SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. ,.i iaU'0orte of Jttmg Thi rtCo HoiiV in at hut explained "by to establish a republican gowrnmetll, the .... i: V nUmert on the Island.'-' General Lopi ?a the general manager. V the management 1 Mir ajH-cimen'of hh military capacity, nouna lsianuers nonm thank their 1oT nai inn uovernmrni irsjer fored fo thwart their plans, for by Ihf fime they would in all probability be tailing the the delfghta of a Spanish prison. 1 nese at tempt on the part of adventurer from this country to revnlntionixe Spanish government have always proved abortions. The people generally have been too pnsilnnimous to car ry them Into successful! accomplishment, and they would not be able to enjoy the benefits long even if achieved. 'GtN- Worth's Swords. The four splon. did dress swords presented to General Worth "on1 various occasions for his gallantry, ore now in New Orleans, with the body of the deceased warrior. One was presented by Congress, another by New York State, another by Louisiana, and another by citizens of Hud. son, Kinderhook, fco. Coleman II. Sessions, former editor of the Now Orleans Evening Mercury, and much esteemed by his brethren of the pre.-, died in that city on the 12th inst., aged 37. There is a tcmperence lady in Boston who won't speak to a shoemaker because he uses a ptmr A in his business. Glvbt. We know another of the craft whom a lady refused to majry, having ns she alleged, con scientious scruples against taking a "cobbler" BoirS $o'it. Increxs'c of Steamships. -There are now under construction at New York, and fait ad vancing towards completion 'twelve steam Vessels whose combined tonnage i U,tOO tons. Of these, five arc steamers of 3)00 tuns each. The Remains of 'Gen. Worth. Col. Dar ling, of this city, arrived at New Orleans on the 11th inst., on the tteamship Galveston, from Texas, with the remains of the gallant 5eu. Worth. Snaki Potato. Tho "Eastern Md.) Star ipcaksof a New species of sweet potato rais ed in that vicinity, which is a perfec t resem blance in shse, form and coil 10 the pison o il er. . Fire ix Newark, N. X On Thursday liht, a fire in Newark, N. J., destroyed he property of the following persons : Chaplin & Carter, building, stock, ma hinery, loss from 5,00 to $(5000 fully nsu'red in the Lexington F. I. & M. Ins. ?0.:; Etna, Hartford ; and N. Y. City Eire ns. Co. Win. Estabrook, loss trilling. ohn Crawford, entire loss about $S00 o insurence.. J"as. Mitchell, damage from ater, I6ss f rifling insured in the New runswick ins. Co. E. H. Sifter, loss 2000 or $3006 insured for $700 in the Ktna. tun House of iW'ivLSENTAfivES fs being re-fiUed, and the Present's House t undef goihjj'the same ren6va'fi6tr. 'Dr. Amos E. Wood, iletrr. 'Ira's been e'lec 'U'il 'to Congress from Oliio-, "to fill the vacan cy created by the death if Mr. Dklrin&n, deiru,., , Dreaufl'l'Casuality at Tfre City iNsVr tition Grtoi;NDs,SoiTH Boston."-; On Wed nesday aftAnodn, while some convicts were employed "iti digging at a pit, a portion of the bank broke off-at an undibcovere'd seam, crushing and almost instantly killing three men, named Lawr-nce Doyle, Thomas Duf fee, and Thomas Morris, NiRKlGD, At Northumberland, 011 tho 18th inst., by 'the Rev. T.S.Lathrop, Mr. John W. Sheriff, bf Danville, to Miss Matilda Waters, of the 'former place. D1KD, 'In'ihis place, on Monday fat, Mrs. MAR !GARET BLACK, aged uboul 42 years. In Delaware township, on tho 1-lih inst., Mr. JAMES DUNN, in his 05th year of age. . 11 j Coal vtraijc. Sundurv, October OT, V849. Amount of coul brought to Suubury over the-Duiivilleaud Poltsville rail wad, from the ;8hamokin mines: Ton. For the last week, f'Jl Per last report, 14631 Total. 15252 ljc iltarkcts. Ova 14, I84. WAeat Prime Pennsylvania recta are held at$106a 1 08 aud white at f t lluSl 1'J Rvi Sales of Penna. at 60c, and South' era at 680. Corn. Yellow ia worth 65 a 660; white 1 a 63 a. Oat. Southern Oata aro held at 23 a 31 ; Penna. 35 a 36o. Whisht. Sales in hhda at 26 to and bbla ame price. BALTIMORE MARKET. OJic 0 tk American, Oct. , 1849. GRAIN. Salea of good to prime red Wheals at 1 00 a tl O60 and of white at 108 CORN Sales at 60a 6to for white, and 60 a 62a for vollow. Rrc Market bare small aulea at 55a58c OATS Salea at 29 a 82o per bushel. WHISKEY. Wa note a sale of bblt. this morning at 28 e, and hhds. at 27 cents. