SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAlttOKIN JOURNAL. see M pptr V : Thto it wbjct which J ilnport, is becoming fMiAuf , and diig td U th AMioa of lb , yoong pop1. -00-ion.lly, In bop. of urn, "Young lsulieg re boumt to foil In Iom won a. -possible, anf bound to bo bound to parUWr' for lift, MOiy pro- lirninarie. can bo mado-ouch m getting a lovon rawiniting him thoroughly, being courted, Wing tho ijoertioa rpoppod, getting the wedding garment! in array, tnd innting friends to see them prettily married. The " young man Is bound to be gallant and polite, nd admire without stint all the pretty young vgirl known and unknown, to doff the beater, offer his arm, inrite to title, pleasant sauntei in short, to all and sundries, indeed to show his devotion and gallantry towards the sex, until some enchantress throws her spell a round him, and he sinks, subdued, into a com mon place, indifferent careless Benedict. , "Now ont of these things grow difficulties. A lrourfa man admires a pretiy girl, and murt t manifest it; ho cannot help so doing for the life of him. The young lady has a tender heart, reaching out like vino tendrils for omethina to cling to ; she sees tho admira- tion, is flattered, begins soon to love, expects . ..nn-nl and Derhans celt so far as to decide that she will choose a white sa tin under a thin gauze, at the very moment tha crallanl that she love is popping tho question (pood! ah! ah!) to another damsel ten miles off. Now the difficulty lies in not precisely understanding the difference be tween polite attentions and the tender mani festation of sighing and love. Admiring a beautiful girl, and wishing to make a wife of her, are not always the same; therefore, it is necessary that a girl should be on the alert to discover to which class the attentions paid her by a handsome and fashionable young gentleman belong. Is is a hard to draw the exact line of separation between . polite attentions and downright courting, but our great age and extensive appearance have en abled us to observe enough to aid the young and artless in deciding the matter. "First then If a young fellow greets you in a loud, free, hearty voice if he knows precisely were to put his hat, or his hands, if he stares you straight in the eye with hi own wide open if he turns his buck to speak to another if he tells you who made his coat if he squeezes your hand if he fails to be very foolish in fifty ways every hour, then don't fall in love with him for the world; he only admires you, let him say or do what he will. , But if he be merry with evory one else, but quiet with you if he be anxious to see that your tea is sweetened, and your dear person wrapped up when you go out in to the cold ; if he talks very low and never looks you in the eye if his choeks are red or if be be pule, and his nose blush, it is enough; if he romps with your sister, sighs like a pair of bellows, looks solemn when addressed by another gentleman, and in fact is the most still, awkward, stupid, yet an xious of your male friends, you may goahead and invoke the shaft of Cupid with perfect safety, and make the poor fellow too happy for his skin to hold him." The Tea Citltube in theUnited Status. The New York Tribune has the follow ing in relation to Junius Smith's attempt to cultivate the tea plant in this country : . We have late advices from the tea plan tation of Mr. Junius Smith, at Greenville, S. C. His plants are in blossom, and as healthy and flourishing as those of China at the same stage of growth. Everything looks as favorable, and Mr. Smith feels abun dantly encouraged. He expects to place fresh tea on the tea-tables of London and Paris ia twenty days from bis plantation. He has a large number of plants, and tea seed enough for a half a million more. The black descriptions blossomed some time since but lately the green plant descrip tions have, also blossomed. Mr. Smith is collecting about him quite a force of labor ers, having sent to the INorth lor about twenty hands. , He has also made very successful! efforts to grow the fig and almond. Hia next year's crop will be an important one. Should Mr. S. succeed in introducing the growth ef the tea plant into the United States, he will certainly deserve a statue of gold and the gratitude of the whole country. , . . IAMDBBYM !,..' Cuts, Colds, rains, Nsrrrms and DEvniTomin ftaxta t ttm ! Health to tha WtaklUfA MM M round for the fnou Bum Rasa la Ao- TwWS q . FA!!t KtLtKft. This Is M esxtrsly TMta- We ompnwid, eompoMd of Twenty-Flv. different ingre dients, and n an InMrnal and Egretnal Rrnmtfy tor tha va rkm. Ilia that bums Am Is - hair to ; - , .,: . Blck HsarlaCbe, Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Spinal Affecthsis, Summer Complaints, Cholera Mortms.Toothaohe, Eruption, oorns Pile Ftmhi Parte. Born. Scalds. Aene in the Fee and Breast, Paintefe' Oolite,, ofd Sore, Loss of appe tite, General Debility, Aathraa, Ao. Put up in bottle for I a n. a liilliiura tier bottle. For further nartieulan aee GumphletetoM ase ot every egem gratis, containing a rief history of the origin, discovery and good eflecle of Andrew' rani runer, venincaua i,urce,aircuuns. u LOOK OUT FOR FRAUD. . The lriumrhnt ncce of Andrew Pain Killer in re moving the ceune that produce death, the untimely death of million of our rare, hu induced aome men of wticm It may be truly satu, tneir niainou .iccupaiiona maniien their villainy, to attempt to put in cirrulntka apurimt and counterfeit article culled "Vnin Killer,1' uninjr fictitiou name for the pretenaca auinoi, inrgra cenmcnici, dec. Borne have apprarcd, and other no dotilit will appear. Let all remember that Andrew Genuine Pnin Killer ha the wrilten eifiiature of I. Andrew on the label of each bntlle in black ink. Don't limply ak fur Pain Killer, but mut fur Andrew' Pain Killer, and her no other. fVild by M. A. Mct'av, Bole Agent, Northumberland j J. W, Friling, funrmry jonn H, naaer, niutnn ; Jonn K Myer, Bl'ianrtinnr j Win. A. Mnrray X Co, Danville) Davenport Ik Bmitii, Plymouth j Andrew Yohr, Wilke barre : Hay a MeCormick, McRwenviIte i Bcliaffle ti Chamlierlain, lAnviiburg Geurg McAipin, Jeraey Shore; J. M.Jurld. VViUinnnpoil. . Older aiMreel to 1. Andrew, Inventor and onlv Pro- nrietor at Itheca Tianpkui cotuity, N. Y. Wll receive prompt attention Bepteniber 30, 1S48. If ' TANNERS TAKE NOTICE. IVew. Hide Oil and Leather More. Ara. Ill North 3d ft. 3 doors below Rut St. Philadelphia THE ulndibera offer to the tanners on tlio moat favorable term their fresh importation of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ay res, Lnplnta, Carnccas, Laeuira, Hunc-Dry, Chili, Salted Per ambuco and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry mid salted. Alao, Green Slaughter, Drv Salted, and Black Dry Tatna Kips, Also, straights, and Bank oil and a general as sortment of Currier's Tools. They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on better terms, than old Houses in the city, Wash paid tor leather of all kintia. KEEN & KIRKPATRICK. