Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 22, 1849, Image 3

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The news brought by the Hibernia Wts
m received over the telegraph wire until a
late hour on Monday evening. Such as it is,
we flint scarcely any wing 01 interest 10 me
general reader. ,
The most important fact is a decline of
l-ftd in Cotton, with small sales ; the quota
lions for Uplands and Mobile being Sid and
for New Orleans 6d. The market for Bread
stuffs was also dull, with no change in quota
'' We subjoin such political intelligence from
.tho Continent as seems to possess any inter
est.' .
'. :, Trouble with Prussia.
, ' A tclographio despatch received from Ber
lin, via Cologne, announces that the Austrian
Cabinet has made a formal protest agninstthe
convocation of a German Parliament at Er
furt, and that in the despatch containing the
protest, the Austrian Government alluded to
tho probability of armed interference by Aus
tria in the affairs of Germany. The same
telegraphic account stated that the Prussian
Government had answered the Austrian des
patch by a declaration that Prussia would
maintain her position. These accounts have
been substantially confirmed. A letter from
Berlin, to the Morning Chronicle, says:
"At the end of October, Prince Schwartzen
burg, in a despatch to the Prussian Govern
ment, pointed out the dangers that were like
ly to arise from the convocation of this Par
liament, insisting on the revolutionary ten
dencies to which it would give birth, and on
I he reaction that would bo full, not only in
the Austrian States, but in Prussia likewise
On tJfi 30 ih October, Prussia replied that she
had duly weighed all those considerations)
but that more elevated and pressing motives
urged her to persevere in the plan. As re
gards real dangers, she would know how to
meet them. Austria has not gone a step fur
ther, and has formally protested against the
convocation of the Parliament. If 1 am well
informed, and I have reason to believe that
T am, tho last despatch addressed by Prince
Schwartzenburg to the Prussian government
insinuates that even should the case require
it, Austria will not hesitate to have recourse
to an armed intervention. Behold us onco
more on the eve of a serious conflict.
1 A Cabinet Council was held the day before
yesterday. The Council first adopted the
Electoral Law of the Parliament. Each State
will introduce such modifications as its or
ganization may require. The Cabinet Coun
cil was then occupied with the reply to the
Austrian note. The Ministry adopted a most
' important resolution. A despatch in reply
to that of Prince Schwartzenburg. has alrea
dy been sent to Count Bous.lorf, the Prussian
Envoy at Vienna. Prussia, i.i this document
maintains, with eiietgy, her right to carry out
the limited federation a right formally guar
rantied. To the Austrian's despatch of arm
ed interference, Prussia replies that "Sho
awaits it."
.' The Prnssiun Chamliers,
Accounts from Berlin uf rite 2Jth nil, states
that, after a debate uf several days, the upper
i-hambcr had declined to return to its old con
stitution. They -divided no loss than sixteen
times, eight of which wero by name. The
. proposition for a peerage was rejected by
105 against 4t. The various amendments
proposing cither direct or indirect election by
tho highest authorities, were rejected by va
rious majorities. In addition to the regula
tion that the number of elective members
'hall in no case exceed 180, the following
most cautious proposition was udopted; it
runs thus:
k 'The Constitution of rtin Upper Chamber
'is to be fixed by a future law, which must
receive the sanction of both Chambers, and
f will then become part and parcel of the Con
' stitution of the country."
The Cologne Gazette announces, in a tele
v graphic message from Berlin, that the King
, hs signed the law for tho election ot repr
esentatives to the German Pailiiuiientj a bo
.-assemble at Erfurt.
Affairs with Russia, Aus'ria, fcc.
" " Kiom Constantinople the news only con
' firms the previous pacific course of events. U
lisnMintidenlly stated that the British fleet has
received order to withdraw from the Dar
; ttanulloc, and that it is indeed by this time at
. .. Nothing further has transpiied respecting
'Aha .wbexeabouts of the Polish and Hungarian
- tChe Kuesiau Ambassador, M. Tiluff, has
.Qnoe'itUQsa been admitted to au interview
with tbo&and Vizier, and diplomatic rela-
tions may fee presumed to be renewed be
tween Russia itud the Porte. .
Austria appeared satisfied . with what Tut
ley bad already done, by transporting the
' Hungariaa refugee to the interior, and did
mot deaaaud My thing further. Russia, on
the contrary, demand that the Polish refu
' gees fc? expelled from the Ottoman Einpire,
mni J bit the chbf bVjvM fee imprisoned in
a fortress, tt Porte being responsible ior
nheir safe custodyi Without efpa excepting
' ithose emigraats, who, like Bern, have cm
1 fenced the Mahomedan faith. It was said
that Russia also required the expulsion of a
. Bertaia number of Poles, who have been for
' -marry years in habitants of the Ottoman States.
The Pofle reoeived these propositions in such
' manaer as to show thut they would not be
Accepted, and aeouneil would be held on the
nhle lake them into consideration.
v ' ' The Russian Minister wai excessively an-
. . a9d by the fsrecence of the Biitiah fleet in
4k Dardanelles, wtucn ne aectarea viout
tion or the. treaty j nfl has, it is said, refused
1 eater into negotiation until the English
-hall have quitted the Straits.
The Vienna correspondent of the Daily
J., ISeM writing on the 3 1st W, says, "Utters
of th Kt-i frora Conetanlinole, mention
rrMs aubieots of dispute between Russia and
- Twfcoy, in consequence of the energy with
'"traicb th united diplomacy of England and
fugee question.' ' It is said that the Porto is
also determined, at the expiration of the
stipulated terra, to withdraw those concession
in favor of Russian Commeroe, over other na
tions, which at present exist.",
Our Vienna correspondent's letter, dated
29th intt," says, "I also dear the Porte has
propsed to send the Hungarian refugees to
The modus operandi of modifying the Con
stitution is still the increasing subject of dis
cussion. It Is now suggested to change the
Legislative Assembly into a constituent body
by the addition of 150 members, and this
new body be invested with the power of
electing the President J of extending the term
of his office to such a period as may avoid
the necessity of a frequent appeal to univer
sal suffrage.
' The personal qnarrels of the .members of
the Legislative Assembly terminated in more
than hall a dozen duels, and have occupied
the chief attention of the Parisians during
the week. M. Pierre Bonaparte has figured
in as many as three or four of these encoun
ters. None of tha contests have ended fa
tally, but they have increased to such a de
gree that the Government threatens to stop
them by very stringent laws.
We have official information that the dis
pute between the French and the Emperor
of Morocco is satisfactorily adjusted.
Sill 0ovts of stents.
