Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 26, 1850, Image 4

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An unknown correspondent ha tent u the
annexed brief, but most poetio nd truthful
ketch. It it a painfully porfeot "History of
I saw an Infant in iis moihei 'is arms,
... And left it aleeping
Yeara passed I saw a girl, vrith woman t
In sorrow weeping.
Years passed I saw a mother vrith a child,
And o'er it laiipuish J
Ysars brought mo back ; yet through her tears
' she smiled
In deeper anguish.
Haft her vaars had YanisheJj I returned,
And slood before her J
A lamp beside the childless widow burned
Griefs mantle o'er her ;
In teara I found her whom I left in tears,
On God relying;
And I returned a?aiii in after years,
And found her dying.
An infant first an then a maiden fair
A wife a mother
And then a childless widow in despair
Thus met a brother I
And thua wa meet on earth, and thus we part
- To meet oh 1 never
Till death beholds the spirit leave the heart,
To live forever! P.
The Loganport, La. Journal gives an ac
count of tho presentation of a flag from the
ladies of Cass county to the democrats oi Pu
laski, at which ceremony a Mr. Grooves is
reported to have made a speech, of which
the following is a part :
"Fellow Citizens Not alone in our district
is democracy with its head and ears erect
like a geese, but the whole world is on fire
with locofocoism, which is eight & a half per
cent worse than Millciiim. In France, where
the very bricks of the human sidewalk were
downtrodden and hcring-boncd by the cun
ning of whiggory, they now glory in being
free! France ! glorious France ! where celes
tial sotips are distilled from discarded boot
soles, and the epigrastrum is titivated by the
fragraney of frogs stuffed with garlic, is now
a free republic ! Mr. G. fanned himself.
Germany feels the shock to tho bottom of
her beervats; and the cry of freedom, rous
ing the coiled up sausages of Bologna, en
compassed Italy with the links of liberty 1
The time of despots is come ! The dinner
bell of tyranny has rung the oppressors to
their last meal! Henceforth and forever our
ancestors snaclhed the burning brand of re
generation from the hands of timid posterity
and planted it deep in tho bowels of the fu
ture ! Let it grow.
"But the end is not yet, (the end of hi",
peech.) The sirocco of a monied desolation
sheds its crocodile tears over the infuriated
instincts of toothless wretchedness through
out all England, and the cry among her thirs
ty and mildewed millions is for 'Gin! gin!
and no work!' This is tho match word, that
even while I speak to you rings in the eats of
Queen Victoria, and causes her to falter in
her fruitful career! The despot of Prussia
lurns Prussian blue at his fate, and Austria
gapes in dismay at the howl that tells of the
approaching knife that is raised to wrench
her opart at the hinges.
"And is there no room for reform in free
America? Can all do as they like? May
some of us do nothing'? Have we liberty of
conscience, or in fact, have we any con
science ?
Fellow citizens ! 1 hopo tho news from
Pulaski will sweep the vagrant act and other
black laws from Indiana I do! Gentlemen
take the flag! fair hands wrought it, and
bold hands carried it ! Cherish it in your
hearts and should I ever die, my proudest
wish would be, to be intercd in the meanest
puddle in Pulaski!
"Mc.fc O, e ime along John, de Eer's tin
Ain't you mighty glad your day's work's
The editor's loftiest regards to Miss Eliza
, for a delicious blackberry pie. A
copiom slice, contributed to his machine
made it sing
Of all the girls below tlie skies !
Give me laze Ogive roe Lize!
Eke has cherry lire and eoal black eyes,
And then she', t une on berry pies
Civ me Lize !
Pi.. ! ! !
It is for her I daily sighs
u " " liiglllly tries
For her I swan I aim . si die.
While constantly I erics.
And sighs
Give me Lize,
Her black eye.
Aud berry pies.
Low Waces. Tho carpenters at Sacra
mento city made a strike for higher wiges,
as they were paid $12 a day, where
upon the contractors settled the difficulty by
raising their wages to Sl6.
Blood Flowing Like Water. Ala fire
in Deer Creek Valley, near Cincinnati!, a short
time since, one or two of tho engines threw
clear blood, instead of water, upon the flames
drawin" it from a hoz slaughter house. Blood
has seldom been shed in a better cause.
Smoky Chimney The Scientific Ameri
can states, on teliable authority, that if at two
feet above the throat of your chimney you
enlarge the opening to double the size for a
farther space of two feet, then carry up the
rest as at the Crst, your chimney will never
These UU were never made for me
They ore too small by half,
I want them huge euougb d'ys see,
- To cover all the calf.
. Why, sir, did Walt, w i.h stiflsd laugh,
To alter knew Til try
But if they eover all ths calt,
They must be rivs tut hish !
Mvcei in the Dabk sup mot test Waim
1 nan account of the recent expedition in
search of Sir John Franklin, it is stated they
were eighty days without seeing the sun,
and had the thermometer fifty degrees below
. Ames are unusually high in Cincinnati,
bringing readily in market from SI 33 to
Mr bushel, according to quality.
" Jl
to rimiritNs, drlcrists and country
DR. J. N. HEELER Bro. most respectfully
solicits attention to their fresh stork of Br-
luM, yrnth, German and Amtiean Drugs, Med
icine Chemical, Paints, Oils, Dye JSIull's, OIim
ware. Perfumery, Patent Medicines &c. Having
opened a new .tore No. 294 Market St. with a
full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we re
spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our
stork before rnirchnsina; elsewhere, promising one
and all who may feel disposed to extend to us their
patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi
cines, on as liberal terms as any other house in the
Citv, and to faithfully execute all orders entrance!
to us promptly and with dispatch.
One ot the proprietors being a regular pnyntcian.
fiords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of
all articles sold at their estuiiltelimcnl.
Ve especially invito druggists and country
merchants, who may wish to become agents for
Dr. Heeler's Celebrated lamily Medicines, (stan
dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad'
Soliciting the patronage of dcnlcrs, we respect'
fullv remnin.
J. N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesale Druggists,
No. 294 Market street, Philadelphia.
September 15, 1819 ly.
!o. 110 Chesnul M,
T ESFECTFl'LLY announce that they have
H tt. just finished the most extensive assortment
they have ever offered for sale, comprising
In great variety, and of
Much attciuion has been paid to ECONOMY,
in the construction of these Lamps, and such are
made as will produce the greatest amount of light
from the least consumption of Lard.
Recent improvements in the manufactory, with
the introduction of new and perfected machinery
enables thrm to sell at a cr liKLA 1 Kr-Ul C
TION from former prices, and all articles before
leaving the manufactory, are rarclully inspected,
nd arc warranted pcrlcctly tight, and to give satis
Philadelphia, June 2, 1849. ly
Ingratitude is the basest crime of
TE are not among that class of Editors who
fur a few dollars will, (ut the expense oft ruth
and honesty) "crack up" an ortirle and bring it
into rapul sale; neither ore we willing to remain
silent, after having tested the utility of an im
provement or discovery in science or art. Our
readers will recollect we told them we were un-
well with a tore throat and violent cold some few
weeks ago. Veil, wo purchased two bottles of
and so sudden was the cure, that we forjot w
ever had a cold. Those who aro afflicted, may
try it upon our recommendation. Lewiston Tele
a ph.
