Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 17, 1849, Image 3

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    '(Prom Um KeW YoVk frlbniHS.1
rTiic TAnirF question, in -
' ' 'Commerce is K'ing.'f Buy cheap and" sell
VleariiltifirsfcbminBmlrtient-buy (or the
lowest cent, no matter though the seller it
Starved who thinks hltmelf sny toUf- Vents
to lire out 'of Ae profit of others' labor by
fcontilvinfcai'jrt'ctfiigatid bargaining no body
boties dOWn" to hard, work who cannanago
o lire any oilier way. It is matter of so.
Vial reape-ciatinty-i-a mar of xjaBte-ftofce
able to consume much and produce nothing;
nd the noisiest brawler for political equality
t the pell or In the bar-room dodges into a
Vjustom-hoiisey or Mme other well paid,
lazy berth, the first chance he can eel) nnd
Wres productive industry to tnoso who can't
avoid it. Whoever thinks at all fern hardly
fail to perceive how this general tendency
"conduces to and ensures an extravagant,
bloated, monStrouS stimulation and expansion
f trade.' Every body is keen for speculation
very few have any confidence In patient,
plodding Industry as a means of aoquiiing
Walth. ' From baby-jumbers to grave-yard
-accommodations, every thing that man can
jifebme air and less water excepted, is the
foot-bail 'bf traiTic and speculation. And,
Nvhilo nine tenths of the more especially tra
'Ing'ijla'ss lib bankrupt, or in penury, trade,
still, Iftftofbinfc'ttftfct of the financiering talent
of the civilized world, contrives to absorb
most of tho realized froits Of toil. Successful
commerce founds the colleges, and they
leach the doctrines it love to 'hear it pa
'troniiet authors, and the book t( political
economy are mainly written to prove that
"whatever is is right," in the mercantile sense
"of the axiom. The gospel of supply anil de
mand the law of "Huy where youcanchea
ipest, sell as dear as possible," is fundamental
'to the recognized commercial ethics, and
'dvBfy body being in fact or aspiration a Ira
tier, is the law of modern society. Yet the
"very men who adhere to it, preach it, live it,
'revolt at once at any novel yet perfectly legi
timate application of it, which bears severe
"ly oh therrTsctves or others, and does no con
duce to filling their own pocket. Let a doc
lbrsiy to-morrow tb'a rich man who has just
tiad his leg e'e't tiff: ,:Sir, If tho effusion of
"blood is not stopped in five minutes yon we a
ilead man 5 yet there is no other person who
ian Stop it within half a mile, and 1 must
ave 'ten thousand dollars or I wort VX. it"
:aiu! ninety-nine out of every hiimlrcd Would
ic'k the law of supply and demand lo king-dom-icome,
and execrate the doctor Tor acting
on their own cherished principles. The werhl
is just as reasonable as this.
W have now nearly closed the third year
of an avowedly revenue, anti-protective tariff.
In fact, 'it lssfcn some points protective, on
others its tiORrf'lty to protection is carried to
au extreme sirieMuJ to revenue. It is the
child of various farry necessities, and their
contradictory traits 'are stamped on its un
rainly features. It Hies to bo sweet on su
gar and strong wilh hrnip,'beoane its authors
feared the producers of these articles; hut it
' full of deceit, ami the poison of asps is tin
ier its lips. Tint hcrnp which il pioiends to
object to thirty prr cent, duty, it lets in as
ables, cordage, &a., at twenty-live ; the. wool
1 which it also professes to impdse thirty
.per cent., it lets in as flannels, baize, &c.,
at twenty-five, and as blankets n'. twenty.
The farmer, thus duped by a pr'eTch'co of fa
vor, is driven from his own markets by -South
American wool mado into 'tirilhSb 'blankets,
ami thus admitted at aratene-half less than
'is charged to the American irripbrtbr of just
' such V'ool, who mtrst'pay higher 'for r. re la
'bor, and coRtawl n4irliit riper experience and
larger aggregations of capital. Yet the far
' roer is el3 'he has tworrty 'per Cent, on his
wool and fhat ought to content, him, when
'in fnSHhe foreign wool is extensively
'tad at twenty per cent, in such 'shape Ss to
deprive the Americrtli'furtner of a market, not
'only for wool, but the'rVei mcd'svCgetablf-s,
' tie., which would -be consumed by the cloth
'makers if Ihe'fabrio were mado in this coun
try, ovon Out bf foreign materials. The act
'is full of such juggles.
This tariff Is coitsisteik in a'singio fenture
its adherence throughout toad valorem 'du
ties, Every article. chargeU at all 'fays so
much per cent. nothing is specific 'One
effect of this is to create and fiieserre a gla
ring and indefensible inequality of exactions
at different ports of the Union. At two ports
'only twelve miles apart-, tr.e'eaiUe article has
been entered this eiiiiiriitfr, at one valued
tl.fiO, and paying 45e. duty ut the other
valued at 80c, and (ayiiu 8-lctluly a differ
nnceof 871 per cent. Railroad iron fcf like
quality has been entered the same W eek 'Sit
5 sterling at one-port, and afX'5 15. al nnd
iher, paying SI t more duly in the one case
than in the other. Of course, on fancy goods
'and articles of less definite value, the dispa
rity must be still greater. And such inequal
ity, as' any 'practical man may see, is insepa
rable from the existence and operation of ad
valorem duties. Every- man engaged in im
porting goods naturally wishes to'get them
"irras cheaply as possible, for ten 'per cent, in
the valuation may -make the difference be
tween a profitable and a losing adventure. If
sleruly 'upright importers will not undervalue
'they will be'bndersold anil driven out of the
market by men who WH. And cuutom-houso
Valuations al Way ' do and must depend, in a
'groat degree-, upon che invoice', for who can
tell, upon casual examination, how much a
barrel of watch movements, for examplo, in
really worth 1 It might be worth i 100,000,
sind rhay oot be worth $5,000. Competent
appraisers tan Come within a stone's throw
vjfit; but independent, accurate 'valuations
at the custom-house cannot generally be
The American importer has no fair chance
with his foreign rival 'under a "system of ad
Valorem duties. 'In the firstplace, the foreign
'manufacturer of goods can honestly swear
that (hey cost him less counting his rents,
nxaoriinery, fixed salaries, personal services.
tie.', a nettling, since these must have been
paid if he had not made this particular in
voice of good) than he will sell them Tor
ies than the Amerieau importer can buy
1 them for. Suppose he swears fhe invoice of
goals, cost him (to make) 90.000, whilo the
Ame'can jmporler cannot buy them for less
thafl $100,000, and the duty U twenty-five
percent; here is 2,S00 clear profit to the
foreigner and loss to our revenuu in the dif
ference of duties the foreigner paying 822,
S00 duty, ft kilt an a merfban importer of a
like invorce must j)ay,S25,000.,.Jlov many
repetitions of this per annum could the Ame
ricao bo expected to stand S .. ci
We hove' supposed both' fmldt to Invoice
wilfl 8"rtA WncsVy1, tilt tl ' is notoVToui that
invoVce Vflualiynii ato ofqn-y?, , might say
fteocri-not honest'. ,A books:!!!!! friend
ordpfle'A an invoice "or bookt from ' London.
The feooks i'rrived ftrjjl nn invoice by loiter
in the same steamer, oh wliioh he paid h
duties without hesitation' or scrbple.' On
Opening the books, Ho found enclosed another
invoice, charging the books .wuph. bighor
thereat invoice 5. tho other being only intend
d fc the custom hnu'se. ilevjr'ote to the
London house forBneplaiiatiou','notc)i'oosing
lobe prnumfi a rogue without warrant be
yond tho fact that he '' in trade. Tho
London house explained that it had only done
what was customary, and what is supposed
would be agreeable meant no offence, cer
tainly, but a good turn in the common way.
