Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 19, 1850, Image 4

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    f Jj-2flMN' tj Vj
T A !'
t II . ... L .! 1 LL II -J ILfW
sarr-TTi-'i' f-frr. fa r-ar-a
W pew leavs o cull the Madera, nlKJntlon
following beautiful piece of Poetry.' We
know not a mors precious trm efs thought
it lh world of literature. - We belieee it wit
written by Mr. C. M." Sawyer of N., Y.. I
brettoot with a sweet .and gentle inljuetiee,
and we know thnt .many of our renders will
b6 ftlensoj la prVssrTed i. i . 1 j
A4YISIT TftltCAtE. 7:
CT&e idea embodied iu lb following poem
are, mid to have been really otteied by
littlw bey fi?e years old." , .
p,0h I lon to lie deaf riioiher,
, On the cool and frnpranl press,
With nouRht but the sky above my head,
And the shadowing clouda that pats.
- -' "
And I want th bright, bright sunshine,
All around about my bed,
I will close) my eyes and God will think
' Your little boy is dead!
.Thin Christ will send an angel
To take me up to him ;
't He will bear me, slow anil steadily,
.' Far through the ether dim..
' , .
- Ho will gently, gently lay mo
. Close to the Saviour's side,
And when I'm sure we're in heaven,
My eyes I'll open wide.. r
4. And I'll look among the angels ' '
That stand about the throne,
" Till I find my sister Mary,
i For I know ehq must be one. .
H And when I find her, mother,
-We will go away alone,
And I will tell her bow wo've mourned
All the while she had oeen gone ?
Oh! I shall be delighted
y ' To hear her speak again,
Though I know she'll ne'er return to us
c - To ask her would be vain !
' So I'll put my arms around her,
And look into her eyes,
And remember all I say to her,
And all her sweet replies.
.-.-- - ...... 1
' And then I'll ask the angol
; To take ine back to you
He'll bear me, slow and steadily,
,". ; Down through tho ether blue.
And you'll only think, dear mother,
I have been out lo play,
And have j-one to slurp, beneath a tree,
This sultry summer day.-
California Emigration Falling Off.
The steamer Empire City, which sailed from
New York for Chagres last Friday, took only
thirty-five passengers. A few months ago
inese steamers curried from 300 to 400
serigers nearly every trip.
t There is a bliss in a kiss, when yon get
such a boon, as you go, o'er thd snow, in the
light of the moon, a sleiging ; says the Bos
ton Bee, in very great glee; and it's not a
bad one, for the Editor's had one.
I It Is stated that the survey of the Isthmus
of Panama, by Col. Hughes, cost $50,000,
though the strictest economy was practised.
The Massachusetts State Pri-jon is overrun
with a re;:; ::bcr of pers9 .
Fireman's Toast. Cupid and his torch
the only incendiary that kindles a flame
which tho engines cannot nnench.
rf. . , , .
An Irishman, who lived in an attic, being
asked what part of the house he occupied,
answered, "If tho house were turned topsy
turvy, I'd bo livin' on theErst flure!"
A wag on hearing that a chimney sweep
had given up business, expressed his astonish
ment, for ho thought the business sooted hira
' The New York Mercury is responsible for
the following neat pun : ,:How is it that the
trees can put on a new dress, without open
ing their trunks V
"It is because they leave out their summer
. A Wat to Get Orr "Piay, madam,"
aid Jonathan, in a low tone of voice, at the
close of a quilting party, ."shall I see you
' So1 answered the lady sharply.
; "Perhaps you didn't understand me," said
Jonathan aloud.
. "Not at all, 1 asked you-how's your marmV
said Jonathan laughing.
w England can import wools from Australia,
(IjftUnce of 16,000 miles, as cheap as from
ictfnburg, distant J 69 mile.
Prof. Hlebisd, of Yale, has examined
specimens of ore from a new mine of copper
at Litchfield, Conn. . A company, among
which is Barnnm of the Museum, is at work
.at the mines by night and day.
" Ihomas imeacham, who died recently in
i Hopkinton, St. .'Laurence county, N. Y , had
killed in that wilderness region 214 wolves,
' 77 panthers, 510 bears, and 2550 deer 3000
varmints. T '
. Wild Cat, the great Seminole chief, it is
said, is uboat to remove with a party of . his
nation to Mexico, in consequence of the
wane of his popularity omong his countrymen
The oston Curonotyfk is no more.
The editor on Saturday had the mournful
iluty of writing its epitaph. Ho says--"lf it
had told less truth in its life, it would not be
-7 lying now in death." '
The Sensation of Hanging is said to be
- pleasant. Few satisfied with the world will
'be likely to tijst it. " ' -! - y-
Wintering is thi Mines. About 40.000
persons will winter in the Mines at Califor
nia, the greater portion of them upon the
Kio 'Americano, the Stanislaus and the Mari
jjosa, ... . ,.- ,.. v . ;r
fROriT'ABi.E'.T'oiLT. The clown In the
circus at San Francisco receives a salary of
r twelve thousand dollars a year. 1,1 ' ''
A Cherokee Law, passed at their lat
council, makes it the duty of the sheriffs of
i Jhe several districts, rachi losumniorta'anard
it of foue men to assist in searching for whiskey
nu, it round, to spill jt upon tfte grouud
"-TMoftECosTH SuAWLs.-rOne Jmndtipd am
eighty shjt wh wore recently sold in Boston
fc for 18,675 60; being an average of t8 80
'ler eacb snawt. The most costlv one brouaht
.fSTSu) enothe'r 4T5, .third 1260, foatlh $350
f.h $310; three at 36o, te.
! 1 1- ii J 1'f axis -i ... j- jimj-miAU-i-S-B-
1J uiielia McMton to Ihetr r soe ef Eng.
li.h, Vrtneh, German m Mmnemn unfit, inso
yutteVmle Paints, wis, y BWtis, ussm
ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines eke. Having
opened new stofs Ne. t4 Msfket 0k with a
full supply of Freeh Drags and Medicines, we re
spectfully solirit Country dealers to esaftine awr
stork before psrwhesing elsewtiere, ptemistog one
end all wno may feel disposed to eitend to as tbeir
petroiMKe, to sstl them genuine Drags and Medi
einee, on ss liberal terms as any ethw bones hi the
City, end to feithfttlly eseeuto all orders entnisted
to tis promptly and with diipetch.
iiiMi or tne nroimeiora oeine a nmin pnTcin.
sflbrds sinple guarantee of the genaine quality of
all articles sold at their estswnment.
We esoec el v invite.' dru mitts and .'country
merchant, who mar wwh to become agents tor
Vt. Kf tier's Celebrated Family Mtdieinti, (stah
Jard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad'
Soliciting the patronage of dealers, ws reapect
fully remsin, 4 ,....-''. X
J. N. KEELER & BRO, Wholesale Druggists.
No. 894 Market street, PblladelpUia.