Tub Proper Mode. The following is the
best thing we have read lately. If all the
editors could have an opportunity to treat
those whose curiosity loads them to examine
mutters with which they have not the least
business, as Prentice of the Louisville out
do, treated his 'chap', it would have a saluta
ry e fleet :
We fixed that Chap. A few days ago,
a gentleman (?) came into our sanctum, took
off his hat, picked up a bit of manuscript,
and commenced reading, very closely. We
reached over and took a letter out of his hat,
unfolded, and commenced reading it. He
was so busy that he did not discover how we
were paying him off in his own coin ; until
we asked him what it was his correspondent
was writing to him about a woman I "Why,
ltfok here, Squire," says he, "you surely are
not reading my private letters?" "Certainly,
sir," said we, "vou are readinar our nrivate
manuscripts." He was plagued, begged ns
not to mention his name, promised to do so
no more, and we quit even.
In the town of Columbia, Pa., last week,
Mr. William Miller was lobbed of be
tween $1300 and $1400, which he kept in
his house in specie.
Sandusky (Ohio) Bay was frozen over on
the 12th instant.
Rev. August Schmidt committed suicide
in Baltimore, on Saturday afternoon, by hang
ing himself.
Col. James A. Banks, formerly of Tama
qua, Schuylkill county, Pa., recently died in
Mr. Joseph Cuknisuham, of the Railroad
Hotel in Trenton, broke his leg on Monday
morning, by slipping upon a piece of ice.
We understand that the Millerites intend
shortly to announce again the speedy termi
nation of this sublunary sphere.
Alum, so far as muddy water is concerned,
may be set down as one of the"oldsuttleis."
The whole number of slaves in Kentucky
is 195,110, which are valued at $62,251 519.
There was good sleighing at Rochester.
N. V., on the 7th inst.
He that is slothful in his work, is brother
to hi in that is a great waster.
The following is an inscription on a tomb
stone in Massachusetts. It is beautiful :
:I came in tho morning it was spring,
And I smiled;
I walked out at noon it was summer,
And I was glad ;
1 sat me down at even it was autumn,
And I was sad ;
I laid me down at night it was winter,
And I slept."
At A U It 1 E D.
At Northumberland, on Thursday last, by
the Rev. Thomas h. Lulhron, Mr. Marks B.
Priestlv, to Miss Mary M. Tauuart, both
of that place.
On Thursday the 6th inst.. by the Rev. T.
Mitchell, Mr. Andrew A. Hkim. to Miss
Barbara Kester, both of Danville.
In Danville, on the same day, by the same,
Mr. William Kessler, to Miss Rosanna By
krly, both of Danville.
In Mahoning townidiip Col. co., on the 12th
inst., by the Kev. J W. Yeomans,Mr. Chris
tian Mure, of Danville, to Miss Harriet
Yorks, daughter of Mr. Samuel Yorks, of
Alarmmng township.
In Point township, on the lOih inst , after
a short illness, Mrs. ELLEN LEIGHOW,
aged 55 years.
In Jlooresburir, on the 9th inst., Mr. THO
MAS LEAON, formerly of Point township,
aged about 04 year.
Sunsurt, December 21, 1849,
Amount of coal brought to Sunbury over
the Danville and Pottsville rail road, from the
Shamukin mines: Tons.
For the last week, 392
Per last report, 926
Corrected vttkly by Henry Masser,
Caas. .
Bums. . .
Tallow. .
Flax. .
HicsLia Flai.
Daits Arnas.
Do. PtAtau.
NOTICE is hereby given that the several courts
of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions
of the peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer
and Terminer anc". General Jail Delivery, in and
for the county of Northumberland, to commence
at the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury,
t 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, 7th of January
next, will continuo TWO WEEKS.
The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are
requested to be then and there in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, inquisition, and
other remembrances, to do those things to their
several offices appertaining to be done. And all
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of tho Common
wealth against any prisoner are also requested and
commanded to be then and there attending in their
proper persona to prosecute against him, as shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to lie punctual in their
attendance, at tho time appointed agreeable to
their notices.
Given under my hands at Punbtiry, the 1st day of
AMei-cmlier in the year ol our Jjoril one thousand
eight hundred and forty-nine and the Inde
pendence of the United States of America the
God snvc the Commonwealth.
NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees,
Creditors and other persons interested in
the Estates of Henry Mnlich, dee'd., settled by his
Administrator, Peter Malick ; of Abraham Eister,
dee'd., settled by his Administrator, John S. Eis
ter; (supplementary account) of Abraham Kiss
inger, dee'd., settled by his Executors John P.
V olfinger, and John Kissinger; (second supple
mentary account) of John l'ricc, dee'd., settled
by bis Administrator David Martz, Esq.; of Anne
Irland, dee'd., settled by her Executor John Ir
land ; of Mary Awl, dee'd., settled by one of her
Administrators George C. Wclker, Esq.; cf Hugh
McGinly, dee'd., settled by his administrator Wil
liam Huusel of John Liahou, dee'd., settled -by
his surviving Executor Daniel Brautignn ; of
bleancr Reed, dec d., settled by her Administra
tors Peter Aniwine and Mungo A. Reed ; of (eo.
SStratton, dee'd., tcttled by his Administrator Wil
liam C. I.awson; of Jacob Keller, dee'd., settled
lV his Executors Thilin Keller. Solomon Keller
and Daniel Keller ; of Godfrey Laeitzell, dee'd.,
settled by his Executor Benjamin Laeitzell ; of
Martin Weaver, dec u., settled by Ins admistrator
William H. Mucnch; That the Executors and
Administrators of said Estates have filed their
account s with the Register of Northumberland
county, and that the snmo will be presented to the
Orphans' Court of said county on TL'ESDAY the
8th day of January next for confirmation and al
lowance. JOHN P. PURSEL, Register.
Register's Otfiee, )
Sunbury, Dec. 8th, 1849.)
In tlie Useful and Interesting Arts with a few
Simple and Carinas Experiments in
I NCLUDINO Medicines, Perfumery, ChemiKtry
- Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do
mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price 6 eta., for
Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1849.
Estate of Mary Itloore dee'd., and
Jacob itloore, dec'd
IV OTICE is hereby given, that letters of adini
' ' lustration on said deceased's estates, have
been granted to the subscriber. All persons hav
ing claims against the estates, are requested to
present them for examination and settlement, and
those indebted to the estates are requested to
make immediately payment.
Lower Augusta, Dec. 8, 184'J.
In the mutter of the execptionsto the account
of Liithunne and Itetiecca Pmnter, x.xc
citors of Miry Painter, dee'd.
riHE subscriber appointed auditor by the Or
A phans' Court of Northumberland county, in
the altove matter, hereby notifies all persons inter
ested, that he will attend to the duties of his ap
pointment on Saturday, the 2Sd day of Dceemlier
1849, at 10 o cl.ick, A. M., at his ollice in the
Borough of Sunbury.
Sunbury, Dec 8, 1849.