In this game of undervaluing the American
if disposed to play it, fjas no chanco with the
foreigner. The former's chftractor, property,
business, are all staked and all lost .if he is
detected in wilful fraud '; the former is safe ;
in a distnut land, while his agent in thin coun
try has nothing to hye-, and way be started
at another point next season, if "unfortunate ;
here, Cun any man ask .why so largo a
share of our Importing business is in the
hands of Europeans ! v .
Homo Industry finds a blielit in these ad
valorem duties.; .When a great staple iron
for example bears a high price-, then the du
ty is hiiih, just when our IrOii makers have
leaA need of it. tint the "demand fulls off,
the market is glutted, nnd iron falls, until
only a feV tif the tnojt favorably located
works can afford to make it at nil-. Now, as
fast as the prices fall, the duty also falls, so
that the thirty per cent, duty, which was
ample whe.ii iron was hiiih, snts almost to
nothing a iron gets lower and lower. If
bar iron was worth JflOO per ton, tho duty
would be 30; but the price of iron falls to
and now the duty istult S12. Then the
highest amount of duly is exacted where the
least is needed, and the prion is pressed down
the duty sinks also, and tho American pro
ducers of iron aro thrown out of woik by their
own country's tariff which is contrived us
if expressly to derange and di stioy their bu
siness. When the price and duty arc high,
iron uoiks arc set in motion; but as soon as
the pi ice falls oil, Ihe duty falls offas well,
and the iron business is thus doubly kicked
down t4n hill, ,'fhe British producer for our
market fitiu. tome compensation for the de
cline of price in the corresponding decline of
duty, whilo to 'his American competitor the
misfortune rs !!oith!ed.
. American K'ifmi'ii! statesmen! whatever
you may thiirk 'bf 'protection or free trade,
give us an hone'st mid stable system give us
specific duties.
A "cat owl" war killed in Cincinnati lately
which measured from ti :b tin of the wint;s,
four feet, and his he;i w(a near the size of a
man's hat.
The ritiens of Tuscumbia, Ala., have
voted to authorize a loan of 5)0.000 to bnyl
slaves, to improve the MreefS of the town.
The Legislature of Georgia assembled on
the 8th instant. '
sniiiADE ixsrr.cToii's ei.kctiox.
The following are the Complete 'relurns
of the election held lor Bf-gnde hpector,
on Monday the 5th inst.
Milton DistriU.
E. A Kutzner, "65 votes
Win. G. Kase,J
R. McCay, .'' ' "
Sorthumleiltind Troops.
E. A. Kutuer, 25 "
Wm. G. Kase,
Rush flraijs.
K. A. Kutzner, 18 ''
Wm. G. Kase, 4 "
Shamokin (iuards
E. A. Kutzner, 9 "
Wm. G. Kase, T "
Capt. Eutc dine' s Company.
R. McCay, , I?
E. A. Kutzner,
Wm. (5. Knse, :
DeppimiUt Vdvalrtf.
It McCay, 8 . .
Win. (J. Ka':
A. Kuiv.ner,
Shamnlin Grays. .
E. A. Kutzner, "18 "
Win. G. Kase,. '
ft. Met'ay,
,Voi'fiiim6rrIi( iY Point Infantry.
E. A. Kutzner, 10
Wm. G. Kase.
Si'KArtr, November 18, 1849.
XltlOtlllt of cual broiliillt 16 -Siliibnrv over
tho Danville mid futtgvillu rail ruail. from Itw
ShanioLin mines ; Tuna.
r or the Inst week, , ; ' 637
I'er luat report, J5U02
. Sljc iUtukct
Nov. IS, 1819.
Wheat Plimo PcniiHylvauia rcda arit
lieM utSl 06 a 1 07 and white al I I3ii$l 4.
-'os. Vellftw 'i wotth63a4o: white
61 a ti c. ' ,.
Oat. SoniTiern Oaf aro lielj at a 30 :
Penna. 33 a 36e.
WHUKrr.Salesiii lihda at 28u and bbl
at 28 tents.
.... Oict of tlu American, uv. 10, 1849.
GRAIN. Sales of good to prime red
Wheats at 1 OOa $1 06 auS of whiles at 1)0
a 111 eeiits.
CORN-'Sales at 66aiVc'o'r v.)iue, and
60 a 6lo for yellow..
Rye Small sales at 55u58o. A sale of
Penna. at 63 uciils. i - : !
OATS S.ilea at 30 a 33o per biikhol.
WIIISKEV Wu nolo a aale of blila. this
morning atT,a28e, and hhd at 26aS7
Correcled'.WeUy ly Tftnj Massfr.
f l i 1 1 Jji-f '1.1 J!'
I ' uf
Oats, f
Eaos. ;, ,jj
Flixiiid. - - .
TALiV4..,on'r ,
llKtSWAX. ,
Ktx:. " '
Uhibii Arri.t .
' ' Do.' rritms'.
dissolution of Piirtnersliip.
THK psTthership lierptoforc existing lietweeii
Doctors Uriijlit Trieatlyi in the Horouqh of
Northumberland, is this iW iinsnlvd hy lutituel
cotiwiif -' 1 WUG1TT.
V' ' josErn riiir.sTi.Y.
Norlhutnbcrlaml, Oct. 31, 1S41X nov 10-3t
0 - OF
Vnlunltle rrupcrty In Snydertotvii.
V17''L he iolil'ot PjiWi fSitln, at .Snvderiown,
.Shamnkin township, INorthuniln'rlnnd coun
ty, on Tuesday, th'e 4'th day of'De.iciulirr next.
A let or iec of ground, situate in tlie said town,
nu the main ttiix and adjoininii lunds pr Win.
Farrow and others, ceutnitihio; about oiie Aero,
whereon is erected a large two story Dwelling
Housey with the eonveniniWs of n Well ofgoo'd
wntrr, ital'Aii'S e, r'fl lnVc store rooiii, now
in the occauey of Jolm V. Morgan, mid u Gra
nary. ' " '
AI.'rtQ Another lot in said town ftclioiniuir
the oliovc defcrihod, 'cnii'tuiiiini; a I ion t ,rl perches,
whercou it elected a tVuiun llwrlliiir liuwr ottd
StuMe, and also a lilneksinhh shop. .
Sulc to eoiuiiiencc at 1 o'clock, 1'. M., ut which
time I'ondiliiinsorsnle will be ntude known. For
further int'ormiition iiitire of
ClIARt.fcS V. lll:c;l?, Pottsvil'le l'a.
or HCNKY DO.NAEL, .Suuburj-, l'a.
November 10, IS 19. ts .
So. 5)0 Xortk Third street, between Arih r.nii
lirfre, rtnd 83 Dock street,
UITOSITK T1IK I'llll.ADIit.HHtA i-;xrn.Nit:.
rat cut So:ip-Sio:ic Itiui and Bioj
hole Cut er
; S Ali Alii ANDERG,
Vki: axd tihi-:k ritoor iron 'iii?ts.
Warn1nl.1l In m.-ni'l mure n,,i
T-1 tl). -Hi flllV I 'll.'st w ., O.k i-....,..
I':it'-Hl Air-C'liiiliil.r I i-iiil
. Hll-0 n 'v in iiic. Tlir,
'iiliim In iitnk,. Il l- ..iiliuu.
t'1! '
S"'!!f771 ?y '' '1 r- rue I'm- f. nl . ry,
I'OitVlrV'" !t "",'. '''iii l--k. W'.il. :
li-ri-''AJSr-,'i'l'tv.'Js,wl.lelii'iil.U-eli!iiH,.-a i
tPluCi. ftfT'"'' " y, Tm """ik'ibi 1 eliiiiic-:i.