A fresh supply of the above valuable medicine
just received, and for sale in Sunbury, by John
v. I nline. Alary A. IWcL-ay at Northumberland,
and at wholesale by Frederick Klctt, ec Co., cor
ner ot gd and Uallowlull streets, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Sept. 2 2d, 1849. 8 nio.
"Uiicom-nge Your Own!"
r II L subscribers respectfully call the attention
- of the public to their lurce und splendid assort
ment ot every quality and price of
which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the
nest mock u, be had in the citv. No effort
spared m the manufacture of their ware, and thi
subscnlwrs arc determined to keep up with tin
many improvements which are constantly being
mane. i neir stock consists ot .Mahogany
SoKis, Divan niil Lounge),
Uurcmts, Scerctcirfrs, SttJctoiuis
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila
ilrlplna manufacture.
ut-Lni l.aij.'-., oi every pattern and price
in short, every article in this line of their business,
They also manufacture all kinds and qualities
including varieties never before to be had, ucn HS .tlAlton.XT, ij LAC K WALXCT
axu l i iiLMi Maple Ciiechn : 40 Wixnso
CHAIRS, ANurAxn Pi is Stools, which are of
tnc latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by
no manuiacturcu in me cities or elsewhere.
The suhscriliers are determined that there shall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture
the cities, as every confidence can be entertained
abeu' the quality and finish of their ware and
Their articles will be disposed of on as arood
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try rroduce taken in payment for work.
Vtr LNDLH 1AKINU attended to on reason-
able terms.
ft? The Ware Room is in Market Street.
opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite
Vi caver s 1 avern.
Sunbury, April 53, 1849 tf
flIIE Subscrik-rs have on hand the largest as
M sortment of Wall I'ap i ks in the citv of Phi
ladelphia, Wholesale and llelail consisting of
every variety suitable for Parlors, L. tries, Dining
Rooms, L'huinbets, &c, which for quality and
style cauuot le sur)asst'd. Doing a rash business
we are enabled to sell a better article at a much
lower rate than any store doing a
On hand, a larpe assortment of Wins Pirin,
forCurluins, Fire Prints, Borders, Ac, which will
be sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done in the
country st city prices.
IS'. B, Dealers are invited to call and examine
their stock before purchasing elsewhere.
No. 112 Arch Street, South side
Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. ly
1 ) EAD the following ceiliiicate from Capt. Devoe, the
J t well kuowu snd popular bliam Boat t'upuiiu (of Ute
PutLADtxruiA, October 31, taje.
Several veers since I was attacked with a breaking oat
on my neck in the form ol' Teller, whicii I am convinced
was contracted at the Burlier 'a&luin. ll granduaMy extend.
ed over my face until it reached the upper part of the
cheek.. During the several moot lis that it continued
emending, I uwd dioereul epplicatuuis. siaae ol which had
the cllcct, appreutiy at lout, of uivreuiiig the diMeee, hut
iroin none ol Iheiu did I perceive lh. least benefit until 1
applied lb. Hnu Oistmkmt. Hy the um of oue uir uf it,
I wa. iieriecUy cured and havs reuviuied free of Uie .gee-
niJ o''1?' "" ,h Ointment, lighlly applied for rough
fuc?' ''Il,e''es, ehap,l IwimU, Vilh per.
10?.""'..'':'"',',' U m
the sliougest nmiuier tu the jiuUie.
M1' ,!," Maues, Buubnry.'
July Vs, ltlu. ' '
B0!?11?.?".-?01 Pe". " 1"nd P-
"' Ltiri.t, and Uo a number of
r-" wa wiu arU at tU Philaieluhi.
ra( Tm eale at Aisefcea v
THE subscriber respectfully informs the public
that he continues the manufacture of CABI
NET WARE, in all its branches, at his stand in
Market street in Sunbury, and that he has now
on hand a handsomo assortment of well made and
fashionable furniture.
He also carries on, at his old establishment, in
Fswn street, the
in all its branches, and keeps constantly on hand,
an assortment of well made and fashionable
CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. All of which
te will dispone of at prices as low ss at sny csta
blishment in the county.
His long experience in the business, justifies
him in the belief that he will be able to give gen
eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from his
customers a continuance of their patronage.
Ur All kmds of produce taken in exchange.
Sunbury, March 17, 1849 tf
A New Assortment of Fresh Good.
T) ESrECTFULLY informs his friends, ens-
tome. J and others, that he has just received a
handsome assortment of
at his store in Market Square in Sunbury, such as
Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens
wnre, Hardware, &n.
Sunbury, June 23, 1849.
New Utile Oil and Leather Store
N: 111 JVorffc 3d Sf. 3 doors below Race St
riHE subscribers offer to the tanners on the
Jl most favorable terms their fresh importation
of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ayres, Laplata,
t.araccas, Laeuira, Huns-Dry, Chill, Salted Per-
ambuco and all kfnds of Spanish Hides, dry and
salted. Also, Green Slauehtcr. Drv Salted, and
Utack Dry 1 atna Kips,
Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as
sortment ol burner a t ools.
They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slauehtcr
Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tool, on
better terms, than old Houses in the city,
Wasu paid tor Leather of all kinds.
Philadelphia, May 26, 1819. ly
A N extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT
iVos. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 84 North
1 HlliU Street,
Comprising SOOO dozen Penknives, Scissors and
Also, s choice assortment of Rodgers Sons,
Wostcnhohn's Gicavc's W. ir S. Butcher's and
Fenney's Cutlery,
Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives.
Also, Guns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives.
Also, The American Razor Strop, a superior ar
tide, wortliv the attention of Dealers.
Can Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above
Stork worthy their attention, as the Subscriber i
chief business is importing and selling cutlery.
Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly
Conreul rated Snrsaparllla.
For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipalas, Piles,
Chronic Rheumatism and all disorders of the
Blood, Mercurial Disease, fee.
IT is recommended to Physicians and others, as
till trnniTpt f,rinnrntr,i, nmu in it.. mnA en
tirely different from that put up in quart bottles,
possessing little or no active principle of the Sara
parilla, hut intended to deceive the public. For
sale by At. A. AlcLAl, Northumberland.
HEVL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will
cure Sprains, Bruies, Cut, Gal's, Swellings, and
all complaints requiring an external remedy. I
is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, stiff
ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, eke.
It has also been used with great success by per
sons alllietcd with Rheumatism, and other com
plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel
phia, and for sale by M. A. McCay, Northumber
land. Philadelphia, May 20, 1849 ly
TOIIN W FRfLING has just received at his
" store in Sunbury an extensive assortment of
NEW GOODS, of every variety which he is now
ready to sell or exchange for produce; and consist
ing in part of
Linen and Cotton drilling, and sum met
wear of nil kinds.
Calicoes, Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, &c.
