Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 15, 1849, Image 4

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T" ' From tlia Americsn tini(jri.
ont or the wni)niMG..A connibul
A few days ago, there arrived, at a Hotel
in' Boston, a couple from Rhode Island,
who came to get joined quietly in the bonds
of matrimony. . At oon a tliey were do
miciliated, the would-be bridogroom who
waf rough," but apparently honest speci
meti of the country Yankee sent fur the
proprietor of the hotel, who quickly an
r we red hi lummoni. ''
"Say, lan'lord," proposed the stranger,
pointing to his modest dulcinea in the cor
ner of the parlor, "this is my young oo
mtm. : Naow wev cum all the way from
Rhode Island, and want to be spliced.
Sdnd for a miniver, willyer? Want it
dun up, rite strait off."
The landlord smiled and went out, and
half an Hour afterward a licensed minister
made his appearance, the obliging host,
with one or two waggish friends, were call
ed in as witnesHPs-to the "scene."
'"Naow, Mr. Stiggins," said the Yankee,
"deu it up braown, and yure money's rea
dy;" and forthwith the reverend gentle
man commenced by directing the parties to
join their hands. The Yankee stood up by
his blushing lady love, like a sick kitten
hugging a hot brick, seized her hand and
was as much pleased as a raccoon might be
supposed to be with two tails.
Iou promise, Mr. A.," saia me puison,
"to take this woman" "Yaes," said the
Yankee at once.
"To be your lawful and wedded wife."
"Yaas yaas."
"That you will love and honor her, in
all things."
"That you will cling to her, and her
only, so long as you both shall live."
'Yaas 'ndeed nolhin' else!" continued
the Yankee, in the most delighted and car
nest manner ; but here the reverend cler
gyman halted, much to the surprise of all
present, and more especially to the annoy
ance and discomfiture of the intended bride
groom. "Yaas yaas, I said," added the Yankee.
"One moment, my friend," responded the
minister, slowly, for it suddenly occurred
to him .that the law of Massachusetts did
not permit of this performance, without
the observance of a "publishme nt," etc. for
a certain length of time.
"Wol'n thunder's the mailer, mister?
Doan't stop go on put 'wlhreu. Noth
ing split, eh? Aint tick, mister, be ycr?"
Just at this moment, my friend, I have
thought that you can't be married in Mas
sachusetts " '
"Can't! wot 'n nalur's the reason! I
like her she likes me ; wot's to hender ?"
"You havn't been published, sir, I think."
"Haint a goin' tu be, nuther ! at's wot
we come 'ere for. On the sly ; go on, go
on, old teller."
"I, realty, sir " said the parson.
"Railly! Wal, go ahead! 'Taint fair,
you see 'taint, I swaow ; you've married
me, and haint teched her. Go on doant
stop 'ere! 'at aint jes the thing, naow,. by
grashus taint !" .
"I will consult"
"No yo wunt no yu wunt consult
nothin' ner noboudy, till this 'ere business
is concleuded, naow mind I tell ye!" said
Jonathan, resolutely and in an instant he
had turned the key in, and out of the lock,
amid the titterings of the "witnesses," who
were nearly choked with merriment!
"Naow say, mister, as we ware " con
tinued the Yankee, seizing his trembling
intended by the hand again "go on, rite
strait, from where you left off; yeu can't
cum nun o' this haal-way bisness with this
child ; so put 'er threu, and no dodging.
It'll all be right po it !"
' The parson reflected a moment, and con
cluding to risk it, continued
" "You promise, madame, to take this man
to bo your lawful husband ?"
' "Yaas," said the Yankee, as the lady
""That you will love, honor, and obey "
' ."Them's urn !" wid the Yankee, as the
lady bowed again.
"And that you will cling to him so long
as you both shall live ?"
"Thai's the talk!" said John; and the
lady said "yes," again.
i "Then in the presence of these witnes
ses, I pronounce you man and wife "
"Hoorah !" shouted Jonathan, leaping
nearly to the ceiling with joy.
"And what God hath put together let not
man put asunder !"
"Hoorah !" continued John. "Wot's
the price ? Haow much ? spit it out
don't be afeared yeu did it jes' like a
book, old "feller! 'eres a V never mind
tle change sen' fur a hack, lan'lord
give us yer bill I've got her! Hail Co.
lumby, happy land!"' roared the "poor fel.
low, entirely unable to control his joy
and ten minutes afterward he was on his
way again to the Providenco depot, with
his wife, the happiest man out of jail.
We heard the details of the above scene
from, an eye witness of the ceremony, and
we could not avoid putting it down as "one
ol.lhe weddings."
"To five and fivo and fifty-five
Tha first of letters add,
- You'll see a thing to shame a king,
And make a wise tnuu mad.
Newark Daily, Nov.
i A five (V)and five (V) is W,
(To set that down. I'll trouble you ;)
a .. I i r. . i ii? - '
And lifty-livo is I, ami V,
Thut V and A, and LAW i
yon see
Atul now. Vl lawvers. set lii's down.
.v.iw . :'.r . i '
e unia wji uuu m uit uur iuwu :
, 1
' Newark A herliscr. Nov. 22, 184'J.
It snowed at Washington. D. C, n Sun
day last. ' "
Suow full at Louisville,
Ky., 011 the SSih
Horace Gbkelt is lecturing in Ciucinnali.
vTha Marquis of Worcester's idea, a cen
tury and a half ago, of navigating the earth
ana sea by tteam, gut him the reputation of
a lunatic.
v " " ' '
O.v the , Fcnct. A steamer arrived at
St. Louis the other day, between two bar
ges, named Whig and JJtmocrut. ...
. :r..l ' f;,
1 .Impudent. A fellow who was kicked
down three pair of stairs in Albany lor
using improper language at an evening par
ty, sent up a note requesting the man who
did rVJcr inform him where be purchased
bis boots.' ,
It. J. Ni KEELER & Uro. most respectluily
attention to their fresh Uck of Untf
iVA. French, German and Ameiean Vrtigt, Med-
icines, Chemicals, rainw, jiis rnuns, uiass
ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &c. Having
ojicned new store No. BJ4 Market St. with a
full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicine, we re
jiectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our
stock befora purchasing elsewhere, promising ont
and all who may feel disposed to extend to us their
patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi
cines, on as lilieral terms as any other house in tha
City, and to faithfully execute all orders entrusted
to its promptly and with dispatch. . '
One of the proprietors being a regular physician,
affiirds ample guarantee of the gcntiine quality of
all articles sold at their establishment.
We especially invite druggists and country
merchants, who may wish to become agents for
Dr. Kerler'i Celebrated Family Medicine, (stan
dard and popular remedies,) to forward . their ad
dress. (Soliciting the patronn go of dealers, wo respect
fully remain.
J. N. KEEI.EU& BRO., Wholesnb Drntrt-isls,
No. 31)4 Market street, Philadelphia.
Peptemlicr 15, 1819. ly. .
L A 11 1) LA 31 PS.
C' 8 It CO.
No. no ihi'smit st,
13 1
ESrECTI'1'M.Y announce that they have
. lust finished the most extensive, assertnicnt
tlicy havcevpr oilcrcd for sale, comprising
In great variety, and of
Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY,
in the construction of these Lamps," and such are
made as will produce the greatest amount ol light
from the least consumption of Lard.
