Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 26, 1850, Image 3

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D ImPohtakt'T'acti AtyiL or
DT him ' Soi. &o.-1t will b remem
beTd that during th wSrtement attendant
rn lh arrest of rrofetsor Webster ana the
ubwquent examination of his private desks
t his residence at Cambridge, it wa stated
4hat two notel in Dr. Packman's handwriting
iiad been discovered. One of these notes
was for (2.400, and it is said bore on its back
ndorsemenis sufficient to cover its face. The
other was a note fur 487, which the Profcs
sor alleged to have paid tho Doctor, and rook
the note itself instead of a written receipt in
acknowledgment that the obligation was ran
celled. ,i
When the discovery of the notes was first
made public, it was thought by some that
they formed another link in the fenrful cHuln
of evidence which encompassed the Profcs-
or; but, upon calm consideration, this sup
position was repudiated by many, and the
whole transaction finally resulted io the con
viction that these notes, instead of tending
further to criminate the Profewor, would na
turally serve to exonerate him in a measure
from the charge of having committed the
deed, if he did it at all, from pecuniary con
siderations. ' We have just learned from a source on
which we place implicit credence, that all
the circumstances attending the discovery of
these notes have not yet been made public,
and that their liue history involves the whole
dreadful affair in a deeper shsde of mystery.
It seems that when the officers visited the
house of Professor Webster for the purpose
of examining his papers a certain desk was
thoroughly overhauled every paper was
spread open and minutely scrutinized by a
gentleman perfectly familiar with Dr. Park
man's handwriting : yet not a word was dis
covered that bore any resemblance to the
Doctor's manuscript.
They then relinquished tho search and
ttame to the conclusion that if Prof. Webster
had Any paper in the handwriting of Dr. Park
Vnarr, they were not et-Mtainty in that desk.
They then left the entirely satisfied
that it was nseli.-M to prosecute tlicir investi
gation for that rpecies of evidence against
the Professor any farther in that direction.
The net day they niin visited the house on
a similar errand, and after examining other
receptacles for papers and letters, without
any successful result the gentleman who was
expected to recognise the handwriting of the
Doctor, suggested the propriety ofngain ex
amining the desk which had been inspected
the day previous. Although considered by
the others a futile undertaking, yet they con
sented the desk was reopened, and there
conspicuous among all the other papers were
the two notes.
How they came there, no one has explain
ed, and the more we reflected on the si.bjict
the less we can repress the most painful sur
mises. They must have been placed there
by some person who presumed that desk,
having been once so completely examined,
Would not be looked into again.
A statement has been made in some of the
public prints to tho effect that Mrs. Parkman
the wife of the lamented D .jclor, hud occa
aronally visited the family of the Professor
since his incarceration, and that unfortu
nately lady was still on frieiidly a id intimate
terms with Mrs. Webster. How far the ex
istence of friendly feeling may bo concerned,
we know not; but we have authority for
saying, that Mrs. Parkman has not only not
visited Professor Webster's family since the
dreadful event, but has kept herself confined
to her own residence, and has not even visi
ted the membeis of her own stricken family.
Mrs. Parkman, we also learn, will not be
called upon to testify in the case. The evi
dence relative to the priv-Ie marks about the
petsonof the Uoctor5 by which the body was
indentified-in its mangled state, can sati.fuc
lorily be given by the physical! of the family,
and thus Mrs. P. will bo freed from tho agon
izing position to which she would be subject,
if she gave her evidence b'-'furo lliu gaze of
the public.
Young Turkman) son of tho Doctor; who
has been some time in Europe, reached New
York yesterday, in tho stean ship Canada,
and is expected to arrive here to-day. Bos
ton Heruld, Jan. 17.
The Boston afternoon papers contain tho
following facts in relation to the indictment
or Webster'
Tha indictment contains four counts, in al,
of which Professor Webster is charged With
murdering Dr. Parkman on the 23.1 of No
ven.ber. tn the first Count the deed is al
leged to have been done with a knife ; in
the second with a hammer; in the third with
his hands and feet) and in the fourth by
some means to the Jury UnknOwm These
cover all the w-.ys in which Dr. Parkman.
from the evide .ice given in, might have been
The Chief Justice and Judge Bigelow then
had a consultation, as to whethe the accused
should be brought before the Municipal Court
and notified of the indictment, or, that the
Supreme Cciirt being in session the indict
merit shoulu be immediately certified up. It
was finally decided that he should be brought
before the Municipal Court at 1 o'clock, and
be notified of the indictment.
Al 1 o'clock, the accused was brought into
Court, which was nearly full of spectators.
He took his seat in the dock, and almost im
mediately was addressed by the Clerk, who
informed him that he had been indicted for
the wilful murder of Dr. George Parkman,
and that the indictment would be certified
up to the Supreme Court. He was then re
manded back to close confinement in iail
until discbarge by due course of law. Dr.
Webster appeared to be perfectly self-possessed,
bowed to several of his friends as he
passed from the door the dock, and immedi
ately upon receiving the order of the Court
remanding him to jail, spoke to tha officer)
whs reconducted him from the Court House.
He does not seem to have suffered much
from his confinement, but appears to be in
the enjoyment of his usual health. He will
probably be arraigned in the Supreme Court
next week, when a time for hit trial will be
Count Kdmvmd Zicht, brother of Count
Eugene, of Hungary, has been struck with
apoplexy and become insane.
EU" The terms used by reporters, giv'
ing an account of tha markets, sometimes
afford amusement by their comical rela-
lions. Io tho North American's quotations
of the New York market, of the 12th inst.,
we find that
"Linseed oil is unsettled, and the quota
tion is difficult " .
This is certainly not very clear.
"In hops there is more doing."
No doubt nt this season of the year Imps
and balls are frequent
"Whiskey is steady, but not active. n
Steadiness and whiskey are seldom found
together in this latitude, although whiskey
itself is often found in'ticlive.
"There is no change in mOutsy."
The reporter no doubl, thought of the
printers Who have but little money offered
to them to change.
We are indebted to the Banner of the
Cross for the following sketch of a brief
address that was delivered a night or two
since in Philadelphia by one of a party
of Indians a female of the Mohawk tribe
who were in this place a short time
since. It was written out by herself, word
for word, and is quite eloquent :
"Yon see before you a native of the forest.
Expect not much from me. My home is far
away. In the woods, where wild animals
roam, and Vild flowers bloom ). where the
bee sips its honey thers is my home-.