Muslins bleached and unbleached.
Quccnsicare and Hardware of all
Drugs Paints, and Dvestitf?.
And a great variety of other articles all of which
will l-e sold at the lowest terms.
Sunbury, May 26, 1849.
Saddle and Harness .linkers.
THE undersigned respectfully
inform the public, that they
have commenced the above busi
ness in Sunburv, and will con
stantly keep on hand and manufacture to order, at
their stand in Market street nearly opposite Young's
store, all articles belongum to their line of business,
All articles manufactured by them will be made in
the best and most durable style, and at prices as
reasonable aa they can he had at any other estab
lishment in the countv. J hev therefore respectfully
solicit persons to call and examine for themselves
before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro-
uuce luken in ly tno stores will be taken in ex
change at the market price.
Sunbury, June 23, 1843.
'PHE subscriber has just received a new sunnlv
of the lest liquors that ever came to Sunbury,
consisting in pan oi
Kupcrtor old pale Brandy.
Fine G'ngniae Brandy.
8i:ptrior f lid Jamaica Spirits.
New England Rum.
Fine Holland (.iin.
Superior Old Whiskey
Common do.
Suyicrior Maderia Wine.
LUIion do. do.
Superior Port Wine.
Burgundy Port do.
Sweet Malaga Wine.
Superior Claret Wine in bottles.
Champagne do. do.
Sunbury, May 26 1849. .
Ureen a Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced.
Old Jacob Townsend'aSaraaparill.
Baker's Saraapahlla.
Sway ne'a fy rup of WUd Cherr
Swayne'a Vermifuge.
Ayre'e Cherry Pectoral
Dr. Drake'a Panacea.
Dr. Cullen'a do
Tibbit's Pain Killer.
Dr. Iloofland'a German Bitters;
'Indian Vegetable Pills
Horse and Cattle Medicines
For sale by HNBY MASSES.
. etnewy, Jy U, 1840.
FOR ' "
THIS Powder is warranted far superior to any
tiling in use for imparting a keen, smoothedge
to Ratort, surgical instruments, and all kinds of
fine Cctlibt it may be applied to any kind of
strop. , Also superior Razor, Knives, and Perfu
mery, wholesale and retail, by
Depot of Fine Razors. Strops. Brushes, and
Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a
bove Chestnut Philadelphia.
Philahklpiua, Feb. 15th, 1848.
This may certify that I have used one of the
Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA
MOND I'UWUER, and can attest in the most
unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be
found that will produce the same effect in my opin
ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will
find ft superior to any heretofore in use. I can
truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor
was before.
JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 8. Third St.
PmLAnrLPHiA, October, 1848.
A very hard beard and tender face has compel
led me to seek and leit many contrivances design
ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with
indifferent success, until I made use of the Magic
DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett,
and Rousacl's Shaving Cream. Their united pow
er act like magic, and impart s power to the Razor
to remove the most stubborn beard, wuhsut irri
tating the skin or temper of their owner.
J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street
For sale at this office Price 25 cts. per Box
November 25, 1848 6m.
In presenting the puttlic with a rmly for Hie treatment
and cure of Fkver and Aocr nnd other bili n. ftisenses,
no apology i. neetle!. Vnt number, in the I'nitnrt State.,
who sutler from Ihew onVetinn in tliir varied fonnr, nre
compelled tit wck relief from other smrrr. than the inline
duite prescription, of the repular physician. It beetnne.
therefore an ubjert of Immunity, a. well n. of public iuter
eirt, to bring licl'ore them s remedy preparo.1 fiom much ex
perience, and relied nnon n.
imCtia, AXO IIARMl.Ef. TO Till OINPTlTnTtOfl. That
arh is the Hue. character of the INDIA CHOl.AUOlH K,
f. amply nttetted by the universal .uceeia with which it ha.
been employed.
tV Extract from a eomrmmimtion of the Hon. V.Vn
liam Woodbridos, of thu U. S. Senate, l.te Governor of
Detroit, Oct. 41, 1S40.
Doctor fiuni.E. Oigoop.
Deer Sir, I have read with much interest, ynnr little
TRAR.Tim upon the 4,catines, Iretiliiicut end cure'1 of the
febrile disease, which have bj extensively prevailed in our
country duriu-f the last few montlm an interest increased
no doubt, by the fact that I hnve individually .unVred so
murn iroiri them. 1 hcaic!! l leel mywll very incompetent
lo judge safely upon a subject so entirely profftionul, yet
your theory neem. to me well ren.'.nert. snd your one'lu
ion. just, and I think withal. Ita! your pamphlet i. catcu
lated to produce much practical g.MKl.
Speakinft of the medicine he say. : It fully justified your
flatterius exneclntion. und ns n ifi. convenient, and ponu.
hr renmly, my own experience, so fur, induces me lo Ite
lieve that it will prove a treat public Imietit. I am pleased
to learn lhal you have recently eatihliahcd s-'veral .7eneies
for its fli.wition thouuh I rt-cret thur. with a view to a
more general diMcroinalion of it, yon alnmld linve found it
neeesaary to remove from your present residence among u..
With much respect I have the hnot to tie. .ir,
Yiair obliged acrvnnt,
f Fiom Hon. .TrritEs V. R . TnowriRiD&E, of Miclii
gan 9late Senate, to the Agent lit Detroit.
Sir yon wish me to inform you what I know of Dr.
Oagood'. India Chohtgoguc, or nnti-biliou. medicine. 1 do
believe tliat if ll'.e virtue and euVacy ol this medicine were
geneially known, the fi'ver ad aocs would disappear in
I prtK-ured n bottle in the spring of end have good
reason to believe that myBeJl' and family escaped the ague
Inst season in conse'juence of it. n-e.
PerliaiM in no summer since the settlement of till, fine
Eeiiinsiiln, lui. the fever and ague been o prevalent a. the
i.t. 1 hnve rec Mnmrniieil thia me.bcme in untnerou in
stances, and when the iliscnxe had liceome fixi-d am) balllcd
the skill of phv.ician.; ntul I have n-ver kn uvn it fail. 1
ha. universally prKiiH-etl the tii"t happy esrcclh and I net
neve It n:is never tieeii excemi'sl liy uuy meuiuuie ill remo
ving the liiliou. divcagc of the climate.
1 ours, respecuuitv.
r-TI'.l'HKX V. R. TrtOWRRlTinE.
Agent for Sunhiirv II. H. .MA!!SKIt : Xort liauiT land.
W1THIXGTOM r j Milton, J. 11. IlAtftlll; Sclui.
grove. MA V KI.OSK.
may o, iMtt II
(Lale Keller & Crt-pimugli.)
Wasi.iliiKlon, !.:,
PkRAWINGS and paper.' for tho Patent
..JjOliice, pri'pared and nil the necessary bn-
einoss, in relation to securing patents, tran
acted, and promptly attended to, at their of-
nce oppoiit; i nit i .itent uince.
October 23, 1818.