September 19, 1849-ly.
ft. IT Cheeaat ftt, '
1 )
"frfc ESPECTFULLY announce that they have
Ji. just finished the moit eitemive assertmsnt
they bsve ever offered for sale, comprising
. LIGHTS, &c.
In great variety, and of
Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY,
in the construction of thees Lamps, and such sre
made s will produce the greateet amount of light
from the Icaat consumption of Lard.
Recent improvements in the manufactory, with
the introduction of new and perfected machinery,
enables them to sell st a very GREAT REDUC
TION from former prices, end sll srticles before
leavine the manufactorv. are carefully inspected
and are warranted perfectly tight, and to give satis
Philadelphia, June 8, 1849. ly
lagratllade lc the baaeat crime f
TJE sre not among that claas of Editors who
for a few dollars will, (at the expenae oft ruth
and honesty) "crack up" an article and bring it
into rapid sale ; neither are we willing to remain
silent, alter having tested the utility of an im
proveinent or discovery in science or art. Our
readers will recollect we told them we were un
well with a sore throat and violent cold some few
weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottles of
snd so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we
ever had a cold. Those who aro afflicted, may
try it upon our recommendation. Lttaisto Telt
graph. A fresh supply of the above valuable medicine
just received, end for aale in Sunbury, by John
W. Friling, Mary A. McCay st Northumberland,
and at wholesale by Frederick Klett, dr. Co cor
ner of 2d and Callowhill atreets, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Sept 22d, 1849. 8 mo.
"Encourage If our OwnP'
ryHE subscribers respectfully call the attention
A of the public to their large and splendid assort
ment of every quality and price of
which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the
best stock to be had in the city. No effort is
pared in the manufacture of their wsre, snd the
subscribers are determined to keep up with the
many improvements which are constantly being
made. 1 heir stock consists of Mahogany
Sofaa, Divans) and Lounges, '
Bureaus, Secretaries, sraeboarts,
snd slso VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila
delphia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
in short, every article in this line of their business.
T. hey also manufacture all kinds and qualities
including varieties never before to be had in
Sunbury, such as MiHoeixi, Black Walsot
CHAIRS, iib r art y Piabo Stools, which sre of
the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by
none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscribers are determined that there shsll
be no excuse for persons to purchsse furniture in
the cities, as every confidence ran be entertained
about the quality and finish of their ware and
Their articles will be disposed of on as rood
terms aa they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try iroduce taken in payment for work.
tW UNDERTAKING attended to on reason
able terms.
tr" Ths Ware Room is in Msrket Street,
opposite J. Young s store, snd nearly opposite
vv caver s i avern.
Sunbury, April 38, 1849. tf
THE Subscribers have on hand the largest as.
sortment of Wall Pasebs ia the city of Phi'
ladeluhia, r kotttal and Kttau. consisting of
every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Dining
Kooma, I. numbers, &c, wnica lor quality and
style cannot be surpassed. Doing a cash business
we sre enabled to sell a better article at a much
lower rate than any store doing a
j.i :., TRADE BUSINESS.' '-
On hand, a larire assortment of Wins Pna
for Curtains, Kira Prints, Borders, Ve which will
be sold .for Cosh. . - Parjer Hanaina done in ths
country afTaiy prices.
rwJkT-Heelers are invited to call and ezsnune
.L . 11. J" ,
weir aioca ucioro punriiaaiiig sisvwuerv.
s -. . t li IN & BUK TUN, ..
-No. 14 Arch Street, South side
Philadelphia, May 88, 1849. ly ,
T) EAD the following eertiarate fma Cept. Devee, the
I V well knowu and popular Boaai Boat CajHaia (uf the
raiLADiLraiA, uetouer ii, lste.
Severs veers since I was attacked with a breaking out
oa niy neck iu the form of Tetter, which I am emiviueed
was euatnuited at the Berber's shop. It f rauduailr extend
ed over my face anlil it reached the uuper part ef the
cheeks. During the several mtwUis thai ft ttsitiuued
aniceding, I used dideranl applicauous, Kane of wheak had
uie eueci, epprenuy ml leest, m mcressiuf mm wnmmm, pui
i iuui none oi toero aia A perceive IDS least ueueru unui i
epniieatae rtOtluilTHiBT. hi the nee of one lar oi ll
I was papfecuy cured and nave remained free of the ssse-
uou. - r - - - 1
I have sinus ased the Ointment, lightly apphel for rough
am m uie lace, uotcnea, enappea nsnas, etc. wits im
feet sueoss. -1 have no haaitaiioa ia icroai mending it
toe Kruu(ci seuuer lo the pubuc. . .- .
. ;xhiEa dbvoh
AaaeS-Hbbbv BUtsax, tenhary,
Jai as, lata . . . . . :r..,t'.
OOOKS aad Gold Pens. On hand aeveral eaav
".lee of the life af Christ, and alee a number ef
goM pane wtuca ws will sell al the rhiladslrjhha
www amas as
t7Ann. noons.
THE subssriber rsepsetfully uifanae the miblie
that he eontinuee the atanufaetura of CABI-
NET WAKE, in all ins branches, at Us stand M
Market street in Sunbury, and thai he has now
on hand a haadeome assertment ef well mads and
tuhiuaable furniture. . ,7 . 1
He aiso semes on, at hi eld setebliahsseat, la
Fawn sire, the ., .
In alt its branches, and keeps censtontly on hand,
an asoortment of well made and fashionable
CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. ' All of which
he will dispose of st prices as low as at any Stta
blishment In the eoniitr.
His kmc eiperience in (he Miriness. Justifies
him In the belief that he will be able to give gen-
oral a tii faction, and therefore solicits worn bis
customers a continuance of their patronage. 1
17 AU kinds of produce Uken in stchange.
Sunbury, March 17, 1849-tf , ,
A ISw A ! meat e)f Free h Gaoda.
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, cus
tomers and others, that he has just received a
handsome assortment of
at bis store in Market Square in Sunbury, such as
. Dry Goods, Groceries, Queeni-
ware, Hardware, &c.
Sunbury, June 23, 1849.
Kew Hide OH and Leather Store
AY 111 North 3d St. 3 doors below Roe St,
.... Philadelphia.
rrHE suliecribers offer to the tanners on the
X most favorable terms their fresh importation
of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ayres, Laplata,
Cera eras, Laguira, Hung-Dry, Chili, Salted Per-
ambueo and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and
salted. Also, Green Slaughter, Dry Salted, and
Black Dry Patna Kips,
Alio, Straights, and Bank oil and a general
sortment of Currier's Tools.
They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter
Ijeather, the above Hides, Kipa, Oil and Tools, on
better terms, than old Houses in the city,
Cash paid for Leather of all kinds.
n Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. ly
AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT
LEKY, of sale by
Not. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 8 North
THIRD Street,
Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and
Also, a choice assortment of Rodgers 4 Sons,
Wostenholm's Greave's W. if 8. Bntcher's and
Fenney's Cutlery,
Ko, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. -
Also, Guns, Pistols, snd Bowie Knives.
Also, The American Rarer Strop, a superior ar
ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers.