Tho hunter is there the wlgftanl is there
and there, like the tree, with leaves nearly
gono, whose iirnbs are bent, and hang, and
droop, with its sap almost run out is my
O, my mother ! though thy daughter be
far away, thou art remembered, loved
prayed for, by thy child. I wish we could,
like the birds, make sweet music for our
pale-faced sisters arid brotheis. But we only
warble. We see so much that is great so
much that is beautiful big villages- biy
wigwams bi Churches, and their bells fill
ing the air with their culls to come and wor
ship our Great Spirit as to make us feel
how little we are. O, yes, you are many
we are few. You are wise, and know much
we are ignorant, and know little. But is
nut your Father "our Fathei ?" We, too,
say, "Our Father who art in heaven." What
means this beating, fluttering heart 1 I trem
ble with fear. Anil now it is more quiet. I
hope, O, yes, I hope that you will not for
get, in this, my rude speech, that 1 am a
child of the fort. I thank you very much,
ladies and gentlemen, . for coming to hear us
sing. Expect not much from us ; we can
not sing we only warble. The bird, when
he sings, tills the grove with his mellow, per
fect noies, and does not peek at the little
nestling when it tries to imitate what it
Crimen Biildinc in Philadelphia. A
correspondent of the (Methodist) Christian
Advocate and Journal, has an article upon
this subject, from which we gather the fol
lowing facts :
Mktiiodist. The average contributions
of the Methodist for erecting new churches
in Philadelphia, during the last five years, is
three and one-eigth cents per member, annu
ally. Presbyterians. Average per member for
the same purpose, during the same time, is
eighty-seven cents per membe: annually.
Baptists. Average, one dollar per mem
ber annually.
Prot. Episcopaliass. Average, six dol
lars and nine cents per member, annually.
The above facts speak well for tho pros
perity ot tho l'rotestnnt f.piscopal Church,
and the libeiality of churchmen in Philadel
phia. Complimentary to the Girls or Buf
falo. We clip tho following morceau from
the London Daily News:
The Newry Examiner gives a letter from
a young woman in Butlalo, New York, to her
mother in Irelend. The damsel says: '-I
woidd advise all the handsome gills in Court
bane to come here, as it makes no matter
with pills here whether they have money or
i.ot. The boys here do not look for a fortune)
lint every body lor a handsome wife. The
boys here are very food of Irish girls, as the
Yankee girls are like the old horses at hornet
high in bone but low in flesh, and the color
of a duck's fool."
Vll Sorts of 3tcms.
Party Colors in Prussia The reaction
ists in Berlin wear black and white cockades.
The Democrats wear black, red and gold.
it is forbidden to wear simply the red color
of the Republicans.
You will not be less forbearing. O no,
you will. 1 know, be generous, and not bo
too exact in your expectations 1 promise
we will do our best to deserve your approba
tion more we cannot do."
Townseno Haines, Esq., of Pennsylvania,
has been nominated to iiil the otlice of Re
gister of the Treasury, vacated by the pro
motion of Allen A. Hull, Esq.
Pittsburg and Ems Railroad. Fifteen
thousand shares, amounting (0 8750,000, have
been subscribed to the Pittsburg and Erie
Railroad, and $35,000 paid in, according to
the Pittsburg Gazette.
Mr. Calhoun, who has been detained
from bis seal in the Senate by serious illness,
the Washington. Republic says, is slowly re
gaining his health.
Sad Death oc a Child. A -yJtild, aged 0
years, of J. Hiles, al Lafayette, TT7 J., got ao
cess to a jug of liquor in the house, last week,
nu drank so much that he died next day.
jmssissiPPLAn election for U. S. Senator
1 UC1 Col. Day,, j, t0 tako piace and
win prooaoiy come off this week. Col. Da.
vis win De pressed by his friends for re-elec
10 i"iei with gray hair. Never
say "dye."
Mrs. Howard, who killed her husband's
paramour in Cincinnati, soma time since,
has been discharged from the Lunatio Asy
lum and has returhed that city, in good
Homestead Exemption. A bill exempt
ing from execution, property to the value of
five hundred dollars, passed the 'lower house
oflho Legislature of Indiana) on Saturday
week, by a vote of S3 to 41.
Cato said, "The best way to I x.p good
acts in memory, is to refresh them with new."
- First Assistant Postmaster Gen. Hobb, has
decided that newspapers can be sent from
the office of publication, in bundles to one
person or fiirn in California without pre-pay-ment
of postage.
Mr. Amos Jackson, of Pottawatamie Coun
ty, la., is exhibiting an invention of his a
saw-mill which derives its propelling power
from the weight of the log to be sawed. The
principle is simple, and tho invention will do
away with all steam and water-power saw
What sort of fruit is preferred by editors'!
The latest dates.
Chief Justice Gibson, it is said, would
accept tho office of Slate Koporlen It is one
that requires the must mature experience.
A. MggTiNO has been called at Galena, III.
to memorialize Congress to increase the duty
on foreign lead.
An exchange informs us that "the Missis
sippi is 'tight as a drum' above the mouth of
the Rum river." We should not wonder.
Two sons of Rev. M. Page, in North Caro.
linaj were killed on the 22d ult., by the fall
ing of a tree, which they were chopping in
the woods.
A ferry Boat sank near itilnishfn Ire
land, lately with a number of passengers on
board. Forty lives were lost.
"Only let people work as hard, and fare
as haid here, as they do when they go to
California, and my word for it, they'll soon
get ahead anywhere, and no mistake," said
Uncle John.
The Population of Iowa al this time is
estimated at 190.000, and it is increasing
with unexampled rapidity.
Mr. John L. Stevens, the traveller, arri
ved at Panama on the 18th December.
About 60,000 head of cattle were driven
into Cincinnati during the year M49.
H a U;h 1KD,
At Northumberland, on the 22d inst., by
the Rev. M. J. Allemau, Mr Hiram You no,
of Union county, to Miss Rebecca Hopewill,
of the foimer place.
At Northumberland, on the 22d inst., by
the Rev. T. t. Lalhrop, Mr. Philip W. Buru,
of York county, to Miss Mary A Eckert, of
the former place.
In Augusta township, on Monday last,
SIMON, son of John Cooper, aged 8 years.
In Upper Augusta township, on the 22nd
inst., ANNA, wife of Martin Gass, age about
30 years.
Corrected weekly by Henry Masser.
Wriat. .... 100
Rte. .56
Cony. . . .50
Oats. 3T
Bcttes. - . - .16
Eons. .... 2
Purk. .... s
Flihhh. .... 155
Tallow. - -10
Bkkswax. .... 35
Flu. . . 8
Heckled Flax. ... 10
Dried Arri.ii. . - . .62
Do. Peaches. ... 200
would call the attention of our rea-
ders to the terms of the (jJnl, printed
at Washington City, by JuhjtXr River. The
reparation of this paper is world-wide, and
thoseSuf our readers desirous of alitnininrr h
correcti'port of the doinps of the next Con
gress canuoi no ueiter itian eenu in their
names in compliance with the terms annex
ed. The Glohe has always held an enviable
position; the reports of Congress found in its
columns are as nearly correct as it is possible
ouiaKeinem; nni trie importance ot Hie
measures to be brought betoro Iho comin
Congress will induce many to bo anxious to
obtain a fair and candid report of their pro
ceedings. Tiaos. For one copy ot the Daily
Cilolw (daily during the seaaion of Congress,
and weekly during the rereae,) year, $5 00
r or the Daily lilul e for less than a vear
the rate of 84 cents a months.
For one copy of the Weekly Glohe for
one year, - . ..100
t or one com- of tha Concreasional Globe
during the amnion, . . 3 00
f or one copy of the Appendix during tha
session, . . 3 00
r or four enmes ofruher, or part of both
during the anion, . . . - 10 00
r or ten ccinea of either, or part of both
during the seasion, - . . . 80 00
The prices for these papers are so low that
advance payments are indispensably neces
sary to oarry them on.
