Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 24, 1849, Image 4

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tub act iion or the railway nrntmrn-
The following sketch of Thos. Gray, the
ulhor of the Railway system, we take from
the Painesvillo Telegraph :
Thomas Gray was bora In Leeds, England,
about a half a century, or more, ago and
this is all we know of this early history. The
Middletown Colliory had a railway for carry
ing coal to Leeds, a distanc". of three miles.
The cars moved along at the rate of three
and a half miles per hour. It is laughed at
not by Gray but by the wise public. Gray
taw in this little work something that might
be augmented Into greatness; and he thought
upon the subject, and forthwith became a
visionary ! He talked and wrote upon his
project of "A General Iron Railway" until
the people declared him insane. He petition
ed Parliament ; sought interviows wilh the
lords and other great men ; and thus became
the. laughing stock of all England. He re
ceived nothing but rebuffs wherever he went
All this took place in 1820, or thereabouts.
I But ho succeeded at last. Tho railways
were laid. Tho world has been benefitted
by the madness of Thomas Gray.
Well, what became of him, the reader will
ask. , We do not know; bnt believe he still
lives in Exeter, to which place ho removed.
Up to 1846 he had been neglected. While
thousands havo been enriched by the con
summation of his brilliant schome, ho re
mained forgotten -forced by poverty to sell
glass on commission for a living. Howilt, in
1 tho People's Journal, a few years ago, gave
a aomewhat lengthy sketch of his career ;
thus bringing him into publio notice. We
have seen nothing hi print in' relation to him
lately. Elliot wrote a great truth in these
words :
' "How many men who lived to bless man-
, kind,
Have died unthanked."
How many of the railroad projectors, stock
holders, &c, have ever heard of the subject
of this brief sketch.
""'"" In UK In tha Wkl! A
BALM it found for ths
Whole Human Raca la An
dre wV
Thit i mi entirely vegeta
ble eornpnund, eompoeed or
Twentjr-Ftv different tngre
iMenta, lild en intern" I and
Kxtsriml Remedy fis? the va
rious ilia Dint human Iran Ie
heir to 1 ,
(tea At, . j
Ceiiirha, Colds, Palm, Nervnua anil Wok Heanarhe,
Rheumatism, C.ita, (sprains, Spinal AtTretlims, "mJ'
Onmpkiints. Cholera Miirlms, Tiiotharhe, Krnpti.mi, .orna
Viles, Fmsen Pnrta, Murne, Scalds, A)W F? "
Breast, Painters' Malic, llrniaea, old fjTua, I1" . ""J"!
i, or 4 Miiuiiurs wt wiiw. . ,
, MIIIIIIICS IWT I"1.!"' . . I 1
ii li . . i. - i I r ..-mtv iimi rows, i-iqiutMiina
AndttwaO'ain KH Irr Certilieatee W Cirei, directions, kc found that will produce the aanie effect in my opin-
FOR ' ; ;
THIS Powder la warranted far superior to any
thing in use for imparting a keen, smoothedge
to Raton, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of
fine Censer it my be applied to any kind of
strop. A lao superior Razor, Knives, and Perfu
mery, wholesale and retail, by
"Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and
Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street e
bove Chestnut Philadelphia.
. Piui.AnEi.riiM, Feb. 15th, 1848.
' This may certify that I linvs used one of the
Strong prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA
MOND POWDER, and can sttcrt in the moat
unequivocal manner, -that there is nothing can be
' Indian Mufeins. Sift nnd mix together a
pint and a half of yellow Indian meal, and a
handful of wheat Hour. Mult a quarter of a
pound of fresh butter in a quart of milk.
Beat four eggs very light, and stir into them
alternately (a little nt a time of each) tho
milk when it is quite cold, and the meal;
adding a small tea-spoonful of salt. The
whole must be beaten long and hard. Then
butter some multin rings ; set them on a hot
griddle, and pour some of the batter into each,
; Send the muffins to table hot, and split
them by pulling them open with your fingers
a a knife will make I hern heavy. Eat them
with butter, molasses, or honey.
The word 'lady" is of Saxon origin, and is
compound of Jen" and dian, lady being the re
sult of tho two. Leaf -dian, or, as corrupted,
lady, literally rendejed, means a feeder of lite
poor. How many of those who assume tho
title in these days are worthy of it 1
The triumphant snceese nf Andrews Pnin Killer in re
moviiialhe produce death, the untimely death
if Diilliiina f our nice, ""'"ced "na ,n" when, it
mnv he truly anal, ibeir villainous occupations mnnilest
their villainy, to nttenipt to put in circulation apnrions nnd
counterfeit nitidis culled "l'ain Killer," nsimr nVlilinns
nnmis lor the pretended author, fortreil eertilicnle!., Ac.
gome hnve nppenred, autl others nn douht wiil nppenr. Let
nil rememher lliut Andrews iieniiine Pnin Killer hna the
written sitrnntura of I. Andrews on the lnls-1 of each hottle
in Meek ink. Don't simply ask for l'niu Killer, but aak fin
Andrews1 Pnin Killer, end hnve no other.
gkl by M. A. MeCny, fole Airent, Northumlierlnnd ;
J. v, FrilinjT, Suiilmrv : John II. Rnser, Milton ; John R.
Mvvcr, Hloninstur-; Vm. A. Murray A Co, Dnnville ;
Dnvcnpori A Hinilli. Plymouth Andrew Yobr, Wilkes
hnrre i Il:ivi A MeOiriniek, MeKwensville ; rVhnflle A
rhnnilierlnin. Iwislmrg f (ieorgs McAlpin, Jersey Slyirc;
J. M. Jnikl, Willismspoit.
Hitlers nrtilrese-o to I. Amtrews. inventor ann only rro
prietor at Itlieea Tiitnpkiua comity, N. Y. Wil receive
prompt attention
S-pteiiilier W), IP19. ly
w IlldcOII and leather S(orc.
No. Ill AToi-(A 3fl St. 3 dmrs below Race St.
riIHE sulwcrilicra offer to thj tanners on tho
A moat fnvomlilc terms their fresh importation
of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ay res, Laplata,
Carnccaa, l.npiiirn, Hung-Dry, Chili, halted Per
amliuco and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and
salted. Also, Green Slaughter, Dry Salted, and
Black Dry Tatna Kips,
Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as
sortment of Currier's Tools.
They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter
Leather, the altove Hides, Kips, Oil and tools, on
better terms, than old Houses in the city,
Cash paid for Leather of all kinds.
Philadelphia, May 26, 1849 ly
AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT
LEU V, of sale by
A'os. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and Si North
nun i stmt,
Comprising 50(10 dozen Penknives, Scissors and
Also, a choice assortment of Rodger J- Sons,
AVosteuholui's Grcave's W. it S. Butcher's and
Fcnncv's Ctillcry,
Also, Spanish, Dirk and tf iinttng Knives.
Also, tiuna, Pistols, and Bowie Knives.
Also, The American Razor Strop, a superior ar
ticle, worthy the ottcntton of Dealers.
Cahb Dealers in Cutlery, will find tha altove
Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscrilicr's
chief business is importing ond selling cutlery.
l'Uiladclplua, June U, 184'J ly
ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will
find it superior to any hejetofore in use. I can
truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor
was tieforo.
JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Mikcr, 41 S. Third st.
PiiiLAtiKtritiji, October, 1848.
A very hard beard and tender fact has compel
led ms to seek and teat many contrivances design
ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with
indillercnt success, until I made use of tho Mujric
DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett,
and Roussel's Shaving Cream. Their united pow
er act like magic, and impart s power to the Rnxor
to remove the most stubborn beard, icitlitttt irri
tating the skin or temper of their owner.
J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street.
For salo at this office Pries 25 cts. per Box
November 23, 1848 Cm.
- John Alcohol, my Joe John,
, When we were first acquaint
I'd money in my pockets, John,
Which now I know there ain't,
I spent all in treating, John,
Becauso I loved you soj
But mark me how you've treated me!
i . ' John Alcohol, my Joe.
