Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 08, 1849, Image 4

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3VU Sorb of Stems.
Tho following are from Dr. Brighnm's
"Utica Aiylura Souvenir:" .. .. , .
'VVe wish wo could imprest upon nil, Ihe
Tait importance of securing sounJ. and abun
dant sleep : if so, we should feel that we
had done an immense good to our fellow be
ings, not merely in preventing insanity, but
other diseases also.
We fear that the great praise of early
rising has had this bad effect, to make some
believe that sleep is but of little consequence.
Though it may be well to rise with the sun,
or when it is light, (not before, however.)
yet this is of minor consequence in compa
lison with retiring early to bed.
'l havo always taken care," said tho wor
thy Dr. Hoi yoke, after he was abovo 100
yeais of age, "to have a full propoition of
sleep, which I suppose has contributed to my
In our opinion the most frequent and im
mediate cause of insanity, and tho one most
important to guard against is iho want of
To procure good sleep it is important that
the mind should not bo disturbed for several
hours before retiring to rest.
Drummond thus extols sleep :
"Sleep, silence, cliiM, sweet father of S'lft reft,
Prince, whore approach pence to all mortal! bungs,
Indifferent host to slicphcnls ami to kings,
Bole comforter of which are oppressed ;
I), by thy chnrrmng rod nil breathing tilings
Lie slumbering, with forgetfulnosa posscst."
Mammoth Powder Flask. We saw the
horn of a Buenos Ayrcs ox yesterday,
which had been converted into a powder
flask by the officers of the U. S. frigate Ra
ritan, on a trip to that port. At the butt
end it measures 171 inches in circumference,
and 4. feet 7 inches in length, following the
curve, and is capable of holding 49 lbs. of
powder. St. Louis Organ.
Henry Dopce, son of Mr. Amos Dodge,
of Albany, Aew lork, died in that city
on Wednesday, from the effects of running;
a run in his arm lust below his elbow, on
the previous Saturday. A sad result of so
trivial an accident.
A Dutchman who has cleared a few
acres of ground about eight miles from the
city of Sacramento, in California, has made
a large fortune by raising vegetables, lie
sells melons at $2 to $1 apiece, potatoes at
32 per 100 pounds, and everything else
in proportion.
Fatal Railroad Accident. George M.
Wilbur, a?;ed 15 years, was instantly kil
led at Duncansville, Pa., on the 14lh inst.,
by a train of cars knocking him down and
passing over him. His head was severed
from his body.
Harriet Livermore, well known as a
female preacher in various parts of the
world for twenty-eight years past, is in New
LIK T. tllS WC!
Ith to the Wuekl!A
HALM hi found fur the
Whole Human Kaca la An
fire we1
tjvfci V ' Thl. it .n eTur-ly Wta-
.i C1V r 1 We compound, composed of
JBtSt 1 Tweilly-Fivediflrrentuigre.
TSJ Clients, and U hiternal end' W' t,-....i nnmJi for theva-
rions llli thnt Human -
heir to
. sven as, , ' ..
f .t.a rl.t. n.l. w-ii and Sick Headache,
Rheumatism, Cuts, (sprains, Spinal ArTectHsis, Summer
Complaints, Cholera rVfwtrMiLToothaehe, Lraptmiim, Corns
Piles, Froscn Parte, Bonn, Bea", ' " '
Breait, Painters' Collie. Bruises, old Pore", sppe
tite, Ueneml Debility. Ainhtne, fte. Put up in i bottlea for
I. l or 4 shillinrs per fnrther rnrticuhirs aee
u. i. ....... ki nf -v-rv airent amtis, communis a
liricf history of the origin, Hlwovery nnd (roods effects of
Andrew-.' rnni nnier, vn
on.. i-inmnlMtit success of Andrrwe fain Killer in re-
inovinff the causes tlmt produce ilonth. the niitiinely denth
of million' of our rnce, nus induced some men of whom it
ninv le truly sul, their vilininous orenpntione trmnil'cst
n....r viiltilnv. to attempt to put In circulation anuriona nnd
ctnintcrfeit nrtielea called '-rain Killer,1 using fictilioill
Mimes forelhe pretended author, forge.1 ecrlihcntes, Ac.
glome hnve np-nrcd, nnd olhera no doubt wiil appear. Let
all rememlior thnt Andrews Genuine Pain Killer bus the
written siirimtitra of I. Andrews on Ihe InlH of ench liottle
in l.lnck Ink. jv.n't -.imply nuk for Pnin Killer, but aik for
Alftrewa1 Pnin Killer, nnd hnve no other.
S.ld bv M. A. Mi-t'ny, Site Agent, Nrthni!erlnnd i
1. W, Frilinir. f.uiliiirv ; John II. Kin-n, Milton ; John R.
Myj-er, nioonndairg j Vm. A. Mnrmy Jfc Co, lliim illc;
Unveuixn1! A Smith, Plymouth; Andrew Yohr, Wilkea
luirre J Ilnya A MeOtrhiiek, AleKwenMville rVlwtfTle A
Chnnincrlitiu, Lvihnrg George McAlpin, Jersey SMiorej
J. M. Jndd.
Oolerv mtdnwd t( 1. Andrews, invetitor and only Pro
prietor nt Ithera Ttmpknia county, N, Y. Wil receive
prompt nttention
8. ptember 31), IB1 ly
Xcw IlhloOll nnd Leather Store.
No. 1 1 1 North 3d St. 3 doors Mow Race St,
flHE mil'wriliora: oflcr lo tho tanners on the
M niost fuvoniblo tenna their frosh importation
of Hides, consisting of Burnoa Ayrca, I.nplata,
Carnrrun, Lniniira, Hunc-Ury, Chili, Baited rer-
amluiro and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and
suited. Also, (Jrcen BlauRliter, Dry Salted, and
Iilark Dry ratlin Kips,
Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as
sortment of Currier's Tools.
Tliey will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter
Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Uil and loots, on
better terms, than old Houses in the city,
Cam paid for Leather of all kinds.
Philadelphia, May 86, 1849 ly
A Nexteupive Stock of Pocket and Table CLT-
-t LEKY, of sale by
Nos. 32 anJ 33 ARCADE, and 8& North
THIRD Street,
Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and
Also, choice assortment of Rodcers Sons,
Wostoiiholm'sClrcavc's W. 8. Butchers and
Fenney's Cutlery,
Also, Spanish, Dirk and llunlinnr Knives.
Also, (inns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives.
Also, i lie American Razor Strop, a sutierior ar
ticle, worthy Ihe attention of Healers.
Cxno Dealers in Cutlery, will find tho ahove
Stock worthy their attention, as tho bubsenwr i
chief lmsiness is importing and selling cutlery.
Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly
raTlf fS Powder Is warranted (ar superior to any
1 , Ihinfr in use for Imparting a kern, imoothedgn
to Rittart, Surgical Instruments, and all kind of
fine CvrataT t it may be applied to any kind of
strop. Also superior Rator, Knives, and Perfu
mery, wholesale and retail, by
1 ' ALr KED uEHnlilTi Agent. .
Depot of Pine Ranoin, Strops, Brushes, and
Cheap Fancy Hoods, ISo. 1 8 South l um street a
bove Chestnut Philadelphia.
PnitAnsi.FHiA, Feb. 15th, 1848.
This may certify that I hava used one of the
Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAOIC DIA
MOND POWDER, and ran attest in tha most
unequivocal manner, thnt there is nothing can be
found that will produce the same cfl'ect in my opin
ion, and must ssy to others, try it, and you will
find it superior to any heietofore in use. 1 can
truly any that I never knew what a sharp razor
was before.
JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third at
PiiiLxniitrniA, October, 1848.