Kcicnt improvements in the manufactory, with
the introduction of new and perfected machinery,
enables them to sell at a very GREAT REDUC
TION from former prices, and all articles before
leaving the manufactory, are carefully inspected,
and are warranted perfectly tight, and to give satis
faction. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849. ly
Et.?tattude Is thebaMvst crime of
VS E nre not among that class of Kdilors who
' for a few dollars will, (at the expense oft ruth
and honesty) "crack up" an article, and bring it
into rapid sale ; neither are we willing to remain
Kikiil, alter having tested the utility of an im
provement or discovery in science or ait. Our
rcailtrsAvill recollect we told them we uero un
well willi a sore throat and violent cold some few
weeks ao. (11, we purchased two hollies of
and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we
ever hud a cold. Those who aro nlllictcd, iuy
try it upon our recommendation. Ltiviston Tele
i'i "jli'
A fresh supply of the above valuable medicine
just received, and for sale in Sunbury, by John
W. 1'riliii!, Mary A. McCay ot Northumberland,
and at wholesale by Frederick Klctt, & Co., cor
ner of 2d and Cullowhill streets, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Sept. SSd, 1849 8 mo.
"Sj: courage Your Own!"
npiIE Kiibscrihcrnrcspfctfuliy call the attention
A of the public to their larsc und splendid assort
ment of every quality and price of
which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one
who will exttinino it, on account of its durable
workmuntihip and splendid finish, made up of the
best stock to ho had in the city. No efl'ort is
spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the
eubscribers aro determined to keep up with the
many improvement! which are constantly being
made. Their stock consists of Mahogany
Sofa, DlvaiM and Lounjics,
Uttrratts, Sccmarfrs, Sf&ctooarts,
and nlso VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila
delphia manufacture.
BF.LSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
in hliorl, every article in this line of their business.
They also manufacture all kinds and qualities
including varieties never before to be had in
Sunbury, such as Mahouasv, Black Walnct
AMI CeilLtll Mtl'I.E GllKt'lAX AN U WlNDSOR
CHAIRS, ami fam't Piano Stools, which are of
the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by
none manufactured in the Cilics or elsewhere.
The subscribers are determined that there shall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can be entertained
uluiui the quality and finish of their war and
Their urticlcs will be disposed of on as good
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
IIF UNDERTAKING attended to 011 reason
able terms.
l?Sf" The Waro Room is '-. Market Street,
opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite
Veacr's Tuvenu
Sunbury, April 28, 1SI9 If
riMIE Subscribers have on hand the largest as
X Bortment of Wall PArxas in the eitvof Phi.
ladelphia, M'lwleaale and Retail, consisting of
every variety suitable tor Parlors, Entries, Diumg
Rooms, Chamlcrs, &c, which for quality and
style cannot lie surpassed. Doing a cash business
wo ure enabled to sell a better article at a much
lower rate than any store doing a
On hand, a largo assortment of Wn Pirsn,
for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, &e., which will
Iw sold lor Cosh. Paper Hanging done in the
country at city prices.
N. il, Dealers are inviud to call and examine
their stock bctore purchasing elsewhere.
No. 1-12 Arch Ktreet, South aido
Philadelphia, May 26, 1819. ly
1)KAD ibefollowniir witifirnt from Copt. Devoe, th.
V well kiuwil unit popular bhaui llust C'upmiii ( ,f tlia
Philadelphia, Octuber 31, 1H18.
Several years lince I wut attarkod with a breaking out
on my nurk fti llie firm of Teller, which 1 nm Mnviacud
wim c 'OlriM li-d ulllic Uaroer'iShon. Il (tmndiinllv extend
ed over my face unlil it reached Ihe upper pur't of the
cheeks. During Iho several uonths tluit it continual
jueuriiuK, I uaut diAercul sppliratkms, snuia of which hud
Ibe eawt, apprenlly at least, irf iiwruhi the dierass, lint
from uime ol them did I perceive the leust benefit until I
Bipliut I lie Hci.k CUkthekt. My the use of one jar of it,
I was perfuctly cured mti have remaiuud free 01 the iftac
I bare lines used the Ointment, lighlly npplied for rough
nee i4 Ihefuee, blotches, chapped liunil., 4c. VitU per
fent suewi.. I huve un hesitation iu rocuiuroeudiiur it ui
llie strongest nuuuier to the puUie.
Ageirt-lftiiT Mam, Sunbury.
July 1W, lc40. . '
JJOOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several oop
ie of tlw Ufa ol Christ, and also a number of
gold pans which w will sell at tha Pluludalptua.
pness. For sols at thisoflica.
THE subscriber respectfully Informs the public
that be continues the manufacture of CABI
NET WARE, in all its branchss, at his stand tn
Market street In Sunbury, and that he hat now
on hand handsome assortment of well made and
fashionable furniture. ' . ...
He also carries on, at his old establishment, in
Fawn street, the ' .
chair niAKiiva nusirc ESS,
In all its branches, and keeps constantly on hand,
an assortment of well made and fashionable
CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. All of which
he will dispose of at prices as low as at any esta
blishment in the county.
His long, experience in ttie business, justifies
liiin in the belief that he will be able to give gen
eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from his
customers a continuance of their patronage.
tSr" All kinds of produce taken in exchange
Sonhury, March 17, 184 . tf j
A Xcav Hort mcntof Frcsli oad,
T E.TECTFULLY informs his friends, ens
tomers and others, that he has just received a
handsome assortment of
at his store in Market .Square in fuubury, such as
Dry Goods, Groceries, Quccns
vvarc, Hardware, &c.
5iiiibury, June S3, 1819.
New Hide Oil mid Leather Store
AV 111 North MSt. 3 (fours below llace St
HE subscriliers oiler to the tanners on the
- most favorable terms their fresh importation
01 nines, consisting ot lluenos Ayres, Iinplata,
i-araecas, J.aguira, llung-Ury, Chill. Salted Per
ambuco and nil kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and
salted. Also, Green Shiuehler. Drv Salted, and
Ulacn Dry 1 atna Kips,
Also, Straights, and IJonk oil and a general as
sortmcnt ot burner s J ools.
They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter
Jjcaincr, llie aliove Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on
better terms, tlmn old Houses in the city,
Cash paid for Leather of all kinds.
Philadelphia, May SO, 1849 ly
A N extensive .Stock of Pocket and Tabic CUT
LERY.of sale by
Nos. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 84 North
THIRD Street,
Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and
AIpo, a choice assortment of Rodders A Sons,
Wostcnhohn'n Gvcuvc'b W. & S. lintcher's and
Fenncy's Cutlery,
Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives.
Also, Guns, Pistols, niul llowie Knives.
Also, The American Ra.or Strop, a superior ar
ticle, worthy tlie attention ot Healers.
Cahii Dealers iu Cutlery, will fnrd tho abovi
Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscriber'
chief business is importing and selling cutlery,
Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly
concentrated Sarsapurllla,
For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipalas, Pili
Ch ronic Rheumatism and all disorders of tho
Wood, Mercurial Disease, &c.
1 T is recommended to Physicians and others, as
the strongost preparation now m use, and en
tirely dillerrnt from that put up in quart bottles,
possessing little or no activo principle of the Sarsa.
parilhi, but intended to deceive the public. For
sale liy .11. A. McUA X , Aortliuuiberland.
HEYL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will
cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Gulls, Swellings, and
all complaints requiring au external remedy. Ii
is highly useful iu Spavin, Curb, Ringlioue,' still
ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, &e.
