Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 24, 1849, Image 2
JFo reign News. ARRIVAL OF THp STEAMSHIP "1 i in-ritiT'n'l''- i ' MVEH DAYS LATER FROM. EVRrtPE. ..!.. i ' . V . Important J-nleHigene from Franct-Dissolu-ztion of the Catinet Formation of a New One Excitement if. Paris-Arbitrary Mm SumifLtiiiIfap6leoh, e , ift. M i The America, Capt. Judkins, arrived at T5ew York between 10 and 1 1 o'clock on Saturday morning, in less than fifty hours from Halifax (Th.t) Clyde steam jxiokct arrived at South ampton on the" 2d intitunt, with the mart from tfce West Indie, itnrl has btonght 820,000, which had been received at . the Isthmus of Panama. The Free Trade Hall, Manchester, was crowded to the extent of six or seven thou 'and people, on the 1st of October; to pro -Mote Wesleynn reform and to hoar addresses "from Messrs. Everett, Dunn and Griffith, the expelled ministers from that body, and their friends. - : The Nicaragua dispute nnd Canadian an nexation continue to be the subjects of com ment in the English newspnpers v. An American merchant, Mr. James Miller, committed suicide in London from, fear of a ' relapse of the gout. 1 It is expected that Kossuth will arrive at Southampton on board tho Peninsular nnd Oriental Company's steamer Sultan, from Constantinople. Arrangements are making to give the illustrious Magyar a suitable re ception. The Sultan is expected at South ampton about the 6th proximo. ' The Queen Dowager has not improved ; ehe has, on the contrary, become weaker. At a largo meeting of tho Peace Society General Klapka, tho defender of Comoro, was present, and was welcomed with eiithn Viasm. During the evening it was announ ced that the Congress of tho society will next year be held at Frankfort. " Among the deaths announced in tho Lon don papers are thoso of the Earl of Alber marle, aged 78, Lord Talbot do Mulahide, 83, and Chopin, tho eminent pianist and com- ' poser, in Paris. . FRANCE. 1 -' ' The New Ministry. " Tne following is the definitive list of the new French Ministry, as published in the Monileur: -'' General d'llautpnnl, Minister of War. M. Achille Fould, Finance. M. Rouher, Justice. M. Ferdinand Barrot, Home Department. M. A. deRaynoval, the Minister at Naples, Foreign Affairs. M. Dumas, Commerce and Agriculture. '' M. de Parrieu, Public Instruction nnd Wor ship. ' r ' Admiral Romain Desfosses, Marine nnd Colonies. : M. Binean, Public Works. '" General d'Hautpoul is charged, ad interim, in the absence of M. ilu Rayucval, with the portfolio of Foreign Affairs. All the above belong to the majority of tho Legislative Assembly. " OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. .'!! . From the Journal des Debuts. '" ''Yesterday, at Ion o'clock, all tho Minis ters, with tho exception of M. O.lilou Barrot, who was confined in his house by indisposi tion, assembled in council at tho Elysce. The conversation, it is said, commenced on the political state of affairs, and on the ne cessity of providing a successor for M. do Falloux. M. Louis Bonaparte addressed tho Ministers, and while expressing his sympa. thy and esteem for the person of each of his 'Ministers, declared that in his eyes his Cabi net had not known how to preserve its inde pendence toward the majority of tho Assem bly. He even alluded to the discussion on the 'affairs of Italy, and to tho last deliberation of ' the representatives who met at the Council 'ef State, in whieh the leading members of ; that party had been called on to accept pow er m the event of a ministerial crisis. TIiu 'President also, it is said, complained of the ' delay which hnd taken place in the changes ' of the personnel of the administration and ' in the corps diplomatique ; and he concluded from all these fads, that a sufficiently inli" 'mate accord did not exist betwocu him, the chief of the Executive power, nnd his Minis ' ters. All tho members of tho Cabinet spon taneously declared that the Presidunt was perfectly at liberty to choose his Ministers as ' he thought fit, but that in their souls and consciences having fulfilled their duty with zeal and good faith, and after tho last void of the majority, they could not tender their re signations. M. Louis Bonaparte then gave them to un derntand that they no longer possessed his . .confidence, and that he intended to cull other persons to his council. On retiring, the Min- - isters are said to have declared, with a lau da We anxiety which does them honor, that until the uew Ministry was formed, they , would remain at their post to watch over thu I direction of affairs and the public safety i observing, however, to tlio President that t they thought that in the present state of tho publio mind, a ministerial crisis could not, without great danger, be prolonged mora - than 48 hours. '"' At two o'clock, this itay, on extraordinary 1 aiipptementl of the Moniteur was published, I with the decree of the President appointing .'the new Ministers. m ' The sole signature of the President to this decree is explained by the fact that none of .'the late Ministers would countersign it. ; ' ROME. , u---i Return of (he Pope. I The Pope it is sakl, will return to Rome on the 25lh of the present month tho anniver sary of his flight last year, disguised1 as a i.Bavarian , footman. Baron Metzburg, (he -.Austrian Ambassador to the Papal Court, has Just arrived, and his presence, in conjunct : Hon with that cl ilia French garrison, may 1 be taken as a sufficient warrant thut the peo ple will not be allowed: even to clunk thoir chains. Cot,, B10N arrived at Piltsbar ou &Uur Uy ou his way to Wellington. : I SUNBURY. I ' 1 AATt rtrtAt, NoTEMncn it, two. W. " ' '"I'Zriu.