SUNBURN AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. v: i , , .. , (Press Mm N. O. DeJ 1 L . I t 1 llllfctETBt:Dy l tBA. ... ea i r. 11 Si i ' . t r- ' W tfCPitn) ?rtnlay. per brip Ailam Grar. from our ttf,ntiv Havana rorrrvn. dent, some inlwstliisV details af an affair of fate occnrrrnr in Cuba, which in atrocity. Unnatural brotalMyi and complicated tra-n-dr, ita-artf fqnale horrible story of thr BnreV as. Cnrfr,nHj from tha dopumcnt apnt tii by our' correspondent, ile facia of tha case am aa Wlowai .. fi t..ij . In th district of Tina del Rin, there re Med, aoma timet airo n wealthy planter, hnw ttamo was Run Joan. Thin man,' or ratW brnte in hnmnn form, had been for aorna time liviny criminally with hi own rlanirhtfr, to th" ktinwlodun of thr wift and Another, who. hntvvar, wan afraid to excite tha brrttnl renffeanca of the mmistrr. bv de. honncinv and expoaicjr his crime. But an the daughter began to bloom Into wnmenhnod. tha aenae of sham and dgredntion bejjin ring to operate on hr mind, she determined 10 resist the approaches of the nnnnturnl pa rent Sh threa'eneri to proclaim h;a ittfumv and denounce him before th" tribtinnl. if h" persisted in his atrocities Shorllv n'tor 'his aor girt found in her be I, rniplly mir. dered. The fnlher was arrented. trj-d. font'd fuilty, and aentenced to be execii'cl bv the farrote, a Itird nf puiUellnc. wb'h pvtin f liehes 'ife by irean of a ili rp ir . v h'rh is mode bv a certain sprlne to pprr'trnte the apine of the victim, as he ait in a rhi' or tocks. ' To execute this sentence. the P Mic functionary, as he is slvled in Intra I pur Inure, or in plain Janirnnrrj the executioner, was aent from Havana. Now, as this individual is held in great horror by the people, who have lately been threatened wi'h a visitation from him, on account of their aspiration for liberty, it was deemed prmlen' to lodpe the executioner in a secure place. He was lhere fore provided with niiarters in the ilitric.i prison, in the snme apartment with several felon, who were appn hensive of becoming better acquainted with him. In the mnrning, Jack Ketch was found d.inuling by the nerk, fiom a rope attached to the grating of th" prisms, H' felluw-iii mates of the p-ison did not appn ciate hi company, and had thus rid thems -Ives of it A fa etom priiciuer, hnwver, lege t! a 'he e uti'tiet h die n-r l it w ith 'i n oic. cn I j .1 iamialurt M,lk lit ntrtf.. mm'tn" Ka:l ..a4,,j..t ft ." . ... ' . ; retire r om tbvs-t -t l '. n it hi a -rvild o , impose upon the iiilellitetil Governor of the district, who w"it 'o work, in th" old style f the inquisition, to nscer'ain the truth by the application of torture to the prisoners.-- In the process of his iriseniou device for the elucidation of the mysierv, one of the most murderous looking of the accused was lied tip so tiiihtlv, that by the merest acci dent in the world, he was quite unable to give the desired information although hen taken down he bowed his head affirmatively. He was Head ! The Captain General hn sent down an es pecial officer to ascertain the facts in this complicated tragedy. Our Correspondent sug gests that he should filling the example of the District Governor, and hang a few ol the individuals connected with the rigid npplica. lion of the torture. There being no applicant for th office of executioner, the abandoned murderer of his own child, was taken out nnd shot by a tile of soldiers. These are the simple facts of this affair, wh.ich are sufficiently tragical without the episodicul additions of the honor loving Spaniaids of Havana. They are suffi cient to illustrate the benighted slate of mor als and of the administration of justice in this unhappy and opressed island. " BuiKciKo Co.t To New Cstte. The Harrisdnrg Ttltfiraph stales that propositions have been made by Euglii-h colliers, to fur fciab the Harrisburg Gas Company with Eng lish coal, at a lower price than that nt which the same article can be procured from Pitts burg, This is literally bringing coal to New C'astlo. ' The importation of coal to Pennsyl vania is emphatically another evidence of the working of the TalilT of '46. ' SviqcaniNN BM. The Suscjuehan a eoutity Bank at Montrose, we see it report ad in various quartets, has exploded. ocil (tvabc. ScMburt, November t , 1849. Amount of conl brought to Snubiiry over the Dunvilieaud Pottsville railroad, from the Shamokin mines: Tim. . For the last week, "50 Fer last report, 1522 Total. 1590J I1)C ittmkcts. , ' rHUhADBXsYHXA. MARKET. Oct. 31, 1849. Wheat- Prime Pennsylvania reds are held at SI 05 a 1 06 and white at 5 1 12.. SI IS. Rye Sales of Peuna. at 62c, and South ern at 580. . Comm. Yellow is worth 65 a 66c; white 61 a 63 c. Oats. Southern Oats are held at 29 a 31 ; ' enn. 36 a 36c . , WmiseV &U? in bhds at 26c and Ibis at 17 cents. BALTiMone market. OffiM o tkt African, Oct, 30, 1819. GBAIN. Sales of B'd to prime rnd Wheals a' 1 00 a SI 06k and of w hiles at 108 -- CORN Ski le at 606lc for white, and 0 62o for yellow. ' . ftra Market bare small sales at 55a58c. ' mis: ,.U nl 99 a 32u Der bushel. j WHISKEV We note a sale of bbls. this snorning at W c, ami nn-i. a. ' V,, ; ConutU vUi h ntnr Huur 100 6 S Waaatr. v - SB."' -' Ceaa. Oats. t . Bvttss, . ' Caas. Peak. , futnu, Tiitaw. . v Bscswai. Fin. SactisaTiiAi. aisaArsLsi. JH. Passtaa. 0 17 14 6 15 10 95 16 . 60 , , GEMEM L UltDfRM. ; HEAD QUARTER5 r I -. Krs itoww, Norlh'd., Co. Oct. 8, 1840. I N arcordsnre with tha recommendation of Oov, Johnston, tha Field and SUIT officers of tha Eighth Division, will hereafter appear on parade in the undress frock coat, and forage cap of the tinned states Army, j Those officers' wio. Jinve already proeurcd tha full uniform are not included, in this order. WILLIAM H. KAfE. MaJ. Gen., 6th Div.I'.V. : ItrlirHile order. The companies atlarhrd to the Northumber land Brigade will meet at their usual respective places of meeting, on Monday the fifth day of November next, to elect by ballot, one person to serve as Brigade Inspector in the room of William H. Knee, resigned. The officer of each election will report the re- turus to ma within ten days after aaid election. WILLIAM H. KA8E, Drigade Inspector. Britrade Inspector's olfirc, J liushtown, Oct. 19, 1849. $ - Groceries ! G roceries ! ! ( Oi l CIV & . S. IP Coiner Ai'ch 4- 6 Strtet Philadelphia, f FFEIt lor sale to the inlnbilants of ftuiihury ' and vicinity, Family Groceries of the very finest quality consisting of EUra Fine, Superior and Common Green and Black Tcua. Coflcss otell kinds and prices. 