V At numerous and redpec'al)'t!. Wle'!t' of the eititeris of Lewis lownsinp and parts adjacent, conrened at (M house of Michael Reader, in the Village of Titrbulville, o-tha ISlh olt., on motion tlie lion. JUtifN JMUIN 1 COMERY was called to the chair; and Sam- ueuShIkmoh, Esq., Col. Damicl Debb, Dr. Tosiis PirEB) Michael Reader and Peter Stuoup were appointed Vice Presidents; 'and Dr! Jf. 0. Worrell, and A. B. Artman ysete appointed, Secretaries.! , . - - On motion the followiiirr botrimitlee ; wa appointed to report proceedings for the coil' ideratioit of the meeting, to wit : Geo. A WxkofT, John W. Bryson, Esq., Dr. J. 8 Giltner, J. D. Barr, Esq., J.' B. Barr, Dr. II G.Worrell and A. T. Beiscl.' , : .Whereupon the Committee retiied and re ported the following resolutions Whereas the people of the upper end of Northumberland county, have long beon ot the ooinion that ft new count Vi to be formed out of parts of Northumberland, Lycoming, Columbia and Union, would be hiuhly advuii- irrpnii nnil convenient to thfe inhabitants of & said new county, without in any respect in juring the people of the said old counties of curtailing Iho said old counties of a propor tion of territory. Be it therefore 'Resolved, as the sense of this meeting that petitions be prepared and Circulated, asking for the establishment of aid new county. The said petitions to be signed by the people and forwarded to eur representatives in the Legislature at Harris burg. , 1 ' Resolved, That Michael Reader, Dr. J. S, Giltner, John W. Follmer, A, B. Artmart, Dr. Tobias Piper, John Montgomery, Wm. Sav. idge, A. J. Derr, J. 11 Barr, Geo A. Wykoff, S. Shannon, J. D. Barr, John M. Bryson, A. T. Btfisel and George P. Camp bo a commit tee of correspondence to take charge of said petitions and lake active measures to have the establishment of said new county pres sed forward at us early a period ns practica ble, and to confer wilh the people of the several townships proposed to be included in the said new county. Resolved, That the territory proposed to be included in said new county will embrace Delaware, Lewis, Tuibul, Clii!iqua,iue and the borough of Milton, in Noithimiberland county- Morelaud, Franklin, Mimcy Creek, Washington and Muncy Borough in Lycom ing county Limestone, Liberty, Derry and Anthony townships in Columbia county and Kelly and White Djer in Union county. (Signed by the Officers ) NEW COLNTY. ( .. y A meeting of the citizens of the Borough of Milton was held at the Odd Fellows' Hall on the 23d ttlt., for the pmpose of ma king "some arrangements relative to a new county, to be formed out of parts of Nor thumberland, Columbia, Union and Lycoming An organization was effected by electing Col. 11. M'GUIUAN, President, Dennis C. Caul and J. H. M'Cirmiek, Vice Presidents, and S. D Jordan, Secretary. On motion of J. B. RecJ, a committee of five was appointed by the chair to draft re solutions expressive of the sense of this meet ing. The chair appointed Messrs. J . B. Reed, I, Brown, W. C. Lawson, J. II. Raser and T. Slrino said committee. "After the committee had retired, tfie meet ing wasaddressed ty J. F. Wolfinger, Esq., in a neat and appropriate speech. '"The committee to draft resolutions made report, and submitted the follow ing preamble and resolution to the meeting : Whereas' the citizens of the townships composing the uppar end of Northumberland county, from the great length of the said county and the geographical position of the said townships, have always found it incon venient and expsi.sive to .attend to their necessary legal affairs at their present Seat of Justice; and Whebcas there appears to be a strong desire manifested, not only by the citizens of the said townships, but also by those of the adjoining townships of I ho counties aronnd, to procure a law erecting a new county out of the said township, with the Seat of Justice located in some central place. Therefore Resolved, That the Borough of Milton appoint rive delegates, to meet in con vention the delegates from the various town ship around that are interested in the new county aforesaid, and that the said delegates, and all those who feel an interest in the pro jeot, both in Northumberland and the adjoin ing counties, be arrd are hereby respectfully requested to meet at the Odd Fellows' Hall, in the Borough of Milton, on Thursday the 3 1st day of January, at 1 o'clock, P. M., where the said convention will meet to con cert measures to procure the passage of a law reeling said county. I Which were unanimously adopted. On motion of S. D. Jordan it was Resolved, That a meeting be held at the Odd Fellows' Hall on the 3 1st inst., at 1 o'clock, P. 51., and that the different townships in the several counties, desirous of forming a new county, be requested to send delegates to that meet ing for the purpose of making the necessary arrangements -On motion, the following persons were elected delegates for the Borough of Milton, Joseph Bound, Isaac Brown, S. D. Jordan, J. H. M!Cormick and John B. Reed, with povr. r to fill vacancies. (Signed by the officers.) A. Certain Cure tor Coi.us. As the sea son for colds is approaching, I give you a remedy 1 have never known to fail: ' - Three cents worth of liquorice ; thiea cents worth of rock candy ; three cents wgttU, of gum arable; put them in a quart of water, simmer them till thoroughly dissolved, then add three cents worth, of paragorio, and like quantity of antimouial wine. Let it cool, and tip whenever the cough is troublesome It is pleasant, infallible, cheap and good. Its cost ti til teen cents,., . .... ir l. .. . The publio debt of Kentucky, oh the 10th of October last, exclusive of school bonds. was 14,497,15a.' The greater part bears an TTTTT .!'