SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER CHESCENT CITY. w 1 , ,,, ' NI MONTH IATKII Q CAHrORNlA Oat Milium and a Italf in Chid Dust En .tvanging Actountsfrom th Mines Execu tion on Board umtca istaies rrtgatt Damn fuJtTke Ship! Susan 0. Owensand Mason mt San Francisco. New York. Dec. 71 1 P. M. The steamship Crescent City, Captain Stod dard, arrived here about noon, brings dates from San Francisco to the 2d of ISovember. - Tho Crescent City has on board 160 pas- engers, among whom Is J. P. Judil, Minis ter to the Kins of the Sandwitch Islands. The Crescent City has in freight one mil lion ofdolldrt in gold dust, in addition to about four hundred thousand dollars in Ibe hands of passengers The news, generally, from California, is unimportant. The accounts from the mines continue en couraging, gold was still found in abundance. , The health of the miners is generally good, with the exception of some who are subjected to alight attacks of dysentery. It is estimated that there are at least 80, 000 persons at the mines. Vessels continue to arrive in large num ber from, the United States and all parts of Europe. There are now about 100 British Vessels in the Bay of San Francisco. Thirteen hundred passengers passed through Chagres on the 25th and 2Glh ult. There are now over 100 passengers at Cha gres awaiting passage to California. The Isthmus is perfectly healthy and tra velling good. A naval execution took place on board the United States frigate Savannah on the 23d of October. A sailor was hung at tho yard arm for making an attempt to murder one of his officers. The names of tlio mutineers were John and Wm. Black, both Englishmen, ship ped some time since at Valparaiso, in the United States schooner Ewiug. There were five persons implicated, but the above named men having confessed the crime and ack nowledged their guilt, tho other three were sentenced to hard labor for the remainder of their term of service, viz : three years. Tho constitution for the State of California has been as-reed upon and published. Among the passengers in the steamer Cres cent City is the Hon G. P. Judd, Minister to His Highness the King of thn Sandwich Is lands, accompanied by Alexander Lahihiho, heir apparent to the Hawaiian throne, and his brother, Lot Kainehamheha. The object of Mr Judd's visit !o the United Slates and Europe at this period has reference to the lato outrages of the French at the Sandwich Island. It is reported that tho cholera i carrying rff from twelve to (ifleen persons daily at Mazatlan. U. S. bri Gen. P.itterrn sailed from Co lumbia River nb"iit ihu 15:h Oct. for Vancou ver1 Wand. lWitjir Geu. P. F Sniilu was an board. The Stale CoiW-utiiiii held at Monterey foi the purpose of framing a constitution com pleted its labois on the 13th ult., the result of ' wkiuh, having been already published, will bo submitted to the people on the 13th inst., lo be voted for or against. The document kai evidently met with universal approba tion. The travel and trade to auJ from Sacra mento i immensft, and now more than one hundred vessels are regularly and profitably employed between the two places. Politics appear to be flourishing in Califor nia, accerding ti the Herald's San Francisco correspondent, and the old party lines are toleral'.y tightly drawn. The politicians are moving in the matter of the election of a ' S, Senator. Colonel Fremont is on both et for U. S. Senator. Thois Butler will get the Whig nomination on the ticket with Colonel F. "wian, Mr. Halleck, Gen. Green, and if others, are aspirants from the oppo rty. For the olKce of Governor, Peter irnitl, W. M. Stewart, V. S. Sherwood; Lieut. Governor, J. McDjugal, F. J Lip pitt ; for Representatives to Congress, EJ vard Gilbert, (editor of the Alia California!),) Rodney M. Price, G. YV. Wright, L. Dent, I W. Shauuoa, and others. 7 he lugs have not pnblicly made their choice for the above officers. A correspondent of the Herald, writing j from San Francisco, says : "The arrival of ships from the United States havo been limited, but we have large numbers fiom Asia, the coast, and other countries. The number of Chinese arriving ia enormous; they are brought in cargoes by English vessels, and sold as servants to the Sest bidder, on the Cooley system, a shade San absolute slavery. This h a fpwies that will soon get its quietus from government. :e new fast getting to be a quiet, ng, social and domestic people en r soirees, concerts, theatrical per , balls, and tea paities, with a now and then of erim. tons., di .1 elopements. Our fashionable cir 3 been graced recently by tho ap .e .of some five or six celestial ladies :bem, to say nothing of the almost Id it ion from lhe folates, Mexico, Peru, jili, and even urqpa. "There if a degree f confidence and cer tainty in business operation thai lias been iipknowo heretofore in San Francisco; things sue gradually settling down to a proper stau dard. and affair ia all branches of trade are fast assuojine a healthy appearance. The bubble, if 1 ran be so called, from all ap- mttrwtf, will outlive its worst enemies. PLACER INTELLIGENCE. Smmlock'i Diggings, Mariposa, Sept. 27. We mutter about 1300 strong in this neigh borhood. and 500 Texians are daily expected This ia unquestionably the place for "big t bank," but let me instruct you concerning iheet. -thj tlnoa by ft man namea euer- m three mo njpany of 70 Mexicans, Jock, who, with vr? hire. The work wmiMMsrp- ..,whe.e. Iu W3 , 4 Weil ill T.t eight day, three men look out 67 pounds of pure gold ( and last week two men took out in two days 29 pounds from a spot neat my camp. ; Sherlock "has gone lulo the mountains, no one knows where, and we have elected a new Alcade) who, the day