8i.garof every k'n.l. liice. Farina, iSan. Jlominy. All kinds nt'eh. tice l'i klcs. Sauces, Ketchups, Olivo Oil, Preserves. oVc, wsirantedt be ol'tiic verv finest arades in the market and at the ! cheapest rates posxihlr. AW i(0ods carelully packed am! promptly lor warded. UOl.TOM & CO. ' ft. W. for. Arch & ti-.h St. Phila. Oct. 28. 1649. chcm ly my 20, SHTRTFF SLTsTT?;. Y Virtue of certain writs of Venditioni Ft rutins t i ni diiected, will be sold at public sale, at 1 o'clock P. M., on Monday the oili day of Novcml er next, at the Court House in the l'oronsh of Sunhury the followine des rihrd Real Estate to wit: A certsin tract of land situate in Lower Xuqnsta t 'wnship, in the County of Nor thumberland, bounded on the east by lands of JohnFoy; west by Andrew Gonsert j south by .tnhii I.oiiu. and nortli by John Malick ; contain ing 17 s-rc hiorr or less: wherein arc erected a two st -fv Dfick dwelling House, a otic and a half story frame dwelling House, a small Darn, a shed, sn orchard, &. A certain "ther tract of hind situate in Irish Valley in Shimokin towi.ship in said county, 1 bounded on the ea-it bv lnn;ls of Wm. Campbell, nti the south by Joseph Hope, and on the west by i,i, r i.,PI t?v, ,i ,i,... ,n,,tim- 03 acres more or less, whereon arc erected a 1 J story frame dwelling house, a small born, snd or chard Ac, about 6U acres of which are cleared. ALSO: A certain other tract of land situate in Lower Aumista township in the said county, bounded by lands of John Mallick. on the east, and on the west by lands of John Lonir. the stone church and others j containing 18 ai res more or less, all of which are cleared. ALO: A certain other lot of ground situate in the township, and county afurcsnid, bounded on the north by lands of Peter Kceser. and on the cast ly lauds of John Maliik mid others, containing 7 acres more or less, whereon arc erected a small store room, a shed, a IVume hank barn, Ac. Scired tid.en in execution, and to be soldasthe property cl Linuuuel K.uiU'inaii and John Haker. ALSO: A certain other tract of hud situate in I'pper Aususta township in said county ndj unina; htliih on the north bv Jacob Hoover, on by lands of Geo. Zimmerman, on the south bv lauds of Sarah Keen and on the wet by lauds of Joseph tSavidee. containing till acres more or less, where on are erected a one story frame house, a frame bar,n, a young orchard. Ac. Seized tuken iu execution and to be sold as the property of David Darnhart. ALO: A certain lot of ground situate in Lower Ate- gusta township in said county, bounded on the north and east by land of John Fleming, on the south by land of Herman Shipman, and on the west by lands of Jacob II. Ithodcs. containing four acres more or less. Weired taken in execution and to be sold a the property of James 6 Wm. Koss. ALSO: A certain lot of ground situate in the liorough of Northuinlierland. iu said county. bounlJ on the north by lot of .McClintock, on the ast by a lot of McQuahe, and on the south ly Water and (juccn streets, containing oue-(s;hth of an acre more or less, whereon are erected a two story frame dwellintr honse. a large frame stable, a wa gon house, a pump of water at the door, &e. Ceiicd taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James Hilburn. ALSO: A certain lot or piece of ground situated in Point township in said rouutv, bounded on the north by land of Joseph Wellis, on east and south by land of Jacob Snyder, and on tho west by land of John I'lston, whereon sre erected a log house & table, contatuint; one acre moro or less. Seized taken in execution and to lie sold as the property cf John Snyder. ALli: Tl e undivided fifth part of a certain house and lot ol' ground situate in the Irr ugh of Suul ury, on the s iuth side of Blackberry street No, S!0 l bounded on the west by an alley south by the rail road, east by lot No. "H8, and north by Dlackhcrry street, whereon sre erected a two story due'iliu; house snd a small stable. Scuc.l la' en iucsccu lion and to 1 sold as the property of John Bogar. ALSO : A certain lot of gr.iund situate in the borough of Northumberland, iu said county houmled uo.'tli by Queen street, cast by lot of John A. etern-tl, south by Duke stiect, anil west by property of D. B. Mctiiegor, fronting on Queen street Bo teet and StlO feet iu depth, whereon are erected a frame house on Duke st. two stories high, one loir house (weatherboarded.) on Queen street (two stories high.) also a shop attached theieto, a stable, s well of wuter, Ac. Mczed taken in execution snd to l sold as the property of U m. McL'sy, dee'd., in the hands ot his administrators. ALSO: A certain lot of grounJ situate in the Borough of Milton, in said count), between front street snd the west branch of the Husquchautia river, begin ning at the corner ot a lot ol fcolomon DeifUnuer. fer. on front street thence along said street 30 feet, theme by a hue parallel with the line on the south side of said lot of the Said Solomon Dcillcn dcrler, and extending as far hack westward at si midway between high snd low water mark of said liiver, thence up the said KivcrftO feet, to the comer ot the said lot ol the suul lot ol tlie said pol onion Dcitleuderl'er to the place of beginning, it being the same lot of ground wlncU Beth I. l-omly by deed dated Dee'r. 1st, 1843 granted and con firmed to 1 aul lienuetU !eizcd taken in execu tion and to be sold as tha property of Paul BcnneU JAMES COVERT, Srr'ffi Sheriff's OlGce, Sunhury, ) Oct. ISih, A.M. 1049, I . I ilale tr Alba V Uarrcll, dee'd. ajk OTICE is hereby given that letters of admin- L istrutiun have been limited to the subscri bers on the estate of AH C. Barrett, lata of the borough of Northumberland, dee'd. All iwwoms indebted to the estate are requested to make nn me diate payment, and all having claims against said estate are retuestea to present uieia tor sxsraunt' tiju snd settlement. CASPER J. REED. I), C. BAKKU1T, ' . Adaituistralots. NarthMmasrland, Oct 9, 1919. i. -PROCLAMATION V OTICE Istareby jl that the Sevsfst tftfrts oi vunimon riens. uenersl uuarter sessions of the peace, and Orphans' CosirU Court of Oyer mrA 'rMni,.u HJ ' - I V ' I i . I , ... . u. ti. usnerai jail UKiirerv, in. ana for tha county of Northumberland, to cemmencc at tne lonrt Hotise, in tha borough of Punbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, Stli of November next, will continue TWO WEEK. ' ' The coroner. Justices of tha Pcc anil mnats hies in snd for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in tlmir proper per sons, with their, rolls, , records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several olliccs appertaining to M d'uc. And all witnesses prosecuting m behalf of tha Common Wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending iu their proper persons l prosecute onanist hun, as shall be jimt and not to depart without leave st their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at tho time appointed agreeable to tncir notices. ., ; ; : . , Given under my hands at Kunbury, the Cth day of Ur toiier in the year or our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine and the Inde pendence of the United States of America the 73d. JAMES COVERT, Sh'fC God iwve tho Commonwealths LIST OP JURORS F Northumlierlsnd County for November Term A, D. 1849. 