Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 12, 1850, Image 3

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' mtmTtTANU LlOtSlATtrBat.
T! :? "TsWsrtATfJnii. , MM.
OanmilM of Mr. Konigmcbr, lh Son
am hmmM M Ihs slootion of hi offioort,
Ths following was " f ?!
Ullotingii , '''
. fan Itmtt ctn.".
Stmiirf W Pwwon. (Whl j) ;: ;
liMS-M'MiokeB(Din.) in:
Ths Senators voted follows:
V FOR ArttstArfT CLCRtt '
.,Jonn Patrick (Dem.)
John M. BollivBn (Writs)
"J5rh Ssirators voted os follow I
, 'Samuel Martin (Dent.) I
laaao H. M'Cauley (Whiff) ; ;
r ',7'Coinolioa Coll (Dem) '
!. James T. DesrnondffWhig)
; - ,r
After the election of transcribing creikft, -i
On motion of Mr. Ires, it wa,
! Jltsolvtd, that Joseph Y. James be appoint
ed an additional transcribing clerk, his duties
to commence whenever in the opinion of the
Speaker, his services shall be required. -
The ballolings were then resumed as fol
lows: ,. t ... ... v; ... -.
" ' FOB. SMOtArtT-AT-AnMI. ,
:r; .Wm. S. Millinirer (Whig) 17. ;
Win. Vansant (Dem ) , . 16 .
Daniel S. Kissel (Dem.) 17
,'f.i. Pickie (Whig)
- At this stape of the proceedings, Mr. Crabb
inoved the following resolution :
That onti" otherwise ordered Wm. P. Bra
dy be retained as an assistant sergeanl-at-arms
of the Senate, ' i
Mr. Frailey moved to amend by striking
out the name of Wm. P. Brady, and inserting
that of George Freeman. "
; .The amendment was agreed to by a vote
of yeas 17, nays 16, and the resolution pass
ed. The balloting was again resumed, and,
roa DooaKEPta.
John L. Morris (Dem.)
t. Solomon Sherfy (Whig)
George W. Palmer (Dem.)
George F. R-einharl (Whig)
Andrew Young (Whig)
C. O. Zimmerman (Dem.)
Samuel Peterson (Dem.)
Philip Weber (Whig)
' The officers chosen to fill the respective
posts, were then duly qualified.
v"; Mr. Forsyth submitted the following reso-
dution :
- Resolved, That the thanks of the Senate be
tendered to John M. Sullivan, and James T,
Desmond, fot their urbanity and gentlemanly
deportment towards Senators whilst discharg
ing the duties of their respective offices; and
that on returning from stations which they
have filled so honorably, faithfully and im
partially, We cheerfully accord to them our
best wishes for their health, prosperity, and
'happiness through life. . .
The vote upon the resolution was profacetl
by a few remarks from Messrs. Forsyth and
Drum, in which they alluded to the invaria
ble kindness and attention manifested by the
retiring officers, and their faithful discharge
of the arduous duties which bad devolved
upon them during their continuance in office,
- after which ; the resolution was unanimously
adopted! ,';.. r .. -J v.-.'--
y .The Speaker laid before the Senate the
annual report of the State Treasurer.
On motion of Mr. Matthias, it was ordered
'""ttflU IM0 copies in the English language, and
500 In the German, be printed for the use of
the Senate.
t Mr. Packer, rose to -renew a resolution
which had been oflcred by the Senator from
the city, but subsequently .withdrawn, provi
ding for the appointment of Wm. P. Brady,
vhs an additional aeshtant Sergeant-al-Arms,
Mr. P. said, that in doing so, he would
probably bava to. differ with his political
brethren bu be. vouJJ give . them . a . reason
for bis, course. -,..ri.,, ,-..,. : .i.'J
Captain Brady was nn old soldier, the
tjiepltew of General Hugh Brady, of the Utii
' ted States Army. He had taken an active
' part irf the stirring conflicts of the last war
and was one of the noble band who had sus
lained their country's honor, and won for
themselves undying ronown in the memora
ble action of September 10th, 1813, upon
. Lake Erie.
"Here, said Mr. P., producing a medal and
holding it up to the gaze of the Sanalo, is
' the medal presented to Capt. Brady for his
- bravery upon that occasion, by your own
.Legislature ; and now he oomes to you and
asks permission to make your fires, and an
' deavor to promote your comfort. Will yon
'. refuse lv.i '
, The appeal was irresistable, Mr. Frailoy
caught the infection,' and declared that he
too was ready to vote for the resolution, and
'shed for the yeas and nays upon its passage.
The question being taken, the resolution
was adopted by a vote of y .as 32, itays 1.
. Habsisbpbo, Jan. 7
Senate. The following is the Committee
on Apportioning the State, appointed by the
President of the Senate : Messrs. Packer,
Brook, Brawley, Daisie, Forsyth, Walker,
; Mr. Frick presented a bill to open the State
road f-oro the Lunatio Asylum to the Susque
.fcanua river. ' -n ......
, jur.-ixreeier presented a bill to inooropo.
rata the Berwick, Wilkesbane and Providence
Turnpike and Plank Road Company
;. ; Mr. Frailey presented a bill, entitled 'Aa
..Act to extend the charter of the Miners' Bank
of Pottsville.,, ', "J "
Mr. Downs read in place a joint resolution
, relative to the criminal oode of Pennsylvania.
Bill tsi Place Mr. Matthias, a bill to in.
'corporate the Artificial Manure Company of
Fhtladelphia. county. i
The aama gentleman a bill Id amend ' the
charter of the Second Jackson Benefipjal So.
eioty of Philadelphia. Taken up and passed
Mr. Xonigmaoher a bill for (aa act author
isltuj Jhe. electloo of Proaaeotinf Atto;ney "
Mr. Savory, "a ao4, to laooropoiat lha
Clly affhiUUelphia, with anlarged bounds.
sl,ll0Mav.Mf. Beaameat aiaral rh follow
s las raaototiea?
i Beeolved, That the Committe of Ways and
Meant bir inrinwted ra Inquire mt rhe expe
diency of raising the 4ax on Cirotif and Men
agerie eompanies. , ft ,,V." I .,:. . o
Agreed to . r r " ' n n
"BiU$ Jtnst in f'iocss.Mr. Finlettoj 4he
hill relative Id the general ateotlon kwt of
this Commonwealth.,,,-! "
! Mr-EVans, the bill supplementary tp
act to the Orphans' Court laws, requiring
'tetilora to give-bail.' ' ' .
Mr. Cridland, the. bill to provide for a gene
ral register of birthl and Warrlsgesv y"' -m.