of his Installation into office, issued an order for all Mexicans to decamp, which they did forthwith. We 11 intend to winter hero, as we can easily make comfortable quarters. This place is distant 11 miles from Fremont's discovery, and is much the richest of the two deposits. Many large pieces have been recently found here, averaging from 1 to 8 pounds, pure gold. The finest pieces usually nro worth about 60 cents, so yon perceive this is the re gion of "big lumps." THE PROSPECT DVMNa TUB WINTER. . A correspondent of the Courier, writing from San Francisco, says:' The tide of emigration is rapidly turning homeward, and sailing vessels for Panama are filling up more readily than did tho same ships on their departure from the States. Comparatively few will return, enriched, but by far the greater number must come back to their father-land impoverished and dis heartened. I wrote very disparagingly of the mines in my last correspondence, but the homeward emigration for the next three months will fully substantiate my opinion. The sufler- tni's in Caliloruia during I lie approacliuig winter cannot bo estimated. The first heavy- rains will drive thousands of miners from the mountains into the cities in hopes to procuie shelter and employment. By the middle of December tho avenues to the mines will be closed, and of courso the demand for labor will nearly cease during tho rainy season. Imagine, then, the condition of a crowded population, dependent upon their labor, re ceiving daily accessions to their numbers by fresh nrrivnls, unsheltered, sick, idle, and with too fair a prospect of a general failure in provisions and breadslufls, and you may draw your own conclusions. Provisions of nil kinds have risen enor mously within a week, and the market is quite destitute already of flour and pork, the two great staples for the miners. The sup plies for tho immense number who purpose wintering in the mines is also very limited, and my own opinion is, that in three weeks after the roads close, thousands will bo com pelled to leave the mines and return to Sa cramento city, Stockton, or San Francisco, to procure food. SIX' CESS FIX KF.W YORKERS. A parly of ten from New York, turned the current of a small stream, aiid they gathered tho first day an average of $1500 in gold dust each. They then continued thoir labors for fivo weeks longer, and the result was an average of 6100 per day, foi each man. Corrcspondr "re of tlie Journal of Commerce. S..N FKAStlSlO. Sam FiiANcisco, Nov. 1, 1840. This city is rising like magic. The change that a few weeks has effected, is truly mar vellous. I nt? peruiauefii jitiiui.iiiiiji uaiiuut vv muni, if anv under 30.000. Three months SlllCe It I . was 5U00. Ml is bustle ; business brisk, and large store houses, of two and threo stories, rising in many direction. Kveiy person has enough to do ; for all can do something. Money for all piaclicable uses is abundant, (I know nothing of speculations.) ud within the reach of all. Wages are high, and such a country for a poor man has not been discovered iu our day. The noise of the hammer and saw never ceases, while day light exists ; so the con stant chink of money is heart!, pass which way you may, 1 never go into a house or an office, that I do not see it. Truly, as in the days of Solomon, silver is counted of but little value. Expenses, too, are hero enormous, but are freely paid. Whatever bill is charged is promptly paid, and no words expended. Time, they say, is money, and this is a fa vorite maxim here. The mines are produ- cing well, anil will continue to, for many years to come. TIUs it c truti-. Vast numbers have failed, but the causes of failure were too obvious. Tho sickness iu lhe interior has been appalling; deaths nu merous, aihl under peculiarly aggravated cir cumstances : but this has ever been expected by lhe reflecting, as inevitable, crowdii ig, us tie jmmigraiits Ji, into a malarious coi country, during the heat of summer, and with systems already reduced by long voyages or journeys. The talo is a houiblo one, and is yet to be told. THE PAUKMAN CASE. The Boston Mail, of Thursday, speaks of the following discoveries having been made at I'rofessor Webster's house : Oiviiur. to information, obtained, it is said by some person employed at the jail over hearing' a conversation between Piofessor Webster and his counsel, officers Clapp and Hopkins were despatched last evening to make a general examination of the house of the professor at Cambridge. Mrs. Webster received them politely, and interposed no objection to lhe search. On opening Prof. W.'s private desk, they dis covered beneath a quantity of other papers, tlu idtttticul note for $187, which Professor Webster mm stated he took up on the Friday that Dr. Parlman was last seen to enter the Medical College. So far as the finding of this note is concerned, it only corroborates what Prof. Webster has stated in regard to taking it up. But a further search produced evi dence of a more startling description. Also, another note pautcbie to Dr. Parlman, for S2400, dated in 1847, ond becoming due in 1851.' The note was secured by mortgage. We could not learu the mouth or the day of the month the note was dated, but the fact that a note for tho above sum, running five years and payable in 1831, was yesterday discovered among Prof. Webster's papers, it true and beyond question. The back of this last named note contained uumerous endorse ments, but to what amount, or whether sufil cient to cover the facenf it we have not been able to learn. ' Another statement is, that the note n'Bi fully liquidated by the eudorse mentt on tho buckand that the note for 1487 was the ouly demand V-bich Or, Frkroan held against