Casd Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above
Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscriber's
chief business is importing and selling cutlery.
Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly
. Concentrated Saraapaiilla '
For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipelas, Piles,
Chronic Rheumatism and all disorders of the
Blood, Mercurial Disease, dec.
T T is recommended to Physicians and others, as
1 the etrongest preparation now in use, snd en
tirely different front that put up in quart bottles,
possessing little or no active principle of ths Saraa
parilla, but intended to deceive the public For
sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland.
HEYL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will
cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Galls, Swellings, and
all complaints requiring an external nmeuy. u
is highly useful in Spavin, l-urtj, rangoone, ami
nes of the Joints, cracked Hrrfi Snlinte, eke.
It haa also been used with great success by pe
so us afflicted with Rheumatism, and other com
plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel
phia, and for sale by M. A. McCsy, Northumber
land. - - 1 '
Philadelphia, May 86, 1849. ly
JOHN W. FRILING has just received at his
store in Sunbury aa extensive assortment of
NEW GOODS, of every variety which he is now
ready to aell or exchange for produce; and consist
ing in part or
Linen and Cotton drilling, and trummet
wear oj all kind.
Calicoes, Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, &c.
Muslim bleached and unbleached.
Queensware and Hardware of all
kinds. 1
Drugs Paints, and DrESTtrrrs.
And a great variety of other srticles all of which
will be sold at the lowest terms.
8unbury, May 86, 1849.
Saddle and llarneas Makers.
THE undersigned respectfully
inform the public, that they
have commenced the above busi
ness in Sunbury, . and. will con
stantly keep on hand and manufacture to order, at
their stand in Market street nearly opposite Young's
store, all articles belonging to tbeir line of business.
All articles manufactured by them will be made in
the best snd most durable style, aud at prices as
reasonable as they can be had st any other estab
lishment in the county. They therefore respectfully
solicit persons to call and examine for themselves
before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds or pro
duce taken in by the stores will be taken in ex
change at the market price.
Sanbury, June 33, 1849
'PHE subscriber haa just received a new supply
-- of the best liquors that ever came to Sunbury,
coiiauuiig in pan ui . . .. .....
Superior old pale Brandy. .., j , , t
Fine Cogniae Brandy, , ' .
Superior Old Jamaica Spirits, t
, New England Rum. . , . . , . .
Fine Holland Gin.
Superior Old Whiskey
Common do.
Superior Maderia Wine. .
Lisbon do. do. ,
. Superior Port Wine. , . ." .
, , Burgundy Port do, .( . ' . '
i Sweet Malaga Winevi . ,
Superior Claret Wine in bottles.
; Charnpagne do. . do,
Sunbury, Msy M 1849. , , ,
' Green's Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced, a
Old Jacob iWnaend's SaraapajrUle. t .
Baker's Sarssparilla.' ' i-i, -
Swsyne's "yrup of Wild Cherr
' Swayae's Vermifuge. '
Ay re's Cherry Pectoral
: Dr. Drake's Panacea.
Dr. Cullea'e ! ,C :
-"Tibbit's Pain KUIer.
Dr. Hooflaad's (jermsn BUters:
r Indian Vegetable Pills
ffnraa and CatUs Medicioes
For sale by' ' HSNBT WitUlU.
i dsdja S4hj IsMes
' ' "' FOR ;
i r: . , RAZOR STROPS. 1 "
THIS Powder Is warranted far superior U any
thing in use for Imparting a keen, smoothed ga
n Aesers, ourgicai instmmenia, ana en sinus
line Uv-rtsttt tt msy be applied to any xina
Strop. Abe superior Rssor, Knivsa, and Perfo
mery, wholesale and retail, by " , ;
Depot of Fine Raton. Strops, Brashes,' and
Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 1 8 South Fifth street a
bore Chestnut Philadelphia. '
PRitABStrniA. Feb. 15th, 1848.
This msv eertifv that I have used one of the
Strops prepared with HAYNES MAGIO DIA
MlMvuruvvUER,and can attest In the snost
unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be
found that will produce the same effect in my opin
ion, and must say to others, try it, and- you will
find it superior to any heietofors in use. ' I can
truly say that I never knew what a sharp rasot
was before.
JOHN 8C0TT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third si
PntiinKLmtA, October, 1848.
A very hard beard and tender face has compel
led me to seek and tut many contrivances design-
ed to make sharing" easy and pleasant, but with
indifferent success, until I made use or the Magic
DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett,
snd Roussel's Shaving Cream. Their united pow
er act like magic, and impart a power to the Rasor
to remove the most stubborn beard, emlAeu lm
tao'-ig the skin or temper of their owner. ' ' :
.. . . . J. COX, 40 South Fifth Street.
For sale st this oflice Price 25 cts. per .Box
November 25, 1848 6m. 1 ' 1 ' " 7 ' -
In preeentMie the pabtie with a remedy for the treatment
and cure of Favaa axd Aerts and other bilious discssm.
no apology is needed. Vest numbers in the United estates,
who suner from these affection In their varied forms, sre
compelled to seek relief from other eorres than the imme
diate prescriptions of the regrulnr physician. It becomes
therefore an object of humanity, as wetl as of public Inter
est, to bring before them a remedy prepared from much ex
perience, and which may always he relied upon ss sArn,
arrxcrvAL, aid rabht-sss to Tnx cnssTtTCTio. Thnt
ench is the true character of the INDIA CHOI.AGOGCE,
is amply attested by the aaiveraal saeceaa with which it baa
been employed.
CIV Extract from a crenmuniention of the Hon. Wil
liam WonDsaiMS, of the V. S. Senate, Iste Governor of
Dstboit, Oct. SI, 1810.
Doctob Cbablics Ossoos,
Dear Sir, I bars read with much interest, ymir little
tbabatisb noon ths "causes, treatment and enre" of the
febrile diteaiei which have so extensively prevailed in our
country during the last few monthsan interest increased
no doubt, by the fact that I have individually suffered so
much from them. Thoueh I feel myself very incompetent
to judire safely upon s subject so entirely proreasioiuU, yet
your theory seems to me well reoeinen, and your conclu
aions just, and I think withal, that your pamphlet is esJcu
lated to produce much practical good.
Sneaking of the medicine he says : It fully justified your
flatteriiif expeclstions, and aa a eafe. convenient, and popu
lar remedy, my own experience, so far, induce me to be
lieve that it will prove a great public benefit. 1 am pleased
to learn that yoa nave recently sstalMislied several a reticles
for ita nispoBition tnousu t regret tnat, wun a view to a
more general diaseroiiiAtum of it, you should hsvs found it
necessary to remove from your present residence among as.
With much respect I have the honor to be, sir,
. . Vour oMiyred servant,
tT" From Hon. Svaraas V. R. TaowaainoB, of Michi
gan State Senate, to the Agent at Detroit.
BtaMisGHAM. Oaklamd Co., Dee. 13, 1841.
Sir von wish me to inform you what I know of Dr.
