ViTTJVRU.UVL A MUTUm A TSJ ANtt U A MftTlltf inTTIiTVAT unwwK-j MuxxuauiUtviixti a v J KJ xvii xa.JUw I ! "I J proved bf?dieSnwaulil'AahmiJ, nwn reh oplnyV)iliiy lid Ijdeol! d( character." By tito tormJnii of 4he I tiiaaries, hi lid' th innpii bY infamous prastorian' cohort jhat ', had. , always regarded the ImpBrW purple m, vestment T their own nd hadvr wd Jir wearer--. a tlaV' of IheijoWritasaflu.rpWs.., 9e folrbdttf eJ rmv n preforms in the administration, n.ncl by hte foMfgn policy, ha broke down the bur jier of imperious bigotry and hatred that had oong'held Turkey aloof from the other na lions ot the world. The same liberal, tenden fleW'rhnftifegted by th , present Sultan, finder his enlightened Grand Vizier) Resohid Tashai and aided and sustained as they are ty foreign Influence and especially by that of j Itte admirable GngKfe Amfcassador. Sir Dtrat ford Canning mey will, doubtless, result in tiiuok substantia improvement.! -But' public Corruption and oppression still remain in fhe tseendatit throughout the Turkish empire The administration- of justice is extremely VJefective,. , There are no lawyers, no jurors, ho legal precedents, and no written common law. exceDt that contained in the Knram Jivsrvthini Jenends on the conscience, and Ivillof the judge! Full scope" consequently is given to bribery and mtimidation, and In ' imrHintsVs tlie'kge'ns'aiy ertlly employed without stmt or scruple.- I nave beeri'loU lhat te present. Vjzier contemplates he substitution of civil code tor tne canonical taw.' Bui anon a measure would go so far lofcards'ciissdlving the present identity of the church with that state, and is so inconsistent with the.whqle, genius of Mahometap,govern merit, that 1 cannot baliev e that it is serious y designed ; or if designed, that it is prac ticable. The Pashas of the different province Ipacjice. a vast deal of exaction and pppression jhpjr. firsr.acqnire .their 'offices' by purchase, Hand afterwards idemnify themselves a dozen limes over by farming the revenues, and by ,Unjnsl"levies on their subjects. .'''.,'" ;,Fhysiciil power raihir than social ameliora tion is the piime end of the present Goyern 'inent. 'The army and navy are its great Jride "and constante attention. The regular army consists of about 100,000 men, bttt it is -now rapidly increasing by large conscriptions made all over the country to resist the threat ened aggressions of Russia. The pay of the "soldiers is about ninety cents a month; their uniform is no longer Turkish, but consists of a red Fei cap, blue jacket, and blue or w hite pantaloons. The men are generally older than other European soldiers, but yet appear ' like stout hardy fellows. Though they have many European officers, their field discipline is very imperfect, and their march anything .but soldierly. They are well clothed, well 'equipped, and particularly well lodged; bel !ter barracks t have seen nowhere. The ar tillery is exceedingly well appointed; its atoekof field pieces is immense and con stantly increasing. The very day of my ar rival, every shore was ringing with the first trials of ISO new brass cannon.- The Turkish VaYy contains t bo finest and largest three deckers in the world; and its strength. is, at every 'hart interval reinforced by the launch ing at some splendid war steamer. But all ihe vessels are poorly manned; their crews are wade tip chiefly of raw conscripts from , (ike country, who hardly know a rudder from .a plough-tail. - . i . ""After all, these efforts of Turkey to get up martial a. nA swatime; outside' remind one f aa impaieut old dotard creeping into line armor and strutting' under borrowed plumes. .The Ottoman Empire has lost its vitality, and rloes'n'ot contain within itself a single 'ele ment of National greatness nor a solitary jjeria of social regeneration. Its carcass is . only 'opheld by the rival jealousies of -the ! three great powers' f' Europe ; when that ,uialpiug force ceases to act, in consequence pf oper) war Toeretompremise, the earthly i tabernacle of ifke Ottoman Sultans will fall to Yhe gigimfl forever. .The Turks .. themselves '.litve a preserftemeifl Vhaf fheir days are well niyh. numbered ; and -mi account of this they .Wy" their dead fCBi'' A static i;i4;ip the ' Bosphorus. ...A book Waich ,4hey, rcgawf as tVanqnicl and lioly.'.predicta fhe downfall of She Western Empire 400 years after ils estab lishment Whick period, reckoning in lunar H'lfwib, the Mahorae3an raofle of computing time, will expire in 1855. 1 '"' '" : ' Ab'def Merschid, the preserft Siiltan is 2$ years of age; dresses,', wi(h' the exception of . Fez cap, in the -European styles and, save Jhatuhia jace is uinisuully.'wSeVV'd. Secpily jpirted "by. the smalt pro,!, ha?, nothlrtg "yeTy Miottceable in his fersoiur'' appearance. He raheHls little of the Miteilechial vigor of his Vyafhejabmoud,, but'.his 'heart U amiable to degree bordertrf'tfri weafciien His seriar ivieVa"suohhai" he 'never aigna death iWWaota'axcept In oases of the most urgent ;Th'eIesijlty. Jla HaVeS, scarcely' any personal 'port'lft v.hefcdminrstfalion'of the gevernmenk -choosing to leave everything to the'COi(tTolHf , ,iis Viiiar.and fjivan'He ,bas five or six wives and. large 'Barem."', '( The ' latter :is regularly Increased by fhe ,' annual presenta ( tion Of iwo-jkeamiful an twom pished ir !assa virin oil Myitis motaor, tlie SuK jOuii Valede, .thp'Ather by his Grand Vizier. vVTb qld'cust0r of sacking the WaitlMil throwiinK 'hem into 4he Bosphorus, aai .bcpma "UtttiHy obsolete i' bui. it it generally -Nsttpposea "thatato 'policy stil ' makes "way with somo'at "least of jthe Sultanas male offV . psinf, ioHho nnrnber-of his sons is always qry.'sproportwiiata io that of h'i . dauhr .'f tjf.Te Julian' is nol orfly extfernely ef- Veminate and licenfOD, -ho very fre ''iuWV.indnVs i the ao" , -spirituous li- quorsj aid it ia by no, Hieans improbable that lo 'will meet the fate of tola falher, Who died in the nrime of his life of lUUruim trtntns, iAhdel W dlpense4 .witl much lf tho gUltoriosjr pomp that waaAto aJltond the ...iun. ooearanco' th iAMOi' jrot h tfm W fcMotqo'' every Friday ; In grea, li,. Hi. solendid kaffeof J .ora, esport- 4 ky womeroos beaijrimyjinnajse.and 1 dlwiiSiwoV-fiio'swIffnes. upthe Golden Horn to the Mooquo oi vyo, ih.ft v j f rt,e w,?ns t Ml. r'olZk'on frea .acb ido.'and; (ho jMtttl thai sailors ad abldiors from tbf fflTpf ,h. magnillotr.yrV h -ee one of tho moot ol.rr.inj. ..gtt I "' M. Brkpttako, member of the provision at govemmfc of Uadm-"vaf lately at Col mar, en route for Havtv, when he purposes sailing for America; Mis 'intention is to pa the winter at St Louis or- at Belleville, and aflerwatds to join his friend Hecker ht hi 4ar,rq in0hJol which Jflecker has, it i said, purchased in that State. He is accom- panied.jy seVertilotltis companion in mis- fottun ..,iTml BABtns.