the accused on the day ho mys teriously disappeared. . During last week several checks drawn by Dr. Webster, on the Cambridge Bank, were presented at the counter of that institution for payment, but the teller's invariable an swer was, '-Mr. Webster has no money here, nor has ho had for some time." We were shown a check yesterday, drawn in favor of Mr. Cumrfiings, blacksmith, in Cambridge street, for $9 15, that was refused some ten ilnys since. The Transcript of Friday says : . -We learn that the facts quoted yesterday fiom the Mail in regard to the notes found ut Dr. Webster's house were not fully stated. One note for. 8400, duted 1842, was pnst due, cancelled and filed away. It had no endorse ment, and had, to all appearance, been taken up by payment or renewal. Wr.h regard to the secontl note due in 1851, which was for S2400, and endorsed, it is believed to have been secured by a mort gage on Dr. Webster's mineralogical Cabinet, which cabinet was sold within a year for $13000, to an association of gentlemen, who presented it to Harvard College. The fair presumption and belief is, that the note was prepaid, on the sale of tho cabinet. Thus far tho public suspicion appears to have run in one direction; but by the follow ing from the Cambridge Chronicle, it will be seen that something may be said on the other side : There are many circnms!ancrs, which, if properly consuleretl, tend mucli to relieve the terrible position of Piofessor Webster. Not only has no positive evidence been brought to show the agency of Prof. W. in the death of Dr. P., but many of tho strong facts already are piovetl to have no founda tion. The spots of blood said to havo been discovered upon tho floor and stairs, is found to be only tvbacco juice! Tho pants, with Prof. W.'s name upon them, ami stained with blood, are those which ho wears in his laboratory, stained with acids! Tho tin box ortleiedut Waterman's, 3 feet long, dwindles oonle 13 indies lonir, 18 wide and 13 inches tleep, and of such description as another in dividual stales lie has often made for him. As to the matter of the receipt which has been so much insisted upon, who ever heard of a receipt being given on the payment of a note. That any individual should have known him to be at the Medical College late on Fri day night, when ho is known to have coiuo home early and been engaged iu spending u social evening with Judge Fay and other friends, is, to say the least, remarkable. Ant! it is no lets remarkable that the janitor of the college, or any other individual, should have observed such unusual appearances about his rooms, as to have excited their suspicious, not only when ho was thus ab sent, but so soon after the disappearance of Dr. P., and only divulgo those suspicions at so late an hour. How great importance is to bo attached to the pretended secrecy of Prof. W.'s apartments, may be inferred from the fact that it was the duty of the janitor to take care of the entire buililiiig. and of course had ready access to each room. A gentleman ...i... i ,1... , .1 ... i ...(.,,.. ,.,i..i,,. t iiilu lilt; ivi1113 uiij uuui u licit iiiuj .,co.r...l i.u t ...t 1... uv-in.i....i 1 u liii.ka iv. .- ticulaily, and presumed fiom their const iuu tiou. there could be no ilitHculty iu finding a multitude of kevs to fit them. THE PARKMAN CASE. It has been discovered, by a careful com parison of the letter taken to Marshal Tukey bp Eli Kinsley postmaster of East Cambridge with a piece of paper found iu a desk either at the room of Professor Webster or at his house, that the pieces exactly matched. The letter alluded to was written on a piece of white wrapping paper, and was enclosed in an envelope of a piece of yellow wrapping paper. We publish it for the benefit of our readers. It is an important link in the evi dence: "Dr. Parkman was taken on board the ship Hercules, and this is all I dare tell you for fear 1 shall be killed. I wus one of the men at East Cambridge. 1 took his watch, and as I was going along the road that leads to the long bridge to Huston, I threw it over, for fear 1 should be delected. Boston Herald 'th Mrs. AVuiWTEit, wife of Prof. Webster, is a niece of l'rescolt, the historian. M A It It 1 K U. In Milton, on tho4lh inst., by the Rev. F. Rulhraulf, Mr. Jusevii Anustaut, to Miss E.L1ZA bCKUKHT, Liolll Ot iNllllUll. Iii Milton, on luo oil) inst., by tlie same, Mr. Simon Lomiok. to Miss Mauy Catiia hink Smith, both of Point township. On the 2Jd ult , by tlio Rev. Win. I. Bun ker, Mr. Jos. Evekitt, of Norlh'd county, to Miss Massly Lamisos,oI White Deer Valley, Lycoming county. In Danville, outlie i'snn un., ly ine same, Mr. Alexakpku Ik(t, to Miss Mauy A. Kownovkh, ull of Danville.' i i i: In Shiiinokiu township, on t!iu 1st inst., HANNAH, wife of Ciduon Kline, sged 27 year. At her residence in Danville, November 30th. 1849, Airs. I A 1 HAULM-- AlUUi;.. consort of Asoy Moore, iu the 63d year of her aae. In Milton, on Ilia 7tn insi., airs, r aa.m, wife of Stephen Wilson, uged about 43 years. ocil vErabe.- Sunbuky, November 30, 1819. Amount of coal brought to Sunbury over the Danville and Pottsvillo. rail road, from Ihu Stuimokiu mines: Tons. For the last week, 5.")3 Per last report, 17741 Total. 18294 fclje iHarket rBIXBEXBZA MABKET. , Due 11, 1849. Wheat Prime Pennsylvania reds are held at SI 03 a J 05 and white at S 1 llaSl 13. Rr i Sales of Penna. at 62 a 65c, and Southern at 60c. CoaK. Old yellow is worth 58o ; new 49c; white 54 a 66 o. . . Oats. Southern Oats are held at 29 a 30 ; Penna, 35 a 36o. Whiskey. Sales in khda al 2To and bbls 57 1 cents. - - i SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. CorrMed weekly by Henry Master. Whkat. . 100 Rri. ' 66 Cnnv. 80 Oats. . 