4 .v SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N TOURNAI K ( ' jruoerliaur otta 3tf nttcr. - ' ' ' " ! .,'r THE LAW 6W EWPAPER. . Subscribers who do not giva exprew no tic to the contrary, are considered as wish ing to continue their subscription. t. If snWibers order the discontinuanco r iherf' papers, the publisher may continue to aeod them till all arrearages are paid. . If subscribers refose or neglect to take at pepera from the offices where they are directed, they are held responsible until they bare ordered their papers discontinued and settled their bills 4. If subscribers remove to other places without informing the publisher, and the pa per is sent to the former direction, they are tinld responsible. 8. The Courts hare decided that refusing to take a paper or periodical from the office. or removing and leaving it uncalled for while in arrears to the publisher, is evidence ot in -" ten ional fraud. 6.' Any person who receives a newspaper nhrf makes use of it, whether he has ever or dercd it or not, is held in law to be a "sub- acribcr." r A CHILD CARRIED OFF BY A BEAR. Mr. Win. Catilius of Birmingham, Penn sylvania, writes as follows : About 5 o'clock on Monday evening, Nov. 26th while some children were playing on the green a short j;i,. n.it nf town thev espied a large UIDHIIIbV w " - - - a Bear anDroaching them at sf fast rate. They instantly fled for home, leaving on the green a small child about two years old. The poor infant was seized by the bear and carried to the mountain, since which nothing has been heard of the child. Mr. Myerly and his friends immediately started in pursuit, and have made dilligent search ever since with out finding any traces of his child, which has doubtless been devoured. This would be a sad event under any circumstances, but is especially so in the present case, as this was Mr. M'a only child. 'Shon' said a Dutchman, you may say what you please 'bout bad neighbors ; I had to worst neighbors as never was. Mine pigs and mine hens come home mit der ears split and todder day won of them come home missing. .The Girard College No more children are to be admitted into this institution until April next, when ninety will be selected from the four hundred applicants for admis sion. This will complete the number (three hundred) for whom there are accommodations in the present buildings. A New Invention. Mrs. Mary Cook has invented a Polishing Iron, which is designed to facilitate the work of the ladies, and make shirt bosoms, raffles, collars, kc. shine with a beautiful polish, without using any com position injurious to tho linen. tDa. S. P. Tov.nse.nd, the New York Sun ays, has sold out the good-will of his sarsa parilla business for 8100,000, and the raw material and machinery of his manufactory at Albany for $26,000. Mr. Thomas W. Cummings is the purchaser. Mr. Townsend retires with a very large fortune. A young wifp, in Cincinnati, lately re ceived a draft of $500 from her husband who is gold digging in California, and be fore niht she had spent half the sum in splendid dresses. Montour Countt. The project ol erect ing a new county out of the western towu ships of Columbia, will be urged with great zeal upon the next Legislature. . Mas. Pollt Leio, of Deering, N. H., was sentenced for two yean in the State Prison, lor retaining and using $250, which she found and kept, knowing the owner. Duelling. The Convention of the State of Kentucky has decided to incorpo rate in the new Constitution, a clause, ex cluding any one who has fought a duel, or carried or sent a challenge, irom office in the Commonwealth. A New York Item. The number of ve hicles that passed the corner of Broadway and Fulton street, New York, in twelve hours, on Tuesday, il is stated, was 10,800. This is at the rate of about 15 per minute, and would seem improbable, but may be true. ; Mr. Gerard Mason, living near Colches ter, Prince William county, Va., was killed on . Wednesday by one of his servant wo men. . It appears Air. M. had been from home, and returned under the influence of liquor. He became offended with some thing the woman had done, and threatened . to kill her with an axe ; she warded off the blow, and wresting the axe from him, struck the blow that killed him. The poor negro made no ellort to escape. ,A gentleman lately engaged in hog-sluugh- termg this season, out West, estimates that the number of hops to be slaughtered this year, will exceed 400,000. J ftc Pittsburgh papers assert that the Wheeling Bridge w a .nuisance, as no steamer dgring high waterman pass under it. , TwBMTT-rouii hours make a day," say tus table-books. ' But at Spitsbergen there is one, day jo. the year which lasts 2500 hours .The Maarjnia'of Waterford lately gave two Twor tns4?o proceed to America, who were i brought before him, charged with poacuiug on bis grounds - ' i ' . ummal oanta Amsa and family are iu Jamaica. He is about apPlvin ,im t latnre for the privilege of Ueoom y,a , eitixeu tnereuy severing every tie that binds a Mex loan to um country. ' v - - Chinbsb laox The vessel Minims, arriv ed at Liverpool, from Hong Kong, has brought jevu pigs oi iron a a portion of her carco, This la a new importation from the Chinese empire. , , :. ., -.- , Wmt's celebrated painting of "Death on the Pals llores," is en exhibit tea si Wheel- to misicmss, riocoim hd mmi MERCHANTS. DR. J. N. KEELER & Bro. most respectfully solicits sttention to their fresh stock of Eng lish, Fnmeh, German and Amnean Drugs, med icines, Chemicals, faints, una, try Burnt, uiass want, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &C. " Having opened a new store No. 294 Market SU with a full supply of Fresh Drugs snd Medicines, wa re spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, prom wing " and all who may feci disposed to site, to ua their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs snd Medi cines, on ss liberal terms as any other house in the City, and to faithfully execute sll orucrs emniswu to us promptly and with dispatch. ... One of the proprietors being a regular phy steisn. affords amide guarantee of the genuine quality of all articles sold at their establishment We especially invite druggists and country merchants, who may wish to become agents for Dr. tier's Celebrated Family Medicines, (stan dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad- drcs- , , , v Soliciting the patronago of dealers, we respect fully remain, J. N. KEELER & BRO., Wholcssla Druggists, No. 894 Market street, Philadelphia. September IS, 1849 ly. LAUD LAMPS. CORItELIUS CO. Na. 176 Cbrannt St , -ST'fe ESrECTFl'LLY announce that they have f juat finished the most extensive asasrtuient