-2-Th'e tottsmrjutlt ' (Va.) I'ilot publishes the births as i they octfur J n Jtial place,' under the Jine , f?omupper ;-r-"A babe in a house ia "well-spriiig rof plea tore.'t . . i"-'';'-.'-. HI I , , ( 'i -I r ' ;' " i'l "( Wisconsin Ei.fxtion. Ttw stated by Wisconsin papers that there cari be-nri' les gttl election of county oflker.s.irf any t'oitnty ftPthe State-. The difficulty irises from an ptpission in the election law. i .,.,t cial tarabc."' "I ruNnuRV, ioveniper 9, 1849. ., , Amount o coal brought to- Sunbury over the Dariviilojuid Potlsville rail road, from the 5liamokiiunines3 Tons.'. ) .For the last we'k, , .rfl37 :) to Per lust reportj n v Ai.l6Mi'! I TolaV.'-')'.r.-. -......: t, i .. J6S39 .: '' PHILADELPHIA MARKET. i vrLI.. Ul, Oc 18)9. Wheat Prima Pennsylvania reds are held at $1 OG a 1 01 mid white at 91 14. Rvk Sales of Peuna. at 02i-, and South ern at 59o.' . . ... . ,'. . , i ConN. Yellow is worth65a66o: white 1 a G3 c. ..,., Oats.- Son I horn Oats are held at 28 a 30; ferina. 35 a 36ci WiiisKKV. Sales in hhds at 274c and bbls ai 28 cents. BALTIMOrtE MARKET. OJfitt of the American, Nov. 5, 1819.' GRAIN.- Sales of cnod to prime red Wheats at 1 00a SI 06c and of whites at 110 112 cents. ' ' CORN Sales at 56a57o for white, mid 80 a 62o for yellow. ! Kyi Market btire small sales at 55a57o. OATS Sales at 30 a 33e per bnsheh .' WHISKEV We note a sale of bbls. this orning at 28 c, and hhds. at 27 cents. - SUNBURY; PRICE CURRENT. Corrrcffrf weekly by Htriry Matter. 100 5li ' 50 37 16 a 5 125 10 95 's 10 62 200 irs., , B CuH5. ' : Oats. . , ,, Butter. . r Eoiis. " ' Pork. Flaxseed. -Tallow. ' Beeswax. Flax. Heckled FlaxV Dried Apples, ' 'Do. Peach vs. ;l, Uli'WnV II 4 COT CI' Ul' III H.IUO IJ l ,,,, -j OKlim 4 OPTICUS' - From Philadelphia.' pESPECTFlLLY,riiifiirii.s tho Citizens of fciuntuiTy and its vicinity, that he has opened a 'room in tlie liouxe lately occupied hy John llo gari in Market Square, where he olfers for sale , SPECTACLES, ith Gold, Silver, Tortoise Shelf, all kinds of Hteel, German Hilvcr, and Silver Hinted Frames ; and he ha tho largest and best assortment of Hint and Axure Glasses, of his own manufacture. He would' particularly call the attention of the public to his finest assortment of Plhihcshic (not Purit'ooaJ) Convei and Concave Glasses, for Near and r ar-xiglited persons, and for ersons who have lieen operated upsn for Cfetaroctof the Eye. , Through Ihirty year study atldr Practit, he has reached the knowledge of suitipg witlAhe first trial, any person on-examining ilitircyes ; therefore ha had tho honor of attending the principal Crown ed Heads in Europe. ji ,,.;! ;-iinip.' , KecammenuatiOHs can lie shown (if requrcd) from the moatooU:t)ruteil Profeaiwrs and Physicians in Germany. ! ,- .. v, i--, He liaa also for gale, Spy Glasses, Microscopes,' Magnifying tlassos, Eye Glasses, Thread Cuun ters, and Ut-ajviug Mirrors, &c ) ,r : ...--.. ;..Ji bect!cs Jututanged, liepairodi and Glasses put in. ,:, s . ,.Bl -.!( XT He will laiaain in this place during Court. Suubuty.tiot. 7, 1849.-ti! i.n,. i -l. ; 1 i. ... ..i i ... ... ii .'i .'-.'j ., (Irobi'ics J,,, Groceries t s: tr. cot 'tier : Arch If (Uh.Stfett Thiladelhia. 1 FFEB for salfl ti)Hie iuli-bitiints of 8uultury J Biul viiniljvi ' Ki.ntilv t MtatTHM at the ' varv " . . .. j finest ii(Jity consiOiiB of I n-.i . i. . , Extra Kius, Superior and Common Green and Black Teasvv ...1 ii,..H n ni-u'i Cotters of allkinds and prices. '. .,'.,vt ; I -every kind. f ,. '! .., n S j Rice. Fur', Osgo, Hominy. ) ,:. , u ,. All kiiulS'Vt' choice Pickles, fauces, Ketuhups, (Jiiva Oil, Preserves, &c., warranted to be of tlie wry finest gmdds in the market nd i at the cheapest fatwpJillc. ,., . jlll goodacfully iiaeked and promptly for warded. m.,u , , IUUiTON l CO. ..,, ; ,.,, . 8. W. Cor. Arc 4t 6lh St. ' Phila.Ovt, 28,;l849. ohePm ly piy,2. ,i j , n,nU s I i. , fsa( T -lba C Barrett, dee'd. OTICE r Mreiy gives! lift letters of admin istration bae mm nanted o at subscri bers oa the esUlO of Alba C. BarseM, late of tho bprough ofiorthomberland, dWst. . All persons tndebted to the estate are requested to muKs inline. elate payment and U lisving etiunis agauaet suid state are requested to pnfesnt tlwui for exiniina- ton and veltuemeut. d..-i. -i i t ., si i., CASPER J. REED, i . .v -..o. D. C. UAJtHETP,! I ; s Astmitlistrslors, NorthowfooThtod, Oat. , tl4V 8C U WINDOW GLASSa by 10, for sale U , HENRY MASfKR BureA JejiOh,HMalt IH..IHM Pt ASTER, Salt and Fishf jo received anil fa, a ,,y u v , . . i , . . W, PRII.lNOi "8unhury,pec;t, 1848''x " WHITE BRANDY PrMerrln hrsarfy , peaches of an excellent iroality, for sale BT .aa A Cj aJ at aft Sv'ritiurj; epVa; ; V8-- XI. innoobiu' i ffEA8,frmithB Kw' YifcCnton wd Poiaa Snbuiy,t)ee.,t;:i48oi; Ml-ll!.. , UlNTMENT-A fceah auppry of thia axcollent araete far TeMnr, a, juet nroisod FIRE ! FIRE 1 1 FIRE f ! Farmers t savSnTOM. Profsvlv nd krls rach "'" IKer Over, VO,QO Members GUARANTrArfVERf500,(00 riHE WashlnRton (County Mutual Insnrsn X Compny of .Uranvjllo, N, Ytbronsh their Affont, isMhW' thkrns' rtstrVIn tlfls Cotinty and viciiutyon dwcllns Houes,.Ch"rhe. 'farrns, Uonrdinff Hnuscs.IIny, Grain and, Farmers pro- unco crnnrniiv. Tins Comnnrtv tnkos no r nksiu u1W putts 6f.villa4rs .or1 on MoiVs,' Mtlls', tShopl or Alocliiusrv, nor insures, exocmlina $a000 in onf KKKIity, . 'i'hn rntrs nre txcctwtinittv loW, in' rngiiiB lr-mi tfian 99 per thousnftd for PplMcs" run ning 6 years or $1 per year.- A smnll iromium note i required, hut the rrrosnerous condition of me v-ompnny anct the largd accnmulntpil cam fund, precludes all protmUlity of tliers ever being an npscsdinfnt. Tho Policies-' oflhiS' tlonipnny are frcori bhjectiorialjlo conditlons ofusii found in twlicm of,, oliwn fJompanios: the- , (Jompanv being nli rcponilile fur the correctness' of hosi nces done fij; jt Agents.' It Is rio ,llic niost cx tenmw Mulntd' Company Ja tUe L'nileil States, anrtantvcrsnlpopitliirismortgthcfiimieriiof N. Y MassV'fcnif Con V' All loused, however,. smAlc after due notice will be promptly imid. either at the 5 lace of loss or the Branch Office nt Hsrrislnir;;. lie (Company Ls now Under tho direction of the fol. lowing ftcntlcnieni Hon Dnvid RukbcII lutc'nicmher Of Congress. ' Hop. Solomon f. Cowen, Cornclins L. Allen, Joseph M, Dishop, 11. N. Graves, Henry Hoimus, (Jee Clements, Jveeph 41. ()rvi, An h Bishop, Gcoi- Vonna; fr., Nathan Donne.' 