SUNBUKY-AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. JkRKlVAL OF THE STEAMSHIP CANADA. YEH JAM tATK OM EVHO. nth'$ AddrusMr. Rives' Reception in .-tn,,, K4-, iPrte. ' ' n ' ?r',!;' ' ' k n i-i i 1 I.-.-. le steamShip Canada arriYed on Saturday ling at Jeny City. We make the fol rig estraeia from papers received as of .V AFFAIRS IS FRANCE. ,Z Rutptio of Mr. Rivet. r. Rives, the new Minister of the Amen Sepublio to the French nation, presented redentiats to the President on the 8th nt, at the Elysee National, ia President of the Republio declared to Minister of the United States, that not Handing the faults which it was right to I on both sides, lie willingly took the step towards the re-establishment of harmony between the two countries ; that a susceptibility which would be, ips, natural with respect to a monarchy ot appear to him to have the same seri notive as regarded an elder Republic Jded, that however jealous he ought to the honor of France, . he had too high )inion of the enlightened chnracter of rat Taylor, to hesitnte a moment in aek sdging the pain which ho felt on seeing ments of friendship so intimate and of ancient dale, altered on account of a idering without importance, e Ambassador of the United States re d the frank and loyal declaration xviih i cordiality. JCoMUffc's Address to his Country. e following is the farewell address of ilh to his country, written nt Orsova : rewell, my beloved country! Farewell, of the Magyar ! Farewell, thou land of w ! I shall never more b-hold the sum f thy mountains, t shall never ngain the name of my country to that cherish, il where I drank from my mother's bo the milks of justice and liberty. Par oh pardon him who is henceforth con led to wander far from thee, because he lalteJ for thy happiness. Pardon one can only call free that spot of thy soil e he now kneels with a few of the faith bildren of conquered Hungary! My last i are fixed on mv country, and I see tlioe whelmed with anguish. Thy plains are red with blood, the redness of which :ss destruction will chango to black, the em of mourning for the victories thy have gained over tho sacrilegious cne of thy sacred soil. te ingrato whom thou hadst fattened thy abundance he rose against thee ; rae against thee, the traitor to his moih nd destroyed thee utterly. Thou has en l H ; thou hast not cursed thine exis , for in thy bosom, and far abovo all vr, hope has built her nest, igyars! turn not aside your looks from for at this moment mine eyes flow with for you, for the soil on which my tot ' ig steps still wander is named Hungary. My country, it is not tho iron of tho stran ;er that hath dug thy grave; it is not the Sunder of fourteen nations, all arrayed igsinst tnee, that hath destroyed thee; and tis not the fifteenth nation, traversing the Carpathians, that has forced thee to drop tny urns, No ! Thou hast been botrayed ; thou hast been sold, my country ; thy death-sentence hath been written, beloved of my heart, by him whose virtue, whose love for thee 1 never dared ts doubt. Yes! in the fervor of tny boldest thoughts, I should have almost vi I" J " ' I . . r . 1 !.iA.Anr ilia Dtyi S SOOn UOUOlOa Ol lUO HBinm: v . iiipotent as have believed that he could ever tmi a traitor to his country. Thou hast been betrayed by k.m n wftose nanus i nau urn . little space before deposited the power ot our great country, which ke swere to defend, even to the last drop of His uean s uioou. lie bath done treason to ki mother ; for the clitter of cold hath oeen for him more seduc- lire than that of the blood shed to save his iv Dm eniii had more value in his vvMiin;i D ves than his country, and his God hasaban. loned him, as he had abandoned his Gofl for his allies of hell. Magyars! Beloved companions, blumo me not for having cast mine eyes upon this man, and for having given to him my place. Il was necessary, for the people had bestowed t.: ii.air onnfiilpnco : the armv loved vu ' . a I U ..KtM:..n1 a rmu'pe nf which 1 Ilim, nnu ire "i"""u - i- myself would have been proud. And, never theless, this man has belied the confidence ' f il nution- and has reoaid the love of the army with hatred. Curse him, people of the Marvars! Curse the breast which did not first drv up before it cave him its milk ! I " idolize thee, 0 thou most faithful of the na- tions of Europe, as I idolize the liberty for ,hir.h thou hast proudly and bravely com- batted. The God or liberty will never ef face thee from his memory. Maycst thou e forever blest ! L Ladt CowHia". The wife of Hon . m ff rVnrrrpca frnm Uwiit;, L,evin, nuiuwi -"t, ke seeend Congressional district of Pennsyl . sunia. has wst been tried in Baltimore, .r named with assault and battel y, on the per .n nf a vounc merchant, of that city, named sr:.- it .nnoara that Mr. Fite wauled to . thn ilaohter of Mrs. Levin, by a for .r tins-hand, but it was opposed by Mrs. L ' X short Ume sinoe, File was riding in a bug jrv, on the public road leading to the city, .J thaearriarreof Mrs. L. Think ing lhalthe young lady might ba inside, he drova dd bv the aide of it and looaeu m, ou. "j Andinir that aite wa not there, held up, . tha amrriase rawaed on. Mrs. however, " took this as an irrault, and ordered the foot man to aeize Mr. Fite, and ho held him in .ha iwtl him. The assault was folly proyad. Joha Vao Barerr, tn hii lata able peech in aa. .nJinnlAf!.n Tat-lnr'a Whif!- .ahl ha waa a moch better Whig than ' fin Tavior, ia ha had once voted for a Whig - m Arrogate i W ty, J1" Mth General ha4 WVfr 'i praWhig! , ' Written tar ths American. ; ' MAMUft. ' - ' " I' ll Loots La'Ror. ' ' v In after life when cares arise, , And tro'ible reigns supreme ( The thoughts of school-days shall arise, To cheer me with its dream. .r !..!'- " ... - - ; The friends t loved shall therein soar, And hold a blazing place. That ne'er did shine so hrignt before. 