It has ulsn been used with great success by per
sons alilicted with Rheumatism, and other com
plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel
phia, and for sale by M. A. McCay, Northumber
land. Philadelphia, May 20, 1849. ly
TOHN W. FRILING has just received at his
store in Sunbury an cxtensiva assortment of
IVLW (jOODS, of every variety which he is now
ready to sell or exchange for produce; and consist
ing in part of
Linen and Cotton drilling, and summet
wear o f all kinds.
Calk-oe, Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, &c.
Muslins bleached and unbleached.
Quecnsicarc and Hardware of all
Drti'Gs Paints, and Dvksti ffs.
A nd a great variety of other articles all of which
will lie sold at the lowest terms.
Sunbury, May 20, 1849
i:i S E- &T CL 12 xM KN T,
Saddle and Elm-ne Makers.
nlH E undersigned resjiectfully
Q inform the public, that they
have commenced the uIhivc busi
ness in Sunbury. and will con
stantly keep on hand and manufacture to order, at
tneirstumt in .Market street nearly opposite Young's
store, nil urticlcs Mousing to their line of business.
All articles manufactured by them will be made in
the best and most durable style, and at prices as
reasonable as they can be had at any other estab
lishment in the county. They therefore respectfully
solicit persons to call ami examine for themselves
before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro
duce taken in by the stores will be taken in ex
change at the market price.
5unbury, June S3, 1849.
rl""HE subsrrilier has just received a new supply
A of the best liquors that ever came to .Vnurv
consisting in part of
Su)irrior old pale Brandy.
Fine Cogniae Brandy.
Suierior Old Jamaica Spirit.
New England Rum.
Fine Holland Gin.
Superior Old Whiskey
- Common do.
Superior Madeiia Wine.
Lisbon do. do.
Superior Tort Wine. .
Burgundy Port do.
Sweet Malaga Wine.
Superior Claret Wine iu bottles.
Chuinpugtic . do. do.
Sunbury, May 26 1849,
Groen'a Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced.
. Townsend' Saraaparilk. .
Baker's Sursaparilla.
Sw.yne'. Syrup ot Wild Cherr y
twayne's Vermifuge. . ;
Ay re's Cherry Pectoral
Dr. Drake's Panacea. ' ' ' .
Dr. Cullen's do .
Tibbit'aPain KUIetv i ,
Dr. Hoofland's German Bitterat
Indian Vcgetalde Pill , ',
Horse and Cattle Medicines ' '
For sal. by HENRY MASSES. n
Sinbury, July 14, 184. , ., , , -
TIII8 Powder is warranted far superior to any
thing in use for imparting a kecnrimoothedge
to tin torn, Surgical instruments, and Ml kinds of
fine Cutlsbt it may be applied to any kind of
strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and Perfu
mery, wholesale and retail, by
Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brashes, and
Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street -
bove Chestnut Philadelphia.
PitiLADKLPitt a, Feb. 15th, 1848.
This may certify that I hnva used one of the
Strops prepared with JIAYNES' MAGIC DIA
MOND POWDER, and rn nttest in tho most
unequivocal manner, thnt there is nothing can be
found that will produce thcsainoelToctin my opm
ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will
find it superior to any hejctolore in use. I can
truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor
was bctore. ,
JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st.
Pntf.Aur.LPHr a, October, 1848.
A very hard beard and tender face has compel
led ms to seek and test many contrivances design'
cd tn moke shaving easy and pleasant, but with
imhflcrcnt success, until I made use of the Magic
DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Dennett,
and Roussel's Shaving Cream. Their united pow
er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor
to remove the most stubborn beard, willitttt irri
tating the skin or temper of their owner.
J. COX, 4!) South Fifth Street.
For sale at this ollice Price 25 cts. per Box
' November 85, 1848-fim.
In prewntiMK the puMir with n remetly for the treatment
mid cure of Kkver axt Aouk nnd iMher htltoti ilincnies,
no ntvil(Hf- it iieeilrMl. Ytint iiuinlfeni in the United tUites,
who miflVr from these nffivtitiim in their vnrted firmi, nre
enmHtllMl to neek relief from other mrees thmi the imme
diate proserin! it im of the refrular phrsieinn. It lee"me
theref re an object of hiiinnnity, tis writ as nf putilie inter
est, to brinir lofnre them a ret tied y prepnnil iVotn much ex
wrienee, uud wliii li Htny ulvnB lm relied iipn as fr,
EFFErrrAL, and it ahmi.k to 'tup constitution. Thnt
such is the true eluiraeter of the INDIA (H( l,Ai(Hil K,
is amply nttestetl by the succtsj with which it has
been employed.
R? Kxtrnet from a eommuntention of the Hon. Wir,-
mam WooDBitiTWR, of the V. S. dilute, late Governor of
Dethoit, Oct. til, 1S40.
Doctor Charlfs OMnnn,
)eir Sir, I litive read with much interest, your little
TRARATifiK upon the 'rauses, tretitimnt mid cure" of the
febrile dini;nres which huve so extensively prevailed iu our
country durinc the lust few nraiihs an interest inererwd.
no (it m trf, by the f net tint I have individually suffered so
mueli i'nin"lheni. Thoimh I feel mysi-lf very inn impotent
to judire Kiifely upon a subjivt mi entirelv profesMtnual, yet
your theory seems to me well reit meil, und your ennelu
sions just, and I think withal, that your pamphlet is calcu
late! Ui prlnce iniieh pmetieal iT'hhI.
Speukiug of the iiittliciue he fern s It fullv justifilyour
fltittertntj exeetatiius, and as a safe, convenient, and popu
lar remedy, my own experience. s far. induces me to tw
lieve that it will prove a jrrout public benefit., I am pleased
to learn ihat you have recently established several neeneies
or its disv sitiou though 1 regret t h:itt wilh u view to n
m re fronend dissemination of it, you should have found it
necessary to remove from your present residence among us.
With much respect 1 liave the hi nor to be, sir.
Vour ulilieeil servant,
txT From Hon. rx V. H. Trowbiiidgk, of Miclil
gnn State Senate, to the Afjent ut Detroit.
IIirmimiiiam. Oakland Co., Dec, J 3, 141,
Sir you wish me to inform you what I know of Dr.
Osgood's India CholiuTufnic. ir anti-hilious niedioinc. 1 do
Irelievo that if the virtue and chVaoy of this medicine were
Seneially known, the FWF.a am aulk would disappear in
J proeuri-d n bottle in the spring of 1HJ1, nr.i have gornl
re;isou to Iwlieve licit inyKeli'and family usenptd the airue
lust se:tsou ill consetpienee fif i(t hrk.
lVrhaps in no suuiuier sine the settlement of this fine
Iiciiiusuiu, lias the fever and nguc len mo prev'ttlent as the
ust. I have ree iminend'd litis Tiiedieiue in numerous in
stances, und when the discawe hn:l become fixinl and Uillhil
the skill i if phyrii-itns; and I huve never kn"vti it fad. 1
has uiiiverHitlly pnshievd h in si happy effects, tuid 1 bet
lieve it has never been exeeed-d byway niedieine iu reino
ving the biliiais diseases of the climate.
Vours. renpeelfullv,
stkvhrx v. n. TRownmnnn.
Affent for Smihurv II. B. MASSKR ; Northnmlwrluiid,
W1THINOTOM 'Co.i Milton, J. 11. KASKU; HeliHS
grove, MAY V KLUSK.
May 6, m8 tf
(I.ntc Keller & Greennngli.)
Watililngtoii, O. C
BRAWIXGS and pripors for the Patent
Ollice, prepared ami all the iiCL-essiry bu
siness, in reliitiou to securhift patents, truns
aeted, and promptly attended to, at their of
lice opposite the Patent Olliee.