37 Dcttkii, . . . . 16 Erin. i - 9 Pork. S Ki.AXr.isn. ... 125 TaHow. . . . 10 Dskswat. 35 Flat.- . ..'1.8 KtiKitiiFnt. ' . . . 10 Dnm Arian. . ... .62 Do. I'kaciiss. ( ' . 200 RRCslSTKtt'S llCti WJOTICE is hrrrby Riven to all Lrjrnttrn, X v l.-rptlitnm and oilier persona intrrcstctl in the Estates of Hrnry Malirh, tloc'tl., settled by Iuk Ailininistrittnr, IVtrr Mulitk; of Alirnlinin EiMer, iloc (I., scttlril liy Ills AtlmiiiiHtrntor, John 8. Kis. tcrs (Kiipplcnirntury acrouiiO of Alirnlisin Kim. iinrrr, dci-'rl.. Kcttled hv his Excrutiir J.ihn F Wolliiirjrr, and John Kinnimrrr ; (wrnnil mipplo nicniiiry nrrnunl) ot John I'nre, tier it., rrtthxl I'V his Ailininislrntor Daviil Marts, Eq.l of Anne lrlnml, ilec'tl., snttlnl hv In Executor John Ir land I of Mary Awl, itar.'d., st-ttlut liyjine of her Administrators George C Wclkrr, Esq.; eflliurh Mcd'inly, uVc'il., sotllnl by his administrator Wil liam IIouspI of John I.iirhou, dcc'tl., settled hv Ms surviving Executor Daniel lSrmilirran of tilenner Heed, dec d., nettled hy her Adnnnmtm. tors I'etrr Arnwine and Muntrn A. Keedi of Geo, Stratum, ilcr'tl., settled hv liin Atlniiiiixtrator Wil liam C Luwxon; of Juroli Keller, tlcc'd.. settled hy his Executors Miilip Keller, Salomon Keller nud Daniel Keller 5 oi,tuirrey I.acitzcll, dee d., settled by his Executor lie njaiiiin I.neitzcll j of Martin Wesver, dee'd., settled by his admixtrator William 11. Mueiu-h; That the Exectitnrs and Administrator of Raid Estntei havo filed their account s with the Kcginter of Korthtimhcrlund county, and Hint the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said county on TUESDAY the win ilny ot January next lor confirmation and al lowance. JOHX P. PKnSEL, Register. Register's OIFtcc, ) Sunbury, Dec. 8th, 1819. J THE rX!3FX.E'S VADE-MECUM , COMPRISING A COLLECTION OFOVKR 200 VA1.UAHLE RECIPES, In the Vsrfnl and Interesting Arts with a few Simple nnd Curlmis FxirrlmiMil in CIIKMISTRY : INCM-DINO Med H int's, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price 6 et., for sale by ' HENRY MAsSSEK. iSuiihiiry, Dec. 8, ls!9. Efttalc r Mary .tlnorc drr'd., and Jacob III wore, dee'd, JV OTICE is hcreliy iriven, Unit letters of ntlmi ' niRtratiou on said tlt-ceasetl's estates, have heeii unrated to the milist-rilier. All persons hav ing claims nonius! the estates, are requested to present them for examination and settlement, nnd those intk-lited to the estate! lire requested to make imnietliatelv payment. PETER MOORE. Lower Augusta, Dec. 8, 1841). In ihe. mailer of the, exceptionsio the account of Cutiarine and Rebecca Painter, Exe cutors of Miry Puinter, dee'd. rjlHE suhscriher appointed auditor by the Or A plums' Court of .NortliumlK-rlantl county, in lhe almve matter, hereby notifies all persons inter ested, that he will attend lo the duties of his ap pointment on Saturday, the SSd day of December 1H4!1, at 10 o'clock, A. M., ut his ollico in the borough of Snnbnrv. CHARLES J. HUCNEU. Auditor. Sunbiiry, Dec. 8, 184H n r.SPECTFrLLV informs the cilizcii of Danville nnd the public at larce, that he list located in I'anville, and is now prepared to prac tice Metlii ine and Suruery in all ils various bran ches. He will operate on nil the various forms of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, c left palate, nnd attend to the extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, and all other surtricnl dis eases. His collection of instruments comprises nil instruments in nu-drni Surgery, of the latest improvement and finest finish. He flatters him self that many years' practice nnd cxH-ricnt-e will be a sufficient guarantee to those who may feel dispocd to employ him. His residence is nearly opposito the .VohIcow nj J!iiitings, and next dour to Isaac Roscn bamu's store, in North Danville. Dauvillo, Dec. 1, 1819 ly. - ORPHANS' COURT SALE- N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northuinlicrland county, will lie exposed to Public Sale uu Saturday the Vl'Jlh day of Decem ber next, at the house of Mrs. W harton in Sunbii ry, the following prorty to wit : A certain lot of ground iu the Hoi-ouh of Sunbiiry, bounded on the north by lot No tilt, on tho west by Witter street, and on the South by lot No. 88 and number ed iu the town plan -No. 87 communis one t liitirih of an acre mure or lcs, whereon is erected a two story lo(r House, rough cast, to which is at tached a log kitchen, Ac., late the estate of Mary Harder, (or Van Jlcrircr.) tlcc'd., now in the occu pancy of Samuel Fetter. Sule to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said when the conditions there of will lie umde known by. HENRY UARTSHER, Adm'r. Ev order of the Couit, David Rockefeller, Clk O. C. J Dee. 1, 1819. VENDUE, or Ileal and I'eraonal Properly ( S Wednesday the 26th of December next, at " ' 10 o'clock A. M.,at the late residence of Peter Horn. ili.c'iL. in l.riur AiiirimtM l..U7.rl,l.. ...Ml ' , . ' " o t . ' ' " I le oflcrcd for sale, Horses, Vusi;ons, Plough, ' Ifarroiv. hhccti. Hoirs. Coi-n nint f)nti l.v tU. 1 bushel, uiul (irain iu the ground together with some Household furniture, one Ride, one bhot Ciun Hay by the ton, &e. Al.SO At the same time and place, A Tract or Land, containing; 118 acres more or less, on which tho deceased resided, and on which are erected two comfortable Dwelling Houses, one Darn, one Stable, About 100 acres of said land arc cleaved, and iu a pretty good state of cultivation. The suid tract of land is about 6 miles below Sunbury, and adjoins Henry Conrad, Henry Masser, Joseph Folk and others. Terms of sale will bo mdo knowu on day of sale, hv HENRY BURNS, Ex'r. Lower Augusta tp., Dec. 1, 1849 ts " SIIElilEFS SaT" BY Virtue of a certain writ of Fieri