Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 16, 1850, Image 2

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    JTo reign JCtto 0.
Tha steamship Europn, Cnpt. Loit, arrWed
at Halifax about 7 o'clock on Friday evening.
She sailed from Liverpool on Saturday, ihe
30th ull, and our advices from Europe are)
therefore, two weeks later than thoie previ
ously received.
Cotton bad gone up I to I higher. Sale
for the week were 83,000 bales.
' The flour market was inactive, and a trifle
Lard had advanced 2s.
CotTee wat in lens demand, at lower pricea.
Money was abundant, with signs of greater
United States slocks remained unchanged
Ttnl Last ! the Packet Ship Hotting and
Thirteen Llv...
The splendid New York packet ship Hot
linger, Capt. Bursley, has fallen a prey to the
fury of the elements, and frorj the tenor of
the last accounts lespccling her, a melan
choly loss of life attends the disaster.
The Hottinger sailed from Liverpool for
New York on the 1st January. She had 290
cabin and steerage passengers, together with
the captain, and crew of thirty men and boys,
and had a very full freight of various descrip
tions of goods.
The H. had only passed as as Black
water Bank, which is off the coast of Wex
ford, when she struck on one of those danger
ous ledges of rock which lie concealed in that
quarter. This occurred on the morning of
the llth January. On the occurrence of this
mishap, a part of the crew and all the pas
eengers were sent ashore.
' Captain Bursley and 18 of his men, re
mained on board of the H., determined not
to leave the ship while there was the remo
test chance of saving her. On the following
tnorning, the 13ih, the ship floated ofT Black
Water Bank, and bore away before the wind,
and struck Arklow Bank, where she after
wards went to pi-iccs, and sad to relate, Cap
tain Bursley and twelve of the noble band
who determined to be the last on the ship,
met a watery grave. At the time the pas
sengers left the ship, her situation seemed to
be utterly hopeless. The hold was full of
water, and the sea making clear breaches
over her. It was with cxtreinw difficulty and
peril that the passengers and seamen were
passed to the boats, the sea breaking with
dreadful violence on the bank. The passengers
were unable to take anything out of tho ship
except the clothes they hud on at the time.
The boats happily succeeded in reaching the
shore, although with extreme difficulty, from
the height of the seas, and the great distance
ef seven miles or more from tho bank to the
Capt. Bursley's son, whe was on board the
Hottinguar up to t lie time she struck on
Blackwa'.er Bank, it a passenger on board the
Business progresses slowly in the legisla
lative Assembly. The budget is still in com
mittee. The Chamber had been for some
time occupied with M. Falloux's Education
Bill. The latent Parisian advices represent
Victor Hugo as having made a speech against
it, which was applauded with f-enzy bylhe
Mountain. The debute adjourned, amid
great excitement. The war against the press
The Reformo has been suspended, and La
Prestf seized.
The weather throughout France, especially
in the South, has been more rigorous than for
many years.
The Russians have resumed diplomatic re
lations with therorle; it it expected that
the Austrians will not be slow to follow.
Austria is occupied with tho numbeiless
constitutions for her provinces. The provin
cial diets are to bo convoked in October, and
that of the empire will resemble in H5I.
The threatened dissolution of the Cabinet
appears to have been avoided by some com
promise. The king is now disposed to take
the oath of tho constitution.
The Erfurt Parliament is declared to be an
imperious political necessity for Prussia.
At Berlin negotiations for the treaty of
peace with Denmark have been renewed.
In Wurteinburg there appears to Le a
ohanja of opinion favorable to Russian influ
ence. The Hanoverian Chamber refuses to recog
nize the central commission of Austria and
Prussia. A constitution is recommended for
The (Sardinia Chamber of Deputies has ap
proved the treaty of peace concluded at Mi
lan, between the Piedmontese and the Aus
trian. It is expected the Senate will alto
approve it.
It it it said the want of money prevents
the Pope from returning to hi capital, and
that France has offered fundi to hi holiness.
The Archbishop of Bourge is said to be the
bearer of this oiler, made in the name of the
French Episcopacy.
An America-. Cardinal. The President
f Mexico announces, in his message, that
Pju IX, in order to manifest his gratitude
for the lively interest taken in hi welfare by
Ihe high functionaries of the republic and it
ecclesiastics, has signified 111 A Jsirai lit -nil-
fer upon tome Mexican bishop the digntiy of
a cardinal. A pontifical agent i expected at
Mexico, and, if thi cardinal i made, he wi!
p uie iiisi nigiuiary oi mat Mrt en thi con
Cuaiotrt Fact. A enriou fact is m.mim.
d in the Wenaugh (Irish) Guardian, in ref
erence to Dr. Laughley, who wa confined in
jail, and who fasted for forty day. The
reason for abstaining wa caused bv a total
lot of appeiite, nausea, and a disinclination
lo eat. All the organ of the body eeated
to perform the fnnctiont in the animal eeon.
eroy, with the exception of the heart and
II. B. MAftSER, Editor tad Prv-urletor.
Balnes Hollers.
