SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL: tecclUwrouB SITnttrr. IHE HEW PROCESS OF MARINO WttOVOMI .. IRON. ."An Interesting letter written by Mr. Ward, of Newark, N. J., to the late from Conven tion appears lit the Piltsbnrg Commercial Journal of the 3d Instant. The Journal re gard the invention referred to In the letter, at "destined to work a total revolution in the business of making iron adding that, if bar Iron made by this process can be sold in New York at $23 per ton, "the Iron interest of Pennsylvania may need no other protection for the present, against the influx of British Iron, than the operation of the patent fot the new Invention."- "The Journal also mentions that a Kentur ky manufacturer, on reading Mr. Ward's letter and examining the specimens, proceed ded to New Jersey to avail himself of the new process, and apply it to his Iron Works. "The specimens of the iron sent to the Con TeNion," it is added, "consist of two sixes of hoop, ! and H inch; a quarter bar 9-16 of an inch . a rod Inch thick, and a horse shoe nail. Each of these peices has been bent, re-bent and twisted, without the sliRhtest sign of fracture, exhibiting the toughness of the old-fashioned, highly hammered, small bar of Juniata iron, which we were accus tomed to meet with 23 years ago." ' The letter of Mr. Ward, says: v "Having understood that a Convention of gentlemen engaged in the manufacturing of iron was to be holJen at Fittsburg; I have determined partly because of the deep in terest I feel in the subject-and partly to to serve my friend, the ingenious inventor to call your attention to Mr. M. S. Sailer's new process of making wrought iron direct from ths ore, bij a singular process, vilh an. thracile or bitumous coal. Mr. Salter is fully satisfied, from experiments made at New ark, and Boonton, N. J., and several intelli gent Iron Masters, also, who have seen the Furnace in operation, are of opinion that Wrought iron may be made by his process at two-thirds less cost than by any other process whninvfir. Mr. Salter feels warranted in say ing, that iron of the first quality can be made here or at Boonton, N. J., and delivered in New York at a cost of 25 per ton. His Fur nace ia adapted to ores, yielding 4t per cent, and npwards of iron. It consists of a triple chambered Furnace, one above the other, the ore beinff pulverized and mixed with hard coal and ground fino is placed in the upper chamber where the gases and impu rities, such as sulphate. &c, are carried off at low temperature. From thence it is drawn throntrh openings in the bottom, into the sec ond or middle chamber, where the fluxing . . .... .... i materials are added thence it is drawn uown oneninsrs to the lower or puddling chamber the whole processoccupying less than ankour and a naij. Five men are required each turn to work the Furnace, and the yield is about 400 lbs. per hour and half. Two and a half tons coal aro consumed in 24 hours. The cost of the iron will vary according to the facilities for : getting the ore and coal, the cost of labor, &c, Former experiments have proved as far as , they have been made that anthracite coal does better as the deoxidizing material than . bituminous coal, and quite as well as char coal but the bituminous coal, is quite as good (though no belter) as either for fuel to heat the ores." . KISSING. ' Did'st ne'er upon a house-step lingering stay, When the old clock behind the kitchen ' " door Reminded you to snatch but one kiss more, , And yet took twenty ere you got away 1 , Those kisses, tender, like the water, wear; Drop, drop, drop they on the gentle heart, Whose impress never shall from thence depart ' Once plain written it bides always there. Affection's tribute is, I mean the thing, - Where kindred spirits meet in kindred mood, , And mutual sympathy, well understood, With constant vows to seal the offering. If at the door you kiss, don't get too near it, Because the old folks overhead may hear it. . A Steam Man! A mechanic in Russia is ', said to have succeeded in making a steam man. It is probably one of tho most iiiter i esting inventions ever offered to tho public. ' It is a collossal statue, the feet of which are placed upon wheels upon a railroad, and as he goes thundering over the course, the . steam comes pulling out of his nostrils in a ; manner to give the appearance of Satan as pictured in Revelations. New-papers An invention of a novel cha racter has been made in Paris. By a simple yet ingenious mechanism, the folding of , newspapers, which has hitherto been per - formed by the hand, is now effected by a v peculiar machine. With the assistance of . one person to attend to it, this machine will . fold 2000 newspapers an hour. Brussels Ihr. ,. ' Just So One of our modern newspaper poeta gives the sentimental whineis over '.' "the melancholy days the saddest of the year," the following philosophical consola tion : i "The leaves of the forest x Are yellow and sere, .... But they look like they used to At this time of year." v. The York and Cumberland railroad is ra pidly progressing. The iron rails, to the ex t lent of about 1,300 tons, have arrived, ond i the balance are on the way. "Tbe ''cl"valry of South Carolina" isef . parsing again. They talk of "calling out the 'militia," and soma resolutions plodge all "the fighting men in the State" to stand like the dog at Margate, "always barking round the corner at some, enemy it had never seen," "JV ''morei somewhere down East, was ,ourted by young man, whose tianie was ' Jiaddock; h told her he wanted one '''gill more" to make him a perfect fish. , ' it 1ItMlo'f' the.Germans are manufacturing ,wjn said to equal champagne. " Many vineyards are is successful operation Dear Jefferson City. t Tht Irving House, N. Y. i assessad at S398,0OO to rnrsicim druggists and country MERCHANTS. DR. J. N. KEELER A Bro. most respectfully Solicits stlcntion to their fresh stock of F.nir- link, French, German and Ameicnn J)rtr$t, Med icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stufls, tils" Ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines Ac. Hsving opened a new store No. 294 Market St. witn Rill supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we re spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stock before purchasing; elsewhere, promising one and all who may feel disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi cines, on as liberal terms as any other house in the City, and to faithfully execute all orucrs enirusu.u to lis promptly and with dispatch. One or the proprietors ticing a regular piiyi.i". affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of all articles sold at their establishment. We especially Invite druggists and