SUNBURY AMERICANND SHAM OKIN JOURNAL. BOW MTIf IHWIIW ITOt TH ' ' LXDTt TMtNMWla . ,ThBlhm Mtwtgires oatha following, u tatting occurred in one of tba nhg of the Oil Bay State, witM" rtcollwtio" of te writer. Wo do not know when ta njoyerl to nearly laugh, " m re,dln incident in Iho life f leth Hawkinai I Snnday night wu tho aeaeon whteh Sotn enoaft tb d hii weekly devour, at Mre. Horn by would y, and hi road toneighbor Jone wfcoeo daughter Sally waa the objeot of bie particular hope, lay acre three long mileaof territory, aliimpy aa an old wemao'a mouth, and aa irreclaimable aa a prodigal eon gone way for the third time. One all-iufficiently dark night unheeding Wind and weather, ae gallant and annice a lorer aa ever atceddled a atump, Seth, in best bib and tucker,' and dickey, and all that, started upon hit accustomed weekly pilgrim age to the shrine of Sally Jones a aweet cirl bv the way, aa atrawberriee and cream re sweet. Seth knew every land mark, if he could aee it j but the night was very dark, and in a little while he became confused in his rec koning, and taking the lieht which gleamed from farmer Jones' cottage in the dislance Tor a guide, he pushed boldly on, recardlesa rjf intermediate difficulties, surging occasion, ally to the right or left, as some obstruction arose in his path, until he ran stem on, as a sailor would say, to a huge stump, and rolled incontinently over the other side. He gathered himself up as best ho could, shook himself, to ascertain that no bones were broken, and then re-started on his mis sion of love, his ardor somewhat damped by feeling the cold night wind playing in fan tastic jests around hi body, denoting that the concussion had breached his 'oh-fie-for-shame,' and that the aeven-and-six penny cassimeres were no more to be the particular delight of his eye, in contemplation of their artistic ex cellence. He knew not the extent of the damage sus tained, but soon gained the house, his fiist glance was over his person, to ascertain if decency would be violated by an unwonted display ; but seeing nothing and trusting to the voluminous proportions of his coat for concealment, he felt re-assured, and took his eat in a proffered chair by the fire. Whilst conversing with the farmer about the weather, and with the dame upon the matter of cheese, he glanced at Sally, and saw, with painful surprise, that she waa looking anxiously, and somewhat strangely, towards a portion of his dress. She averted her eyes as she caught his glance ; but again catching her eye upon him, he was induced to turn bis eye in the same direction, and saw, good heavens was it his shirt t oozing out of a six inch aperture in the inside of one of his inexpressible ! He instantly changed , his position, and from that moment waa on nettles. Was he making more revelations by the change 1 He watched the first oppor tunity to push the garment in a little. Could he succeed in hiding it, it would relieve his embarrassment. Again ha watched his chance, and again stowed away the linen. It seemed interminable, like the doctor's tape worm, and the more he worked at it. the more there seemed left. In the meantime, his conversation took the hue of agony, and his answers bore as much relation to the questions asked, as the first line of the Songs of Solomon does to the me lancholy burthen of "Old Marm Peting-ill." At last, with one desperate thrust, the Whole disappeared, and he cast a triumphant glace, toward Sally. One look sufficed to show that she had comprehended the whole, and with the greatest effort was struggling to prevent a laugh. Meeting his glance, she could contain herself no longer, but scream ing with accumulated fun, she fled from the room; and poor Seth, unable to endure this last turn of hia agony, seized hia hat, and dashed madly from the house, clearing the stumps like a racer in the dark and reaching home he hardly knew when or how. As soon aa he waa gone. Mrs. Jones look ed about for a clean night-gown that she had out for service on the back of the chair pn which Seth had sat. She waa positive she took it out, but where upon earth it was ahe couldn't conceive.' "Sally!" cried the old lady from the door, "have you seen my night-gown V Yes'm," echoed her voice, aa if in the last stage of suffocation "jea'm, Seth Haw kins wore it home!" It was unfortunately the case, and poor Seth had' stored it away in the crevasse of his pants! It was returned the next day, with an apology, and he subsequently married Sally: but many years afterwards, if any article of any description waa missing, of ap parel or otherwise, the first suggestion waa that Seth Hawkins had stowed it away in his trowsers. Seth Hawkins is now a prominent and in fluential merchant in the city of Boston, and often relates the atory himself for the amuse ment of his young friends. DBvrnToPAiar wra 8tca! In waklt -Vt iAMJh BALM I found for h WVtvn "K"e"" y ' Cy PA,N ,Lt' ' nie m en amirerv WW W compound, composed of Twenty. Five Marat ingre dients, ixl I sn Internal snd fvKMmal Remedy for the v. rums ilk that human nesh la hair to svea aa, Cghs, Colds, Pain, Nrvnu ami ek Headache, Rheamatiam, Cute, Benin, Spinal, Summer Cnrmusints. Cholera Morbu, Toothache, Eruption, Coma Pile, Froaea Forte, Duma, Scalds, Ague in the Face and Breast, Painter"' Collie, limine, nfct Sure, Lot of appe tite, Oemwel DebWty, Aslbin. A. Pot up in bottle. Tot 1,1 or etnmiam per bottle. For further particutars set trf.j.L. trx h had of evenr acent e-rati, containing a brief history of the origin, discovery and food effect of Auurewa ruin n-uicr, vnM" (-....w LOOK. OUT FOK MAUD. The triumphant enceeet of Andrew fan Killer tn re ,k Mm m thai nrodure death, th ami melt death of million of our race, na induced aoma men of whem It k. .ml their filial non oeeuration manifest their vittamy, to attempt tn ran tn eirenletioa eptrioua and counterfeit article called -'Pain Killer," mil ctitioue mme f th pretended aathot, forged certificates, Ac. Some have appeared, and other an doubt wiil appear. Let all remember that Andrew Genuine Pain Killer ha the written sifitatur of I. Andrewa on the label of each bottle in black ink. Ion't limply art for Pain Killer, but auk for Andreua' Pain Killer, and have no other. l uy ra. a. nicuay, sole Agent, nortitumnerana t . W. Fnling. Sunbury ; John II. Rnaer, Milton : John R. Myyer, Bloonwlnirg j Wm. A. Mnrrny h Co, Danrille t Duvcnpori A Smith, Plymouth ; Andrew Yohr, Wilkea Inrre i Hay a; McCormK-k, McGwenarill : Schaffl a Chnmlierlain. Iwivhtirg j George McAlpin. Jeraey Shore: J. M. Jadd, Wininmepoil. Older ddreeed to I. Andrew, inventor and only Pro prietor at Itlieca Tompkin county. N. V. WU receive prompt attention pepremoer j, irio. it uonvamptHwi aaa aa RrenrhiU. Conaumation, Urar Ca Catsrrh, AMhma, Spitting of Blot Chan, Haetle Flnah, Night I TANNERS TAKE NOTICE, ew II We Oil and Leather Store. AY 1 1 1 North 3d St. 3 doon Mow