John Alcohol, my Joe John,
We've been too long together,
So you must take one road John,
And I will take the othor;
For we may tumble down John,
If hand in hand we go,
: . And I will have the bill to foot,
r.i. .. John Alcohol, my Joe.
' Da. Brown courted a lady unsuccessfully
for many years, during which time he every
day drank her health ; but being observed at
last to omit the custom, a gentleman said,
'Come, Doctor, jour old toast." "Excuse
me as I cannot make her Brown, I'll toast
her no longer."
, . A new locomotive, called the "Carroll of
CarroIIton," has been placed on the Worcrs.
tor (Mass.) Railroad. It weighs 28 tons, the
largest wheels being seven feet in diameter.
(Hi the trial trip betwoen Worcester and
Westboro, the locomotive performed a a dis
tance of three miles in three minutes.
A little boy hearing his father say that
there is a time for all things," climed up
behind his mother's chair, and whispering in
Iter ear, asked when was the proper time for
cfcooking sugar out of the sugar bowl 1
"Therb were sold at the Brighton and Cam
bridge, Mass. Cattlo Market during the month
of September and October 34 847 cattle and
44,723 sheejfc
N 1788, Gen. Washington knportetf two
ploughs from England, because he found our
own too inferior fur good husbandry.
Poetry, says some one, is the flower of
literature ; prose ie corn ; potatoes the meat ;
. satire is the aquafortis ; wil is the spice and
'yepper; love-letters are the emetics letters
containing remittances-are apple dumplings
"I say, Jim," saiil a ploughboy the other
cay to bis companion, "I know of a new fa
hion mickintosh to keep out the wet."
' "What's that V "Why, if you eat a red
ierria' for breakfast, you'll be dry all day,"
"I Grew the Rest." A boy three years
rage was asked; who made him. With bis
little hand levelled a foot above the floor, ho
artlessly replied, 'God. made me a little baby
so nig a, unci i grew the rest.""
, The products of the principal English coal
fields aouuully are as follows : Lancashire,
.4,000,000, tons ;. Wigan, 2,000,000 do J Bol
ton, 1,000,000 do ; St. Lfclens, 1,000,000 do.
The Fr4nklin Railroad The Huners-
town New says that there is a probability of
the reconstruction and revival of nn
the Franklin Railroad, from Pennsylvania to
mw! ptace..
The object of Sir John Franklin's expedu
Hon, was to find a northwest passage through
Lancaatei Sound, and Behring's Straits.
" Wood is now hardened by a new process,
so as to be used for fWinp, and to resemble
Concentrated Sarsaparllla.
For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipalas, Piles,
Chronic Rheumatism and alt disorders of the
Blood, Mercurial Disease, ice
T T is recommended to Physicians and others, as
the strongest preparation now in use, and en
tirely dilVcrcnt from that put up in quart bottles,
possessing little or no active principle of the Saraa-
piirtlla, nut intended to deceive the public For Michigan
sale by Al. A. AIcUAx, JNortbumuerlauU.
cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Galls, Swellings, and
nil complaints requiring an external remedy. Ij
is Highly useful in ppavin, Curb, Kingbone, still
ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, Ac.
It has also been used with great success by per
sona alllicted with Rheumatism, and other com
plaints. Trepared only by W. Mnrshall, Philadel
phia, and lor sale by Al. A. AlcCay, Northumber
Philadelphia, May 26, 1849 ly
TOHN W. FRILING has just received at his
" store in Siinliury an extensive assortment of
NhW GOODS, of every variety which lie is now
ready to sell or exchange for produce ; and consist
ing in part of
Linen and Cotton drilling, and summo
wear of all kind.
Camcogs, Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, Lc.
Aluslins bleached and unbleached.
Quccnsivarc and Hardware of all
Dnucs Paints, and Dyestltpr.
Ami a RTont variety of otlu r articloi all of which
will be uold nt the lowest terms.
ISmibury, May 26, 1840.
In prppentnic the pulilic with a rometly for the treatment
nud rare of Fkvk am) Aowk nntl other bitiout diwuFM,
no upnlnpy ie needed. Vast number in the Unitrri States,
who antl'er from thrse afloctinue in their varinl forms, are
roinru'llfd to et-k relief from other wonrcfa than the imme
diate prescriptions of the rnrular phywrian. It Iwwnm-ai
thrrefure nn nliject of humanity, aa well as of public intrr
ert, to briiia; before them n remedy prepnred fiom much ex
perience, uiitt which may alwnys lie relied upon n sapk,
nrh ia the true rhiirnrkT of the INDIA CIH)l.AiiCMi!'r.,
in amply imitated by the universril surctsswitli wlitch it hns
beMi einpitfyw.
19" t met from a eommnnicntion of the Tf-m. Wil
liam WoomjRiiME, of the V. 8. Hcnutc, Uitc G(veru'r of
Detroit, Oct. 2!, is 10.
Doctor Chari.ks 0(iooti,
DairWr, 1 hiive rul with mneh Interest, your little
TRAKATiftit upon the "muses, trentiiient and rure" of the
febrile diftciiscs which hnve ao extrnsively prevailed in our
eountry during the Inrt fwinonths an interest increawM
notJnibL bv the fact thut 1 hnve individuallv flulfcml
much from them. Thouirh I feel tnyat-lf ery inciinpetnit
to jmtee siitcly upon a anhject ao entirely pntleaaiontii. y'i
your theory seems to me well irasoned, and your ciiclu
sinus just, nnd I think withal, thut your pamphlet ia calcu
lated to nn Mince much nmclicnl irxcl.
Ppriikin of the inctlicine he auys : It fullv justified yojr
flutteriiit expectations, and us a ante, convenient, and pomi
i lur remedy, luy own experience, ao fnr, imlucea me to W
lieve thut it will prove a rreat public benefit. I am nleused
to leu r n ilial yon have recently established aeveral agencies
lir us uutpoaiiiMUi OKMifiu i rcri'i mm, wmi virw n
more frcucrul dtsacininntittn of it, you should hnve ft amd it
neeewsnry to remove trom your pTeacju reauience among us.
w n n mucn ruiiect nuve me noinir to lie, sir,
Your obliged scrTint,
ttT Prom Hon. pTKnias V. H . Trowshiogb, f Michi
gan State Seiiatr, to the Afrcnt at Detroit.
HiKMi.NGHAji. Oakland Co., Dec. 13, 1st I.
Sir vm wish me to inform von wlmt I know of Dr.
Osgood's India ('hotagofrue, or uuti-bili'Hta tnediciue. 1 cki
believe that if the virtue nnd citicacy of this uiedieine were
Severally known, the rrvxa and Aors would disapear in
1(1 prcared a bottle In the spring of IP-It, and havs good
reason to neiieve that my sell and tumily escaped the ague
last season in eonsequeiiee nt" its nne.
Perhaps in no summer since the settlement of this fine
peninsula, has the fever and ague been so prevalent as the
lust. I huve reountneiHUil this medicine m numerous in
stances, and when the disease had become fixed mid I willed
i the skill of nhvsicinns: and 1 hnve never known it fail. I
hns universally produced the most happy effects, iiikI 1 IhH
lieve it has never been exceexl by any medicine in remo
ving the htiious ni sen bps ot the climate.
lours, respeciiuuv,
Agent for ffutihurv H. H- MASSKR: Nirthuinberland,
WlTHINtiTOM St Co.; Miltmi, J. 11. RA9KR; 8etisM-
grove, Ai a y oc fcuwsi.
Jtiay o, lens u
(Late Keller & Greenoiigli.)
VuNliini;loii, U. C.
"STkn.WVINGS and papers for the Patent
JlF"llic6, prepared anil nil the necessary bu
siness, in relation to securinir patents, trans
acted, and promptly attended to, at their of
fice opposite the Patent OtRco.
