II)C .farmer.- VALUABLE TO FATHER FAIlMlill. The British Gardner's Chroniclt !! the following interesting, anil happy anecdoto of a farmer of the olilen time nml school. "This farmer who owned and occupied 1000 acres o( land, had three daughters. When his eldest daughter married, he gave her one quarter f his land for her portion, but no money ; and ho found by a littlo more peed and a little better management, the produce cf his farm did not decrease. When his sec ond daughter mnrried. he gare her one-third of the remaining land for her poition. but no money. He then set to' work and began to grub up his furzo and fern, and ploughed up what he called the poor dry furze land, even' when tho furza covered in some cases, nearly half the laud. Alter giving half his lands way to two of his daughter?, to his 2real sur prise ho found that the produce increased ; ho made more money, because his new bro ken furze land brought excessive crops, and nt the same time he farmed the whole of his land better, for he employed three limes more laborers upon it, he rose two hours sooner in the morning, had no more dead fallows once in three years; instead of which he got two green crops in one year, and ate them upon the land. garden never requires a dead fallow. But tho great advantage was, that he had got tho samo money to manage 500 that he had to manage 1000 acres; there fore he laid out double the money upon the land. When his third and last daughter was married, he cavo her 250 acres, or a half what remained, for her portion, ami no mo ney. He then found that he had the same money to farm ouo quarter of the laud as he had at first to farm tho whole. Ho began to auk himself a few question?, and sot his wits to work how ho was to make as much of 250 as ho had done of 1000 acres. Ilo then paid off his bailiff, who weighed twenty stone; rose with the lark in the long days, and went to bed with tho lamb; he got ns much more work done for his money; ho made his ser vants, laborers, and horses, move faster, broke them fram their snail's pace ; nnd found that the cje of ilia master quickened the pace of tho servant. IIj saw the beginning of every thing ; and to his servants ami laborers, in stead ot saying "go and do it, lie said to them, ,:let us gn, my boys, ami do ii." Be tween come and go, ho soon found out a very great difference. Hn grubbed up the whole of his poor grass land, and conveiled a great deal of corn into meat for the sake of manure and he preserved his blank water, (the es sence of manures;) cut his hedges down, which had not hern plashed for forty or fly years; straightened his zig-zag fences ; cut his water courses straight, and gained a deal of land by doing so ; made dams and sluices and irrigated all the laud ha could ; he grub bed up many cf his hedges and borders, bor ders covered wilh bushes, in some more of his smr-ll cliues, some uol wider than streets, and threw three, four, live, and fix closes in to one. lit) found out that instead of growing white thorn hedges nnd hews to feed foreign birds in tho winter, he could grow food for man instead of migratory birds. After all this improvement, he giew more ami made marc off 250 acres than he did from 1000 ; the very same time ho found out that half of England at that time was not cultivated from the want of means to cultivate it with. I let him ranis and sold him long horned bulls (said R. Eakewcll,) ami told him th real va lue of labor, both in doors, and out, and what ought to bo dono wilh a certain number of men, oen, and horses, within a given time. 1 taught him to sow less and plough better ; that there were limits and ni"asures in all things; and that the husbandman ought lobe stronger than tho farm ; 1 told him how to make hot land colder, ami cold laud holler, light land stiller, ami still land lighUr. 1 so n caused him to shake oil all his old deep Tooled prejudices, and I grafted new ones in their places, 1 told him not to breed inferior cattle, sheep or horses, but the best of each kind; for tho best consumed no more, than the wors!. Jly friend became a new man in his old age, ami died rich. WOOD UKEEN AM) DRV. Water forms no inconsiderable pait of the weight of all vegetable substances. Nearly one half of the weight of a growing oak tree, according to C'suiil KuinfoiJ, consists of sap. Ordinary dry wood contain about one quar ter of its weight in water. It is estimated by Uumfoid, that an average cord of green wood contains mora than two Itoasheads of water: and the waste of heat iu evapoiating this quantity of water ; would raise, thirteen and a half hogsheads of water to a boiling point. The buyer of wood may learn from Ihoso fuels the udvantaird ofdiy wood over ; creen, as an articld of fuel : and lha seller who has the wood to draw, may learn how to euonomizti labor, by drying his wood, am! J thus disposing of about ouo quarter part of! tha weight oi a cord of wood iu water, which no weuij olncrwjso be compelled to draw to ' Ir.El(HS MECII4MSI. I A tjnlliMinn nnmorl Richler, h:is invpniml : a uiaL'liint'. by whii-h hu hones lo iicomi-li.-h ! jjf i pelnul motion. Thu edilor of the Augusia iiieo.) L'hronirle ivceully examined it, and yivrs this description : 'In this wheel a very limited, but positive, actual power is obtained a Bilf-created power, not ulono capable, of nioviu; the wlietd itself, but of driving machinery at tached limits:1, very limited and delicale iu the wheel beioro i:s, it id true, but positive, tangible a-nd, real. The power obtained is th'a excess of pofl-er of a longer over shorter Ifver, acted upou by the force of gravity. Tho wisel 1ms sfften levers or arms, resting nearly upon the outer rim of the wrier', and seten others coiinec'ed with these. S:artii g from the vertical jo'nt, eeh of these ile eo Mule by its ow n gravity a sho.t space, throwing out nn extended lever nne dis tance beyond the peripheiy. Threo of these livers ret n it o rv , inch wilh its adiui.et or ex e d d l-ver, on the i'e.ci ncli ijj aide of the w h .?!, create the motion. By nice but simplo mrchuuieal arrangeuient, these levers, as thry successively pass Iho nadir or boltom pirt cf the wheel, are foljed within the arc of the wheel, and their lever power being ihns lessened, ire easjy eairii'd to the verti- lpwitj ,to Salti tt the ruo iv power,- 1- U to rimicmv iRCGfiisTS"iND:toE$m MERCHANTS.;' " DR. J. N. KEELER A Bro mot respeetnjlly solicits attention to their fresh stork of Rf link, French, Gtrmnn and Amneon Drugs, Med icine, Chemicals, Faint, Oil, uye stun, .iss ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines ere. : Having opened new store No. 294 Market SU with A full supply of fresh Drug and Medicine, we re spectfully olicit Country dealers to examine our lock before purchasing elsewhere, promising one and all who may feel disposed to extend to u their patronage, to sell them genuine Drug and Medi cines, on as liberal term as any other house in the City, and to faithfully execute all order entrusted to us promptly nnd with dispatch. One of the proprietors being a regular