LtTIOM. " " '
lt' ,r - Washington; January 7, 1850. r '
' As I anticipated, Mr. Clay, Mr. Hale, and
other Senators have signified I heir opposition
to Mr. Cass' resolutionxf Inquiry in regard
to the suspension of diplomatic intercourse
with AuslrUi -Mr, Hale turned to the one
iden, of which he has already made so much
capital, opined that our seeming interference
with Austrian lyranny"m!ght cause European
nations to sympathize with our slaves, which
on their part would be as impertinent as our
expressions of regret at the overwhelming
catastrophe in Hungary. . Mr. Hale reminds
one of the English benevolent female society
for African children, mentioned by Dickens,
the members of which were all charitably
employed in making flannel shirts for the
poor little black darlings under the equator,
but never eared whether the naked children
of the "Irish Papists" were starving or fleer
ing to death. Mr, Hale's sympathies seem
to be concentrated, in a similar manner, on
the negroes yet in embryo that may in times
yet unborn, inhabit the territories of Califor
nia, Deseiet and New Mexico, and be is, on
that account, opposed to our interfering with
the Goths and Huns! Mr. Hale did as well
as could be expected ; but Mr. Clay disap
pointed the Senate. ' .
Instead of making an elaborate argument
to meet the statesmenlike views thrown out
in General Cass' speech, he rather taunted
the Senator from' Michigan with his want of
progressive statesmanship, in not favoring
internal improvements, - domestic manufac
tures and the like : but having a keen eye to
the expansion of the area of freedom. That
part of his speech was mere, and I am sorry
to say, miserable dialectics, better suited to
the stump than the' Senate chamber, and
scarcely bearing on the point at issue.
Mr. Clay has not exhibited the higties,
power of oratory or statesmanship in reply
to Gen. Cass, but he has shown himself a
bold and skilful partisan chief, and will no
doubt preserve that position '1n the Sennte.
If the resolution is lost in that body, it will
be taken up in the House, and pass. At all
events, there will be no appropriation for the
pay of our Charge to Vienna.
Surgical Operation by Da. Mott.
We find the following brief report of an
operation by Dr. Mott, at the N. Y. Uni
versity a few days ago, in Noah's Sunday
A young; man had a tumor growing out
of one of his nostrils. It came, in time, to
fill the whole cavity, and was as large as a
heos egg. It was so large, and so exten
sively and firmly attached, that it was im
possible to pull it out with forceps, as is
done with polypi. The worthy professor
put on his considering cap and studied out
an operation , and then, to make sure be
performed it on a dead body. Satisfied of
its practicability, he began : First, he made
a straight incision from the inner corner of
the eye to the mouth through the upper
lip; then he dissected the flesh from the
bone, so as to turn all the fleshy part of the
nose over upon the other side of the face.
This done, he sawed through the bone, and,
by a nice piece of carpenter work, laid
open the whole extent of the nostril. The
tumor was now exposed, cut loose, and
easily extracted, and the patient got well
without any disfiguration but a line
where the fleshy parts were re-united.
This was an ingenious, bold, and successful
operation. . , ;:, "
. Mr. S. S. Osgood, the artist, now in San
Francisco,' received $5000 (or portraits
executed by him in the space of six weeks.
He has made some real estate speculations,
which have turned out well. '
Oregon Li'mber is Found to be too hard
for profitable working. '
ThB project of electing Postmasters by
the people is becoming a subject of general
On Tuesday last, bv the Rev. Wm.Gwinn.
Mr Andrew J. Stboh. to Miss Lavina
Fabnswobtm, both of this place.
ThoofW fools apum Hjrmm's ( call pawn,
W, who improve kii golden Bonn,
Hy sweet experience know,
Thel mwrief e, rightly nderetood, .
Oivee to the leader sad lbs good,
A piridiw below.
At Milton, on the 30th nit.', br the Rev
Mr. Rulhrauff. Mr. Jacob Crovseb. to Miss
Catharine Johnston, both of Norihumbor
land. , ., ,
At Milton, on the 1st inst- bv Rev. David
Longmore, Mr. Petes Hoavs, of Danville, to
Miss bLLEM, dangbter ol Mr. Uriggs Marsn,
ot Turbut township. " ...
I ' DIKD :
In this ntace on Tuesday motnlni last. Mr.
JOHN HILEMAN, aged 22 years
In McEwensville, on. the 20ih ult WIL
LIAM C. FOX, son of Mrs. Mary Ann Fox,
aged BT years, a oioninn aua if Jays.'
i'-- In Jersevtovri. Col. Co., -on ihi ffth 'Bit
REBECCA, wife of Dr. Simon Cotner, aged
80 years. '
i i ; t
"Corrtdti twily oy Htnfj Moist r,
Oars, v .. , .
1 Bees,, ,.,. ..l
Pea. ,. .,
FaaBSBB. .. a .
Tiiuew. .'.
BaaswAa. i
' Fleav. '
HseKaan Paaw.
De. Fbacbbs.
d i
-ii e ,:.
(.V i .s.
, , a
.1 1
. JO
! 1
i .
L It
NOTICE fa hereby given that the several court
eCeeamosl Pleas, General Quartet Seastone
of the peess, ana Orphans' Coert, Cewt of Over
and Terminer and General JeM Delivery, in and
for the county of Northumberland, to Commence
at the Court House, ta the tooe-h ol 8anbory,
at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, 7th of January
next, will oflrrtrrrue TWQ WSEJUS-n
The coroner, Justices of the Peace and eon-tables
in and for die bounty of NorthuteBorianLfere
requested to be then endlhere In their proper per
sonav. with their .tolls, records, jnauisitions, and
other reinenilirstsree, to do those thing to their)
seversl ofllces' sfppertainlnf to be done. And ell
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of die Common
wealth against any prisoner ere also requested and
cotnaiandcd to be then and there attending In their
proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual In their
attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to
their notices. 1 " .- '
Given under my hands at Sunbtrry, the 1st day of
. December in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and forty-nine end the Inde-
' pendence of the United States of America the
FOR trial in the Court Common Pleas of Nor
thumberland County at January ' Term
Danville & Pottsville
V lis wood At Snyder
Rail Road Co.
Wm & R. Fegely .
Israel Uutnliu
Wm. Marks
vs George Heckert
vs John Porter
vs John MeGinniS
t Wm. Ayrcs
vs Leah Stroecker
vs "same. '
vs Wm. McCay'sadm'rs
vs Wm. Starke
vs Jacob Ruhl's ex'rs
ts Jacob Hoflbian '
vs Philip Housel admr's
vs Dodge dr. Barret
' Vs Dcwartft Jordan et at
Vs Elisabeth Weitaeletal
vd Lddh Stroecker 1
Frederick Keener
John Carver's heirs
Andrew Garver et al -
Henry H. Burr
John McGlhnis
Lewis Cressman et al
Lach Btroccker
Jacob Houeel tt wife
Peter Richter's es'rs
Ann Myers
Rachael McCartv
Jacob W. Sdiuingef
Wm. & it. Fegely & Co. vs John Shissler ,
Noah 8 Mackey vs Samuel Finney :
D. HoaU for W, H. Fry mire v Isaac Brown
Samuel Boudman vs Jacob Hower
D. S. Dodge for Moor & Biddle vs W. & R-Fcgely
Jacob Karchner vs David Frymire et al
Jacob W. Pfouts vs A. Rhawn
Aaron Reppart vs Ira T. Clement i
Chas. W. Richards vs Joseph Pettit
Billington, Buyers &
vs J. & M. A. 8wsney
vs J. Wynn dr. J. Vantant
vs Jacob Leiaenring
vs Jacob Cabel
vs Robert W Dunn
vs James Dunn
vs Cornelius Smith
David Miller
Jacob P. Miller et al
Sarah Boyer et al
Wm Lie t'uey
Wm H Thompson
Mary 8nyder et al
Joseph Vandyke
Pontius 4 Thompson
vs Samuel R Wood
John I Met licreou
vs 8 Snyder, M Snvderetal
Com. for Saml Furman va
s L) Jordan, S Hunter
Alex Jordan
M Swenev if wife
vs Michael Miller
vs John B Boyd's ex'rs
vs Northumberland county
va Eward A Kutzuer
va Jacob Wcike &, wife
John B Miller
Wm L Dcwart
Roberf McCay
V. Sluiltx .
Jaeob Philips
vs George L. Weinier .