LAMPS, they have ever offered for sale, comprising ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS", BRACKETS, PENDANTS, MANTEL, LIGHTS, &c. In great variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of these Lamps, and such are made as will produce the greatest amount of light from Hie least consumption ot Lard. Recent improvements in the manufactory, with the introduction ol new and peneeica macntnery enables them to sell at a cry liUt,Al Kkuut. TION from former prices, anil oil articles before leavina- the manufactory are carefully inapccled, and are warranted perfectly tight, and to give satis faction. Philadelphia, June S, 1649 ly Ingratitude Is tbe basest crime of man. WE are not among that class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (at the expense oft ruth and honesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid sulc ! neither are we willing to remain silent, alter having tested the utility of an nn Vrovcmcnt or discovery in science or art. Our readers will recollect we told them we were un well with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND end so sudden was tho cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who aro ulllictcd, may try it upon our recommendation. Leunston Tel giapi. A fresh supply of the aliove valuable medicine just received, and for sale in Sunbury, by John W. Friling, Mary A. McCay at Northumberland, and at wholesale by Frederick Klett, & Co., cor ner of 2d and Callowhill atrcets, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Sept. 2 2d, 1849 8 rue. "Encourage Your Own!" HAAS &HENX. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. 'T'HE subscribers respectfully call the attention of the public to their large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of AIJIM'T-AVAHF, which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the subscribers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Sofas, Divans and Lounges, Uurcaus, Secretaries, Sttcrjoarts, SOFA, BRK1KF1ST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. 1 uey also manufacture all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS. ""'""'"J anciica novcr Delorc to be Had in Sunbury, such as Miiooi, Biacs. Waixut akii It-RLin MirisliaEcux; axd Wi.xnsn CHAIRS, Asnrasct Pi i mo Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. 1 he eubscriucra are determined that there ahall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained nliou' the quality and finish of their ware and t-liuirs. Their articles will be disirased of on as oood terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try I'rouuce taken in payment lor work. I3T UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. CS The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite Weatcr's Tavern. DANIEL HAA8, GEORUE KENN. Sunbury, April 56, 1849 tf WALL PAPERS. THE Subscribers have on hand the largest as sortment of Wall Pasebs in the citv of Phi. ladrlphia, Wholtsult and Ketail, consisting of every variety suuuuie lor J'ariors, entries, Dining Rooms, Chambers, &c, which for quality and style cannot be surpassed. Doing a cash business we are enabled to sell better article al amca lower rate than any store doing a TRADE BUSINESS. . On hand, a large assortment of Widi Pavib, for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, cVc, which will be sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done in tbe country at city prices. N. B, Dealers are invited to call and examine their stuck before puirheeing elsewhere. FINN it BURTON, No. 143 Area btreet, houta side Philadelphia, May 26, 1841llj BOSS OINTMENT, rOB TUTTES KEAD the following eeitlftcais from Cant. Devue, the well kuowuaaud popular eUtam Bust Vapuiu (uf lha fravelldt.) tY- lwn rn- October 31. lais Several rears sines I was attacked with a breaking :k in the form of Truer, which I aia aaivii oa my uec aeiviuced wua e aiuaoteu at iac nanMrsiHMMi. It granuually extend- eu over uiy laas until it reached the amiar lairt uf cueeks. punng the several nvsiths that it continued lutiar, i uaau uMWraat appileatiuiia, aouie of which had taa effect, appMHtly at least, uf iucreasuar las disease, hut from oHie ot Uu-iu did I perceive the least ueueht until I applied the Koaa Oisraui. My lha uss uf uue jar tn' iu I was perfectly cured and have Mmaiuad free of the affee- 'rrf " OiattaesU, lighUy applies for naah. July aa, IMS. 9aaUJ- i tos of the kvh of VtuisH, and aiae a aMimbaTikf pis Tm sale st esiiasata, ,r .-. r, ,u , :. CABINET i. X7AX123 XiOOCXS. THE subscriber respectfully Informs the public that he continues the manufacture of CABI- NET WARE, in all iu branchss, at his stand in Market street in Sunbury, snd thst he has how on hand a handsomo assortment of well msde and fsahionabls furniture. He also carries on, at bis old aatabliahment, in fawn street, the ' ' CHAIR MAKING nVSIlf CSS, , in alt its branches, and keeps constantly on hand, an asenrtmsnt or well made1 and taahtonasle CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. All of which he will dispose of at prices as low as at any esta blishment in the county. i His long experience in the business, justifies him in the belief that he will be able to give gen' era! raliel'action, and therefore solicits from his customers s continuance of their patronage. . kr ah ftinus oi produce taken in exenangc. SEBASTIAN HOUPT. Sunbury, March 17, 1849 tf . , AUDITED. A New Assortment of Fresh Goods. IRAT. CLEMENT, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, cus tomers and others, that he has just received a handsome assortment ot NEW GOODS at his store in Market Square in Sunbury, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens- wnre, Hardware, &c. Sunbury, June 33, 1849 TANNERS TAKE NOTICE. Xew Hide Oil and Leather Store. A. HI North 3d St. 3 door Mow Race St. Philadelphia. THE suliscribers offer to the tanners on the most favorable terms their fresh importation of Hidea, consisting of Buenoa Ayres, Laplata, Cameras, Lsguira, Hung-Dry. Chili, Salted Per ambuco and ail kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and salted. Also, Green Slaughter, Dry Salted, and Dlack Dry Patna Kips, Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as sortment of Currier's Tools. The; will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on better terms, than old Houses in the city, Cash paid for Leather of all kinds. , . KEEN & KIRKPATRICK. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. ly CUTLERY. AN extensive Stock oT Pocket and Table CUT LERY.ofsalebv JOZ1T 11. CCLE1A1T, So. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 8 North THIRD Street, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and Razors. Also, a choice assortment of Rodgcrs If Sons, Wostenholin's Gicave's W. 6r S. Kn teller's and Fenney's Cutlery, Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, Guns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives. Also, The American Razor Strop, a superior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. Card Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscriber's chief business is importing snd selling cutler-. Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly MAR8BAt,I.'8 Concentrated Sarsaparllln, For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipelas, Piles, Chronic Rheumatism and all disorders of the Blood. Mercurial Disease. Ac. TT is recommended to Physicians and others, as the strongest preparation now in use, and en tirely different from that put up in quart bottles. possessing nine or no active principle ol the Sarsa- parilla, but intended to deceive the public For sale by AI. A. Met; A X, Piortuumberland. HEYL 8 EMBROCATION for Horses wiU cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Calls, Swellings, and all complaints requiring an external remedy. Ij is highly useful m Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, stiff ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, etc. It hus also been used with great success by per- sous aitucicj witn Kheumatism, and other com plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadcl phia, and for sale by M. A. McCay, Northumber land. . . Philadelphia. May 26, 1849. ly Gil IS AT . ARRIVAL. JOHN W. FRILING has just received at his " store in Sunbury aa utensive aseottment of IEW GOODS, of every varietv which he is now ready to sell or exchange for produce ; and consist ing in pan ot C LOTUS, C.1SSLMERES, rc isincn ana motion artuing, and tumma wear of all kinds. Calicoes, Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, &c. Muslins bleached and unbleached. PALM LEAF AND OTHER HATS. Quecnsicare and Hardware of all kinds. ' Drpgs Paints, and Dyesti:ffs. FISH, SALT, AND PLASTER. And a great varietv of other articles all of which win he sold at tlie lowest terms. Sunbury, May 26, 1849 WUISE & CLEMEaNT, .Snddle and Harnena Makers. THE undersigned respectfully inform the public that thev have commenced the above busi ness in Sunbury. and will eon. stantly keep on hand and manufacture to order, at tneir stand in Market street nearly opposite Young's store, all articles belonging to their line of business. All articles manufactured bv tlieiu will be made in the best and most durable style, and at prices as reasonable as tney can be bad at any other estab lishment in tbe county. Tboy therefore resnectfullv solicit persons to call and eiamine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro- uuie uiacn in oy ine stores will be taken in ex change at the market price. . . . HENRY WEISE. AUGUSTUS H. CLEMENT. Sunbury, June 33, 184!) L1QUOKS. WINES. &C. rPHE tuiUicrilief ha just received mw supply aTkf that IbSMbT limiASaa tKaat ua O . l J WIIMMlig SIS BS VI Mupmor eld pab Brandy. '-"": t--n Fine Cogniae Bmndy. Superior Old Jamaica 8ptrUa - ' A ' " New England Runt, ' " Fine Holland Gin. 1 " ' ' ! Superior Old Whiakey . , Common do. '. ' Superior Maderia Wine. Lislwn do. do. . Superior Tort Wine. Burgundy Port du. Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottlaa. Champagne do. do, HENRY MA8SES. Sunbury, May 26 1849. PATEUT MBDICIiTES. Green's Oxygenated Bitter, nrica ra.liiA.1 Old Jacob 1'ownsend'sSarsapariUa. Baker's Sarsaparilla. Swsync's r-yrup of Wild Cherr Swayae's Vermifuge. . Ayre's Cherry Pectoral . Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullen's do 4 - TibUt'sPain KUIer. . Dr. Hoonand's (Jemua Bitterar ' Indian Vegetable Pilla Horasand Cattle Madiciasi - ' ) : ' roraalsby HENRY MAMKB. Mlassy, J.b; li, INs). : t :." - -.t DXAriOITD PCK7DX2XI. . FOR - I RAZOR STROPS. ; i. TIITS Powder Is wsrranted far superior to' any thing hi use for imparting a keen, smooth edge to Rater; Surgical instruments, and all kinds or fine CoTLiat it may be applied to any kind of strep. Also superior Rator, Knives, sod Perfu mery, wholesale ana retail, by A f ALFRED IIEHINISTT, Agent- " Depot of Fine Raters, Strops, Brashes, and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a bora Chestnut Philadelphia. :i v. '. TESTIMONIALS, i i . Pititsnnnit, Feb. lath, 1848. This may certify that I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNE8' MAGIC DIA- MOAD POWDER, end can attest in the most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can bo found that will produce the same e fleet in my opin ion, and must ssy to others, try it, and you will hnd it superior to sny heretofore in use. 1 can truly say that I never knew what a sharp raior was before. . i JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third at. Pntr.ADBt.riii a, October, 1848. A very herd beard and tender face has compel led me to seek and test many contrivancea design ed lo make shsvuig easy and pleasant, but with indifferent success, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, snd Rousacl s Shaving Cream. Their united now er act like magic, and impart a power to the Rator to remove the most stubborn beard, urithtitt irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street. For sale at. this office Price 85 eta. per Box November as, 18-18 Cm. n nresentnw the public with a ramlf for the treatment and core of Fsvaa Asa Aorta and other bilious rtimaea. oo apnlncy is needed. Vast numbers in the United Ftntes, wno tner iron incaeaflcetima as OMIf varied roraaa, are compelled to assk Ntitf frnai other mmntt than the mune dinte prescriptions or the refiuar physician It heoomes theref. ire an object of aamaoity, as well aa of public inter est, In bring before then a remedy prepared flora amca ea perienra, and which amy always be relied apnn aa Sato, arractoAL, aao nAaitLBsa to mcnnsviVDVw. That such ia the true character of the INDIA CHOLAGOOt'E, ia nrapo ei tested uy un anirersai Buret si wua watca n aaa been employ eti. F Extract (ran a enmrmtnioition ni the Ron. Wh. LiM WooDBBisea, of the U. S. Senate, lata Gorernor uf Michigan. 