Rec St. Philadtlphia. THE ".1criber offer to the tanners on the most favorable terms their fresh importation of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ayrcs, Laplat, (,araccm, Loirmra, Huns-Urr, Chili, Called f er- ambuco and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and called. Also, Green Slaughter, Dry Salted, and Black Ury J ntn Mps, Also, KtraitrliU, and Bank oil and a eeneral as sortment ol turmr i Tool. They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slauehter Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tool, on Detier verms, man old House in the city, vasn paid lor Leather or all kinds. KEEN & KIKKPATRICK. Philadelphia, May 86, 1849. ly bi Tovxan cc:retfti htxict ir 8AUSAPAR1LLA. rTWTMlUftattlk patap m quart bottle. It I aia timea X thaaaar, alananlsr, and warranted superior lo any It aana n witnont voraltin. Dunrtrar. map- naaa, or dehlktaUng Um patient, and i aartkmauiy adapted iar ... , . FALL AND BPBirtO MEUICiriK. Tk gTbat beauty and superiority of this Saraaparllla aver Otaar inaainea la, wnim n amicaiaaaMaaa, h taTif orate i body. - Conaumption eured. Chain and Strengthen. ' 1 ' unanauia aaa aa enraa. uiasnaaini, uona, uougaa, n too, noraneaa in eweata. utai- eaH and Profae Eipectrtraoo, aua rain in wa aiaa, Ac, ProtaMy there never wa a remedy that haa ben as eu eaaaful in daauerata eae of consumption aa thia it clean ses and alrengthen the (yatem, and imant to heal th ul cer on the king, and patient fradnally regain their aauat naana ana airenfia. OTUOUB CASE OF COJ8UMPtTOWi There la ararrely a day naaara but there are a number of mesa of consumption reported aa eared by the aa of Dr vowiwea's saraapai ma. i ll KKtowing waa reoenuy re eeivea : Dr. Towfriaaa Dear Airi For the hut three veara I have bee afflicted with eeneral debilitv. and nul iAi con- nmptkm of the but stage, and did not expect tn ever gain my health at all. After going through a course of medicine under the care of some of the mod distinguished regular physician and nombere of the Board of Health in Ne York and else where, and spending th most of my aantmai in Attempting to regain my health, and after reading in aume paper of youi Sarsaparilla I resolved to try H. After using sis buttles I fouiul it dona ma grant good, and called to see you at your omce j wit your aaviee I kept on, ana do moat heartily thank you for your advice. I persevere in niaing tne earaiparisa, ana save oeeti awe to attend to my usual Isbors for the isst four months, and I hope by the blessings of God and your Saraaparilla to continue my neann. it neipeu ma oeyona tae expectations or all wao knew my caee. CHARLES QUIMBY uranfe, t.wmrx Co. n. 1., Aug. 1, 1847. State of New Jersey, Essex eoantv. .Chiwa Ouim- by being duly eworn ecenrdinf to law, cm hi oath saith, that tb foregoing statement ia tree according to the beat of Wtknowledge and belief. CHARLES QU1MBY. Sworn and aubswited t before me at Orance. the ad August, 1847. CYRUS BALDWIN. Justice or the Peace. Spittino wmon Head th foNowin. and snv that conaamntioa ia ia Incu rable if you can : . . INew York, April S3, 1817. Dr. ToWffSBWB f I verilv Kelieve thnft vVmr SnrMMrillil haa been the mean, through Providence, of caving my life 1 have for several years hod a Imd cough. It became worse and worse. At lost I raised large quantities of blood, had night sweats and was greatly debilitated and reduced, and did not expect to live. I have only used your Sarsauirilla aa a anon time, ana urerc nss a wonoenul enanee been wrought in me. I am now able to walk all over the city. I raise no blood, and my eough has left me. You can well imagine that I an thankfal Cut these results. Your obedi- WM. RUSSELL, 6a Catharine St. LOST HER SPRRCH. Th annexed certificate trial a simple and truthful story f eusTerinf and relief. There are thousands of similar ca ses in this citv and Brooklvn. and vet there are thnaaanda no apolojry ia needed. Vast number in lbs United State, I of pareuta let their children die iaiffat of being aarnbugred who suffer from these affections in their varied forma, are I or to aava a few ehillaure. DlAriCIID l?0t7DlaCl ruit RAZOR 8TR0P9. TfUU PowtVn k warrans4 tu taparlot to any thing in aa lor itapaMsttf a keen, smoothedf to Rmmrt, Surgical Irnrtnunenta, and all kinds of fine Cctlsbt t U may be spptted to any kind or . Also superior Kasot, Knives, and I trlu- mery, wholesara and retail, hy - . - ALFRED BENNETT, AfnU Depot of Fine Razors, Strop. Brafhea. and Cheap Fancy Goods, No, 1 South FuU treet a bov CeiMK Phikdelphtk. - TESTIMONIALS. PatLiBxtrai. Feb. ISth. 1849. This may certify that I have used on Of the Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA- MONU rUWDER, and can attest in the moat unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be found that will produce tlte same effect in my opin ion, and must aay to others, try It, and yea will nnd n superior to any bejetoibre m waa. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp raxor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third at Paii.sDii.rai, October, 1848. A very hard beard and tender he has compel' led me to seek and fti many contrivances design ed to make shaving- easy and pleasant, but with indifferent swweas, until t snail use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, aoM by Alfred Bennett, and Kouaael s Shaving UreanV. Their united pow. er act like magic, and impart a power to the Raxor to remove the moat atubborn beard, vnthut irri tating the kin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street For eala at thia office? Price 16 ct. par Box November 39, 1848 Cm. .1 .3?5miIRiIiirjnrS aTLal ent aervaiM. In presenting the public with a remedy for th treatment and eur of Favxa ira Aena and other bilious diseases, CUTLERY. A N extensive Stock of Pocket and Tabl CUT J-- t.KKY. af anle hv JOZ1T M. COL EM AIT, Nos. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 81 North THIRD Street, Comprising 6000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and nazors. Also, a choice assortment of Rodger 4- Sons, Wostenholm s Ureave a YV. S. Ontcher s and Fenney's Cutlery, Alio, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, Guns, Pistol, and Bowie Knives. Also, The American Raxor Strop, a superior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. Caan Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscriber's chief business is importing and selling cutlery. fhiladclpbia, June 9, 1849 ly compelled to seek relief from other coarce than the imme diate prescription of th regular physician. It becomes ' therefore an object of humanity, aa well aa of public inter eat, to bring before them a remedy prepared fiom much ex perience, and which may always be relied upon aa SAnt, rrxcrnAL, and raixlbh to thx constitution. That such is the true character of the INDIA CHOLAGOOl'E. ia amply attested by tb universal success with which it has Deen empioyea, rtf Extract from communication of the Hon. Wrt.