. Qilje 7 lictcrmanan. tr U r DISEASE Of HORSES' ; FEET. :,;' ' H. S. Copeman, Veterinary Surgeon, Utica, New York, torrwpondent of the Al bany Cultivator, ayi: ; , ;,: ( i With your permission I wish td present th teaderi of your valuable jdurnal with a few remark on a disease of horses' feet, wbicb iu been unusually prevalent during the last spring and summer. The disorder we are abput to consider is known among "veterinarians" by the technical term navi cular thrUis, or navicular lameness. The causa most fertile in the production of this disnse is prolonged rest in the sta ble, the high temperature of the stable in ducing drying of the hoof, and absorption oif the sensitive, futty frog; the horny part contracts, the sole becomes hard, thick, and cdhcave ; and if to these be added circum stances which still further favor the drying of the hoof, 3 the late long continued drought, in many cases the elevation of tha sold becomes permanent. If the horse is now taken out and called upon to per form severe exertion, his feet being highly predisposed, are very Jiahle to become the seat of inflammatory action, either in an acute or chronic character. To' occasional causes, belong galloping tipqn rough, uneven ground, sudden springs, durinc a hard trot, false steps in which the toes' have to support an unusual amount of weight until the heels can reach the ground. II is stated by Youatt, that Prof. Coleman used to say with regard to shoeing, there were only two principles to be impressed upon the mind. "1st, The frog must re stive pressure ; 2nd, The sole must not." In fact I believe at the present day it is generally admitted as an established truth, that a certain decree of pressure to the frog is flecessary, in order to keep it in a state of health ; yet in the lace ol an tnis, we una Wore than one half our best horses shod with "calkins," Which not only prevent pressor upon the fro?, but stive unsteadi ness to the horse's action. Even in going down, hill they place the limb in anything but a favorable position ; they prop up the heels, and give the fetlock joint a forward inclination, and throw nearly the whole weight npon , the ton of the foot. The symptoms which indicate navicular lame ness, are a short, cautious step, most of the Weight being thrown upon the toe, both in the stable and upon the road. Generally the, horse walks but little lame, although very much so in a trot. The sole of the foot is unusually concave, and the clefts are often very deep. The treatment of course must vary with the stage and state in which we find the foot." In a recent case, after removing the shoe, pare the sole and rasp the crust thin at both quarters of the hoof , to diminish the pressure on the internal parts of the foot as much as possible, and then wrap the whole foot in cloths soaked in cold water, or in an ample 'poultice of bran or linseed meal, kept constantly moist with cold water. The poultice must be renewed once in twelve hours. Next a blister, taking in the whole of the pastern and coronet, may be tried; and when the heels and quarters (if they were reduced by the rasp, &.c.,) are sufficiently strong, a spring or thick heeled shoe (without calkins) should be carefully tacked on to the foot. This with a piece of felt or leather placed between the shoe and the crust, will (as much as pos sible) keep the injured part in a state of re pose. The sole of the foot should be cov ered occasionally with tar and salt. If sand collects under the leather it (the leath er) must be cut out close to the inner rim of the shoe. II. S. Copemam, V. S. Utica, JVeu? York. When a crowd of gentlemen standing on a corner, see a party of ladies coming, they should never stand aside to let them pass, as it will be considered impolite; but by permitting the ladies to walk around them they will get an opportunity of star ing them in the lace, which is an evidence of gentility. ' Gold on Tire Potomac. A small speci men of pure gold has been exhibited to the editors of the National Intelligencer, by a gentleman of Washington city, which is said to have been found on one of the tribu taries of the Potomac, distant from the Capitol about fifteen miles. SruuDE or a Laoy. A young lady named McClay, of the vicinity of Shippenshurg, Pa., committed suicide on Saturday last, by hanging herself in the woods, supposed to be the result of derangement of mind, caus ed by disappointed afl'eclion. An Election for the directors of the new Bank at Danville, is to be held in that ilace on the li)th of November next. . "Encourage i'our Own!' HAAS & 11ENN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF, FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. TMFE tutwcrihrrsrefipcctfully call the attention 'j A of th public to their large and splendid Mort-, went of every quality and price of ,. ' 1 ...... CABINET-WAHI3, which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one who will examine it, on account of i durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the beet stock to be had in the city. Wo cflort i pared in the manufacture of their ware, ana ine subscriber are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made, Their stock consists of Mahogany Koran, Divan and Lounge. Uurcnus, Sttrctarfrs,sncl)oarlfS, SflFA, BREAKFAST AND DIN1.G TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WOHK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. Tliry also manufacture, ull kinds and quallliei CHAIRS, including varieties never before to 1 had in Kiinhurv. such as Maiiogaxt. BlacK Valxot ini. (Vhlkii Maple GncriA l n Wixnsnn CIIAIKS, .untANCtFiANO Stools, which arc of the latest slylcs, nd warranted to bo excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The sul'scribcrs arc determined that there snail be no eft-use for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, ss every confidence can be entertuincd bIotui the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as Rood terms ns they can he purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce tiiketi in payment for work. I.T CNDEUTAK1NG attended to on reason able terms. ty The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Youutj's store, and nearly opposite Weaver's Tavern. DANIEL HAAS, GEOKUE KEN'N. Sunlmry, April SS, 1610 If CHOICE GROCERIES. :oi,tox i'fc io. S. I!'. Corner Arch 6th Street Philadelphia, ?! R AVE now in store a well selected clock of jfj g the very best Family Groceries, which they will sell at the lowest prices and warrant to please. (ircen and Black Teas from 1 down to 2o cts per lk. the Black Tea 45 cents by the Box, is untisinl Iv line. ColVee of ull qualities and prices better Siiznr for fV cts. per lb., than anv other store Maccnmni, A'ermicelli, Canton Ginger in Syrup, (Hive Oil of the best brands, an assortment of the richest Jellies, ami even' nrticlc kept in our line. All oods sent io the country, put up neatly and securely Please try us once and satisfy yourselves whether we can suit vou. COLTON & CO. S. W. Cor. Arch & 6th St. Philadelphia, May 2(1, 184!) che3m ly SIlNBtJRY 'AMERICAN' AND SltAMOKlN' JOUMAL.' 