Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 19, 1850, Image 3

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    ..ARRlVAt Of THE . i.
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is later mt
fowtr Jtrif iteil
' ;. ; 7 JVMKKX.. ,vv.
..,"..,' TettctnFii OrHet, H1ix, '-
'V Sunday, an. H-10 . M. f -;
Ttis stesbip Canada, will. 16 eek In
ter inlllift1c fiDtit Eartrt hs jfls T"ch'd.
Wprtf'i" will to' N V6rk-;W
boat two boart ' j - ; - r
Canada bring! 103 ihrodgH passengers.
Cottons, with n improved fatting, have atf
ratioed one quarter of cent jser lb in tb
Liverpool market. ' ;
' The torn market, with 'moderate lone,
hat aornewhai JftiproteJ. .';...'
In the money market there j much com
petition for firot rate paper, rVd mbhey' con.
tinuee abundant. " .
,-. American Secuiitiea are firm and in good
demand. In the price of Fund little or no
Variation ha taken place.
', From England there ia do political intelli
gence of conteqneuce.
'Parliament ia to assemble on the 3d of
Tbe'Orerland Mail from India had arrived.
The new, however, possesses but little in
terest. . iA. rebellion of a formidable character had
Woken out in Servia, which had alarmed the
Austrian Government.
Sclavonic Rebtllion in 'Servid Biffuu'.tiet
between Austria and turkey .
,'Aocountf from Vienna and Berlin of the
?2il ult., alate that a rebellion of a most for
midable character had broken out in Serria,
In Sclavonia and the military boundaries are
up in arm against the Austrian Government.
The Sclavonian ami Servian boundary re
s;irnents have revolted and taised the cordon
Hhe Turkish frontier, so that their rear la
fully secured from the Breton of their rear in
Turkey. They re assnred beforehand of all
Tiopport-i-a eiicumMance which will compli
eate the relations already sufficiently com
plicate between Austria and the Pope.
The boundary regiments whih have re
Tolled, are among the bravest and hardiest
soldiers in the Austrian service. The grounds
of their rising in resistance to the decree of
the Ntfrman lSib organizing the Woodschaft.
The chief movement is the Servian, Peter
wardein, an Wetck m'ilitary districts,' which
' are exasperated at being excluded from the
woottscaft. The military force of the rebels
is estimated at 120,060 meu. This force, it
appears highly probable, will bo hourly' swel
led by desertions fiom the Austrian regiments
in Peterwardein, Cssep, &C
' It is said fhaYRussia has teen intriguing to
get np thisinsurretrKm In order to have both
Austria and Turkey entirely dependent upon
her. The proof of which Russian agitation is
daily growing more open and daring, and the
fncreasible activity f the agents of the pow
r leads to the conclusion (hat a sanguinary
ntanglemcnt will speedily Wak out be
tween Russia and Turkey.
The Prince of Servia has already refused
.to pay the tributo due to the Porte, oY $4,000
ducats and the arming of all male adults is
being tarried on with the greatest possible
activity, without any one knowing where the
irmi tome from.
:v WEBStEH l!f JAIL,
" leaVn that Dr. Webster has made fre
.quent complaints to Mr. Andrews, the jailor,
Baya the Boston Mail, that the occup&iits of
the cells ti "his ImnTediule Vicinity are in the
habit of iho'VitirYg'tfiit to him at night, uttering
H sorts of unkind epithets such as, '-'You're
vi&t 'trtalt lha tut up t)r. Paramrftn," You're
morJerer " You're a blood , thirsty w:oun
Tlrel," Vc, tit. Mr. Andrews hud no o!h?r
knoxvK'dge of Inis mntter, except what 'ho
fceariTrom ftr. Webster.- He one rripttt placed
two men in the passage way trial leads to
, tbVcelrs, where they remained cut tl morning
'.but heard ho Untisiial or unpleasant noises.
Thedar following this the Dr. ' repeated his
'Complaint to Mr. Andre, saying that "last
night the Same outrages had been repealed "
flit, A. knowing this n'dt to be trurt, of course
Concludes that the Doctor imnglnntfon is so
wrought upon, or thai his dreams are of such an
' unpleasant character, a to produce in some
i degree" mtental aberration. Dr. Webster has
lost much of the buoyancy of spirit that sus-
tained him when he first became an inmate
of the jail. , '. . : '
The MaVob of Pittsbcso, Joseph Barker,
'elected last week over the Whig and Damo
ttratic candidates) was released from prison
on the day of his election by a fardoA from
Governor Johnston, Barker) it will be temem'
''beted, was sentenced to six month' impri.
sonment about two months ago on the charge
-of persisting in the use of indecent and bias
rphomoua" language in the streets, in hi
preaching against the Catholics-sorbelhihg
similar to the barraugues of the Monk of La
Trappe, and about as disgusting) indecent
i ejid Corrupting to public morals. The fills,
burg Gatette, of Thursday says:
"Immediately on the conviction and ten.
tenca of Barker, great ludignation was ex
" pressed by a large number of citizens among
' whom were many of our most worthy Inhab-
i-itsntst and the determination was then ex.
pressed to run bi'ra for mayor, la this feU
inf there was less of personal regard for Bar.
rker .tLhai of opposition to the Calbolicsj- who
' were charged with being his persecutor,
. and of indignation at what they deemed an
infringement of the right of publio speech "
Da. Urroto, of Pittsburg, wtt consecrated
Bishop of tbo Protestant Episcopal diocese o
Indiana, on tho 16tk oil." The sermon waa
proached by . Bishop, Mcllvaipe, -am , the
Bishop tnoei wat presented by Bitbopt Kern
per and Haw kt. . ' --
CtioitkA l Lotus Ybe St tool
vaport of tbo 8th Inst.. stale that durir.s tbo
previout week several eases of oholer had
.omrfod to that eUy,oom of which lertnina
tod fatally. . ' 1
r 5
't ...
Tho annual ttsolini' of the stockholders of
the Poiladolphk land Roadim Railroad Com
pony Was hold at PhiladelphU osv the Uth
inst. All lh old; otTioOrt pi TU Company
were re-electei'k.mopilJoBn" fowne and
Hugh Campbell at managers. In their pla
ces, C. Ss Boker and Robert D. Cullen were
elected. Mr. Tucker, the able President
submltte A I slaieme'nl bf lU business of ' the
Company for the fiscal year ending ,30th Jiot
tomber last, from whicK wo glean Mho for
lowing interesting fabis and figures:' '' v ."j
rr. ,' :;' ' asctirrl buaixa tit rttj.'- vf )"-'
Travel, M,8TT passengers. Mrtal .to 49,091:
through passengers.