- Mam WooDsaiDo, of th V. 8. Senate, hit Governor of raicuigan. TJnaoiT. Oct. 91. ISsO. Docroa CsuaLH Osaoos. veer sir, i nave read wita much interest, your little TXAKATtse upon the "cauaea, treatment and cure" of the febrile diseases which have so extensively prevailed in our country during the last few months an interest increased no oount, by tne rsct mat 1 nave Individually stiller ed so much from them. Thouch I feel myself very itie wi Detent to judR safely upon a subject o entirely professional, yet your ineory seems to me well reosnnea, ana your oonciu ions just, and I think withal, that your pamphlet ia ealcu kited to Moduee much practical aood. Speaking of the medicine he soys It fully tittfted your nattering expectatiia, and aa a safe, convenient, and popu lar remedy, my own experience, en fsr, induces me to be- i sm pteaaea lieve that it will prove a great public bene6t. to learn ihat you have recently established several aceuciea for its disposition though I regret that, with a view to a in1 i c gmcnu uiaaemuiBiHsi 01 11, you annum nave luaw 11 neceamry to remove from your present residence among us. . iui muui reapect I aava tne nonor 10 ue, sir, Your obliged servant. WIILIAM WOOUBRIDOE. OP From Ron. STaenss V. R. Taowsaisaa, of Miehi- MARIBALLII Concentrated Saraaparilla, For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipelas, Piles, ivnromc Kheumatism and all disorders of the Blood, Mercurial Disease. Sec I T ia recommended to Physicians and other, aa P" & Senate, to the Agent at Detroit. 1 .1 . . , . I BiaMinnaAM. Oulabd On.. TJmi. lit. 1M1 - uie aironfreat nrenaratinn now in ltM. ann n I n- . . . . . -- r . . -' oir you wisn mi to inform you what 1 know of Dr. Osgood's Indis Cbolagogiie, or anti-bilioua mndiciim. I do believe that if th virtue and efficacy of thia medicine were the strongest preparation now in use, and en tirely different from that put up in quart bottles, possessing Utile or no active principle of the Saraa parilla, but intended to deceive the public For sals by At. A. HcUAY, Northumberland. HEYL S EMBROCATION for Horses will cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Galls, Swellings, and all complaint requiring an external remedy. It ia highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, stiff- nesa ol the Joints, cracked Heel,- Splints, etc It ba also been used with great success by per- sous afflicted with Rheumatism, and other com plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel phia, and for sale by M. A. McUay, Northumber land. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849 ly GREAT ARRIVAL. JOHN W. FRILING haa just received at his store in Sunbury aa extensive assortment of REW GOODS, of every variety which ha ia now ready to sell or exchange for produce ; and conaist- ing in pan oi CLOTHS, CJlSSIMERES, S(e. generally kuowu, th mu and Aor would disappear in Michigan. 1 procured a bottle in the spring of 1R41, and havt good reason to believe that myself and family escaped tn agu hut season in cenarauenc of it use. Perhaps in no summer since the settlement of this line Cninaula, haa the fever and ague been so prevalent aa the t. I have recommended thia medicine ui numerous in stances, and when the diaeaas had become fixed and balled tne skill of physicians; and 1 have never known it nul. I haa universally pnaiuced the moot happy effects, and I bet lieve it has never been exceeded by any medicine in remo ving me ihivhis ouseaeea is cumat. ours, resDecituiiy, STEPHEN V. R. TROWBRIDGE. Arentfot Sunhurv H. B MASHER: North timber land. W1TI1INGTOM ft Co. i Milton, J. H. RASER beliaa- grove, Ol a x at rtLAJSC. may a, iota u J. J. GaREElTOTJGH. . (Late Keller . Greenongh.) PATENT ATTORNEY. alalia) MBORAKXOAZs SXTOUTEEB, rasnington,u.c. DRAWINGS and papers for the Patent Office, prepared and all the necessary bu siness, in reiauon to securing patents, trans- moklvn. Sent. 1.1 IMT. Dr. TaWNSBND! I take nleasura in autuur. Aa- the hen t of those whom it may concern, that my daughter, two veer and six mouths old, waa altticted with general de bility and loss of speech. She waa given no a mat je- eovery by our family physician ; but fortunately 1 was re oommended bv friend to trv vour Sunanarilla. Hefiire having used one bottle she recovered her speech and waa cnBnea to wuix aione, to ue asKMiisnment of all woo were acquainted with the circumstances. She is now ouita well. and in much better health than she haa been for 18 months JOStPH TAYLOR, 138 York St., Brooklyn. TWO CHILDREN SAVF.T Very few fsmiliea indeed in fact we have not heard af one that need Dr. Twnsend's Saraaparilla in time, l any children the past Bummer, while those that did n . sickened and died. The certificate we publish below is conclusive evidence of it value, and is only another iitstauee ui iia aaviinr UK uvea ol cnitaren : xir. rownaXND Hear Sir : I bod two children cured by you' Sarsanarllla i the summer complaint and dysentery ( "ne waa only 13 month old and lbs other 3 years. They were very much reduced, and we expected they would die : they were given ap by two reapectabie phyaiciana. When the dock inf med ua that we must lose them, we res-li ved to trv vour Saraanarilia wa had heard an much nr. Km had little confidence, there being an much atud" advertised mat ia wortaiess: out wa are thankful that wa did, for it undoubtedly asved the lives of both. I write this that oth ers may d inaucea lo ess it. yours, respectful! JOHN WILBOi Myrtle vsn, Brooklyn, Sept. IS, H1. TO THE LADIES. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Da. TowsaxKD'i Sasafailla ia a aovereirn and sneedv curs fur incipient eiaiaumption, and for the general pnatra- miw ui uva ayatiaa no mocier wneuier ine reauil ol luae rent causa or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac- ciceni. Nothirc can be more unmttna' than ita inviaoratina ef- fecta on the human frame. Persona all weakness and laa- situde, from taking it at once become robuet and full of energy under its influence. It immedistely counteracts the ueiveieaaueas of the fesaaie frame, which i the great cause It will not b expected of a, in esaea of so delicate a na tare, to exhibit eertiheatea ' circa performed, bat wa can nature the atVicted Ihat hundreds of oaaea have been repor- tcu w aa. Da. Towmnrn t My wif beinaT greatlr distressed bv weakness and general debilitv. and sufferinc etqitiuuauv bv pain an wita oiner aiuicuKiea, ana naving known cases where jnair medicine haa effected great cureaf and alao Bearing it rec mime no ea ior aucn cases as 1 nave described, I obtained a bKtte of vour Extract of Saraaparilla and fol lowed the directions you gave me. In a hort period it removed her oompuiiuta and resUired her to health. Being ' OXYGENATED ' "V .m u. a C5 oa m 3 A SOVKKEIOW ItEMkBT Mm.' ' Firrnisic. ' v : and - ' OaaltaMAI. lXtttLlT. GEORGE