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT . Ctrncttd weekly by Henry Mutier wmr. . . . iob Bra. 56 Cuaa. Oats. Bcrrsa. J?J. jFuM Tallow. ., rui. Hacaiaa Fiai. paraa Asriss. Pt f!4'i 60 87 14 9 S 113 10 35 ' to 60 i SXXCXIXFF SALES. QY Virtue of certain Writs of Venditioni Bf ponat to tn directed, wilt be sold at public ale, mt I o'clock P. M., on Monday tlto 5th day m November next, st the Court llowo in tnn Borough of Sunbury, the following described Real Estate to wit ! A certain tract of land situate in Lower 4ugnsta township, fh the County of Nor thumberland, bounded oh the east by lands of JohnPoyt west by Andrew Gonsert; buth by John Long, and north by John Malick ; contain ing 17 acres mora or' less j whereon are erected a two atory Brick dwelling House, a one and a half story frame dwelling House, a small Barn, a shed, an orchard, dec ALSO: A certain other tract of land situate In Iriah Valley, in Shamokin township I" county, bounded on the east by londs of Wru. Campbell, on the south by Joseph Hope, and on the wcat by landa of James Rcetler and others; containing 63 acres more or less, whereon are erected a 1 J slory frame dwelling hoiisr, a small barn, and or chard &c, about 60 acres of which are cleared. ALSO : A certain other tract of land situate in Lower Augusta township in the said county, bounded by lands ol'Jchn Mnllirk, 1111 the cast, and on the west by lands of John Long, the stone church and others; containing 13 acres more or less, all of which are cleared. ALSO: A certain other lot of ground situate in the township, and county aforesaid, bounded on the north by lands of Peter Kcescr, and on the east by lands of John Malick and others, containing 7 acres more or less, whereon are erected a small store room, a shed, a frame bank barn, cVc beiziHl taken in execution, and to be soldasthe property ot Lmanucl Kaufftnun and John R.iker. ALSO: A certain other tract of land situate in L'nfcr Augusta township in said county adjoining lands on the north by Jacub Hoover, on the cast by lands of Geo. Zimmerman, on the south by lands of Sarah Keen and on the West by lands of Joseph Savidge, 'containing A3 acres more or less, where on aro erected a one story frame house, a frame barn, a young orchard, Ac. Seized taken lii execution and to be sold as the property of David Barnhart. ALSO: A certain cn cfTjround situate In Lower Au gusta township in said county, bounded on tho north and east by land of John Fleming, on the south by land of Herman r-'hipman, and on the weetby lands of Jacob II. Khoics, containing four acres more or less. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James W in. Ross. ALSO : A certain lot of ground situate In the Borough of Northumberland, in said county, bounded on the north by lot of McCliutock, on the east by a lot of McQuahe, and on the south by Wuter and (juccn streets, containing one-eighth of an acre Inore or lot, whereon are erected a two story frame dwelling house, a large frame stable, a wa gon house, a pump of wuter at the door, iVc. Seized tuki'ii in execution, und to be sold as the property of James llilburn. ALSO: A certain lot or piece of ground situated in Point township in said county, bounded oil the north by laud of Joseph Wullin, on cast und soutli by laud of Jacob Snyder, and 011 1 tic west by land of John Elston, whereon are erected a lo;; hoimc. & stable, containing one acre more or less. Seized taken in execution and to be. sold as the property of John Snvder. ALSO: The undivided fifth part of a certain house and lot o! ground situate in the Borough of Sunbury, on the south side of Blackberry street Ko, 264, bounded on the went by un alley south by the rail road, east by lot No. 2tiJ, und north hy Blackberry Street, whereon arc erected u two story dwelling house and a small stuble. Seized taken in execu tion and to be sold as the property of John Bogar, ALSO: A certain lot of ground situate in the borough of Northumberland, in said county, bounded north by Qnecn street, cast by lot of John A, Sterrrtt, south by lluke street, nud est by property of 1). B. McGregor, fronting on Queen street liO feet, au i!0U fret in depth, whereon are erected a frame house on Duke t. twit stories high, one log house (weatherboard': d.) oil iuecn street (two stories high,) also a shop uttuched thereto, n stuble, a well of water, &c. 6'iczcd taken in execution and to lie sold as the proporty of Wm. McCoy, dee'd., in the hands of his administrators. ALSO: A certain lot of ground situuto in the Borough of Milton, in said county, be 1 ween front street and life west branch of the Susquehanna river, begin ning lit the corner of a lot of Solomon Deill'ender i'e'r, on front street thence along said street 30 feet, thence by s line parallel with the line on the south side of said tot of the said Solomon Deill'cn derler, and extending as fur back westward as as midway between high ami low water mark of said Kivcr, thence up the said Kiver 30 feet, to the corner of the said lot of the said lot of the said Sol onion Dcifrcnderfcr 1o the place of beginning, it being the same lot of ground which Seth I. Couily by deed dated Dec'r. 1st, 1S42 granted and con firmed to Toul Bennett. Seized tuken in execu tion and to be sold as the property of l'aul Bennct. JAMES COVERT, Sl-r'ff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury. ) Oct. 12th, A.M. 18l'.i, FIKK! runner ! ave F1RK!! FIKKM! yuur Properly and help each nllur FARMERS COMPANY over -:),(to im-miHTN. GUARANTY CA PITAL OVEtt 500,000 fHK AVashinntun County Mutual