Osgood's Indis Cholagogiie, or snti-bilioui medicine. I do
believe that if the virtue and efficacy of this medicine were
generally kuown, the vrviR and aodb would dissppeur iu
I procured s bottle in the nring of 1841, and hare rood
reason to believe that myself aiat family escaped the ague
(ait season in consequence of iu use. i
' Perhaps in mi summer since the settlement of this fine
peninsula, has the fever and ague been so prevalent as the
Inst. 1 nave rec.snmenrled this medicine in mtmerons in
stances, snd when Uie disease had become fixed snd rr
the skill of physicians; ami 1 have never kll 'Wn it fail. I.
has universally ppnueed the m t happy effects, and I bet
Here It ha never been exceeded by any medicine in remo-
VUttJ uuivua umiri IM we cuiiwie.
loura, rcatm:nuiij,
A.m r. Sniihurr H. B. .MASTER : Nonlmmlierland.
WITHINGTOM fc'Co.j Muton, J. U. KASUlt; Bellas
grove, MAY KLOSE.
J. J.
: (Late Keller W Grflenougb.)
aud mrcHAxrzcAXt ENaiznEXK,
Waslilnrrton, U.J.
DRAWINGS and papers for the Patent
Office, prepared and all the necessary bu
siness, in relation to securing patents, trans
acted, and promptly attended to, at their of-
nee opposite tne raient umce, -
uc tuber zs, ibsb. .
No. 60 Chesnut-$t, at the sign of the Gold
I tumble, between id. If 3d. if., South tide
Plt!LaDaLFHIA. .. ,..1
MVANUFACTURE8 and keeps constantly
III on hand, at wholesale and retail the fol
lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduced
prices i Gold snd Silver Pencils, doTliimhlea, do
r utger Shields, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, 8alt
and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster
ljadles, do Combe, Puree Clasps, Scissor Hooks
and Chains, Knitting Sheaths, ic
ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and Brtttannia ware.
German Silver Spoona, dec; Gold Diamond poin
ted Pens st various prices ; Jackson's Superior
Everpointed Leads, dec, cVc.
Fhuadelphic, Msy 28, 1648. :
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
THIS valuable preparation, ao astonishingly a useful
iu euruig diseases (S the Lungs, is the result of a skill
ful OtaubuoUiiai of the known eurullre nriiuinlea .mT
medicine. Its ingredients ore freely mnds kisiwa in ths
public, snd are thoss ackuowleused to medical weu as
possessing rare medical virtues, '
ctaubioediu the CU:RUY PE
nuns rare meuicai virtues, which oeculut virtues srs
uaubioediu the CU:RUY fECTORAL" ia their sreat-
eat vurity and eflicaey, and wheu used, ss will be
tne tutkiwBig vaiuaoie lestau iay :i - .
of Bnwdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, writes i "I save
witiieaasd the ettecu of your Cherry Pectoral in my awn
family and in that uf my friends, and it baa given great
aatislactlon iu cases both of adults snd children."
From Dr. Bryant, Druggist aud Postmaster, Cbioopee
V sua, 31 Ma I
Da. J. C. Arrs Dear Sir I Enclosed please find remit
tance tor an us cnerry reetoral la at sent me. 1 can uu
aeailatiugly say, that no saedicme we sell gives such eatis
faotion aa your'a does ma- hare 1 aver seen a medicine
which cured many caaes of oough and lung eompiaiute
Our Physicians ars using H extensively ia the practice, and
aw wm uappieai catena.
t Truly yoars, - - - D. M. BRYANT,
' . DR. PERKINS... .
President of Vermont Medical Collegs one -at the asost
learned and Intelligent phyaieuuis hi the enuiury, "cooaiders
a enapuaiuoa rare aaeauenee lor tse ears usu lur.
Buoable disease, Csiasmstioo." i i
Aa slmost inoredihla uunsSer of eertincatea have beea
rsoeivsd ; proving that the Cherry Perioral is, ia truth, s
tne.'r ur.abuv - . . .
for Cougha, Onids, A at lane and aU pulrnraairy sofapkuita.
rnitr. 7 ir.." rein MO 1 1 1. .
I a,. ml k r. . vca , ii . u
H. MASeV,aWwy, Mid MARY McCAY, NorUara-
"erauiu. .,:,. I'li-V 1 ',' I".
Muekai.iatg. ., Jt.UI. '
. .Notice to Dellnqueaita. . ...
ALL persons ildebted lo she subscriber, longer
than aig months, on note or hook account, are
requested to oil and make seMleaient, or else their
accounts will be left with a magistrate for eolleo
Sunbury, July 7, U 9, . i ; ,
" oTorm V7junii. l. "
STONE sailk Paos, atone Jugs and Pitcbera,
and other artirlea ef stone ware rast received
tiiVi'sIlljt? !s
and far sale by JOHN W. FULINO. ,
aTuntsary, Jane U, It4-
tt Towmnn cexptom ixriiCT n
! 8Att8A.IAniLLA.
rpniS Eittact la sat ap m qvart eetttas. ItW sut tlmsS
A sbespsf, msmm. and wananisri saperfc Ss anf
So. it earss dissssss without vomiting, saflaf .
nsss, or SsWStsUnj ih patism, and Is pat tieatarly adapted
Hm great ksatity an Sepertnrity ef tkls BsfsasarM erst
ti 'T'T wust ii stadiesies aisnsi,
ll tnvltirtM the bodjr. '
iik'' ' ' Ooiiswnptloii earsdi I i.r
Ctasms aaal StmtlMn.
iv " Dmsamntimi a aonal.
BfenetiWls. Coneamptkin, Liver Coiapiaiirt, CoUs, Coag as,
Cattrrh, Asthma, WpitliBt of Blond, Snrinssi la the
Cbsat, Hsetis Faish, Nisht Swsms, DioV
sail end rruruss bspBeuwstion.
sad Fala In the Me,
' havk and can be eaied.
Prelabtv Ihsrr sever wss a remedy net has bean se saw
cetaful in desperata eases of eonsumption ss this it elasn.
ses ad strengthens the system, end sppears to heal tktm mU
eera en the Iniiss, snd patients gradually regain their asasl
neaiin ana srrengin. - '
There la arareely a nay pasiea set there ere s number ef
cases of ennsumntion reported ss eared By trie ass Of w
Townssu's aarmpaiilla. The riiaowuig was rseenuy re.
eeivea : . .
Dr. Tew sisss Dear Birr Fee the last three yeara I
have been afflicted with general debility, and nervous eon.
sumption of the last stare, Slid did not expect to ever gnia
my health at alt. After fittng throagh a euerse or medicine
sixler the care ef some of the must dittinsiilshed regular
nhvsieiaae end member! of the Board of Hearth in New
York and elsewhere, and spending the most of my earnings
In attempting to retain health, and after reading M
some piper of yooi feraepirilta I resolved to try tt.. Alter
Bring tia bottles 1 foand it done me greet good, and sailed
to aes von at Tour omeei with vour advice I kept on, and
do most heartily thank yoa for roar advice. I persevere in
taking the geraa penile, and have been able to attend to my
uel labon for the hist four months, and I hope by the
blessiruTS of God and vonr 8arararifla lo continue my
health, ll helped me beyond the expectations of all who
anew my case. tiiAniiUuiiusi
Cnanse, Kara en. N. J., Aug. 1, 1847. -Bute
or New Jersey. Eases county, is. Charles Quinv
T oeing awry sworn aeoorrjins; co aiw, on we i ww.
tint the fnrecoins slatement is true accordiiie to the
nit Knowledge siki Beiiei. UHAitbu
Bwom and subscribed te before me st Oi
August, 1847.
iustioa of the Pesos.