GortiTt List's Dues, ai rat AmtaiCAir.
Those ef our reader who would like to subscribe
for this elegant monthly periodical, csn now do so
at a very small cost. The Lsdy's Book is pub
lished st $3 per snnum, but as an Inducement,
which we are enabled to hold out by means of an
arrangement with the publishers, we will furnish
the Lady's Book and the ttunbury American, one
year for $3,50 cash in advance, to these who may
wish to subscribe.
Ths Miirix Aura, oa FiHttt MtxotvvRis,
is the title of a novel just received by ti from
Long St Brother, No. 43 Ann street, New York.
The writer, the author of '-The Jilt," hits off with
admirable skill the diplomacy cf matchmaking
mamas, and one can scarcely fait to recognize, in
the well drawn characters, tome of those whom
it is our good or bad fortune to meet with in the
society in which we live.
This body met on Tuesday 29lh tilt., at
BcEiiLCR's'Hotel, in Hariisburg : J. Glancy
Jones, of Reading, Chairman, and G. G.
Westcott of Philadelphia, Secretary, for the
purpose of fixiinr on a lime and place for- the
meeting of the Slate Convention. After con
sultation it wa determined that the conven
tion should meet at Witlianwport, Lycoming
county, on Saturday, the 2Sth day of May
Dy An apprentice to the Printing buii-
nes wanted at this office. A good boy 0f
about 14 or 15 year would find a good
K7The late heavy rains swelled the
Susquehanna to an unusual height for this
season of the year, and bronirht down a
quantity of ice from the North Branch.
On Thursday several rait passed this
place, on their way to market.
ZJ" Failvrej or the Mails between
Harrisburg and this place are becoming too
frequent. If the Harrisburg stages arrive
at Northumberland after the coach leave
the latter place for Pottsville, as is often
(he case, our mail is delayed for 24. hours.
We should like to know if this arrange
ment is sanctioned by the Department!
IL7" Ice. The Susquehanna, on whose
frigid beauty we depend for our annual crop
of ice, has this year played u false. Hither
to, when we have neglected to secure the
ice while her broad bosom wa fast locked
in its embrace, she has, en pnssent, piled
huge cake of the cold comfort upon our
bank. Indeed we were not thus neglected
thi season ; but the warm rains and warmer
sunbeams, intended, doubtless, to gladd.-n us
on some April day, slipped prematurely
from the shelf and melted away the fickle
foundation upon which our hope were
E7 Mail Robbery. Another mail rob
bery has been committed on the route from
Muncy, via Danville, to Philadelphia. A
letter containing 500 mailed at Muncy
for Philadelphia is missing. An Agent of
the Post Oflice Department has been on the
line for several days, trying to ferret out
the robber, but as yet has been unsuccessful.
The present administration has been par
ticularly unfortunate in the election of
some of its officers.
UJ- Dr. Robert II. Awl, of thi nlaee.
narrowly escaped drowning on Monday
last, iv nne crossing the Susquehanna iust
above Liverpool, the small boat became
ce-logged and unmanageable. The lerrv.
man became paraded with fear at the pros
pect of being carried over the vin"dam
erected about a hundred yards below and
abandoned his oar in dispair. Dr. Awl
having thrown aside his overcoat and boots.
immediately seized them, and succeeded,
by great exertion, in heading the boat with
the stream and passed over the dam with,
out capsizing. By thi time night had over
taken them, and in a boat half filled with1
water, and eiposed to the chilling wind,
they were obliged to row about in darkness
lor more than an hour before they landed
lafely nearly two mile below Liverpool. J
ID" Sixty four dead bodies have been
taken out of the ruin of the buildin in
Hague .treet New York, which wa blown
up last week.
A lady of the "upper ten" who is erectino-
a princely mansion in the west end of Phil
adelphia, recently consulted one ot the
numerous Astrologers of that city in regard
to her prospect of life &.c. After a care-
lul perusal ofthettar he announced, among
other things, the startling prophecy that at
the end of forty days after she entered this
splendid edifice, she should be borne thence
a corpse. Upon hearing thi the lady de
termined to evade the fates by never en
tering the house, and accordingly has offer,
ed it for sale.
"The start in their coarse fought against
Sisera," and he was defeated. The stars
are a hard party to get over, but we hope
the lady may succeed in getting around
The steamthip Empire arrived at New
York on the 6th int., bringing new from
California of the freatett importance, and
having on board nearly, three million dol.
lars in gold dust.
The election in California are over. A
State government has been organized and.
a Constitution adopted. United Stale Sen
ator and Representatives, and a Governor
have been elected. The message of the
Governor wat delivered to both branches
of the Legislature at 12 o'clock on the 2lst
December, and immediately ordered to be
printed in English and Spanish.' The fol
lowing is a list of tha officers oi the new
State : .
Governor Peter H. Burnett.
Lieut. Governor John McDougal.
United State Senators John C. Fremont,
Wm, M. Owin.