Oetol)er 28, 1818. '
Saddle and Harnctis Makers.
HE uiiilei-Ki);iiei rosr-tfully
inform the pulilic. that tlirv
have commrnrrd the above busi
ness in uuliury, and will con
stantly krrp on hand and mainjluctura to order, st
thcirgtunil in Murkrt street nearly opposite Young's
store, all armies belonging to their line of buainess.
All articles manufactured by them will be made in
the beat and most durable style, and at prices as
reasonable aa they can be had at any other estab
lishment in tbe county. They therefore resjwlfully
solicit icrsoii8to call and examine for tht-maelvea
before puicuuMug elsewhere. All kinds of pro
duce take in by the stores will be taksn ia ex
change at the market price.
Sunbury, June 23, 184'J.
GOLD & ii.ti:r ware.
No. 60 Chernut-st, at the sipn of the Gold
Thimble, between 2d. If 3d. sis., South tide
MANLTACTUHK8 and keeps conatantly
on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol
lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduced
prices : liold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do
Finger Shields, riilver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt
and Mustard 8ooiis, do Forks, fcjoup and Oyster
Ladles, ilo Combs, 1 urse L lasps, Bcissor Hooks
and Chains, Knitting fclieaths, &c.
ALMJ, Jewellery, l'l;Ud and Urittauma ware,
Gcrniun Kilvcr Spoons, Gold Diamond poin
ted Tens at various urirev; Jackson's - Superior
Everpointed Leads, Ac, Ac.
Philadelphia, May 36, 1849.
THIS Eitraet Is put op m quart bnHlet. Ik ta til times
cheaper, pleasnnter, and warrantcfl su per iof to fti
oM. It cares rtisease without TosnitinsT, prubaT, tick'
nesa, or debilitating the paUeut, and is particularly aOeptea
Ths great beauty and supeTiorUy of thisj Sarsnparilhi rtr
other remedies is, whilst it cnidicales disease,
it rnvifnrntct the body.
i ' Consumption cured.
ClfHiise and Strengthen.
Ct'tisnuiption curl be cured. !
Brotichitff, Ctmstimption, liivcr Complnint, Cotds, C-mghs,
Ctttnrrli, Asthmn.Hpittiuffof Hhind, Horermss Inthe
Chosl, Hectic Fhish,"Nifiht Swents, Uifti- I .
cult and Profuse Kx pectoral. oil
and Pnin in the Side,
Ac, Ae.
hnve and ran le cured.
ProVfiWv there never was a reined v thut hart been so aue
eewiful in tburwrnte easwe of eonsuinption as this ; it clenn
aes and Rtreitfrthnis the svstcm, ainl appears to hen) the ul
cers on the luiifrs, and patients grudntilly regain Uieir usuul
neuiin aiMi nrcnutn.
There Is scarcely a dny popses hut there nre n number of
cases of consiiinptiott rprtil ns cured by the use of I)r
TowiuK'ii's Sarsujaiill, The following was roccnlly rs-CL-ivcd
lr. Towxknd Dear Sir: For the last three years I
have licen ntllictcd with p ncrnl debility, nnd nervous con
minintion of the Inst sliure. mikI did nt exnccl to ever imiii
my health nt nil, Aflcr poin through course of medicine
under the cure of some of the most disliiuritisned rccular
physicians and members of the Board of Health in New
Vriik nod elsewhere, and spending the most of my enmiuftn
in ottcinptinp to rciiHin my heulth, uud alter rcadnifr m
some paper of your Snrsntfuilln I resolved to try it. Afler
using six bottle's I found it done me aTcnt pood, and en lied
ti see you at your fillice ; with your advice 1 kept on. and
do most (.curt fly thank you lor your advice. I persevere in
takinif the ftirsa par ilia, and hnve been nble to attend to my
usual latMn-s lor me last lour mounts, ana I no ny me
blessings of G'Mt and your Rirsupnrittn to eontiiiue my
hcnlth. it helped me Wcyoud the expectations of all who
knew my ease. CIIAKLKS qVLMUY
Oranve, Kssex eo. N. J., Any. S. 1H47.
Siateof New Jersey, Dwx county, es. Charles Quitn
by tM iun duly sworn neconlinp to lav, on his onth satlh,
thiKthe forfpitiup statement is true ncconlitt-j to the bet of
hisknowledueund belief. CI1AUI.KH QI IMBY.
(Wtrn and sulmcribcd to liefore me at. Ornniie, the 3d
August, 117. CYRUS BALDWIN.
Justice of ths l'euce.
Read the following, and any lh:it consumption is in incu
rable if you can :
New York, April 2fl, 1R17.
Dr. TownsitTtD : I verily believe that your Sarsnpnrilta
bus been tbe means, tVongh Providcucn. of snvinii mv life
I rmv for several year had a Imd eotiyh. It beenmeworse
ii ml worse. At Inst I raised Inree quantities of blood, had
night swentsnnd was greatly debilitated and reduced, nnd
did not expect to live. 1 have only nsed your SursnpnriUa
bnt a short time, and there has a wonderful chuiure been
wromrht in me. I am now able to wnlk all over the city.
I raise no blootl, nnd my enueh has hft me. You can well
imagine that 1 tun thankful tr t!ife results. Your obedi
ent servant. VM, It I SSKLL, 66 Cutluirine st.
The annexcfl certificate Mis a aininle nnd truthful story
1 siiticrins' and relief, i it-re are t lousruu s oi sum ar ca
es in this'eitv nnd Brooklyn, nnd vet there nre thoiiKiudi
oi (Hirents let trtctr cnihitcu die tor tear ot being umuhuirgeu
or to save a lew simniigs.
jirookivn. rcnr. i;f, ir .
Dr. TowjssKsn: 1 take pleasure in uiliuir. for the bene-
of lh M whom it may concern, that mv daughter, two
ears and six months old, was adhered with seiicra! de-
tility ami loss of snci'ch. Shu Wis civen up us past je-
eovcry bv our family physician; Imt fortunalcly I was re
coimuenthnl by a friend tit trv your S:irs;imrilla. Before
iiaviuir usi'O turn iHutie sue nvovtnM fn-r spvecti ami vu
eiuibleil to wnlk nW'iie. to the nsl inishmeitt if tl who were
aiiiuainted with the circumstances. Hhe is now rmiie w
duo nt much iH-tler hejilih thun she has ih-cu for - months
pas;. JUSl-.PH 1 A laUK, 1-J- Y.irk st., BiKklyu.
Very few families itrdetsl in fact we have not heard of
one that used Dr. Townsend's fttmpurilia in time, Inst
any ciuitircn the piist ruinnier, while, those trial Oiti not,
sickened nnd died. The certificate we publiIi Ih'Iow is
conclusive evidence of its value, and is oiilv uu thor iufiUuice
f its RHvinir the livt'S of children :
Dr. Iovxki Dear ir: I hud two children cured by
your SirsapHrilia of the summer comiJ:iint uud dysculary;
one was only l- mouth old andthaolhtT .1 years. They
were very iiuk-ii retitiecu, ami we execTui ttiey wihihI iiie ;
they were given up by two respectable physicians. When
the doctor iufoniKtl us that we timsl lone thu. we resol
ved to try your Airsnjtarilla we had heard so muen of. but
had little cmiideir''e, tliere leui so iiiueti stun mtvertiseit
(hut is worthless: but we are ih-inkful that we did. for it
undoubtedly s-ivwl the lives of b-th. 1 write '!:: tLtit oth
ers may be induced to use it. Yours, rcsp ctfullv.
n'li.N i iljThj.n, jr.
Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, Pcpt. IS, 1M7.
ORKAT fi-:malk mkdicink.