A very hard beard and tender face has compel
led mo to seek and test many contrivances design
ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with
indill'i rcnt success, until I mode use of the Magic
DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett,
and Roussi l's Shaving Cream. Their united pow
er oct like masie, and impart a power to the Kozor
to remove the most stubliorn Iteanl, tnlhmtl irri
tating tho skin or temper of their owner.
J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street.
For sale at this office Price 35 eta, per Box
iSovcrmVr 2o, 1848 bin.
Tiflfl FJitract II pat ap in quart bottles. It b tit time
cheaper, plensanter, and warranted snperinr to any
auid. It rnrea diseasea without vomiting, purging, sick
ness, or deaiklatuig tha patient, and la particularly aoapuu
Tha treat beauty and superiority of this Saraiparlna over
OUier remenica is, wnim ,t nmiTiHi uiw)
it invigimtea the body.
Consumption cured, r , . .
Cleanse and rMrenftherl.
Ontimmntinn MM M enresl.
Bronchitis, Oontnmplion, 1 jvef 0snplaiirt, Cokta, Omfha,
tturrn, AKntna, rmiiting m mooe, soreneisi in ura
vneat, Hectic Miisn, mgnt pweaia, vim'
cult and Profnsa F.i perforation,
aiat Pain in tha Bids,
Ae., Ac.,
have and can tie Cured.
Prnhahhr there never ami a remedy that has been an aue-
cessfitl In desperate eases of eotmnmptiosi aa thia it clean
ses and strengthens the system, ami appears to henl the ul
cers on the Inngs. and patients gradually regain their usual
health and strength.
There la acamelv a dnv nnsaes but there are a number ef
crises inTconsumptnn reMrted as cured by the use of Dr
Townseirs Barsupauila. ilia louowing was recemiy r
criyed : m
Dr. TowxsD Pear Sir ! For the last three years 1
hare been nrHietcd with general debility, and nervous con
sumption of the last stnge, and did not expect to ever gain
y In
S'ork and elsewhere, and spending the most of my ennilngs
After going through a course of medirine
some of the most diHtimriiisaed rngti
ihysicinna and memliers of the Hoard of Health in N
mv health at all.
under the care of some of
" iiitiiisic, x ' 1 j
. ,: anfSBAaVjBBXLZTr. y
. GEORGE B. GREETf, PRontrBToit.
i Windsor, Vtrmont. ' " '
IS a sovereign remedy for DYSPEPSIA, In many af ta
forms, such aa pain In the Stomach, Hnartanrn, habitual
Oartirenesa, Arid Stomach, Headache, Lnssof Apnetita,
Piles. Night Sweats, and even Oswumptioa (Dyspeptic
Phthisic,) and Asthma, or Phthisic attended with derange
ment of the Stomach (or Dyspeptie Asthma,) Dimeult
Breathing, which often reaaha from imperfect digestion (ot
Dyspeptic Syspnaia,) ia relieved by these Bitters, laahorl,
their use has been proved in the relief of almost all the
svmptoms that proceed from a debilitated or atonic condi
tion of the Stomach) also in general dehllity arising front
nr rrom tha rtTerte of Fever, oarticularly Fever and
Ague. Females auftering nnd it any uterine derangement
Concentrated Sarsaparllla,
For the cure of TetUir, Scrofula. Erj sipalas, Piles,
Chronic. Klioumntism and all disorders of the
Blood, Mercurial Disease, &c y, . .... T T is recommended to Physicians and others, a.
York on her way to Jerusalem, where she L t)ie gtronRCst preparation now in use, and en-
tirely diflcrent from that put up in quart bottles,
possessing little or no active principle of the Sarsa-
expects to die.
Horace Jrnxison, Mass., has obtained
a verdict of 2000 damap-ss in a suit of slan
der against Wm. White, of Watertown.
The slander was an accusation of stealing
It is stated, that of the number who have
left New Bedford for California, from 800
to 1000 intelligence lias been received of
the decease ot over fifty.
All the drivers of omnibuses between
Washington and Georgetown have agreed
to reduce the tare each way to 6 cents
each passenger.
A wag has truthfully said, that if some
men could come out of their graves and
read the inscriptions on their tomb-stones,
parilla, but intended to deceive the public For
sulo by M. A. McCAx , Northumberland.
HEYL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will
cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Galls. Swellings, and
all complaints requiring an external remedy, h
is hichlv useful in Spavin, Curb, Kinclione, stifl-
jiess of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, &c.
It has also been used with irrcat success by per
sons aulicted with Itlicumatisin, and other com'
plaints. Prepared only by V. Marshall, Philadel
phia, and tor sale by At. A. McLay, I ortuuiubcr-
Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. ly
Tn prowjitine the puMic with s Temrdy fr the trmtnwiit
. and cure ni f kvkr asd aoitk mm inner diiioub nmnwi,
nn Rnlm' in nettled. Vnrt immtieri m thft United IStatct,
vht rnffvt from these nflcftioim in their varied fnrnut, are
romnelleil tit wek relief t'roin other Btiurrea thou the imme
diate prinmptitiim nf the rtrultir iihnician. It heroiic
thcrefnre nit olfjert ot nutnniiity, ri wen hi ot puwie inter
est, to lirinir net tire them a remedy prejvirefi tinin mucn ex-
nenem-e. ond which ninv riwuvi be rehed upon m.afr.
purh in the true chanu'ter of Ihe INDIA CIIOLAOOGI'K,
id nniply ntlmted by tlie UiiivcrmJ aucceas with which it has
bwm fui((riyed.
tV" Kxtrnet from a ton if the Hon. Wit
l.i a m VooDBHlI)o, of the U. fc. Semile, late Goverww of
Detroit. Oct. 21, lfMO.
TlorToa riiAai.FS Osgood.
JJenriir. 1 Imve renct won mnrn inTerrst, ynur iinie
trakatijk upm ttie rnuiieii, treiituient mm cure" H tlie
fehrile dimniefi wliirh hnve no cxlmsivelv nrcviiileil in our
country during tlie lust few inonllm un intereit inrrensed
no d.ul)t. by the fnct th:it I huve iodividufilly auirered m
ranch from 'them. Tlnmiih 1 feel mywlf very ine-mipt'teiit
to judire Kitely pu a anlyeet no cut in ly profesnhmal, yet
your theory m'euiM m rue well rennieo, nna your cH-m
nions just, and I think wit I ml, tlutl your paniplilet is calcu
InttMl to nttKlnee much timet nnl
SiH-JiWoiff nf the innlu-ine he anvs : It fully jurtineilyrir
flii t terms' i'xpeeUititni. ami nan aufe. convenient, and ppu-
lar reme-lv, mv own experience, so fur, induce me to le
lieve t lint it will prove a creat puMie U'nefit. I om pleased
to lc:irii .tint vou Imve reeeniiy ewannwieo sevenii Hennea
for its deposition thonpli 1 re(rret tliat, with a view to a
more general dissemiuxition of it. you should have found it
iiecessiiry to remove from your present residence among us.
Willi much respect 1 nave uie nonor 10 ne, sir,
Vonr oblieed aervant,
PP" From Hon. Stepiir? V. R. TROWBBiOGKof Michi-
fun state senate, to the Ajrent at Detroit.
Sir von wish me to inform vm wltat I know of Dr.
Osgood's I iid iti Choliifrogne, or anti-bilious medicine. I do
believe that it the virtue and emeacy ot this medicine were
generally known, the rrvKB asd ague would disappear in
i procumi a home in rue apnng ni imi, ana tiara fnoa
reason to believe that myself and family escaned the ague
lust senium in consequence of its use.
ferhans in no summer since the settlement or this hue
peninsula, hits the fever nud ague been so prealcnt aa the
Lint. I have recommended this medicine m numerous in
stances, ntwl when the tlisense htnl become fixed bihI milled
the skill of physieiims; nnd I Imve never known it fail. I
has uitiverKtllv produced the most lumpy effects, and 1 bet
lieve it has never been exceed'! by any medicine lu mn-
vuig the iiiitous oiwnm'B ot the cinuiue.