Insurance 1 CVinjjuny of (iramille, X. Y., tbrotieli their Agent, is new taking risks in this County snd vicinity, on dwelling Houses, Cluirelies, Taverns, Hoarding Houses, lluv, Ciruni and runners liro- ducc generally. Tliis Company tiikes no rinks in eiponcd parts of villages or on Stores, Mills, Kliops or Maebinery, nor insures exceeding JJ.C000 in one locality, The rates re exeuediiiRly low, svs raging less $5 per thousuud for Policies run ning 6 years or 1 per year. A small premium nota is required, but tlie prosperous condition of the Company snd the lariie accumulated cash fund, precludes all probability of there ever being an assessment. The Policies nf ibis Company are free from objectionable conditions often found in policies of other Companies; the Company being also responsible for the correctness of busi ness done by its Agents. It is now the most ex tensive Mutual Company in the United ritates, and universally popular among the farmers of N. Y. Mass and Conn. All losses, however, small after due notice will lie promptly paid either ut the ulace of loss or the liraiicu Ullice at llarrisuurg. The Company is now under the direction of the fol lowing gentlemen: Hon David Hussell lute memlier of Congress. Hon. Solomon S. (,'owen, Cornelius L. Allen, Joseph M. Bishop, 11. JN.tiraves, Henrv Holmes, Geo. Clements, Jasepli I". Orvis, Arch Bishop. Geo. Younir, ir., ISatban Uoane. DAVll) KUSSiKLL, 1'resident. Persons desiring Insurance in the above Com pany by informing the suWriber by letter or otherwise will receive proint attention. ALUERT A. CAKKIEIt, AgcuL Suubury, Oct. 0, 18ia. Estate of Sarah Drelier, dee'd. TV OTICE Is hereby given that letters administra Is tion have been granted to the subscribers, on the estate of Sarsh Drcher, lute of Lower Au gusta township, Northumberland county dee'd. All persons indebted to said estate or having claims against the same, are requested to call On the subscriber (ut settlement, JOHN DREIIER, Adm'r. Lower Augusta Uhp., Oct 20, 1849. T NOH AND SPRING MORTISE LAP- m CHES. An excellent article, for sale at half Uie usual prict by J. W. FRIUNG. Sunbury, July T, 1749 ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this . excellent article for Tetter, sc, just racaistd ana for salt by HENRY MAwEK Sunkurr, July S9, 194 V TEN Stn AY SHEEP CAME on the premises of the subscriber, resi . ding in Upper Augusta township, at the Nor thumherlsnd bridge, about the first of the present month. Eight of said sheep are marked on their backs with red'chkfk, the other two are rams and no marks visible. The owner or owners of shid sheep are notified to come forward, prove property, pay costs and take them away, otherwise they will ke dealt with according to law JOHN W. KRUM. Sunburv, Oct. 13, 1849. 3t. To all Creditors, Legatees, AND OTHER PERSON'S INTERESTED.--otlcc Im Hereby Given, That the fol lowing named persons did on the dates affixed to their names,- lilo their accounts of their Adminis tration, to the estates of those iiersons deceased and Guardian accounts, Ac, whose names are under mentioned, in the Oiiice of tho Register ot the l'ro bato of Wills, and granting Letters of Administra tion, in, and for the County of Northumberland, and that the same will be presented, to the Or phan's Court of mud county, for confirmation and allowance, 011 TUESDAY the Gth day of No vember next, at the Court House, in Sunbury. 1819. Aug. 4. John J. Woolvcrton and William Reed, Kxecutors of Charles Wool vcrton, dec'tl. G. Christian Cable, Guardian of Barnard Shaffer, 7. John I). Lcinbach, Administrator of Daniel Lcinbach, dee'd. IS. William Dewitt, Executor of Marga ret Dcwttt, dee'd. Sept. 8. Samuel Campbell, Guardian of Sarah Jane Wilkins, now Sarah J. Roth. 15. James Miller, Executor of Harriet . Summers, dee'd. 18. Thomas and James Pollock, Execu tors of Michucl II off, dee'd. 28. Abraham Sterner, Executor of Henry Culp. dee'd. 28. George A. Frick, Administrator of Henry Frick, dee'd. Oct. 1. William H. Leghorn, Acting Survi ving Executor of Jeremiah Vastinc, deed. 1. Daniel Brautigan and David Tuggart, Administrators of William McCay, dee'd. Register's Office, Sunbury, Oct. 0, 1849. DAVID ROCKEFELLER, Register. WHY WILL Yi: MTFKlt? why will ynii iHfrVet tlife itTiii:iiiltiry symptoms Which tire giving yon viimn'i that imni thine mint be d mt to ave you Iroin I he giuve of tiic coiisiiuiptivf W hy ciicuuruo tJial imykinp cnugh th iin in (his siilc night nvciitf ruining ot hi ! or iliiiiculty oi" breathing ? Why rbrrikheri and str the that im preyiim upnti yuiir vilalM, Liking tiwiiy ymir ftrciilh with each iufjnig riuy, aiui h'jFl'iiiiitT y.-n to 'that t'urno inut win-ner 11 traveller rriiiiim.''' lie is 11 1 w ahlc to tntvcl iukI ;itt:unt I j lun hiisiic. Witncw Uc cun:M ul' Itev. Mcnry Jmiff, llh lliht Ave nuu, wlu wiiB ciirt-il of a conli uf .'0 yc;ti k UniiUim ; Mm. Altn-e, f Tiii'll:i-lri i-l. who h:l Itvm jiiVrn uji ly lrh. .M 'It, lini" ami Mr-CK-I'mi. T!it hilU ot' I'lirintiiiii Ktrnh, hihil-w-fitrcrt, wh wu u!no jiv-n uiti(lif. irn. Alt line, formerly of Uro-tklin, wii tii tin lii it I'hyficHnn Kiitl tvmlrt not le turid ; and a hut uf nthrrii wliu huvr h'it ntHiftiil wiih ASTHMA. i U.SL.n'TKN, LlVI'.It COMPLAINT und til) the vnrinia f.