'Twas lightened by their face. . ii. -i .1 . , , My teacher too in his arm chair, Shall sit with anxious mien ', And gaze around with watchful care, . And smile upon the scene, - That aching void shall then be full, A happy heart Til own: My cares an d troubles off I'll throw, And seek the pard'ning throne. Williamsport, Deo , 1849. - C ASS AND WEBSTER.' Daniel Webster, in his speech at the New Hampshire festival, bore the following testi mony to the merits of Gen. Cass. It is as honorable to Mr. Webster as it is to Gen. Cass : Mr. Webster roso and stated that "circum stances" had prevented the attendance there of Hon Lewis Cass, but he should read a letter from him. At the mention of the word "circumstance," tho recollection of the recurrence of the word in another letter came to the audience, and a roar of lnughter shook the hall. When silence was restored, Mr. Webster rend the letter of Gen. Cass, ad ding a few remarks, in which he made hon orable mention of that gentleman's talents and services, and spoke very feelingly of his own personal knowledge of him when they were boys together at the Academy in Exe ter, of which tho venerable Dr. Abbot, now no more, was tho principal. He said he had through lifo entertained for Mr. Cass none but tho kindest feelings. He considered him a great man, and one who, in whatever "lati tude" ho might pitch himself, would always give a reason fur it. Curing Bacon. The following is the re ceipe of Mr. Thomas Bowie, of Montgomery county, ns presented with a ham at the late fair at Rockville ; 1 lb. Saltpetre 1 lb, Saleratns 1 lb, Cay enne. Mixed together and rubbed on the fleshy parts of shoulders and hams of 100 lbs pork before salting. Salting Equal quanti ties of coarse and fine salt, put on sufficiently to cover the fleshy parts. Remain in sis weeks and smoke with wood. The 'Scientific Amoricnn' says: Horses should be fed with cut hay among their oats, or with cut straw, which is a good mixture. The mixture makes them chew their oats. Horses should never bo fed with musty hay or sour feed. The horso should be as care fully fed as the rider. Railroad ynoM the Mississippi to the Illinois. The Legislature of Illinois have passed a bill authorizing the construction of a Ritilrond from Oqunw kn, on the Mississippi, to the beautiful and rapidly improving city of Peoria, on the Illinois. A Bill was reported in tho Sente of the Illinois Legislature, crniitins the "Catholic I Sisters of Charity S 10,000, in aid of their Or- plian Asylum at Chicago. It is estimated that no less than 850,000 have been expended in Kent county, Del., the present year for guano. Cholera at SroTswoon, N. J. We learn by the New Brunswick Fredoniart, that Mr. Adam Smith, a highly respectable imp. is, - ...:,U nn SitinHnv loaf anil riiorl U'lth- with cholera on Sunday last, and died with in a few hours. All the most violent symp toms ot the disease, it is said, were present. VERDicT.-In the Mayor's Court, prov:jence durin!r its present session, a ver dict ot 12.800 was rendered against the Rev. Dr. Pohlman, his son having acciden tally shot a boy, named Yates, about two two years since, whicn nas renaerea mm a cripple since. 91 ARK IE D. On Tuesday. 4th inst., by the Rev. J. P. Sh nde . Mr. Jacob Baylor, ot Kusn town- ship, to MissSrsix Bi'RNs, of Augusta. A fuw weeks ana. lv the same fcMANl'El. flnii.i.. to Miss Harriet Iscumidt, botli ol 1 Union county. U I K D At Williamsnort, on the 19th ult., Mrs. MARY MATILDA LLOYD, wife of Samuel H. Lloyd, Esq., in lite 38d year of her age. Sunbury, November 3, 1849. Amount of coal broucht to Snnbury over the Danville and Pottsville rail read, irora tne " : . . - Slmmokin mine: Ion. Fnr thn last tveek. 553 Per last report, 17741 Total. 18294 El)C iUarkct PHILADELPHIA MAHKBT, Bsc. 4, 1849, tVuriT Prime Pennavlvanla rede are Koi.l .kiohi 05 and white at SI UaSl 13 l!vL-Sal,.a of l'unnft. at 2 a Hoc, ana Rnnthorn si fiOl-.. CoM. Old yellow m worth 58c J new 4c; ujliito HA m Art n. Oat. Southern Oat ate Uekt at a ; Peniia. 35 a 36o. Whiskey. Sales In hhda at STo and bbl 274 cents. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT Corrcfed meekly by Henry Nasser, Wheat. 100 Bib. 56 Cnaa. Oats. , BoTtaa. . - Eaoa. - ' Poac. PfcASfaaa. TAlbOW. . BaaaWAit : rta. -Hxcaj.ka Fiai Hal SB Al l)o. PiACata. 60 . . 37 1 125 85 I Sou N. S. L AWIU3NCH, Agent for the sal of Sotithworth Munufactu. ring Go's. Writing Papers. : ':. , . Ware Hoiiae, K a. 3, Minor afreet VBXtADBZ.PHZA. 100 CA8E3 of the Above superior Papers- now in store, and for rale to trade at the lowest market pricea, constating in part of . Fine thick Flat Capi, 12, 14, IS and 18 lbs. Mil anil white. ." i " .... Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. . Extra super and superfine Folio Posts, blue. Superfine Csmmcrical Posts, blue and whit plain and ruled. and white, plain and ruled. ; . Extra super I.inrn Note Papers, plain and gilt 1 Superfine and find Bill Papers, long and broad. 8uperfine and fine Counting-House Capa and Poats, blue and white. Extra auper Congress Cops and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt, Superfine Sermon Caps and Tosts. Supcrfincd blue Bath Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Noto Papers and Envelopes,' "Lawver'a" Brief Tapers. Superfine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, bluo and white, various qualities aim prices. Also, 1000 reams white end asserted Shoe Pa pers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorted tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and bluo Me diums, Cap Wrnpping, Hardware Papers, etc. . Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1849. IHBaTCLB'Br,IitGCZ3 33E3 'THE undersigned, appointed by the Court of -1 Common Picas of ISorthiimlicrland countv, to report the liens and their priority, in tho mutter of the anle of certain real estate of the Danville & Pottsvillc Kail Road Co., hereby notifies all per sons interested in said matter that he will attend to the duties of his appointment on the 8th day of DerrmlHT. 1840. at 10 o clock A. AI., at Ins otlica in the Borough of Sunbury. CHARLES J. BRUNER, Auditor. Suhbury, Nov. 24, 1849. 