1 "' t. , DAVIU JiUf!SLL, Tresidcnt, "'" Persons drsirinc Iiisurnnos in .tho aliove C'om- pnnv hv Infcirminn tlie milwcriher hy letter or ollicrwisu wUfocrive prompt attention.' AI.HEHT A. CAKliiER, Agent. Suntiury, Oi-tSO,; 1849. m- eiii -vij..i . I . , e; KICKS . JOITES, , IVHOLfSAtJ? DKALF.R ft MANUFACTliREH OF t willow and woodes wiRE,: ' ; Imtwiner Frencli Bn.kpU Lnoklng ()IpSJ )wiyo,,lSvH;,orUi Second Slreel'i Between Market and An il Si., under J. SinKEr r JonKs -Lartot W arch on so, Uvo' uodfs wlrtw' . ('hrist Church. ,. " ..".'"', ' r fHlI.ADE'LPIllAl'"'' ' TTASon hand and is constantly1 receiving a large and. extensive assortment of.Coiuhs, Drushes, Fancy Goojls of every dcfcriitiin, (too numerous to nicutinn,) J.nnkmir tilasncs of liilt arid Mahogany frames, Tiuskets, Coaches, Clmfis, , .-, , BROOMS, Shaker's Eantem Wisp and Country Brooms M'indow Blinds, Door Mats, Tubs, Jiuckcts, CliuniH, W ashboarda in Cict, Wooden and il low Ware of every description, all of which will lie sold tow for Cash or City acceptance. " , Merchants would sava jthomsclvcs much time ami trouble by calling and examining my stock before purchasing; ' D. Looking Glasses, are iinsured against Breakage to all parts of tlie Union, without extra charge. ' ' '. ' Aueust.25; l8lo;' 3m ' - ..." . '. ir -TICKNOR'S COZ.ITISTBlAM 8FELI.XNO BOOK. TJEINGa progressive and Comprehensive Sys--J tern of Ortbocrrapy ami Orllwepy, including a variety of definitions-.- adopter! to the use of Schools in thei American; 'Kiipublic,: hj1; ;Altuoli Ticknor, a 'Teacher of twenty-live year s cxeri cicc,.and author pf the. Columbian, Co,lcuJaqrs, Prac.tkivl Cuiuruon Sdiool Meiisurutiou,.&oi The attention of Teachers, School Directors, parents, &c'., is nVited to this new Knelling Ilook, which confomis to the modern spelling and usages in Orthography asbningnneofthe neatest, eheaMst best arranged, and better adapted to the nauUof children, than -nnf ojlier- published in the fnited Stats. It is wli'it'it tnirtiorts' to be.' a Pnolliuir Book and not ti Tli'OclirigBook, and only .requires an examination on the part of Instructors bf you'll to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the United SStntes. Ju-it published, and for sale by llKHnr 'Massr. Sunbitrv. - Where Teachers and Directors can procure co)iieSfoTevniniiintion. " ' " ','' August 4, 1R49.' ' " ' ' '- ' .t ;. -; .a-J-Ll-; ' . ' ' r.i tiie FAIINER'S ' '1'!"- , ENCYCLOPEDIA. KUITFD BY firilTVKnNHt.'ft F.Mi:!tfON.v ' ' fTST ONE VOI.CVri, Hoyal octavo, 1103 pages, hnstitifliHv'bound, chtitaiillng,' "17 'fine 'plates, besides numerous Wood Cut. Fold at about one fourth the cost of the English WiSrlt, Without anirj Plato; ,':' : ' ;' Hu.i i-: ,:. - j "The Farmer's Encyclopedia, is a real treasurv of practical information, wherein the exlferience of all aces and countries is carefully ' tnsrt:n rr to tile pfetinnt day, and adinirublv arranged fureon- Teiiieul reference." Dr. Darlington. ' "Vt carefully convinced tliat sucli an amount of valuable knowledge for farmer can te found in no odieriwork in so choSp and convenient a form In fact, no r armor who pretends to be well Inform ed in his profession, should be without this work." iSew Gcnnessce Fanner. .-':joil i; An excellont work, tit to nedtstriimted m pre- miiuns by A(frioulmft '8ocirie. J. Si Skinner. For sale at tins Olbce, price $4. ii Also, lv Ei Wi'CARR.i Third street, ' epposrte ihc Exchange, Philadelphia t and N. HICKMAN, Baltimore, Maryland. ' r lr vIiluriikhs isrsT n AfccupisiEn ak July 11, 1819 3m 4-, -.i-.'r1. 4- BOSS OINTMENT,' rOK ' TRTPIR "I F.AO lliu f.iHoWmc; rciliflcnir fn'lrf 'Vmr. Pfro.'the 1 XI vrVk kuOH-a sad buouIiic Blanit fVt OiWuai t"f llio , , f : V" !, Tyr TT T J Sovrftit vcurs stiictf I vvh utlricketf Willi a ttreiikinir oat on my lin k in lh f irm nfTHW,-' 1 m iyiiil wme nwimlixii4.llartji'rls!4iun..- II grenJuU)rst'iitl- tnlnver uiy fuciv liuii .it ftsifui.Um.umK-r. Wirt mUvs clictiks. Purine lli srv.Tsil ' lii-inltis unit it cSnUimwl 'Spretirhiiff.'I awM dulf.'iilMii-iitnms.iimof wlwA luul liwollaet, siifaillrsi ksasl, us-xswiiig tlw iliuuo, hot from iw,ne oi llinii (till 1 irvcive Uie Umst Viit'hl until 1 ttPlUieil the ltoKt)iTMK.T- Jl tli use rinu)ar of it, 1 was poriectly ourod and auvs ruHiiuiod . f rao of tlie aucv- iii'ii. . ' t . lit." I iiave sines aocl di Ointment, tilillv applied f.rryuj;ti aess ol' the (ace. lAitt'hrs. cfmpiwfl hmirts. A'rf 'tVHtli jier. feci sacccw. I liave un .iAstj&iiiaeattfiif lit in the suuuucst iiuinmir lu Hut uuUic. JsVMK DKVUU. Atiit Hessx MijjEart Rnul.jiry, Jillv 'Is. I Mil. ' ir.,f i i ii iit in -i a OAME. 014 the premises .of tlie subscriber, rei rri. ding in L'ppcr Augusta towuslup, at the'Nor- ltuiulivrbMiJ hrUge, about tlie first ut'tlie present irnjuHV ,,, I.ikIU ot, said shocp are markeil oi ,tiy-ir Uaiin with red chalk, the other two arc 'rauis'a,ijid 110 1 maxka viiJililc. ...The owner 'or owners ofWd sheep arc not'dicJ to come forward, urove uropert. jpuy cosjts aua.juKe ,ucin wy, oiujerwis u;cy win lie deait Wttti acCOttJillg 10 taw , , JUilt . tt,AIU.UK C" ' ' ' ' r . , i'.in , punoury, m, fo, Ao-itf-T-c i 1.. EM ale of Sarali Drclit-r. dee'd.' : IT .IV OjCE is ticreliy' given tka't hy(rs''ailmiiiistra ,ilttion.)iaV Injea grained, o o.suWrlbc.oH the iwUMe PHTty teller, hiU) 01 owpr n.j gusta, Vwiuijuiw'oftUuttiwrlaui couuty' ducM, All poriiovs 'indvUtcd, to. sai4 . 'tttU' Vf lla'.'!I cluiiui igaii,t)M same, aio fuetj o,'clj, tl.M MiiluritMr iiir tuittlciiieut. ' 1 - 1 -nrri,,i ;rt,XJ.Bi' Lower AugusU tshp., Oct. 2U, 1849. ..Iji... tr nuuie 10 sjeiiiiuviisjSll.,l( ALL person iuitoUod, o slier subscriber, fongcr than ail months, uu nute or bouk account, arc requested so cal ated taalMMMttiutlrt,pt t Mtcir accooatswiU he laii wuk .gistralo iter oA Uon. v;.i r JOUX W. 