B. GREEN, f Mnrnwi. ; ,' ' ' IFtndor, Vermont. ,. ; , IS a sovereign remedy for DYSPEPSIA, in many af a forms, suck a nain In th Stomach. Heartburn. kaUtaal Coatlverteee, Acid Stornacb, Meadaeh, Loncf Appetite, Piles, Night Sweats, and even Conaamptkm (Dyapepti Phthisic,) and Asthma, or Phthisic attended with deranea- ment of the Stomach (or Dyspeptic Asthma,) DiaVralt Breathing, which often results from imperfect digest ina (or Dyspeptic Byspncsa,) ia relieved by these Bitter. Id short, their nss haa bees, proved ia the relief of almost el th iisrptom that proceed from debilitated or atonic eondi lion of the Bbaaaeh : also in aeneral debtlitv ariainc front age or from the affect of Fever, aarucalarly Fever ami Arse. Females suffering under any uterine derangement iraiiamm, will nnu tne "uitsiiuii. air TH'T an excetto reaiedy, and not swpasssd by aay aaeaT- The history of this irierliclnc is MenW. ft ha Its way to paMic mvar colely by the fore of It own intrinsi merit. No artificial means have keen used t give h aa loriety and thruat it upon public ttsntkin. It ha avr before even been advertised, bat having first shown it re markable efficacy hi the family of th proprietor, nd by him anerwatda administered to mt aM feted friends and ac qnuiHtsnocs with a like result, it reputation gradually ex tended until it is known in th moat distant parts of th union, st medicine ol unnvaneri virtues in ins cure i Dysnepsi In sll Its dinVrent form, Md t fur th car ef Attn ma or Phthisic. Its only herald and ita only eulogy haa heea the atory of it wonderful efficacy, aa told from mouth In mouth or by letter from friend to friend. In eve ry instance where these Bitter have been used, end th re sult mad known to th proprietor, they have proved a re medy. Numerous certificate, attesting th singular efficacy ef th "KxTeSBATaa Brrrxat," ara in the possession of the proprietor j many of them signed by persons sireeujr widely known to th public. GEO. B. GREEN, Proprietor. WINDSOR, Vt, October 3, IMS. Th fellewlng Certificate have recently heea received i Washinotok, D. C, Jena 10, 14. Having made nee of the "Oxygenated Bitters" prepared by Dr. tieo. B. Green, of Windsor., Vt. and from know ledge obtained of their efficacy in other eases, wecheerfully recommend them to the public, believing that they will fully sustain the recommendatirei of the Proprietor. We hop that thia valuable remedy may ba so reneralr diffused throughout the country that it may be accessible t U the amietea. wlT.Vi.,,;.;,AaA? f U. 8. Senntor from Yertteat. JAMES F. SIMMONS. U. S. Senator from R. Itland. J. T. MOREHEAD, U. S. Senator and formerly Govern or of Kentucky. i.. it. aiwvulu, member m vougress una lormsrty e- vernor of R. I. WM. WOODBRIDGE. V. S. Senator aud formeriv Oe- vernor of Michigan. M. L. MARTIN. Delente in Concrete frnm Wisseasla Territory. From Hon. H. D. Fstxb, Member ef Cagrs fx Peniurylvsnia. WAiumoTon, D. C, Jvn 10, lt. Dear Sir,I have been a dvenenti aud'erer for about tea yean, and have resorted to various medicines for relief wiutout success, until I made use of your "Oxvgenated Bitter." I hav used about two bottles, and fitid myself restored to perfect health The forma in which the die- showed itself, in mv cose. were, treat aciditv af th etomnch, loss of sppetite, extreme flatulence, severe eoasa- puuon ui uie noweit, and violent heailslh. r eeling est rons that s knowledge of your valuable remedy may reach others similsrly afflicted. I take greet pleasure In record, ing my testimony to its curative power; and would ala remaik, that while on s visit st home s short time sinee, 1 sdmiuisternd s part of a bottle to a number of my afflicted friends, with great suecss. They sre desirous that yen sh.iuld estahliah an agency at Pittsburg, or inform there where the medicine can be obtained. With an earnest de sire for your prosperity and happiness, I subscribe myself, uij nnu H.u. ruaiss. una. i. so. h. uaxn.Windsor, Vt. S 4d Wholesale and Retail hv One a yirt.Vw Ifa. SS South Sixth Street, PhikMlelphia. runiairy n. u. MASSKK. Agenla for Milton MACKAY HA AO. Agent for Upper Mahonoy J. O. RENN. AprU 13, 1B48-. BARK JOTI UIT j The follriwlnj Rat ahowa th currrot value of all Vrmsvlvani Bank Niitea. Tho moat ImoUcit ra dance may M placed epon H. a It Is setry toeejl nrrttiiiy eompareo wtto ana totretiau rre Bicfe. ll's Raornjr; ' ' in i ;;: ' ,t ; , Baalia la Pl.nadelBtala. -i .. t Dtae, in . ptjw . ,;;.' , ,Otfefc AT PAR, ,.,, ,.;! Hank of rlmtn Amerlea- . , Bank nfths NoriMn lilSenles , Commercial Bahk of Penn'a." ; ' f arnW and Meetmniee Bank '. Kentington Bank TnB GRAND PtJBGATIYfi. par p.. pat psr Philartelphia Bank . . Miarlkill Bank . i ' . SoOthwark Bank - s i , ;... sale Wrarern Bank :( Mechanics' Dank . , pat Msnoracturrrr ft Merhanrc' Bank P' Bank of Penn Township . pat rrri tnk , - Hank of Commerce, lets Mnymrnin par nana or Peimsytvarria.. il; t pr Country Danks. Wetchatr Cheater Oermsntowtt ' NorrlaiAwn ' Dnyleatowa ' Basin Heart Bam, Worses. CbcSer IsbaW .,, Cnugba, quinaey. . waoiipinf t! ji; pr par par p. P par par Jr. greatrul for the benefits she rnceived, I take pleature ui uiuascKiiowleuguig it, ana recommeuaing it to tne puhln M. D. MOORE, Linen and Cotton drilling, and tummet I acted, and promptly attended to. at their of- icear of all kinds. Calicoes, Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, Lc. Minims bleached and urjbleached. PALM LEAF AND OTHER HATS. Queensivare and Hardware of all Aetna. Drugs Paints, and Dtestitfs. FISH, SALT, AND PLASTER. And a great variety of other articlea all of which win tie soiu at uie lowest terma. Sunbury, May 36, 1849. WEISE& CLEMENT. Saddle and Harness Makers. f BlHE undersigned respectfully M iinorra uie pubuc, Uiat they have commenced Uie above buai nes in Sunbury. and wilt eon. tantly keep on hand and manufacture to order, at their stand in Market street nearly opposite Young' tore, all article belonging to their line of business. All articles manufactured by them will be made in th beat and mint durable style, and at price a reasonable a they can be had at any other estab lishment in th county. They therefore respectfully olicit persons to call and examine tor themselves before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro dues taken in by the stores will bs taken in ex change at th market price. HElNKi WEI8E. AUGUSTUS H. CLEMENT. Sunbury, June 23, 1849. fice opposite the Patent Office. ucteber 28, 1548. Albany, Aug. 17, '44. cor. Grand 4 Lydia at. DYSPEPSIA No fluid or medicine haa ever been discovered which o nearly ttaaaablee th gastric juice or saliva ia decomposing fund and atrengthening the organs of digestion ss this pre paration of Beret periila. It positively cure every cast of I dyspepsia, however severe or chronic. Bant Uenartmeut, Albany, May 10, IMS. Dr. Towtawnd Sir t 1 have been amided for (ever years with dyspepsia iu ita worst fem, attended with a w ess or stomach, ties of appetite, extreme heartburn, and a great aversion to all kinds of food, and for works, (what 1 could eat) 1 have been unable to retain but a small rjortioa on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they had but little or no effect in removing the complaint. 