Facias to nis directed w ill be exposed to public sale at tht house of Jlenry F.ckbcrt, in the borough of Milton, at 11 o'clock A. M., on Salurday the 32d of De-ct-Biler next, the following real estate, to wit : A rertain lot of ground situate in the borough of Milton, between front street and the west branch of tho Susquehanna river, beginning at a corner of a lo of IS. Dicfl'enderfcr on Front street, thence along-said street 80 fct-t, thence by a line parallel willt the lino on the south side of said lot of the said Solomon DiefTcnderfer, and extending as far back westward as midway between high and low watermark of said river thence up the said river 30 feet to the corner of said lot of the said 8. DielU-nderfrr ; thence by the line on the south aide of the said lot of the said Kolomon Dietfcnder fer to the place of beginning i it being the same lot of ground which Keth I Comly, liy deed dated December 1. 1843, granted and confirmed in fee to Paul Dennett. Whereon is erected a large two story brick dwelling bouse and store room, with a brick kitchen attached and other out-build-uigs, now iu the possession of Paul Uennelt. JAMES COVERT, fehr'tt ' frhenfforfioe Rimburv, ) Cct. 1, 1619. u' i "Winter Arrangement. PHILADELPHIA AND READINO RAIL ROAD, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO POTTSV1LLE. ON and after November 1st, 1849, the Pas Rcnfrcr Trains will run between Philadelphia nd Pottsvillo as follows I Leaves Philadelphia at 8) A. M., daily except Buiidnys. . . ( Arrives at Readintr At 11 1Q. Arrives nt Pottsviile at 13 AO. Leaves Pottsviltcat 8J A. M. daily except Sun days. Arrives at Rendini? nt 10. Arrives tit I'hiladclphia nt 13 .10. PARES. Pottsvillo and Philadelphia 8,60 ami 3,00 j Pottsville and liendint; 1,40 and 1,30 lfcailingnnd Philadel))hia 3,2 ft and 1,9(1. Passengers cannot enter the ears unless provi ded with Tickets, There will I no Afternoon Train. NOTICE. Kilty pounds of liarcunge will he al lowed to each passenger in these lines; and pas senders are expressly prohibited from taking any thing a hatjiiuirc but their wearing apparel, which will lie the risk of the owner. liy order of the llonrd of Msnniirrs. 8. BRADFORD, Nov. 21, 1849. Secretary. HICKEY 8c TULL, No. i;o ClicKiuit afreet, (Opposite the Arcade) riHLADELFniA, IANIFACTfRER.S of their improved style 1 Elastic Steel Spring, Solid Sole Leather, and Solid Riveted which took the only first premium, awnrded by the Franklin Institute nt their hist exhibition. H. eV T. take pleasure in informing the travel ling public, that they have now on hand, a beau tiful nssortinent of llicir improved style of Solid Sole Leather Trunks; Double nnd Single Folio Trunks, of various styles; Ladies' Trunks, Va lice Trunks Uolinct Eoxes, Cap Cases, Carpet Rags, and an elegant assortment of superior En nnieled Patent Leatluir Rags, with every articlo ill their line of business. lW Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchango for New ones. A LEY. L. HfCKEY. RICHARD XV. TLLL. Philadeliihia, Nov. 17, 181!).- "OR PH AN t3'C6URT SALE. EN pursuance of on order of Ihe Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will hp exposed to public sale on lhe premises, on Saturduv the 20th tiny of Dcccinlier next, the following described property to wit: The one undivided half part of nil that certain TRICT OF MM), situate in Point township, and county nforcsaid. Adjoining land of John Nixon, Leounrd Pfoulx and others, nnd the North Branch of the Susque hanna, containing in the whole, one hundred and ninety-four acres nnd seventy-five perches; about one hundred and sixty acres of which are cleared ; w hereon nrc erected a large STONE HOl'SE and a good F ti oik 13ahn with other buildings, the land is ot the best quality. Late the estate of William Lemon, tlcc'd. Sule to commence at 1 1 o'clock A. M., of said day, when the conditions thereof made known by lH'Cai M'WILLIAMS, By Order of the Court, Executor, David Rockefeller, Clk., O. C J Bunbury, Nov. 17, 1849. 7t WILLFJT &. IliltllllXi'S 7HOLESALE Commission PAPER and K Alt V AKEIIOLSE, No. 19 MINOR Street, .Philadelphia. Where a general assort ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale at the lowest cash prices. 'ap, Letter and Printing Papers, tc. on iiauu. Plain nud ruled while Cups. " blue " Flat Caps. Plain and ruled white Letter. " ' bluo " Blue and while Folios. While and colored Printing Taper Tissue Papers. Shoe " Wra piling" Envelope " Hardware and SreaUiing Paper. Tar Boards. Straw Boards. Bonnet Boards. All orders from tho Country will bo attended to at the shortest notice. All goods sold will l carefully packed, anddo livered nf any place in Ihe city. The hic-st cash price paid for Rugs, or ex changed for Paper, as low its can be bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849 "n7s. lawretb Agent for the sale of Sonthworth Manufaetu ring Co's. Writing Pap-rs. Ware House, o. 3, Itliiiur street FHXX.ADEI.PHXA. 100 '!!;''';' f the aliove superior Papers now iu store, and for sale to trade ut the lowest market prices, consisting in part of Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 15 and 16 lbs. blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. Ex.ra super and superfine Folio Posts, blue. 8uM-rlinc Caiuiucrical Posts, blue and white plain and ruled, and while, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt. Superfine and find Bill Papers, lung anil broad. SuH'rlinc nud line Cuuuting-Itouse Caps and Posts, blue and w hite. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Kupcrlincd blue llaih Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Note Papers and E.rvelupes, Lawyer's" Brief Papers. Superfine and fine Cajui and Posts, ruled and plain, blue uud while, various qualities and prices. Also, 1000 reams while end asserted Shoe Pa pers, Bound Boards, while and assorted tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Me diums, Cap Wrapping, Hardware Papers, &c Philadelphia, Nov. 24, IH10. Valuable Hooks, IIFE or Co u ikt, liKinlsomely hound, D'Ai J Bit. Nt's HikTUIir or TUX Rr.rnttNATlOX, Blawk Dai-books i-ii Lkiigkus, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by ' H. li. MASSER. Sunburv, July 14, 1819. , 'S'lSSl E PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for 1 covering glasses, &c, for sale at the otlicc ot the Aiuericuu. 7 IN DOW CLASS, 8 by 10, forsalotv V HENRY MASJiTEB Stmhuiy, Jan STth, 1649- If. R05E OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this excellent article for Totter, ire., just received and lor sale by HENRY MASJSlft. Bunbury, July 58, 1849 riE AS, froifl tlie New York Canton and Pekin X Tea Company, r or sale hy J. W. FRJUNO. Sunbury, Deo. X, 1848 I. AY RUM. An excellent article for sal by HENRY MASSER. Suubury Jan. S7th, 1849--tf. BLANKS. m lylyu at tbs oiice of the American. . , Groceries ! Groceries ! ! COLTOIY A, Co. S. W. Corner Arch If 6th Street Philadelphia, rFFEtt for sale to the Inhihitants of Sunbury and vicinity, Family Groceries of the Very finest quality consisting of Extra Fine, Superior and Common Green and Black Teas. Coffees of all kinds and prices. Sugars of every kind. Rice, Farina, Pago, Hominy. ' All kinds of choice Pickles, Sauces, Ketchups, Olive Oil, Preserves, cVc, warranted to be of the very finest grades in the market and at the cheapest rates possible. ; i4ll goods carefujly packed nnd promptly for warded. COLTON & CO. S. W. Cor. Arch &. Gth St. riiila. Oct. 28, 1819 chc3m Iy my 20, ""e. hicks' J01TES7" WHOI.KSAI.K TIKALKIt MANUFACTl'tlER OF WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE. Importer of French Baskets Looking Glosses, and Fancy Goods, No. is North Second Street, Between Market and Arch fets., under J. SinxKt JonEs' Carpet Warehouse, two doors below Christ Church, PHILADELPHIA, TJASon hand and is constantly receiving a large and extensive assortment nf Combs. Brushes, Fancy Gooils of every description, (too numerous to mention,') Lookiurr Glasses of Gilt and Mahogany frames, Baskets, Coaches, Chairs, &c. BROOMS, Shaker's Eastern Wisp and Country BroomR, Window Blinds, Door Mats, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Washboards in fact, Wooden and Wil low Ware of every description, nil of w hich will lie sold low for Cash or City acceptance. Merchants would save thcin:-lvcs much time and trouble, by calling nud examining my stock lieforc purchasing. N. B. Looking Glasses, nrc insured against Breakage to all parts of tho l.'nion, without extra charge. August S3, 1849. 3m TICKNOR'S COLUMBIAN SPELLING BOOK. LING a progressive and Comprehensive Sys tem of Ortliogriinv and Orthoenv. including a variety of definitions, adapted to the uso of Schools in the American Republic, by Almon Tickuor, ft Teacher of twenty-live year's experi ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, &c. The attention of Teachers, Hchool Directors, parents, &c, is invited to this new Spelling Book, which conforms to the modem spelling and usages in Orthography as being one of the neatest, cheapest best arranged, and Is-tler adapted to the wants of children, than any other published iu the I nilcd Stats. It is what it purports to be, a Spelling Book and not a Reading Book, and only reiuires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the United Slates. Just published, and for sale by IIi:nht Mahsf.ii, Sunbury. Where Teachers ond Directors can procure copies for examination. August 4, 1849. THE F.ill.UEK'.? ENCYCLOPEDIA. F.DITF.D BY F.MKKSf i. BN ONE VOLUME, Royal octavo. 1103 pages, lieautifully bound, containing, 17 fine plates, ls?sides numerous Wood Cuts. Sold at about one fourth the cost of tho English work, without any Plates. "The Farmer's Encyclopedia is a real treasury of practical information, wherein the experience of all aces and countries is carefully piistui vr to the present day, ond admirably arranged for con venient reference." Dr. Darlington. "We arc fully convinced that such nn amount of valuable knowledge for farmer can be found in no other work in so cheap and convenient a form Iu fact, no Fanner who pretends to be well inform ed iu his profession, should be without this work." New Gcnnessec Fanner. An excellent work, fit lo Ik- distributed in pre miums by Agricultural Socities. J. S. Skinner. For sale at this Ollice, price !f'i. Also, by E. XV. CAHK, Third street, opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia ; and N. HICKMAN, Baltimore, Maryland. 13 All Oukkus mi st ni acccmpaxied nr tub C4.S1I. July 14, 1S49. 3m 50.000 Victims livery Year Fall a Prey to Consumption, Asthma and Raising Dlooil, lloclic Fever and A'iglit .Sweats. ASTHMA AMI t-OXSl .MPTIOX. I.. J. Ileal, III Drl.inri-y slrci t. guv it In liu .iM. r-lll-luw wlm Imil lieiii mi inviilij I'.ir yesm from Amines ; to another coiiFideml hv in It relieved llicni ut unee, so lliat lliey travelled several hundred utiles. fu'irnxo nuion li uluiiys alarming. It to tho worst kiinl nf Con uiiiitl -ii. Mini toilers urriateil in time i grn. r.illy Intnl. Wurman's A ll-l IiuIiiik ItiUun is ihe licit reinrily known: it heals the wouiuliil or ruplureil Uo. Ve.. ls ol'lhe lmi;s, unit Iherehy rlteels a perinaiianl cure, while other rriu ilielonly slop the l.lo-O l.jr the lime. A lew iloavs of this llalsaui will KilislV the innsl skriiliral Unit it is the lueilic inc retpiircd II has heen mi.esMiil in mum- ciinrs. uisl Ihut t k wlit'te tlicy littd ftm itit't t nipiit