... V O PEJIJISVLVANIA LEGISLATl'RK. x.. JrATtRiSBTTBp, Tnuriav''Jan b. iM' I -lit' I f I 1 ; f " ' Senate The Speaker 'laid before the Senate, thotaunual report ot the Pennsylvania railroad company; and that of the Danville and Pottsvilla rnilroad cpmpany,-i a He also presented a petition front citizens ot uoiumDia count, praying tor ine erecuun f ... 1- l.. -n...i ...... VI B I1CW UUUIHJ4 IU V'3 KlUICU ITllflllUUi f 1 . Mr. Forsvlfi. one from citizens of this Com monw eallh, praying for the passage of a law to orohibit the sale of aniiiloua liquors on the Sabbath. ... . Messrs. Frailey, Konigmacher, Lawrence, rjctitions nravinff for the erection of a new r j o. county, out of parts of Lancaster, Lebanon, nnd Dauphin, to be culled Conewago. Mr. Sadler. oi)o from citizens of Franklin county, praying that the Seventh Day Bap tists may bo exempted from the penalties of the act of 1794. Mr. Frailey, a further supplement to the act incorporating the Mill Creek nnd Mine Hill railroad and navigation company? and a bill to divide the borough of Tamaqua, into three wards. Mr. Frick, a bill to incorporate the Zers bey's Run nnd Shamokin improvement corn pany ; ana a further supplement to me act incorporating the Lykens Valley railroad and coal company.' The Speaker laid before the Senate the re port of the commissioners of the Internal Im provement' fund ; and a communication from the Auditor General, relative to his annual stalement of the condition of the several banks of the Commonwealth. The Senate then ' . Adjourned. Thuksdav, Jan. 24, 1850.' House. Mr. Laird (Banks) reported a bill for the regulation of banks hi this Common wealth, .. i 1 . : Mr. Conyngham (Ways and Means) report ed a bill to provide for ihe ordinary expenses of the Government and repairs of the public works, nnd other tjtvieral appropriations; which bill was made I lie order of the day for next Wednesday, and every day there after utitil disposed of. Mr. Cornyn (Judiciary) repotted Senate bill to authorize Ihe purchase of Ihe building lately occupied by Ihe United Slates Bank branch, at the borough of Erie, for the use of the custom house; which, on motion of Mr. Reid, was taken up and passed finally. Messrs. Rutherford, W. Evans and Steward, each petitions for a law to prevent labor on Ihe public works on the Sabbath day. Messrs. Cessna, Williams and Packer, each one for the modification of the school law of 1849, or its repeal. Mr. Conyn-iham, one from citizens of Kingston, for the new county of Lackawanna. MK M'Laughlin, one from citizens of Ju niata county, tor a law taaulhnze and per mit mechanics to vend vans made by them selves in any portion of this Commonwealth. Mr. Packer one of similar import, signed by citizens of Northumberland county. Mr. Baldwin, two for an alteration in the Constitution in the matter of right of suf frage.'' '- "' ' Mr. Dobbins, one for a new county out of paris of Schuylkill, to be called Penn ; also, one for the division of Tamaqua into three ward 1 . Mr. Gricr, three for the incorporation of a company to construct a plank road from Honesdale to the New York and Erie rail- Mr. Rutherford, a bill to incorporate the Berrysburg water company, in Dauphin county. . Mr. Packer, a supplement to the act in corporating the Shamokin, Mahonoy and Schuylkill railroad company ; also, a bill to incorporate the Mahonoy and Shamokin im provement company. Friday, Jan. 25, 1850. Senate. The Speaker laid before the Sen ale the annual report of-the House of Refuge; and an abstract of the accounts of the Mine Hill and Schuylkill railioad company. Mr. Packer, a joint resolution relative to Ihe payment of interest on the loan made to the Danville and Potlsville railroad company and the sale thereof.' "' The Speaker laid before the Sunate, a mes sage from the Governor, informing that body that he hud this day appointed and commis sioned Alexander L. Russell of Bedford county, to be Secretary uf the Commonwealth, in the room of Townsend Haines, Esq., re signed. . ' . . Senate. Mr. Packer, petition of boatmen and others, that (he mills at Loyal Sock may not interfere with Ihe free navigation of the West Branch Canal. Also, a petition from citizens of Berk and Schuylkill counties, for the erection of a new county ' of "Windsor" out of parts of said counties. The bill amending the Constitution, by providing for an elective judiciary, passed a final reading, ayes, 20, nays 3.' House. Mr. Marx, for alleiation in School Law; also, for modification of the three hun dred dollar exemption law, also, for closing the publio works 011 Sunday. Sentences fob Murder In the Senate on Tuesday last a message was received from Guv. Johnston, calling the attention of the le gislature to sevoral convictions and sentence for murder in several counties in the com monwealth. ' The first is that of Bridgett Harman,'who is under sentence in Philadel phia ; tho second, that of James Hamilton alius Jame Thackara, in Lancaster, and that of Andrew Callaghan, in Wayne county. Iu neither catu bus ihe governor issued hit war- rani, because of certain doubts in his mind a to whether they nra really guilty of mur dyr iu the fnsl degree. .. , , ; A waggish customer of one of our milk men, say the Albany Knickerbocker, a few dys since, refused to buy milk of the pedlar unless he would shingle his cows! He didn't say wheiher the milk was affected by the lute heavy rains or not, but this i the natural inference. '- , ., - , . The Election in Quebec Quebec, Jan 18(A. The election here closed wilh the following 1 result : The ministerial endl.lt uaaat iu ania. .Mil . i-- . - . . . ' y nu ins annexation on didat800 vote. " " '"' ' ' SUNBUH Y 'AME1UCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOUJlL?.. TMII' MOltMOJlS ttiE Mni'Xtf