Representatives in Congress George W.
Wright, Ed. Gilbert.
Secretary of Slate VVm. Van Voorhics.
Treasurer Richard Roman.
Comptroller J S. Houston.
Attorney General Edward J. C. Kewen.
Surveyor General Charles J. Whiting.
Chief Justice S. C. Hastings.
Associate Justice II. A Lyon, Nathaniel
Officers of the Senate. President Hon.
John McDougal, Lieut. Governor. Secretary
J. F. Howe. Assistant Secretary- Mr.
Olos. Enrolling Clerk A. W. Luckett. En
grossing Clerk Bela Dexter. Sergeanl-at-Arms
Thomas J. Austin. Dooiktepvr Eu
gene Russell.
Officers or thc Assemdlv Speaker
T.J. While. Clerk E. II Tharo. Assis
tant Clerk F. H. Sundford. Enrolling Clerk
A. D.Ohr. Engrossing Clerk G. Mitchell.
Sergeant-at-Arms. S. Houston. Doorkeeper
J Wanenton.
A destructive fire occurred at San Fran
cisco on the morning of the 24-th of Decem
ber, which laid in ashes nearly half of that
city. The fire originated about 6 o'clock
A. M., in Dennison's Exchange ; from
which it rapidly extended to the Parker
House. The flames surged over the Parker
House to the United States Restaurant, both
of which were soon totally destroyed.
From these the fire spread in every direc
tion consuming whole squares, and raged so
fiercely that no goods could be removed
from the stores and warehouses in its course.
The amount of losses probably exceeds a
a million and a half. -
A destructive fire also occurred in Stock
ton, on the same day. By this calamity
about 150,000 worth of property hat been
An atrocious murder wa committed on
the 14th December, at the Bella Union, in
San Francisco, by a fashionable man fnm
New York, Reuben Withers upon the per
son of Arthur Reynolds. The parties had
no previous acquaintance with each other
and the assault was entirely unprovoked.
The alcalde has offered reward of 93000
for the apprehension of the murderer.
A difficulty occurred between the miners
at Calaveres, and some Chilenos. Three
Americans were killed. It is feared that
a general outbreak between the Americans
and Foreigner will result.
L" On Wednesday evening a bright
light wa observed in the direction ofSe
linsorrove, caused probahly by the burning
ol a hou? or barn in that vicinity.
Since the above wa in type, we learn
the store of Mr. Reuben Keller, on the Isle
of Que, with an extensive and valuable stock
of merchadize, was totally consumed. The
origin of the fire was accidental. The loss
is covered by insurance.
rU"The original manuscript of Washing
ton's Farewell Address was sold at public
auction in Philadelphia on Tuesday even
ing, to Rev. Di. Boardman, for $2300.
A portrait of Washington was knocked
down to the same Rev'd. gentleman, at
07" A Head Off. J. Watson Webb as
Charge to Vienna, was rejected, on Monday,
by the Senate. Vote, 7 aye ; 31 nay.
CF" Samuel Drurt, Sr., charged with
making the Torpedo to kill Mr. Warner, of
New York, has been tried. The jury were
unable to agree. He will have another
trial. "
ty A grand citizen's dress Ball will be
given at Dean' Hotel, Danville on the 22d
KF The Queen or Song, M'lle Jenny
Lind is to visit the United State during the
ensuing autumn.
Tex "Voice i tor W,-The Legis
lature of Texat it very warlike on the tub
jecl of Santa Fe jurisdiction. A commission
er it about to start to organize the counties,
backed by five hundred Rangert. This is
pretty good backing, tnd at Santa Fe hat
been placed by Ihe U. S. Government under
the jurisdiction of the military government
of ihe Territory, which of course will exert
its authoiily, the Rangers stand a chance of
teeing some service, unless they are peace
ably instructed. At present it lookt like a
Buchanan and Black The Democracy
of Bedford County, met in Convention on the
4th instant, and nominated Mr. Buchanan for
President; and Judge Black, of Somerset, for
Governor very excellent men, but, proba.
bly, a premature nomination.
Mehemet A li Pacha has bestowed a muff
box set in diamonds, worth $1300, upon Colt,
the inventor of the revolver, as an evidence
of his appreciation tf that death-dealing wea
pon. Sec what Alcohol Does Ott of 408
persons admitted in the Albany (N. Y.) Coun
ty Penitentiary during the last year, 134 ad
mitted themtelves lo be intemperate; 74
claimed te be moderate drinkers and there
wat rwil one who claimed to be a teetotaler
HAaaitivaa, Feb. t, 1150.
The Minority Report of Ihe Committee on
Apportioipnen! was presented In the House
thi morning, with the following distribution
of Senatorial and Representative District:
t Senatorial district.
Stnaton. Senators.