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. ly DXA2CWrX POWDEXt :, RAZOR STROPS. ' f I THIS Prwd ts warranted tar superior to any thins in use for imparting a keen, smoothed b Kmwmi, Bargioal Instruments, and all kinds of (US CoTLtftt i it may be applied to any kind f strap ' Also snperiuT Rasor, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholeaals and retail, by -,. ALFRED BENNETT, Agent Depot of Fin Razors, Strops, Brushes and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 1 8 South Fifth street a bova Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. Philadelphia, Fab. 15th, 1848. - This may certify that I hire used one of the Strops wenared with HAYNE8' MAGIO 1)1 A- MUiVL) POWDER, and can attest in the roost unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be found mat will produce the same eflcct in my opin ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will find it superior to any heretofore in use. 1 can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st. Piiit.AnRtniiA, October, 1848. A very hard beard and tender face has compel led me to seek and many contrivances design cd to inolis shaving easy and pleasant, but with indifferent success, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, and Rousacl's Shaving Cream. Their united pow er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor to remove the most stubborn beard, without irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street For sale at this cflice Price S3 cts. per Box November 83, 1848 -6m. hi TOWNSBM'S COMPOUND EXTRACT Oft ) SAltSAPAHlLLA, , THIS Eatraet r'W a m )urt bottles. It la als rirast cheaper, pleaanr, and warranted superior to any on. it cure aieaa witnoui vomiting, purging, siea- ne, or debilitating the aauant, and la particularly adapted f ', !- FALL, AND BPRIIVr MEDICINE. ' .', Tha ghsu beauty and superiority of this Baraanarlna ovet otnar remenie i, wmm h naniaaaaiaaaa y. it invigorate tha body. ' Contumptlon cured. ' Clean ami Strengthen. r , . Consumotion ean ha cured. Bronchitis, Conwimption, Liver Complaint, Colds, Coughs, 1 vatarrn, Airnmn, opining oi oiooa, o renep in tns Cheat, Hectic Flnnh, Night Sweat, Dull' ' cult and Prof like Expectoration, . and Pain in the Side, . Ac, Ace., have and ean be cured. ' Probably there never wn a remedy that ha been so ene cesaful in despernte case of ooniuinption a this ) it clean c and Mrenglhen the lyntcm. and appear to heal the ul cers on the lung, and patient gradually regain their usual neaiin ana suengtn. CUK10U8 CASE OF CONSUMPTION. There is scarcely a day pour but there are a number ef asc of coiimimption reported a cured bv the use of Dr Towtnen's Sumpaiilla. The following va recently re ceived : Dr. Tovrsxi Dear Bin Far tha bit three years I rrave dccii enncren witn general nubility, and nervon oon. sumption of the last rtaaa, and did not exect to ever guiu my neaitu si ail. Alter going tnrtHian a ouurseo! medicine under the care of soma of the m st dittiiiKitiBhed regular phyKiriaiifl ar.t members of the retard of Health in New Voik anil clfiWhere, and tpendin the m M of my earning neiiia, and alter rending in CUTLERY. AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT LERY, ef anil. Iiv JOE1T M. COLEMAIT, Atoj. 32 olid 33 ARCADE, and 8i North THIRD Street, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and Jtazors. Also, a choice assortment of Rodeers Sr Sons, Wostcnhotni's Greave's W. A S. Butcher's and Fenncy's Cutlery, Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, Guns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives. Also, The American Razor Strop, a superior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. Casd Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above Stock worthy their attention, as the St'bscrilier's chief business is importing and selling cutlery. Philadelphia, June 8, 1B49 ly MAllHAbL'l Concentrated SarsaparlUat For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipalas, Piles, Chronic Kheumatism and all disorders of the Blood, Mercurial Disease, &e. 1 T is recommended to Physicians and others, as ' the strongest preparation now in use, and en tirely different from that put up in quart bottles, possrwsnig httlc or no active principle of the Sura parilla, hut intended to deceive tho public Fur sale by M. A. McCA 1 , ISorthumberland. HEYL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will cure iiiruius, Bruises, Cut, Gulls, Swellings, and all complaints requiring an external remedy. It is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, stiff ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, Ac. It has ulo been used with great success by per sons afllieted with Rheumatism, and other com plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel phia, and lor sale by M. A. McCay, iorthuinuer land. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. ly GREAT ARRIVAL. TOHN W. FRILING has iust received at hi. store in Sunbury an extensive assortment of ItW UOODS, of every vonety which he is now ready to sell or exchange for produce; and consist ing in part ol C LOTUS, CdSSIMERES, e. Linen and Cotton drilling, and tummet wear of all kind. Calicoes, Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, &c Muslins bleached and unbleached. PALM LEAF AND OTHER HATS. Queensware and Hardware of all kinds. Dnrcs Paints, and Dyestcffs. FlStf, SALT, AND PLASTER. And a great variety of other articles a!) of which win De sold at the lowest terms. Sunbury, May 86, 1849. Sullivan Countt Seat. -The Commis sioners appointed by an act of the fast legis lature, to review and re-locate the seat of justice of Sullivan county, have decided tnat a removal w proper, and fixed upon Sugar Hill, in Cherry township, as the new site. i' , , , Rev, Dr. McConavght has resigned the Presidency of the Washington College, Pa., after eighteen years' service. Sardinia Vice Consul. The President has recognised Guillaome Alexandre Le banon as Vice Consul of Sardinia, for the port ot Mobile. ' Three of the most prominent public gar dens of London Vauhl!,Cremorne, tnd Floret Gardens, were each declared bank tupt on the same day. ' The Empress op Russia recently order- I d 61 ar Pansran milliner-, twenty bonnets, for the uso of herself and the ladies of her court. New Jersey Election The election in New Jersey ia reported as follows: . legislative Senate, TO Whigs, 9 Demo crats; House; 29 Whigs, 9 Democrats. Cot Hexkt PETRiKENiuperintendant of - rfce railroad to avoid the inclined plane, died yesterday at the Merchants' Hotel. , A backman in Cincinnati kicked a gen tleman the other day for refusing to give htm two dollar foi driving twosjjiares. To Reixovr Wasts Wash them with at strong solution of pearlash, and let it dry , oil lha warts. If ibis is done two or three times, the warts will disappear Scientific American.. ' Am Iksimpatiom. "Mister, ! don't say that you atole my watch, but if I bad beard any other watoh tick like that which you earxy ,iu your pocket, I should have said that ii.tjfkad just like mine. r He who never keeps a promise will sever keep iiirait. : WEISE & CLEMENT, Saddle and Harness Makers. THE undersigned respectfully inform the public, that they nave commenced .the above bust ness in unburv, and wilt con stantly keep