physician, alfords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of all articles uld at their establishment. . i - ii. : 1 1 1 ! t - 1 v. e especially inv.iu ur4ii;u,ieie u iwuhhj merchants, who may wish to become agent for Pr. Kreer Celebrated l-amtty Ifledtctiies, (stan dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain, N. KLELER& BHO., Wholcsnl Druggist, No. '."Jl Market itrect, Philadelphia, eptcntber 15, 1849. ly. Ii A It I) LAMPS. CORNELIUS CO IS. 176 ( he.nut St ESPECTFCLI.Y annot. ce that they have just finished the most extensive ssrtmnt LAMPS, they have ever offered for ale, comprising EL EH ANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, MANTEL LIGHTS, &c. In great variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGN.?. Much nttruiion has been paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of these Lamps and ucli are made nswiil produce the greatest amount of light Irom the least consumption ot Lard. Recent improvements in the manufactory, with the introduction of new and perfected machinery, enables tlicin to sell at a very CiUE.T REDUC TION from former prices, und oil articles before leaving the manufactory, are eorefully inspected and arc warranted perfectly tight, and togiva satis, faction. Philadelphia, June S, 1849. ly edrt n R a 1 I 1 . ' Ingratitude Is the basest crime or man Y7E arc not among that class of Editor who for a few dollars will, (at the expense oft ruth and honesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale ; neither are we willing to remain silent, alter having tested the utility of an nn provement or discovery iu science or art. Our readers will recollect we told them we were uiv well with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks asjo. Well, we purchased two bottle of WINDOW'S BALSAM OK HOREHOUND and so sudden wus the cure, that wc forgot we ever had a cold. Those who aro afflicted, may try it upon our recommendation. Letciston lele in,h. A fresh supply of the above valuable medicine just received, and for sale in Sunburv, bv John W. Fritinrr, Marv A. MeCav at Northumberland, and ut wholesale by Frederick KIctt, & Co., cor ner ot "d and Cidlowhill streets, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Sept. 'iii, 1840, 8 mt. "Encourage Your Own!" HAAS &I1ENN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND , CIL1 IRS. rriIE subscribers rcspcctfully'cull the attention - oi me politic to their large and splendid assort ment ol every quality and price of Ait. ir-v i.t:, which rnnnot fail to recommend itself toevery or who will examine it, on account of iu durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the rest stock to lie had in the eilv. No ellort spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the subscribers arc determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being nuiue. j tieir stock consists ol Malinguny NofiiN, Isivans aiKl l.oiuize. Uui-fTtts,Srcfctatffs,S(tirboatis SOFA, BREAKFAST AXU DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila dciphm manuluctiire. i)j.i).-i to.wf, ol every pattern anil price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business, They also manufacture all kinds and qualitie CHAINS. I. If . . . ... iicui.ung varieties never tielore to be had in Sunbury, such as .lHor.r, Black Wiintt ami ft Mi.m M u'l.t: (Juki i ax ; As WiMitnn I 1IA11., iMimir Pn.vo Stools, which are of uie ialet styles, and warranted to lie excelled by none inaiiiiiaciiircu 111 tne L ines or elsewhere. The subacrilicrs arc determined that there shall be no excuse for iH'rsinis to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained oboui the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their article w ill lie disposed of on as good terms us they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken iu pax ment tor work. llr' I NDKRTAKING attended to on reason able terms. rrr rim v..r t?rtrt. ;. : nr-t.. c. . opposite J. Vot.t.gi More, und nearly oppose Weacr'a Tuvera. DAMKLHAAS, tiKOKCiE MISS. 28, tf Sunhury, April WALL PAPERS. riIIl) hulni-riix'r hnve on liuml the largest nrlinent of Wiil Hu r hs in the city of Phi. luth'lpliiii, Wholetale ami Hflail, consisting of e ery vurirty suituhli- for Parlors, Kntriea, Uniing Kochiis, (.'hamhei'8, &.C., which for quulity and t lo ruimut 1h uiMssel. liouig easli buainra e ore fiial.leil to sell a helirr article at a i.uch i lower ratu than any store doins a TRADE BUSINESS. On hand, a large asaartiuent of Wins Papkr, for Curtains, Fire PriuU, liordera, Ac, which will be sold for Cash. Pupcr Huuying done iu the rouulry ut city prices. N. U, Dealers arc invited to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. FINN & Ul'HTUN, No. 1 IS Arch Street, South til Philadelphia, May WC, 1849. ly 1 EOSD OINIMrNT, TOXL. TtTTra 1F.AU Ihefollowm entificale lr.B Capt. Devott, th i H't ll know n aau p- puhix Slum limit Capmm ui ih. Tiaveller.) Piiilidelpiiu, October 31, IMS. Several frari sinee I win aiuuked with a brikiu( out nil my neck in Hie fiirin ol' 'JVlter, wliicb I am e uiviurtt was c ailracted ut the Unrlicr'a Sliop. It ffmufctluutlyeateiHt til over my face 111ml it rtm-licu the upier jurt 01' ihe elii'cks. During ihe auverul 111 niiha tliut il c 'ininuul Biaiithnir, 1 usa'l (hltt-rcnt upliiviioui, a nuc vl whu-h Itutt oie t-uu'i, a:prvuoy ul lutal, ,. uu-reuliig llie tnst'w, hut I'roui none ot tlieiti iljj I perceive Ihe trust tifutjit ualil i npputtj the KoaE (iiKTMSNT. Jiy Ihe Ukc ifiuie)4r 4U U, 1 was perux-uy eared and uave reinuinix Iree 01 ii4e aaev' tia. , 1 have alnce usnl Ihe Oinlmrnt, lightty npplied forrouflh. Iirsa if llie fare, ul t-hes. cIihiiihsI IimimIs. be. Wilh tier. feet lumm 1 have no hernial i it! ill jnuiHtuiliny II M JAMES DtVO, Airnii Iltiii Xuoi, Bunburr. Julyi-.lMQ. . 1 ) OOKS and Gold Pens. Ou hand wtcral cup. ice of the lit of (.liriat, and also a number of ...1.1 4.1-i. i. . .. ... r, 1 , it (una ymtim WI14V.U W WU1 Mil B IM rBUaMIUBIa, rer si UimHiia r t , .--J M-'IIL llLLJU,LJLU-H.JiU JJIJJUlUi-l-Ul.tlJll,llll.-lLl-iiJ'JlliJl. L- -EJ'-JU l-'-UJ- Jl. ggSsl SUNBttRY AiMERIdATS 'AND' sHAMOKIN JOUIW ATi cabinet i ; , 5 WARD ROOMS. ' ; 00 IKE subscriber respectfully inform the pubfic that he continue the manufacture of CABI NET WARE, in all its bfanchss, at hi stand in Market street in Sunbury, and that he ha how on hand ft handsomo assortment of well made and fashionable furniture. He also carries on, at hi old establishment, in Fawn street, the rutin ftiiKiAft itrsixcss, in til its branches, and keep constantly on hand, an assortment of well made and fashionable CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. All of which he will dispose Of at price a low a at any esta blishment in the counts'. 