3t TIIREE STRAY HEIFERS. CAME to tho premises of the subscrilier about V..,r uL. .n TUP PR K'I'RAV II RI. FERS. Two of them are red ami white spotted. and the other a brimtle. The first two are from one and a half, to two years old. The other, about one year. They each have a slit in the right ear. Tho owners by culling on the snliscrilior, proving proerty and pnyius charges con have the same, otherwise they will lie disposed of according to law. ADAM SHIKSl.EK. Upper Augusta tshp., Nov. 24, 181 !f. WIIXF.TT & IltltDlXO'S HOLESALE Commission PAPER and RAO WAREHOUSE, No. 19 MINOR Street, Philadelphia Where a general assort ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale at the lowest cash prices. . Cap, Letter and Print Inp Papers, &c. on iiiinii. Plain and ruled white Caps. " ' bluo " Flat Caps. Plain and ruled white Letter. ' " bluo " Blue and white Folios. White nnil colored Printing Taper Tissue Papers. Shoe " : Wrnpping " Envelope " Hardware and Breathing Paper. Tar Boards. Straw Boards. Bonnet Boards, All ordera from the Country will bo attended to at the shortest notice. All goods sold will be carefully packed, and do- Iivvred at any place in the city. The linrhcst casli price paid lor Kncs, or ex changed for Paper, as low as can be bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. ' Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1819 FIRE PROOF CHESTS, FOU BOOKS, PAPERS, JEWELRY, Sec. EVANS & WATSON, No. 90 North Third street, between Arch and Race, and 83 Dock street, OPPOSITE THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. Patent Soap-stone Mned and Key hole Cover SALAMANDERS, FIRE AND THIEF FKOOF IRON C HESTS, Warranted In stand more lint lf. "'V r"l AI"o l"tent Air-Cluiiutr Iroa IsIM V fl.-.t Hum ... .... .I'l. 5 U-.:vy slsn continue to make Die ordins-Bi-"v ''t ry Firs IVm'I's, at vn y low prices II. if! f r?t Patent combination lock.. With J-..". tiiMMte Keys, which can tie enaiifrtt several IhouKiirt times chunga- ble in luct every time the lrfs-k is eri if iliniinlile. Thene i -k are nrimf iiruuiKt the mm! expert Thieve., hemp snpplmi wiiii me intent ney-hnie Cover, sisl msile very strung. Ihey csiusit be blown open by (iiinrsiwrler. Thene Lock, are intended for HANKS, STIllll'.S. SAFES. Ae. Seal anil leltei ci.iiying iiree, lire proof uoore for Banks awl HtoTea. Patent Shite I.lneil ncfritreratora, wartantert sapertor to II othuis. Water Filters, bnuwer Until, of Uie beat qual ity. ry persons wiehlng to purctiase any of the above ar ticles, will pk-niie give Ihein a cull, as they sell cheajier than any oilier in the t iiiieu rMinea. ' ii.imtiTiva j. -A 1 1. r. . .1 r-, JllllANNKS WATSOM, rhilsitelphis, November 10, lMli-ly 50,000 A ictims b.cry Year Fall a Prey to Consumption, Asthma and Raising Blood, Hectic Fever and Night Sweats. ASTHMA AND rONHl Ml'TION. L. J. Deal., lu Delancey street, save it to his smler-in- law wbo liad tieen an invalid for years fnm Artlnna ; to aibSher ctsuiilered a. in consumption. It lelieved there at ance, au Uiat they travelled several bundrul uulea. Sl'i rriNO UIXID Is alwnys alarm inf. ft leads to tha worst kind of f on simmtlim, ami iinies arretted in time ia aenerully fatal htiemmii'. AIMlealinir llalaam is the best remedy known; it heal, the wounded nr runtured blood veaeela ul the luiuia. and thereby elleeta a peruianunt euro, whin, uther rente. .'iy atop tlw iso-d ....I.. .in tl... I,l..u4 l.u Ih. tla.M A IUIU ri.MH nl s the tune. A few dusea nf i ihia Hnuuain win i list i v this ihilauin will auli.ty the luoat akeptieal lluititislhe medicine required It tin. been .unceM'ul in ninny eaaia. and that too where they had run into a rupid decline, fir. as more generally expreaaeil, '-IIAKri CU.Nhl l'THIN." Young per. si., or those of muUlie aire, are more sulijecl to theae attack, iruu me ageu. Fricell.5reiit.aial VI ner hotlle. Dr. Klietnitui's Cismh and Worm Lozenges, and Poor ftluu riurtera. s mi a. unovo. principal Uffice 1IH riaMiii-street, new lork. SI1ERH1VS POOR MAN'S PLASTER hi. cured more tnsnof Rheumatism, 1'ain in the Back, Bide and Cheat. LninlaMro and Weakness, tlian any annli- eaUou that lias uicruiaeii, nunoreoa 01 unpriiiripicu ruaeaia have ultriuptul to rounterrett it. and nntin it on upon the e.imninuity a. tlie genuine, tVilcwure ol' Deceplnai. rteinetiilier tnul ine irue aim aejiuine riuaier ia uprnui uniu rvddiali puner uiuile exureaaly for the purpose and every caae the aigiuiture of lit. Shennan la printed onon the hiM'k of the Fleeter, and the whole secured by tHiy Kllilrt. Niaia otliersare gouuine. Therefore wtieu you wiiut a reul guiI r.uriliau a l oot Mtui a raiaier, can ai incuun-c, luu .aasiu alreet. and vou will n'S he diwipnointed. KeinenilMir nrineiiaiitfrnee iiw i, rcw- ora. where ull J)r. hheniuni'. lixeugea are .'Id. Hi. Agents are Mrs. Hays, Via Pulton street, iiroomyii; iiincson, Wllluuustsirg j ana ueaaing 10, ixaaon, ana JOHN YOt'NO, elunbnrv. M. A. McC'AY, Notthiuuberland No. 10, lWflea etna ly T OSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this MMj excellent article for Tetter, 4c., just received and for aula by HENKY MA8SSH. Sunbury, July 28, lS4a- rTlEAS, from tha New York Canto and Pekin M. Ta totnpany. I or aaie tiy 6 . ! W, f JKUU.'XU. Sunbury, Dee. t, 1848 Coble! Totla lcb Drp. 10 A most valuable cure for tha Tooth Ache. For 8 il ele bv GEORGE W. COBLE. 10 Third frad) Houa above Railroad. 62 I Sunbury, Dec. 1, 1819. , , ORPHANS' COURT ! SALE. N pursuauce of an Order of the Orphans' Court f Northumberland countv, will be exposed to public sale on tha premises, on Saturday the 39th day of December next, the following described property to wit : The one undivided half part of alt that certain TRACT OF LAND, situate in Point township, and eonnty aforesaid. Adjoining land of John Nixon, Leonard Pfouts and other, and the North Branch of the Susque hanna, containing in the whole, one hundred and ninety-four acres and seventy-five perches ; about one hundred and sixty acres of which are cleared Whereon are erected a large STONE HOUSE and a good Fimmi Biits with other buildings, the land is of the best quality . Late the estate of William Lemon, dee'd. Sale to commence at 1 1 o'clock A. M.f ofaaid day, when the conditiona thereof will be made known by HUGH M'WILLIAMS, By Order of the Court, 1 Executor, Dnvid Rockefeller, Clk., O.C j Sunbury, Nov. 17, 184U. 7t DA1TIELS & SMITH'S Cheap New fc Second band Book Sioac, Ifo. 36 N. Sixth St. be ween Market If Arch Philadelphia. Law Books, Theological and Classical Books, MBDIOAXi BOOKS. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTOK1CAL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. Scientific and Mathematical Books. Juvenile Books, in great variety. Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, all sizes and prices. Blank Boohs, Writing Paper, and Stationary, U'iolm He antt Hi tall. I v' Osa prices are mnrht ower tlinn the ssmri.AB prices. I f" I.ieiarira and snmll parcels of hook, purchased. iy llwki impiirlnl In (inter from Jnriju. Philnd.lphis, June , li4l y Groceries ! Groceries ! ! C5.T, & Co. S. IV. Corner Arch (f 6th Street Philadelphia, OFFER, for sale to the inhibitants of Sunbury Bn" vicinity, r amity oroccnes ol tne very finest quality consisting of Lxtrn r mo, Superior and Common Orcen and Black Teas. Co'.Vccs of nil kinds and prices. Sugars of every kind. Rice, Farina, rnign, Hominy. All kinds of choice Pickles, Sauces, Ketchups, Olive Oil, Preserves, &c, warranted to be of the very finest grades in the market and at the cheapest rates possiMc. Ill goods carclully packed ami promptly for warded. COLTON & CO. S. W. Cor. Arch & Gth St. Phila. Oct. 28, 1819. che3m ly my SG, E. HICKO JOITES, WHOLESALE DEALER MAM'FACTITRER OF WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE. . Importer of French IIanlirts LooUIng Glasses, and Fancy tiood, Xo. IS Noi l la Kecoiid Street, Between Market and Arch Sts., under J. SinxEr Jones' Carpet Warehouse, two doors below Christ I liurch, PHILADELPHIA, TT AS on hand and is constantly receiving a large and extensive assortment of Combs, Brushes, Fancy Goods of every description, (too numerous to mention,') Looking Glasses of Gilt and Mahogany frames, Baskets, Coaches, Chairs, Ac. BROOMS, Shaker's Eastern Wisp and Country Brooms, Window Blinds, Door Mats, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Washboards in fact. Wooden and Wil low Ware of every description, all of which will lie sold low for Cash or City acceptance. Merchants would save themselves much time and trouble, lv calling; and examining my stock licforc purchasing. N. U. Looking Glares, arc insured against Breakage to all parts of the Union, without extra charge. August 25, 1849. 3in TICKNOR'3 COX.TJMBIAX7 RPEX.LZNO BOOK. T) EINO a progressive and Comprehensive ISyi - tern of Urtliocrapy and Urtlioepy, including a variety of definitions, adapted to the use of Schools in the American Republic, hy Altnon Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-live year a sxperi ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, tec The attention of Teachers, School Directors, parents, &c, ia invited to this new Smiling Book, Which conforms to the modern spelling and usages in Orthography as being one of the neatest, cheapest best arranged, and better adapted to the wanta of children, than any other published in the Lnitetl Stats. It is whut it purports to be, a bpclling Uook and not a Reading Uook, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors or youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the United States. Just published, and for sale by Hi-.Nnr SIAssEn, Sunbury. Where Teaclirfs and Directors can procure copies for examination. August 4, 181'J.-- TUB FARMER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. r.DITKU BY liOL'vr.KM'.Ut KMKKSON. I N OXE VOLUME, Roval octavo, 1165 tiaccs, lioautifully Iwunil, roiitiiinlng, 17 fine jilutrs, tirsiilos numerous Wood Cuts, bold at about one fmirtU the cost of the English work, without any Plates. The r armi-r s Kiioyclopotiia is a real treasury of practical information, wherein the experience of all ages and countries ia carefully rosTKn i t to the present day, and ailiniralily arranged for con venient reference." Dr. Darlington. Ve are fully convinced that such an amount of valuable knowledge for fanner can be found in no other work in so cheap and convenient a form In fact, no Farmer who pretends to be well inform ed in his profession, should be without this work." few Gennessee Farmer. 1 a. . An excellent work, lit to be tlistnliuted in pro- niiuma by Agricultural Sivities. f J. S. Skinner. For sale at Una Ulnce, price Also, by E. W. CAKK, Third street, epposite the Exchange, Phila.lclhla i and N. HICKMAN, Ualttmore, Murjlund. EST 4li, Uuueks must bi AcrcMrAtftio bt thb C.1SH. July 14, 1849. 3m Notice to Delinquents. A I.L iiersons iiidcbted to the subscriber, longer V than six months, on note or book account, are requested to cull and make settlement, or else their accounts will be left with a magistrate for collec tion. JOHN W.FKILINQ Sunbury, July 7, 1849, - STONE WARE. STONE milk Pans, stoue Jus and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware Just received and lor sale by JOHN W. FIUI.1NU. Sunbury, June 58, 164U. Yoluable Dooki. LIFE or Cubist, handsomely bound, DAr bisbb's Uistubi or TBB RsroBMATios, Blab-c Dat-books abb Lsbssbs, full bounded. For Mb) at th. publisher, price, by tl. D. lUAOOCIl, Sunbury, July 14, 1849. m ISSUE PAPEK Yellow iwsu. paper lor 1 covering glaasea, &C, for sale at th. offiec ol ths Amaruatu WINDOW CLASS, 8 by 10. for nd. 1 HENRY MASTER , 8ubwy, Jan STth, 1849- A - Is AV BUMe A xretlent rtieto for as I. by HENRY MASKER. ounwiry Jan. t7tlj, lisi. 0 FlirSICIAM, 1 DRUGGISTS ASD COUNTRY MERCHANTS. TR. J. N. KEELER fc Bro. most respectfully U solicits attention to their fresh stock of TTnr- ', French, Qtrmin and AmeieaH DrUri, Med icines, Chemicals, Faints, Oils, Dye Stuns, Ulass ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines Ac Having opened a new store No, 194 Market Su with full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we re spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, promising one and all Who may feci disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi cines, on as liberal terms aa any other house in the City, and to faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. One of the proprietors bring a regular physician. affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of all articles sold at their establishment. We especially invite druggists and country merchants, who may wish to become agent for Dr. Aesr' Veltbtatrd Family Mrdiriuet, (stan dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, ' respect fully remain, J. N. KEELER ft BRO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 294 Market street, Philadelphia. September 13, 1849. ly, ': l a it i) l aTm v 1 s7 C OR MELIUS CO. No. 170 ( hrannl M, jn ESPECTF L'LLY announce that they have B a. just finished ths most extensive assertment of LAMPS, they have ever offered for sale, comprising ELF.OANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, iJUAUkKTS, PENDANTS, MANTEL LIGHTS, &c. In great variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY, n the construction of these Lamps, and audi are made as will produce tho greatest amount of light from the least consumption of Lnrd. itcccnt improvements in the manufactory, with the introduction of new and perfected machinery, enables them to sell at a ery GREAT REDUC TION from former prices, and all articles before leaving ine mnniiiaciory, are carciuuy insiiecieil, and are warranted perfectly tight, and to give satis faction. Philadelphia, June 2, 1S19. Iy CiigratiSudc Is tlic baHt-Nt crime or man. T7E are not nmon thnt class of Editors who foe a few dollars will, (at the cviicnso nft ruth and honesty') "crack up" an article and brine it into rapid sale ; neither are we willing to remain silent, after having tested the utility of an im provement or discovery in science or art. Our readers will recollect wc told them we were un well with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottles of WINSLOW'8 BALSAM OF HOKE1IOUND and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Tho who aro afflicted, may try it upon our recommendation. iAtoiston Tcle- gtapn. A fresh supply of the above valuable medicine just received, and for sale in Sunbury, by John V. r riling, Mary A. .Mel ay at .Nortliumliorlaiul, and at wholesale by Frederick Klett, & Co., cor ner of 2d and Cullowhill streets, l'hiladclphia. l'hiladelphia, Sept. S2d, 1843 8 mo. "Encourage Your Own!" HAAS &KENX. FASHIONADLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. rPHE Bubscrn-erB respectfully call the attention of the iiulilic to their lnrjrc and splendid assort ment of every quality und price of JAISI.i:T-WAEtf:, wliidi cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in tlie city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the subscnliers arc determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their Block consists of Mahogany Sofa, Divans nnd Loungei), Uurcnus.Sccrcuirirs.srecuoarcs, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND IUM.NG TABLES, and also VENETIAN ULINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS, including varieties never before to lie had in Sunbury, such as MiituoixT, Uun alxitt isn Ct-BLKn Maple (!ur.cii!t : ash Wihiisob CHAINS, ami r.rx Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cilicsor elsewhere, The subscriliers are m-tcrmined that there shall lie no excuse for iiersons to purchase furniture in tlie cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as eood terms aa they can lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce tuken in pay meut lor work. nr LftDrJKl AKirvu attended to on reason able terms. tV Tho Were Room is in Market Street, pposite J. oiina s store, and nearly opposite W caver a Tavern. DANIEL HAAS, GEOKUE KENN Sunbury, April S3, lS49tf VST all" papsp.cs. fJllIE KuWriliers hava on hand the largest as- X wrtment ol all i-a-km. in .... ci.v o. .... Uidelphia, II -lol,.a le "J?, everv vanetv suitable lor 1'arlors, r.uirira, Lulling Kooius, Ctiamuers, cue, wiucn tor qtiatiiy aim stvle cannot be suriMased. Doing a cash busines we are enabled to sell a neiu-r arucie a. mucu lower rate than any store doing a TRADE BUSINESS. On hand, a lartro assortment of Wiub Pirra, for Curtuine, Fire Prints, lionU rs, etc., which will lie sold for Cash. Paper Hanging; done in tlie country at city prices. N'. 11. ileulcrs are invited to coll and examine their stock before nurcliasins! eisewtiere. FINN & BURTON. No. 142 Arch Street, South aid. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. ly BOSS OINTMENT, FOR TSVTZB -a EAD the foll.iwms' certificate from Cupt. Devue, the I V well ku iwii and p.ipuku- Sluuu Iksit CujUuiu (of Iln Aruvellerj 1'lltLADEl.rBlA, AH'liajer 41, icxu. ereral years since I was attacked wnn a nreasuis: out nu ass- iMM-k iu tha f.Mnn is' Tetter, which I ain emivinccd was oonlriM-tctl ai tbe Haroer'S rvuH. 11 arauuuauy exiniu- d over my face until it reach! the upper part 01' the cheeks. During the several nswiths that it eimiiimeU spreaillinj, I used lillteren! appUeulkMis. soaie 01 wnics tana the edacl, appreialy at least, of uicreasiufi Ilia disease, hut from ooua ol Iheru did I perceive the least benefit until I nhiusl iha HtuiUimsixT. Hv the use isfoneiar of it. I Was penOCIiy CIUSU BUM ' - ..vm " waw tiou. 1 have aiac Bees' the Ointment, lightly applied fnr sough- aaaa of the face. bliSches, chaped luuala. Ate. V na per foot suoeeas. I have uo bealtatMsi ia recooarueuuin it in tke atruiureat manner to lus puuw. JAMES PEVOE. Atenl Hbsbt Nassbb, Buubury. July ), Ib4. I TsOOKd and Gold Peru. On hand as feral top- I -L ia .1 the hie of Christ, and also number of I gold pens which will .all .1 !U Philsdelptua I once., r or mm at tniaomosA, . . IfdmiMOuU