-rnmof ilimiiM in the vital irt;:iii. ) i any doubt the eUicJi'-y ol tins inwlifiiu l.rt them f i uJid com crm; with tlnwu who have bet 11 eured by it. 'uuijhletN e ntuinintt the ii;mik-h und roulcitem of a small poru .11 oi' tht-in may lie obtained, riti.- In purchasing, be kui'c y -n u':t t lit Knuitie. unk for 'HlKltMA.'M A 14 IIKALINO UAJsSAM," und see that th written signM turc of A. hhcrtiuin, AI. 1. is ou the roiK'rol' inch buttle, SI1EKUAYS POOH MAN'S PLASTKK has cured more cvifcs of lthruinatisin. Vain in the Hack, Sale tmd ( hest. l.uinlxmii ami WtstkiiuM, tluni anyjipjtli cut n that has inercasitl, hundred uunriiiciilAl ratals hiive attempted to c mntrrfeit it. and wlin it oil ujv hi liitt etininninity as the peiuiine. l'llewnre H J)itepUHi.. HeiiiemlKT that the tine and genuine 1'luslcr is Kprurul um reddish (taper uuule exprefsly for the piirMtsa und every case the Kttiuturt' (' lir. Slierinau is prinb-U ngion the kick ot' the l'liitler, und the whole tc tired tv Copy Hilit. None others are genuine. TlnTt-f ru when y ui wuni real $ tini SSherinue'K INmit Man's I'luster. eall ul thcotllcc, 1U6 Xuhsuu Street, qui) you will n t Inr ditrtpt Miitud. lteuieinbi-r prineiKil Otfice ItC Nasiii8tr'vtt ew-YorW wliere oil Dr. Shermun's lozentfes arc tkj. ilts Ai;enis arc Mrs. Hays, i:(n Fulton street, Itrix4clyn; HmesLitt WniiuniKburj; ; and llediitiir K Co, ftoston, und JOHN YOCNti. Sunburv. M. A. McCAY, Northuiiibcrbud Aug. 11, 1MU. ch cSiii ly ROSE OINTMENT, FOR TETTER 1) KAU the following; Cfililii-alo ipmi Cnpt. Drvoe. the 1 writ knun uihI (Kijiulur i?li:uh Uai I'uiituiu (oi lite 'i'luvctk-r.) riiiLAnhxriiiA, Oct'ilxT 31. ti0. Several yean kiiiee 1 wan tilLicked Willi u brenkinfr out on my uetk ill the trm nl' i'i-lli:r, wliii-h I tun cinvliired r-jn e.iiitriieinl ut ttie Miitb'nSlinp. It pruiuJn:illy cxu'inl el over my fitee until ii reucliru th ii,))f pari of ihe ehei'Ws. Uuruif; the hcvituI m-tnths lliat it c MitiniHil Kpreutlins, 1 iimI iliiltTi'iu app!ie:itioii. a nnp of which hml tliu elltvt, opiit-ulty ut iitiPt. "i inercuhiiifr ttie iIimumc. I,ut from none ol llii'iu ilnl 1 p-rci'i'e Ihe leaitt ui'Tieht until I Itpplletllhc l0K tllNTMKNT. Hy tin iiwt of nuu jnr ot' it, 1 wuh jicriuetly curttl und huve ruinaiiiud free ol the nt'ec. tiun. 1 httve viurs UH'.fl.tlie Ointment, lightly Applied forrouh niK ol Ihe Ijee, M.ileht'H. chnpiH-d Imnrti. Ata. Wuh per-l'tt-t wieevKt. 1 Iwve no tieminti m in recoiuiuriiiting u in Hie flrongcht mauiirr to the publie. JA.llL.n IJlVUl.. Ap'ut IIknrt Masses, Sunburv. Jul) IHIH. PATE1TT lEICHTES. Green's Oxytenuted liitter, price reduced. Did Jueob Townsend's Sarsapsrilla. llaker's Sarsupurilla. Swayuc's fyrup of Wild Cherry. Swuync's Veriniluc. Ayro's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullen's do Tibbit'sl'aiu Killer. Dr. Hoolluiid's German titters- Indian Vciretuble Pills Hbrse and Cuttlo Medicines Por sale by HENRY ullbury, July 14, lt4. Estate of Albs C Itarrett, dec'tl. M OTICE is hereby given that letters of admin 1 ' istration have been granted to the subscri bers on the estate of Alba C. Barrett, late of the borough of Northumberland, dee'd. All persons mucuicd to the estate arc requested to moke imme diate payment, and all having claims against said estate are requested to present them for examine tiun and settlement. ' CASPER J. REED. D. C. BARRETT, Administrators. Northumberland, Oct 0, 1849. 6U SSllEWAllD. CTOLEN from the subscriber in .Sunbury on Monday night the 25th insU, a BLIND fcOR- REL HOK&fc. with a white streak on his fore. head, long tail and Inane of the aame color, about 10 or 1? years old. A wagon saddle was also stolen from the stable of Benjamin Hendricks, at the same tune. 1 he above reward will be paid for auv information that will lead to the roeovery of the horse. FRANCIS ULCHER. Sunbury, Sept, 8'J, 184a 3t Kotlce to Ucllnqucnta. I LL persons indebted to tlie subscrilier. lonm A than six months, on note or book account, are requested to call and make settlement, or else their accounts will be kit with a magistrate for collec tion. JOHN W; F RILING Sunbury, July 7, 1849, . FOR 8ALE. A good cow, nearly fresh for sale cheap. Euquire at tlie office of the ylmeriran. Sunbury, June 9, 1849. Valuable Books, T IFE ot CsaisT, handsomely bound, D'Ap - aisst's HiSToit or tat RsroaMiTioa, Bmi DT-aooat x tsscsas, full bounded. For sale at tha publishers prices by H. B. MAfiSJCR; Sunbury, July 14, 1845 TO PniSlCIAKS, SRCGGISTS AND COtNTBT MERCHANTS. "Tn, J. N. KEELER it Bro. most respectfully solicits attention to their fresh stock of lS'ip litk, Ft nek, German, and Amtiian Drvft, Med icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stutis, Glass ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &c. llaving openod a new store No. S94 Market St. with a full supply of Prcsh Drugs and Modicincs, wa re spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stock before pun-hasina; elsewhere, promising one and all who may (eel disposed to extend to us their patronago, to sell them genuine Drugs and Modi cincs, on as liberal terms as any other house in the City, and to faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. One of tlit proprietors being a regular physician, affords ample guarantee of Hit genuine quality of alt articles sold at their estobliolunciit. W especially invite druggists and country merchants, who may wish to liecome agents for Dr. Kreler't Veitbrated Family Mtdifinet, (stan dard and popular remedies,) to torwnrd their ad dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fullv Ycrnniu, J. N. KEELER & DKOm Wholesab Druggists, No. '2114 Mnrket strcat, I'luladclpiiia. .September 15, 184!) ly. MM liitsrrallliidc lit Hie baNtal cilmc of num. YUE are not among that class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (at the expense oft ruth snd honesty) "crock up" an article and bring it intp rapid sale ; neither are we willing to remain silent, after having tested the utility of an im provement or discovery in tunica or art. Our readers w ill recollect we told them we were un well with a sore ihroat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, wo purchased two bottles of WINSLOW'S DALSAM OF HOREIIOUND and so sudden was tho cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who aro ulllictcd, may try it upon our rccoinmendution. Lewi tt on Tele Staph. A fresh supply of tho above valuable medicine just received, and for snlo in Sunbury, by John V. Friling, Mury A. McCoy at Northumberland, and at wholesale by Frederick Klett, & Co., cor ner of 2d and Callow hill streets, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, .Sept. M!d, 1S49. 8 mo. E. sicks' j cites, " WIIOI.KSAU: LEAI.KR Jr MANUFACTURER OF WILLOW AD WARE. Importer of Trench IlaskeU I.onkiug Glatsn, and Fnucy Goods, Xo. IS oi tli Second Slrccl, Between Market and Arch Sts., under J. Sid.nxy Jo.vCs' Carpel Warehouse, two doors Lelo'.v Clirist Church, PIHI.ADFXPIIIA, J 7 AS on band and is constantly receiving a 1 Inrijc and extensive assortment of Combs, Brushes, I'uticv Goods of every description, (too numerous to mention,) Looking Classes of Gilt and Mahogany fiatnes, Baskets, Coaches, Chairs, Xc. I5ROO-MS, Shaker's Eastern Wisp afld Country Brooms. Window Blinds, Door Mats. Tubs." buckets. ( hums. Washboards in litct. Wooden and Wil low W arc of every description, all of which will Lc sold low for C ash or City acceptance. Aicrciianis wouia save themselves much time nd trouble, by calling and examining my stock before purchasing. 11. Looking Glasses, are insured sun inst Breakage to all parts of the Union, without extra charge. August S3, 1S40. 3m TICKNOR'S COLUMBIAN UPELLINO BOOK. 14 KING a progressive' and Comprehensive .Sys tcni of Ortliogriinv mid Orthocnv. inclndiii ' variety of dcliiiilioim, adapted to the use of Schools in the American Kcnublic, bv Alinon ick nor, a Teacher of twenty-live vear's etiieri- rnce, and author of the Columbian Calculators, 'radical Common School Mensuration, &c. I he attention of Teachers, School Directors, a rents, Ac, is invited to this new Spelling Book, w hich conforms to the modern siiclling and usages in Orthography asbeingone of the neatest, cheapest best arranged, and better adapted to the wants of liiktrcn, than any other published in the tinted Stats. It is what it purports to be, a Spoiling Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth o secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the I'nitcd States. Just published, and for sale by llr.Nny Masses, Sunbury. here 1 cacliers and Directors can procure copies for examination. August i, 1S-1U Tin: i"iti?it:ti's ENCYCLOPEDIA. r.DITF.U BY GOUVK.R.NF.nt KMEnfON. EN ONE VOLCME, Royal octavo, 1 105 pages, beautifully bound, containing, 17 fine plates. besides numerous Woud Cuts. Sold at about me fourth tlie cost of the English work, without auv 1 lutes. The Fanner's Encyclopedia is a real treasury of practical information, wherein the experience of oil ages and countries is carefully rosrto rr to the present dav, and admirably urrangrd for con venient reference." Dr. Darlington', 'V e arc fully convinced that such on amount of valuable knowledge for farmer con be found in no other work in so cheap and convenient a form In fact, no Fanner who pretends to be well inform ed in his profession, should be without this work." New tiruneseee rarnier. An excellent work, fit to le distributed in pre miums by Agricultural Socities. J. S. Skinner. tor sale at tins Otnce, price $4. Also, bv E. W. CARR, Third street, opposite the Exehungc, Philadelphia and N. HICKMAN, Baltimore, Maryland. Idr OuDKas mcst bi AcccxrsMtD ai ths CSH. July 14, 1849. 