1 raml Jnroi'M. Lffr .t!gt(.i.'a. Eli lw Kline, Suiiiucl Ri laml. tottvr Anpistai-Vrtvt Alallcki '' 7iu'i Josliiui He. d. ? Vppsr AJukunoi). Uoueville lloUlioe. J. hn U. K.'iiu, K.-li. M. uirer, lliiiuinl Adiitna. Lower Mahonoi). Mi. li.,el Ein-ii.-h. ac.'.soii. Satnucl, John Olio, Levi D ntrihellei. Ckilinq-taque Williiim Frick. Jis.-ph. N. N slut, Wiiimm E livi.i, N ul Ciid. Milton Simon Iluiulolph, William Fry- mi-. D-lawarf Samuel Fitincv. D. 11. Wutson a. uis Tiiiii.ini iwecii, iv mium v.. cum, L'-vi Gluze. E TurfoU. Peter Billmiic. 'I'i'.'iversic .furor. Siinlurif. Frnucis Bncher, O'oipe Bright. Upper ..rt(.,a. Frederick Unas, Abraham S.uvis. John Ki eft-r. , Lower Augusta Jncob Kchr, Thoinni Up- ili'L'iiill. Jno. A. fjonriid. ShamMn John Ciiscnian, Isaac Titsworlh Henry Leisenriug. Rush. Geo. A. Dickson, Isaac Woolvertou Sliinlcy Gi'iuhiiri, Jos Kelly Cunt, W:isliiiilon Sinii'k, John Everitt, J". Zilrn, J hn Thompion, Michael Dcik, i iiinp ci.tntiMcn. Upper Mahnnoy. Daniel Hine, Abtuham ucisi j.ii-i ! fcrlniiiiin. Lutccr Muhonoy Frederick Tschoop. Jacfaon Win Deriniii. Northumberland Thus, tt'iihingtoii, Clius. wey. v iiiine inline, liolicrl .Martin. I'nint. Thomas Veukiik ChiliFq iaq-te. Andrew Fetzer, Peter Voris, Ann nam L. uger, Joliu Mi II, jr. Milton. Th'is. Siriin-. J M Dcrrickson. Delaware. Wilson Hutcliisuc. .larnes Rin- caison, J.ihn Work. Elwnrd Druckemillcr, James Oaks. Wm. McW'illiam. Levis. Rudolph Ilillitsinger, Anderson D-imis, Aaron B. Arttnun, D.iniul Drr, David Johnson. Fcfil Jiivnrn .Smibiti t, .lacol, Cable, E. Y. Bright, E l. Gass, Ciihdi Fi-her. Lower Aususta Wm Bloom, Wm B Sil- verwood, Daniel lluhtdiach. John Fny. Shamokin J 'sse Campbell, Asa John. Jtush I'lliu Case. Lawcr Muhonoy. Charles Brosiuus, B.'iija mi'i Trego. Jackson .1 ienl Philips, Geo. II pner. Sorlhumlierlaml. Job i Adams. Point Win. L. Cook. Tim. Thatcher. Chilisq iaqne. Jacob Kiamer. Dauit l J. Caul Milton Joh'i Frick, Wm. Fillmau. Delaware. .lackmui Gullv, James Arm stroi.g. Thutii: D'Armniid. Tho. Kfrk, David Knh'is, Win. K ard. Thnnias M. Kee. Lewi. David M.Gnie, Michael Brobsl, Samuel Hiis.., Amos Ik laze. Turbut. GeoifiC Reitr, Martin Billmyer. IiIST OF CAUSES rOU trial iu the Court Common Pleas of Nor thumberland County at November Term 1849. R. Goodman & Com- "C t'enna vs David N. Luke et al ts Hawood & Snyder vs George lleckert vs John Porter vs John McGimiis vs U (rant &. Garnishees vs Win, Ayrcs vs Leah Stroecker vs same vs Is.iau Crown s Win. McCay'sadm'rs vs Win. Htarks vs Jacob liulil's cx'rs vs Jacob Holl'man vs Philip Mouse! adinr'a vs Jos. 11. & J. Kline , vs Jacob Weik Vs Herrin-tun & Ciltnre Vs Coilrad (iiltiicr vs Dodre 6l Uarret vs John Ja ob Weike vs DcwartAc Jordan etal vs Elialmlh Weitzcletal Jacob Shitz Jacob Reed Danville & Pottsville Kail Road Co. Win & R. Fegcly Israel Gutelius Wm. tarks Brady for Snyder Frederick Keener John Garver's heirs Andrew (Jarvcr et al Robert M. Clark Henry H. Uurr John Mediums Lewis Crcsainun et ul Lech Strocckcr Jacob l,l"U-u'l ft vvife Jonathan i'ursclet at Klt auor Ki etl's adm'rs D. 11 oats tor J. liouud Same for .Mathews Peter Richter's ex'r Pe:er Erwine Aim .Myers It ichaei McCarty Jacob W. (Scitxinger vs Leah Mtroeeker Wm. 4 R. Fegcly &Co. vs siiisslcr N.iah S Muckcy vs iSamuel Finney 'l'hnmas Keell'er va Samuel Blain Moses Cliaiulicr'ain vs Thomas S. Mackey 1). lloat lor W. H. Fry mire vs Isaac Browa Samuel Boudinun vs Jacob 1 lower D. S. Dodge for Moor &. Blddlc vs W. & R. Fegcly emrah ICecu Jacob Karchner vs Eleanor RceJ s ailm'u vs David Frymire et al vs A. Rliawn vs Ira T. Clement vs Frederick Haas vs Ira T. Clement vs James White vs Joseph Pettit Billington, Buyers it Hunter vs A. J. Fetier vs J. & M. A. Bweney Jacob V . Plbuts Jacob Weimer John Dower Auron Reply Palmer b. Johnson Chas. W. Richards I'ayid Miller Chas. O. DotU Jacob P. Miller el al Sarah Boyer et al vs J. Wynu & J. Vantaut Win L'e Puey vs Jacob Leisenring vs Jacob Cabel vs Rolcrt W Drum vs James Drum a vs Cornelius Smith vs Samuel R Wood Wm II Thompson Mary 8nyder cl al same Joseph Vandyke Pontius Ir J noinpson John 1 Mi-nicraon vs 8 Snyder, M Huvderetsl c l I l - c i . n r... si l if ..., o a.oruaii, o iiuuvti M Pweney tr wife vs Michael Miller , . vs Rolacrt McCormick U 0 Montgomery John U Miller . vs John 0 Boyd's es'rs Win l Dewurt . Rolwrt McCay J. I. Khultt , ve Nortliumberlaud county vs biward A Kutsuer . vs Jacob Weike tV wife Jacob fhilips va George L. Weimer A B uawrene. aom r o.yi p & q . . , , John liarlman vs P Burkenkine adm'l J Clayton for J MeWilliamsvs Jolin Bower F. O'Doimell for Wm P-Nsgle vs John Divers Cotn'wealtu lor i Ktoh va T A Billington o bail Henry W. Hnyder vs Wm r Wsiionseller Chas Pleasants vs James It Wm Rosa JOHN rARNSWORTH, frkrr. Protbooetay'sotuca ) Sualnwy Oo. II, , FIHIC FinEll .FIIlEl!! Farmers I ears rear Property aa4 kelp eaoh ' 1 ' 'sther ''. FARMERS COMPANY M r YO.OOO Ulcnibern. 