt b! rurmswit. net., or nlhrr Inridnitnt ieaknefi HKfJI'I. VI'KS A 1,1., by strenfthenliur th nvstrin. effnaitzme thr rirrulatian, anil tmntkinr nd nlfawnif NERVOUS ICKITAHH.Ii'V. Sec our ramj'hUti fur proof. CONSUMPTION. A Dying Woman Cured ! Wo -Ute thii rur to prov the ftotcrr to tare Vie, v hrn thi RAI.HA M in ut d, fren alter tlis pMtdnit i- cuni,itrtt by pbyui'-jMn and Irinnd to he in thr tf Aetfe it diva m - actiml.y dffinjkT-nnA. in thi rate, no jar onc thnt ilm thrnnd nnd burial rloth.rs Wiro bfinuhr. I'nr prrti u lart nf this fast, and the repe.lnbit nnd undoubted prnitf uf all ibi- rircomtuiirea nnd la l-, w itlT in our rAM IMII.r.Trt. run waa rfT.Ttod nn M;i V,T TlVKi:M AV. or fytUton Spa, Saratoga (o , X )'. V . pn.vr. Ii-'viitid a dnuM. many otlu'ik almont equally n Iu.jk I. h. wtid iunu meraH va- of Cowr A and t 'ontunf:tion CI '17 HI), w hich were pronnuncrd insurable by tkilful phyi-iat. LIVER COMPLAINT. fee the cure of Vr. Ifubbard. of 6tnifonl, Ct., Si: J otlirrs Dyspepsia ! See the eu-e nf T S IliV-or, inerrhant, of Attin. Wyo iniiij Co , N. Y., and many more, in our riimithlrt.. Dysentery & Summer Complaint In CMilm sn.l A.lultt ro tttrati rurcA. IViakly CHHrm will hcconip ft'sh-i, hralihy. and Kt.irlii. un.l cruiv rsnidly, hv the iih ol thi. UA1.SAM. No mo'.lirr nred erer mourtl Ih? drath r.f l.r r1!''-! I'T f'holrrn Inlnnlnin, while teitbinj. If MlAXTS ri l. MOy.11IY n.ll.S.IH bo s.lmini.t. red. It hou!d be, Isr tuch duel, given iu larger Ihnn the oiilinnrv dones. uOCrOHS & PHYSICIANS RECOYiMEND Th(? fjllo'.v'n ; n'llnrd hictirt snj Vfnnriomg hsfe hLVr ie.-ot.ini.Mi Vd I'.HANT S MKIilCINKS llr. N III HIIARI). Stsmford. f'onn. Dr. J. N. CMITll. Wstertuwii. N. V. lir. mj-'-vVUN. Hrr. .rt, iiroolitvii, N. T. llr. T M. ftl'MT. Auburn, N. V. Ir. (K(i. rilANiMH, Mid.l!tuwn. Cona. lir. iu:a a itt)(ii:it.s, Hath. n. y. Dr. K. VrilllT.. Kird.inia, N. Y. nr. C. II. (lAI.I'.NTINK, Hrron. N. T. I'r: J. o. Hflll'MAN. Karc"tteille. N. Y. pr. J. KKINNKIL Henrv'st., Itrn-.kljn, N. T Dr. O. Mllll'MAN. Cortiand. N. Y. fan S.LKBY JohuAV. friling, Sunhsry T Mnry A. McCav NorthiimhsrsiiU. John II. Ilnaei llepry J. Slmcrfcr Kdnird A. Kulznsr AdainConrhd llnves A Mi-Cormick, AV. P. I. I'uiutiT, J P. .M:inn Co., Kdwnrd Wiiaon. Thornton Ac Uaker, 8. J Crouse, W. II. Iln-klev, Milton, rto ilo Pittaj;rnrs. IMcKvveusviUs, irlllliey, lluirlifsville, New Herlin, l.ewislnlrir, rVluuijrovs, Danville, P.. P. I.ritr A: John R. Mover, isioomsuiirt;. All Inters sod orders must lx sddreul to W.llass h. Co.. Ihll Hnwdwuy, New York. Minl.ury, July SI, ll ly. Equitable Lire iiNtirance, Atniuitj and Trust Company. OFFICE 71 AYAI.M T 8TRKF.T, PIIII.ADKI.rHIA. Capital 9i"si,0l0. Chartkb Pespk rrAL. rplIFi Comimny nre now prepared to tranmrt hutiness 1 linou Ihe moat litiernl and ttdvuiitnireous terms. Thev sre authorizod hy their rhnrler (seot. 3) "to (mike all and every insurnnre npiertauunff to ilia rnAs ot whatever kinS or lutture. ard to rerelve a:id execute trusts, make endow ments, unit to grant and purchase annuities. " Tli (.bb. nnny sell niinujlies and endowments, and act as Truatsss for iniiiorM and heirs. Table of Premiums required for the Atsurruies of gits) far the whole term of Lil'a. Age. IFrem. j Age. I rrera. Ags. i Press. 