'J ' : ' DtTSOlT, Oct. 21, ISM0. Docroa Chaslki Osgood, Uenr Sir, 1 have reed with much interest, yonr little trabatkb optm tltc 14causes, treatment and eure" of tlie febrile discuses which hnve sj extensively prevniietl in our country iturinir the List lew mmli9 nn interest increased no d'Uilit, try the fact thrtt I tnve iiviiviitmlly suftered so much from them. Thoneh I feel mrnelf very ioe nnpeleut lo juiWe aifely upon a sulijer-t s entirely professional, yet your theory seems to niv well renamed, am! your coiic'lu flions just, mid I think witling that your jiamprilct is calca mini co pronuce mircn pracrtnai anou. Sienkiug ol the medicine he auys It fully justiGed yrrar rlMtterin expectfltiinis, siul as a safe, eonveuieiit, and norm. Inr remedy, my own experience, s fnr, induces me to be lieve that it will prove a great public lieucut. I am aleancd to lenrn ihat yint have recently estalilishtxl several arrenciea tin- its ainpoBiuon uiouii i rexrei tnai, wnn a view to a m ire fteneral dissemination of it, y hi ahouhl liave found it necessary to remove from your present residence among us. it nn mucu rcspeei nuve me numr to ue, sir, Voir olilieetl semtnt, WHUAM WOODIlltlDOE. rtT Fiom Hon. Stcfhkx V. R. Taowaairjei. of Michi gan Suits Seiutte, to Uie Agent at Detroit. UISMIXSHAM, UiILXD Co.. UCC. 13. 1HI. Sir von wish me to inform vou what I know of Dr. Osffiod's Itidis ChoLia-oetie. or anti-biliiHis mediciiHi. I do believe thai if the virtue ami efficacy of this medicine were renerauy suowu, ue rrvxa axd aavs would disappear la I procared a bottle in the aprinf of 1"41, and have good reason to believe that myself and family escaped the sgue last ten ton in ewuseniieuce of its uss. fernapa tn no auinmcr since the settlement or tins fine peninsula, hits the lever and atae been so prevalent as the iast. 1 have recominenritxt this motticiue iu numerous in stallers, and when the disease hail become fixed and haflicd the akiu of physicians; and I hnve never known n fail. 1 tins universally ppmuced the nvst hannv eneets. antl I bet liuve it has never liecu exceeded by any medieius iu remo ving tne iniioua aisaiscs ol ibe ciunste. 1 ours, respecif iimv. STKlMIEN V. n. TnOWnRlDGE Aeent f n Snnhurv II. 11 MASSKR: NorthumlM.rh,n.l. WtTHINGTOM Co.; Miltou, 1. H. RASliK; Sclias- lllV 1 XT T f lh 1 pi ay o, icho u J. J. ORESlTOtTCr-H. (Late Keller Oreefavug k.) PATENT ATTORNEY. ARD ESSOKAarzOAZ, BITOnVBBat, TVacblaigten, D. C. VkRA WINGS and papers for the Patent JLFUilice, preparea and all the necessary bu siiiess, in relation to socurmp patents, trans acted, and promptly attentind to, at their of- nee opposite tne I'utciii umcc. October 28, 1848. GOLD Si. RILVER WAKE. ' J J.' STOCKMAN, ..: Ao. 60 Cic.hiu-j, at the si'jrt of the Gold 1 tumble, between 2d. If 3d. st., South tide Philadelphia. JTJWJAN'ITACTLBES and keeps constantly LT U. on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduced iiricee : Gold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do 'inger 8hictds, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup snd Oyster Ladles, do Combs, Purse Cluspa, Scissor Hooks sna iuains, Matting etieaths, &c. ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and Brittannia ware German Silver Spoons, Ac; Gold Diamond poin ted Pens at various prices; Jackson's Superior A.veruotuieu Ajeaus, oxc, cxc. -Philadelphia, May 86, 1849. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA. HOOP. ING COUGH, BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION. THIS wduable preparation, an astonishingly successful in curing diseaaes of the Lunge, la the result of s skill ful comluiiatnai of the known curative principles of iki.whw. M, ITOIr (raw aoowa an public, and are ihoae acknowhxlaoi to awdicul mail l"""ins rare mmirai viriltea. winch peculiar Virtues ue oombuied iu the "CliKllal V PKCTOttAI." in tireirsreBt. eat purity aud eifioacv, aial wbea used, aa.wul be eeea flues uie luuuwiug vaiuMine testliD aiy 1 , PRUKKrWIH OI.RVPl.AVn ' ' ' of Buwd.M11 ColMwe, Uroiaiwick, Mbiim, wraea: 'I have wiuieaasd the etlecu of your Cherry PaHoral Ml my osa family and in utat uf my fiieiMls, snd It has gives Brest aaUataMiua in eaaeabKh of artulu aad chiklmi " VOICE FROM MAMACUISETTS. ' ' From Dr. Br ram, Draggiat ami Puslaaaawr, Chienass Fslls, Masa. .... ...... ... A. 1. c. Afa-BarB.M xMoasa alasMaad rasjit Uuea f. all the Cherry Feabaaj hat ssinTmsT i eaa aa. aeeiiauugiy aay. that no asaaKias are sell .ivee aaca astuv '"" I ever aoea a medieUM , " "f ea erajga aua tang eiaanlauua. iT0"" J"" " """ W U. sasouee, aad Truly yoara, D. H BRYANT Preaideal of Veruv.it MeilmU College 4M uf the aanat raunou aial inteiugeia phyauuans in the O Hlatry, "eotandara .. - . ,kw,,w rare excellence tor tue cure 01 tnat for. midable diseaas, C-unuiinixi.Hi." ... A11 Blmjst iucredible uuia4ier of eertifiostee have base, raoeived; pioviug thnt the Cherry Pnttwal ia, iu truth, a -nr.Ai nr.ar.ui for Coaghs, Cads, Asthma aad aS palra-amr eMaiaauita. PRICK 74 CENT PER BOTTLE. Prepared ti iVawl ktr I r A VCn I .. II ftj i tJ It. MAI berkuaa. adKU, huabury, aud MARY McCAY. Northaav March U, 184 , . '. , ; Notice to DellMqiMasla. A IX parsons indebted to tke suaeeriber, longer than aix months, n note ear hook aocount, are reatieetsal lo call and uxaa aeUiemeat, ar eeae taeir account will be left with a magistrals) far eoiloc. ttoaj. - - JOHN W. riULINO Sanlmry, July T, lA9, - - ' nToriJrTiitixi ' CTONB milk Pans, atosni Jug and Pitchers, O and othar artklsa vi ataae war tost races ved aad fcr sals W v -v JOHN W.KOJJsa 9unburv, hast) tt, 1MIW 1". v '; ' sj ' ri M. TtWUMri CMrNRD MTMCT it SAltSAPAHILLA. rpHISKitnHfci pt asm quart bortlM Ills si tiaws JL ebaaner. Bhwaanter. anH wrmtwt sanerior to any sold. Il curea riiaaaasa withont vomiting, purging, sick ness, or debitttathaj the patient, snd is particBlarry adapt. FALL AND SPIUIVO MEDICINE. The great beamy and superiority of Oils rtaraaparuTa SVr nosr wmaemm m, wnius 11 arMHsatsaeissaaa, . . it Invigorate the body . Cleanse and fltiangthiu. ConaaniBtMin eaa be eunat. ' Braaiehltie, Cm isa taction, Lhrer Ota plaint, CoMs, Oaafhs, . i Caterra, Aath , fciWtng ft tarsi, amsaMS lis the Caeal, ilertie Ftaak, Nujkt Sweats, LHaV sail and rrorass Kapeetoratioa, mat Pain in the Side, ( i .:b (i,-.