Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 05, 1850, Image 3

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    " WnNW (M ta A""
Tha nU ef i M ty1 ' ? ' '
Sad and --
-Oir toy trtltowljrtnfi';
Wiih lioltew bfeetee sighing - v
'Abovttiroftril flying! - m I "
Hear it tale 1
Uni enly just lhe Oiner nay,
..ftPSJXUlll TV..... i
With earthly otimi "'1 PVi
i-Wiili feirevt hop of ieme. ,,.
Harm, wbhughrtwj??
, iwiich'.l my fiVlvr-.... . .
,-,The old year dying lay. . ...
u M dead era W ' V'' i
Snalch,1 "P hi crown, and htfJjft1 ,
PI io mv realm on the wlnu of tho " I,
Troisvfcieet Greenland to eult,rie.,l JJW;
t ..V.;.i.l ih. wi.rl.1 from Tropla to Pole; '
FatWr all.rny dominion was aole, " M
I found myself monarch 01 an ine win. v. .,..,
Anu bwhi, mj ".""'" ... -
In my pride and youag wildness of heart, ,
I ieVd to see!! the nations astarl,; ,. .
I arniil at the dium, and the clamor or arm,
And, shouted aloud at the peoples' alarms,,,
l've!wtch'i(' the nations commotions .afar" '
I've .stood in the midst of the cannons of war'.
I've,hacd the loud cry for Liberty come.
Cleaving the earth, and the Heaeua, blue
m dome.. l .-. . -t " '
I was there when brave old" Hilt.Bnry'f
Girt on their armor, and the valor of Hun - -Resofv'd.
that Tor once they'd be happy and
No longe; "Jro'ud Austria's vassals they'd be.
I saw that thebnddingof Freedom waslhere,
But the huge, old lion was quitting his lair,
To crhsh wilh his tread the .park of their hope,
And lighten his hold on tyranny's rope.
Then flew they io arms, and shouted in ragq
W? triumph if die! and History's page
ShaM say wo are free or say we are.dead,
For we will bo longer bo slavishly led.
Then there begin, the loud tumuit of war j
Their fot-s gathered soon, from near and from
j tar;-,;.'..- - ..
I saw the liberty banner prevail, ...
And auon there arose the victims aad wail.
' The spirits of freedom were conquered and
v.-..: bound ! '! .- , ,i
The blood of their slain had falten'd the
ground : . '
i Yrt valHed agio hoe warriors stout, ...
! Again were they stmn in a nornom iu..
! I sawttte grona strew'd w4th bocliesof dead.
T And the living to lurumom j
i ..i .
; lou , . .. . ,. , . ,
Their great hearts were bursting withanguisn
miff rvain. " t
Th oanted and moanM for a rest with the
, slain. . -.- . . I
I saw ibe.hard-hearteil conquerors come,
To scatter sadness and terror at home,
To make the widow and orphan to H y,
Apart, and in languishing sorrow to die.
I said Uie poor fugitives hunted, and brought
From the dens, and the caves where respite
tbey sought, .,
And a tyrant, a tiger, tfitnd did preside
Over their dooms which were now to be tried.
The mad, hellish victor branded his sword,
And grimi'd wilh delight in giving the word,
When his blood-hounds encompassed them
' " round, ,
With" dying and dead, o'er strewing the
"v.) ground.; : ; . ,
I wept at the fate of poor Hungary then ;
All .lint in her blood is her history' pen,
But her small remnant are true-heaited till,
To' Austria's sceptre lfy never wren.
f itav witnessed the nations' great throes,
Tbuir burdens, and struggles, and wiiherm
" woes: v ' ' .
I ve given iud n-o -j - i . .' , . ,
And l ined op a strife the ages shaM feel.
I've stood where the crown of the vnonaTch
has fell,- " , ; , ;
Been broken, and trampled and said it was
.. ''- ir:.lm. .nnnla nt fall.
I ve seen mipniy .s.-."- .rr , ' ,
Wkera eople were breaking the despots
"' ' ', rude thrall. ' . ,l
l t'i r ' . - '
I saw the great Pim take to his flight, 1 v '
AnH feasted mv eves on so goodly a sight ;
Twas rare to behnld such dignity run, -And
many there were who laughed at the fun!
Tve shown to the world, a new store-house,
-,f f wealth, '
Where men may be rich without using
stealth: i ' '
And now to the West, they're rapidly flying;
Its. stores of hid treasure, they're swiftly un-fc-iei
tying. ' '
Vt gone with the pestilence where he has
flown,, ...
And many a sorrow and sadness have known.
Over Europe he pass'd with his hot killing
i, t i breath,
And America's children he gave to the death.
W .'wandered along 'said the crowds of the
The young and the strong were sickenM at
, heart; .., ,t
For his arrow was falling wherever they
i.i.i went, ' .- i '
His vengeance to all seemed equally sent. .
We traversed the atreams and stored them
with dead,
And far among forests our pathway has led
Wherever ho. : went there was sorrow aud
, .- pain, i
And to melt his hard heart all effort was vain.
. , ( '
I've mingled in scores of festivity gay,
I have stood oft where the dying man lay.
I've been at the altar which Hymen has
made, . r ,..
Anon, at the grave ; where the sleeping are
t.:,t Jw ..; ..t ' i.t..iitt , ,
I've seen all the sorrow there's been in the
i,., world, ., ' .. , . ., .
All (he fell darts the destroyer has hurled J
I've, seen all the joy and the gladness of
w heart, h
The smiles and ths tears, of life's drama, a
-. i part... if
The'eold old year is dying ! -
. Sad and pale
: On Icy pillow lying,
.With hollow breezes sighing,
l, , About its spirir fly ing,
Hear its wail I ,
A deathly ehiU is art my brow, l( -t
It k wrinkled pah) arid sers.. i .. , , .
What ails me, Oh i what ails me uow 1
. I'm quaking all with ear. .. .
V. My lips are blue, my cheeh s oold,
Utt 1 ClOSO SDOUl m.T Piauseia mm,
, , Bind up my quivering chin.
Oh gi
i ma hral I its bitter chill,
I'll neriah. vat with cold.
: -'. iAf fraraa ia tiemblinar still, -.
v li'a not thai 1 am aid I
0, M aya is dim, I cannot aa ) .
mj ! My aar is dull lo hsr, ,
Tba light is oarkueta all lo ma, . .
Hi I'm dead to all but fear, .-
, i. 4rwaT BDsnbneaa o'ar ma steals,
. ljr lia. blood stops it flow, , .. k
M very soul iba eoldnees faels, , .
My mIm pawa. fajut and slow..
This must ba death, I feel it to J
. t eaanot bear to die! '
The world's loo fair, lo leave it, eh I
With old dead years lo lie. .. . .
I hear footstep at my door,
He's come, the young glad year,
,. (To mock and taunt me to the eore
A-1 Thai I lie with'rlng here ! '
i Ah well a day. He'll mount my throne,
I And apoTl as I have done ;
' He'll yield his breath1 with ft heaving
, groan,' "" '
, ! Its all that I have won ! ; ' ' J ' "
) Adieu, fair world! you're fading soon,
, . " I lov'd you trtjarly well. '
! I WVJ indeed for other boon
Than death m near Farewell!
i ; ;.. ,VThe year ia gone," "
t His task ia done,
, i "7 - To the grave so lone, ' . .