10 1 50 31 4 P9 4A 3 ",U 7 Is-1 34 Hi 47 4tt 11 I W !H SOI 48 3C I!) I W 34 i( 4D 3 77 ao I on :a ai so aw 9t 1 W 36 a 4U SI 4 13 -i 1 6i 3? a 17 aa 4 m a:l 109 t 8M M 4 61 SI I7 311 a 53 64 4 7 S-3 I 7tl 40 a TO 45 4 SI a 1 fa 41 a si t iii !i7 1 -9 4a a fti 57 5 33 81 lit 43 3 01 51 S51 a 1 im 4t 9H 6n 5 ;i 30 am 4J 3a:i so etLi The n.iiiuiTts sre less than sny other c mown-, and ths Nilii'ics nll'urd greater uilvouTUi:ra. l'utiics ol hah'-yeurly nnd iunrterly prrmluma, half cr.ht rstes of premuiiu. short terms, joint lives, survivorships torni of Appluntlori fir t-hich there sre htuuk alieetf) are to. b luid on iifitilicstion at the olfce, or by leUer to tr.e Agert. 4. l.-'UKllt pHinlainc. Rates Foa iN.t'ai.NO SlbO on a single Life Aire. For 1 year. For 7 vesrs. Tor Lifs. hi pi l.oo 30 SJ t.:iO aoi 40 l,au 1.81 70 5l !, S.II7 S,4 5" U.4S 3.,7 , B,bJ F.XAMei.T A person agrd 30 years neit hirtii day, by pavilut the ConlpioiJ pn i nits would secure to hit family or heira plllo ahoipd tie die in on year : or for ,lftll he in. ciirt lo them 81000; or lor l:i uunmlli for sev. u yrs he secur"1 to thvin plUHO sh.ulM he die in srvrn yeara; or for sai.40 usid siiuuiilly ilutiiur hie he aivure Anon to ! pant wbrn he dies. The insurer socuiinir his own 4uua. Ly the diltiTcue lu amount ot nrciniuiiu froiiilhosecharsixl by other offices. For Uij,5U tlli! heirs would receive 85000 shonM he d'e in one year. Fonia oi application and ad innicntirs inav he had at the office. . . . PF.TI.lt t 1 1,.K., President. Vice Pre-,idtt, t'n. .M. IIaird. Fsahi is V. Kawi.1. Secretary ami Treasurer. CoMi. n.Ml PiiT.itiAS lir. J. II. Iiuwer, eiuubirf. 1. II. I'vsuy, Sunbury, Agsnl fur NtuuuuibsrlaKi rusa- ty- Sinihurv, July ii, II9. FIRE PROOF CHESTS, FOR BOOKS, I'APfcRS, JEWKLRV, kc. KVANS & M'ATSOX, io. 90 P,orlh Jhird street, between Arch and Am, and 83 Dock street, OPPOSITE THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANQF.. I'atciit Soap-Stone Lined and lie-" bole Cover SALAMANDERS, FIRE AUD Tl'IfcF PRdOF IKOK CHESTS, jRTTT, tTarrsidrd to stand mors Haul 8.T,l((Myf!rv?T tlisii siiy Chests in this Country. t . ... .-Jl AIM! flllCtll AU'l Ulll nf Ir.u. i ct ''"'"Sts, IliOO n.w iu um. They '': also coutmue u muss the oruuui h rv Fire Pronfa, at very low iricrs IL i-Wi iuc Keys, which can be chaiignl VTaj( several tliolimiud limes chaiiKra. -'tV We ill Isct every time the Uk is used if lirsiiabui. Thass Ux k. sre proof srilnst His irmat rxrt Thiovcs. being supplied with ths Fulfill Key-hole Cover, sud mails very stroiur, the)' eamna he blown oiien bv (iiinnowder These Locks art iiileuded 