Read ths following, and asy that consumption Is la Incu
rable if yon can :
New York, April S3, 147.
Dr. TowBstrSBt f verily believe that your Saraapsrilki
has been the means, through Providence, of saving my life
I hare for several rears had a Ted cough. It became wirae
and worse. Al hist I raised large quantities of blood, had
night sweats and was greatly debilitated and reduced, and
did not expect to live. I have only used your Baraaparille
but a abort time, and there haa a wonderful change been
wrought in me. 1 am now able In walk aU over the city.
t raise no moon, a no my cousn naa leu me. x ou can weu
imagine that I am thankful Air these results. Your obedi
ent servant. WM. RUSSK.LL, So Catharine St.
The annexed certificate tells a aimpls and truthful story
af suffering and relief. There are thousands of similar ca
ses in this city and Brooklyn, and yet there are thousands
of parents let their children die for fear of being humbugged
or to save a few shillings.
uroosiyn, rjepi. 14, in. t.
Dr. Tewntaaa : I take pleasure in staling, for lbs bene
fit of those whom it may concern, that my daughter, two
ears and six months old, was afflicted with general de
lilitv and loss of speech. She was liven on aa past re
covery by our family physician ; but fortunately 1 was rs
C'tmmenrled by a friend to try vour rjnrsspsrilla. Before
having used one bottle she recovered her speech and was
enabled to walk alone, to the astmishmeiit of sll who were
aeoualuted with the cjreurrtatartcra. She is bow quite well.
aisl in much better health than she hss been for is months
pai . JOSEPH TAYLOR, 148 York at., Brooklyn.
Very few families indeed in fact we have not heard of
one that uaed Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla in time, list
sny children the past Summer, while those that did not,
sickened snd died. The ccrcificate we publish below is
conclusive evidence of its value, snd is only another instance
of iu saving the lives of children :
Dr. Tow!D Dear Sir : 1 had two children cured by
your Sarssparilla of ths summer complaint and dysentery)
mis was only 15 month old and ths other 3 yeara. They
were very much reduced, and we expected they would die
they were given up by two reapectable physictsns. When
the doctor informed us thst ws must lose them, we resol
ved to try your Sarssparilla ws had heard so much of, but
had Uttle confidence, there being so much stun" advertised
that is worthless: but we sre thankful that we did, for it
undoubtedly aaved the lives of both. I writs this that oth
ers mar be induced to use it. Yours, respectfully,
Myrtle-e venue, Brooklyn, Sept. IS, 1H47.
Da. TewssBXD's 8iBssrABiu.s is a sovereign and speedy
cure lor incipient cHisumption, anu na tne general proetra
ti m of the system no matter whether the result of inhe
rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac
cident. ...
Nothirg can be more surprising than its invigorating ef
fects on the humaii frame. Persona sll wcikiieaa and las
situde, from taking it at once become robust and full of
energy under its influence. It immediately counteracts the
tierveU'saiiess of the female frame, which is ths great cause
It will not be expected of ua, in eases of so delicate s as.
tare, to exhibit certificates of cures performed; we can
usaure the attticted that hundreds of Cases have been repor
ter! to
Da. Towystttti : Mr wile being greatly distressed by
weakness and general debility, end sutfering e-iiliuuully by
pni.t and with other difficulties, and having known euses
where your meniciue lias enectcd great cures ; snu also
hearing it reeuumeitded for such casra as I bare described,
I ootained a batle of your Extract of rkiraapurilla and fol
lowed the directi'iia you g-ive me. In a short period it
moored aer eompiaiute aim restored aer to aenita. ueiug
greatful for the uencfiu she received, 1 take pleasure iu
taas acknowledging il, and reeummeodiiie it t
inr u to tne noonc.
Albany, Aug. 17, 44. cor. Grand a Lydia us.
No fluid or merticius has ever bean discovered which so
nearly resembles Uie gastric juics or salivs iu decomposing
food and strengthening the organa of digestion as this pre-
nration ol Bsraaparilla. it poaiuveiy cures every case OI
yspepsia, however severe or chronic.
Bank Department, Albany, May 10, IMS.
Dr. Towiisend Sir : 1 hare beea afflicted for several
yeara with dyapepsia iu its worst form, attended with e mr
ness of stomach, naa of sppetite, extreme heartburn, and a
great aversion to aU kinds food, and for weeks, (what I
could eat) 1 have been unable to retain but a small portion
on my atomach. I tried the usual remedies, hut they had
but little or no effect in removing the complaint. 1 waa in
duced, about two months since, to try yo-jr Extract of Bar- j
sapsrius, ana I roust say wtta little emutcmiee ( out sites
una ucany iwti wiuca, iuuiiu myi ll ivmwn
m heart barn eirtirelr removed ; and I would earnest tv re-
eucamend the uss of it lo those who have been afflicted as I
have been. Yours, Ac., W. W. VA.1 ZAIVDT.
Ascot for Sunbury JOHN W. FRIIJNGi Nor-
thnmherland, MARY A. McCAY ; DonvUle, WM. A.
. The Pupil't friend and Teacher1 1 comfort.
- work ia already introduced into some of the
beet Acadamiee and a large number of Schools,
where its use haa given decided and universal sa
tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely
American in its character, based upon our own
beautiful deetmal tyttem af evrremey. It contains
more, tbe arrangemente are better, and it is the
easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use
and it is so considered by hundreds of the most
competent teachers and men of science in the Uni
on, who have recommended it. It is ths book,
particularly and expressly prepared for our Aatf
rican Scholar 1 By Almen Tieluor.
Ths Yoctb's Colcwbis: CaLcriaTOB. This
volume contains 91 pages, with about 000 exam
ples for solution on the slate. It embraces ths
Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple
and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three,
Proportion, dee. ' ' ''
TicaFoa'sAaiTBJSTieiiTBLis,ia destined
for the use of younger classes in ths Schools of the
United States. A beautiful Uttle book and pleas
ing to children, and the only one of the kind of any
value. -1
There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin
gle or double, for die convenience of teachers, in
which the solutions of the questions ars given with
much extra matter for the black board. These
Keys are the most complete works of ths kind ever
Cublished, and contain, in addition, about twe
undred examples in Mensuration, Ac-, for the
uae of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have
the above books eiamined, aad no teacher who is
acquainted with tbe science of Arithmetic, will
hesitate to pronounce them the beet works that
have ever Veen published in this er any other
eooutry. ' : '
. ' Although issned hot a km months, tbey hare
already beea introduced into the Night Public
Schools of New York City in all the Schools
public and private, except two, in the City of
Reading. Also, is about twenty Acadamiee in the
Stele oi Peauiavlraiiia in a Urge portion of the
Schools in tbe City of Wilmington, in the City of
Lancaster, and iu the Boroughs of Harrisfaurg,
York, C ham borebui g, Lebanon, DoyleaSown,Potts
vills, OrarigsUirg, sVcko , n ,-,
, For sale by Hssar Ms.ssa, Sunbury, Agent
for Northumberland County,
Sunbury, Dec , 184t). ' : '-!
irrENNEDva patent sksh . tks.