City of Philadelphia. S.Bedford. Somerset k
county ol rinla., ; fayelle,
Montgomery, 1
Chester & Delaware, 1
Butler, Beaver and
Lawrence. I
Lancaster & Lebanon 2
Allegheny. I
Dauphin St Cumber
land, I
Schuylkill, 1
Berks, I
Carbon, Wayne, Mon
roe and Pike, ' 1
Columbia, Luzerne
Wyoming k Sulli
van, 2
Bradford k Susque
hanna, 1
Union, Northumber
Washington k Green 2
hue and Crawford, 1
Mercer, Venango, k
Warren. 1
Indiana, Armstrong,
and l learhelcl, 1
Perry, Juniata, Mif
flin k Centre, 1
McKenn ,Poiter,Tio-
pa, ,ik, Clinton 8c
Jefferson, 1
Northampton k Le-
land k Lycoming, 1
nign, l
rranklin k Adams, 1
York, 1
Huntingdor, Blair, 4t
Cambria, 1
Lvcominrj. 1
Philadelphia City,
Phila'plua county,
Clinton aiid Potter, 1
Le In ware,
Htadtord, z
Tioga, 1
Warien, Alchcan &
Elk, 1
Centre, 1
Clear(ield& Jefferson 1
Lehigh and Carbon, 2
Somerset, 1
Susquehanna & Wy
oming, Lancaster,
1 Indiana & Cambria, 2
2'Favelte and Green. 2
Westmoreland, 2
Washington, 2
Allegheny, 6
Butler, 1
Armstrong, I
Beaver k Lawrence 2
Cumberland k Perry 2
Clarion, 1
Union and Juniata,
Venango, 1
Mercer. 1
Crawford, 2
Erie, 7
Blair and Cambria, 1
Monroe and 1'iKe, 1
Columbia & Sullivan 2
(Corretpnndeiire f the I'hila. Ledger J
Washington, Feb. 11, 1850.
The arrival of so sensible and experienced
a man as Dr. Gwin, Senator elect from Cali
fornia, cannot but be productive of good at
the present crisis in the affairs of our coun
try. Ha is, as you nre aware, a Mijjissip
pian, has always been a warm Calhoun man;
and yet is so thoroughly impressed with the
moral and physicul impossibility of introduc
ing slavery juto any part of California, north
or south of 30 deg. 30 tnin., that his opinions
cannot fail to exercise a commanding influ
ence on the deliberations nf Congress. Nei
ther he, nor the delegation, (Messrs. Wright
and Gilbert.) are over anxious for the admis
sion of California during the present session,
provided that, by waiting, the excitement on
the slavery question can be allayed, and
peace established between the Southern and
Northern sections of the Union. Now, if the
Members and Senators elect of that State are
willing lo bide their time, why should not the
fanatics of either section, who have only a
distant prospective good or evil at stake, imi
tate their example 1
The Quaker petit ion, praying for a peace
able dissolution of tha Union, presented by
Mr. Hale, of New Hampshire, was to day,
after much useless dicuion on Friday last,
rejected by a vote of 53 to 3 the only Sena
tors voting for ilt admission being Seward
Chase and Hula. Among these three Hale is
believed the most honest man, all three,
however, have pretty nearly run their race
in the Senate. As to Gov. Seward, his politi
cal epitaph seems already to have been writ
ten. It runs thus
"If I muni sr Ht be June for,
I wonder whet I wai begun f.v ?"
It is rather a hard case, for a Presidential
candidate of these United Staten, to vote for
tho admiss.on, of petitions praying forlhedis
olution of the Union !
Gen. Cass made a most excellent, philo
sophical and statesmanlike speech on the
subject of this peaceable dissolution of the
Union, which is really a most mischievous
and gross humbug. He showed lhat disso
lution and war are one and inseparable ; that
the bnnleit of the two sections into which
the Union would be divided would, in less
than a year, briolle with hostile bayonets;
lhat every hill wotilJ have its works of de
fence, and that our standing aimies would
be devouring the cubKtaiice of our people
And he al showed that the rilitof petition,
in regard lo which so much fuss is made, is
just nothing at all. In a monarchy it is most
important that the subject should be heard ;
but in this country the people themselves are
sovereign, tnd the proper way lo present pe
tition! it through the preat and the ballot
boxes. Where every office in the country is
in Ihe gift of the people in a country where
elections never ceate where the people
have a right to demand and instruct, and ex
press their sentiments on all public occasions,
the right of petition hat no more meaning
than the dubbing of knighthood. Gen. Cast
understands the difference between our go
vernment and the superanuiited monarchical
forms of Europe boiler than any statesman
here in Washington, and is always striking
and conclusive in hit comparisons. These
are quest ions taking higher rank than lhat of
the right of petition, and among these are
assuredly those which relate to the perma
nency of our institutions and of the Union.
Mr. Berrie'i, to-day, commenced his speech
on the Slavery question, dissenting in toto
from Mr. Clay, and from Ihe administration.
1 am sorry lo say Mr. Clay' Compromise
Resolution! will not receive more than five
or six votes, if indeed to many. Mr. Cal
houn will speak on Thursday or Friday.