Postmasters who may obtain subscribers
will be allowed 20 per cent., on the subscrip
tion prices for single papers which they may
retain when they send on the names of sub
scription money. The price forihe Congres
sional Globe and Appendix to Clubs who lake
ten copies is so low that no deduction can
be afforded. Subscriptions may be remitted
by mail at our risk, in money at par in the
section of country where subscribe- reside.
Estate of Henry Yoitbelmer, dee'd
TUIKi. hereby given, that, letters of admin
Utrution have been granted to the subscriber
on the estate of Henry VntiliMmM ..f 1 a ...
w. . . u-
gusta township, Northumberland county, dee'd.
AU person having claims to aaid estate, are re
quested to preseut them for examination, thoM in-
ueoieu to uie estate are requested to make imme
diate payment.
Sunbury, Jan. 6, 1850. 6t
Freali from the lMalna of Oregon.
IHARI.EHH. BOOAR.rMnertfi.llv i,.f.
bis old friends and former customers, that
na uasjust arrived trom tha West with a large as
sortment of e U'Rant Buflkloe Robes, of every aiies
and quality, which be otters for sals at the most
reajiolkulilA nrirM. Theaa rohti mmrm mmAiII.
selected by himself and can be aeen at tha store of
John W. FnUng In this place, who is his author.
isea agent tor ineir aaw.
Sunbury, Dec. 19, 1149..
1") ESPECTFULLY informs tha citizens of
1 - Danville and the public at large, that ha baj
located in Danville, and la now prepared io prao
tic Medicine and Surgery in all Its various bran
ches. He will operate on all the various forms
of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft
palate, and attend to the ei traction of tumors,
amputation of limbs, and all other aurgical dis
eases. His collection of instruments comprises
all instruments in meilrrn 8urirery, of the latest
improvement and finest finish, lie flatters him
self that many years' practice and experience will
be a sufficient guarantee to thosa who may feel
disposed to employ him.
His residence is nearly opposite the Monlgomt
ry Bitildingt, and next door to Isaac Rosen
baum's store, in North Danville.
Danville, Dec. 1, 1949 ly.
In the Useful and Interesting Arts trith a few
Simple anil Tarloat F.xprrlmrnls la
INCLUDING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry
Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do
mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price 6 J cU., for
Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1849.
Ettlate of Mary Moore dee'd., and
jrcoii nioorc, iec'a
J OTICE is hereby given, that letters of admi
nistration on sum deceased s estates, have
been granted to the subscriber. All persons hav
ing claims ngninst the estates, res requested to
present them for examination and settlement, and
those indebted to the estates are requested to
make immediately pavmcnt.
Lower Augusta, Dec. 8, 1849.
"Winter Arrangement.
ON and after November 1st, 1849, the Pas
senger Trains will run be ween Philadelphia
and PoHsville as follows :
Leaves Philadelphia at 8 A. M., daily except
Arrives nt Reading at 11 IS.
Arrives at PotUville at 12 SO,
Leaves Potlsviltcat 8 J A. M. daily except Sun
days. Arrives at Reading at 10.
Arrives at Philadelphia at 12 ,r0.
FARES. Pottsvillc and Philadelphia 3,50
and 3,00; Pottsvillc a 11 J Heading 1,40 and 1,'JO;
Heading and Philadelphia 2,25 and 1,00.
Paascimcrs cannot enter the cars unless provi
ded with Tickets.
There will lie no Afternoon Train.
NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baitpnge will lie al
lowed to each passenger in thexo lines; and pas
sengers are expressly prohibited from tuking any
thing as bagiraro but their wearing apparel, which
will lie the risk of the owner.
liy order of the Board of Managers.
Nov. 24, 1819. Secretary.
HicKinr & tux.Ii,
Ko- l.'0 ( how ii ut afreet,
(Opposite the Arcade)
1 AXI'FACTCRERS of their improved style
1,1 Elastic Steel Spring, Solid Solo Leuther, and
Solid Riveted
which took the only first premium, awarded by
the Franklin Institute nt their last exhibition.
II. A T. take pleasure in informing the travel
ling public, that they have now on hand, s bean
ttful assortment of Iheir improved style of Solid
Sole Leather Trunks; Double and Single Folio
Trunks, of various styles; Ladies' Trunk, Va
lice Trunks, llonnet Boxes, Cap Cnses, Carpet
Bags and an elegunt assortment of suprrior En
ameled I'utent Iieatlur Bugs, with every article
in their line of business.
It?" Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchango
lor NfiW onrs. AI.EX. L. HICKEY.
Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849.-
TJ "7 HOLES ALE Commission PAPER and
Street, Philadelphia. Where a general assort
ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and Tor sale at
the lowest cash prices.
f'up, Letter and Printing: Paper.
&-. on liund.
Plain and ruled white Capsi
' ' blue "
Flat Cups.
Plain sod ruled white Letter.
" " blue
Blue and white Folios.
White and colored Printing Paper
Tissue Pupcrs.
Shoe "
Wrapping "
Envelojie "
Hardware and SI ealhiug Papari
Tar Board.
Straw Boards.
Bonnet Boards.
AU orders from the Country will bo attended
to at the shortest notice.
AU goods sold will lie carefully parked, and de
livered at any place in the city.
The lushest cash prii-e paid for Rugs, or ex
changed for Paper, as low aa can be bought else
where. Please call and examine for youraelvesi
Philadelphia, .Nov. 17) 1819.
Agent for tlit sale of fiouthtrofth Manufictu
ring Co's. Writing Pap rt.
Mare lloune, Xo. 3, minor at feet
100 "-SISSS of the ulnive superior Papers now
in store, and for sale to trade at the lowest
market-prices, consisting in part of
fine thick Mat Laps. 13. 14. 13 and 16 lbs.
blue and w hile.
HuiH-rfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue
and white.
Extrasuper end Superfine Folio Posts, blue.
Suiirrtine Cammerical Posts, blue Slid whit
plain and ruled
and white, plain and ruled.
Extra auper Linen Note Papers, plain and gill.
Superfine and find Bill Paiiers, long and broad.
Superfine and fine Counting-House Caps anil
Pbsts, blue Snd white.
Extra auper Congress Caps and Letters, plain
and ruled, blue and white.
Extra auper Congress Cops and Letters, gilt
Superfine Harmon Cus and Posts.
Buperriiied blue Bath Posts, blue and white,
plain snd ruled.
Embroidered Note Papera and Envelopes,
"Lawycr'a" Brief Papera.
Superfine and fin Cape and Posts, ruled and
plain, blue and white, vSrious qualities and prices.
Also, 1000 reams white end asserted Shoe Pa
pers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorted tissue,
Tea, M' rapping, Envelope, assorted snd blue Me
diums, Cap Wrapping, Hardware Papers, Sec
Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1849.
ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this
xcellent article for Tetter, &e., just received
and for sale by HENRY MASSER.
Sunbury, July 28, 1849.
m receiwu anu tor saie si me store 01
Snubury, Deo. 1, 1849.