'KlUNa; ..Bdiaryt July 7, 1840, - ISSUE PAPER -Yellow tissue paper tot 1 (Orenog glaaeeay ekOi tot sale at 1M iho rtjieoc H Jhs J the Anjericaa. e ui tui -1 1 e i A Pl!J H TYqOKS and Gold Psus. , On bjwid several cop. Jj iua of the life of Ciinsi. and also a uuiubcr of goM pans whkhwa viU U at'ho Jftit4baiui fO PHfSlCIAJlS, DRCCfilSTS kto CbONTRf v 1 MERGHAKTS: m rR. J. jvi KEjJlilia k tird. InSajkAetpectfnlly ' solicits attention to their fresh stock of Eug ttsn, irrtncii., trtrman ana Amttcan Mritgs, Mc( icines, Chemicals, Paiirts, OilsUys 6'lufla,' Class. want, fertumcry, Fstent Medicine Ac," Httvlng .opened a new store tto. Xvt Market V Willi & full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, wa ret spcctfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stock Iwlore purchasing W!whtrCjJpromising ona and all who may feci disposed to exJend to us their potroiinp;o, toaell thcia genuine liriips and Medi efhey, eit M lirMrtcrhikslariy 'tjtheY ciu In the City, slid io 'faithfully esecutemll onjcnvanlrustod to us promptly and with dmpateh. n Ono of the proprfrairs.beirut a AAilnr nhvsician. ofiords amiilc unaraiitcc t (lis geirmno quality of aiiarnoira mil at uieir enttWilisnmrnt.' ' 'lii-I We fspertaHy; lnvttt5'' drdgsisfii ' ana'owitfj morcliuiils, kwho way wish, to beuoinc ayenU. for dard and popular remedies,) ' to forward their ad' dress;'-'' ' s s. ..t mMii 'f.t- r y.;. ; is,t i '; PoricMng the, J)htrotmjf0j 0r dealers, yo, respect fully remain, ' ( J. Nv KKEI.EU sV BRO.jfWholessIs Drngglsts, ,,.. .. .. p?rf,tP)'h4luaclpIiia, September, l. iM8-Iy..- tA , , l, rv -si uL( q mtii t c on e t..i t s ,: Co; 1:.::;:; ESTECTFr M.Y announce that theyliave P Sk just finished the most extensive assortment of ! I:-.' ll . they hsvoev'er oflei'ei for sale, qomjuising ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, BUAGKETS,' PENDANTS,, MANTEL .', ..!' .-. ' 1 ilXlGllTS, &C..i(h.-o's -,w .... . "V, ;;;,;., In great rartery.'anJ of iV.' .- ! . .. .:. ORIGINAL DESIGX.?. Much attention lma been paid to .ECONOMY, in the construction pf these Lamps, and stlch are made gii will produce tlie greatest amount of light from the loast consumption of Lard. ..f.wt s " Recent iinjirovements in the manufactory, with the introduction of new and perfected machinery. enables them to sell at a very GREAT REDUC TION from former irrices, and nil articles before leaving the manufactory, are carefully inspected, and are warranted Htrfcctty light, mid to give satis faction. '' ' ' '" .r Philadelphia,' June 2, lfltO. It 5 liigrallf udo lei Uie basest ci iuio of V E are not among that class of Editors who for a few dollar will; (itt the expense oft ruth find honesty) "crack up" an priiclc and bring, it into rajiid salcj uuitlicr ara wc willing to remain silent, after having tested the utility of nn im provement or discovery in science or art. Our readers will recollect we told them we were un well, with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottles of WlNsLOW'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND mid so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cobk Those who aro arllictcd, may try it upon our recommendation Leiviston Te- , . .......... i A fresh supply of the shove valuable medicine jimt received, and for sale In Suiihtirj-, ,hy John W. Priluig, Mary A- McCay at Nortliumberland, and at wholesale by Frederick Klelt, & Co., cor ner of 2d and Cidlowhill streets,' Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Sept. S2d, 1843 8 mo. ; "Kncourage Your Own!''," IT A A S k liliNX. ' FASH 10 N A RLE MAKE OF FURNITURE 'AND : CHAIRS. 'THE subscriliersM-speutlully call the attention . 1 sot'the public to their large sid splemlid assort ment t)i every (pinnry and price of , v iii Vi;t-w.i k h, 1 1. 'i which cannot fail to recommend itself toevory one who will examine it, on account of iti difroble workiuansbip und splendid fini.h, made up of the best stock to lie: hsd in the city. No effort is spared in the pianiifacturu of their Ware, and the subscribers arc determined to keep up wilh the many improvements which ara constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Sut'iia, IHvaiiN and Lounge, UiirrtTtts, Srcrr tnrtrs, S(U etonrlis, ROFi, BllbAKFAST:4M) DINING TABLES, and also VENK TUN BLINDS, ual to Phila-tj : ' dolphw nisntifactnre. ' '""' BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and, price, CUPBOAnDS, WORK AND CANDLE. ... STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND .. ' . extension tables,':;,; .: in short, evrry article in this line of thctr Business. - , luey also manufacture all kinds and quahues q 1'-' i. '!., . t.', A . ;. ii.. . ;!!... , '. -rciwjiss including varieties never befor toilie nad la Sunbury, such as M aiiokam, Itr. ef ' WiliKVT 4 x ii Cr i li it 51 O srHs-1 r p Wi x nso a ; CIIAIi:;4iAi-t which are of the lalcst HtvluJ 4vMnte(l to be excelled by none inauui'lft'lrVArin 'the' Cities iYT elsewhere. Tho subscribers afe determined that there shall he no eicuae for petsaistt purchase; furniture fin ihr. cities, as every coiilideuce cuu be entertuiiied sbuuA the quttlity and liuisli of lotur ware ,aud Wiairs.. t,.. ,. . ...... ,,t . U'heir articles will. lie disposed of on as gooil taruiaiui tey can be piirtiliascd lnvh('.i. Coun try Prudece titkeu in pavuieut tor work. 1,.' Uf . L"Dl:.i;i AKl-NU uttuadcd M m reason ably terms,, ; , 4. ,v,,. ' ,.s ' (jp' The Ware Room is in Market Street,1 (ippouu J. iuuiigs .uire, slid, HetUfly. i opposite ,vcavcrs ayeru, .... .,, .,..i,r;v ,. v,K DAMEJ..HAAS,., .. . i. GEORGE KKN&V! ' funhwy, April 88, 1649 f; .V. V x.'.'l't ' . ' .""' " '" : ".'"T 'r.'ti,', ,t . FTTa-HE Suliicrihers have 'on hanA the largest1 as 1 1 tortulent'of Wtt Psts in the eityof Phi-' ladelpluu, II holesnlt ami Retail,'-consisting Of every 'variety 'suitable for Parlors Kiitriem Dining Rooms; l'baintiii, '., which'' ar qualtty' and style canrlot r sunMisasil.'i Hisub anltot be sunthssed." Doing araslt bosiniwa aro pnahhyt to eel) a tuHtvr artids at lower ruts than any store doing a t 'TiiurU llllilV rr iim L.nioo tirn jnr ,yro7x'0J, .jtiMvtu-.j . i .. : 'in!.:. i mm , Jl.l ijj jJi.ij,,xi.'.it , j. .... .j w ... , , . ,i, ilii UanJ,.. liirBc.assoitjnyiit pf Wjus Prki jmiVtirtawiSVC lF,.'"ti uoyuvta, otc, wiuvu. wui Asiiaoi! Vwl...W.H4iBUig Vis country t city pttsies,,. f .i ,. , !( H, p.-rvpeiiUirs. m wvtm), Ui cull tuul fcxsniina tlieir itAX tiefc.iBurolani? elsewlirnv ' ,., -u r. nl 1 iiswjVO' i44wttt,jift.iiW ,,.x pAjMlt4H e..l.i-lj(u, .., ' j KEUPBCTFULliV iuroiTOS-Hie citilehs of this jdaetr anil ic!mtv;that lie has perntu iwntty Iooatc4 hrnisetf in Striibtiry ' His olflc HtiKl sows) Mr. Jacob' Palntfu's halter-sliop, Where ' h ran 'at all 1 times be found, unleee pro flsssioiielly1'eii)ragU.' ni-i.i-..'.1.t-t ..