-, Ae.,ke.t have and aaa be eared. FroUably there never was a remedy that hss been ss aoe- eeaaful in desperata eaaes of ennsnmptKia as this ; it r lean see and streterthens the system, and appears to heal the ul cers on the kings, and patients gradually regain their usual neaitn bihi Birensin. CURIOUS CASE OF CONSUMPTION. Thrre la seareelv a dav names but triers are a nnmber M eases of cmmtmptioii reported as cured by the use of Dp Townseu'a Sarsapatilkt. The following was recently re- ccived : Ir. Tow.st Dear Sir : For the last three years I have been afflicted with general debility, Bird nervous con sumption uf the Inst suare, ami did not expect tn ever rain my health at nil. After giiing through a course of medicine under the care of some of the m t distinguished regnlnr physicians snd members of the hVeird of Health in New York and elsewhere, and anemliisT the ainat of my earnings in attempting to regain my health, and after reading in snrnc paper oT ynut Saranparilla 1 resolved lo try it. After using six bottles 1 found it drtne me great good, and called to see you st your office with your advice I kept on, ana do most heartily thank yon for your advice. I persevere in taking the SarsnpuriUa, and have been able to attend tn mv usunl labors for the last four months, and I hope by the blessings of Ood and your Saraspsrilhl In continue my health. It helped me beyond tin expectations of all who anew my cane. VHAHl.Mt4bl.110v (Harare, Kasex en. N. J.. Auc. f. 1647. Plate of New Jersey, Essex county, es. Charles Qnim- thit the foregoing atatement ia true acc-rrding to the best of hi 1 kiKrwIedxs anil belief. CIIARLK9 OUIMBY. Sworn and subscribed te before me at Orange, the Sd August, 1B47. CVKUS UAI.UWIN. Justice of the Peace, SPITTINO BLOOD. - Read the following, and say that consumption is ia inen- raws 11 yon omit 1 New York. April M. 1S47. Dr. Towmsm : l.verily believe Ihat yonr Saraaparllb haa been the means. Unatwra PnnrideiK-e. of ssvinc mv life I hnrefia several years bad a bad eough. It becnine wirae and worse. At hut I raised huge quejuitiea of bkiud, had niaht sweats and was Breath, debilitated and reduced, and did not expect to live. I have only used your Ha ran parilla but a short time, and there has a wonderful change been wrougnt in me. 1 am now aote tn wins all over tne city I raise no blood, and my eough haa left me. You eau well imagine tlait I am thankful lor these results. Your obedi ent servant. WM. R I SSELU SJ Catharine st. IXT HKR SPEECH. The annexed certificate tells a simnre and truthful story f staferiiar and relief. There are thousands of similar ea ses in this city and Brooklyn, and yet there are tkonaanua ot parents let taeir eniidrea die lor rear ot being kambuggeel or iu save a ivw aniumgs. Dr. TewasBBDi I take nleaanra in statin, for the bene. BroiiBiva. Bent. 13. 11M7. t of thoee whom it may concern, that my daushter, two ears and six iwajths old, wns anlieted with general de- suty ana ajas n speeea. rme waa siren as as oass n- eorery by our family physician; but lortanateiy I was ra essnaended by a friead lo try your Samper tOa. Before haviint need one bottle she recovered her speech and was eneuna to want alone, in tne estnntsriment ot all wh-i were acQuaintod with the circumstances. She is now quite well, snd 111 much better health than she hns been for 18 months pes;. JOSKI'H TAYLOR, (i8 York St., Brooklyn. TWO CHILDREN SAVED. Very few fuinilies imleeil in fact we hnve n-it heard of one that used nr. 1 ownseiwi's Snrsup-uilla in tune, l-st sny children the past Smniner, while th-ise that did 11 t, siclteiieil snd died. The eercihento we publish ll-,w is caidusive evidence of itsv;iliie,niKiisunl)-auuther instance uf its snviiiff the lives of clnklren : Dr. I uwxhxnd Dear Sir : 1 hnd two children cured bv yirur Slrmpatilla of the summer complaint and dysentnry ; one waa only IS nvaith old aial tha other 3 yean. They were very much reduced, ami we expected tliey would die ; iiic-y were Kivrii up ij iwii rmpcciaoic pnj siciaus. v lien the ikwtor iiil'trmedus that we must lose them, we resol ved to try your Sarsaiiarilia we had heard so much of. but had little confidence, there lieinir much stiuT advertised that is worthless: but we are thankful that we did, for it undoubtedly saved the lives of b-th. I write this tliat oth ers may be induced to use it. 1 nirs. resnectiullv. juii W1LSU.N, Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn. Sept. IS, 1M7. TO THE LADIES. GREAT FEMAIX MEDICINE. Da. Towxsexd's Sabiahbilla is a sovereien and soeedv cure for incipient emwimiHion, aiut f,rr tlie general prostra ti.ni uf the system no mutter whether the result of inhe rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac cident. Nothire eaa be more aumriiirur than its invinmins- ef fects ou the humau frame. Persona all weakucss siat laa- snude, from takiiaj it at once become Mbust and lull of energy uiaier its uinuenee. it unraeoistely eouiHeracU the iiervclesauess of the female frame, which is the great cause oniiewieaa. It will not be expected of us. In eases of so delicate a na tare, to exhibit certificates of cures performed, but we ran ussure uie ataiciea tout nunureus 01 ousts nave been repor ted to ui. Dk. Towxhxp : Mr wife beinir rreatlr distressed bv weakness snd general debility, sikI siidetlng c aitimuiUy by wiu ojhi wnu oiner uiuicuiiics, aim nuving aisJWn cuses where y-Hir iiiwik-iiio bus edected great curea ; aial also hearing it recommended for such cases as 1 have described, 1 oounnen a D-rtiie 01 your extract ot snrsnpnrilla and f.rt- l-iwed the directi-sis you aavs me. In a short neriial it removed her eomploiuts aiid restia-ed her to health. Ueiug greatful for the benetiu ahe received, I take pleasure iu tuus acknowledging it, and iceonuneiiding it to the public. M. V. MOORK, jBiuuiy, Aug. if, -ss.vur. uraa a l.yuia DYSPEPSIA. No tuid or medieiia hss ever beeu diaoovered which to nearly resembles the gastric iuiee or saliva in deoimpiieing food and Btrarurtberanc; toe organaof digsstiimas this pee parauna of BWatpanUa. It axsitirery eures every ease of uysfaspBiB, aowever ecvers off enrouie. Bank Department, Albany. May 10. 1845. Dr. Towneend fr : I have bean ainarted for several Tsars with dyspepsia ia taa worst Itirm, atteuhal with a air uess of staarh, lwa of appetite, extreme heartburn, and a great averai-ai to all kinds of fo al, aial fin- weeks, (what I could eat) I have been annhle to retain but a sraull portion on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they had but little or no effect in ranuvuig the complaint. I was in duced, about two months aince. to rrv vo ir Extract uf Snr- mparibn, and I must auy with little eotiririence ; but after uung nearly two Uittlea, I found my appetite restored and Ilia heartliuru entirely removed; anil I wailj earnestly re- cnnuicuii the use ot it to tuuse who have been alHicled as I huvebeen. Yonrs, Ac., W. W. VAN ZANDT. ARent f.sr bHinbury JOHN W. FR1IJM); Nor- thniiilrhmd. MARY A. AlcC'AYl Dauvi)le. WM. A. 1ILHKAV Co., ApiiliK. 1S48 ly COLUMBIAN SERIES OF r3r(ttuuct(ro. The Pupil' friend and Teaclitr' comfort. 