AIK. Terrible Stunt SllrtkLbsi of Stiff Cattle. " A correspondent of the Frontier (Iowa) Guardian of the lSihult., writing from Muddy Fork,' under date of Oct. 11, says : We cros sed over Rocky Ridge on the second of this month, near the summit of the South" Pass with Ihe Wind River chain of mountains on the north ; towards night it began to snow and blow quite hard and fast from the north east,' weather increasing in coldness, which obliged us to encamp the best way we could (without carrelling) on a branch of the Sweet, water. E, T. Benson and Capt. Richards' camp some ten to twelve miles ahead on Willow Creek We turned our cattle loose and drove them into the willows near by to do the best they could and share their fate; and such a storm of wind and snow as we experienced, we think was never supersede in Pottawatomie. For thirty-six hours, it continued to howl around ns incessantly, blow ing nearly a hurricane drifting the snow in every direction, and freezing fast to what ever it touched. Being unable to keep fires, (except a few w ho had stoves In their wagons) we had to be content without them, and do the best we could. Many were tho mother and infant that was obliged to bo in bed un der their frail covering that sheltered, them from the pitiless blast, to keep them from perishing with nothing perhaps, but a piece of dry bread, or a few crackers to subsist upon, while the winds spent their fury upon our camp of canvass, covering it wilh a mass of ice, the snow drifting around us in some places to the depth of three or four feet. On the .morning of tho third day, the storm a baled, and we turned outthiough the chilling blust, (from off these everlasting snow cap ped mountains, being at an altitude of about seven thousand feet) and snosv, to look foroui famishing, and, as ve expected, many perish ed cattle. '.' , . ,.. As we wended our way down tho stream among the willows, indeed it was a sorrow ful sight to behold our perished cattle, one after another, cold and stiff, lying in the snow banks, food for wolves, ravines, cata mounts, magpies, Sec, lhat inhabit these mountain regions in countless numbers, and live on prey. The greater part of on cattle had made their way daring the storm about five miles off to the Sweel water, where they obtained pasture and fared quite well, not one being found perished, while those thai tarried behind fella prey to hunger and the merrciles storm. Upwards of sixty head of cat- tie perished in Ihe three camps. Tljoseofour callle that survived theslorm, did not recover from its effects for several days ; others died iti consequence, and some show the effects yet, although Ihey are improving at present, as we find quite plenty of mountain grass, and that hearty and good, and we are in tole rable good rolling order, making from twelve to fifteen 'miles per day, and we hope, if w e are prospered, to reach the Valley in eight or ten days from this time. Notwithstanding our loss we consider Ve have been, blessed and prospered, consider ing our late start from winter quarters. The goodness and mercy of our Heavenly Parent has ultended us on our journey, and surely we have been protected and preserved be yond those that have proceeded us. Not a solitary death has occurred of man, woman or child in our camp, although we havo ex pel ienced storms and endured cold weather. It was so cold during the slorm, and after that, chickens, pigs, &c, froze to death, and men passed over the Sweetwater on the ice. A Celebrated Gambler, after attending a great revival meeting, experienced, as he supposed, a change of feelings, and was finally induced to take his seat upon the "anxious bench." The minister commenced examining them 011 their experience and the slate ot their feelings, and finally, approach ing the gambler, asked, "Well, my friend, what do you say?" "Oh," replied he, un consciously, '-I pass! what do you do, old felluwl" turning to his loft hand neighbor. Large Cabuo of CorrEE. The ship Co lumbia, arrived at New Orleans on the 15th instant, from Rio, had on board 14,900 sacks of coflee of 160 pounds each, being upwards of 2,200.000 pounds, and is probably the lar gest cargo of coffee ever imported into thut city. The vessel und cargo belong to Boston, and are consigned to Geo. Green & Bro. At the present price of the article, the cargo will yield a profit of 80 to 90,000 dollars. Judge Reed. The Perry (Pa.) Freeman announces the decease, at Carlisle, of Hon. John Reed, L L. D., and adds : In this county, as well a in several ad joining ones, Judge Reed filled, during the last quarter of a century, a prominent place in the public eye. He was the first President Judge in this county at Ihe period of its or ganization : and continued in Ihe faithful and efficient discharge of his duties on the Bench until the winter of 1839, when, by the pro visions of Ihe amended Constitution of this State, his Judicial term of office expired Since that time, up to within a few days of his death, he devoled himself to the practice of the law, with what success and ability is well known to our readers. Dr. Wolcott, belter known 'a Peter Pin dar, had for some time a most violent coughi when his friend, Galen, persisted in reoom mending asses milk us a certain cure. The bard tired of his importunities, at length quieted him by sending the following epi gram : 'Dear Doctor, do you reully thiuk That uwea uullt I ought to drink j 'Tw.uld quiia remove my cough you aay, And diivc my old complaiut away It cured yourteir, 1 grunt it Uua, But taeu 'twas mothir milk to you." Bound to Liberia. Fifty-five negroes, emancipated by the lale T. Caphearl, Esq. of Hartford county, North Carolina, aruved at Norfolk on Wednesday, to take passaga iu the packet for Libeiia, which i expected to tail in a few day. , There are quite a uum ber of Ibi description of pertour at Norfolk; from vaiious section of the country, for the purpose of going out in the packet, 1 A child aged 9 years, of J. Hdet, at La fay etle, N. J., got aocesa toa jug of liquor in the house, last week, and drank m much that it ' A WAiitENTmE.The deVil''bninr) Piafh dealer picked up the following moreeau, the other day. A Valentine's day is ( fust ap proaching, wo recommend it to some of 00 r ''loveyer" to copy for their tweet-heart !