on hand and manufacture to order, at their atawd in Market street nearly oppoaite Young's store, all articles belonging to their line of business. All articles manufactured by them will be made in the best and most durable style, and at prices as reasonable as tney can tie had at any other estab lishment in the county. They therefore raKucclfullv solicit persons to call Mid ex amine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro dues taken in by tlis stores will be taken in ex change at tha market price. - HENRY WEISE. - ' ALOUSTUS H. CLEMENT. Sunbury, June 83, 1849 n the public with a remedy for the treatment awl cure of Fevkh asd Agttk and other bilrmi difcne. no apnlispy it needed. Vont nutn1erw in the United tStates, who tufk-r from thesf aflerlioii ill their varied form, are compelled to seek relief from other swrcw than the ittime- ninie prcacripiiona ot me Tt'jniiar pnymcjan, it necinuB theref re an object of humanity. n well an of public inter est, to brine before them a remedy prepared fiom mnrh ex perienee, ant! which mny nlwnys te relied itnon an i.irK. BFFKCTUAL, AND HARMLESS TO T11K CONdTITtlTIO Ji. Tbat mich m the trtie character of the i.MMA niui.AOWUi k, is amply attePled by the universal luccceBwilli wliich it hits been employed. CP" r.xtnict from a commitment inn of the Hon. AViiv LtAM WonDBRinol, of the U. 3. Senate, Inte Govcrtitir i AtlCtllgiitl. Dktboit. Oct. 21. lstO. Doctoh Chabi.m Osooop, Denrir. 1 have rejtd with much Interest, your little trakatixk upon the ,ioiiue, trenrmcnt and cure" of the febrile discuses which have s. extensively prevailed in our country during the lust few nrtnths tin iulcrest iiiereitwd no doubt, by the fuer that I have individually undered m much from them. Though 1 feel myself very hie tmpeteut to judee safely upftti a subject so entirely professional, yet your incory soents m me well rcasinwi. auu your c-'iiciu- sious just, ami l think willmu .tint your pumpmut is ciilcu luted to nrmluce much practical irvxl. 9peaknir of the medicine he any : It fully justified your nnueruiit expecum ni, aim as n rale, (nvenieiit, and p-tnU' Inr remeilv, mv own experience, far, induces me to be lieve that it will prove a creat public Iteuefit. 1 am nlfused to learn lhat von have recently ettidlisbel several atfencies for its diso8itioih thHigh I regret tnat, wiih a view to a ni'Tc cnciiii iiifiiciuiiiTiLii ii in it, y 'U Bti'Miiu iiinciimmi necessan to remove from your present residence among us. iv i 11 iiiueu rrapeci i nuvr ine ii"it(r in ite, hit, Ynur oliliired servant, AVU1.IAM VYOUlitUUDGE. CP" From Hon. Stepmk!! V.R. Trowbhiiigk. of Miebt- gan State Senate, to the Agent at Detroit. MIBMINUIAM, OAKLAND I'O., 1'OC Kl, IH41. Sir vou Wish me to itil'irm i-iin what I kni.vv tif Dr. OntfiMait's India Cbol 'Rue, tr miti-bili Mts mediHne. I do lclieve that if the virtue nnd etficaev of tins medusae weie eenetaily known, the hvkk anu auv w.mUl 4ifiiipieur in Michigan! i prociirca a Dottle m the spring of ISM 1 , and hive c xhI reust'ii to lieiive that invstlt'aiid fumilv e&cuiH-d die a true last season in couseouence of its use. IVrhapi in iu euniiiKT since the settlement nf this fine enpiHiilii. has tltc fever and uuu twi n so pii' alcnl as the aft. 1 have ree titiinendiil this medicine in nimnT 'iis in stances, and when the disease had Ufome fixel and batlled the skill of physicians; and 1 have never kn vn it fail. 1 has uuiversully pr xinctd the m -st happy etT'ts, and 1 bel heve it has never been exceed-d by any medicine in remo ving the bilious diseases of the climate. tours, respecilniiv, STEPHKN V. H. TROWBRIDGE. A flit for St i nb u rv H. H. MASSKR: Northtiinberlaud. W1TUINGTOM tV'Co.j Milton, J. H. IlASKR; Selms- Aiay o, icHo u J. J. G-HEE1TOTJGH. (Inte Keller 5t Groenougli.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER, U aftliiiigton, l. C DRAWINGS and pnpers for ihe Piitf n Olfice, prepared tnd all ihe necessary bu siness, in relation lo securine; patents, trniiy acted, and promptly attended to, at their of fice opposite the Patent Office. October 28, 1818. corn & sn.vrn waiu:. J, ST0CKMA Nj No. 60 Chcsnut-sty at the sign of the Gold Thimble, between 2d. 3d.sts. South side Philadelphia. MAXITACTCKE8 and keeps constantly on hand, at wholesale and retutl. tho fol lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduced prices Gohl and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do r tner Shields, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt and Mustard iSpoons, do Forks, 8oup and Oystur Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks sk) Vlvnis, Knitting Mieuths, Ac. ALSO, Jewdlery, Fluted and Brittatuua ware, German Silver Spoons, &c; (sold Diamond poin ted reus at various piu-es; Jackson's Superior r-verjwinteU Lou!, &c, ixc Philadelphia, May UC, 1S49. in nttemnti sit to reran, inv tieauht and alter rendimr sme poiier v( your barsa pa rills 1 resolved to try it. After using six bottles I found it d me me great gKd, aixl called to see you at your office with your ad v ire I kept on, sntt do most heartily thnuk you for yoeir advice. 1 persevere ia taking the Skirsnparilla, and novo been able to attend to my usual labors for the last four months, audi hope by the blessings of God and your 8a rsa pari I la to continue my health. It helped me scyond the expectations of all who knew my case. CHAKLLS QU1MBY Orange. Essex eo. K. f., Aug. 9, 1347. Stats 'of New Jersey, Essex county, ss. diaries Quim by being duly sworn according to law, on his oath snith, tint the foregoing slatemeut is true according to the best of hitkn.wledgeaml belief. CIlARLEt ql'lMBY. Sworn and subscribed to before me ot Ornnce, the Sd Adgust, lbi7. CYRL9 BAUJWIN. Justivs of the Peace. . SPITTING BLOOD. Read the following, and suv that consumntion is in incu rable if you cuu : new yora, April w, Br. Tnwastxo t I veritv believe that vour Sirsnnnrillo has been the means, tVough Proviflent'Ca v( saving my lite l nave I r several years ouu a bad contru. It became w rse and worse. At last I raised large qn uttitiea of bio x, had niclit swoittsanil wamreatry debilitated ami redneed, and did not expert to live. 1 have only used your Sarsnparilla nut a siiort time, ann there has a wontlcrtul chatnje been wrHiLlu in ine. l am now able to vtilk all over the city. 1 raise n blood, and my c mpli bus left inn. You can well imagine that 1 atn lli;iiikfut l r these results. Your obedi ent svrviuit. WM. BL"tjKLL, 83 Catharine st. t08T HER SPEECH, J Tlie mmexett certificate tells a simple and truthful story f stilfering and relief. There are thousands of similar ca ses in this city nnd Brooklyn, and vet there n re th aisamls of nmits let their rhiMreti die for fcur of ocing hmnbugged or to sava a few shillings. Brooklyn. Sept. 13, 1917. Dr. Tmv.NSRSo: I lake pleasure in etalitnr, for the bene fit of those whom it may concern, that my du lighter, two vears and six mmbs old, was u it lie ted with general de bility and hnw of speech. She was given up us past je covery by our familv nhysieitint but f-a-tunuLely 1 was re- cotnmeiidei by a friend to try vour Svirfcanarilla. Before bux iii used one bottle she