October 28, 1848.
No. 60 Chrsnut-ft, at the sign of the Gold
Thimble, between id. if 3d. st., South side
M ANITA CTl'HE and keep constantly
ou liaiul, at wholetiile and retail, tlic fol
lowing artieles, ofanupcrior quality, at reduced
prices : liold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do
Finder Pliic IdH, Silver Talile, Dcnort, 'IVa, fnlt
and Mustard ISpoons, do Forks, Souji and Oyster
liiullcs, do Coinlis, Pumc C'liisps, Scissor Hooks
and Cliaius, Kuilting ISlicatlis, &c.
AI.SO, Jewellery, Plated and llritlamiia ware,
(eriiuiu (Silver Kpoons, Ac; (iold Diamond poin.
ted l'cns at various prices ; Jackson's Superior
Everpointed Leads, tuc, &c.
PhiiadelpUia, May 86, 1-S10.
Ayer's (3herry Pectoral,
THIS valuable prupumiiiin, HiuiiiliiiiKly miccmrful
in curinx diwiix of llie l.uii, i. the reaull of a ikill
tul coiiibiimti ui ol ih known ouniiive principle, of
mfxlieiue. In iiijrri'ilU'iits ure freely ovule kiunvil t the
puMic, and ure Ihnitu uekiiawltHlpvt to mistical mel ni
piuiwiiiK rare mli-al vinuea, vviiieh iincnlinr virtue, .re
ooaibimxl ia the 'LiliailtV I'Kl.'Toii.-U," in their great.
purity uis) eiHiucy, ami when imvUu. will be aeea from
the following vulnnttlr tesliinonv :
of llkiwiloin Coltexe, ljran.wiek, Maine, write. hfrve
witneurd the rdet'ta if your Cherry Pectoral hi my own
family and in lliat of my friend., and it ha. aiveu great
rttlillactiou ill niKlM)lh ot" adult, ami children."
From Dr. liryaul, Druggist and l'ol master, Chicopee
Full., Muss :
Da. J. C. Arra Doir 8ir: Euchwort please find remit,
tancc for all the Cherry Pectoral laat sent me. 1 can au
hesitatingly any, that no medicine we sell gives such suns
fuel i tn as yoar's dtws nor have I e'er seen medicine
which cured so many of ctuh and lung complaints.
Our Physicians are using it exteusively in the practice, aud
wilh llie Ituppicst clTccts.
Truly yours, D. M. Hit Y ANT.
President of Venaiait Mediesl Cullego ons tu" tha ovwt
learned uud inlulligeut p)i)sicians iu the cuuntry, "considers
it a c mpiisitKii tif rare excellence fur the cure of that for.
aiidulile diM. Cn.umntiisi.n
Au aluusa incredihle uuinher of certificates hare tieea
rcouived : proving itirit the cherry l'eetond is. iu truth, a
for Coughs. Colds, Asthma and all pulmonary complaints.
Prepared by J. c. AVKH, Isrwcll, Mass., and sokl by
H. MAfSKlt, Buubury, aud MARY McCAY, Northuui.
March 31, lh48
. r Nullte to OellnqueiilB.
ALL persona indebted to tlia subscriber,' longer
tlmn six months, on note or book account, are
requested to rait and make settlement, or else their
accounts will be left with a magistrate for col lee
tSunbury, July 7, 1849, . . ,
STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers,
and other articles of stone ware just received
and for sale by JOHN W. FRILING.
Sunbury , Juno 29, 1819. ..... -
Tnm F.ltract Is put np in qntrrt hnttlel. ft la ait times
cheaper, pleasanter, and warrauteri superior to anjr
sold. It eurrs diseases withrmt romiling, pnrglng, sick
ness, or debilitating the patient, sad is particularly adapted
Th gtmt bmtitr nd tiiperlnrlty of this fermpftriUa over
vinor renicnic wnimt 11 eraoirateadiBeaMf
It invlgoratf tha borfjr. . , t .
, CoiiHimpt inn cured.
ClfaiiM und 84reiifthen.
Ctniinmptlon can he cured.
Bronchitis, Conmimplhm, Liver Cnmptnint, CpWii, Conghi.
Catarrh, Asthmn, fpitting of HlofM. Horennw in th
Chest, Hectic Flush, Night 9wvtN, Uiffl
- cult mi Profuse KKpcrtnrntion. ,
nd Tuin in th Side,
Ac, Ac.
have nnd can lie cured.
Jn1jnMy there nevef was a remedy thnt hos been so nir
cewTiil in despemte cases of consiunptinn this it clenii
tea Httd strengthens the svstcm, and Rpnetirs tn hcnl the nl-
cors nn tlte lunva, nnd patients gradually regain their usual
health and strength. .
There is scarcHy a day passes but there are a number f
rnsra of consumption reported as cured by the use of Dr
Towiisen'a StirsiipHrillu. The following wns recently re
ceived :
l)r. TowjMuxn Dcnr Sir: For the lost three yenrs I
have been nlllictnd with ffenernl debility, and ncrvniis con
stnnntion o( the lnM stiitre, nntt did not expect to ever pi in
my hciilth Ht nil. After going through course of medicine
under the care of some of tliem 'st itintiiignished regular
phyniriaiis nnd memhers of the Bmrd of Heutth in New
York and elsewhere, and spending Uie in sl of my earnings
in niii7Miiiii in if-V'HM in iiniuii, hum ii 1 1 1 r it-niuiii)i in
snme jmper of ynnt irwipHnHn I reaolvrd to try it. A Her
using six liottlcs I found it done me great gtxid, and en I let I
to ate yiwt at your offiee ; with j-our nil vice I kept on, nnd
do most heartily thnuk you for your advice.. 1 persevere iu
taking the HurBtimrii1u, and tmve heen nble to atlnul to my
iisunl laUirs for the last fouT months, and I hope by tho
blessings of Mod nnd your SiirsnptiTilla to continue my
health. It helped mo beyond the expectntins o nil who
knew my case, CIIAIU.K& CL'IMI1V
Orniig-. Kssex co. N. .T. Aug. 9, 1H17.
ft at e of New Jersey, Kssex county, . Chttrhn Quiin
by being duly sworn according to law, on his rmth sttith,
tint the fon-going statement is true aeeonlinir tn the best of
his kimwledKe nnd belief. C HAHI.KS (;l IA1HY.
Sworn and Biilwcribed to before me at Orange, the 2d
August, J847. CYIll'f UAl.UWIN.
Justice of th Pence.
Read the following, and any thut consumption is iu incu
rable if you. can :
New York, April 20, 1PI7.
Pr. Townskxd : 1 verilv In'lievc that ynur Siirsapnrilla
has been the mentis Ahnmgh Provideiwe, of suving my llie
I have for several yenrs had a bud eouh. It beeatne wrue
and worse. At. kist I raised large quantities of bloixl. had
night sweats ami was greatly debilitated and reduced, nnd
did nnt expect to live. I have only used your Kintapnrilla
but r short time, and there has a wonder. ul change leen
wrought in me. 1 nm now able to walk all over the city.
I raise no Mood, aud my cough has left me. You can well
imagine that 1 am thankful for these results. Ynur obedi
ent servant. WM. RUSSKLL, 03 Catharine st.
The annexed cerlitieate tells a simple and truthful story
f suffering and relief. There are thousands of similar cn
sen in this city and Brooklyn, nnd yet there are thousands
of parents let their children die for fear of being humbugged
or to save a few shillings.