' j "'. " '
. lie mnk wita a moan i
",. , The yannar year trip gaily in,
' .... " . " . " !
. Wit mazy tlance, anu a merry uin.
i : IDA. '
, Korthumberfand, Dec. 31st, 1849. ' .
"Oh, IktSraaMe Mkm hm taken
To muk oi apoil iheir baron."
As soon as the meat is soiled to your taste,
which will generally be in about five weeks,
take it ut, and if any of it has been rover
ed with brine,, 5 left it, drain . little. Then
take black pepper, finely ground and dust on
the flesh aride, and on the hock end as much
as will Mick, then hang it tip in a gnod, clean,
dry, airy place. If all this ia done as it should
be, (it ought to be done now,) yoa will have
no further trouble wilh it, for by fly time in
the spring, your bacon is so well cured on the
outside, tfcat flies or bugs will not disturb it.
"'' ' " ' '
We understand that a company of Phila-
delpiuans have in contemplation the purchase
of the village of Lambertou, for the purpose
of erecting summer residences of wealth and
fashion. - The situation is one of the finest on
the river. Irenlon (xv. .) 2rrnfontm.
Sunbury SVmcriccin.
, m
H tfc OT
2l 3 4l 5
1st MONTH .
9 10
16 17
Sd sreitTH.
3 4
I 7
20 21
10 II
17 1
24 25
4th MONTH.
9 10
16 17
i a'lO on
23.24,25 26,27
21 3 4
9 10 11
5 6
12 13
15 16. 17,18
19 20
28,29 30,31
2', 3
9; to
4 -5
It 12
6 71
16 17 18 19 20 21122
23 24 25 26;27
3 4
?lh MONTH.
10 11
17 18
122 23 24,25
8th MONTH.
6 7
13 14
16 17
IS 19
20'2I 22.2324
25!26;27 28 29 30
. 9lh MONTH.
3i 41 S 61
iait!l2 13 14
16 17 18 19 20 21
23 24 25 26
10th MONTH.
6 7
13 14
16 17 18 19
20 21
;2223 24 25.26
28 29
11th MONTH.
4 5,
II 12
6 7
13 14
17 18
U 25
26 27
12th MONTH.
18 1U20
WE would call the attention of our rea
ders to the terms of I he Glol. printed
i Waohinirton Citv. bv John C. Rivers. Ihe
reputation ot una paper isworu-wiut,
thmu of our readers desirous of obtaining a
nrri.t errt of ihe doinss of Ihe next Con
.am.nt do heller than send in their
names in cumDlianee wilh the terms annex
ed. .1 WTOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees,
The Globe has always hem an enviapie
position ; the reports of Coiifiress found in its
columns are aa ueariy correct as it is possium
l mailt I hem t
mil ihe importance oi ine
measures lo be brought oeiore ine comiu
CnnornM will induce many lo be anxious to
obtain a fair and candid report of their pro.
Tims- For one copy of the Daily
r:iha r.Uilv durina the session of Congress,
and weeklv during the recess, n year, $5 00
For the Daily Ulots I or less man a year
the rate of 84 cents a months.
For one eopy of the Weekly uiobe lor
one year,
For one eopy oi im vongmwHiu uww
itiifin. the session.
I ! .t . l..-; .1
For one copy oi uie Appeiuux uuruig uia
.lull , -
For four espies of cither, or part of both
during ths sesion, .
10 00
For ten ceptes ol siuisr, or pan oi uow
during lbs
SO 00
The pricea for ihesa papers are so low
advance psj merits are iiidispeusably Dsws.1,,, wiUl ,5, 0f Northumbsrlsnd
tary to carry litem on. ...
Poalmaalftrs who maV ODlSin auDSCriDers t' ' 1 ..;,l .n.,ni on TI.E8DA Y the
will be allowed 20 per cent., on the subscrip-
Ition prirrsj ior nuiiiin y' " " 1
retain when they aeiid on the names of
stu ipi ion money. Tne price tor ine vongres- RegisWi Oflica, I
sionul GloU and Appendix to Clubs who take eurJbury, Dec 6th, 1849. $
I . l . l. . n .1 ...1 ill., inn j.,. I '
inn rarsn ss si low luai nu ui.iiwii .
be afforded. Subsortpliona may ba remitted I s-a8, from the New York Casts and PekOa
by mail at our run, in money pmr m ina jl Tea, Cam pan, far sale or
aaetkMi of country where subscribers reside. ;vi v. , J. W. ftXUKtk
f I
NOTICE is hereby given that ths several courts
of Cantnuxi Pisa. Oenersl Uuartsr BeMions
of the prare, aad Orphsns1 Court, Court of Oyer
and Terminer and General latl Drlirery, in and
far the eountv of nortliumbenand, to commence
at the Court House, in the htirourh of Sunbury,
at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Mondnv, 7tti of January
neil, will eontlrltia TWO WEEKS. :
The coroner. Justices of the Prace and conita
bits in and for ths county of Northumberland, are
requested to he then and there in their proper per
sons, with their foils, records, inquisitions, and
other remembrances, to do those things to their
e rrral omres kppertsining to be done. And all
Witnesses prosecuting in behalf of ths Common
wealth against any prisoner srs also requested and
commanded to be then and there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute saainst bim, as shall
be just -Stid not to depart without leave st their
peril. Jurors are requested to lie punctual in their
attendance, at the tints appointed agreeable to
their notice.
Given under iwy hahds st 8unbury, the 1st day of
December in the year at our lora one thousand
right hundred and forty-nine and the Inde
pendence of the United States of America the
RY Virtue of s certain Writ of levari Faeiat
issued out of the Court of Common fleas
of Northuinlierlsnd county, to m directed will be
sold by public Vendue or outcry s.t the Court
house in the Borough of Sunbury St 1 o'clock
P. M., on Mondny the 7th dsy of January next,
the following real estate to wit t All that certain
Tract of Land, situate in Conl township in the
county of Northumberland, -Bounded snd descri
bed as follows to wit: Beginning st a post a
corner of lot No 0, tlicnee by the same 'north two
deg. west 453 and a 1-2 perches to a post in s
line of land sun-eyed in the name of Kolicrt bray,
thence by the same south 83 dcg. west 183 snd
3-10 perches to a post a corner of lot No 1 1,
thence by the same south two deg. east S46 per
ches to s post ; thence by lands of north
eijihty-eialit dcg. east 141 and 8-10 perches to a
Chesnut Oak ; then south two deg. east 106 per
ches to a heap of stones , then east 41 1-2 perches
to the place of begiimig Containing 400 acres
and allowance. Seized taken in execution and
to be sold ss the property of John N. Lane, Sam
uel Psrke snd George Heckert, with notice Thos.