A S Lawrence adm'r of
vs Peter & D Wimer et al
Sarah Lciahou,
John Ilarlnian
vs F Burkenbine adm'r '
Clayton for J Mc Williams vs John Bower
, O'Donnell for Wiu F Nagle vs Johu Divers.
Com'wealth for J Kroh vs T A Billington A bail
Henry W. Snyder ' vs Wm F Wagonseller
Chas PleasanU
vs James & Wm Ross
Wm. Reed, sdra'r of
Roliert 8. Grant
' vs K floats ct Stoughlon
vs Peter Fcssler
vs Peter Brosious
vs John Bobb
vs Daniel Uonaert
Hugh Bellas
Conrad Reedy
Mary V'ickery :
L. B. f.'hriat, aasignee vs Christ At Young
John Weler ct al vs Starrick Ac Shriuer
Franklin Piatt & Co., va same
Charlee H Frick va Eli Slifor ' "
Tboa Cummings et si vs J Parke ik D R Rishel
onathan Leedam et al vs Wm McCay's adm'rs
John Arnold vs George Lyon
R D Cumminzs vs Montgomery A Mssteller
Rebecca Hunly vs Peter 8tull
Cbas Pleasants vs James dr. Wm Roas
Daniel Rhoada ' vs Jacob Wertman
G P Tyson for Job Tyson vs Daniel L. Hehneck
Prothonotarv s aflice ) '
Sunbury, Dee. 8, 1849;
A handsome new Sleigh, for sate cheap. En
quire at the store of HENRY MASSER.
Sunbury, Dec. 29, 1S49.
ISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for
covering glasses, die- for sale at tlis office ol
he American.
Si U.MS Ware, ttartnen W are, Haisins, Al
monds, Prunes and Cream N uts.
Planes of all kinds. '
Sail and Plaster. Just received and for sale
Sunbury, Dec. 89, 1849, :
IV OTICE is hereby given that the Books of
' Cbrist 4- Flayhart, are left in the hands of
George Weiaer, Esq., for settlemeut and collection.
A II persons indebted to the suliscribera, are re
quested to call at the oftire of G. Weiser, Esq.,
snd make settlement before the 20th day of Janu
ary A. D. 1850. All persons neglectipg this no
tice an ay expect vi, aa the Books must be settled
without respect to persona.
CnKISA ox r IA VilAKX.
Sunbury, Dec. 29, 1849 3t .) ,
Wr. would oali tne attention ot onr rea
ders to the terms of the Globe, ' printed
at Washington City, by John C. Rivers. The
reputation of this paper is world-wide, and
those of our readers desirous of obtaining a
correct report of the doings of the next Con
gress cannot do better than send in their
names in compliance with the terms annex
ed. ' ..
The Globe has alwavs held an enviable
position : the reports of Congress found in its
columns are as nearly correct as it Is possible
io trials inem : anu ine imnonanea oi ina
measures to be brought before the coming
Congress will Induce manv to bo anxious to
obtain a fair and candid report of their pro-
cceuingsi . , .
TsBmFor one copy et the Daily
Globs (daily during the session of Congress,
and weekly during the recess,) a year, . va 00
tor the Dsily libit for lass than a year r. -,
the rale of 84 eeute a mouths. ,
For one copy of the Weekly Globe, tot i ,
one year, . , , , . ( 00
. f or sue copy of the Congressional Globe .
during the session, . 9 90
rer one copy of toe Appsnditduruig the . t
session, . .t . . e 9 00
t or four ospws f either, or part pf both
during the sesion, .10 00
: For tea copies of sitUef, or part f both. ;
duruig the session, ,. SO -00
The prices for these papers are so low that
advance payments are indispensably neces
sary to carry them oe. . . i i , f
r- Postmasters who may obtain subecnbsrs
will be allowed 20 per cent., on the eabeerip.
lion brives for simrlo Duners vthich Ihev nui
retain when they and oa lha names of sub
scription money. The price fori he Consreev
slooal Globe and Appendii to Clubs who take
ten copies t so low that no riednciion caa
be afforded. ' Subscriptions ma be remitted
hy mail al oar risk, in money at par In the
section ef oeeaUy where, subeoibers saaid.
. t .. . . ) JOHN C. ElTSef .
e-v-. U I
...... i .
T E8PECTtU1.LT Informs the dtisens of
1 w Danvilb and the tmMie at large; that he has
located in Danville, and Is new prepared le prac
tice Medicine end Hargery in all ite variooe bran
rhee. He will operate oa alt the variooe forme
of blindness, cross eyes, club fret, harelip, cleft
palate, end attend so the extreetkm ot toman,
Bsseitatlos at Hmbn, end ell other svfgieel die
Baees. tlflf eollerflofl of rnsutiaieiiU eompriaes
sill instruments in modem 8urgery, of the latest
Improvement and wneat finieh. He flatters him
self that many years' practice and experience will
be a suflicient guarantee to those who ' may Crel
disposed to eroplay him. . ' . j
His residence is nearly opposite the ISftnirom4
rf BHtlditifi, and next door to Isaac Roeen
ba urn's store, in North Danville. .
; Danvflle, Dec. 1, 1919. ly. ; ;;
In thi Vttful and Interesting Artt milk a few
Simple and Corlnae Experiments In
V .. .. .- , CHFJVllfTRVl
INCLUDING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemnvtry
, Cookery, Fsrricry, Dying, Confectionary, Do
mestic Economy, etc. etc etc Price 61 cte., for
sale by - HENRY MA8SER.
' Sunburj, Dec 8, 1849.
Estate of Mary Mloore dee'd., and
Jacob Moore, dee'd,
NOTICE n hereby given, that letters of admi
nistration on said deceased's estates, have
been granted to Die subscriber. ' All persons hav
ing claims against the estates, are requested to
present thrm for examination and settlement, and
those indebted to the estates are requested to
make immediately payment.
Lower Augusta, Dec. 8, 1849
AVintcr Arrangement.
ON and after November let, 1849, the Pas
senger Trains will run between Philadelphia
and PotUville as follows :
Leaves Philodelohia at 81 A. M. dailv except
A mvea at Reading at 11 18.
Arrives at Pottsviile at IS 60.
Loaves Pottovilte at 8) A. M. daily except Bun-
Jays. V . r- ,
Arrives at Reading at 10.
Arrives at Philadelphia at 13 50.
FARE8. Pottsville and Philadelphia S.S0
and 3,00 ; PotUville and Reading 1,40 and 1,20;
Reading and Philadelphia 2,25 snd 1,90.
Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi
ded with Tickets.
There will be no Afternoon Train.
NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will be al
lowed to caca passenger in these lines ; and pas
sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any
thing as bsggage but their wearing apparel, which
HI be the risk or the owner.
By order of the Board of Managers. .
Nov. 54, 1819. . Secretary.
No- ISO Cticanat street,
Opposite the Anode)
V ANUFACTU7RER3 of their improved stvle
1 Elastic Steel Sprinz. Solid Solo Leather, and
Solid Riveted
hlch took the only first premium, awarded by
the Franklin Institute at their last r xliiUtiun.
H. T. take pleasure in informing the travel
ling public, that they have now on hand, a beau
ttful assortment of lueir improved style of HoliJ
Kule Leather Trunks Double and Single Folio
Trunks, of various styles Ladies' Trunks, Va
nce Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Cap Cases, Carpet
Bags, and an elegant assortment of superior En
ameled Patent Leathar Bags, with every article
in their line of business.
17" Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange
for New ones. ALEX. L. HICKEY.
Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849.-
tEf7r:OLESALE Commission PAPER and
Street, PhiUdelphia Where a general assort
ment or all kinds of Paper is kept, and for aale at
die lowest cash prices.
Cap, Letter and Prlallag; Papers,
&.C oa baud.
Plain snd ruled while Caps.
" blue
Flat Caps.
Plain arid ruled white Letter.
. blue "
Blue and white Folios.
White and colored Printing Paper
Tiaaue Papers.
Wrapping " '
Envcloie " '
Hardware and SI eathinj Taper.
Tar Boards.
Straw Boards. ' 1 '
Bonnet Boards. ...
All orJers from the Country will be attended
to at the shortest notice. ' - i
All goods sold will be carefully parked, and de
livered at any place in the city.
1 be highest cash price paid for Rags, or ex
changed iur Paper, as lew as csa be bought else
wuera. .
Please call and examine for yourselves.
Philadelphia, Nov, 17, 1819.
Agent for the salt of Sonthworth JUanuactu
ring Co's. Writing Paprrt.
fTare House, No. 3. Minor atreet
1(in CASES of the above superior Papers
ra store, and for sale to trade at the lowest
market prices, con silting in part of
Fine thick Fiat Caps, It, 14, 16 aad 1ft lbs.
blue and white.
Superfine Medium and Dead Writings, blue
snd while.
Extra super end superfiue Folio Pasta, blue.
Superfine Oamesarirel Posts, blue eatd wbi
plain and ruled.
and white, plain and ruled.
Extra sups Lusea Note Papers, plain and gilt,
riuperfiae aad find Bill Papers, long aad broad.
Superfiiss and fine Couaring-Hoiase Caps aad
rests, blue aad wtuta.
Extra super Cuogiess Cape and Letters. pU
and ruled, blue and white.
Extra super Ceagreae Caps aad Letters, gib.
Superfine Benaoa Caps end Poets. , ...
Superfined blue Beth Posts, blue end white.
plaiaaitd ruled. .v. -. ? .-
fcubrmdrrad JSote rapars and mtneiapn,
Lawver'a" Brief Papers.
Superfine snd fine Caps end Poets, raked and
plain, bliss and while, varieue qualities aud acacse,
A ho, 1000 reease white esul sssesHd Shoe Pa
pers, Boauset Boards, white and ssisrlsl
Tee, Wrapping, Earvelooa, aseorteet end blae Me
diuaas, Uep Wreapieg, Hardware rapeta, ak
Philsrtnsshia, Nee. 4, 1841. :i. -
ROSE OINTMENT-A freasi astsnly sfOus
. excellent srticle for Tetter, ses jaa Saeeivad
aad foe Bale by ' HK.BY MASSE R.
Sunbury, July t, laeV ' .
UA reeeisaw and far sale at the atere at I - .
Sunbury, Dee. 15, 164eV ... ; ... ,
fsseUtU efeeory
I earn W had by I
. Oroccricf ! Groceries! I
cciirdw'tfe CsW;;--'1-
S. W. Corner Artk f $tk Street Philadelphia,
OFFER for sale to the Inhvbitents ef Bonbory
and vicinity, Family Groceries ef the very
Bneet qusllty consisting of
Extra Fine, SoperkJf and Common Oreea sad
Black Teas. " - ' ' ' ' "
fjofftes of sH klrfds' andptice '
Rugsrs of a very kind. ' ' ; '" ' ' ' "
' Rice, Farina, Sstfo; Hominy. "
All kinds of choice Pickles, Ssnces, Ketehrlps,
Dlivs Oil, Preserves, Ac, wsrrsnted to be of the
very finest grades in the msrket and at the
cheapest rates possible.
All goods carefully packed arid promptly or
warded., , , COLTON A CO."
" 8. W. Cor. Arch & 0th 8t '
Thila. Oct SS, 1819 :he3in ly toy 28, "!
Er HICSS 'eT01T23, ' .
laaavrtee el French Baskets Leek lag Olaaaaa,
nut Panrf tleoSe,
Bio. 19 Nor lb Second Street,
Between Market snd Arch SUk, under J. Sisssv
JosKs Carpet Warehouse, two doors Lelow
, Christ Church,
LT AS on hand aud is constantly receiving a
large and extensive aasortinent of Combs,
Brushes, Fancy Goods of every description, (too
numerous to mention,) Looking Glasses of Gilt
snd Mahogany frames, Baskets, Coavlies, Chairs,
Phakcr'e Eaetcrn l iep and Country Brooms,
M'indow Blinds,. Door Mats, Tubs, Buckets,
Churns, Washboards in fact, Wooden snd Wil
low Ware of every description, all of -which will
be sold low for Cah or City acceptance.
Merchants would save themselves ranch lime
and trouble, by calling and examining my stock
before purchasing.
N. B. Looking Glasses, am Insured against
Breakage to all parts of the Union, without extra
charge. --
August 25, 1849. 3m -
TJ EING a progressive and Comprehensive 8ye
A- tern of Orthograpy and Orthoepy, including
s variety of definitions, adapted to the use ef
Schools in the American Republic, by Almos
Tieknor, a Teacher ef twenty-five year's experi
ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators,
Practical Common school Mensuration, &c
The attention of Teachers, School Directors,
parents, die, is invited to this new Spelling Book,
which conforms to the modern spelling and usages
in Orthography as being one of the neatest, cheapest
best arranged, and better sdapted to the wants of
children, than any other published in the United
Slats. It is what it purports to be, a Spelling
Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires
an examination on the part of Instructors of youth
to secure for it a universal introduction into the
Schools of the United States, Just published, and
for sale by IIf.Sbt Masses, Sunbury.
Where Teachers and Directors can procure
copies for examination.
August 4, 1849.
N ONE VOLUME, Royal octavo, 1 165 pages,
bcautuiillv bouml, containing, 17 line plates.
besides numerous Wood Cute. Sold at about
one fourth the cost of the English work, without
any Plates.