1 GUA RANT Y CA PITA L OVER $500,000 pHE Washington County Mutual Insurance I t'ompsny of Oranville, N. Y., through tlieir Anent, Is now taking risks In this County and vicinity, on dwelling Houses, Churches, Taverns. Boardinir Houses, Hnv. Grain and Farmers pro duce gcnerallv. This Comnanv takes no risks in exposed parts of villages or on Stores, Mills. Shops or Machinery, nor insures exceeding 88000 in one locsntyj The tute are exceedingly low, sva raging less than 5 per thousand lor Policies run ning 6 years or 1 per year. A small riremium note is renin red, but the prosperous condition of the Company snd the large accumulated cash lund. preclude oil probability of there ever lilig an assessment. The Policies of this Company sre free from objectionable conditions often found in policies of other Companies; the Company being also responsible for tha correctness of busi ness done bv its Agents. It is now the most ex- tensive Mutual Company in the United States, and universally popular among the farmers of N. Y. Mass., and Conn. All losses, however, SMA'.t. after due notice will lie promptlv paid cither at the place of loss or the Branch Ol'lice at Harrisburg. The Cnmpony is nov under the direction pt'the fob lowing gentlemen! Hon David I? iissell late member of Congress. I0n. Solomon i. Cnwcn. Cornelius I.. Allen Joseph M. Bishop. H. N. Graves. Henry Holmes, Geo. Clements. Joseph C. Orvis, Arch Bishop, Geo. Youn? jr.. Nathan Dmne. ' DAVID RUSSELL. President. Persons desiring Insurance in the above Com pany by Informing the subscriber bv letter or otherwise will receive prompt sttention. AliUEU T A. CARRIER. A pent. Sunhury, Oct. SO. 1S49. TFN STRAV SHEEP t AME on die premises of the subscriber, resi ding iu Uti'cr Aturusta townshin. nt the Nnr. thumberland bridge, about the first of the present mouth. Eight of said sheep arc marked on their oj(hs witii red clinlk. the other two are ranis and no marks visible. The owner or owners of said sheep are notified to come forward, prove property, pay costs and tike them away, otherwise they wiil Le dealt with according to law tf JOHN W. KRUM. Sunhury, Oct. 13, 1819 3t. To atl OciiilofN, ljt'-itce, AND OTHER PERSONS INTERESTED 'nllcc ! IIi'K'liv Given That the fol lowing named persons did on the dates allixed to their names, lile tlieir accounts of their Adminis tration, to the estates of those persons deceased and Guardian accounts. Ac, whose names are under mentioned, in the Oliice of the Register of the Pro bate ol" Wills, and granting Letters of Administra tion, in, and t'ur the County of Northumberland, and that the same will be presented, to the Or phan's Court of said county, for confirmation and allowance, on TUESDAY the nth duy of No-vcml-er next, at the Court Huu?e, in Simbury. 1819. Aug. 4. Juhn J. Woolverton and William Reed. Executors of Charles Wool vertou, dee'd. G. Chriflian Cable, Guirdian of BarnarJ Sliatler, 7. John B. Lcinhuch, Administrator of Daniel Lciulia- h, dee'd. William Dewitt. Executor of Marga 16. ret Dewttt, dee'd. 8. Samuel Camphcl , Guardian of Sarah Jane Wilkins. now Sarah J. Roth. Sept. 13. James Miller, Evecutor of Harriet Summers, dee'd. Thomas and James Pollo-k, Execu tors ol' Michael I loll dee'd. ' Alirahr.m sterner, Executor of Henry Culp, dee'd. George A. Frick, Administrator of Henry Frick, dee'd. William H. Leghorn, Acting Survi ving Executor of Jeremiah Yastine, dee'd. Daniel b"utigan and David Taggart, 28. Ocu 1. 1. Administrators ot W ilium McCay, dee'd. . Register's Oliice, Suuburv, Oct. 6, 18IU. DAVID ROCKEFELLER, Register, WHY WILL YOi: Sil l I EKf WHY will y u neglect th 'M jtrfiu ii iu try Hymptfmi Which ure Kiving you wuVuicg lUt tome ininfr munt be d uu t . t tre y u I'mro tiic ptuve of Ihc c-nmirajlive ? Why ene urope lUt liUe night iwciiii ramittr -ol W U T iliAii-yi; ' t liter ihe ' that u preying Um" y ur vittili, taking avny y.tur ftrenpth with earU uimiiiik day. ami liancniiif v u to that b mrue iroui whence u traveller retiirnh?'1 He it 11 W Dlllc t" IrUVtti Hllll iltUllkl t Ul iHUUllt-M. Witui'Kt the CJkii f Kev. Henry J in:ii. Kiifht Ave line, wiiu vim cttrctl nt u cmjih ul CA) MiuuOuitj ; .Mrg, Attree, N'. 22 ' im'llu.atrrW. h hint btt:i given up liy Dm. .M 'It, I(om? hiiiI Mci'lclltin. The gunnlclnld m" Chrivtitti) Klrnhrt, l.inll w-Ftreft, wli t wu qIki givm upt'Mhe. mr. .Millite, t rmrrty n ifrtciKini, wli in lh? firt riiyitici.itiH Htiil v iiM n t I r iiueii ; in id a h stff iuTw wh hiivo been mfiuMtii with ASniAIA. CO.NSU.MI'TIO.N, IJVKW r(t.MPLAl.T and all the varinn f mis ol" iliiwr in the vital nrguns. U uny Hi mill tin tilKMt-y i itim uatiiciiit ; iui iiK-m Mini o mvtrc with iuac win luve Iwni tmrttd liy it. ranitihlcU e iit.iiinii ihc n ini'fj ;iml n Mi.lcm'C ul u sinull rti ii ul Uh.-iu nmy lie Liuim-n, pra i, in nurcn.ianig - tre y u pel ihr uenninc, ak lr "Slllii MA.VS AL HKAUl.NO liM- VM,1' untl imc ilmt ilm WUU-ii nigna. luic v A. Sliciiuaiij M. 1). it 'ii lim rujtjcr.,f cuch Ltuiilo. MIEKMAVS POOH MAN'S lMsASTKK tins cured m re eis, s of Khnmviiism, l'uin in the Duck, Huts siul L hifst. Lumtsifr t snd Weakness, ihtni nnyapi'li c tluil Ii is lucrtiistiil, hiMHlrettii I' aiii riiictle,l nmuls h ivsatltsmoeil to c uiSi-rlell II. uiul uulm it 'lt an il tlis esiilniiiiily us the geiiiltue. t? IteWiireiS llcrt'.ti n. llauemlieT mat ihc true una peuaiae i-iasier isetn4ki ap u reiUmh nfiur tiLide exitrcKMlv i r Ilie narixiiii; unit everv cuse the Miriiuturff , I' Ur. )i'rinnii is iiriuted ui.ii the Ikick f Ilie i'tnl. r. una the whulp lueiirnj liy C ny llirlil f .lie where are scuiiinc. Tliercf ru when y u Wiitil a re:il ir 4 herni'ic'e Tihtr M'tii's Pluviur, cull ut ihe.-tliec, IUQ Niiskiu slrecl, unit yon will n 1 he itiiKinp inle-u. KeiiienilK'r iruicisilliriice 1C0 Nnukia-sirret, New-York, where all l-'r. rilicrmurs UiKeiigt s are ski. His Aseius are Aire, ll.m, i I nil 11 sirtei, iu siyu i, Williuintkuri : snd Koklins; At o, H -st a, nil M. A. McCAV, 'Motliiuiukcrkiud Aug. tl, 1S19 eht3iu ly qosb oin . ment, ron TrTTf R J) KAD Ihe fnlkiwuuj entineeis from Capt. Ucvne, ihe V wutl kiaewuiuid UApuua Bhuni lkit CuUiia (of tint itavcilui.) niiLSDaxrHiA, urt aaar ui, imo. Havend veare sines I wna attiirked with s lirenkiiis oat iui wy neck iu thu f urn of Teller, win li I inn e ut inccl wus e nirueim ai ine uurncr lamip. ii gmnini:iiiyraienii eduver my firs until il reached the purl ,-f Ihc cheeks. Loirine; the severui in niha Unit it c 'ntinueil aMeudiiuT, t uaod dillereul Siliejtuma, s sue 4' wlurli Imd the ellcet, aipenlly nl icnsl, I' increuaius Ihe dlarnae, hut I'oml imhm or ihriudid 1 (wrot-tva Ihe leuat tanietil until 1 applied Uie Hiuul UlMMUiT.. ii Uw uas of uue inj iM il, w;S USilsvoy uuieu eiaa wncivaauiw ,,et tn a..un;- 1 buve since uaedthe Omnnrnt, lightly Sii4 r ugh neas ol I hi' tucr. la Wiira. rliapa.