1 ours, respeciiuiiv.
stkimikx v. n. TnovvnninoK
Agent for fcuuhurv 11. B. MASSKIt: NorthuinljerliuuL
AVmilMiToM A Co.: Miltou. J. 11. U ASEU : Melius-
grove, J1 AY4K l,Ur-.
may o, icho u
TOHN W. FRILING has just received at his
v tnt-0 in Silltllitirv ha nvtrinaivo nafiitrtnmnt rf I
Ihey WOUia think they haa got into tne I NEW GOODS, of ovory variety which he is now
wrong grave.
The amount of sales of eggs for the whole
city of Boston, for the year 18 18, was a
fraction short of a million of dollars, and
the amount of sales of poultry for the whole
city, the same year, was over a million 01
A letter has been received from Gen,
Cass, announcing his intention to leave 1)
troit for the East on Tuesday : that he will
be in Rochester on Thursday, and fulfil his
encasement to lecture belore the Athe-
"A wife as is a wife." has been found in
one Kitty Malone who was brought before
the Police Court Hoston lor breaking a chair
all to pieces upoil her husband while he
was in bed, all lor jealousy.
There are one hundred and seventeen
churches belonging to different denomina'
lions, in Cincinnatti.
TCn lltltn rniMIa Ikon in cti,l 1.a.,I..
---.M--.-V.kVB.M.UUI.W-OUll.,. ..1 .... , .
... in na!.i ik. inii, .i I '! Hiucits luauuiiM luifu iiv lueui will u6 made 11)
' iii.-jiic-.v mo Minu.-iii.fs iimi may uuuc .i... i.... ...i .1 1.1. ;...i ...1
.., 1 r I ...v mm iiiub. tiuiuutv M iv. miu UK I'lllVB ua
ua wiiu neuen. .nl.l. ... fuii Ian liuil al miu rtllntr adtula
I .. V J "- -
Tt,- : nek ... r . ,,. i Iwhmciit m the county. 1 hoy tlu'rt'lure resect tfully
awcic ia a .nun, st-i yi-ars oi ase. in L,in- ; .... l .i."..i.. "
1 I I , .a" ,J" I liauiia vu a, tail tfliu . A HU iliriUDnri
Cinnattl, Who weighs but forty-two pound, before purehaaing elsewhere. All kinds of pro-
. . T . unco taken m oy 1110 stores will be taken in ex-
x iic uaicm a.,i vjnuviai, raises uie nag change at Uie market price.
rcaily to sell or exchange for produce ; and consist
ing in part ot
Linen and Cotton drilling, and summer
wear of all kinds.
Calicoes, Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, 8tc.
Muslins bleached and unbleached.
Quccnsicare and Hardware of all
Drugs Paints, and Dvestitps.
And a great variety of other articles all of which
win lie sold at tno lowest terms.
fcunbury, May 20, 1819.
Saddle and Harness Makers.
HE undersigned resjieetfully
inlorui the public, that they
e bust-
'i3 ness in tfuuburv, and will con.
stantly keen on hand and manufacture to order, at
their stand in Market street nearly oppoaile Young's
store, all articles U-longing to their hue of business.
(Late Keller & Greenougli.)
Washington, D. C.
TlVliAYVIXGS and papers for the Patent
iOliice, prepared and all the necessary bu
siness, in relation to securing patents, trans
acted, and promptly attended to, at their of-
lice opjHjaile the. i'utent Ullice.
October 28, ISIS.
f J" t'avc coinmcneed tho alwv
No. 60 Cltcsnut-st, at the sign of llu Gold
TltimblCjbeltrceii 2d. If 3d.sts.t South side
LTJANI KACTLKES and keeps constantly
If H on hand, at wholes.ile and retail, the fol
lowing articles, of a superTor quality, at reduced
prices : (iold and JSilver Pencils, do Thimbles, do
r HiRor Shields, Silver 1 able, Venert, 1 ea, iSult
and Mustard iSpoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster
Ladles, do Liiinhs, l'urse Clasps, Scissor Hooka
and 1 hams, Knitting Sheaths, cVc.
A LSI i, Jewellery, rlated and Unttanma ware,
German Silver Spoons, &c; (iold Diamond poin
ted 1'eus at various prices : Jackson's Superior
LverHiinteil Leads, &e, Ac.
l'hiladelplua, May 20, 1819.
in attempting to renin try hmlth, and alter rending in pnper ol ytmr nrsnrnrilla 1 resolved to try it. After
nring six lxilllrs I r.miiil it rtue me rrmt gnnd, and called
to see yon at your office i with your ailvica 1 kept on, and
do most henrhly thiink yim lor your advice. I persevere in
bikini the Snrsiirarilla.aiid have been able to attend In my
usutil mimrs !.T me last lour rnnnuia, ana l nope oy in.
Iihasings of Gtd and your flarmpnrilbi to enntinns my
health. It helped ma beyond the pxpeetatinns iif all wIh
knew my cose. i;il aul.1,3 iuiaiiix
(Iranire, Dwl en. J., Ang. !, IP47.
Suitenf Nuw Jeraev. Ksaex etKintr. as. Charles Quim-
hy lieing duly sworn areonliitg to law, on his oath sailh.
tint the toreg.inig stnTenleiil la true arrowing in tne nest oi
hisViiowleilKeniul belief. Oil ARI.KfV qL'IMBY.
Swnrn am subKrilml to before me at urangn. tne u
August, lb47. CYRUS BALDWIN.
jumiea is tna l ean.
Read the followinff. and anv that ounaumntion is ill inen-
rtblt if yun can t
new 1 one, April it.7.
Dr. TownsRND : I verily believe that vonr Huranrarilla
has been Ilia means, thrmigh Proviilence, of snving my life
nnva ii.r aevemi venrajiad a isid couun. it neeame. worse
and worse. At last 1 raised large quantities of btotut, had
night sweats und was greatly debilitnted and reduced, and
I did not expect to live. I have only used ynur He ran nnr ilia
but a short time, and there hns a wissterful change been
wrought in ine. 1 am now able to walk all over the city.
I raise no bkmtl, and my enugh lias left me. 1 ntt can well
imagine that 1 ara Uiankfnl Inr these results. Vour obedi
ent aervant. WM. ItLSMKl.L, 63 Catharine St.
The annexed certificate tells a siinnta and tmthfnl stnrr
f suffering nnd reliel". There are thousands nf aimilarea
aea in this city ami linmklyn, and vet there are thousands
of parents let their ehililren'die for fear of being humbugged
or to sMva a few shillings.
Brooklyn. Pent. 13. 1!M7. .
Dr. Towk.knd: I bike nleasure in suiliiw. (t the bene
fit of those wlKim it mnv encern, that my daughter, two
-ears nud six months nkl, wns atHicted with general tle-
.ility bihI loss of Sjieeeh. Ihe Wna given up us past je-
envery bv our tunlilv phvsicinii; but f.Hlunutely 1 was re-
eoinuieuiled by a friend lo try your Sarsninrilla. Before
Having used one txitue stie recovered her sjieech and was
enableil lo walk alone, to the astonishment ttf all who were
ncinniinted with the circumstances. Wte is now quite well.
ami in much better health than she has lieen for is months
past. JOSKl'H TAYLOR, las York at., Brooklyn,
Very few families indeed in fnct we have nnt heard of
one thnt used Dr. Towiiscnd's Snrsapnrilla 111 time, lost
any children the past tSuiuiner, while those tlmt did not,
tickeiied and dieil. 1 lie rercltlcnte we publish below is
conclusive evidence of ita value, ami is only anotlier instance
q lis saving ine uvra ia enntireil :
llr. 1 ownf!sd urnr rir : l nail two elnhlren eiirnl hy
your saraiiMiriiia oi ine summer complaint ami ovaeieary
me wns only in mouth old ami tha other 3 vears. They
were yen' much retiucen, nun we expected ttiey woumi me ;
thev were given up bv two respectable physicians. When
the doctor informed us that wc must lose them, we rcats-
veil tn try your rirsasirilm we had beam an much of, hut
hud little confidence, there being an much stuff advertised
Ihul is worthless : but we are tlmukf ul that we did, for it
uudnuMcdly saved the lives of both. I write this that oth
ers may be induced to use it. Your, respcctfullv.
jon.i wu.cwi,jr.