&H&hJml-&-- I.I.- ill fact every time ll- U. i.
liiril u',U-siiabl. 'I'liivc l'ek lire nr.-f :ie;tini, i!,e. inoft
rxjA-rl TliirvrK. liefni; .lilii-I Willi .the l:il-iit Key-tule
Cover, nml iniule vTV Mmnir. Ilir-V ele)n,..'l-v lilu'wn' ..-ii
st! j"iV--"s 1v1--s','T I"t " '"u'"'l,;'i '"r 1,ANhs'- ;
S.filniul Ifiiei ropyiitj presto, fire ir,.i"(Uril'..r Hunk i
nil t.ireii.
riitent ?I:ili etria"nilirn. vv.irmnt.-ft HnK-n.r to
nil others. Wuler filters, Shower Hnilns I'l'tta- htmijiml.
W Pcrn.'s wihiiir- In pnri-litine nny of Itie uKive nr.
tieleM, will ptciueeivc Jlifai a call, na Uit-y foil cln-fipr
ttuai nny oilier ill lilt- United Statcn.
J(Jtt.VN'l'.S WATSd.V.
riiilnillphi, Noi'riiibT 10. 11! ly
50,000 Victims KvcrV Vcur
Fall n Troy t' (Vinstimplinn, Asthma
anil liaihin fllixul, I luetic; Fever !
and -iiulit Sweats.
1.. .1. Ilenlj. tl Detllieey itrei-I. ciive it In h'f fi-iter-:n. j
luu who lk-nt Imi:u nn invultit lor em I'n.m Axlliinn : lo i
Mil Kiifi C'.'iini'teri-,1 fm in e..iiMUiliilI.iii. ll n-Ilevi-d Ihtm ul '
utiee. b.i lliut Hiey liue!lnl m-veral litniLlretl miii-ri. I
Sl'I'ITINii llt.UDl)
l alwaya nLiniiin". to the u- thI kiinl .l t'on- ;
mtiuii.iii. mi.l iinlefH brn-f4eit in I line ia prti.-riilly l;it:il. j i All-llralnii; IkiLwiii in titeicu remedy known'
it heuh Itie wonmteil or ruptured blood veweU itt llie InuyK,
unit thereby elfeet u peniuiik-int cure, white otlirr renie- I
die only Mop tm hl.l lor the time. A few n . or
thm lliilttim wilt niiiKiy the inott keSienl tliat it in Mm
ineitii-iiie required It lum been xnoeeNiinit in many rex,
unit t rrht loo where they tun! run into n rapid iteeline, or. n
more penerauy exurewien, "hasty ovasi ptu:n."
V.mni! IK.TS UK. n tli-w of innille uttc. are more nutm-ct
t lhtiu' Htt'kmlian llie aged.
)ric a. riitit bimI 1 ct NtHi. ' '
lr, Wijiiiwn lYiuph uhd Wurin l-tiMi(rf, and Tr
M;Mr1'Uinirrfi nM it ittve .
lrinfijl lJioc 108 NiiMiau-iilrort. New York
hn cured nrc ewwp of rttieH.i.itlfin. l'aiu intheltAek.
Side Mud Chi-Ml. l,iitnh:ipo Hini Ve:ikue.sM, limn any pili
eation that lian iiieieitHei, hnivtixirp i unprincipled rawila
have ntli:uiit(il to CMiiul'-rieil il. iiiul pului il oil ii(vu llie
coiunnmily in. llie penuine. I'i" llevure of ller.,i,li..u.,ui ;
Iteineinlicr tliat the hue mid cemiiue Igniter if Mirend Uh a pai-r uuiilc expreiiniy I'or the turpr,nc and c-verv
eun- ttie ninalure ,.l llr. Slieruuul tr prinlil ilimn the haeit
ol Hie I'brter, and ttie whole necurcil hy t.''ipy Itihl. None
oihern are genuine. Tlieii-f-ire when yon want a real ir-vil
rhennut:'. Too Al.'in'a I'lualer, call at thcoriiee, IUH .Vuhsiii
'tlrect. and yoti w ill ul lie tliKipiiiiltHl.
Itcmenit-:r iriueitfil IJiIiec lint .an.aii-lTcet, ew--Y.irk,
'where ad fi". fiiernuin'a liemfeii are a-ait. Itin Aaeulii
are Mm. llaya, i:iM Kulton atreet, Brooklyn; lliueiMUt,
V illiuinbur'g ; and HaMui? ,V t'o, ii, mid
, . JIMIN yOt'li. riunliury.
' ' ' ' M. A.TTtCAV, NccUiuiulieiLiiiJ
N6v. in, it.i-h rWh ty
(Irocci'ii's 1 Ufoccrics ! !
OIl'0. A. 0.
S. IV. Corner Anh If 6th Street Philadelphia,
OFFEK for Rule to llie inliihitAiila of riiulinrv
and vicinity, Family tiroccrirs of tlie very
fluent quality cunaMlins f
F.vtru Fine, Soiierior and C'omuioit Cireeu ami
I Blirfk Ttr'aa. .
Colleea of all kimU ami prices.
Simula of every kiiul.
Kiev, Furinu, .Smiji), lloininy.
All kimU of ehoicc I'iillea, Satu-ea, Ketchup,
Olive Dil, 1'ivfTM , icivrruntcj to uo of tlie
very finest granes in tlie market and at the
i'lie;ipest rati-a ponsilile.
ylll i(ooii curvfully pnkeil und promptly for
warded. COLTON & CO.'
S. W. iJktr, Anh & 6lli St.
l'liila. Ort. 88, IM'J elieoin ly my ah,
Vnlimble ItookM.
rTfj or I'nmiiT, liamlsolncly tiolind, DAt .
J aiGi'a I'.iaTunr tr ttt hcroRmTioi,
Bliss l)i-nolta aku Ltncmia, full bounded.
Foraale ot tlie nuMialiers nrieea by
11. B". MASPEU.
Sunbury, July 14, 1819.
K1.ANK' of 'averv dcarription ran Iw liarl hy
applyiii! at Uia olK.- of the American.
WINDOW OI.ASS, 8 by 10, for aalo I v
.-; UBMiV M AS. KR
Biiubury, Jmi Slth, 1840- If.
KAt lUj'Ah An exeHrrnt artielo fSr kale
by - HKNKY MAsnEK.
buiihury Jia. CTth, 184U If.
1)L ASTER, Hull and Fish, just received and for
tr - 1 9. W.fKIUNOt
Sunburv, Dec. S, 1848.
WHITE BRANDY for preacrviug brandy
peaches of an 'rxrellelit qtiatltv, for aabt
by" ' ,'1 ' 1 H. MA'SSC'lt
Sunbury, pcp(. S21, i849.
f iEAS, from tlie Ne
Vork Csrtto'n Slid Pckin
X. Tea Company.
Foe al by.
SuuUury, Pc. ','1W8
KO.E ai7rply of this
. excellent article for Tetter, 4 c, jut received
and lor sale by H11NKV MAIvK.
onbury, July 'gg; 81!