LINKS oTtvwrf dMcriptfeo rah U M by
ftpljrMf M the) MlM M th A INMIMIV
Groceries ! Groceries ! !
CO I. TO & Co.
S. IF. Corner Arch $ 6th Street Philadelphia,
()FFER for sale to the tnhs.bitant of Sunbury
" and vicinity, Family Groceries of the very
finest quality consisting Of i
Extra Fine, Superior and Common Grtsn and
Black Teas.
Coffees of sll kinds and pticss.
Sugars of every kind. " , : -
Rice, Fariun, Sugo, Hominy.
All kinds of choice Pickles, Sauces, Kelcimps,
Olive Oil, Preserves, &e., warranted to be of the
very finest grades in the market and at the
cheapest rates possible.
411 goods carefully packnl nint promptly for
warded. COLTON & CO.
S. W. Cor. Arch & 6th St.
riiila. Oct. 28, IS 19 elieSm ly my 2(1,
Importrr of t'rpnHi llRkrt f.eoMng .lasses,
Ottil Fancy (joods,
' No. IS North fterond Street,
iletween Market ond Area Sis., under J. Smstr
JoxEs' Carjiet Warehouse, two doors below
Christ Church,
IT AS on hand and is constantly receiving a
large and extensive assortment of Combs,
Brushes, Fancy Goods of every description, (too
numerous to mention,') Looking Glauses of Gilt
ond Mahogany frames, Baskets, Coaches, Chairs,
Shaker's Eastern Wisp and Country Brooms,
Window Blinds, Door Mats, Tubs, Buckets,
Churns, Washboards in fart, Wooden and Wil
low Ware of every description, nil of w hich will
be sold low for Cash or City acceptance.
Merchants would save themselves much time
and trouble, !v calling and examining my stock
before purchasing.
N. B. Looking Glasses, are insured against
Breakage to all parts of the Union, without extra
August 25, 1S49. 3m
IJEINGa progressive and Comprehensive Sys---'
teni of Orthorapy and Orthoepy, including
a variety of definitions, adapted to the use of
Schools in the American Kepuhlic, by Almon
Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty -live year's experi
ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators,
Practical Common School Mensuration, etc.
The attention of Teachers, School Directors,
parents, &c, is invited to this new Spelling Bonk,
which conforms to the modern spelling and usages
in Orthography osbeing one of the ncatcst,cheaieKt
best arranged, And liettcr adapted lo the. wants of
children, than any other puhlixhed ill the United
Suits. It is what it purports to be, a Spelling
Book and not a Heading Book, and only require
an examination on the part of Instructors of youth
to secure for it a universal introduction intj the
Schools of the I "niled States, Jit published, and
for mile by llr.Nnr Massrh, Sunbury.
here Teachers and Directors ear. procure
copies for Fxaniinntioili
August 4, 1849.-'-
KDITK.I) HV ;i:VKItNi;rll KMKHr")N.
BN ONE VOLUME, Roynl nets vo, 1 Hid pages,
lieautifiillv bound, eontr.lnlns, 17 tine plules,
besides numerous Wood Cuts. Sold at about
one fourth the cost of the English work, without
any .Plates.
"The Farmer's Encyclopedia is a real treanurv
of practical information, wherein the experience of
ullages and countries is carelully postko if to
the present day, and admirably arranged for con
venient reference. ' Dr. Darlington.
"We are fullv convinced that such an arnnitnt
of valuable knowledge lor fanner can be found in
no other work in so cheap and convenient a form
In Farmer who pretends to tic well inform
ed in his profession, should be without this work."
New lieiinessce I arinrr.
An excellent work, lit lo lie distributed in pre
miums by riocitics J. !. Skinner.
For sale al this Ollice, price ff 4;
Also, by E. W. CAKIi, Third street, opposite
the Exchange, Philadelphia and N. HICKMAN,
Baltimore, Maiyluud.
t C Al.1. OllllkttS Ml-ST Dl it
July 14, 1849. 3m'
50,000 Victims KvCrv Year
Fall a Prey to Consumption, Asthma
and liaising Blood, Uuctic Fever
nnd Nisht Sweats.
. J. Bral?, II) Delaacev street, us -e it to his tiMer-ii
law wlit) hutl Imm'u hh iin uliil tr vi mi troin AcUum ; t
iniUier C(H)idtT( nr in rinisiunptioti. It i-irvcl them at
uce, frj tiiut tit) trut-;w-0 several liuiiUrtil imles.
la ntwnv nHrtnmg. It UwU t the v rst kind if f'on
Ltiitttrit, vimI iml: arrextrd in tun is grnei-ally Intnl.
ftiVrniuii's Atl-llmling Ikiimm is ill-tmi r iiml ku tvvn ;
it heals the w-HJiulrtt or rupiuretl hlw vttwlM ii the lungi,
mill tliiel' rilrftJ1 a it-mi. maul curt, while ittiier rrme-rt'cm-nly
tnp the l ni lurtht tnt:e. A iVvt' t bm of
tlm Hulwim will KiiiKiy the moat , immI tluit it nt the
tiiffhrinf rrijHirril It h:is Ktn mi x't mi til in nrniy ran ,
and that hi i w litre they tiail run itit i n rnid ttrrtij'e; or, us
iiiore pfiieruHy exnrt-KHcil, "HASTY t'D.NSL I'TIO.N."
YtuniK pers HiR, or tfitwt! hi' middle ugr, are mure nubjert
totlieac Htt.'tek til. ill tin aged
Price '25 renin and 1 per Imitlo.
lir. Slieini;mi t' wsh and Worm si7.enr. and Ftnr
Man i 1'liinterit. ild hh iiU'Ve
PruiciHil Oiftee 1L0 .Nafciu-alrett, .New York.
hm cured nnre chmtA of Itliniinutinii, Pn in fu the Iterk,
Nde and t'het, LutilUii and Weukin w. tluiu nnv Uiinll-
njtiou that h:i inrrnurd, hrndreda of uiipruiri,ilfd niM-n't
nave nueinpiCTi m oniiiicrieii it. anti palm tt i ll upon ih
community na the genum. (V Hewnre f l)t-rpti.m...!
Kemeinlier thai the true and femiin 1 Master in vprriid tijxiii
reitdlfth miner irlnde exnrea.vlv f t thi tiurooim und every
he the ftittimture of Dr. Shrmnii ii printed ujvhi the Wick
of the Platter niul the whole wurnd hy Opy (tight. None
other a are penuim. Therefore when you want a real good
Sherman' I'm if Man1 Plnater, rail at thenttWe, I' u&iu
tref. and yoti will nt I disappointed.
tteiuemlier nrimMuttlUinee lt Naanau-atreot. rw-1 orki
Where all lr. Sherman lozenges are aId. Hia Aitmts
are Mrs. Hnva, I W Fulton street. Ilrooktvii; llmeu,
Williamsburg j aiMl Keddinjr A ti, Hiton, and
JOHN YOl N'ti, Unnlmrv.