Pbarpe, it being the same Tract of land which
Thomas Cadwalladcr and wife by Indenture bear
ing date the 5th day of April A. D. 1837, granted
to the said John N. Lane, Samuel Parke and
George Heckert in fee, in equal undivided third
parts, as tenants in common.
By virtus of certain alias Writs of Pirn Frpenas
a certain lo of laud, situate in Lower Augusta
township in the eountv aforesaid, bounded on the
north by land of John Fleming, on the cast by the
ssme ; on the south by lands of Herman Khipman
and on west by lauds of Jacob II. K'.ioads. con
tainiug four acres more or less. . Seized taken in
execution snd to be said as the property of James
and William los.
All the interest of the Defendant (supposed to
be the undivided third part) of and in a certain
Tract of Land, situate in the township and county
aforsaid, udjoininir lands late of Win. Shipman
dee'd., ('onrad Raker, Ionard Reed and others,
containing two hundred seres more or less, shout
30 acres of which arc of which are cleared, where.
on arc erected a small log dwelling House, and
frame Barn. Seized taken in execution and to
be sold as the property of James lvoss.
. . . AJ.SU :
By virtue of certain Yen Erpoiiai, a certain lot
of ground situate in I'omt township in the county
aforesaid, hounded by lands of James iNesmt,
Crutchly, and others, containing 10 acres more or
less whereon are erected, a log dwelling House
a log Burn, &c. 5eizcd taken in cxecutien and
to be sold as the property of Henry Paul,
A crrtuin Tract of Land situate in the town
ship, and county aforesaid, bounded by binds of
Francis tirady, Kobert Lurry, tne Heirs ol Henry
Hunnickcr and others containing twenty-seven
acres more or less, whereon are erected s log
dwelling house, a stable, cVc. Seised taken in
execution and to be sold as the property of Albin
Two certain contiguous lots of ground situate
in the town of ShamoUin, Coal township in Nor-
thumlerland county, bounded north by lot of Jos.
Zern, cast by the Danville & Pottsville Rail Road,
south by lot of Ecket, Spanglcr snd Kniguel and
west by Shamokin street Each of said lots being
28 feet in front, and 100 feet in depth, on one of
which, is erected a two story Irame dwelling house.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Daniel Kerstettcr.
. . ...... ... . rr
jamm uui tin , our II.
Shreriff's office, Sunbury,
December 15, 1849.
SEALED Proposuls will be received by the un-
dersicned until the first day of January next,
at 3 o clock r. Al.. at the house ol oicpticn tsauiy,
in the town of Cattawissa, for the building of a
' .. - . .V . .
BRICK CHL'RCH 40 by 60 feet, in said town ;
which Proosals will I laid before tue Uuilding
Committee to moke the allotment. Plan and
specification can be seen five days previous to
said letting at b. lialdy s onn-e.
ci crnt.. dai.ui,
Cattawissa, Dec. 14th, 1649.
Z CEVERAL months since s vshso containing
J0 O anions other articles of clothing, a pair of
cloth pantaloons, several shirts, shut cnl'ars, stock
ings, &c, was taken, it is supposed by mistake,
from one of the Susqurhannan racket ooais, ry
some nasseneers. who got off at the ferry, op no.
site this place, sna Prougni tins vanse wiin urcir
hunnM la the aunnurv snore. lie vauao anu
biru are marked with the name of Joseph Jan
nev. and on one end of the valise is a laliel from
one of the Boston Hotels. The owner of the vs-
Ika bv calling on either of the subscribers, can
have the same, by proving property, aim paying
I vnnu4 t.f ilvertiflinff. &C.
. "J- ' . T PVtt I D
IjIj . 1 '3 J, j... i n IV 1
Sunbury Ferry,
Dec Slid, 1849. Cu
Creditors and other parsons interested in
I t,t ,utrs of Henry Malich, dee'd., settled by his
Administrator. Peter Maliek; ef Abraham E inter,
dee'd., settled by his Administrator, John S. Eis
tcr; (supplementary account) of Abraham Kiss
inger, dee d., sctued ny nis executors aoun r.
U'-li',.ii nil Julin Kisaineeri fsecond suouie-
mentary account) of John Price, dee'd., settled
by his Administrator David Marts, Esq.; of Anne
Irlsnd, dec d., settled ny ncr executor jonn ir
land ; of Mary Awl, dee'd.. settled by one of her
Administrators George C. Welker, Esq.; ef Hugh
Mcliinly, dec d, settled by his administrator v u
li,.m Housrl of John Lichou, deold.. settled by
his surviving Executor Dsniel Brautigun of
Eleaner Reed, dee'd., settled by her Adimnnlra
lor Ptr Arnwins and Munso A. Reed ; of Geo.
titration, dee'd.. settled by bis Administrator
liam C. I.awaon of Jacob Keller, dee'd., settled
by hi. Eierutor. Philip Keller Solomon Keller
anu spaniel ivcot i , u. vw..
settled by his Executor lienjamiu jaeitxcu 1 01
Martin Weaver, dee'd., settled by his admtstrator
that . "'. -r -j bsv. filed their
William H. Musucb; s'hat tne ,xeeutora ana
MUnlT. snd that lbs ssrns s.dl bs presented to tne
Bi7j f Jsnuary tiext tor confirmation and
"' 1 lowauce.
sub- I
JOHN P. PURSEL, Registef.
o 1
, thtnW Vee. t, tfMt
RESPECTFULLY Informs ths eWsene of
v Danville and the troUte st lane, that as has
located in Danville, and is now pre pared to prac
tice Medicine and Margery In all Its various bran
ches. He Will operate on all the various forms
of blindness, efnss eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft
palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors,
amputation or limbs, and all other surgical dis
eases. His collection of Instruments comprises
sll instruments in msdern Surgery, of the Intost
improvement end finest finish. lis (Utters him
self thst msnv years' practice snd experience will
be s sufficient guarantee to those who msy feel
disposed to employ Inm.
Ills residence is nearly opposite (he Miitliromt-
Bniltlitiri, and next door to Isssc Rosen-
bsum's store, in North Danville.
Danville, Dec. 1, 149. ly.
TUb FBOfrX.S'8 VADB.Usdtfra
In the Uieful and Intending Art with a ftw
Simple snd Carinas Exsrrtmeats la
I NCLUDING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry
Cookerv, Farriery, Dying. Confectionary, Do
mestic Economy, etc etc. etc. Price 61 eta., for
Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1849.
Estate of Mnry Moore slec'd., and
jacou itiuoro, aec7a
V OTICE is hereby given, thst letters of edmi-
" nistrstion on said deceased's estates, . have
been granted to the subscriber. All persons hav
ing claims against the estates, are requested to
present them for examination and settlement, and
those indebted to the estates are requested to
mako immediately payment
Lower Augusta, Dec. 8, 1849.
Winter Arrangement.
ON end after November 1st, 1849, the Pas
senger Trains will run between Philadelphia
and Pottsrille as follows :
Lcnos Philadelphia at 8i A. M.. daily except
Arrives at Reading at 11 18.
Arrives at Pottsville at 12 50.