- Jlj flul.'t Usn0.jwUicc to Mctihejk. chance,. -" Trk V 'IT" 1 I The wrens you most exited from ignorance. NOTICE. As ho late firm of Manser & ' 1 Eiselv wnn dissolved in Mnrch 1848, ami the books left in the hnnds of II. B. Masser for collection, persons are hereby notified to set tle w ilh and pay over to tho said 11. B. Mas- ser any balance one ir auvuiusuig ur buu scripti'ou to the American. r.DITOn'S TABLE. IlllslllPIIS KolltTS. 0'nnr.TS I.auv's Hiiiik, Asn Tim Amkiiicax, Those of our rojnlers who would liko to suhscrlhe for this elegnnl irmiillily prrioilieal, enn now do so nl a very small oot. The Lady's Book is puV ilird at 3 per annum, but as nn Inducement, winch we arc ciial.tecl to hold out l.y iiirsns of mi arrangement with the publishers, we will furnish the I.mly's IJook nnd the timlinry ytmerienn, one yenr for $3,50 cash ill advance, to (hose who may wish to sulwcritie, 1 in; UkAtii bkii or tiis Rkv. Joiit Wkslsv. This large nnd magnificent Mrzzotinto Engra- viug is offered as a Premium to any person rcmit- ting in ndvnncr, for one years sulwcription to GodeyV Lady's Book, the leading inuguziiic of America. Thk Aur.nici Law .WnsAt for Novemher, eontnins a number of interesting eases, besides ali- slracls of decisions from the Supreme' Court of va rious States, together with articles on Medical Ju risprudence A-e. Published by Hamersly (V Co., Lancaster, hnd T. D. Teterson, Philadelphia. Wc call the attention of dealers to the adver tisement of N. f . Law rence, No. 3, Minor street, Philndcljihia. Mr. Lawrence is the agent of the Soulhworth Mumifacting Company and always keeps on hand an extensive nssorlmcnt of writing papers, on terms as reasonable an any in Phila delphia. D.yTci CortREsPOxnENT.s. The lines on "incoming Creek," by , though not wholly without merit, are too faulty in construction for publication. . For instance the following line : "Anil 1 do love to 'noHlh tlirin nifty," jo We cannot sav Whet her an au.c.c is accepiauie until wc nave read it. A il ui:t . ! . I,, . ..mti iu ...sure insen.on, mould pos- u, ,l,,,uw "'B '"' vu : orev.ty, r.n . . i I po.u, B..u some practical, it possible, T..1 I . .iV. . I . t i I KT-.BANK Notes. Tho " notes of the Farmer and Drovers' Hank o( Wavnl.t.m. il r.K f tu v..i, ni- : i i J D mm uiou ui me luit. Gianni it js buiu jiuvc r.,ni.T!..iriv.1k...i...i-.i w- 1-f.a v i uov u at. iiic m mil tk ui iiui lliuillliui IUIJU I - KF Fire at Nouthlmueklanp. Many of our citizens were aroused by the cry of fire on Friday night the lfith, hetween 11 and 12 o'clock. The fire had broken out in a small grocery store occupied by' Mr. Apslcy, on the Point, which together with the sheds for horses close by were eon- sunied. The loss, we learn, is not much, as there was but Utile of anything in the grocery at tliq time. The "Good Intent Engine" of this place, was taken over in something more than twenty minutes a distance of two miles. . . OT" His Excellency Governor Johnston has appointed Grantham J.Tuggart.of Nor- (humberland, one of his aids, with the rank of Lieut, Colonel. Wc congratulate our young friend on his early promotion, and trust he may long live "to wear his blushing honors thick upon him." rvr r t ir .i i . n I u-' """'-ur J- ALKiiii, uie late aecrc- tary ot me I reasury was on a visit to Uan- . f . 1 m ..:n - i .1 i a u ,e nays since. lie also pa.u a visit to Northumberland, the place of his nativity. We trust that his visit to the Danville Iron establishments, will open his eyes to the folly of his ad valorem system, especially as regards the coal and iron in. terests of Pennsylvania. KF" A Pekestrmn. Mr. James Wood, is now engaged at Port Richmond near Philadelphia, on a wager to walk 700 miles iu 700 consecutive hours. Complaint was made and a warrant ksued to arrest him on the ground that it brought together a num. ber of idle and vicious persons. (GTiie Tt-scAuoiiA. One ofthe Phila delphia packet ships, belongiug to tho Messrs. Cope, was wrecked last week off the Capes on her return voyage. -She had a valuable cargo, and 125 passengers. The. passengers were taken off,. by the steam tow boat. " i lEIO( HACV, The editor of the , Wilkesba'rre Farmer has been takiug some exceptions to our democracy, on accoont of our tariff views. We never professed to belong to that modern school, which some Of our contemporaries have been, iu vain, trying to rstablish at the expense of the democracy of such men as Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson and others. When these sunshiue and pot tage democrats can show that we have abandoned the principles of these great founders of democracy, we may, with more complacency permit them to assumo tho of fice of censors