M. A. MeCAYi Murti" mhertmitd
Nov. tO, 10 eh e3iu Iv
No. 90 North Third street, bctwici Arch and
Race, and 83 Dock street,
I'ateut Soui-S(oiic I.lueduud Key
liole (over
f i.y"i nrmtmi 10 wtiini inure Haul
Iff! nl minimi;
'A".T ttiuii any I'hrBli in thia t'ouulrv
USi 1 1 . r T-ll i.mi 11..
"'V A. c"ii'iu
I'.HilC '' ' 'V?!F 1 "ii'"iil
f .'i ' ki era! tliouaiiiit
iiinii aii'iiuiiiiict inill
ll.'W 111 u. Thry
to make Die orttinu.
i. al v"ry low iripla
miiit'inaluin lH-ka. Wlih
liicli (nil bf rhainiMl
ftcveral tliouaiiiiil tiiucMi rli:innwi
hie Ih I'act every time the liot-lt ia
used ll (Irsuable. Tiieae IdM-km are proof aamnat tlw nmat
ripert Thievra, Ih-iiuj auilirl Willi Ihe Huient Key-hole
Cover, and marie very atroiiff. thry lie lown niwn
bv GunpowiU-r. Thraa locka ara intended (at BANKS,
Healaitd imlint ouiyinf preMi fire psoo doors far Banks
sndntorca - ' -
IWm 8lale Lined Ilefrisejatora, warranted superuir to
Sll others. Water KlUert, r-liower JJatliS ul Uie beat qul-
jT Perns wialiing to purrhaaa any of the abnira ar-
tielea, will pienw aive ilieni a call, aa tlicjr tell chaaier
hail any otliet iultis I'uittd flalea
.1111 A.N m; WATSON.
Philadelphia, Novemliei 10, Ijr
Valuable llookS.
LIFE or Cmsiit, baudsomely bound, D'Ar
sikKs's HisToar or tsb Riionsirion,
Rlsbe Dii-ioom nt l.iosms, full bounded.
For sal at lbs publishers prices bs
5uury, July II, l4l.
In all Chriatlnnlird nnd elrll!trd ennntrinn. ha ean-d S
f",l,'"-""n of .l-Mh. than any cith.-r maladr Uial
afllicti the human linnily. and. until within a lew ".
I r if. ? ?,''n " rfm' "OP ts dsTasts.
tlun of tha deitrnynr. But now . -
i ii i in i l i it i it ii
1 U JJiil Vililll I Uillil
Curn rrrjr mtnp of the nmat trrgli marknd anrf dnvcl.
ojn:d cnM'i ol Pulmonary L'ottumtion rial, undoubted
capfi ol ulcerated nnd Histasfi .t'.Vty.aneli kofUs$ en
wa na went nitrrr lfor curetl hy nnv nthr iiid(eln
?n utterly Keptlt were aoi of th nttfietttt pvraoD.
to hate been ironouiierd by phftUin nnl frietida to b
arTUALI.T I'TlNfi. St.nie. hn hsil tli' lr h.iiUl HothM
mmle. hTe bt-en e tired, and yet llTi?--otlifM. V;hrt it wh
til would not livti attothtir day, arj now ai well aud
henriy m tliey ever wern.
It oaeaipa all tho elnatiilnit ftnd purify In VIrttiot
nearly as powerful atid actltu M Ihn iiruutiriilijti which
wn eall
Thti d;tfer from tliat, 1irrnlie petaea trrtrnl oth-i
Mtii.aihni whi.-h are pfcuiidrif aJfijtfJ lu, aud ar turn
tallij ncnuAry, to euro
Coughs and Constmiptions,
and nil dirne if n pnlmnnnry tvititre fiteh diaravm aa
uni'dly pmv to frttal under oidjmiy treatment, whin
ill. y Mtnf-ti tUe
Brrnsl, Thronf, lun? nnd Ifwt.
T.M BALAAM hrnUawt curr 11ert in rht, and
Hf.-iIhti' inter noil, na certainly and eatilu : iho Prut
rv ao Kxthatt rw(i nnd hral u)rer rxtrnntlv ' ht
Huliini rurra Sine eneea of O'UvAnn,) Cnnsumpiian rntt
of Ten, niter nil other rcinrdtt-a h.iv failed to do good.
Thousands of Consumptions
and Chronic Omifh, nlmndnnt!y prove Its vrtfailin? efi
a.y in ftn-h ili;iw. nnd ll nnditnl't-tl cti.Mtira pnwir,
Mtid aoutliiiiL'. hrwtinp prosptif, fn hr Inilowinu en'
plxint nnd diftif. viz.: Stttittp tSf IthnJ, Merlin nt
tltt Lvnit. Vain in the .V.-att and silt yiht Stmut Str
rm omulfi'!t, palpitation of the thart, fhnlrrn Inan
turn. Iv-fittt'ty nnd Summer Omplalnu hi ChtUrenuiui, Afthtn. and ALL
No remedy that hat ,Men ortrrrd to tho puhlie hat err
liecti half rrrtain and effectual in rorrt-tinq ALL the In-I'id-tttnl
vrahnew ami irrtyritlaritir uf ( lrnilo .$
feruiee wliethT Uie dr raiirTriiii!nt hn ntpfrreion. tetaf,
or othr incidental trcdknei it HKUIVI.ATKS Al.L. hy
ftrntgtUeUlnf the avVm. tft'dli iiij ttte circulation, and
inoihinr and Allaying NKR VOL'S JltltlTABILITV. Ste
qut pamphlel$ tor prouf.
A Dying Woman Cured !
We atatp thi cum to prove the povcr to rare li when
tin UM.SAM ia urd, rvfti nltrr thi iMu,n i conti.Und
hy phyfi' ihn nnd Irirnis to ho )n the lrt stn?rM of d:'pae
arlitisliy dyinr- and. In thia raw. ra far gut that the
tkroud nnd burial clatkrs wi'tr honfht. Kir tl. parti, w
tart of thia cii and the re.pealft nul ttndouOud proof
of all tin rirrumitam-L'S ami la I, we reltr to uur
Thia run wna rfT.rtrd on Mix ZIRA PVKKMAN. of
Path-ton S,m. Saratoga Co . A' )'. We phii nrnvr, h.'vtm.J
a dsiuit. many nthrra almost equally n l-npcli a-. in( innu
mcrable cn tif Cnuirh nnd CoiiHvnii-itis ( 'f-ft 11), hicli
Wrre pionoiint't'd incurable t.y aUiltuI pAy.ti taut.
Fee the cure of f 'r. Hulbard, of .SrnnihirJ, Ct., and uthei
Dyspepsia !
S- e ihe rti'f nf T S It H ot. nrrrhan f.f A'ta, Wvo
tiling ( o, N. V., nnd uiiu:y ino.w. in oiti TitihUta.
Dysentery 6c Summer Complaint
in Chihlren nod A lulrt ar nlttav cured. 4 IVrakhr ChilArm
w ill ln-euiiie ffchy. hmhhy. and Anr:y and (ruw ratiidlv,
1-y tin uae d thia H.M.HAM.
N'i nioili'-r n.ed i-rt-r mourn the den'h of her child l r
('oIrti Iiiffinf nut, wlidti trrthinr, if BLASTS
rVL MOXAHY BALSAM h ndminUu n d. Itahould be,
lortuch cai-a, ptren in lorpr than the ordinary tloact.