3m DOCTOPs P.. H. AWL, RESPECTFULLY irifdrras the cititens of this place and vicinity, that he has penna- nt'iilly locutrJ himself in iS'unhury. His oirica is next door td Mr. Jacob Painter's hatter-shop, where he con at all times be founJ, unless pro fessionally encaged. .Sunbury, August S3, 1849. 3m C It A Tt LES W llEGINS, AT LAV, ATTCPslTET INillMVllle, I'a. Will promptly attend to collections and all bust nese entrusted to his care. June 16, 184, STONEWARE. STOXE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received and lor sale hy JOllX W. FRlLlXU. tSunuury, June S3, 184!). 1 ISSUE PAPER Yellow Tissue paper for covering glussos, &.C., for kale at the olliec ol the American. n OOKS and Gold Pens On band several cop- its of the life of Christ, and also a number of gold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices; - For sale at thisotfice. WHITE BRANDY for preserving brandy peaches of an xcellent tuality, for sale by 11. MASSER. SWibury, 8ept Std, 1849; flEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekln X Tea Company, for sale by Tea Company, for sale by w. ruixroo; unbury, Pec. t, 1I4I If tkontanti$ of CVfi of AfvWn. Comrrrt, PvpKiliM and oih r tfr.oMrr' diirtun of the lloo&td if the toy SMALL QUASTfVr which nd of Medirhu to rffret Cut of wh DitHiMct he mif proo f of th pvrt fyinf mniicnl ftm tr in the MrdU-iu tchuk hat ubdv4 tind oonyutnd wuoh Di$ta?A thtn thcrt it wiqtu$tionabU tvidmot that RANT'S INDIAN mmm extract t ittrA hftdtrinK tti ry rrMTt i und tbrn U nhiin. itwiit iMowl. in ertst mrM nile'i .ilmi Li.NK BO ITLK 4 it oiMttfiliit tnrrt pui i' iiist. hnL'ntr vir u nnj m-Uical prr tiiKit tlu'i u cniirH M'-d in mr Route uf nuv $ar. Mfftrilia. tr hu)- oih r mi-iiiiine tht Lji fvr 'wn ottered lor iiif. i'iii ti it iunnii!iti U U imr pmtiph1bi, tlmt lir th" ,f pitmt Mi'fll Purijitr. Uivy that tjrv bvirro v' l.ivst ill y tlint Tcr I.Amu mw Cuir ri.Kii tin tuiw Wai.s ili- ilmi wtfi-e mick. eirfmriTnut, HIlJ Oili rlW lIlHllrfd, iirtv IVU 11 Ai.KJJ mid 1,'UMKD. Hundreds Thousands wliv lisivil ird UllANT'n t't.'KIKtKK. UltfT llNVinff d d l-tri At. I. tlt.i ffirtriv-tr,i!n Mini ul her ttifititniu rtivutu IlltJI lt d u l-Ulf buni MtiOrM-Hls), llHVl! tUiiiliH tllltt- Brant's is tho Cheapest, hprmicy Qtw liuttle of H Im mure ttiriUfiil. curntiv ?nt Irr in it hiiiI. in cuiMi'djiii-ticr, irutt-ft mart diat in tuucii lest it wic. 1 hit 11 one httlt ul mtv uttir mvuicitm. IT. th-ti. ovg flmtteot HhaM 1 Ht'HiriRK wil! en'fe FOt'R TIMES liniiii ilisifHMt tiinh On houle( tarttpa rilU. - liHtNT t I'm in kit would lu tA-a? ut faurttol-la-i r l-Mttl,;. Hf aarntmrillm hi nnt hlltr. But URANT ri I'UltlKlClt l rul.l h. 1 uiiiy ONI.' UOLI-AU n butll; und it m tiuitli ul' it ha 1:11 n d. nnd t (textile uf I'tiriiig, Four 'IHmtt ti inm li diMiitif n one bottU uf taravarilla. thon: lorn, NMrxnpnrilhi, In coiimqiifiicu ut it iW. (hiwct mhI 19$ tut'ili'-nl Hi!iti'jr, flHiutd bn luld it no more thnn Twitty-Ficr Ctnti or bo it Id, lulwiu duap m thm Hu rika at One Dollar On Dollar's Worth! Htiw mill li Ct.vritit luiwmiirh hnw much ScaorvL will One iHitlar' tan-th til Brant $ Pt'RlFIER turttl Hend llir lulluwiuji blnttmrnt. which la IIHTH uf II (JHWrT, CANCEROUS SCROFULA! 'I in it Hit) cmm! ut n lvtnf mnn wan yet lire H at cured til' n woi vm ul unitiiU, hy only 7Vtht bvttle tit Htufir'ii I'linlici'. llum uv.t wn rurd hy th use of Twtre ftftllotu n thr b em-yoymritta thnt wH evi-r irmda, HiirsMtunnhH Im tint tvjkcunt medical jttneer tu rtlect liiu cure of flitch n revolting if hiipritif tv, Mr. J II !Iakin. ul AVmr, Oneida Co . A. ., had ScroJ ula four years Rt ruithiiml tu In lift) tlit Lift year- hi wa much tti iM'MiM'd Hiid deliilitiitd hh tu he unnhle to rtiirt' In hniid tohin buittl. Ho hud ihu tX tnedicHl nd. vice lind irt nit i1 tlit' but turtapariiiae tu tin ifuod etWt iit iror mid troree nnd w i uit-idHritl tn he in Iyinf State, mill cuiiSd nut liv tvrnty four hourr lunger, wIji'-h he cuuiniiMicd luitin bit AN'l 'rt "I'L'KI Kl KH. Hit ttvfc MM eaien nenrly oj. limn car to tar h holt wtn cut en throu;h lii t: in i! piif viitdttr cliiii, nu that lw li-fHtlitd til ruu, h thn lusisj hi ear wuh u t-Hh-n Hlolitid thut it cuiil't Im litird 11 j j out ut it iUct, It only holding by n emu II jdi'ft Ihf u-i- of one arm wns dttroyrd by two Ul ct'rn mi I'tcer undi-r tin nrin. hh hirir m n iimu hand, hml ncHrly eaten ihruui-li hi ide into hie body. I bit", htt wm ntHit ti d wiih TwcniM mitrh putrid, acrid. offt:nrir CI en, un vruitm mit ut hi 't'l-'oii, tut lui'llu-r Aud full pHrhirnlRri, unr pamjthhtg. l)uct. 'I hum .is Williams, one uf th niot killnT hy tiriHiiH ut KuiiK. whh i-nlii-d tt lijibkiti ihw uiy l'ur tut t'txniiM-nucd uini tlrnnt'e Vuri&rr W . rxHin- nifd tiun. mill ih -tt I -id turn tli't all thn mvdititu in thu trurhl cunlit not run linn tlint hi eau wh Worse than Hopeless ! birnr Mr MASKi.N'S MutfiiiMitt id" run.