upon the conduct of their neighbors. And, until Friend Collins shall furnish better poof than the tally papers of his county, to show that lie possesses the confidence of hi party at home, we shall have a double motive to question his fitness to sit in jud-ment oa the democracy of others. " . k SUNBUllY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N THE GAZETTE. We do not presume that our readers or wrseltwtan gaininuch by a controversy Jjwkh ffli guerillajtelgltbor of the GtlieUe, hlVmJ different the result might be with J " opPOIicni, woo uuu auine Liiuiv.iri ui ifeln for iiitoiUgencNp and consistency. Having, we repeat, no "hxed principles'.' nn rule of conduct, pjrr.pnl such as eir. .,mmlnr,m ma V .uxjiali,. Un la lilra mart. of the"wttv."" - -- 73 ' And we might, therefore, be disposed to fcscuse the editor for some of his wandt-r ings, il he had sufficient magnanimity to ac knowledge an error, when he is struggling for breath, in its very vortex. Hut true to his instinct, like another animal we might name, we shall neverexpect him to reliaco his steps, though error should lie iri his way mountain-high, before him. If asser tions the most extravagant, could; always be converted into arguments, or statements the most unfounded, into fllctS. the Gazette ,ri;n.i1i nva fi.1T1;,ti,l,:- K.,nmt !i (qii i'i vv u iui miiiiuiiii. urjMiitivj no I V seldom has any qualms of conscience in using either, as occasion may require Though the opinions of the editor are as variable as the wind, or his notions of a ta- riff, yet when he takes hold, he holds on with hull-dog pertinacity, until the force of circumstances renders it necessary that he should change his position by taking another grasp. Thus generally, for the time being, he is " (' flilTin opinion, always in the, wrong, Every thing ly starts, and nothing long. And in the course of one revolving moon, Is free-trade, UriU' statesmen and bufl'oon. That our readers may not suppose that our poetry, like the assertions of the (iazelte, are mere fictions, We append the following beautiful extracts from that paper, by which it will be seen that if the editor is not cotv detnned out of his own mouth, ho is so at least by his own paper, which ought to be the same : ' ; 1'ritni tin fiinliury HazcUe, rroai Hip Siniliury Oneltr. July l.i, K!. Jane I, I 1 1 . 'Tim lucKi-nt Torill The prasen! 'I'niiir is n ri'Trlllle lullll.ltl It nnv llul at prrHMil, proitiiri! ni'ire ii'r f:ictnrcr nl Hie Knat do not rrlmli il. It docs not fiirniKli if innner llinn or reintrfii inr luveiiue. It is nuw n Jl.bH.'KM f one. It humus rnvenilcKUllicli'itl In inert Hie cxpciisi's nl liMviTtiinrnt. in tin- iimiriilittlioil ! h iiciiiirit K.-iiirnT nl tin iH-hte n i in in.' Minn ; rr is M ( I ill'. ii ... ir fi A tK AS 'H WCItl tauikf a jluiuiois CONTt.NlliNO FOIt." Tllll t,v he onnnM tho tariff J ii- of ls,o on 1P ..,, lnt it ,..,,., o diciom one iu JuIR S1,4 somt. tpn monlhs afterwards, he says the tariff of 1812 a JttJicioua onc m,d is "uch a one 09 he W,IS .. . i J." I .... M A s A I. J , " year or iwoauer nc J t i r iL . j rt r uuuies ue vvvr was 111 iavor 01 me iann 01 . if - uuu nouses us lor navins Deen in us iavor. What a jewell of Consistency ! ' ' The Gazette has devoted nearly a whol column of his tirade on the false assumption ;that we were in favor ofthe restoration of the tariff of 181-2. In order to show the utter recklessness ol his assertions, we hav only to say, that we have never written single paragraph in favor Ot the restoration of that tariff. Before the passage of the ta- rifTof 18 M, we advocated the tarifl'of 1S4-2, on H' ground, that imperfect as it was i sor"e respects, it was infinitely better for our interests that) the tariff of Ik-Mi, and this is our opinion still. Since than wc have advocated a tariff of specific as well as ad valorem duties. If the Gazette can not comprehend the difference, let it call to its aid some one who has brain enough to do so. For the truth ol the above we are willing to be judged by our own columns, and should they heap upon us such unblush in? inconsistency and blind aervilitv. ns those of the Gazette, we shall forever hamr ------ our hcad in silel)Ce on lhe wlliect Th6 G I ' zette filHis fault on account of our ab. gcnce during the election. In regard to tliis, we have only, to say, our motto is "business first and pleasure afterwards." L We regret exceedingly that we had not tho pleasure of attending thu election, at a junc ture so trying to himself, but trust that he will feel himself amply compensated, by the very flattering vote he received in this place, where his free-trade notions were so well known aud appreciated. Probably the most singular charge of tho Gazette is, that we "shroud our apolitical faith." The reverse of this has always been charged upon us. Thoso to whom we were opposed, were generally, not long in find ,ng ll oul' But what can our neighbor say to such a charge? Sheriff Maurer will, no doubtj always feel grateful for what tho Gazette satd and did in a quiet way, for elecl,on ntl thc promt matle by his (opponent, provided h succeeded. At a later period a nominee for Commissioner was also under obligations for his rptietsup port, -and not much over a year since, tho nommco for Register &c, no doubt, was also uuder great obligations to tiro same source. ' '-' ..