Yh.j toH'twin; nn'ii.-it Mnrt f : n. l'h:icitmt Imva
lile'i.j n.-i.imn n.I.-d I KAM' .-J M IMUCI.NKB :
tlr. X. l!l'i:K!l .xtnmfui-l. f.,i,n.
Ilr. J. N. SMI TH. W it. N. V.
Pr. KlU-iMAS. i:;j ll.nry lr.--t, r.moVrii, H. Y.
Ilr. T M. HUN r. )i:n, N Y.
Pr urn. nt xcir, M.,l.ili :.nvn. Conn.
Ilr. iK). A. HDllKltS. Huh N. V.
Ur. S. WIIITK. Fr.-.l.miii. N V.
lir. f. K. (! M.KNTIXK, Uvrun. N. T.
lr. J. (LJflll'MAV, I mvllrvill.., N. V.
lr. J HKINNKK. Iltnrv t.. Hrmiklyn, S. T
Dr. O. SIIU'MA.N. Curtimi.t. N. V.
Port SAI.K HY J.ihu V. Frilinc. Suulmry P.
.Mury A. .Mcl'ny Ncrtliuiiibral.i(l.
J"lni it. Knsft,
llriiry J. NhnHttr rl.i
I'.dwiinl A. KllTZlifr da
Attain OmrM PiitranroTa,
llnya Mrt'nniiick, M-Ku eiiivilla,
V. 1. I. Piiinter, Miiiirv,
J. P. Munn t.'o., llmthr'aville,
I'dwnril Wila mi. Nrw Iterlin,
Th riil(ii St B:ikr, l.ewialmrg,
S. J. ('r'.nw, Jplinnirrtivr,
W. II. Kii-klrr. Ihiuvillr,
V.. I. I.cilz A J"lin R. M iyfr, ..inlurf .
All Iritrra riiul ord'Ta nmat l,e h.kireRanl ta Wallata A
Cii.. I( llriauluiiv. Nnv Viirk.
tfniilmry, July 21, W.i ly.
i:iul(allc Life IiiNiirnure, Annuity
nnd TriiMt l onipan.r,
(irnrr. tj vai.m t rTRr.l:T, riiii.ADni.rniA.
rl'lll'l I'.iiinwiny lire now irirl to Irniianrt lmine.
I up. n the inoai lilwnil iiml U'lviiiiUiumua tenna. They
nrf autliri.f-1 hy tli.'ir rluii'.rr (wft. .'!) "to nmke all and
rvrry imnruin' niprrtainiiiff to lilfl riaka nf whatever kind
or imtiirr. mil ti rcocive anil ex.iMite trimta. tmke enJ w
nn'ilta, nml to driliit unit piirrhaae aumiitiea.'1 rj'lie Corn.
tviiiy ai'll ar.iiiijtit-a and ciidowiiicnla, ajui act aa Truttaoa
Tor miiiorB auH lirira.
Table of rremiuni rniureit f.r the AwurancS of $KkJ for
the whole term of l,iia.
Aue. ) rrcm.
Ape. I'iciii.
A(te. I'rein.
a i
1 511
I 3.1
I 5'.l
I l.'l
I &1
1 mi
l an
l :a
i ;n
i s
i sn
I irt
l ii
ii tu
a m
i 1.1
a an
a ar
a u.1
a in
a 47
a "ii
a 0:1
a 7ii
a ia
J 77
3 tl
4 II
4 na
4 fit
4 71
4 91
i ia
5 71
The iirriiiiiima are tcua than any oilier ciniiniiy, and thai
polirlca alfonl printer ailVHiilniri'a. Talilra nl hall-yrnrly
mid inarterly pri-iniiiiii", half f r.wtir rate of premium, ahorl
liTina, j-unl livra aurvivornliipa ami enilowiiienfa; olli,
I',. nu ol (i .r which there are Uank alieeii') are
t lie hail on apulliiiti it t llie olfice, or hy Idler to Uie
Agent, J II. I'i'KDV, tvlnbury.
linn rna iv.vuiso SHU on a aiiuj'e I.ifs
For Life.
S 70
I'lAMfLr A pcrajn nffeil 3)1 yeara next hirtli day, by
pax iiir the ('otiiiany (in eenta woulil secure lo Ina luniily
or helra frllKJ aliouUl lie die in one yeur ; or lor Sn.uO he Se.
curea to them e$HHH ; or for 913 uiitmully for seven yeara
he aeenrca to them tf 1IKMJ ahoiilil he die in acven yejira; ih
lor tfan.lU pnid annually during tile he fcvurca glUlu lo lie
tikd when he niea. I lie Inaiirer aei'illlng liiaowu noiius,
Ihe dittcreiu'e ill nniountol nreilliuilia from thoae churt ed
by oilier ottieea. For eMg.5U the lieira would receive ajciuij
aiioukl he die lu one year.
Forma ol apiincullou ami nil pnrticulnra rnav li had al
the office. PF.TI.U C11.L.K.N, rreaidenl.
Vice rremilenl. W X. .11. IIaird.
Frascib V Uaivii, tecretary anil Trenaiiter. I'hya.cias Dr. J. H Mnaaer. SunlKiry.
J. 11. l't'kuv, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland coun
euunury, juiy in, leiu.-
Wiai. fa. Cochran Jc
M'boleaale and Remit,
No. 72 irofiiiif Street, Philadelphia.
AVE always on band a very larqe stock bf
Wines. Liquors and tSctrars, of their own
importation, htors Keepera, Hotel Keepers, and
private gentlemen, will be supplied oa llis most
liberal tonus.
l'Uiladelpliia, N. IT, 114
UAlfSlN.S, currants, citron, cherae, peppsr
sauce, Ac. For sal by J- W. FRII'INU
Sunliitry, Dec.2, 1818.
1T71XDOW CLASS, 8 by 10, fur sale
Sunbtary.JaaS7lh.184d- tf.
BAY Rl'M. An eieellent article for aais
Sunbury Jan. JTlh, 1849 t.
ITHITE BRANDY for preserving brandy
peacliea of tn excellent quality, for ssls
by 11. MASSER.
Sunbury, Kept. 33d, 1849
CUES An excellent article, for aala at
ball' the usual pri.-e by J. V . r' RILING.
Sunbury, July 7, 1749.
STONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Aaisins, Al
monJs, Prunes sad Cream Nuts.
Pianea of all kinils.
6'alt sod Plastere Ju.t received and for sale
by JOHX W. rWLC.o '
SonbutT, Dec. ?9. 1M9. y'
Ape. For 1 year. For 7 yeaia.
jo i-l nl
:ii) ikj I'm
4n ini
illl I.H 8.117
i'J a, IH 3,U7
Caution Extras
A man by tha nam, of cI.APr has timr wMi
young man of tha nam of 8. P. Townee ml. and uses aiS
name tn put np s Sarenarilla, whirh thry mil Dr. Tow
arnd'a Sarareirilla davinnnating it liK.M INK Hrisinsl, et.