-. tSJiIbilryi August 6, 'l4l-Sm', I .1.111111 1 t :''.: lli iuia ,U A.l I tjio-f ,n C H A R L K WU UECi I N S i--,i Will promptly attend ta oolleetionet and fell tul- - tieas entrusted ta bis care. Jaine 1B I49i-fc.:,rt7.'t A IU;J'V3T1 rJ.',i..i aii CTOWE milk Pans, stoue Jugs, and Pitchers, and other articles M stone srafe Kirt eeeiv4 f fVdlimrlffa tf Iff tAfntt. Qr, fivphlhu. ink H.r1,purr litHtni afikt I))oiyiimtHfOu9erf SHALL HUAXVITY AiA vM undof aMMint la rjtcct Cwrrt ot ruh tjtrnr. Ac, any proof of Iftr pimnriiif tittdtrnl pow in tkr StiAMnf m, h kin tubttort toii Hmirtiired ivM BRANTS ! INDIAN " TURIFl lti KXTltACT it cA a MM (tini"sV.rjr fMstierj. siM thre It slinn ;lnt snsil. Injrrret er. i It'lud. t!ntNK WriTI.K is" it rHllniu. mor4 i.uril-inil. licnliny vu-im. nnd ftudieat f r ti, in' Hi,-it i cmch'ml l Faitf Kontn f iSit r. sw7. or ' r SI.A lllnt bwr m hna:tHired lui ,!. .jTtofru Is iiimI.iui1'I "a in imr aeiapMetai 'lull liv 111.' u,B of llii- 'irivl I,i,Hol 'T1lrijit.r tlicjr Hint i!B-lirni n l.rvit ilt'-4 tlmt tm4ikws)M Cars.' H.KB HO'IWW V',t-'M, T,llt. r MlcK. Ck SOPt'liHJS. rn I nundieda Thousancl3T- j-tn, whiHB kMit MuasT's 1'tTKirir.s, alnirlisvins a1 sta tifHlnl aI.L lilc pnritoimrilia mill ulhi.'i' ntrilii mi.. ri..nn. IllcllilcJ to lyirt! IjNhhI iliwilr'-q. lluvt! flttidul ttiHt. because -One Botilt vf It hn utort tnisticH). rurntivp mnl fcr In II. Htitl. tti i'i,l:.iU'''ii-i run-B Tmrp tHnafC io much ts 'few, ttmn a'S,i4te rtr any etlier mutiirtue. . ' -rll', Ntt'SvOiYa' Uouk ol Hior'i l'umriKa will cure FOUIl.TiMES niuiti illNrii.i: thun on bottle of Mrrttna rinH tliUNT's fi'irtnfm" tvoiilil lm ni ritrtip t fimtioH Urt ImiiUm, h rTM:rdla .ii m rfoilur. UiH HRAMTS I WllHJUl in tolS tur naly l.TI) Utltl.AII hntlkil sad h,h hi.ttlii i.l' it Ao.4Hri.J. iiimI i. tajHi'ik ,il' i-nni.g, Ta'tr Timt s. mnpll iti.,' s. 9ftP hottlr ,i1 pySrWrt. them--tiirs. isrMiisriMs, In renn.o.ntmca ol its Imti, puvti't snd e mt-itic-iil .ttn-Biry. -wbould uh ruKI lit no mart, thnn Tventif-l it C ,it pur Wile, to lie in chap sa tho l'Cai riK st c'ss infir ."'' :,' i-' Ons Dollar's Worth ! ' lMiwOHVh t!rec-ttiAv miich tyHn.M.-i1tner ntiirb Scsori'LA-will One lhillart rortkal limmt I'UHJVIKR emu) lleail ihu lollowing etiittaniiit. Hlnili ( a tiicci inen.of 119 jmwer, CANCEROTTS SCROFULA ! I fs ui lln- rase ql a SWT 'Ki ye) Vrer He wi cWrrft L,tirIv r'H imv nf'.VottilS, iy isily i'Heht Bottht of Jtiat runfiui', fhn eror wsn -cuwd' by Hm ac of r.iiHoMVMUsfertswwijwriUs llisl was cr-i-innd,., Kvl-Dsusrllls luyt-f tvStciad mitical power to ell'ect Ihu can. or ntlriiRi(fl SstWrji fm. i fMr. J B lUskifl. ul Home, Viteiitn Co ,'.V. y., hd Scrot Us four jf-wi toulUu d lo l.ii laid ihs Ut yanr- hu wan Mi nmnti ilimd and dtsaiSiiuid ulnh' wmlila n rtlte lil hsiul Io till Ilf md llir ai nicliuaj nd. timlMd. owd alt of tlm but nriori'o.(i no sno.1 eft"Tt eta lew slid w. nnUwti otiAt(i4r,.d to oh iit a Vftnr State, Slid eiluld rtrit live nnrnty fmir houn Iuiipit, wht n he i!.ianM'lirrd imlns MIIAN'r.s'l'IflllFlKR. Hit i wb etfen yitetrbj of. from car lo taro hole km eaten nirooL-tl 10a viHtlpii uniler his rbiD, so thst In linwtlieri throtifiti iIih liuliihls car w-ns 10 enten sround thMt 1 rmild he lifted up otu of ilft pluca, It otily holding by n mutll iitLTithc uic of . ortt nnn v'" itstroyrd by two I'l fem hu I'lvtr uritj. r llii! snn. km liirut u n limn'. homL hsd ni'srly eaten lhfOilt;1i hi side runt hilt ftwy. 11m., h(, Ws nlTticti'd wi-ll 7Wfy ttu-h putrid, arrij.'otfenrire f'r rer. mi vniiiiua mif of bl iitoii. For fnillmr snd full psrllenlBr., ai our fntiipfilete. '' v Dint, Thomas Williams, onn of llif innrt jslKut phy 4lciNnA of lioln. wns csltd to Hs.kin tin. ttutt brfnre ti ci.titmin'Cil ii.iny Hranl't rrt& linct. W'.'cxnm Itlcit him. soil Ibi-n t. .I.i him Ibnl nil lbs medicine in Uie ttarltl could sol rr him thnl his eunu whr ' Worse than Hopeless I ' ,.' ;, ' Now hear Mr. HASKIS'S ulRtimifnl of cur.' He win! My wile priiiuri'd one buill.! ol fi'.I.Y'' . VUltlFYlXIt EXTRACT ul lWtt .V Umuml llrusfMs, ol iloimi I oomuiooQiul a-ius taut. Jiud liegtm lu ot 6tlr--i hat bottlf: rin.l.lrii on' lo if. t off my bed, wlit it I hail Ian coutini'd on y.-ar-tlio ski.o.d l.ottlc cimlilcd mo to tra out of the Aou.-e-lho Tlimu bottlu cusblvtl mo lo H'it . Tw Mile, tti Uuiait C'culro. vvlimo l liloturcd Siz lUHlie moro ; slid w liuu I lind tloi.bcd u.iiiil Ibcm. .m nttttf u wuL of Wanly t'lix-i A had hkaj.rd IT tHid thrct bottle mors' tltl-ctnl a l'i;iU-LCI' IXHK ol nit lliu L"kei,aua ro sturod me to hhI b oIIl . . FOURTEEN WITNESSES ! ; Mr. IJASKIN lins iwtmi lo tlie ubuvo facii, nnd tlie ThcU uru wituuHid inJ ct rtilied to ly POC'i'. T. WIL MAMS Mr. C. It TiKOW.S. Vmtt i lor 4.(' the llct llotiu J.tfW-.MeM-n HISHKI.I. A: I.KO.SAltn, Wli,t.ut)e isnil rutwl DrtitcsiatD hiiJ KLKVKN otln-r retp&iallc tcitnestts. We Challenge the World To rHOVK u Curt of tw revolting nnd utterly hapetc ce tti crulultt. liy the oi' TEN TIMES to much formtarilU, ur any otluT medii inc, tts wii uu-d of Brant' t J'urijicr to ctUat the ntiuve cure ivliich curu shall be prnvid hy n many vcU-kuovn, rctptctablt WUicucv m I the ultove cure. FOR SAT.K BY ir.htt W. Frilmg, SunlMiry Pa. John II. Itiinci - :'.'-. v MilUHi : s K i. t Hwiry J. SImm (TeF , i( "v 4 . to; K'twtutl A. KttUnur - do - AW ltitrr ainl onltrji ntujil bo atiilrcwwl to VttUasfc Co., li)0 Urmulw.ty. New Voik. . ,v .Suubury, July '41, le4U ly. .i-i-a Kqultublc I.llo Insurance, Aunulty ami XruMt t'oinpauy. ., . . . .-, OFFICK74 WAIA'l-T STItKKT, PIllIsAtKlIUA. Capital 9'J iu.U(H).-Chautuu 1jkuiktiiai.. i mvni thfTn'Wi lihemt himI itdTHiitHreMifl tsrma. TlifV hi til)Krmed by their hTTtwt,w,', a) tn mnWi nil unrl evm inBuronce npirtn,niHf V lifn rinVa f whnifA'cr'kirKl ir nnlurt, min t rtwiw ma exeriitn trnmn, rtmk" nulow ineiitR, niid to pntnl mid nnrrlutHe tumitlet." The Com- limy el mnnilit mid entlowinoiiltn ftml act na Trustiei r imiKHrt mid heir. ' ' ' ; u- '- ?' . :'tt ' : TiU'Ic of Pruuiiumfl remrtd fr tlip Awuroiicc of 810U for the whole Icni) ot uut. Afte. rrrm. Treril. r 10 ir u ,1-6P 1 53 1 SO i WIIU ) us i l O .17 1 .1 111 4S 3H'.' ia 4. ircr:2s4 1 1 1 IK! tus 1 "fi '1 7 IM I 91) llll I llf a in rS 4l f 4 13 4 n Sri ll., 24 85 ' ml . ii? 2s ' an JU 'f. a lit 81: 5 St ,iel i 4 ly 31 Vlie nrMiiimiw urw leiM than nv oili.,r tHMiiiiittiv. nn.1 llie polu-it'H aiUvtL aAMtt't AiiivujiUiyj. Tiitiiu i'i jiMji-yoirly mnl iiulrrtiK-iriiiliiinyiii.hMlfi-illt rtra of jemhhn, sluirt Ii.tiiik, iiiiii live, SlltyiVrti'r9 f'sl tuyViwuH'MiG; tili, I' ul Atili4iunn (I'.ir'wti irli rfi.-Vu uri' liTuiik Hhrrm) nre l.tvhit'Oii anplioHtion a tbs ttfie,ur liy alien. tiirUie J, i. i't HIJi t RiojUH-y. Rates iraa insuuisg (l(W isi. a siimla Life Ape. t'r rjsnf ... m-' .7(l '- S..r4 1 - U,UJ -1 .