Leaves Pottsville at 8) A. M. daily except Sun-
Arrives at Rending at 10.
Arrives at Philadelphia at 12 AO.
FARES. Pottsville and Philadelphia 3,50
and 3,00; Pottsville and Reading 1,40 and 1,30;
Reading and Philadelphia 2,25 and 1,90.
Passengers cannot enter the cars unless proi
ded with Tickets. "
There will he no Afternoon Train.
NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will be al
lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas
sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any
thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which
will be the risk or the owner.
By order of the Board of Managers.
Nov. 24, 1849. Secretary,
No- i:0 Cheaiiut street,
Opposite the Attade)
l ANLTACTCRER8 of their improved style
Elastic Steel Spring, Solid Sole Leather, and
boliu uivcted
which took the only first premium, swarded by
the Franklin Institute at their last exhibition.
II. & T. take pleasure in informing the travel
ling public, that they have now on hand, a leau
ttful assortment of iheir improved style of Solid
Sole Leather Trunks; Doublo snd Mingle Folio
Trunks, of various styles; Ladies' Trunks, Ya
lice Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Cop Cases, Carpet
Bags, and an elegant aoaortment of superior En
ameled Patent Leathor Bags, with every artielo
in their line of business.
I tf Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange
for New ones. ALEX. L. HICKEY.
Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849.-
U7HOLESALE Commission PAPER and
Street, Philadelphia. Where s general assort
ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale at
the lowest cash prices.
'1, Lettr and Frliitlng Tapers.
&.c. on Hand.
Pluin and ruled white Caps.
' bluo "
f, . UBP , , . .,
Flat Caps,
'.. , ,
I " " Ulllfl
Blue and white Folios.
White and colored Printing Paper
Tissue Papers.
Shoe "
Wrapping "
Hurdware and Sresthing TSpert
I ar Boards.
Straw Boards.
Bonnet Boards.
All orders from the Country Will be attended
to at the shortest notice.
All goods sold will be carefully packed, and de
livered at any place in the city.
The highest cash price paid for Kags, or ex
changed for Paper, as low as can be bought else
Please call and examine for yourselves.
Philadelphia, Nov. IT, 1849.
Agent for the sale of Sovthworth Manufactu
ring Co s. nVtfirtg; Pap rt.
Ware llotme, Wo. 3. Minor street
1 Ofi CASES of ths sbove superior Papers now
market prices, consisting in part of -
Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 19 snd 10 lbs.
blue and white.
Suiierrins Medium snd Demi W rtlings, blus
aud white-
Extra super snd siuierfins Folio Posts, blue.
Sunerfme Cammsrical Posts, blue and wbita
plain and ruled.
and wlilta. main ana ruiea.
Extra super Linen INole l'spers, plain sua gut.
Superfine snd find Bill Pspers, long and broad.
Superfine and fine Countiug-Houss Caps and
Posts, blue and white.
Extra super Congress Caps aud Letters, plain
snd ruled, blue sud white.
Extra super Congress Cspssnd Miters, gut,
Knnerfina Sermon Csds and Posts.
Superfined blus Bath Posts, blus snd white,
plaui and ruled.
embroidered ioie rupcra anu euvuupca,
"l.awver's" Br'ef Papers.
Superfine and fins Caps sad Posts, ruled snd
11- yu, and white, various qualities aim prices.
1 i,,,, 1000 reams white sud asserted 8U00 Pa-
BB., BoarjU, white and -..
1 1 ea, w rappii.ii, 7
diuma, Cap Wrapping, nam ware rspers, esc.
Philadelphia, Nov. 34, 184. '
ROSE OINTMENT. A iresn euppiy ot mis
excellent article for Tetter. just recused
and lor sal bv Hfc.NKV MAbSEK.
Sunbury, July 8, 1B
i racerved and fox sale at the store or
Snnbury, Dee. 15, 1849 , . . , ....
LAJCK9 ef every dwcs4ioei can ba had
teftaa A
1 t .
Groceries ! Groceries 1 !
W. Comsr An k W4 Strut Philadelphia,
OrrER for sale to the inhibilant of Sunbury
and vicinity, rsnrfty Groceries of ths very
finest quality consisting of 1
Extra Tins, Superior snd uornmon ureen ana
Black Teas.
Coffees of stl kinds snd prices.
Hugsrs of every kind.
Rice, Fsrins, Ssgo, Hominy. ' ' '
All' kinds of choice Pickles, Ssuces, Ketchups,
Olive Oil, Preserves, Ac., warranted to be of ths
very finest grades in ths market and at the
cheapest rstes possible. '
11 goods esreftmy pscited snd promptly lor-
warded. COLTOX & CO.
S. W. Cor. Arch & 6th St.
n.fla. Cel. 98f, 184che3m ly my 26, 1
Importer si French naskrl looking Glasses,
ana scf ueoa,
No. IS North Second Street,
Between Market snd Arch Sis., under J. Sinstt
Juses Carpet Warehouse, two doors below
Christ Church,
1 1 AS on hand snd is constantly receiving a
large and extensive assortment of Combs,
Brushes, Fancy Goods of every description, (too
numerous to mention,) Looking Glasses of Gilt
and Mahogany frames, Baskets, Coaches, Chairs,
Shaker's Eastern Wisp and Country Brooms,
Window Blinds, Door Mats, Tubs, Buckets,
Churns, Wsshbonrde--in fact, Wooden and Wil
low Ware of every description, all of which will
be sold low for Cash or City acceptance.
Merchants would save themselves much time
snd trouble, by calling and examining my stock
before purchasing.
N. B. Looking GIssses, are insured s gainst
Breakage to alL parts of the Union, without extra
August 25, 1849. 3m
BEING a progressive and Comprehensive Sys
tem of Orthograpy and Orthoepy, including
a variety of definitions, . adapted to the use of
Hchools in the American Kepuuhc, by Almon
Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-five year s experi
ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators,
1'rartical Common School Mensuration, &c.
The attention of Teachers, School Directors,
parents, Ac, is invited to this new Spelling Book,
which conforms to the modem spelling and usages
in Orthography as bring one of the neatest, cheapest
best arranged, and lieltcr adapted to the wants of
children, than any other published in the l.mted
Stats. It is what it purports to be, a Spelling
Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires
an examination on the part of Instructors of youth
to sccuro for it a universal introduction inU the
Schools of the United States. Just published, and
for sole by Henbt Masseb, Sunbury.
W hero Teachers and Directors can procure
copies for examination.
August 4, 1849.
N ONE VOLUME, Roval octavo, 1 165 pages,
beautifully bound, containing, 17 fine plates,
besides numerous Wood Cuts. Sold at about
one fourth the cost of the English work, without
anv Plates.
Tne Farmer s Encyclopedia is s real treasury
of practical information, wherein the experience of
nil aires and countries is carefully nistko vr to
the present day, and admirably arranged for con
venient reference." Ur. Darlington.
"We are fullv convinced that such an amount
of valuable knowledge for farmer can lie found in
no other work in so cheap and convenient a form
In farL no Farmer who pretends to lie well inform
ed in bia profession, should be without this work."
new Oennessee r ariner.