155,901 18
' 106,346 86
..' i
1,648,900 46
9,400 00
', ' S;601 47
; T.433 62
Freights, 1,804 tons mdso,." .
. do. i,09V" 19-2(J tons
cnnl, !' ' .
iJiiitfd Slates mail,
Miscellaneous receipts,
Hauling cars & Valley Pat. ttaln
to June 3fl ' 1 7 ,
' total reoeip'te, . ' i,933,590 69
',! . ;' kx'f ijiscs batko 'tut tcak.
The working expenses of the road were at
follows: ' ' ' ,:
RUMMINO ACCOUJJt. , 'u . ' ,
Worn!, 50,564 cords, $1 17,571 96 ' ' " j,
Cutting and loading, 88.507 80
1 151s:08ls 70
Coal for locomotives, 9.237 80
Oil, 28,561 gallons, : . 19,871 65
Tallow, lurd, grease) and cotton
waste, - 5,236 20
WagBs of engineers, firemen' '
conductors, brakemen, &c, 105,254 28
Renewal of ropes and articles
used on the trains, 4,388 DO
Tolls paid to State R. Road and . t
Norrislown Railroad, i ' 25,278 77
Hauling across State Road Bridge
and in Broad street, . , 7,723 43
Hauling and assorting cars at
Schuylkill Haven, 7,587 68
Do do Richmond, 7,778 48
Do ,. , do Port Carbon, . 0j030 Ol)
Paid on Paasencer contract to
-April 30th, 1849, 7,881
Paid for coal lost on the road
through accidents, &c, 9,164 50
Paid for BM of Telegraph) 2,564 23
Sundries, 2,934 29
5379,517 02
The workshop account foots up
The depot account, 1
Superintendent account,
Lateral railroad expenses',
Roadway department,
Total expensesof working'road, ' 949,540
Deducted from whole receipts, 1,933,590
Leaves as the net profits, ..
Interest paid on bonded debt,
Leaving for -dividends, - - 836,237
Dividend .paid' Jdno and Decv,
on pref. stk, 163,625
Leaving a surplus of 172.612
Which has been disposed of aa follows1.
Paid int. on floating debt to
June 30, ' ' . 38,404
Sinking fund of 1836, 25,000
" " 1849, 7500
To be divided hereafter in
cash, ...... 26,669
To pay Stalo tax for 1849, 7,537-172:612
The net profits of the 1att five mouths of
the fiscal year, during which time 589,314
14,20 tons of coal, were transported, were
8665,972 38, while, for the seven preceding
months, with a coal tonnage of 568,447 5-20
tons, the net earnings were but 8378,077 88.
The difference is attributable in part to' the
Increased rates of toll in the last half of the
year, but mainly to the almost entire suspen
sion of the coal traffic for about aeven weeks
in the spring-. ';'"' ,' '"''.'
Should Ihe coal lonnape of 850 equal that
in 1847, the net profit would be sufficient to
make thu required appropriations to interest,
dividciuUou preferred stock, sinking fund,
&c.'. and give lb the common stockholders
the same dividend at is now paid to those
preferred. ' J v"' ; -' ;"
These gentlemen have come to logger,
headc, and a correspondence of n warm char
acter has taken place between them. ))obt
ton denies that in voting for the Oregon bill)
he sustained tho Wiliriot proviso, ami asserts
hat Congress has no right to legislate on the
biect of slavery in the territories. In re-
ply to some of Col. GaIistsn's. personalities,
a says: ' : ' 1 ' . ''
Yon are pleased to launl roe with a defec
tive education. . While admitting tho truth
of tilt's charge I must Say that ' 1 have long
since learned to regard it at -an t incidental
misfortune arising from my circumstances in
eaily life. As such I may acknowledge it t
but there can be no propriety In Imputing it
to me a a fault, or taunting me with it as a
crime. I wat educated at an 'old yield school
house) at small expense j while yol), sir were
educated at West Point Academy) at consul,
arable expense I poor I u and at irJiwiiuol
cost ;-jon highly, and at public kosri When
we entered the army Vbur patriotism was
aroused by tbe gill ol a commission. 1 en
.i i . . - ... -
listed as a private soldier) prompted by the
desire to vindicate' the honor and riL'hls of
my country, and protect the bleeding fron-
tier. ; You -received your promotions at. gra
tuities-! fought tor tnlne. You depended
upon ".education I updn ' common tense
Wbeu the quettiou arise which of fat has
rendered tho most efficient service to tho na
tion, I will rtfef to your Diary' and to you
jormcoimng nmury ir ine answer, .
'. ,). ht' l tW I'M-, ...
Tlta Msd or " PtT-rsiuao, who was
elected Mayor while in Jail,' having been
convicted of indoeont and. blasphemous hat'
rangue in the street, wat taken from jail on
Friday, inaugurated' Mayor1; and then taken
back to hit old quartan in prison) hi psnlon
not having reached Pittsburg in an offltjial
form. vl t-" t i". r ...! '
. v. i ; . ;u !
Seahes 1 CaioIniI. The wages or
aeameiKare fulling, and the distress amongst
this class, iu eonsequeoeo of tbsif unooaaing
Inebriety, it becoming heart-rending.
It it taidr (bar aro 150 religious nwtpa-
4 ners published in tho United (Stales, v .
1,1 I? ',71 l
a KlltOtrt ACC1DEKT.
Tho fly-whael attached to tho largest, on'
gint In the ;Moorout Rpllingi) this
place, weighing about IS tons, suddenly
broke, oarly on Monday morning Is si, while
going at tho rati Of about 80 revolutions per
minute, throwing tho segments ( weighing
about two and a nail tons escb wild violent
force through tho roof of tho building. ' The
crash was tremendous. - Wo aro happy to
tlate, however, - that but one person was
slightly Injured, 'although there was a largo
number of hands In tho mill at the time.
The accident waa occasioned by soma villain
in human shape throwing1 a piece of iron,
two inches fn length, between tho Cogs of
the main driving wheel and tho spurr wheel,
which by the sudden check it occasioned ' iu
the machinery) taused the segments of the
flywheel lo teat from their fastnings with
violent force. The -scoundrel who eould
thus wantonly endanger tbo. Uvea of hun
dred of hi fellow man, is worse than the
midnight assassin, and we trust that every
good citizen will assist in ferreting him out,
iu order to bring him to oondign punishment.