recovered her speech nnd was enabled to wniK oione to ine ast mis' men t oi all wa i were aefinainted with the etreumstaiicm. t?he Is now uuite well. and in much Ivetter health than slie has tevn f r itf months pus;. JOlSEl'II TAYLOR, 126 York St., Brook ly a. TWO CIULDREX SAVED. Very few families indeedin fact we have not heard of one that used Dr. T Wiisriid'S Sarsajvirillu in lime. I'M any children the past Summer, while th we that did u t. sickened and died. The cereilieate we publish bel nv is e inclusive evidence nf its value, and is only another instance m iciviiiu irn" uvi-B mi (-iiiiiirrn : Dr. TowxEM) Deur Sir : I had two children cured by your ftirsnnarilla "f the summer complaint and dvsentarv ; one was only 15 mouth old and th other 3 rears. Thev were very mueli reihicefl, and. we exiieeleil thev wousl die ; they were given up by tw rts wet able physieiaus. When the doctor ml' rmeit us that we must lose them, we res U veil to try your Sursnparilln we hal litwrd so much nf, but had little confidence, there leimt s much stutf advertised lhat is worthless: but we are thankful that we did, for it undoubtedly saved the Uvea of both. I write this that oth ers may be induced lo use it. Yours, reseetful1y. JUII UlLSUA.Jr. ATyrtle-a venue, Brooklyn, Sept. 15, lr-47, TO THE LADIES. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Dft.TowxsEND'sSsMtf ata rill a is H sovereiffii and sneedv ure for im'ipieut consuinption. aud for the general pr stra li in of the sjsteni no matter wheiher the result of inhe rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or accident. N'lt.iirs can be m re surDrisma: th:tu ifs iaviir mitinir ef- feeTS on the human frame, l'rrii mir all wetkarM ati.l las situile, from t-iking it at once tree me r bust and mil of eueit'v under iis inrtueiice. It iiuincili itely c niiitenicts ihe uerveii-sHtit-ss f the female frame, which is the irc it cause irrciin-'s. It will a t be expect cfl "f us, in caws f so deli&ite n ua- lair, to exhibit eertili'-ntts 1 em en pcif trinetl, but we can usst'fp (lie ntllicied tliut huuUieds oi c i,;s have been repor ted t us. Dr. Towssrxn : Mv wife beiuir erenlly ilistretise! by we:iknes and gcnuntl dt-bdiiy, und siuferiuu' c initMi.illy by twi.i Hud with i t tier (liuiculiien, anu huvniir known cases where y ur uiediciue 1ms edeeicd great cures; und ills hearing it ree in mended for such fw ,t I have descritied, 1 outuiued a b t(te of your Extmct of Sirstiiunlla and fol- loweil the directions you gave me. In a short period it removed her complaints and restored her to health. 1 Being gT eat fid for the tnnefits she received. 1 take pleasure in uiusucknowieiigiug it, and recommenuinir it to the public. Al. U MUUKli, Albany, Aug. 17, '44. cor. Grand x- Lydia sts. DYSI'ErSIA. No fluid or medic ina has ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the gastric juice or saliva in decomposing fKHt and strengthening the organs of digestion as this pre purati iu of tSarsa par ilia. It positively cures every case of dyspepsia, however severe or chronic. Ifank LHnurtmeut, AlUiny, May 10, 1RJ5. Dr. Townsetu) Sir: 1 have beeu aliiicled fur sevenil years with dystnipsiu iu its worst form, attended withs Har ness of st hick h, I hi of upjietite, extreme heartburn, and a great aversi n to ail kinds of fn d, and for weeks, (what I cuukl eat) 1 have beeu unable to retain but a small portion on my stouiuch. I tried the usual remedies, but they luid but little or no effect iu rcmoviuc the complaint. 1 was in duced, about two months since, to try voir Extract of Sur- mpariua, and 1 must say with tittle eminence; but after using nearly two bottles, 1 found my appetite restored and tha heartburn entirely removed; aud I would earnestly re commend Ihe use of it to ihtMe wli have leeii Htflicred nsl huv boen. Yours, Jtc., W. W. VAN V5ANDT. ent fr Sutiburv JOHN V. FR1I J(i thumlH-rlnnd, MARY A. McCAY; Dauville, VM. A. MLKRAY k Co., Apilli, 1S40 IV - "OXYGENATED 33 Ct CP CE Oa EH S3 '. A SOTEHEION sVSMCDY FPR ' ', , .., DYSPEPSIA, - putiiisic, .-.'''; AND . ' ' ' '!. OBNsltAaVjpaaiLiTT. ; ',' GEOfeGE B. GREEN, pRoratttoii. Windsor, Vermont. " ' ', forms, socS as pom in the Stomach, Haartbum, habltaal Cnstlveness, Acid Stomach. Hsndaih..l r Piles, Niaht Sweats, and even Cwwimptli (DyMptls Phthisle.) and Asthina, or Phthisic sttenrirrl with dcraiW nwiit of the Stomach (or P)-pptic Asthma,) Dtfflralt Brenthina, which often results from imperfect disunion (or Dvflnnt.ia Svimwaa.i in relieved hv Uieae HIhm. ih their use hns been proved in the relief of almost all tha svmpt'ims that proceed from a debilitated or atohle condl. twn of the Stomach ; lo in ceneral debility arisina from itge or from tha effects of Fever, particulorlr Fever and Alfue. r emaiea aunering unaer any uienirn aeranftemeiit aristnt from weakness, will find the "Oxtoknatbd Bit. tkhi" sn excellent remedy, and not surpassed by any mMI cine in nse. The history of this medicine is peculiar. It hss mads its way to pnblic favor solely by the force of its own intrinsie merits. No artificial means hnve been used tr aivs it nw toriety and thrust it upon ptihlia atfcnti m.j It has never before evert been advertised, but having first fthown its ro mnrknble efficacy iu the family of the proprietor, and by him alierwmds administered ti his afflicted friends and se quniutinces with a like rwult, its repntntion grsdually ex. tended until it is known in the mtist . distant Darts f tha Union, as a medicine of unri railed virtues in the' cur. af Dyspepsia in all its different forms, and also (or th. cure al Anllnna or I'hthiiia. lis only herald and its only eulogy Ins been the story of its wonderful eflicacv, ss told from month to mouth or hv letter from friend to friend. In eve ry instance where these Bitters have been need, and th. re n It made known to the proprietor, they have proved a re-medv. Numerous certificates, attesting tlis slngitlnt efficacy s the "Oivgsnatf.d BiTrsss," ate in th. possession of th. proprietor j many oi them signed ly persons already widely known to the public. keu. n. unto, rropnoior. WINDSOR, Vt., Octolwr 3, 1W5. . , The following Ceriificnict have recently beea received t Washixbtos. D. C. JrsK 10. IMS. Havlnc made use ot the 'Oavs-'emited Bitters" oreoarcd by Dr. (ie . B. Green, of Windsor., Vt. and from kiiow ledge olilainci) of their eflVfiry iu other cases, we cheerfully rec immend them to thcpuMic; bcJieving tlmt they will I'nlly sustain tli. reconiineiidnii'iit of the Proprietor. Ws hope that this viiluslile remedy may be gerterally diffused tlir niiiliout the country that it may be accessible to sll ths oinicicn '' RANKiROTB LIST ' ' ' ' p,:m r. 'tpfJISJCSTLTASli.