1 Fiiu:r riiiKi inKti!;
Farnierk t save foW fropcrt'r lielp cb
(her o,0O ltlembrrit '
GtJAltAJiTt CAl'ITAL OVEB $5()fJ,000
riHB Wsshinccton C'onnty Mutiml Insurance
X foinpany 9I Oranvillo, K. V., through tliuir,
Agent, -is now tnkint; risk 1n this Oounly and
vicinity, on dwelling Houses, L'liurthcs, Tiwrni,
Uuarding Houses, Huy, Grain and Farmers pro
duce ircneraliy, This f.Vinpnny takes no risks in
efcywfr'd tysrts of villai(f or on Stoles, Mills, .Shop
or Machi'uVr'y, nor insures exreotlinff $V(K)0 in
one locality, Thff rate ara exeoedinely low, Avs
rniiliig less than f'5 pVr thousand Tor l'olicies run
ninn fl years or til per vear. A small premium
note is requirtit, Imt flit- prosperous condition r.f
ihc Company and the larc accumulated cash j
fund, preclude all Airobubilily of tbci ever bciiui ,
nn psscHHiiieiit.
J he I'oln-u-s nl tin t mnptmv
are free from olijectioniilfr: conditions often luiiiid
in pome of other t'omiiauicS; the Coinpnny j
beinir hUo i-csponuiblu for the correct news of luibi ,
ncss done by its Agents, ll is now the most rx- i
tensive Mutual Company in XHk rtiifcd Slutes ;
and iiuiveri-iilVy popular uihoiik llie farmer of N. Y. ;
Mass., am) Conn.-. Alt' tosses, however, sxAr.t. i
nftrrdue nntirc will W promptly paid either tit' the
place of Ions or the llravch Oll'icto at llarrisburir.
The Compnny is now udcr theilirei-tf .mi6fthe fol
lowiniijA.'htlrmen: HoM David llussolllo'fc lilenib'cr
of Compress, lion. Solomon iS. (oweu, Cornelius
I.. Allen, Jnsrph M.liishnp, H. N.Grsy'es. Henry
Holmes, Geo. Clements, Joseph. C. nis, Arch
Bishop, Geo. Younii, jr.. Nullum Doane.
DAVlij RUNOUT. I., rreniilent. 1 '
Persnns deMrirni Iiltairanca i the nlnive (!oiu
pny by iiifonniiiit the sulvcriher by letter or
otherwise will rceeivc prompt attention.
Sunbury, Oct. SO. 18t!. -
"E. aTClTSS,"
VVIlOl.r.SAI.r, llliAl.l'lt jt .MAMTAlTl OF
ImVfirhT e( tVVii-h llnskelx i.onkliii- CHnsses,
' unit frntu-r Clonil,
o. is Aorlh Scroiul $lrr,
Cclween MarkVt'fiiiJ Arch hlx wudcV J. Siuxki
Joxrs' Onria't Wnn'hnuse, two doors In-low
' Christ Church,
17 As on hand ami is constantly receiving n I
-- laire and extencive esjiorfnierit ef Combs, i
rtrushVs, 1'iney liVMs V.f "cV.-ry dcscriitiun, (too I
numerous to liirntioiO I.ookinir Glaows ol (ilt '
and Mahoanv IVuiiick, l!usl,ets, Couches, Chairs, i
A'C. ' . j
I hak( r's Tutcrn isp nml Comitiy I'rooiiis, j
I Window llliuds. Door Mats, Tubs, Duckets, j
j Chums, WrH 1 boil ids in 'fact, Woodrn nnd Wil- j
1 low Ware of every (lcgcrijitiim, all of which will .
j lie sobl low tor Cash or City ftcecflaiice.
Merchants would Bavc thciusi Ives much time
I ami trouble, by calling nnd cvaiiiiiiinc; my stock j
licloiv purciuisiiiar
N. I). I.ookintr Glss,
H.r-akn-e to all ,-artsofl
,;, .,. ' '
scs, an1 injured n tr-'Hist
the I iiiiiii, vMlliniit extra :
Almost Is4!l. nri
tfT tT f 10
A A WAftiXNl Uli O
I I r.i.i.i a proureiwivi ami 1 Oliiprpliensivo fy
hi of ( rlhocT;ipv nnd Orlhnrriv, iiieludiii:
u variety of di'tinitiniis, nduptcj to the use of
Schools in .the .American Kcpuhlic, by Ahfinn
Tickuor, ii Traeher if wenty-fivp yctir'a cxperi
cin e, n!id nuthor of the Coliimbiaii Calcuhinrs,
Prni'tical Coinmoii NIuhI Mciisumlion, c.
The Attcicrjon of Teacher, School Directors,
parents, fee, U invited to this new Spelling DooK,
ubiib conforms tii the nuxb rn spelline; nnd usnires
in Orthography nsheinc oircof tlio ueuteKt.ehnupest
In st nri'.inue.l. iiuil belli r mlapted to the wuuts of
ehililrcii. than ntiv otlrr pu!iisli.l ci the I'liilril
Nliit-f. It is !i:;t il p-.i; port'.-, tube, a Sp'iiN(r
Jjonk and not a Kciitliii'r IJuok, and oulv reipiiriM
nu examination on I la pail ol 'instructor of youth
to KCi-ure lor il a universal iiilriHhn.i'ii Into the
Schools of the 1'iiiteil Sia'iefi. Juki published, mid
for sale by Hkniit M.tssr.n, Sunbury.
Where Teachers iiicl lirt:ctr can pincuii'
copii-s for a vaiiiiiatioii.
A'lju-t 4. 1KI'.I.- .
'.lOJlED BV Co'liVKUNKtrR I-.Ml'.IiSO.
8N ONK VOI'MK, Hiij -nl octavo, ll(i5p:me,
heaVilifully liouin'l, Ooii.oitiliifr, 17 fine plates,
benidet miiiu-roiis Mo'l I'nls. 8old at about
one fourth the cost of tlie I'liylUli work, without
any Plutei.
' "Tlie Fanrrrr' Knryiliitdia is a frnl tA'Arfary
of praetieal iufonmition, win. rein the rxK'rient'o of
nil ayes and countries is riirnfully eos rt. 11 t'p to
the present day, und admirably nrranqed for con
venient reference." Dr. l)iiiliin;toiK
"We are fully convinced t hut Hurt. ai Sff o'uht
of valiuibln knowlci'jfe for l'aTindr i-iin be found in
no oilier work in so cheap und cbiiM-nient a form i
III fact. Iio ranin-r who pretends to he Well int. .mi
ce! in bis profession, fcllould lie v.'ithCut Mii wfrl.-.''
New (!cnuc.-ce Furiuur.
An excellent work, lit lo It" distributed in pre
mium by Agricultural Socille J. !. skinner.
For a.ile at this Ollu-e, price Jji l.
Also, bv ll. W. (.'A Kl, Third utreet, npiwsite
the ExchaiiRc, Philadetplila ; and N. HICKMAN,
liuliimorc, Maiy lund.
i" .li.i. Duiinn mot nt ircrnriMini t
Tin: (V1S1I. '
July 14, 181!t. 3m
I I'.A U tlie t'.illowmir ecitifieaic from l?apt; llevoe, the
t well kuW'U anil p.-uulur bluuii lt,al t'uutuiu "t tin:
Tniveller.) '
riliLAItKLrRtlt, Octoliet St, 116.
Prvemt venra ainee 1 wna aiiacke.1 XV-ith a hrcukiuir out
ou my lunik in thu 1-jriii ol' Teller, whieb I urn convinced
wita c.'iilnieien al llie ikirisMr-vMiop. tl fti-uuuuaiiy exleuil
ed over niv face unlil it reached the unn'-r imrt ol' the
cberka. - UnrWu the a,veml irhtithP rtial it cntiiiunl
air,idnnr I BS.-U diili-reut uppri-ariimx. asir? of which halt
the cliivt, lipiit:nlly ul Icual, nl' iuereatunit the ditcuac, hut
from noiie ,,i iheiu did I rM-ii-eive Itie leant lieueJit until I
npplitolthe KiSik(llNTi'.r. Ily the umc ol'oiiriar ol' it.