tf Omr . reaj cm. ftnsfll.. tn4 nt JHtnun, St sn wnnj of Iht pwriftinM smUmI mom. MaMMS-iaea tkwi it aafacMimaela tttdna Jimt BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT ti ih Mrilrtn. In awry KMpseti and taera la atma. rlnrrt prnof. In ral orrr. eSertrd, Hiat ONK BOTTI.K of it eamlsln. am porilrlnr, heallnf Tlrtue. and avrfleal pmerr than there I. eontalned In Four ttmtlm of aa aae. Mau-fdt, or any euUr auaNWse that has er hem onVred for ml. There I. nndoabted proof In our pwnphleti, that liT the naa of tbi. (mat India Frt. tliey that ware llriita yet f.ia Ihcy Uiat were I. us aud Csis. riwo can now Walk they that were Mica. rlcaonn.of, and otherwUo die.ted, have been Hkalsd and Cdbeb. Hundreds Thousands wli. hure ued RassT's rcatnas. arter bavins aser! aa4 tested ALL the fttrMiparillto and other medicines recom mended to cure blood disesees, have dtriHti that Brant's la the Cheapest, became On lint !lf of It ha. mnre tnedieal. earati mat ter in it, and. In eonAeonrnce, cani raer. ditto In muoh test time, than one 6irr'e of anr Mher medieine. ir. Ihen. nS AttuVnf RaAirr's I'o.msa will corn Fni'lt TIMF..1 more dicao than HilU of tmrMpa. rilU. fc HaaNT's t'aIrlra,, would be a. rJtrnp at ftmrdol. lor a hnitle, mrmparillit at "t Jollnr. Uut UKANTrt IMJItlFIKll I. enld lor only ONK l)( II. I. All a bottle; and a. a bottle of it hut cured, and i. nlpnhUiif euring;. Four 7't'raeit a. mneh di.cafln a one hotite of mrrnparitl. thero. fort.. .arnapHritla, in eenafqiience ot ft fw, power and k tm-iliral eiriiac-v, thonij be .old at mo mart than rwir f'l're rVf. nr bottle, to be a. cheap a. the l'lai risa al One Dultttr. Ona Dollar's Worth! flow tmii'h CsrKB how murh hnu ranrti ScuorcL will Ore JtoHar't worth o'l Kraut m VUUIFIER rure! KchH Mm ltilluwitif statement, which U m tyvcU men of tti power. CAWCIinOUS SCROFULA! Thin i tit ra ol trying man who rt r mi rttrrd of ft wot m riw ol iScnitttln. by wiiy T m4rt BoUum of Itmm'a I'unticr, thnn ever wn -urjl ly the ue nf VWIw tir'.lanp nf the hr.-t tnrpttfttrriVa thnt wn r.-r nicdp. iHr-mf nrtlln hits not ujfirfc nt mrtiiral j-cwrr to cQoct the cunt of nuh rrtoliintttt haprtcr cv. Mr. J. B. IUskim. ut hom Oncijtt Co , X. T.. h. Frrnf nta fnttr year wns conlintH t Iim d the (art yrar- h wa mi much rficnuril nnd d hiluiti'fl to lie unahle to rnite hi IimtkI to hi4 hrml. JJn liml ili bo-t trtfdicn nd riff hnd imfd alt of the bt-.-i mirrafntriUti to no pood cH'tTt gt totm Hiid irnrte. nnd trm rottidT-d to l in liting State, nitd could imI live tvntu-ftwr hour lon'-T, tat cimimi-iicrd uti IllIAM ri'l l'lt!KIKR. If. nerk wm tn'tn nr,irl fiff", lrm enr to rnr n hnle rnn eatrn ihrimjfh hi trinilpijie urnkT hi thin, u tlmt h br.-tiTUJ thruuli iim lioiv hi errr km bo enttn round tlmt it cnuM bn ti led up out nt iU )i!ttce, il oiily Im'ins by rmaH pii-pi the n-e uf one arm wtu detnntri hy twn L'l- vvt nu I'lrcr nndrr thu itrm. nn lnriri a nmn's han't. httil nt'iirly rutin throiih Ins mln tnio Am bo'.'y. 'I bin, he wis ntli:cli d with 'J'mnttt nurii putrid, arrtd. oTrnirt; 1 7- crrt. nn mriiiui .aiU ot hi p rMoii. 1 or further nnd full ptriirumr, our famphttti. I'oi t. I humah v ti.Li.vai't, one ol lh mw tKiirui yYy- fi.a,tif ol liuiilf, Wjin rMlU-d t Hik Bin In J t'.TiJ he -itrt num. nti'.l uine firtuft V'trifr l)'t. W. i-thih-ititn. ntl then tuld him that all tho vwiu inot m Uih tcjrU coti'd mat cre htm that bin rae vvhi Worse than Hopeless ! Now hear Mr. HASKIN'S itstftm nt nf cwre. TT- nM Mv write ptnrnrrd one bnttbt of HHA.ST.S J't'Pl Fi'I.XfJ EXTRACT t llUMfll if Jsenar.L UnicjUto. of Home I iMiminc need u-in2 ihat, and bfjfan to cot brt'er tiiat ottlm enubU-d me to ft nf wjr bed. whfre 1 bad hct-n cnnlined one frarth nccoND bottle enabled netorf out of the hme Ui thimd lottle enabled nie to lfnf 7V" Mile, to Kotne Ci-ntre. where I procured Siz Bottle more: and when I had inihed usins tlirm. Orrrntetn cut of Treaty I'lrer had iikai.itd ip nnd three battle more elN-4'ted a PKKFrX' I L'KK uf all the Ulcer, and re tort'd me to ffintU hrallh. FOURTEEN WITNESSES! Mr. IlASKIN tworn to the above feta. and the fact are wiitiffi-d nnd rertirted to by HOCT. T. V.'IL- I.IAIS Mr. U. tv. HKUWM. nniprlt'r ol tne IIM-Hinu rS' UtS.KI.L 6l I.KON.MU). Whobale and rcUul ItniirgiaU aud KLKVKN other rrjvta'iU witnesses. Wo Challenge the World To rUOVK a Cure of at revolting and utterly hopeless cne of Scrofula, by the uw of TKN TIMKH m much sana rtr Uln, or any other medicine, as wni used of Pratt's I'urtjtcr to tirt tia above cure which cure nail n pruvrd by na many weU kmoKit, re-peciabU tciltttssL. aa is Uie ftt-ove cure. FOR SALK BY Jolia W. Frilinj, un)ry Pa. ilarv a. Mcuay iNorthiiiuberaUMi. J.ihn II. Kutr Mtltm. IIiiry J. tSliactter o Kdwurd A. Kutzuer ft All letter nnd onleri mtift lie addressed to Watlact Co., ttiO lirimtUvay. New York. Muiuury, July ill, iy. -Kqwlt able Life Insurance, Annuity una xriiNt company. OFFirr. "4 WAt.Nl'T PTRK.KT, Pmi.ADEI.PniA. Capital -.'.ii,tij. chahtkb i ebtetcal. ri'IIR Company are now prepared to tmuanet busnier, I noun tlie iiiiiat lilienil aial aitvniitauentia terilis. Tliey are anth-s-ized tiy their charter (aeet. 3) uto m:il:e all awl every insuranee upiertnining to Ine rinlta of wtintever kind or nature, and V reeeire and exi-ute trulls, make ciulnw- metlta.aud to smut ami nureliaae aunuitiea." IheCian. pnuy aril annuitiea aiat endou'incnts. and act as Truatces fur milKirs and heirs. Tuhle of Premium, required for the Amunmcs of 9100 for the whole tend of Lite. A)je. Prem. Prem. age. Prem IS 17 t su I S3 I M 1 5'J 1 IMI 1 0-1 1 oil 1 ua l M 1 Tt I I t-9 I of 1 tw ioi US 15 i-ii 47 H3:l 4 847 3 51 tft) 7U l 8II-J 3UI 3 li 31 33S 3 4U 3 01 8V7 1M 4 13 4 3'J 4 51 4 71 4 91 5 It! SX 5 61 5 7H 6U1 10 9W J I S-J 21 an !!7 1H 29 The Dreiuinms sre lea. than any other cnmiMiiy, and lbs niilit-lea iiriord irreater advniitiiiiea. Tubhs f liull-veurly mid quarterly pieiuiums, halt credit Rites ol premuuu, slioi i..rn iiiiiii nees. siirvivorBiiina sihi cieiownieiiis ;-o' Kinu ol Application (f a which there are blank sheets-) are Li be had on apnlieutf n nt the nuice, or by letter lo the Agent, J. H. Pl'llDV, Suiilmry. Ratu roa isscBiso 81'l on a suigle Lue For Life. 1.60 iM 4,70 3.i-t e.o-l F.xamplk A ncrinaer-il M mi nest birth day, t.y navurx tlie t'laiusuiv on eents would secure to lus lamii) or heirs rUl alioukl he die lu one year : or lor rVn" i' ........ .ii,-... sum. 61:1 animailv l seven year i ... l.A. itssi slioukl lie uie in seen imi. in for fJO Ul paid anuu-itlr duruur lile he s.-ctires lillSMI to be mid ho lUea. The uiMirer a.-cuiinu hi own rsMius, bv the diilerence in ainiintis" nreiniii.iui t'r mi those churned bv other ofTiee.. For Sit), ju the heirs would receive 80OOU alvHiKI he ilie ill one year. Forme ol'upiilicatiou and n!l p-irticnmrs mar be bad at the odice. FKTF.H I t l.LKN, Frealdcnt. Vice Fresiilent. . si. haisd. Fbascis V. II awls. S.-cretary ami Treis-irer. r...i-i tio Piiv.iclA-i Dr. J. II. Maurr, uclairv. J. 11 I'usuv, s-uuhury, Ageut for Noiihuiuherktisl coau- tmntsir-,', juty-n, iei;. CABINET WARE EICOBZS. ...,.,;t-., r.swtf.,ltv if.,r,n. the miblic 1 that he continue.' the manufacture of CAM- . ,,.,,,.,, ... ... ... , . . , ,,: ,al.,l in NET WAKE, in all its hranrhss, at his stand in .Market street in Sunbury, and tliut ho has now on hand a handsomo assortment ol well made and (ashioutihle furniture. He also carries on, at his old estulilialinient, in Fawn street, tlie cut in niiKivG nrsisESs, in all its branches, and keeps constantly on hand, an assortment of well made and fashionable t'HAIKX, plain and ornamental. All ot which he will dispose of at prices as low aa at any esta blishment iu the county. His lung exarietice in the business, justilie him in the belief that he will be able to give gen eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits trom nis customers a reiiluiuanc of their patronage. "IT All kinds of produce taken in excliaiig. SEBASTIAN HOUPT. Sunbury, March IT, 1849. tf JUaTABiPsITEE. A Ken ABnorlnient of Fresh Goods. IRA T. CLEMENT, i" ir.ciPVr'iTF'ITLLY inform, hi. friends, cus- IV turners and othcrt. that he has just received handsomo assort men t of NEW GOODS at hi. .tor in Market Square in Sunbury, auch aa Dry tiooda, Groceries-, Queens ware, Hardware, &c. Sunbury, June S3, 1849. AltSlN'8, currants, citron, cheese, pepper IV MUce. &e. Kor aal. by J. W. FriHJjiU Sunbuty.Uee.S. 148. Aite. For I year. For 7 ycaia. :tu el 9' M 9s KM 411 !.- Mil an i.m v.i7 611 a, 111 3.u7 Caution Eitrn. A mm hr the nams of n.APn h. i.i. a yoonf man n( the name of S. . 'IVrwnnenrt, and ttm hit name to put up a Hnraparilla, whieh Ihey fall llr. 'I'iiwii. arnd't "nrapsnlladeiiisnlnating il t.l'.N L INK Original, ete, This Townaend is no dort'S-, and ner araa ; (ml ma for merlya worker on the railrieida, ennat, atal the like. Yet he a Mamie, the title of In., fs the purpoae of aainina rredit forwhat heis nut This l. toeanlinn the nnlSie n to he dererred, and porehaae none out the Genuine Original f lk Pr. Jaeiib Townsend's Hnraparilla, Imviiur nn it the tlkt Dr's, likeness, his family coat of anna, and his signature across to, sunt of i "WW OLD DOCTOR JACOB TOW!SftED, TK ORIGINAL OF THB Genuine Townaend Kiuan.Ktrllla t OLD Dr. Townaeml is now nbrnit 70 yenra nf ntre, snrl 1ms Itsiff been known na the atiih'ir nur liw:i-erer of Ilie GeiiHiiw llrisinal Towuafnit H irwiptiiilln ' He ine poor, he wns eonipelliil to limit il. Jiiiimifnrtiire, ,y Which mean, it hn. been kept out uf market, nint the aules cireunweriUil to tli wotily who Imvc provnl it. wortli and known its value. It hint rifichcil the erira of numy. never thrhiei. na th tee per.n. who hml tM-en hill aoreiliatmiu!., ami mved from ittntti, proeluimeil its exeelleiKe sihI won ilerful lir.ALINO POWER. Knowin., many yenra njo, tint lie 1cm!. hy liis .ill. set ene. anil expeneneeil. ilevised nil article whili Wotnil lie of ilirnlennhle nilvantiice to mankinil, when once known and exten.ivelv iiawl, he hoped suit rixrveriil. exn cting the time tn nrrive when the menus wolikl lie fiirniflieit lo tirimrit into tmiveniol iki ice, when it ineatimnhle virtues woui.1 he known n:i.l riiret i.ilul. Tiiis time bus com.-, the nieaim nre mpphe.1 1 lins GRAND AND I XKIJI KL1.ED rRLTAtlATION, Is ntiniifiif-tureil in the Inrpeal si-nle, nnil is cnl'd for thraielHiut lh length anil hrenilih of the Innd. rvccin!ly as it Is loiind ini-npnhlc of ihirciieTiitioii or rleteriornttnn. evtTy limn rinir thriiiiphont the hiiul, Ihnt Old Dr. Jacob Towiiiieiiil is it-iw iiiTiimiiietiirinir the real Townwinl t-lrHIlpllilla,, which never siurs, never feriiicnts, otst never chaiuresils cbiitneter. From this ilny f..rtli the people .ha'! hnve the Pure Oen nine Townsenil ftir.rnriiln, which eh:iil never aonr in IhS b-Stlc, or in the Btoinneh, and it .leill yet uhihbIi from the taint nil Ferment iii(r. Sniriiil. Expl Htiier. Vincjrary Snr iriparilliis. now ill li'e. A ami Heir a:ij tirill. pure nnd jrtnulne. ouiiht to live : a souring, e.ip-al -p tNimia rilln ought t ulniopoild die. The Old Dr's. Parsnpnrilla will keep pure stu! perftcl Kl yenra. I'nlikc ymntr S. V. Tmsmsend's it improves with sire, ami never' t-huiio. tint lor the better; b-im.e it is pre pared on M i 'tililie nriiieiples by a seientihe man. Ths hiclieet knowlclseol Clieiiiiftrv. n:ul tlie kites! clueoveries is" the Art have nil re-en lir .ui:lii into requiiiti.m in ths innuufnelnrc of the HI J) Dit. r'ARSAFAIlll.I.A. Tlie SiiB-.irill.i r mi. it is well known to nieilienl men, con" L'lins minv iiie, prriies, nml smie nroiierties which nre. inert or uacieiM, nml others, which, il retained in preiiurins it for use, pr uhice fermi-iitnlion oud neid, wh'.eU ia injuriou. to the svstcm. Smio of the properties 01'S.irKipiirilb nru bo volatile, that Ihey entirely evnporal nml nre I. mi in the pn-iKiration. it they are m preserved ay by a scientific pri'i . known only those exierieneed in ii. l.,re.,ver. thee voL-ltilenrilieiph-s, which fly iff in vnpor.or iisiin exhalation, under hint, an-the verit essential medical properties of Ihe rjot, which give toy all il. value. t . Any iK-cson can Im'.I or stew tne root 1111 mey o-i n nam col neil liquid, which i. more Inun the eooriii inattcr 111 the root limn irointmyninnr e.w-, ui.