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of
Danville and the public at large, thut he has
located in Danville, and is now prepared to prac
tice Medicine and Surgery in all its various bran
ches. He will operate on all the various forms
of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft
palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors,
amputation of limits, and all other surgical dis
eases. His collection of instruments com prises
all instruments in modem Surgery, of the latest
improvement and finest finish. He flatters him
self that many years' practice and experience will
be a sufficient guarantee to those who may feel
disposed to employ him.
His residence is nearly opiiosite the Motitgomt-
ry Buildings, and next door to Isaac Rosen
bauin's store, in North Danville.
Danville, Dec 1, 1849. ly.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposed to
Public Sale on t-'HurJay the V'.lth day of Decem
ber next, at the house of Mrs. Wharton in Sunbu
ry, the following property to wiV A certain lot of
ground III the Uorough of Sunbury, bounded on
the north by lot No 68, on the west by Water
street, and ou the south by tot No. 88 and number
ed in the town plan No. 87 containing one
fourth of n acre mora or less, whereon is erected
a two story log House, rough cast, to which is at
tached a log kitchen, 4 c, lute the estate of Mary
liurgiT, (or an lierger,) dee !., now III the occu
pancy ol efumucl I-ctter. Bale to commence at
10 o clock A. M. of said when the conditions there
of will be wade known bv.
Bv order of the Court, )
David Rockefeller, Clk O. C. J Dec 1, 1849.
Of Heal and Personal Proper)-.
ON Wednesday the SGtli of December next, at
10 o'clock A. M., at the late residence of Peter
Burns, dec d., in Lower Augusta towgship, will
lie oflered for sale, Horses, Waggons, Plough,
Harrow, Sheep, Hogs, Corn and Oats by the
bushel, and Grain in the ground together with
some Household furniture, one Rifle, one Shot Gun
Hay by the ton, &c
ALSO At the same time and place,
A Tract of Land,
containing 148 acres more or less, on which the
deceased resided, and on which are erected two
comfortable Dwelling Houses, one Baru, one
Stable, About lOsejres afsaid land are cleared,
and iu a pretty good state of cultivation. The
aid tract of laud is about 0 miles below Sunbury,
snd adjoins Henry Conrad, Henry Masser, Joseph
Folk and others. Terms of sale will be made
known on day of sale, by
Lower Augusta tp Dec. 1, 14'J Is
ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this
excellent article for Tetter, 4i just received
and for sale by HENRY MASS IK,
Sunbury, July 28, 1848-
1 of every deaeriptioii e
TTBLANK3 of (very deaeriptioii can be had by
applying at the office at the Aasariean.
rpEA8, from the New York Canton and Pekin
J. Tea Company. For sale by
Sunbury, Dec 2f 1842
Y Virtue of s certain writ of Fieri Facias to ma
directed will be exposed to public sale at the
house of Henry Eckbert, in the borough of Milton,
at 11 O'clock A. M., on Saturday the JSd of De
cember next, the following real estate, to wit t
A certain lot of ground situate in the borough
of Milton, between front street snd the west
branch of the Snsqnehsnna river, beginning at a
comer of a lo of S. DiofTendcrfcr on Front street,
thence along said street 30 feet, thence by a line
parallel with the line on the south side of said lot
of the said Solomon Dicflenderfcr, and extending
as far back westward as midway between high and
low watermark of said river; thence up the aaid
river 30 feet to the corner of said lot of the said 8.
Dicflenderfcr ; thence by the line on the south
side of the said lot of the said Kolomon Dtcffender
fcr to the place of beginning ; it being the same
lot of ground which Seth I Comly, by deed dated
December 1, 1848, granted and confirmed in fee
to Paul Bennett. Whereon is erected a large
two story brick dwelling bouse and store room,
with a brick kitchen attached and other out-buildings,
now in the possession of Paul Bennett.
Sheriff office Sunbury,
Dec. 1, 1849, ts' J
AVinter Arrangement.
N and after Novemlier 1st, 1849, the Pas
senger Trains will run between Philadelphia
ami i'ottsvillc as follows t
Leaves Philadelphia at 8J A. M., daily except
Arrives at Reading at 1 1 18.
Arrives at Pottsville at 12 CO.
Leaves Pottsvilte at 8 A. M. daily except Sun
days. Arrives at Reading at 10.
Arrives at Philadelphia at 12 50.
FARES. Pottsville and Philadelphia 3,60
and 3,00; Pottsville and Resiling 1,40 and 1,2C;
Reading and Philadelphia 2,25 and 1,90.
Passengers cannot enter tho cars unless provi
ded with Tickets.
There will bo no Afternoon Train.
NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will be al
lowed to caeh passenger in these lines ; and pas
sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any
thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which
will lie the risk of the owner.
By order of the Board of Manscers.
Nov. 24, 1819. Secretory.
No. ISO Clicftnut street,
(Opposite the Arcade)
IU ANl'FACTUSERS of their improved style
Elastic Steel Spring, Solid Sole Leather, and
Solid Riveted
which took the onlv first premium, awarded bv
the Franklin Institute at their last exhibition.
H. cfc T. take pleasure in informing the travel
ling public, that they have now on hand, a leau
ttful assortment of their improved style of Solid
Sole l.enther Trunks! Dniitild nmt Sinirln Folio
Trunks, of various styles ; Ladies' Trunks, Va
liec Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Cup Cases, Carpet
Bags, and an elegant assortment of superior En
ameled Patent Lcathor Bugs, with every articlo
in their line of business.
IV Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange
lor New ones. ALEX. L. HICKEY.
Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1819.-
BN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland county, will bo exposed to
public rale on the premises, on Saturday the SUtli
day of Dceemlier next, the following described
property to wit: The one undivided half part of
all that certain .
situate in Point township, and county aforesaid.
Adjoining laud of John Nixon, Leonard Pfouli
and others, and the North Branch of the Susque
hanna, containing in the whole, one hundred and
ninety-four acres and seventy-five perches ; about
one hundred and sixty acres of which are cleared ;
whereon are erected a large STON E HOUSE and
a good Fikmk Babji with other buildings, the
laud is of the best quality. Late the estate of
Willium Lemon, dee'd. Sule to commence at 1 1
o'clock A. M., of said day, when the conditions
thereof will be made known by
Bv Order of the Court, ) Executor,
David Rockefeller, Clk., O. C )
Sunbury, Nov. 17, 1849. 7t
Street, Philadelphia. Where a general assort
ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale at
the lowest cash prices.
C'ap, Letter and Printing Papers,
K.c. on nana.
Plain and ruled white Caps.
blue "
Flat Caps.
Plain and ruled white Letter.
' " blue "
Blue and whito Folios.
White and colored Printing Paiier
Tissue Papers.
Wrapping "
Enveloiie M
Hardware and Sleuthing Paper.
Tar Boards.
Straw Boards.