An excellent work, fit to be distributed in pre
miums by Agricultural Soeities. J. S. Skinner.
For sule st this Ullice. price 4.
Also, bv E. W. CARR. Third street, opposite
the Exchange, Philadelphia; and N. HICKMAN,
Baltimore, Maryland.
tvtLtOaukMS mcit as scccMrsstsa st
tux CMSH.
July 14, 1849 3m
50,000 A'ictims livery lear
Fall n Prey to Consumption, Astlima
and liaising lilood, Hectic 1 ever
and Wight Sweats.
L. J. Deals. ID Ilfijiieey itrrct, Kav it to htm siterin-
taw wtu) liud been nil inviUut ir years tV.iin Aittiniu ; to
oiiiHlier conBiat-rtNi uh hi r niiiiuipiuHi. it ifiicvfu incus si
sites, su ttiut ihey travelled several liuiKlrwl ruilsi.
si'i rriNo Bixxiu
U alwavs a!iirniinir. It lewis l' Ilia wrt kind of Con-
nitnnti.Mi, snJ untcea urrittetl m lime iu Kencrjliy fatiil.
felmrinairs Ail-lleiiliiiff linlttiin is Hie best relnetk' Sn iwil i
It haul tlie woiiiiiled tr ruptured tiuKMl vesiiela ol ine IUIS,
und Itierelty clteel s permniiniit cure, while euier renie-
ttteanlilv stop lite IhinkJ l'r lite tune. A lew d wei
tins BiiUuiu will aulmy Ibe imnt skontlral Unit 11 is lite
uietlicute requtrctl II li:ts lieeii sinieesstiil ill inttliy eases,
and tltat Uvi u'ltere tliey ltad run into ntiHl decline, tr, us
more generally exnressetl, "IIABI X tu.vsi.lrliu.v."
Vtmiux iers ins. or ilfise ol nndille uge, are subject
in these nltueks Hunt the nged.
Ytust ii ceuts and H pec Untile.
Dr. Shet mutt's C ih and Worm Inserters, and Poor
Muns rinxters aikl ns Hlnvs
rniicipal Orlice lott .-Vassuu-street, iVew YorK.
lias oured miirs eases of Rheunmlisra, rain lu the Bnrk.
Sule and Chest. Luiubuiio and Weakness, tltau any appll
esttou tltat bus utcreitsed, hundreds of unprincipled rascals
have attempted to e tuiMefleit tt. and iattrt it B up,! Ins
CMurooiuly as lite genuine. 7ilewsre tM UecepUiai.J
Keineiuber llutl Uie true atul geituiiw fluster is spread uptm
rokltsh paper innde exiwessly f.r Ihe purpose and every
case the signature of Ur. 81ieriimii is printed urwst the hork
l the fluster, and Ihe whole serureri by C iiy It iffht. None
others are seuuiiie. Theref ire when y-m waid a real g.sid
rShermau's I'ooC Mull's Pkister, call at llieuflice, IUS Nasssa
street, and yoa will u he disHipiluted.
Ilementuer prineipalOtnre HO Nassau-Street, New-York,
where all Dr. cMienmn's UaeiiKesare 'W His Agents
are Mrs. llovs, VK Full.t strrel, Br.lyn; liuKson,
Wiluorusburg j and Kedlutg ; Co, Bc., and
JOHN VOl NO, sanbtiry.
M. A. McCAY, NorUiuiuuerlaisl
Nov. 10, 1810 eh e-tiu Iv
So. 90 North Third ttreet, Utvcten Arch and
Race, and 83 Dock street,
Patent Soap-stone I.liicd and Key
note cover
Warnustal lo stainl ninr Umi
ihttu uiy Chests tu Ibis Country.
ChoU, 1WW ituw ut tu. Thay
mIihi CfMitniue lu lutike tb ordiiw
rv Fir Prosla at very I w prtcec
latrut auibiiiutitu iueka. Wilh
Guu Kya. wiacli otui W haikgd
-.. Mvtm iiisjuaauo tunca--cnaiuia
ur bin in lad avry liina lha Luck i
...a. t,,-. ix-.s arc nroof nmnsi Um most
I rxrwrt Thiavea, being sup,lied with tU Paient Key-bol
sTORi-s Kirrjt 1..
Heal and lUM couyinf prse, are pruoi avun m ssanaa
sud Stores. ,
Patent Slate Lined Keiriferauirs, wananrea auperinr
all others. Water Filters, Shower Bulla ol Us best qusJ-
41 T' . , . L.U n .1.. l
tieles, wUI sleus f iv Iheui a call, as they sell cheaper
Usui an outer w lus Vuuaa Btaie.
PhihjdelphSj. Novssnbet 10, 104H-1
1 Valuable Dooka.
T' IFE as Cubist, handsomely bound, D'Ac
bisks's Histobc er tss RsroasjTi
Bliss Psr-aoaas abb Lsnstss,fuU
Far sale at the publishers price by
H. i. dAtw(R
fftSlMMIHSI mt Am mt SaiAiI
Amhls. Oasivr, topMh 4
art toprnn wm of tit HIm'J-
HjAyirrr ,w,r
i mm ir mm kmkll
it rsil s MnlUlnt. In strry resreet; snd fliers Is sVra.
dent (WiMit In jrreSl tmrt efteeteS, thai ON a ImUTTI.M ef
It rmitsliis store eurilylnf, hesllne virtue snd svdinei
ftiwT than Ihers Is eunleined lu ftur BeuUl uf sev see.
mfMrilUt, ur any T fhcrtirin thst h ee.r les nflt.i ed
lor sal. There Is nndnalitrd prsd In mtr pa in uh lets,
tlmt It the ihs of Ibis f rest foils tttrifitr, n,y tl,
er lilirro vet l.lvs they dial were l.sna snd rate.
slfi) eifc nnw Wi--tlmy Ihst were Hies. Pcsoretnos,
and ollierwUs dimised, hsrs bean IIsaisb snd Cvskk.
Hundreds' Thousands
wh hsT Ftl Ssskt's Pvamta sfh-r haTlnj nsed sai
tested si.r. Ihe tarmptrtlla and other medicines recom
mended to cure bloud ilisesses, hare decidtd ihst-r
Brant's is the) Cheapest,
tieeause One Bottts of It has ston mcdlral. eurstlfS nrsl-
ter In , snd, Id etmieqitenee, cures svrt ducoM u anion
It Irns. than tw biiit'.t of any other medivine.
II. then. CVS Zlsulsul' BalT s l'trsirtra will ettrs
FOCR TIMES nmre disease Ihmi tu brttlt of tamp
. Ha .NT's Ien7riss" would lie as rAoift st our dat
rrs a bottle; ss TrmpmriUa at on Hollar. But UKANT'd
I'UKIFIF.K is ex.l.l lor only ONi; DOt.l.Alt a hnltle; and
as a iMinhi uf It ha eurml, snd Is repeals uf curing, Feue
7Vm as much dcease as ens bottU uf MT.aMiri. there.