1 1 '' COLUMBIAN SERIES Of ' en-ttUie-(m I' ' cabinet; v : .far Ann noons. THE atibaerfber respectfully inform flit public, that he eontihuee the manufacture of CABI NET WAKE, in all iu branchss, at hit stand in Market street in 8unbury, and that he has now on hand a handsomo assortment of well made and fashionable furniture. ' He also carries on, tt hie old establishment, In Fawn street; the . ; , i : i i CIMIlt' !H4KIG IHTSIHESS, in all iu branches, and keep constantly on hand, an assortment of well made and fashionable CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. All of which he will dispose of at prices as low l at any esta blishment in the county. His Ioiir experience in the business, justifiee him in the belief that he will be able to give gen eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from his customers a continuance of their patronage. rST All kinds of produce taken in exchange. SEBASTIAN HOUPT. Sunbury, March 17, 1849. tf GOLD & SIM F.n WAKE. J. STOCKMAN, No. 60 Chesmtt-ft, at the sipi of thi Gold Thimble, between 2rf. tf 3d.sts., South side PHlLADKU'lllA. MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly on hand, at w holesale and retail, the fol lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduced ? rices : Gold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do 'inper Shields, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks and Chains. Knitting Sheaths, ic. A LSO, Jewellery, Flated and Brittannia ware, German Silver Spoons, etc.; Gold Diamond poin ted Pens at various prices; Jackson' Superior Evcrpointcd Leads. Ac, cVc. Philadelphia, May lift, 184!). -YE1SE & CLEMENT, Saddle and Harness linkers. HE undersigned respectfully H iniorin tne piionc, mat uicy FT- TANNERS TAKE NOTICE. Xrw lllilo Oil mid Leather More. No. 1 1 1 North 3d St. 3 doors below liace St. Philadelphia riHE subscribers oiler to the tanners on the Jl most favorable terms their fresh importation of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ay res, Laplata, Caraccas, I.uQiiira, Hong-Dry, Chili, Salted Per amburo and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry nnd saltod. Also, Green Slaughter, Dry Salted, and Black Dry Patna Kips. Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as sortment of Currier's Tools. They w ill sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on better terms, than old Houses in the city, Cash paid for Leather of all kinds. KEEN & KIRKPATRICK. Philadelphia, May 26, 181!) ly Ay it's Cherry Pectoral, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, IIOARSKNKSS. ASTHMA. HOOP ING COUGH, BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION. rp HIS valuable prrnarattim. p oMnntuhinfrlv turewfut in eiiniifr Hiwnsf t ihr Minr. is the result "f a b!u1'- pla 'A PinzE Nobly Won. At the Hourbott (Ky.) Agricultural Fair, hold a few week since, Mrs. Chapman Coleman, daughter of Gov. Crittenden, received the premium, a $100 cup, for the best silk quilt, made with her own hands. It is a whulesome indica tion to see ladies contending for premiums in manufactures. Washington Monvment. A slab of the red "pipe stone," peculiar to Minesota, has been prepared by Hon. H. H. Sibley for the National Washington Monument. Florida! An election was held lately to fill a few vacancies in the Senate of Flo rida. As far as heard from the democrats have gained three Senators, and their vote generally is increased. ,.,ii .. .. '.' .". . Geij. Siiuxns.-s-Thp BelviuYre Republi can says that (ien. Shields, in his speech at that pktce, on Monday last, declared that if electeu to the T'nited States Senate he would obey the instructions of the1 Legisla ture on, (he W ilmot Proviso, both because they Were instructions, and because they Accorded with his own sentiments. ' it- . ' Drath by a Dnopor LAVDANUM.There ii an account in the last number of the New England Surgical Journal, of a child being poisoned by the administration of one drop of laudanum. TsmtTsoNKn-Slicklemari, the fostmas tr i Auguata county, Va., convicted of robbing the mail, has bem placed in the Puniteutiary at Waaliington, V. C, to serve (tut his term of two y vara. . - . , t . : Ii li estimated that 40,000,000 feet of lum ber has been shipped front this country to California. .- . f.-Sk have commenced the above busi' StO"' ' ncss in Munburv, and will coiv stnntlv keep on hand and manufacture to order, at their stand in Market street nearly opposite Young's store, all articles helongmir to their line of business. All articles manufactured bv them w ill lie made in the best and most durable style, anil at prices as reasonable ns tliry cull liehadatnnv other cstah lishmeiit in the count v. They therefore resiiectfully solicit lemons to call and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. AH kinds of pro duce taken in by the stores will lie taken in ex change at the market price. HENRY" WEISK. Al.lii;sTU.S 11. CLEMENT. Fuiibury, June 33, 1849. GREAT ARRIVAL. "TOIIN FKILING has just received at his ' store in Sunbury an extensive assortment of NEW GOODS, of every variety which he is now reailv to sell or exchange for produce; nnd consist ing in part of CLOTIIS, C.KSIMERES, $c. Linen and Cotton drilling, and mimma wear of all kinds. Calicoes, Chintz, (iin;iiam, Lawns, &c. Muslins bleached and unbleached. PALM LKAF AND OTHER HATS. Quccnswarc and Hardware of all kinas. Drugs Paints, and Dyestuffs. FISH, SALT, AND PLASTER. And a Rreat variety of other articles all of which will Ik? sold at the lowest terms, riunhury, May 20, 1S49 LiiyuoriS, "wines. &c. HHE subscriber has just received a new supply - of thp lest liquors that ever came to unhury, consisting in part of Superior old pale Brandy. Fine Cognise Urandy. Superior OKI Jamaica Spirits. New Filmland Rum. Fine Holland (iin. Superior Old Whiskey Common do. Superior Madcria Wine. Lisbon do. do. Nuiierinr Tort Wine. Ilnraondy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior C'luret Wine in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENRY MASSEK. .Vunbury, May 5C 1819. f al conihinati in of the known rnrutivc nriiu-inie ttf nipilirine. its inizrcdit'iitx nre trebly tn.nle ku wn o the pnl.lic, and are ilinse ackn iwtlirr,t to mlical men hi puwr'Ssitip rare mwli-:il virtuos. wiiirli niyuluir virtues ure conibineil in the "CHKRHY PI'CTIIItAI." in their(rreat. est purity nml etTirR''y, nnd when iisliI, as will be seen from the full.iwinff vnlit:th!e t.-Miliionv : I'ROHKSSOll CLKVF.LAn, of Bnwd'itn Collei-e. Brantwiclc. Maine, writes: (iI have witneseit tho eil'ects of ytnr Cherry Pectoral iu my own family nnd in th:it m' my fiteii'ls, mid it In trivea gieat suttsluction in canetlvth of nrlnlt? nnt phiHrrn ' A VOICE I'RO.M MASSACIHSKTTSI. From l)r. Bryant, UruggiM and Postmaster, Chicopce Falls, Mhi l)B. .1. C. Atfb Dear Sir: Knel-sed please find remit Uinre fur nil the Cherry Pectoral last fent me. I can ua lieit!ilin?ly Kiy. that no meilieine we sell pives such mil fuet i n us your's il os nor have I ever seen a mi-ilicine whirh etireil eo many eiiFi-s oi' eonirh and lung complaints i inr l'ln sii-iaiis are using it extensively tit the pructice, und wilh Ihe hiiiipii'Sl t-lTi'i'ts. Truly yourn, , D. M. BKVANT. Tin. PF.RKIX9. Prefciilent of Vermont .Mo'I'umI C 'lleae one cf t!ie mist lejirneil and intelligent physicians iu lite country, ''eonfi.iers it a composition of tare i-.xeili iiee for tlie cure of that for. uiidahle diHesse. Cotisuinpiion.M Anultnost incredible uuiutier til eertifiontes have been received j proving !h:c :!ie I'lwrrv Pri t -ral is. in uutli, s (illKAT Itl'.VlCDV for Cough. CMi!k AH'diin nnd nil pulrmmrv cmpluinti. Pltli.K ?.') CKNTri Pi:it UdTTLE. Prepared l.v J. C. AVUit. Lowell, .Mm., nnd s-ld hr II. M AtSEli, fuiiburv, and MAHY .McCAY, Xorihum. kerliiud. March 31, letd. The PvpiV friend and Teachefttomfort. ! 