The .damage occasioned is. but , trifling irt
comparison to the many exaggerated flying
reports. The workmen are already busily
engaged to make (be necessary repairs with
out a moment's delay, and it will be but a
shoit time until the mill be again in full op-
eration. Danvill Democrat, 11 lA inst.
Editorial Convmtion. The Conventioq
of editors held at Harrisburg on the 1st inst.,
was attended by some twenty-four of. the fra
ternity from various parts of the state. Hon.
Nirtirod Strickland, of the West Cluster Re
publican, presided, and J. G. McKinley, of
the Democratic Union, and II. A. Mish, ot the
Franklin Intelligencer, acted as Secretaries.
The Convention adopted aseriesof resolutions
recommending the papers should be allowed
to circulate free of postage within the con
gressional districts in which they may he
published, and urging upon, the legislature
the benefits which would accrue to the peo
ple, were the laws annually passed, publish
ed in all the papers of the state. The resold
tion of the editorial convention -of Vermont,
discountenancing personalities , in editorial
intercourse, was adopted, and measures tak
en to carry out the recommendations in re
gard to postage, and the publication of the
Thc Legislature or Indiana, in granting
divorces, affix the proviso, that the party ap
plying shall not , contract marriage, during
his or her -life, with any other person than
the ouo from whom he or she i divorced."
Tub "Stated Preaching or the Gospel"
in California. The parson of the first Bap
tist Church at San Francisco hns been voted
by his congregation a salary of ten thousand
dollars a year, payable monthly in advance.
GaAktt a celebrated French painter is dead.
' ton the American.
Mr. Editor : Since we have seen so many
accounts of conversions to the Papal Church,
f late, will yon be good enough to give place
to the following in your paper:
Every conversion from Proteslanism to
Popery has been faithfully published through
out our country, and it is quite time that
omtrkttig should be known of the thousands
who are turning the other way. . ,
Renunciations or. PoPBav.--John Lambe
abjured the errors of the Church of Rome, on
Sunday, a few Weeks since, at Trinity Church,
Gray's : Inn-Road. The mercy of superior
lihl into divine truth was acknowledged in
the thanksgiving; and in a sermon preached
relative to many of the tenets of the Church
of Rome, and thf ir diversity from catholic
sentiment, the incumbent, the Rev. J. W
Worthington, D, D., look occasion to observe,
hrd Ah hough this was the first public abjurn
ion of Romish errors, it would, not be the
last, and that he had, bp to that period, care
fully restrained persons from these publio
confessions; but that the present aggressive
attitude of .tho Church of Rome rendered
them necessary 1 and lhat hnd he fdlt dispo.
sed, Ions sir, hundreds, dm ine his ministry
at. lhat Church, would gladly have oflVied
he same pnblis acknowledgment for. the in
estimable blessings of the pure truths of the
Gospel, as taught in the Anglican Church.
The course of such men as Wiseman, New.
man, au'4 others, in spreading the novelties
and corruptions of Popery, it beginning to
call up, in out England, a spirit of residence;
which will show itself in unmistakable de
monstrations In Ireland tbe work of secession
is assuming an important aspect. ' The fol
lowing extract from the Londonderry' Senti
nel of CM. 5,. will be read with surprise.
Few persons are aware ip this country of the
success attending the exertions of the Irish
Episcopal Clergy in winning their country
men from the deadly errors of Romanism.
Upwards of ninety Priests, and many thousands
of the Isaity, have, within the last fer 3 ears
been led to embrace the doctrines of the
Established Church.
' -'A Confirmation wat held at the Parish
Church of Kilcommon-Erris, Diocese bfKil-
lala, on Friday, St-pt: 21st, when upward of
iS6 persons; principally adults, and convene
from the Church of Rome, were confirmed by
the Lord Bishop of Tunm. .. Tho cliurch was
crowded to excess, and tho largo assemblage
wa addressed by his Lordship, In bno of the
most feeling aod truly instructive discouftet
it ha ever been our privilege to listen to.
On the subsequent Sunday, tho Bishop again
preached in tbe Church if Belmullet; on
point principally iouueclud wib the Romish
controversy; aud we feel assured tbo plain,
practical discoorsa and admonhiona of tii
Lordship,' so adinjrably suited to the rjapci-
tiet of lht nuffiport arno. nuug wiirt proloyrKl
attention on bit wOrdsf will bo blestied with
Iho happiest reSultt, ii6,t tody In Confirming
tbo minds of thoto.bp dare to think for
themselves on the most momentou of all
subjects, 'but In tttmutating the etertiunt of
toco of bit Clergy at are laboring (0 'rescue
Mula out of tho darkness and error of Popery,
and lead them into Iho gloribua light of lb
Gospel aod the troth at it it in Jout "-Cr
iuraew. .! .!'( .' v.i -. ' ....... ? j
T'i.H :
Th Ciiicihksti Guerre tart that
vsko of oho wing tobaooo told in that -,row
ket amount to on and a half million ot dol
ls rt annually, A oast extent of country it
tupplied from that city, .... .-t ,. ,.i ?nty-,
MtJcit CoMrLAiitT it made in VelatiC io
tho enormous postage charged on letter to
and from California ( in faot Coogresk should
do something immediately id diminish this
great Mil.., ,.. , , ;, .
''Castlcs in the air have, fot their timber,
moon beams. .- t j , (,-1 f, r
: fut mill glrls'of Lowell are making prep
arations; for a visit .from, Mist Brcmir.. ,.,,
i. In McRwensville on the 7lh inst, by the
Rer. S R Boyer, Mr. Samuel Car, to Miss
Jaw Wem-iver.'" a w- : i-:. t, t.u
At Milton, on tbo 10th inst , by the Rev.
H'imiltoii, Mr. Jacksok M'LaiOHlIM, 10 Miss
Hannah Fidler ,
'-' -u!-..--.. D I I) D -e t-, ".' . .!
' "In MeE wensville. on the 2J inst.. JACOB
HENRY, son of John Bressler, aued .1 . year
and 17 (lays., j . , , . ,:
JJear Muucv Dam on the 6th inst.. WIL
LI A M CONRA D, son of Finat Houchenbnuch,
aged 6 year. . . c. i.u.
- Corrected weekly by Henry Masser.
WatAT. - .- '. . : . . 4 ..-.' 100
Rvs. . ' - . ' . 56
Conic. . .- ' . . 50
Oats. . . ' . t ; , 87
Buttib. ... . ; . 16
Eoes. . . . . 12
Pork. . . . . . '
. 62
FlaXukid. - -
Bisswax. .
: HtcsLtD Flax.