This Townaend ia no dnrtnr, and never waa r but wa fr
merly a worker on the railniaila, ranala. and the like. Yst
he aamimea the title of Dr., for the pnrpoae nf inmiin ersriit
for wliat he ia not This is lo cnminn the puhlie not lo ba
deceived, and ptirehaae nmie nut Ihe Genuine Original Oh!
Dr. Jacob Townscnd's Rnrnpnrilla. having on it tha Ol4
Dr'a, lilreneaa, his fumily coal of arois, snd kis aigaaMrk
across ths soat of arms.
M r
r. -; vk , en
OLD not TOR JACOB tovxE-d,
Cionuiue TounNPinl 8araparll!at
OLD Dr. Tnwnsrnd is now nbnu, ?0 yran nf iff?, utd
hurt I mg Iteen known an the mi;hir mid diiHverer uf
th; 'i?miine Ortvtnnl ''Towiiftfnd Surnnpnnllfi Ho
inep'Ntr, lie vn cmnpt-IM t' limit its man ui'art tire, bf
wnii li iiit'ims it linsbrr-n kept out of market, and the mem
cirruiuBfrilicH tn th"Ru only vn lmve proved its worth and
known it vftUie. Itlui'l renChM tle fnrs ofnumy, never
tlilcfiH, us tlionu rKTWiim who hnd Imtii henlrd soretiiseasM,
Dtu! saved irum dcuih, proclaimed it v exccUenc and won
derful iikaIsINo powrn.
Knowitifr. nirtny yenn nff-, that he haH, by hit ikill, teU
em;, nnd rxiHTn tii'K devised nn Rrtirle which vrould b
ot" iiimli'uiilile nlvnnUiirTe to ninnkind, whru once know
ond fXtniHivrly nwd. lir hopc end rwrrseverrd, exprtinf
tho time to nrrivo whf n the menus would lie furnished to
hrimr it into universal holt re, when its inestimable virtue
W'Hiid Ih; known nml npnreciatetJ. This time baa come, U
nieniis ure snppliefl ; this
Is nwnut'::turl on the Inrfrpst arale and ii railed fof
tliroupliout thi length and brendth of the linid. especially as
il is found incnpnltle of dfirfnrrntion or rteterfnrntin.
Let every man rinor throughout the Inud, thnl Old Dn b T twui't-nd is n w miiminirturiiifrT ihe real 'Townsend
S.iiwp.iTitln which never sours, never fermenti, id tieYtf
rhntmrnits eh:irnctcr.
Kr.'m thw Any forth the people shnll have the Pure Gen
nine T.twnBriiit Sarnpurilla. which shtilt never sour in tha
l-Ttilr, or in the sionvith. and it shall yet banish from tha
land all I'crincntiiic. Smrin:,', Viucgnry Sar
Kipnrillas, now in use. A tok1 Sarwumrilln, pure and
genuine, oinrJit tn live; Bpwr souring, slip-slop Sorsapa
rilln ou'it todrt&ipaud tlie.
The ttlil Drs. Snrsuparillu will keep pure and perfect
100 years.
rnlilif yonnjr S. P. Townxrnd's it imnrovfi with age.
nnd never dinners, but fur the better ; le'nuse it is pre
pared on scientific principles by a scientific man. Tha
highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the Intest discoverlea
of the Art have nil I writ hromthl into requisition iu tha
nraniifaeliirt of the OM) Dlt'S. SARSAPAKII.LA. Th
Siriaparill:i ro t, it is well known to medical men, con
t'liim iii'tny meili-inal properiirp, nnd sme propertira
whirh are iiiTi or uselctK, nnd others, which, if retained
in preiviri;in it for u- i. pr dnce lermuutation end acid,
wiii'-h is iniuiioiid io the svntem. ! tin's of the prapertiea
cn S.irsipunllu nrc so vt Liti'e, that tl:-y entirety evaiorata
iMi-lurt-l is in tin? pre-virriii.-n. iftltey are n- preserved be
bv a at-ient i h- pr.ves. known utilv to tlio experienced m
us inrMim'ae'.mi:. Mor"iver, the; volatile principles, which
livolfin vapor, or as an exliahition. mi-b;r hrat. are the veril
rc-eiunl meuical properties of l Uc tuult wlucli give to f
nil it? nine.
Air. pei-jsun enn boil or Ftrw the root till they get a dark
c A tied iiiptiil. liich in more from the col ring matter in
the root lirm from nnvtliiuir els ; they ran then strain thit
insipid nr nvA liipiid siv:ete;i willi anr molasses, and
the;i eall it "S ri:iprtf il!tt Kxtrnct or Syrup." Kut such la
tint the article ku 'wntis the?
SM'Altll.hA. This ii si prepri-d, ell the inert i-rnpertie of tha
S;irs;virilla root arc first removed every thing capable of
lK'vniinig ncitl or of lenn-ntiati'n. is est meted and reject
ed ; then eycrv pariicte vi metlicil virtue is sernrrnl in a
purenn.l eonecnUatedf rm ; and thus it ia rendered inca
p ibleof I ving mi v of its valuable nnd healing properties.
IVefvired iu tint w iy, it nude the moat powerful njani
Ilei.erthe rtas .n why we hear commendations on every
side in it k fuV'T by men", w. -men. and children. We find it
doiim wMid"!- ia'tlie cure oi Consnunpiioii, Djspcpsia. and
Liver ( tunpiaiiit, end in Rheumatisin( Scrofula, Piles,
t:.ihiiti'ne. nil fiituneoMs l'.iuptions, 1'unplea, Ulotchci
und u.l LUiLii! -iisaiif-iim fomi
It p'litfttirtseN a nrirvoll'usi-ihc:ey. mullcoiTipti.ntsarialnf
fr. mi iiid:yi-!ii -n. fr mi Acidity of the Stomach, from an
e;ju:tl cireiikiii tn. det'Tutinntion of blood to the head, palpi
tali tiicl the li.rtrt. cold fe?t and cold hands, cold chills and
h t flaihca over the Ivnlv. It has not its equal in Colds and
Onghe; and jrouiote eafy expectoration, anil gent la per
sj.irauon relaxing stricture of the lung, throat, aud every
mhor part. ,
Jtut m a thinti is itt. rvellenccm-'re manifestly sen and
pekiHiwIetigl than in all kinds nnd stages of Female Com
jil.iin'.s. .
It w -rks wonders in raiea of Ft it or Albtis or hi tea.
I'uliiiiii ol tlm Womb. Olnuuctcd, Snppresseil, or Faiuful
.Menses, of theiuetiHtriuil peiiitdH, mid iheiika;
aud is a tllii lUal m'curiiig all the forme of Kidney Disease!
My removing ohvlrueii ns, and regulating the ecueralsa
tein, it gives tone and strength to tlie whule body, and toa
cuicsnli forms of
.sr.nvoi s pisi'apks and nr.miJTY,
Anil lima ir. vi-illa .n rrlirvrs a ft tat variety of iither nav
luilita, in riiuiul Nruralm, St. Vllus Da.,
Sv.i.iiii!i r. I'..ilr.iie Fit". I'.mvulai ma. lei . .
Ami Vfl In- tt'juiil nun lmve t uiBk-raliHid that Old Uf.