- ; '', i n-;,! ' " TriS Wlnwlrif lis shos llva current stu of enasslvsnia Rank N.stHr. Tha nnat IfnpKnH rn. Itanca aa t placer) upon it. ts U Is eesry we larrfully comparad with stir) corrected bom Bicfc. oell's Rf porter. - Itanlis In rhlta1iphlk. ' ' ";n.,; : L5cir.oir.: ' HVliB.Ha t ' pst : par t psr ' n no sale pa pet psr i . psr ' P' P1 psr pa P P pat pa psr LIQUORS. WINES, &C. HlIE auhsrrilier has just received s new supply of Uia best liquors that sn-ar can to Suiiliury, consistiuir hi part of Superior old pale Drandy. Fine Cojjniue Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica 8prrrlkv New England Hum. ' Fine Holland Gin. Bupevio VIA Whiskey Common dai Superior Maderia Wine. Lisbon do. do. Superior Tort Wrnev Burgnndy Port do. v Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottles. Champagne dot de. HENHY MASSER. Sunbury, May ! W49. . PATE1TT MSCZCUTSS.' Green's Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced'.. Old Jacob Townaend'sSarsaparilla. ')! Baker's Saraaparilla. ' Sway ne'e "ymp of Wild Chert Swayne's Verraifuce. . i . Ay re 'a Cherry PochiraJ l)r. Drake's Panacea- Dr. Cullen's df ' ' ' Tibbit's Pain Killer- '('!. Dr. Hooftand's U arm am Bittarai Indian Vefetable PUla . Horse and CatUe Medicines rr sals by UE.NRY MASTER. kmubary, July 14, HMS). Amor's ("lu'ii-y Pectoral, FOR COUGH, COLDS, CROUP,' .HOARSENESS) ASTHMA. HOOP. isocount!, RRoxciirris AS'D CONSUMPTION. rj llln vidnaiile prcparutioii, si asl 'iilsdia'y Sifccesyfiil 1 in CUTlnc rit.:tet ,4' the l.ltnfrs. i till, ri-xutl . f a .Lilt. . ftri eoiiibiimti ii of LUtf knou-n eurutive principles of nu-divine. lis ijisicillciils are Irmly inndo kn il l l tl pul.lic, and are lliose urkii -wIc.Il'mI to uhmIicuI iucii as IMnsfr'swiifr mre inediciti rinnes. wlm-h vinut-sare coiubuasi in ihe-flllUtltV I'Kt'TuH Al." in their irrat. est purity uud elricacv, anil when used, as will be seett from uc KHiowill i-iiii:inir lesiini 'UV 1 l'ltt)KK.!stlit ri.F.vKuvn ofliowtroin College, Brunswick, Maine, writes i "I bava wuuejsou ine atlccts ol your I hurry Pectoral m lliy own faiuily and in th:it of mv fiiends, and it lias giveu great sutlslucti m iu cuseab'lh of a. lulls and children " A Vt)it:K FlttlM MASSACIH SKTTS Fran Dr. Bryant, Druggist and Poslinaster, Cliioopea , una, ..lliss Da. J. C Avra Dear Sir: Knrl,cU please find remit, tance f. all the C herry Pectoral last sent me. 1 can un hrsiuituwly my. (lint no medicine we sell vivos such satis lucimn us yisir's does n' hnve I ever seen a medicine which enrol so many cases of cough and lung cmiptiiints tur Physicians are using it extensively iu the practice, aud Truly yiairs, D. M. BIIVANT. DR. PKHKINS. Prrsulent of Vermont Medical Cdleg. an. of he most tearne.1 and intelligent physicians iu I he country, "considers it a c nnpisiiiinn f rare excellence for the cure of liutl for nndulile disease, Ciusnmptii,u.n An alio. incredible uuuilier of eeriifieates have heea received j pi.iviug lhat the cherry IVctorul is, iu truia, a WIKAT HKMUDY (ur (.ougiia, c..ns. Asihnia knd nil punn-maey cmnpbiiits. PIUCK 74 CKN'lt) PKn Bti'lTLE. mLTl'iT u i l'"wr": M"M . sold by berliuid. March 31, 1MB. , SuiilHiry, and MAKV McCAY, Northuiu. SUNBURY FOUNDRY. flJIE auliscriber resjieclfully iuforms the public 1 thai he has again become connected with the above Foundry, and that hereafter it will be oon- uucted solely uixlet bis management aud control. From his long eiue rienc. in tlie busaineaa he trusts ha will be able to give general satisfaction lo hie old friends and cusaunors The busiiuwa will be carried ou iu all its branches. He will continue to manufacture Ploughs, and all kinds uf oastiwja will be dona with promptness and its the best manuer. ' i OEO. KOHKUACW. Suabury, Jans , Us a SAM L EI. PIIKI.PS, ) M Wll.l.IAM UI'HA.M, ( JA.MKS F. SIMMONS, U. S. Scnat clrntor from Verment. mtor from n. Island. J. T. MOKKI1EAD, V. S. Senator and formarly Uovera- or of Kentucky. l.. H. AU.NUL.L). iueniber of (. Jarre's and foriaerly VernorofR.l. . . WM. WOODBRIDGE, U.S. Senator and former! vernor of Micliignn. - , M. I.. .H All I IN, Dsleents in Conzrers from Vfiseuasis Territory. From Hon. H. D. FoTr, Member of Cosgress fr.rn Peuiisvtviinio. WinvoT.,f. n. C. Jura 10. IMS. Dear Sir. 1 have been a dvsnentic snnerer for almut tea yenrs, nnd have rcS'irtcd to vurmus nu-diciues for relief williout success, until I lnnde use of your "Oxygenuted inters." nnve used about two lnttles, nnd hud mysrll resitiren to ncriect nenitii i he forms in which tli. di ensc showeil itself, in my ense, were, great acidity of the Bt'iuiucll, loss of appetite, extreme dHtulencc, severe constl piition of tlie Isiwels, and violent heudnche. Feeling desi rons Hint a knowledge of your valunble remedy may reach others similarly nlilicted. I take grent pleasure in record ing my teuton my to us curntiva power: and would also rrmnik. that while on a visit nt home a short time since. administered s part of a lioltle to a number of mv afflicted friends, wiih greut succes. Tliey are desirous tlmt von sli 'tild eslnblish an ngeucy at Pittsburg, or inform tbeia where Ihe medicine enn I "Inclined. With an earnest de. sire for your jnr.mperity aiul happiness, 1 sulerile myself, truly y"iir irienil . JJ. - ljbl a.rt l) K t. tiro. H. Ufks, Winds r, Vt. S M Wh ilcsnle and Remil by Greu t Fletcher, Jo .tis'iun cixiu direct, I'llilitilclpltla. Altent f r Sunliiir' II. 11. MASSKlt. Agents for Milton MACK AY tc II A AO. Agent f n I pper Mabonoy J. ti. Kli.NN. April 13, 1SI8 .,. , N6TE8 AT; PAR. Bank' of Nntlh Arnerica , , BanN nf the Northern Libert ins Oonimercial Bank of Penn's.i . . j;. Fsripers' and Mechaolcs' Bank , Kensington Rsnk rhilaiWphia Batik ' ' . , rVhntlkill Bank : i i- . . , Snuthwark Bank Western Bank . Meclisnirs' Bank . ' Manufacture-fa' eV Mcc hnnlcs' Bank Hank nf Perm Township ,.,; . . fli'ar.l Bank . Bank nf Commerce, Inte Vnvnmcnsing Bank or retinsvlvanis ' , (Country ItanUfl. Bank of Chester Cnuntv I'ank of Telsw,irs Contiiy Hank of nrrmsntnwn Bsnk frf Monirjomery On. Otylestnwn Bnnk , Gasion Bstik , Farmers' Bank of Bucks co Bnnk of Nnrthnmhfflanil i'nltimt'ia Bunk A rtriilge co.Columbis rnrmnrs nnua in i,anrnic" bnnctslei nnrnstcr i;nunty U ink .nnraster Bank Farmers' Dunk nf RratVing Office of Bnnk of Pm.n's. Tflire do do Iffice do do Office do do NOTES AT ank of Ihe Untte.1 Ktntes Vliners' Bank of Pollsville' lank of l.ewlslotvn -, Hank of Mitlillotown Isrlisle Bank Rgcliange Bank Do , do . branch of Ilmrishurg Bank l.elinnnn Mnnk ; : Mcrchanis' t Maniif Bank Htik ol Piltsbnrg W. st Branch B .nk Wyoming Bnnk ' Norlhnnipton Bsnk Hctks County llanlt nrfire of llsnk of U. 8. Pri do do Do do 1 do ll'itik of ( Uiatnlwiriiurg Dunk of OeilystmrB llnnk of Si).(iielisnnn Co. Krw l)ink Farmer' rV- Drover' l,nk r'tnnkliii Batik Hotll' I). nk Moi ongilipli Sank of II. Vork llnnk' N. B. 'I lie iiolrs of tlMixe bnnks on noil qiioifiiioiis, himI siilislitule s dnMli ( tin liasoil bv tin- I till iili lphin. liroker, wiih ilio e cciiiioo ol tli.p which have a loiter of r. lerence. IIRdKEN BANKS. TUG l-lt AW PUItOATtVj34 roa Taa otraa or ' "J Beadseha, fJlrMiness, ' Measles Saft Rhearn,' "" " Hhwmstism, rues, ,,,, , nsan uurn, wars,,,, Dyspepsia, Scurvey, Cholera MorOtik, Srnall Pot, Janndioei: !':r r pcntalis, Uuinsey, i.-.ia Pains in the Back, , , Whisming Uoush, Inward Weakness" Oonompti., Fits, " t'l Psipianlon of the Heart, , i Liver Complaint, ;..,' Rising In the Throat) ' ' Krisipelas. Denrrless, ' ' Dropsy, Astlura, J ;,i Itebinga of the 8kir.K.