No. 60 Chesnut-st, at the siith of the Gold
Thimble, between 2d. If 'id.sts., South side
MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly
on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol
lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduced
prices : Gold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do
Finger Shields, Silver Table, )csert, Tea, Salt
and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster
Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks
and Chains, Knitting Sheaths, &c.
ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and Brittannia ware,
German Silver Spoons, &c; (iold Diamond poin
ted Pens at various prices; Jackson's Superior
Everpointcd Lends, &C, &c.
Philadelphia, Mav V.G, 1849
Aye'r's Cherry Pectoral,
THIS valuable preparation, so astonishingly succcsrful
ill curing disease, i l the Lungs, is the reautl of a skil:.
ful CHiiliiiinti .li ol the kuowu curative principle. f
meilicine. Its ingredient, are fio. lv nude ku owu lo tlie
public, and are those acknowleditnl to medical men as
pisuM'ssiug rare virtues, winch peculiar virtue, are
conibuicd in the -Clliailt V PliCTOHAI." Ill their greet,
est purity and efficacy, and wlu-n used, as will be seeu froiu
the toU.iwing valoalile tttiin.iny :
of Bowd iin College, liruuswick, Maine, writes: ''I have
witnejsitl the eflti l. of your Cherry Pectoral in my own
family und in tliat f mv fi lends, and it ha. given great
suliuuctiou in cases b .1 h ol adults and t hildreu
A VOIC1-: I'lto.M MArMACIII'ttU'rTS.
From Dr. llrynnt, Druggist and Poi master, Chiconee
Fslls, Miw. : '
Dr. J. C. Avra Dear Air: Kudosed please find remit
tance for ell the Cherry Pectoral last sent me. 1 can un
hesitatingly any, lhal no medicine we sell gives such aat
fuctHma. your'adoes n have I ever seen a innlicme
which cure.1 so many cas.-a of' uougb and lung eompt.oil.
Our Phyaician. are using it extensively in the aracuce, auid
with lh. Itnppied effect..
Truly yours, p. jj. BRYANT.
President of Vermont MtslictU Cdlena one ot the
learned end intelligent physician, iu the country, "conaidera
. imtm esceueiice lor tue eure of tliat for-
pmlable diMtse, Ct'iiMiiuptkMi.o
An .Iovsm uicredible nuintier of certificates hare been
received; pioiuuj tbni the Cherry Pectoral is, iu truth, a
for Coughs, Colds, Asthma end all pulranrnnr eompkinla.
PRICE 73 CK.Vltt PER Bfi l-rUJ.
rrepared hy J. C. AYEIi, lwrll, Maes., and eM by
H- MAbBErl,tuabury, aud MARY AlcCAY, Sanborn-
March 31, IMS
IVotlce to DellntiuenU. ,
A LL persona imlebted to the subscriber, longer
Uiau six months, on note or book account, arc
requested to call and make settlement, ur else their
account will be left with a magistrate for collec
Sunbury, July 7, 1849, .
STONE milk fans, stone Juga and Pitchers,
and other articles of atone ware just received
nd for sale hy JOHN W. FWLING.
CnnWnry, June f, 1849.
THIS Ettnirt ii put op in quart KHtlrt. It to t. trmf
cheaper, plnunntvr, ami warrants, iuperior to any
nld. li euri diMMMt wiehout vomitin. Diirinf, tick-
nem. or debilitating tha patient, and u particular Ir adapted
Tha great beauty aitd anperiority of thia SarannarilLm OTt
Other fem?Hiea it, whllnt It rmlicateidieeaw.
i . - it tttvujiinite tha borif.
Conmimptmn cured.
CleanM and eMrertfthen.
Conmmption can be cured.
Bronchitia, Consnmptitni, Liver CmnpUint, CnMi, Cmtfhf,
Catarrh, Aithma, Ppittinr of Hlood, 8renen in tha
Cheat, Hectic Klnih, Nijiht Sweata, Diffi
cult and Prt-fune Kxpertnratkm,
' m) Pain in the Bide,
have and can 1w enred.
Prolmhly there nrver wan a remedy that hnu been o aue
ceuful In deierate caen nf eotmimptiou aa thia ; It clenn
eea and atrettrtliena the a vat em. end nnprara to honl the ul
cer on the I in i en. and patients flrodnally regain their uiuol
health and atrength.
There la ecarfely a dny pnaaea but there are a number f
unara ff ennmtmptinn reported aa cured hy the use ot Dr
Townaen'a 8araaiiUa. TIm f tlkiwing "waa recently re
ceived :
Dr. TowMrt pear Sir: For tha hat threa yeara I
have been nftiieted with general debility, and riervoua con
mi motion of the last tinge, and did WA ekpert to ever nin
my health at all. After Joint through a omae of medicine
under the care of some of the most dutinfftiislied rrrtilar
phymciaiia and ttiembera of the Bnard of Ilealth in New
York and elsewhere, and ependiue; the m M f my eanunyi
in attemptlitg to recraiit my health, and after reeding in
amte pnper of youi $arsnpnrilla 1 rea lved t try it. Afier
uaing iix bottlre 1 found it done me treat good, and called
tu eec you at tour office ( With your advice 1 k.,r on, and
do mont heartily thnnk you lor your advice. 1 pemevt.- in
taking the, and have been able to attend to my
unial labort for the fart lour months, and I hope by the
bleating of God and your fttrmparilla to continue my
health. It helped me beyond the expectations of all who
knew my cnte. CI1ARLK9 QUIMBV
Orange. Kttex co. N. J., Aug. 9, 18-17.
State of New Jersey, Fuse county, at .Charles Quim
by being duly iworn nrriordnig to law, on hit oath tnith,
tliit the foreg iing ttatenient it true according to the bett of
hi knowledge and lelief. CHAltl.KS QUIMUV.
Swom and an liter i bed ta before me at Ornrnre. the 3d
August, lb47. CVIU 6 BALDWIN.
Juatice of tha Peace.
- Read the following, and auy that consumption lk In Incu
rable if you can :
New York, April 23. 1M7.
Dr. TowKtJtfi : I verily believe that your Sarmpanlla
hut leen tlie means, thonh Proviileuce, ol tuviue my li I o
1 liovefor sevcrul years atui a bud cough. It became wome
and worse. At Inst I raised laree qnautitica of blood, had
mcht sweats nnd wna greatly debilituteil and reduced, and
did not expect to live. I have only ned your Sttriuiparilla
but a short time, and Utrre hat a woutterl ui chainie been
wrtntght in me. 1 nm now able to all over the city
I raite no Mood, ami my cough hns left me. You can well
imupiic tint I am thankful i'r thw results. Your obedi
cut aerm WM. RL'SSKLL, Oj at.
The annexed certificate tells a simple aud truthful story
of suffering nnd relief. There ore tlioumndn of miuibir ca
ses in this city and Brooklyn, aud yet there are th mmnda
of parents let their children die lor ienr of being humbugged
or to save a few shiiliuga.
Brooklyn. Sept. 13. 117.