- '", ' (tint yew H yewertnrkil Uuv ' ' ' ,4,' ' ' ' ' ' ' a li itln nn rornlat Trc ': '. ' It it moumin for IU trew luv , ' so Dew I mmne tow be tVltd ths , yew ers till dcth iph yew have Me . t VICTORIA SEMANTHA M. KONDEN. .- M .-' I Naturalizations The record of the city of New York show lhat during the past year no less than 10,934 foreigners have been na turalised in its courts. During the same pe riod 6,694 persons made declaration of their intentions to become citizens ; and of these 8,83 were subjects of the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, and Ihe remaining 8,757 were from Gernrmny, France, Holland, and other countries, ,, California Gold. The amount of Califor nia gold received at the Mint in this city lu ring the year 1849, was 8,375,61fi; in the New Orleans Mint, $716,000. The'gohi Coin ago at the Mint in this city for the year, was $7,948,332 ; Silver coinage S922.950 ; copper 41.934; total, 88,913,256V ' ' "' ' The signs of prosperity. ' '' ' ' AVhfre pado gtow liriglit mid idle want grow dull ; Where jnils ure empty, and wh ire Imrim nre full Where church pathi are wilh frequent feel cmt-wnrn i Low conrt-yord weedy, silent mid fnrlurn ; Where doctors font it, mid where dinners ride , Where oge atxninds mid youth i multiplied ; -' Where thcue ligiu are, they clearly indicate, ' A happy people and well-governed Hate. The celebrated Whiston, dining with Lady Jekyll, sister to Lord Somers, she asked why woman was made out of a rib ? He replied: ' Indeed, my lady, I don't know, except it was because the rib is the cropkedest part of the body." A rencontre occurred at Galveston, Texas, on Ihe lOih instant, between Dr. Robert Neill and Lawyer J. J. Mills, which resulted iu the death of the latter. The old saying is, "To make a man a drunkard, give him a wifo who will scold him every lime he comes home." '. .1' . , JURKIEK, On Tuesday Inst, bv the Rev. James Ewin!?. Mr. Simeon Houpt, to Miss Sarah Jane VVtnn, both of Lower Augusta township. On Ihe 22d ult.. by Ihe Rev. Jos. J. Else- good, Mr. Sami-ei. Fryvibe.Io Miss Harriet Gi rrv, both of McEwensville. DIK It. In this place, on Thursday Inst, MARY, daughter ot George Clark, aged about 8 year On the 28th of November, at San Franeis- eo, California, Mrs MARIA, wife of Mr. Charles Storer, foinierly of Northumberland. SUiNHL'RY PRICE CUUR12NT. Corrected weekly Ini lltnrv Masser. "f- Whlat. 100 SO 50 37 IS IS 5 1S5 10 35 8 10 62 200 Rie. Ctiujr. Oats. BlTTKR. Kti6S. PoHK. Flaxseed. -Tallow. Bkkhwax. -Flax. IIm-klku Flax. Diiikii Arri.ts. Do. Plachki. THE GLOBE. VlE would call Ihe attention of our rea- del s to the term of Ihe Globe.- minted at Washington Cily, by John C. Rivers The reputation til tins paper is worl J-w iile,' nnd those of our readers desirous of obtainiiiii a correct report of the doings of the next Con gress cannot tto better than seud in their names in compliance with the terms annex ed. ' - . The Globe has always held an enviable position; the reports of Congress found in its columns are as nearly correct as it is possible to miiKe mem ; ana me importance ot the measures to be brought before the comiiiL' Congress will induce many to be anxious to obtain a fair and candid report of their pro ceedings. 5 Terms. For one copy of the Daily , Globe (daily during the session of Congress, ; and weekly diirinu the recess.) a year, $5 00 For the Daily Glol e forlcss than year the rate of 81 cents a months. ' ' ', ,. For one copy of the Weekly Globe for one year, . - - . . 1 00 For one copy of the Congressional Globe during the session, . 3 00 For one enpy of the Apiendix during the session, - . - 3 00 For four capies ofeither, or part of both during the aesion, - - 10 00 r or ten cepies of either, or part of both during the session, - . . SO 00 The prices tor these paper are so low that advance payments are indispensably neces sary to carry lliem on. Postmasters who may obtain subscribers will be allowed 20 per cent., 011 the subscrip tion price for single papers which they may reiaiu wuen iney senu on mommies ot sub scription money. The price for the Congres sional Globe and Appendix to Clubs who tnke len copies is so low that no deduction can be afforded. Subscriptions may be remitted by mail at our risk, in money at par in the section of country where subscribers reside. JOHN C. RIVES. KNtate of Henry Yostlielmer.dec'd 10 HOE hereby given, that, letter of admin istration have been granted to the subscrilter on the estate of Henry Yoxtheimer, of Upper Au gusta tuwiiinip, ioriiiuinnerianu county, dee d. All person having cluiins to said eatate, are re quested to present them for examination, those in debted to the estate are reo tested to inak imme diate payment. 'KE1EKH-K LAZARUS, Adm'r. Suubury, Jan. 5, 1H50 6t EUFF.LCE HOBES, Freuli from the Plains of Oregon. C1IARLE8 S. BOGAR, respectfully inform his old friend and former customers, that he has just arrived from the West with large as sortment of elegant BufTuloe Robes, of every siu and quality, which he oilers for sals at the most reasonable prices. These robes were carefully selected by himself and can be seen at the store of John W. f rtling in this place, who is hi author Ued agent for their sale. " - Suubury, Vtc 89, 1849.