- . .,11 1.......- - ilisinid or vaind l sw"i'teil Wlin unr imnuss.-s, nnu tie 11 call it '-Sirs;iiril!a Kxtract or Pyrnp." L.ut sitcli is not the article kir-wnns the .... . , UKNl lNi: OLD DR. J ACOR TOW NM.ND PAR- rti'.tniiiiiA. Tliis is s 1 prepared, that all the inert properties cf the Snrsnnrtlln r. are fi'st rem' -veil every linns cnpnnie 01 lici-oiuliitf aciu or 01 ieini-nn...i - ...... - eil- then every partie'e i f linihcnl virtue is seeureil ill a ptireund concentrated form: mid thus it is rendered men. pahleot' lotiiil nnynf its vnlual.le nnd hullliv propertl.-a. repnnsl lu tins way, 11 is n ' l'-"v -- CHIP. OF IXXUMKRARLK DISF.A?r.f. Ilenccthe reason why wc hear commendations on evcrf side in its fuvor by men, w .niHi,im.l cli.l.lreii. e nnu 11 inn wolli'ers 111 ttiecure in t..aiiiiiiNi, 1"' ; Liver Ciuiiilaiut, und 111 UI.eimiatinn, "'lu a. ,- ies, C utivcneas, ull I iiannsvia r.rupin n-, . in.,.".-, and ull allectlottsnrisipi. from W IMI'l KI I'VOF TIIF.Hl.OOD. . It pnrs.-wca a m irvollons etTieaey. 111 allcoinpiniirsarisina; t. i...l..ii.iii. Iroin Aeii Itv ol ine r-toilincu, in n, nu- deterniiiiati in 1 if blind t heiid. llpi- e.pui eir. ui . . - . . tition of the h.-art, col.1 leel aim c-ai i - v .... ..... . h . Hashes over the Ishiv. ' ","l " " V mahJ : and promotes easy expectoration, nml rtentlc ier s. initial relaxing stricture..! Die lungs, llir.xit, aud every other part. mn;,V,i!c seen and Kill 111 n nnmR is us ... ... - seknuwlcilgcil than 111 U kllH.S aiKl SUiyi B 1-4 1. ...,. plaints. , 1 .. , a ,H :., mm 1- lie r Allnis or While Falling. the Wouili., fuppn f .,1. or I a lid Mcnaes, Im-iruhirityof the menstrual pell.-., and the like, an I is a elfectunl in curing nil thelonne S k idney Disease. te'in. 11 irivea lone ami strength to the whole body, By removing .rueti aim r..K V"-"" - - cures all forms of .vn ncmiiTV NLltvtil r iiir-r.Ai-- - .......... . And thus prevents "r relieves a ttrent y.4 ;'sr Indies, aa JiHisd lrriuui m, Neuralgia, ft. Mlua Dance, Swi.mlng. i'pileptic fil &'. , e. VikI vot he Wiiuh nnu " - - - Would bear the nn distant 'vr.''T'.ir.fJll'.l.iTi'fd llmven f.rlU that we wum Dr. K an a m'smtain l-d .S" Wdaiu!a sisl criin.nations A.H. who have eoM, ! V"k",We '.h"t I. V. Towiisiisl'a V-wish it al II Hint S. P. unnrnn.nii. i.u . ... ... ..,. ,r. Riro- ! - iirlmls lint (11(1 lfl.aSIK s " - .... xsa that luev are unlike lu every 'part.cuLn, luviug .t one single thu'ig in comiuoii. j . 1 nrvirt nml ininiLiriv hiwiiuuh , A.S. 1". .i.wnsenn ...... -. - - .... chemist, p harain-u-entist Kiio . tlint any .She. e-snusn., !'. ,siul man, what trrttuifee... "- --vrr. are receiving n geiiiiuie ei,.... " :,..,., ,iu. ..ln. u...l 01 nreiKtriia 11. '"si " ehaii 'es which mllit rem'.er them me .ig in- VTniXh w much more n .,...... j- il llt La!. a,l e.ile.-l. d .ysle..,. sh ui!J k.l .W Well the Ilie ivt m the U:.l iiuiiiner ol securing mH V "l" -' ... ;V ...,.1,,,., viriiiift. HiHII rxtfiiMV aial con ;s;:.,;..i... -m " r- . . 1 ,..,.,.. til l n lll llB-.! kn in U.t, '' Rn;';""l" todoB.l; it ha, no- eTnllveie: r the lisly.anu ni tus nam s uipiui m s ninnns. lt-n-.JJ.' fai l, . ilieaiAlile .!' It! rHlu'fM f iliariliica. itxsei.iery, ".neVU.:t Vied i. but eiiiie, wi,.., .:.! t.u,.s. m the Wy ! WH' TsS wl.K-b bring .... Fr..p..;.al '" 'L S Kheu,i..Kr)S.i-la, . v I me ry. Ulceration, inlcriud .h .ur. and thus sr-SH, ''V1""","' 'il' IT.W or Us.. Wluit rn.s all Uie nilios "1 . .,:., i,ih insinim.M il. H , u.iia s .1 but a sour or acid Uuul, which iii.iii.iale.n K heunulisiil. .1 u . , rtww hero, irritiitnig and lu .el. between lie I- " .,,,,. it c,, , tZV d ' i '"' T ranged tfiet lUUiri-. . ulfillit,T .m' II II II it n.nt.u. - ' . worse lo u mi. ,.,,.. v-.f OIKINO, FF.RM'.N TIM', a. in - v.i.iv,v.-.a. ' .... -i ii in.tnslMl! ur d. i . '-- - . . .t i. i ... k.i. i ia tttwv etrw It is hn-nble to think, aim to snow mow intxsuu u. "j p.. -: - i . ,t.,.,.. mim ti.r lln Kisfat of ill Kiev ! Fortunes make out 01 ine is tM "' .. . . , a..-,u,irii.j snllerera ! Ul.le.1 arc ii" -I"- , .,: ,,f ,l.e and n i emiivuieiu retw..-..-.! - - it letonrrcat ines as iw ...-... - r iut.iw.aldedhuillilty, Ul Kln.uen.HH. in w or., ...r, U-.- b. testae beulth and tsnl, sod ' ';'o " e.uri.l.llike.i,wsllobaniid.u.hriu,ty, UmJ kl l)r Jae,. Tiwiinaxt has .sight aial louiel Uie ..pwtinmy ami mmns to bring Bummisi s...K-e....... ......... within the ru-h, ami to the kil iwhslge is all wls necit it, that they may hsurn sisl Wuow, by joylul esiairuuce, lis TllANHt.'F-NPi:XT rovvKIl w Aral thus Ui have the unisirchiieeuble astisfactl'si rs swing raiant th aisaials and uullnsis from the bed ul ajckiwa. and deap mle,a.y bi ho, health, nml a k.ig life iA vioc and uselttluiieas b themselves, their families ami IrleraJa. AoaaT llr..Mtv M.vr-ri.u, ruuiu. July lc4U.Iy ciw mt ., ..-.riiitli eftii illv atloye .,. fe ,vesu!lo!i'""''i ns, Ullit HIV Igo - , 11,-,.,! liul 4;iui:iiv n in-? 11 VrJkVTM This young .f de- i v i--i-'il 1111111--. Willie ine iHi-er imm- ; ' ,:. f..,.,,,.,,!.. and blows Hie b sties e .nluiini.g It into tvZV. r t e s a.r.ui id liipiiA eSfh-Hn?. s.u iknnatnig ahli . !. Must ll"t this b inilile ei-mp-uiul Is) p.. ....... iMln-r g . . . il , , inli a , , .nfld . st w .t u id ! What1 cans,.. Dyspeia but acid? ' .rjr , , uatl know, tha. when food m ':''" MituU-itrc. tJtniii'iiim AXTHITE DRANDV for preserving brandy peaches of an excellent quality, for aula 11. MASSER. by Sunbury, Sept. 2Sd, 1840 r NOB AND Sl'RIXO MORTISE LAT- Elk CUES. An eicellent article, for anle at It' the usual i.iice bv J. W. FRIU.NU. Jg Sunbury, July 7, 1749. PLASTER, Salt and Fish, lust n rived and for by S. W. FHiMMO. . r.uuburT,Pee. J, l4!,