Bro iklyn. Sept. 13. 117.
Br. Townsend: I take pleasure iu suiting, for the bene
fit of those whom it may concern, that my daughter, two
years and six mmrhs old, was a! flirted with general de
bility aud loss of speueh. Shu was given up us past jti
covery by our family phyrticiau ; hut lortuimtely I vwj re
cnmniemled by a fm nd to try yon r Sarsamrilla. Bii ire
having used one bottle she recovered her spereh and was
enabled to walk alone, to the ast Hiishmeut of all whn were
nefpminted with the circiiuisUtnccs. fhe is now quite well,
niul in much better health than she has been for 1H months
pusL. JOSKP11 TAYLOR, York st., Iinmklyn.
Very fi-w fiHiiiIi''S imleeil in fact wo have nnt heard of
one that lists! lr. Tttwusend's Hawiparilla iu time, lost
any children the oust Summer, while tlrso that did int.
sickened nnd died. The corciHcate we publish below is
conclusive evidence of iln value, and is only another instance
of its saving the lives of children :
Dr. Tows sen!! Dear Sir: I had two children cured by
your Sarsa pari I la nf the summer coinpl.iiut find dysentnry ;
one was only lft month old and th! other 3 years. They
were very uiuch reducwl, und we exiws-ted they would die j
they were given up by two respectable physicians. When
the doctor informed us Hint we must lose them, we resol
ved to try ynur S.irKipariltn we hud heard so much of. but
had little qui fit line?, there lieing so much Ft nil advertised
that is wtWthtcss: but we are thankful th:it we did, for it
uuilnuhtedly savisl the lives of both. I write this that oth
ers may be induced to use it. Yours, respcetfullv.
Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, Sept. 15, 1M7.
Da. TnWNSKND's Saksaparilla is a sovereign and speedy
cure for incipient coiiHumptioii, ami for the general prostra
tion of the system no matter whether the result of inhe
rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity,, illness 11r uc
vident. Nothu g can be ni ire surprising than its invigorating ef
fiTisou the human frame. IV-ihoub all weJikniB uud las
situde, from taking it at once lierome mhnst nnd lull of
energy utuler iis inthieuee. ll imiuedijtely countenieis the
iicrveli'sut'ds nf (he female frame, which in the great cause
It will not be expected rf un, in cases of nti delicate a na
ture, to exhibit ci-rliticatcs of cures performed, but w can
unsure the alllirted that hundreds of eases have liuen repor
ted to U.
J)k. TowNKsn : My wife being greatly distressed by
Wrtikiiess mid general debility, mid suttWiug c aiMimally by
pain and wilh other dutieitlties, and having known caaci
where your im-dirine has efl'.-eieil gre;it cures; and nlno
haring it rec-'tumeutled for such cases as I have drscriltrd,
I obtained a h.ltle tH yair J Extract of Sarsnpurilla uud fol
lowed the directions you gave me. In a Fhort period it
removed her complaiuts und restored her to health. Being
grtatlul for the benefits she received, I take pleasure ui
thusackiinwlettging it, and recommending it to the public,
Altaiy. Ag. 17, '41. cor. Grand A Lydiu at.
No fluid or mndiciiia has ever !eeii discovered which so
nearly resembles the gastric juice or suliva iu decomposing
ftKMl and strengthening the organs of digestion as this pre
paration of Surnupuxilla. It pitivcly cure every case of
dyspepsia, however severe or chronic.
Bank Dennrtineitt, Atlmny, May 10, W5.
Pr. Tmvnsend Sir : I have been ntllicted for severul
years with dyspepsia in its worst form, attended with aour
nessof stonuu-h, loss of uppetite, extreme heartburn, and a
great aversion to alt kinds of ftvsl, and for weeks, (what I
eoukl ent) I have Iwvn unable to retuiu I Kit a small portion
on my slmiuifh. 1 tried llie usual remedies, but they hud
but little or no effect iu removing the complaint. 1 was in
duced, about two mouths since, to try yo ir Lxtruct of Sur
saparilla, and I inubt say with little confidence ' but after
it iff nearly iwo ivuues, i tomiU my appetite rvsuwe and
tlia lieiirlburn entirely reiuoycif ; and 1 would earnestly
eomineml tlie nse ol' it to those who have been af dieted as 1
huve been. Vour., ic., W. W. VAN .AXDT.
Agent for tnnWy JOHN W. I'KII.IM; ; Nor
tliuiuherliiiHl, MARY A. .MeCAYi Danville, WM. A.
Ml'HHAY & Co.,
Apnl IB, 1B4S ly
The Pupil's friend ami Teacher'' s comfort.
- work is already introiliicrd into some of tlit
lcst Aoatlaiuifs ami a liirjro mim'ior of Schools,
where its use hits given ilmiled and tiniversnl ku
tisfuctinn, both to trnrhrr nnd pupil. It is purely
Aiiii'iii'un in its character, Imsod upon our own
beautiful decimal system of currency. It contains
more, the arraiifrementa are better, and it is tho
easiest and t'hetient work of tho. kind now in use;
and it is w considered by hundreds of the most
competent teachers and men of sviencc in the Uni
on, who huve recommended it, It is the book,
particularly and expressly prepared for our Ante'
rictm (tcwlurt : liy A'vion Ticinor,
Tub Youth's Coli .m hi a nV!a lcvlator. This
volume contains 01 pages, wt, about 900 exam
plea for solution on the slate. It embraces the
Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple
and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three,
Proportion, &c.
TickMon's Arithmetical Tables, is destined
for the uae of younger classes in tha Schools of tlie
I 'niled States. A lieautiful little book and picas
ing to children, and the only one of the kind of any
There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin
gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in
which the solutions of the questions are given with
much extra matter for the Mack board. . These
Keys are the most complete works of tlie kind ever
published, and contain, in . addition, about two
hundred examples iu Mensuration, See., for the
use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have
the above books examined, and no teacher who is
acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will
hesitate to pronounce them the best works that
have ever been published in this or any other
Although issued but a few months, they have
already been introduced into the Night Public
Schools of New York City in all the Schools
public and private, except two, in the City of
Reading. Also, in aliout twenty Acadamiesin the
State of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the
Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of
Lancaster, and lit tha llorougha of Ilarrisbtttrg,
York, Chamliersburg, Lebanon, Uoylestown, Potts
ville, Orwigsbiug, &c, &c, . ,
For sale by lUxur Massxk, Sunbury, Agent
fy Northumberland County,
Sunbury, Dec 3, 1848. ,
TENINGS. A cheap and excellent arti
da for fustcniug sash for aule by
Sunbury, July 7, 1849.
ADD'8 celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi
cine fix sale by UENRY MAIMER
Sunbury Jan. g7tk, 184
"' ' '" '( OXYGENATED ": ' ' I
AND ' '
asNnaALszifjiLnr. ' j
GEORGE B. GREEN, Proprietor. s
, , Windsor t Vermont.