country merchants, who may wish to beeomo agents lor Dr. K'dcr's Celebrated family Medicine; (stan dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad dress. ... Soliciting the patronage ot dealers, we respect fully remain. A. KEEl.EK & BRO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 204 Market street, Philadelphia. September 15, 1S4U. ly. LAUD LAMPS. COIINF.LIVS k CO. No. 1111 (hrsnut St, ESPKCTFULLY announce that they have just finished the most extensive asssrtincnt ol LAMPS, they have ever offered for sale, comprising ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, BRAGKETS. PENDANTS, MANTEL LIGHTS, &c. In great variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much atteniion hnslieen paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of these Lamps, and such are made as will produce the greatest amount of light from the least consumption of Lard. Keccnt improvements m the manufactory, with the introduction of new and perfected machinery, enables them to sell at a very GREAT REDUC TION from former prices, and oil articles before leaving tho manufactory, are carefully inspected, and arc warranted perfectly tight, and to give satis faction. Philadelphia, June 3, 1849. ly Ingratitude Is the basest crime or man. TT7E are not among that class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (at the expense oft ruth and honesty) "crack up" on artiilo and bring it into rapid sale ; neither are wo willing to remain silent, after having tested the utility of on im provement or discovery in science or art. Our readers will recollect we told them we were un well with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottles of WINSLOWS BALSAM OF HOREHOUND and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who aro afflicted, may try it upon our recommendation. Leu-iston Tele giaph. A fresh supply of the above valuable medicine just received, and for sale in Sunbury, by John W. Friling, Mary A. McCay at Northumberland, and at wholesale by Frederick Klelt, & Co., cor ner of 3d and Callowhill streets, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Sept. 22d, 1819 8 mo. "Encourage Your Own!" HAAS&ftENN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. rT,HE subscribers respectfully call the attention of the public to their large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of cahi.i;t.waiik, which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the licst stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the subscribers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Sofas, nivalis) and Lounges, ttureaus. Sccrc tiufcs, sracboiiris, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had in Sunbiiry, such as Maiiooaxt, Black Walnut axii ("i Him Maple Ghkciax : ash Wixnsna CHAIRS, ash r asct Piano Stools, which are of tlie latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers arc determined that there shall lie no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can lie entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. nr UNDERTAKING ottendej to on reason able terms. 11 Tho Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite Weaer's Tavern. DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, April 28, 1849 tf "77 ALL PAPRP.. rilHE Subscriliers have on hand the largest as- -- w. . . m - r n - iiiiiid ,11, o, J ill- ladelphia, W'huttiaU aiul lletail, consisting of -.-.j .j uiiuui. a... ni(ii-, joining Rooms, Cbamlers, Ac, which for quality and siyle cannot be surpassed. Doing cash business we areenaliuul tn tu'll a lw.if..i arii.iA . lower rate than any store doing a TRADE BUS IX ESS. On hand, large asKortnient of Wide Papii, for CurtuUlS. Firn Print.. 1, 1 . , i ... - - . - - .uiuii., wiucn will be sold for Cabh. Paper Hanging done in the N. It Denier am t.,u:.A.1 i ,1 . ' .i 7 i r . . ra"na examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. rm ac BUHTON, No. 14? Arch Street, South aids Philadelphia, May 26, 1849 ly BOSS OINTMENT, TOU TSTTEK )EAD tlx Mlowuur eeHuVoW from Capt. Dwoe. tha I V writ kuuwu mud uopulw bliaui ttuat Cuuuu- tTi ,) Traveller.) v PniLADSxruiA, October 31, tats. Sevan! rears ainea I was attacked wits a breaking out on uiy neek m Die iurm of Teller, which 1 am rnuviueetl was contracted at I lie BarberMinp. It (raixtually ezlrwl. ed ever my (mx sulil it reached the aiper nut nf the cheeks. Durui the several mniiUis Hut it cntiliuuni spreuriiiia;, I used didorcnt piilinuiuus. some of which hjui the effect, aprrally el Iran, m uicmuuig Hie dienue, hut from ik Hie ul them did I perceive Ute leu beuetil uiiiil I applied the Kosa Ointmk.nt. Uy the use of uue jur uf it lwas parlectly cured mud have reuuued free uf tlx auec- I have si, re nerd the Ointment, lighUy applied ftirrooah. neMofllfc. lsxlies.elppedlUul . with per. fed success. 1 have uo beuuniua ia recuiumeada It ui UestruueMauuuKt luUie public. , ' . A,. u o t JAMES PEVOE. . Bn' "Nv Hassu, Baubary. July IM, IMS. Ti OOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several eop--a- les of the life ef Christ, and also a number of gold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices. Fer sale at laisofiice. 1 CABINET ' WARE. ROOMS. THE subscriber respectfully Informs ths public that he continues the manufacturs of CABI NET WARE, in all Its branches, at his stand In Market street in Sunburv. and that he has now on hand a handsomo assortment of well made and fashionable furniture. He also carries on, at his old establishment, in Fawn street, the CHAIR MAKING BUSINESS, in all its branches, snd keeps constantly on .hand, an assortment of well made and fashionable CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. All of which be will dispose of at prices as low ss at sny esta blishment in tha county. His long experience in the business, justifies him in the belief that he will be able to givo gen eral satisfaction, snd therefore solicits from his customers a continnanro of their patronage. EST All kinds of produce taken in exchange SEBASTIAN HOUPT. Sunbury, March 17, 1849. tf A XcwAnsorlmciit of Fresh Goods, IRA T. CLEMENT, TE.SPECTFUI.I.Y Informs his friends, cus- toniers and others, that he lias just received a handsome assortment ol ' NEW GOODS at his store in Market Square in Sunbury, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Quecns wnrc, Hardware, &c. Sunbury, June 23, 1849. TANNERS TAKE NOTICE" Sou Hide Oil mill Leather Store. AY 1 1 1 North 3d St. 3 doors below Race St. Philadelphia. riIIE subscribers offer to the tanners on the A most favorable terms their fresh importation of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ay res, Laplata, uaraccas, i,aguira, Hung-lJry, Hull, Sclted t cr amhuco and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and salted. Also, CJrccn Slaughter, Dry Salted, and Black Dry Patna Kips, Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as sortment of Currier's Tools. They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, tho alwve Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on better terms, than old Houses in the city, Cash paid for Leather of all kinds. KEEN & KIRKPATRICK. Philadelphia, May 2G, 1849. ly " CUTLERY. AN extensive Stock of Tockct and Table CUT LERY, of sale by J CHIT 1. COLEM.1T, iVos. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 8 North THIRD Street, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and Razors. Also, a choice assortment .of Rodgers A Sons, Wosteiihnhn's Cireavc's W. 4 S. Butcher's and Fcniicy's Cutlery, Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, (inns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives. Also, The American Razor Strop, a superior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. Caho Dealers in Cutlery, will find tha above Stoek worthy their attention, as the Subscrilicr's chief business is importing and selling cutlery. Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly MAB5BALLI8 Concentrated Sarnupcirlllsi. For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipalas, Piles, Chronic Rheumatism and all disorders of the Blood, Mercurial Disease, Ac. I T is recommended to'l'bysicians and others, as 1 the strongest preparation now in use, and en tirely different from that put up in quart bottles, possessing little or no active principle of the Sarsa parilhi, but intended to deceive tho public. For sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland. HEYL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Galls, Swellings, ond all complaints requiring an external remedy. I is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringlwne, stiir ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, SpliuU, &c It has also been used with great success by per sous alllietcd with Rheumatism, and other com plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel phia, and for sale by M. A. MeCay, Northumber land. Philadelphia, May 20, 1849 ly oitisAT TiYkival! JOHN W. FRILING has just received st his J store in Sunbury aa extensive assortment of IL W GOODS, of every variety which he is now ready to sell or exchange for produce; and consist ing in pan oi CLOTHS, CJSSLUERES, & Linen and Cotton drilling, and summer wear of all kind. Calicoes, Chintz, Gincham, Lawns, &c. Muslins bleached and unbleached. PALM LEAF AND OTHER HATS. Quccnsware and Hardware of all hinds. Dnucs Paints, and Dyrstcffs. FISH, SALT, AND PLASTER. And a great variety of other articles all of which will lie sold ut the lowest terms. Sunbury, May 20, 1849. aveTsFTciTiient, Saddle ami Harness Makers. HE undersigned respectfully inform the miblic. that iliev have commenced the alwve busi ness in tfunbunr. end will con. stautly keep on hand and manufacture to order, at their stand in Market street nearly opposite Young's store, all articles belonging to their line of business. All arUcli-i manufactured by them will be made in the lst and most durable style, and at prices as reasonable as they can be had at any other estab lishment in the county. They therefore respectfully solicit persons to call and oxamine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro duce taken in by the stores will lie taken in ex change at the market price. HENRY WEISE. ALGtrSTUS H. CLEMENT. Sunbury, June 23, 1819 LIQUOIiS,AVINES,&C. rPHE subscriber has just received a new supply of the best liquors that ter came to Sunbury, consisting in part of Suerior old pale Brandy, Fine Cognise Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirit. ' ' - New England Ruin. Tine Holland Gin, Superior Old Whiskey , Common do, Superior Maderia Wine. Lisbon do. do, Superior Tort Wine, ; Burgundy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wine iu bottles. Champagne do. do. HENRY MA88ER. Sunbury, May 20 1849. P-stTElTT MEDICI1TES. S'.n xyeentd Bitter, price reduced. Old Jacob 'J ownaeiul's Saraaparilla. Baker's Sarsaparilla. V , bw.yue's Syrup of Wild Chert 5wayne's Vermifuge; Ay re's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. . Dr. Cullen'i do . Tibbifs Fain Killer.' . . , . . ' . Dr. Hootlaud's German Bitters; Indian Vegetable Piils ,, , ' : Horse and Cattle Medicine For sale by HENRY' MASSER. Bsjabury, J sly 14, 1849. T mm DIAMOND POWDER FOR , RAZOR STROPS. THIS Powder is warranted far superior to any thing in use for imparting a keen, smoothedge to Raton, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of fine CtTLKRt ( it may be applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, by ALFRED uEIVIVETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 1 8 South Fifth street a bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. PniLintLFHiA, Feb. 15th, 1848. This msy certify tlint I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAUIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attest in the most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be found that will produce the same effect in my opin ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will find it superior to any heaetofore in use. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third sU Phi i. Ar elm i a, October. 1848. A very hard lieard and tender face has compel led me to seek and test many contrivances design ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with inililferent success, until I mwdo use of the Manic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, and Ronssel's Shaving Cream. Their united pow er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor to remove the most stubborn Itcard, vnthaut irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street For sale at this ollico Price 25 cts. per Box rovcinberZ5, 1848 6m. In prowntuiff th piiMii with a remedy for the trmttnetit nml rure i Fkvkr aid A mm nml other tliwwra, no onolWv is iiectlt-tl. Vnrt niiniurrfi in Ihc lTnitctl Stole. who sulfcr from these tifTif'tioiiR in their vnrml f.irmi, are C"niiIM to ppk rclirf fnim nthrr nirrm thiin the iinrnr tliiite prtrrtptirnB nf the nutittir nhveieian. It hc"iiirs theref-irc nn ultject of bumrunty, nil wrll as f pntIir inter est. io itriiirf Ufiorc tnein a renttily prejmreil iium much ex penence, and winch in:iv ulvm s lie relied up- m as KFFKPTl'AL, AND IIABMLKCA TO THE COXSTITPTIOX, Thnl such in thr true rhnmptrr of tin IN HI A CIKl,AfiMil K. is fimply attested by the universal success with which it In is been employed. CP Kxtrjpt from rommunimtion of the Hon. Wti. LiAii 'oodbriik;r, of the LI. 5. Senate, late Governor v Micliigitn. Detroit, Oct. 