Bonnet Boards.
All orders from the Country will bo attended
to at tho shortest notice.
All goods sold will lie carefully packed, and de
livered at any place in the city.
The highest cush price paid for Rues, or ex
changed for Paper, as low as can be bought else
Please call and examine for yourselves.
Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849.
Agent fur the sate of Soulkwrtk Manufactu
ring Co's. H rifing Paprs.
W are House, No. 3, Mluor street
1 OH CASES of the above suiicriur Papers now
in store, and for sale to trade at the lowest
market prices, consisting in part of
Fine thick Flat Can. 12. 14. 15 and 18 lbs.
blue and white.
Superfine Medium and Dead Writinm. blue
ana wniie.
Extra super and superfine Folio Posts, blue.
Superfine Caniuiencol Posts, blue and while
plain and ruled.
and white, plain and ruled.
Extra auper Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt
Superfine and find Bill Papers, long and broad.
Superfiue and fine Counting-House Cape and
Posts, blue and white.
Extra aupor Congress Caps and Letters, plain
sou ruieu, uiue ana wane.
Extra auper Congress Caps and Letters, gilt.
8uperfina Sermon Caps aud Posts. . t-
Superfined blue Bath Posts, blue and white. ....I ..u,l
Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes,
"Lawyer's" Brief Papers.
Superfine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and
plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices.
Also, 1000 reams while end asserted Shoe Pa.
pen, Bonnet Boards, white and assorted tissue,
Tes, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Me
diums, lap Wrapping, Hardware Papers, Ac
Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1842. '
rfMSSUE PAPER Yellow Tissue paper for
A covering classes, tie., for sale at the otfiee ol
bs American.
Groceries ! Groceries I !
S. W. Corner Arch t 6th Street Philadelphia,
flFFER for sale to the Inhabitants of Sunbury
and vicinity, Family Groceries of the Very
finest quality consisting of
Extra Fine, Superior and Common Green and
Black Teas. .
- Coffees of all kinds and prices.
Sugars of every kind. ,
Rice, Farina, Sago, Hominy.
All kinds of choice Pickles, Sauces, Ketchups,
Olive Oil, Preserves, Ac, warranted to be of the
very finest grades in tho market and at the
cheapest rates possible.
411 goods carefully packed and promptly for
warded. COLTON & CO.
8. W. Cor. Arch & 6th St.
Thila. Oct. 28, 1849 chc3m ly my 26,
Importer of French Kaakrts Looking Glasses,
and Fancy floods,
No. IS North Second Street,
Between Market and Arch Sts., under J. Sin.vsr
Jose' Carpet Warehouse, two doors below
Christ Church,
TTAS on hand and is constantly receiving a
large and extensive assortment of Combs,
Brushes, Fancy Goods of every description, (too
numerous to mention,) Looking Glasses of Gilt
and Mahogany frames, Baskets, Coaches, Chairs,
Shaker's Eastern Wisp and Country Brooms,
Window Blinds, Door Mats, Tubs,' Buckets,
Churns, Washboards in fact, Wooden and Wil
low Ware of every description, all of which will
be sold low for Cash or City acceptance.
Merchants would save themselves much time
and trouble, by calling and examining my stock
before purchasing.
N. B. Looking Glasses, are insured against
Breakage to all parts of the Union, without extra
August 55, 1849. 3m
IJEUVUa progressive and Comprehensive Sys
tern of Orthogrnpy and Orthoepy, including
a variety of definitions, adapted to the use of
Schools in the American Republic, by Almon
Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-five year's experr
ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators,
Practical Common School Mensuration, &c.
The attention of Teachers, School Dtreetors,
parents, Ac, is invited to this new Spelling Book,
which conforms to the modern spelling and usages
in Orthography aslieing one of the neatest, cheapest
best arranged, and lietter adapted to the wants of
children, than any other published in the United
Stats. It is what it purports to lie. a Spelliuir
Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires
an examination on the part of Instructors of youth
to secure for it a universal introduction into the
Schools of the United States. Just published, and
for sale by Hen a r Massed, Sunliury.
W here J eachcrs and Directors can procure
copies for examination.
August 4, 1S49.
N ONE VOLUME, Royul octavo, 1165 pages,
Iicautitullv bound, containing, 17 fine plates,
besides numerous Wood Cuts. Sold at aliout
one fourth the cost of the English work, without
any Plates.
" 1 he r armer s Lncycloiicdia is a rcol treasury
of practical information, wherein the experience of
all ages and countries is carefully ros-rsn up to
the present day, and admirably arranged for con
venient reference." Dr. Darlington.
"We are fully convinced Ihst such an amount
of valuable knowledge for farmer can be found in
no other work in so cheap and convenient a form
In fact, no Farmer who pretends to be well inform
ed in his profession, should be without this work."
Iew UciincKscc runner.
An excellent work, fit to lie distributed in pre
miums by Agricultural Soeities. J. S. Skinner.
t or sale at tins Dim e, price t.
Also, by E. W. CARR. Third street, opposite
the Exchange, Philadelphia ; and N. HICKMAN,
Uultimnre, Maryland.
July 14, 1849. 3m
50,000 Victims Every Year
Fall a Prey to Consumption, Asthma
and liaising ulood, Hectic Fever
and Wight Sweats.
I.. J. Heal. Ill Drtaiicev Ptrt-rt. snv. it til hi.
lawwtMiluwl liecn un invalid for years from Aatlnn. ; t
siwarMr consult-rt-il w. in (MiiMiiiiptinii. It relieved Ihenl at
uuce, ml mat uiey travelled feverul hundred miles.
Is slways liLiniliuK. it leuils to the vt-orst kind 11C Cnii.
iiaiiiiii, unit iinlcr. nrrctted ui lime is loni-nilly inwl.
Wurman's All-Herding Unlicun is thelx-sl remedy known;
it lieuia the wounded nr ruptured bJ. Hid vem-ls ot'the rungs,
and thereby etfceu a periuaiuitit cure, while other reme
dies -lily Hop the ll.J ior the time. A few de. of
Um lialaaiu will aitialy I Me lmt .keptlral lliut It is the
medicine reuuirecl It has heell MlnceMlul in iiuiiiv am.
Hint that ttKi wlu-re tlu-v hud ran into n runid decline, nr. a.
more new-rally exmewed, "II STV OINSrPTIO.V"
mug pern in., or tli wu ol middle age, are mure subject
nice miark. Mini me aeti.
Price 4.1 cent, aud 91 per tmtlle.
Dr. Slieriiuur. Collirli uud Worm IiOBenccs. mid Ponr
Man's Plaster., frtld mm above
Principal OiI'h-c I ml Nnpuu-atreet, New York.
has eured more ease of Iklieuinalinn. liin in tin. Ili.nk.