Dsiid Arris.
.' Do. Psacsss.
V1JE would call the attention of onr rea-
w ders to tho terms of the Gloiit. nrinied
at Washington City, by John C. Rivers. The
reputation ot tins paper is worlj-widu, and
those of our re--'era desirous of oblmninc a
correct report of the iloings of Iho next Cum
gress cannot do better than send 111 their
names in compliance with the terms annex
The Globe hns aKvnvs held an rnvi:.hlrt
position : the reports of Couuress fouud in its
columns nre as nearly correct 11 s it is possible
10 maiie mem anu ine importance ol the
meiitmres to be brought before the cominff
Congress will induce mnny to be anxious to
obtain a fair and candid report of their pro
ceedings. Terms. For on copy of the Daily
(ilolie (daily during the session of Congress,
and weekly during the ricess,) a yesr, $5 00
For the Daily tilol-e for less than a year
the rate of 84 cents a months.
For one copy of the Weekly Globe for .
one year, - - - 100
For one copy of the Congressional Globs
during the session, . - - 3 00
For one copy of tbe A ppendix during the
session, -. . . 3 00
For four espies of either, or part of both
during the sesion, - ... 10 00
- , For ten ceuic of sillier, or part of both -during
the session, - - 20 00
The prices for these papers ore so low that
advance payments aro indispensably neces
sary to carry them on.
Postmasters who may obtain Subscribers
will be allowed 20 per cent., 011 Iho subscrip
tion prices for single papers which they may
retnin when they send on the names of sub
scription money. The price forlhe Coiigres
sioniil Globe and Appendix lo Clubs who take
ten copies is so low that no deduction can
be ufTurded. Subscriptions may be remitted
by mail at our risk, in money al par in the
section of country where subscribers reside.
THE uhacriir having had several years enpe
irience as a Country Merchant, uowiaAurs his
services to conduct a ; . . .'
, -; , WHEEL V HXF&ESS, ,
Betwcsu Philadelphia, Suubury Norlhumlierland,
Danville, Milton, Lewwburg, New Berlin and
clilisgrove, commencing January 1, 1S50. Ho
will call at all the&TsiiEitaiid IlnTKLs iu the above
named places, on Friday and Saturday of each
week, to receive orders and deliver Goods and
Package previously ordered. ,', T j.-.
He will attend U the buying and dcliverinc of
all kinds of Merrhnndixe, snd such other articles
as may he wanted, sitd transact alt buiinevs en
trusted to him with care, and desfiatch, including
the selling ot produce, etc, cVej
. He is determined to-use bis utmost sxertiom
to give general satUlaclioii to all who may favor
him with their patronage., . , .; i -- ..
. Persons living , at dutance from the above
named places, can have their srticles letl with such
persons as they nwy direct.
ty. All orders sent snddirectedta Thompson's
Susquehanna spres,atSunbury or Philsdelpbia,
will b promptly attended to. . 1 - 1 '
,, , : ... W. H. THOMPSON.
-, Sunbury, January 5, 1S0
Eatnte of Henry Va-Kthelmer, dee'd
OTICE hereby given, that, letter of admin
istration have been g! anted tohr subscriber
on tbe estate of Henry Voxthrimer, of Upper Au
gusta towhship, Northumberland county, dee'd.
All person bavins; rlaims to said estate, are re-
quested to present llieru for examination, those int
debted to the cithtc are requested to makeimme
dist payment. : !
Suubury, Jan. S, 1850i 6t -
f'tenh fitira the Plalaaef Oregon.
afplHARLES S. SOGAR. respectfully inform
J bis old friends and former customers, that
be lit just Hrfived front the West with i large as
sortment of elegant Buifaloe Robes, of every sixe
and quality, which be oilers for sal st the host
reasonable prices. J lies robes were carefully
selected by himself aud can be' tseu at tlis slors of
John Wt f tiling m this place, who is bis author
ised tgbnt tor their shlei
. Sunbury, Dec 9, 1643 - V.....V, ,
' OTICE is hereby given that the Books of
1; Christ 4 Flsybsrt, ro Ufl in lbs hands of
George W eiser, bsq., for settlement and collection.
All person indebted to the subscribers, are rt-
. V i . u . .i. r. n i.'
quesuMi u, tail mi wi vu.iv hi v. . wvi, t..f.
and make settlement before thfc tOrll ds of Jsnu-
arv A. D. 1830. All person neglecting tbi no
tice aisy expeet tots; as Uis Beaks atoM be settled
without respect to persons.
Sunbury, Pec..tJ, UyarSt
FOIl iALG. q
' A Handsb'rfit new Sleigh, for satC cHesp. Ea-
-Tl- ouire at th More ot HENRY MASSER.
ISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for
I covering claasos, dec, for sale t (h ofliee 01
hs A
SA i W.' Jk
f ETTER savalopes, ef vsrwtis kinds, for sal
tttJBC,,ir..l. v. , , ;
mm 11 inni igi 11
till J i UEGltAFF.
RESPECTFULLY Informs the chirms of
Danville and Ih pabli at Jerte, Mvavb hsl
located In Danville, and Is now irrpreM to prae.
tie Medlein and Surrerv in tli IU Vsrlnnl brslf
ehes. He will operatt on all the vtrloul fbrmi
ot Blindness, cross eyes, eiuo rest,- nsmnp, cien
pslste, tnd attend to Hi extraction of tumor)
smptitatlnn of limbs, and all other eufgWal di
eaes. His collection of instrtiments comprises
ad Instruments ih msdem Hurgery, of the tnteat
improvement and finest finish. IT (Istters hlm
self that many years' prsmieevnd ex perlenc will
be a sufficient guarantee lo tlioss who rosy Jesl
disposed to employ him. .. .. ,
Ilia residence is nesrly opposite the mntgomr
rf Buildings and . next door to Isase Rosen
bsum't store, in North Danville.'. ,
Danville, Doc-1, 1849.-1,.,., : ,, ; u
In the Useful and Interesting Art with a few
Simple and Cartons Exssrlments la '
1-v .- CUEMISTRT i -
NCLL'CINO Medieinss, Perforrlevys Cbemintry
...Cooktryi Farrjery Pyiug, Coiifectionary, Do
mestic Economy, etc sic etc. Price CI cts., for
sale by - - HEXUV MASSER.
Bunbory, Dec. 8, 1849. :.I . - i.i'i 'i t
Estate of Mary Moore dcc'd.t aud
Jacob Alupre, dee'd,
V OTICE is hereby given, that letters of admi
tiistrstion on said deceased's 'stales, have
been granted to the subscriber.- - All persons hav
ing claims against the estates, are requested to
present them for examination and settlement, ami
those indebted to the estates are requested to
make immediately payment.