"The Farmer s Encyclopedia u a real treasurv
of practical information, wherein the experience of
II ages and countries ra carefully fustkb re to
the present day, and admirably arr.nnfccd for con
venient reference." Dr. Darlington.
e are fully convinced that such an amount
of valuable know ledge for fanner can he found in
no other work in so cheap and convenient a form
In tact, no Fanner who pretends to be well inform
ed in bis profession, should be without this work.
New Genneasee Fanner.
An excellent work, Gt to be distributed in pre
miums by Agricultural Socities. J, S. Skinner.
r or sale at tins Oilier, price St.
Also, by E. W. CARR, Third street, opposite
the Exchange, Philadelphia ; and N. HICKMAN,
Daltimore, Mary land.
UT 4LL Uaesas wcst bb acccarixixs ax
res CSH.
July 14, 1849. 3m
50,000 vVictims' Every Year
'all a Prey to Consumption, Asthma
and Raising Blood, Hectic Fever
" ' and Wight Sweats.'
law who bed Wen an uirabd !' yeace Iron AeUitea so
airaber enneidcrert as in ejneonplMwu It fettered uieai al
aece, ao that taer iravelled eeveral aondfed miles.
le alerara abruiiuf . It loria to the wjtsI kiad "t Coa
euiM4iei. ajsl onV-ee armted in llsse le fcurnt'f latai.
bbcniiaw's AU-llcdnnt Baucilll is thetieet runniy lu-'WU ;
it brats Ibe wnundrd iv ruptured bbwd rreerls ul trie lungs,
end tnrretv elfeet a prnneuanl cure, ahile uUier iruie-
dieeiiuly ei.ip like lw 4l Iur Itie uiue. A lrw d-eva nf
Uiie Bataiu w ill aalstV the muet ekr)tinil ilial it is the
nenliciue reauifiril it hae twu suucCMiul in mauy cueee.
ena uai u i wiirrr invv m mi uk e rupRl ae.ltue, ,. i
s eenerallv exprrssrit, HASTY CO.NoM Pl'ION
Yoaue pers sis. e tb.KS ol" nikkUe uat. are mote aiibiecl
to tnree snacks tnaii tne seen.
I'msirtsuand a-1 per bi-ttle.
Dr. bhettu'iu's C'sisli aud Worm Lozracee. Poor
3ian s rissters. e Ha as au-Jre
Prineipal 0ce lie) Naxean-etrret, New York.
of Rhetrmalusn. Paia ia the Back.
Suae aud Cbeac. Lunatiago aad Wrakuess, than any appu
cauua Ibai kaa nenisiswl, hiualrcds of auiaripksi rasrala
aave aucrnpira u c.euaerteil u. aim palm II a up.Ni ibe
wsMBWHiHy as ue aiMliue. I W Deware Ol Uerei4ew.
llinaillilMl that Ike true and atsuuiie Phaater M email aieir:
reiktisb paper made expressly the purpieM and e ery
case Ibe signature of Dr. tbeiman ia pruited uona the Isrrk
of ibe Phuaer, aud the aerured by Copy Kiabc Nuns
others sic gruuuie. Tberef-n aea ) waul a real good
Sbemaui's Puv Men's I'taatce, cell at tbeudice, lot Nasesa
street, asal yoa wiS a; be diatiMeauied.
KeruemlKV prtarinaiumce los iiii-eneei, nw l ore,
where as Dr. t ki raaaSa IHtenaeaare add. Ha Areata
are Mrs. Have, UB faaoei eueet. BrutArya; Uiueaas,
j aud Beauus a l-o, onasua, aud
JOHN YOl NO, Seabary.
M. A. McCAV, NonMuuberkuul
Nov. 10, lStSca e3aa Iv
No. 0 Sorth Third street, hettee Artk ami
Kate, and 83 Dock street,
Patent eeawaStsaajj UavedarsVal Ker-
saota tTaver
rta AXn finer moor iman chests.
as Waeraaaasl aa abaaa) asm Heat
"iy! Uasa aery Cheats la thai Osaaatry.
1 Also Paleat ajoCkasslies Iraa
- ' I bests, Mus aow aa aaa. Tacy
f.a J .. f aau aeuuiua ba aaaks Ike ordwa-
S tfr very .w pncea
Haiesa sieabiaaiaoa kicks Wak
a, m timae Hera, wkie k Ma be i kaiaji i
e -it a, aeveeal ibauaad rial ahsnpia
ewuMtf bra lu tart aveiv uaae ibe Luck is
aaed aTeVsifsbss, These Loekr ere proof ecsuut the umm!
espett Tbssvea, being saeadiea Wab use rseeu Key aoai
Cover, aad aeule vsev strmu?, Hsey easssd be bluwa ooea
W Gesa..wdu. Tbesa LseAa sea kauaaieel sue VANES,
Mai iettei aopybif sfeaaes, ire peoof doors far Beaks
aad Haueea. .
Paiesa Sana Liard Refrarerasara, wansatted auperior I
. wansaaed superior ee
Batba at the baas eual.
as oibata, Wales Fiaata, oaowei m
rt Persona wiakuif ka puichese aay pf e ahova ar-
uciea, wm paaaee give ineea a eui, aa ency ara caaai
ebsa kuy etaet at the L atMd Butss.
, ..... DAVID EVANS, '
. .I.i.-. i,i . JOHANNES W11MN
IS, laatwiy . .
vj . ., , TatnaMa Ilaaks.
T ITE r LaaisT, asadaamety boraaO.TT'Ar.
m Siaas's HiSTaBf ar tbs BasaaaisTiaa,
BaaaTK ltUf-BawSS ska tsMBa,it ssasrlsj.
M en CMsaeaSaei serf strltlserl saaalitia bee eaaerj e
23f SjeportsiHs ef deMbe Ikea See otbre ssejedy Ikel
aSUHi i ihe kammi n,m1e ; aad. wltkra a Ike veare,
J?-" "," easia.
SaeettbaSeeateiee. Belaew-, ... ,
Oirm fry Jieet mm1, merted snd W
oped eeeee e rVMeae7 Cummrm-,hi. tnmtud
eases ml el.rxed snd asneeed if.Vua-eeek SryetMi ea
eee ee went ee-er berore cared by en mber ewdieine
o saVfe efUM Srere entne of rhe efflirtrd nereaea M
to neve beea proaoneeed by peesiesees ead frieade b be
scfSsLLV STUM.- Saeae ke kd their beriel-eletkee
tnade. beee bera rurert, aad yet lire otWe. eko It wa
eaid would ncK Nee Smrthef day, are kew ml etl aad
beerty as they ever were.
II possesses all Ike eleaarSnf and pSrlfrinf eirtnee
nearly ee sewerful aad aetira ae liH pteiar'eUwi wkicb
"Pili ti trrm thet Wereaee till, rwsnream jevree mtMn
afee'lauieei wbvh are seraiurriy -!mjAd u. aad are turn
tuilf . ere ......
Cdngls tasd Consumptions,
ear) alt dlears of a pnhwfmary renin tmr'r ,;ieeir .
nrtiaily prnre so fstei aoder onlinery Ireotiatint, when
Uiry attnrk the '
Brtnsl. Tfiroal, ton's, and ITturt :
' Tb! BAL14M kail) aad earn I.Trm H iht Lf'fi enj
eln.wh.Me tnttrmaiiy. ni anniniy eutt ess ni Ihe feu.
rrisso KXTs.rT rem rn.t hrjl ulrrr- tTlemt'Ay Thii
II.!. -in rnres .Vi enare i,f Couth nH ljonumo(oi nut
of Ten. after all uUier rtmetiirs ii.ive fniUd to Jo good.