In Executive Session, lo-day, Gen. James
Walton Webb, "at I predicted," wat reject,
ed by an overwhelming vole. Out of all the
Senators, but $even voted for hit confirmation.
A large number were absent, avoiding the
respontibility of Ihe Courier and Enquirer
General Cats, Col. Benton and Harry Clay,
voted agaiutt him wiih more or less feeling.
I ran imagine how Mr. Clay's eyes sparkled
when be saw lhat head cul off which had
been to sotive in procuring Ihe nomination of
General Taylor. The excuse given for Mr.
Webb's early departure was that there was
no Minister or Diplomatic Aaent at Vienna,
and that, in the absence of a diplomatic func
tionary, the archives of the American Lega
tion had been left with our U. S. Consul. Mr
Schwartz, who it was hinted might not be a
proper person to entrust them with. Stuff!
We shall have Ihe President's Message in
regard to California on Wednesday. I think
it will be an able document, and the most
explicit wo have yet had from General Tay-
lor, on the subject of slavery.
In the House, the Revenue Resolutions, a.
lowing Mr. Meredith the same sum for col
lecting the public revenue as was expended
for lhat purpose in the fiscal year terminating
June 30th, were taken out of the Committee
of the Whole, charged with the Vinton
amendment as a rider, and in that shape
voted down with great unanimity So the
question stands just as it stood when it left
the Senate, and Mr. Meredith has had his
pains for his trouble. This, however is not
all. To-morrow the Democrats of Ihe House
will carry the war into Africa, and attack
Mr. Meredith's estimates in detail going
from bureau to beureau, and examining each
particular item. The truth is, we are des
tined to try a new experiment, viz: that of
carrying on an administration with boih
Houses of Congress opposed to it ; and 1 must
ronfessit does not look as though it were
likely to succeed. There is no Democratic
majority in the House of Representatives, but
quite enough of all colors to defeat Ihe ad
ministration. Obferver.
HAURissuan. Feb. 12, 1850.
My dear American,
The mania for making new Counties it
raging throughout Ihis state to an alaiming
degree. At each day's session of either housei
floods of petitions for, and lemonstrances a-
gainst, Ihe multiplication of counties is poured
in upon us. Redstone, Conawago, Lacknwa
na, Madi-on, Montour, Mahoning, Pine, Prnn
and a host of other are urged with vehe
mence by their respective friends, who are,
no doubt, actuated by the desire of serving
their country ns public officers, and find too
many eompe'ilors in their extensive fields.
Among the rest, are our friends in upper end
of old Northumberland, urging with all their
strength, the legislature to mutilate again the
remains of our county. The latter have not
the slightest chance of success, although their
hopes nre sanguine. Our worthy Senator is
expected to make his maiden speech in fa
vor of this movement. His constituents, no
doubt, look with anxiety for something from
him, his uninterrupted silence having left
them uncertain whether or not they have a
representative in that body. An effort it also
being made to dismember another portion of
Northjmberlnnd county, and form, with it
and parts ol Shuylkill and Columbia, an Eaclk
It is time our lawmakers give a qnief us to
these voracious politicians. We have now
more than CO comities in thit Commonwealth
Every petition for a new one, spring! from
either some petty local animosity, or a hope
of speculation, motives which are alike dis
creditable to the petitioners an.l the dignity
of the legislature. And yet these very men
who make pretentions of retrenchment and
re:"prm, are not satisfied with the taxes that
now br.rden the people, but would add to the
We have a rumor, for the correctness of
which I will not vouch, lhat a scene occurred
between our Canal Commissioner Painter anil
Capt. George Lanman. The latter urged the
aptmintmetit of some friend by tho Canal
Commissioners, and received a promise from
Mr. Painter, that his suit should prosper.
Within a few days he was" astonished by the
intelligence tl at another person had been ap
pointed. He immediately charged Mr. Pain
ter with being false lo his word and madu
some very severe comments npon his course.
Mr. Painter called him to his room, on Ihe
following morning, and having bolted the
door, announced that if Mr. Lauman had
made those charges, he would shoot him.
Lauman dispelled all doubt upon tha subject
by repealing his words, and adding that Mr.
Painter not the courage to shoot a cat. He
did not shoot him and thit tragedy ended
without bloodshed.
The following is Ihe only business of in
terest to your reader lhat has been Iransac.
ted by the legislature thit week :
Senate.--7?ifj reported Mr. Frailey (cor
porations,) a supplement to tho set incorpo
rating the Shamokin, Mahouoy and Schuyl
kill railroad company.
Mr. Slreeler (same.) Ihe bill lo incorporate
the Mahnnoy and Shninokin improvement
company, with an amendment.