Dr. TowsMli: I tnke pleasure in stating, for the bene
fit of those whom it nuiy concern. Hint my daughter, two
venra and six months old, was afflicted with general de
bility aud lota of speech. 81 le was given up us past je
covery by our family phyticiun; but fortunately 1 waa re
commended by a friend to try your SarKipnrillu. Before
liaving used one bottle she recovered her speech and waa
enabled to walk alone, to the nstou Unmet it of ull wh were
ocquainteil with the circuintniiccs. She is now ipiite well,
and in much better health than she hits been f'r le uvuths
past. JOf?KPII TAYLOU, l!W York St., Brooklyn.
Very few furuihes intlecil m fiu-t we have xA heard of
one Hint used Dr. Tiiwuaeud'a Sarsnparilin in time, I -si
any children the past Summer, while th we that did n H,
sickened and diet). The ccrcihcate we p'.iblift!) below is
conclusive evidence of its vulue, and is only ajiutlicr instance
of its saving the lives of children :
Dr. Tows auto Deur Sir : I had two cliiMren cured hy
your HnrsapariHa of the summer complnint nnd dvscntary;
cne vaa only 15 nvmth okt and tha other 3 years. They
were very much reduced, and wc expected they would die ;
they were given up hy two reapertable physicinna. When
the'dctor informed us that we must lore them, we resol
ved to try your Ha ran pari I la we had heard so much of. but
had little confidence, there beinr so much stulf advertised
that is worthlefs: but we nre thankful that we did, for it
undoubtedly saved the lives of both. 1 write this t lint oth
ers may be induced to use it. Your, renpectfully,
Myrtle-avenue. Brooklyn. Sept. 15, 1S47.
pR.TowNSEsn'sSAHftA parilla iu a sovereign and speedy
cure for incipient consumption, and for the general prostra
tion of the system no matter whether the result of inhe
rent cuuse ur causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac
cident. Notlurg can he m re surprising than its invigorating ef
fects on the humiui frame. Persona all wen kite hi und ifiv
sitnde, from taking it at once become r.iburt and lull of
energy under its intluriHX. It immedmiely couuteracis the
iiervelt-iiMiicsa of lite female t'nnne, which is the urtDit cuuse
banenncfia. .
It will not be expected of us in caes f o delicate a na-
tarc. to exhibit eeiiihcatee of eiiren performed, hut we can
ire the aniicteti that nmutrens ot cases nave b-?eu repor
ted to us.
Da. roWNtRNP ! Mv wife Irmar irrciitly drstres!ed bv
wi-nkitrfoi nntl general drbiiity. and stiittTtug c mttuunlly by
(cihi ana wnn '-titer flittiemnci. ana luvttnr Ku wn ea-f
where yur medicine has caVcied greiit cures; aud alsi
heurint; it rec tuiinentled for such ciows 1 have dL-senlted,
I ofUiint-d a bottle ol yimr Kxtmct of ttr(u;i.-irilia and f I
lowed the direct in s you gave me. In a iVm period it
retiiovetl her eoninliituts and restore.1 her t-j he-.ilth. Being htl for the benefits she received. I tnke pleasure in
lliutack'iiowlcl);ing it. and reconimeintiiKr it to i;ie public.
Albany, Aug. 17, M4. ror. Hrand & Lytha ta.
No fluid or mediciua has ever been discovered which so
nearly resembles the gittmc juice or saliva in dec unxuing
hMd und streinithemnt; the organs of dipi-ttii m us this pre
paration of Sartapunlla. It positively cures every case of
djspepsia, however severe or chronic.
iHiiiK jjepaitinem, Ainanv. .nay iu, ihio.
Dr. Townseud Sir: I hnve leeu atmeteil for several
years with dyspepsia iu its worst lorin, attended withs ur
newt of stviinacli. I ns rf apfH'tde, extreme heartburn, and a
gieat aversion to all kmds of food, and for weeks, (what 1
could eat) 1 have been unable to retain but a small portion
on my stomach. 1 tried the usual remedioB, but they had
but little or n effect in removing the complnint. 1 was iu
duced, about two months si we. to try yo ir Extract of Sur
anMirilti, nnd 1 nuut auy with little confidence ; but after
using nearly two battles, I ftmnd my appetite restored aud
tha hen rt (turn entirely refn wtil; and 1 woukl eurnestly re
commend tha use ot' It to those who have leeu airlifted as 1
have been. Yours, Ac, W. W. VAN ZANDT.
Agent for SunUtry JOHN W. FRIIJNti ; Nor
th mntier land, MARY A. McCAY; Danville, WM. A.
Apiiltt. 1848 lv
The Pupil's friend and Teachcfs comfort.
work is already introduced into some of the
best Arnilumira und a large number of Schools,
where its use has given decided and universal sa
tisfaction, both to teacher and puiil. It is purely
American in its characUT, based upon our own
beautiful decimal system of eurreney. It contains
more, tlie arrangements are better, and it is the
easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use ;
and it ia so considrre.l by liundrrds of the most
competent teachers and men of science in the Uni
on, who have recommended it, It is the book,
particularly and expressly prepared for our .4
rt'eon Scholars ; By Almon Tietnor.
The Yoi'tii's Coli mkhs Cilcihtoh This
volume contains 01 put;rs, with about U00 exam
ples for solution on the slate. It embraces the
Fundamental Kules, Compound Rules, Simple
and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three,
Proportion, &c.
Tieaxoa's destined
for tlie use of youiifrer classes in tha Schools of the
United A beautiful little book and pleas
ing to children, and the only one ol the kind of any
There are Keya to both Arithmetics bound sin
gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in
w hich the solutions of the questions ure given with
much extra matter for the black board. These
Kcs are the most complete works of the kind ever
published, and contain, in addition, about two
hundred examples in Mensuration, Ac, for the
use of tlie Teacher. All that ia wanted is to have
the above books examined, and no teacher who is
acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will
hesitate to pronounce them the best works tliat
have ever been published in this or any other
Although issued but few months, they have
already been introduced into the Night Public
Schools of New York City in all the Schools
public and private, except two, in the City of
Heading. Also, in about twenty Acadamies in the
State of Pennsylvania in large portion of the
Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of
Lancaster, and in the Uoroughs of Harrisburg,
York, Chambersburg , Lebanon, Doy lestown, PotU
ville, Orwigsburg, c.c, eke
K or sale by Hikbt Mssn, Sunbury, Agent
for Northumtcrhiud County.
Sunbury, Dec S, 1848.
TEMNU&A cheap and excellent rU
cle lor fastening sash for sole by
Sunbury, July 7, 1849.
fk ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Modi-
Jf cine for sale by 1ILNKV MAHHKR
Saubu7 Jan. 3Ttk, U4
. ;. , OXYGENATED . -: l !
zjq a a? 'cp tn 5b ,
GEORGE B. GREEN, Propbietor.
Windsor, Vermont.