Myrtle-aveiiae, Brooklyn, Sept. 15, 1847.
Da. Towhskitd's SiisArASiLLA is a sovereign and speedy
pure for incipient consumption, and for the general pnsMra-
uai oi the system no matter wnetner the reaun oi inhe
rent eauaa or cauaes, produced by irregularity, illness or accident.
Nothirg can be more surprising than its iirrupmtinc ef-
fncta on the human frame. Peramsi all weakness and las
situde, from taking it at once become robust and fun of
energy under its influence. It immediately eounteracla the
tiervelcasness of the female frame, which is the great cause
It will not ! exiiected of us, in eases of sn delicate a na
ture, tn exhibit eerliliciitee of cures performed, but we can
unsure tlie alllicted tlmt buudreils of cases have been repor
ted to its.
Da. TowssxAir: My wife liemg greatly distressed by
weakness nml ceuerul debility, ami siiif.-nng coiilinuallv by
niiii ami with otli.T iltiheulties. and haying known enaea
where y.air medicine has eff.iclcd gruat run; and also
hearing it recommended for such cusn as I have deacrilieil.
olsiiiimt a Ikitlle ca your t,xtract ol ntrauiairilui and fol
lowed the iliru-tioiis yim gave me. In a short period it
removed her e.miplaiuta and restored her to health, beiiig
greullul for the lienehts she received. 1 Utke pleasure lu
thusaeknowledging it, and reeonimending il to the pnUie.
Albany, Aug. 17, '41. cor. Grand Lydui su.
No fluid or medicui has ever been discovered which so
nearly resembles the gastric juice or saliva in decomposing
food and atrengthening the orgnns of digestion aa this pre
paration of Hwrauiianlla. It ptantively cure every caas of
dyspepsia, however severe or chronic.
iuiiik iipMirimMti. Annnv. mnv in. irua.
Dr. Townaend Sir ; 1 hav been ainieted'fnr several
years with dyspepsia in its worst form, attended wuh smr
neaa of aaanach, loaa of appetite, extreme beartlajinir and a
great aversion lo all kinda of food, and fia weeks, (what 1
could eat) 1 have been unable to retain but a small port
on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, Isit they had
hut little or no etlect ui removing the canpltimr. 1 waa in
duced, abtmt two months aiiM-e. to arv yo ir Kxtrat of Mar-
aDpnriua, ana must any wun lime eiainnence ; wit alter
using nmrly two bottles, I found my appetite restored and
tha heartburn entirely removed ; ami I wiaild earnestly re
commend Ihe use ol it to those who have been arllleted
huve been. Y'tiura. Ac., W. W. VAN 7.ANDT.
A feiit for Hnnlairv JOHN W. FRIIJMl: Nor-
thuuil?rlnnd, MARY' A. McCAY j Danville, WM. A.
Alt KltAI at CO.,
ApnltH, 1148. ry
.-V.1... (mm .tnea will find tha "OXTOCXATED BlT
Teas'" an excellent remedy, and not surpassed by any modi-
The history of this medicine is peculiar. It Iras mads its
way to public favor solely by the fores of its own intrinsic
merits. No artificial means have been used t" give it na
toriety and thrust it opnn public attention. It has never
before even Iwen advertised, but having first shown Us re
mnrkuhle efticacy in the family of the proprietor, and by
him nfterwaida administered to his afflicted Iriends and sc.
qimiutancea with a like mult, Its reputation grailuoiiy ex
teiHlrd until it is known in the moat distant p.irts nf the
I'uion, as a medicine of anrivalled virtues in the curs of
Dvsensia In all its different forms, and alao fiw tha eura af
Asihnia or lhtliisic. lis only herald and iu only eukxy
has lieen the story of its wonderful efficacy, as told from
mouth to month or by letter from friend to friend. In eve
ry instniK-e where these Bitters have been ased, and tha re
sult nude known to the proprietor, they have proved a remedy.
Numerous certificates, attesting the singular efficacy ot
tlie "Oxyoxxatkd BiTriHs." are in tha possessimi of tha
Cmprirtor ; many nf them signed by persons already widely
nown to the public.
ur,o. if. ujtr.c.. rirpw.
WINDCOR, Vt., October 3, 184.
The following Certificates have recently been
received t
w..n,T. n c Jnn in. tat.
Havina made rise of the "Oxvseisited Bitters" prepnred
by Dr. Oeo. B. Green, nf Wimbvr., Vt.and from know
ledge obtained of their efficacy in other eases, wecheerfnlly
recommend them to the public, believing that they willfully
snstnin Ihe recnmmetldatlon ol the I'ropnetia. a
that thia valuable remedy mar ba sn cenernlhr diffused
thnMighout the country that it may ba accessible Is all tha
Senator from Ycrment.
Senator from R. Island.
1. T. MORKHEAD. V. 8. Senator and formarly Govern'
nr nf Kentuckv.
I,, ft. A n. Aiemucroi vongressano inrmeriy ss
Vmmr of R. I.
W.M. WOODBRIDGE. V. S. Senator and formerly Ga
ve of Michigan.
M. L. MARTIN, Delegate in Congress ftnm Wiseoasia
1 erritory.
From Hon. H. D. Fotk, Member of Cangress frsm
Washin'otos. D. C. Jm 10, IN.
Dear Sir. I have been a dvsneniic sufferer for about ten
years, nnd liove resorted to various medicines fttr relief
without success, until I mnde use of your "oxygermten
Bitters.1' I have used nlsmt two Lotties, snd find myself
restored to perfect heullh The forms in which ths ills
ease showed itself, in my ease, were, great acidity of the
stomach, loss nf appetite, extreme flalnlrnce, severe eonstl-
nation of the bowels, ami violent headache. Feeling desi.
riHis that a knowledge of your valuable remedy may reach
then similarly afflicted. I take great pleasure in record-
ing my icstiiumiy to ita eumttva power ; aim won in ais
reinaik. that while on a visit nt home a short time since, 1
administered a pnrt of a bottle to a number of my alllicted
irienns. wun great succss. l liey are deairoua thai ytat
sh.aild establish an ageis-y at l'ittsliunr. nr inform tbeis
where the meilicine can lie nlilniiied. Wilh an earnest de
sire for your prosperity and happiness, I siiliecrit nivself,
....I i. r.riiTL'il
IMcl. I. En. 11. liRrir. Windsor. Vt.
S..kl ami Retail bv riieen A Fletcher. Na.
20 !Hitn mxin wreet, rinlndelpliin.
Agent fT Snnbnry II. B. M ASSKR.
Agents for Milton MACKAY A HA AO.
Agent t l"nper Muhtnoy J. G. RE.NN.
April IS, lMt
WILLIAM l l'IIA.M, ( u p-t
Tb following list shows the current value of all
Pennsylvania Bank Note. The moat implicit re
liance, may be placed upon Vt, aa h ia every ineeA
iaroiiilly eompsrad arllh and eorractad from Bick-
nail' Reporter. n: I ' i 7 . (:., ,. (
Dank In Philadelphia.