I'nru. sar.apHiHIn, hi censuquencn ol Its fess, power snd
lew medical ..tftcaey. shnuid Im Said at so mors than
rvnl f r rnu per hullle, tu be as crap ss Uie I'f si
nus at On Dollar.
One Dollar's Worth I
Hnw much rsNCRa hnw much S-YrmLts how ranch
ScsoruLA will (Mr foliar irons , it firnnt PURIFIER
cum ? head the billowing sutuiielit. which is s spsci
men uf Its power.
I the it thi ctJMi of iyn man who yet Itres lie trot
cured ol worw mM ot Purolnln, by only 7'rrlrt Bouie
of BrHiit' I'urtfifr, thn er was rtirnl by tlie use of
7VrM (htllnauf the b$t twrraparitl tliM errr mude.
Kiirtfirmrillii hnt tint mjicimt mttlical pohrr tu etfect the
turn of mrb rtmltingtv koprlt rns,
Mr. J B lUfiKiM, ol Home, Oneida Vo , A". Y., hrl &roj
uia four yrart we cmihrit-'d tu his btnl th last year-ht
KM o much tllepntt'd and dfMlirsttfd m to n titni.1e to
rttisM hit Imnd to hi hettd. He lttd tlm ht ntdicitt nd
tirn -hud Usfd ail tit tlm beft lurMpcriVuu to ito Hood
tt'ft not tfwj and rorn. mtd wt ijimrmlrrt'r. to bet in
Ilin State, mul could not live twttty four hour Uwpmr,
when he cnmim-i.cvd netng HltANT'rt 1'1'HIMhK. Ilia
nevk was eaten nearly off. troin ear u ear n hot w si eaten
thrtMijjh hi fvindu. utnltT hi chin, o that he lnatl;ed
through the holt Ms far wni ao ratcti nrnurtd that It
couM bp tifteH up out of it plnre, it only holding by a
mall pieri' the ue of on arm whi slutroyed hy two Uh
L'ort-Hn t'l'T tindtT lh arm. a r- h a tnnn's hand,
bad m-Nrly eaten thi-ouch his pide into hi M'y. l hue, ha
wh hrllii-ti tl wilh Twrntf awch putrid acril. vjenrire IT
tsem. on ratioua pai u of hi puraun. I- ur farlhur aud full
partirnUrp. are our Pamphlet
Ioft. I'Hf.Mas Williams, one nf the mort riritful phy
fluiaita uf ltonie. waa called to ae Ilmkin thg day before
tie conimi-nceij uiinc Brant's IHiriJirr. Ioct. W, c!fntn
ined htm, and then told hitn tliut all tuu medUines at llio
wrtJ 4uu!(I not ettrt him that hia case wi
Worse than Hopeless !
Now henr Mr. IIASKIN'S itMiMncnt nf cure. He wA :
Mv wife procured one bottle of MUST S VUR1FYIXQ
EXTRACT uf Pitull t Leonard. Oniu'ci-ts. of Rome
I cutntnenced uina I hut ami megan to fret better that
BOTTi.r enabled tne to get ojf my ltd, whf rc I had het-n
contitifd one fear the "Icond hot tin ettHliled me to got
out of the hije the timkd bottle ecu hied mc to H'affi
Two Mile, to Romtf Cenire, where 1 procured Six Bottle
more; ami w4ten 1 had niiithed uing thtm. Sermtem out
of Twenty IJlrera had iikaleu ip and three bottle mora
etftvtrd a l'liHKKCf LHK of all the Ulcere, and re
iturtd ine to food health,
Mr. UAIfKIN has swom to the above hcts, snd the
fact are and certified to by POCT. T. WII..
I.IAMS-Mr. U. H DROWN. )ironrietr of the lVst-Hou
W,v.( HISSI I.I. & I.KONARI). Wholesale and
retail Li nitgists end KI.LVKN oUier rctjtraablt icimtnu.
We Challenge the World
To rilOVK Curt of as moUin sad koptlat a
case of fcrofula. by the use ot 'JTN T1MKS ss much
mrwiuirilla, or any other niedieine, as was used of flraul't
Purijier tu r.rlcct the above cure which cure shall ba
proved by as atany weU-kiunen, rmptclablt vitsawss, ss Is
Uie atiove cure.
FOR PAt.E BY John W. Friling, Sunlwry Ps.
mnry a. ixiiinuiuueraiiia.
John II. Itnrer Millcm,
Henry J. hlmeiTer d.
Kdwurd A. Kulitiier do
AibniiCimrhd rittrrore.
- Iliivin ft MeCnrraick, .M'Kweusville,
W.' I". 1. l'ainler, . Mmicy,
J. P. mniiu ft Co., Ilugiicsv'lll,
l'.ilvvnrd Wits n, New llertiii,
'rii.irnton ,V Baker, . Lewisburj;,
ft. J. Cruise, Selmsirr.ive,
AV. H. Bickler. Dnnviile,
K. P. Irfilz John It. Mnyer, HI nnsliurff.
A II letters nml orders must Ix addressed to Wuilscs ft
Co.. 100 BroniKvar, New York.
Sunbury, July 31, ll ly.
Equitable Life Insurance, Aunulty
and ' rust uompauy.
rilIK Comimiiy are now prepnred to tnuiKtct business
X Hpii the m-isl bhernl and ailvnotnreims terms. Tliey
are authorized by Iheir charter (sect, a) "to mnke all nnd
every insunuice appertaininft to llle risks of whatever kind
or tsiture, and to receive und execute trusts, iituke endow
ments, ami to frmut and purctiuse annuities." l ne t-tm-liiiy
sell annuities and sudowweuts, and set ss Trustees
lor uuiiors sud heirs.
Table of rremiums required for the Assnranc of 810U for
the whole term uf Lite.
Age. I Prem. I
I Afe.
Prcm. I
Age. Prem.
a o9
i 15
a 07
2 4l
8 47
!i 70
3 01
3 U
a 4
3 l i 'J
3 77
3 IM
4 13
4 Si
4 01
4 71
4 PI
5 IJ
4 SI
6 M
Hie premiums are less tlinii nny oilier compuii, , anu un-..
policiui nu'-ird grnter uilvantaes. Tu'ohs i.i hull-yearly
aisl quarterly preiumuis. half crtlit rult-s of prrtnuini, slioit
tifins, joint livt-e, survivorships hihI endowment.; fi,
form 01 Applic-tli 111 ( which there ai'e blank sheds) me
to he hud on application HI Ihe othre, or by letter W the
Agent, J. H. fLKDY, Sunbury.
Kates vob inji-bino SlOO 011 a single I.ifs
For 7 yeus. For I.iie.
ol l.oo
1,01 S,70
x,l7 34
37 6,03
T.wnl nra,ared !W venrs next birth duy, by
payiiis; the Company op -"l would secure to hi family
H- heirs alll should he die ui one year j i-r for au.()0 he Se.
cures to ihetn trluoii,' or for ai3 auniiiiily for seveii yoirs
b4 secure to llictn trllisju snoum ne nie ill seven years, in
for a-stl.10 paid aiuuially durins; hie he sueures felUUU to ha
paid wht-11 he dies. The insurer aei-uiour his own bonus.
by Ihe diHerence lu aiii-amtm iireiuiuuis iroiuiiio-nviHiiKm
bv isher ottices. For I.SU the heirs would receive SouUtl
sll oukl he die in one year.