19 a sovcirlrii remnfr for fiYPPEPflf A, in menr ef 111
fiiririp, such ns nnlll in the Ptmnarh. Ilmrtliurn. habitual
CiwtivniMs, Ariil (Huimoh, Headarhe, Irm of Appetite,
Piles, Night I?vits, and ercn Ciaisiiinptinn M)y.)irptic
Phthisic.) end A.thnis, or Phthiaic sttemled with rtrranie
mcnt of the Ktomarh (ur Dyspeptic Asthma.) Uiiiirult
nreatliinc which olten rcitlt. from imperfeflt digestion (or
D-Sieptic Pysptiirs.) Is relieved by these Hitters. In .hurt,
their tt.e Ira. been prox-ed in the relief of almost all the
.vmpttiina that nroceed from a debilitated nr atiniic enndi.
ti"ii of the (Stinnarh j also in general debility arising from
ag. or from the effect, of Fever, particularly Fever mid
jue. r einaies .uttering under any IHcriiio deraiigemeut
ariainrfrnm wralcneu ti-lll And the '(). Tntvirrn Hit.
teh.' an excellent reinedy. and not surpasMd by any medi
cine in iim. " ' ' '
The hi.t.iry of thi. medicine is peculiar, it has made its
way to public fnvor solely by the f.irce of it. num. intrinsic
merits. No artificial menu, hare been uaed te give it lie
toricty and thrust it npn public atteiiti.m. ft hus never
before even been advertiiwl, but having fir.t .howii ill re
inarkaMe effli'aey In the fnmily of the proprietor, and by
him ottenvaiil. adinlniMered to 1,1s afnicted friend, snd ac
qu.uutai.ce, with a like ,ult, it. repulatnm gnidunlly ex
tended until it is known in the nvntt diMant p..rls .if the
I -111011, a. a medicine of ur,iuifkH ;.. '.u. ..... -
Dyspepsia "' different forms, and alio for the cure ef
i7.. HZ. . . T', '""y nerakt and its only euliV
has been the story of us wonderful efflfnev, as told froiii
mouth to rr.uth or by letter f,.m friend w'frie In
r In.tnnce where thee Bitter, have been n.ed. snd the re
rneoy "' Pto,ricto, tKr ve proved a re-
certificates, sttesting ths ringular efficacy of
.... niTrini." are in me pew,,,,,,, f th.
proptletor ; many ol them signed by person! already widely
GK.O. n. ORF.EN. Prusrietor
WXDSOR, Vt., Octolr a, 1 W5. ' rruI",e,or-
The following CertlHrnte. have recently been
received t
, WAsinstnTos, D. C, Jink to. 1R48.
n.vuig mntle line of the "Oxygenated Bitter." prepared
jj , J "H mnaor.. i.nnil irom know-
Iwifee olitniiu d ot their rilicnry in other cases, wechnerlully
rec nnniend them to the public believing lint they will fully
sustain the revoiniiiemlaiion of" the Propriebir. We hope
that this vnlunlile remedy nuiv lie so generally diffuwd
thfoughout the country that it inoy be occeMible te aU ths
VVII.I.IA.M tPHAL t u- Senator from Terment.
JAMI-S F. SIMMONS, 1;. . Pernor from R. Isianrl.
L T. MORI.IIKAU. L B Re,mt.,r .,wl ,T. ;...-
or of Kenturkv.
I.. II. A RN OLD, Member of Congress and formerlv Ge
vernor of It. I. '
WM. WOOOimiDOE, V. S. Senator end fermerly Ge of Mt.'hitrort '
M. I.- MAK'I IX. Delem.l. in r... ...... r. w: .
Terrluir)-. 6
From Il'm. If. D. Ferrs. Member ef Congress from
., Waiiinuto. D. C, Jcnk 10. IMfl.
Dear Sir I hove been a dyspeptic uH"erer for abr)ut ten
yenrs, nnd have re. .rted to vaiious nieillcine. f,ir relief
withont sudcess, until I mn.le use of vour 'Oxvgennti'd
Hitlers." I hnve used nl nit tv.i dottles, and niidmyseir
restored to p,-rfe.t health The form, in which ths dis
casr slmwril itself, in my case, wore, great aciditr of the
t iniach. I ns ofuppetite, extreme flatulence, severe' cnncll.
pullon ol the bowels, and violent heartache, Fcelln dei
ron. that n knowledge of your valuable remedy may" reach
I"'" ;rly nHlicted. I take great pleasure Iu record-
ing my testim ny to it. curative power ; mid would slso
rcniaik, that while on u nt home s short time since. I
aihiiiiiiuercd n port ot a Isittle b a number of mv afflicted
friends, with great suctss. Tbov nre desirous that von
liomd establish nu ngciipy nt Pittsburg, .ir inform tliem
where the medicine can be nbtniued. With an earnest de
sire for your pr. sperity and happinc... 1 .iilacrilie mvself.
truly your lrieil . KOSTEH.
I).H-t. (.Ko. II. bKKKt.Winda r, Vt.
i.ld Wholesole snd Fetuil by Green fc Fletcher, Ne
2 8 ulh Sixth Street. Philadelphia.
Asent f"r Sunbury II. K. M ASSKR.
Agents for Milton M ACKAV & H A A fl.
Agent foi Upper Mahonur J. u. KE.N.V.
April 12, IMS
Don't permit your Honrs or cattle to die, when
the means of euro arc within the reach of all !
The undersigned has spent several years in the
study of Veterinary practice in "London nnd E
dinboro'," ho has also availed himself of file resear
ches of Lc'ibig, and othercclcbratcd men, who have
contributed so much towards a judicious treatment
of animals; the principles of our practice consists
in the rejection ol bleeding and the total
rejnetion of all medicir.-s that ex-rience has
sliown to be of a din ;ernm These re
medies net in harmony with the vital principle, and
when sivcti nrcoi.-liu to t!lc directions which ac
ciimpany each article they are capable of excitinj
aim increasing yie uattirul functions, without di
niiitishinre or tlrstroving their power, hence are
salcin the hands of every one.
' G. H. DADD, M. D.
A List of Horse and Cattle Medicine..
Physic balls, Toe. per box.
Alterative ball, 75c do.
" powders for bad condition, 75c per pack
acre. Heave powder fordiseases of tlie lungs, 75e
I'rinc powder for " " kidnevt, 73c
Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c
Cordial drink for inflamatiou of bowels, 75c
Liquid blister, 75c per bottle.
Ointment for promoting the growth of hair,
per pot.
Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c.
per bottle.
Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle.
Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, &c, 50c
per botl'f.
Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per bottle.
Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &C, 50c
per bottle.
Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known
in England for lameness of every description, 75e
& Ifl per bottle.
Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle.
Worm powders for the removal of worms front
the intestinal eaiuil, 75 per paekaire.
For sale by ISTIMP.SOX & REED, 26 Mer
chants How, ill ho nt DADD'iS HOUSE XD
Haymorkct tSiptare, Boston.
Pamphlets deseribitn; tho diseases for which
these remedies are used can lie had gratis.