ilfi'lnu. nr. us pi'iiemlty fxiirt-sstvl, ll STV l)M I'TiON." Ymmp Kn uis. r thfve r nihl,!lc ii-c, urc suhji et tutht'st; (iltnckatimn tti it Red. Vrwv eeiitx attd 1 u-r txttile. Ur. Miritnin' I'oiifih uiul Wunu I.Kjicnp'on, nnJ Toor Mmii'i lhatem. s ll n ntvive. i'nnciitt tMiice 1W Niuuciti-Rtnirt, cw Virk. SHEOAX'S POOH MAN'S PLASTKIl h:t cured nKre ram-i oC Rheiimnliitm. Vain iti lite Fak, hnit; hihM'1is(. huniltatro ihhI WcdkntPn. titan Miiyappli m tn hi ttmt Iijih iiwtrn4t(f i f uiiriiK'ij'l-l r.iM-ul tiuveattfniptinl to diinteriVi, it, ai.d vilm 11 t rt'ti-ii ih ominiuitiiy m the ptiiiiiiie. -Ilv)tri o" ler ;tti -m.. j Kfiiii-iiitit-r tlutt lite true uittt mi me l'lnii-r m kprtiut u(m n reiitlirtli MiptT maile expri'fely for Iho piirjHiiiu unit rvery e:e the nitniiitutc of Dr. Stimiuiu in printed iiprin tin hark nf lhe lLiHtcr, uud the whole wn-iired hy tVpv it iiit. tii oiliL-m are pvimine. wlnaii yon h utiI pvnl Shertiun'K Imr .Maii'a I'laMer, call at ihetuhce, lot .aau wrt-et. ynd yo4j will mt lw diipviinted. Itemed it t pniM-iiiUdire Kit :iitMustre't. N'fW-York, wheie all lr. Stierman' Itizeim- uie a.ld. Mm Aut Hre Mn. Hay, :il Fulton mreet. ilr H-klyii; 1 line -a, Wilttumithurg ; umi RihIiIiii Sl (.', Bitloii, nuU JOHV YOrXfi. Hiinhun. M. A. McCA Y. Xoilhumherlttna Xov. 10, tin ch elm w FIRE PXIOOP CHESTS, FOR BOOKS, PAPKUS, JKVEMlV,&c. EVANS tSi WATSOX, So. 90 North Third street, beticeen Arch and Race, and 83 Dock street, OlTOPITE Till: l'lIII.ADf.I.flllA KXCHANCE. Patent Soap-Stone Lined and Krj liole Cover SALAMANDERS, I IUK AM) THIEF 1'KOOF 1UUX rilLHTS, Yarruteil Ui itand niorv Heal i itt Alao latent AiroTIamber Iron iittikiwiFTT- T lluuiajiv I liel iu una i tumirT. I'liests, ItSW now ill um. They slso cutiliiiue lo nwkti th unlina rv Firs lr"ol. si very k'W pntM-s ....fc' - - V 'I Ml - ' r.'t tauire Keys, wliieh csa be rtumgMl rl Piitellt oi'Uirillulllllt MK-ks. With Iile ill tsot every tiiue the Lurk is used If de.ul4e. Thf U-m w poM sjainsl lit. inou expert Tliieve,biinr'iiplil with lhe IWiii key-lKile Cuver, Slid usuie very strui.e. they un..t bt bkisill ms-il bv (iiiiiswilor. These lsicks are uiletslctl for UANkS, S'rtlKKIS (tAFKS. . . , hmlmid lettet eopyuig presses, 6 re proof doors for Bsitks "f'eieiu'sisle l.imil nefrijteralnrs. wtirrsntnt mperi.e la all others. Water Filters, hhowef iiitlis of Ihe lt gust. "Vv Persons wMiinf in purch ' f Wr. tides, will plrsise (live Diem a call, as they sell chearstf liuut any otber iu Uie l ulled "jj"";,,, FVAN, Jolt ANMM JVATlO.N. rbilaJtliih'ia, Koveiuhet 10, IMU ly rolilt-'i Tooth Irbe Drops, A most vslualilc cure for Toolh Ache. For wle lv CiliOKCiB W. C'OBLB. Fourth house tlsf " .. . a in Water rrt Ruiiburv, Pec. I, 1819 la all Chilatlsnlsed snil clrliltnt emintriea, hss rsuM-d a Isrser iropoilii,n of ilemln thiin sny other inslsdy thai smirts thn hmnsn tninilyi ami. enril within tii ysars. there h not lieen any rrrlain rmtuig to tou Cle ileTasta tion ol the destroyer, lint now . . BRANT'S I'ULMOMR INDIAN Ciirai vrrf many nf the most timntf marked and rtertl. nped rnr ot Pulmnnarv Con-nmptinn riai tmdnhttd of titrcrattd nnd Hitraivd I.I. M.'.V-ou. h knttint a. e as were nrrer lielbni ruled .y anr nlhsr madiclne. fo eirtery hiiprUit wnro soinn of llm stilirtrd perinns, as to have been pronuuneeil hy phlihiant mid fri.-nds to be sctimm.y I'ViNii. Some, who liij iheir biirlsUlothea lll'l-tft, havii be.-n enreil. mid yet ItVfr others, who It WM sni.l wouM not lire stn.thur dy, are now as well sad hearty s they eer arera. It imwnv s!l the nnd pnrlfylnf Tlrrnel neaiiy nll puwcrlul aud active u the preparation which H rail r Bit ANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. Tli! d'-V. r, from tht bemu'e llii- posaetin mrm-ml otkir ; "' ," "-lii. il are pnulfarlf aJaylei to, and are autn- ? now.,.-),, to cure Coughs and Consumptions, . ni-en-f oi n pal.iioiifiry m-tun. enrh ditestw V pruv tn fiiti.1 ut.der urdiinty titatuient w thick lha , Brriisi, Throat, tnn. Rinl IJcurt Thin RA l.SA W hmlt anil mm tlvri in tht I,ung$. and rinr-nh-Te initmnllft. hn ctrtn'tnlf nnd tatilu h thu Ptai rvivi Kx riiAt r cures nmt h-aU ulepra CJrtrrntiUv. 'ihla H!f nn tires .inr. caf !' Cjuyh it mi Consumption out of Ten. idler all oilier retnetiii's hiv failed to do good. Thousand.g of Consumptions rd rinir (ju$h, nhiinflftntl.T prnre Ift Hnfailin til. ray m nn h tltM-a-'. nnd it tifultaihted enmtira xiwer. hud pfi .th.rirr. hcHiiup piopcrtir'ii. in thn fnlluwina ewtn pl iihtH n.itl iti-i nv vr. .: fyt'ttins of Plood, IHtfdinjf mt tht Lunc, i' tiH in the flrrttM and .si.'ie. AiA( Svsnts, A'jr rrta f '(;.; V'-t7rt of the Ifmrt, ( 'AoVra Infan tum, liv-rutrn Mhd Stmmtr Complaints (a Children and Auul', A-tkinn, and ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES & COMPLAINTS. No rrinrdy thnt has been oftered to thn public hat vor hren h'h'f rrrtain nnd rfrrtitnl in roTTtctintf ALL ihe ut eiih'iif ni vnfinr.'fe nod irrrtruhrititm ot tha temnla acx, aa HltAM S J'i LMOA h'Y HAI..SAf. It mnlcai Do al.f-ti-renei w !i.-th'T Him il''i'unueiniiit ho ruyftrtttion. excess, nr ii! her inrhlr-tt'al nW.e? it Ki;(;n.A I KS ALU, bf ftrrrtjthtKlnj o fvU in. t?itaH:iHf fV rirrditliont and tnothittv vtui ellttuiit NKKVoL'S 1KRITABIUTT. Sot our I'amyhitt fur ii(M)f. CONSUMPTION. A Dying Woman Cured ! Wh f-titp tit rr. to jirnTp the potter to sate life, whan tlii UA I.SAM i u ii, ev.'ii nltt-r the perann it considered hy pivfti,-j,in mid Irii iiira to he hi the inf flag nt liaa hciii .I y fivimr - nnd. In this t-ae, so far gone that ttaa rhrou.f niiil bin iul d-y'hes were hmieht. Kr thf panic turs nf th! vnn, nnd tho rcrpertaile nnd vntlnnLttd proof nf n'I tin' ( irfuiii-ttniicej and lucU, wo rct'or t oar v: vriii.Ki.