1 ' i ; His long extierienc in the business, Justine him in the belief that he will be able to give gen eral satisfaction, and therefore solicit from hi customers a continuant' of their patronage. fjT All kind of produce taken in exchange. SEBASTIAN HOUPT. Sunburv, March 17, 1849. tf A Xew 4iirlmentor Fresli Goods. IRA T. CLEMENT, "RESPECTFULLY inform his friend. ru- tomers and others, that he hts just received a handsome assortment of NEW GOODS at hi (tore in Market. Square in Sunbury, uch as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens wnrc, Hardware, &c. Sunbury, Juna S3, 1849. TANNERS TAKE NOTICE. Vetv lllilc 1)11 anil Lentlier Store. N. 1 1 1 North 3d St. 3 doors below Race St. Philadelphia. riIIE subscribers offer to the tanners on the I most favorable terms their fresh importation of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ay res, Laplata, Caraccas, I.agiiirn, Hung-Dry, Chili, Salted Per ambuco and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and soiled. Also, Oreen Slaucliter. Drv Salted, and Black Dry Patna Kips. Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as sortment of Currier' Tools. They w ill sell or trade fir Spanish or Sluuahter Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on better terms, than old Houses in the city, Cash paid for Leather of all kinds. KEEN & KIRKPATRICK. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849 ly CUTLERY. N extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT fl LERY.ofsaleby J CHIT 1. COLEIAIT, ATos. 32 nnd 33 ARCADE, and 84 North TPIRD Street, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissor and Razors. Also, a choice assortment of Rodger tV Sons, Wostenholm's Ct'rcaveV W 4' 8. Untcher'a and Fenney' Cutlery, , Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, duns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives. Also, The American Ruzor Strop, a superior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. . Cni Dealers in Cutlery, will find th above Stock worthy their a'tentinn, as the Subscrilier' chief business is importing and selling cutlery. Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly MARSHALL'S Concent rated Surmrlila, For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipalas, Pile, Chronic Rheumatism and all disorders of the Blood, Mercurial Disease, Ac. t T i recommended to Physician and others, a the strongest preparation now in use, and en tirely dilferent from that put up in quart bottles, possessing little or no active principle of the Sarsa parilla, but intended to deceive the public. For ule by M. A. .McCAY, Northumberland. HEYIS EMBROCATION for Horse win cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Gulls, Swellings, and all complaints requiring an external remedy. Ii is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone,' stiff ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Spliuls. Ac It has also boen used with great sui-cess liy per sous atllii ted with Rheumatism, and other com plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel phia, and for sale by M. A. McCay, Northumber land. Philadelphia, May Z6, 1849 ly "1 f KISAT A IIMY A L. OHN W. FRII.ING has just received at hi " store in Sunbury an extensive assortment of NEW GOODS, of every variety which he is now ready to sell or exchange for produce; and consist ing in part of CLOTHS, C.1SSIMERES, &c. Linen and Cotton drilling and summer wear of till kinds. CALirons, Chintz, Gixgham, Lawns, &c." Muslins bleached and unbleached. PALM LEAK AND OTHER HAT?. Qucensivore and Hardware of all kinds. Duces Paints, and Dyestuffsi. FISH, SALT, AND PLASTER. Ami a jjreat varirty of other article all of which will he wold at the lowest terms. ISuiihury, May 26, 1819 U E1SE & CLEMENT, 'Saddle and Ilariica .Tinker. rBtll E uiul.THignrJ rrspf clfiilly TVA- a nnorm me (luniir, that they '-!V STL tinv j.ni.aM..A.I .1 - I -Sk nrss iii .Sunhury. and will run. staiilly keep 4111 hand und inauulartur to order, at their stand in .Market Ktreet nearly opiioaiie Voung's store, all articles lielongiiic to their line of buinea. All urliclca iiiiiniifurtiired by them will be made in the best and most durable style, and at prite as reasonable an they ran e had at any oilier eatab. liKliinent in the county. I hey llierelare rexicrtfullv solicit persona to call and examine for themselves belore inircliasins elsewhere. All kind of nro- duce taken in by the stores will be taken in ex change at the market nre. - A I (il STVX II. CLEMENT. Sunbury, June ?3, 1849. LIQUORS. M'INKS. kC. ' I'HB Htiliwrilier hu just received a new supply 1 of the lot liquor that ever rain to Suiiuury. coii.iKtni'4 in inrt of Knpri lor olil pule Uranily. .j Fine I'nniao brandy. , ; . . fcttiiKiriur t)lj Juuiiiica Spirit. , , Ni'w Rni;laiiil Until. 1'illC llolluiid (iin. .. Superior t)ld NVIiibkey CtimniJii do. Superior Madnia M'in. Lisbon do. do. Suiwrior Port Wine. Bursuiuly Port do. ... Swcrt Muluga Wine. 8iipaiiir C'luret Win in bottles.:., .(.,, ... L'hunipagne ' ' ' do. ' do. HE&fyj MAPPER. Suubury, May S6 1849. ... PATE1TT 1CSCICI1TB3. tirei'ii s Dxyircnatrd llittcr, price reduced. Old Jacob Towii.iu4'.?ursjjiariII i i Baker's Saraaparilla. '' '. Sway tie's yrup of Wild CberrA Swavno'a Veriuiluge. , '" ', ',' ' "f, ' yre's Clie rry PtTloral t . ! l)r. uruk s I'uinKCa. Pr. Culleii's do Tibl.it' Pain Killer.' i i-1 1 .:i Dr. Hoortund'. (Jerman Bitters: Indian VetjeUilJe I'iU ' ' ' .' ,', Horaaand Cattle Medulne-' "'" '' ' "'" Koraaleby, , UfiASY MASSEK. In preientirtf th pnMic with a retnwly fur the trmtment ft i id cure of Fkvrr An Aont nrM rtthef hfti'u tliftmpes. no amikiffT it neM. Vnst mimltcni in the Tutted Hntei, who mifirr from thewe nflWtimi in their vnriert frM-m. nre compelled to seek relief fmm other mrreK than the imme dinte prrarripti'in of the reguldr phyirinn. It hertimea tncret'tre an oiijrci 01 nurrtiiiity, ni wen an oi purine biiw et, to bring bedfote them a remeily prejwire! fioin mivh ex- perienre, mifl winrn mny nivnyn no reiieo npnn ns pafk, RrntrtnAi.. axo harmlrka to tiik rnNfiTiTt'Tio?!. That ucli it the true chirncter if the 1NWA CHOLAiiOtH K, ia amply ntteft'eil by the universal tucctias wilh which it liua been en'iployetl. Kxtrnet from a enmmtinirntirw of the Tfon. Wil liam WonnaRiDOE, of tha U. 9. Senate, lute Governor of M ichiirnii. Dktoit, Oct. 21, 110. Doctor Piiarlk Oooot, Dear Sir, 1 have read with much interest, your little TK a rati a upon (he "cvtitp, tnsitnK iit nml cttfiaM of the felwile iliaenM which hnve a.i extensively rerii(led in tmr poitntry dtirinfr the Inat few rtiotitha an intern ineremied no ri'Mibt. bv the fnrt lh:it I hve itu)ividii:illv antrcreil an murh from them. Thoii'ih I leel myaelf very inc inetrnt lo jndire arifelv ntvn a anliject an entirety profeasintml, vet yoor theiry aeema to rue well re;ia uiwl, ami your erniclu aioox hist, nnd I think wiihnl. Hint your pamplilet is calcu Inted to pKKlnre ninrh pmrtirnl ipwid. penking "t the tnetlirine he am : It fully jitstifleilyonr flattermt expoctitin!i, nnd :m n Kufe, eonvrnioirt, and ponu Inr remrdv, inv own exnirrieiiee, a i fur, inducea me to W liere tlmt it will prove a prrat pnhHr Iwiieflt.' I ain ptenaed to lenm ilmt vu hnve rifently ertnlrftpheil several affeiiriea for lie diiositrin though I ratrt tlmt, with a view to more aenernl dinnemiiiation nf ii, vou afiould hnve found it eeeiry t remove from yonr preaent reaidenee among ua. With much