-....- ! The Gazette- insists that the resolutions at the Pittsburg Convention aud our own County Convention were full expressions ofthe people in favor ol th larilfol 181-C. The tariff democrats who attended both Conventions, will, no doubt, feel flattered by such an opinion," while the Coal dele, gates, as well as our old friend Wm. Fegely and the ot her tariff democrats of that town, ship, (for they are all so,) wfio supported the editor of tho Gazette and secured his electionwill look rather cheap at the cool assurance of tho man in construing that support as an expression in favor of tho tarifl'of J 8467 ' The Gazette might probably deem it a waut of courtesy if we did not allude to his notice of his own bravery, courage, and other heroic virtuest As this Is a mat. tcr of taste, we shall make no objections to is proclaiminr them thrdUsh the tolumns of his paper, premising only, that tbe1 good book speaks in no exalted terms ot A certain class, who Were in the habit of proclaiming their Virtues from the housetop These are matters that we shall always leave to the judgment of our neighbor.- In this respect we are like. Dr. Johnson, when ques tioned about his religion, "We have none to bodst of.' ; It is a pity the editor does not reserve his valor for better uses. But like Hudibras, ;he may probably think lie (hat is valiant, nnd ilnrcs nglit, Though clrubb'd, can lose uu honor by 'U . C7 Hkw TEtEciBAt'ic. We find the fol- owing in the Danville Intelligencer. We trust that the proposed line of Telegraph will be made. It would no doubt, prove more productive than is anticipated, while Its convenience would prove a great bles sing. . i "Mr. A.O. Ooell, Awm of Professor Morse, visiter! tlnnvilli! this weekt hnd is now en caged in mnkintf the arrangements for build ing tho Susnuohannti Jliver mid North and ... . n . n. t i r . . l : ... stock for this important enterprise. By this worn ifrnne.n 1 1 enntini iiuu ; uu tnnoiiuiiiiiL: line, it is proposed to connect all tne priuci- nl towns on tho Mipquenanna, ana. too ranches, with llarrinbnr, Baltimore. &e. Wl.on this line is Up, btiKinera men, and boat men, may cnmmuiijeitla with ench other, from and lo, eVury fclution on the line, and also, with the cijty deulcrs. W hon a break nccurxon any portion of tho line of canal, the fuels will bd known in every town on nie into lit a few minutes. Iron, produec, lutnhrr, kd. may bo sold, In the city, '" weraph, Hoods Ordered, Order ooi'ltimrmnnded, and rojruns oppreheutlou Willi tlespatcn. ine esti mated cost, to cover all expenses, is $ 200 per mile. No doubt this Susiiiluhanna Telegraph I.inn will be a ftroluublu Investment to Stock holders, us tho immensr! busincMs of the Sus quehanna vaney, win live ine line constant mid active employment." 1 ' KF" We copy the following from the Pittsburg Daily Mercury, for the purpose of corroborating what we slated in relation to the free trade resolution, in the Pittsburg Convention in July last : 'Wo pereeivo that our utile contemporary, tho ''Sunbnry American," h;ts had a contro versy with his neighbor, the "tia.ette," re lative to tho Tarilf (jitcstion. Wo can vouch for tho iiccnraey of tho statements contained iu thn following extract from tho "Sunbury American.''' The resolution in favor of free trade had only firo supporters in committed, iiieliiding the proposer, Mr. Mercur, it pass ed the convention in tho-manner described by our contemporary : "The resolution iu favor of free trade, in the Pittsburgh conM'iiliou, was not rrporlcil hy the rninmtttro, nut passvil, mniil tho muse and con In sion of an ailjournuiciit." 1 It would appear from the following, that the Gazette strongly resembles a certain print in this city, which is incapable of form ins: an independent opinion upon any subject, uml "whose tergiversations are us notorious us its pretensious are ridiculous." "1 he vsemlo prinrinles of the Gazette, arc hut wax moulded and fashioned by tho ilnnlir hand of tho "l'dinsvlvsiilan." Its tergiversation arc as notorious as its protrusions are ridiculous," CT" We take the following from the New York Knickerbocker. It will answer for any meredian, although the charges might be considered too high in some places : "Ilottjutil.E Atiiocif V, A legal friend of ours, whose somnolent propensities are rather lully developed, having taken his accustomed dominical nap iu church, received on the ensuing tiny the following lull: Nj-.w York, 2'Jth Pept., 1819. TlMOTHKII SSOOKS, Esip ) Attorney at Law, J To llev. Mr. Spriugins, Dr. For Lodging: Twonaps, ut fifty cents each, 31 00 Six snores, at twelve and half cents, 75 ' Two extra do. ut twenty-live cents. 