- Ht M ill 60 Oil Kxamplx A iMrsiii acl 3n yoirs noxt liirrti ilny, h- puilier the Comiii) cctilH Wi'ulil scejjit; tit his fiuilily nr lirtrii iBI'm Hlmulit lie di in nm: yur; nr lor ji-ijO hi rnrey n ihmi 4liwR w i.r siiiiwullyii seirn- yoiri ! mvurt-B to them vllUU HuulH Im' iIm la Si-vi yr:ira ; oi lor, lo.40 mlil HHaiyilly rfiiuiifr life lie tveura vlouu to Ih: nuu wnu ne iiicii, l nv iiibuiit wviiiin his own tviuu. )v4litiililftnis,aniAmitis" itreniiuoia fi-nnttli ieilHirffMl by abt 1'ilii'ts.i l-'or la,iV lite llelfi wiiulj f. cnvo V6uui Sll'iuia lie him III line yeui. , f , Fornix ol'upiiliiyiiioij aiiifill juiriirnlnrr mciV tie had at theottU'u. '' W'.TEIt lH.ia.KN, Vrwiiloal. Vk! PrHai.kmt, m. M.llAiKa. Is'KANru V. Hawlk, Si-rn-Uiy iniil Tienmiref . CosciHti v4i:iA-4l!r. J?.J1. lae.iuiliry. J. II. Fukuv, iuiiUtri, -Agent lor NoriliuialieiiuiiJ coua ..rjj-Ag. ly.s '.. A ' ' 1 i i : j ", ? t ' i -firiS WARE ROOMS. FIHE subneriber renpe'tlully informs tlie ullir, 3 I tliat he rontinurs the mtinufartiire of CAVJI- NET WAK?, in all its UntLU'luw, at his statul in Alarkei eireat in buiibur.VA kiul Uial , lie lias now on hand a bantUon ssorltncnf pf Well msde and M Jin. also carries on, at aw okl -estaliitaluiteut, an Pawn stn'rt, the", .";' " ,-; llIK m VuI0 BUSISfESSi " ; in all lu liranetiei, and ltcejis coiistaritly on band, art' assortment i Well inatie aart. iiiKiuoiiaiiie CHAIRS, idtiltt and ornan.mtaI.' All of which he w ill tllsuure of m iiriten a Uw " t any ,! bliahmeut in the county; -- J His towf TpTtnr in ihe bnsrnmis,' juottftf hyp 4be belief that he will be itbla to give n. erul satisfaction, arul ! therefore solicits from bis cuSitnTniis a rorttiniintice of thcif Tiitroiiac." 1 I i EST,. All 1oihI vtvroduc Uln to eiclmupf bEBAbi lAX. HOUP'iV i'K.:if A New AMorlmculul' Frvnii teoods. ' ' ''iUA T.' 6 t'EME n t,-, I r &SPECTFILLV uitorms" Uis' uienda.Mcu4. at W'sluVe in'iisi'Ve' 1 W'Wf i 1 1 (' 1 1 1 I I.Tj,i.OryUeotiii,iGr4rC0f4eai QueetMb I mj-u st tpwil6,,il(iHirfer 4te.' J BK"3 For I vcar. For 7 Venn. - - rt . t's'tl :i ... W ,! , . I . j. i.m .iij' .. 3,48 , . .' - bl. . - Caution Extrn.- ' r ;by Iks nanv nt C1.A.PP hae. m, with a J"V"f "is rtnms ofS. PiSd i JSi bit "ITn'.XTJ' " i WW Itiay r,At lit.. Town. -ThU T?w.ta.d",0'2l','n" WKMiliNP Original, ata. t "v a " ',t"r. "! -! hut wa, for- Dr. ,Jaer'.b lW,.VZ . ,7, ""I1"1 mm. hi. -.o"'"".,"l "avuif on 11 uie UIS sifaaULra ' mmt l:Vi ) ; v ' OT.n DOCTOR JAron:TWNKNlV ' : THE. OrtlGINAl DISCOYKRlCfl OF Tilt ' . ; C;rnniiin Tovrnsend Narffnparlllat OLD Dr. TownPtyid is mrw lw)iij 0 yrim-irf URe, uid' lma lung been known ii thenmlitr mid (lisenvi rer of, the .iPuuine l)riguiul."'vCvum-n1 Saisiiiiarilln " '. iiiff poorhi; wnn coiiiptlltd to limit ii m;uiuf:icturf, by vhih uu-aus it.hitBbccji kcA out of mrkei,.md the sulci clrcimiMiiuuito thopiswily who hnve provcJ it' worlh mid known its vnlu. II h;id rnftflipf! the eat a of tHWi.y, ucvvr-. theleM, as 1 hoit-wrewus who hiid bct lnvilcd iwrciliHtjos, qikI Vfd Iroin Jyoilif prtidaijuudita cxueilriico aivd wou. derful nKAUNO POWF.R. ".iu": ' Knowing mnny ypfirn mro. that ho Imd. bv liin skill. ci riKe, nnd experioncctl, deviud nn arlicl widt h Would be f inrntrnnlile fnlvnntni! Ifnnnnkiiid. Whnn once kn'Avn njHi-txtffi. lively nued. hi' h xt mitt pamuveradf ftxpeeiiug tti tinit-to, nrnve wlirn tin inhuis wmild he lnrninhftl io hi mf it Into univfrw 4 niftirc, wlion iff ttif-Mimnli! Virtitea w tnld he known ami itppiwiitted. This liitv- lma conn?, th inmjia uit Bupplictl ; iltin T ( Cli AND AND4 UNEijUKM.KD PnF.PAUATIflV,; In m:unif:ic(iirc'tj. mi (In larircst nrnlc, and ia called tfr thTiiiifHirmt Mr liirth flnH !-r')th of the hull, fspffinlh- an it i found iti(ypntil(5 ttf deirt,pnituu r ilctoTittr.itiim. Let every man ring thr.fHlTipl the l iuil. thnt UIU Dr. .Tnculi T' vnetul 9 n w nvimi iVirturincr the real 'Tviit'iut Hr!naIITl., wliich never smr. n-Vft ffrnwnf!', uml never rhmnrcflilR chnrnrtrr. ' Fiiuii Uiwdav Uirlh tho pcopif tthull have tlw Pure Ot-n-niiiH Tiwnen(T RtrRpnrilla, which plmll ii'ivnr Knur in the holtlf. or in the Briiii:icli, nnd It fh-i vet bnmh fmin tho land nit Ffineiitine. tSjurinar. Kxpl 4inir. Vinrary Siir tutiilia, now in two.. A hrI Htrttujiiirilln, (mm mi pi'tiuliif ought to live ; n jiMir sturiiiifx flip-slOit Smi-wilm-nllji oiiirht to rlnwm nn'l nV. ' ' ' The niil Dr'a. tSursupnriUu will keep tnirt aiyl perfect HM yr ... rhttke vttin;; J. r. Trtwt.Sf1l It hiipr.ivfs with nt. ami never elmnuif. Iit. for tho bi ftev: hpf'ntiKe it in iiru tturul ou eU'iciititic principlrs hy a wiriiiilic man, Phe lushest knowleilirc of t'hernivlr)-, tiw th) Ijiti-st iliscovciii-fi of the Art havt nil ItrfMi 1w.M!!t: intj renisiii-in in the manufacture if Uie nWl 1lt'rt. S. KSAIWH 1 1.1, A. I'Ue Sirimrill;i riVit. k'irtwll known to inclirtil men, O'tti t;iin many meilirhiul propi-riics. nnJ nni prfiHTih- whirl an- iiciri os UHulew, uiiil otlmri, wUii'hTii' rcinuj'-il in iruri.i$ it foe use, produce fmnvnlati'm niuj.ttcid, whlfh ia injurious to the ttvstem. Soino of ihe prperlifs of rirsip;irilln nre wt voltittle, llmt they cntircK cvuporat omltirtr luftt in Ihe prjarattoi, it they nre n-it preserver) fey hy a ncientttir prK-ens, kiiown only to those expericnecit in itii rhinmfnefnre. Morw.rer, tltene vofeitllc prinriplrn. whicli tiyolf in vtor,or iwan exIuilttiOH. umh r hefit. an the verit eiscntiMl..inuUiu.iliirtiifUt uf Uie ro.t, which give toy all itf value. , Atiywrw.rt nrit lwl! uf sltrsV Hi root till lhy pet n nark e l nctl litpiid, which is more from Ihe ;ol irmg inaUur in the rMt.Uan from anythinp else ; llhjy ran thru tttruin tliin innipitl or vapit! lirpn'! iW':etrii wUh H uir molav', nn thea call if "Scineiprtritln Kxtrnt n Pyrdp." lhitsue-h is not the stride known tc the OKNL i.NK 1U) 1H. JACOW TOV.SKD 3 SAU f A TA 1? I IjT.A. . " Tlir i m rirerwrM, that nil the 'inert properties nf the S;trspiinllu nnM are find rnovl every thinff cii))nt)le (if hecouiiinf acid or of lerm:niiati nt. ia extracted ipkI rrje'i ed ; then every pnrMrte nf medical virtue if secured in n pure and ctioeenliated form'; and tlnmil is rendered iiica priHeff losintr hiiv of its vahifdil nnd landing proieriitiS. rrcparcd in tlnf vtay, it in utifl?. the nv t jverful ngtnt in the , CVrXV, OP lNt.TMKRATirIV diseAfp. Hence the rent-m why we henr mmmendrrtloii on every sid.tfi il tuvor hy men, women, ami chihlrcn. W'cfiml it el-ling womlem in lh cine of CoiiKuinjiii-in, DysiM'pfin. and l.ier C'mplnitit. nml In Rheumatism, Scrofula, I'llen, (Vtstivenew. oil 'utniicoHS l'ruptioim, Pimplei, iitUciiet, tttiU all OafetiUiNiavnrisimi from ...,, . I.MPl'.IIJTV fF THF. ni.OOD. . Tt psscsnrfj h utirvolliiitseificneT,-, in nil