-J ' rcvors oi sii sinns, voios, wrai, vrsvej, fsmal. Cmnplsims, n 11 Nervous Comnlstma, '' "-' D A YARICTY Of OTHER DISEASES ARISIK0 FROM IMPURITIES OF THK BLOOD, AND ' ' OBStrtOCTIOHS IK' tnt 0II0ANS OF 'ilMii,-.,.... uiotsT,!!.! i-t t.t l:'l r.Xnrrif.iirf mt, nt-n.tri ik.i s t: . - rromlmpurilio, of the Bkaal in- derangements of theTHges. tSll !"" "M HenUh we "" remove those obstrocti nsor restore the Bl. n, ii.iiaii.. . - 1 nZm'ln "''! """tieine Is most effectually K riived hv Click mb s .,.. ..... .... c implctely cnycl ipel with a coating or pure while 'Sugar, (which is as distinct fr un the inieriiiil ingrwlienta Manet shell from the kernel) and have no inete of medicine rut ere as easily swall.iwcd at lull of randy. Moranv.t they neither unuseute or gripe in tlie Slightest degree bat opemla erpi.tHy on all the disensed pans of the irjicm nt; IMPOltTANT TO THE l'UBLIC. COLUMBIAN SERIES OF aumunrtfctf. The Pupil's friend ami Teacher's comfort. THE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR. This work is alrcailv introduced into some of the best Acadamies and a larc-e nunilter of 8chools, where its use has riven decided and universiil sa tisfaction, both to teacher nnd pupil. It is purely American in its character, b.ineii upon our own beuutiitil decimal system of enrrrncy. It contains more, the urraiicniculs are better, and it is the easiest und cheapest work of tlio kind now in use; und it is so coimidcre I by hundreds of tlio most coniietent teuclicrs and men of science in the Uni on, who hgve recommended it, It is the book, particularly and expressly prepared for our Ame rican Scholars : Iiu Almon Ticiuor. TllS Tot'Tll's CoLlNMAN CLCflTOB This volume contains Ul pa'es. with aliout U00 exam ples for solution on the slate. It embraces the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Prottortion, &c. Ticksok's AuiTHvtTicAi Tiiiirs, is destined for the use of younger classes iu thSchoobi of the United States. A beautiful little hook and pleas ing to children, aud the only one of the kind of any value. There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in which tlie solutions of tlie questions urn given with much extra mutter for the blnck board. These Keys aro the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundwd exumples in Mensuration, ckc, tor tlie use of the Teacher. All tlmt ia wanted ia to have the above books entrained, aud no teacher who ia acqiiuiutcd with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them Ihe best works that have ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued but a few mouths, they have already been introduced into the Night Public Schools of New Vork City in all the Schools public and private, exciit twos in the City of Reading. Also, iu about twenty Acadamies in the State of Pennsylvania in a large portion of tlie Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in the Boroughs of Harrisburg, York, Chaiuheraburg, Lebanon, Duylestowns PoMa ville, Orwigatiurg, cVc, dee For sale by lUsar Mtssta, Sunbury, Agent fur NorHuuisUsriasvr County. Hunbury, Itac. S, 1848. i?PN EDVil PATENT SiSH PAS K TEM.VOt..A cheap end excellent art, eW lor fastening sash fur aide by i. W. FRILING. Sunbury, July 7, 1849. nADD'S celebrated Horse and Call I. Medi ctu. for sale by HENKV MAN8EB . fcaubury Jan. 87tU, lgtsW HC?kSK CATTLE MEDICINES. Don't permit your Horses or cattle to die. when tlie means ot cure are within the reach of all ! The undersigned has spent scverul years in th riitlr nf Veterinary practice in "London und K Iiu! oro , helms also nvuiled himself of tlie resear ches nl Leilnir, and othereclcbrnlcd men. win have pontrihttted so much towards a judicious treatment r . . ... - ol aiitin ilsj do prmc pics of our practice consists in the rejection of general blccdin? and tho total i.-i'-iiion ui nu meiuctncs Hint cxiierienco Hits shown to be nf a dangerous tendancv. 'i'hese re. medics act in harmony with the vilal principle and wncn given acronlms to tlie dircelions which ac couipnuy each article thev are capable of excitin and increasing the nnturnl ftinetious, without de uiiiiioiiing, or aesiruyiiig tneir power, nence are safem tha hands of every one. G. H. DADD, M. D. , A List ef ll.rse and Cattle Medicines. Physic bulls, 75c. per box. Alterative ball, 75c do. " powders for bad condition, 75c per pack age. Heave powder fordiscases of the lungs, 75c d L rme powder lor " ' kidneys, 75c do. Tonic powder for bad condition zlande'ra. 75e do. Cordial drink for iiillumatiou of bowels, 75c per uoitie. Liquid blister, 75c iter bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c per pou Healing bulsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c, ier nome. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, &c, 50c per Dottle. Embrocation for sore throat. 75c ner bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, 50c r bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description, 73c ec i per Dottle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle. v orm powders lor the removal of worms from the intestinal canal, 75 per package. ? i ror sale by Sn.MP.ON & REED, 28 Men chants Row, also ut DADIVrt HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Nos. 1 cV UaymuTbet rtyiare, Boston. ramplilcts describing the diseases for which these remedies are used can be had gratis. Numerous Certilicatcs are in possession of the rroprictors, ol cures performed by tlie above Medi cines. Hold by GREEN A FLETCHER, No. 26 South I II Street, IMnluilelphia. and by his AngsTS. Hint M.isssr, Sunbury, February 3, 1849 tf BP0 WIT'S ESSENCB OF JAMAICA GINGER PREPARED and sold only, at FREDERICK BROWNE DRUG and CHEMICAL Store N. E. corner of PtrTsj and UaKivrr streeu, Phi. ladclphia. This Essence is warranted to possess iu a concentrated form, sll the valuable properties of Jamaica Ginger, and will be found on trial an excellent r anuly Medicine. It is particularly re. commanded aa a tonic, to tiersons recovering froin fever or other diseases, a few drops imparting to the stomach a glow and vigar, equal to a wine glass of brandy or other stimulaud, without any of ine debilitating effects, wlucli are sure to billow the use of liquor of any kind : and it ia therefore especially serviceable to children and females. T the aged, it will prove a great comfort ; to the dyspeptic, and to those who are pretlisposwd' to gout or rheumatic altvctions, it gives great relief; and lo the inebriate who wishes to reform, but whose stomach is constantly craving the noxious liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to ths diges tive organs, and strength to resist temptation ; and is consequently a great agent in the causa of torn' pe nence. I v I ulf uirex Wons accompanying eac bottle. Tlie abuva article can be had at the offica of tha American, i . , Philadelphia, June 3, 184 ly PATENT Trusses of all khida, HarnWa writing aud indelUble ink. Cotton yaru am) laps, just received and pi sale by i. W. r RILING. Suubury, Dec. ?, 1848, .t par .sr pat pSI " The- )nflices do not issue n. -An rAPS, silk HATS at 225, for aasortment just received Hby I tl. MABSER. Sunbury. Dee. , 184.