IS s snrerrlm remnly for I)Y8PKPfIA, In msny of hi
forms, sucli ss pnin in the rttomnrh, Itrortliuni, hnbitusl
CortlvciwM. Arid rt(mncli. lteBilsche, IKsof Annctito,
Piles, Night fwnts, nnrl even Coiimimntioo tDyrieptic
Phthisic.) sml Asthnst, ut Phthisic atteinM with diTniis
mnit of the Stiirrmch (ir Uy.peptie Aiithinn!) Dtlhcult
Hrmthiiiff. which often rusnlta from imnrrfert digestion (or
Dy.prptic Syspmro.) in relii-vnl liy tln-ne Hitter.. I n hort,
their nse hits been proved in the relief of almost all the
symptoms tlmt proceed from a debilitated or atonic condi
tion of the ftnrmrh i also in general ilelillii ariiin from
aue or from the effects of Fever, particularly Fever and
Ague. Females suffering tinder any uterine dernngement
nn.nig irom wenKness, will nun llie ri.rxvoEj.Tsii dit-
Ta" an excellent remedy, and not surpassed uy any incui
cine in use. . - f . ' t '
The hi.tory nf this meditrine is peculiar, it has mane Ms
way tn pntilir favor solely by the force of its own
rncniR. no nriincini nit'aua imve Keen u.ea is give u no
toricty and Hirurt it un- n imlilic attention. It hns never
lief'ore evni liecn udvertiserl, Imt hnving first shown its re
in:irktilile cflicttry in flic fmuily of tlie proprietor, and by
him nfteruTirde nilniioirrturtM to his afllicled friend, and ac
limiutnnci'a Willi a like re.ult, its reputiitioll grniliinlly ex
tended until it is known in the m -rt di.funt of ths
tlui'iu, us 0 lucilieine of uiirivulled virtues iu tlie curs of
I); .pepsin in nil it. dilfereut forius. nnd nl.o for llie curs of
A.thinn or Phthisic, lis only hernld and its onlv eulogy
linn lieim the .lory of its woniliTlnl cflicncv, na told from
nioiilh to month or hy Inter I'r itn friend to friend. In eve
ry instance where tlnc. Hitler. Imve Is'en used, and ths ro
ault maileliiiowii to the proprietor, they have proved a re
medy. Nninemns eertifientes, nttealing the singuliir efTiency of
the "OxYGKXATiin Hitter.," nre in the ome..ion of Uis
proprietir j many of them aigucil liy pcriHni.ulreaily widely
known to fhe puMir.
OKO. 11. GRF.KN, Proprietor.
WIXDSOR, Vt., October 3, 1H5.
The follow ing Oertlfienlcs hove recently been
received t
WaH1!SOTi1, O. C, .tl'VK 10, If 18.
Ifnvlng made uae nf llie "Oxvrrunuterl Hitter." prepnreil
by Ur. (ieo. II. fireen, of Windsor.. Vt. nnd from know
ledge ohtainerl of Ihcir effieney in other rane., wecheerfillly
re iniieiiu lliem to llie public, believing tlml lliev Wlllllllly
ausinin ine rceonniieuiiniion ol the I'roprietor. We hops
thnt thia viiliiuble remedy m:iy be so gcuemlly diffused
throughout the country Hint it limy be ncceuible tu all tha
lA.MfF.I. rilF.I.PP, ,; ,
J AMi:r 1. SIMMONS, (.'. S. S
. 9. Senator from Vcrmsnt.
. Seiintor from R. T.lnnd.
. T. MOR I :I1I:AL). V. . Senator and formarlv Ooi eni.
or of Kentucky.
I.. If. AllNOIJ), ItTetiibcr of Congress and formerly 6s.
vcrnor of R. 1. '
WM. W )T)HniDGT', V. S. Penator and formerly Cs
vernor of Miehi-rnn.
M. 1 MA11T1N, Delegate in Congress from Wisconsin
L cruiur) .
From lion. II. D. Fo.tkh. Member of Congress frsm
Wa.iiixhtox, U. C, Juxr 10, IStS.
Tenr Pir, 1 huve been n dv.icptie sum-rpr for about ti
years, ami have resorted to varioiia medicines lor relirf
williont success, until I iiinde use of your "OjtveeirtteH
Hitters." I have us-il uliout two liottles, nnd find myself
restored to pertec-t heultli The forms in which tb. dis
ease showed itself, in my ease, were, grcnt neiility of the
suiiiHicii, io oi ii,ente, extreme flatulence, severe conall
puti m of llie liowels, mid violent heail.ielie. Feeling tlest
rons that n knowledge of vour valuable remedy mnv reach
other, similarly nlllietcd. 1 take greet pleasure iu record
ing my tertiinony to its cunitive power i ami would also
reinuik, that while on a visit at home n short thus since. 1
administered a part of a boffle to a number of niv afflicted
friends, wilh great mice. They are desirous 'that von
sh 'llld establish nn nseney nt Piitsburg. or inl'oriil Itiein
where the niedieine cant lie obtained. With an mrnest dc.
sire for your prosperity uud happiness, I subscribe invseli,
truly your friend ' u, jj voSTKIt.
l);.et. IJko. H. fJnrRN.'WiiHlsir. Vt.
f nil Wholesale nail Kciail bv tiieeli & Fletcher, Na.
28 Hint It Sixth ftreet. 1'hiluilolphin.
Agent f.r Snnl.iirv II. II. MASSI'.U.
Agents for .Milton MAC'KAY IIAAf!.
Agent fit I'ppor Maluiuo) . J. Ii. HK.NX.
"April 13, If Is
Don't permit your Horses or cattle to die, when
the means of cure nre within the reach of all !
The undersigned has spent severul venrs in the
study of Veterinary practice iu "London and E
iliulioro'," be hns also availed himself of tht resear
ches of Lcihig, and other celebrated men. whohave
contributed so much towards a judicious treatment
ofnuiiitaU; the principles of our practice consists
in the rejection of general bleeding and tho total
rejection of all medicine.) tint experience has
shown to be of it (lnii rerom tendiiney. These re
medies net iu harmony wilh tha vital principle, and
when given according to the directions which nr
coiiip.inv each article they are capahlo of exciting
and increasing the natural functions, without di
minishing or destroying their power, hence are
safein the hands of every one.
G. H. DADD, M. D.
A List of Horse anil Cattle Medicines.
Physic balls, 75c. per box.
Alterative ball, 75c do.
" powders for bad condition, 75c per pack
age. Heave powder for diseases of the lungs, 75c dc.
Urine powder for " kidneys, 75c do.
Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do.
Cordial drink for inflamnlion of bowels, 75c per
Liquid blister, 75c per bottle.
Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c
per pot.
Healing balsam for wounds and saddle falls, 75c.
er botlle.
Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottlo.
Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, &c, 50e
per botlle.
Embrocation for soro throat, 75c per botlle.
Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, 50c
per buttle.
Horso Liniment, the most celebrated article known
iu England fur lameness of every description, 75c
Sr ijl t per botlle.
l)iKtemKr powder for red water, $1 per bottle.
Worm powders for tho removal of wonus from
the intivstinul canal, T.'prr puckne.
For sale by STIMl'ssON A REED, 2 Mer
chants Row, also nt DADD'S HOKKK AM)
lLivuiaiket fSijuarc, UoHton.
l'uii'phlets describing iho diseases for which
thene remedies are used can be had gratia.
Numerous Certificates are in possession of the
Proprietors, of cures perfurmcd by the above .Medi
cines. Soldl.y CiREEN &. FLETCHER,No.26.South
SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his
An est. HiivwT M.issKu, Kuuhurv,
February 3, 184!) tf
PREPARED and sofil onlv, at FREDERICK
N. E. corner of Fifth and Cuksxtt streets, Phi
ladelphia, Thin Essence ie warranted to possess
in a concentrated furnr, all the valuable properties
of Jamaica Ginger, and will be found on trial an
excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re
commended as a tonic, to persons recovering from
fever or other diseases, a few drops imparting to
the stomach a glow and vigor, equal to' a wine
glass of brandy or other stimuland, without any of
the debilitating elVocts, which are sure to follow the
use of liquor of any kind i and it ia therefore
especially serviceable to children and females. To
the aged, it will prove a great comfort ( to tlte
dyspeptic, and to those who are predisposed to
gout or rheumatic aflix-tions, it gives great relief;
nd to the inebriate who wishes to reform, bid
whose stomach is constantly craving tha noxious
liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to the diges
tive organs, and strength to resist temptation j and
ia consequently a great agent in the cause of tem
perance, . (jTFull directions accompany ing each
bottle, ,
The above article can be had at Uie office of Uie
American. "
Philadelphia, June S, 1819. lj ; , , ,,i.
PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's
writing and indelliblo ink, Cotton yarn and
laps, just received and for sale by
. ! : J. W. FRILING.
Sunbury, Dec. 3, IS48. ; ,
CAPri An assortment just ' received. Also
silk HAT8 at $225, for sals by -, ,
Uunbury, Dec.?, J848.
wmj S LOVUU CASVY. Au eicsi-
lent retuedy for coughs, colds.
For sale
at thia mM -
tlesdseha, Gidiliness, . Mee.lcs Mt Rheum. '
K neninat ism, rues, . . iimrt stnrn, w.arms.
: u ... .. r.u..i . , '
Cholera Morlni..
rVnell Pox, Jsnnrlicc, j Cough. ((iiii-y,r (I
Pains in the Raefc,
' wiHimiin f'u it w
low"" HiHuiiipuon, r its,
Pnlpitslinrl of tlw Heart,, . l.ivM.nBlnint, ,.
Rising ill the Throat, Krisipclns. Uealncs.: ' 3ra
Dropsy, Asthma, Itching, of the Skin,
Fevers of all kinds,. Cobta, Wont, O ravel, ;:f
Female Complaints, Nervous Complainta, '
MOEStlON. ' ' :
I F.spCTienee has pr..vl that nearly ew Disease originate
from hnpilrilira ol llie Illoml or ilitst'scmcnta of the ll ir ra
ti vea Organ. and to ilecure Ilenlih, tie tfitm tefnovs thossj
olntrneti nisor restore llie, Blood to itsnatirral state. v
The nversicm to tnkinir meilieiue ia most efTeetnaUf Vs
rnnved by Clicsnkb's V no eta I'iiro.tivs, Imnaf .
c an(ilelely envoi 'pM with a coating of pure wliita Sngari
wlneh is n distinct the internal Ingredleiitl s. a out
shell from the kernel) and hnveno taste of medicine. .P
Hut are ns easily swallowed as bits of candy. MoreoVef
they neither irui'aeuta or grijm iu the slightest degree, but,
npenite eipitilly un all the disiased liarlanfthe sysiefri, irtr
.. l 1 l. ...a.
h .-"miiiiiiis imotvm Hi, nnn mcKing nny rnrtntltwr
region Thus, it thel aver lie ntri-cleil one ingredient will
operate on tlmt particular organ, and, hy elenuslng itof sn
..n w o-Fioie it. mi us ruiiiueu sriuc- Anoiner will
openiteonthe Hiwrd nhil remove nil impurities in Its cirra
inuon , wiiiies i mm win encetiintty expel whatever UnptM.
irlics may have liecn disehnrgeil into the atomneh, and iieneS.
they strike nt the nsit or disease remove nil Impure Ha
mors from the body , open the pores externally end inter
nally; Sepnnlle all frrigiinnd iibnoxioos iarllcle frn I he
chyle, so thnt llie blood niny lie thoroughly pure thin seen- ,
ring a free mid lienlthy aetioalo the Heart, l.nugMiuid I.iver
and therHiy they restore health even when all other snns?
have failed.
The entire trnlh of Hie above can be ascertained ky ths
trial of s single box: und their virtues are so positive snd
certain iu restoring Health, thnt the proprietor binds himself
to return the money panl IVrr them in all eases whers they
do not give universal satisfaclioii..
Ilolall I'rlcc, 3ft cf, per nox
Princlil nTiee No! flfl Versey at., N. York,-'
S lid by JOHN Y. YOI'NH, Uiinbury. ,.
' AT. A. MeftAY, Xorthiimliertsnrf.-
CT Item-mlierDr. O. V. Cliekner is the inventor of ths
Sugar Touted Pills, mid Hint nothing of the sort waa evsr
heard of until he iutnliiccd them in Jiida, 1SJ.1. Purcbssars1
aliould, therefore always ask for Clickner's fjkignr CnatW
I ills, and take nu others, or tliey will lie made tha victims af
s frnurl.
February, 17, 1tn ly
Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of inflamed Sous
lOKSKVW t'NlVi:ns.T,OINTMF.NT.,. ..rf
complete Hum Amid te ever known. It iiistamlT,
(and as if bv Mnuic) stops nuitis ol the mm s..;.
BurnniHl Si'uld. For old S ires. Hiuises, Cuts, Spraina As
on mail or Imist. it ia the heat application that can he roads
Thouauuils huvetrifd.'in I lliniisumls pniise it. It iathemoat
perfect muster of niu ever discovered. All who us re
commend it. livery family sh mid lie ptovided with it
None can lel how so 'ii some of the family may need it.
t Observe each boi of llie g.-iionir Ointment has ths
name of S. Tocsky. wrilleu on the outside l.iM To nsits
to Ibis is f irgery. ,
H oatmi'ii, l.ivi.ry Alon, Fanners, and all wUt use Horses,
will find Ihis Oiiitineut the very heat thing they esn as.
for f olbr Culls. Scratches, Kicks', Ac.. ie.,,,M tlii iraiiiinals
Surely eviTy mere fill iinai would keep his jiiiinvda sa free
from v.un as possible. Touse, -s Universal Ointment ia sll
tint is require I. 'IVv il .
HITKS OF IXSKf I'.-i. Forth, afing or bite ,tf pnisoa
lis liiwels. I .ii..-; 'sOi,i!iin;ut i uniivalled IluiHlretia liars
tried it cud loind It po d. ,
l'Ii.i:SL-ti:v:t): Forth Piles. Toiiscy'sTim-crnl Oint
ment is one of ilieliesi llenv-lies tint cnii be applied All
wIki love Iriiil il tor the Piles ree 'tiie.ieuil it .
. ol.l.SH!ti-;; t.T!!i;n. for ..Id ..h.stiuate S .res, there
is n-.ttniig h.,i:i1 l i T-ms -a Oimnient. A person in Mami-.' lorn liuiiilierufycarF.n s re l, ii,t Uiffjrd ths
sk.. I ot Hie d K-l.ns. I "s . ilinlM.-iit was reeoinmemliid
by one ..f the yiniing physician... (;, knew it. gruat vir
tucs.) an.! Iwi h jtes pn.diidl m , re benefit thmi the pa
tient hud received tr.mi any und nil previous remedies. Let
all ttvit.
lll'l!S AND SCAt.Tifi DftlKn. Tlion,,, f nwn
ul llnrns and Scalds, in nil irls of the country. Iiavfllieeii
euae l by T ,""' ' nivewl t Ihansint. Cerlifi.-atracuouga
coald be hn.l t i fill (be wlio,.t'ttiiFFlieet ,
VIOI.i A I' Ultt'iSKS ( I JU:l). 'resli,uoni,,l. on testti',
m-nnl in I n-T m Tom.v Ointment f.,r curing Bruiaes
heve been oI1,th-I the pr .pi iet -ns. Hundreds iu' Syrsca.s
willc-rluyto its great nii rlf n lievine the pain of tha mo.t
severe IJrnises. All in'i-F his uU try it.