reaect 1 have the honor to le. air. Your ohliired ammt, AVI! MAM WOODBKlDGF.. ty From Hmi. Ptrfiim V. R. TRownRttioa.of Michi gnn Stale Semite, to the Ajretit at Detroit. ItiKMiMiiiAM. Oakland t'oM Per 13, lMt. Sir vou wifh me to inionn vou wh.it I kn-'W of Dr. OMffood' IihIii Choliff nine, or mif inn mediHin. I do believe thnt if the virtue nml elTirary of this ineittrine were freitrrnlly known, the rvvcR Ao av.vk would Uiauppertr iu Michigmi. I pPK-iircd a bottle in the fprinv of 1841, and have c-wk! reiiaou to tndifve that ni self iuhI family escaped the au lliet ftt1INO in IIIHiM'iMH'IM'e i 4 itf ice. I'rrhJipa in m summer aniee the Jeriiemnt of tn i nne ieiilusul.'i. hiia (he tVver nnd nsue lein ao prexatont tin the lust, l tiiive ro Minncnded tlua niedimm m ntiniuroua in atmn'MH, and when tliadisense li.i; twouie fixerl and UilHei the skill of phyaii'i.'iua; mul I Irive never knwii it fru I . I haauniverKilly pr"Uuee,l the m at liuppy elfecis. audi Iwt lieve it htn nt'ver been esreecl-d ly uuy medicine in remo ving the hi(i''u rlisfnirs oi (he clumte. Yours, reaperlfnllv, sri'.IMIKN V. R. TROWHRIDOK. A sent fir Snnbnrv II. . MASSKR, onluHnf.erl:ind WITIIINtiTOM.A'Co i Milton, J 11. RASIlR; Selius gfive, MAY it KKOSK. May 0, JM8 tf . DIArrlOND POWDER FOIt RAZOR STROPS. riHIS Powder is warranted far superior to any 1 thing in use for impartinsa keen, smoothedire to Razors, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of fine CtTLtm ; it may be applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Knznr, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, bv AI.FRK1J HKN.NETT. Aeent. T)eot of Fine Kaors, Stntps, UlusIica, and Chaap Fancy d'oods. No. 18 South Fifth ulreel a bov Uhestnut Pliilailelphia. TESTIMONIALS. PiiiLtiiF.i.eiii t. Feb. l.'lh. This may eertilv that I have used one of tfi. Strops prepared with HAYNF.S' MACIO 1IA MONU POWDER, and ran Htiest in the most unequivocal ninuitrr, that there is nothing can lie found that will produce the same clllvl in my opin ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will find it superior to any hejetofore in use. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor wan before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st. Pun ni:Lrni , October, IMS. A very hard beard nnd tender face has compi led m to seek audiV.vf many contrivances clcsi-in- ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with indilVerent success, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND iPOWDEK, sold by Alfred Uennett, and KiiusKel' Shaviui; ( 'ream. Their uuiied pow er act like inaie,'und impart power to the Kaior to remove the most stubborn heard, tritltont irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street. ' For sale nt this olfice Price 25 cts. per Uox November 25, 18-18 Gin. J. J. GPsEElTCTJGH. (I. ale Keller At ;rrPiioii(;li.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER, Wusiliiiigtoii, U. V. RAW INGS nml pnpers for the Patent Ollice, prepared ami all the neeessarvbu- siness, in relatnm to seeurmj patents, trans acted, and promptly nltended to, at their of tiee opposit. the Patent Ollice. October 28, 1318. GOLD & sii.rr.n vriuc. J J. STOCKMAN, , , No. 60 Chesnut-st, at the sign of fte Cold Thimlle, between id, 'id. ss., South .ml Philadelphia. ANl'FACTURKS and keeps constantly iV on hand, at w holesale and retail, the fol lowing articles, of a suc rior quality, at reduced prices 1 Ciold and culver Pencils, do Thimble, do Finger Shields, Silver Tablu, Dcacrt, Tea, Suit and Mustard Siooim. do Forks, Soup and Oysler Ladles, do Combs. Purse CI.Hm, eJctasor Hook find Chains, Knitting iShcallui, tVc. ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and Britlannia ware, (ieruiau Silver Spoons, &e..; (iuld Diamond poin ted Pens at various prices j Jackson' Superior Evcrpointed Leads, &c, &.C. PUUadclphia, May iu, 13 Acer's ('lu-rry Pectoral, FUR COUGHS, COLDS. CROUP. HOARSENESS, ASTHMA. HOOP. i.Vdf CUVtill, URONCIIl lli AND CONSUMPTION. " HIS vuJiialile arepurittitm a. aw..ii44lint4tly flucoei'ul in curiitg diaeas.. of ihe Liuici, i. the rvauli oi a akjll- I 111 tNMldllllllti 41 .U lilM k.ulWM . ill.!,, ..ri... ImI.m C mediciii.. Ita uutnrdi.nu arc fiucl, mjtle kn nvii to Ilia public, nml UK lb..- Jlcku-iwIaalnvJ lo lllchcul ii.oh ua pta. Miiia rare iucIhuI yirtut. wliicb iiei ninr virliie. nfe fombliied in Hie -t HHtllV PHCTDBAI." in their grral eN purity mat cttieacy, nnd when uacdt aa will be 4Knui trotfl llie loll iwliift vuiirit'le let-tun -nv : PKIIKKSSlIK Cl'.UVFI.AVn i of Howd .in I'olltTjc, lli iiiku ick, Maine. uTiiea hava Wltllcacd Hie .-II.-.-I a ol v.mr Clierrv Pt-tonil in tne nv.-n fninily and iu tlmt o mv iiieinl,, ami it In, en-en grenl citi.lucii .il in c.iet'.b lli .fniluli.tintl children. " A VOIl'fi Kit DAI MASSAUIil SKTTS. From Or. Bryant, Utuguiat and P. .iinaeicr, Chicopoe Fulla, Miw. : ila. J. U. Avra Dear Sir : Knel ed nlenw. find reoiib tunce f if ull the l'herr Peclornl ln.t aent me. I cuu uit hekitatiuuly aiy. thnt 11 1 iiicoicuie we at-tt give .itch aalta fuftion '. your'a d--c. ii r have I ever fc-en a medicine wlo. li care.1 , , many c ita, ol Coiwb and lung 4iipi.ini Our Pby.icuiu. ure u.ing il externa vei ui llie pruclico, and With the hnppiert cirecla. Truly jroura, D M IIItYANT. DB. Pl.ltKINS. , . ... President of Vermout Medical U .le. on of lit di. lfu.ed atal intelligent phy.ieiitua in the country, 'i-ouAelera it a e nnpoaiiiou . f rare rwllnm for Uie cure 4d" Ihut f . iruitable dlieaM.. ( 'otl.ullilio44." Ah niuioal iiicrclibu- nuinlier of certificate. iSuya trail rta eiveil ; moving that the Cherry P. n ra! ia, iu truth, a . tillKAT itK'IKHY for Cough., Cokl AMiini. and nil putmontiry mnaiikuata. I'lllCri ?J I I ATS i'l'.R Illli'lU:. Prepared liv S. C. AYKIt, Lowell. M.M., and .1.1 by H. M ASSLIt, Sunbury, und MAHY McCAY. Norlhuin- berlnnd. . . . i . . . March 31, 1841). , . ' ,1.! !ul!o to li iiiltcii(N. ALL prraflririjMeWeiWi ft)urtiiw,'5loHi'er Ihun il f niontli.r on nyle orlKK.k arruiitU, are rerfVUrul 16 Vail and niaxiirWftlrnirih, or eW tlieir arcounu will L left wilh ma guttata fiw f.dle'c-i: liou. ' . v . JOHN W. riULINU Jf banbury, July 7, 1818, . i STONlfwARIS, CTONE milk Pans, stone Juk and Pitcliera, k ' aiJ other articlt' of stone ware jutt rerriveil ,by uaWary, Ju M, 1$4. DR. TOWNSMDt MWXIEimcJ Df SAHSAI'AKILLA. rpl!lf F.itrnct ii put up in qimrt hotllM. It b Ait timet J. rJtMpr, plmmntfT, and wnrrnntPft tuprinr to any fctrtt. -It itp riltwnwpt Without Virnittirtf, put-friii, i"ti iifM, or dcbiliutiu tlit patient, and it pnrticnlarly adapted (r FALL AND SmiNO MF.DIC1NK. Tht great leaiity nnd uprrinrity of ttiia ffnnwipnrllla rT Uisr reuifxliri it, wliilnt it erailicateitiiaeaM,, t ' ' . U invipptimtm the tody. Coiirnimpti'Mi rurpd. leoniv m tit irmtglhm. Coiiaiimpti'm can tie nirnl. Brotirtiitia, CutunpiiMn, l.ivtr O'linplnint, Colds, Crwgha, Catnrrli, ArTthtnn, Hpittina nf !ll.v-1. A.reiirH in tha Cheai, Hwtir Klnnh, MkM ?wmi(i, Ditft cult nnd Hn-fuiio l'.xp'tinitiun. and Pit in in the Side. ; . . 