Horse. A bill was received from Ihe Sen
ate appropriating $15,000 lor Ihe enlargement
of the buildings of Ihe institution for. the in
struction of Ihe blind, which, on motion of
Mr. Meek, ihe House look up and pasted
On motion of Haldeman, it wat
FetalveJ, That the committee on inland
navigation and internal improvement! be re
quested to enquire in the expediency of re
ducing the tolls on lime-burners and refuse
. Mr. Packer presented petitions for an alter
alion in thrt charter of the Lycoming mutual
insurance company ; relating to hawkers and
pedlars in Union county ; relating to ihe re
tailing of ready made cloihing in Union
county; for a new county with the teal of jus
tice at Tamaqua ; also a bill in place supple
mentary lo the act incoropoiating the Locust
mountain coal and iron company.
Mr. Packer, several petitions for the repeal
of ihe militia law of last session ; for an alter
ation of the charter of the Lycoming insur
ance company.
Mr. Haldeman, for the proposed new coun
ty of Punn ; for a new county to be called
Eagle out of parts of Northumberland and
Special Election in Georgia- The elec
tion for a Congressman in tha Savanna Dis
trict, in place ef Hon. T. Buller King, has re
sulted in the choice of Joseph W.. Jackson,
democrat. This is a democratic gain.
The folly of playing all manner of strange
pranks with lions and ti?-rs has just been il
lustrated at Chatham, whers a young woman,
Ellen Bright, accustomtd lo enter one of the
dens of Worn bell's travelling menagerie, and
there exhibit, to an audience gaping with as
tonishment, her tricks with a lion and a tiger
confined together, has met with a shocking
death. On entering the'deu fer the purpose
of going through the usual performances with
the lion, she struck the tiger with a small
whip, when the animal growled) then, after
completing a part of the performance, she
struck the beast again, when rearing up, it
seized her by the throat, and inflicted fright
ful injuries with its huge fangs. A keeper
immediately rushed lo her assistance, and by
striking the animal a violent blow on tho
nose with an iron bar, succeeded in releasing
her; but life was nearly extinct. Sho was
immediately attended by a military surgeon
who was present, but died in a few minutes,
owing lo wounds in the neck and chin, and
also to tha shock which her system had re
eeived fiom excessive fright. The roronei's
jury testified their dislike of ihe practice of
allowing persons lo perform in a den occu
pied by wild beasts. Thus perished "the
Lion Queen," a victim to one of the rem
nants of barbarism, which society retains for
its amusement perhaps, also, affording a
lesson to all invested with "a little brief au
thority," Queens and Imperial Ctesars inclu
ded, how dangerous it is to use the whip
wantonly, and for mwre show of power.
Manchester Guardian.
' Under date of Havana, Feb. 3d, the Tri
bune correspondent says:
In the past ten days, another case of the
imprisonment of an American citizen has ta
ken place, without any apparent cause. A
Mr. Gernard. a temporary resident upon the
island, in the pursuit of business, was made
prisoner at his residence in the country, and
tent to Havana tn be placed at the disposition
of the Captain General, as a suspicious char
aclei. He was kept in the "Carcel Tacou"
nine days, mid then put at liberty, with the
condition of pnying a line of $25 for having
left the island a yearsince, u-ithnuta pasrport
The cn.-e has cnurd moie excitement and
some official discussion, and involves principles
effecting every Ameiican resident.
The Proclamation of the Piesidcnt, in re
hit ion to Don Carlos de Espana, IV la as a
blew upon the highest official digniiy of the
inland, and has caused much disquiet and tin
rosiy conversation in the l.'ance.
Three or four days since, Her Majesty's
only frigate, ihe Tobasco, arrived here, with
a full complement of men and nrnmmtnl,
with 500 marine recruits for local service
The ship i after the old stylo of war marine
architecture, with galleried stern and protru
ding sides, curviag from the water line to lire
fust tier of gons. Her entrance was very
beautiful; she wat met by the barges of all
the Spanish war vessel in port, and wiih Ihe
Government boats, escorted to her mnoiings.
while thousands of interested spectators lined
the wharves along her path, but no vivat wa
ked the echoes of Cubanos.
The process of strengthening for the strog
gl.i goes slowly on.
Another Strikc us the Canal. Proba
ble Incendiarism 7Vn Valuable Ilorsrs Burn
ed Alive. On Tuesday last, the laborer em
ployed on the canal near Ferguson', in Her.
kimcr county, 'struck" ai.d abandoned their
work, and yesterday they proceeded in a
body down the lino of canal and drove I ho
laborers fiom several other sections amount
ing in all lo about 400 men. 'Yesterday af
ternoon, one of Ihe disaffected laborers
threatened that he would burn out Nicholas
Vandebogat, of Schenectady, a ronliaclor
w ho ha a section about five miles from this
cily, and accordingly about 7 o'clock last
evening, his barn, containing twelve valuable
horses, a quantity of oats, tools, harness, Lv..
was discovered to be in lames. The fire
spread so rapidly that despite every exertion
ten of the hones were consumed alive. Tbey
were valued ot 81500. The entire loss of
Mr Yaidebognt will probably not bo less
than S'iOOO. In Ihe meantime, this large
body of laborers, without any other meant ot
tupport, remain idle, and the pre a cuiion of
ihe public work, on some live miles of th
canal i entirely suspended. We learn tha
a large number of tliciw would prefer remain
ing at wuik aird have only left thr.ingh f. ai
of the ict. Waiianls were in the posses
sion of an officer this morning, and it was
expected that some arrests would be made
In-day I'tica Observer, 1th.