'I HE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR. Thi 1 work it already introduced into soma of the best Aeadamies and a latfre number of 8choola, whore its use has given decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in Ita character, based upon our own beautiful denimal tysttn of turrevey. It contain more, the arran$jetncnta are better, and it if the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use; nnd it is so consider 1 by hundred of the moat competent teacher end men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it. It is the book, particularly nd expressly prepared for our Att rican Scholar : By Almon TieAntr. Tin YnvTii's CoLUMiti as CucrtATon. This volume contains 91 pacjes. with about 900 exam ple for solution on tho slate. It embrace the rundnineutal liules, Compound Utiles, cumpie and Compound Reduction, Single Rulo of Three, Proportion, &c. Tickhor's Arithmetical Tabic, i dertined for the use of younger classes iu tha School of the United State. A beautiful little book and pleas ing to children, Slid the only one of the kind of any value. There arc Kcv to both Arithmetics bound in pic or double, for the convenience of teacher, in w hich the solutions of the questions arc givon with much extra matter for the black board. These Key arc the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred example in Mensuration, &c, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best work that have ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued but a few months they hate already been introduced into the Nieht Tublic Schools of New York City in all the Schools public nnd private, except two, in the City of Readin;. Also, in about twenty Acadamtcs in the State of Pennsylvania. iua lurje portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmintrton, in the City of Lancaster, and in the Borough of Harrisburg, York. Chambcrsburir. Lebanon, Doylcstown, Pott villc, Orwitrsbnrsr, &c, rite Forsnlcby Hr.Mir Misstn, Sunbury, Ajcnt for Northumberland County. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1843. DlAXKOND POWDER. FOR RAZOR STROPS. rjHIS Powder is warranted fur superior to any 1 thin? in use for impartintra keen, smootlied'.-e to Kuzor.f, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of fine CiTi.r.ar ; it may lie applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Razor, Knivc, and Perfu merv, wholesale and retail, bv ALFRED BENNETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Filth street a bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. PdiLAiiELPtiiA, Feb. 13th, 1848. This mav certify that I hnvn used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attest in tho most unequivocal manner, thnt there is nothing can be found that will produce the same effect in my opin ion, nnd must my to others, try it, and you will find it superior to any heretofore in use. I can truly say thut I never knew what a sharp razor was lielore. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third t. IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. Phii.ii'1 LruiA, October, 1813. A very hard beard and tender face has compel led me to beck and lest inuny contrivances design ed to make s'.invin; env and pleasant, but with indifferent success, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred' Bennett, and Koussel's Shaving Cream. Their united pow er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor to remove the most stubborn beard, wiihoul irri tating lite skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street. For stile at this od'ce Price 25 cts. per Box November o, IS I.; Cm. WALL PAPSB.3." flMlE Rnbseriliers have on hand the largest as- I sortiiient of Wail Pai'Hih in the city of Phi ladelphia, Whnlrialt ami lirlail, consisting of every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Dining Kooins, Chambers, Ac., which for quality and style cannot be. surpassed. Doing a cauli business we are enabled to sell a better article at much lower rate than any store doing a TRADE , BUSINESS. On hand, a large assortment of Wide Pah tort nrtains, fire l"ruits. Borders, &c, which will I void for Cash. Paper Hanging done in the country at city prices. N. B, Dealers are invited to call and examine their stuck bcloro uun'luwng elsewhere. FINN & BURTON. No. 142 Arch Street, South aide Philadelphia, May SB, 1849. ly SUNBURY FOUNDRY. riMlE subscriber respectfully inform the public Jl that be ha again become connected with the above foundry, and that hereafter it will be ron ducted solely under hi management and control From hi km experience in the bussinese he trusts be will be aide to give general satisfaction to hi old friends and customers. The business will be carried on in all its branches. He will continue to manttfartora Ploughs, and all kinds of raatingi will be done with promptness and in the best manner, i . i. . ., GEO. KOHKBACH . Sunbury, June V, 184. 3m TEN IN U8 -A cheap and excellent art cle lor lastenuig sash for sale by . ' j. w. rncLiNc Sunbury, Jury 7, 1849. ' !. ANDREWS,"- ejj FUEF TO THE SlCK ! h to lh Weiilt ! : A J1ALM is ruiiid inr the A ti le Hitman Kat-e in An drew1 PAIN KILLER. Tliu nn emirely vegeta ble 0''iniuud, rmp-)in.tj of Tweiity-Kivr different ingre dient, unci in an internal and External Keinedy or the va rious ill that human dealt ii heir U , ll'CH A. Crttieli. Cold. Paint, Nervou and Siok Ilendache. Itlieiiiiiutitin. Cuts, Sproina. Stitnul AlTedi 'nx, SunmUT onijJiitiilH, rh'kra Morlum, T'hUhuflie. Krupti tun. Ctrn ik-s. Frozen i'nrts, Hiinm, SftiUls, A?ue in the F:ue and Krenrt, Piiintern' Citliii. Krumes. i.d I Ten, I. w oi anpe- ite, Grnerul llrl.ilny. Allna. c. Put up in h utlt mr . 