'THE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR-Tliis work is already introduced into aome of the best Acadamies and a larze number of Schools. where its use has given decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It ia purely American in its character, baaed upon our own beautiful decimal system of currency. It contains more, the arrangements are better, and it is the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use ; and it ia so constderej by hundreds of the most competent teachers and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the book. particularly and expressly prepared for our Ams rl'caM Scholars : Bw Almou Tieiir. Tub Youth's CoLvaaiAaCALcrLATva. Thie volume contains 01 pages, with about BOO exam- ?les for solution o Hat slate. It embraces the 'unrtamrntal Kules,' Compound Rules, Simple snd Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Tares, Proportion, dec. Ticksos's AaiTHMiTiciL Tabus, is destined for the use of younger clusaea in tha Schools of the United States. A beautiful little book and pleas ing to children, and tlie only one of the kind of any value. 1 There are Keys to bath Arithmetics bound sin. (Is or double, far the tmivenience of teachers, in which ths solutioMS ef tha questions are given with much extra matter far tha Mack board. These Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever aubliebed, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, for tha ase of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with tha science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them tha beat works thst have ever been published in this . or any other country. ' v - Although issued but a lew months, they have already been introduced iuto the Night Public Schools of New York City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in, the City of Reading. Alao, iu about twenty Acadamies in tha Stats of Pennsylvania in a largo portion of the (Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and In tint Boroughs of Harriabarg, York, Chambersburf, Lebanon, Poylastowtt, Potto, ville, Orwtgsburg, eVc-, etc For sale by Hsaav Miasxa, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland County. . - I Sunbury, Dec. , 1848. ! r ' irri ENNEDrS PATENT SASH FAS- la Ml. TBN1NCS-A cheap and excellent arti as lor fcstenin sash for sals bv . i iaunbury, July V, tMI,, W. FRIUNQ. TTKADB'S i.l.tiah Ui sates Mal by Bos mmi CaAtla Mali, nit 11KMHV MiMU ' aabwf iasv Th 1M ,." - .i .v, -r . OXYGENATED 03 XX SLP tQ? X3SJ XXI C3, A lOTntrtsR MMKDT rsa DT0PEP3IA, PHTHISIC. l AND I ' ' mMitmmjkJunmmtvm. tit GEORGE B. GREEN. Protuktob. Windsor, Vtrwtont.' i - ' arfltlMtn Phtaiaie.) and Astbaaa, or Phthisic attained with derange ment or the Stomach (or Dyspeptie Asthma.) DiaValt Breathing, which often resnlta from imperfect digestion (or Dysraaitie Srsnrms,) ia rellevetl by these Bitters, la short, their nse has hten prnretl in ths relief of emmet aU the symnUans that proceed from a debilitated or atonic condi tion of the Stomach also in general debility arising froia ace or from the effects of Fever, nartienaniy Fever and Artie, r emalea Buffering water any uterine aerangemani ami n from weakness, will find the "OxroBXATBn Hit. is" an excellent remedy, and not aurpassedby any medi cine in use. The history of lh a medicine ia neculutr. It hns msds its way to tMililic fnvirr solely by ths force of its own iiilrinsis merits. Nn srtihcinl means have been need to give It 11 toriety and thrust it upon public attenlhat. It liaa never before even lieen ailvertised, but having first shown its re-m-irknMe erneaey iu the family of the proprietor, snd by him sflerwaids adininistered to hie afflicted friends and ac quuiHtancev with a like result, its reputation gradually ex tended until It is known in ths m art distant porta of the Union, aa a medicine of unrivalled virtues in the eure ef DysepBia in nil its different forms, and alao for the cure ef Asthma or Phthisic. Its only hernld and its only eulogy hns leen the story of its wonderful efficacy,- as told from month to mouth or by letter fnmi friend to friend. In eve ry instance where these Hitters have b en used, and ths re sult msde known to Uie proprietor, the, have pruved a re- menv. Numerous certiorates, attesting ths singular eflVaey ef me "uxvesgATBD HirrsBi," are tn the possession ot tne proprietor ; many of them sigued by persons already widely known to the public. W-.0. 11. uHhs.1, rmnewr. WINDSOR, Vt., Octulwr 3, IMS. The fellew lag Certlfi rates have reeeatly heea received 1 Wahinotom. D. C lvnm 10. ISIS. Hsvinr made nse of the "Oivaennteri Mittera" nreaared by Dr. Ge.. B. Green, of Windsor.. Vt. and from know- icnge uvutineu n tneir emcacy 111 other eases, wecneenuny recommeiu mem in inepuMie, believing tnattney will tuuy enMain the reoommeodntion of ths Proorietir. We hop Ihat this valuable remedy may be so generally diffused thnreghoot the country that it may be accessible t all the araieten. - B.urri nuclM . wii.i.iau ri'iiiw' U. 8. Senator from Yermeat. JAMrX P. SIMMONS. V. 8. Setntor from R. Tsltind J. T. MOREIIEAD. U. S. Senator and furmarlv Govern or of Kentucky. L. II. ARNOLD. Member of Consress and former Iv 6a. vernor of R. I. WM. WOODBRIDGE. V. . Senator and fermeriv Ga. venvjr of Sllchisnn. M. L. MARTIN. Delect, in Convreaa fram WiicMiia s em wry. From Boa. R. D. Fesvaa, Member ef Caagresa freaa rennayivauia. W. r. T .mtm --wBiiwiun, v. v. . , ..ni iv, Dear Sir, I have been a dranentie sufferer for about ten years, and have resorted to vara his medicines for relief witaoat success, until 1 made use of your reetored to perfect hearth Tha forma in which the dia. 1 nave useo aoinil two bottles. I ease Showed itself, in mv ease. were, mat ariflitv ml tha sbanaeh, ban) of appetite, extreme flatiileuee, severe consti pation iT tbe bowels, and violent heMdoche. Feeling desi runs that a knowledge of your valuable remedy may reach others similarly araic-ted. I take great pleasure in record ing mv testimony to its curative power; aial wuuld also rcmnik, that while 011 a visit nt home n short tinis since. 