-. ' , l.M Foil SAM?. : - 1 ...; . ' A handsom new jSleigh, for sale cheap. En- quire at the (tor of HENRY MASSER, -t Sonbury, Dec. 29, 1S49. f I' ISSUE PAPK.-Y elhr' Tiseu paper for t 1 . covering glasses, fcc for sal at th oflle at y American. ' ' T ETTER envelope, various tlnik, fs W EsrECTFtLLY .iniormiti' citiwn .of Danville and the public at large, that h has located! In Danville, and is now prepare i ,to prac tice Medicine urtd Kurgrry in all it various bran ches, lie wi)l .operate on ul) ,,the variou ,form of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, and all other surgical dis eases. His collection of instruments comprises all instrument In tnscVrn &ttgny,'tt tli" latest improvement and finest finish. He flatters him self that many years' practice and experience will be a sufficient guarantee to thos who may feel disposed to employ him. " 1 i" -' His residence is nearly opposite the MoMtgom. rf Hnildinx, nrl next door to Isaac Rosen batim's store, in North Danville. -" ' i ' Dnnvillo, Dec. 1, 1849. tv. TUB PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM COMPRISING A COLLECTION OF OVER 300 VALUABLE REClfES, "' In the Useful and Interesting Arts with a few Simple aiiil Oilrlom Itiprrlmenls In ' . - 9 1' e t 5 niFMISTRY f"" ' i T NCLUDIJNG Medicines, rerfuracry,;Chemislry - Cockery, Farriery, Dying, C'onfcclionary, Do mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. I'ricc 6 fts., for sale by ' ' " "'' HENRY "MASSER. Suubury, Dec. 8, 18-1 9.' K " " : 1 "i Itateof Mary Moore tlci 'd., mid Jacob Itloorc, dee'd, n jVOTICE is hereby given, lluit letters of admi liistrntion on said deceased's estates, have been granted to the subscriber. All persons hav ing cluiins against the estates, are requested to present thorn for examination and settlement, snd those indebted to the estates an , rocpicsted to make immediately pavuiciil. . 1'ETER MbORE. Lower Augusta, Dec. 8, 1819. , '.'.. . :.Jr..Ll , "Winter .Arrangement, -v PH1LADELPI1IA AND READING ' RAIL : ROAD, KKOM PHILADELPHIA TO POTTVILI.E. ON and after November 1st, 1S19, the Pos. scnaer Trains will run between Philadelphia and Pottsvillc as follows : Leaves Philadelphia at PJ A. M., daily except Sundays, . Arrives at Rending nt 1 1 18. Arrives at Pottsville at 12 CO. Leaves Pottsviltc at 8 A. M. daily except Sun days. ., , Arrives at Reading at 10. ,.',' . Arrives at Philadelphia ot IS SO., . .. FARES. Potuville and Philadelphia-3.A0 and 3,1)0; roltaville and Heading 10 and 1,20; Reading and Philadelphia 2,25 and 1,90. . Passenger cannot enter tho ears unless provi ded wilh Tickets. There will be no Afternoon Train. . NOTICE. Filiy pounds of bagiage will be al lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas-, sengers arc expressly prohibited from. Wking any thing as baggage but their w caring oppanJ, which will be the risk of the owner. . lly order of the BourJ of Managers. , . 8. BRADFORD, . , Nov. 51, 1810. ...Secretary. HXCKEtf St TULIi, No. IbO C iM'Miut street, . r . .Qppusite ihe Arcmk ,-n;i t ." PHILADELPHIA, t ANITACTL'JJER.S of their improved style l Elastic .Sled teprins, Solid Solo Leather, and Solid Riveted J .-TKI'It'KS, '' which took the' Only firat premium, awarded by . the Franklin Institute nt their last exhibition. H. Jr T. take pleasure in informing the travel-; 1 iliac publir, that they have now on hand, a beau tiful assortment of their improved style of Holid SSole Leather Trunks; Double and Single Folio Trunks, of various styles; Ladies' Trunks, Va liee Trunks, Uounet Dyxes, Cup Cases, f 'arpet Hag, and an eleirnnl assorlinent of superior En ameled Patent l.eathjr Hags, with every article iu their line of business. lW Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange lor New ones. ALEX. L. HICKEY. RICHARD W. TULL. . Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1819.- WIIXKTT HAKOIIiO'S 7HOLESALE Commission PAPER and ' RAG WAKEHOU.se, No. 19 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. Where a general assort ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale at Ihe lowest cash prices. . , Cap, Letter and I'rinf Ing Papers, &c. on hand. Plain and ruled white Caps. . blue Flat Caps. Plain and ruled white Letter. . " blue, " nine and white Polios. White and colored Printing Taper Tissue Papers. Shoe " Wrapping " Envelope " , , Hardware and Sl esthin; Paper. ' Tar Boards. . ' " ' " , ' Straw Hoards, . ' Botiuet Hoards. All orders from tho Country will be attended to at I lie shortest notice. All goods sold will be carefullv paeksd, and de livered at any place in the city. ,, Tlie highest cash price paid for Raris, or ex changed for Paper, as low as can be bought else, where. Please rail and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849. N. S. LAWRENCE, Agent for the sale of Sonthworth ' Manufacta ring CVj, Writing Pup is. , . .,. 1 IVare House, IVo. it, .Minor street . PIIILADBLri-IIA. 100 - of tho above superior Papers now in store, and for sale to trade at the lowest market prices, consisting1 in part of r ine thick Mat Laps, IS, 14, 15 and 16 lbs. blue and while. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. . Extrasucr and superfine Folio Posts, blue. Superfine t'aimnericul Posts, blue and white plain and ruled and white, plain and ruled. Extra super I.incn Note Papers, plain and gilt. Superfine, and find Hill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Counting-House Cap and Posts, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain nd ruled, blue and white. Extra super Congress C aps and Letters, gilt. Superfine (Sermon Caps and Posts. Suiiertineil blue Ualh Posts, blue and whit, plain and ruled. Embroidered .ote I apers and Envelope, . "Lawyer's" Brief Puiers. ' Superfine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. Also, 1000 reams wtute end asscneu auoe J a pers, Bonnet Hoards, white snd assorted tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Me diums, Cap Wrapping, Hardware Papers, ccv'j, Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1819. , , , ROSE OINTMENT. A freih supply of Out . excellent article for Tetter, i5 c., juel received and for sale by " liKMif AbSBK. ! Sunbury, July 28, 1849, t . , B . . -4 ! r f Al)YS MUFFS GUM SHOES Ac, jut M A received and lor sale at lit store of . HENKY MASSpK, f Snnbury, Dec. 15, 1849. . , i , , i i k.i1!LANTvS. ! 3 , i LANKS of avejy dsWliio tail b hsiPBy ' r"? w. ' J-w -. -it Groceries ! t Groceries ! ! - -COIYTOIV & Co. i . S. ly. Corner Arch $ tth Street Philadelphia, FFER for sale to the Inhibitante of Bu'nbury nd vicinity, Family Groceries of the very pnpst quality consisting of , ., , Extra Fine, Superior and Common Green and Black Teas. , ' ... , Coffees of all kinds tnd prices. ... Sugars of every kind. ., ., ,' !.,, , Rice, Farina, fago, Hominy. . All kinds of choice Pickles, Sauces, Ketchups, . Olive Oil, Preserves, &c, warranted to be of the very finest grades in th market and at th cheapest rates possible. , . .411 goods carefully parked and promptly for warded. COLTON & CO. S. W. Cor. Arch &. 6th St. Phila. Oct. 28, 1849 chc3m ly my 28, wiiou:sai.f. dualkr manufactlhkii op ' WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE. Importer of French Basket Loaklng Classes, , and Fauey Moods, IVo. IS Korth Second Street, Between Market and Arch Sts., tinder J. Sidxiv JoxKs' Carpet Wkrehouse, two doors below . Christ Church, PHILADELPHIA, TTARon hand and is constantly receiving a large and extensive assortment of Combs, Brushes, Fancy Goods of every description, (too numerous to mention, Looking Glasses of Gilt and Mahogany frames, Baskets, Coaches, Chairs, 4c. ; BROOMS, Shekel's Eastern Wisp and Country Brooms, Window Blinds, Door Mats. Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Washboards in fact, Wooden and Wil low Ware of every description, all of which will be sold low for Cash or Cily acceptance. 1 Merchants would save themselves much lime and trouble, by calling snd examining my stock before purchasing. N. B. Looking Glasses, are insured sgainst Breakage to all parts of the Union, without extra charge. : August S3, 1S49. 3m TICKNOR'S COLUMBIAN SPELLING BOOK. T) EI.NG a progressive and Comprehensive Sys tern of Orlhoprapy and Orthoepy, including a variety of definitions, adapted to the use of Schools in tho American Kcpuhlic, by Almon Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-five year's experi ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, &c. The attention of Teachers, School Directors, parents, &c, is invited to this new Spelling Book, which conforms to the modern spelling and usages in Orthography asbeingoncofthe neatest, cheapest best arranged, nnd better adapted to the wonts of children, than any other published in the United Slats. It.is what it purports to be, a Spelling Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the United States. Just published, and for sale by Henut Masskb, Sunbury. ' Where Teachers and Directors can procure copies for examination. August 4, 1819. TUB rAUHElVS ENCYCLOPEDIA. ' i:i)iti:d ny uouvkhnwr kmi:ksun. IV ONE VOLUME, Royal octavo, 1 1C5 pa-es. beautifully bound, containing, 17 fine plates, besides numerous Wood Cuts, fc-old at about one fourth the cost of the English work, without any Plates. "J uc J anuer s Lncvcbuieili.1 is a real treaUrv of practical information, wherein the experience of all ages and countries is carefully eosn n i-p lo tlie present day, atid admirably arranged for con venient reference." Dr. Darlington. . ' "V) care fully convinced that such an amount 01 vamaiuc Knowledge lor niriner can lie louuct m no other work in so cheap ami convenient a form In fact, no Parmer who pretends to lie well inform ed in his profession, should be without this work." New Gennessce Parmer. An excellent work, fit to he distributed in pre miums by Agricultural Socilica J, S. Skinner. , ! or aula at tins Ultice, price -Also, by E. W. CAKli, Third street, opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia ; and N. HICKMAN, Uallunore, Alarvland. Llf All OnuKHs must ns sccofrixTZD hi the C.1!H. July 14, 1849. 3m 50,000. A'ictims Every Year Fall a Prey to Consumption, Asthma and liaising Blood, Hectic Fever and Wight Sweats. ASTHMA AXD CONSUMPTION. I.. J. Real. 19 DHanrcv street, cave it to his liatrr.in. law who liait Item 1111 invalid lor years l'nm Asthma: t.t aiiollier confident! ns in cniifluiiiptntii. It leheved them at slice, mat iney iravruea Kvenil Imndrul nines. Sl'lTTINti Jll.OOU Is olwuys nlHriniiig. It Inula In the w.irst kind of Con sumption, and ilnlexs nrrcsteil -in time! is generally taut. NicmiHii's All-llc:tliii llnls;itn m thehei-l ri-mwly k'11 jwii i it lit-uls the WKiiud.-d or ruptured blond vessels nl'tlie lilies, and lliereliy i-de.-Ui a iieriaaiiunt c.ire, whih ether reme dies only stop Ihe U.k.hI Inr the, lime. A lew c.es m' tins llalrain will fcitisly Ihe most skeptical that it is the nieilieiiitt rrfuirrd It has len siKH-en!.m in many cun'-s, and thai to- wlioru they had nut intn u rapid iteelin'e, ir, ns more generally expressed, JIAM'V CO.NM'PTIOX." 'oilil;perB ns. or tli-ne 01' middle ny, UTC la;ire uLjeel to tlieMS sitaeks than tho tn?eil. Price ij cenuaud 1 per iHittlr. ilr. Shel man's Ceuli and W'uri4 I.ozeilftes, and P.jor MuiTl Plasters. P' 0,1 lis ati.vti. l'nnciial OHiee 106 X'orsau-sireel, New York. SIIERMIX'S 1'OOH MAN'S l'LAS'l KIt hniruml miire mien of Rhriuiintim, Vain iutl-f Ri.