Dn. TowssKn's 8ahs atariixa is a eovercien and speedy
cure tin incipient consumption, and for the genend prostra
tion of the system no i uiii I er whether the result of inhe
rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, i lines or ac
cident. "
Nothirt can ie nvre surpnsina: tliau its invigorating ef
fects on the human frame. Persons all weakness ami las-
sitmle, from taking it at once become rotaist and full of
energy uittlts' its nirtuenee. it imrneoiately counteracts the
iiervelessness of the female frame, which is the great cause
It will not lie expected of us, in cases of so delicate n nn
tare, to exhmit certihcates of cures pert'trmen, Iwit we can
unsure the ulllictcd tlutt hundreds ol cases have been repor
ted to us.
Dr. ToWNsesn: My wife being Rreatly distressed by
weakness and irenerul debility, ami suileriuif enitiiiuailv bv
pain and wilh other diiheulties, and having known eases
where your medicine has eliVcred great cures; and also
hearing it recommended for such eases as 1 have described,
1 obtained a bottle ot ytair l.xtract of rWaaparilla sjhI fol
lowed the directions you pave me. In a short period it
removed her complaints ami restored her to heulth. Being
greuttuJ lor ttm liejietus sue received, i tnKe pleasure i
thusuckuiwlelguig it, and recouuneudiiui it to tlie puMie.
Albany, Aug. 17, '44. cor. Grand A Lydia ats.
No fluid or mediciiu has ever been discovered which so
ueurly resembles the giuttrie juice or suIivh in decomiosiug
fiKd and strengthening the organs of iligcstiou as tins pre
paration oi r irmpnriHa. it positively cures every ciiac t
dysepsia, however severe ir chronic.
liitnk Dei-artmeut, AlUmv, Mav 10, 1RJ5.
Dr. Townsend -Sir : 1 have lweti uitlicletl for several
venrs wilh dvsoensia in its worst form, alleudel witit s ui
liessof stomiu'h, Iuhs ot" npiM'tite, extreme heartburn, aist a
great aversion loatl kinds of food, anil for weeks, (what I
omld eat) I luive Ikhui inuiblc to relniu but a small rKrtion
on my stomach. I trietl the usual remedies, Imt ttiey had
ait hltle or uo effe't m reinovuiK the eonipHimt. 1 was in
duccd, about two iitonihs since, to try yo ir F.xtraet if Sir
saptu;illa, nml 1 must say with little cmudeuee ; Imt alter
using nearly two Isottles, I found my appetite resiored and
Iio Ixtirthiini entirely rin"vit; ttnit 1 would earnesttv re-
aumcnu ute use o ii in inose wit" nuve oeen iiuueieii n i
veben. Yours, ic, W. W. V AN 7.ANDT.
Aircnt for fsunburv JOHN W. 1'ltll.l.M : Nor-
Ihimiberbuid, MARY A. AlcCAYf Duuviile, WM. A.
Ml KUAY st UO.,
Aptu&!, 1MH ly
. I " AND ,.
GEORGE B. GREEN, Proprietor.
Windsor Vermont ,
19 a aovorelgn remedy foT DYPPF.PSIA, In many of tn
forms, such ns pain in the Stomach, Henrtburn, habitual
Costiveness. Acid Stomach. Headache. lnm of Annetiio.
Pilrsf Night f wents, and frven Cunsuinntioa (Dyspeirtie
Phthisic.) and Asthrna, or Phthisic attended with derntiire
mnt of theomieh (or Dyspeptic Asthma.) Difficult
Hrenthiruf, which often results from imperfect digest dm (ot
Dyspeptic Pyspnna,) is relieved by these Bitters. In short.
their use has been proved in the relief nf almost sll the
symptoms that proceed from a debilitated or atonic eondi
turn of the ttomuch ; also in general debility arising from
re or from the effects of Fever, rtnrliciilarlv Fever and
Atnte. Females snircrinir nnder nnv uterine dernnermeut
Hrisini; from wtwkuess, will find the "Ox Tana at an Bit-
tkhs nn excellent remedy, and not surjwsseuiiy any incur
cine, in use.
The history of this medicine is peculiar. It hns made Its
wnv to public fnyor solely bv the force of its own intrinsic.
merits. No artificial nicuns hnve been used tn give it n
riety nnd thrust it Upon public attention. It has never
trfore even been advertiser!, Imt having first shown its r
tnnrkable effiency in the family of the proprietor, nnd by
linn aiterwaids administered u ins amictod irienus ami ac
quniHlances wilh a like result, its repntaliou gradually ex
tended until it is known in the most rflstnnt p.irts of the
I'liion, ns a medicine of unrivalled virtues in the cum of
Dyspepsia in all its different forms, and also for the cure f
ABthuio. or Phthisic. Its only herald nnd its only eulogy
lias been the story of its wonderful efficacy, ns told from
nn hi i a to mouth or try letter Irom liiend to trieuu. in eve
ry instniice where these Bitters have been used, and ths re
sult made known to the proprietor, they huve proved re-
Numerous certificates, attesting the singular efficacy rf
the "Oxvgexated Bittkhs," are in ths possession the
proprietor ; many of them signeil by persons already widely
Known io inc puimc.
HriU. u. UithM. iTuprieor.
WINDSOR, Vt., October a, 1845.
The following Certificates have recently been
received t
Washinotox, D. C, Jtmt 10, 1M6.
Havinir made use of the "Oxvireuated liitters" nrenared
by Dr. tie". B. Green, of Vindsor., Vt.and from know
ledge obtained of their efficacy in other cases, we cheerfully
recommend them to the public, believing that they will f nlly
sustain tne recominenuutiim oi the i'nprteftr. va nope
that this valuabla remety may be so generally diffused
throughout the enuutry that it may Us accessible' to all ths
afflict H.
VllA7AkvAtft U.S. Viator from Vnt,.
JAM Kf F. SIMMONS, U. 1. Senator from R. Island.
J. T. MOREHKAD, V. 8. Senator and fornurly Uovera
or of Kentucky.
L. H. ARNOLD, Member of Congress and formerly Co
ventor of It. I.
WM. WOODBHIDGK, U. . Seiiaror and formwiy 6s
vernr of Michiunn.
M. L. MARTIN, Delegate In Congress from Wisesasia
Ths fnllowlng list shows ths ourrenl aalu ef sll
.'enntrlnnia Bank Notes. Tbe moat Implicit re
liance may be placed Upon H, as il la every week
Mrefolly eomptrM wtin ana eorrecred iron nick.
Bed's Reporter.
Banks in rnllatleiphiaa.
fob tub etraa ef
Disc. i
Headache, Oiddhieas, ,
Uyapmaia, Scurvey,
Small Pox, Jaundice,
rainain tna Hars.
Inward Wrakneea,
Palpitall.m nf tbe Heart,, in me i nroat,
... , jimmna,
r err. 01 au ainna,
Female Ccanplaiiitii,
Maaalee flalt Rheam,
Heart Bum, Worais,
vaara vinrnua,
Crngha. Qninaey.
Whonpinf Coved,
Conaumptinn, F'lta, -liivel
Kriatpelaa, Uaarneaa,
Itrhliifra of the Skin,
CtMe. Otat, Gravel. .
Nervotia Cumpatinta,
... r
Bank of Nmth Americs , , , . ; per
Bank nf the Northern Liberties . pat
Oomtnercial Bsnk f Penn's. . . psr
rsrmers' anl Mech- nna Bsnh . ps
Kenainnton Bank . psr
Phils.lrliihis Bank ... . t psf
Arhuvlkill Bank . . .... per
Snrjtnwsrk Bank . no sals'
Wrstem Bank . u par
Mrxhanics' Bank . pal
Mnniifarlnrrra A Mechanics Biink" . par
flank of Penn Tonhip . . pr
liiraril Bank . , pa
Haiik if Conimcrre, late Moyamrnsing . psr
Bniik of "etinsj lvairiiii . . psf
Country Hanks
Hank of Chratrr Cminly Weatchealer par
Hank of TVInwnre Coiiniy Cheater par
Hank of Orrmnntown Oermantown par
Bank of Montgomery Co. Norristown par
Onylislown Bank Doyleatown par
r'aaton llank Eaaton par
Fsrmi'ta' Bank of Bucke co. BriKtol par
Bank of Narthutnhorlaml Northumberland car
eoluml'ia Bnnk cV ririilne cn.'Columbia par
r arrnera MnnK ul l.anraater l.ancintei par
i.anraftcr t.ouniy liana'
tianrtister Bank
Farmers' Bank of Reading
Office of Bank nf Penn'a.