60 . Ono double extra do. ut til'ly ccuts - Pumiitfes : 50 Awakening four old ladies and six teen children by tho last operation at twenty-live cents, children half price, 3 00 Kicking in sleep, and bumping head Bevcn times, each disturbance twenty-live cents, 1 75 Speaking aluud iu his sleep, and saying 'Vou can't come it !' when thu Kev. Mr. S. was soliciliiu: a contribution, Injury to thu Itev. Mr SrRiceiss' feelings, tinmediate payment is requested, N. B. Any delay will result in the issuo of of a habeas corpus to thu sexton." OCT" The editor of the Gazette alluding to our definition of "principles" says: . "Tlie editor, we think, ouylil to gel tho de finition patented ulung with his ice cream freezers. They would sell well together." Tho idea js no doubt a bright one aud sug gestive to those who can comprehend it. No one, however, acquainted with the editor of tho Gazette will ever suspect him of invent ing any thing of a higher grade than those fabulous and miraculous stories, that have so long graced the columns of his paper, and of which he has had such an exclusive monopo ly that a patent would bo superfluous. Our next invention will, most probably, be an automaton free-trade editor, Janus, or dou bio faced. . Such a one would auswer admi rably for the ollico of the Gazette, aud in the absence of the editor, Could give utterance to stmtiinoiils for and aavu'usj the tariff in tho same breath, without uny qualms of con science, and as unblushingly as the original himself.' ! KP" A meeting ofthe newly elected di rectors, will he held at Danville on Monday next, to elect officers of the Hank, ; New York Election. ft is now settled definitely that the whigs have erocfodf the Coutioller, Secretary of State, Treasurer and State Engineer, while the democrats have elocted the Judge of Appeals, Attorney Gen eral, Canal Commissioner and Prison Inspec tor. Tho Legislature is equally divided as follow ! . i , .! .... 1 "' ' -Senate.; Assembly. Joint Vote. Democrats 15 65 80 Whi-'s it ' i I " -' an- " n i.... i ' ;' ... i. I -dr - JOURNAL 1ROJI BY THE NEW PBOCEM. The Newark Advertiser says: We have just examined an wroiee of superior Hoop r . - ' r nf n- ' i. iron irom me works t 1 Jlomas u. nun,t Pottsvillo, Morris Court! V It was made wjtii Anthracite coal, by the' ffow processIscot- ereu by JMr. 'lhomas Tsalters, of, fhls city, which we recently hod occasion to notice at soma length. This is the first iron produced in a large quantity by this process, which, we are assured, elTectsa saving of utdrast twenty dollars per ton, merely by sub'sihuthig 'An thracite cmt for the charcoal now universal ly used, The patent is jiow Jiv , tho hands of a number of gentlemen Who have not yet or ganized themselves into a Company, and is their purpose, we believe, lo sell the right to manufacturers of iron generally. : Tub U. S. Treascbt- Deficit of Nearly Ttfienig MiUioM'Expmtd-TYiO Katidnhl !n telligeneer of yesterday learns from an Offi cial source that, in tho amount of revenue which will bo requisito to meet tho expendi tures of the Government for the fiscal years ending the 30lh of Juno, 1850, and the 30lh June, 1851, there will be a deficit of between fifteen aud twenty millions of dollars. This deficit, it says, will not have been occasion ed by any insufficiency of the current reve nue te meet the ordinary expenditures of the Government) but by the extraordinary expen ditures growing out of tho Mexican War and the late Treaty of Peace with that country. An Island Ceded to the United States. Mr. Squinr, the U, S. Charge to the Central American Republics, having received infor mation ofthe intention of the English to seize the Island of Tigre, belonging to Hon duras,' and commanding the entire Pacific coast, has negotiated a trenty with Hondu ras, by which that Island is ceded to the United Stalest 0. h of (ho most interesting eras in the his tory of corduroys, is thu day that we give up playing marbles and think of calico an era thut is usually marked with a gold watch, macassar oil, bear's proa so, lather brushes and impertinence. About these days wo take On airsand refltso to go to market, or bring water from the ptlmp till after sUn- tovVrii Then commences a lusto for standing collars and French boots with many immiries us to "what is good for whiskers" and light complexioned hair. During this interesting period, tho food consists of Moore's poetry, German Utiles and guitars. For further par ticulars, ask the first melancholy young man you see with Lullah Rookh in his hand. Albany Dutchman Spi.Esntn ItAit.ROAD lRON.--One of the new rails or tho Camden and Amboy Ilail road was e.hibited in Wall street to-day nnd attracted much attention. It was made by Aid Cooper, at the Trenton Works, weighed !)3 pouqds to tho yard, And was 7 inches high certainly the finest rail we ever saw, There was also shown a coil of fine wire made from the same iron which, furnished the rails, and which is dug near the works of Aid. Cooper. . For flexibility, smoothness and tenacity, this wire is equal to dny that has ever come under our notice Both rails and wire are specimens of American manufac ture, of which we may justly be proud. N. Y, Ti ibune. r Titti.v, lfiRDs FnATitiitt Tiir.m own Nests AS WELL AS THEIR OwNEUS.