-k, tnl uiwl i'lteit, iHiMibuf) mill Weukm-Mi, thrtn uny Hppli cuiitm Unit h:i iiicicusKI, liaiutrwlit t-i' iiiiiwincipltfi rascals linvt iitintiptt! to CMUiitcnVit it. uim! uiiin it oil iiivm tlie cmin.uiiily nt iti )oniiiii. flifwitrp ul DiTrptltin.i Kcin miKT tlittt the Hue tintl nuinr I'iii.-tcr in airrtM tt n mlilie.ii iHipcr nuurt) rxpri'iwiy l"ir the juriu unit every cuw iJi" Rjiiaturi nt lr. Mieruum in pi niUnl iiptin tlje Imc'k ot (lie Abutter, nnd tin- whole vuml Uy ' py J'il.i. uie otlu-ra arc ni-uttiiie. TliMvf re wht n iju wind :j ?! iti.hI !li(Tiii;m' iVmr .Vhii'i I'luntrr, call til iIicliiIkv, HiO .Nunrutu triM't, und you wilt ti t he ilisitp;viiuttxl. Kcmetrilier firincifviiom'-f lit Nimmiu-stirfl, pwYmI(, wIhto all Ur. rUerni:iii's lizentrt ure JIa Aefal art Mri. Hum, llit Kulloit etrt-et. Urih.kiyu; llint.m, illtunicburg ; wtti it'Miif f$ i.o, nottttn, and . - ' JOHN Y UNO. iihJ.nrv. AL A. MtfCAY. NortlmmberloiRl Njv. 0, 1540, ch t-Uiu Jy riRS PROOF CHESTS, run uuiK, 1'Ai'it.iis, j.ivm.k v, &c. KVAMS & WATSON. A'o. 90 North Third" street, between Arch and Kace, and 83 Dock street, OPPOSITE I'llK PlUL.ADK.U'lllA UXCMANGE. I'ateut Soap-Stoae Lined and Key- iioie t oier SALAMANDERS, FIRE A?iO THIEF 1'IIOOF 1ROS CHEMTSj, 'arnuitnj Ui siuud more Ilsat tlliui any Cltesti in this Country. Also I'stent AJr-l.ltainlier Iron Chests, lliou now in ue. They uIihi oonii'tue u make the oriliuu- ry Fire Pruf. at very low priers Pslvnt ooiiil iiuilioii lorks. With Guas Koys wliieli can be changed several iIk-uiuimI tunes elinnea lue in laet every time the l,nek is sued II ilesilsUle. '1 beM I ar pr.ml lis amat the most rxjiert Thieves, heiii siil)lied with Hie Pslenl Key-bole Cover, and uiade very slroiur. they cannot he blown oen by liunpiwder. These locks ure inleuded lor ItANhti, 6TOHES.HAFFJ1, Jko. Healand leliei cou)ui( ureases, are roo doors for Banks anil Stores. . pment tshite Lined Berrurerators, uvranterf superior to all utuers. Water FiUers, bbouer llutlis w lit beat qual ity. Persons w ishing In pureliase any of the above sr. tieles, will please give them a oail, as they tell cheeper tliau any utlier in the t'uited Sutes. " WAV'ID KVANS, ''' JtillA.VNta WATSON. ! Pbikwielptiia, Novcaiher 10, 1MU ly Vuluable Hook. LIFE or Chbist, .liauJsojiioly bound, D'A r ic si's Hiitobt or rut KkreRM.Tioa, JlL.ng Uat-sqoks aid Lids (at, full bounded Kbf sale' St tlie publishers prict hv H. B. MAWER. Susbury, July 14, 1M. ZrtesMsA of Cuth ef.rn.;., IliTint nth t motive ,lUr,vrj, of Iht lUedend ifik,,JZ vuii 7 iiUAMlri uml ,r a Ml,Un, ' lZ7fZi rW H",!'"" "'l 1" '' r5''i.r' MiMl . trtn M Mr.lx ,nt wjAtra km tuhihtrd mod cmntrU neat Uutasu then Uteri u anestilussMt nidrnet l,tu BRANT'S INDIAN 1 S j Asia A V 1 fa rc a Jlfarffciiit, la ererr reipeel ; and Ihm-a Is sbav dsnt proof. In yrtat ewn rhs-teil. that ON It BOI'TI.K it contslm mure auriljlnc, IimHi. tuiue. mj auasaei pnetr. than thi-rs li eunta nerl In Fair BonUl of sav ar ta,riU, t,T my tihtr miiiUiiu that has tT4r twat tfSjreS for aale. 1 nets ia unHiemrrd irnof In oar priapbleta, that be the vis of Una pi..t ?ij:s PurH, thee IhsV were llrrvu vh I. n r. -'.hey that ware I t and t'si.' M ap tan now Vi.i: .the f that were t"ic. bi n.rtt.oue, ar.a o'.herttiae dieafr.l, liare hern HriLtD snd Ctasu. IIundiciB-Thousantla - whe hate ue, ISaasr's roamti, ertor hatlii, aaed tejl teeted ai.l. Ihe nr-rrd'of and et'.irr Brilirinf a leceia mesded t ea,e Dnu.l diieaaea, hare drciiird that Braiu'B is the Cheapest, . hert'i On Built J it hat stun mediral, rural. re aetV t-r in It. ai.4. in em j. n,. nee, rara eio'r iitran la anas lr lime, thsn ,, lui, ,. ,,- mediivue. II. t,i-n. 0K tU-.lt 1. 1' lia.su Pvsirita t'1l enrs FOLK IIMLS ni ne aaie thin cu bmlt nT tarMi el.'; -Hsa-M's ri rinsr." w.mid he at tA'aa at our dol. Inrt a hrltle a fna;tvil a! e itolirr. Unt liHAST'S I'lUFIFtt la so d Ini unly (ink lHil.l.AR a bottiei and ra a lm::lp ,.l it hat cuie.t. and it rnjniifi of ru'inf. Four 7"ii al mn -h .):. aa on bwU i.f larntearil there. ti'le. aarapar;! i in csna..qae-iee u! ita lata, puwer sud If lr.e.n-hi ill.-irr, thnulj b tl.l tt ne eiert thaa 'Vrs.'y-'iei (jeutf tKt- butt e, to be st csrsa aa lbs Puai) Has a: O-ia JJji. ir. Ono Dollar's Worth! Hew mu li f avrts how nun h FrrHil.ia rm rase Scs'.ruLt :i On ;;r'a i-ur.sot firtut t VURlTltR cure t Kea.l il:e luiluM'iug stateuieut. wkxll la a euteb men of i! pwer. CAWCEROUS SCROFULA! '1 li'i it LSrt n-f ol a ty-rg man who ym Hve. H im dim nt a Wd- ifa rie tA fu itii, liy ouiy lietlr Bottita it sit;t I'ur.ifr, lli.ni eiir wm vurrd y tim ut uf 'JVrlvt (i-iHons i( tl:e btnt nartnpariUa thst wu trt-r mid, s-ttus.fi't i.ni nnt stiJF.cimt medial wtr tu c fleet tbs cure uf irii h remltinv'.y hoplt cm. . Mr. i li IUr.kiN. ot Jiome, Oneida C , Jf. Y., bif) Jcrwf via fuur f.:rs--w sj conliijt fl to Ini Ivd tlie tatt yenr- h ( mauh itijr-H9rtl Mid (it-l):!itti(l bi to I if. dmbi! tw i lie hi hunt to hi hf.l. lie l.nl ihu Uti metil ad-. T;i-r hM.l u.-t-'il alt dt tim let urtA;mrii;u to no uoi rff-'.-l-unt a-ftfiw? nd ur.ru. ar.il wm cutii,dril lo be in' a tyir-ef Shut, Mini ctiuUI ihu tv-Mtty.t'ouT hjtrt longer. wliHt, lio ."irint-m-",! (itini; i'.llAN Trt il-'ICH. Hit tt k wn ettien nr,irly nj t- uui tar to Mr a holt waa etu.u thmuct, ,, vinJj'ij uii.lcr hti cinn. io that h hrrathsil thiuU(,h iV holt hit tar m u raun aruiiml it it It .n;i',1 liua jp out nt iu i-iiwe, it vi,y iioMing by ft mill pi-M-r-- the hit t.f ove arm wm dtstroyed l.jr two Ul cnt an Vhtr tuMer the arm. lart a a tnui'i hand, had WMry citien iiit't)ich his litlf into hi$ lady. 1 hu, ha wi fiiHii-tr.) wi h VWmy iticii putrid acrii. oftntiv 1 ccrs. hi u nt h'i j jriJii. For fuiiuer aud fuil J;n:'I:rtil;.rs, t i; o jr PampfttfH, Di-vt. '1 iitiMAi Williams, on of the moit ikilful phf-' liciitr.i u Iii-!tu, wm cV.rA tc Ilaikin Ihw day htJor IT: cfmM.icr.rr J t.nire ftrnKt's I'vrifn; XV. exam irif.i )i,in, n:..l then uh i im tinted ths mtdicintsia ibm icWJt.jii'.i v.nt cure li:m tunt hi cae wa Worse than Hopeless Mn htnr Vr. HASKIN R itntcmcnt rf . V.n iM :' Wy ni prormtVi nru ixj'.V of B:IAM'S PURfVYIXtJ LXYHA i i.'f f'utttl if Ltonnri. )rxi if Huioa I -i n'ri;ct.i'c i .titt lh it. R!m1 htjfi,n In st bettor that i : i i.v etviMcd mt- to jrrt oj my bt lt wl:rt 1 had bi-n -r i :"t : -i . 