Hide and rhert, launtavn mid Wcukm-M, tliau any appli
cation ttuU ha. int-cuMed, hundreds ol' uiinriiu-idi'd ntaculs
wiv uhmi.oi ctiuiiirncn n. wmi puuu II no UptH) me
rommuuily u. the genuine. IV ll u-ure ' l)-ci-ai.i..
Remember Hint Die trim and irt nuine t'laHer is simud uiu
ruldiah iaier made rxuuly f. Ibe pura und every
cane the aiioialure ..f Dr. Sherman ii pnnli.l upon the laick
of the Planter, uud the whole fuciirtvl he Conv Kiuht. None
other, are genuine. Then-fire when vou want u real good
Sherman'. Poor .Man'. I'tuter, eull at tlieudiee, UM auu
ireei, mm vou will u-s lie ilisaiin-umeil.
KeiiiemU-r nrincirailOAVe list N'aMtiu-street. New-York.
where .11 Dr. Htierumn. Lnsemre. .re a-ikl. 111. Aceiu.
re Mr.. Ilu Kalti.i it reel, Hr.K.klvn; Iliueaoo,
Williamsburg; uiui Redding Co, UoUon, and
JOHN VOrXG, Sunburv.
M. A. MeCAY, Northumberland
Nov. 10, 18l9.rh e-liu Iv
So. 90 it orlh , Third strtrt, between Arch and
Kact, ana 83 Dock street,
Patent Soap-stone IJned and Key
hole Cover
WNrrajiUMi to tan, mora Haul
erWWlh.-Sl 9 suwi ooiiiiuue to inak. llieordiiai.
, 1 I, s't ry Kir. Pna.",t very low prim
W Is ' 'r-f latent combination lock. With
I InTi" sr-raHrMr lustre Key., which can be changed
aevem umuhhiki .iiui-a iiaaiiK:d
ble in tact every time the Luck is
Uaed Theu laH-ki .re pna.f aguinat the moM
expert Thieves, being suiHlied with lh. Putent Key-bol
Coyer, and uuide very atnmg, they eauiaa l blows open
bv liunnnwrier. TheM Uck ar. intended lor BANKS,
RTIlUt-A S.yl'a X-e
rValuui letiei eopyinf freaaea, Ere Wtoor. lor Buk
and sitore..
Vmma Blata Lined Raf rigeraiors, warnuueai superior to
all others. . alar f laws, Baowai wuis ui uia uast qusu
CW Persons wudiuig to parchsas any of the shove ar.
tielea, will pleaae giva iheia a call, as Uey m ebcapar
tliau auy uuwr la ma tunea
Philadelphia, November 10, 104U ly
Valuable Books.
T IFB or Cubist, handsomely bound, D'Ac
- aiaas's HisToax er tbs Ksroaa.Tioa,
Bust Uifistiti ins Lsssaas, full bounded,
For sale at the publishers prices by
Sunbury, July 14, i19.
lHtrn-tk,n Hun U wiquutivnnbk nidenn that-
it n -X a MH In every reaper! i snd there In .hns
dant prnul'. In grtat ntret eSceleri, that ONK BOITI.K of
tt ennrnin, rnnrc purtiying, henttn? vtrrnp. .nd meiHrnl
pnvrr. than there la eontnined In Ftntr Bottle of s.y aar.
ijtrilla, or nny oikT mrdU-ine that Iim ever been umrcd
Tor ante. There 1 undoubted primt In unr pamphleta,
that liv the u of thia groat Indian Purifttr. they that
eru DviNO yi-t Ltvit they that were I.smk and
PtK.n can now Walk they Ihnt were Hick. Hcannioi-s,
and otherwiao diseased, haea been Ukalbo and CCaan.
Hundreds Thousands
wh. tmrs nrd IIsasT's PrstFtaa. .Iter havlrig need sad
teatcd am the mrnttarilliu .nd utln-r medicine, recom
lllendud to euro blood diaeaaoa, bare touted Uiat
Brant's is the Cheapest,
became Out Knttlr of It ha. swr medical, euratlve mat-ti-r
in ft snd, in eoiuequence, cure, norc rliMnte in much
It lime, than nnr ftirfrfa of any other mediciue.
II. Hicn. OXR fluff, nf I!hant' I'ubiiies will ettrs
FOVIl TIMKS morn riiarnae thnn on bottle of mrnnpn.
rilla, Hramt's l'r.fFIKS" would lie at rA''a7 nt fnurtiiA.
lar s bi.ill,!. w MTtniMirW at one dollttr. But HRANT'tl
I'l.'KIFIKIt la .old lor only tlNK DIM. I.Alt a bottle; snd
a" . Iiotllo of It ha cured, Slid la alnhlc of curing. Four
Tim nn much rfiee sa one bottle of nrapnri!l. there
loni, aaranpnrilla. In cimacqnctico of Ita lc, powor and
It. in.-il i. nl i Mlcacy, alinuld bo aolil at no more thnn
1'trmtf Flre rVnf. per bottle, lo be s. cAmp as the feat
rtK. at Unr. IMlnr.
One Dollar's Worth!
How much Cixces how mnch Hvpiiilis bnw much
Sc.orui.A will (htr Dollar' tmrthvt llrant PUHIFIER
euro ! Hen. I I lie billowing ttateinelit, which 1 a aieci.
men of ita power.
'I his in the eft? of ii 1?ing man who yet fret. fe tMn
mrrd of ft worir cn-c of Hcrolula. by wily Tv-flre Jiottlcg
nt Html,', I'uriiitT, thnn ever m cured by tho u?e of
'"trrtv ilattonmri tlio hrt nareapariUa tlint wanevrrnindt.
Hiironpstrilln hna not mffirimt metlicul junrer to ttfect tho
curtj of inch a rrtaltintfly hoprU run.
Mr. J. II. Haskix, of fame, (Ittthln Co , .V. T.. hd Srroj
la four yrrrt wns cni(im(l to bU ln-d Ibe lvt year h
was i murh diwMM-d and tbliilitHtst. at to be unable to
rnisw bi hftnd tu ' hfiid. lie hnd tlm bent medical ad
Tli'fi had nwd all of the brut nr.ajarillaii to no (food
clWt gut WW and trnrte. and wa i-unitlfrt'd to be in
a Iin Statr. mid could not live ttn tittt ft'ur knttrs longer,
wtu-ii be commt-nrfd HHANT-) k'L'HIKIKK. 1IU
nrri wh fnitn nearly off. I nun rar to vr a knle was paten
thnmsh hi fziwlpire. under bis chin, o that he hrraibrd
through tbn hole Ian rar wn to eaten around Uiat it
could lw lifted up out nf Jt4 plncr. it only holding by a
tnnall ph-ct the npe of one arm wan destroyed by two U.
ctr an Vlrtr tmdtr llio arm. ai largf an a man's kand,
hnd nearly enti-n ihniuuh his i-ido-info hi fmdp. 1 hw, he
waa afflich d with 7Vrfy such putrid, arruL offcttnire 17
&r. un various uartsi of his person. For further and full
particulars, are our Pamphlag.