complnintsnTWnp from indifrettLimi. froui Aridity of lh: Sromach. frimi mi. etWil circulation, dtitcrtiiinatiu of I!i:kh1 l Urn heatl, palpi tali' in of tin- heart, cold feet mnl cold h.ii,Jw. f li rhils and hot Hashes over the hor!r. 11 tins tft itw e,pHlin I'oklsnnrt CtHi-itiM ; ant I protnoteH efHiy xpectorritioii, anil gentle pr- piruiusu reluming tricturepiJ tho Uinrv, timer, and every Other jvirl. . . , . . , . But in iHrthiMjy is Itw execMenee mnfe rnflnifeiitry ii-d onfl acknowledg'ed tluui in all kinds and iUiqb m Female Cora plaints. , i It wrks wiwlers in casca of Flnor Alhus nr Whites. Falling of the Wmh, f Hwiructed. hnjipreswtl. or Paitifut Me4ren, Irreanlwity of tho luenstnwl pericitsand tlie like: ajd in a ulfeciuul m curing all the Hit hi oi Kidney Diseaw. Uy leuiovinjr tlu)lructi and rctrulaiing t!ie Kcucral nj -tern,' it trires tone am! strength to the whole brHlyj nnd tlmi eureauil fortiMtof t XK.RVOl'ft niSFsAPKS AND DTIHIUTV, And thus nreventsor relieves a ureal varietv of other nia- Intiea, us Spind Jrrttntinn, Neuralffin, tt. Vitus Dance, fwrwintnjr. t-.nileptic r its, v'Jtiivuisions, e. And vet he, -nult mtt nye it linden Hltlihat OKI Dr. J;t(h 'J 'own send 'a fieniiine Or i rarsu jviruia, tti uu ln'P'i"ll) ,t.f iiii irWori'ir nrettamtiou! e tlc-iTcn f.Wiid that We nhniid tloil hi an artlrtfi-which would hejir the most distant rcsemt.hiicc to S 1. Town iinilSiartirh) ami which wuM hriiw Awu nin the Old 0r. nucha iu auitaiu hail uf e iuUuntj and camiiuiiioiis from Airruls who have i!d. nnd pun-haecr h" hav) umu! 9. P.-'iMwrtfjid Fennentinff fumjrouhd. Wp wish H undertio'iri, because it is thf qrwcJme tniih, that S. K 'i'owiisend'ti niliele and Old Dr. .lac -h T wnscud's S;utel pirilla nre la'aven-whle nnart and intiniiely difi.-.iinil:tr ; tlmt they nre. iuilifc: in vvvtj .)ntriicttlnt, lutvi,ig mui ce tiiigltf thiny iu common. e.Ae. Towiweml is m d ct.r. nnd never wu, .ia no clieniict, no pharaiuaeeiitist kivws no hi rc iiifdiciua or ilisease th:ui any other cwiinoti. misci-'titific. iinpnlK HioHelt uiwru f uwtUw tU tjul'V liave that. tley nre re-eiviutf a neon hie ienuho in hi'inc. u-iiitiujiine II the virtue uwed til irepurtu it. nnd wliieli nro iafvwlle of channel which uiSU icikIci llicm tlw uiMf "f . UiH'tf i iustead ot health ! ' ' ' ' "' '' ' ' . Dut what elHe pltoiUd IWiexnei teU fr uu on- who kutw nothnnT eoinparalivHy of rrletliehte or diPe.ife ! It rcqmees a ptm ai of some experience, tVtok and erve ii even a coimu 'ii decent me d. how mtit-h in "re important in it that tho perstmt iWi?nrtttii'notUjinriiiiil4, ih-jinjiied ur weak Ht01IKthtIHl .ClWBrlllnl l!C!IH, -lVlUd klli'W wHI ihu mctlieitt pnn,rlht f phmts. the hewl iimmierif seeHirintr 4udtcxfiitfeiitr4iUug their lu-niu voim. al( ua extriWii e. kn 'wleljre ol the various diseases wlti-'h ail'ect the buuwa ivsteni, and how to adapt remedies t these di-euser:? ' It is n l ifownhle for this m-di in h n y xJ . it Itss no tiiiuumit whidi can ever harm, it ciw ijover aour or, uml tiieffi'iTe inn nev;r ljo:-e in cars ivprtpei lies. II e llie ni'ifKI. rsfitrs mr -'i f ih.iutii mie-n, 1oTcts ot tTir mm fnnpmFni. nit n-mn-rm-iTfrr? tin fie Uiunkui oqiiurie Uio eir?tibiiK'e of tU U-md, ,)rtw rinuinfc: gentle warmth rtpmlly iulnfr Ihe IkvIv. nnd at the htactiitihienpiniti ir rHxenidl oJistrnevhtiit. ami invi(s -ratmi the emird nervous s'vtm. Isms' thiv, I hen, the mcdi cm vou prd-etuiucitlly need f lint can any of these thiiifrs he aiil of S. P Townseiid's Jifcrior aitirV ? Thii young itwivb H piid hi not to ht .u-i-.-. . f OOMl'AKKI) WITH THK OLD Dil l. liocofutycof unctruid faetr that the our is iacapahle uf de terioration, and XKVKU MM while the ortier iht ; it stHKB, ferment, nnd Mowsthe liottles eoiitainin It into h: ip mem ; liio mmr, mud liituit. rX4isluJa mn liiuuafH.ig, uilcr jioods I Mui U"t this Ji(rrtliie y uiqiuuiul Uc isusgii: uus to the Bvstem ? V'liat ! puf add into a system already diseased with HfKI ! Whst canst' JKspplu hut Heid ? Do we not art k)iw. tlwt wheiiiood a rutu iu oat iitniwuitf, ,wUiit luiscliicf H i Hlue.e f Uatukncc. heailULuru, plpi- tnt ! 'It - ! ine neai i, ki er compiium, toni i nu-ii, unenuiy, tuilio, nirdeomiptioifofth hlottd AVhst is fVrtilfi but an acid humor iu the rn uly. 4 WlwJ rVihtwrtiJij hank ts which hrmn on Kiuot0i- ( the Sj, S tUI Head, Salt IthaiuitErytfipcIas, )VhUp Weinp. Fever Sores, and all uk-eiMHnft Hihflml alsi utMnwi i Jt is nothing muter heaven hut an acid sttliiskmatf) wllicfi utp utnl thua sixulft uU liie ilaiU yf llw t"dy irc yr lens. M'hat cuuseg ttrV-uoiainurvt Hrn iUud vhie4i it!iiatitri jiu acl) ytwcrT thi yuntk na4 ili li- iitditiifc k-fl tlamiiiK the tenner auddf litafeisiiinViipon niieti it n'etTi fiiiK iewuus f diaiM. f imiwrH! .oi Dm I4xl, f it ranitd o-eu);diutti, ajid pearly uli the aijhuuuts vvochuf bict huuun. imhitT. ' ' Now is it hot horrible to make bnJ all, attd iutuiitely Worse to use this ,y'"r-f 't'- (.'- , SOUUING, FKIIMF.NTING. .ACID COMrOtA'D'l OF li. TOwXSlvVD!, It ia h'iriihie to Ihtnk, and to know how frrueMy the aft Aided are imposed Um hy pruciimptifiui men for the sak ot money: r ortuuea muKeout oi uw Kiitwtoi jum pic i and no eijuivaU'iit rendered the uVstteiiiuig sartWera I . It ia to arrest iruuos upn me tmiorinnnie, punr inn into wounded humanitv, to kindle b-p deapairmg hn. lo restore heulth aud fekolu, aud vixur nu th crushed and broken, ami to Uno-li infirmity, that tjid Dr. Jue.i Townaend has aought sit. I found the opportnntf f and means to uruut hisfimisl t ntd'oaoiiwiad .Matmlsf wiihin the reaeh, and tt the kn wk4:f. Uiut Uity may leuru and kn know, uy i r ul tl.11. to hHi'e the ..rrchMibA Wifnrftavi. ruil lh.-.HU M in.... ' T ; - SutaS'l.i ih"y. fmrtmrt.un4r;. V MAAaJB SuBDon-:.:. ., ihTr. 1 " ' " , 1 i, -mill vmuHDie nevKi, hmhs. 1 L1 irB or CniT, handsohie! boutiri, tTAc aiess s .llisToa ftr, tu jiuuiijihii.i, Slss For wle OiJuAlXiVO. w 7i Hi - . . S! 1'?' a -T1! .1 Jr Vlit'ili lor yv? V'iaaillUI Vi 'uhai HiimaIl . at the publiprs pncfsy ' j TK. iTDoli.icll to V P.wto v. J0lT7Z " II. P.. lllftJft.IV. .1 r!4A, l',"f lp.i.'' ti i .vt.. - Sunbury,JulyU.13:;::V;;t vVdV Wrn fUwT T-k-r 1 nfv et .i ;:tlifi 1' 't.T'WS """w:nu .