' i 'i 1 ' Diao. i"
uwcaTioa. tj i ffjm.
Bank ofNotth Atnerlea ; , ,' i .
Bank of the Northern Liberties ,
Commercial Bank of Perm's. . - i
Ptrmera antl Mechanic' Bank '
Kenstngton Bank !
rhiladelphia Bank. ' . . . .
ftchuylkill Bank ... .
Southwark Bank .
Western Bsnk .
Mechanics' Bank
Manufacturers' rV Mechanics' Bank
Bank of Pcnn Township I. . ; . ,
fiirsnl Bsnk . .
Bank of Commerce, late Moyamensing, .
uank of . eunsvlvann . .
Country clanks.
Bank of ('hester County Wrstchesler
Hank of Delswsre County Cheater
Bank of Cermsntown Germantown
Bank of Monicomery Co. Norrisiown
Doylestown Bank . Doylestowo.
Ession Bank Eastnn
Farmers' Bank of Buck en. Bristol -
Bunk of Nerthnrnheiland Northumberland par
Columbia Bnnk & flridgo co.Columbia par
Farmers Bunk of Lancaster Lancistet par
Lancaster County Bank Lancaster par
Lancaster Bank Lancaster par
Farmers' Bank of Resiling Reading par
UMire ol llsnR ot retm a.
Oflire do do
Office do do
Office do do
Hank of the United States
Miners' Bsnk of Pottsville
Bank nf I-cwiatown
Bank of Middlotown
Carlisle Bank
Exchange Bank
Do do branch of
Hsrrishurg Bank
Lebanon Bank
Mc'rhanls' A Manuf. Bsnk
Bank of Pittsburg
Headache, Giddiness,
Hheamnt ism. Piles, .'
llysnepaia, Scnrvey,
SmaD Pox, Jaundice, '
Pains in the Hack, . i .
Inward Weakness,
Palpitation of lbs Heart,
msing in the i nroat,
Dropay, Asthma,
Fevers of all kinds, ; ,
. v.,.,,.,,,.,
. par
. par
I ' par
no sale
Harrishurg These
Lancaster I offices
Reading fio not
caston J issue n
Philadelphia 17
Potlsville par
Iwistown failed
rtllstmig l
Williamsport I
Wilkesharia par
Allentnwn nnsile
Reading failed
Pittsburg failed
Erie do
New Brishlon do
Measles Salt It beam. -
! Hanrt Bum, WoTaay ii-ii
Cbisera Morrmi,
1 vivaooping uoagai
Corisumptlon, fits,
, Liver Complaint.
'P.rhspeha, VtmAtM, riH
ItehUigs of the Skin,
. Golds, Oont, OraveJ,
' Nervous ComrAshvts, t 'o
DIGESTION. ' ' ''f-'l "''(! .
F.xrence hsa proved that nearly every Disesaa) originaU
from Impuritiea of the Blood n, deraiigertients of ths Bigss
tives Organs j and tn seen re Health, we ami at rsaaxraa taaa
olMtruellonsia; restore the Blnod to itsna'un.lstata.
-rh sversmn to taking medicine is most effectually H
moved liy CLtcs'iaa's Vx.iktasi.1 PgaaaTivt FnUs, bain
completely enveloped with a coating iff pure whits flagai
(which is as distinct from the Internal Ingres ienta as a at
shell from tlie kernel) ami have no taste of medicine.
Hut are as eusilv srallowcd as hits nTeamlv aa
they neitlier nausunte or gripe in the aiightest dVgrae, .
npemte equally nn nil the diseased parts c the system, h
sienuoi eminnnig themselves m, sihI racking any parucai
region, iiiim. a iiie.i.iver ir nnecten one ingredient w
nperate on that pnrtictilar nrgm, and, bv cleansing H ef
t.xeeae of Bile rest.a-e it to its natuied Mate. An.aluv w
nperate nn the Ihsml and retnnveall impurities in its eire
....n j wrn.e. uiira win enectnaiiy sxpl whatever imp
irti may have been discharged into the stomach, and hen
they strike st the ront nr disease remove ell Impart H
... . ..,.,,, tj.nij , re porea externally ana mti
rmlly setrnle sll f.ireign snd ntmnxinus part idea frrsa t
chyle, so that the blond may be thoroughly pare thus set
rings free end healthy action tn the Heart, LungsandLh
and thereby they restore health even when all other am
have failed.
The entire truth nf the shove erm be ascertained by t
trial of a ample box i and their virtues are positive s
certain in restoring Health, that the proprietor binds Mine
tn return the money pnid for them in all eases where tt
do not give universal satisfaction,
Retail Trice, as ctn, ier Box.
Principal nfliee No. rl Versey at., N. York.
Sold hy JOHN Y. YOl'NO, Suulmry.
M A. McCAY, Northnmlierla
tr Remember Pr. C. V. Cliekner is the inventor of
Sugar Touted Pills, nnd that nothing of the sort was s
nenni oi nntn he utrrniluced them In June, 1843. Parehst
a fraud.
February, 17, 1ID ly
........... ,,,,, ,: lli.-,.......r-,,i ni jinie, iim.j. rare
should, therefore alwaa ask for Oliekner'a f ngnr (
Pills, and take no others', or they will be made ths vici
West Branch
Wyoming Bsnk
Northampton Bsnk
Berks Cininty Bank of Bank or U. 8.
Do do do
Do do do
Bsnk of Chambershurg Chambersburg
Hank nt tiettyeburg Uettysburg 1
Bank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose failed
Erie Bunk Erie 1)
Farmers' & Drovers' Bank Waynesburg 1
Franklin Bank Washington ,i
Honesdale Bink Honesdule I
Monnngahcla Bank of 1J. Browns ille 1
lfork Bank York 1
N. B. 1 he notes of those banks on which we
mil quotalions, and substitute a dash ( ) ara not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wilh Ihe
exception of those which hare a letter of reference.
oi Gen. Joseph Lane, as its candidate fur
the next iTesidency.
Esasti's Gu.mokk, Born in brown county,
jnio. is M years oiu, ana wrigns oniy m i
pounds, and is considerably uuder four feet
The eslimatcd cost of the Baltimore and
Ohio, Railroad dom Cumberland to Wheel
ing, a distance of211J miles, is 0,278,731
It is cleanliness that makes home.-
Where all is clean, and everything in its
place, tnere is home.
W e learn by the St. Louis papers that
three persons died ol cholera on the trip
.fil.. r tt . . ...
ui ine james newel to mat port.
One of the deepest thou-juts we ever had,
was when wheu we were a child. We felj
into a well one hundred and fifty feet below
the surface, of Iho earth, and were wondering
how we should get out. (6inu Knicker
"i nave uoi love a uguiiy," as tne man
thought who married a wealthy widow weigh
ing tyro hundred pounds.
There are at this time over two thousand
rases of small pox and vario loid in Cincin
A black deer has been caught in Indiana,
and I uow ou Us way to Cincinnati. Where
is tUruiun.
f unhury, June S3, 1819.-
Ay it's Cherry Pectoral,
i.u cough. HaoMiim?
ry-WS valuable prenrHiion, so aatiaushiiurly aiieeeaaful
I in curiiut diseusca ol the Luiura. is tlie result of a akill-
ful ol' the known curative principles of
medicine. Its ingredients ara treely nanle kisiwu to tlie
public, nisi are those acknowlcxhrtTd to medical men aa
piscsaiiij! rare dlhIuiI virtues, winch peculiar virtuea are
coiid.iiu-.l iu the ul IIKllli Y l'Kl"l' lit Al." in their (irmt.
est purity uiul etritucy, ami when used, aa will be aueu from
tlie tolUWIns lemiuioiiy :
of CoLlege, lirunswick, Maine, wTitea: "I have
r"lMri.i l 'i I Wltlieiseo Ilia entvis i your niiy rivnimi ui my owu
I lie. suhscrim'r has just received a new supply 1 family and in tliat of mv friends, and il haa imeu great
i me nest tumors tuat ever came to ftuuuury,
-.uubibuiiu; in pan oi
rtupcrior old pale Brandy.