Poet. Thomas Williams, one of the mo.t skilful phy
tic. its of Koiiu, was called to rhc Ihtalcin th day brftirc
no cummiwed uing Itrant's I'nrijirr. Vuct. W. exam
UH'd him, and thn tild him that ail tho mtdicine$ n the
world could nr ettrt him that his cud was
Worse than Hopeless !
Now bear Mr. HASKIN'S statement of cur. H id :
My wifi. procurctl one bottle of itftASTS I'VRIFYiXU
K XT ft ACT of .tW Isonard, Druggift. of Koni
I commenced U'in? that, and began to get bctur that
BOTTL enabled me to grt off ay bedt where 1 had been
confined one- year the second bottlo enabled me to ret
ont of tk hnHsth third bottle enabled me to H'atk
VVo Mitt, to Home Centre, where I procured Sz fiottlrs
more ; and when I had Ii nit hud using them. Sermtn-n out
of ?Vrry L'leer had hkalkd it and Uirrr bottles more
ett.cted a I'KIU KCr fUUK of all the Llcers, and re
stored me to giMfl kmlik,
Mr. HAfKIN has sworn to the above fncta, snd the
facta are witnean-d and certified to by DOI'T. T. WH.
I.IAMS-Mf. Ii It. IIIIOWN. proprietor of tho HM- Rome
v-(Mc.ra. III.SSl:l,l. Ai I.KIINAHII. Wholeaaln and
retail llrueirit. and KI.EVKN other reperiahte teitiUMee.
We Challenge the World
To PRUVK n Curt of as revolting and utterly koprlee a
cirne ol' fcrufula, by the u! of TKN TIMKS aa much
nmaimrillii, or nny olher medicine, aa waa used of llrnnt't
I'urijur to elici t die. above cure which cure shall ba
pruved by na many wett-lntitPM, rejictabl witmettee, as is
the alKjve cure.
FOR PALE BY John W. Friling, Sunliury Pa.
notry n.. luckily pinrtnuilirMlraUld.
John II. Itnaet
lleury J. Shncirer
l-Kird A. KmziK-r
Ailuiu IJonrhil
Hnre. it McCorniick,
W.' I. I. I'uinler,
J. 1. Minin tt Co.,
Kdw-nrd Wilrui,
Th'irniou tc Riker,
8. J. Cronne,
W. U. llicklcy,
K. I. I.eitz Ac John H. Mm-er,
, New llerliuf rfr.
llli anuaburg.
All letter, unit orders must bu udilrcsaed to Wullaeo A.
Co.. IlKi llMndwny, New York.
Siliil.ury, July til, lKlly.
Equitable Life Insurance, Annuity
anu rusi loiiipanr,
Capital io,ooi). Lhabtkr 1 ertetual.
rIIK Coni(ny are now prepnreil to tmnanct buaineas
1 noon the iti-iM lilieral ami ttilwiuunreoua teruu. Thev
are auth-irised by their churler 3) "to nmktf. all aiwl
every insurance npperuillllllr ui Hie riaaa 01 wnsievor KIIH1
or imture. and to receive and execute truats, nmke endow
menta. mid to ftrnut and pnrcrmae anniiities.o The Com
pany sell atuiuitiea and uiu-iwuieuta, and act as Trustees
for minors and heirs.
Table of Premiums required for the Aaauruuce of 8100 for
the win He term of Lils.
Arc IPrem. A(re. Prem. Age. Pretn.
10 1 50 .11 a IK) 4A ' 3 3d
17 IM Sri !I13 47 3 411
Id 1 58 SI It -211 4d 3 li'J
tn I 1 5'J 31 S i7 49 3 77
20 1 00 15 3J SO J HI
ill t ftl 3d 'J 10 SI 4 13
I 1 37 S 47 Si 4 34
S3 1119 3r 2 51 S3 4 St
21 1 74 39 Sltl 64 4 71
33 t i 40 a 70 Si 4 01
l I M 41 SHI SO IJ
27 1 e!) 42 2 12 S7 5 3:1
2-t I ill 43 3 111 Srt S ,M
21) 1 41 3 12 50 S 714
UI 2 01 U 311 60 6 03
The nretniums are leas tliun snv other eiimnaiiv. and tlia
PAiliciea slf ird irreuter adMuiUiei-a. Tables is' liMlf'-yenrly
uihI qiuirterly premiums, hull erlit nitca ot preiuuuu, ahort
lerma, joint uvea, .iirvivoraiups ami enihiwiuenia; mm,
furin of Application fl'or which thiM-e are liliuik alieel.-) sr.
In lie lliut ou upiilii-iiti'iti ut the orhi-e, or by letter to th.
Ageut, J. II. l'l'UUY, ISuiibury.
Kate, roa imubino fioo ou a single Lite
For l.ifa.
1. do
2. U4
Kxamplk A peram aaed 311 Tears next birth duv. bv
laiyinff the Company o) eeuta would aecure to his tiunily
or heir. $100 alioual lie die in one year ; or for 9.00 he se
cure, to ttielii kSHalO ; or for 13 iliilliliitty for seveil yours
lie aivurea lo uieiu ritual annual lie tlie lu .even yeurs; or
lor 9-JO.40 puid tuuiuiilly during tile be secure ttlUO to ba
laiid wlieii tie die. The iiuuiref k-cuiinff hia owu hoaua,
by ibe didcreuce in Hiniuliit of premium, from IhoM-cliarccd
by otiier ollice.. For e-49,-aJ the heirs-would receive 5000
should he die in one year.
t onus ol applicatlou anu nil pnrticnlar. mnv lie had at
the oitice. PKTF.It LTLLKN, Preaidcnt.
Vice Presiilcnt, Wm. M. Haiud.
KaANCia W. Hawlk, tVei-etury aud Trenaurer.
CoNatLTlxo lhiYalctAX Dr. J. U. Maaaer. 4uiitHiry.
J. H. Pvhdy, rSnnlairy, Ageut fisr Norlhuniberlund conn-
HuulHiry, July 2S, 1810.
Chkaf Niw & Second hand Book Sioai,
A'o. 36 N. Sixth St. be ween Market If Arch,
Law Books, Theological and Classical Books,
Scientific and Mathematical Boom.
Juvenile Books, in ereal variety.
Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, all sizes
and nriess.
Blank Books, Writing Paper, and Stationary,
WhtltamU and Hetail.
TV Owa prices are Biuebl ower than the priaas.
lir Ijlaaries aud anuw paeeeai 04 waata paicaaaai.