21, ISIO. DoCTOn Cll ABLE OSGOOD, Denr Sir. I have reml with much interest, your little tbaktmr upon the 'cnuses. trrtitmcnt inn I cure" (if (he febrile diseusfs which h:ivc s t cxli-tisivi'ly prevaih'd in our country mump- tne mst lew months nn interest iiicreniH't no d ntlit. by the fncl that 1 have individimllv stnTercd much frtm them. 1 itmnrh 1 tret myself very tucmipetrn to juiltre sniely upon a utjei-t so entirely profess mnal. vet your theory seems to nn well reas-metl, and your conclu sious just, nud 1 tliink wtlhal, tluit your pamphlet is caU u la ted to nitKliice mueh t-raetieal so;d. Spcnkuii of the niedieint he kivs : It fullv justified ymu iiiuieiiit fipmmnuB, iuui us a siie. nmveineni, auu 'pU' Inr remedy, my ihvii experience. si far, induces me to be lieve tlint it will prove a great public leneht. i urn please to learn diut you have recently established several airctK te fr iis disposition tlrmch I recret thut, with a view lt i more frentral disseminalion of it. you should have found it necessary in remove trom your present residence among in 'h iuuch respect i liove the honor to lie, sir, , Y'ur oblitretl servant. WIII.IAM WUUUUlllUOK. r7 From Hon. Stephen V. K. Trowukiduk, of Michi gan ffiaie Semite, to uie A (rent ut Detroit. Birmingham, Oakland Co.. Pee. 13. 1P41 Sir you wish me to inform you what I know of Dr, OsfftKKl s linlin Cholfiif iirue, or uuti-bilious medicine. I do U-lieve that if the virtue mid tfliraey ot this medicine were Seneinlly known, the fTvm .d aovk would diKipieur iu tiehinu. 1 prtK-uretl a bottle in tbe sprnnr of and have ffoo re n to believe that m sell and futility escaped the iigue last seiiKon in couf-etpi.-nce of itf nw. lVrhaps in no smntn-r since the settlement of this fine peninsula, hits the fever uud iiue iMt-u so prevuleut as the last. I have rec uinnended this nutlieiue m numerous in stances, and when the disease h:id In-comc fixet ami bullied the skill of physieiuns; and I Imve neer kn wn it fml. I has univerfrilly prK)ucel Ihe in :st happy elfwts. ami I bet lieve it ha never been e.ew-.-il by any" medicine in remo ving the bilitHis disivtses of the cliinale. Yours, rcspeclfiillw STKIMIKN v. n. TROWnniDGK. A lent for Sunburv II. H MASSKR: orthuinlerlaud, WITJHNtiTOM A Co.; Milton, J. II. RASKR: Senas grove, MAY V KUteK. MuyG, lH4b tf J. J. GHEE1TOTTGH. (Late Keller & Ci nenoucrli.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AXTD MECHANICAL ENGINEER, Waeiliiiiglon, li.C. RAWINGS ond papers for the Putnnt Oliice, prepared iiiJ nil tho necessary bu siness, in relation to securing patents, trans acted, and promptly attended to, at their of fice opposite tho Patent Olfice. October 28, 1848. COLD & SILVER WARE, J. STOCKMAN, No. 60 Chesnut-st, at the sipi of the Cold Thimhle, between 'id. If 3d. its., South side Philadelphia. ja V AM'FACTrRKS and keeps constantly iV.GL on I'unil, at wholesale and retuil, the fol lowing artii'les, of a superiur quality, at reduced prircs : (iold and silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do Kinder Shiilds, Silver Talile, Desert, Tea, Halt and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks and Chains, Knitting Sheaths, &c. A I.St), Jewellery, Plated and lirittaimia ware, Clermuii Silver Spoons, &c; (iold Diamond poin ted Pens at various prices; Jackson's Sujwriur Kverpoiuled Leads, Sic, &e. Philadelphia, May 2(i, 1849. Ayer's Cherry Tectopal, run couans, colds, croup, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA. HOOP.' JSU COUGH, BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION. rpillS valiwIJ preparation, so astinialiiiily sucewftil 1 ' eariiiu diixusis of the l.unas, is Hie result u" a skill, fill cuiubiiiatiiai of tha known ennoivs iiriiu-inles of Dlfilu-llle. lis hnimliniui are frm-ly nuule known lo tha pul.lic, and are thosa nrkiuiwlli:l to mnliral m-n as poasnnir lore me-lirol virtues, w hich tiwuliar virtues are eoiubiiiwt in tlie -i'HKJIK V riX'IXHtAI." m tlwirariiu el purity anil efliniey, ami when uKtl, aa will be seeu froia utc iuii.iwuit vniuunic icstinioiiy : i'itui'f.ssm ci.KVKi.Axn, ot Bowd an t-idiaa, UruiMWKHt, Mnina, wrilra: "I hnra witiicaaul lliardecls M'yuur Charry lactoral in my own ..... ... , iiirnoa, ami ii nua airvu great aitiaiurtion in raarahoth of a.lnlla niul chililrell " A VtllCE r ROM MAA( 111 KKTTS. Frmn lr. lityiuit, VtuggM and lViiualer, Chioopca Da. J. C A vra-Dear Sir i Kncloaed please End remit lance fiw all Ihe Cherry Sectoral hat sent sna. 1 can un hniullllgly ay. thut no lueUicuia we sell gives such autuv fnctton as your'ailiea u w have I ever seea a uialicine which eunxl a nuuiy aiaea of omah aisl lung eoninlaiiils. Our l lyaielans are using u cucusivcly iu Ihe aracuie, uud with Ihe uiipiueal eaecta. ' Tn" y,'Ur- DH. PKIIKIXH."' tlRYANT. Preaulent of Venn wit Medical College one of I ha moat Iwueil and liitelligeut physieuuai iu UieeouiUry, '-eonaiders it a eoinposiliou of rare excellence I'c the cure of that fur. uudulae iliaaaae, Cieumpton. Au ahiiual incradibla uuuiher of certiRntee hare tieen recelvid; ixuvuaj llvil the cherry Hecloral is. iu UallL a for Coughs , Colda Asihma and all pulmnimry eomntiinls I'ki. k ia I'Kvrs t'Kii 11. in-LE. msminu- rrejMred tri. C. A V lilt. Jewell, Miu,., WKi -,4,1 h P.A.TJ' U,b"y' U"J MAR WctTAV, NVuiaiZ . Jurc'k31, 14 M . Kollte lo Oellnquenta. 1 A LL persons indebted to Uie subscriber, longer V than ax months, on uots orbook account, requested to eaU and make settlement, or else their ocoiuiU will be left with magirtrate for eollec Uo"- . ,, JOHN W.KRILIWO Wunbury, July T, 1849, . ... STpHB WAXID, ww r. pjtik,, ston, jugs and fitchers. - ai uctes ui sions war war lust reeiveJ and lor sale hy JOHN W. FKILI.NQ. Sunbury , June 23, 184Ue DR, TOWRSEID'S COIPOUM EITE1CT OF ' SABSAPAHILLA. TTTI9 Extract ) put tip in qnnrt bnttlr. It It tlmM chenpr, p1rmttr, yrA warrantefl fnprinT lo any atikl. It ourni disenm without Ynnitirtfr, pnrft4ti nen, or debilitating th patient, and ia particulsuty adaptod FALL AND PPHINO MKDICINB. Tha freat bounty and superiority ofthia SaranparlUa or vtuer rcinraiin wnun k vnraicaieaaiaeaae, it inviavmitca tha body, Conwnmptifm cared. ,; ' Clmnas attd ltrertrthen. Contn mnt inn can b rnrnd. Bronchitis. Cunutmption. Liver Orniplaint. CoWa, Ctntfha, ;aiarra, AVTntna.EMnirinnf mono, norenMa intna Cheat, Hertic Fluah, Nitht 9weata, Diffi cult and Profuse Kipectorationi and Pain in tha Bide, Ac, Ac, hava and can lie rared. Probably there never wri a remedv that has been an anc- CMWful in deapernte caaea nf contn nipt ion aa thia ; it clenn aca'and atrenatheni the ayttfrn, and anpenra to hral the nl rera im the Imurt, and patientt fradnally regain their usual hoaitn and st renal h. CURIOUS CASK OF CONSUMPTION. There is ararcelr a dar manea but there are a numlier f cnara of conRiimption rfportrd at cured by the e of Ir Townacii'a tSarinanlin. The following was recently ra- ceivcn : UT. Tow ??