Lower Augusta, Dec. 8, 1843. , " 1
AVintei1 Arrangement.
ON and after November 1st, 1849, Ct Pss
senger Trains will run between Phitsdelphia
snd Pottsville a follows i
Lesves Philadelphia st 84 A. M.. dsilv exeent
Arrives at Resume. At II IS.
Arrives at Pottsville at 12 50.
Leaves Potuvilte at 8i A. M. dailv txcent Bun-
days. -
Arrives at Rending at lOi i ' )
Arrives at'l'liiladelphia at" 19 20.
FARES Pottsville and Philadelphia 3,50
and 3.00; Pottsville and Reading 1,40 and 1,30 ;
Reading snd Philadelphia. 2,2$ and 1,90..
Passenrers cannot enter the cars unleKs nrnvt-
tied with tickets.
There will be tirJ Afternoon Train.
N'OTICE.-i-Firtv pounds of haireaee will ba-
lowcd to each passenger in these lines ; and vas-
sengcrs arc expressly prohiliiteJ from tuking any-
inmg as Dagpraq;e tint their wearing opparcl, which
will be the risk of the owner. .
By Order of the Board of Manager). '
Nov. Si, 1849. Sccretarv.
v Ao- l&O Chennut afreet,
(Opposite the Arcade)
!T ANCFACTl'RERS of tlwir Improved-style
Lyx Elastic Steel Spring, Solid Sole Leather, and
Solid Riveted ,
which took the only first premium, awarded lrj-
Hie rrnnklin institute at their last exhibition.
' II. & T. take pleasure in informing the travel
ling public, that they have now on hnnd, a beau
tiful assortment of their irriproved stylo of Solid
Hole Leather Trunks; Double and Single Folio
Trunks, of various styles; Ladies' Trunks, Va
lice Trunks, Donnet Boxes, Cap Cases, ('aipet
Bags, and an elegant assortment of superior En
ameled Patent I.eathor Bags, with every article
in their line of business. ..
I1T Old Trunk. Repaired or taken in exchange
tor ?ew ones. ... . A LbA. L. HICKEV.
Philadolphia, Nov. 17, 1849.-
Street, Philadelphia. Where a general assort
ment af all finds of Paper is te'pt, and for
the lowest cash prices. .
'np, Letter and Printing Papers,
' &c. on Haudi
Plain and ruled white Caps."
" ' - " blue '
lt Caps. '' " '' T'-
Main and ruled whil letter'. ' 1
i " blue - . . . '
Blue snd white Folio.
White and colored Printing rsper.
issue rspers.' ' .
Shoe. i -.. . I-...'- :. :'.
Wranpieg . f l . i "'.; '!
Envelojie " , 4
Hardware snd Sreatblng rspsr. '
I ar Uoards.
Straw Uoord. , ;
Boiuiet Boards.- , , . , . ,
AH orders frdm (be Country will be attended
to at the shortest notice.
All goods sold will be carefully packs J, and de
livered at any place in trie city.
The Umbos cash price paid for- Kacs. or ex
changed for Paper, a low as can be bought else-
Please call and examine for yourselves. ,
Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849. .
Agent for the sale of Soutaworth Manufactu
-Hng Co'. If riling Pap-rs.
WaNS llousie, Wo. 3. Minor afreet
100 AS of tlia aboye superior Taper's now
, . in store, snd for saio to traile at tho lowest
market prices, consisting m part ol
t ine thick Fiat taps, 12, 14, lS and 16 lbs;
blue anil white. .
tSuierlUie Medium aud Demi riungs, blue
and, white, n '; ,
Extra super and auuerfina r olio Posts, bl-je
Suiiertiue Cammerical Iosts, blue and whit
V.iM,sna ruled.' y ,j, j' )
snd white, plain hd ruled. ' ' 1
' Extrs sutaff Linen IVote Papers, plait) and f iIU
' 8urBne and find Bill Paptri. lJng snd broad.
Superfine and fine Counting-House Caps and
Potts, blue and whit." ' ,
Extra suiier Congress Caps snd Letters, plain
anu ruicu, uiue nna wniie. .
Extra super Congress Caps snd Letters, (lit.
Superfine Kermoii Caps anil Pdsts. ' ' ' '
Supcrtined blue 11 ill Posts, blue and whitei
pis in sud ruled. . .
tinbroid'ired IVote rspers snd Envelopes,
"Lawver's" Ur'ef Psuers. '
Superfine end fine Caps snd Potts, rule( and
plain, blue and white, various qualities Slid price.
Also, 1000 res ids while ond asserted 8hoe Pa
pers, Bonnet Boards', white' And assorted tissue,
'r xr v i .... m .L.l A 1. 1 . . J w -
4 mmt r repHli($ AiuvL-uuai, vmuiisu vimj uiuo sekw
Olvlms, Cap Wrapping, Hardware, Papers, Olc
PhUadelphia, Ho. U, ; ' - V '
R" tit OliTMENTlflesuxjiuti.iy fil,u
. sevellent rUclaof TWf,4c, ittMraqrived
and for sJ by - ' ' HEiY MASSER.
Sunbury, July S8, 1849.. ., . t,
a receivea sua ror wxtm yius seor oi .
Snnbury, Dee. IS, 189, . ,.;J.
BLANKS ot srer, ii UiU by
Groceries ! - Groceries I !
'' eoisToiV'tb a. i '
f. Cortut Afth f ft Stntt Philadelphia,
QPFERfor asUtoths InhiMtantt of Sunbury
and vicinity, Family Groceries of Iho very
flbMst quality consisting of
!.EV2 Fw Supsrlot and Common Ortea aad
Black Tess.- . . , ., . ,
1 CorteestofsM kinds and pries. ...
- eugsrs of every kind. .... . ,
i Rica, Farina, Ssgo, Hominy.