Office ilo do
(irtice do do
Office do do
Bank W the United Statea
Miners' Hank of Poltaville
Bnnk nf I-witown
Bank of Middletown
Carliale Bank
Exchange Bank
Tin do branch of
Harri1urp; Bank
Lebanon Bank
Meirhanta' ti Manuf. Bank
Uank of Piltalurg
"IflESTION. ," ., .
Ftriprience fran nrtvH llmt rw. Mt.iMl
from liniiiiriiioif i dn'JMa.iiii,
tivea Urinnia i eitil to Mfe llnaiii,.
obatnu-iixntOT reature the Hamd tu itamturaletite.
, "y. """"" --'7 mm estctaainr re-:
rnoved hr Click k a a VaacrASLB Pniunn ..
completely envrlnped with a coating of pure white 'fluearJ
........ ln on ..r. v lira lili.-iiani lllHTmicniB SS 8 llU
shell from the kerne!) nnrt Hat rto taste of raedtcnv). .
Ilntnre as easily swallow I as hits of enndy. Mor5ii
they neither lisnscntc or gripe In the slightest desree, but
openile efimlljr on all the thwiscd parts of the system, In-,
si ci ul of conftiiiinr themselves to, nnd rnckinr nnv mrtieularj
region. Thus, if lhe,fver lie nlToctcd one liigrrmtwit will
ojriitfi on thut pnrticnlar orjrao, anl, Inr clennsint; it o tri
Kxcess tf Hilr restore it to us nntnicil stnta. Another will
operate on the Bonn! anil remove nil imnuriiics in its oirru
kilhui ; wliilcn Ihinl will effeetnwlly expel whatever imoa-
irties mny hvc Imen rliscliHrfrcfi into the stomach, and henee
I hey strike nt the nxrt or Hi sense remove all Impure Hu
mors from the bfMy. open the pores externally and 'ntw
nlly ; separate nil foreign and obnoxious particles "rum the
chyle, so tlmt the Wo-arl timy Ire thoronirhly pnre thus seea-
ri"sn ires quo iteininy ucurtnro uieiicarr, iuiigssna Liver
aim infrcny iney restore ncann even when all other means
hnve fuile.1.
The entire truth of the nlmve enn be ascertained by the
trial of a sit 1 pi box : nnd their virtnes sre ao twMitivi mnA
certain in rest oritur Hcnlth, that the proprietor hinds himself
m mum mc miry pm nn- mrrn in an eases where tney
do nt give universal satisfaction.
From Hon. II. D. Fostks, Member of Congren frara
WAKlitxnTim. n. C. Jnva 10. 1848.
I)ir Sir. I lun'e liceti a ily.ieplir aiiflrer feir about ten
ycara.-nnd hnve rt-RMtel to vannua nieliriiiea iir relief
without iiroca, until I niaile uae of your "OxvireiMled
liillera." I have wt nlmut Uvu buttle., ami fiinl myaelf
reatorwl to perfec t health The forma in whii-h tha di
cae ilioweil ilBeif, in my one, wire, (treat aridity of the
Hlimaeh. I"w ol'nppftite. extreme OatnletH-e, aevera cotiiitl-
ol lliv Li-iMfl., unci violent hetiihiche. Frelina ileai
roim tint n knowlfltre of your vnlniilile retnedv nmv re;ieh
others minilarly nlllietivl. I take vnut nlenmir'e in reeord-
iir my letiin mv t.i lis eumliva uouur: iiih) would also
reinnik. that while on a visit at home n short time since. I
ndiiiimstered a iiart of U,tlle to a nuiiilier of my alllletrd
rieiHls, w ith ureal sueess. 1 liev are desirous that von
should enlaUifh an iieenev ut Pillslmrir. or inform tlivia
vhrre the un-dieine ean lie oMaiued. Wil Ii an earnest de
sire for your prosperity and happiness, I suliserilie mvself,
truly your I'rieml H. y, KtWI'tiU.
lio-f. tiFo. II. Orfn. Windsor, Vt.
Sold Whol.-saln and lletail liv Oiet,ii Sr. Fletehar. No.
SS Sonlh Sixth Street, Philadelphia.
ueui tor riuioiiry li. II. ..IASSKH.
Aitemafor Milton .M AfKA V A HA An.
Aaent foi I pper .Mahonoy. J. O. KK.N'N.
April Ij, lelo
Wrat Bmnch B ink
Wyomiii(t Bnnk
Northampton Bank
Bcrka County Bank
Oifiee of Hank of U. 8.
I)n do do
Uo do do
Bunk of Chamhemburg
Bank of (Jctlyslmru
Bnnk of Siivqueliauna Co.
Eric Bank
Farmer-'' & Drovers' Bunk
Franklin Bnnk
Hnnrad.iln B ink
Monotifrnlicln Bnnk of B.
York Hank
N. B. 1 he notes of those banks on which we
niil quotntiona, and aubslilute a dash ( ) are not
purchawil liy tbe Philadelphia brokers, wilh the
exception of those which have a letter of reference.
Lancaster par
Lancaster pat
Reading par
Harriaburg These
Lancaster I officei
Reading Tdo not
Easton J issue n.
Philadelphia 17
I'otisvtlle par
wilkeaharre pur
Allentown no aile
Reading failed
Pittsburg failed
Erie do
New Brighton do
Browns i lie
Retail I'rlcc, 25 Ms, per Box,
Priueiil office No. fid Versey at., N. York.
Sold by JOHN Y. YOCNO, Souhary.
M. A. MeCAY, Norlhiimberlaurl.
r" Rnnemlief Br. C V. Clickner il the inventor of tha
Suirar Ci.iteil Pills, nnd that nothing of the sort waa ever
heard nf until he introduced them in Jiidc. 1KI3. Purehasera
houkl, thercf-m always ask for Cliekner'a Ruga, Coatr4
i in., ana take nuoinera, or they wilt be made the victual uf
a fraud. -
Fehninry, 17, 1P0 ly
r11IE aubactibrr hus just received a new supply
of the beat liuuors that ever came to Suuhury,
eoiiaiating in part of
8tiperior old pale Brandy.
Fine Corniae Brandy.
Hnperior Old Jamaica Hpirita.
New England Kuin.
Fine Hollund (.in.
8uerior Old Whiskey
Coniinon do.
Sup rior Maderia Wine.
Lialioii do. do.
Superior Tort Wine.
Burgundy Port do.
8wert Mulaga Wine.
Superior ClUrct Wins in bottles.
Champagne duv da.
Sunbury, May 86 1849.
(ireon's Oxygenated Biuer, price reduced.
Old Jacob 'i'ownernd'a Surasparilla.
Buker'a Saraauarilla.
Swayne'a Kyrup of Wild Charr p.
Swayue's Vermifuge.
Ayro'a Cherry Pectorai .?
Dr. Drake's Panacea. , , i
Dr. Oullen's dk
Tibbit'a Pain Killer;
Dft Hoofland's German Bittern
Indian Vegewhls PUU ' I
Hons and Cauls Medicines ' '
(anbury, July 14, U49..