( Denr Rin For tha hut thraa veara I hnve been alilicted with gciiemldrhilily, and nervous con iiiiiiriirrn in wie nisi bihicr, ithi niu mn cxpm V' over anin my health at all. Aftur grting thnmxh a course of inedM-ine iimler the cure of aonte of Ihe m irt distinfruinbed res;ulnr nraiciaiiR and meiniiers n the Houru ol Jlenllh in iiew fork attd elsewhere, and spend in jr the mM of my enrninas in attempting to retrain my hmllh, and after reading in some pnper of yimt Nirmimrilla 1 resolved to try it. After using six bottles 1 found it done me great good, and called to aee you at your office f with your advice I kept on, and do most henrtily thank yon lor your advice. I persevere in hiking the farfwpHrillB, and have been able to attend to my nsiinl tabors for tha but four months, and I bop by the blessings of find and your ftnrsnparilta to continue my neuiin. it nripen ma veyoua the experinttons it an who knew mv ense. CIIAKLL UU1MISY Orauce. Ksarx co. N. J.. Aug. 3, IM7. Stnteof New Jersey. Ksaejt cvmiitr. ss. Charles Qnim- -7 i.nifr. usiij wii a-viHUMig m ssswt. "ii inui n. tint the forrgitiug statement is true according to the best of hUKtH'WleclKeandlielier. CI1AULK4 IJ11MHY . Sworn and suliacribed to before me at Urniifre, the 9d August, 1W7. CYRUS BALDWIN. Justice ot the Peace. PPITTINO BIOOl. Bead the followina. ami anv thut consumption ia iu incu rable if you con ; INew York. Anr S3. 1R17. Dr. Tnwxltn 1 verilv hilive thut imr Rirsvuuirilb bus Iteen the means, thvough Providence, of suviiiir my life I hnve for several yeurs bud a bud cough. It lecanie worse and worse. At Inst I mined large qunntities of biood, had uiirht sweats nud wnatrrntillv debilitated and reduced, and did not expect to live. I have only used your Sttrsapnrillo hut a snort tunc, ami there h:is a wonderful chunee hetm wrought in me. I am now aide to wnlk all over tbe city. I raise no Mood, and my cough has left me. You can well imagine that I am thankful for thtp results. Your olwxli eiit servant. YVM. KUiSKLI 63 Catharine st. LOST II F,n SPKKCII. The annexed certifi(at tells a simple and truthful story f surTerius; and relict'. There are thoumndsof simikir ca ses in this city and Brooklyn, ond yet there are thmisamls if pii rents let their childrcu die lor fear of being humtnigg(.d or to sava a few shillings. Brooklyn, Set. 13, h7. Dr. Tow.xkxd: I take pleasure in stating, for the liene fit of thitfte whom it may conct-rn. tluit my dnuffhter, two years and six in mths old, was ntllicted with general de bility ami loss of speech. flie wus given up as past je civery by our family physician; toil fortuiiatclv 1 wus re commended hy a friend to try your tnrsaparilla. Before having used one'bottle she recovered her SMech aiul M'as enabled to walk alone, to the rstouishment of all who were actpmintcd with the circutnstmircs. rfhe is now quite well, and in much I letter heiilth than she has burn for I mrmths pus;. JOISKPU TAYI.OK, IUh Yorl slM Brooklyn. TWO CIIILURKN SAVKI). Very few fnuiiliet imlcttl in fact we have not heard of one that until Dr. T'vn fiend's Sarsaparilla, iu time. It l any cinuireu the pant Miuunrr, while those that did not. sickened nml died. The cercilicate we publish lieltw is conclusive evidence of its value, nud is only another instance ,f iis snvine the lives of chiklren : Dr. 'I'ownhesd Dear Sir : 1 had two children cured ly your Sarsap:trilla of the summer complaint and dyscnttiry ; one was only 1 month old and th other 3 years. They were very much reduced, uud we expected they would die ; they were given up by two respectable physicians. When the doctor informed us that we must lose them, to try your Sarsaparilla we had heard so much of. but had little confidence, there being so much stuff advertised that is worthless: but we are thankful that we did, for it undoubtedly saved the lives of btli. I write this tltut otii crs may be'iuduccd to use it. Y'lmrs. resiteetfullv, JOHN WllsSONfJr. Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, Sept. 15, 1M7. TO THE LADIES. GKKAT FGMALK Mi:DICINK. Db.TowxsendsSoiRjaparilla is n sovereign and speedy cure for incipient ci'iisuuiptiou, and for the general prostra tion of the system ihi mutter whether Uie result of inhe rent cuusu or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac cidrnt. Nothitg can be m rc snrprisma: than its invigorating ef forts on the human fnuur. Persons all weakness and Las situde, from taking it at once become robust and full of energy under its It iuunetliately counteracts the uerveieSMK-sis of the female frame, which is the great euuse iMirrcnuess. It will not le ex pert et! of us, in cases of an delicate a na tiire. to exhibit ceititicatcs o cures performed, but we niu iifsiire the mtliciud that humlreils of coses bttve been reitor tetl to us. Da. Townkni: My wife being greatly distressed by weakness and general debility, and siitferiinr c mtmunlly ly paiii and with oibrr dinVulties, and having known cases where your medicine has effected great cures; ainl nisi henriiift: it rccoiuiueudcd for such cases as 1 have described. I notaiiieti a bttle in your I is tract of Sursaivirilla and f d Imved the directions ytu gave me. In a short periHl it removed her complaiuts ami restored her to health. Being greutful for the Iwnehts she received, I take pleasure in ttuisaekuuwledging it, and rccoiuiucudius; it to the public. M. D. MooitK, Altiuny, Aug. 17, ML cor. Grand V Lydiusts. dysim;isia. No fluid or medictua has ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the gastric juice or saliva in decomposing food mul strengthening the organs of digestion as this pre paration of Sarsaparilla. It oaitively cures every case of dyspepsia, however severe v chronic. Bank lk-pttitmeiit, Albauv, May 10, 1815. Dr. Townsend Sir : I have been afflicted for several years with dysfiepsia iu its worst form, attended with s mr nese of stonwh. to of appetite, extreme heartburn, and a great aversion to all kinds of food, and for weeki,. (what I could cat) 1 have !eeu unable to retain but a small portion on my stomach. 1 tried the usuul remedies, but tliey hail bnt little or no effect in removing the OHnplaint. 1 was in duced, about two ii unit ha since, to try yn ir 1-lxlraet of Sur autarilla, and I must aay with little conhdence ; but after u sin tr nearly two bottles, I found my appetite restored aiul tha heartburn entirely removed; ami I would earnestly re commend Uie use ot' it to those who I Live teeii afflicted as I hiive been. Yours, Ac, W. W. VAN ZANDT. Agent for Sunburv JOHN W. FR1IJM3; Nor thumberland, MAKY A. McCAY: Dauviile, WM. A. ML' UK AY & Co., Apiil l. ma. ly COLUMBIAN SERIES OF - arftluuctlco. Tlte Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort. 