104 rlA.Nh.8, S'UJKI. BAFFJS Ae. fical and letlei copying preases, fire proof doors for Banks and tMoree. Patent tflale IJned Refrigeralora, warranted superior o all others. Waler Fillers, Shower liaihs ul lbs but quau ily Persons wishing to parr ha sa any ot the ahove sr. Uelea, will plrana Five them a eall, as Uiejr sell cheaper thaa soy other iu Uis L'uilsa States. PA Yin FVAXS, JtlllAWLS WATSON. Philailetrdiia, N'ovemher 10, INtt-ly NOB AS DSI7RI NtT M O RT IsTTl A T. CIIF.S. An excellent articla. for ul. . balT Ihe usual price by . V, FKILING. Sunkarv, Jul) T, l79- Caution Ixlrn. A man by ths name of CI.APP hss entire wi'tli i younf man of the name of . p. Townaend, aud uses aiS nsme to put np a garanarilla. whieh they eall Dr. Towae aend'srAsrsparilktdersimiivilinit it (.I'.M'INK Ori.uial, els. This Townaend is nn doctor, nnd never was : but wss for., Inerly a worker on the rallmds, canals, and the like. Ys he assumes Ihe title nf Dr.. fortbepnrpoaeofpiiuing eredil for what he is not This is to caution Ihe public not to be deceived, and purchase nous out the Genuine Oricinal OI4 Dr. Jncob Townaend a fiarainrilla, having on it the OI4 Dr's. likeness, his family coat of arms, ana his sinstsre across the coat of arms. v. r7 4-10 " . V C-JSHIV mmmmm 1 OLD DOCTOR JACOB TOWKSEKD, THE OR1UINAL DISCbVKRKR OF THE Genuine Tovrnacnd ornaparllla ! OT.D T)r. TowufpwI is now nlxun 70 vrli (if go. mud tmn lon Irern kiuiwn n ihe author 'un.l dincuverer of th icniiine Onirninl TdwhRhiiI S:iriir;Hn " H. mffp.irthe wria c,uiHI1 to limit itn iimnui"Hrtu', bf which rnM8 it hnsheeii kept out of market, nnd the ttflf cirruinwTilKI to ilKwcntily who hnve proved iiv worth and known its vnhm. It hnrl rrnrhed the imrn nl' nuitir, nrver t)M!ow. os those pcrrms who hnd been iiciih.il wireilipenst. and mved from death, pruelaiined its exedleuct and wua dcrtiii IIKAfslNOPOAVER. Know tnj.-. mnny yini npn. thnt he had. hy bin nkill. m enrt?, niul cxprrifiu'ed, lU-viurd nn article wbit-'h would bm of niciilruuhle mlvtmtniie to riinnkind. when onrc know a. mid exteni"ive!y used, he h'i,ed and percevrrm), expecting the time to arrive when tlie memm would le furniKlied to briiiR it into tiiiivrr'M notice, when it inrfltinmbla virtuea wou'd I kiK. ii nnd npprcuialeil. Thie lime hug come. th mt-nns are wippliml ; tliis GRAND AD UNKQlEM.KD PREPARATION, I manufactured on tlie largest iwhIc, and ii enlled for throughout lhi length nnd hrcfidth of the l:nid. especwll u it is lound intiipnlilu rfdwntrrdtioti or dHvriorutton. IsiH everjr man ring througlmvt the Innd, thnt Did Pr; Jucoh T 'wnsenrl is mw iiumiintcturius thnrvnl 'Towi aewl Sursnnurilh,' which never toais, never ferment, and ncTr clmnnesnn chnructcr. From this day forth the people itmll Imve tlie Pure Gen uine T.iwimcnd Air spar ilia, which skill never i-ur in the little, or in tlie ntom:i.!i. mid it shall vet In Huh from the laud nil Fermfiitjiig. imrtiur. I'sxpliKlinfr, Vinegary Sar apptirilluB, now iu nee. A pood SursnjrillR, pure miJ Pennine, fiuch t live; n oor tour in;, slip-slop Parian: rilK oiijrht to droop nnd die. r 1 The old Dr . Sariparilia will keep pure end perfect 100 years. 