L TENINGS A cheap and excellent artj
cleltsT fasteuing sash for sals by ' ' ,
i tfensaerj, lnly T, 1M9. , ( tl.-..ii 1 i..M j
DADD-fj celebrated Horse and Cattle Medj
cine for sale by HENRY MAsaHEB
uawry Jaa. STtJh, lMaU.
"'sdD'tl tp 2 tea ttica Ln-
"l - A MTMHaiV atKMaTOY VB 9
": ' ' fUTHIf ic,
' i ' ' AND ' "...
; ' GEOilGE GREEN, pRopttiToR. ,
'' ttr.- i sr. ' . . '
t , . " inuswr, r srwionr.
TfJ a Sovsreii
Wslra ramedy lor DTSPRPSt A, l saany af n
sash !' la Ss Btsmash, Hssrthem, hahliaal
m, Acid Rmnach, Hssdschs, Loss of Apssttta,
A foraas, sa.
Cosuveness, Acid StomMk, Heaskwhe, Loss of Appetite,
riles. Night Sweats, and even Coasumptioa (Dyspestie
Phthisic,) and Asthma, or Phthisis en ended with derange
ment of the Stimiach for DvsnenrJe Ashea.) DiSseult
BtreMkiag, which often reeolta from insperfret digeeiiufi (or
Dyspeptie Syspnojsi) is relieved by these Bitters, la short.
thtkl&u has been proved in the relief of almost all the
orrapinnai iimi proceso irom a aentutatea or atonic eonrn
ttnri at ths Stomach also In general ebilitv arising front
ags or from the effects of Paver, earticulerlr Fever and
nous, r emaies sunanng anoer sny aterlne flersneement
arieinf from weakneas, will find the "OxvoBRATBa Hit-
Taas1' sn excellant remedy, and not surpassed by any medi
cine mass. . ,
The history of this medicine ia peculiar. It hss mads Its
way to MMie favor solely by the foree of its own intrinsic
no artinciat means nave eeea eess te sirs tt oe
toriety and thrust it upon tmhlie attention, ll has nsvet
before even been advertised, hut having first showa ita re-
marsahle emcacy ia ths family of the proprietor, and by
him afterwards administered to his sffllcted friends and so
(tancss with a like result, its reputation gradually ex
tended until it is known in ths m et distant parts of the
Ijnion, as a medicine of tmrivalled virtaes in the ears ef
Dyepepsla in ail ita different forms, snd also for the ears ef
Asthma or Phthisic. Its only herald and ita only eulogy
has been the story of its wonderful efficacy, aa told from
mouth to mouth or by letter fnsn friend to friend. In eve.
ry instance whers these Bitters have been need, and the re
suit made known to the proprietor, they have proved a re.
Numerous certificates, attestiisj the singular efficacy ef
the "OxvesnsTtD Hit net," are iu the n,uun.. oth
proprietor ( many er them signed by persona already widely
known to the public.
,... n GEO. B. OREEN, Proprietor.
WINDSOR, Vt, October 3, 184S.
The following Certificates have recently keen
, received t
WssHmoToir. D. C. Jims 10, lata.
Having made uss of the Oxygenated Bitters'1 prepared
by Dr. Geo. B. Green, of Windsor., Vt. and from know
ledge obtained of their efficacy in other eaaea, wecheerfully
recommend them to the public, believing that they will fully
sustain Uie reoimmenrlatioa of the Proprietor. We hose
thst this valuable remedy may be so generally diffused
throughout the country that it may be accessible te all the
Biurpi Dnrtba , '
WILLIAM IHHAM.' U.S. Senator from Vermont.
JAMKS P. SIMMONS, V. 8. Senator from R. laland.
J. T. MOREHEAD. V. S. Senator and formrlr Donm.
or of Kentucky.
I.. H. ARNOLD, Member of Congress and formerly Go
vernor of R. 1.
WM. WOODBRIDGE, V. 8. Senator and formerly Ge-
Torn it vi iiiiruit
riN, Delegate in Congress from Wisesnsin
From Hon. H. D. Fesna, Member ef Congress frees
Waihwoioi, D. C, Jetri 10, 1WS.
Dear Sir. I have been a dyspeptic sufferer for about tea
years, and have resorted to various medicines for relief
without success, until I made use of your "Oxygenated
Bitters.". I hsvs uaed about two bottles, and fiiaf myself
realised to perfect health The forms in which the dis
ease showed itself, in my case, were, great acidity ef the
stomach, loss of appetite, extreme flatulence, severe eonsu
pation of the bowela, and violent headache. Feeling deal
rone that a knowledge of your vslusble remedy may reach
othera similarly afflicted. I take great pleasure in record
ing my testimeir to its curative power and would aim
remark, that while on a visit st home s short time since, 1
administered a part of a bottle to a number of my afflicted
friends, with great succas. They are desirous that yon
should establish sn agency st Plttabunr , or inform them
where the medicine can be obtained. With sn earnest ds
sirs for your prosperity snd happiness, I subscribe mvaelf,
truly your friend H. D. FOSTER.
Doct. Uxo. B. Oaasit.Windsor, Vt.
Sold Wholesale snd Retail by Green . ristchw, He.
SS South Sixth Street, Philadelphia.
Agent tin SunlHiry H. B. MASKER.
Agenta for Milton MACKAY HAAO. '
Agent for Upper Mahonoy J. G. KENN. .
April 13, 184S
Don't permit your Horses or cattle to die, when
the mesns of cure are within the reach of all 1
The undersigned has spent several years in ths
study of Veterinary practice in "London and E
dinboro'," he has also availed himself of the resear
ches of I.oibig, and other celebrated men, who have
l .-. i i. . , . ,. .
cuiiuiuuitni so inucn towarus a juineiou; ;lcuiment
of animals; the principles of our practise consists
in the rejection of general bleeding and the total
rejection of all medicines that experience hss
shown to be of a dangerous tendancy. These re
medies act in harmony with the vital principle, and
wuen given according to the directions which ac
company each article they are capable of exciting
and increasing the natural functions, without di
minishing or destroying their power, hence are
aalein the nanus ot every one.
u. H. DAUD, M. D.
' A List ef Horse aad Cauls Medicines.
Physie balls, 73c per box.
Alterative ball, 75c do.