1 Hdiniiiiitcri-d a part of a bottle to a number of tnv afflicted irieiHts, with great succss. They are desirous that von ali-nild establish an airencv at Pitlaliure. or iivfoim thrm where the medicine can be obtained. With an enmest de sire for your prosperity and Isippiness, I anlwcri'ie tuvseif, truly your friend II. D. FOSTER. UJCt. KO. li. liBBBX.WlnilSor, vt. 8 U Wlr-nWile and Retail bv Gieen Ai Fletcher. Ne. SO South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Agent lor e-ttnntiry rl. n. MAeM-.lt. Ageuta f.w Milton MACK AY A HA AO. Agent fot Upper Mahonoy J. G. RENN. AprU Ij, ISIb IMPORTANT TO THE l'UBLIC. HOPaSE A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. Don't permit your Horses or rattle to die, when the means of cure are within the reach of all ! The undersigned has spent several years in the study of e ten nary practice in "London and E dinboro'," he haa also availed himself of the resear ches of Leibig, and other celebrated men, who have contributed so much towards a judicious treatment of animals; the principles of our practice consists in the rejection of general bleeding and the total rejection of all medicines that experience has shown to be of a dangerous tendency. These rc- ineuies act tn narmony with the vital principle, and when given aceordini to the directions which ac company each article they are capable of exciting ana increasing ine natural functions, without di minishing or destroying their power, hence are safcin the hands of every one. U. H. DAuD, M. D. A List ef Heree and Cattle Mediciars. Physic balls, 75c. per box. Alterative ball, 75c do. " powders for bad condition, 75c per pack- age. Heave powder for diseases of the lungs, 75c dc Urine powder tor kidneys, 75c do. i onic powoer tor baa condition glanders, 75c do. 1 1:, .1 -.1. f . - . . - wiuim uiiiia .or inuamauon oi Dowels, 73c per bottle. Liquid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c rer pot Healing balsam for wounds snd saddls falls, 75c per bottle. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, cVc, 50e per bottle. Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, dec, 50c per bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description, 75c & $ I per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for tlie removal of worms from the intestinal canal, 75 per package. For sale by S'iTMPSON & REED, 36 Mer chants Row, also at DADD'S HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 1 dc 3 Haymarket Square, Boston. Pamphlet describing the diseaaes for which these remedies are used ran be had gratia. Numerous Certificates are in possession of the Proprietors, of cure performed by the above Medi cines. Sold by GREEN cV FLETCHER, No. 86 South SIXTH 8treet, Philadelphia, and by his ASBKTS. tisiiav Massxb, Sunbury, February 3, 1849. tf ESSENCE Or JAMAICA OINGER PREPARED and sold only, at FREDERICK BROWN'S DRL'U and CHEMICAL Store, N. E. corner of Ftrra and Chssxvt streets, Phi ladelphia. This Essence is warranted lo ponies in a concentrated form, all the valuable properties of Jamaica Ginger, and will be found on trial an siccllcnt Family Medicine. It is particularly re commended as a tonic, to person recovering from fcvsr or otheV diseases, a few drops imparting to tho stomach a glow and vigor, eoual is a win glass of brandy or other stimuland, without any of tna uemntating enacts, which are eure to follow the aaa of liquor of any kind r and it is therefore especially aerviceabrs to children and female. To tb aged, it will prove a great comfort j to the dyapeptic, and to tho who are prediapoaed to gout or rlvrAMitatie a flections, it give great relief: and tar tb inebriate who wish to reform, but whose sumach is constantly craving the noiious liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to the diges tive orgaus, and strength to resist temptation 1 and is consequently a great agent in the cause of torn perauca. Ey Full directions accompanying each bottle. - The above articl can bs had at tha offio of the Jasorican. Philadelphia, June t, 1849. ly PATENT Trusses of aU kinds, Harrison's writing and indellihle ink. Cotton yarn and laps, just received and for sale by J - J. W. rRIUNO. , . Sunbury, Dee. S, 1641. rAPH. Aa a 01 trass 4 juat recerved. Also J Uk MATS at , tm aal by ' -H. MASSES. sMkbary.Daa,, IMS. nnr 1LEY'0 COVQH CASDY. At aseet- VV ; isj resaWy tm mmjU, sold. Fat salt SSiUsaAs'-'""! "'r.'- - Pa anverihra asiasfi for DYSPEPSIA, In asaiiy ef aaj fnimi, eaca as aaa ia the Stomach, Heartkara, habitual Ci'Btli'msBB, Aehf Stcameh, Heartache, limof Appetite, Piles. Nbiat Bw'aaSs. ami even Cunaeiniaioe fDWpeptie TUB GRAND xPCnUAttYB. nrum ot ,,,c - ' ' rTrSaJv 1 -U CaohwMort-7, n, ?. Cogha.q., ci' CoMa, Goat, Gravel, , , , Warns sVna.fc.. .1 V't Hesdaea.Orddawaa, nirauiiaTatviani. riiea Dyapemia, Searvey, a Small Pox, Jaundice, reins in ins bmcb, A Inward Weakness, ParpiralloM of the Reaoi, Rising in tlwThruat, . tmpry, Asthma, . .' Psvers ofsK kinds, Feaaakl Cneapaiirits. sud a TAairrror othm dissasu arium t-aoat tktMiai-ris a. .... . Tus aiAA. SB OBSTRVCTIOMf IW VRI 6loln AS- JE!H fl'"" 10 ""'"S aiedicitie is Mas effeetoallv re CL,2?m ""sia Pao.Tiv. PwUtg rmnpletely en vet wed with a enatm , nan, w!7Tal? (whreh ia as distinct fnrm the internal iinrredienu aaasmi ahe l from the kernel) and hwe n tst ,owdiema naisre aaeaaiiy swell owed aa baa of candy. Muramer they neither raraeeute or erire fn the stirhtesl decree, bv operate eginlly on all the diseased parts of the system, ia - " ,,. ,.,nlm-,,r.vo, nmi rncsmg any narticuMr region. Th.is, iflheLiver be affected one Ingredient wVJ cjienite on that pnrticulnr organ, and, bj cleansing it of an Exaem of Bile restore it to its minted state, Arnther wdS IE. . 2.1?? t?! onrt"v1' frrmnrhiee in its circa IrllrJ iLl? l cectually expel whatever rmpa- ii... mi- Z .l 1? 'cummn uno ine sbaneeli, aad kenee i''''ie,'f ,iLro,H m'hr" remove all Impure Ha Sub? mZ,r'JST pores externally an. ,,. rVvk.' iTfCIT ,km" """"Sioos partieles from the chyle, an that the Mood may he thoronahly parethua sees. ril7?.rrT. hw"""' ''" f the Heart, UneTsnd LIr ami thereby they restore health even when all uUaUaae imi vvj inuru. The entire truth of the nbnve can he AMrminA i tkai trial of . sin,), bo, , and their v .rS,.' certain in restoring Health, that the proprietor Js blmmi ta retnrn the money paid for them in ill raues whereiW do not givs universal aatitfaction. eaaes wnere meg Ret nil frlce, 35 ets, per Box. Principal ooe No. SS Versey at N. York Sold by JOI1N Y. YOUNG; Suibu ' f-Remember IV O v" rN.hk- Bugar Coated INIIa, a ,bat noth.ng V th. wV. nmrn oi nntti ne Introduced them in Jude, 1SI3. Pnrshsssrs should, therefore al ways ask for Clickner's Sugar OnltaJ a f mnd n " thtT W'ttb aml February, 17, 1849 ty SORES CAM BE CURED, -- t 1 Burns, Scald, and all kind of inflamed Stret Cured. TOUSEVS UNIVERSAL OI!TMKtfT, is the tasst eutnnlete Burn Antidote ever known. It instaaiiv n. (Tai.if " "f the'nrit detau Burn and Scald. Fur old Sore., U.uisrs, Cuts, Snw,t(. on imnor beast, It is the lies, appla-ation that ran be made Thousands have tried aial thousands prais it. Il la ln, M. pertert master of pain ever discovered. All who aee ra commend it. Every family sh.ajkj he provided with h. None cantel bow soon amw of the family amy aeed it. t VSTT" n" the genniiM Oiutmem ha tha name of Tovsbv, written ou the oalsaJs Isbel.Ta aait jo this is firrgery. tmen, Livery Men, Farmrrs, and ad wan ass Horses, will nmi this Ointment the very heel thine thev eu aaa, for Collar Gnll Scmrchea, Kicks. e, e.,, thelranSl. Surely every mereyfulnimi wxaild keep his animals a free fnan