-d handa, a, 0.' With irr. fret suueeaa. I luive no hraitmi m in reeouuueuding H in the smNnjort uun-jer to the Uie, - ' ' v, ' Aftrnl Hssav Msassa, Sunbury. Relate f Sarah Drelier, tlec'd. v OTICE is hereby (iven that letters ediniuutUa ' tiou have been arauied to the subscribers, uu the estate of Sarah Dreher, lata of Dower Au gusta township, Northuiu'ierland county dee'd. All rsone iudebtcd to said estate or having claims against the same, sre requested to call au the subscriber tor settlement. JOHN DKE1IER, Adm'r. Lower Auftista Ubp., Oct. UU, 1849. Kotlre fo Delinquent!. ALL persons indebted to the subscriher, long than sta months, on note or book account, a sr are retjuested to call and make scltlcment.orelsetUeir accounts will be Islt with a n'S((itraUJ tor collw Won. . ' JOHN W.rHlDINU , funlnj7, July 7, lSt. . ,, . TO PimiCIAM, DRUGGISTS AND COL'MR MERCHANTS. DR. J. N. KEELEU & Bro. most respectfully nttetts tt..fiM i- f--.u t....u e xr..j. w uivii iiiraii muir v, u'.gg- lisk, Frtiieh, Otrmatt and Ameiea Drura. Mei ICines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dya Stuffs. Glsss waro, Perfumery, Pataut Medicines &c. Havinj lited a new swre No. 84 Msrket St. with a full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, ws re spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our siock ocioia purcnasmg elsewhere, promising one and all who may leel disposed to extend to ns their patronago, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi cines, on as liberal terms as any other house in the vu, mu id laiuuuuy execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. Une ot the proprietors being a regular ubvsieian. affords ample guarantee of the genuine uualitv of uuai.ti,,.? hi. oiei; cetaoiisuineriu o especially invite druggists and coun'ry merchaiits, wlio may wish tj become agents for Jjr. Aeeitr t uinrateu famty AJtiiinnet, (stsn durd and popular remedies,) to forward their sd dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain. - , , J. N. KKKI.L'R A BRO., Wholesala Druggists, io. V'.ll ftlarket stiect, Philadelphia. (September 15, 1840. ly. iiffiuuiiiui In ihc IniKvai cilisie of hi .in VVE are not nmong thatclass.of Editors who ' fnr ft C... .1..II... :il ..... ui'iiaia win, iai mc cupcnse oil ruth nnd honesty) "eraclt i,ji" an article and brintr it into rapid sale; neither are we willimt tn wnmin silent, after having tested the utility of an im provetneut or discovery in science or art. Our readers will recollect we told them wc wcro un ...... ...... a n,.,, .ni.,.,1 any violent co 0 sonic lew weeks aqo. . Well, wo purchased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF IIOREHOUXD and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who aro Hlllictcd, may iry u upon our recommendation. Letviston Trie. giaph. A fresh supply of the above valuable medicin Just received, nnd lor sale 111 Sunbury, by John w. minis, Mary A. McCay nt Northunibcrland, and nt wholesale by Frederick Klett, & Co., cor ner 01 v;u and Callowhill streets. Philadelphia, rhiladelphia, Sept. 22d, M'i S mo. e vm, WlIOI.r.SALK DKAl.r.R 4 MANl.TACTL'Itr.It OF WILLOW AM) WIIIIDI'.V WIRE. Importer ot French Baskets I.ooUiiu Glasses. mid Fancy .oiJ. IVo. IS Itwriii Street, Between Market and Arch Sts.. under J. Sidsit Ju.Nks' Carpet Warehouse, two doors below Christ Church, PHILADELPHIA, ' JTASon bond and is constantly receiving a large and en tensive assortment of Combs, Brushes, Fancy Goods of every description, (too numerous to mention,-) Lookinir Glasses of Gilt and Mahogany frames, Baskets, Coaches, Chairs, &c. B ROOMS, Shaker's Eastern Wisp and Country Brooms, Window Blinds, Door M.its, Tubs, Buckets, Churns. Washboards in fact, Wooden and Wil low Ware of every description, all of which will be sold low for Cash or City acceptance. .Merchants would sac themselves much time and trouble, by calling and examining my atuck before purchasing;. N. B. Looking Glosses, arc insured against Brenkagc to all parts of the Union, without extra charge. August S.r, IS!!) 1m TICKNOR'S COtTTMBrAN SPELLING BOOK. J EI.NO a iironrrssive and Comprehensive Kvs x tern of (lrthoeraiv and Orthoepy. iucluili"ii(r a variety of dclinilious. adapted to tho use of Schools in the American Kcpuliiic, hv Almon Tickuor, a Teacher of ttvenlv-live venr's emieri. etue, and author of the Columbian Calculators. Practical Common School Mensuration, ice. 1 tie attention of I eachers, (School Directors, i parents, &c, is invited to this new fcrwllhi!. Bonk. I which conforms to the modern spelling and usa?m in Orthography aslieinijoncoftjifi fb" the wants of best arranged, and he.Vr published in the United Children, tluiv.r,-..-f it tnnoorta to ln. a Snellinf iook and not a Keadinz liook, and only requires an esainination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into tho Schools of the United States. Just published, and for sale by 1 1 F.N nr MasiEi. Sunhury. Where Teachers and Directors can procure copies for examimiti n. August 4, 161U Till? Ft It Ml. II '.4 ENCYCLOPEDIA. TDITF.D I1Y riOI Yl'HNT.rn K.MKttSON. N ONE VOl.l'VE, Royal octavo. 11 US panes, lienutiliillv hound, containing, 17 line plates. larsidcs numerous Wood Cuts. Sold ut aliout one fourth the cost of the English work, without anv Plates. 'The Parmer s Encycl ipedia is a real treasury of practical information, w! crein the cxierieii,e of all ages and countries is caielully imistkii fr to the present day, snd ndiniralilv arranged fur con venient reference." Ur. Darlington. "Yi c are fully rouvinced that such atl a mount of valuable krtow ledge for fin'nier can be found in no oilier work in so cheap and convenient a form In fact, no Parmer who pretends to be w ell inform ed in his prnles-oon, should be without this work." .Ntw ticnuesbce rarmer. An excellent work, fit to he distributed in pre mium" by Sociliee J. S. Skinuer. Por sale at this Olhce price lji4. Also, by E. W. CAliU. Third street, opposite the Exchange. Philadelphia ; and N. HICKMAN, Ualtimore, Maryland. I7r?" .t' i Ouutin mcst as KccurastSD sr ths C4511. July 14, IS 19 Cm j I ESPECTFfLI.Y informs the eitizens of this place and vicinitr, that he has perma nently located himself in .Sunl Ury. His oliice is next door to Mr. Jacob Painter's hatter-shop, where he can nt all tunes be found, unless pro fessionally engjid. &uiiuury, August ".), 1SJ3. dm C 11 A I! L F. S W . H EC INS, ATTCPslTET AT LAV". INiIInvIHo, Vil. Will promptly attend to collections and alt busi ness entrusted to his care. June 16, 1K4U, STONE WARE. CJTONE milk Pans, stone Jus and Pitchers, ' ' slid other articles of stone wure just received and for sale by JOHN W, PKILINO. tfunbury, June 88. 