-Al the ' Sale of poultry by Messrs. Clark & Hatch, on Satur day, at the exhibition in lloston, red Shang haes, of Captain AMeirs stock, brought $13 per pair ; while hanghucs, of B W. Batch's stock, $12 per pair; whitu dork ings, of Dr Wight's stock, $10 per pair. Al private sale, fowls raugod, from ' S6 to SlS per pair. : Tho beautiful goeso of Col. Juues were sold at $5 each. Fancy partridges $15 per pair. ' Cll Sorts of 3tcms. Chkap Tost aiib. -The Postmaster General intends to recommend a reduction of postage, and the establishment of a uniform fate of five cents. Ro snys the Washington Corres pondent of the North American. J. M. Powt.r, luto Cuual Cemmissioner of Ponnsylvaniu, is to reeeivo an appointment us Charge d'All'aires. The Court has nut yet been designated, but Naples is generally sug gested iu connection with his name. Hons at Ci'mbkkland. 'There are now about 7000 hogs at Cumberland, awaiting transportation to Baltimore, aud it is said the roud further west is alive with them. Cot. Webb, a despatch in lhe NeW York Courier says, has rccoitod and accepted the appointment of Minister to Austria, that Go vernment intending to send a minister here. Dr. Drigus and three other gentlemen of Hartford, have been hunting deer af Sarunau Lake, N. V., and report that on the 9th of October, the shores of the Lake, were Cover ed with snow to tho depth of foot " At tho pork house of Mil ward & Oldershaw, in Covington, Ky., are employed upwards of two hundred hands,' who slaughter oft an a teruge per day not far from fifteen hundred hogs. ' 1 ! . . i , j 1 1 -, Tne whole IIimj. A hog has been raised on League Island, afow miles from Philadel phia, which is upwards of 1000 pounds weight. The animal is only 19 monlhs old, and for 8 monlhs has uol been able to see, his eyes being completely covered with fat.- To Bkmove foi-L Aia from a Firo a gun down the well and it will consume all lhe foul air, so that anyone may go down with safety. flpf.Kn. Tho express train over the North ern Road, one week age last Saturday, issaid to have ruu two aud. one half miles on Audo ver (N. ff.j plains, iu ono minutes and cine secoudsl . , , , . A Lono Bkard. The Cincinnati Inquirer saw a man, on Monday, ilh a large waving (card and al heavy moustache, which he vowed he would never cut oil until Henry Clay ' was elocted President or the United States. . What i hii.utu jnouster he will be, by aud by I . " Till: small pot exist extensively at Cin uiotiatl, aiid at Lcjfiuglon, Jty. ' ' ' 'I '-.t i ' ' , .. " -fit ,1 '. ' The Capital of California has been fixed at the Pueblo of San Jose, by the Constitu- uonai jonyenuon. - -p 71"" Tjie fjk$ matkwel f jhery has Xjfjved a tortpletet failure. If GERMAH,CoLo:m--FiCtcen ttfisnndj acres of land , have been. jMrchased in .Bickers county, S. G., for the establishment of a Ger man colonyi - i pv ifloopilcttofi war rptte frpjh Cy fornitt by the"lst steamer. k . Queen Victohia is reviving the fashion of wwf18g e-r;ifig9iuf'!'i, t!!it:ir."v. T He who refuses forgivencs breaks tho bridgo over which he must pass; for all need forgiveness. - 'To err is human ; to foif , divine." , . ....... . , Mow beautiful falls From hurrinn lips' that tlessed word--for. irive I Thrice happy he whose heart has been so schooled i i . . In the meek lessons of humanity. That he can give it utterance; it imparts Celestial gtundeur to the human soul, And muketh man an angel. " rTHE undersigned, appointed l.y tho Court of Common l'leas of Northumberland county, to report the liens and their propety, in tho matter ofthe side of certain tM t-slntc of the l)anvillc tc Pottsvillo Knit Koad Co., hetvby notifies all per sons interested In said matter that he Will attend to the duties of his appointment on tho 8th day of Deeemlx-r, 1841). ut 10 o'clock A Alt, at his office in tho Borough of Stinlmry. . CHARLES J. BRUNEK, Auditor. Sunhurv, ftov. 24, 1849 !ft THREE. STRAY, HEIFERS; PAME to the preniisis of the slibsrrilier about yJ four weeks THREE STRAY HEI- FEEH. Two of tlinm arc red and white spotted, and the other a liriiullc.. Tlie first two are from one and a half, lo two years old. The other, nl-oul our year. They each have a slit hi the tight car. The owners by calliiiu; on the subsrrilier, proving property and piylnRcbttrt-s enn have the same, otherwise they will be disposed of ocrordiuif to law. ADAM SHIWLEH. I'ppcr Augusta tshp., Nov. 2-f, 1813, S. LAWRENCE, Agent f of the sale of Suuthwurth Manufactu ring Co's. Writing Papers. ' Ware House, !Vo. , Itlluor street rtIII.ADEZ.rHZA. 100 9'" ofthe ubovo superior Puprrs now in store, and for side to trade at the lowest market prices, consisting in part of . Fine thick Flat Cans. 1. I t. 15 and 1G llw. blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. Extra super and superfine Folio I'oHts, blue. 8uperline Cammericul Posts, blue and white plain ond rttlrdi and white, plain and ruledi. Extra super I.incn Note Papers, plain and Kilt. Superfine nnd find Bill Papers, loiiR and broad. Superfine and fine Coiinting-lluuso Caps mid Posts, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, pluin and ruled, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and I.ettors, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Suierfined blue Bath Posts, blue aud white, plalh and ruled. Embroidered Note Fupers nnd Envelopes, ' "Lawyor's" Urief Papers, Superfine and fine (Jnis and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. Also, 