Avcr's Cherry Pectoral,
THIS valuable preuraliiui, ao aatuniabuifrly pieeesafa
in curiiia diieua of tlie Lunaa. ia the result itfa skill.
fill oouihuiatioii of the known curative principles of
medicine. Ita incTediGMi are freely niade kis.wil lt the
uul'lie, and are itioae aeknuwluduvd tu iimuaii lueu aa
pnaHeMsiiht rare inedienl virtues, which peculiar virtues are
oomliiiied in the "t'HKKRV I'F.CTt ll Al." in
eat purity and etliiwy, ami when ustid, aa wiil be aeeu from
lue lollowuia vuauiiiie iestllisiiy :
IMtOFKSStlll t'l.KVKl.AVD.
of Rowtl in Collejte, llrunswiek, Mnine, writes: ''1 have
wuuejseti tlie ellecls ol your Cherry t'ccturul in my own
family and iu tliut of my fiienda, ami it hus Kiveu great
KiUsuictiou iikcasealMitil of adukauud eliililreo."
From Hr. Uryant, Uruggiat auf FududaUr, Cliiennee
Falls. Mini:- ' 1
Ha. 1. C. A via Dear Sir : Kucloaed pleaaa find renu t-
uince tor an ine t uerry reetoral sua sent nw. ean uu-
KesltatuiKly aay, tliat no medicine we sell gives aueh "illi
nteiion us youi scviea u nave I ever seen a midielue
whieh cured ao auuiv rauv-a m' eianrh and luns aminkiiiits
Our Physieiaus are usinn il ejUeioiveJy ill the aracticeraiul
Truly ytmra, D. W. BRYANT.
DR. PFllKINft.
PrvsaUftnt of WrnvMrt AlnLvftl Ctie i of tha mrwt
Irarued mikI IntrUiircist pliysiriuiis iu the country, cnM.rri
n oisniNiiM'a r rare Mrwntico tlM cura o4 tlutt ir
niidaUe cluma, OmPuinntiiui."
An aUn uktwIiI.1 nuinlwr nt Miliucatm hnv Imh
received ncoving ttmt lire Cherry Pt..rul im. Iu truth, a
i:ilL'i'P ul'mloiv '
sv a, iirniiriUI
Cur Cougln, folda, AMhiuA uml all' punndnan' ounpteiiita
puicK78 n;. ii pkh b rn.K.
Prrtinrp.. tiv J. C. A tU, li.-il, Mu.t jmI 4l by
IflHE aubacriber rcapactfully informs tha public
X. that ha has again beeomrconnacled with the
abera Foundry, and that hereafter it will be con.
ducted solely aawlvr his management and control.
rrom bis long eiprrienca in tna buaaineas M trusts
hr will be atile tu giva general aatiijiictjon to hta-
old friends and auatoiners 1 he busineaav will be
carried on in ail ita branches. He will coutiuae
to manufacture Ploughs, and all kiuds of castiuga
will be dons with promptness and in tha beat
The Pupil's friend and Teacher,i eomfort.
work is already introduced into some nf the
test Acaddinira and a Inrpo liuiiiU'r of rv limils,
where iu uae lias (riven decided and universal sa-
tiKfactton, luith to U ai licr nntl pupil. It is purely
American in iu cliuruiUr, bnscil upon our own
beautiful decimal ny.ittm of turrrnry. It contains
more, the arrangements are hotter, and it is the
easiest and cheapest work of tlie kind now in uae ;
and it is so considered by hundreds of the most
competent teachers and men of science in the Uni
on, who have recommended it, 1C is the book,
particulurly atid expressly prepared for our Aau
tiftiH Scholar : By Amou Tirlttor.
Ths Youth's Coia msiji Calci'latob This
volume contains 81 pages, with almut 900 exam
pies lor aolunon on Hie slate. It embraces the
Fundamental Rule, Compound Rulea, (Simple
and Compound Reduction, Single Rulo of Three,
Proportion, &e. - ,
i K'KsoH a AaiTHMKTiciL J abiks, Is ueatuted
for the use of younger classes in th Schools of tlie
United Btates. A heaulitul little book and pleas
ing to children, snd the only one of the kind of any
There are Keys to both Arithmetics hound sin.
gle or double, for tho convenience of teachers, in
which the solutions of the questions are given with
much extra matter for tlie black board. These
Key a are the most complete works of the kind ever
published, and contain, in addition, about two
hundred examples in Mensuration, 4c, for tlie
use of the Teat'her. All that is wanted ia to have
the above books examined, ami no teat'lrer w ho is
acquainted wilh tlie acience of Arithmetic, will
hesitate to pronounce tlietn the beat works that
have ever been published iu this or any other
Although issued but a few months, they have
already been introduced into the Night Public
Schools of New York City in all tlie Hchoola
public and private, except two, in the City of
Heading. A lao, lu. aiwuyweniy Aea Jamie m tne
Slate of Pt-nnaylvania in a large portion of the
Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the Cily of
Lancaster, and in the iiorougha uf Jiamaburg,
York, Chamliersburg, Lebanon, Doj leaUiwn, l'otla-
Vllle, Orwigaburg, M &
For sale by Hasar Missta, Sunbury, Agent
lur ISortuuuiherlanU uouniy.
I Sunbury, Dee. S, 1848.
Don't permit y our Horses or cnttle to die, when
the means of cure arc within the reach of till !
The undersigned has aiient several years in the
study of Veterinary practice in "London snd E
dinlioro'," he has also availed himself of the resear
ches of Lcibig, nnd other celebrated men, who have
contributed ao much towards a judicious treatment
uf animals; tho principlce of our practice consists
in the rejection of general bleeding and the total
rejection of all medicines that experience has
shown to lie of a dangerous tendancy. These re
medies act in harmony with the vital principle, and
when given according to the directions which ac
company each article they tiro capable of exciting
and increasing the natural functions, without di
minishing or destroying their power, hence arc
safein tha hands of every, one.
G. H. DADD, M. D.
A List ef florae and Cattle Medicines.
Physic balls, 75c. per box.
Alterative ball, 75c do.
" powders for bad condition, 75c per pack
age. Heave powder fordiseaaes of the lungs, 75c , dc.
Urine powder for " " kidneys, 75c do.
Tonic, powder for bad condition glundera, 75c do.
Cordial drink for inflamalion of bowels, 75c per
Liquid blister, 75c per bottle.
Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c
per pot.
lleiiling balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c
per liotlle. ,
Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per hottle.
Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, &c, 50c
per bottle.
embrocation for sore throat, 75c per buttle.
Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, 50c
per bottle.
Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known
in England for lameness of every description, 75c
& $ I er botllo.
I ItolcmiM-r powder for red water. St ner bottle.
Worm powders for the removal of worms from
the intestinal cnnnl, 75 per package. A. REED. 28 Mer
chants Row, also at DADD'S HORSE AND
Havinurket Square, llostou.
I amplilets describing the diseases for which
these remedies are used can be had gratis.
Numerous Certihcates arc in possession of the
Proprietors) of curss performed by the above Medi
Sold by GREEN & FLETCHER. No. 86 South
SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his
aossits. HKxaT Alissta, Sunbury,
February 3, 1849 tf
Philadelphia Sav. Ins,
I'hilndclpliii Loan Co.
Sehiivlkill Sav. Ins.
Kensinclon Sav. Ins. A
Pcnn Township Snv. Ins,
Manual Labor Itauk (T.
I'owandu Hunk
Alleghany Dank of Ps.
Dank of lirnver
Uank of Swstars
Bank uf Washington
Centra Uank
City Hunk
Farmers' & Mech'ce' Bank
Farmers' & Mech'ca' llank
Farmcra' & Mech'ca' Uank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Hank
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen's Rank
Northern llank of Pa.
New Hopo Del. Bridge Co.
Noithumh'd Union Col. Bk.
Ninth W estern Bank nf Pa.
Dllice of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Agr. St Manuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Penn'a.
Westmoreland Uank
Jl. TENINGS A cheap and excellent ard
tut tor fastening sash' for aale by
Sunbury, July T, 1849.