pain as p--e.il.le. Tousry's I nireraal Ointiaeal ia all that is required. Try h. . . . BITES OF IXSEim. Forths sling or bite ef poisoa ns lineets, r.ntscy's Ointment is uniivalled HeiidredVbsv trinlitaial fiaind 11 goal. TT FILES CURED : F.wth, Piles. T.msry'. Universal Oin't menl is one of the la-st lleinedirs that ran be a rolled AU who hnvetnl it f-,r tliel'ilca rer .nimend it . OLI MOKES CTKED. For old obstinate' 8 , tner is nothing equul to Toum-y-s Ointment. A person in Marai.. US had. for a numla-r of venrH. a .,n.t kn ,a.j . l - skillfthedoct.rr..Touy'. oiPU, recnun,, by oiie of the visiting physicuius. (win, knew its treat Til tues.) aial tvr t b-M pi-.hM more brneht than ik. . alTti it rccelv om "" previous remedies. Ln ByHNSASCALD? CURED. Thoussud. of mm, of Burns ami ricnlds, in all port, of the country, luv heea cure, by Toujev's Unireml Ointment. CertiSeateaaiio..b cotim ne naino nil the while of this sheet VIOLENT BHnKS C(. E1. Tes-invmial. oa UmU monial in favor of Tous-y's Ointment for curing Bruise heve beeti olTored the pn,,iet'is. Hundred, in yracass will certify to its great merits relieving ths ouiu of the severe Bniisrs. All persiu should try it. 8CALD HEAD CTHED, Sore. .a. tlmmt- ...... ..., . oucy a viuiineiit. Try it 111 SALT BHEI M CURED. Or .11 the remedie, .w dhv 00 "'"' .'""h W'st dimgreaable coalaini, Tuaeey's lant versn Ointment is the in a complete. It never was kam tu fail. CHAPPED HANDS CAN HE CURED -Teaser's Vat. verml Ointment will always care the worst east, iof CW ped Hande. Scn-ee of perrrna will state tbi. r SORE IJISCUReB. Fur ,h, eurV rfS-a-e Up, ,h.re was never anything nawle ecfual to Tueaer' Ouusaaai. Is is sure to cure them. Try it. " ll iaa ecinirinV nrnipnand. warranted nn to eontaiaaav preparau ai of Mercury, cy Ptie Si rents per box. Far further nartieulara eniieemiug this really valuable Ointmea tlie public are referred In l-amphlets, tu be had rralii trZ gjable Druggists ...I Alrrch.nl. Ikron, teal UaVmlid Prenared bv R TOUSEY, Street, New York Drugist, No. lot Ni No1thmube7i?H,l,' YOlX' February 17, IS4S. ly ' t LIVER COMPLAINT. JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA. CHRONIC OR NEHVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF -THE KIDNEYS. . And all diseases arising from a disordered stiver or Aiomncn tn botA JUalt and Femalt: i;; Such aa Cflnatiputta. luwanl Piles, FallaesB or BVwd w the Head, Acidity of the Stnenaeh, Nausea, Heart-kank Diagatt fur F.l, Fulhiess ,v wei(bt iu ths Aoaaseh, Beaf ErucutHsja, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit nf the StesAeeh Swimming uf the lleail, Huitied and Difficult Ureathiaa. Huttermg at tha Heart, Choking or Sutricatiiig aeiiaaliaaa when 111 a yrmg pture Dirnums ,"T Visiini. Dots or wsks bef.ire the Sigl.t. Fever ami dull nam in lh Heud, Deteisa ey of IVrsi.iraikH., Vcll-mueaa ,rf tlw Skin a ail Eyes, Paia 1? .?lu: H1. Ctiest, Limbs, c, tiuihlen flaslie ef: Heat, llurning 111 the Flesh, Constant Imagiirinca of t il and greut Jrureui..n of spirits fn be rd-.-ui.lly cared by B?a. H0CFLA1TB3 Cclelirutcd (lerinan Hitters. Their power over the sbovs diseases Is not needed if eq nulled liy any other preparati-ai iu the United States aa the cures attest, iu many cuses after skillful pkytieisaa had failed. Derangement of the IJrer and Slomarh Bra earer f liUMiiity, aial will also prvlure disease uf ths Hsan, Mi, I Mng aial Kldnrya, aud lays the body open io ai, atlaek af the Cb4rra, Bili.aia, ar Vellow Fever, and ia generally ah fcrat eauss of Ihtd nkl buiet'ul disease, Consuinptloa, Opinion of the Philadelphia Prut. "THE DISPATCH." Uecemlwt 31st 1 AN INVALUABLE MEIICINE:-W.havfre,aaar heanl lb Celebrated tieluiau liittrra, auuiulattare by irr -HooHlaud, spoken iu terms of -n TnSmi n, erMl w know deaervedly an. It iaa bo-nuiiaM prartiee, ia mm Uin quarters, to pud" all manner of aaelesa traah, hat ia IB sbov Hitters, hundred, are hv ing wltnrssis of taetr grass moral and phyaioal anwih. Aa a awdanua of ta Lira tuauphuut, JauiHlire, Nervoue Debility and Iri-apraaia, a haa beea l.mad luvalaabir, efenuig rurea and th.-roagkl. eradicaling diaeaars, when all other ssedirluee lasv failed. We feet nHivinced, that iu lb use of tlw tieraasa Binara. the patwia eVira u-4 beceue debiinateil, but eonatantlv gains strength and vigor to tbe in. uie a fact worthy 0 great conaureratiiei. I'lie Uittera are plaaaaut ia ua, and iiaill. autl can ha sdiniiiistered uister any circuinauuieea, it tha m t delicate sbanseh Inured, taey can he used by all aer-' s aw with tit. mm perfect safety. It sr. a, Id be svaafsr .' those who ar oiuch affected ia the nerwHis svstaa, Va e-anmeoce - with aa 1 iaa ajaaaifuior less, mm gradually u erease. We speak ftcMa espermsc, aud arauf curst." a proper ludge. Tlie press far and wale, lav aahed ui rs eianmeialuig the German Bitter a, and to ths adlieUut ara avaa cunhally advuw their m. vmmmKm ar SPIRIT OF THE TIMES." " June tlth aay: ' ' "1KJ Ol'R OOOD CTrii&ENS who ar Laralids, lb many aakmialnug cure that have beau prrf.irawS ba Iv. H asnaud'a tlebmied German Itinera f If they a, w rsoaanieasd uwca tnuw-Hienssva MaStriiM St ore, al wlw or aWirted with Liver Captauu, ieaadiea, Uya. pepua, or Nervoua Debility ; the Doebar haaewad ruauy af ourj eiiiaena afier th has! phyeiciaus aad Antes). Wa bars ased thta. aud taay have proviel lobe a aveuteuva that awry .' on al.Hild kiaiwiaT, and we eaaar relraui giving our taa. 1 t'mmy ia their ravor, and that which fives them grsatsr claua apoa our aambl aaSjrt, tlwy ar eutiraiy Vgbi. ' "THE DAILY NEWS," " July tu. sms - - - I " ' " il Ws sneak kanwiufly at Dr. Hkisi'sCrhrafcad Ss. nail Bittera, when are aay it i hleeaing of thai age j and s.sia, iaa atiiarv. aweattv assl lyerroaawraiaaas a haauot wethiakaneaual. li a Vweiebta PseaanUnaa. . and wads without Aloib.it, aad 10 all invauits ar wUASr 1 ornnanal k a w-arthv their v-arVlrar. , For anir, wt4raak and mail, at IB principal Dtiaot. 1 WMMS MHDICINK TUHE, S. 7 Mass) HtrML Fhlladelphia. , FuraalehyM. A McCAY, Northnmbertaud and iaa-' bury and seaperUUe dealers gsueraUy tkruagama Ah -dtat. t ) 1 , . April tt, IH.ly "' ' " 1, 1 j I ill '1' f ' Cottoa ram, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cottost Lap -and Wadding, Cottoa Outiinea, Ready Maa -raBteioosvs, Raady made Vaata, Cnagsa a Kaivaa, Porcelain lined preeerving kertlsa, lust Trrri-rsJ for sale by . Sunbury, Dee. t, 1M. , , - , , , A XES of a very aupeiiur quality for aala k,.. .' ' a u. iv. L MAtwii, : Sunbury lc . y Book juiivad and to fcy , , DVBiuajry, imc a, (aSB, I . OYRUP MULAH8E8.- Mapior O Molaaae tarsals by HKNRV O Molaaaai llikij, kv HENRY 1 Dsa., MtV ' t