44 . powders for bad condition, 75c par pack
Heave powder for diseases of the lungs, 7 So dc.
Urine powder for M kidneye, 73c do.
Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do.
Cordial drink for inflaniation of bowela, 75c per
Liquid blister, 75c per bottle. . !
Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 90c
per pot.
Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c.
per bottle.
Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle.
Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, dec, 60e
per bottle.
Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per bottle. .
Hoof ointment for aand crack, brittle hoof, dec, 50c
per bottle. ' 1
Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known
in England for lameness of every description, 75c
dc V 1 per bottle.
Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle.
Worm powders for the removal of worms from
the intestinal canal, 75 per package.
For sale by STIMPSO.N & REED, 38 Mcr-
chants Row, also at UADD'8 HORSE A -VP
Haymarket Square, Boston.
Pamphlets describing the diaeaaes for which
theee remedies are used can be had gratia.
Numerous Certificates are in poueasion of ths
Proprietors, of cures performed by Uie above Medi
cines. ' Soldby GREEN &. FLETCHER, No. tO South
SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his
. AaeSTs-Hsar Missus, Sunbury, ,
. February 3, 1849 tf
PREPARED and sold only, at FREDERICK
N. E. corner of Ftrra and CagsaxT streets, Pb.
iadelphia. This Essence is warranted to possess
in a concentrated form, all the valuable properties
of Jamaica Ginger, and will be found on tnsl aa
excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re
commended as a tonic, to persons recovering irom
fever er other diseases, a tear drops imparting to
the stomach a glow snd vigor, equal to a wins
glass of brandy or other stimulsnd, without any of
the debilitating ettecls, wnicn sre sure to fellow the
se of liquor of any kind: and it is therefore
especially serviceable to children snd females. Te
the aged, it will prove a great comfort ; to ths
dysprptie, and to those who are predwpoeed to
gout er rheumatic arsocuona, it gtvae great reuet
and to the inebriate who wiahee te reform, put
whose stomach is constantly craving the aoiious
liquor, it is invaluable: giving tone to the diges
tive organa, and etreogth to resist temptation and
ia otspaauucntlv e snreat agent in the causa ef. tem
geranee. . 17 Full directions accompanying ssch
'The above article can be bad at the office of tbe
merioasv, i (!,.. '..:v t ..,
, Philadelphia, June t, 1B49. Ij
WBATENT Trusses' of aU kinds, Harrieon's
U7 - wtiUssj end indellOile ink, lotto yam and
laps, just received and lor sale ty
J. W. FRIUNfJ. ;
t Bitneury, Dee. , IMeV it
OAPa Aa sssmrtrnent just
, ,..'..-.(...- , i . St. 1WAOOJUSV. ;
HbrBrylDee.S, i
WtlXVa COVOB CANDY. 'A eioal
sasHraavsdy le-eavagaa, ssdsia. Fereeje
es tes stfTsss
And all duta$a anting from at ditordtrti
. sutw er annac in tefA Mali r
. ,, -.Fmalt , ;
fltteh as VmlMa4l.aa twh , i r,M&- wn m' . -O
Uie Head, Aeiditv of the rkornach. NaeM. Haart.a.r..
!?"" ftnhing or Flattering at the pit of the fceaassk
b.'f.'The "J!" I'rmi-s f vTleoiTDoti or wess
osiors tas sight, Fsver anj au i i. LTu
of the Skin and ttyas. Pais
I ef
S .Mll. mmJ ka
asvaaa mww sdAMas1 kl
Celebrated German i Bitters.
Their power ever the above disease! at eat -
eqeallsaWby any other preparation in ths Unhid
ss ths cures attest, ia many eases after skillful
had failed.
Derangement of the Liver and Stomaeh are seem
Insanity, and wiU also prodace disease of the Heart.
Ijim..hIuImh I 1 .1 1 I . '
lngs snd Kidneys, and (ays ths body open to an attack
the Cholera, Bilious, or Yellow Petrer, snd IS SsneraUr i
Srat cause of that most baneful disease. Coaam,i-
Opinion tf the Philaietphld Prut.
.w.w...... Decembet 91st save : ' :'
uJaCele?ld ?""" '. niMufswaroebylJr
Hood land, spoken of in terms of sirrtimnsrlaliiin. ssat m
know deservedly so. It is s too wmmon practice, i. ear.
tain quarters, tu pugaU manner nf assleaa trash, bat ia she
above Bitters, hundred, ars living witnesses of their treat
moral snd physical unsth. As a medicine of the Liver
Complaint, Jaundice, Nervous Debility and Draper ia. at
has been found invaluable, effecting cureaand Uughlv
eradtaating disssses, when sll other medicines have tailed,
Ws feel convinced, that in ths use of ths tier man Bitters,
the patient does not become debilitated, but eminently sains
strength snd vigor to ths frame s fsct worthy of tnat
eonaideration. The Bitten are pleasant in taste and smell
and can be adminiatered under any circumstances, te the
moat delicate stomach. Indeed, thev can be need br.ll
rma with the roost perfect satety. It would he wen fsr
those who are much effected ia the nervous system ss
commence with one tea spoonful or less, snd gradually 'in
crease. We speak from experience, and are of i .
proper judge. The press for snd wide, have united hi re
commending the German Bitters, end to tha afflit4
most Cordially advise tbeir use.
JunrSlth sava:
DO OUR GOOD CITIZENS' who are invalids, knew
ths many astonishing cures that have been performed bv
Dr. Hooffland's Celebrated German Bitters f If they dc
not, we recommend them to the "German Medicine Store,11
all who are afflicted with Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dye.
pepsia, or Nervoui Debility j the Doctor hai cured many sf
our citizens sfter the best phyaicinna had failed. Ws hare
used them, and they have proved to be medicine thst every
one should know of, snd We cannot refrain giving our tes.
rJraony in their favor, and that which gives them greater
claim upon our humble effort, they are entirely Vegetable
fc July 4th ears
"We speak knowingly of Dr. Hooftand's Celebrated Ser.
man Hitters, when we my it is s blessing nf this age; and
in diseasesof ths biliary, digestive and Nervouafyatems, h
haanot we think an eqnnl. It ia a Vegetable Preparation,
and made without Aloohnl, and lo all invalids we would re
commend it aa worthy their confidence.
JTil."1'' whiSesnle and retail, st the principal Depot.
0"MA MEDICINE STORE, No. 1W Arch Strict
Philadelphia. '
t Fin- sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland and San.
bury and respectable dsulers generally throughoat ths
April 91, IMS ly
Headache, Giddiness, Measles Salt Rheum,
nueumaiiam. rues, Heart Burn, Worms,
Dyepepaia, 9curreri
Cholera Morbus,
Coughs, quinsey.
hooping Cough,
Consumption, Kits,
Liver Complaint,
Krisipelss. Deaf ness,
Itchiiars of the Skin, .
Colds, Gout, Gravel,
Nervous Comniautta. - .
Sinall Pox, Jaundice,
Psins ia the Back,
Inward Weakness,
Palpitation of the Heart,
Rising in the Throat,
Dropsy, Asthma,
Fevers of all kinds.