1 L'iiWke yonn f. P. T.-wiii'Va it improves with ere, and never chnni-cr but for the belter; Uftmae it is pre (wireil na S"icntitic rnucin,?a bv a H'jicntitie man. The h. trh.'sl. knowledge ot Chomintry. nnd the laleat dracoTeriee ot tho Art hamuli lven l-roncht into reuuiffiimn in the nsanufucttire of the OI.L) ilt SAUSAPARIleLA. The Sirsapanlln root, ir is well known to nirdicu! men, mn tftins in.uu- meiliciiuU propertif-a. and dome properties vhirh nre inert or Uh-eh?s. and otiieri, v.-liicli, if retained in preparini; it for nso, pr.ilitce icrnieiitnii.iii and arid, whirl, is humimis to thr system. Sotnr of the properties of Siirnapiiriita art b ) whiile. tl.-tt thuy entire evaporate and arc lost in the preparation, if th-v nr: not i ffcrved by by a scinmhc procK-. known only tu Vu se experienced v its lrKiiuifMrtiire. More ivcr, thrse volatilepriiicipl.'!. which fly clTin vapor, or it,ut .rhalalirn, mid r neat. rthe verit enneutial nuidical nroperliLa v( rovt, uhichytve to f a'.l its value. Any per aim cm boil or stew the r.vjt till liiev f et dark P l 'tI linn ul. wiii.-li if more from tl.e ivi"riiip matter i the r-ot titan fromanythiuff elr ; they ran then strum thie . insipid or vani.l li'tn'.l ,v"c:i with s -nr uioimser, and then rail it 'Sarsr.prml'u Kxtwt or Syrup. JJut such ic w t the nrliflc known ps the i. i:nlim: ui.i dr-. .iacor TowNsrAtrs sar- hAPARll.l.A. Tiiii is s i p'riiarrd. that nl! the inert proper! of tbe S:irpanl!u root arc tirwt removed every thine capr.h'e cf bcconiim; uciii or nf iLrmciiluili mi. ib r'stracteil anl reject ed; then every particle of unfdt-ul virtue in sreurrd in a bureaud concentrated form ; and thus it is renden-d iuca imblc of liinir any of itft valuable and healing properties. Prepared in tins way, it is undo the injai pewerful acent in the CURK OP IWL'MKRARI.E DISF.ASR. Tlcncethe rcns- n why we hear romn-enihilioiifi on rv side in it favor by men. women, and children. V fiu.i d inir wtiudcrs in the cure of CoiiHimpti. ji, Dvmictssia. ami l.iver Complaint, und in illnMuiiatisui. Scrofula. 1iIm Cotnivcncifs, alt Cutane-ms l.ruphoiib', I'miples, Ulutchw!' and all aii'cctl nnriiinff from . . LUPI KITV OF TIIK IU.OOD. lt powHfes a nnrvollom I'tfunrv, in all coinntamti riainsr from iniiifalion, front Acidity of the StoiimrV, from un eipial I'uculuUon, dctcnmimtion uf IiIimhI to te licad, palpi fctti on of tht heart, cold feet and coM hmnir cold chills and hut Hashes over the body. Itlia? not its equal in Jolilaan4 Couyhn ; and promoten ont-y expci toration, and irentle ner- i rut lun relaxuis sirictureut the huiffi. throat, and ur othur part. Hut in n-Hhinir is its cxci Hetire more manifrFt!y aeeu ait4 ackniwicIgeii tJian tu all kinds and