I will oerteclly euretl mat liui-v rciiwiuud I'rcc tit tlie ullcc
tl.ii. I huve iiue0 nsed llie Ointment, tiutltly applied lorrouli.
ueaa ol Ihe'ruee. lilotiHies. chnpti,4t hands, ,Ve. With ju-r.
I't -4t suceeatt. I luive no heilull.fl ill reiuauiocildtng u ill
the alrouuest luauuer Ut the iiuhhc. . .
jamto riEVrfti.
A(rei llnmnr MxaaEa, ?uiilnir-.
JulyjM, jmi. '
"''AMK on the premises of the aulwriher, real-
ding in l'pier Augusta township, at the Nor
tliumlierlaiid bridge, aliout the first of the present
month. Eiulit of said sheep bre marked on their
hacks wilh red chalk, the other two are ram and
no mark visible. The owner or owners of said
sheep are notitbd to come forward, prove proierty,
pay ca,ta and Sake them away, ntlicruisc they
will h dealt with aeeeiditij tei law
John w. krvm.
Suiihuiy, Oct. 1 3, 1 119 3r.
Estate of Sa.'nli Irfclirf, Or'c.1.
V OTICE fs hereby given that letters administra
te lion have been grunted to the sul'Scrils-is, on
the estutp of Karali llrelier, lale of Lower An
Kiisia township, .N'ortliumlio.ilaud cuiiiily dtv'd.
Alt -ci nins utdebted lo auid estate or hauny
claims uuinsl the same, ure reiiuesled to cull on
the auluerilier lor scltlcitn iii.
LoWr Augusta Ithp., Oct. 20, IS l!.
Kot Ice to IelluVucitta.
ALL poraona initebied to the auba.-xib.-r, longer
than aix mouths, on note or hook account, ar
ruqucated to call sud niaks aellieinent.or eUelheir
accoiiuta will be left with muisur! lor eollec.
ion. . JOHN Wi r'lULINO -
8unburv, July 7, 1K4U, .
fl'tSSCE I'APEU. Vellow Tiaauc paper for
1 covering- glaaiMsa, &e., for sale at tho olliuc at
tha Amerieau.,
l"iOKS and fiold Pens,' On hand several cop.
iea of the lit f Christ, and alao a nuinhur of
gold pens whicli wa will k-11 at tua flnladrlphia
prices. Per aale at ihiaolhc ...
riii&rciATts; brccrists AD'cormiT
! t;i merchants.- u
DR. i. N. KKELFR t Bre. most reapeetfiilly
solii-its attention to Nic'ir fresh stocky of JTwir
wA, Ft'eneh, OnrHrtv'trftd JtnrttoH Jryi,'Med-"'
icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Sniffs,' Gla
ware, Pertmiry, Parent Medicines Are. Havhif
opened a new tor No. 494 Market ft with
lull supply f Presh Drtfti and Merlir Ines, w re
spectl'ully solicit Country-iteslar to cxminino our
iStock bclnre puri-)isinit elsewhere, promising on
und ali Who may lect disposed to Fttsud totistbsir
nim?c; U sell them genuine Dnlifs nd Modi-'
cincs, on as liberal terms a Any Oilier nouns in the
City, and to fuilhfnlly -exci-ule all orders cntLhstcd
to ns promptly and with din1rS. '
One of the projvitor lichnj n regntnt lif 'yslcian.
iiiffonls ample imurnulee of the gcmiirfo Quality of
'nil aVtiiea m.,1,1 at thpir oulMili'etiiMi-Mi-.'- ' .' .),'
Wo esvilly invit ' dvuryits nd country
inerchiuita, Who insv wish "to heroine agents foir
M Krelti VcltUmml famitv Mtriieinnn fta
diird niitl fopular WMCdies,) to forward their ad
f, lr ' ". ' '' 1 '' ': 111
Sulicitina; the pitroiinije of dealers, wc respnet
I'ullV reoi.iin.' ' ''' '-' " I ''- ' -i
J. Ai. KKKI.tVl't A Iim., Whnlesiibi Drnirr!ils,
No. 21H Mnrket alrtt) Philadelphia.
KrptcnibeV 13, 1 8-Hly ly. . ' '
L A It ) L A M PS.
... tttl;Llts -: co y-s
n. nil tlirnnul t ,
RESPECTFULLY amioimee t'ha they have
just finihlied the most XixKsi'vs asssrtuicnt
of -.-.' "" "
..... ,., , lXmps, -
iheV heve fVr Affi-is-d for role, eomprisin;
tVi givrvt variety, SrtA H
Much a'UeniionUsbcen paid to ECONOMY,
in the construction of thcA Ltimps, anil such are
made aa will produce tire greatest amount of light
from the least consumption of Lsnt.
Recent improvements in the manufactory,
the introdrferloA of new nnd perfected niHi liinerv,
enabrrs them to aril nt a very GREAT REDUC
TION from former prices, and nil nrtint's la-foT
Icuvinir the mnuiifnetoiV, nrc cnrefnllv inspected,
and are warranted H-rlei-tly liijbt, und to give satis-I'lii-tioiu
. . -,
l'liiliiilclphia, June 2, 1819. ly
ItlliltlllKlC It I 111' IltlMCNt ClilllC of" j
1 man. I
;E nlr "ot nnio!:!? thai class of Editors who .
for a fc will, (at the i-si'ii- oil ruth
nml honesty) "crack up" an nrticle unci briiur it
into rnjitd rale ; neither nrc v e willing lo rciuaiu ;
bib-lit, uflcr having tcsir-d the utility of nu im- :
proveincnt ir discevcrv in science r nn. (lur
renders will recollect we tol.l them v.c were Mil-
well with u tuirc ihroat ued violent cold some few j
weeks n?v. Well, we uri-hnsed two bottles of ;
nird So sudden was the cVire, that we forgot wc '
ever had a cold. Those who aro iitlliclcd, uiav !
try it upon our recommendation. lieistri 'JWe
glutei, A fi'esli supply of the ulsc.'o Vnlnnble inediciilo
just lverivcd, nnd fSr ssile in Siuihuiy, hy John
W. KriliVi!;, Mary A. MeCuy nt Noitb'umriciluiid,
und It wholesulc by l-'rcilcrick Kiel I. c Co., cor
ner of Sd and Cnllowhill streets, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Sept. Sid, TSl'.l. S mo.
"ICiicomrntAe Vnn" Own!'
rPlIK aubsi'rik'ra rt-spcetfiillv etfl the intention
of Ihc public to tlu'ii Inre uud splendid ascotfc
incut ofevprv ira'ilv hud ;(i ii"3 ol'
which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one
who will eMiinine it. on account of its durable
workmanship and splendid finish, made un of llie
best stock to lie had in the citv. No cllort U)
spared in the lnannfucture of their ware, and the
subscribers are determined to keep lip with the
nny nrpr.TmTTta wnren fire eonsirmny ocniff
line. j rrir irrcK coi.simh oi iiikiingui.y ,
Soii'ii, Iilvaiix nutl I.oiiiikcn,
jjurtnus.SfCtctcTiifs.Sflicbonr'iJS, i
"md ulso 'i:N'KTlAN Ul.lNDrS, equal to Phila-
di-lphiu inaiiufaetiii-e.
liEDSTICADS, of every pultern and price, '
in sborl, evrrv article in this line of llicjr business, j
Tliey Us , Mianiii'actur"'MI kinds mid vjuolitick
of " " , .