8 or 4 BhilUnci tKr b ittir. lor turiher iur(uul;irw see lutilets ti le hud tl" eviTV oticnt crau. r nuiiiiins a irifl limtorv nf tits ori'-'in. disc vtv and eivsilri t (I'rriu ttf Andrews i'uiu Killer, Ci'ititicaic of Cure, diirciiju. Vc LOOK OUT FOK KHALD. The triumnhnnt mirrem nf Andrew Pain Killir in re- m tvimr tm cuupc that prdtiie death, the untmielv dath of imlliistit of our race, ha iiHhutrd ue men of vhem it limy w truly huh!, their villuin tu (w;cumtitiii nmuiient their villainy, U ulleinpt t put in cin-uUiitiii xpuri u and eountfjifrjit orliclfn culled Pnin KiIUt," uein? fictiu numm tor the pr'rendl auilm, tfriietl rnihVale, Ac. inline have a;t(M-iired, and itii-r n duuht wii! a pi tear. Lei all reincnil't-r I hut Andrewi lienuiue Pain Kil!tr In the written muuuture . Andrew on the IjiM of each b ttle in IttaHt ink. ln't timply ask fr Pain Kilter, but Obk f t Andrew Pain Kilter, nml have mother. H-ld by M. A. MrCay, Sole Airent, Nnrthuinberland ; Pn'liiur. Snnhnrv; J hti II. Ktiam, Milton : J.ibii R. Myyer. HI ftiiwlmr(i ; Wni. A. Murray Co, Danville j Iuvenpnrj ft Smith, Plym 'Uth: Andrew Ybr, WilUea- wrre : miy .iieirnneic. .Mehwetin-il!e ; tSrhnina ft hnmherlHin. IwifSnr: ; George McAlpin, jeney Sliure; . M. Judd, VilhunwKnl. OtderB addrewrd to 1. Andrew. Inventor and nn!v Pro- pntt'f at Ithei-n T'unpkm etuutyt N. V. Wii receive '-mpt atieniioii t'lteiuler 30. I"4S. ly CTTTLEHY. AN extensive Sloi k of Pocket and Table CUT LKRY.of sulobv JCH1T i.e. cclei:ait, Not. 32 and 3:) ARCADE, and 8 North 1 HIHJ) Street, Comprising 5000 duxeti reukities, Scissori and hnzors. Also, a choice assarttnent of Rodger A Sons, Wostcnhnlm's Greaves VV. cV 6. Unlclier'a and Femiey's Cutlery, , Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, (luns. Pistols, and Uowie Knives. A I m. The American Iiatur Strop, a superior sr. tide, worthy the attention of Di alers. Cau Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above Stuck worthy their attention, as th (Subscriber's chief business is importing and selling cutlery. Philadelphia, June U, J84H ly 1 TrM i.!n IV it:WM2 Tn present ins: the public with a remedy f'r the trentmeut X nml c ure of KEvi n and Aui'K and m her hilt m disease. nr aiilffv i nettled. Vast iinmlter in the I'nited State. wuo full it horn tncNe nuei'tiiin m tneir varied trins, are impelled f seek re.iti tr m other 'iiree than the umne diate prcvri('ti ns ( the reuLir physician. It becomes ttiertt re nn fi'iect ni numaiuty, nsweiins i punlic inter est, t-t brine wiore ttiein a remeity (irennred Horn much cx perience. nnd which mnv nlway be reliel up mi as aW, EC PKCTI'AL, ASD HABMI.ES TO THE CONTITl'TtOX. That such is the true rhnraner rf the INDIA CHOLAtJOGl K, ip amply attested by the universal success with which it lux been cniptt'yeti, ly F-xtract from a eommunicatiin of the IIii. Wil ham Woodbridce, of the L. tf. Senate, late Governor of .Miebigun. Diteoit, Oct. 21, IHIO. Dottpr On ahi.r 0jcpod. Pear Sir. 1 have read with much interest, your little T rakaT UB upon i he causes, irenfmcnt and cure" ol' the febrile d i sense winch have extensively prevailed in our couiitrv duriittr the l ist tew inmtlis nn iutt-rcst increased n i d nhl, by the f iter that I have individually suffered imicli tr 'in them. 1 tw)u;ii i leeJ my sen very inc mpeteut to judire ntVty un-m a auLjoct so entiielv prnicui.Mial, yet your the-ry seems i me well rcuncd, and your c Hiclu- imni just, und i think watuii. that your pamphlet is cuu-u-laied to ntiHluce much nrRct icul a-toii. Speaking oi the medicine he my : It fully juatifiod your flatterine expect uti tie, and ns a safe, convenient, and pipu lur rented v, inv own ex perie ik-c, s far, induce me to be lieve thai il will r ve a (f"Jt Public bene tit- 1 ato pleased t' lenrn ihat you have recently efctiiUished several aijencie ftr it disp ition thouirh I regret that, wilh a view t a m re general diBwntiusiit'ii of it, y-m shcukl have found it ucx'fMury to remove from yinir ;rt'seiii resilience ani'is; ua. v na mucu rcspco. i iiu c ne u tvn io , sir, Y "ir oWi'jed servant, Vll LI AM WOODHKIDGE. tV Fifltn llou. Btephex V. R. Thowhiiidgi, ttf Miehi juu Slate $uii!e, to tl.e Ageul at ieinit. li.ttMtMUAM, UAF.IND Co.. PC 13. 1841. Sir vm wish ine in mi jrm you what I know ol lr od' India Chuhg gne, r uutibtliius medicine. 1 do believe that it' the viruu and t ificacy oi this medicine were gciieiaiiy known, the trvtR and agis would disappear iu Michigan. I prticuied a bHtle in the spring nf 1F41, und hnvagond rean H believe that myseit' and fumily escaped the ague lust season in consequ-ik.-e tH it use. Perh:ips in no sunm.er since the ettlemerrt of thi fine peninsula, has ttie lever nna npue oeeu so prevalent as tna lust. 1 have rex .uineuUcd this medicine in numerous in stniicea, and wt:ru the disease had become fixed and badled the skill ol phybiciuiui; and l have never kn-nvu it tail. J. haa universally pr ilnced the m happy etfeets, and 1 bet heve it has never leen exceM by any medicine in remo ving the Inuou diseases ot tha cliinuto. Yours. reapcclhtJly, STI-.'HF.V V. R. TROWBRIDGE. Arent f 'i Sunbiirv II. H MASiiLR; iVorthumbeiluiul, Wrmi.NGTo.M A C i Miltua, j. U. UASLUj tteUta. grove, AlAV & m,usi. May ti, IKlti li S0B.331 A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. Don't permit your Horses ot cattle to die, when tha means of cur are within th reach of all I The undersianed ha spent several yean In the study of Veterinary practice in "London and E dinboro'," he haa also availed himself of the resear ches of Leibitr, and other celebrated men, who have contributed so much toward judicious treatment of animal the principle of our prartieo consists In the rejection of general blecdinz and the total rejection of all medicine that experience ha shown to be of a dnnecrous tendancy. These re medies act in harmony with the vital principle, and when given according to tho direction which ac company each article they are capable of exciting and increasing the natural functions, without ill- minishing or destroying their power, hence are satcin tlie band of every one. U. H. DAUU, At. V. A List of Horse and Cattle Medicines. Physic balls, 75c. per box. Alterative ball, 75c do. " powders for bad condition, 73c per pack age. Heave powder for diseases of the lungs, 73e do. Urine powder for " kidneys, 75c do. Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do. Cordial drink for inllaination of bowels, 75c per bottle. Liquid blister, 75e per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 73c. per bottle. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, dec, 50c per bottle. Lninioratton lor sore tliroat, yftc per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, 50c per bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description, 75c & IF1 per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for tlie removal of worms from the intestinal canal, 75 per paekntie. For sale by STIMrSOIV ft HEED, 26 Mer chants Row, also at DADD'S HOUSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 1 & 2 Haynmrket Square, Boston. Pamphlets describing the disease for which these remedies arc used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificates are in possession of the Proprietor, of cures performed by tlie above Medi cines. Sold by GREEN & FLETCHER,No.!GSouth SIX TH Street, Philadelphia, and by his AntxTs. Heht Miasm, Sunbury, February 3, 1849 tf DR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OP SAHS UWKILLA. fpIlIS Extract is put up in fjMrt bottle. It is six time J. cheaper, plenpauter, and warranted superior to any old. it cur diseases without v-rniitimr. punjing. sick ness, or debilitating the patient, and in particularly udapted FALL AND SPRING MT-.DIC1NE, The great beauty and superiority of thi Sarsaparilla over oiner remedies is, wiurni ri eratiif"jiesuisuuse it invijr rate the b dy. Consumption cured. Cleanse unit Strengthen, Conmmnti'ii) can be cured. Bronchi til, Consumption, Liver C'tmpluiut, Colds, Coughs, Catarrh, Asr (una, smiting oi l.looti. rrness in tha Chest, Heeiie Flush. Nipht Sweat, liiifi cult and Profuse '. pert oral un, and Pain in the Side, Ac. ftp., have and can be citrd. Pro!obly there never wa a remedy Ihat hn been v ue- cessful n oV,ierate case o eoimimnti tn n this : it eleau- 1 bps aixj strengthen the system, ruin appears to he:i the Hi rers on (he limp, nnd patients gradnally regain their usual health and strencth. Ct'RICl'S CASE OF CONSVMPTION. Tlirre is senrcely a day pasMes but there are a inirnlw f cases oi coiiKtinipiioii ruportird a cured bv tho uw til lr Tuwuseit's Aarsapiuilla. The I"U jwiur wus reotrn'Jv re- eived Dr. TnWMiKMi Dear Sir: For the laxt three years 1 linve b-;ii oiilirtH with pencral debility, und nervous con uiuptiou of the hmf snn;e, and did in u "expect to ever pitni niv lienlth u' all. After coinir through a e.uisrof medii-um iJrr the cure of some of the in et distinauished re-juUr iliymeiuns and meinVra of the K rd oi 1 It-alt h in New ork and elsewhere, nnd sneii lmir the in st of mv oaniinus iu titteuipiiiijr io rt'irmu my lt-:tlih. tuid after ieu!ii'5 in me Kier f yoni SurKipaulla 1 res lved t try ii. Aii-r umimu six b rtlc 1 found it d nc ine ertt g hh!, and enllt-d to ee you at vonr office ; with vour advii-c 1 keut on. and do most he'irttiy tlmnk you for ymir advice. 