1S49. a IS8UR PAPEIt Vellow Tissue psper for 1 covering glasses, Ore, lor sale at the orliec ot the American. II OOKS and Cold Pens. On hand several op- - ius of the lile of Christ, and also a numlwr of fold pens Which we will sell st the Philadelphia prices, r or stale at ttnsjince. kaiHiTE BRANDY for preserving brandy V peaches of an excellent quality, for sale by U. MASSER. . Sunbury, Eept td, IS40 - 'I' tEAis, from the New York Canton and Pskiii 1. Tea Company. For sale by le by h W. rRlLINQ. Paf.ta7 IWw t, 1949 a. .. ... v,iiwiii riTiiiinn ennntrtoa. hn ,mii, .I t "m?7 W'01"' "? 'h"n "y-fh-rmids ib,' ifllh M the hnmiui tVmih.vt i,,l wjn , , ' Ihetv hs not lm. n eny rrruin rmtdf tu .top ii, 7k dim of the dwtn.yer. Bui uow , .... t BRANDS, INDIAN IT, 'il il ll I J'lllJUill Onrn rery isasv of the mnt Mrmels mxltnd id ite. oped eswt t Pulmonary Covtvtirm ksal. ttarfeultW fiaaes ol alcmuxt smi diumd It'.VOS-"n h Iwprtui e rr er nevr hrf'oru rureit hy eiiv ulher ln.-diuiii. n vtttrh hcfttlt rm i t - ultllcti d pernn, w t heve l.n finuniunned bv sAy.Wase and THend tu lis ictuillv loriNM. S me 'iMii. Imd ihi ir hurlnl vlolb. i iiimte. hut )wn eurvil, mut yt live mherf. wImj ti w iid wuuld ma live anuuitr day. sr saw st well sail hcriy a. they Tr wrrc II iiaseei all the clManalns and purlfvitiff virtuet (irmly aa (juweilul auj aulive as tije urutaraUtiU VhiiMih vail ...... , BRANT'S INDIAN PURirVINa EXTRACT, Thla d'IT-r from that ueranw ihi' ifia-eaei inrril t' t r i-avin wni. I, aie adepui tu. and are atrm nslly nit'Mlry. to i ure C5ngli3 and Consumptions, and all diaa of a pnttnotinrv nalijr -ravb diaeaai'a pp uiuallv pr..- ao fatid undur ordinal y liuouieut, whon Ihey allnrk the . . Brcnt. Tlirnnt, l,im:it, ami Ileurt. Tld BA IX A V klaU tn4 er IJl'iri trt ttu Limt and lrh. r.. Itucrnauv a- cirlninlv and i- Oi.. 'ri . rriNO Kxrn.ei' ceres and . nlere- titnatll Thi. It.,l..m , ur.. Ainacaae. ,,l Oourh and i emo.-ien nut d rm aller all ..ih.T n-mrdit i. Iivh falUi to Ho eon I Thousands of Consumptions .ul Chronic CjA. alilindaiitlv prnre In vnfniliiir i S-V in Mi. h dl-, a-.- H, I il. iln..bM i im.m-.. ,Tw." "' th nu, hraiiliK noH rtira. in llin h.lh.w i, ,.m' mI,,,,i anil d c ris t of Moot, m.eliarnl mu. crmMninu. Pnl,i-a'hn ir Ma Ihnrl. CinWa r'fan' m IJy tnicni I .Vamaur CuinpUinu in Ciidri ",j A iulli. A tlma, a d ALL " , ... m nr. nr n.i an i A( It , (gilt Swat Ft MALE WEAKNESSES & COMPLAINTS. No r m' llv that ha 1 n Hn.J t.. ,1.. .1:- u... In . ti huir a-rrrtoin and rfMval I., evmrting ALU lh in- 1IRASTS VLLMOSAItY It ,nah. in. li t t. r, no- wh,.i)i. i ih.- .l..rnL'.-iii.-i.l h- tnnm-urio rerun ir ntticr inritlentnl vcaknexM Ir I.' l-'cl 1 1 t-. .,. . itrmtthtninr t v.l. ni. nnuill.tor Ihe ' rirrufoti; ",,;i aomftlna i-d atiaoitir NKriV'tjI's llilil'i .iin l'i-.- i. our I'omphUu h,r ii iinf ' ' CONSUMPTION. A Dying Woman Cured ! . VV.- attite tliia enra to urov.. tl, nnun. in , llli" B M.HAM i d. e,.i niter i-i...i i. ,ot.i.rr by pht !, Inn and t'riclida to m In Ihe toft Halt. i ,1,.,., MCln .1 V tt-jinr and li, thl- .... rM ... fhroutl aiid tnria; rtotha with hnnchr Fri' tv yiam'i tare ,,f Hi ,s enac. and Ihr rr tirrtaldt und undmthuj ,,r,.",.r t a't ih. cirtnui'tuni-ea un.1 !m,i. wm ,ut.. I'.A M I'll I t: tx. tin. iitr-w rfl'.rttd on M.- Tll'i livtrt'nju r fl.iiVon .iro. .v-urn'on f .V V w,- tn ,,.' l,,.,,',d lonoi. mnnvuMi.v. almofi eouallu a. I.,,,,..!. h...i ....... Wcrntici'a..'.,.f Ctwuhi e'oylrl7rfion tvnrn ro inoiMimi.'rd in. l,y -kif pnysi ions. ' LIVER COMPLAINT. fee Ihu cure ol Dr Hubbard nf Slamlurd, ft., and nthera Dyspepsia ! S.-r Ihe raw nf T S ml ox mw hunt, nr A"lr. Vro oi'iHf To . N. V., and inat.y mine, in unr i'ami,lil,-ta. Dysentery & Summer Complaint in CMltlrtn and A-titt'n an. et-nnt mrtA w; u, rim.... will 1,,-cuiim Jleshf kiollhv and krimy. and iniiw rni.iulv hv the u nl Una HAL.-AM 1 Nil mother nrrd ever nwmrn fh ,1.0. .,r -k:T.I l. .i. r Ti.rf,,,!....., vhd- If nnjVTO ULMOXARY BALSAM h .lmii.,. i, .!...,'.. u- lT uch ca.Ci. (iven in linger than the nrdmai y duies. ' .JolJ.1) A PHYSICIANS RECOv.MENO 'I'he loll,.win,-.iiHni,rd Od,.- and (,,i have huliiy r, inmenili-d KKANV'sj M 1. 1 HCINl-'S : Dr. N. Ilumitmi. t,,ii,,, f,m Ur. J. N. SMITH. WaVrlmrn, N V ! IIO'SMAV. ,.,, .iret. lirooklyn, llr C l IIIWi' .. .... ' ' ,.r. Or. UKil HUVi'n.h. M,.'i'orwn. Cuna. ir. ui.w a I.' ikkhs. II. ,h n y. Dr. S WlliTK. Kr.d.mii, N y Ur. O. It. IMI.KXTI.NK. Hvron. K. V. t'r. i o SUII' tN. KHviiovllle. N, Y Ur. J HKINVKtt. IJ'lirv'.t.. Hnvdllra. H Y t'r. O. MHtl'M.tN. Corliio, 1. N V. roil SALE BY Jjhu V. Friline. Saa'ttry P. Mnry A. AleCiiy . riiiiimtetajij. j nn ji. jiifiel tlnry J. Sliff'rT Milt d i Kdwir I A. Knt''l?r Au letteis mul orders miiai be addressed U Wallace & Co.. ins IlrnmKvnv, New York. SnnLury, July HI, 184U !y. rqtiitablc Lllc lnsiirnnce, Annuity and Ti iil I iiiiauy. OFFICKTI WAt.N't'T STREET, Ptni.ADEI.niIA. Capital 'T0,(iu0 Chautkh I'sapucai.. rj'IIF. C nnimny nre ii'iwr prepnrcd to trnnmet buaineas I npni ine ni'iai ilia-mi nnn ndvriutnue mi trrins. Ttw nre auth iriziil hy Iheir charier (arct. 3) "to mitta , every iiwuruuce apiertninin! t" life ria' of r'vi ""' nr unture, snd f receive nml esrent c meats, mul in emit nnd mtius, snd set sa Trusttcs pany aril aniniio--. Table of Premium! required f"t the Aaurouce of 6101) fer the whole tenn of Life. Age. Praia. 3 3 t'l 3 6 3 77 3 Ml 4 13 4.1a 4 51 4 71 4 ill a I a fl :u 5 :t 7 a ti3 The prr:iiiiua are less thnn tuiv other cnHiunv and the piitn-iea na'-ril urtn:er lulviuitiiu'-a. l'ultlea i, linli'.yivirly uiul ijunrliTty pri.iuiiiiua. half errtlil ruti-a of imiiiii:ti. sliurt lemia, iitint livea, aurt iv naliipa unit eniliiu'iu.'ute : nla i. U.rui ttl Appitenli tl (f 't which there are lildiilf eiieela) nir 1 1 la.' hail ,n upplientl li nl tin-i illi-e, ol by letter to Uie Aijeut, i. il. t'l Kin , Suuhury. Kates fob tsacaiNO SlllU ou a single Life Age. Prern. I Ae. Prein. 16 1 M -Jl 1 H9 17 1 51 3-1 13 IS t M a it JO 10 I 1 V.I 34 H 37 jo l no 3.1 a ai ijl 1 HI 3d a 40 11 1 lid 37 S 47 a:i i u an at at 1 73 3'.i i KI S3 1 "ti 40 a 70 '.Hi IM 41 IHI K7 1 e!l 42 a !BJ as I trt 4:1 .101 ao in- 4i .ii'.' uu am 1.) 