1 waa in duced, about two months since, to trv voir Extract of Bar. aupariua, ana i must say wua utile connaenee ; wit alter Book Business or Cincinnati. Accord ing to the Cincinnati Columbian, the aggre gate value of the book trade of Ihat city is J 1,000,000 per year. One house alone is re presented aa publishing annually about 700,. 000 volumes of school books alone, which ara chiefly sold ia the eastern cities. The en tire nunjbei of bookstores in Cincinnati ia thirty. The firat power press waa set up there in 1834, and the city bow contains no ; !) than 3. CbsaxcT Vuw-Mankind might do with, out phyaiciana, if they would observe the . laws of health; without lawyers, if they would keep their tempera j without soldiers, K they would observe the laws of Christian! ry; and without preachers, if each would take care of bi own con serene j bat there ' is no dispensing with the newspaper. IuetTaY. Excellence is never granted to man, bat as the rarwarrl krww. ft srtaat 11 indeed, no email atreogtfc of mind to Mrs). Tr to the habits of indatry without the fitmntu m perceiving those mfvanrngea wuicn, me me Dasx ef t clock, whilst thev task hourly appreaeUe it their point, yet jnmmm so awwiy hto escape seerwMion LIQUORS, WINES, &C. rFHE subscriber baa just received a new supply - of th best liquors that ever cams to Sunburr. consisting in part of superior old pale Brandy. Fine Cofpiia Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. New England Rum. Fine Holland Gin. . , Superior Old Whiskey Common do. Superior Maderia Wine. Lisbon do. do. Superior Tort Wine. Burfnndy Fort do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottle. Champagne do. de. HENRY MASSEK. Stutbnry.May 16 1849. - COLD & SILTER WARE. J. STOCKMAN, No. 60 Ctesnu(-,(, at the sign of the Gold l tomoie, oetween za. q 3d. its., South side rHILADCLPHU. MANUFACTURES and keep constantly on hand, at wholesale and retail, th fol lowing article, of (uperior quality, at reduced price : Gold and Silver Fencila, doTbiniblea, do ringer Shield. 8ilver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt and Mustard Spoon, do Fork, Soup and Oyster Ladles, do Comb, Purse Claspa, Scissor Hooks and Cbaina, Knitting Sheaths, dec ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and Brlttannia ware, German Silver Spoons, eVe-t Gold Diamond poin ted Pens st variou price; Jackson's Superior Ajverpointea iieaae, etc, etc Philadelphia, May 86, 1849 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROVF, jiinnociicoa, Si 1 si Msl. nuur ING COUGH, BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION. ri1 ma wsi.i.i ...i.. . ., p. 1" i.a,nui.i, au aauaiianuiiy successful in curina dianises of the Lunge, IS Ihs resuh of a skill ful combinalKai of the known eumlive piinciiJes of nMdicui. lu uwreuieuts ara freely man known to the puUic, and are I boat acknowledged lo medical men aa re m cunt i vinnes, winch peculiar t combinoi in the -CHKRRY PECTORAL" in t sat parity an emeaev, aa waea used, ss will hetueufrom mm loMowiua wiaoat laatiasiaiy : PROFE8SOR CI.EVEI.ANn of Bowtbiin Tollege, Braiaawick, Maine, writeas "I have witnessed th "facta of your Cheery Pectoral in mv own family and ia that of my friends, and it haa f ivea area sUsfaction in eases both of adults and children." A VOICK FROM MAaaACHiiaK-r-ra - From Dr. Bryant, Druggist and Poetmaater, Chleope Pills, Mass s ua. J. u. Avra Dear Bin Enclosed pltaaa tnd remit- fauce I'm aa ue merry rectorai aua sent me. I can uu betiuuiif ly say, that no medicine we sell aives such satis facioa as your's does nor nave I ever seen a medicine which cured so many eases of eonh and hug eoanpatiiila. Our Physician ac uaiiuj j exleuAirel in th eracuoe, and WM MM MpNM. WeCUJ. Truly yours, D. M.MTANT. iMt. nsuini. in nearly two bottles, I found my aiinetite restored and t heartburn entirely removed : and I would earoeetlv re commend th use of it to those who bsv been siflicted at 1 have been. Yours, ., W. W. VAN ZANDT. Aeent for Sunburv JOHN W. FRIIJNG: Nor. thumberhmd, MARY A. McCAY I DaavlUe, WM, A MUKKAT tO., ApiH , ISA If . PATE1TT MXDZCZXTX3, uren, s yxyganated Bitter, priest reduced. Old Jrt lowneend'sSamparillew Baker's 8rsa pari) la. ' ! wayn'sHyrup of Wild Chenc' ', ' ".. ' Am.', r-l . COLUMBIAN SERIES OF ntftltmrtfra. . The Pupil' $ friend and Teacher's comfort 'THE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR Thi work i already introduced into aoma of the beet Aeadamiea and a large number of School, where its use has given decided and universal aa- Uslaruon, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in its character, based upon our own beautiful decimal tytttm ef currency. It contains more, the arrangement are better, and it i the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use and it is so considered by hundred of the most competent teachers and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it. It is the book, particularly and expressly prepared for our Ann tiean Seholari t Bn Almon Tieinor. Thx YotJTa's Coi.tTMiACALCULATOBThi volume contain 91 pages, with about 900 exam pies for eolation on the slate. It era braces th fundamental Kul, Compound Rule, Simps and Compound Reduction, Singl Rule ef Thxee, rro portion, ecc Ttcaaaa s Abitbmxticai. Tatas,is deatined for th use of younger da iu tha Schools of the United Slate. A beauliiui little book and pl ing to children, and th only one of the kind of any value. There are Keys to both Arithmetic bound sin gle or double, for th convenience of teachare, in which th solution of the questions rc given with much extra matter for the black board. The Keys are the moat complete work of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two nundred example tn Mensuration, etc-, for the ua of th Teacher. All that is wanted is to have th above books examined, end no teacher who acquainted with the aewno of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best work that have ever keen published in thia or any other country. ? . . t . . . . . . Although isaHiad but a tew anontba. thev hav already been introduced into the Night Public School of New York City in all th Sduola for Coaghs, Colds, Asthma' and aH pulawairy ema phials. I pubho and private, except two, fat the City of Bank of Chester County Hnk of Delaware County Bank of ftermantawn Bank of MonVffomery Co. DoyleMown Bank Eaaton Bank Fsrmers' Bank of Buck co Bristol Bank nf Northumberland MorthumberUnd per lolumlii Bank & tlriilge eo.