. All kinds of choice Pickles, Sauces, Ketchups,
.. Olive Oil, Preserve, ete. Warranted to be of th
very finest grade In Ih market and at the
cheapest rate possible.
i AW goods carefully packed and promptly for
warded. COLTON At CO,
: . ! , S. W; Con Arch & 8th 8u
. Phils. Oct. t8, 1849. che3uly my Sfl,
Wholesale dealer a manufacturer of
Importer el French Basket Leeklng Glasses,
i . feat Faacy Suoes,. -
Ko. IS North Second Street,
Between Msrket snrl Arch Su under J. Sinsxr
Jos Is' Carpet Warehouse, two doors below
Christ Church, '
TJ AS on band and is wonstantiy - recoiving a
LX large and extensive assortment of Combs,
Brushes, Fancy Good of every description, (too
numerous to mention,) Looking Glasses of Gilt
and Mahogany frames, Baskets, Coaches, Chairs,
Shaker's Eastern Wisp and Country Brooms,
Window Blinds, Door Mats, Tubs, Buckets,
Churns, Washboardsin fact, Wooden snd Wil
low Ware of every description, all of which will
be sold low for Cash or City acceptance.
Merchants would save themselves much time
snd trouble, by calling and examiiimg my stock
before purchasing.
N. B. Looking Glosses, are insured against
Breakage to all parts of the Union, without extra
August 53, 1840. 3irt
BEING a progressive and Comprehensive Sys
tem of Orthograpy and Orthoepy, uicludiug
a variety of definitions, adapted to the use of
Schools in tho American Republic, by Almon
Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-five year s experi
ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators,
Practical Common School Mensuration, fee.
The attention of Teachers, School Directors,
parents, Ac, is invited to tins new Spelling Book,
which conforms to the modern spelling and usages
in Orthography as being one of the neatest, chcaiiest
best arranged, and better adapted to the wants of
children, than any other published in the United
Stats. It is what it purports to be, a Spelling
Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires
an examination on the pert of Instructors of youth
to secure fiir it a universal introduction into the
Schools of the United States. Just published, and
for sale by Hr.Nnr MAssEn, Sunbury.
Where Teachers and Directors can procure
copies fur examination.
August 4, 1819
N ONE VOLUME, Royal octavo, 1 165 pages,
beautifully bonnd, containing, IT fine plates,
besides numerous Wood Cuts. Sold at about
one fourth the Cost of the English work, without
any Plates.
"Tbe Farmer's Encyclopedia is a real treasury
of practical information, wherein the experience of
all aces and countries is carefully postkd t r to
tho present day, and admirably arranged for con
venient reference." Dr. Darlington.
"We are fully convinced that such an amount
of valuable knowledge for farm found in
no qtrr v. s;l; in so cheap and convenient a form
In fact, no Farmer who pretends to be well inform
ed in bis profession, should be without this work."
New Gennessee Farmer,
. An excellent work, fit to be distributed in pre
miums by Agricultural Socities. J. S. Skinner.
For sale nt this Office, price !j4.
Also, bv E. W. L'ARR, Third street, opposite
the Exchange, Philadelphia ; and N. HICKMAN,
Baltimore, Maryland.
1 ylLt Oauins most as accenrixiiD-at
Ttis CM5SH.
July 14, 1849 3ra
50)000 Victims Every Year
"Vtll.a I'rcy to Consumpliqn, Asthma
- -and UaUing Blood, ljectic Fever
, ' - and Wight Sweats. .
' ' Asfll.MA A-N'D CoK'SfMPTIOX.
L. . Urals, 10 Detnncev aireet, enve it to kia iltfT-in-
law w-bo luul been nu invalid for years from Aaitutia ; to
emaher eonsiderotl na in cniauiuptliai. It felievad them at
aucs, au uutt lliey truvelled severul huuurnl uuies.
Ia always, alarming. It Units to the w.irst kind of Con-, mid uuuiaa iirrrated ill tuns is eenemily ftitsl.
rhcrinuirs All-Hmlins Uulanni is tliebeat reiuedy ku iwu;
11 heals ine wouiuit-u ur ruptured uliMjii vcsacls ni the luturs,
snd lliereby etli-ets u periiiaiiniit cure, wiil.e other rcine-
dies only stop the blood fir the time. A few d.a of
Una Biilauiu will autuiiy the most akenti'-al tliul it it the
medicine retjuireii ll n:ia lmi suocrMituI in ninny eaaea.
and that Uvt where tuey hujil run lut vii rapid ib-t-iiu, or. as
more a-euerully expresaetl, '-IIAST CO.NM KitON."
YounY ers aia. or luoae of middle age, are mora subject
to these atntcKatnan is Sffeu.
Pruiv'Ja cents and ! Dt-r bott.e.
lr. Stieunuii's C muh and Vorin Lozeiurrs, end Poor
Sisu a riaarera. s no na niaive
I'nuciiml ook-e llu Msasau-street, .New York.
has cared more esses of Rhediraiiam, Pain in the Back,
&id mihI Cheat. Ljinibuoti niid Weakness, liuiu any annll.
eulioii thai iius increnatt, hnndreda of unprim-iplnl raaeals
have attempted to e .HiMrrl'eit il. and puini it off up. tha
einninmnty aa tha seouuie. lyuewiu-e ueeenuiui.k.
Iteinaniuer inul uc uuc aim gi--ouar , huhci aprui upon
reikbah puiM-r maite eviireskly for Iha purnoae uiat every
ease the eiciunure ol In-. tSiiermnn is printed upon the hark
of tha I'ataier, and the wbnls accural by l'j Itilit. Noua
others are genuine. Tlteref ire when )-'Hi wool a renl gal
8lierujnii'8 Ponr.Mnii'a Piuater, call at Uiaotlirc, 106 N'uaaau
atreet. aud vou will ivit he diKitwuitted. '
. Kumeirber priaripul OlHc lit) Nassau-street, (ew-Vrrk,
where ull Dr. lliennaiis lAizengrs arc s ltd. Ilia Asents
nre,. Mrs IIkvs, :19 pull in atrrrt. Br.ioklvn; Ilineann,
w Ulutmsourg ( ano nemmiit ex a, noaiou, una
JOHN YOI XG, Sunliury.
. M. A. M JCAT, ."Wthuinoerliiid
Nor. 10, 1S40. ch ejm ly
2Vo. 90 iN'ori-i Third strett, between Arch And
liact, and 83 Dork street,
Patent 8oapStone Lined and Key
noie cover
WarnniUid to kaart more Haat
wsvTJ tlwa any CImsu in Uo Country.
Jin1"0 Pn'ent Air-Clui.r.ber Inst
' ICbA-sta, I OUO now iu ok They
. e nwncnntinue to make lh ontuui.