17 Utaik. imported to order I nan Loudau.
ruuailelpnm, June , iwa j -
Coble Tooth Iche Iropi.
most valuablu cure for Tooth Ache. For
sale by GEORGE W. COBLE.
Fourth bouse above the railroad,
in Water Street
Sunbury, Dee. 1, 1849 -
IJAI8IN8, currant, citron, rheea, pepper
I aauce, tVe. For sale by J. W. FR1L.NQ
Sunbury, Bee. t, 1848.
WINDOW GLASS, 8 by 10, for eale U
Butibujty, Jan STth, 1849- tt
AY Rl'M An cieellent artirle far aal
Ase. For 1 ycur. Km 7 vears.
20 t-1 gl
30 oo !.:)
40 l.-'o I." I
SO l.i-U 2.117
SO 3,18 3.U7
buubuiy Jau. S7th, 1849 tl.
Caution Extra. -
A man h ttis name of CLAPP has ennrW srilten
yrnnift man of the name of B. P. Towtawnd, 7n4 aaes kM
name in put np a Snrrperilla, which ihey call Dr. Towa'
semi's Srrilta dem.minalin. It HKNllNK OriaHnal, at..
This Townaend Is no doctor, and never was 1 but was for
merly a worker on the milpawa, oonnla, and Ibe like. Yst
he saanmea the title of Dr., for the aurpoae of anininr credit
for whmX he I. not This Is 10 caution the pubbo not to to
deceived, and pnrchaae none nut the Genuine Oriainal Okf
Dr. Jncob Townsend's rkirsparilla, having on it th Old)
Dr'a, likeness, his family cost of arms, and his aignatara
across the coat of arms. -
Genuine TotriiHcntl Sarsaparllla t
OT J) Dr. Townscnfl is imiw sIhhii 70 yenrs of age, and
tins lomr been known a. the nnthor and diarinrerer of
the Genuine Oriffilial '-TowukihI Suranpnrilla ' r
iiiffptMn-. he wii coiiipetteit to limit it. inunufnctore, by
which menns it hns been kept out of market, and the sales
circumscrilieil to th-iaeoiily who hnvc proveil its worth and
known it. vnlue. It hnd reuriieil the ears nf many, never
theless, as those peraims wlm Imd been healed,
and mveil from
death, proeaiiiucu its exeeueuce ana worn-
Kniiwinn. mnny yenrs ago. thnt he hnd, by hit skill, sci
ence, mitt c xtwi-ieiiced. devised mi nrticle which would ba
of incnlciuilile Hilvuntiiire to munkind, when once knowa
rikI estenaively used, he hoped and persevered, rxpeetiiiff
the time tn arrive when ine mmns wouki oe lurnianeo vj
bring it into nnivenKil notice, when Its inestimulila virtaea
woulil be known and nppreciutcd. This time has come, tka
mennn are aupplied ; ttlis
la inannftictured on the largest srnle, and is called for
througlnul I lie k ugtti and breadth of the land, eenecialtjr W
it ia foinal itiraimble of deffeiKintam or detmorstionv
jct every ninn ring throughnit tlia laud, tint Old Dr.
Jucub TiivniAemi ia imw mniiulncturing thereat -Townsem!
S-irantmrillti,' which never soars, never keraieiits, and never
ctmnscails clinracter.
Fiom ihisdny furlh the people shntl have the Fur Gen
uine Townsi-nd Snrsfiurillu, which shnll never amir in the
tortile, or in the Btolimch, nnd it shnll yet bsniah fnsn tha
laud nil Fermenting, rlouriug, Kxpliaiing, Vinegary Sar
KiinrilLi., now in use. A good Hnr-ujawriltn, pure and
genuine, ought to live: a poor souring, alalup Sorsnpa
rilln ought todriaip and die.
The Old Dr'i. BttranpariUa will keep para ami perfect
100 Vflltl.
Unlike young f. P. Towiisrnd'a ft fmpmves with age,
and never chimera, hut for the belter; bccnuM it is pre
pared on scientific principle by a scientific man. The
highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the late discovcriee
of the Art have nil been brought into rcnuiaition in the
Manufacture of the OLD Dil i. SARSAPAR1LLA. Th
SarsnpnrilLi nart. it i. well known to mrdicul men, eon
tains many fiieilirinnl propertiea, and Borne nropeftiea
which lire inert or useleiw, and others, which, if retained
in preparing it for use, prtaliice fenneutnlion and arid,
which 1. injurious tn tho system. fVime of the properties
of Saranimrillu are so volalile, tliat they entirely evapomt
run) are lost in the preparation, if they are not preserved ky
liv n aciciitiliirnceiia, known only lo thine exierieiieed ia
it's m-iiiufacture. .Moreover, these volatile principle which
rlyotfiu vapn-.nrasan exhnlul ion, Ulster hent, are the verit
iwseniiul miilicul properties of the root, which giva toy
ull ita value. , ... , - - 1.
Anv person enn tmil or stew the root till they get a dark
enl -nod liquid, which is more from the coloring matter in
the Tx I Ism fnnu mivthing else; they can then strain thia
insipid or vapid liquid sweeten with a-air molaaaes. and
then call it '-raniirilln Extract or Syrup." But such
not the nrticle known n the .
This Ts si prepnreil, tliat all tlie inert pmperties of the
Snrsnnrilla na are first removed every thing capable of
becoming acid or of fermentiution, is extracted aiidreject
ed ; then every particle of medical virtne i. .ecu red tn a
pure and concentrated form; and thus it ia rendered mea
pahloof losing any of its valuable and healing properties.
Preiured in this way, it is made the most powerful agent
Hence the renann why we hear cpmmendatious on every
siile ill iu favor by men. women, und children. We find it
doing wonders in the cure of Consumption, Dyariepsia, snd
Liver Complaint, and in Rheumatism, Scrofula, Piles,
Cosiivemna, nil CuUmeous Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches,
and all affections arising from
It possesses a inurvollous efficacy, in oH complnims arising
from indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach, from un
equal circulation, deterniiuaiion of blond t" the bend, palpi
tntioll of the heurt, cold feet ami cold hand., cold chllla and
hut Umbo over the laaly. it has not its equal in Cold. and
C nigli. ; i"l pnsnoles ear cxpectorutum. and gentle per
siintlion rcUixing strictureof the lung., throat, and every
oilier iitirt. , .
Hut in nothing i. its exeellonee more manifHatly seen and
nckiiowleilst tlwn in all kinds and stages of Fciuale Com-
'''Tt'wi.rks womliTS in cases of Flnor Albns or .rtes.
Fallinirof the Wimili, OUiructeil, rtiipprcaeed, or Pamlul
Meua-.-s, Irregularity ol" the menstrual ieiiila, and tlse like
and i.n crTw iuul in curing ull tlie forme ol Kidney Disease.