1 persevere in inKinij ttie Mrevipnnlls, ntiu hove been utde to attend to mv usui I lutjrsfr the hurt four months, audi hope bv the blessings of &d and ymir Sarsuporilla to c-iitintie mv neaiiii. it helped me UeyonU tne experinuns tr all who knew my case. CUAULL& UL'l.MUY Oraitce. Kssex co. N. J., Aug. 3, Ib47. St.ve-if New Jersev. Essex countv. ss. Charles Ottim- by bfinj duty sw rn aceprdii) to law, on his onth sxiith, thtt the foregoiinr statemejit is true accordiiur to the heat of hi i knowledge and belief. CllAKLKS qL I.MBY. rw rnsna sutiscriDea to heiore me at ( 'ranee, the -id August, 147. CYKL'S UAI.UWLN. Justice ul tha rira SPITTINO I.LOOD. Read th following, and sav that consumrHion is in incu rable if you can ; new York. April OT. 1817. Dr. Townsemd: I rerily believe tint vour Sarsunarilb has been (be mean, through Providence, of saving my hie 1 have fr several years had a bud co!s;li. It benmie w rse and worse. At last 1 raised larire quuntities of bio h1. hud in c lit sweats and was arrallv debilitnteil and reduced, and did n A ex peet to live. 1 have only used ymir Kirsnparilla lut a hiri tune, ann there has a wonlertul ctiane been wrought in me. I am now able to walk all over thecitv. 1 raise in blood, and my cmyh has left ine. You ran well imagine that 1 am thankful lr these results. Your obedi ent servant. M. Ul'SSKLI, 65 Cutiiarme st. IIP SALAMAWbtllt; - Fine Awn thief moo cMtntn,' f ? FIRE-PROOF DOORS FOIt BANKS AND BTORKS Seal and Letter-Copying Prexwii,' Patent '. Slate-Lined Refrigerators, Water FiU tors, Patent Portable Water Clo- ets, intended for the Sick and Infirm. EVANS & WATSOJi, 76 foitk Third Strer.r, , ' OPPOSITE THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. " Manufacture and keep constant ly on hand, a Isrgs sairtmcul nf the ahiive srticlrs, t"fiher with their Pntent Improved itamoDrtsf FIRE-PHOOF 8AKI:S. which are t cimsiructrd ss to set st rest m manner of d.uhi si to then being strictly 6re-nrouf. and thai they will rcitt the fire of anv uitlMniff. The oulmile pnae. nf these Pores are mnde o holler iron, the Inside esse of snap stone, and hetween Ihe outer ense and inner case is a spRCS of s-ime three Inches thick, and filled in with iiidcttrui" tilde nmtrinl. si hs to mnke it nn iinpossihilitv to burn any of thf contents In.ifle nf thi. Chest. These S mnstone Hn. lamnnders we ore prepnred and do challenge the world tn produce any nrtii le iu the shnpe of Book Holes that will atnnd as much henl, and we hold ourselves rendy at all time, to hnve Ihiin fnirly tented by public bonfire. We also continue t, nmniifticture a Inrpe and ireneriii OKSort ment of our Pr'miiun Air-tieht Fire I'reof SWifes nf which there are over HO now in iw, and in everv instance Ibev have piven mine sili.l'iiclion to the purchiisers of which we will refer the public to a few gentlemen who have them in use Hnywood A Snvder. Voti.ville; Jowph O. Ijiwton Potl.villej Mi. William Cnrr. Ilileli.wii. Pa N. O. Tnvlor. f.0 north ad A Wriijlit A Nephew Vine st. wharf; Alexander furor, Onvevnnrer, corner of Filbert nnd 9th sin.; John M. Ford, :w north 3l st.; Mvers nu.li, 4i north !kl st.; Jnmes M. Paul, 101 south tih st.; Dr. Dnvtd Jnyne, south .1,1 si.; MnthewT. Miller, do s-Hith .Id st.i and we could mime some huitflrcds im others It it were ueeenwiry. Now we invite the ntteutiiai of the pnblie. and particularly those in want of Fire Proof Hates, to can at our store neiore nnrciiapunr eiaewnere, aim ws can snliafy them they will set a better nnd chenper article at our store than at any other c.tnhliidiment in the city, M al.o innuufnetnre the ordiunrv Pire Proof f heVts. at ot very low price., chenper than they can lie bought at auy omer autre 111 I'liiinacipiua. III i-.v A. JOHANNES WATSOX, Philadelphia, April P, 1R?y THE Oil &St 1'tltOfATlVE. rOB TUB CUBE OP Measles HaJt nheuul, Henri Bonn Worms, , Cholera Motlsis, . , , Coughs, Qulnsey. ' iir Whosping Oongli, ' Consumption, Flui! Liver Complaint, ' Enslpelat, Deafness, ' Itching of the Skin, ' C 4ds, Goat, Gravel, piervoas Complaints, Headache, Giddiness, nDMtrmii.n. riwn, Dyspepsia, Scurvojr, , fJmsrl Ptix. Jaundice, I Pains in the Rseav 1 InWftrd veakness, Pahiiniiim of the nstrt, Rising in the Thru!, uropsy, Astntna. t ever, msii sinns, Female Complaints, ) (I MARBIIAtiL'S Conccutrutt'd tiamaparllla, For tlie cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erj-sipalas, Piles, Chronic riheumntisni and nil disorders uf ilia lilooil, Mereurial Ilisease, &c. TT is reeoiiniieiiiled to Phvsiciuiw and others, as ' the slrongcst pieparution now in use, and en tirely ditle.rp.ut from tlint put lip in quart bottles, possessing little or no active principle of the Sursa. parilla, but inUindt'il to dec-ive the public Kor suss by M. A. Mct'A V, NortUumberknil. . . . . HEYL'S EMBKOCATIOX for Horse, will r" Kpsmlns, Bruises, Cut, Gulls, twtlliii(rs, and alt complaints requiring an external remedy. It is highly useful in feipavin, Curb, Kinsboae, stiff. ness of the Joinu. rrscked Heels. 8u!mU. Ac Jt has also Bctu used witlt great success by per sous afflicted wiih RUeuuiatisin, and other com plaint Prepared only by W. Marshall, Piiladel phia, and fur attic by M A. loCy, Worthuuiber- ,ttn,, !d.' CJ jui , Philadelphia, May 86, 184(L-ly ' 7D.i)0W CUSSrs by 10, for eate'lTls, ; . un.Nr. MASfti.- Sunbury, Jan S7tli,'18W- tf. J.sJ. GP.EE1TCTJGH. (Lute Hfllrr & fireeiunigli.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND MECHANIC At, ENOiXTEEB, WuMliliiglun, !.'. DRAWINGS and paper for the Puten Oliice, prep;trt'd uml all the necessary bu kiiieM, in relation Iu securing rteiits, I rung acted, and promptly attended to, at their of- live opposite um l utein uuice. October 28, 1848. . ...... AY RL'NL Au xeellent article for aale by .