1000 reams white end asserted Slide Pa pers, lliitihct Hoards, white and assorted tissue, Tea, Wmppiiig, Envelope, assorted nnd blue Me diums, Cup Wrapping, Hunlwaro Papers, &c. ; Philadelphia, .v. 21, lSt!).,.;).,,! ; ; .,, . , Winter ArrnngOiiiciit. PlIlLADELl'HIA AND KEADING HAIL ltOAD, KHOM PHILADELPHIA TO POTTsVILLB. vi v- and after Novembef 1st, 1819, the Pns- J senger Tniins will run betwceiiTliiludrlphia und Pottsvillo as follows : ' Leaves Philadelphia at 6i A. M-, duily except Miniluys. : , Arrives nt Reading ut 1 1 18.' Arrives at PotUville at 12 50. Leaves Pottsvilte at S.J A. M. daily except Sun days. . , . ( ... . ! Arrives at Rending; at ) 0. . , ,.. , Arrives at Philadelphia at 13 60, , ' , FA HES. PotUville and Philadelphia' 5,50 and 3,00 ; PotUville and Heading 1,40 and 1,20 ; Heading and Philadelphia 2,25 aud 1,90. . Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. There will be no Afternoon Train, NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will he al lowed to eaeh passenger in these lines ( and pas sengers are epresly prohibited from taking any thing as liugtuge but their w curing apparel, which will lie the rlb ofthe owner, lly Order of the liuard of Managers, f S URADFORU, Nov. 21, 184'J, Kcrrctsrw tliCKEY fit TULL. Ku. I60 ciicNiiut Mlreet, (Opposite the Arcade) ' rHII.ADEX.FHIA, 1 AM'FACTtFKEUS of their improved style Elnslic Stocl Spring, Solid Sole Leather, and Solid Kiveted ' ,.-. TltlMiS, which took the only first premium, awardi'd by the Franklin Institute at their last cubihitiOn. li. &. T, take pleasure in informing the travel ling public, Unit lliev liave now on hand, i beau tiful assortment of their improved stvW of Solid Bole LeflfheT Trunks; Double and Single Folio Trunks, of various styles Ladies' ' Trunks, Y lice Trnuks, Uonuet Uoxea, Cup Cases, Cufpet Bu4s, itnd au vlegnlit. assortment of mprfrior Eil aiuclcd Pauml l.eathar, Bugs; with .every article in Uieir line of bitsiiufss. , i . : t"W Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange frt New ones.' ALEX. ! HICKEY. ft.. RICHA1U) WTLLLi - riiilaA'Iphk, Nov. 17, 184Sr i ( . .- 7 WHOLESALE Commission PAPER and RA(i WAUEllOLKE, No. 13 MINOR Ptreet, 1 lulailelplnu. here a general asort ment of all kinds of Pifpfr is- kept, and foV sule at Ilia lowest rasli prices. ' . . Cap, I.ct(er and Print lag1 Papers, '- - &c. on hand. ' ' Plain and ruled whito Caa, . . - bhie Flat Cajw. - Plain and ruled white Letter. " blue ..... Blue and whito F Jioe. ' White and colored Printing Paper Tissue Pirieiw 8hoe -,:-.. i .. . Wrapping- Envelnjie " . Hardware auof tcathing Punier", ' Tar Boards. : - 1 Straw Boards. '! i Uouiivt Boards , , ' i : AU orders from Uie Country will bo attended to at the shortest notice. AU good, sold Will be carefully parked, And de livered at any plac in the city. .' The hiffhest cash pric pakl ur Rags, or ei changed for Pajier, aa low as cuil be bought (!-' whero. . ,, . . , Please rail and examine for ypursclvc. ( PluluUelphU, Nov. 17, I819'v- . . , y, , ...i-J : i ?v ' " v ;) ,.! I ' .-, . , 1 -, , , -I -f ; ' ORPHANS' COURT ... SALE. If Virsuautfc of an .order of the brphstis' Court 4 2Vorthui!ci)H countv. will l,i publK sale on til premises, on Satitrdsy tho 29lh day M Uccenber next, the following describe nt,2y T y& 0110 unJiviJci1 half part of ""nil TBACT OP LAND, situate in Point township, and county aforesaid. Adioinin, .land of John A'ixon, Leonard l'fouts M etlrs, tl tlM Not li Branch of the Susque hanna, eoiitnming in tho whole, ono hundred and nlnety-frttrr Seres i.fid sctenty-tlve! perchosPabout one hundred nnd sixty acres of which are cleared ; wherpon sro ereetld a hirpe. STONE HOUSE and a (food I bam. Bah with other building;., tho land is of tho Wst qu,.liU-.Lalo the estate of Viham; dcq4j tSuhl t iiAnmetiee lit fit o rlork A . M., of said day, when the conditions thoroor will be made known By ---.-Muujav i" " ' NLGH M'VVlUdAMR, Vf Order of the Court, i , , Exocutor, David Uofkefellcr, Clk.,0. V.i - . ouiinrirv, rtov. IT, 1840-. 7t Wiii. . Cocliraii & Cd;, AVIiuleanlc nnd llelnll, ., -WlNF, AND I.IQITOII MKRCHANTH, No. 72 Hofnut Street, Philadelphia. ' nA.)!.K olwys n hand a very Inrtre stdck of W ines, I.iuunrs ami Scitnre, of their own importation. Store Keepers, Hotel Kccm, and private avntleincn, will he supplied on tho moat liberal terms. Philadelphia, Nov: 17, 1849.J. THE CtlEAP BOOR STORE. DA1TIELS be SMITH'S CheaV NkW & SKtOMj HAND BoOK SlORE, No. 36 N.Qixtk St. between Market Arch rt'hiladelfhia. . ' ' ' La Dooks, Theological and Classical Books, ' MBDICAL BOOKS, v MOGIIAI'JIJCAL HISTORICAL BOOKS, r SCHOOL HOOKS.' StifjNtirrc anij Matiii:.maticai. Books. A J u rcn il c Iltmks, in great velriehj. Hymn Books and Prayer Book", Bibles, all sile and prices. Blank Bonks, U'riling Paper, and Stationary, . U'MiWe and Itilat), , nuti'dl ow-t-r" tlinp III? liftiirLAt iirlcf S-rVI.ikiurti-iiniKl simiiII uir--lH iifli-jnU' ' II' i,iMiKP iinporli-f t'hllmli-lphi;!, .tun iiiiirr iTnin lintliHI. Itli y i --ft --. - liHoliifion'orPiirtiiefilii. 