(;olumbi ! par rarmera Dana ol l,ancsiet" l.snrtrr County Unnk Lancaster Bank - v Farmer' Bank of Reading' Office of Bank of Faun'. Office .. . do . . do nffice do , "do Office do do NOTES AT tnk of the United State Miner' Bank of Pottsville Dank nf Lewistnwn Rank nf Midillotown Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Do dn hrsnch of Hsrrisborg Bank (ehannn Bank Merrhanis' A Manuf Bank ttsnk f PilUltorg bancistei psr Lsncsster par Ianetr pit Reading par Harrishurg Then Lncwr I offices Reading rdo not Eton J issue n. DI8COUNT. Philadelphia 17 Pottavilla par Lewistown failed n rom rnm Reaaach, bioMiae, nneumattsra, ruaa, Uyaeiirry, ;,:i.,iv -iii rux,4iamK tugiM. wiim.,. r-irv ia ine rates, ' t..,-,:. vvaoiipina; ajsara, ' nwara Tvaaxnesa, t , i vonsumaunn, r ila. ' "! U0a, Uosn, urawl, 1 ?.,-rs vmntitu, ., Her rout uompaiuita, . , '" VABICTT OF OtHtft DISEASES AIIlrd faont iMPvatirs or tna blood, aud. " I OBSTSUCTlOas IN ' TH! 0 BOA MS "lot ! 1 ' L ' WOESTIOM. . . . r. rT? J"!',,t """T every Disease originatak 2. YZS" f".'! ?T narura-thelrtgea. oMtruetliiMor reatore the Blond tn iu natural atat . TT ne aversion lo laxing medicine la most SretuaRV r movedl bv Ct'f,J"3 PaetTivaPrtxTWri enveloped with a coathur 3t pure white Wist t""" "'siuici mm tne internal Inrtoljente aaaaut shell friM tne kernel) am) have no taste of mVdicrne But are aa easily swallowed aa bit of candy. Moreover they neither nauseate or tripe in th slightest decree, but operate eaoalry on aU the diaeaaad part of Ibe (ystem, sr stead of cmflnine themselves to, snd racking any particubu regi'Si. Thus, if lheUver be asTected orm lnpedient yi operete on that particular oresrr, and, by rieaiMina it of ad F.iceat of Bile restore it to ft natuied state. Another wiB operate on the Braird and remove all impurities in ita circu htion ( while a third will eftectunlly expel whntever impu. irtles mav have been disnhareed intA th SiiM-k they strike st Hie root or disease remove sll Impure Ha", mors from the body, open the pores externally ad tater Ult1 K!'?'.! fT'e-n '.'d 4"ioxlonaerticesfrora tha chyle, . that the Mood may be momnirhly pure thus sera! '"Wi fe,!,, branby artamui the Heart, Lunet snd Liver have fan!? 7 e'en When aU other rnsan ..i!??rtntV' J!" rf taT Mn swwWlmsl by th trial of a sinsle box; and their virtue ara so positive and certain in rettorinr. Health, that the proprietor biuds himself t return the money paid for them in all cases where they de not give universal aaUaf action. Retail lrlcc, 23 eta, per Box. " Principal olltca No. Versey at.. N. York thdd by JOHN T. YOUNO, Sunbury ' ' . M. A. McCAV.Neuniberlsnd IT ItememberDr. C. V. Clickner ia the inventor of th Suirar Oaited Pills, and that nothing of the enrt waa aver heard nf until he introduced them in Jode, IS4.1. rarehsssr p-ii Y"reIuro aiwaya ass lor l iiclmer's Buyer Coated . w uwviacra, ur iney wm ua T'fliait sf at of Verasoul Madiaal tdleara ana at tha moat leainad and inteUajeut phyaieiaa iu theeounuy, "eonaider n eneapoaiuoa i rare txceoenee lur tae care ut laat lur- m ma rue nissssa. ixwrnmymm." Aa almoat ineredibl nusaber of ssrtatcalss have received ; provuaj that the Cherry Pertia-al is, in Irata, usr. i ttr.niEav Ayr Cherry Pectoral Dr. DraWa Ft m. Dr. Culbm's do - Tibbtt' Paia KUUa. Br. HeeafeiU'. UavtBan Vttmm "nikiih rjL - Hone and Cnule Medirine "'.'K y. ' - - - a a I an A VCD I ' AA A X rtyjarrnj ww . vu. am rr avwrcsiSf nw wmm vm tyw H. MA8!iciR, Buuuury, aiaj M AK V WoCAV, Northtun- Maick 31,' 1S4 sunduxiv rouNonir. 1 flHE subacriber rpectfully inform tb public 1. that be bas again become eonnscted with th above Foundry, and Ihat hereafter it will ba coo- ducted aolely anoar Me aangmsil and ontro. wj Prom his raim eapwience i the busatn he trust j I ha will be abb to give generaf atisfK(ioo to hia cClaar en Insmds and sueajaisrs The buaine will arnVtet en tn all Ms braxtchc. He will aoniteue to sBannhtetiire Plouck. and all kind of caatian 1 ww be dene wu proas ptueaa and In In UEU. IWJIJUfAVat. Jwaet, 1 Reading. Alao, in about twenty Aoadamia in th State of Pennsylvania in a Urn nonion of th School in the City pf Wilmington, in the City of i-ancaaur, and In In Borough of Harrtsburg, York, CharabaunUirg, latlaanon, Uoytesiown, Pott. vuK Orvrigsbtirg, aVt, eke. . -r - v ' Porakby Haanv Mamsb, Banbury, 'Agent far Northumberland County. -'Sttnbnry.Dae.aV IMS. . ri-.-r-n Ili7 j ENNEDY S PATENT AflH , PAS- TEN1NG6V A cheap and eaeailent arti fcwnisli tar sale by " . . J. W. rtULINO, Banbury, July 7, 1MI. . f celshratsi Hon and Cattle Mdi- by UKNST MsVwTSB tTtfc, ItiaW ITTAADD'S eeleb 111 aiaefctaala nankwxy jv tl IMPOUTANT TO THE fUBLIC. E0R3K A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. Don't permit vour Hone or cattle to die. when in mean of cur sre within the reach of all I Th undersigned has spent several veara in th study of Veterinary practice in "London and E dinboro'," he ha also availed himself of the resear ches or Lcibig, and other celebrated men, who have contributed so much towards a iudiciou treatment uf animal; th principle of our practie consist n .1. '. : r , i i , . . i . . . ... mi. icjccMuii ui prencra.1 uiceuing ana tne total rejection of all medicine that experience haa shown to be of a dangcrou tendancy. . These re- medie act in harmony with the vital principle, and when given according to tha direction which ac company each article they are capable of exciting and increasing the natural functions, without di minishing or deitroying their power, hence are . .i i , ssicin in nanu oi every one. G. H. DADD, M. P. A List f Hers and Cauls Medlclart. . Physic ball, 75c per box. Alterative ball, 75c do. " powder for bad condition, 75c per pact age. ' a Heave powder for disease of th lung, 75e dc Unn powder for kidneya, 75c do. Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do. Cordial drink for inilaniation of bowela, 75c per oouie. Liquid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment tor promoting the growth of hair, 50c per pot Healing balsam for wound and (addle galls, 75c per Dome. Wash for inflamed eye, 60c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratch, old sores, dec, 50c per bottle. Embrocation for sore throat. 75c ner bottle. Hoof ointment for and crack, brittle hoof, eke, 50c per bottle. Hone Liniment, th moat celebrated article known in England for lamenes of every description, 75c ex. a? i per potue. Distemper powder for red water. Si ner bottte. Worm powder for th removal of worms from th intettinal canal, 75 per package. For l by STIMPOON cY REED, M Mer chant Row, also at DADD'8 HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 1 dt Hsymarket Square, Boston. Pamphlet describing th diieaae for which thee remedies are used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificate ar in possession ef tli Proprietor, of cure performed by the above Medi cine. Sold by GREEN dc FLETCHER.No. SO South SIXTH Street, PhUadelphia. and by hi Axts Hixbt Massxb, Sunbury, Pabruary 9. 