Numerous Certificates are in possession of the
Proprietors, of cures performed by the abova .Medi
cines. Sold by GREEX & FLETCHER, Xo. 26 South
SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by hia
Agkmts. Hkxbt M issib, Suubury,
February 3, IS 19. tf
PREPARED and sold only, at FREDERICK
X. K. cotTifr of Fifth and Ciiksxct afreets, Phi
ladelphia. This Essence is warranted to possess
in a roiicentratexl form, all the valuable properties
of Jamaica (.linger, and will lie found on trial an
excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re.
commended as a tonic, to persons recovering from
fever or other diseases, a few drops imparling to
the stomach a plow and vigor, equal to a wine
glass of brandy or other stimuland, without any of
the debilitating elici ts, which are sure to follow the
use of li.pior of any kind I and it is therefore
especially serviceable to childrenand females. To
the aged, it will prove a great comfort ; to the
dyspeptic, and to thooe who are predisposed to
gout or rheumatic allee tions,Tt gives great relief;
and lo the inebriate who wishes to reform, but
whose stomach is constantly craving the noxious
liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to the diges
tive orgsns, and strength to resist temptation ; and
ia consequently a great agent in the cause of tem
perance. sjTFull directions accompanying each
The above article can be had at the office of the
Philadelphia, June S, 1819. ly
PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's
writing and iudellilnV iok, Cotton yarn and
I"-!, just received and for sale by
8unbury, Dec. 2, 1818.
CAPS. An assortment just received. Also
silk HATS at $843, for sale bv
Hunbury, Dec. 3, 1848.
lent remedy lor coughs, colds. Fer sale
this etTto
TVR CP ' nil
And ail dutnns arising from rftWrferee!
Livtr or Stomach in loth Malt and
Female: .. . ,
lt,?!JL? 9,l'"''onl Inward Piles, F.llnesa nr Hloos s
the Head, Aciditv of the Stomach, N.usen HesrihTrT
Disgust for Food, Fullueei o. w.i.M i- T?A. ""-b"mt
Kructetion.. ?,kig or Flutterini at the niTnfTIfc' V
Swimming of , he ifend, .1,,,,?'
Fluttering ., u.e Heort, Choking or ft'ffi ,g MtZ!
when in s lying posture ..f vJl.TtTr"
before the (i-lit. Kever a,.H d,.n .'7-w,"
cy of Perspirti,i, Yellownea, of the . , 7 !T:
In th. Bide, Back, Chew, Limbs. Ae.7s dde ftu",',! if
Hem, Hurning in th. Flesh, Cor.strt'mnn? "u
and great deprcion of Spirit. Can be effectual ! cured b
Celebrated German Uitteis,
Tlieir power over tlie slmve disease. Is not ...niir
munlled by any other prepnrntijii in the I'nited St.tM
a. the cure, attest, in many cases after ssillful physicians
Derangement of the Liver and Stomach are sources af
Insanity, aud will also pr duce disease of ths Heart, Skint
i lK"ind K',?!""Vi and lays the body opert to an alter ef
the tholers, Uill ius, or Yellow Fever, and is generally she
first esuse of thnt most baneful disease, Conauniplioa,
Opinions of the Philadelphia Prat.
... December .list sny.:
AN INVALUAIILK AlF.DltiNK.-Wehsvefreeeesef
Heard the Celebrsted Ucrman Bitters, manulacluree' by lit
Hooflland, .noken of in terms of soinmendathtn, sisl we
know deservedly so. It is s too common practice, in ear'
tain quarters, to puff all manner of uselen trash, but ia Ike
above Bitters, hundred, are living witnesses of their great
moral snd physical worth. Asa medicine of the Civef
Complaint, Jaundice, Nervous Debility snd Dyspensis, St
ha. been found invaluable, effecting cure, and thoroughly
eradicating diseases, when all oilier medicines have failed
We fed Convinced, that in the use of the German Bitterei
the patient does not become debilitated, but coiitUhlly rain,
strength and vigor to the frame a fuct worthy of great
consideration. The Bitters are pleasout in taste and smell,
nnd can lie administered under any circumstances, te the
....... .,.-.-,r sioinaen liineea, nicy can be Used by all per-
uns with th. iu wt perfect soiety. It would be well fer
those wuo are much affected in the nervous svstera te
csniBcuce i with one tea spoonful or less, snd gradually in
crease. Wc Speak from experience, and nre of course, a
proper jntlae. 'i'he pres. far und wide, hnve united in re"
commending the Liernmn Bitters, and to the .micted WS
most cordially advise their nse.
June 91th sav. :
' DO OUR GOOD cmir.F.NS who are invalids, knew
the many astomshiiicr cures That have been performed by
Dr. Il.siflkiud's Celebrated Grrmin Bitters If they de
nH, we recommend them lotlie'-lierman Medicine Store,"
all who are nlllicleil with Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dye.
pepsin, or Nervous Debility ; the l),vt lias cured manv ef
our citi,-,is niter the liet plo slcians hod failed. We b'svt
used them, and thry have proved t i be n medicine that every
one should know of, nnd we c um n refrain giving our tes
tim ny m their lavor, nnd Hint which gives them greater
claim upon oor humble effort, ihev are cntirelr Vegetable
,tul' Ith snv. :
"e .;enk knnwin-iv of Dr. Ilnoflaisl's Cet-brsted 6er
mon Unters. when we siv it i. a blessius of thi. sgs: and
in diseases f the biliurv. digesiire and Nervous S ilcin., it
lias not we think nn efpnl. It i. a YegetnMe Preparstion;
snd ninde wiih.ut Ale mioI, nnd to nl! Invalids tt-e Would re
commend it ns w irlliv tlieir c nifidenee.
r.ror.,Vt- ""'I retail, st the principal Depot,
MKDICIXB STOUK, No. liu Arch Slriet
Pbiludelplun. '
For sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland snd Sun
Utir"'1 r,,".wtnule dealers geiiermly throughout II,.
April SI, 110. ly
j TIi I.2CA.M) IMJnA'B IVI2.
ron the
Ifead.trhe, Giddluies,
Hheumati.m. Piles.
Dyspepsia, purvey.
Small P,.j. Jaundice,
Pain, iu the Back,
Inward Weakne...
Pilpitaii hi of the Heart,
Itising in the Throat,
Dropsy, A.lhim.
fevers of nil kinds,
Fein de Coiuljinls,
or Salt Rheum,
Heart Bum, Wurraa,
Cholera Morbus,
Coughs, quinse'
Vh(wnjing Crtligh,
Consutupuon. I-'ir
I..-er Cotnplainl, ,
Kr.tipela Deafness,'
Itchiursoi the Skin,
C Ills, fj int. Oravel,
Nervous C-'inlaiutl
nxpenrnee has pr ived Hint nearlv evert- Dieneorir!nstee
from linpui Hies of the lilood ..r tleninuemcnls of the liigrt.
tives ; nnd to sicurc 11,-nlih. we must remove Uses
obs.riicli hi. or restore the HI . d M its nnlural .tnte.