St'U.illU'.V!) (T;;rl. SM-.s.enses of iVold He.4
Imve been cured by 1 nisey'a (.liulmeiit. "fry it it seldj
fuili. '
SI.T Rni-.I -t Cf"l-f). or nil fhe rein-diea ever dls.
coverei, i ,r!lis 111 .st dij-jgreenble c miplnint. Tousey'a Usi
t'l M ll"-'1I,"t e unplcte. It never Was knows
1 fllAPITO II M)S CA IJi:rrni:D.Tou.ev'a fa.-vers-,
t liniment will always care the w .rst eusea of Cluaj-
pe'l ll Se. res ;( pcrs.n.a will stale Ihis.
SOIIi:'MlKKH. .-,,n!,e e,,r of S .re Lips there
was never it.-.yl :.,:; sst-.-to e.ual to Tousey-. Oinlm.nt. II
is sure to eine h.-ni. Try i!.
11 isa sei. n'ilK
cm .iu. I. wirraiitfd no to, eontain an
pi eriai-n, i n .;"
.icirj. t V 1'riee i ceiila per box. For
riirlherivir!!eu!sis e ne -niing i,i, rn,llv valuable Ointment
llie public nre re! erred !,, Pamphlets. i.,'u h-.d gratis, nfrt-soe-iable
Ui u;--!!-!. and jMer-lianllkroiiclu.ut ths t'nitwl
Stiles. SsfS
l'repare.1 l,y ft. TOl'SI.Y, Drugu-ist, No. 100 Msaasa
SieM, New ork. .
Agkn-JOHN Voi:.G, Buubury, M. A. McC AT,
X'Uthuiiilieilnivl. 1
February 17, 1S4S1. ly
And all diseases arising from a disordtrtd
Liver or Slomnck in loth Mate and '
Female: :
Such ns Coiuitijnii-.n. Inward Piles. Fullness or moral In
th Head, Acidity i f ihu St mweh, Nausea, Heait-bgrffj
Ilisgu.t lor Fo-irl. Fullness or weight in llie Stomach, Saisr
r.rucuii ms. SiuLinr or I 'hetering ut the pit of the Stomaa!
Sn-iiniiuug o il.e llea.l. liuriieil nnd liiuVult Brcsthins,
Fluttering ut the Henri, Choking or Siitrieatiiw sensations
when ia a lying p mure l)iinn-s i f Vii..u, Dot. er
before lb. Snrhl. Fevor Mud dull pni i (,e Ifmd, T)efieil
ey ol rei;.ii.itio,i. Yell iwn. as .. the Skill and Fvca, FaiaJ
Hick, t'hee. I.imlia, Ac.. Sudden fl'uriies sf
Heat, I. liming in i, iMuslunt Imugininsa of a-
sml depression of Spirits Tall lie elfeeliRilly eared
Ccle!i iilctl
(IcTiuaii Bitt
Their iwer over tii. rtbove th-seaaes i not e
e(llallc,l by any other prep-imti-iii in the I'ni;
na the ettrea uttcat, iu luouy eusca utier sKUiful t
had failed. 1
leraigrlrrent if the Liver and StoinncTi aro S'
liisauily, unit will ata-j. pi Hluce iliicawjol Uie Iltti,
Luiigi aud KMui-ya, mid lays the botty open to an at.
llie Chow ra. Itiu us, or Yell-iw Fever, and ia geaicmiiy
first cause of that most Uniem! disease,
Opinions of the Philadelphia Press.
Hivembei :ttst savsi
A INVAI.I.AIII.i; M IIUH'IN K. We huve frequ.ntty'
he-ji-il llie tYlcbriiwd (iciiiiiiu llitlera, maiullaclureil by JJr
II Mlil inil, l ik.a ol in terms of, snd ws
know dcservcdl) so. It is a too common practice, in esr
taiu ipiai jcrs, to pull'ull inannei ol" useless I null, but ia Iks
sb ivo Kiiicre, iniiijicil. ure living wilueiwa ol their great
in mil nnd physical worth. Asa medicine of th I.iT.r"
I'oiuplaint, Juundiiv. Nervous Debility und Dvsnepais, it
hug been i, mod imniisible, crlW-liug cure, ami' tfi-.r.mrklT
eradiealiiig diac iss, when all ollwr medicine liave failed.
W e feel c invine. d. llr.t iu Ihe use of Iho Herman Uittcrs,
the intieul it ml Uie uie ilelaliuitiil, but constantly gains
strength uiul vigor to the iraine a fact worlliy of great
coiiskl. Tali nt. The liiuer. are plraisiint in tu.te and stagf
uud can be uiluiiulslereil under unv c iri uiiislanee., to ths
m . delicate sloinnch. Indeeil, they can bo lined by all par
am. Willi the in ait lialfoct KUety. It would be Weil far
those who are miiefi uil'ccted iu ihe nervous avaier. ta
e Hiinuni e witli one In iooiifnl or tess, snd gradually ia
creuao. Weajieiik from experience, and are of eourae
proper judge. The pro fur ami wide, have united i'
eiHllinejidlug the (ienil iu Uilters, and to the .llllcl
in .at etadially advise their uae.
June 'iHn aaya:
' DO oi n OOODcn iZKNS who are inv
the in.-iiiyuuaii.biug cutis, that have been p.
IJr. llojil'luud'a Celibratud (n-fumi Hitler, f
II 't, we recommend them tollie-liennun Mnlii
all wliosre Hliiieted with Ijver "iiiUiiii, Ja
peria. or Nervou. Debility ; the IK. lor hn.ei.
our ciiisens alter the Iwat pbyaieisua had failei
uaed Ihem anil they have proved toheaninlu'i
on alenild kn iw.H', ami we cannot refrain gi
tim iny iu their favor, snd Hint which givea
cHim upon our humble eifort, tliey are sutirelj
, ... Julylihaavs:
"We .peak knowingly of Dr. Uoofland's Celeb
Disn Hitieis. when ws say it is a ulwuiig ot' this
III ditwuara of the biliary, digcative und Nervouat
Ins n, w. think aiminal. "It ia a Vnteulue Pr
and made willuait Alcohol, said to all iiiysJtU. we sw
coiiun, n.l it a. worthy their confidence.
,-i-r. w .v "lutl, t the nrineiis.
tii',), V,N MK"u'M-5 riTOIir., No. 27d Itae. ZL
rhitadtiphta. ; . ... f , .,, ,
For. sale, by M. A. McCAY, Norihu'nilierUiud and Sun-
in rcpeeiaiiis ueaiers goauraliy throughoat -
April 81, mo. ly
r toUort Varn, CoHihi Cornet Chain, Cotton Lap
iT Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready mad
Pantaloons, Keady made Vests, Congressj Knives,
Porcelain lined preserving .kettle, just rswesres.1
for sale by - ( , , -,H,MASER.
Stinbury, Dtc. 2, 1848. ' '. , ;
A XE& of a very superior quality tor sale las.
f if Uliea
Sunbury, Dee. 2, 1818.
, ( ...wijiv j
13 LANK UOOKti. Ap tusortmetst Bsank,
Books, just received and sale by . ' '
Suiibnry, Dee, J, 1848.-- u
Iw' YKI'P Mftl. -jkpm t.. v
Mola-ae. fo, tie by . htiXHxIT
. feuubtiry, Dec. S, 1,13, ",iw MAtt,R