1849tf BEOWIT'3 EaSENCE OF JAMAICA OINGEBl PREPARED and old only, at FREDERICK BROWN'S DRUG and CHEMICAL Stora, N. E. corner of Firm and Cuisxct streets, Phi ladelphia. Thia Essence ia warranted to possess in a concentrated form, all the valuable propertie of Jamaica Ginger, and will be found on tntl an excellent Family Medicine. It i particularly re commended a a tonic, to persons recovering from (ever or other diseases, few drop imparting to the stomach a glow and vigor, equal to a wine glaaa of brandy or other Mimuland, without any of th debilitating fleet, which are aur to follow th us of liquor of any kindt and it Is therefor especially serviceable to children and females, .To th aged, it will prove ' a great comfort ( to the dyspeptic, end to those who are predisposed to gout or rheumatic affections, it give great relief j and to tb inebriate who wishes to reform, but who atomacb ia constantly craving the noxious liquor, it is Invaluable giving tone to the dige. liv organs, end strength to resist temptation and is consequently great agent in th eauae of tem perance. Jf-Full direction accompanying each The above articlq can be had at the office of the American. :-- i ; . nutoMphia, Jan , mtly .11 j PATENT Trusaaaj of alt kinds, HaarisMi' writing and tndellible Ink, Cotton yam m4 lap, juat received and for aie by ' JW.nuUNO. Sunbnry, Dec. . I Ml. - . CAPtt An aawtrtnvent jtsst movai, Abe ilk HATS 4 rts5, ibr al by -j, . . MaVMBU, I armnbery, Dec t, 1144. . .. ,.o j j VTIILEY ri COUOif CAHDY. Aw kseei Wui resnedy Ue eeagbe,' eeitU Pesi st taas bw Middletown Carlisle Pittsburg HnlliiUvaharg Harrisburg behanon Pittsburg Pittabutg Willismsport Wilketbarr Allentown Reeding Pittsburg Erie psr 1 1 I par New Brighton Chamhemhurg Ui-ttyhurg MnntroM Erie VVsyneahurg Waahinglon HorMsdul '' . Brown rill York Phil no ile hiled fatls.1 ' do do 1 I failed 15 1 W'.st Branch H nk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berk County Bank Office of Bank of II. 8. Do do do Dn do dn Bank of t'hamhershurg rtufk of netlvshurt Rank of ctu'qtir.haniia I'o. Erie Bm.k FermiTK'.dt Drovers' llank Frsnklin Bank HiHietdah Bmk : Vt mgalirl Hank of U.O York llank N. It. I he note nf Ihose bank on which unit quoiaiion. and suhsiitute a dash ( -Y ar not liurrhasi'd hy th Philadelphia broker, wilh th iceplion ol llioM Vrhtrh tiave a letter of reference, BROkfeN BANKS. Plulmloli-hi Ssv. Iris. 1'hiladelphla 1 ,0111 Co, Vhuvlkill S. Ins. Keiivinemu Mav. Ina. A Penn Tnwnihiii Snv Ina. adelphia do do do db Manual l.ah..r Bank (T. W I)y)l(i piop'.j Cowand llank Tnwxiida . failed failed failed faild 1 I no tale (Infed cli'ied failed cloed no sale failed failed failed 110 sal Alleghany Bank nf Pa Bank of Beaver Bank of 8nlr Bank of Waahington , IVntre Bank nitv Bank r'uriner..' & Met h'ca' Bank Farmers' dt Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' At Mech'ca' Dank Hatmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen' Bank .Northern Bank of Pa. New Ho Del. Bridge V,o.' Xorlhnmb'd Union ;ol. Uk. Ninth Western Bank of Pa. Office nf Schuylkill Bank " i'a. Agr. dt Msnuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. V etimorehinil Bank Wilkesbarr Bridge Co. Wilkeatwrr noaal OCT All note puriiorung to be on any Pennsvl tni Bank not given in th above list, may be set own aa irauua. . . IV BIT JERSET. Bedford Beaver Harritliurg Washington Bellrfonl Pitlshoig Pittsburg Fayette co. tireencattle Harmony Huntingdon no sale Lewisiown nossl Wsrren Dundaff New Hop Milton Meadtill - Port Carbon Carlisle Montr n L'uiontown Greanahurg failed no eat closed no sl closed failed closed failed closed Bank of Nw Biunswick ' Brunswick ttelvider Bank Belvider Burlington Co, Bank Medford omnarrcial Bank Perth Amboy 'umlwriand Bank BridgMon Parmer' Bank Mount Holly Farmer' and Mechanics' Bk Rahwa Farmer' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunswick Farmer snd Mert hsnts' Bk Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City nouoaen UKget Uiaxing l-o Hobofcen failed par par (ailed leraey City Bank Mechanic ' Bank Manufacturers' Bnk 1 Morris County Bank ' Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mechanics' Bank . ' i 1 Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morris Canal and Bkg Co . Poal Note Newark Bkg dt Ina Co Sew Ho Del Bridge Co IN. J. Msnufac and Bka Co Jersey City Patterson Bellevill Morrntown Freehold Newwk,,.. Treoton 1 Jry City February, 17, 1491 y SORES C'A.V BE CURED. Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of inamed Seres tvurea. TOUSEY UNIVERSAL OINTMENT, it las taeat complete Burn Antidote ever known. It instaatly, (tnd at if by Magic) stops pains of the nwst deaeentl Durn aim scan, r or oaj Bores, Bill lata. Cuts. 8nrauia. t n man or beust, tt is lbs best anolication taat m, k- Th msonrli have tried Slid tboutandt prtust it It is lbs must perfect master uf in ever discovered. All who use re commend it. bvery lamily sh add be provided witk it. None can tel bW so n some of the fsmily may need it. IV Observe onch bun of the genuine Uintment bas Um nameof 8 Tomkt, written on the outsids aibel. Ts aaits 10 this is firscrv. Bostinen, I Jv'ery Men, Farmers, snd sll wko ask Mortat, will ffiul tint Ointment the very beat thing they rat) ate for Collar Oallt, Scratches, Kicks. Ac., Ac, on their snimsls Surely every merciful man waild keep his snimaia aa free from pain at possible. Touscy's Univeraal Uintment is sll that is required. Trv it. til l ris UK IKSIvtrr!. Forllis ttinr or bite of aoison us Insects, Tonsey't Ointment is uni i veiled Huudreat hav tried it and f iuikI it so. id. PlI.laCUIIKU ! TorthePilr. Tonscv't L'nlverxl Km: ment is on of the best tlemedic liut can be applied. All win. nnc iricn n lur me rues rccomrrfiiu It. VIA) SOUKS ( UHKl). For old obalim.t. Soret. Uera is nothing eUul to Tousev's Ointment. A petson in Msrsu us had, for a number of years, releg that baffled tbS tkill of the doctora. Toutey'a Ointment wns recommended by one of the visitins; phyaiciana. (who knew ita great vir tuea,)andtwi b act pnxluced mors benefit than the pa tient had received from aay and all prcvioua remediea. Let all try it. BURNS AND SCALDS rrRP.n Tlu,.-. of Burnt and J!; in all pnrts of the c-eintrv, have been cured by Touaey't I niveraul Oiiitmcnt. Certificate! enough conw ne nan to 1111 tne h h"lc of tint sheet. viuu&.vr UHLISra CI'KKD. nn testi. monini in fan of Tousey's Ointment f : curing Bruises u-rit.tu, Fi.-HiiiMia. iiunareas In evr Will certify to its great merits relieving the palii of the 1 riei. Diuin, All persons snoUH iry It. SCALD I1KAU I'TIIKD. aWea U nn.. t U ml have been cured by Tousey's Ointment. Try it it seidona fails . SALT RHEUM CIRLD. Of sll tha remediea dbu eoverenfonhs most diairreeablt eornlaint, Tousty's Us versal Ointment is the must etannlete. It never wa knew to fail. CIIAITRD HANDS CAN BE rCRF.D -1W. tin. vtriil Ointment will ultvars cure the w.rst rssrssf CW ped Hnwls, Scoret of neraoni will ststethis. 