Lot-k ia
aaad u drauwbje. These LakIi art poaaf aniuat the avt
eaperf Thieves, buu supplied with, tl.a ruteut Key-kola
Cover, and nuvle very stroiic. riiey cannot ba blowu npea
by Gunpowder. Tiioaa Locks ra intended fot BANkls,
Srhiand leitet eopfing presses, fire proof door ft Bank
Snd Htorra ' '
Paieirt State Lined RefrilrSretnTa; wdrfanted inperlnt te
sit others. Water Kilters, euower SSiUis ot Uie best quau
I, i, ,
fSf P era-ma WtMitnf to purchase any rt the abnte ar.
tieleS, wihpleassaiv ihein a eatt, a tbejr act) tine par
than any otkar ill the Uhitad States.
DAVtn fVAT". -
., xii v, , . ., , - JHM.NNK9 WATSON
Philadelphia, November 10, IMS ly
, V TalukWa Itok; -. -.. . ..
T irE at CaaiiT. hahdsomelt ocniad. DAr
-s-d iiisss's HlSTsav TBS RsraaiisTies
BissK Dat-sooss asb LsBsa,raU bouaded,
Is aa mfb 'Jrr rue tM' very low pri
1 C1, V Paleal nianUnatuai kicks. V
f ty m Guage Keya, wlil. k can be i
I C si aaaa several thouaaild liinea ch
Sa , i,i i Lit m aiat - liaaa tka
FofltfWpubluur Price .
mi a. aa rt aMataw
tf tmn ef Otm ,f tUj, Cmi, " i
WANi-trr Ws Ms mm r a MMZ7bmci
lJUtrt si
Ht UU UnUrln
zlrrr' ' ' nfv Mini sot.
Oittm tAm Hurt
is sset a tttdieU. In every mswrti set there Is sWas
tant proof. In frmt h ssetel. thu ON a BOTTl.X ?
It efmisln. mm .iriiytnf. keallns vlriM. end mti4
Mian tknr w rnntmrml I ftw Bttdrn ut svssr
njMrlUm. o n? uhir m4irtf that hm tv.r lajea oflt.rW
lur sal. Tiiera Is undoubted proof In our pamphlets,
lhat l'V iha aw of this frett Indian Pwrljur. Uwv tbat
warn Drine yn I, rva that trer l.tmm and Ci.
n.Ru ran now Wslk the that vera ate. acSomavs,
snd otliarariM diMnued, have baa lit also sad Cvaaa.
Hundreds ThouBarida
tisvs uwd Bbist's Pt-ainsa, after havtnf a aad nd
tulad sll Ihm rtnprilUu and other medirinas l
inrkiicd to rure blood disease, hava dntdral lLat
Brant's is thi Cheapest,
hecauae Oit KcttU of It has nr( madleal. ruratlvt mat
trr 'n it and. iu ron fr-queuee. cures nm rfuasjs ta asnea .
ln lim. than on, hoalt i,t any other mediclM.
'I'""- fvje iattiaof Hum-) Pvatnca H1 enre
rOl'n TIMES ra irn Hia,aa than sm loaU of sana-pa-rio.
Bs.nt j Prainrs" would be aa e-ap at our dot
ir, a '"Ktl. as snrftiMWIii M rfaliar. Unt I1RANTS
I'LltiFlKR Is soM lor only ONK DOLLAR a bonis ; and
aa a ImuM of t hat inured, and la etpahU irf eiirlnf, Faae
Timn a, much dianaaa aa eat boult of WMajrula tUera
torn. aarMjiaril-rt, in conarqurnco of Iu ln power and
Itn medical rfSuacy, thould be sold at n. mm tbaa
Twentf-Fim cii per bottle, to bs as tktm an taf fees
rica u On VmUar.
i Oas Dollar's Worth!
Itaw murh 'ic s tiow much fvrMiLn bnw naeek
Sccrci.4 will Oiu Jtolltr't monk oi eVant a PURIFIMK
cure ? head tho tidlowiug statement, which la a a pact
men of it .ow,-r.
I'ln, it tt.e ea.e ol 7'yin. aMn who par Maa,. Ilr mat
ftTia of a wonie caM of 'scrofula, by only 7virt Btttim
ol llrant'. Purifier, than evrr waa r'ared by tlie tiae of
7 Wr, G.UUin ot the bftt larmpttrilla that was vr Md.
Mi.HtapHriila hns not tuffirient mtdicat power to effect the
cum of such s rnnkiniw kopeUM caav. .
Mr. J H llASKlff.of home, Oneida Ct . T.. had 8rraJ
ula our y.-or, waa rnnlined ru his bed tha latt pw-he
wa, ao ir.uch dioeaat d and dehiliiaUMi aa to be anaiile ta
ntr hi, h.ii.d to !.' head, lie bad tha bit medical ad-Tii-e
Ind U..-.I nil of the bat tmaparillat to no Son.)
rlTi-rt y..t Kortt and nnt and waa cunaiderrd to be la
a rnfi-ig Stata. and eould not tirp nmfr four Kourt Ion far,
wh..n he rimmriirril mtn( BHAN TS ri'KIHKR. Ill
ltdc waa urn nearly t,J, from ear ta ear a holt waa eaten
through hi. rindpi; under his rhia. so that he brealbad
throuuh tha hole hi, tar waa so eaten around lhat it
eoiil.l lie fifed up out of Ita place. It only holding Hy
snnli pn-t the uae of an arm waa daatroped by two Ul
cer. an rlrr tinrif r th arm. aa larcn as a roan', hand,
had nt arly mini ihrounh his aide tala kit bodf. 1 huf, he
-waa ailticted wilh TVcnly .uch tfvtrld avrt tjntirt VU
tm, on vaiious parts of til. person. Far rarlber and full
partii'ulnr.. are oir ranphlatt.
Doi-t. '1'itnMAS Williams, one of the moat tttllrui phy.
li'iMTia of Konie, waa culled to aeo tlatkin tha day beart
no e-iiTiinen.-ed minx UrnnVt Purifier. loi-t. W. cni.
m?d him, mid tiien told him Itmt mil thu fhainctaa, i u
trm'U crtu'.l r.ol citrt him tnst Ida cue waa
Worse than Hopeless !
New h(!v Mr. IIASKIN S atatement of cur. Hn aald i
My wi'J- prm ured one bottle of M.OT.t PVKlf Plied
EXTRACT of Hiao'l 4- Leonard. IlnifKiata, of Rotn
I einrinienred niing that and beran to art betttr that
son La enahlni me t get oj my bed, where I had been
cor.tined o'i yeartha ascoND bonis enabled melSiral
of Ike soiiM-tha THtso luitti enablrd me to Watt
Tw MeUt. lo iiouif CrTilre. where I procured 5fa Rattltm
more : Mint wli.-n I hr.d fini,hed using them, .rrentem oei
of Tvntt'j l".r, ll.o HS At. KD tr and three baultt mors
eif.-ch-d a PKHr'lii.'l' 'THE of ail liia Ulcers, snd ra
stort'ii ire to good heaUk.