- . , . i Also Westchesier Chestnr (rermsntown Norris'own D'wlestown Enalon rtri-tid " rthnmberland is psr Lancaster Lancister R-ading Harrishurg' Lancaster liesiling Ensinn DlSCO UN T. - Philadelphia Pollsville Lewistown Middlniown Carlisle ' PitMnirf Hollidnvsburg Harrisburg Lebanon Piiisburg : Plils'iitlg ' Willinmsport Wilkeshane Allentowh Reading Pitlfhiltg Krie 17 psr failej 1 I 1 1 put 1 I Blend of c nifiaiiig themselves ni, nnd racking any tmrtiealat regim Thus, if lhcl,iver be olTecicd one iiigrcditiit will ojiernleop that particular organ, and, by cleansing it of art f-.icess of Bile restore it to its natmerl state. Another will operate on Ihe Brtird sndremovosll impurities in lis cirea hii nj whiles third will effectually expel whatever impa Inies miv have been discharged Into the stomach, sod henee theyt'rikeat the toot or diseas rem ive all Impttre Ha m.rsfr m the bly, open the pores exicrnally and inter nally separate sll f ireigii slid abnoxiont particles from the chyle, s thut the hi id may be thoroughly pttre thus secu ring s frejr. nnd healthy sctvnto the Heart, I.nngssnd I.iver and therein- they tcStors health even when l other meant have failed. The entire truth nf the above can be sscertaineil by ths trial of a tingle lxx ; and their virtues sre positive and certain in reawring Health, that tlie proprietor Wads himself t" return the money paid for them in all casus where they do not give universal satisfaction. HelRll I'rlce, 2r rls, prr ltx. ' - Principnl office No. Of) VcrseV st:t rf. Ybrt: , Sold by JOHN Y. YnWNU, fnmhurv. M. A. McOA V. Norlliiimberland. ITP" Remember Dr. C. V. Clickner is tha Iu i'itnr at . ) Pugr Osited Pills, nnd lint nothing of the sort wss ever heard of ant il he intrisluced them in .lode, 1843. Pnrehssers should, therefore always nsk for Clickner's Sugar Coated l'ills. and take nooiliers, or they will be made ihe victims of S fraud. February, 17, 1910 ly .- par nn s tc faileil railed do Ne'v Brighton t'hnmbershurg (tcttyshurg Mori I rose Erie Wnyneahurg Wsstiington Honesd.ile Browns idle I York I which we -) sre not do 1 1 failed li 1 I I Philadelphia do do do do Dyott, prop.) Towaiidu lleilford Heaver Hari'ishlirg vV'a-hington Mell.'linle I'ltt-'mrg Fayette co. llrepfit'HI ie H-irinoov Huiitiiigilon Lee.i-ion VVanen Dnndaff .New Hope Millnn Meads ille Port Carbon Carlisle ' ' Montrose Unioniown Greensburg Inilcd failed filled I'liihnlelphia Ssv. Ins. 'Iiilailelphia Loan Co, 'chin Ik tit Nav. Ins. Kcixingioti Ssv, Ins. A f'enn To nihii Snv Ins. Manual Labor Bang (I'. W 1'i'Wanda Hank Mlegliany Hank of Pa. ol Heater II ink ol Stvaiars (lank ot VValiiiigl . "i n're llnnk ' iiy li ink '' A M PI ll'cfl' Itioik F ii iuer' & IpcIiV Hank '..i.t'fV Mieli'iV lin k ' a itionv Institute oiiiiiicdoi, Bank I . i. i n i It n.k '.oiiil criiieii'" It tik Xorllierii Bank of !'a. New Hope Del. Bridge Co, Sortluiml.'d Union Col. Ilk. .Ninth Western Bank nf Pa. i More or Schuylkill Bank I'a. Agr. 4 Msnuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bnnk of Pcnn'a. U eetmoieletid Bank Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. frT All notes purimiting to be on any Peunsvl vanis Bank not given in the above list, may be set lowu aa frauds. , failed no s.tli' cl.ised eh isp i fail-.! .. -i no -n' I il'eil fnlr.1 faileil no sale on sale n s. ib failed no sale closed no sale closed : : failed closed failed closed SOKES CAN BE C.UIIED. Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of inflamed Sores Cured. rpOVSBYf! rxiVKKfJAL OINTMENT, is ths most J complete llnnt Amid ae ever known. It inslaatly, rUH" ) mult1' ) snips imins oi rue most neaperat. Burn anil Mc.ild. For ukl S ires. Hi iiiws, Ouls. Suraius. Ae al manor beast, it ib lite best nniilicaiinn rbni h wurf Th iis:inils liiiv-etrieilnnil thousand nntite it. It is the most perfect master of jsiiu over discovered. AH who use re cniineud it. I'.very family sli mid he provided with it. None can lei how so in some nf the familv may need ft. lip" (lliscrve each Uiq nf the genuine l)iutuieii lias tb. name of S Tocskt, written on the outside kibel. To uail pi thi? in4' TLry. . , ll'ialitii-i. I.i-ery .Ien. 1- iirtnerw, and nil who use Horses, Will find lins Oinluiciit Ihe very best thing they can use fir Collar (Jails. Scrnlehes. Kicks'. &c. Aeon llieirsuimals Surely every niercyfiil tiiini w.mlil keep his minimis ss free from pain ns p issi'hlc. TolKcj 's I niveinal Ointment is all that is required. Tw il. IHTIir) DH INSMi'TS. For tlis sting or bit. of poison us Iiis-cis; T 'iisey's Ointincnl is tifiiivniied Uuiulrcsjiliar. tried it nnd found it po ri. ll I .I.S C L' I! EL) ! 1' or Ihe Pilct, Tnittcy'a t.'niversal Oiut niriit isoue of tlicbesl Itcineilies that cm be applied. AU who hnve iricil il for the 1'iha rcc ainneiid it. Ol.ltSOUlM CI Kl:l). For ..Id obstinale StTes. there is n illinig e pi ll I i'onsey's Ointment. A person in Mnmi ns had, f r a iiinnVr of years, u s ac leg Hint bunV-d the skill f the d ict ts. T niaey's Oinlincnt wis rccomaiended by one if the visiiing pliysiei nis. (who knew its great vir. lues.) and tw b 'xni prisitrcrd more lit-ut-fit than the pa tient h id received I'r.aii nay and all previous remedies. Let all tivit. BL H.NS AMI S lAXUS CVtlf D Thnimatals of eases of Hums aud Scalds, iu all pans of lh e annrv. have been cure I hy T aisev's I 'niversMl Oiiitincm. Cerlirfitites enough cmld be had 1 1 fill the wli .c of this sheet. VIOI.KVT Bit I ISKS Ct UKD. Teslimoni.ils on testi in iiiial in fav a of Taiscy's oimnierit f.,.r curing Bruises heve been niTered Hie proprietons. Hundreds in Symcast will certify to its ereil inerilt relieving the pain of tlie mot' severe Bruises. All pers 'us sli iuld iry it. SCAI.DHK.XDrTltKn. S.rcs.Y c.e of Pekinese hnve been cured ,y Tous'jy't Oiiiitucnt. Try it it aeldon fails. . HALT KIIKF.M f THKU. Of all the remedies ever dls eoveren fonhs iu 'St disigrceablc c 'inplaiiit. Tousev's l:ni verail Ointment is the most complete. It never was knowi to fail. OH U'PI'.t) H WOS CAN UK CfnF.I). Tousev's Vm versiil ointment will always cure the worst cases of Chap pe I II I'ids. Se ires of pers ns will ii'aietliis. SOIli: l.ll'SCCItl;!). F r the cur. Lips ther was never unyiliing ucide equal lo Tousev's Ointment. ' is sure to cure llioia. Try it. l! isa s.-i. ii'ilic e inri. und. wvirrapted no pi contain a preinr.iri n of Mercury, t" Price -jr, era's per box. f further iv,r ieiilarjcaiceriiiiig H,i r'ailv vidimble Oinlm' the public are referred lo l'lunplilels. m'bc had gmlis. f re soe hil.le lirtigrists nail Merchants throaglout Ihe United Stales. Prewired by . TOFS7CY, Druggist, No. street, yew ork. Ac.knts JOHN YOUNG, Punburv, M. A. .v.rthHintietliiiul. February 17, ltl( 10 Nsasaa McCAY, Wilkesbarre no sale Hank of New Brunswick lielvideie Bunk llurlingioti Co. Bank Joiiuoeicial Bank unila-rlaud H.ii.k .'aimers' Bnnk .'aruiera' and Mcchniiies Bk Ivahwav .'nrnier' and Mecliaines' It U N, llintis.viik hurinerii and aleri h ints' liit Middletnwn Pt. r ranklpi ll ink o! IN. J. , Holmkeii Ukgdc Giuztng I'c lersey City U ink Mci hatiic' li ink Manufacturers' Bank Morru t.'ounly Bsnk Moninouth Bk of N. J. Vti chniucs' B ink Mechanics' and ManiiT, Bk' Morrie ! and Ulrg Co l'o.