Jin- T..wusi-iiiri Ui-miiiie Onpinnl !viriiiariiia, is aa
IMIfA FloN lii iim-ri T prrjuirulion I
lli'tivt'ii fi"liiJ ilmt we stiiiiiUI il'til in an artid. n-hiea
w.iulil In-ar ihe in il ilit:inl rrariiililsiira to P. Tnwa
a -ml a urlii k-: iniJ u iin ll wiiulil bniii! down Ua the OI4
Dr . nu ll a m niiilaiii limrl i ( ciniiilainla ami criniinotinn.
Imin Aifi ula wii ' lmve fci'il. ami piirrliimera wlvihav. um4
S. IV 'I'-iwii-i-iiiI-. l-'i'il ttlif ftiinrviliml. We with It
imil.THLi'il. Inr.uisu it ia tlie uM ihllo trillll, Hint S. P.
T.iwiiwml arlu-le :mi.I lM Dr. JiiimIi 'ririwiiila Surja.
panll.i lire Iniu'en-wiile njarl an-l llitinitr-ly ilinaiulltar ; that
they nro ilii'lM-la every purlleubi, tuviiig not une ln..
tiling in roiHiti'in.
Al S. I'. T iwinen 1 u n i d tl r. and never vvna. la na
eh' inim, ii.i .i:irain:ieeu:irt -Vn '' n" more i f innlu-ins
or d iim-lliaii nnv miier e mimni, aiiHeiniMfir, uiiiir.ilea-
moiiil ui in, w in! Siiun f eim Ihe i.ul.lic liuve that they
ar. ,.,V ii... iiiniieiinlilic ine. ruiilaliiina; all
the virinea iim- i in r. iriiii! H.amt which are incurable of
ch in-,!! . uIm. i. iniiiiii remlvi iliem the ugeuia uf dweiue la-
Instell "I ll.-nilfi f , . , , ,
Hut I. ii ei" he f !tpeetel fr ra one who knowa
niilhulj e...iiiai:ilivi ly of uieilieinn nr dixenar ! Il reouires
a im'iuhi .l mie e.(''crici'ie. lu eiii'li und at.rve up even a
,. , .,i (, ii ine il. hnw much mure iinvrWnl is it that
the it mi ! imnuiiclure ininiil Inc. dci-ipied for weak
n.iliiucl:. llli.l enlei liled avatems, Should know well th.
lne.llcnl pr ipfi'llts ol ' ililia, the lo-iil liluluier of aecurinf
nml r.'iiceiur.iniis Iheir lie.ilinn viilnea. an exleiuua
kn .wlc.liic oi the vririoiia di.iiM-s which utfei't the nuinaa
a. nlcm. niul how In mt.ipt reiiirtilca l.i theae dieaea!
' Il w not'le I ir ihia ineiliriiir lodoKnl; it has no
tliiiic ill it which enn ever liurul. il can never iur or
up il, mi'l thi iciore, can never l- w i!a eunitive nroiertiij.
It leau.-a the lu .al. t xcllea Ihe liver lo hiaitliy actual,
I ouej the Htoinach. and (jivea pood dlge tlon, relieves th.
Ii wcln ol i rp r iiml conmipai i n. ullaya inflaination, puri
hea the kin. ei) ihe cliculation of th. UohI, pro.
duciiiK ncullc waiinih i qunlk' all over the Ii aly.and at Ih.
iii-nnUcH ri..iPiitL.ii; rclaica all olialriieliona, ami mvifo
ratca tlie entire ncrvoim iivrieiil. I.nol thia, then, the medl
euie v on pr.-.eniincntlv need Hut call any of theae Ihnira
lie said ul" A. I' 'I'owiiaend's interior article? This jroum
niail a li Jiuil ia not t i lie
Hcenune nf one (jnnid fuel, that the one ia inrapahla of d, aud NKVK.U SPOILS, while Ihe olher doe. j
it aoura, Icrniciua, und lilowa Ihe bottle, containing It into
friKiiienta; the Hour, neul Iniuid exphnlinir, and daiiianing
olliel : Must not thl horrible compound I Ukli.
oil! to the ayateiu f What ! put acid into a ayatera already
.Imcamit wilh acid! Whit cuuara Uyaieua but acul f
li we uol all know, that when lood ura m iHir MtHnai'hs,
what miM-hicf na pr.alucca Il iliilenee. hearthburn, palpi,
talionol the hnt. liver compluiiit. diarrho-., dysmtrry,
folic, and corruption oi ihe lil.l ? Wliat la Serolula but
an aci.l hu r in the laxly ! What pnaliK-eaall Ihe humnre
which bring oil Kriiptioua of the Skill, Scald Head, Bl
Ithciiiu. r'.r'vailirlaa, Willie Swelling., ever tVirefc and U
ulceraliona' internal and cxteriuil ! It ia nothing "il
heaven but nil aci.l aulwtanee, which ai-ura and thus apoil.
ill the tlui.ln of the laaly. more or leaa. hat nuw
Kl, hut a aour or acid rtuid, w hich mainuate. it.
aeh Ixtiveen ihe joint! and eluewhere. irritating and ill
H lining the lender ami delicule tmsuca Ul which It K-tst
S i ol nerv 'iia dleue, ol linpiirny ( the bkaxl, ol de.
rxnlcirculallona,andneailyllthe aitlmcilts wbica af
flict huiiuiu nature.
Now i il not horrible to make and sell, Slid uinmlsly
worae to uae thit
It it horiible to liiiiik. and to know how cruelly th. tf.
flitted are iinpoaed iixhi by preauiiiluoua men lor th. aaka
of money ! Fortune, liuilieoul ol the agoule. of the sick I
and no ciiuivaleni rendered the deapairing audercra I
It ia to arrcal frauiia up,m the uiil'orlunate, to piair batas
into woamUxl hunialiity, M klllille hop. in th. deaaiiriii(
btuaim, lo rcatore health Snd bliaim, and vigor Into th.
eruahet! and broken, ami to buuiah nUinmly, taut Old Dr.
Jacob TowiiM-mt li' foiinit tlae Ofiixirlowity aral
tneuna to briiur hiaUmnii I'nlveraal Tiaicvntniled Kemedf
Wllhi.i the mich, uial to the kiaiwledg. of .11 who amr4 tt
that ih.-T nuiv leiirn anil know, by -lul eanarlcuc lis
And lhu to have tlie unpurvhaMwble aatlafaction of hawing
railed Hi and million, (ronl Ihe bed of aicknea anl
deare.n.lene hi hox. he.Ulli. aial a kig lileof vigot l
UM'luluueas to iiienmrltea. ihen fainiheaaial frieuda,
AoKt.- HFMtV .MS"I-.R, Suubury.
Jult i, r-M. lv sow
Ahamlsnme new Ic igh, for sal rliesp. En
quirs at the alore of HBN.Rv MASSER.
Sunbury, Dec. 8!, 1811.
rjIKfVF, PAPERYellow Tissue psp for
A covering ulasses. Ac. for sale at Uie oHiee ol
he American.
I" ETTKR envelopes, of various kinds, fct
at this office.