DADD'S colabratsd Hons and Catila Madi
Philadelphia failed
do failed
do failed
W; Dyott, prop.) failed
Bedford no sale
Besvcr closed
Hsrrisburg closed
Wsshinglon failed
Bellefonle closed
Pitlsbutg no sale
Pittsburg failed
Fayette eo. failed
Oreencaatle failed
Harmony no aals
Huntingdon no aals
lwistown no sale
Warten failed
DtirtdalT nn sale
New Hope closed
Milton no sale
Meadtille closed
Port Carbon
Carlisle ' failed
Montrose closed
Unionlown failed
Greenshurg closed
Wilkesbarre no sals
Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of inflamed Sons
eoniplete Hum Antidote ever known. It inalaaUv,
f..,.i..iri...i...:. M
..i... mj ...fII- nn iimh oi hip most nesperaie
Burnund Scald. For old Mores. Uinisea. Cuts. Hnrama. Aa
on irmn'or benst, it is the liest npplietition tlmt can be awde
llionwiiKiK nave irien unn iiioiikiihis pnuae it. It iathemoat
perfetrt lilasler of Kiin ever diseovererl. All who use re
commend it. Every family should he nrnvided with it.
None enn tel how soon some of thu ftnnilv may need it.
IV Observe each boo of the Pennine Oimineiii h, the
nninr ol f. Tovikv, written on the ontsida kibel. To aaita
Hi this is f rfery.
11 ml tie-ii. I.ivery Men. Fnrniers, and nil whousa Ilorsna,
will find tlu Oinli t Ihe vtrry Iwst thing they ran usa
for O.llur (inlls.Smtehes. Kicks. e.. arc., on their snimsls
Purely every mere fill in:m would keep Ina aniintda aa free
from pain as possible. Toueey's L'mverail Ointment ia all
Uit is required. Trv il.
Itl'I'I'.SOF INSKt 'rs. Forlliasiiinror bits of poisoa
us Insects. T ntsey's Ointment is unrivalled Hundreds have
tried it nnd found it cood.
F'll.l:sl'I. Hi:l! Fortln Pil.-s.Toiisey'sFniversnl Oint
ment is one of thebesl itelnedies lh:it enn be apllefl. All
Who h:ive tried it for the Piles ree iiiunend it.
OI.K SOItKS (TRi:i). For old ..)lin:ite S ires. Ih,r.
is nolliiu e(unl to Tousey's Oitiuneut. A person in Mann,
us liiid, for n number of years, a a ire leir thnt Isitfled tha
skillof the doctors. Tousev's Ointment una recommended
by one of thevisilinii plivsieiiuis. fwho knew its areut vir-
s.) nnd two h 'es produced more tiencfit thun th na.
lent hud receivitl from uuy and ull previous remedies. Lai
ii trv ir.
IIUKXtt AND 5tCAt.0i I.TRF.D. Tlmnsnud, of e.
nf Hums nml Seidil', tr ell par la of the r iry, have bees
cured by Tonsey's CniverKil Ointment. Certificuleaennuirl
ml I lie hud to lill the whole of this sheet.
VIOI.i:.Tllltl ISi:Sl l lll'.n. Testimonials r.nteatl.
moiiiul ui fnvor of Tousev's OintiiH-nt for curinir llrniM
eve been ofl'. n il Ihe iiroprietons. . tluudreih iu Svme'aa.
will certify to its irrcit merits relieviiu; the pnin of Ilia moa
severe llniis.fl. All lrs ins should trv it.
Sl'Al.DHKAl) rTKKI). Sores .M cases of rVnldH
itve been cured by T.uuey's Ointnieiit. Try ft it addon
SALT RHi:tir ClKF.l). Of nil the remedies eVeV Sh
coveren fori lis in st duticri-ciihle comjiluiiit, Tousev's tJnl
veinui viiimiivii. is .uu iiwih comseie. it nuver vrus snow'
, lllll.
versul Oiiiliueut will nlways cure the worst ease, of Char
ped Hands, Scores nf p;rs ins will state this.
SOKF. l.ll-St TllKI). For the cure of Sora Lips the
wna never nnihinir inrule eiual to Tousev's Ointment.
is sure to cure llieiu. 1 ry il.
It is a scieutiti'-c,uiv.uiid. wnrmntel nolo eontaia ai
pr.-iruii..n s Mereury. t'r?' Price 9S eenla per box. F,
furiherrwrliiiiliirs eoneeniinK Ihisrenltv vuliuihle Ointment
the public arc referred to Pamphlets, to 1h had eral ia. nt re.
Sie-tulilc lrutrr;ists and MerelianU throaihout tha L'oittd
Suiti-s. '
Prepure,! by S. TOFSF.V. Druceist. Ne. I OS Naass
Street, New Vork.
Aoksts JOHN VOrVfi. flunlairv.'M. A. McPlT.
Feliriuiry 17, lin. ly
VN'ilkeabarre Bridge Co.
(TT All notes purianting to be on any Pennsvl
ania Bunk not given in the above list, may be set
town ss irauoa.
Bnnk of New Btunswick Brunswick
Relvideie Bank Belvidere
Uurliiigton Co. Bsnk Medford
Joniinercinl Bank Perth Amboy
Cumberland Bank ' Bridgeton
farmers' Rank Mount Holly
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Railway
farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunswirk failed
Farmers and Merchants' Bk Middletown l't,
PREPARED and sold only, af FREDERICK
N. E. corner of Firra and Chkssct streets; Phi
ladelphia. This Essence is warranted to possess
in a concentrated form, all the valuuble properties
of Jamaica Ginger, and will be found on trial an
excellent ramily Medicine. It ir particularly re
commended aa a tonic, to persons recovering from
fever or other diseases, a lew drops imparting to
the stomach a glow and vigor, eoual to a wine
glass of brandy or other atiinuland, without any of
uie acuintaiiug eiiecia, wmcn are sure tolollow the
uae of liquor of any kind : and it is therefore
eajiecially serviceable to children and females. To
the aged, it will prove a great comfort to the
dystieiiuo, and to those who are predisposed to
gout or rheumatic allecliona, it gives great relief;
and to the inebriate who w ishes to reform, but
w hose stomach is consluMly craving the noxious
liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to the diges
tive organs, and strength to resist temptation ; and
ia consciiucmiv a grout agent in the cause of lem
peranco. (jT Full directions accompanying each
bottle. ' . .
Tho above-article tun Us Had at the office of the
American. ,
Philadelphia, June S, 1849. ly,
Franklin Bank ofN. J. Jersey City failed
Holinken UVf & dazing Co Hoboken failed
Jersey City Bank Jersey Cily failed
Mechanics' Bank Patterson failed
Manufacturers' Bank Belleville failed
Morris County Bank Morristowu
Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold failed
Mechanics' Bank j
Mechanics' and Manuf, Bk Trenton par
Morris Canal and bkg Co Jersey City no sals
Post Notes no &ul.-
.Newark like & Ins Co Newark 4
New Ho Del Undue Co Lainhcrlaville
N. J. Matiuluc and Bkg Co Hoboken failed
.N J I'roiicton 6l Lombard bk Jersey Cily failed
Oraiigo B ink Orange j
Peterson Bank Pateraon failed
Peoples' Bank do J
Princeton Bank Princeton par
Salem Banking Co Salem par
Stale Bunk Newark J
iSiate Bank Elitaheihtown I
rtiate Bank Csimlen par
Slate Bank of Morria Morristown
Stule Bank Trenton failed
Saletn and PhilsiT MaAttf Co Kalem (ailed
Busses Bsnk Newton i
Trenion Banking Co Trenton par
Union Bank Btever
Washington Banking Co. Hackenaack failed
PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's
writing and iudellible ink, Cottou yarn and
. . . -i ,. .
laps, jusi receiveu aim or sale uy
Sunbury, Dec; 7, )84S. '
f AP8. -An aasortmen just receivwb Also
aulk HATS at for wis by
Bunbury, Dee. t, 1848.