3J3 For ? vcara. nl l,u t.6t a.u" 3,)7 For Life. I. tin a.ot a, ro !.!l . u.u-l . Example A pera 'il sped 3d ye-ire next birth d:iy. bv (aivlug Ihe 0"lllp.'iny , eeuta HMiilii ei-ctlie lo hia liuutly ..r'heira Qilial ehnulii he die in "nr year; or PS rly" he Sm. eurca I lliein rliaat ; r i r !?l.l nitnu.iii l ,r H-vt-ii ycum lie atvurea in llu'iil wuaai au ill.l nf uie lu acl en vr:ira: i rsiaiMU iud niuiu illy diinue Ine he st-emes tsltsKi to l land wln'li ho dies. 1 he luaui'el a'Htiuitr Iiisiomi b ana. 1V the iliili-renee in nin nut in omnia ua ir nulli merhiirMl be oilier I'lhei a. 1'. r tln. 50 the heirs would receive s.j0OU an '(uu ne niu in one yenr. t-iirma nl uiinlieuli. n unit nil nnrueulnra ninv lie hud at ins onice. ri. n.ii 1 1. l.l.l .N, t'reaideut. vice Prrfiilent, W M. M. Jl.viun. KRAcia W. Kawle, Secret iry and Trenaurrr. Cosril-TiNO I'iiTiicia.-, Dr. J It. Mnaarr, funhury. J. U. 1'tRuv, riuubury, Agent lor Nortiiuuiberiajid uoun sunuury, Juiy Xb, ibiu .. ..... LAUD LAMPS. conNEUt' s a co. . 110 f hrsmil SI, ESFKCTFrLLY announce that theyhsve just finished the most ei. tensive assartiuent of LAMPS, thev have ever olTered for sale, eomprisin; ELF.GANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS. BRACKETS, PENDANTS, MANTEL LIGHTS, &o. In great variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much attention lias been paid to ECONOMY in the construction of these Lamps, snd such are made as will produce the grcatost mount of light from the least consumption of Lard. - - Recent improvements in the manufactory, with tha introduction of new and perfected machinery enables them to sell st a very GREAT KEDCC 'i'lON from former prices, and all articles before leaving the manufactory, are carefully inspects J and sre warranted pcrkiclly tight, and to give satis faction, Philadelphia, June I, 184. ly I j-jnT .?s?.itsi:. A Nvr saaui luienlwl Frealt tUoda Mi'- IRA T. CLEMENT, RESPECTFULLY Informs his friends, ens to men and others, that ha has just received a handsome assortment of NEW GOODS at hia store in Msrket Square in Sunbury, Such as Dry Gmids, Groceries, Queens ' ware, Hardware, cjc. Sanbitrr, JunsM, 1WI Age. Fur I yeur. au t'l W W . 40 I, an M 1 ,i-a 50 U,43 Caution Eitiyi. asms to pot up s Snrapotilla, v.hleh they ee'll Dr Tow" aeiid'a sjnr, ,!! don mliuiuig It OENllNE Orisinst, sts. This Townsend Is no dnet t, sno herer vraa ! hut was tot' marly s w irkor nn the roilr ads, eanssj, and the like Yet he saatimes the litis if Dr.. forth nurpnse nf eeiaiae'efedli f r whai ha is a This Is 1 1 eautl a the public w to be deeelred, and purehnee ,riie tut the Genuine Orleina! Oat Dr. Jio.b Tiwiiicnd s Sarsmrllla, having im it Ihe Old Dr'l. liKcnrss, his fntnlly oust of srttis, and Bis auraatsS asroatbssust of arsis. . , , , . slb.-WT. Uk ar ,vru OLD DOf TOR JACOB TOWFtSFlVD, , THE OK101NAL DISCOVr.KER OP THE (arniiiiiu Towns t'litl Miraaparlllal C. I.D Dr. T iwinend is now sbmu 70 years nf tea, and ) h is I ns been Known as die nmh r and SietMverer of the Ocniliuo OiiKiunl ''Townsend Sursnpsrilla Bs inffp inr, he wns couipelled to limit its manufacture, bjr which ineniia it h nlwr.i kept out of market, and ths sales rircuinaerihi ilto th seonly who hsve proved ita worth and known its vnlnu. It Imd reached the oars of many, never men-Ms. nn tnoae pera ins wno nan ueen nenieu sorediai nnd enved frjtn death, proclaimed Its excellence sad ucoui HEALING POWER. Knowing1, many years ngo. that he had, by his skill, sei- enec. nnd experienced, deviaed an article which would be ot' iiir'nlrtuihie ailvnutnirc to mankind, when ones known and exienrively uaeil. he h 'ped sikI persevered, expecting tli' tiiii.- in anivewnen the nienua would be turiiiahed to b, ins it into iniiven i notice, when ita inestimable virtues w uiii be kn nvn and uprceiuted. Thai tune has corns, ths mains nre supplied ; ihis UKAND AND UNEQUELI.ED PREPARATION, , Is tn inuf ietiued un the Inrccst scale, and is called for thr iu'li..ut th'.- length nnd l.rcaclth of the lund, especially aS It is i' .and iuunbie ot' ileucuenitioii or deleri ruliisi. Let every man rinir tlir ujrhout the lund, tlmt Old Dr. Jneob T wuaeml is il w inanuliicturinjt the real 'T wnaeud S nsnimnllu,' whii li never sjuis, never I'cimeiila, and never Chanyesiia eharneter. From ihia day f .rth the people shall hovo the Pure Oen uine T 'wuseiul S.irsmrills, which shnll never aosr In ths b.Hllv.or m the stomncll, and it shall yet buniah from ths Ian I all Fermenting, wing. Kxpl dinjt, Vinegnrv 8nr iparilla. now in uae. A Rood Rirsaarilla, pure and K-'bUluc bt to live ; n poor soucius, slip-alup ttarsapa- nli l ottuht 1 1 droop and ilia. . Tlie Old Dr's. Sarsupiu-illa will keep purs and perfect IW) ywirs. L iilike youniS. P. TownlenH's It Improves with sea, and never ehnnyps. but lor the better i beennse it is pre pnrcd nil si'ieutifie principles by S scientific man, The highest kn wleilije nf Chemiatry, und l he Intt-a' ducoveries ollh: Art have all been tr mirlit into requiallion ill ths tuaiiufiic'urn of the OLD DH'S. SAUgAPAItl l.LA. The S.ira ip.irilli ia well known to medical men,' con tuius intuy mndicina) prnpnrtiea, snd sime properties wlncli are inert nr we'less, und otliers, which, it retained ill prepnrine it lor nae, pralnee fermentation and acid, which is iuittri iui m Uh system, mie of the properties oi Sirs:i(,nnU.i nr ao vohoiie. Unit they entirely evaporate nnilorel iRi in the preparation, ii'theyare m preserved Irjr by a F'Henririn pr occs)., knnwn only to thoae expencneeil iu ita in iniuneiuro. Moreover, ihean'vohtileprinciplesi which llyoli in vap.r.ornsan exiialjlioii. un.lrr heat, are Ihe vent e-saetuin! iiu-dmil properties of the ro-Jt, which give tor ail us vnhie. Any '( -ii enn li-.ll nr stew the riot till they set s dark e l ic:lli.'iiiiil. v hii-h ia more troin the coloring nratter lay tie: root tli.-m I'roiu anything elae ; thev ean then strain this iliaioi l or vn'.id I'liniil aweeten Willi s ur nioliiasea, Snd thcneaii it "Sarsaparilla F.xtraet or Syrup." But such is n l V n-lw-lc kicwnns tiie uENCI.NJ! OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSIiN'D'9 BAR S.M'Altll.LA. This is so nrainred. tl. it nil the Inert properties ef the S.irspariila riot nre fust removed every thins capable of ir-fi. noli, it neiil or of Termed! iaii n, ia extrueteo and reject eil : thru cvry partieV f miHlimil virtue ia aeenred in a piirennil eoiiecutraletll rm : iinil lliua it ia rendered fiiea. pnble nf loinir anvnf il vi.lual'le and hf-dins; properties. PreparcJ u tins wiiv, it iu made the m st p.weii'ul sgant ill Uie , cr.Iii: f)F lXM-MKItADLE DISEASES. ' . TI'V!''e',iie reas -n w ltv we hear comim-ndatinna on eveTS side in in lav ir by men, tv nueil.Siid children. We find it incw ' iti llice.ife -i C"i, iunoti n. l)K'ni;aia. and t.i'.ti' C ::. ,'..unT. ii nl m Riieumillm. 'fills. Piles. 'ei'-:. ;,:i o Hnn-ti us, p.uipics, Jitotcacs, and a.t oil .