(4 " 1 Tl) (J
,'IIVI ll u i
iiieluiiinl; - vaneiics neve, brfirc W had n.
unb-Jry, full r.':i M .non 1ST, Hi.r K Walsit
ami ( i iilkii .M liLl. ; A.xu Wiviisoh
("HAIltt, axiii am i Pi on SniiiLa, which arc of
the latet styles, and warranted to be excelled by
none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The anWrihers are di'lenhincil there shall
lie no exctrse for iersoiis'to plin-riasC fumitura in
the cities, as every tonfldenee cRn Pe riiTcrtained
nlsiut the ipialy artd 1'mish of tlirir wars and
Their article will lie disposed of on a good
terms a they can be puTehased elsewhere. Coun
tfy I'rtMt'ee rsliVMi inpayment for work".
' l" r-NDEKTAKINd atti-rd-'d to on reason
able term a.
ITF Tlie Wore liooiii is Hi Market Street,
tipposiltt J. Vouuis's slore, and nearly opposite
Weaver's Tavern.
cSuiibury, AmII 2'8,184'J.-rf
riH E SubserilH-rs have on band tlin lurerst as
1 sortlni nt of Waul PrEa in th city of Phi
ladeLjifita, NTiuUsali uit Ketml, cousislinu; of
every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Diiiini;
Itooina, ChuiubeVs, A-e,, Vthii4! fir ijniility and
style cannot U' surpassed. Iloiuifa cukIi busiiiess
wa arcriiabled lo sell a Ix Her article at a much
lower rule than any store dnin a
th Ann m sis Ess-.
On hand, a lartje iissortineul of Wisk PaeKS,
for Curtains, Eire Prints, Hinders, ifce., which will
b solu for ('ali. Paper lljiiyiuy djiiu in the
counlrv at city price.
K. ii, Dealers are irtvitf d tet call Klid examine
their stock biS:re; Jmrchasm iTsev. hcre.
' No. 14'J A rei Street, iSoutli aide
Philadvlplua, May -JG, lSl'J. ly
eoctoPs p.V'e7:Zv7lT
RKSPECTFCI.LV informs the eilitena of
this place and vicinity, thai lie luia perina-
nenlly liH-uUitl himself in Nunbury. Hi olliee
i next door to Mr. Jaiob Painter) hatter-shop,
where he call at all time ho found, unh-aa pro
fcksionatly 'irljeJiri-d.
Suubur)', Aujjust 25, 1840 3m
l'otlai'lire, la. ,' f
Wfl! promptly stAcnd to collections and all busi
ness Entrusted lo his cars.
June 16, 184Tj, ,
STONB milk Pa, stons Jugs snd Pitchers,
smt .Otlior srtacloa of atone varo just received
.ndlbrsalsAi . JOHN W. f KIL1NU.
.unbury, June 'i, - i
rWliiifcM ,nu t (R-r.fll e.mnl . J
"t"J'Hli -iln ihnW any vh,4 ltt)r Ihtf" '"""'J'J i"iint-tliii a rrwtmr-.
I nfflii ti ihc
III roe
SMu or rhs llefmJf,n, a,,t Bow. f , t. f v
On eAy mV ef tl InWVffiMiJiiy A,ri,il ',! .V-.
oped eie nl rTmontrw rVrVwr'ini-.-an,.. nnn-nhtti
nw of Ml.rrated nnd mtcastj 1. 1 .VU ncti r-7, r
r mvm neiT hetofb rnfed i nV other IheiiMtie
ft, tf-rAy h"Tduit Vifcri! oiae' ef rtie irfSfrtefl iWmt,
fo-lnlVi- been pronminerd b); pkfat'tttnt nnd fritid. In b
Irt-t'.lUr nviMl. !iSn. hn hud tlmlr' hurhil etuVbn
MiSrlo, tiaVr hin rH-ed. tfd -et -mTn-rs. WHta H wm
mil woi'iU not- lire nnotlier 'itjr, arn tViIiS' Sit well ntid
hwirry a ttn-v eter nwii, ' ' ' ' ' ' -; ' -
Ir pomenneV iH tlie; clinn-trl; tf.i pV.rlfyim vli:ne
nenrlv n m vrlf I W d acti' h hs ihtf lirepntutiuu whwlt
We ef.i t .
T1l dHI''S'. IVom llmt, hwnn tlit rw.lie!iB 0rrrat mt4
,tl.Wmi'i whieh nre frrulVr7y kAflpf lo, nud nm Hrn
lllflly Ab-ie-r. In e'urt, ' "
. , Couglis 'and Consumptions, .
nil I'll iltwniieg r n rmtmonnry nihlri4 neh dti-H.ei i
n-irttly-firiAe .n ltiii iir Wrlll'n'; tivftii'nenf. vhri-
tin T nttnetc Itln " 'I ' '
- "-. llrrast. Thrnnl. li'mw, Ami WM. "
TU I. 1L.1.4M hvU nn ntrrn t.'lrm in hr. Luntft, tiA
elw4u.n- innrmlli. nt ttrtirinl ittnl mitt nt Ihm fl'fft-:
rviso l-:xrHf-r mm and iWat. ntrern murnnll. . 'I bu
IM.'uii mm Sim oi f CeturA mid X'MtiKptw hi!
il 7t, slb-r all uihnriaardiet liwa uMniro de yvW. .
Thousands of Consumptions ,
and tjhrtmit'ihuih, nbnndmilv pror k mtknimf tfi
ra y in Mii-h di-, hm-h. nml ir MtiiiiHib!.-,! curnliirn it,wr,
Hint FiNithins. henllu" propertir. in f t..ll,.wiu rout
filHiiitii and di-eniteH. viz.i .v,Mfoir nf it.i.r PUe.ling 1
it... I.uvirx, I'ain rs car Hrhtt ami ,i,it, A'A( vrt. .Vie.
row. I'tmplaint. t'lilpi'atwn ay Ik Itittl. iVtnJera Inan
lum, ii)sti,itrf mnt nr iv' iq lMr,iod
AJAt. ..MtrtA'and At.1.
No rrimiiy tlint hnn. bfun fitlcrcd tw Um pulilir lm tfn 1
iH'i'ii fiaij a- rrriatn una rjttotifui in rurrtitutf .ILL ihi im
ri.t itttil frvftlrf huH irrftrntttrfrif ( tlte Imptlti - x.jt
ItftAXTM VM,yttyAHY BALSAM. - H mMki rmf.
Ivi'i'iii-H wlM'Uittf iho Ht)tDr-iiu'til t- tupftrfisiatu rctM.
r oIIipi iiu-itirHUtl (frViHtu it Ii Kli 1 I, A I KS Al.L. Im
Mtbinjr mix! o'Mvi.c NKHH'S 1ltlllT.Ultl.ITV. $tt
our J'titApfr.rt$ liti'r priMtl. - i
Dying Woman Cured!
Wt ntut tlii rmr to jmwt ilir porer to nt t lite wlim
(hU nAt.rAM If iMril. rVtMl nti-r tltr .tm1i h rintitUri
lv tMyi ln utitl fricAii to he In llif Mt ftnjrn t( Hii'fiT
- Hcitinl y.irfrt bikI In tltirt criu, a far Aunt tbut ihr
rhrouil niid hiatal cfa'hes wmiv tionehr.' I'or th- (Hivth-v-InrAttf
ihl ciduv ml thf rtprtnlt nnd mioub'e-J jinMil'
nt' ' ill' cut uiti-'tuiJt; it A 1nrUt we refer to our
ThU iii.' .vh fl.rU.'l 911 Ml. y.IUA IiVKKMAN, nr
i'nllfton SM. toirAtbei ( Wi- run Vrnvp, vnibl
a ilmi'.t. mutiu otln'ifc ntfn6f rthlltr lniwl nml in tut
tfitr Ti ! o) t,'fj'rWrvt(l CBumfjfH ('l'ftlZiiVr1lWh
t'i': ii'tiitiiiiu' il iH- urattU l.y r-ltillul pfiifttrtnnt. i
f.-f llie
uiv vf'PCTT'T '"iitl. itfftnhiUinl. (.1., nnil utln r
Dyspepsia !