I he aversion to inking medicine is in ed'cclunlly re
in .ve.1 hyCtirsNra'. Vr.iKTH.Lc PcnctTiva 1'h.i.j. being
c miplelcly enycl iped with u coming of pure while Sugar,
I" ' V.' " m, I'r "1 the internal inKredient s. snul
s.ihi trim the kernel) and hnve n Inrtc ol medicine
U.iture ns duly sw ill .wc! ns ! t,f c.ady. .MrP,ver
t.iey neither naiiseule or gripe in the sliehte.i decree, hv
opernie e.,o,'!y on nl! the thseosed peK. of the svstem, ii
rea.lor c iilinin? l!i.-meli i,., nii.1 ricking nn 'pnrlicular
reel .n rims, it thel,iver be alleetcd one iiigr'edient vlt
operate on that mrtieul sr .-rein. n.. bv eleansmg it nf an
i.xccesnl Hile r,st re il t ns i,:,t,od smte. Ah. therWlll
operate on the B cird mid remove all luipurilie. in its eircu-l-.ti
ni ; while a third wi!l rff-ttp llv e,;,el whatever impe
lines may have been riolmiccl iitl.i the .t.B.h. and hence
tliey.;nkent the r.t . ri!i.e-ise rem .re all Impure lis'
mr. t run the bty. open the ,ires evteniallr snd inter
'XX' ,'f,rfi.'1''l obivaion. particle, from the
eh).e, s-ithat the blo-d m.v be th nmrhiy pure thus .ecu
ring a nee an.) healthy ecii..i,t,. the Heart. I.uugsaud laver
and tuerebv they restore he.iltt, even hen all oilier rseus
mtve iLii(i.
Ph. entire truth of t!:e eh ve enn be ascertained ly the
trial of a suusk- box. and tMf vhtnetnre positive end
fi?!,',".1 m ?" ""h. Hat the pr .prietor bind, himesir
t return the money paid lor them in all can. where they
do not give universal sitislacli- n.
Helull n ir, .- c tN. per Hox.
,, Pri icipil No. (18 Versey ., N. York.
9..1I by JOII V. Vl UM-,,' Sunbury
ret-m. . M. A. McCAV,
tT- rTememlierDr. C. V. Clickner is th. inventor of IS.
Hug ir Coated IM I, .ml that nothing oftheurt was aver
hear, of until he iutn.lueed thenl in Jiide, IMS. Purchaws
hoiild, theref.ire slivnysnsli for C'lickner's Sugar Coated
'!'" ,,ld llk' ' uihers, or thry will lie made th. vistinuef
1- ebrunry, 17,
SOKKS ( A EiCd ili:!),
Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of injlamtd Srt
riwisM-s l NIVKIISAI. OINTMENT, is ths meet
g e wylele lliirn A .tid.te ever known. It uisl.aUf,
in r
fanon.ll bv.tlamrl atooannnis .f tl m.i. a-r...
Uurn und Scald. ' K.w okl S ires. Hi macs. Cuts, Sprains, ate
m nun or beast, it iM he best s. licaluni lliat can be
lli..usuiids have tried aud thousands pnnse it. It isthsineet
perlecl nusier of mui ever discovered. All who use re
ommeiKl it. Every I'sinilv sh uld be provided with it. can tel h wso u s.aue of the familv may need it.
tsTOItserve each tnai of the genuine Uiiitmen) has the
iinme.-'v Toiskt, wnllen on the outside label Te ..US
jo thi. is forgery.
H sttirre;,. Livery Men. Fanners, snd sll who ns. Horses,
will find this Ointment the very best thing they can ase
f ir Collar lialls. rVrntcliea, Kicks. Ac, 4c, oil tlieir siiiirfsk
Hurely every mercy I ul mini woukl keep his animals ss free
troui pain ns posaiblc. T :usey's L uivcrsal (jintmeiil is all
tliat is required, 'fry it.
lil l'KS ol-' lS!;rTS Forth, .ting or bit. of poism
u. Insect.. Tou.eS 's Ointment i. unihslied Hundreds have
trleittt and found It go-uf.
PI l.KS CC K KD ! For the Pile.. Tousry's ruivers.1 Clnt.
menl is one of thebe.1 Kcmedie. that can be spoiled. AU
who have it for the Piles recommend it.
OLD SOKKS CI HE1). F.a-old obMuiate Ses, there
is n illiiug eijuul to Tousey's Ointment, a person hi Menu,
li. had. for a number of yenia. s s 're leg that baffled the
skill. 'I the Tousey's Ointment was recommended
by one of the visiting ph sicians. f who know ils g-reat vir
tues.) and iwi b 'Xes pr.Mluccd more benefit thuu the ne
tieul iiad rei-eivetl t'r.iin uny and all previous remedies Lei
sll livit.
HI'HNS AND SCALDS Cl'RED. Thousand, of eases
of Burns and ScnM. in all parts of the couulrv, have bees
cured liy Tousey's L iiivcrsd Ointment. Certlficulea enetk
could I hnd H 1,1! the whole ol this sheet """ml"i"
VIOLENT lllt.l lSKS CI IIKD. Teat'imorti.l. on te.
m-.nial iu luvor ol louu-y . Ouninem for curine liruies
heve been iaTcre.1 the propnebsia. Ilund.ed. in Vrusx
will ccniiy to its great merits relieving ihepsiuof the most
severe Bmis. All pers 'ns .hould try it
riCALKHKAD fTHED. S.,,,.., ' of sdd PIMI
' been cured by lousey's Oinlmciit. Try it it srMoss
MALT RHEIM Cf'RF.D. Of ad ihe remedie. ever is
covcren forlbs m isl disngrrweble complnint, Tomev', t .i
tofail ' Ulc "K'1 eHiiihte. It uever was knewa
vers.l Oiniinent will alwny. cure the worst eases of Chee
ped Hands. Scores of persm. will .tale Ihi.
fttiKK Lll'Si THl-.D. For the eure of Sire Line there
was never anything made equal to Tousey's Omunenl. It
is eure to eure tliem. Try it.
It is s scientific isinp1.iind. warranted nolo contain sey
preparation i Mercury. f prl0, M p.,,,, fmr
furllierisirliculars c-aicerniog ibis reellv valuable OuUnksal
Hi. pulilic arereferretl to Pamphlets, to'bs had gratis, ef re
sneciabie Drugri.ts and Mercliaui. throut hotu ths Wiulee
Pretred hy 8. TOISEV, Druggist, No. 10$ Nsasse
Street, Nw York
Aossts-JtHlN VOt'.Ne, Sunbury. M. A. MeCAT,
February 17, leMO ly
otton Vam, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps
and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made
Pantaloons, Ready made Vesta, Congress Knives,
Porcelain lined preserving kettles, just received
for sale by H. MASTER.
Sunbury, Dec. S, 1848.
XE8 of a very euperiox quality for eale by.
Sunbury, Dec. t, 1843.
I) LANK COOKa A aaaortraent ec Blank
Hooks, just received and sale by
Sunburyj Deo. S, 1848, - '
VKl)'P MOLASEa.uperioT refined 8yrp
Molasses for sale by HsJNKY MATHER ,
Suahury, Dee. a, UIS.