-. Tlii-i eur- wh rtTsTted on Mn. ZIRA DYKRMAH. of 'illstri'i j, par at n a (o , .V J. We can profe, bernad a id'ii'ir. rrn : -t- tthnn-t equally ai hnpfh i. nnd nnu mcrnbl cnv ot Cmvh uiul ('uitsttr.ij&ions CI' It which were pn.nmitM'ril incurable l.y Bkillul phyuiait. LIVER COMPLAINT. i?ic the euro of Vr. Ifitbhard, of StHinfurJ, l,'t, and othara Dyspepsia I S. e ihe eure of T. $ It il oj, mrreuffnr f Attfra, Wjo nriii; fo , N. Y., mid nmny mora, in our pMtnphh-U. Dyseutexy & Summer Complaint in ChV.Jrrn nnd A InUs ar atteavs rnrtd. Weakly Children will b ci-nie f-hy. hralthv. and hearty, and trim rapidly, hy the ime nt ' ihin I.AI.AM. No nii.iher need ert-r ninuni th dentil nf her ehfld hy C'tiflr:! I iiOnittitit, wlnht teething, if flRAyVt Prr. Wfty.tlfY BALSAM hendniiiii-t. red. Itvhnald b far aiici ruses, (fiven in lnrj.vr than. the ordinary doaaa. LiJCIUP.3 a PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND Th" loll.iv'n:: n un. J lrrlnri and Wvftrt'ssf baTV l.l l. y reei.itinu-tiiM 11 KANT'S MKMCftKSl l'r. X lit :; t:AH!, Stmnlonl. Iunn. Ilr. .1. X. HMI I II, Wat. rMwn, N. V. Iir. ihhsmas. i:i-j II.-nrT tr. et, Urouklrn, H. Y. l'r. T M. HI'N T. Auburn. N. V. Ilr. ii:. KIIANr-H. Mi.l.ll.-liiwn. Cobo. nr. liKH. A. KO(ii:ils, BiulL N. V. Dr. S. Winn-:. Fre.lTin. N. V. Iir. t'. II. li.U.KNTISK. Ilvrnn. N. Y. Hr. J (i. MIM-M AS. I sv.-"ltnil!e. V. T. l'r. J. SKIXXKII. llvnn-'sr. linH.klTn, N. T Ur. O. r:ilir.M.l.X. CVirllaml. N. Y. 1--OH f At.K HV JolinW. Friling, Simhnnr Pa. .Mury A. MeC.iy N 'iilmiubaralad. .lohll 11. I(:'ie ll.-nry J. Miueir.-r K.lwaril A. Kmziier Atlnii t onrlnl llii-. flr Mety.riuiek, A . V. 1. I'liiiiter. J. I'. .MS'iu ,V f., Ilv;ir.l W lis' ii. 'riiorutoii ll.i'iver, S J. ( 'rouse, W. U. lii. klev, Milton, t do Poltserov, iMelwcisiville, Mllliey, llitv'heaville. New Iterlut, T.ewisliurfr, fVliusitnive, Jtmivilte, V.. V. l.-itz - Jolm R. Mover. nl'umslinix- 1 i: li-n-TK mitl nnliTH iniii-t inj uitdresavd to Wullaca ts t'o., Itui lro:'ilv.-iv. .'v Vork. SiiiI.iii'vi July SI, l-ll ly. Kquiiablc I.Uc IiiNiirance, Annuity nnd TriiNt Company. . OITirKTI WAIAfT PTHEKT, PHII.ADEI.rHIA. Capital iiii,tiliO. Chastkr l'tsrsTCAt. ri'lll' Conijviny lire ikiw prestreil to tranmet businaaa t iijv'ii tin- in .M hih-rul uud udviiittniteoiia terms. Iltey lire luit'i'inzed I'V tlieir elnirler (si-et. li) uto make al aita e ery iiiiuninep uiM!rtaiuiiitr to lii'e risks of wlintever khtd or iialure. and to leeeive mid extvute trusts, trctke etvlow ineiiis. nn.l l i enuit ami pitrehitse uiuittities.'1 Iie Com (viny s'!l mni'iiiiei nud ciiduwiiieiits, uud avt as Truatccai I'or miiiom and heirs. Table ot Premium rcimrnl for Ilia AssunttK-a of 8100 for tiie wliolo term nf Lil's. Ak. I Prem. Aye. I Pretn. Age. Prera. in i rsi iii a m 40 1 3 as 17 I od Ui a 15 47 3 41 ii im at a .hi 48 3 8 111 I I VI i ai -7 4U 3 77 an i mi x a ii so im ji i ti t .mi a in 5i 4 is aa i nd 7 a 47 w 4 sa l I in :li 8 51 S3 4 l al I - 3-.I aitl 64 4 71 a-'i I 7il 411 a 71) 5A 4 Vl -J'i I r 41 J H SI III a; i mi 4a aia 67 is as I. I 4 1 .101 68 6 61 J!l Its- 41 a 13 59 6 78 :io a "l 4r 3 aa eo U3 Tlii1. pri-iiiiuiiis are I'-ss than any other eouiuiy, and lha poli' ii s :-.d" -id :re.iirr tulvanlai.ia. Tables of liall-yearlf nud 'luarleriy .eiiiiiinip. ii:ilf eretlit rat.a of pn-muim, short tcruis. j-niit lives, stirvivoriliips and tsskiwliieuta; also. It nn "I' Appiie.iliou i' ,r wtiieli there are bbitk atieets1) ar to 1 ltu.1 on nnplieali ti at ilie otlii-e, or by letter Iu thai Agent, J. II. PI UUV, funl.ury. liAru rott istuRiMi glut) 'Mi a siiif! Ufa AKe. l-'or I viair. For 7 -cars. Pot l.ifa. ao M pi 1 .10 , on p.j i. .10 a.m 40 I.J I.M ,7tl so i.hi a.o7 a.u4 i'.l d,la 3u7 d,u3 I'.XAMi'LK A pen ni aiin 30 yoira next birth day, hjr pn iii-r the t.'oinp-iny i. eeuis woukl secure to his family or In uu ltKI hhou'd be die iii one yuttr ; or for 9y-u0 ba an eur.-s to ih. in llitsi ; or lor ld ttitiiualty for seven year lie m-eures to llieiu sillHKi aboiikl he die in aeveti years; or I'or MUl anuiially diiiiui.' life he aet-urea I(IU0 to ba ' viid vvli.-ii be dies. Tlie insurer B.TUI iiiK his own bonus. I the ililli-reuee iu um unit of iireuiiuins fr'Siitlaiaei'liarioa by oilier oiiiees. I'or rlu,-U the heirs would receive S50UU Khoiihl he dm in one year. l-'oruut 01 uj'plieaiion and nil pnrtieulnrs may ba hud mt tlie odiec. i-l'.TCU t'l LbtV, Preaitleal. lee President. Wv. M. DilKU. I'niMK V. Hau ls. S-er.lnry aisl Trraaun. t'oxi i.tin.i I'liv.ieiAM Ur. J. U Musaer, Sunbury. J. II. t'euni, Suubury, Agent lor .N.sthuudicrkisl oosuv Iv. 'Suiil'iiry, Julya, ISI0 1 HE tllEAP liOOK STORE. EeaUTIELS & GIITE'3 I'hkap Nkw & Second Hand EookSiobi, .Vd. 56 S. Sixth St. be.wecn Market Archi Philadelphia. Law Pooka, Theological and Classical Books, IKEDICA1. BOOKS, BIOGRAPHICAL H1STOK1CAL BOOKS, SCHOOL HOOKS. Scisstihc amu Matukmaticai. Book. . Ju ven He Books, in great variety. Hymn Book and Prayei Books, Bible, 1I i nd price. 2jiuii4 Books, Writing Paper, andStationary, holuali and Retail, rw Oaa prina are inuelil ou-er than tha asr.ei.Aa prissa. re1 l.ilsanra and nuall parcels is books purchased. I e" Iis4is iiiii. itukI to order fnau LoimWu. Phlludelphiu, June 9, 1M0 )- IJAliSlXS, currants, citron, chi ,aa, ptpiMf aauee, Ac. For sal hy J. W. FRILINU Suubury, Vet. 2, 1818. WHITE DRAXDV for pr..wrln Urdy pcarlie of an f ACt-Ueiil quality, fo, wl by H. MAfc-SER, Suubury, Pept, 85J, 1849 Wjf" K OBA X D 61rRlNATlkiORTItiE I.AT. eilKS. .An excellent article, lor sale at 11 Uie usual price by I. XV. KKIUX?V Jj Suiibur)-, Jaly 7, 1749 i PIASTER, Salt and t uh, inst received anal fc , bv J. Y. rRUAXQ. i Sunburr, Dec. 5, 1S4S.