-t .oies Newark Ukg & i, ( 'n rw Jlope Del llrnlce Co . i. Aiaiiutac. and Bkg (!ii Brunswick Belvidere Medfnrd Perth Amlmjr Bridgeton Mount Holly , Jetev I'lly ttoti .ken . Jersey City Palierson BeUevilla : Morristown Freeh ild , New uk Trenton Jersey t'fty Newarlk LiVinoertsviHe H ohoken' failed i pat A psr par f.iiled 1 failed fail, d failed failed failed i failed i " pur mi sale no sale i i J 1'ioie, ion 6l Lombard lik Jersey CittJ Orange I aierson do ... Princeton Sdein Newark Elizatielhtown Camden Morristowa . I'reiiion fad id lulled i failed i par par i i psr failed failed i psr failed par pal pa par pur par par par par 3 M' ILEY r COUJf OrlNDY.- n excel- V lent remedy for eougbe. eolds. For sale at this .rZiee DrangO II oik 1'uieri.oii Bank Peoples' Hank I'liiieeinu Bank ciulem Banking Co ."tme Bank Maie Bank etiale Bank Slate Bank of Morris Slate Bunk Salem and Phild Msnuf Co alem Sushpi Hank - Newton Tienion Hanking Co Trenton Union Bank Dover W aniline, tun Banking Co. Ilsckcntsck UELrAW.iREs Bk of Wilm & Brandy wine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Binyrns Smyrna . Do ' branch . Mi I lord Fanners' Bk of (Stale of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do-- branch """Georgetown Do brunch . ; Nee,atk9 Union Bank. ....--. Wilmington fXT Under .Vs LT Jn sll banks marked thus () there ate ei, her counterfeit or altered notes of ihe various d omlo. linos, in eirpuUliotl. Pictorial Edition of U 4tilil$no'tj Si-rut Tf ork on (lie Heroriituiluni ( )' THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY IN UER WMANV, bWllZERLAND, itii. Will be iMibluhed or. or about the 1st of April. 1818. by JOS A SPEEL. No 9fl Cherry tl above ih, hu splendid liino edition of Ihe above named woi. with 18 engraved illustrations from ori ginal designs ; s vola in 2, houud ia extra cloib and library sheep. " ' The pablisher respectfully cslli tha attention of Ihe trade and tha public generally, tt (bis work being the only illustrated edition published iri the United Sratet -He trusts that tbe beauty of ita embellishments, tb. strong and substantial manner in which it is bound, in conjunction wit the known popularity ol the work itself, will h" a sure receuiniandatiorr ea public favor. JOS. A SPEF.L 96 Cherry st above th J. A 8 has also lately published, a new and beautiful Edition af eWgeant Bell's Rare. Show, a syllable, book for children, seal ly dona up in t-aita cloth. Philadelphia, April I, 1SI8 LIVER COMPLAINS, jAUxnirf!, oyppepsia. chronic or NERVOUS DEBILITY. 'DISRATE OP THE KIDNEYS, And all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach in both Milt and Female : Puch as Ciaistipallnn, Inward Piles. Fullness or Blood to ths Head, Acidity of the Stomach: ."Jausea, llrnrt-tuirn, Disgust lor Kisid, Fullness or weight in the eltonwch, 8onr Krnclutioiis. SimI(iii or Fliiltering at Ihe pit of iheSlomaeh Hwiiiiuiuigof the fiend, Hmried and UitTicult Hreathing, Fliillcring ul the ll.iirl, I'lioking or tiiulicaliog sensations when iu a lying p siurc Diinne.s of Vision. Don or webs before tlis NkiIiI, Fever and dull ikiiii in tlie Head, Deficien cy o' Vrs;iir:,ti .ii. Yellowness of ihe (Skin and Kyes, l'sin in the Side, Hack, t'hesl. I.iuibs. Ac, Sudden flushes nf Ileal, liuriiiug iu die Fl.h, Con.-lioit liniiKiiiiugi of evil sud great depression of Spirits tlan lie eilcctuully cured by Dr.. :-:ocplaitds , Celciii atcd Ctkrnum Dittcrs. Tliftir pi'wf over tlie nbvi if -tit excellrd if eiuillutt liy imy t'tlir prqcimii n in rhe I'm fed tfiatM ut iht ciirea atltstt, iu iiuu.y cac uiW nkillful jhyiciuit Ilk. fiuletl. jDtnin:ffiuentf the Liver and Ktoinoch nre Hiirt nf Iimjimy, und wilt aim) pr niuue ilmniM o lit; Heart, Skin, letiiijri uu4 Ki'4i)fyii, misl trt the lunly i'jrn to an atturk of the th iuru, itui itx, r Veil iv Fevtr, and it generally th firt cautM oi thai m mt Ixmciul tliteuiK, Ctnuiuptton, Opinion of the Philadelphia Preas. "THE DISPATC H." ' Dcceuihci itlsl says l i AN LXVAI.fAtll.l: .MKDll'l.Vfi We liave frequenllv heantthe. tvlebruleil tieiman Hitlers, nunmlMctured by tir It sillland, spoken of iu terms of couiiuciul.iti ,u, and w. kieov dcsi.TVedty so. It isa tMi C'iniiuon practice, in cer tain quartern, to purf all manner of useless trash, but in th. all ive Hitters, hundred, are living witnesses of llieir great in mil und pin iical w alh. Asa iimlieiua of the Liver Complaint, Jaundice, .orvout Debility and lvspeia, it has been famd invaluable, etlectnlg cares and' tli. oughtv cradicaliiig,;s. wlicu id! ulheriucdtciuca hav. failed. We led convinced, llait iir the irsc of iln; liermnil Kilters, Hie lutieui d e-su a nv aue dcrsliutted, tut ounsuultly gams slrnngili and vig a 1 1 tlie Iruule a fact worthy ol great luuslderuli ii. 1'iie Bitlera are pleasant in taste and truell, and cm be administered under any circumstances, to ths in s delicate ttoinacb Indeed, l hey can lie used by all per. t iis with tha in m ueneel auiety. It would be well for th sjc who are muWi ulftvte.1 in the nervous svuleni, to c Huinvice wnii one tea BKmi'ulor less, and gradually ia. ereasa. We sjieak from exa:rieiice, and ure of course, a proper judge. The press far ami wide, have unite ill re commending the duriii iu Uinert, and to tha altuclcd wa most cordially advise iheir use. SPIRIT OF THE TIMES," ' Jane 9tth luyS: . , ; "DO OUR OOOUcrrUKNst who sra invalids, know ths luuuy asliaiisbing rures tlmt have boea performed by Dr. Ho ullaud's Crlvbralnl lierinnu Hitters If they do nat, we rwMmnend them totlie'Mterman MMiciu. Store," sll who are adliclcd with L.iver Coiaulniui, Jnuadies), Dya pe)isia, or Nervous Debility ; Ihe Do. tor hnscured Inuny f our citizens slier tlie lx,sl phytiniimi had faitedK W. uava used them, anil they have proved to lie n medicine that every one thunhi know of, and we emuint refrain giving our tes tun .ny iu their, and thai which gives them greater' ctouo Uua oar humble eifon, the)- are entirely "'egeuble . ' "THE DAILY NEWS," Julv tth savs 'We speak knowingly is; lir. lloofland's Celebrated Qe" man Unlets, when we say it is a blessing of this age; ana 111 diseases. 4 lue biliary, digestive in id S ervous Hystems, it has iu w.thiuk an equal, it is a Vegetable Prt orsiioir aud uiudc williout Alcohol, and Pi aU iuvaiidr w would raw oinnmensl it st worthy their oonfidenc. For eile, wh dcwle aud reuii, si the principal Denote (hit MAX MEDICINE STOKE, No. g:a Kace Street,, flululelphia. ' For sale hy M A. McCAY, Northumberland and Bun--liury and retetbla dealers generally throughout th. Slut.. . , April , 1819. ly ' " .' otton Yarn. Cotton Carpet Chuin, Cotton Lap and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made Pantaloon, Ready made Vests, Congress Knives Porcelain-lined preaerving kettles, just rrxaavadl for sale by , .., . , , IL JIAIKJaV Sunhurj'i Dec. t, 1848. , .., 1 . . ' ! " ' 't XES osyery ewperior quality fcr sale byvi- ' . , ii. ,MASSEK; , Sunbury, Dee. t, 1 848. BLANK, IJOOKS-tAb assortment Hook s. itial re.wivwl .ml l k. ' J j , II. MASSER. 6unbury, Dec S, 1848. i of BlaitaX, YKL'P MOLASSES. J Molasses for aala by SiiKBrior refined rjyrup, HENRY MASgEfc, utibury, Dee. , 1 14.