'PHK COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR. Tliia work is already introduced into some of the lx"st Aradamics and a lnre liuinW of K-hools, whore its use has Riven derided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher snd pupil. It U purely American in ita character, based upon our own beautiful deeiuiiil ty.ttrm of currency. It contains more, the arrangements are better, and it is the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use ; and it is so considered by hundreds of the most roiniictent teachers and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It ia tlie book, particularly and expressly prepared for our Ame rican Scholar : By Almon Ticlnor. TlIK Yol TH's CoLV.VUIAX ClLCl'lATOB. Tllis volume contains 91 pases, with aliout 900 exam ples for solution on the slate. It emlimces the Fundamental Kules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, Tickxuu's Arithmetical Tables, is destined for the use of younger classes in tha Schools of tho United States. A beautiful little book and pleaa ing to children, aud Uie only one of the kind of any value. There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in wliii h the solutions of the questions are given with much extra matter fur the black board. These Keys are the most complete works of the kiud ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, ie, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the aliove books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the beat wotks that have ever Wen published in this or sny other country. Although issued but a fe-w months, they have already been introduced into the Night Public Schools of New York Citv in all tl, sVhooi. public and private, except two, in the City of ... auniK, .-i lao, in auoui twenty Aradaniioa ui Uie State of Pennsylvania in a Lanra naninn nf Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of .ii. ..,er, ana ut nit uaroughs or liarrtsbuig, York, Chamhersburg.l.ebanon, Doylestown, Pott. vide, Orwigsbura;, &c, &c 1 Forsaleby Hssst Masses, Sunbury, Agent fur Northumberland County. Sunbury, Dec, , 1848, i . .. KENNEDY PATENT SASH FAS. TENLNGcWA chean and exotllent arti els tor fkstenuig aash for sale by ' J. W, FRJLINO. Sunbury, July T, 149. . " i : S DADD'S celebrated Hone and Cattle Medi cine (or sale by - HENRY MAIMER Huubury Jan. STtk, 184w - OXYGENATED JCD 12 TIP 0 OB LE2 m a aoYEiirton hkthedy fb . DYSPEPSIA, rnTinsic, ' '.. . :,: AND ' : ' 1 OSNBSAIt DBBIXiXTT. - ' ' GEORGE'B. GREEN, Proprietor. Windsor, Vermont. T9 a snrercisn remerlr fnr DYBPftPSIA, In many ef tn jl lorms, auen as CnstiveitrSB. Aeii PilM, Niiht Sweats, and eren Consnmntioa (Dvapantie Phthisic,) and Asthn, or Phthisio atteniled with deranf a- mmit of tha nnrnsch (e Dyspeptic Asthma.) PinVult mnii or ine pinnwrn ir iyspepiic annna,t j'mn u i. Mraalhlint, which ofum resnlls fnira imperfact digeitiun (or Dysnrntic siysrsKra.) is relieved hy theae Bitters. In abort, their nsa has heen proved in the relief of almost aR tha ermproma innc proceed iroin a oeouiiaira or Binnio cinmi. tion of the rtomach: also In aeneml dehlllty arisinc from as;a or from the effects of Fever, partlcnlarly Fever and Apnte. r emails anllerinff liiMl any nicnna aeraiwremeiu arisirar irom weakaiw, wiu Irnd the "Uitoisatkb hit tans" an excellent remedy, and not sarpassed by any niedi' cine In nee. .... The history of this medicine Is peculiar, it has made Ms way to public (nvix solely liy tha force of its own intrinsic menu. No artificial nieana hava heen need te alva It lie toriely and thrust it upon nuhlie nitnltion. It has never before even been advertiacrl, bnt having first shown its re timrkahlo eOic-ncy in the family of the proprietor, and by ,vnm Hfuiuuinercu to nis ainiclen irienns nnfl sc. qiisiatancca With a like result, ill renutntion aradnnllr ex. lemh-d until it is known in the imait distant parts of tha t'lllon. ss a medicine of llnrivalled virtttM. in ,h mire Af llyspcpsia in nil its different forms, nnd also for the cure ef flmnma or riiinisic. us only hcrnlrl and its onh- eulofry has heen tha alory of iis wonderful efficacy, ac told from ......... ... ....... ii ,.y 1,-nrr irmii irienn lo iricim. In eve ry instance where these Bitter have been aaed. ami tha r. suit mode known to the proprietor, they have proved a re medy. NHmmma certificates, atb'stiiig the eingular erlicncy of ,nc "ynBmH niTrasf." are in me poasesmon ol Ihe proprietor; manv ol them sigited by perauns already widaly .iiuwii v inc puouc. OEO. B. GRKF.N, Proprietor. WINDWK, VI., Ocbilw 3, IMS. The following Certificntea have recently here received l WtmimMi, D. C. Jnjia to, IMS. Iliivint mule nse of ihe "Oicvgennted Bitters" prepared hy Dr. r,eo. B. Green, of Windsor., Vt. and fnnn know Icilcc oUnined of their elhcncy in other cases, wecheerlnlly recommend them to Ihe public, believing that tlie)- willfully sustain Ihe reeommendmiim of the Proprietor. We hope that Ibis valuable remedy nmy lie so generally diffused throughout the country tint it may be accessible to all tha ainirieo. KAMI KI, PIIKI.PH, ) ,i o WII.I.IAM I IMI AM, u s J AM KM F. SIMMONS, I', ft. S. Senator from Vermont, Aeuntor from R l.tniMl 1. T. MORHIIKAD. 11. f. r?eiitor and formarlv (Jovem. or of Kenturkv. I.. II. A IIXJLD, Atember of Congrets and formerly 6e vernor of K. I. W.M. WOOnimiDGK, f. S. Senator and formerly Ge-verntn-of Mirltiirnn. M. I.. MARTIN, Delegate in Congress from Wisconsin X erruory. Frmn Hon. II. D. Fostfr, Mcmher of Congress from Pennsylvania. WAftUlVaToi. H. C . ieaa in. ISIS Denr Sir. 1 have been a dvsnentic aunerer fin- about ten years, nnd hnve resorted to various innlicines for relief Wilhout niccfim. until I mnda use of rrnr "(lTrirnuited Bitlera." i have usil aliout two botllcs, and find myself reslorrn to prrln-l henllh The forms ill which the dis ense showed itself, in my ease, were, trrent acidity of Ihe i nun ii, "n oi iipiieme, eitreme nutitlence, severe consll pntion ot Hie hiwels. and violent hwiliiche. Fceline desi roua tliut a knowleilge of your volunlile mav reacl others similarly alllu ted. 1 take great pleasure in record. lug my lertunony to ita curative power: and would also renraik. Hint while on n visit at home a short time since. 1 administered a part of a bottle to a numlier of my afflicted menus, Willi great biiitss. They ore desirous that von should estalilitli nn agency at Pittshuri;. or inform triem wliere tlie liu ilicuie can lie obtumed. With an earnest di sire for your prn.