't vr,ir tlu SKcnM in.iitj ct aliini me is m Ott o" the hv utt -th' THIitli battle enable J me tn H'alk Vi" Mi its. t.i K,n; Crime, w.lto 1 pn-curetl Sit Rottlm ui'TP : ;..) n ht'ii 1 h! finish. -,1 uiing tl.cm. $evtttte (ul of 'iVtmy L'l.fi s inn Hrnvtu ir-krl tkre botiles mor rlV.-cts-ii a I KKM IT V: H vi a.; tha Uiceti, anl r nturt'd met' fu-A h-aL. FOURTEEII WITNESSES t ' Mr. IlA:;KiN I at worn to thi aliora frtcrt, ard tha fat U a'ti w.M.fMfij an.! crri.rj to t' lMj("J'. T. Wll,. ; l.tAIS-Mr. Ci. H 'K:V.S. -ri-p-i-tnr of the irg$t-Rum H-i"t -Mft.ra 11. SM A- I.UjNAUI). Wlioliaale ao.1 reu.i If; ii-ii-rfu- mni LLi'.VUN oilier reeytUabU leunutm. Wa Challengo ths Vorld To ri'OVK a f we i t tn r,xoltir anI utterly koptlest cmh nf Hcinl'uln. i t ihr ufc rf J'ilN TiMNS aa much rar.'n-jarilui. or u.iy ntinT mciiieiii. ai whu i;icd f Brant'a )'ur('lrr t-j r!ict t! o bovc our' v'h!fh ami) hall b pntt tl 1 y t,i many todl known, r especial. U vimutu, w it tlie n'.'DVf cure. VOV S U.r. nv Jvhn W. rrilmg, SanUry Ta. M:ry A. M?Vy Nnrthumbtnltid. " Jrui JI. Haw Miil'-il, Henry J. SlirirfTer (ii Efiwi'ml A. K'4iner dj V A''.aiu Ct'.ir'uil p( tugroTa. i U-yr V M.-Cirmiclt, M'-KweiiBviUa, W. 1. I. VumUT, Muncy, J . P. M-iii't C 1., Iluflf'hvil'e, . ; KHwr.nl Wits mi. New JJei iiu, Tli'TnUui A: Halier, Kcwmbitrff, S. J. Cr rse, t'riiiwirrme, W. H. liickl.'v, Hnnville, K. I'. Litz ft John R. M -.yer, Kliwmnliurf. All inters nri!"w i.ttifi be tJdresst-J u W ailaa h Co., 1C0 Hifm Iw-Tu-, Nw YoiU. StiiiburVj July -JJ, l,rIU ly. Tquftablc IJfc Insiiratico, Aimiilly and Trust omzany. orrici, :i wai.m t STiiKvvr, rmr.APFLPHiA. Capital s-'J-iCWM). Chauik I'khpktlal. fl'III'. ('ninpuny now pr;,irM to trnnsat-t businea 1 iip'tn th tn li t lif'crnl nml ndMintnce 'us terma, Thcf art! tttiU.'rt3ii by their clinr ('I't. .ri) "to uiaWe all aiiil : every itiiiurtuife nptrt:iii.ina to Ine r.Ml.i if whatever kind , or mil ure, mid to ipeeive aiul fiecute trnnts. make etidow meiitF, mul lo rnut and purchute oiiuumes," i'lta Com ; p;my f!l annuui'-n and cudowiiienta. and ait at Truataaa) t'nr mumra and heirs. Table of Premium rerptifHl tor tito Amraura of $100 for the wiule term of I.ua. Age. Prem. Ape. Prnn. t ARt. Prem. 1(1 1 JVJ ' Hi (t: 40 ' 3 31 17 1 5-1 Hi li 15 47 3 49 IS 1 .Ml M iM 4 3ti-J 19 1 1, ar 4i 3?7 SO 1 b't n." M XI 60 3 i4 l?1 1 01 Ui $ 40 61 4 13 2 b :i7 a -it 6J 4 an tfj l ay M '2 51 6J 4 61 n i :j; a gj 6i 4 71 J ) 1 ;j 4H if ;U f5 4 91 L'ti I 41 21 bd 5 I 'si J7 1 trii 4J U Vi .-)7 g an 1 m1 41 3 Ml 5 64 i 41 a -i so 5 :w a oi 4 3'JJ Ci n3 Trie prt'iiiinnw ar !es thun any oil rr omjny, and lh rv-lieiea mt'ir.l yreuioi- ;'.mi tes. Tables i i' luliAearly ami quarterly pmtiiim. half erettit Tit- i o( prtMnuitnlaliort tt lino, iiw.4, bin i u orf-liij.t and eii'lou-tnenta; ala.). form 'i .Viislic;.:i"n t wiii'i t'rte are bl.uili tslit'eta-) ura t be lii.tt ui;iif:ttirin at ihe mT.ee, or bv letter to tha Agent, J. I'L UUV. Mtubury. Ha Iks toil INL'KINu HrtJ ON K iilij'f l.ll'a Aire. i.r 1 v, r 7 yurs. til ,M l.W 4.U7 3,j7 Fur I ifs. 1.00 K.I4 S 6,(4 40 60 KxAMn.n A pfi'.jn nr.'.l 30 yrtiia next l.irtli ilay, l.y laying llie Cinntmiiy (ii I''its would Htvr.re ." his iitmiiy ur lu-us iliili s:.-ul! !.c i!;.' in iu t-ar ; or lur f(i-90 lie ar ruri t' limn Itaifl : or t'.'i it.l aiui!i-i!;;. i'ir s- vu ywrs lie tM-ciiiri. !. Iht-nl y H'lul ulii in- the in sevru ft.'rs; or I". .r Si-ill. It! (mid amiua ly li.iijir 1 1 it- lie Ktiirri plt.m lo lie land wli'-n li'" ili.-s. ins.irrr a. . in iiu Ijianwfi tonus, liy tli iliilri -m in uiuiMliil nf irHi!iinnia ir'nn til .-li.ire:,l liy oilier i -ui:-'.. l-'or ar)9,jU li.e Iil-ii. wmtM lecia-e SOOUU hji-'.iiil Ue ihf in imi. y.'ai . l-'oriu. 01 upi'lii'mi'tn an'l nil ivirli Milnra inav lie had at the oitwe. I'l'. ri:it I I i.l.i:.N, I'resideul. .. -e lrel.mrt. Wm. M. Hibo. I'HAM'i, V. Hjwi.h. firn-tarv nnl Trenauri-r. CoN.fi.TiMi I'ii v ,i. v. Ur. J. H. Mawr, Suulmrr. J. 11. rittuv, ..iiSui v, Aj,ait I'or Noriiiaiuueraual cuuav. ty fuiil.ury, Jul) HI!) Win. ('ocheaii & Co.. AVIiolrsiile and Itelail, . WtSU AMI l.Ujt'Olt MKRCII.WTS, Ko. 72 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. AVE ilivays on hanJ a very lurcre stoi-k of Win a, I.iimnis and I'cars, of their own miijoruiioii. Mora ivropcrs, noin necpers, ana private gentlemen, will be sapl'lad ou Ilia moat lilwial terms. l'liilaclelphia, Not. IT. 1HS IIAISINH, cuiranls, ritnm, rlipese, pepper aauie, For sale by J. V. F RILING Sunbury, Dce.S, 184S. "17LDOW GLASS, 8 by 10, for aale I r HKNKV MASftR Runhinjr, Jan 57th, 1810- tf. AY RUM An excellent srti.la for aale by . HENKY MASSER, Sunbury Jim. S7lh, 1S4! tf. A7HITE HRANDY for preserving lirsnd.T peachea of an excellent quality, for sale by 11. MASTER. Sunbur,', Sept. S?J, 1H19 KNOB 'AND PFRING MOr"tISBLAT CHES An exoclleiit avtirle, for sale s hall the usual priee by J. W. FK1LINO. ' ; Sunbury, July 7, 1719 atMTONE Ware. Eartiien War. liaiains. AU monds, Prunes end L'roam Nuts. PIuiipm aoj ell Lin.1,. f' '. . U and riaUjr. Just received snd for sal hy JOHN W. I IULING. 5unbury, P. t9, 1S, li interest of six per cent. ' ' ' 1 died next day. - at tkt eie. spLjnag at ths ems sf lbs Amsnsan.