-. . ' HENRY MASSER. bunUury Jan. t7th, 148 U. It I BLASTER, Salt and Fish, just received and for by . t . J. W. PR1IJKO. . Dunburv, Uoe. S, Xaia. 1, .1 IJAISINs. curnuiie. ; citroa. cbeeee. pepper A wuce. Ac i ot aale by J. W. rUIU.G . , 8uiU)tiry.Ue.ll.'lai. r. : TU.BYtfl COUGH CASVY. An excel. W lent remedy tor ecvtks, osiia. . Fo seje at this oflic LOST HER 8PKF.CH. The annexed cert ifiiite tell, a siulole and truthful storv nf aulferins and relief. There are thousand. ,f sinulur ca se, in this city and Brooklyn, and yet there are th uiuikIs of parenta let their ehiklreu die lor fear of being humbugged tir w wva a lew willing.. Hro iklTl, Sept. 13. lir. Dr. Teu-NitND: I Like pleasure in Malum. fr the bene fit of th s whom it may cuncern. thut my daughter, two ears and six nvmths old, Wiis atilictcd wilh ftuterul de iiilily sod loss tf sjtceeh. She was piveu up a. pust ie c ivery bv our faintly physiciuii; but fortunutdy I wus re- c. mmeuueo uy a irieim to iry your rwaurilla. IScl.ire having used one bottle .he recovered her sieech and wus enabUI to walk alone, to the ast aiishineut of all who were uc.pimnted with tlie ciruin.tances. rue i. ihiw quite well, initl iu much better health thnn she hn. been for IH mouths pas;. JOKPIl TAVUJll, lis Vork at., ilruoklyu. TWO CIIII.DRKN' SAVKI). Very few families indeed in fact we have not hnird of one that used Ur. T 'Wim-nd's Harsujttirilla in time, lost s:iy children the pust hummer, while those lint didn't, sickened slid died. The cercificate we publish below is LMiicltwive evidence. its Vidue. und is only another instance l! 11. snvilis rue live. , etoKven : llr. Tuwnsksu Pear Hir : I had two children cured by our Hursiipurillii of the summer cviiplaint and dysentnry; .iiewiiai.iiv 1A moiilb old and tlu other 3 year's. Thev were very much reduced, and we expected Ihey would die ; they were tiven np by Iw rescutble physicians. When the doct-ir uu .irmed us that we must lose them, we resol. ved to try y.iur tsirsunarilla we Imd heard so much of, but had little confidence, there beiussi much stulf adveniud Dial ia won bless: hut we are thankful lint we did, for it undoubtedly saved the live. 01 bjih. 1 write tins that oth ers may be induced to use it. Your., re.iiecifullv. JUI1. WILSON, Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, Sept. 14, M7. TO THE LADIES. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Da. Towx.xnd's Siksspabill. isaaovereisnand aneeriv cure lir incipient e nsuinptiisi, and for the xeuerul prostra. ti n of the system no mutter whether ihe result of inhe rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or accident. Noihitt can be m l surprisnu than its invion.i, r. feels 011 Hie hunian frauM. Pemais ell weakueM ami las situde, troiu taking II at once lice, sue robuat aial lull u( snergv uialef its uiuuance. it lunoeduilely e. interact, il,. uef veiessiuMs uf lue fetnule frame, which 1. the great cause burreuness. It will not be expected of us, m cbms of so delict. m. lure, 10 exhibit certiucstes 01' cures perfurined, but we com wm 1 uc unnciou luui nunureua Uf cases nays beeji repor Ua. Towkixkii: My wife being greatly distressed by weakness aisl senurul debility, and suderius a,uuiuumUv i.v Kii.i and with other didtcullies, and having kisiwu cuses wuere your metiK-uie nits eaeciee greet rur4; and also huuriuf it reo 'Uutieiuted I it anch cum. as I havs- described, I oounned a b Hie in y ir Kxlrnrt u Kusupurilla and M I wed the directions you giive tne. In s short period it removed her ejmpluiut. sisl restn-ed her to health. Being greutful for the beuelus ahe reeeived. 1 lake pleasure ui UmaacknowlcAlging il, aial recouuneodintr it to the puMic. M b. MIX1KE, . Albany, Aug. IT, '44. cor. Cnusi 4 Lilians DVtU'EPtUA. No fluid or utedicUB has ever been diaoovered which an llearly reaeaiulve the gastric tuice 01 sshvs in deoouijnig fund and strengthening tha organs ol digestion aa this w naratuv of Barauuanlla. It poaiuvrJy curse every case uf dyspepsia, however savare or eurutue. Bank Uwau-uueul, Aiusiiy, May 10, IMS. Dr. Towueeud Sir i 1 have been smicled for aevwal years wilh dyspasia hi its worst form, attended with a wr. ueis of st atuich, la of aipetue, extiwue heartburn, and a graut averai hi So aU kinds of foal, end for weeks, (what 1 eoukl eat) I have boeu unabk, 10 reUiu but a aiaull portion on my sunsach. I tried the usual remedies, hut they had Ihii Utile or uo eAgt ut Mwoviuf the oaaulauit. 1 was in duced, about two mouths since, to try yo ir hxtms of Sar. kuatiUla, aua i asuai eay wuh little srtssdeace bml after uiiug uearly two ststlea, f.auid iy aptxsiie natural aad tha haarthuru eidiraly removed; and I would earneatly re commend the uaa of It t thus. wlr. hare been aWa irrfj. I ha.etHKat. Youre, . W. W. VJ teANOT. Agael tor ts,bury-.jmiN W. KHIUNU; Nur thuniheriand, MARY A. McjCAYt, P-uivle. WH . MIHRAY Co., - - p.ii w, sir OXYGENATED A SOVKIltlUN REMEDY FOR rilTIIISlG, AND GENERAL DEBILXTY. GEORGE B. GREEN, Proprietor. ", Windsor, Vermont. Tt? a eovcrelirn remedy for DYSPEPSIA, in many of sti x loruis, rncn ns pnni in the Mlonwch, lleartbuni, lishitu: C istiveno, Acid f loiniicll. Ileadarhe, 1ibS of Appetite Piles, Niiilit Sweats, and even Cotitiinuiiioi, rlivanentie Phlhisic.) nnd Asthuut. (,r l'nlln.ic attended wilh ilerBiig. I u,r, me r,i-MiiiM'n ( r iiy.peiilic A.lliain.) uirncull llreiitliiiis, which ol'len renilln from imienect diprCFtion (or Uyu-ptic iSyspiiica,) is relieved by these liniera. In short, J their uw hns been proved in th. relief of almost all the sympt'iuis that proceed from a debilitated or atonic condi tion of the St mueh ; al.o in general debility anting from ore or from tlie eileci. of l ever, jurticulutly 1'wer and Ague. Fem;ile. fullering under nny uterine deratieemeut ansiiiir from wniknesa, will find the "Oxvorv.Tltn B:T terj'1 :in excellent remedy, and not iurpns.nl by any medi cine in u.e. The hist'-ry of this medicine is peculiar. It lm made it. Way to public liiv r s.,lely by Hie force of it. own intrinais incrils. No aniiieiul menus hnvo liecu lined to give it ne toriely and thrust il up 'ii public o'.tenti n. It In. nevnr lietore even len ailt erlixd. but having first shown il. ro in.irkable cllicuy in ihe family of Ihe proprietor, and by hiin ailerwaida mliiiinistercil to In. adlieti d lVienda and sc. quiiiuliuicea wilh a like result, it. repututiou gradimliy ex tended until it la known iu the nett distant part. if the I'lllon, us a medicine of uitrlvuhcd virtue. i:i Ilia curs of Pyapcpaia 111 all il. diirereut loruis, mid nlj ) for the curs el A.thinn or l'lilhisic. lis only herald ami ita onlv eulogy haslieenllie siory of its w nVleriiil efTicncy, a. fold from mouth to month ,,r by letter from friend to iriend. Ill ev ry instance where these Hitters have hern used, and the re sult inndc known to the piopriclor, they have proved a re medy. Numerous certificates, aliening; Ihe singular eriicacy ef me -wAii.fe.,u.v iMTitii.. aie in me poucs.i 'n 01 iae prorrietor; inuny of them signeil by persons already wtdeiy kuuwu to the public. ui;u. 11. rut ken, Prupneior. WINDSOn, Vt , OctoVr a, 1M5. The folluwinj; Certificate, have recently been received 1 Washington, D. C, Jvm 10, IMtt. Having made use of Lite '-Oxygenated Uilters" prepared by Dr. Oe 1. R. (iree ( WiiaKir., Vt.an.l from ku w- ledge oUuineil of Iheir elficney iu other cases, weeheerfully rec iimnend them to thepuUic, believing thut they will luLy iistain tlie nv 'imuc-iid:iii n of the Proprietor. Ve h.,pe thut thi. vnltuhlft remrrly maybe so generally dlffu.od Ihronghout the eoiiutr; that it inay be accoMible' to sli Iks alRieinl. WII. I.I.AM