S.-e llie eure . T T A' H'-Voi merelinlit
a'lu: i'o . N. V;. nnd many in.a'a. in nnr
if Al'irn. Wyt.
Dysentery c Slimmer Complaint
hi t'f !t Itm nii ( Uh nr afrtty rur- I. 'toU Chili.'rin
.ill Itirromr "fyht, htnlriti. nnd hturtii, nnd urovr iMi(tlv,
iy ih tl iliin ItAl.r'A.M.
.. Nn iimthtT itHii rvi r uumrn tho ilifli nf or chiM lv
I'linl-'vn Tnl'niitniW. whili nvtliirir:, if ItffAVTS
VI I. 1KARY B U.tAM he iMiinini-tcr.'d. Il hMihl U
(r uch cuca, given in lurp;r tliuii tlu orillnary ditmu.
'llie lolhiu-ln-ltfltn.-il ltoH.ti-n mid I'A.ihij Mar.
le.-lilj r. eoiii'ii llti.M .s ill.Hll.'I.Ntrli
lr. X. lll'lil'.AIill. .tioiil'..i.l. 'I'.iiih.
Ilr. J. X. SMI'I'II. Wnieilown. N. V.
llr. IIOSSMAN. i:u llelo-V HimltlVll, K. V. '
IT. T M. III'M'. Au'.uriu X. V.
Tit. r,r.(i. I'BANC'm. Mi.mU town, cjtma.
Ir. A.'l!lrK.N!. Hi. S. V.
Ur.-H. yui TK. hr.-di.nin, K. V. .
lr. '. II. l U.l.STINi:, llvniii. X. V.
r.. .1. O. HIIU'MAX. V'.iv.utrville. N. V.
llr. J. KINXKIL Henry '.. Kr-loklyn, S. Y
llr. O. SIIII'.'IAicoiif.iu.l. N. v.
I'cin SAM: HV JoliiiW. Fnl'uar. Simhury Pa
.Marv A. .Met'ay NMillminbcrutiid. '
' John' II Hrinei Mill'Hi,
tl.-nry J Shai DW ... . .
i llvvnrit A. kulMiL-r h
. Ali leit.-rn and 'T't'-r must Im; n, to YYu1!.ici K
'Cr: lit Itrnnitwav. Ni'T'' VorV.
Siiiilury. July SI, lflt--ly.
i:liittatl' 1,1 re Insiirnnre, Aiimilty
a ml Ti'iiwt C'oiniaiiy.
I'ol-Vli'F. 71 VA'AlAVT STItnr.T,
! C.-.titi. si'iu'mil. Cinurrrt
Tl niT.TcSi..
riMT l''mi,nnv are now iTi:r
ITT- I'-rniimm' ar now iTi:phre.1 lo traf-.-iait Iiusiucsl
I no'in the mMil lilwml luin silvnnlaL'eous terms. - Thcv-
ntii aitilioiiod hy ilieir vhuruir (sect. U) to uuik all and
every iwunjiiee appi.-rtaiiuiif! to lila ri.iks of whatever kind
or nnlnre. and to reeeivi; ajid eei-iite trusts, tuake eii'l-.w
iuenr.ail to -.aiitaiu. V'n-hw siniuiliea." 'rh! O'sii.
;wu,v aell annuities and
eudowiuenty. and aet aa 1 ru sleet
r minora am) hc-lin,
! .i . . ' ' . '!
-rMr ( prclllKJ , r.,,,Wait .., the unmce at SlOUior
ttie v. nie term
A- - I "rem
flVeni. I
1 ay 4
1 M
i Ml
a is
a tu
J 17
2. lit
2 io
i 04
J ill
.n f
1 -
I au i
it 77
4 t:l
i -ti
4 SI
4 71
4 SI
!i l 'i
5. 'tl
6, Til
.1 r
0 at
I oo
1 (ll
1 IS,
1 Tit
1 T'i
1 ttl
1 S5
I Ml
1 I'l
I I'
ll U!
i Ttie (H-ciuunuauro leaa tliau anv olher eontiativ, aitd fre
. ..!i.'ies allonl freater a.r. antiuii . Tallica ol liair yearly
i uisl yiarierlv-jirmmuiiuh-iijf erctit rptea aroaeinuuii,Miorl
,,, x ,, applu-aii u tu'ihe oiti.e, ut l.y Ictlcr lo ii
I Ajcnt, J. H. rl Kill , nuntHirr
Rath rtR rssiaiS fluil oil a iiBj'e lifo . .
For 1 year. 1 lor 7 yii. I F' U'0.
SI 1 Pi . 1 ?o .
1 "'
. I. It. . ' . ' i 9.70 '
I fl.l)7 p4
I , u' ".'.V'"
K.A!rLt A ers-.hBi;Va 3(1 years' next t'irlh itrn-, by
isiyusl tn lianpnij) (a eu wsjiSM' fffr U kis ft.My'
or li. tii tii stioulT lie ilte in oli' tr, W for $i.,.,o lie e.
cures lolleis ifli . i.-tl3auiinltyfor asvea yara
he s.r'ires to Iheiu ?IMJ slnsikl he .Ii ui seven years; 01
i' it vn.lTi paW aiinunity duriiic tile lie secures Ulis to 1st
iKiiii wiies hciliea. . Theinatirer aeenriu bis own bsius.
l.y the tliaureiMx- in nni-.snM is' lirtsuuiiaa I'rou lhete eaaratsl
I,' olher .ile'i.-a. Kor lii,jU tllC hel3 v. ouill rvveive 4MJUN
shtild he tlie in one vear.
I'oriiM ta'amiliuatioa aivt nil rnrtienhra nmv ha hail al
ItNttiaeiK.- - I'tTKIl ta ua-LN, Htesiiaeut.
Vice Prcsulelll. Xx. l. Haiku.
Fbaxms V. ItAxr, Pecr.eaty anil Treasurer.
CoKSCLTINa I'BTwh-IAK llr. J. II. Muwt. unlsiry.
J. ll.J'vuuv, Sunlmry, As"iit for IWiauiobcrlajiu eiani
'SiinUiry, July K llb '
TIUT subscriber resjioctfully iiifonns the public,
1 that he continue th manufacture of CA 151
N i'.T WAKK. in all its brauchss, ut his stand in
Market street in Sunbury, am that, bo iss now
on hand a huiulsoiiio assortment of well made and
fashiontilde furniture. '- ' '
lie also carries on, at his old estublislirrtent, in
r a ii street, the
f li t III MtKIC lll SINKSS,
in all its branches, and keeps constantly on hand,
an assortment of well made , iind fashionable
lllAIlis, plain and ornaniciiUil. .All ot which
be will dispose of at price as lowts at suy esta
blishment in the county. .
His loin; cxiicrif nee in the business justifies
lit til in the belief that he f i he able to eive gen
eral sutisfactiifn, nnd therefore solicits from his
customers a continuance of their pMtroriac
Ci" All kind of produce taken in exchange.
..4 SEUAS'l'lAN HOU'T.
Sunbury, March 17, tola. tl" - t
A Xew A-.ortie0s'B;',el Sol.