Thousands of Consumptions
and (Jiranle Ongkt, st.nndemly jinire In mfnllinf ' M
cay in in. h aitn, and its nmluelit-d cenriire p.iwr,
end rwilliinr, boilinx piupeniri. in Ihn r.i'ln'.vins; ruul.
plaints snd diwiuea. T:s. : Spilling f RteiW. Dlmirtr ml
lx Lmnr; Pete, in tkr ftraj ami . A?; tr,n, .
eeei Complaint. fnWiwmi er tAi Hmn. CMrrm mV,.
nws. Itftnleiy and Sumnue CmrUinu in CkiUrn "sud
Admtim.Ankmm,mniALI. " sua
f-m rnly thet he. been offered to the peMic hit err
been hrdjf mn fwteta end rAfeel in corrvrtinf ALL Ihe la
eidmtnf tresJhiewr end imruUtritun ,l the temple ei-x el
BBI.vrs P UL MONA KY BALSAM. It rnikei nn dif
rerewee whether the deranaemnt be ewpprtgnim. ertttt,
or other hteUntmt tMsvhtue it RKIil.'I.A TK A 1. 1., by
mtmgtkntnf the lyitrm. tfudli:inf l HrruliUiun, and
marking end tiUfing NERVOUS lltRITAHILITV. Su
ear rmmjMrtt for pruuf.
A Dying Woman Cured !
We Mete thie care to prove the seaer le eeee tt'ir. when
tiiii BALSAM weed, eeea alter tne nereim i. contuiirU
by phyeicien and friends to be la Ibe la Mmjra ul diwsw
eetuelly dfinr end. la thie eeee. se font that the
abneed ead hnriml dioJltl Were bonsht. Forth mmniju
Jars of this cav. end Ihe TtrptUtbU and mndouiUd pruf
of all the etrcumstaarea and facts, we refur to our
Tbie eurewse efteeted nn Mrs. KlBA PVKKMAN. of
tmiltum Spm, Smrmugm Cm.. X Y. We can iiruve, hrrnnd
a duM. SMeyntbers aaasef tomattm as hnpelt-i. e,td innu
nwreMl ceres uf Crnngkmnnd Crnnsutmrtion Ct 'ITfiP.whick
Were eronouaeed aacaraMe by ekilful rAynrtaaa.
Sea Ihe care of Dr. Hmbtari. ot Stamford. C'L, aad others.
Dyspepsia !
Sre the rare ef T 8 H ikes, aneTehert of Altirs, Wyo
miag Co . N. and many mora, in unr Pemphli-ta.
Dysentery & Summer Complaint
in CkiUm snd Admltt are mlmam$ emit. Wmkl CkiUrn
will breoine Jbjhu. kemiihy. aad heart, snd arow rai.ialv,
by the um of Ibis KALAU.
No mother n.ed rr,:r mourn the deelh nf her ehild he
f linl-n ler.iilnm. tmhini, if BRAS'TS
PVLMOSAttY BALSAM be adminltrn-4. It .hnuld b
far lueh cairs, lte in iarfer then the ordinary doses.
T'.ie fo!Ij..T:n--i.m-l Rftv-i n.l ..riridsi hsra
kich-e nT.miinoacled HR ANT 14 MLillCISKSi
l.-. S. HlC.itAh:). .-tsiulora. Coun.
Dr. J. N. SMITH. Vrert.iwn. S. T.
Dr. ROS4MAN. VH Henry .tr-et, Brooklyn, . T.
Ir. T M. HI-ST. Auburn. . V.
r.r. tiKO. KH CI.S, Mid 'Mows. Conn.
Dr. UKO. A. l.-UliKll-i, Uoth. N. V.
Ur. 8. WIFITH. N V. - '
llr. C. 11. OAl.t'.NTINK. lierun. H. V. .
Dr. J. O. HICl'MAS, V'T,.ttri!le. N. Y.
Dr. 1. HKLXNEU. llenrT it. Kra-klyn, 1. Y
Dr. O. giilPMAN. CurtlamL N. .
FOIl SALE BY John iV. Friling, Sonlmry Pn.
Mary A. McCay . N jrthutnberaliid.
J n IT. Rnsri Mil'. m,
ll-nrr J.nff-r ' do
Kdwarri A. KuuneT do
AiUui C'lurtet r.itlnffnrve.
llarrs A McCiwraiek, M. KwciukUc,
W. P. . Psiater, Manev.
J. P. Mum A Co., Iliurhr'ivitle,
Kilwapl Wilsm, Ntw llerlin,
Th.Yiit.Hi A Baker, lwiibutft.
8. J Creiee. rVlinsrrove,
W. II. Bicklev, Danville,
E. P. Lena A John R. Mover, BLaunshnrg.
All letters and oniera mult be addressed to Wallace A
Co., luS Brnadwar, New York.
Sruiliury, July ill, ltt-ly. .
Equitable Life Insurance, Annuity
and Trust Company.
CsrtTiL 0,uuu. CHiaTxa FiarsTCAi..
THE Company are now prepared to transact business
upou the most liberal and advantaiteous terma. Tney
are authorized by their charter (sect. 3) "In make all and
every ineuranee appertaining to hie risks of whatever kind
or aaatrrs. and to receive aial execute trusts, make eudow
aaneuXand re event and rewehaseaiintlitiea.'' The Cons.
ymmy sell annuities and enuowtuenta, and act aa Trustees
lor iwutifa and scire.
Table of Premiams rerntired for the Assurance of 8 100 for
the whole terra of Late.
Age. IFrera.
Age. Pieiu.
Age. Prem.
I 611
I 53
1 00
1 09
1 74
1 M
1 W
1 l
2 01
t IS
2 It)
t 70
3 01
3 I'i
3 n
3 40
3 04
4 11
4 51
4 71
4 01
6 11
6 XI
i S4
5 7S
6 0:
Tlie orCmiuma are less than any other cotnnam
sod the
policies auta'd greater aLK-uiUnges. Taliks ' hah'-yearly
aud quarterly preiniunis, bait' creilit rutca ul preiuuiiu, short
l-mis. joint lives, survivorshi4 and eit.1.,winents; al),
form ih Apilicatiou for which there are titunk eheets') nie
lo be had on aplicutl-ei at the orhce, or by letter t) the
Ageut, J. 11. PL'KDV, buiilHir).
RiTBe roa wsvacto SIOU on a aing'a Life
Fur Life.
Exsmpls A Persia aged 30 yeara next birth dar, by
paying the Company gg cents would sneare to his family
or betrs tiou ahouki be die ui one year ; or for Bo-oO he ae
ewrts to thcia BlOoOi or tow BIS aiuioaliy for acveu years
he aeruree U them SluuO should he die III seven years; or
fie-arjn.40 paid aunually dunitg hie be secures tfUUO to ha
wbrabcdies. 1 ae uiaurer aecui uur hie own boims.
is dutrreiiec IS ainotlut ,4 preuiiuius irautleuechergeii
by utber lahces. For SMbiM the ketrs would receive aoUOu
akjisikl ke die ia one year.