I I'M Wl. f L . S. fscnator from Vennenl. JAMES F. SIM.lluNS, f Scintor from It. Island. J. T MOItKHKAD, l'. s. Mmui and lor.iurlv xovsra or of Keniu.'kv. 1.. H. A K. tJl.l), Meiulier of Conrress .ml fomisrlt Vern .r 01 It. I. WM. Wf it intmiDGE, I. S. Senator and Ibrmvriy Oe-vern-.tr ol .Mi-'hienn. M. I- -MAKTl.t, Delegate iu Coucress from WiK.uia Territory. From Hon. 11. D. Poster, Member of Congress fV.m Pennsylvania. Washixotom, D. C, Jitz 10. IS4. Dear fir, I have been a dyspeptic sufferer for about tea years, and have res irted to various medicines lor rsliei without .ueio., until I made use of your "Oxyg.naied Bitter. " I have used about Iwo bottle., Slid find mrsakf u , pel m-. ntsiiin ine lorm. in winch th. Sis- ease stioweti useli, 111 my caw, were, great acidity af lbs si'inawh, I 'as ol appetite, extreme flatulence, severe contu ution 01 the bowels, and violent headaclie. Feeling d.si rons that a knowledge 01 y.nir valuable remedy mar reach inner, .iiniuriy auiicteu. I uike great pleoaure in reeord iinimylestiui.uyti u. curative power; and would sj remuik. Hint while on a visit at lum, .h.,r ii,. 1 adiiiitu.leiel a part of a bottle t a number of lur .mietod nnsia, w 111 great auecss. Thev are dc.irou. that van h uld esubii.h anasencv at rittslmrir. or im'oira iham where the medicine can be obtained. Wilh an earnest de sire lor your pr isperity and happiness, I suliwrihe mvself, truly your iriend 11. u, FOSTER. Doct. (iE. H. GRiN,w:d.or, Vt. S ild Wh .leKile aial Hetail bv r.ieen Ic rielcher, Ko 86 b uilh Sixlh Street, Philadelphia. Aeeut f r fuubun' II. U. Master. Agem. for Miltoii MACKA V ft II .4 Aft. Agent f it t"ppcr .Mahoiioy J. u. UENN. April 15, IMS AND A VARISTY Or OTHER OlSEAsE! ARIslMO vaoM iNruRiTitis or Trfit BLooo, amb , OBSTRVCTIOM IU TMR OR0A!S Of 1 , , Dtnr.sTioDt. . . Experience hss proved that nearly ever Disease originate1 ' frira Impurities of the Bl.sid .ir derangements of the lliges- . lives Organ. ; and to secure Health, we must remove those ubsirucii nsor restore the Hlo. d hi Its natural smta, it!" The sversion to inking medicine is most effectually re moved hy CLtrxirs". VxnisTABt.il Psns.Ttvg Pit.t, being ' e-implelcly envel 'pcdwilh n coating of pure white ftugsr, . (which fans distil. C fr m Ihe Internal ingredients ass nut ' shell fr im the kernel) end hnven ' laste of niedicutst. But are ns easily swallowed as bits of candy. M'lreover they nellhor umiKute or gri-e in the slightest degree, hut : opemfe eually on nil the diseased jmits of tho system, ill- "owii c nulling inemeeive. 10, nun racing sny pnnicusir region. Thus, if the Liver lie affected one ingredient wilt operate 011 that imrticulnr organ, and, bv cleansing it of an Excess of Hue restore it to us naimed state. Another will operate on the llntird and removes!! impnrities In its ciren Mi. ii,, , w mie a inirn win euecrnniiy expei wnntever rmpn irtie. may have been dischnreed into the stomach, add hence they strike at the root irdiscuao remove all Impure Hu mors fr m Ihe IkvIv , open the pori-s externally and Inter nally ; separate all foreign end obnoxious pnnicles from the chyle, sothut Ihe bleed may be thoroughly pure thus seen- tti.H n mm ncmuiy Herein TO rnc Menri, l.tlllg.snn L.IVCT sud thereby Ihey restore health even wheu aU other means , 111. . hiii.ti. The entire truth of the above can be ascertained (A- tha Irinl of a siinle box; and their virtues are s positive and certain in restoring Health, thnt the proprietor hiuds htmself 10 reiuni nie money wnn ior mem 111 all cases where they do not give universal satisfaction. Ilrlail I'rlrt?. 25 rAn, prr nox. , PriticiTtil odiee No. tvt Versey at., . York, Sold by JOHN Y.YOI Ntl. rtnubtirv. M. A. McCAY, Northumberlsnd. IT r. ememlwDr. C. V. riiykncr is the inventor of the Snear I'nuied Pi.ts, and that nothing of Ihe nn wus ever heap) ol until he introduced them in Jndc, IRt3. Purclissers .liouid. therefore nlwnvs ask for Clickncr'. Sugar Coated I ills, and take no others, or they will be made the victim. of a fraud. Fchninry. 1?, lciny (iORES ('. IlEC rjItHD. Bums, Scalds, and all kind of .inflamed Sores Cured. ' , rilOL'SEY'S UNIVERSAL OINTMENT, is the nvt cimplete Unrn Autid te ever known. It iuslsntlv, (and as if by Magic) ops puins of the most desperate Kuril und Scald. For old S ires, limine., Cats, Sprain., tc on man or benst, it is the best application that can be made Thousands hive tried and thoiiKindn pmise it. It isthemost perfect master of ruin ever dinc iveicd All who nse re ommend it. livery family h nld be provided with it. None can tel how ai sonic of the family may need it. CP 0!ier e cai-h hoc, of the genniue Oiutmeii) ha. the name of TofMKV. written oM th outside kibcl To unite j o this is f 'i'tovy. H 'atniea. Lu cre Alei;. 1 arniers. and all whouae HorM., will fill i tins I liTi.'meul Ms Very Unt thing thev can low fir Coiiar (mils. StuicIics. KieUs. Ac., Ae.,vn their animals Purely wery merevful tnnn would keep his animals a. free from pum ss p ssilile. Tousuy's I'niversal Ointment i all that is rnpiircl. Try it. BITES OK lVji.i T Forthe sting or bite of poison u. Insects. T k'-.;v i, (iiu'tisaiit is uiuivailcd Hundred, have tricil it nnrl f ".,ii it yit il. PI 1 .1 :s ( C I! KU : Forthe Piles. T .user's I'niversal Oint tnenl ii( one r.f ii, best it citieiiie. that car be apjsied. All who hrn'r lri-1 i; f r tire I'iI.-s rec anaiend it OLD Sfi!i:s f I KEIl. For old obstinate S . res, there i. iiotln.12 .-qua! 1 i T 'UM'.y'a Ointment. Apcrsouiu Mami us had. f -r nuniW of year., a .re leg Hint tallied the tkillofthe d h.1 rs. Touscj Ointment was recommended by one of the vir'ting physicians, (who knew its great vir tues.) und tv b .xes produced more tienetit thtn'i the pa tient hit! riv-eivc'l from nnv und ull previous remedies. Let all irv it Hl'ltNS AN D SCALDS CIT.KD. Thousand, cf ease, of lltirus and Sf-il !s. in all ;iarts of the country, have been cured by T iuse -s I'ldvers-il Ointment. CertiNcalcsetiougli could be hart 1 1 fill the whole of this sheet. VIOLEVriSlinSESC I.IIIM). Teslimonial. on tcli. monial in favor nf 't'oiisi y's Oiuttiieat f x curing Bruise, heve been offered the pripriet w.. Hundred, in Syracuse will certify toil, great nn-rils relieving lite puin of the most severe lino.'.. All nefs -ns .h-nild try it. SCAI.IiHEAl) t'TKEI). S .res . .f case, of ScaldHesd have been cured by T. u.c;. '. Ointment. Try it it seldom fail. SALT ItllKEM CfRl'.D. Of all the remedies .... .t;.. coveren f Tlhs most disagreeable eimphint, TiHisey'. l"ni- ver.ii uinuneiH i. ine mo.i complete, it ist-ver was known CHAPPED (I AM1S CAKECl-RED.-Touiiev'l-m. versal Oi.itliicut will always cure the w rst cases uf Chap, ped Han-Is. S'ores of tiers -ns will stale thi. SOKE Lll'SCPHED. For the core of tt lipsthere was never nnything m ule eipial to T.niii j's Uiiittuent. It is rlre to cure them. Try il. Ir '"a s-i'-r.' :t:'.' r.ir.Vh trtd. wirnn'ert no to contain anv prciuiiuil li "l Merciiry. CO" Price e. cents per ts. For furttier rnr' irubrs c 'in'erning lii's rejilly yaltmhle fliiitmeut the nnHie. are rel'erri-d to l-iimniile... to Ive laid grali.. of re-siie-table Uriifi'i.:. and Alerchuis. inooghjut Ihe I' ruled S'ates. IVep-t'ed by P. TOL'SEY, Dnisgtst, No. loe Nssaatt Street, New N "rk. A.:.T JOHN YOING, Siul-urv M. A McCAY, !