1 . ? Ac. Ac. have and ran le rnrftt. FroTsnMv thre never wna a remedy thnt hrta heen ao ane- eeraful in ilrnpfMnfe maea of rcmfnimplMm an Uiia ; it rlpnn aea ana atmicinena rne mairtn, ann nmeTa to hen) llie u rera nn Ihe lungs, and atieiHa grudnaliy regnin their uiual neaiin ann airman. CVRIUt'S CASK OP CONSUMPTION. There is arnrrelj n rtny pnoafa hut there are a nntnber reart of cjonsninplion n.'ported aa enrrd by the uae of Pr Tnwiiwu'i Hurwipaiilla, The following waa recently re ceived : Dr. Tou-rcKNi-Penr Pin For the tart threa yenra t have been HtHirted with general debility, and nerwiua con anmutiim of the InM may. ninl did not expert U aver pain my nnilih nt all. After $-nif thMUph a cnuiaenf medicine undtf tha care of aome of them at dmttnfnishM rnrnlur phyviciBiia and meuibiira of the Kartl f Health in New York and elsewhere, and apendiiifr the ni 'tt f my enmina in BTiettipfinft to rririui my munri, mm atrer reanina: 111 aome pnper irf yn tMraiiptihlla i ra.Hvetl ,i try It. AI'it uenip aix lnjltlci I (' iu titl it d,no me rit g-Knl, nml ca!iet lo aee yon at yonr otHe ; wilh your advice I kept on, nnd do most henrtily thank ymi for yemr advice. I persevere in taking the JMrKqtnrillii, and hnve lieen nbie to alirml t my iisiihI LuNtra for (he but lour montha. audi lioje by tho Messing of (itnl httd yottT H'iranparillq to r ntinne my henlth. It Itclped uie beyond the cTpertntiona of all who knew my rnae. ( H AH LI S lL LMUV Oniuce. I'.ssen en. N, J., Aujr. 3, 117. State of New Jemey, faex uoinity, tn. Chnrtea Quim by tieing duly aW'tm iicronliiifr to law, on hia oath anilh, (h it the fores tins siiileineut is true iier trilins to the brat of hikn-nvledcHnndlMlief. CM Alt LF.S (Jl IMHY. Swim und aubacribed ta before nie nt ttratiue. tlied August, 117. CYlit IJALt IN. Justice of tha l'eiice. SPITHNG ni.Otl. Rend the following, and auy thai cousoniplton ia in incu rable if you can : New York. April 117. Dr. Towmuknd: I verily betit:ve that your 5-irs:i pur ilia lets been the me-uis. ihr mah rrovidem-e. of nivmik my hie I have i.-r aver:il yc.ira Ind :i Irtd c mail. It beerimc w rse nnd worse. At last I nnsi d lur-e fu:mtitiea of bio -d. hud . iulit iwf.i'n nml was greatly dr-ltiltt:iied nnd reduce I. and did il 't expect to live. I h:ivooiily iiwd y mr Sirs:i;Biri!la Uit a ah 'it tun-, ami then; h:s u w ni'Viiul climnre le.Mi wr Micjhl in ine. I urn n w able t w ilk all over the city. I mine n i bio l. ntitl my e 'U;;h h;i! rfi me. You can wl iiii.-ipine ifial 1 am tlunkftd i r iln si- rcsulia. our obrli i till aervant. KL'SSKM. 0. Catharine at. T.ost iikk sri:i;cii. The annexed rertiliente tells a simple and truthful atory of utiirerius and rHiei . Ttirre are tli ttiM uiila -I' aimiUrc.i 'nr iu this city and Urn 'klyn. ant) yet there 'ire th nm li f Mirenta let their children die for iVar of being hmnbuifged r to sjvc a few altilimua. Hro -klyn, Sept. 13, 1S-I7. Pr. Tow.ned: t take ptenfuire iu ht'iliiuz, for Mm liene- ut of thotte whom it m iy r-ni'-frn, t It it my daicihtcf, two yetra nul six m mfha old. w:ia mulcted with geiicral ile bility anl I ma of a, eech. Si.e w.ta aiven up aa pant je c 'Very by our family p!iairt;iti ; li t fortunao-ly I w,i re c -111111011' led by a lafinl to try your Htr.iaril!n. lief re ha vine iifcd one Ixiitlesbe recovered her speech and waa enabled to walU Til.me. to the ast uishmciit . f all wh were acquainted with the ciremiKuuccs. She is n w 'pii.e WvMI, and in iimch better health than she lna Imm-h f r 1 in ntha pua;. JOSKIMI TAYl.f K, I'J' York Br.mklyii. two fnu.uiu; savkp. Very few fninilies in feed ni f:.ct we h ive n t heard of onethat lisel pr. T 'Wiist-od'i S irwijvirilla in ttine. i l uay ehil-rren the pasi SuturiM f. while tli'se that d'd if aickciieil and died. The cerciticate we ptilftislt b.-low ia i melusivc cvi-lvncc --f iia vclne, mid ia only an ther iuatanca of its n.ivni'i t!ie lives if children: j Pr. ToWNKNH P-ir Sir : ! had Iwo children cured by y air Ssraap-irdla jf the wtinnier ennliiiiU and dyacutary lie W.is n'y l- liioath iiiJ u:d til otiiw 3 veil a. Tiley were very niiich r-'dueed. ami we e.xi.eiried tl.t'v w.mltldie 'hey were riven up bv tw n.-nefitte ph,i"rm'. Whn tliedoet r int rmett ua tfiat we nrnn: I a them, we res il. ve I ti try y ur irsa,-iriila we lii i hr nl a- niitch .f, but ha t iitlle c ohfirlc-iiee. tlit-re lei: d tuu -li stall" n Ivijriseil tint :s worthlf- but wafir th.nikful (bar we did, for it ua I 'utiirdly at i veil Lbe live uf b t)i. 1 write this tlmt oth ers may le induced to use it. ir. resiiecifullv, JOfl N" Wil-SDN, Jr. Myrtle-avenue. Hrookryn, Sept. 15, l?-47. ro riii: lapii.s. Oill'.AT FKMALB MKD1CINK. DR.TowNKMaS&itsArARiLLA ts n aoverei ni an.l aeeily cure i-r incipient e nstiuiptiou. a;..! l.r llie general proft ra tion nt the system no matter whether the result uf inhe rent cauxe or cjusea, produced by irregularity, illueaa or ac ciih'iit. . ' f Notliii ff can be ni re aurprisms; than ita iiiviratii)g ef fects on tlie humaii frnine. I'rrkvin nil we.ikneaa und Itta aitmle. from tukiu it ut once hec.une rliutt and lull of enenrv under its iml'teuee. it burnetii itely c ounterueta the nerve f-stsuess. of the female fruuie, wliich ia the great cause ivjireiuicsa. It will not 1 expected of us, in cases uf so delicate a ua tnre. tu extiliit tit ilk-ales -.a i-iit pcil'oriucd, lv.it we can uMcre the alhictct tiiat hundreds oi cases have been retr ied 1 1 us. Pu. Town-eti: My wife being prently ditrecicd by weakui KH and tfeurnil dHiliiy, und miHrrtu? c mtiniiniry -y pioii and wilh filter dtihculnen. uiul li:ivni' known cases where your medicine has eifected fin-at -ures; und nlm hearing ir re ann tided tr auelt es us 1 have deserilieil, I oiftuiriid a b'ltlcol y air Kx tract of Sirsaparula und f.-i-I weii the directioni y. -upixe me. In u sliort pcrtofl il removed her complaiuta and restored her t health. Iteii-jj Sieatful for tlie U-netiia she received. 1 take pleasure iu thuatckiiow!elgiiig it, und recommend me it to lite public. M. P. MnoilK, AlUuiy, Aug. 17, '41. cor. Or und & Lydia a:s. . dysim:isia. N.) fluid or inctliciiij lina ever been discovered which an nearly rckeinhles the ff.isiric juice or aafivn in dec uitosiug 1m ami strenttheuiiit' the organs i)f tiiretion aa tins prt parati"ii of Sarsaitarilla. It positively cures every case of d Mjepau, however severe or chr-Mne. Hank peLKirttiirut, AHiuny, Muy 10, 1815. Pr. Tnwrmend Sir: I have leu alliicted for several years wilh dysepsi:i iu its worst form, attended with a ur nesa of sti-maeli. 1 iss of uppetite, extreme heartburn, vud a prent aversion to uil kuuls of f-i hih! for weeks, (what I could eut I have Iteen unable to reluiu but a nnuli portion on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they had I ait little or no effect iu rcinovuw the complaint. 1 waa in duced, a bmt two montha aiiiec. to try yo ir Kx tract of Sir a:iviriliii, ami 1 mut a.iy with little coulidence ; but after usiu? neatly tw b'ttles. 