Ilvnin iving obatrui-ti iiis. and rcmiluting the gcuernl sva
tein, ii gives tone uud strength to the whole body, and thus
cure, all forma of ,v
Nl'.UVtll S UlriAe- ti.U Ulli "I
And tlin. prevents or relieve, a great variety -of iHher ma
la.lii'S, as Kiinnl Irriuuiou. Neurnlgia, Bt. V ilua Dance,
Swooning, Epileptic Fits. Coiiyulan.ii., 4cc.
And vet he would fain have It niu ersUaal that Okt Dr.
Jiicib'Tiiwiiainil's ticniiine Original ttarsapurills, U aa
IMITATION of his liner. prerai on :
llraven forbid that we should deal in an article wniea
would bear Ibe moat dirtunt rcstnilawice to P. Tows
seial's .rticle ! and which would bring down upon the OM
Dr. such a m-untuni haul 1 omiphuiiia and crimnationa
from Agents who have so'.d. and purchasers iWhc 1 have uweA
8. P. Tnwnsiiid's Fermenting Ciinpiiunu. "w"n '
mulerstiKal, liecnuse It is me ulaaiiuie irum, -
TowiuMsfs article and Old Dr. Jacob Towiiscnd a Bursa
mrilla ure h.-nvcll-wide apart uud inhnltely dissimilar, that
they ore unlike iu every purlicului, having not one single
tiling in comiuou.
As ! P. T.iwiaiend i. no d'H-tor, and never w-aa, la so
cli.-niial, no iihaiMiiaic.-utiat know, no more of Ii"'"1
or riianiae than nuy other common, unscientific, UP"',
SI.111.U man, tt lat gnamniec can m.
are receiving a genuine sciilltihc mwlielne, snitsttliag l
tlie virtue. ul iu prc,ruig it, and wliK-h .ro incapable of
eluugw which might rendu ihem the ageuts of diseaas in-
ilislt-ad of hmillli f m , , ,
Hut what else shonlit tie cxpeeted from one who knows
nothing C'liupirotively of medicine or disease ! It require
a uei .n 01 a. uiie experience, to cook and serve up even a
eoiiiin in dei-i nt meal, how much ui ire iwpiHTtniit ia it that
the p.m ma ivhoiiiauulucture medicine, designed f.w weak
abaimrha and enfeebled evaleme, alaaild ku"W Well la
i,ie.liciili.niirtie.of nlauls, the best munner of securing
ami c entriiling tluir heiling virtue., als.1 an extenelve
kil-wllge of the vuriou. Uiseuaes wnicn unci-, ine auian
svatem. and how to rul ipl remedies to these dlaease.!
' 11 ia ma nosailile for this incilR-iiie to do goial ; it haa no
thing iu it winch can ever harm, it euu never eour or
siaiil. iuhI thcrcl. ire. can never k aw it eunilive proparue.
.! . , 1 11.- Iii'-. ItMillhv whim.
It Cleuiisu. III. taiaai, ... v.. ..
tom-s the stiniiach. nnd gives good dige turn, relievea tlia
Imwelsof loria and cairtipulm. allay, inttuiuatlon, purl-.-.
the skin, Bimliaie. the circiiluliiui of the blood, pro
ducing gentle warmth equally naover ine lamy.anu as ties
lliaellallile fH-rspiralloll ; reuiA.e an -e-r
rui.-a the entire nervous syMein. Is not this, then, the medi
cine you pre-eminently need But can any 01 thcee thing.
besuidofrt.P T. iwiwend'i inferior article t This young
mail's liquid is nut tn lie
Ili-ciuae ihT one grand fact, that the one 1. llieapnbl J -teriiirati'in,
aial NEVER SPOllJ, while the other does ;
it auurs, leriuent., aud blow, the Unite, ciaiuiniiuj it into
fniginenla ; tlie ur, ncid liuuiA expkaiuig, and damagtug
islier g.n-d. ! Must iml this horrible coinpiuiidbe poisou
011s to the svstcm ! What ! put acid into a system already
disuued with acid ! What cuuae. Dyspepsia but acid I
Do we not all know, tliat when f.aal sairi in oar stomachs,
what mischief lis inaluces tlatuleuce, hearthbur palpl
tati mi l the heart, liver complaint, diarrhea. d)aentery,
colic, nnd corruption ol the lu.l ! A tat J
auacut hum. in the b.ty t W hat produce. ..II the hur
whu'li brnur on l-iruntimi. tlie rklll, eaaia.
Kheum, Eraipelua, While SwelUngs, '""i
UK-eruiuaia .iucmmu - -- . l.
heaven lull an acid aul-tanee, which soars and thus ispods
a.s uilernal aial exierimi : -
all 1 l.e dnids ol' tha laaly, more or a .
minted circubitiiaa, aud nearly au we . -
"hK" tarribto to make and B, uOVnitd,
wtarae Ui uk tliia
i-ni.xo, riN:!NDDrCOMP
It is honible U. think, and to know how eroelly the af.
dieted are uured upon by proaumuoua uiea lor the sake
ui money ! Fortune, nukeout of the agoruee of the sack I
and no eiuivulent rewlered the dearauruig ssuTerara I
It is to urn frauds upou the unfortunate, lo pour bona
Into wounded hunmuitv, Ui kindle hope in tna aeapairuic
1 ...-. Lunlih aiul hWutni. Uld I
....Ml..wl hr.iieii. aud to baniah innrmitv. that Okt P.
Xiao Townaend ha. tnughl alal found the Clrtsityy4
Tuieaiu) hi briu hi. Grand Cuiveraal Concenlraled Keaedy
wilhiii the reach, and to the knowledge of aU wao aea ,
that they may laaru aud know, by joyiul experieuoa, u
And thus hi have the unpurchaseable aatiafaeuoaof kavia
raised tlnaiaouda and nuUsao) fr Ih. tad sjetutaaa aa
deatyaulency hi hope, health, aud a kauj life of vyor aa
aaefuluneaa to thefisa-lvea. their femilieaand friaad.
Aoasr IIENKY MASriKK, cHuioury.
July its, IMB. ly eow
WHITE BRANDY for preaenrinf brandy
ncftche of ui excellent quality, for y
... nADDaiaM
Sunbury, 6epL 82d, 1840e
Rheumatism, but a a.ur or ocui u...",
i naTvec.. tl.e joint, ami el.ewl.ere, imiatuar and ta.
naming the teil aiol delicale li-ues ujx whlchh Kttll
ho in uervoua un
M C'HES An excellent nrticle, for eale
Itthe umuI price by JL W. FWUNO.
Sunbuay, Jaly T.lt4aV-
PLASTER, Salt end FiWt, just revd end fo
hy J. W.FRHJJ0
BuiibuiT.Dee. t, 1848.
fnm ba follow! up iU Victory on lae re