Forms 01 apnlicaiiou and all pnrliciilani mny h had at
the offii-e. I'K I'KB CI IJ.KX, 1'rcsideiU.
Vice Presulent, Wat. M. a.ihd.
FSANCia W. Kawib, rjecretory and Treasurer.
Cossi'LTisa Fhvsicias Dr. J. Ii. Mnsser, tSiinhury.
J. II. I'vsor, Siuihury, Agenl for Northumberland coun
-euuwiry, j uiy w, icw.
New Ac Second band Boos Si OSS.
iVo. 38 N. Sixth St. be. ween Market If Arch,
Law Hooks, Theological and Classical Books,
SciiNTiric and Mathimaticai. Booxs.
Juvenile Books, in great variety.
Hymn Books and Piayei Books, Bibles, all sixes
ana prices.
Blank Books, Writing Paper, and Stationary,
IfAsWrai'e anal Rttoil.
W Osa price sr mncbl ower rhau the prwM.
IV l.ilaariea and small parcels of boots purchased.
fW Bo..ks imported In order Iroul uuumu.
- Fhiladeluaia, June , IMO y
Coble's Tooll actoss Drop.
mn.t cure for Tooth Ache.
sale hy
vwrtb. house above tlie railroad,
in Water Street
Sunbury. Dee. 1. 1849
OAI8IN8, currante, citron, cheese, pepper
IV sauce, Ac. For sals by J. W. rKll-l-"MU
Sunbury, Dec. 1848. .
WINDOW CLA8S, 8 by 10, lor aale U
Suabury, Jan tTth, 1848- tt
AY ttL'MAa exeellertt article for
Ia. tTth, U9M.
Aire. For 1 year.
WO fcl
90 119
S 3,49
Caution Extra.
k SMS Vy ths nsma nf Ct.APP has nrsres srhk S
yrnina rasa uf the name of . p. Tnwnsnid, snd sses his
name tn put nn s Sarsparllla, which ther rail Ir. Town
J '"t",llsi deanrnhMilr M OKNt'lNK Orlsbwl, eta.
rhis Tnwnswid Is nn snMnr, and sever Was tint was f. r
marly a wnir nn th raihada, emki. sudtheliks. Yes'
he sawimes Ihe till nf Or., r.ihparpnsof esnnn. ersdit
fiw what he is not This Is hi csulloii the pnhlie w In lis
rieesivetf, sitd nnrchss nons rait ths flennin Orisinal Old
rr. Jseoh Townsenri's rVwanarilto, havlne on It th Old
Dr'a, likeness, his family aoai of arms, and hoi subsists)
across lbs soal of arms.
Genuine Townscnd Swrsaparllla t
OLD Dr. T mnisend ! now aboni 70 years nf age, and
hits long been known ne the author six) discoverer of
flie Genuine Oriinnnl "Towusend Snranpnrilla " Hs
InST poor, he wns compelled to limit He naunirNctiire, by
which means il hnaliecn kept nut of market, and the sales
circittnscriiied to th-'Se only who hnve proved its worth snd
known its vtilne. It had reached the ears of meny. never
theless, as those persons who had been healed sore diseases,
and saved from death, proclaimed its excellence and won
derful iihauno
Knuwinu, many years arn, that he bad, by his skill, sci
ence, and f xpencneed, devised nil srticle which would b
of inculctuible advantage to mankind, when ones known
end extensively used, he hoped and persevered, expectinf,
the time tn arrive when the mcftna would lie furnished to
brine; it into universal notice, when Its inestimable virtue
would be known and appreciated. This tuns has come, tlie
means are supplied ; this
Is manufactured on the largest scale, and is called for
throughout Ihe lenglli and breadth nf the laud, especially as
it is found incnpalilc of degeneration ot deterioration.
Let every nmu ring throughout the howl, tlmt Old Dr.
Jncib Towusend is now nunuiacturiug the real Towiisrnd
&irsaparillu,' which never souis, never ferments, and never
changes its character.
From this day forth the people shall hnve the Pure Gen
ai ne Towusend S.irsBiiTilla, which shall never sour in the
bjttle.or i.i the stomach, and it shall yet Imiish from lb
land n' Fermenting, ftiurin;, F.xplodiug, Viucgary Bar
npariiias, nnw in use. A good 9rsurill, pure and
genuine, ought to live; spoor souring, slip-slop Sirasps
rills ought to droop and die.
The Old Dr'a. Sarsupurilla will keep purs snd perfect
100 voire.
Unlike young 9. P. Townsend's it Improves with sgs,
snd never changes, but for the belter j because it is pre
pared on scientific principles by s scientific man. Ths
hiehest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries
of the Art have' all been brought into requisition ill Ihs
manufacture of Ihe OI.U UK'S. akai-akii.i.a. i ii
9cimriUa rnt, it is well known to m-dicol men, con
tnins many ruediciinl properties, and some properties
which are inert or useless, and others, which, if retained
in preparing it for ua, produce feniiciitolinn and acid,
which is iniittious tn the svstctn. Some of the properties'illu are so vnlntile. Unit they entireiy evoporals
andurel'js; in the preparation, it'thcyurc not preserved hy
bv n aeie'i'irie priceas. known only In those experienced in
it's iisinufaettire. Moreover, these volatile principles, which,
fly otr in vapor, or ns iui eihalntion, under heat, are Ihe vent medical properties of the root, whrch give toy
all its value. . , .
Anv person can boil or stew Ihe rnnt till they pet s aorle .
el oicd liquid, which is more from the coloring matter in
Ihe root than from nnvthing else i they can then strain this
insipid or vnnid liquid sweeten with sour niukisses, and
then coll it 'Sarsaparilla Extract cr Byrup." liut such is
not the article known ps the ..-rev. e . o
This is so prcptirrl, lhat all the inert properties nfthe
Sjraporilla ere Ural removed every thmg cnpahle or
b-coining acid or of ferment ialion, is extracted and reiect
eii : then every particle of medical -virtue is secured in a
pure act concentrated form; end thus it is rendered inca
pable nf losing anv of its valuable and healing properties.
Wentired ill this way, it is made tue most pewertul ageut
III the . y ntce.ara
CUBE OF D.Til..Ht.nADi,r. w""
Hence tlie rensin why we hear commendaiinns nn ewry
side in its favor bv men. women.and children. We hud it
doing wonders in'thocurc of Consumptiini, Dyanepsia, . and
Liver Complaint, and in Rheumatism, Scrofuia, 1 lies,
Ooaiivcness, all Cnuuieous Eruptions, Pimples, Jilotdies,
and ull utfectl "isnrisiinr from
It posscawi ii marv illous eflicy, in aUcnmphinlssnsm;
from iiKligestioti, from Acidity of the muich. from tm
eqiuil circulotioll, determination of bkiodto the head, palpt-
tnli f the heart, cold feel and cokt hands, eld chills and
hoi over Ihe tKly. It hns n it it equul in Cldsaiul
Coughs end promotes ensv expectoration, nml gentle per
s, iranoii relaxing sinctureof tlie lungs, throat, and every
l utmruolhiiig is its excellence mire manifcsily seen snd
acknowledged than in all kinds and stages of I emaie Cum-
r'lt"Mrt. winders in cases of Fluor Allms or W'''Jr
Falling ol Ihe OIlructed, t-uppresse.1. or Puuifnl
Meiisis, Irregularity of tl.einciistruul )(etloos. ana ine in..,
n,e .III e feetuul III curing u:i ine ........ ... - ..