stages of Female Com plai'its. It worh wont-'err in rafc-ol I luor AILus or H'hi'.ea. f'alluipof tho Womb, Oltructtd, uppreed, or Painful Meuss, Irrrffillaritvof the menstrunl ucrindx. ami thslik: and is a rllVvtual in. curing all thefoniif ol kitincy Diseasa,' Jlyreniovinj obMn:cti uM, and reirulatiug the central sys tem, it givea tone and strcugtii to tite wiiole body, and tsie cures ail forms of NFRVOUS UlSKAFS AM) PKBIUTV, And tlnis pri'venia or n licves c prent variety ol other ma ladica. as Spinal Irritali n. Xournlria. St. Vitus Daiie. Swtti.iiing, Fpilepue Fit?, C in iilsi'iif, 4c. And yet he w mtd fain have it un h r.t'Hd thit Old lr." Jacob Tow ns mi's (scuuinv Oiigiim! Kiritiipanlla, is e l.MITATU i.N of his inltTi r prerutiou ! Heaven forbid thai we s'.n uM deal in an ftrticie wbisk would bear the moat ilisunil rcirnil.lan.-e to S r.Tuwa send s article ! and whieh w mid brin down upon the Olsl lr. sui-b a m 'uiitain l:vul of c 'iiiplain'a and crimination irotn At-urs wlio have soM, nnd puicbinsern who lmve usatl S. P,.'i'oW!ifiid'e Fennentinjf Compound. We with rt undcri.tooil, beraiit it is ihn uiia-diitt tru'h. that S. P, Toiviisen i's articie an t KA Pr. Jar d rownnd'a Saraa jwrillaare hifiV'U-wi.le apart and infinitely tusnnitor; that tliey arc imlii- iu every pitrticuhi, haVii.g i:ot one singie tliitiist in ciir-rno'i. AfcS. I. TownsenJ is d ct ir, nnd nrycr wos. is n clieimstt. po pharam ir. utist k:iowb no iji-re of im-diciue or disease than any other c umii 'ii, un'icntifir, uit.rofca sional Hum. what pnarantet ran the p'ib!:c have thut'ther are nvcivnu; a ieuuijie ncienuiie mt dici.tc, c 'iiusiniiit: ail the vii tiw.s used iu prrpuriiur it, and winch are incn;wble of cb imres wlilch irUrtit rtdcr them the agents i f discuss m iiistt.id .it health '.' Hut what clw shoiM be et;wted from rne who knows iMlhiiuf e.piiiparattvciy of nu-hcine or ii.i.ease ! It retpjires a ptu ot s .me i'pernnrr, to took and serve up even a foiuin n decent meal, how nnirli ni 're im;nr'ant is it tha tbe er iib wh'm.miu;w!ure mtilu- ne. ticnipncvl " t weak atoniacliit Hud enfeel ltd ayafenw, should ka r well tbs medM-:! propernen -if pl.'inift, the U-si nuiuuer of scuimg ond r 'nreiMr.itii i their );calnr;r viiip'S. rjwi an ejiteiiMve kn-'Wlcle f t.ti; various ilic.ins whu-li aii'e-t the liujiiaa. hyMt-m. and bow to nd.ijit rciiicihes . theie dueafea! It ii not pissiiie for thm uufbcine to d ?oil ; it bos no thin in it whieh .an e. t-r h iiui. it caa never s ur or p ai, und theref tre. can never In r its curative properties It cean.c the u iod. vciu-d the Ii er to heaiiuy Mction, ton the uiuh, ami piva 00, 1 diye tion. rc'icvcs the b iwcls of torpir und cotiMiijiuu n, nl.as iiirl;inmti ;ii, puru ties the skin, eitiidi7. s liic eirt aUtiii f tlie blood, pro-i duciiin tM iitUt ttariPth rq 'tally ulir er t!jr IvxK .and at th iuaenMiiie pirspira: ion 1 n iaxw all ibstriiciioni. tii.il iu ijo nites theeuiire norvoi.s xyye;r.. Is not tl.Vtlien. the medi cine you ps- eaiu eiuly ne.