-va eauwc SWm ! PLANKS of e arriving sJ . v ivi'c Ar im, ,n.iw. . y mieenw oa navaawaai PROCLAMATION- f A re,,y ,ven xhnt t'lcwvcral court "fnon 1'leas, tieneral qfitlcr - fimeions of Ihp peace, and OrplW Court, Court of Oyer nrllerumifr and Ocneral Jail Delivery, in and for the' county of NortliiimWrland, to t-emmem at the Court House, in tho borough of Kunburr, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, 5th of Noyember next, will continue TWO WlJEK. Tlie coroner, Justires of the Tcnre and const, bles In and for the county of lWthumlierland, are requested to be thn and rnere In 4heJf proper per. ons,J with their rolls rocords, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those , things to their, severs offices appertaining to lie done. . And all yirnesws prosccutinn in behalf of the' Common vrealtli agtiinst tiry prisoner are also requested and comiuandtid to U then and there nl tending in their proper persons to prosecute against" him, as shall w'jiist nnd tint io depart whlioli fenve' at their' lril. Jurtiirare rsqti'istsd tn bepuncfunl In their attendance, at tho time appointed I agjneabta to their notices. , . . . . f,. Fj , rv . i v ' ' '! ? - . (I ft' I lea t. n, o I .i. r.. 1 . -" ".uuaui ouni'iuj, tuc uau aay 01 lit; Inlier in flic yenr' of our Lord one thousand eiBiii nt.mircKl nnd ftirty-nine find thft In6e. -pcniloiicc bf she United Stat. of Amtrica tlie f&hr-l yV-,., , . ...... f. . . :. HI'-S, COVERT, Sh'ft, , Hod save tlie. CommonWcalth." . ' LIST. OP JURORS V. Nnrllnunlierlaiid Cotmty for November Term A, I). ItM'J.., ...... Csi'aiid .Tiiror.o. Upper Augusta. Elisha Kline, Samuel Ri. land. . -.r , ; ' ; .- . Lower AugiisiaPetet .Malick. , llnrh.JtMsUm Kei-d. ," Upper 'Muhonmi. BcppvillV Molshoe, John d. Ufimj Ki-lix Maurr-r, Barimrd Adams. Liwcr Mdhmwy.-Michael Emerich. ; Jaehnn. Samuul Malick, John Otto. Levi Drnmliellur. " (.7ii7i'.soiimjiie.Wilinrri Frick, ' Joseph N. Nesliit, William E. Irvin, Neal Caul. Milton Simon-Randolph, William Fry mire. . , Delaware. Saruupl I'iiiney, P. H. Watson. ' Leu-is William Tweed, William C. Ellis, Lpvi Glnzp.' ' Turbvt. Peter Bilhnire. . Traverse .Tiirofs. '-" Stinltiry. Francis fiiichor. Otoige Bright. ' Upper Aiipistd. Frederick Haas, Abraham Sams, John Keefer, Lower Auftmta. Jacob Kehr, Thomas Up. dffXiall, Jiio.jrN. 'C'uuniU. . Shamnkiii John Cascnian, Isaac Titsworth Henry Lpi&uriiii;. ' 1 ' . L Ktt:h. den. A. Dickon, Isaac Woolrerton Stnnlov Ciearlmil, Jos. Kt llv. Cnui. Wa.hiimtou Smick, John Everitt. Jus. urn, John Thompson, Michael Derk, Philip Stiimbach. i pT Slahnnnif. Daniel Geist Jacob ErlinSan. Dine, Abraham . JLoiecc Mulimwy Frodeiick Tschoop. : Jtirksun.. Win Deppin. Surlhainlmrland. Thos. Withingtori, Chas. Rev, Chaili's l.itile, Robert Martin. Poitti.--Thomas Vaukirk. i Chilisquiupie. Andrew Fetzer, Peter Yoris, Abrnham Limber, John Shell, jr. Milton. Thus. Slriiie. Jesse Derrickson. ' JMiWrri!.--Wi.ioii lli'itchisnn. James Rin cnruu, John . Work, Edward Druckemiller, James Oaks, Win. MoWilliams. .' ' Lewis. liiiilolph lluntsinger, Anderson Dennis, Aaron B. Ariman, Daniel Derr, David Johnson:- . '' 11 ' ' .. .. Petit Jurors " Sttnhim) Jneob Cable,' E.'Y. Bright, Ed. Gas.a, Caleb Fisher.'' '' - ! '. .; -' Lnw r Augusta. Wm Rloom, Wm B Sil verwoml, D,inii'l Hohebach. John Foy. Shomdhiii. Jesse Campbell, Asa John. ' ' ' Httfh John Case. ' . Lanvr Jlutonoi.Charles Biosious, Benja min Trego. , ; ;.,.....'!.., . . Tiicc.niii Jacob lliilips, Geo. Ilepner. Xorthitmhrrlanif-. Sb.n Adams.' ' ' "'' Point. Win. L. Cook, Thos. Thatcher. " Cltilistptaipie. Jacob Kramer, Daniel J. Cnul ... Milton John Frick, Wm. Fillman. Delaware. Jackson GulTv, James Arm strong, Thomas lVArmnnd, Thos. Kirk, David Knhns, Win. Beartl,! Thomas Mc.Kee. ... Lctcis: iDavid ' McGiiie, Michael , Brobst, Samuel Russe.l, Amos Klaze. Turlnd. George Reitz, Martin Billmyer. LIST or causes', . . i , .1 : .. . t . .. f p,iminnn PI... nr w. . V.1 I V I 1 111 1 III III,' I.UUH V- U 1.1. ...... . .1 Jt i itiiiiili,r..nil ( 'ountv. at Novcnilicr Term IHlO.' R. Ooodmnn ' ii the ," Coin, of Peuna ,j vs Duvid s , Iake t 1 1 .. v llawood & Snyder .,,; vs Georjre Hecker t Gf.: vs Johu Porter .... ,'. , ' vs John McGinnis ' Vs G (i rant A. Garnishees v Win. Ay res r . , vs Lciti Stroecket ' 3 ! n . vs same , : , I s Isaac Brown ' vs Wm. McCuy'saJm're vs m. Btorlta "l vs Jacob Ruld's 'rs, ,, . v Jaroli liollman vs Philip Ilnurl adinr'a vs Jos. H. & J. TCline ' ,. ., JacoU.Wieik-'- i va llemiifttou & Gillnre vs Conrad Gilmer vs Dodje& Barrtt'"1'" .va John JaooUWcike , I), waitoc Jurduuetal vs 1'liulK'lU Wcitzcl et al J.icoli Shiu Jacob Reed . Danville & Puttsville Rail 'llnnd Co. ' Win & K. Finely .! Krucl liutclius . , Win. Narks . llinJv for Snyder ' " l-'retli ricU Keener - ,'" John Ciorvur's heirs Andrew Unrver et id Robert M. Chirk .' Ileurv H.tlurr John MoUinni. i ' "' Lewis I'li'Hsuiiin ot ul h MriH-cket . Jacob Ilmisel & wife Jonathan Piivsrli't nl ' Kir. 1 nor Rood's durfs U, KuaCs tiir J. liound, Paine fur Malhmrs Peter Kiehter's ex'rs Peter Erniue '.-r; Ann. Elvers . . : ; , lUvha.el MeCarty Jacob . iNitzuimer vs Leah htroi'ckcr Wm;'ft It. Kcgely A Co. Vt John Sliiaalcr ; ' " IV'auliiJS Ataclwys ve Samuel Kinia-y -Thijujns KcellLr , ,., ; va SSumncl Wain Moses Cliaiiilurlaiii 'vs Thomas S. Mackay I). Hnats 'fur W. ft. Frymue vs Isnnc Brown -(siainurJ.BiniJniiin , - :- ! vs Jacpb Howsr ' it.. t U. S. DocIrc lor .Moor A, liiddle vs W. & K.Fcgely fSarah Heed vs Eleanor Heed's tnhn'je , JAcoli Karehner " vs David Fryruire et al Jacob V PUits . va A. Khawn : Uawli WeiiiiiT v Ir X . ClenieiH ;,-n:. John Hower .1 v rrederic neat , . Aaron Reply ' va Ir 'r- Cleiiient Palmer B. Johnsort " vs James White Clitis'.' VT Rlehtirds ' 1 ' vs- Joseph Peltif " . . ... , :, j. Billiiigtolv Bu)TV iiavw . .. Uuiiier. vs "ii-i 1 ... . . 1 I. a,..v li. oli P. Miller et al vs J. A M.' A. Pwcney MaWh Brl al Vs J. WyTJli A J. Vaniaat Win JJe I'uuy ,11 ti Va Jacob JLssiiwiifiiig Win ,H Thouipson , Mary Snyder et al ' humo ' ' . Jacob Cabe . (., Robert W Drnm ''vs James Dmv ' ' ' vs Cornelius WmitH Jospei Va.lykr-j ill PuutiusiV .TluMnnsoii. .vs tNimual U Wood . John T MePherwiu " vs S Snyder.M SnyderetSJ r c -ii.. SD Jordan, S HubVr Coin, for Saint turman va - JorJ, M w5iie'y'll( l(bl li'1'' vs" Michael Millej' -II 11 Montgomery X"yi Robert MoG .mulrk; Joan B Mittorr..! Ju .., v. John 'J efd" v'ra t Wm 1 Dawart., . va AorUluinl-aWi CMWty f Jol,rt itVCv ' 'S. CwarJ . A' Kutxuac .-, 1 Jaeob PhmWi : OceVge I' nX' . .. . . . T , . ! yimvs. A H lAivranM Milln'r of. 1 w! li "i t J . ' - r c , .. v rtu-r n w-i . ,,n.Ti.JCWWfAJl.N6WOSTiI. J.-w f 0 ia .v. i. .... .. j,, rviyw'r-y ici itni :il ,C:.u. 1 Tuppnry y.t. ia. 1S19 C . j jonn iiarmian Uufkanb In. ..l . UU U eiaa v " '-?t.-3 ft J. Hnir. wt, jg jra, ( H) ts Puskurv, JuW J. 1848 rt ft test t-eu i Misofitf, hrt f iiSr&Mfr 1HPII T'.'alae vi . m. JB -4it jkVtt sal ymtM Sts(t mi ,Wir I