1 ,811 effectual 111 curing an ine - . 7""--
rein -ving obstruetsilis, anit reptlaline the genera s s
11, it gives u .ne and sirengih to tne whole body, and Ibus
Hy rein-
an unu;j.9 pppg AND PK.BILITY,
And thus prevents . relieves a great variety oi other isa
lamesVas Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vitus Dauce,
Swming, Epilenlic Fits, Convulsions, tc.
And vet he would fain have it understood that OH Dr.
".hTownsend's Genuine Original . Sura.pttr.Us, is a
lleiiveii forbid that we should deal in an arttcle whicll
eiid bear the nvat distant rescmumiieo w y . -"7"-
send s article: and which w ou.n wing u"w" !" V"
Dr such a inonnlniii loau oi enspmi
from Agcm. wlwhave s.:d. and parch. r. who tave used
, ' . . ,' . i. I. il al-solute truth, that
.1. ......n-.ul'a rH'nnMITlltir 1.1'IUt.lUiN.
S. P.
mSasSlI Dr. Jacob Towns.Ki;. r.-p-.rili
are hcavc-i.-wid. and mfiiiitcyj dnm.U; tUut
iheyare iuiUc in every purucului, having uot oim siinfls
,hii,f.l'T.nv!,.nd never was. is no
cWinisi, 1 o liarai.wu-e..i,-rt-k..ow. no more of m;"
or disease tliHti aiv other coinin.-ii, uns-icntific, uiipm es
"onuWnan wiw't guarantee can the public have that they
mn Li me.tic.iie, c ...ta.nins all
? v.rlul. u-eil in; it, ure mcahl. of
clmifi". v. teiulcr them the ..gels of disease la-
"huTw'i llt'ile shou'.d be especte.1 fnm one who kiinws
o tl " oi' mJcui. or d. ! I Ii W
Il , ol L .me cxierici.ce, to xxit and scrts up even s
' . ecu tl.ic.1. how more important is it that
is wi, mdicinc, oea,Kuri w w
I enieebletl sysieuia, ......... -
Uie Ua. HWtlur, v. v ....
rieoSi'sitaa.. shays inflaina.ion, pari.
es the .km, equalize, the circUniou of the, pro.
dut-ii.aVe.ilte warmth equally sttover the l.aly.and at th
htaemulepan.p.iatu..i; relaxc .hol.ruct.o..s, ami luvifo
ratU eeiilire iiervons system, law then. Uie medi.
ct yZ v e-c,.i,,,c,,tly ne.,1 ? But . "''
le iodofslH Townsend s inferior snick 1 Tlua yuuiig
n,UU; ''SMi-AuV-DVlTtl THE OLD DR-3
Hccauseol ..iiclt.iiJ fnct.lhat Ihe one is incainbls of if
iertou".. ..I Nl.Vi:tl Cl'OllA the ...her doesi
it imri,, and blows the IxHtle. caiuimnis II into
frairiliciils: the sour, ucul luUio eip.oui.ia, --i pills ! Must not lh,s h.r,ble c-n,s.und lie po..n
ou. v .'in svstetu t W hat ! put uou .. a system already
do.asc.1 XV .11. acid! What cause. D eps.a l Isctdt
II . wc not a know, t nai wrwiin.w --7.
whatmm-hicl- il. p ..luces? ttatulence. hearthhurn. ,.!,
u "i IU. h.-..A, liver complain. . ,.m h. "J
colic, and r-irmpuon ?l Ao hh-l ? J
un acid h-.iiiaviii tue ii. 4 " - . ... ,
which oritur on Kr....iat of the s""vkUVeTlsi.d.u1
II lu-uin Krvsinclas, W ine riwelluuis, I ever v res. ana su
heaven hut an ... wnich sow. -.J"
nil Ihe Uni.'.. .f Ihe !.! , m . .:,..-,, u.
K heumatism, but.. "'".uwwhe. ""' d in
aeU batweru the 1' " '' wha n il act. !
Ibu...,.g.h.le,licrand , d. J,,,, bUarf, ufde.
So o, iiervo,,. d . ol inpnr .MT
flN.lw'i"u no.' asrriUa to wie and ecB, aud uifiiiitel,
xs.'. H-r to like tin
It is h.wiila to think, and to kis.w how cruelly ths sf
'. ed are imised upou hy presu.iMu.Hi. nieuli tin ask
uooty ! Fortune 01 the agonies 01 ths sick !
,d 0-. rquivalent rlered the de.poir.iox sutTeief. !
It is to arid frauds upisi the tiiitortuiiale, to pour halra
1 w.-. .... i.:.uii-u.u i il, deanairlna-
il.U wou.ulcd numuni.v, -. u, re,e health and bl..un visor into th
eiusliclaiRl broke... aiK) t tomsli mhrmity, that Old Ik.
J.,.b Townseiul has mhl and ft the ooportuiiity and
airan.tolw..mhoilinuMl U niversal Coiicwllrated Remedy
Wlthia the reach, aud u. uie umw,... - -
llu.1 Ihey may learn and know, by joyful experieuc, us
And thus hi hav the unpurchaseable satisfaction of bavnw
raised and inilhuu fnxn the bed of sickness and
desp ndency lo hope, health, ami a U.S. life of vigor su
uaefuluueas l" themselves. Iheir families snd fnauds.
AuSST. Itr.n T niAWLa, cuiiuwiy.
July SS, 1MB ly ow
WHITE BRANDY for presentinj brandy
neaches of an exceUent quelity, for aale
8unbury, 8epl. 25d, J849
CHES. An exceUent article, for aala at
half the ususl pries by J. W. rRlLlNO.
Sunbury, July 7, 1749
PLASTER, Salt aud fish, just received and tea
by A. W. raUUNO.
anlsiary,Dse.t, IHS.
Vaii-s,l.a A ss m ft
......t,-..i nntnpn t-S Ol 111UTK-,
"" , ' ,,,!,, i),. ir Kiiliwt virtiiis. a. so an eaieusiv
iXrt&d winch ertW-t the bun.,
a s em nnd I " w to adapt re.ucJies to tucae disease. I
rt?.;.i.blel lh..nie.l.ciue lodog-xalj It Imsno
tiiii e in it which can ever harm, it can never saff or
i J f en l trAore.i-nn never ,ve its c.irat.venro,v,
fiVh'.:- me hi -HA, esclle. jjjr m