-d lint can any 01 throe ihnis be iid ' s. 1 T.w. ijrnd' inferior ailiclc? Tim ywuiig iiwirs I: inii w Hot t be CO.MI'AKCl) WITH THT OLD DR'S. B-c;4H5etf oi.cpniivl f:i-t, that the one is ineapab of dV ten .ran n. and MlVF.tt S1HUI.S, while the oilier tot it soum, iVmients, and blows the b -ttlcs e-'iiiauiiag it. b'i iraiueutH; tin f ur. arid liquid r!lodu.if, tn-d ilinminf ml-i- foods ! Must not tins tumble c -inivuitd Its ptttann. ' to lm- yyem Wmit ! pat arid i'lto a sp etu uln-tly discHsnl v'tth acid ! U hat causes llypria but acid 1 Di we no; nil kiww, that win u (oitl m,r ui our stontai-bs, what liiiveiuer lis pr hhiecF t ft itnlriice. henrthliiirn, (iiilpt liOloil o thn heatt. liver CKMii.iUiint, dianltu a, dxsettlerT,, u .Uc, aud corriiMii' 11 ol le lil.h-jl .' W ! pi is hi' rof u la Lul an acid liMiikr iu the iy ! What rrtli tees all ibe buiiiura whieh biuik n iiiu-Hiou of tlie ui, Scakl Hi-ad, Sali. Rbeitin. Krytii; elan. ,ii,,c S'.velln"-, Fever Kirea. and ai uln-raii m. micraul juat t xtrinal! It is nothing uudaf biMven hut an ii-'i.l s .1 tit in-e. uhieh sonisioid ihun spoia till the tioi.l ! t'm b xly, in 're r.r less. What causs ItheninatiKin, Kit a ur or u--::t ti.u wue'i iiu-muatct 11. ell Ik-i ween tlm j !i('Bi'd elvew!:erf. irritatii: suj hi Hainiup the tender and ddnuUe lut u;n wh'li ii aHa? Hi ih' nervous tliw .s. s, of i:t;n;riiv ol Ihe 14o.nl. H d-nnu!lcirciiluiio-ui, and neurU ull the uiiimcnls Uii.-4 af tiit 1 nutunu ut:tur. Now is it 11 it horrib'.e to ni:iko aud tc'At and infiuiwoV Wiine to um thia SOI RING, I'l.RMF.NTINii, Af II COMPOUND1 OF S. P. TOWNSK.ND! It is horrible to tlii:ik, and H km h-iw cruelly the af-llu-tcd ire uufvrol ii;rn b prelum; tnons 1, en tor the snke 01 m ! ! Fortunes mukeout .M the auoniM if the a.ck : Olid no r.mivaleiit retldeieil the detp.knm tlileirrs ; It ta to arrcai fraud up-m the iiuiorttunite. to pour balik inUi wouuiU-d hiuitiii'iy. to kuu'lu uo u tjia draisairiog; Isoatim, to restore hesilth and bkm. aKt vieor into the eruklml ami broken, ond to tmnisb infirmity, iW tlld lit Jw b Towiweii.1 Ik. u xiit iml found tl.e'opportmiit eiuf uiem stsi brnnr kiiiraiwl I niveraal t.ncntnue'l Remedy wuhm ihe rc-ieh. and to the kit wlle 01 all wlto ntd i tliat they nmr hrn and know, bv joyful expJleiwe lie ' TRANSCKNUKNT VftWV.lt TO IIFAU ' Aud thus to ruire tbe unrmirchttwbte satisfuriion of haviu raised th HiMauits and uuUns from the l1 of aiHneM and desp ei.Wuey fto ho(. health, and a l.4ig bfr of Vir w aaJ bacfuiuuras 10 tbenm -lvs. iluir fumilirsMnd inandi. Auext IIF.XRV MASSKR. Sunbury. July S In 10. ly cow PAIslNS, rurrnut citron, rhevsw, peri T1"' Kor ,aU hy h W- FKIUN( huiitmry.Dcc.S, U4H. B5V RrM-An irrllrnt artble for ! f UEXKY MASSE. Sunbury Jn, t7th, 1849 tf. VyiHTE U RANDY foe "pnrliig bAnd leacups of an vtl...i i.i- i u. by. II. MAIMER. Buitbury, p. 3r, lOv. X