1 found my appetite restored and tiiu httntbnrn entirety removed; and 1 whiM etir neatly re coimuend the use of it I thoae wh luive leeii atllictetf ns 1 lave been. Y .urs. Ac., V Y. VAN .ANPT. AsmU for r-anburv JOHN W. FRIIJNU; Nor tbumlerlaiai, .MARY A. McCAY;- Danville, WM. A. MURRAY Co., k v Aptil IM. Iv COLU.MRIAN" SERIES OF rfttuurtiro. The Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort. T lV. COM MIUAN- CAUTLATORe This 11 Ai ail.iniicn and a Inr'e nunilirr of Schools, ln rc iu n so hu. i'ie.u derided and univerHul aa tiM'actiiin, both to ti-aclicr and pupil. It is purely Anicrican iu ita clurnetcr. basi'd upon our own lirautiftil (fritH'il system of eurrency. It contains more, the arranornirnta uro lif Iter, and it is tlie caaicst and chtaH'at work of the kind now iu use; and it is so ronniilrre I by htuidtcds of the in .ml compctvnt toachcra . ml men ofs.-iriu'C iu the I ni on, who have rovoininriuh'd it, It ia the book, luirliciilarly nml rxpresslv prepared fir our Ame rifnH irliiilitrs : Jiy Atinuit Tirlnor. 'Pit a Yor i ii's ('iiimiii tiC'.iTUTo. This Tolinnr cnnl. linn Ul pauen. with about 900 exam ples for solution ou the .late. 'It embrucrs the I'linilniiienlal K tilt s. Compound Rules, Simple und ('.impound Kedtu tion, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, ' TieKkok'1, Am l oMT.Tiri'i Tm.x.,i. destined for lite uae 'of younger Haaursin Ilia Si hools ef the I 'lllled rualea. A lieaulit'iil Utile book and pleas iinjto . liil.hoii, and the only one ol the kind of any vuhu. There are Keys lo both Arithmetics bound ain pie or double, for the eoiivenieiu e of teachers, in wl'ieh ilia solution, of llie qucHlion. ure iri ven with much extra mutter for the bluck board. These Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever publiahed, and contain, in addition, about two hundred example, ill Mensuration, Ac, for the uae of the Teacher. All that is wanted Is U. have Iho about book, examined, and n teacher who is aequu'uited wilh the xeienco uf Arithiuolie, will he .itate to pronounce them the beat works that have ever Iwtui publiahed iu this or any other country. Allhotih iasucd but a few month., they have already been introduced into the Nii;ht I'ublic 8 hoola of New Y ork City ill ull the School public and private, except two, in the City of Reading. Al.o, in a'noul twenty At adaniie. iu thu Slate ol IYiiny Kniiia iu a largo pttrtinii of the ScJiools iu Ihe City of Wilmington, in the City of I.ain'ii.U r, und in the llorouuh of llarrislnnc;, York, Cliamla'rshurii, Lehuiiott, iloyleatuwu, l'ulls villc, Orwiaburir, cVr., cVc, , , , , Foraaleby lUviir .Mhu, Sunbury, A sent for Noilhuinl'erluiid County.. Sunbury, Dee. 2, 184d. rr"KNNEIY'M PATEX'f SASH FAS. TLNIN08. lip and .excellent arti ele lor fastening saah lor sale by - , I ; . J. W. FRILING. , ftmhtuy, July T, 18-19.,. v , D ADD'S relebrated Horde and CaftU Medi. cine for sale by - UENRY -teankuw Jan, 3Ttl, 1M - j If" OJCYOEXATEDj 'I'LO n cp i(p tkn jik S3 m i; A OVtHF.lON REMEDY FOR . .PHTHISIC, AND GENERAL DEDILITT. GEORGE B. GREEN, Proprietor. Windsor, Vermont. 19 a SnTernirn retiwly f'r DYBPKWIA, In mnnr of m fiirm,, lurh an pain in the Stoinwh, llmrllmni, huhitiin) OiativpneM, Aritl ltinnnrh, tlnwhrli., liMof Apilite, Pile., Niizlit Bwe-ila, nml rven CiMtitimplii i"l)yipplic Plilhlaic) aixt AHllmia, ir Phlhinic atteinlril witn flrrmiae- tni-nt 4H t Sloinarh (,ir l))'Rpptie AMlinw,) llifliriilt nmltiin. which oftrn mnilta irrtin lmprrlrt iligntlkii ( J)ypittr Bysjmfri.) i. rHievwl by Ihrsr Itinera. In.h'irt, tliir uh hna Imtii prved tn Urn rrlivl uf almoat all tha avnipi inm tnnt prureFd irmn a iinumntMi or atonic cmhii tl. .11 H the St miach ; nli'i in frnerHl itehllity arising Inim aae or fntm the efftrta of Fevir, fmrticuliirly Fever and Ame. I-'etnnl. eiiirerinf umler any uterine rteraiicement nriiina from weiikneM. will finil the "Ox vofnateh Hit- tkii," an excellent remedy, and not aurpaMietl Hy" any medi cine in imp. The htitury nf thin medicine Id peculiar, tt hfll mud. ita way tM piii,p ihy. r a-ilely liy Ihe inrce "f il. nwn iniriiiRi. tneriia. No nrtiTicial ineiiiia hnve hern uwt t give it 111 toriety and tliru,t it ilp -n nuldic nllenti 11. It I11111 never tielore even l,een .dtrrlisitl, but hnvinit Bret ill own il re mfirknble efTiiMcy in the luuiily ol' Ihe proprietor, and by him nllrrwaida lidniinirtereil t hi. nfllicled I rieuila and ai u:iiutiucea with , iiLe rwnli. 11. repuluti ai cradiiallv ex tenileil until it it kn m-n in ihe in wt dtiMnnl put. of tha I nion, a. a medicine ! uiirivulled virtue, iu Ihe cura f I'VP'P'M tn nil ill different I .mm, and nl.i f ir tlie cur. af ARlliuin or I'lilhiflic. It. only hi r:i!,l nnd it. onlv eul rv hn. been Ihe .lory of il, mderful clficncy, as t dd Ir in ni null 1 1 mouth or bv letter from liiend to friend. In e o ry iiiMnnee where th-.e Hitler, hnve lieen need, und tha re mit rim. le known to the proprietor, Ihey hnve proved a re medy, Niiuieroin certificate., otteatiin; the .iiiiulnr efncacr of the "ljtviiKTKD HiTrKK,." oie in the pontemu u of Ihe iiroprietnr j runny of them .ipned by per. ni. already widely known lo the public. f'-. It. ISHKEN, Proprietor. WIN D"' )H , Vt., Octol-er 3, It IS. Tlie foilowiiiu rerlinnite. Iiare recently been re,'elved t WA.mxnTox. I). C. Ji x 10. 1I8. Ilnviutr mnde n.e of the "Uxvenutrd Hitler." prqwrrd by Dr. tieo. n. r.reen. of Wiiidn r.. Vt. and from know ledge oblainiti of their elltc-icy in .-ther ine.. weclieerliiltv rec iiiiin-ud Iheiu to 1 he public. Iielicviu Hint ihey will fully 111,0011 in. rei-omuieudntiou or llie Proprietor. e Inp. thnt tin. viiliiiible remedy tuny Ii. .0 freuernlly dinUMd ttiroutrhoul the country tliut it niav be aLvcsaible ta all tha ; alltll'teil. 1 WH, I.I M ( I'll t.8. Seimtor framTerm.iit. i JAM IX K. SUMMONS. I'. S. Rnnt.it from It. lalanrl J. V. MIIH1:I1i:a1), 1. 1. Senator and lorirurl) Oovern ! or 01 Kfiiiu-ky. i 1.. II. ARNitl.D, .Meinlier of Con.res. and furmerty tia . vem .r of it. I. WM. wot IDIIRIDGE, V. . Penntor and fanneriy Ca j Vcrn.'of Michiv.-in. M. I,. M AIt'l'l.N, Uclegnta in C'jngreu from WiKuiwin 1 Territory. From Il in. II. D. Fa.Tra, fenber ef Cangrem fria I'ciiMH.-u num. V.uiNarox. D. C, Jin tfl. 1"48. Dcnr Sir. I have been a dynnepti- .nfferer I t about ten yenr.. nnd hnve tck -rlcl to v.iri .us medicine, for relief witli'-ut .iiecK.. until I male use of your Oxvc-imted llillcn." I linve iikciI nb uit tw 1 lnllVs, nn.t lioT n. K.-Il" reore. to periect herillh Tiie foniu in wlii' li 111. di enne nil iwcd unclf. in luy mw, were, (treat acidity of the nt niincli. I..J. of. 'ip;. ituc. extreme llnlulcnce, aevere rnwll piti on ol Ihe biwcl.. und violent hcn bche. FeelintT deai ron. Hint n knowledge 01 your vulu.ble rcine Iv tinv reach other, nimilarly alliicted. I tttke great pleiuur iu reeord- inn my t'-.tim -ny I it, cumliva' power; nnd would at.T reiicnk. Ilint w!nle on a vi.it ut home a short tun. .nice. 1 d:ninilercd a put 01" n Mile to n number of mv ntflicted . friend., wilh pre it succs.. Thev sre dniroita Hint von h .uld enl.ihlish an mencv at Piitubnrir, ,nr iuforin tliem ; yhcre Ihe luediciue ciu lie ..Mniucl. Willi nil nirueitt de. inre fir your pr i.peritv and hii.piuesn. I .iibgfrilie inv.elf. truly your Iriend ' II. 1). FOSTER. Docl. ;. II. riiEt.Wind. .r. Vt. S..Wliol,nil. mil Re'iiil hv tiieea k FlaUliw, Ma 1 .in r- .11111 .