Fine Cogniue Brandy.
cuiierior urn Jamaica HiiiriU.
New Kn-Uind Kutn,
Fine Holland fiin.
Superior Old W hiskey
Common -.' do.
SuM'rior Maderia Wine. '
I.islion do, do,
Superior Tort Whie.
uurgundy 1'ort do.
Sweet Malaga Wine.
Superior Cliiret Wine in bottlea.
Chunuiagne do. da.
nlvnKi MABSER.
unliury, May 26 184.
lirecu a OxygeuaUxl Bitter, prii-e reduced.
uiu jucon i owuseud s aarsapurilla.
U.,1 .... s :n
vbt.i ui aapiuiiiit-
Swayne'a Pyrup of Wild Chen
Swayne'a Vermifuge.
Ayre'a Cherry Pectoral
Dr. Drake's Panacea. '
Dr. CutWs da.
Tibbit'aPaio Killer.
Dr. Hoofland'a Garmaa Bittcrst
Indian Vegetable PiUs
Uorse and (Jattlu Medicines
ror sale by HENRY MAUSER.
Banbury, July H, 1849.
wtuluctlon III cases liol li ol adults ami clilslren."
A voice; mu.i maw.u tit shrni.
From Dr. llryaut, Druggist and I'oaiuiaau-r, Cliiopea
Kails, M:ms:
1h. J. C. Avra Dear rir : r.ncuaeu nieaae nun reaiif
lance for all Ine Cherry Pectoral lust sent me. I ean un
hesiuitiiiulv suv. tliat uo medicuie we sell irivea such aalis-
fuciion as vourTad.a tv have 1 ever seen a medicine
which cured an inanv eases of cirtiKh aud luiur daniUaiiiU.
Our 1'hyau'laiis ara using il extensively iu Uie practice, aud
with the luiiiiueat cHocta,
Truly yours, D. M. BllYANT
P resi.leul of Verm-Kit Medical Collet one of ths moat
leatued and lutellliieirf physicians Ul ine eiaimry, "CMisnien
it s e.aupoaiiiuu is rura eaceilence fur ths cure of thus &
t.iilul.le riltt-iu.. Pt.IISIIIIIIlli.UI."
Aualimsd iiHedil4e luiuilwr of certificates hnve been
reccivul ; piovu that the Cherrv Pectural is, iu truth, a
for Couchs, Cosls, Aathina and all pulmonary ootnpkuau.
PKU'K 75 t'KNTM PKIt Btl'lTIK.
Prepared by J. C. A Vint, Ix.well, Mass., aiat l ny
II. M ASHKlt, Bunbury, and MAltY McCA , fiorlinun-
March 31, IMS
THE aurjscriuer respectfully informs the public
that be has again become connected with the
above Foundry, and that hereafter it will ba eon
ducted aololy under bis management and control.
From his long eiperienca ia the busrineas ba tnute
ba will ba abb to give gaueaaa sjttiafaftinsi to Im
old fiiends and eusSoanera The baiinsaa will ba
carried on in all iu branchea. He will loatinik
to mauufisctur Mougha, and all kinds of castings
will ba dona with promptness and m the boat
Banbury, Jiuu , Ui.
The Fupil's friend and Teacher'1 s comfort.
work is already introduced into aome of the
best Aradaniiea and a Inrge number of Schools,
where its use has civru decided and universal
tisfactiun, both to b'acher and pupil. It ia purely
American in its character, based upon our own
beautiful decimal istrim of eitrrfHcy. It contains
more, the arrangements are better, and it ia the
easiest and cheiest work of the kind now id use;
and it ia so considered by hundreds of the most
competent teachers and men of erience in the Uni
on, who have recommended it, It ia the book,
particularly and expressly prepared for our A
rita Scholars : Ba AIoh Titimor.
Tai Youth's CoLiraaiaa Cilcclitob. Thia
volume contains 91 pages, with about 900 exam'
plea for solution on the slate. It embraces tlie
Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple
aud Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three,
Proportion, &c.
Tickxob's AaiTHMiTiciLTiaits, ia destined
for the use of younger classes in tha Schools of the
United Sutra. A beautiful little book and pleas
ing to children, and the only one of the kind of any
There are Krya to both Arithmetics bound sin
gle or double, for tha convenience of teachers, in
which the solutions of the questions are given with
much extra matter fur the black board. I bi
Keys are Uie most complete works of the kind ever
Cuhlished, and contain, in addition, about two
undred examples in Mensuration, &e- for the
use of tlie Teacher. AU that ia wanted is to have
Uie alwve books examined, and no teacher who ia
acauainted with Uie science of Arithmetic, will
hesitate to pronounce them the best works that
have ever been published in this or any other
Although issued but a frw months, they have
already been introduced into the Night Public
Schools of New York City in ail tha Schools
public and private, excei two, in the City of
Heading. Also, in about twenty Acadamies tn the
State of Pennsylvania in a large porUou of tha
Schools in Uie City of WUmiiurton, in the City of
Lancaster, and in the Boroughs of ttajnsburg.
York, Cbambemburg, Lebanon, Doylestown, Potta
villa, Orwigsburg, sVe-, etc
For sale by Hixar Misssa, Sunbury, Agent
fur Northumberland Uouniy.
Sunbury, Dec , 1840.
Don't permit your Horses or cattle to die, when
the means of cure are wtthtn the reach of all !
The undersigned has spent several vears in the
study of Veterinary practice in "London and E
dintmro'," he haa also availed himself of the resear
ches of Leibig, and other celebrated men, who have
contributed so much towards a judicious treatment
of animals; the principles of our practice consists
in the rejection of general bleeding and the total
rejection of all medicines Uiat experience has
shown to lie of a dangerous tendancy. These re-
meiltes act in hnrmony with tha vital principle, and
when given according to the directions which ac
company each article they are camble of excitin?
and increasing the natural functions, without di
minishing or destroying their power, hence are
sufein the hands of every one.
U. II. DADD, M. D.
A List af Horse and Cattle Medicines.
Physic balls, 75c per box.
Alterative ball, 75c do.
" powders for bad condition, 75c per pack
Heave powder fordiseases of the lungs, 75c tic.
Urine powder for - kidneys, 75c do.
Tonic, powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do.
Cordial drink for inflamatiou of bowels, 75c per
Liquid blister, 75c per bottle.
Ointment for promoting Uie growth of hair, 50c
per pot.
Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c.
per bottle.
VV ash for inflamed eves, 50c per bottle.
Ointment fur mange scratches, old sores, &c, 50c
per bottle.
LmbrocaUon for sore throat, 75c per bottle.
Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, 50c
per bottle.
Horse l.iinment, the most celebrated art tela known
in England for lameness of every description, 75c
oi t per bottle.
Distemper powder for red water, $ 1 per bottle.
Worm powders for the removal of worms from
Uie intestinal canal, 75 per package.
for sale by STIMl'SON KEKD, 88 Mer
chants Row, also at DADD'S HORSE AND
II ay market Square, Boston.
Pamphlets describing the diseaaen for which
these remedies are used can be had gratia.