-rity and huppiness, I snliscrilie myself, .iniv ji'ui iiiL-mi ll. li. rvil I l'.K. l).-t. tiro. H. GRKFX.Windsir, Vt. H-kl Wh lesnle and Itetnil hv Green & Fletcher, Ne. SASnith Sixth Street. Philadelphia. Acent for f anbury II. B. MASSKR. Agents for Milton MACKAV A HAAO. Agent for 1'ppcr Mnhonoy. J. G. KENM. April 1."., tots IMPORTANT TO TUG PUBLIC. H0?w3E A1TD CATTLS MEDICINES. Don't permit your Horses or cattle to die, when the means of cure are within the reach of all ! The undersigned has spent several years in ths study of Veterinary practice in "London and E (inlloro,," he has also availed himself of t!ir resear ches of I.ribii;, and olhereelehrated men, who have contributed so much towards a judicious treatment of animals ; the principles of our practice consists ill the rejection of ffi-uenil bleeding and the total rejection of all medicines that exierieiiee has shown to be nf a dangerous tendaucy. Thde re medies act in harmony with the vital princinlc, and when Riven according to the directions which ac company each article they arc capable of exciting and increasing the natural functions, without di minishing or destroying their power, hence are safein the hands of every one. G. H. DADD, M. D. A List of Horse and Tattle Medicines. Physic balls, TSc. per box. Alterative ball, 75r do. " powders for had condition, 75r per pack age. Heave powder for diseases of the lungs, 75c' dc. Trine powder for " " kidneys, 75c do. Tonic, powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do. Cordial drink for iullamotion of bowels, 75c per liottle. Liquid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting Ute growth of hair,, 50c per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c. tier bottle. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, &c, 50c per bottle. Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per bottle. Hoof ointment for suiiJ crack, brittle hoof, Ac, 50c per bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description, 73c & !jl per botlle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for the removal of worms from the intestinal canal. 75 per package. For sale by KTIMl'SON A REED. 26 Mer chants Row, also at DADD'S HORSE AND HATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Noa. I A. 2 Haymarket Square, Boston. Pamphlets describing the diseases for which these remedies are used can 1 bad gratis. Numerous Certificates are in possession of the Proprietors, of cures performed by Uie above Medi cines. Sold by GREEN & FLETCHER, No. 26 South SIXTH Street. Philadelphia, and by his AtiEXT. lltax Masskr, (Sunbury, February 3, 1849 tf ESSKNt E OF JAMAICA GIXGER PREPARED and sold only, st FREDERICK BROWN'S DliUU and CHEMICAL Store, N. E. corner of Firrsi aud Chisxi't streets, Phi ladelphia. ' This Essence is warranted to possess in a concentrated form, all the valuable properties of Jamaica Ginger, and will be found on trial sn excellent Family Medicine. It ia particularly re commended ss s tonic, to persons recovering from fever or other diseases, a few drops imparting to the stoiiiaxi) s glow aud vigor, equal to a wine glass of brandy or other atimuland, wilhout any of Ihe debilitating ell'oets, wbica are sure to follow the use of liquor of any kind : and it is therefore especially serviceable to children an-Jl females, To Uie aged, it will urn-e a comfort j to the dyjjcptic, snd to Uiose who are predisposed to gout or rheuuiulic anccUons, it gives great relief ; and to the inebriate who wishes to reform, but whose stomach is constantly craving the noxious liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to tlie diges tive oreuus. and stremtth to resist temptatiou : and is consequently a great agent iu Ihe cause of tem perance. Full directions accompanying each bottle.-" ' ' " -- .The abov article can be bad at the office of the American. PhUadelpbia, June, 189 ly " . - 1 1 ii . PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing snd indellible ink, Cotton yarn and laiw, just received snd for sale by- . .u J. W.FRUJNG. Sunbury, Dec. t, 1848. 1 C A PaAn saaortnienf just rasjcived. Also aUk HAT8 st $?2&, for sale by . H.MASSES. Runhury, Dec S, 1848. . WILEY'S VOVGH CtNDr. n exoeU lent reuwdy for eeugoa, euida. Ff sale at Inis efliee THE Gil AND rCKGATlVE, ' ros thb cvaa 6r Headache, Oiddlneas, Measles Bslt Rheatn, Hhenmatiam, Piles, . , ,. Heart Burn, Worms,, . Dyspepna,eVtjrvey,' ' ' Cholera Morons, wnall Po, Jaundice, - , . Coughs, tjninaay, .imoi ma nara, ! . vvrMXaivig Coach, Inward Wk.. ' ' ' ron.oai. vVH Palraulioa of the heart, , Mver Complaint, L' A"". Itchii!r?the8km 7??l?0JnPh"' Nerroua CopWmii - T " AUIETY Of OTBER DISEASES . ARIIINI f "M,,D'TIM Of THIS BLOOD. H . 08TRtTCTIOHS IN THE ORGANS Of tives Umiai and In aeenr. Mulr 'IT' lh "V' cMaarncti.sis.a- restore Ihe Blood to il.iwtnr.TJ' The aversion to inking medicine ie moat erWr-n. moveo oy iLtcnnsa's Votasl Phrbstivs Pw dcM enmpletcly em-eloped with a coating of pure whit. (which is as riistinet frmn Ihe internal Ingredients aaaaal shell from the kernel) and havenobwte is" medicine. out are aa easily awauoweu a mte of candy. Mnrenvst they neiiher naiiaeule nr gripe in the slightest decree, bmt operate ennnlly nn all the diseased parte of the system, m' eno oi connuing themselT to, and racking any particular region. Thus, if theLiver be arTccted one ingredient will operate on that pnrticiibir organ, and, by rleamnng it of aa r.xcess or Bile restore It to its nattiicd slate. Another wiU operate on the B.ird andremoveall impuriiies in hs rim. l, -.1 k '"enecronny expel won I ever imp, rues may hare been discharged into the stomach, and hence they sinks st the mot nr disease remove all Impure Ha mors from the body, open the pores externslly and inter- I f ' ""cnmfe ail foreign nnd olmoximis particles from tha tnjir, m. .inn me ohksi nsiy lie tnoroughly purethus seen, ringa free ami healthy action tn IheHeart.l.nngsand I.ivar and thereby they restore health even when all other means The entire truth nf the above can he ascertained Vy the trial of a single box; and their virtnea are so positive ead certain in restoriinr Henllh. Ihnt the proprietor hinds himself to return the rmniey paid for- them in all cases where they do not give universal satisfaction. Retail Price, 25 els, per Do. : Prinelpnl office No. (W Verser st.. N. York. ' Sold by JOHX Y. YOl N7 8l,ur;y. ' . M A. McCAY.Northiimberlsae'. rr- Rememher Dr. C. V. Clickner ia the inventor of the iStrnr'"'r J'1""' "J'd ,h;" """""f "f IheTrTwa. t, heard of until he mtrrrfuced them m Jnde, 143. Pilrvhsasr. Piila Li'',Tf"re '"" f"r J'licknerVfttgVKZS a f rami " 0thml1 " wi" h"viclims" February. 17, 1Mflty SORES CA!V UE CURED. Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of in famed Sera Cured. ' fVrKY'B f.MVKRSAL OINTMENT, is Ihe rseet J complete Hum Antidote ever known I 'iniaoT Burn and Sr ald. For old Sores. Hunan, (, oiimanor b,. it is ,le best application that be nad! 1 h-nisnuils have tried and tlioiisnndspraiae it. n imthl penecl miner ol pain i ever diccverett. All who uTr ciimmeiKl it Kvery family l pn,ided w,7h tt. None can tel how , .n some ol tha family may neei VL"".?' ''h thB intn!en, Xrt' Is. name of S rofskv, written on Die outside kibel J-To sails jo this is I'irgrry. .. ie aaiia It-titnn u. I j very Men. Fanners, and all who mmm U., ?'' 'i"""e,,t the very besV " Jg th lln ?L f,r Collar liall.,..ra,che., Kicki c. Ac "S thriim Surelycvery iiierciful man would keep hisnninml, 7rel from .p.i,...poa.,i,e. Toil,-, I invcrwl Uimmen" is all that is required. Trv it. 1 ml HITIC! OF IXSKt-IH Forthe sting or Mle of aolso. ment is one of the best Kemetlics Hint cnii I, r...iui h hU For llPi!es. Tonsey's Universal applied. All "L'":V" '"' lel"il.s rei-.siinieiid it ijrKHirrni.a. i- u ...... '.". is nothing ciual to T,.cV', ohnrncn,. A person oi'm ami ns had, for a ii,iuil,er of venrs. a a re Ice thai Law 3!. skill of .liedoct irs, T;,wy )intl d7jWrLlamn1nutJ by one ..f the visiting physicians, (who knew i peTt , lues.) and two boxes produced more benefit than the uen, laid received from any ,d . prWiou;rernedie.'h:; Bl'IIXSAXD f'rAI.IWcrRED. Thod, nf of iiiirns and N ails, in all parts of the c.ut rV. Cn sey ere llr,i,es. Ml p,.r. , ,,, wW , P"'" of most SCAI.IIIl: Df Tltl:ll. Sire, 7,"', f ey--, Inve becneared by To,,...,'. Oi,,,uH-i,t. Try itSfj ri.u.T itmn ji rrm:n. o, ii ,h. ,nMi d,.. eciverei. lonli. , , disagreeable owiplaint. T.mJv" I?.'-ver-a Otuttuct . the , c miplc.e. Pl, never waikniw. CHAPPHI) ItAXnP CAXHKCI KKD-T.iusey. f.. l OMU,MmHhny,emK ,!,. w.T.tcaMnVch.i verml dinI HOHI- I.IPSOIHKl) r i ir ths fur if 4 i .-a. TiH.tT N""' I" Touse , Ointment. It is sure to cure tliclil. fry it. .. ..... . i. ,1,-c romponnti. warmnied nn to conuia sac pre;ral,o,, ,,, Mercury. y -ri,.0 .A5 ,., ol C irtlH-rj,irti. ularc,wmiw rral,v ,,,, oimn,, the pil . ,c rerei..rrc-lto I'.u.plilct.. to tal h id gratia, .f re- rei'vwY;Jk- TViKV' ! ns:',''' volNG' s,",k' m- a- February 17, IMa y LIVER COS1PLAXNT, JU9'5"K:. HVSPRPHA, CHRONIC OR NL!iOLS MEIULITV, D1SF.ASE OF THE KIDNEYS, .1nd all disfjis-s arising from a disordered Liver or Slomnch in loth Male and Female: .i S'iTh ," '('""P"''""' Inward Piles, Fullness or Bloral te) the Head, Acullly of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart-barS. I)igust lor l-o.t. Fullness or weight in Ihe Stomach, Bear bruciati;ma, Smking or Klulteriug at the pilot' the aWaek Sivi....,in,gollllr lr:,,), rriwl 1K UruZt, r uttering at the Heart, Choking or fhirTicatin, miZlm wlH-iiiii alviairptiirel)uiiiinsof Vision. IkKs or wees before the tieht. Fever and dull iin in Ihe Head, DeReiea- U . """u "f ""in aim Uvea, Pall III the i,lc, R,ck. t l, !, t s,,,,, flutm,, Jlein, lluriiunr iu the Flesh, Constant Imagininga of ceil and great dt-prrsaiLiB oi Spirits Can be edrctuall cared ky CP.. :-:ccplaite3 Celelualed (lenuau Dittcra. Their pover over the alve diseases is not excelled if equalled hy any other preparation in the I'uited Slates as ihe cures anest, iu luauy cases alter skillful iisvsiciaae hud fuileil. Ilcrangement of the Liver and Stomach are kntrret ef Insanity, ami Will kin pr. .luce disease ol' the Heart, Mia. lamgs in, I Kidneya, and lays tlie body open to an attack t the Cholera, Kill iu, or Yellow Fever, and is generally Ike hrat cause of ihul most Uuiel'ul disease, Consuiiiptioa, Opinions of the Philadelphia Prest. "THE DISPATCH," li'vembri 3lstaavs: AX IXVAI.l'AIII.K.MEDli i.Nfc-Wehavefreneeailv heard the Celebrated German IJmers. Inaiiiil'aetured ky Af Itixslluud, ufin terius ia ooiuiueialatioa, and we know deservedly so. It is a u nHiuimii practice, in eer tuin quarlers, to pulf all manner of useless Imak. tail ia Ike above lliller.. Iiuiidrd. are living wilueaaea of their great nemd and physind world. Aa a medicine of the Clin Cniiilaiut, Jaiunlicc, N'ervaa llcbiluv ami Uyspepsia, has tieen fomsl iilvuluale, erfccling cures and traougkly eradieaiiiifr diseases, when sll other medicines have failed. We feel convinced, tluit iu the use of tbe (iernaui Bitters, lite mt ient d s n it hec ma debilitated, but etaisuntly guns strcngih uud vtg.irbilhe trstne a fain worthy of great eiaisHteration. The Hitters are pleaaiiit in taste and smMI, and can he administered undie any circunistaikcea, te Ike in wt deltiiilc slousieh. ludei.l they can be used by all per nu Willi the iu st perfect satety. It would be well fer thiise whii ure niueli stl'ecteil in the nervons system, te commence with one tea sjMxsifuior less, and gradually ia crease. We sjiesk from experience, and are of course, a pn.jier judge. Trie press fur and wide, hnve united in re cianmeiuliug the tiennan liiiters, and lo the amunes we m st cordially atlvise their use. SPIRIT OF THE TIMES.'' JltneSlth says "IMJ OI R GOOD ci TI.KXS who are inx-slsle, sneer the many a.aiishiii cures that have been performed kg Dr. Il.ioinaud'a Celebrated Oerraaa Biuere f If they de a s, we rei-ooi'iieiKl tln-m tothe-Oemian Medieiue Slore," all who ere alilicted witn Uver Compkiat, Jaaadire, lye pe,ia. or .Nervoua lh bililv ; the Doctor ha. cured nauiy of our emzens after ihe beat phvsicians had failed. We have used tbein. and they have Toved to be a medicine that ever one shnukt know is, and we canina r el raw givilai oar era. tiaiuuy iu l ben lavor, ami thai which gives thew graatae claim upon our humble edort. .ey are entirety Vegetable TIIP t"" ..IL.1 .... Julvllh. vvs speak knnwiiigl) Dr. MooBand'kCeietlrated Oerv man liilters, when we iraui bleasina uf Ihia mwm, a ot Ihe lalrary, digestive and Nervous Syslaana, is nasiktf we think an mou.i Iti.. v w.ia- n and nsida wilhout Aleolml, and lo all uiaalale we wnaM rT eoniioead it aa wialhv '.heir amiHilenee. Ai.t."'J wh-sesaSi and retail: at die prsastrad: Daaol. SJfA?! W'l-JlltiNE MXIRI-; Ko. 8r Kace Btreet rhiladelphia. ' Fur sale by M. A. McCAY, Nnnhuutlierlaasl and Sna-ryj-an rtssiiectable dealers generally throughout Ike April l, 184ly Ootton Yarn. Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton snd Wedding. Cotton Outlines, Heady aaad Pantaloons, Ready made Yeats, Congress Knives. Porcelain lined preserving- kettles, just received, for -le by .. H.MA8pEJL Sunbury. Pec 8, 1848. . , . . XE8 of very superior quality fur saU by. Sunbury.DecM'MS. ' ' nLANK BOOKS. An nssortmeol of Blank. Books, just receives snd sals by . . iv H.MASSEJU. Bunburj-, Dec 8, 1848. ' OYKLP MOLAbEiruenor MfLaM'tynt Molasses for saU by HENRY MAfiMtk, Sunbury, Dec. , 1848. v'i