Fureas Marvueauua ami all panieuiara rrarv ba bad at
Iks oowa. PKTKR CL'LLEN, Freeideut.
Vice PreeiuVul, Wai. M. Uaibd.
Faiarie W. Rtwis, Secretary and Tree surer.
CoaslTLVua Paveicus- Dr. J. B. Masaer, Sunbury.
J. u. PvaBT, SuuUiry, Agent for .Nonhuiuocrausl ooaa-
Boubury, jury i ins.
- . . . ....
Cater Nsw Is Sseoao-aaaa Boos Slats,
Ho, 6 N. Sixth St. htttpet Market t Artk,
Law Books, Tbsotof ical sad Clsssioal Books,
BciBBTiric abb MiTasataTicsL Boobs. .
Juvenile Boohi, in great variety.
Hytaa Books sod Prayer Books, Bibles, all sixes
nd prices.
Aana; BooJtj, Writing Paper and Stationary,
U '"' aaat Mmtoit.
ff Osa prices are ainrht ower than the taaeisa prieea.
far lab. r lee aad aassll aejeela af hooka purckaeed.
iy Books imported lo order I root LuotkrU.
Parasekaata, Juua B, 140 y
RAISINS, eurranta, citron, clieesa, pspp
sauce, ft, ror sal. try J. W. KRIU.NG
c 8tllvy.lW;s4 ! i .;. ; v--;
WUtDOW CLASS, 8 by 10, for saU 1 v
Suabury, Jao 7th, Hm- tt
BAY BCMe A Bicclknt srticls for sals
6unbury Jan. JTui, 1849 tt . ,
TEAS, from tho Jtsw York Canton aftd rakia
Taa Coiapany. rot salo by
J. W. rR!UNS.
nmSnrf, Deo. t, llii
Aie. For I year. For 7 yews.
as : - l ; - ,1
30 pa i,J
o 19 1,4
60 l.t-b -)7
50 - 3, Id 3,o7
. ...... -
CaulloM Extra.
ss try the seme of CI.APP has eramred wak S ,.
mn of the name of f p. Tiiwneeial and Sees hat '
name to pot an a srensrilla. wMrei l her eall Dr. Towa-
ST V??'? " it UKNUIIVEOriflnal, ete,
This Townaend at nn dnet., end never wee i bat vxas ler- .
merlya worker on the rslhnsrte, eenele, and the like. Yet
ke eewmee the title of Dr for tbe nurpnee of as mirer ssedH
for wteetke leant Thie lain eenlu- the neShe md to ba
Mti and parrot out ihsj Omin CHifiml Oktl
Pf, , jikwiiBeW, him (amity 90m of mm, mTkm
old nm tor Jacob towkbend,
Pennine Townaend Rarsaparlllttf
OLD Dr. Tiwiieend ia aow aboi 70 yonra of age, and
h is Lmg lre known aa the nutlmr and Siearyerer of
Hie Genuine Original "Townsrnd 9areaparilla " Be
h;ipr, he wxs eompcllrfl Id limit ita manufacture, by
whirh Ricnns it has been kept out id" market, and the aales
circuinncrikeilto those only who lmve provod ite worth snd
known lt mlue. It had reached the ears of many, novef
Ihelesa, as Ikose nerioiis wlio liad been healed aorediieaata,
and saved from death, proclaimed its exeellenca aud won
derful HEALING POVT.ri.
Knowing, many yenra urn, that he had, by bis skill, sei
enee. and experumccd, devised an article which would be
of inealcnsblc arivantarre to mankind,, when ones known
end extensively need, ke hoped and persevered; eiiieetinf
Ihe lime to arrive when the meana would lie furnished to
brimr it into uutversol notice, when ha inestimable viriuee
would he known and appreciated. This time has come, the
means arc supplied ; thia
Is mannfartured on the tersest stsnte, six! is called for
throuRliuul the lencth and breadth of the land, especially as
it is found incapable of degeneration or deterioration.
lt every man ring throughout the land, that Old Dri
Jacob Towitieud is now manufacturing the real owneeitd
rkuTsnparillaj1 which never euuraj uever fermeuta, and nsvsr
changes its diameter.
Fiom thii day forth the people shall have the Para Gen
nine Towiisend Sarsnarilla, which ahsll never aour in tha
bottle, or in the storunch, and it shall yet tnnish from tha
land all Fermenting;, Kouring, ExpLiding. Vuicgary See.
anparillae, now in use. A gotel Baraaiarilla, pure and
gennlne, nngitt to live s poor soaring, elip-eiop Sarapa
rilla ought to droop and die.
The Old Dr's. EarsapariUa will keep pure and perfect
iw years.
Unlike r.-roni S. P. Townsend's it Improves with sir a.
and never changes, bat lor the better ; Because it is
pared on ecientiuo principles by a arte
Wheat knowieilee of Chemiatrv. and the
inciolea br a scientific man.
lest aiacovenea
i J Ik. Art k...lfliMil hmnvli, i Mnnilllinn in Ihe
manufaetirre of the OIJ) DR'S. SAR6APAR1L.LA. th
Snraaparilla root. H is well knowa to medical men, eon
tatna many medicinal properties, and aoma properties
which are 'inert or useless, and others, which, it retained
ia preparing it ft use, prodnes fermentation and acid
which is injurious to the tvstem. Some of the properties
of riara-ipari'.a are so volatile, that they entirely evaporate
ami are Let in the preparation, if they are uot preserved by
hy a ie.itiiic procew, known only to thoee experienced in
its meimfnctare. Morewer. these vohitile principles, which
fly oft in vapor, or at an rzlmUition, Under hent,arethaverift
CKKntul medical properties of the root, which give to y
all it value.
Anr pereoh cSrn lioll ot neve the rv till they gt a dark
colore.! nqtiid. which is more from the coloring matter ia
the root than 'from auvthiiaj else ; they can then strain thia
insipid or vapid li,uiil iweeten with s or motaases, snd
then call it ' S.-irsnperilhi r.xtract or Syrup." But such is
not the nrticie known as the
This is s prepared, that all the inert properties of the
S-irsrmtiila root are first removed every thing capahle of
liecomine nchl or of fermentiation, ia extracted and reject
el ; tlien everv (article c-f medical virtue ia secured in a
pure alio enneeutreted form; and thui it is rendered inea-
PV.ib of lobing any of its valuable and healing properties,
'rernred in this way, it ia made the Most pewerful agaut
Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every
i'leiu its favor hy men, women.nnd children. We find it
doiuc woii'-le-s in the cure of Consumption, Dyspepsia, and
Liver Complaint, and in Rhennmlitm, Scrofula; Piles,
CwtivtHcss, nil Cutanenua Eruptions, Pimple, Biotciies,
aad auii'ccHoiuarirr:!; from
It poejesscs a imrv.iUous ciBcacy. in ell complaints sriiinf
fr immdmewimi, Acidiiy of the hionwch, from on
einal cir.-ulatiou, determinntiou of blood to the head, palpi,
tation of the heart, cold feet and cold hand!, cold chills snd
h..t HkiIks over tin body. It has not its equal ia Ookttaiid
C lUgha ; and promotes easy expectoration, end gentle per
;uriuion relaxui; stricture of the lungi, throat, and every
oljcr part. .
iti ., ,r.,ii la ite exeellenca more mamfestlv seen sal
ackuowletlged tluui in all kinds and stages of Female Co.