Ptr.NACiTV L Pi'OLic OrFJCCRS. A des
patch in the New Yoik Herald, dated Friday,
gives the following account of a fight in a
tavern in Washington Cily :
"A fight took place thi evening at the Na
tional Hotel, between Ihe Hon. Mr. Levin, of
Pennsylvania, and the Hon. Fi'.zhenry War
ren, Second Assistant Postmaster General. 'Is
your name Levin !" said Mr. Warren. 'Yes
sir; but I do not want to have anything lo
de with ycu, for you are a d d scoundrel,"
was Ihe reply of Levin. Mr. Warren then
struck Mr. L., who defended himself with u
small cane Warren following him up a In
Tom Hyer, till Col. Baker and others got b
Iween the belligerents and separatee) them
The fracas grew otit of a Pennsylvania maj
agency obnoxious to Levin Mr. L came off
second best.
Fire and Los oi Lite. The farm house
of Richard Richaids, in the town of Marry,
was completely destroyed by fire on Saturday
niuhl, and Mr. Richards, wiih one of his
children, perished in the flames. Mrs. Rich
ards seized her youngest child and succeed
ed in making her escape from the devouring
element, by leaping through a window with
her precious burden. She was badly burned)
and also severely cul by Ihe glass, but it is
not considered dangeroue.
Thc Jews or Rom a have tent a protest lo
the grand Synagogue at Paris, condemning
the conduct of A. Feuld in advancing fund
to the Pope; Ihey lay considerable it res
upon Ihe opprtssiont p' act iced upon them
by the Papal government. Mr. A, Pould it
a Jew hy birth.
' . v,a number
O n Ot U h 1 ' n IHfrtim .. .... r. I .
- ' """" i ""imnj anu Cardenas.-
" n it ik fj,
Mr: I.'aaVfc::' by Rcr' J' P' ''"Mr
MnoamoVlnUsnlp?""- F
nKT'feife sA'i marga;
., .mu-uinr oi Joseph EiMlt. '
aged I year and 14 dnv. -'eiy,
n.. .1,- I I
v.. , ay, on me rihamokin lslnnr!
va.mju.NG. formerlv Commissioner of thi
county, Hged -bout 68 years.
THE members of Mr. Geo. Eckert's D.ecine
Acstiflinv. nf Han U Ae :
...wjnsa-o giving i i
at the Hotel of Mr. J!, D- e i. Jr.: oi the creninr
of it,P 54.1 nf V-i tu. L ""in;
.... .... . . alre nj
Hie services of the Danville l!ra and SrrW
rtnmU for ll If. r- i. . . . .
.. .... .,,.. . cKerc, ihe tutor, -
will conduct the arrangement of the HB. 'fhe
m N nw rrnrs urn inn L in it rm.n --.: ....
.-- o io render
tins a pleasant and airreenhle affair. This B1I ''
" omer Ifcill ei-
IHK-Ied to come oil' in the snme huildin", at the
same evening. JACOB CORNELISt)."
J. f. HALL.
Committee on behalf of School.
reh. 15, 1850.
ni.L lie sold, on the premises, on KsiiirJsy
.... u ui ..mrcn, IMU, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Valuable Meant Haw Mill,
situated in Point township, Northumberland roun
ty, 3 miles north of the Uorotigh of Northumber
land, together wiih two seres of land attarhed te.
said mill. Tlic engine is often horse power, use
but one ton of coal per week, and is able lo saw
upwards of 201)0 fi et per day. The country in
the neighborhood i W,.H timbeTrrcd and lumber
of all kituU i ready sale in the vicinity.
ALSO: W'id be sold, with thc mill, 4 acre, of
Innd adjacent thereto ; the title good to th pur
clinse r as long a the premises lire lined for the
purposes of a sun mil.
The property will be sold alwotutrly and with
out reserve on the nliore numed dny.'as the m!i
n'riber has unidc arrangement to remote to the
M est. whirl, i hia s, lc rejM.ii for disi-oniiH. f
the mill.
Persons dcsirmn ofvirwin; the property ran dj
to by calling on the sulnirribi-r, at tire premises,
'lennt made knonn ondrrv of sale.
Solomon kkamer.
Toint township, Feb. 11'., lfOtl 3t
JN purmiaint of an order of the Orphan' C'eart
ol Norlhumberlnnd ronntv, w ill le expose:
puhlie talc on Friday the l&'fhd.iv of March next
on the premises, to wit : A reit'iin '
situate in Point lown.hip, -being tin Mansion
arm, adjoining land of R. M.Curry, John
I aul, Kiver Sunuielunna, JonepU Vank'irk and
Albin Newberry. Containing leveutv two acres
and twenty (erchcn, nuict iiieamirr 'Whrre.jii is
e.ected a two t.ry Log ll.mM weathrr-boarcled.
i mall lrnie kitchen, a Urje frame Uarn and
Waggon sheil. Also two good Orchard, of choice
Iruit. LatethcenUteof llenrv lliinik Wr, dee'd.