-i.-.Mi cirrei, 1 nilniieiorun. I Aient f .r S.niburv H. H. MAKR. Aeji! lor Milton MACK W 4 l!A0. AtT.-ut f-'l I ppex MalluliO). J. O. UiiNN. April 13, IM I.MroilTA.NT TO THE I'UBLIf. A1TD CATTLE MKDICIXLS. Don't )ierniit your Ilores or cattle to die. when the means of cure nre within the reach of all! The undersigned has spent several year in th study of Veterinary practice in "Loudon and E diulioro'," he lm. also nvnilett liiinsell of the resear ches of Leibif., and othercelelmtted men, whohmo eofttrll.tited .,t much towards a judicious treatment ol animals; the piinc'ples of our praeliea consists iu the rejection of ucncml hleedinir and the total rejection of nil medicines that experience ha shown to be of a dangerous tendaney. These re medies act in harmony with the vital principle, and when uiven arcordiii lo the directions which ac company each article 1'iey are capable of exciting and iiici-easin; tlie natural fiinclions, without tli- iiiiiusiiiiii; or ueiiroyiutr tlieir power, hence sre aafeiu th hands of eery one. fi. H. DADD, M. D. A l.Kt f Home and Cattl. Medicine. rhvsic balls, Toe. per box. Alterative ball, 75c do. " powders for bad condition, 75c par park- nge. Heave powder fordisea.es of the lung, 75c 1'iine powiler for " kidney, 75e Tonic powder for bad condition glander, 75c Cordial drink for iiillanialiou of bowel, 75c bottle. Litpiid blister, 75e per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hir, ier pot. Healimr balsam for wound, and .addl, gall. dc. do. do. per 50c T5e. ier iHitlle. Wash for innamej eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for niainje scratches, old sores, &c, 50c per bottle. Embrncation for s ire throat. 75e per boltle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, Aic, 50c per boltle. Horse Liniment, the most ee'.'bratedariii l known in KiiKluud for lameness of every de ription, 75c V TU (er hot lle. Distemper p unier for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for the removal 4f worms from the inle.Un.tl canal, 75 per paekaue. For sale by STIMI'SOX A KEED. o Mer. ehanla Row, also at IMDD's HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEl't)T, No. 1 & 2 Haymarket Square. Uostou. Pamphlets deseiibiu the diseaees for which these remedies are used can be had 5ralis. Numerous Cerlilicutes are in possession ef Ihe Proprietors, of cures performed by the ahov Medi cines. Sold by GREEN & FLETCHER, No. !6Suth SIXTH Slreet, Philudelphia. and by hi Altars Hknrt M vssih, Sunbury, Fobruary 3, 1S1U. tf , EHSK(K OF JAMAICA CUfiEll - PREPARED and sold only, at FREDERICK UROWN'.S DUI.C. and CHEMICAL Store, N. E, corner of Firm and ('iii.stT streets, J'hi ladelphii.. Tins I' sci.ee ia marmiiled to uosMiaa in a conccntiateil I'orm, all the valuable propenie of Jamaica (iin.'cr. nnd will lie found ou trial an excellent Family .Medicine. It is particularly re commended a. a tonic, lo person, recovering from fevca or other iliseastw, a few drop imparling to the stomach a flow and vigor, eipjul to a wine frltts of brandy or other stimulant), without any of tlut debilitating; cllects, which are .ure to follow the uae of liquor of any kind : and it is thcirfore esptuiully erviivahle) to children and females. To the aged, it will prove a great romfort ; lo the dyspeptic, and tu those who are predisposed to Otit or rheumatic ulbvli.ma, it gives great relief; and to the inebriate who wishes to reform, but whose stomach ia constantly craving the noxious liquor, it ia invaluable giving tone to the diges tiveori;aiis, a id strength to re.iat temptation ; and ia consequently a great agent in the cauxe of tem perance. IJT Full direction accompanying each boltle. T'h above article can b had at the office of the ,4niericaii. . PhiluiklpUia, June S, 1849. ly JATEXT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's wriUu and iudellible ink, Cullou Tarn and laps, just recuived and fur sale by J.'W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dee. 3, 1813. ( 'APS An assortment just received. Also M silk HATS at $2-25, for sal bv H. MAS9ER. ktunbury, Dee. J, 1848. . TILEY'S COPOff' CINDY. An rl- lf ul rriu.Jy fvr ruU. f4: '( For ! TmVxSSu ". THhi MUiNfct?, And all distatts arising from a disorder! L,xvrr w stomach in both .Malt and Fetnolt: iieh ConMipatinn. Inward Pile., F. llnea. or DIm4 ia th. Iled, Acidilv of the Stomach, Nnuaea, lleart.awa, deart-awa, . i. , n, ruiuteaanr weight in IhaStimaeh, Saar r.ructmtftn.. Siiilrii.v ,'i..f.i..- .. ii.. n:. Ar.i.. Swimmin, of the ,f. H 1 1 rri ed at id I ti rlien It 1 1 pJi i?.? f lllttermg at th, Kir, .choking or SillTicating e,ati baf ore t'h". '", "J"'" V'"'-'- ..r i " r.T" " ,MI lin '" " t'n, Defici.n- thi ; T'i . 7' X'"""'"""' he SkinatatKve., P.?, and irejadepreMion of Spirit. Cwi be .ilectually cura r Celebrated (ieiuinn Hitters. Tlieir power over tti. abrn-e ditenw, I. m Xe,niij' enunlled by any other prewrntion in tha United ,mtm a. Ihe cure, anew, in many eaac. after akillful pliy.i.-a had failed. Dernngement of th. t.iver and Siomacli ar. a. nrrea f lumniry, and will also produce di4w.M oi tha linn. Stu. L.iiugR nnd Kidney., and hv. tlie bodr oj,eii to ait attack ar (he t h .lern. Hill in, or Yellow Fcrer, anil i. (riierailr ta. nrtt caiiK uf thnt in ; baneful discnue. t; ,n,uuii,il Opinions of tht l'lJlulJpkin Vrest. "THE DISPATCH." , .. Ieui."! .41.1 6W,,; AN INVAI.U.Mll.l: Ml:i lr.'lKW.li.V.fre,ll.,f heiird the (. elclnulcl Ijenmin Uill. ia. lli.oul.uuie. kr iT II .llliiid. .,. ken iu tcrma Jl . nuiiciidjti u, and w ku iw ilewrve.li) ... Ii to , c miiiii.hi praciice, iu cr tuill .llnrlera, t . puff H unnuti wf tiwleaa ton!, fen-ia ta. alK.ve linicr,. humlrcil. ure living wilurmca of their (raal m mil nnd physinil wrlh. A. a niedicula of tha Li.af C o;in)lailit, J iundlce, Nervnii, Debility and Dy.pep,i. hn been I mud luvulii ible, etleniiug cure, and tli iuui'lilr emduwling dineneo., when all .rther tiiedlcine. have fail. e led convinced, Hint in ihe n.e of Hit liernian Bitt.ra the palicnt d .e.u d bee .uie delnlilulol, but coii.tunlly inini nreuitlll uihI vifrortothe Inline a tact worthy of great cou.idernlion. The Killer, ure pleuniut iu luxe and .iiieil and etui be ndiTiinifflercjl under nny eircum,taiice., ta tk, inoBl dehcnle .Ininu h Indeed, Ihey u lie uaed by all aer- .in wilh Hi. in m perfect nitty. It w mid lie well far lb e win are milcli olT.vleil in the ner.ou. .rnein ta eomineuce with one tea jv uilulor lc, and gradually ia crea.e. We.iik from exierience, and are of cnurae. proper juk;e. The pren. far mid wide, hnve united ia ro commeiiding the tienunn B iter., and to tha artl idea w r i cordially adviae Iheir nie. SPIRIT OF THE TIMES," I June2tHi rtv. : "DO OUR DOOIlCI TI.KNS'who are invalid., kn.w the iimiiv amoni.lnng cure. Hint hnve been performed ky Ur. II . (Tiaml . t.vki.mtinl Herman Bitter, f If they da li d, we recommend llinn l ilie"l,eruian Mcllclna 8ira," all who are ntlncted with l.iver Cnmplnim, Jaundice, Dye. pepaiii, or Nerv iu. Ueluli'y ; llie Uoct r hn.cured munv af inr citizen niter the IkI phi i inn, had Iniled. W h.y u.ed (liern. mid hey h ive proved tobcu iiu-lwiimthat avary one ihoiild knmvol', nnd we eanicit r"l'min (riving our tea tlni' ny ill their inv .r, nnd Ihut Which five them gre.lv claim upon our liiiinl;!. ed'irs. Ihey nre culiraly VegeuM. "THE DAflV.NKWS," . Jutv ttliKivn : "We Meik knowinclv ,.f )r. Ilo ,l.ind Celebrated man Ililler.. wlien -e any it i, a Mrmiug of Ho. aga; and in ili.