It w.irks wonders in caiei of Floor Altias or AVhiteSi
Failiiiiot tlie Womb, Obstructed, Suppressed, or Painful
Mensts, Irregularity of the menstrual periods, and the like)
aud is a effectual in curing all the forms of Kidney Disease.
B-rein ving obstructions, and regulating tha general sys
lent, it gives toue aud streugtk to lie whole body, sad la OS
eurca all fiema of
And thus prevents or relieves a great variety of other rha
ladies, ei Spinal lrritati, Neuralgia, St. Vitas Danes
Sw-wiing, tpiieptic Fits, Conyulaione, tc
And yet ne
w uM fuiii hare it nnderitood that Old Dr.
Jacob TowTTsrnd'i Geimine Orignml Sarsaparula, m aa
IMITATION of hieiiiieri.r preparation!
Heaven forbid tkit we should deal in an article which
would bear the most distant resemManca to S P. Town
send's article ! and which wou'id bring down upou the OK
Dr wh a mnm.tain kmd of eomplainta and eriminationa
from Acents who have o!d, and purchasers who have ueed
S P. Townieud'i Feniienting Compound. We wiih it
undcriiootl, because it i the alisoluie truth, that S. P,
Towiiieiiil's article and Old Dr. Jacob Tirwiiseial's Suras,
purilla are henveu-wide apart and infinitely dusiniilur ; that
they are nnlUe in every partkului, huviug not una auigki
liuiii in coiaimm. ...
As 3. P. Towiisend is nn doctor?, and never was, is ns
chci.iiai, no obaruiuaceiitist knows no more oi medicins
or disease th'iu any othr ctimmon, unscientific, unproles
sional mm, wlvu guarantee can the puhlic have that they
nr. ,.i,;i, c-imine scientific medicine, ceitaining all
the virtues '.icf in prepei iiuj it. ami which are faicnpdble of
rlniures wUich might render them the ugeuta of disease ia
iusteud oi luiiltli .'
Bin what else licu!d be expeetcd from one who knows
n; coiupamtively of medicine or ilircasc ! It requirra
a pen li ol iisr experience, to ciaik and serve up even a decent inucii more important It it that
the persons whoniaiuu'uciurc nicdirine. ilcsignBJI for weak
c.iiituchaanJ enfeebled tvitems, should know welt the
medical properties of plants, Ihe best manner of securing
and concenimiius their bralniis virtues, also an exleniLva
knowledge ul ll.c vartoiui uncases which auein ine nuuuia
Svstem, and how to a.hipt remedies fci these diseaiei!
It 11 not pnsi,'.le ! tnn menu'llie ui ao e.Hi ; u use no
thing ill it which can ever liuim, it can never amr or
S'vnL and tlirtcioru. can never lie in curative nropertiea.
It cle.ui Ihe 1i1jI. ex. itci the liver to healthy action,
tones Ihe stomach, and givca good d'ge tion, relieves lha
bju-ta of tory-jr and ciistiiti ii allaya iiinainatum, pun.
fies the skin, eqiulizts the circulation of the blood, pro
ducing acinic waimth equullv ail over the ldy. and al tha
Inseinilile prrMpinilion n laiee ull olietruitiona, and invigo
rates ihe entire rmrvomi systnu. U uot this, then, tlie medi
cine you pre-eimueiiily ueed But can any of thess thiuga
he said of S. P TowusenU's inferior article ! Thui young
mail1! li-l'iid is not to be
Because of one gnuid fact, that Ihe one ia incapable of da
terioralion, and NEVER Sl'OllJ, While the other does;
it snarSi ferments, and I.Uiwi tlie buttles ouiitaiiiing U mto
ImeinetiU; the sour, acid
d liouid expiouing, sou oamagug
this h-irriblc cinpouud be poieou-
.abtfrs.kars! Miistu,4th
OUS to lae SvsleiU T V net : pu. wm sirrwiy
dtsraaed with acid '. Wimt causes Dyspepsia but acid T
Do we not all know, that when loou a airs in our etoraacba,
what mia-hief its or.iuces natuleuce, hearthburn, palpi.
bitiont.f the he-.. liver complaint, duurhera, dysentery,
oolic, aial corrupti.! -a the lamrt r w bar is acnauia but
ail acid hum; ui the 'snly 1 " net pruuuees an uia aiuuura
winch bring ou Ke-otl.His of the Hkin, a,,k Head, ftalt
Rheum, Kteiprats, Whits Syreuinga, Fever Borea, and aS
uleeraUiwa interne! and external ! It la nothing under
hmve.1 but au acid substanea, which a airs and thus spoia
all the Binds of the body, more or lees. What eauaas
Rheumatism, but a aw or acid fluid, which insiuuates iu
ash between Ihe jointa and elsewhere, irritating aud in
naiuing the Haslet aial delicate tissues upon which it arts f
Ko of nervoui diseases, of impurity or the blond, of de
ranged circulaluuM, and nearly all t alUtueota whirh af
flict butuaa usture.
Now is it not horrible to make and sell, aad luiniuly
wines to aee thia
It ia t-iiNe tn thhlk, and lo know how eraaUy tha af
flicted are upou by preaumptooua aseafor list asks
vfasawrl Fortuuea uu.Fout of the ejroniee of the sick 1
aud no equivalent raudered the ut-ieine sulferem !
11 is to srrest frauds dpos the uaiortumua, to pow
into wonnded humauitv, to kindle hope in tha deensiruig
boaoai, lu reauira health and bksi, and vigor into tha
crushed ami broken, and to banish iufirmity, that Old Dr.
J sc. ib Towtisetut haiSHighl and found the opportemity and
means to bring hit tjrand U nivcraal Concent reled Keeaedy
wilkin las nut-a, sad bi tha toiowleftge tn aB who need it,
that ihey may leurn and kuoW. by .lul exnericuca, its
And thus tn hare the anpnrchaaealaa aatisfartina of kavtnt
raised laouaairas and uiihioua frrse las bed of su-knees ana
deap. ardency to hope, health, aud a kaig life of vigut aad
asef uluneas lo Uicmtelvea. their faiailiea and friends.
Aaaav-i-HFARY MASStR, Sunbury.
July aa, lois. iv sow
WHITE DBANDY tor preaervens; Waad
peaches of an excellent rraslity, far Ss'.t
by , 11. MASSFX
Saabury, apU JJ, 1 tide
u. CHES An xesUsnt atticla, tor sat at
belfihe usual pries by J. w. FKILINO.
Banbury, July T. 17t9
13LA8TER, 8alt sad r Uo, juat racais4 aad ssr
bvV vs . r-r-UK.
aVinHrr.Dae. t, IUA. .
T ...
. -f k. A. L . S .. SB I
A,.. 1