-en 'iofiriMt ir m IVi'U'il I V tF THEHI.OOD. ? i. ::: I'.o. ; ,':r.-:ivv. i-m!! conii.Iiiintaarialns fr m in'lijreiii n, fr un Aeiditv f'l ilie t'niniich. f r m un eiri'iilnlion, d.-terininnti 'ii ef bio d t the head, palpi tati n "f tin- heart, cold feet ouil cold hands, ei'ld chills snd h-d llnshes over the Iraly. Uhns u -t iiserguul in C tdaand ' C ue;.s ; niel pr -uio'.-a'ciisy expectnmtion. Mid ffelltle per si-ira'i ii relaxing siriciureof ihe lungs, llirout, a4n and other ,,,rt. 0t Kcinals Cost Hut in n 'thine la its exM.e,'- aeknow.eilBudiliaDiu -fnf pmn, Anm, w Whites, pllllUta. .... V 1. ril.etr,,,.!.! SannlM,.! nr firUl ...-lisea, iiT-snl'iri'yof lliernnatninl peilrats, snd the llks; and iaa elb-etu il m rnriii" ul! the f rm of Kidney Disease. liv rem 'vinff oKa' mrii na, nnd rrtruln' luff the senersl ays tern, i aSves t me und strength to the whole b sly, snd lliua cureaall 1 nui 'a NKitvors nisKAsra and dediuty, And thus prevents or rtrlive a great variety of other ms hilira. na Si'inil Irriinii n, NenrnUria, ft. Vilus Danoa, Sw wiintt, Kpdsptie Fits, C siyolsi lis. e. And vet li wal l tain Have it unnemioisi wnt uiu nr. j ieob ' Tnwnaeuri'a Orniiiie Original S-iraa pari lis, is an IMITATIl'.S "f hii- iiueri r prepnrati ni ! Ili'ivn T ' tlmt W" ah ii Ul itrad loan article which would bear the in at iliaiunt resiMiihlauee lo S P. T. wn s.;ad's:ir'iee! end which w nld bring BoWn apnrt the Ola Dr Mieh a in nniaiti load of cmpluinls and criminations 1'r iA A'j.'n'b wh ' tmve a:d, mi l purehaaera who hsve seed S. P. Ton'ua"nd'a Fermentinp Cemp und. We wish it undevs'n si. hoe line it is Ihe abs dute troth, that 8, P. To'iiai-nrsiirliele and Old Ur. .l ie h T 'Wnaeud's Snraa pnrill'i arp henvcu-wida npsrt and iniiniiy dissimilar ; thsc t o..y ore nniilie iu every particuuu, lviving not one single thinir in c'-mtuon. A i. I'. 'I' wnse.nd ia no d et -r, and sever was, is ao elteinisi. ni ph irmnteentisi knowa no more nf medicine nr iliseass than any "ti er e 'inunu, uiiaeientilio, uupna'es i-i aia! m ul. wiial irunmntee ean the public have that thev urn reeeieinff a trenaioe aoientifie medicine, e mtnlninf sll the v iruiea uiu. I in preonriun it. and which are iiicipatde of chinecs which might render Iheln Ihenjreuts of disease ia ilc!e!til "1 heallh ? Ilm what t-Ise should be eioeeted from one whn knows nnliuiiff eoiitp-'iratively of mwlieme or disease ! It requires ft pen. al oismte exoerienee. to eiatk unit Serve up eveo S eoniin'n deeeni meal, how much ui -re imptuiht Is it that Iho p.-r in wh uni'vu'"'-turu medic'ne, designed f"V weak ,' mt ii'Im airl riil'ee' 'e l seglrins. ah 'did know well ths illi'i'ieil peirn. a of ph if f, the liesl manner of securing mid ' sieeninitict il.eii Inniine; viitue.a. alio an extensive Wn wle l :e ei Ihe vnriou, iliaenaes which nffenl ths humasi g hi em. i,; ii iv I., ml io reuielien to theae dir.enaes! It i nf,io-MHe fir ihia medicine tid'ttnndt ithasne thiinr in ic .vlneli mu ever h inn, it can never soar or Hi il. mid lie r.'l re. can never ita earslive prrniertits. tl eleuiifes 1 he htaid, excites the liver to hoslthy setiofi, I nes He- s: ini ieh. and uli es (i sat dite lion, relieves ths Ii uveU ef t irjvir and cimstipnti si, allays itinatnaiion, puri. liea tin-akin, iunlizea (he eireulaiinn ( the U od, pro d ieiiiv uentle a-niMi enn dlv sll over the t sly.and at ths iusen.iMeeerpiin u i rehxes sil "hatrneli na, and luvigo rues - he en' ire nervous svslein. la not ihia. then. Ihe medi cine v -n nri-eniiiientlv need ! But enn nnv ot theae things he ii I t I' T wnaeud's inferi .t silicic! This Touas; man's ii inio n'.t t , he CiiMf Vltl'.!) WITH TUF. OLD DU'S. Bi-esnseiii' oiieenni't fie, 'hit the ' lie ia incapable ef de. ten .raii ai, und NliVEIl SPOILS, while the other does it eour. i i.-meuis, nnd blows the h dt lea e nlaiinnl it into IrKL-inenis ; fie amr. acid linuiu exploding, nnd dsmagms; uiKi-r U' da! Must n 't ihia h rih'e c 'inound he poia. B nns t the a vstein W hat '. put acid into a scaicm alreidy disviMd wi". uenl ! What c aaua Dyapcrsis ts aeiJf tl., we u l mH know. Ih.'it when I sal a mra ill our slnmachs, what miaehief i'a nr sluei'S 0 iiaisisf. hearihlmrn, pului titi n t" ilie heart, liver c iiiiilniut, diurrhoa, dsentery, c .lie, sod formnil n of the bl.wt What ia her r.ils but uu ncid li.ioior iii ihc body ! N hat pr d.fc-esallihc whieh brini' on Knio'i ria 'fthSi;in, ScnSI tlend, Suit llheuni, l'.i aiiwlns, W hi'e Swellings, Fever Sores, and atl ulcerations' inleriial nnd external! It la nothing undfr heaven hut an aeul euhstanee, which sairs sisl thus spoils nil the tluido of Ihe tvxly. more or leaa. What causes Klic ntism, hut a a-'lir nr nein nnin, wnien inaniuaiee n- Sttlf la'iwuu Ihe ) .nils and elsewhere, irritating and in. filming the tender and delicate lisanei unon whieh it acta? 8 1 of disoaaea, of Imparity of the Wood, of da. ranged .-..eulnti ua. and nearly sll ths siihuents which ai ttift humnn nature. X' iw is a n a hjrribla to snake and sell, and tai&nitery w rse to use this 801R1NG, FERMENTINO. ACID COMPOl'NDH i OK is. P. TOWNSEND! It is h uiibk to tlunk, snd tu know how cruelly ths af Aie.ird are imposed upon by presumSusJS nienl'itf the sska il in siey I Fortunes uaikenut u4 the agoaies i" the sick) md n equivalrni rendered the despairing sufferers I It is to amau irauda up.ui the uniortunate. to nour halas inl i w rtui.led kuiamity, to kindls hops in the aransiriug Uiaom, t iireatore heslili and bloom, and vigor mis ths cuahe i md hn iken, and t , banish iulii miry, that Old Dr. lie aj T iwnsend hss s ush and ( mud Us fsrwuiiysiad oesna l jiruig his Ursud Universal Concentrated af" i hiu the reich, and t lbs Irn rivledge nf sH who sees , hat they mar learn snd know, by j .yful eu'eviencs, lis T.IANSCF.NDENT POWER TO HEAL, , And thus lo Isivo the unpurchaseable .atisse"oa of havinj r uaed Ul siasuda uud uiilii ua froia the bed of aicS..ia and leap udeney bi h .pe, lieul'h. and a l"Ug m'nTV', lul4 uefuluiiess to th'nsulves. their I'ainiiiessitfltrieaaaS. AoFr.llKNHy MAt?m, ttaubttry. . July W. tmii ly sow ' Vtaluab.e Uooka, . . f IFC or Ciiairr, handsomely houad, D'Av- fcisss's . Hiareat or res Rkn.MMs noa, Omsk Dti-souss ask Lhissius, tuJl haoades) For sale at the publislicrs prices by . , ... ,,r... o , .., tl. It. MASSES.' Siuvbury, July H. i8t. , ' E"OR SA U. iV good jow, neany feshftl ' sale a ou(i. i.tine at ibe oiHea ot teas Iim xictatv rHmaury, Jum , 164.. '-.... .etsea