8OltKI.IPSClTRF.ll. For the cure of Sore Liaetaer waa itrver anything made coual to Tousey's Ointment. It is sure bi cure ibrii. Try it. it 11 a sctentitic compound, wjirranted no to eentaia ear prenaralil of Aferctlrv. (aV Price 2.1 cents mt boa rM further imrticubri ciiceniiiig Ibis rrallv valuable Oialcaeat the pnbtic are referred ta Pamphlet,, tn be. bad gratia, af re. spectable Drugf ittt sud Merchants throag aoat th United co.m. Prepared by S. TOL'SEY, Druggist, No; let Maaaa Street, New York. AG,Tt-JOHN YOUM0, auneury; M. A. ItcCAT, Northumberland. February 17, 11. ly Middletown Pt. failed railed tailed failed failed failed par no sal Newark Lam beru villa Hoboken BV Sls failed failed i faikxl ' par i par N J 1'ioirctdn dt Lombard bk Jeraey City Orang Bnk Orange t'aieraon Bank Paterson ' People' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton ttalttm Banking Co 8s lent Mute Bnk Newark rjiBte Bnk Elitahethtow that Bank 1 Cacadsn " n State llank of Morris 1 ' Morristown diet Bank : Tranton Salem and Philed Msnuf Co ttelcnt tiueeei Bank ' " Nevylon Trenton Hanking Co ' Tranton ' ' Union Bank Dr Wethiiigtoa. Banking (X.. 'Hckk, DELAWARE. :i .. Uk of YVilrn dr Bramlywina WUmingtos Bank ef Delaware ' Wdaungtnn . Bank nf etmyrua . . Smyrna Do ntanck 1 MiUord 1 Farmer' Bk of Hits of Del Duvet Do bnnek . Wiloungton Do branch Georgetown . ' De ' '1 branch Nawctatl Union Bank ' Wilmington aj- Under fi't dj Unll hang marked liiu ) iar em n. B eotuiUHtetl tar altered nHea of in armna da .ominaiuwia. tat einmlaiinia. . failed tailed 'pat i sited pai - Pi ' ' f" nr pr psr par LIVER COMPLAirltf, JAUNDICE, DVSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NEUV0US DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, .ind all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach in both .Va and Female: Suck ss Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness ne Blood 'k th Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Hean-bara, Diefutt for Food, Fullness or weight in ihs Stomach, Soar Kruciati mt, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of Ike akoaaaefc Swimming of the Head, Iluriied and DifScult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Hurncating senaatlun when iu a lying p- atuta Uiuineu of Vision, Uot or webs before the Sitlit, Fever snd dull pain in Uie Head, Delcian. ey of Peraniratiou, Yellownesa of the Ski and lives, Pain in the Side, Back, Cheat, Limbs, Ac, Sudden flushes sf Heat, Burning In tha Fleah, Constant Imaginmgt of evil and great depreaaioa of Spirits Can b eaucttlaily Cured by DR. EOCFLAlTaD'S . . Celebrated German Bitters. ' Their power over the sbovs diseases ia not excelled if equalled by any other preparation in tha United Suite ss the cures attest, ia many cases after skillful phrsicisas had failed. - . Derangement of the Liver and Stomach ara eoureaa af Insanity, snd will also produce disease of tha Heart, Skua. Lunas sud Kidneys, snd hi s ths body open to an attark nf the C a Hers, Dili .us, or Yellow Fever, and is (eaarsllv IS irst cause 01 that most baneful disease, Consuioptuat, " . . Opinion of the Philadelphia Press. 'THE DISPATCH." , December 31st says : " ' AN IN VALUABLE MrlCIN&Vthw,f,c,aul. heard th Celebrated German Bitten, manuiacturcd bv In Hoodauvd, spoken uf iu term of aawneudaiaat, aa wa kaow dcaatvedry to. It iaa too eouuuon practice, ia ear. Um quarters, to pa ad manner of useless traak. but ia the above Biuera, ha-nrfrert, arc bviug wiUiease of thaar a real nvxal and physical wiirth. As a nsadicina of laa fiver Complaint, Juundax, Nenraua Uebdity and Dyspepsia, it has bean f.aind iuvalualae, edeeliug cures and UajroMrkly eradicating disease, when all other medicines hav faM. Wa led aiHiviiiid. tlui u, ik. .... i- T5 the put li nt doeauot beouuie debilitated, but constantly aula eueugUi and vigor Iu tb frama-a raot woreYartat - ... -v..w . mi aaa in in tasta n ssaaa. can bt adnuiiiatered ander any rirrramstsimss as tha t delicate stomach -Imleod, UnwlabTiicaltoaaaS! 1 with th most perfect siWy7ll wimHUllZ, Plclarlal Kdllto f t'Aaljj't f rt Wrk a lk BcAraiaUon UP TUB SIXTEENTH CENTURY IN UIR MANY, 8W1TZEBLANU, fct'.Wilt k, fmVili(hd or, or about th 1st ef April, 8t8, ky 08. A PEEL.N Ckrry el ebore ta. kit aplrndut 19m fdition ef tb tbov aaraed work, w 11b IS agred. illvtrion frem ori ginal designs, 4 vol ia a, bound ia ritra cloth and library sissep. , , v'v'i 1 - Tk publisher rpttfuny r! lb attention ef tk -trade and tha public generally, to thia erk boing the only illustrated adilioa published in tae United 9tT H triwtg that th beauty ef it ab4lbiiMt, tne trtg and eubetenttal nenoer ia wktch rt U bsrand, ui resuoctioai nk th Imewa prsatritrrity nf tn work tUelf, will be a ear recemroendiie U ptbtM frver. JO A. tPEEL. M Cherry el. aba Ith; ! J. A- haa Ue Utoly yeblUbedi a ee nd bawatintl Edition ef 8eg-at Ba4l,rBWdV--. a etntabie book far children, aeeHy ttm mf in tat ra cloth. .i k. -. rbiladelpbla, AprU t, mu. wao at ism aaaevsd hi the aarvoaa areteae. la eonvoenee with one tea spoonful or lass, and mnSir eraaaa. Wi spoak floss ipsrtaaeaail mnSfoumlt. proper judge. The press f aoTwios, save M.tedu7re! commeiidiua the German Bill era, aud o iUltJd ml m m cordially adviae their aae. , w SPIRIT OF THE TIMES," June Mth stya- ; ' "DO Ol eOODCITUKNJ wbc ara ismslkta, kaow th many aauxuthuig cures Uatt aava been acrtVjratad be Dr. Ibnue4- Oerassa BlUer. 1 tlS ml a a, we rec Nnraend thein to iha"Uaroaw Medicine Store." all Who ar afflicted with Liver Coaplaiat, Jaaudice. bra. papsia, or Narwait iMxlity the Duckar haaeacad naiay of our aniens after the best physicians had failed. Wa hav sed tbsaa. and they have preyed to baa awdame taas every on should kiywof, aad w anu refnia giving os Ma Urn wy in their fax, and that which give them treat hum upon our bumble effort, tbay ar entirely Yegcuble.- ,.. "THE DAILY NEWS" ' , . ' July4ta,t: ".tC'i iJ4.?1 "?ow,ul r. Hoi'taadt Caleomtad Vsr 111 Bitters, when wa aay it is bleeaiiw of this ace I and ia ta bilaarv. dimaia. uJJu . huk aa equal. Jt ia a Vegasablf rVtaau-aUaaw ithnul Ale .hot andio a Invalid a arauld n! "uaoaj.naw.irlh9rtUsarenss1es. , ., E:? vholeaai and retail, at tha principal Depot. GRHMAh MUMCiNS STOIlk, No. g7a No teW fatiadelubia. For sale by W A' McC AT, Nriaefrlrtaral and buT -d ssp8tsUU) daaian geaasslly UOpaghout a April t, lMa-.ty .. '.i ':'. u. amin j-j CoctotrYam; Cation Carpet Chain, Ootton Laar and Waddntg, Cot ten OuuBBasa; Jleedr man Pantaloons, Reedy mad Yet Cnngree Kaivee, PorceUin lined preeervlnj kettW, just received' (otmUbT M.MA88EIL eunbury, DeftaS WW.' : . .-a' 11 ui 1 . XE8 of a wryturrior quality fcr ItotorT 8unbary,TJee.'A t n: DLANK BOOK8-A , Bcbke; juat received an4-ib by "I (Wnharr 'fVa isujsr' . . ... ... . 1 '...i . nKILf MOLA88E8-S O MotaatnWi(bV Irnnbnry, Dee, t, m 11" I .- ra i,. 1 " i . npanot RnAed aNr BENRT UMSJa A