Female Complaints,
Exnerienee haa nrnvrd thai njMrlw TIL :-: ... Impurities of the Bt.vt nr derangements of ths Diges.
tivrs Organa ; and to secure Health, we muat remove laeee
obatrucu ,nsor restore the Bli.d to in natural atnie.
The aversion to taking medicine is m ist efTretuslly r
moved hy CLtceR' Vkghtaels Pciki.tivi Pills, being
o mnlclelyenvel ipeilwitha coating of pure whits dugar,
(wh'ch isaa distinct from the internal ingredients as a But
shell fnm the keniet; Lavenilsste of medicine.
.ut are as enailv swallowed aa hita f mufl. ar,iMfMrae
they neither iniiseute or gripe ia the slichtest degree, by
operate equally on sll the diseased parts of ths svstem, la
sieadof c niGning theinaelves lo, ami rackiiur snv canicular
region Thus, if tliel,irer be affected one Ingredient will
opente on that particular organ, and, by cleansing it of en
niic rcwre it io iia naruien atate. Another wis
operate imthe Bonnl endremoveall impurities in its eirea-
rarai , wnuea mini win euertually expel whatever impa
irttes mny have been disrliarged into the st-miaeh. and hence
they strike at the root or disease remove all Impure Ha-
ni .ntr .m the bony, open the porea externally and inter
uully separate all forciga and idiunxioua particles from tea
chyle, so tint the hhmd may be th.iroughly pure thus seca
ring a free and healthy action to the Heart, Lungsand Liver
snd thereby they restore health even wheu ail other mesas
have failed.
The entire truth of the above can he b. ,b.
trial of s single box; and their virtues sra so positive and
certain ia restoring H.Uh, thst the proprietor binds himself
te return the money paid for them in alt casss where they
do not give universal aatlsfsclion.
Retail Price, 33 cts, per Box,
ee Principal r.mre No. SS Verary St., N. York, f
Bold by JOHN Y. YOUNG, Sanbury.
' :' M. A. McCAY, Nnrthumbsrtaad.
wr Remember Dr. C. V. Cliekner ia tha mwum s .l.
Sugar Coated Pills, snd tlist uothing of the nt was svef
heard of until he iutradoced them ia Jwte, I St 9. Pmreheasrs
ah-Hild, therefore slwsa ssk for Cliekners Sugar Coated
Pills, and take no others, or thsr will he made the vietiaasef
a fraud.
February, 17, IMS ly
Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of inflamed Sorts
. Cured.
omplets Burn Antidote ever knows. It InstaaUy,
I ,f . ; . . : . j : .
v'" - .i uj n.a ,v aiupe laiina m we nauaa acepamie
Burn and Scald. For old Sores. Bi uises. Cuts. Snrsiua As
on man or beast, it is ths best sppucstion that sun be laade
Thousands hare tried and thousands pmiae it. It ia ths meet
perfect master of paia aver discovered. All who ass re
commend it. F.vrry family ahould bs movided with il.
None can lei how so i ml uf ths family may need it.
tV Oheervs each tax) of ths genuine Ointment has Ike
name of 8. Totrsar, written ou tbe oatsids label. Te aaite
so this is forgery.
B atmen, Livery Men, Farmers, snd sll who ass Horses,
will and this Ointment tha vary best thing they esa ass
fw Collar (.alls. Scratches. Kuks. Sc. Ae..on their anuaala
Surely every merryful man won Id keep his animals aa frse
from pain as sossibts. Touaey's Lnl versa! Okauaaau ie si
that is required Try It.
BITBrJ OF INrMiCTS. For the etine or bite ef seuaa
na Insects, Touaey's Ointment is uwivsilsd Hundreds hare
tried il and found it good.
FILESCl'RKD ! For the Piles, Touaey's Universal Oiat.
mem ia one of the best Remedies thst csn bs applied. AH
who have tried it for the Piles recommend il.
OLD SORKS Ct ltl.D. For old obsiuuiis ores, Ihsre
is nothing equal Ui Tuusey Ointment. A person in Masai,
us had, iof a number of yeara, a are leg that baffled the
skill of ths doctors, Tousey's Ointment waa rerMsnassaded
by one of the visiting physicians, (who knew ita great ru
tues.) snd two bixes prfxluced more beuefil than the pe
ll cut had received from any and all previous remedies. Let
all try it.
BURNS AND SCALDS CURED. Tbeuaeads of esses
of Bums snd Scalds, in sll nans uf the eouritry, have sera
cured by Toitsey's Universal ointment, rirmacana snnash
ooukl be had to fill the whole of this sheet.
VIOLENT BHUISF.S CURFJ). Teatimoniala oa lean,
rannial in fane ef Toueey'e Onumem f,a curiag Broisae
hers been offered the proprieties. Hundrsos ia Syraeaas
will certify to iu great rneri Is relieving the paia ef the asost
severe Briiisrs. All persvia should try h.
SCAIJHGADCTRED. iree of esses ss Scald PI ssd
have beea sored by Tousey's OlMmeot. Try it ssUsaa
SALT RHEUM CURED. Of all tha remedies ever die.
aoverea fonhs raoat dissgrsesble eomrlaiutr,Touasr,a L'si
Terssl Ointment is the must oornplets. It nevsr was saewa
lo fail. ..
versal Ointment will always curs the worst esses sf Chap,
ped Hands, Scores of persona will state this
SORB UPSCURED. For tbe cure of Sore tips there
was never anything mads equal to Tousey's Omtmsrn. It
is sure tn care them. Try it.
' ll is a ecientiae aisstpnand, warranted ae Se cocas ie asy
preparation uf Mercury. Pries Si cents per boa. Far
further psrnoulara eonesraiag this really rateable IHarasaal
ths public ore ret erred to Csdiohlets, lo he had gratia, ef re
aeeclabls Dniggiais end MarcaasU Uroaghew (he Vanes!
fjiaias ' -
Prepared by S. TOUSEY, Druggist, Ne. IM ssas
"aTsOHN YOUNO, Suahary, If. A. MeCjtT,
Nerthaaa bar land. - -
February 17, ISS.-ly - ' ,
Cotton Yara, Cortori Carpet Chain, Cottaa Laps
and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Reed mode
Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Co7ae itvee.
Porcelain lined Btsssirving kettles, just received
forealeby " - H. MA88E1L
ASimoaiy, Dee. t, ,,, l
- S-J- rg" ' - "! fiap .is. B I i isaa
XES ef a very strtaiiior griUity for sal by.'
1 1 XX. MAOasje.
hJr ills-.''..IS ?f
- mm mm . .
8unbury, Dee, S, 18.
Books, Just iwosived ar
of Bieak
end sate be '
in ,: i H. MAMXJL
tnry, Dee, t, IMV. i
oYRUP M0LA88FuaawieriBBasd fSyesip
OMoUaaeeforBaUby HENBY MAWBa,.
fciabejy, Dee. , lee.
a r vi. n ornrits Can hm