A uinerous t ert tlicates are in possession of the
Propnetura, of cures performed by the above Medi
Soldhy GREEN & FLETCHER.No. 26 South
SlATH Street, Philadelphia, and by his
February 3, 1849. tf
PREPARED and sold only, at FREDERICK
N. E. corner of Firra and Cuxsmut streets, Phi
ladelphia. Thia Essence ia warranted to possess
in a concentrated form, all the valuable properties
of Jamaica Ginger, and will ba found on trial an
excellent Family Medicine It is particularly re
commended as a tonic, to persons recovering from
fever or other diseases, a few drops imparting to
Uie stomach a glow and vigor, equal to wine
glass of brandy or other shinuland, without any of
the debilitating enecta, which are sure to follow the
of liquor of any kind: and it is tliercfure
especially serviceable to children and females. To
the aged, it will prove a great comfort ; to the
dyspeptic, and to Uioae who ara predisposed to
gout or rhcuruutic ahVctiona, it gives great relief;
and lo Uie inebriate who wishes to reform, but
whose stomach ia constantly craving tha noxious
liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to the digi
tiveoriraiia, and strencth to resist temptation ; aud
ia conaeuuentl v a creat axent in the causa of torn
pe ranee. Isr f ull turecUona accompanying eacn
The ahove article can be had at Uie office of Uie
PhUadelphia, Jwr , 1849-ly
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
Schuvlkill Sav. Ins.
Kensington Hav. Ins. A
Penn Township Snv. Ins.
Manual Labor Bans (1
Towanda Dank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bank of 8watara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bank
Farmers' & Mech'cs Bank
Farmers' ii Mech'cs' Bank
Farmers' rV Mech'cs' Bank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Hank
l.uintHsiinen' Dank
Vortliern of Pa.
rw Hope Del. It ri .Ine Co.
Noithumh'd Union Col. Uk.
N.ulh Western Bauk of Pa.
Ollice of Schuylkill Bank
Ps. Acr. 6c Manuf. Bank
Silver I.jkc Bank
Union Bank of Penn'a.
Westmoreland Bank
L TENINGS-A cheap asvd sieeUeat Srti
da ioi fastening sash lor seis ay
Junbury, July T, 1848.
TTakADD'a ealebrated Horaa and Cattto Madi-
II V ciaa for saia by USURY MAJMBS
artwbtjty JM. 87th, IM-
PATENT TnisaeaT of all kinds, Harrison's
writing and indellible ink, Cotton yam and
laps, just received aad for sale by
j. n.iaiunu.
Bunbary, Dec 8, IMS.
CAPS. Aa aasorUaant just received.
silk BATS at 9884, for sale by
H Ia8I
saibury, Dsa.8, 1848.
ILEY d COVOB CilNDY. An sxeet.
lent resacdy lar asssgns. csjMs. rsr aaia
Philadelphia faifed
do Tailed
do failed
W Dyott, prop.) failed
Bedford no sale
Reaver closed
Hsrrishurg closed
Washington failed
Bellefonte closed
Pitlahuig no sale
Pitlsburg failed
Fayette cn. failed
Greencastle failed
Harmony . no ssle
Huntingdon no sale
Letvi.-lown nosjle
Warren failed
Dtin.lsfT no sale
New Hope closed
Milton no sale
Meadville closed
Port Carbon
Carlisle failed
Montrose closed
Uniontown failed
Greensburg closed
Wilkesharre Bridge Co. Wilkesharre no ssle
(Tj All notes purporting to be on any Pennsvl-
vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set
town as irauus.
Dank nf New Brunswick
lielvidere Bank
Burlington Co. Bank
Sominercia! Bank
umlwrland Bank
Farmers' Bank
l'iih Amlioy
B -iitgeton
Mount Holly
Farmers' ami Mechsnics' Dk Rshwsv
Farmers' snd Mechanics' Ilk N. Biunswick failed
Farmers' and Merchants' Uk Middletowu PL i
Burns, Scalds, and all hinds of inflamed Se
Torsnvs vxivkrhai. ointment, is ths n
complete Hum, ever known. It instsr
(and ua if br Miurk-) stops pains o( tin, roost despe
Burn uikI SViiIiI. For olil !ores. Iliuiscs, Cuts, Sprains,
on man or beast, il is the heat application Ural eon be r
Thonsnisls have trieit mul thotisuiiils praise it. It isther
len'ecl iimstcr of ptiin ever ilicoverct. AH who una
commend it. t.rery familv ah slid ba provided with
None rem tel how so. m smiie of tha familv may need it.
t" tllsirrve each bun of the ftcnuiiM )iiitmi) has
name of S. Tot-skt, written on the outside b Lei, To a
lo this is lorjrpry.
Ii .tin"n. l.i very Men. Farmers, and all who use Hot
ill hM'l this (Ihttiuciit the very best thing they ean
r Collnr liulls, tTitches. Kicks. a:c. Ar..iw
Surely every iiu-rcyfiilnitiii woiil.l keep his animals ss
from piiiu as rvwiile. Tuusi.y's t'uiversnl Ointment i
tint is rcquirwt. '1'rv It.
UlTKr? OK IXSKi TS. Forlhe stiniror bits of po
us InsiTis, T .iu. ) s Ointtucut is iiniivailed--Hundreaal
tritt it nml found it good.
ri I .r tt It r.U : l-or Uie nica. Tousey's Universal f
mmt is one of theln'St Knniiics thnt can Iwj applied,
who hnve tried it f..r the ribs recwnmeiKl h.
OLD !!itr.S CfltKD. Kit old ..bstiiiale Sores, t
is notliiiur eqtBil to TiHisey's Ointment. A person in M.
us had. for n number of yeurs, a a .re leg that baffled
skillof the il.vtors. Tmiscy's tiintmcut wns reoomme
by one of the visum .hysicinna. (who knew ita great
tuns.) and two bix.s pr.liieitl more IwiH'fit thsn thl
I lent IkuI recciveil from any and all previous remedies,
all trvit.
Bl'llADSCAU)5crnF.D. TbortratMs of
of Iliirus and; in all parts of the conulrv, have
eitreilbyToiisey'sl niversnl Ointment. Certificates cn.
couk! In- bud to fill the whole of this sheet.
Ylol.KVrllltl ISEMCIIIKD. Testimonials on I
moninl in fnvor of Tousey's Ointment for eurina Br
heve been orlered the proprieties. IIiiiKireih in Bvr
wiMeertify toils yrenl merits relievinr the pain of ths
asverp Utilises. All wrs ns shoukl try it.
HCAI.DIIKA1) CTIH',11. Srnran of Sealdl
hnvo lieeu cured by Tousey's Ointment. Try it itss
SALT RHK.IM CirilKD. Of all the remedies evet
eoveren fort lis most iliK.iKreei.lile complaint, Tousey's
versnl Ointment is the most complete. It uever was ks
to fail.
verail OiiHinent will alwaya cure the worst eases of f
peil Hands. rVores of iiemus will state this.
fM)KKI.II,rCLRKl). For ihe enrs of ra,
waa never anything ireide etuul lu Tousey's Oiutmai
ia sirre lo cure them. Try it.
It is a scientific ciwTippund. warranted nolo eontsi
prcnunition of MiTcury. f Price 8.5 eeuta per boa.
further iwniciilnre concerning; this reallv vuliuble Oi
the public are-referred to I'limplil. ts, to'bs had gratia,
sncrhihle Dru'iats aisl Alercluuvts throarhout ths I
Prepared by . TO! SKY, Dnif-ist, No. 109 Na
littreet. New ork. - -
Ar.KXTs .IOI1X YOt'NO, Shuibury, M. A. MeCAT,
Feliriiury 17, lHfi.iy
And all diseases arising from a disordtrti
Liver or Stomach in both Male and
Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness or BlooS tr
Ihe Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart-ears
lltajritst for Fowl, Fullness or weisht in tha fkcnaeh, SJsat
Kruetuti.ais. Pinking or Khitterlng at tlie pit of the Stomas.