- -I R A T; "C L fi M E N T, " '
RESPECTf L'LLV informs bis friends, eoa
toiners and other, that he lis jtutt reoivel s
nandsotae sssortnwut o: ;: i . .,.
at hi tore in Market SqcAre in 5iibory, ur is
H ry Goods, Groceries, Qtieenj- t
1 ware, Hardware, Atci .Ll
, unbury, June 8, t84l.-- i' t'-
I Al-I.XS.
curruau, cilton, cbe, pepper
BHveo, aW. .fur sale bv J. W. FKlLlNts i
Sunbury, Dee. 'i, 1? t.. i, ,.v:i
46 "UAMlUUAfc-
. oj V tl
KVEIt OftVat lTf.K I CCUOPE. .,
At'NOjfRtAN BUTCtinitlfia SUPPENbED.
r.i ,1-wri
, tfAtllaJaf MINtttCRIAL CBIlI
i' '; -fill ' .' '.' 11 .. ' 1 :;.
, , . AnotJirr tl la Cotton
i 'liet'arnbri.t arrived M ftosion fth 'Satiir-'!
iltty'.'Wtftkre indebted lo W. 17. Zirbcr St",
C. for nn early ropy ' of Wlrner & Smitll'"
Kttroppan Times. We lake Trom ft ' tlW loA' '
Iinvinp; cxlrncts, Omre being but little riefwi"
of nn rx-citui'g character V ' '" " ' '
lliissia litis sTgiufiorl htr'tliKpositloii tt 8ct-' "
tin this dilTciunee williTurtny amicably; ' '
Btitchur ILiynau threalened to throw
up his commission, because Jiavitig'reeil
that Count ftatt'lij any sWiU'.be publiciy '
sir'angled, he found, to his ariii6yarice, ihatiid '
had only been'slibl! ' . , ', '.
Eighteen of the June insurgonts have been
tried at Lyons. Seventeen Were acquitted,'
and the' eighteenth,' who had escaped, was
sentenced by dufa'ult, t6 imprisonTnent for
,.. ' l . ' ...... .- . j l 11.. . . - : . r
live years.
' Distitrbiinces of a serkius naftiV6 took plittso
at Hheitns oil the 21st instarrt. it isreportcd,
and generally credited, -that a 'considerable
movi'ine'ii't of foreigners and Mlra-democrat'
from the departmen'ls is taking ate towards
Pari?, with what object is not yet 'clearly af
civtatiieiV. ; A "' 1 . ' :
The tirianic ?l1e, ftnn'oj-id at the pros'.
peotMf being dorhinePTed oVe'r fcyi Austria
and Prus'Sin, are forming an alriaifee Yd ,co'tinii
lemot the ilew "dotlge." '' Bavaria, Wuftcm-''
burg and Hanover, have taken umbrage at
tho conduct of ihr? iwft great -powers, and oot
of this quarrel, events may Spring, calorrlalej
to serve the ra'tise X( TIfattierlfVnd."- '
1'he- Matining!!, husband and wiTe, -h '
wiTD irMtairing Macbeth and his spouse-,
tlionyh in a Vnlgar manner, have been eon
vii'.tHil and soriti-iiciid to be htttig. ' ' '
'tw l!e1oi;in T.egislu'tive ' Assembly Is 10
opo'i'i the l3lh ol Nb'veniber ...
I'lie" 'Ouerii lnwa'ge'r Adeln'idej Xvtfe of
Williniii the Foutih, is sick at Slanmore.
TIio Loudon News says the general opinion
.Kteins 16 be tliat her Majesty's recovery is
not probable, but that she may linger Some.
lin'io.' ."'':'' '.
Abrvii LnwViilee, F.sq.-, Knvoy ExtraofUN '
nary and Minister Vlcn?iKitentiary from trie
United Slate's, had nft atiilience of her Mar
jest y. at Windsor Castle, 6n Saturday, the
at?lh'iilt lo deliver his credentials. He was
introduced by Viscount Palmorslon, "O. C. B.,
her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for
h'ori'hrn Atfuirs. Lord Palmerston also in
Iroilttei'd lo Her Ma-jeMy Sir Henry Butwer,
who tjok leave on di'parfing to enter on th
duties bf his mission as Minister to the Uni
It'll States.
Letters from St. Pclcrtbliig to Boston, the
Traveirer, of that city, "says, slate that unea
siness was fcif'tiiniiiig to be felt in St..
'Petersburg. Considerable warlike prepara
tions were known to be making, and the Rus
sian lleet nt Sebastnpnol W5 onfler T)rdors 'to
bo Vend y for sefi at fbur days' TiOrlc-. Cos-
Frfrk's are seen along the v?anlibe,'a'!i x'eil as
kipper's and 'pontonniers, fatiifg tho river near
Widdcn, and everything seeing ready to let
loose the dogs olvar, if fceword istnt pro-.
- ENGLAND. . ' !'
The Czar Turning Tail. . , . .
, -,Xlio fears which were entertained that a ,
rcneral was would spring bri't of the demand
whioh the 'Czar mado iipon the Suitan,: tela- ;
th-nthihe extradition, 6r rather the giving'
irp of thi Yefiljrrfs ' at Widtjfin 'have been
quie'ted 'by fhe intelligence which came to
haful VeiTdn. ' The aUitullo assumed 'by
this couiTlry'and rrance placed the Autocrat
oa tho horns of a dilemma. , fto had no st-J
icrnalive but 'to "lower his tone or bare his,
sabre.. Jle must eilher fight the English boft '.
dug and the Gallic cock,, or 'he must cease to
bully tho Turk He has preferred the moro
pacific co'urje. We honor fcis . resolve and
admire lie prudence a Quality w hich eved;
despnls know how te respect. :
A state of friin'iition is always one of anx
'ietv ; nnd ulfhough every one believed that
"the War 'would turn tail, yet soma weil-
nealr1ltjr'pertple, apprehended the worst) and
Hhc public securites became in constJqaenrv
slightly atroctdd. The news to which we Te
fer hasj however, restored confidence, and ;
'the fun Js show with wh.1t eitect.
The following postroripl in Wihner &
Smith's Tiiiies, is lhd lie'v3 referred to':' '"
' Paris, Thursday. It vas reported in Paris
to-day, that the Frencll Ambassador at St.
Petersbufgh had ferwwided deajattches to his
(Joveriiment, i i ifi i rta t'itttjr a tAiaifge in the ho
tile vlotei ruination of Unssia in its disagree
moot with Tuiley, upon tho subject ef thA
e.Mriulitioti, So far from forcing matters io
tMremilieS, TaiPsia expressed itself nnxrous
to Settle the ditftranco qulelly, provided no
warlike interference was threatened en the
part of England. The same rumor was pre
valent at Vienna on the" list instant. .
X letter fntiil talis says, lord Normauby,
Wia British ambassador, has been in frequent
correspondYiico with tho President of the
Republic, and is supposed to have obtained
complete ascendancy over him ; so much so,
that Thiers is said to have thrown out insto
uutioti that French feelings and fYench
honor are tendered snWrVient fyreigners.
-,. .. I - .'.'..' TV'BKKV'. . .
, ,, Bm, Dtmlineki hnd Kouutk.- ... ,
The change ef creed Of 18etu, Kiiiely, and.
other otlicers, is confirmed, Some words
from Kossuth "having gTVeh Vise to the opin
ion (but Bern and bit Companions had ) iekl
ed to the piOmises of he l'orte, a great Sgi.'
tat mil showed itself In the Hungarian camp,
and it was at ono time fi'ared that a distur-'
bance would take place. Dembinski hasno
become ' llussulman, but he has openly so
knowledged that ihe Porte had ncthing what,
everlo do with the abjuration of Bern and
his companions, and he has even written let
tar 14 the Guild Vjxier ami the Serajkier, in
which he e prices his gratitude, :,.; t