'iJ'E partnership, heretofore existing iH-tweeii JL Doctors liriiit o Priestly, iu the lbirough of Northiiinlii iluiiii, is tliis ditv dissnlved by mtitunt consent. W."s. URTUIIT'. Joseph pkiesti.v. NorlhnlnlTrhiiid, Oct. :tl, M'.. nor 10-31 ruiii.ic SALE OF Taliiiililu Property In Sujdcrtotvn.- VV ILL be sold ut Public Sale, ut Srlvdc finWn, " Slimnokin township, rortliunilieibitiJ ! comi ty, on Tuesikiy, - the 4lli day of Deoe intier next. A lot iir piece of ground, situate in the said tmvn, un the liitiiu street anil adjoining lauds of Win. Furrow nnd others, ctiiitiiiuiug ubout one Acre, whereon is erected n lariic two storv Dwelliuir House, with the. conveniences of a w ell of good water, stalling &e., iiinl a large store room, now in the occupancy of Juhu C. Morgan, and a Gra nary. . - ... AL.v'f): Another lot in said town adjoining the above ilesriiboil, continuing about 5-I erches, whereon is erected a frame Dwelling House and Stable, nnd also a blacksmith shop. . Snle to entiiincnib at l o'clofk, Pi M., at which tintt- eondiiiiiiis of side will be liuidu known. Foi further iiiliii'inatiuii iniiiirc of . .... CHAULE W. HEOlNft, Pottsville Ta. orHEMtV DO..EL, .Vuuburv, Pa. Oytrjiibcrf It", IS48.--I s ' j ' j Tiiin PJXQOT CHESTS 1UK Bin IKS, 1'Al'EltS, JKWELUY,&c. EVAISS Ai M ATSOX, A'o.-OO North Third otrert, bttu-cen Arth unit llace, arid H'.i I) ork street, ' OPPOSITK TItK tMIII.MU'.I.I'lUA KXITI ANGK. Patent fSoai-)loiiu Lined and Kcj -7 liolc Cover SALAMANDERS, - KfitK ao xinui' ruooF moK iii:t, t.i ,iii mure Unit l'-BS'1 ' ' ,l;,tl ,,MV ' Iii-ih lit linn t'l-iiiiirv. ;"-"! " Air-Clmnilirr In ifcti Jiif.tJ-vil'Jl 'liiw. li""' iii.vv in mc. Tlrv "'rrrji i i; "l! iimniiue Ui nmLu tlii.rdiaii. (ya(' l Kira I'nii.lK. lit very k.w inc SLtSs i'sft '"" in oiiiiiiimtioN fel l.. . Vlt i'i-M- uuiii-Kcy, w Inch i-un be i-liunoi t-verui uiouhuiui tliiit-n hunicn- me in met -verv tniu- lhe Iam-s in uwil il ilinitnlilo. '1'lnne l-eks nrc irim m ini. I the iimrl eilfert 'l'lii.-VC"! tN-iii): PIIIH-Iicil witll tin- PmIchI Key.hnlo Cnvcr, and iniiiU- yi ly t-ln'iifi. il-iy i-iuuiul li. 1,1, iv. n -rii' by (ifmpi'Wili-r. '1'lni.s 1k-I. lire hilindtil mr llA.VKi",' fiTOIiKS, JiAt-'K.C. Ac. Soiliud Ictui c"i)m;h nn-awr, firt- )-r oi'tkn ruiiir T-Jnks an'it Stun-. . . I'utelll tsliit- Lliteil ItcfriL-crutiiv.. wnrnilllnl iiltcrier to nil others. "W'uli-r l'illcrii, hlii.wcr llnllm ol' die l.i Bt ijiinl ity, . i . I"y ri-rn.iiiii wisliin to .iiicliiiw ny nl" tlii- ohnv.-r-lii-l-. will )iIi-iim- inv o onll, ns llu-y cll chi-ftH.r Uuw any ut)K-r in Uiu I'ninillSiut''. ' IIAVIII I'.VAVS, , . JDIIAWKS WATSON. Philnitcliiliiii, Navenilier 111, 1MII ly 50.000 A itlinis Kverv Yt'ar' Fall ft Prey to Consumtionf Asthma: and Raising Tilood, Hectic Fever and Night Sweats. ,. ASTII.M AU COXSI'MI'TIOX. L.J. H.-nl. 1 i)flim'cv utrit. gave it tit hi Dintpr-in-feiw wb" Iwl vc- uu iitvuliit ir yctus ir'iu AkiIuiih ; i n amitlK-r rniiHi.ri-. as iu niiiutittuii. H i lim Hi cm at ante, au tiiat lln.- tiutilft ucvi-ml liuiiilictl uiilca: WITTING UI.OOI) la alwnya nLirniiiiir. It lew I to tlio wnrat Wind f rn n u i (Hon, aiul nitleM ur rewind in tlmu. ia ptiit-ndly i'aImI. hhtriiitiit'ii All-lliutliji-i litdpuiu is IhrU-st renittl- kutmu ; "H tHln the tMiiHi1 ir rt i pi und bhxKl tvhIh nl the luiiff, and tht reliy ettcvia a (wjuianunt cure, wluiu ulber n-rtic dieaouly atop thu IiImhJ Wr tt time. A lew d"ei ," ttiiit Un IhuiiMi'ill autiMy Uiu iu'it KVeptiial tlmt it i the medi'ii rHfpiirHr 11 hn hwi an-Vc u I in nwny rawra, aitd lliat kNi w)it.tthty butl nui mw a mpid tfr-linv. or, more juftityy uiiKcBaiAl, -tiASTV COXSri'TlOV1 YtHiug jKf'uiK, or tin jt tj uiulille ugu,' aid itrc mlijecl to (tit at attxeka tlian the aiil. PnoAji raitNiHiHl l prr Mtln. .1 n Dr. hhcrtiiai.CVMt'b uui Worifj Uguge r Mhh1 I'lusinrtt, ali) un :tfttve. rrimiKi IMBce 10(J Nuw-aiu-striH't, New Vork. 'ifi"- " ' mum '- v': . POOlt MAN'S PLASTER: liTil'rtinr nulnt Ill'iriiiiiiiii, Vain ill lhe Buck,'!tiHl W..kiu-M, limn iiypiU valiw Unit lius iiu-nauul, auiiitn-tlii "I unprincipled rriiii havMitinliiitdt to i-.iiuii.-rli-it it. oikI pulin it nfl iin ' riHimmlmViii tl (ri-iMiiiw. tiT l-wiwoH' lwpliHi..t Hgiiwuilwr ibui it- ni and ni-nuiiie 4'lulr u unpf ! reUilmu pupr iiuiile rU. Mlv fur tlio jiur,) imS 'JIl c- Urn aiuiiutiirp nf t)r. rilu-riiliiil in printed nin the M lhe HIiiMor, hihI the wlmle Mmirad by Uip)' KiglH. IJ ili nrc eriiuiiis. 1ii y"" " l-riiiuc'i Hjr .Mini"! I'lusicr, cull ui tin-uluee, li ."xnaaiir lnvt, unit yiw will ix iKMlncippnlmcd. v.- It-.rt ,n i,H-i,l : l" u Jlrl, N W- Y0l wlu-r. .11 l)t. Sl.rrinui.'. Uaii.-. r ,1' . Mr.. H.W., I UI Kuln... rert. Dn.l. j IIiuiw, Williuiu.lHirg j mui KnUiiw Co. Bn-lmi,- and JOHN VOl:-ff Sunbury "" ' ? i fj. A. MoOAV, Nuiuiuinberlaiid NuvriO, Ifjl)h eiui Ir . , . RO.vB DLVTMENT. A fresh "tipply of Ihlr cxrcllciit article for '1'cUpt, ire, junt rMivea1 ...U for aln by ' WBNKV MASSER. Bunbiiry. July 2. 1819 - . , , , INDOV' GtASS, 8 by 10, for aale (v . HENRY MASfETC ! Sunbury, Jan ?7th, 1849- tt- An exfr-Ifcirt o.rticl for aale HENKY MASTER."' Uiibur Jar,-47th, l8 tfi t ItfiAS, from the New York Canton and Pekirf i 'l ea C omimiiy. J-'yr alo by r . .... ... .nil . r- J. TV. f n.iuiatt Kuiiburv, Dcv 2, 1Mb l! I I-.. .-3 iPv