lent remedy for coughs, eulds. For aala
Bk of Wilin dt Brandy wine Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
Bank of Smyrna Smyrna
Do branch Miltord
Farmers' Bk of State nf Del Dover
Do branch Wilmington
Do branch Georgetown
Do branch Newcastle
Union Bank Wilmington
(Jj- Under 6's
.In d nil diseases arising from a disordered
Ll ver or Alomact t bulk .Mule and
Female :
Such as rmistimtion. Iliwanl Piles. Fulluea or Rkval in
the llend. Aeidily of the Stomaeh. Nausea, lleart-liurn:
IJisgiist tor l issi, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Soar
Kruetiitious. Siiikiui; or I-' lull i-riner nt the pil of the Stomaek
Swiiiiiuiiiii of ihe llend, Hurried and JXiiii-oit Brnithiiar,
I- liittirinir ot the Heart, Choking or Sulucuting aeuaationa
when iu a Ivmg lure Ulrnnetsof Vision. Ik .Is or webs
before Ilia Siirht, Fever and dull i.iin inthe llael, Deheien
e ol" Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and rives, Psia
in the Side, Hack, fhest, l.iml, Ac., SuUdenr mishsa af
Heat. Iluruiuc in the Flesh, t'iNistant luinuiii.iiiji of i
and itnsit depress! m of Spirits Can be etfuctually cures' by
QJ- On all banka marked thus (') there are n
I ins various ds-
iber rounleifeil or sllrred nnlea oi
oominationa. in rirculation.
Pictorial Edition of U'Aublirne'sj
Hrreat Vurk ms tlie Ueloriiiulloa
Sublisbed or. or about tha 1st of April, 1818, by
OS. A. 8 PEEL, No OS Cherry st. above 6th,
his splendid lUmo edition af tha above named
work, with 18 engraved illustrations from ori
ginal designs; 4 vols in 3, bound io extra cloth
and library sheep.
Tbe publisher respectfully calls tbe attention
of tha trade and ths public generally, to this
work being the only illustrated edition published
in the United States He trusts that the beauty
of its embellishments, the strong and substantial
manner in which it is bound, in conjunction wilh
the known popularity of the work- itself, wilt bs
sure recommendation to publie favor.
JOS. A. SPEEL, Chsrr j at above 61.
J. A. 8. baa also lately published, a new aod
beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell's Rsrse Show,
suitable book for shildrea, neatly done op in
eitra cloth.
Philadelphia, April 1, IMI
Ccleliintotl (iM-uirau IJiftcfs.-
Tiieir p"vrr vt tlie iiUiv' il.rH-nitrs it 14 ircc!Vl if
eonatllril !' nnv otlii' ntviunitmii in Oia Cnitttt HtattM
u tlie rurti uttct. iu iLatiiiy ciiitca ui'ler nki'lful phyticiaM
Iim4 finHwl.
Deru.L'cinciit f tlie 1,ivf ami SdHntM'ti are mwrcitm af
InKiiiity, nmt will am pr-K.Hf lisaje of' ihe Heart, Skin,
jsiinpH unn KifiiifYfi, miu ciytf mo U4ly hjh-h to an Bttnrk or
ihi CU ilt-ru, Iliti ms. or Yellow KeviT, and ia (ft-uernlly th
hrt caute irt'thal moat Umeiul tliacusc, Ctmsuniptton,
Opin ions of the Philadelphia Press
Dtvniitst'i Ulnt !:
AN INVAl.T'AItl.r. j:nu iNK.-rWelmvefrruenUf
lii-ut-1 Uie Ci-li ir;itrl Uvriiiiia UlUera, nuiiuilurUtml lr
ll'solilrtiuL, stkoii ui in terms nf couuiiriiiiiti'ii, aiM w
kii'w ti?arvsrtty It isn t ctsnnnoii pnu-tic. iu ret
Uuu n u.i r torn, to uutTall Umuih i uf itet iruab, bul ih ra
uImiv! ItitiTt. hmnlrtil nre living wiinewKti til tbrir fTeat
iHoru! unti sity.siiil urtU. At a mtvtioiaa of ta hirer
Cixiipluiut, Jauutiiec, Ncrvoua lutiility and Uppaiat it
tint laoeii lound invalunlile efftvtiiifr curt-taird thfiKitvhlr
entdtt'aitiiur duttiusta, wlwrii ail ottwr uwxlicinea have fuiM.
We d convinrttl, that iu the uae in" the iiwrnkun Bittrra,
tha piitieni drwit-.t ueriMiic licbiUtuletl, hut cimttaiitly gviua
treiitftJi and vigor U the I'mmtN a lWt worthy ol great
nirudtrauoii. The Bitittri are pleaaant in tatte aud tinWl,
and can he administered uiHler any circuiiituiics, o tha
moat delicate attrniaeh Indeed, they can be uaed by all per-
na with the moat iMtrt'uct hitAy. It would ba weil for
thoae who nre inueu aJj-x-tod iu the nervous aytteat, to
sXHiuiieuc" with mte iu jooniU or Itaa, aud mAmMy ka
rreaan. We ajieMk rr.nn exiktieMc mid nre eourte, a
pnpr juhr. The preaa far aitd wule, have united ia re
(Munmrihliiiff tbe ertimn iiitters bjmI Uj Lbe ailiiCaed
moat c..rdiali adviae their uae.
Junn Klih ssvai
"POOfROOODCITlZKNa who are Uivalirfs, kaow
Hie iimnv usbaiishuiK cures that have haea nerfiwarwd by
Dr. ilis-dlauira Celihraled Orrinnii Bitlrra If they da
n-, we mimimnul ihnn tnthe-'lieriiuui Mnlieine Siora,"
all wiai are atllirusl with IJver Coiuplaiiit, Juuislica, Uya.
p.'tisia, or Nvrviaia thbrrlly j the Doruir has cured nway ut
our cuixi'iia hU.t the heat phvsiiwua had feilrth Wo bav
used thnii. aud thoy have proved to bra meoVsie that svery
imhi sSiixilil kn iwof, and we cannot refrain (Ivrrajr ooe tea
liuniiy in their fuvor, and llnsL w hu h dives 'hem gratis
rhimi iikhi our effort, they are entirely Vegetable
July , thaws i
"We apnik knowingly isf lir. Hoofland's CekbraHal Oae.
raaa Ililuis, when w my it ia a Isessina is" this sirs; an4s
in' Uie,. aigeaiiva and NerrosistsysVssnSi Its
liaams wethinV an equal. II ia a Veyeutlds Vrarswaiieai,.
aud luado wnli' ul Alc.ih.4, naa to ail luvalids wa srottUf.
cisnineisl it as witrtliv thsir unfiilenee.
Kia- sale, whorassla aaa1 ariif nt HaV'nrtaeipuli Deem,.
OI'.HMAN MLLUllNE STuRli, No. ? lUoa Htrcat,
l'lnaulel.hia. ....
For sale by M. A. MeCAY, N.aianmberland end ftua
bury and resiectuhle duulei gwierull) Uuoagbout the
Maw. .
April l, tSIO. ly . i
Cotton Yarn, Cottou Caqiet Chain, Cottosi Lap
and Wadding, Cotton (Juliuses, Keadr made
Pantaloons, Keady made Vests, Congreas Knives,
Porcelaiu iim-d preserving kettles, just received
for sole by H.MAfcEH. .
(Sunbury, Pe 1849. : !
AX8 of a very suoerior quality iur aale by.
Sunbury, Dec. 2, IS48 -
IM.ANK BOOKaAsi aasortanerU of Blank.
Hooka, juat received and sale by
Suiilmry, Dee. 8, 1848, ,
OYKl'P MOI.AH8ES. eturwr refined Hvrup.
O M jlaaaea I. a- sale bv HE-NKY MASSES.
leaner. UfcU. KUHKHAUU
Sunbury, Juaa , UiaWtnv
g J? eine for aala by UENRY MASS BR
Sunbury Jan. 7th, 184. ,
at thta emse
(runbury, Dec S, 18U.