-.ise. f Ihe liilinrv, diiretsiv nnd N'ervon.SvKem. il 1 h i. ii d wethhik nn cpiul. Il i. a Veqcloble Prepnralitni, 1 and mntle with nit Ale .hoi. nnd to all invalid, we would r emmend it a. w irthv their r-mfid-nce. r..o'.'.."i'!l "'It oleicil'e and renil. atlha principal Daaat, iuu V,. MiaMCIXK STOilli, No. l!o Arch Pliilndelphin. ' For Kile by M. A. McCAY, VirtlnninSerland and San-' Slafe-'""' re,'i'ct"1'' ,l,KUr gene, ally thraughoat it April 51, !M!. ly Til Bi H A iV'l'nt ii A 'S I V E. FOrt TUB Headache. Uidrlinei., Kbeumntimn. Pile.. Uy.pep.ia, tScurvey. Cmnll Pox. Jnuudlca, Pain.in the llck, Inward VekueM. Pil.itnii nt of the lle,rt, Iti.iui; in Hie 'i'iix,..t,' Dnp.v, Arhlli.. "'ever. ,.f, kind.. Female C.Hnplain:., ctrun OP Men.le, gt Rhasia, . Heart Hum, YVortaa, C'hiler Morhu,, Ct uglm. (yitiiiMy, Who..pin4j l our., roiueiiiipii.in., 11 Liver Complaint, Knuaela. iieafiiMa, ltenuig, a Hie kio, C '!.!.. (I -ul. Grave,, Nei.-cu, Ccm-i.imi. AND A VARIETt- Of OTIUIt PlSCStS 11IIV . m IJII'IRITIU or Tllg 1LOOD, A OlITRt'CTIUNS tX Til I OKCANI or nti7FTl!. cxneiienee li. ;,nveil that nearly erenr DiM.tnrigin.t4t friin uii uril.e, f Hie HI-., I or .i-mngeiiK-.i,. ol Ih.V.gw . b.'r ''l?'"" '' """' lienlih. wc u,ut retnay. tl.aM oK. rueii .or reatore the III . -,l i , j., natural .:... Ihe sverwou lo taking medicine i. tu t erleetitally ."'t'll. U,"K,!E"', VraKT.BLg I'tlUMT.V PlLta. b.l.,f , ,.v?r u i ' rnVX T"1 .tiing -! pure whil. 8-..r, (v. neli i. n divine, fr ., ihe in-eritril ingredient. . ant !i-!l lr.,u Ihe keru-n , haven , tn.te of medicine lnl me n. easily mvj:i . we.l bo. ofcuislv. .Mareay.r tltey neiiher uceiiteor j!rire iu Uie .litr'ite.t decree, br open,e e,,c,,ly nn nil ,.,e ,l,.e:e.l p-irl, " .em V .. t'i ,"'-,1""rll'7 "' raeiing any particular l,i v , ,.. no. latncar riuia. il lhetl.it ar be nrteeie.1 ..... . -. . operiteon Hni iwiri ieul.tr orsuii. ami. he ele.l .. ..t .- one r. ,iore u t c n.tiitei an. . :u 1 .., , . ,.alwH ..oi an opeinie o tl,e u,rd and reuiovenll inirnuiiiea'in Ha i H . ..; wa.leutlurdwill eneetaaily e.,l weaver eire.. in.e. , hnveendihailn; ,;, 'Z:'l ?!? t ir rrirkfri! iI;p (,r li,,-,- Tuwm .11 1 ti nt TS Ir.im Hi- Iv-'.. .1.. .. "lJ"' " v,i ' iii iw i pxTriiBi it end intar i-i- imir mr. 1 irrirn t 'iiokiout (tariicics from tk rhyle. Mhit tJir lI un hf tl, rnicti r,fr mi'l I.rJt.; i mrti.. I,. 1 ? . . ia f f.ii t. tri-!il;rfn'lir,'.,.r''.,''' n'!e,rirV,! "'-rt'i.ied'k.rlk trial. .f ,1 .e lux- vi I ili-ir virtue, .re p.slilv. and u.',.,r,".'i"'-"r""! ""''i":"'-" l"l-rie:or baud. himLif do not give umvertul wuuacii ni. lleiail i rlro, 55 rl. prr Box. ' a Prineip.! nTie. 0. 68 Verey at , N Yark SK.Id or JOHN V. OCe. Sunkury heard of until he uiiraiueed them in Jiala. IMS Parahaaat. .h .uld. tVeior. aw.y..,. for ciieiuaf. wTieSI Pith, and take ....others, or th.y will b.Mda.h. "i.iiS5 frmiri, ii!iir rurns, Scalds, and r-U kinds of inflamed 3r Cured. rioL'SKv s i:ivi:usai. oiNT.MKVT, i.ik. ..at I eonii lei.- lijru Anlid-.te ever know,.. It iu.iantly, ('" " 'f lv ..s,.e) ..,.., aim ,f o ra. u Hun. ami Scald. I , a- ..d S .re.. Iliuiv., Cul. &,ruui. A u manor !.. u i. ihe hen ;,iea!ion Ihnf can ha ra,.. lb uaau.la luvsli'irdau-l lliouaaiulapraiaa It. III. ttiaia.K penecl uii.ier f ..a, a ever discovered All who um ra c iiuueiid it, i:very family ah mid Iw pioykled wiik il ne e-.ii lei h .w a . n aie of ibe lauiilv utay need it. luiiaerveeaeliUiiioftiie genniue l.iuliiieiu haa Ika minor r 1 ois.t. wrillen on Hi. oultide label. T aail. in tin. i. I-Tircry. II iiiuen. I.ivery Men. Fanner, andalt wlntiH Hoi Ma. will nu I Una Oniioi-i.t the very heat thing thev ea aa I t I liar t.iil!.S raielie. Kicks. Ac , e.,m, il.eir auitaal. Surely every uii-reMalinnu w.uikl keep hi. aninul. ..! from lami nap ,.M.,ie. T maej a I nivcraal Ointment 1 all t)i.a .. required. Try il. BlT.aU INSKi'TS. KorHi.ruigor bil of aoi.M u. Iii. cl, 1 aniey'. (Jncnirnl i. uui i tailed II ujairatt. ka.a lrie.li! nnd f-uud ii poid. I'll.LrSCl KKII! KorthePilea. Touwv'. 1'niyera.l Oial. ment none of iitrlieal liemedie. Hull eau b applied AS who have tried il f .r the Piles ree. iiuueiid it. OLDSH.HKS ClKKi). For old 'iwliiiata Bares, tkara i. u.itliiiig ejual to Toueey t iiuiinent. A per. m in Maan. u. ImiL for a nuinlier of yean, a a ire leg that baffled ike .kdl of the tt cl t.. T .iisey'. Oinlmeut waa Tecum man. .d by one o llieviaitiu- phy.ieiau.. (who knew it. great vir tue..! and tw k lea produced mora benefit thau th. a, tient had recei. ed tioiu any aud all prei'iutis renadicaw Lai MUS WD 8CAI.1H CCRi:n. Theuaand. of eaM of Ham. and Scnl.l.. in uil virl. of tha e-mntry, ha v. baea cureil by T iikey , I nivenril tlintiucnt. Carubcate. eooack could lie had t till Hie whole ,4 iilt .Sect viin.i:riiin isi:scritnu. TeMimoni.i, ont. 10 iiml in isv 'i ot I i.ey'a Ointinent r r curing Rruiw heve IM.aied tlw JTiriekatC HgietltetV at IWa.. w llc..r. .iia4fea,1,r,,rrt,w.h,, thapamT rha oa Were llrai,.-.. All ner, , abimkt trt it SCALIIIIKAIICTUKU. K.rei.,f' of Scald H. ha ve nwn cured by Pauaej ' Oiiilineut. Try it it aaldoa SALT ItllKt M Cl'lir.n. or all th. remedies ayar dial eoveruu I rili. moal dicigreoable c.-iniplanil. Tottaay'a L'al to f il " "" e uuplcie. It never waa kaaws tilAPPKD HANDS CAXHKr-RED.Tooe'.Vai. yeritil tli.iiiiienl will ulwava cura the worst caaea of CJi.a. d Hand.. Score, ,.f ,,er ni. will .lulelhi. SDKKUI-SCCKKU. Forth, cut, of i,r. tap. th.r. . never iii.ylhing mnde etual to Touaey'a t luilineiil. It .. oare 10 cure Iheiu. Try it. . It ..a cienulic ininp..iiiid. wrrunieit no to enntaia aay preiMmti 11 .1 Men-iiry. fr Price -i.5 eeul. pel boa. For riirther nanicnl.tr. enceming Una renllv valuable Ointmeat ibn public are releriedt,, Pai.iduXa. to Iw had grat ia, of ra apeeuble ltugeu. aud Mercluuila througiW th L'aitoa Premred by ft. TOI'SRV. Tte,...;a Vn IM Naaata Street, New Vork Ac.c..4T-lillV VOL'XO Northninlierlnntl. February 17, I8I ly Siuibury, M A. MeCAT, f 'otton Yarn, ("sitton Carct Chain, Cotton Lap and Wadding, Collon Dutiiiie. Ready mad Pantaloons. Heady Elude. Veals, (eugreaa Km..,, Porcelain lined preserving kettles, just reeai.W foralcbv H.SlA&eER.. Sunbury, Deo, 848. , XES of a very aupcrior quality for calx b. 1 JL MASSER. i Sunbury, Dec. S, 1848. , 1 ) LANK BOOKS. An aasortniant, U Blaa) 1 Books, just nsceited and sale by , , JL ,MASiSEl.a Sunbury, Dee. S, 1848. ' twYRrP MftL AiSHtEs! f uperit rrfineel 8vra kJ Molsssea for sate by HENRY MAftAKR , Huartarys D. 1. 14. . ""' ' a