Bale lo commence nt 10 uclcrk A. M.,
day when the term of a!e wdl he made known
by UEOIUJE A. I'HJVK, Adin'r.
by order cl the t'onrt
John 1. 1', t Ik. U. f.
February 10, 19j0.--t s
i it 1 1. aim: i. (iii i
i. H.Conirr of Third and Lntun Streets,
1MI"TT:i:X VtAli if nimuve an.1 miinterrnntil
prucliiT , i,i rllv j,al, r.,rf( ,r K ',l4
iivl ru i ,0,vc.iil iraniti..ncr ir a,1
in the trcainmu oi all ilmexnci pnvsilt icinrc. I'rn
aitticint with ulccii U.n the. t.Kl) . ihr.u.i. or leci. num in
I lie bend or li lu-. nirri iirml rhriiumlinii. trirtiir lmr
dwn.M ammuir.iit t- nts, .If, im. .., , ,;,., f lllr
I. I.kI, w her. l-v tin: c .nsuuui, . , emvebled, r.
all tie:ttc.l u llh iuiwh '
He whopbiee hiniwlf mirtci the care of II,. K , nivv r.-s.
Ilinotitty e.Hilide in In. 1,..,, r u Ke.illeiw,i,,a,t routVleut
)' rely upon Ull (kill a a i Iiviicimi.
Youue .Mw, wt, , WVe injur.Nl thunwlvi t liy a emaiii
paaetiee, indulged in a frrquenlly Lamed evil
e.mrnnhm.ratrlHv.ili fT.i..f whk h re Hi(l.ili
fell, even wlitn Mleep, nd Ueilroy I, Hh ruin.1 and (..Iv,
Bi. aid apply Wauknr ami mMiiuti..ual
debility I M of miwular energy, pi., ii.-al kuiitml and ten
em! nr n. ir. itnt ilii v ami all uervn fl.ii,, nidi,
gran .,., .lugt.ahiieaj . tl.. livel. and .verv rfi.en.em ,,
Wtv e. llun-lctl won ll.e (! .,i .1.. .X ... - ..
" i igor reUored.
t lll&MiKIIOOD,
oa a
Prriunlur Ieath.
u Oil I. If IViltTTUliui.
Tl.n D 1 ju l uWIithed i. tiled w.lh iwrful mf.'rn.i.ti .n
on Ihe iiifiriii.L.r. mt-.l uiaeiOK. of ihe lirueruliv. Orgm...
It addrcnc alike to Vol Til, M AMHX'Ii.ikI oi.j,
AI'H, ini.l khouid lie terd hy ftU.
The vuluitt'le rnh iiv ai'd iiiircj-ive warning it give.,
will proven! .ir. .f nii.ry and fullering iind avi annual,
ly TauK.da of Lives.
Preu' by rending it will team bow to prevent tht it
truclKH. of their elddren.
remittance of S3 cent., enetoard ia a kttr, ad
rirened to lilt. KINKKLIN, N. W. corner ol TIHHD
I Ml .N fueelt. between Sprue A Pine, hilriel,aia,
Will enaure a b Mk, under envelope, per return of mail.
Pernm. at a mayaddreM llr. K. by letter, (peat,
paid,) and be cured al home.
forwvrdcd bv Bending a ren.iliauc, and put mm aeeure liwa
D.WAt.Koei l ltl4.!TY.
Uo-tk-eellera, New Agenta,Pedlara. Canvaaaera, .ml all
other auiiplicd wiia the above work at very low rate.
Feliruary . I MO ly
''HE mlMM-rilier has tnken adrift in the river
' Susquehanna, at SunUiry, on Tursdav morn
ing tho 21Hu ol January, a
Ferry Flat,
of average siie. Said Flat is about half worn,
and continued when luken up a pair of oars, pole
and .hovels. '1" lie owner is requested to come
forw ard, prove proiierty, pay chsree and lake the
aame away, otherwise it willj aold act-online, to
Sunbury, Feb. , 1850. 3t
flHE eubsciiber would dim repcfiilly in
I form hit fiirnJ.enJ a generous public, that
he i iiiaiiiitucturiiig the heat quality of
in all it Varieties, and ia prepared to aril a litll
cheaper than any other manufacturer in the Union,
He is alto importing and dealing uiwt exteuaivefy
ia ,
which he offer en tht moat reaaonahss tenntt
Hi Potteries tea on Bond street north f Kav
tte, and China stort and dwelling at N'a, I,
Baltimore itreeU
No. 6, E. Baltimore treet.
Btirineaa, Maryland.
February J, 1850. ly
lAZOKS A tuperior article he ! at tht
"akireof HBNKY M AF-K,
Punbury, Fk K, 1850, :