Mr. IIASKIN lias awnrn to ths above facta, and the
fact a-e witt,a,ed and errtitied to by IK1CT. T. WILLIAMS-Mr.
ii 1! T.RriWN. propriHor of tha tTot Rama
iW-Mmrrs. BlSShLL St. LKONAIID. Wboleaa'.n and
retail li-eui,ts and liLE VKN oUier wptnobU wttntatat.
We Challenge the World
To PROVK s Cure of as rcroUint and surely kaptlttt a
caas of Scrofula, by Iha lias ol TLN TiMKS aa murk
rartttpetriUa, or any other medicine, aa waa nerd of lirnnt
Purifier to elfect the ahove cure .which cure ahall. be
pruved 1-y na many meU knok-n, rtaftctmUt iriinaMts, as id
the above cure.
FOR SAM: HY Joiia W. FrUing, Sonbnry P.
Mury A. McCoy- Northumbandral:
J.'hil it. It.iaei Miltnu,
Henry J. f (mclTer do -
Kduurd A. Kiuuisr do
AilaulCotirhJ PoUns"a"
Jnyes A M'-C-T-nUlt; MeKwensviliei
.. . I-. 1. I u. liter, muucv,
J. P. M um A Cj., Hushe'avilfe.
r.dwnrd Wils-m, New Berlin,
Tlionilno k. linker, Levriahnrir:
S. J. Crrrtie, Seliiuurrova.
W. II. Birltier. llanviiie.
K. I'. I.eiu Jolin It. Mover, Hloomabarf. .
All Inters nod ortb-rs muttt lie addressed to VVallaeeA
ii.. 106 Ur.wlvmv, New- Voric.
Sunbury, July SI, lRtt ty.
Equitable E,fe Insurant Annultr
ana Trust lompanv,
orricr.Tiw.M.NLT street, Philadelphia:
Capital f i(i,U00. CiiAHik PurcTCAj..
rpHE Coinpnuy nre now prejiared in trmisset business
J. npm the tnost liberal and ativsjlmlreous terms. They
ire authorized by their charter (sect, ft) "to mnke sit and
every insurnti'ie apertAmiii to life risks nf whatever kintl
or nature, and to receive and execute trusts, make endow
menta, ami to ftrnut ana parrtuise snnuities.'1 itiecom.
pnny sell annuitirs and endowments, end act as Tnsatas
for miiMirs and heirs.
Tails of Premiums remtired for tli Assurance of 1U0 far
the wunle term of Ui.a.
Are. Prere. Aft. Prein. I I Am.
IS I SO 31 09 48
17 1 53 31 2 IS 47
18 1 66 33 I) l 4
19 1 5 31 'J J7 49
SO I 60 35 11 33 ftd
at 103 s 3d a -to si
44 1M 37 8 47 W
S3 IDS J J5I 63
'it 17-' 3'.) S A3 M
'ii I TiJ 40 -J 70 iS
!M 15 41 3 H 60
!i7 I eS 43 !W 57
t ..1 41 3 01 64
9 t (e 44 3 H 59
30 ltil 43 3 43 60
3 4
3 77
4 11
4 61
4 71
5 19
5 71
Tle premiums are teas than any other company, and the
ptdicirA aiford prt-nter sdvoutitiire. I'sblr 14 half-yearly
nud quarterly priuiilms, hull ereuil nues of premmm, short
U-rtnt. j.ii'it liv'ea, Siirvivorahipe and enaowmenta ; alar.,
form of Appl:cnti .n i'or wliit-li there are buuik sheetr) are
Pi be luil . n a;-rui;Mti,i at tlie office, or by letter to Ike
Agent, J. li l t liui, !uulury.
P.atk ma i!tcaiM I
i Slii) oh a sing'.s Life f
I For 7 yeuts. For nteT
For I yeur. I or 7 yeuts.
fcl al
ft I !-0
1,?9 t.04
1 1.07
3,1!) I 3.y7
FiAMPi.a A ixrisi aeril 30 vmrs next birth day, by
paytmr the Cmtiany pa raiu wonkl secure to his family
v ueira iui snoual be die in one veur :.uf tor ao.ou na ee-
eurea to lliriu SltiOH; !'. lt anuusUy f.aj set en years
he aeeurea bi them it llmo alwiukt he die iu seven veara: or
for ajTO.40 punt luiuualiy durum ble he aeeares 1IUU lo Iw
puid when he diea. The ttiauref aVi-uruar his own bunas,
by ihe ihllereiice ta nut-Hint ot nrenfiunu, Irwn taoarcharard
by other oriicea. K I. 50 the heirs would receive 9JOMI
ki'iitnld he dia in nna yeur.
tlieofcce. PETEK Cfl.lJCN, Presidaot.
l-oriiai ol uiuilieutaai and all mrticuairs may na aan as
Vice President, Wn, M. Haisd.
Kbaxcis W. KaWLS. rVerelnry and Treasurer.
CotttLTiso PnTaiciAJi Dr. J Bj.Matser, Sunbory.
I. II. Pcaov, Sunbury, Aerill fot .ocaauioarauis
nuntiury, July 7", 1CIP.
.. . . .
Win. fi. Cochran 4k. Crn
Whalesala aad Retail,
So. 78 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
HAVE alsVay on hand a very Ur4 dock of
M ines, Liquor and Segtra, of their a
importation. . ISlor Keeper, Hole( Keepers, suo
private gentlsmen, will be supplied th mast
liberal terms.
Philadelphia. Nov. IT, 1149
RAISING, currants, citron, cheese pepp
sauce, Ac. For sal by .1. W. FRILING
- 8uitbury, Dec S, 1843. -
WKBOW GLASS, 8 by ltf, for ale U
Sunbury, Jasi XTrh, 1849- tf.
BAY RUM. An xrrlenl rtlcl (r .U
Bunbury Jan: i7th, i849 tt.
peaches of kr. excellent cuaUty, for aj
by. v - - - - U. MASSER.
Sunbury, 8opt d, 1845.
JlJL exreiissU arUcVs, for hIb si
h.if th u.uvi pric by , j. w. rwuyc.
Sunbrry July t, H49
STONE War. Earthen' W.rV lUisins, AJ.
. Bsewd. Prune aisd Cumm Nwt,
PIsjm of all kind. - ,
. Salt and PUaUr.-Jfus. , .. .
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