Swimmiuc of the Head. Hurried and UirSeult Breauiinf
Klultermg at the il.Tiia, Choking or Mofltcating senaalkMH
when in a Iv inn p.ture Uiiuui-ta of Vision, ls or Wats
before tha SSulil, Fever and dull ruin hi the Uead, Dcteiea
cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin ami Kyes, Pais
iu the Side. Back. Chest, l.imlw, i0 Sudden Sashes at
Hull, Hill ft in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of evil
and great rfrpresvion ol' Spirits Can ba eOectuaHy cured ev
Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City
Hoboken Ukg 6i (nazing t o Hoboken
no sale
no sale
It-tsey City Bsnk Jersey Cily
Mechsnics IJ ink Pstierson
Manufacturers' Bank Belleville
Morris t'ounty Bank Murristown
Monmouth Ilk of N.J. Freehold
Mrchauirs' Bank Newark
Mcchaiiica' and Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City
ol otes
Newark Bkg & Ins Co Newark
New lloie Del bridge Co l.amrierlstills
J. Msnulac and Bkg Co Hoboken
N J Proteclon 4. Lombard bk Jersey City
Orange B ink ' Orange
Palcrxin Bank Patersoa
Peoples' Bank do
Princeton Bank Princeton
Salem Banking Co Salem
State Bsnk Newark
State Bank Elixahethlown
State Bank Camden
Stste Bank of Morris Morristown
Slate Bank Trenton failed
Salem and Pbilad Manuf Co Salem failed
Sussex Bank Newton
Treuton Banking Co Trenton psr
Union Hank Dover j
Washington Banking Co. Hackensack failed
Bk of Wilm & Brandy wine Wilmington pa'
Bank of Delaware Wilmington par
Bank of Smyrna 8myina par
Do branch Milford par
Farmers' Bk of Slats of Del Duvet par
Do branch Wilmington par
Do branch Georgetown par
Do branch Newcastle . par
I'nion Bsnk Wilmtugton par
QJ- Ou sll Imnks tnaiked thus f ) there are si.
ther counterfeit or altered notes of ths various de
nominaiinris. in eirculslion.
Pictorial Edition of sV.iublsine's)
great Vurk ou tbe Itet'ormatlon
published or. or about tha 1st of April, 1848, by
JOS. A. SPEEL, No S Cherry st. above 6th.
bis splendid Hmo edition of the above named
work, with 18 engraved illustrations from ori
ginal designs; 4 vols in a, bound in tatra cloib
aae) library sheep.
The publisher respectfully calls tha attention
of tha trade and tha public generally, to this
work being the only illustrated editioa published
in ths United States He trusts that tbe beauty
of its srabellisbnsents, ths strong and substantial
manner in which it is bound, in conjunction with
the known popularity of the work itself, will bs
sura recommendation to public Aivor. .
JOS. A. SPEEL, Cbeirv st. above th.
J. A. 8. has also lately published, new nnd
beautiful Edition of Sergeant Ball's Kara Show,
suitable book for children, neatly aW ap in
ea-tra cloth. . . , '.
Philadelphia, April I, IttS
it .
(icriaan Bitter.
T'icir ptiwiT ovrr lh? aK-ie ilim-uiatrs is not exctle4)-'M'
eti:ilUtl by tiiiv otliff prfmnii i.ii in th lTiiiietJ lt.tM
tli rnr-8 attit, hi iiuiiiy cattc ui'lcr akillTuI phytKnus)
I1HH lilllfU.
DrrwirifrfiTsPnt n( th Liver and ininack nn surcr of
Iiisuiity, tul will ! pfofhfre diwavt ul' the flonrtf Ha,
launcs aitrl Kifii-y, uml layi Ihe aj open to an atfcsvffc tW
tit Cifiifni. Hiti Hii, nr Velltiw Fever, iumI ia rrnermJlir Um
firat cuutw ot' tluit mnat hnireiul diaeiue. CiUUMtuHto(
Opinion of the Philadelphia Press
lleeeinbei 31st savs:-
AN INVAM'AUI.K .MKUlt'lN K. We have fnftkm9ty
heunl the Celebruteil ticntsnl Bitters, meiiulactiued br irr
II.KjdUnxl, sookni of iu terms of cuiiuueuoutsw, a si we
know deserve.lly so. It iaa too conuu.Ni praeuea, ea ear
bun quarters, to pulTall iiiautief of useless traali, but in tha
above Hitters, huntireil, are living wil uesecs of their great
inorul and pbvsicul worUi. As a intrlicine of the Lrrer
t'oiupUiiiit, Jauihlict. Nervous lVbility and D'snepsis, ic
hu been f.auid invulualie, etitHHing eurea aud' tburoturhly
ertKlieating diseua.'S, wbeu all other inediciuea have failed.
We fed BMiviiH-vrl. that in the use of the Uernwui Binera,
the uatuit d euot become d..'tulitutetl, I Hit ciHtstantly gains
slrciutih and to the truioe a fnct worthy of sreal
ooiisidrratiiai. Ths liilters are pleaamit in taste and smell,
and cuu tie administered Ulster any circutnarancee, to the
moat delicate stHuach.-lndeeil, they eau be used by all per
s au with the ni.sK perf.vt aufety. It would be well far
those who are mneh art'cottTi ia the nervous syttera, te
eoinilieiR-e with aie t. Ssjonlulor laas, and gradually s.
eieuso. We soe:ik fr.un experience, and are of course, a
proper judye. The preea far and wide, laws united ia re
eouuueu.liiig the fiennaii Bitters, athl lo tha arUicteS ws
moat cordiully advise their aee.
June (Ith anys:
DO OVH GOOD CI riZK.NS who are bnalida, know
Ihe iivniy aakaiishiiur cures that have boea) perrieiued by
Dr. ll.kaflaud'a Cel.Hmiti-d (ierinan Bitten f U tbtf eV
uoi, we nM.Hnns-ud them tothe-ieniaui Medirttia Store,1'
all who are aiHicled with Liver Courpauut, iauntsca. Dye
lcpsia. or Nervous Debility ; the Doctisj haeeaTed neury ef
our eitixens arter the beet ihyaiciana had failed. We save
used theiu, and they have proved to lie a medicine that every
one should know of, and we cannot refrain gtvaaf eur tee
lnuouy in their favor, ami tliat which gtvra taenssraater
cluiia upou our huinble edVrt, they are emiretf Vsfslatilr
July th anys:
"We apeak knowiusly of Dr. Hooaamr'a Ct Ir araeraT Per
man Bitters, when we aiy it is a bleesiesr of tan ana f aad
in disenseeof ihe biliary, Uigestiva ant Neivngaatenss, it
haa ins we think an ennui. It is a VeawlJe Pisiasrati.iii,
aud uude without Alcohol, and lo all luvaude we would re
commend it aa worthy their eonSdrnee.
V.t sale, wh.k-enie and retail, at tne nrtneipal Deeot,
OKKMAV MKD1C1.NK rJTtiKE, No. s78 Kaea kM,
For aula hyM. A. McCAY, N.irthumberlanrl andf fca
bury and resiwctable dealers geueralh lasinsjhuaS aW
AprU tt, IMS. ly
Cotton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chsi Cotkm Laps)
and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready aaad
PanUloons, Ready made Vaata, Congrvsaa knives,
Porcelain lined preaarrving kettles, just rscaaved
for sale by ., . H.MA8S1ER.
Bunbury, Dee. t, 1848. '
AXES of a very superior quality for sale by.
Bust bury, Deo. S, 1848.
TJLANK BOOK8An aasortmatw tt Blank;
' Books, tust recetvad wad sals I
Sunbury, Dec t, 1848.
tYRUP MOLAHMS.uprior raftaad ryrua,
O Molasses for sale by HENX.Y aaJdMelt
ttmbmj, lac t, IltV : . . v ;( , ,
, !' V'rV K lA