-'4ii'jry 7, liH. 1 ESSEX E OF JAMAICA GINCiFR PKEPAUKD imd soul only, at FREDERICK BROWN'S IJRL"0 uinl CHEMIUAL -Store. N. E. corner uf Fifth ami Chs.m r streets. Tin lailclihia. This Essence is warranted to possess in a concentrated form, all tlie valuable properties of Jamaica (linger, ami will be found on trial an excellent Kumily Medicine. It is particularly re commended as a tonic, to iiersons recovering; from fever or other diseases, a few drops imparting to the stomach a glow and visior. euunl to a wine Class of brandy or other stimuland, without any of the debilitating etlect, w hich ure sure to follow the use of liquor of any kind : and it is therefore especially serviceable, to children and females. To the aired, it will prove a great comfort : to the dyspeptic, and to those who are predisposed to trout or rheumatic alicctinua, it give, great relief; and to the inebriate who wishes to reform, hut whose stomach ia constantly craving tlie noxious liquor, it ia invaluahlegiving tone to the diges tive organs, and strength to resist temptation ; and is consequently a great agent in the cause of tem perance. tr"r'iill directions accompanylns; each bottle. The above article can be had at the office of the American. Philadelphia, June 3, 1849 ly IMclorlnl I'fillloii of tlViiihlarne't great Work wit Hie Iterormnilon OK THE SIXTEENTH CF.NTURT IN GER MANY, SWITZERLAND, & Will be published or. or about the 1st of Apiil. 1818, by JOS A SPEEL. No 96 Cherry at. above 6th. his splendid l-jnio edition of the above named woik, with 18 engraved illu.lraiions from ori ginal dcis,in; 4 vols in 9, bound ia extra cloth and library sheep. The publisher resiettfiilly calls the attention of lbs trade and the public generally, to this work being the only illuslrsled edition published in the L'niled Stales He trusts that the beauty of ita embellishments, the strong and substantial manner in which it it bound, io conjunction wni the known popularity of the work itself, will be sure recommendation to public favor. . JOS. A SPEF.L. 96 Cherry at above 8th. J. A 8 haa also lately published, a new and beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell's Rare Show, a suitable book for children, neatly don up in extra cloth. Philadelphia. April I, 1848 ATEJfT Trusaee of all kiuda, Harrison'! writing and indellible ink, Cotton yam nnd lap, just received end for aale by J. w. mum 8uiibury, Dec 3, 1148. f iAI'S .Aa - assortment juat . received. aiht HATH at iS5, for aale by t i . Jl. MASSER. . Sunbury, Dec 9, It 48. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA. CHRONIC OR NKiiVOUS DKUIUTV, 'DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, And all disense-t arisinif from a disordered Liver or Stomach in both Mule and Female : ft.'ch ss Connipati m. Inward Piles. FMIneiii nr ftiocd ta the Head, Acidity of the St much, Nausea, lleart-bura, llisgdu tor Fo , Fullues. or weight iu the ftnnnc'h, Sour ICrucuu -1111. Sinking or I'liutering al the pit of the Stomach Swiinni.ngoi the Head, Huiiied and Ditpiult llreathing. Fluttering ni the Heirt, Choking r Smhmting sennti m. when III a lying p sture Dniln.'-i, of Vision Dot. or wela before th. !-ii:1ii, Fever and dull pnin indie Head, Ileticien cy of I'ersniraii w, ell mvucj. of ihe Skin and l-.ves. Fain II tne iue. It C. i.n v . I.nn', ti ., riu.lden gushe. ,s lle.v. Kiinmi! iii Ii. l'lcs'i, CoiiManl lintigiuiiua of evil and gie.u dejirnan n of;jints Cim be edectuully cured by Their pv- if n er the ntovn dinLfivMi in ikH excelM-il e-iuitiuti li, nnv'iihrr ptviuniti n in th I'nitrU tatna ni th curp ntltrtst. iu nuuiy cum ai;tr tiki. Jul phyicuutJ tuitl tnikd. DeringeinpiU of I he I i r and St munch arc amrr1 of Iimumtv, ami will alun pi-ilur diitwiw ul tli Heart, Skin. Knriir attri Kiri'ifM.. ntui l:ik the Uxy open n an attBck at ttie i U -lfru. liiti ut, ir Veii v Ke.-er, aikl ta nitetmiiy iha hrm taiiM tvi'tltitt ut M tmiiei'ul tlieat-, Ctuuiiuititiu, Ojnniunx of the Philadelphia Preas. "THE DISPATCH." 1 .tiniNi ilWt tsuvn: AN INVAU'AHI.K MKUhLNE We have frequently hfarl the OcU-iujitii Ut-uimii Uitu-ra. niauuiai'lureU bf ir II tolHaiii). ujkeu of iti term uf c -iniMeikluti tu, aid we ku w dctHrvttliy ao. It ia Uu Ctumimu pinchce, in cer tain qiuirier, t puiTull inumifi nf uw It-en intali, but in the aljve Hniem. hnn.ln I, rt living wirnrmca i't their great in tral und ph irjl v nti. An a mttluMiiu ot' the Liver t'tiiupluuit, JiiiiiuliiH!, Nerviiuaj Uet-iiity uiui iviH.viu, it haa bt-rit I' hi u1 iuvulu ihle. eil'tt'iiiis i-imnaittl th rHi(hl) (nulK'a.ini dic5n-, whfii nil ittlicr itirtlicnu-a have failrd. We tV'J OHivmrMt. thnt in lite use ol ine Oenmn Muter, the patit-ii! d i h-i h-t; -nit- dcLtumu-'. hut cMiifclanily uuia trtMipth tnvl vip f I.' the inime a tart worthy ut great iMiiriuk-ruu n. '1'lie litttii un-pleaaiiul ill taate and wneil, and can be adiuimatered uitdcrajir cirruiasiaarem. It) lite in t ik'Iicriitf it-Minrh ludt-ed, tliey can be nsed hy all per a nau'ithtlt m t perf'tvt auVty. It w uld he well for trvt wh ar irt-Mli ariWifw, in the nen'oua vat era, to v iiiiuciwtabviH am 1r.m it.. im, and gruduutl)- in crease ' 'We a.-ik from experience, and are f c urie, a pr rerih1jre, Tne rra far and wide, hnve united in re cmmciidinf the Citrnn ui Uittera. and to the aftitcted t nK4 crMdwUy a-tviatr their mm. . : SHKIT UF TUB TIaJ," - Jutietfltb my fDO OVR GOODCU'lZKNss who are uivalide, kaow the many asbxuthiiur cure thut have been perf vined by Dr. II TlaudB ('ItaWiud Geruiaa Hitiera f If they do ii t, we rev'tmnieivd thein toihe'(ieruiaj Muitcitie Store," all who are uihVi.-d wh Liver CiMiipluiut, Juuit-lioe, Uy pe!ia. ir Sormn Dehihty ; the ict tr h:it cured many of ur eiiixena alter the Uat phyiirun had tailed. We have uatid them, and lM iiitve provt-d t ' bea medu-ute Utal every ne ah uirl tiiwi, and e emu t refrain giviitf our te tun ny in their lav t, aixl that which ffives Inem $rmtt claim upon our humble t if -rt, they nro entirely Vegetable. "THK DAILY KEVVS, July .th : "W speak knovrintlr of fir. Hoofland's frlebmiea Ger. loan llutera, when we aiv ii w a Meauiis of this Kt sad in disuuMiif the biliary, diswtuwaiid .Vervnu. fyslems, it h. not weUiuikeu stiual. Il is a Vrfct'bie Preiairstioii, sud mule with ku Ale di d, ami l" aU uiyslMl. we would rt-e-sninend H ss w irthy their eiuilideiice. ( For dc, wh-ileaile aisl retail, at the principal Depnt, (il'.IIMAN MmilU.Nt STUii,No. 7d Raoe Street, l'hiladclphia. . i F.w cile hv M. A. McTAV, Nwhnrriberhiiid. and iu bury luad rrieouU. dders fenorsdy thrau(huui she Stale. April tl, 1W9. IV CotUti Yarn, Cotton Carpet Ctuua, Cotton Laua anil Wadding, Cotton Outline, Kesxly made Pantaloone, Keudy inadsj Veata, Congiwea knives. Porcelain lined presr'iiig kettles, just received for aale by II. MASSES, i Sunbury, Dec J, 184. i y XE3 of a very eujerior quality for aale by. . " H. MASSER.; 8uubury, Dec. 2, 1848. j DLANK BOOKS. An assortment of Blank Books, just received and sale by H. MASSER.' Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1848. - iYRL'P MOLASSES. 8uoeriur rsAuei Syssjp MoUwa for aale by Jl E..A si X MAvBliJjb Huuhwry, Dec I, 1811.