-, all Mid : Mv p-urur. d .mt- L.iitlH ul ItUA.STS VL'MFYlXtl KXTHACJ' uf J instil V Uonari Ihu2,'i-I". id' Kumti I cwmni'iM'eri u-:iil' thut. und htsian tu t-t brttrr that But i lk CtinuVd u to tt oj Mi wluTtt 1 had hccn cuntnu'd one. yaKr i (tt-.Ltj.MJ l"utll nmljicd vw. ta H out of 'he house tUv thikii htitiln i imidcii ni tu H'aSt Tiro Milt lo Koine Cfiitn-. whiv I prrn'm-t-ii .Sir Hottl 111 1 M u : himI v Ijt-ii I hml Imiplird uilii ihcin. ixrentcen out l TKcttty I'U I'm ltl iiKAt.Kb l p tnd thrct bottle more ttVcu d u l'i.HH T ( t ill, id nil thu L!uer, itnd ru htuicd nu tu tuJ hmUk. FOURTEEN WITNESSES! Mr. IJA.KIN 1iiii HWtini to tho ahovrt I'hcib, und the (vl nr.: witiMrd und r rtitied to hy lMNJ'J'. '. WIL I.IAMS-Mr. li. It lillliWS. pnniru-lur of tho IVtrt-Kome llui-vT liisM.I. A I.KONAKll. Wlioh-HHlo nd rctniJ Ii uii;ifti Niid Kl.KVKN other revjtectable trttnete$. We Challenge the World To I'UOVK it Cure uf n reroltintf und utterly hopett a L'n uf -crtdtttH, hy thi- iim of TKN T1MKS hj murli farmttariila, .r any oihrr im dicuitt, a waa uicd uf Brant'$ Funjitr tu t-ll-Tt thn above euro which cure hall b pi-ovi d ly n many veil-known, respectable witnueea, M it tho hIiuvc cure. FOR 8AI.F. II Y John W. Frilitig, ISunlmry Pi. Miirv A. McCay N"ithuiiibralud. J .hit 11. Ktnwi Milt 1, llwiry J. Wlaii-iTt-r do hUlwurd A. Kut.nrr do Alt Mtcra and ordrri must U uudretsrd to Walla co A Cti., 11 Hi Hrcmilwuv, New York. HuiiLury, July 21, 1I9 ly. Equitable Afe Insurance, Anuulty niil TriiNt C ompany. OFFirT:?4 WAtAFT STHKKT. PIHLAiOF.LPIlIA. Capital friVj.tiou. ( hakteb 1'lmpktual. rM!K Ciii-sitny r ii'tw prercd ti traiiant butities upon the in mt lihrnd iuhI udvunlticfi'tia trrnm. Tliey are authorized hy their rhiirtr (awt. ;t) 'to nuike nil oud every iiunrunpr npH'rtainins to lile rinks of whatever kind or nttture, uutt to rifriv und pximmiIl1 truM, nmke entl iw incuts, mill to sntut nud purclmai ammidrs." The Cmn. (kiiiv srll annuiiiefl mid endowment tt and act as TiusUxt fof minora nud heirs. Table of Premiums rrv-mrnd for thn Aurunce of 6100 for the whole term of lsiie. ASe. Prnn. 1 M l at l ju l so l 0I I hi 1 tki 1 I 1 7U 1 7 1 M 1 Ft) lll 1 Jilt Ajye. Prcm. Age. Prein. IS 17 H III Ul Jt l !M -'I Si dll -'7 ai 2'J M f J" .1411 3(ia 3 77 3 Kl 4 13 4 M 4 ul 4 71 4 HI ia !M S.VI 5 H U) i 15 a -jo a i7 a in a hi "47 a si a ui a tu 4.1 a im a ot a ia 3 21 Th premiums arr less than nnv utlttr c.miptjiiv, ami Ilia p.ilii'ii-s all" -ftl jiriiili-r ttiU-:inlu);fa. Tatilt-s ii fuiir-yfarly Bnd qnurlfrly )nf-iiiiiuns. hull' orrtlil rntt-s ol' pri'inuiiu. short U-rniN, joint livt-s, Furv iv trhips and rii'tovvmeuls olsi, I'urm ul Apphi'uti n fl' r whirh there art hliu'.k shtrts) ur t I lu'l t'ti applirali -n at the ntltce, or by letter tu the Afciit, J. II. I'UtUY, Sunbury. Hills rou t.-t'ai.o 6 1 Won a single lift Agr. Kur I ;ur. I Tor 7 vests. For Life, an fl I ut tun 30 ll 1,3(1 S.lll 40 i. a., I l.iu ,:u so i. a,o7 s.ot ill 3, IS 3.u7 0,U1 Enures A prrs'iiagnl 30 yenrs neit birth day, hy raying Ihe i'omivmi emus woul.i secure to his uuilily Mr hens luu shiMilil Uu die in nnc yeur ; or lor cVi.gO h sn cures to them eloisi; r rr 613 nnuuully V scieu years furi'ail.tO pnifl auuuully ilurinc luc be secures t(10ou to be iic nitrt. ,u incut eiww suiitiiu ne me in seven years, Ol wrq wllrii he dies. I he insurer securing bis own bonus uy me uinerence in amount K premiums triNiitno uutm ni echqrijn by ollntr oilii-es. Kor Hfxyiu the heirs would receive MU0 slioitld he die in one veur Forms ol'upplicuttou ond all purttculurs mav bs bad at the office. I'lj i'lilt CCIXKN, Prusideul. Vice President, Wn. M. Haihd. KBAXris W. Hawls, Mecretury and Treasurer. CoNhCLtiNo Fmy.icias Vt. J. II. Mssser, ftunbury. J. II. l'tsov, SuuUiry', Agent fur Northumberland cotia ty. Bunbury, Julv IS, 1819 LAUD LA .MI'S. conftELiuaic td. No. 110 I hrsuiit M , R ol ESPECTFULLY announce that they havo just mushed the most extensive aasartiucnt LAMPS, they have ever ollcred for sale, comprising ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, MANTEL LIGHTS. &o. In (treat variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much attention ha been paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of these Lamps, and auch are made as will produce the gr cutest amount of light from the least consumption of Lard. lien-cut improvements in the manufactory, with '.he introduction of new and perfected nischinery, enables them to sell at a very GREAT REDUC TION from former prices, und all articles before leuvlng the manufactory, are carefully inspected, and are warranted perfectly tight, and to give satis faction. Philadelphia, June S, 1319 ly A New Aastorlisieutol Freah Goodi. IRAT. CLEMENT, RESPECTFULLY informs hkt friends, cus tomers and others, that ha ha just received a. handsoma assortment of NEW GOODS at his ttora in Market 5quir tn Sunbury, such aa Dry GootU, Groceritel, Quent ware, HrdtrevA.c. Sunbury, June 13, lt4t. ADD1 eeteWVed Horse and Cattle Medi. duafcc tlebr HJNKY MAMCR anbury Jan. iTth, H4I PROCLAMATION. N iCE ' Tt ivtn th severaf courU i'f Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions or the peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer tnd Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for Oie county of Northumberland, to cemmence at the Court House, in tho borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, Sth of November next, will continue TWO WEEK. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and1 consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to bo thon and tlicro in their proper per son, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several offices appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting ill behalf of tho Common wealth against any prisoner aro also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against bitn, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to lie punctual in their attendance, at the time ppoinlod A'gTecsble to their notices. Given under my hands at 8nnbiiry, the 6th day of Uctobcr in the year of cur WJ one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine and the Inde pendence of the United Suites of America the 73d. JAMfcn COVERT, Sh'lT. God save the Commonwealth. LIST OP JURORS OF Northumberland County for November Term A, 1). 1S49. (si'and Jurors. Upper Augusta. Elisha Kline, Samuel Ri land. Lower Augusta Peter Malick. Rush.-Joshua Reeil. Upper Mc.houoy. Benoville Holshoe, John G. Renn, Felix Maurer, Burnnrd Adams. Low:r Muhonoy. Michael Emoiich. Jackson. Samuel Malick, John Otlo. Levi Drnmheller. Chilirqiwqut. William Krii-U. Joseph N. Nest-itj William E. livin, Neal Caul. Milton. Simon Randolph. William Fry mire. Delaware. Samuel Finnev. D. II. Watsrm. Lewis William Tweed, William C. Ellis, l.fvi Gla.e. Turbut. Peter Billmire. Traverse Jurors. Sunburii. Francis Bnclicr, (ieoigo liriulit. Upper Augusta. Frederick Haas, Abraham Sarvis, John Keefer, Lower Aupiista. Jacob Kchr, TlKima3 L'p deirralf, Jno. X. Conrad. Shamnkin John Caseiuan, Isaac Titsworlh Henry Leisenring. Rusk Gen. A. Dickson, Isaau Woolvcrton Stanley Gearhart, Jos. Kelly. Coin. Washington Smiek, John Everitt, Jos. Zurii, John Thompson, lMithael Deik, Philip Stambach. Upper Mahoiutp. Daniel line, Abraham GeUl. Jacob Eitmaan. Lower Muhnnoy Frederick Tsclioop. Jackson. Wm Deppin. Sorllmmberland. Thos. Wil hinjlton, C'lias. Rey, Charles Little, Robert Martin. Point. Thomas Vankirk. Ckilisquntpte. Andrew Felzer, l'elcr Voris, Abraham bantrer, John Miell, jr. Milton Tims. Stiine. J,sse Derricksnn. Dclawiire. Wilson Hutchison. James Itin carson, John Work, Edward Druekemiller. James Oaks, Wm. MeWilliams. Lewis. Rudolph Ilnntsinp-cr, Anderson Dennis, Aaron B. Arlman, Daniel Derr, David Johnson. Petit Jurors Sunbury Jacob Cable, E. V. Briyht. Ed. Gass, Caleb Fisher. Lower Augusta Wm Bloom, Wm 15 Sil trerwood, Daniel Hohebach, John Foy. Shamukiii. Jesse Campbell, Asa John. Jttsi John Case. Lower Malioiioy. Charles Urosious, Benja min Trefio. Jackson Jacob Philips, Geo. Il..pner. Northumberland John Adams. Point . Wm. L. Cook, Thos. Thatcher. Chilisqituqitc. Jacob Kramer. Daniel J. Can! Milton John Frick, Wm. Fillnian. Delaware. Jackson Gullv, James Arm strong, Thomas D'Armand, Tims. Kirk, David Knhns, Win. Beard, Thomas McKee. Lewis. David MeGnie. Michael lirobst, Samuel Russel, Amos Klaze. Turbut. George Reili, Martin Billmyer. LIST OP CAUSES FOR triril in tlie Court Coinmon Pleas of Nor thumberland County at November Term IS 19. Jacob Shiti Jacob Rccd Danville & Poltsville Kail Road Co. Win & R. Fcgcly Isrnel (iiiti'liiis Wm. Marks Uradv for Muydcr Frederick Keener John Carver's heirs (udrew Garvcr cl ul Robert M. Clark Henry II. Burr John McCiiiuis Lewis Cressmaii cl al La'ch Stroecker Jacob Ilousrl & wifo Jonathan Purscl et al Eleanor Kind's adin'rs D. Houts for J. Buiiud Hanie lor Mathews Peter Hu hter's ex'rs Peter Erw iuc Ann Myers R.ichucl McCarty Jucob W. Scitzinecr R. Goodman & the Com. of Penna ' vs vs David N. Lake et al vs Hauood & Snyder vs fleore Heckcrt vs John Porter vs John McGiitiis vs (i (iianl & Garnishees vs Win. Avres vs Leah Stroecker s same vs Isaac Ijrown vs Win. Mi'Cu'sadm'rs I v Wm. Stark vs Jacob Kulil's e'rs vs Jacob llolliiian vs Philip Houtel admr's vs Jos. H. rt J, Kline Vs Jacob Wcik vs Ilcrriiigtcin & Giltnro vs Conrad (iiltucr vs Dodw & Barret vs John Jacob Weike vs Di'wavlct Jordan etal vs ElizalviU Weitzcletal Vs I.euh Stroecker Win; & R. fcgcly & Co. vs John Shissler Noah S Mackey vs Samuel Finney Thomas Keener vs Nanuii 1 lil.dn Mows I'IiuiuIk ','lairt vs Thomas is. Msckcv D. lloats for W. H. Fryniirc vs Isaac Brown bianiuel Boudlnan vs Jacob Ilovvcr V. S. Dodge for Moor & Riddle vs W. ci K.l-Vgvly Sarah Reed vs Eleanor Kccd's adm'js Jacob Karchncr vs David Fry mire et al vs A. Rliawn vs Ira T. Clement vs Predvrirk Haas Jacob W. Pfouts Jacob Wcimcr John llower Aaron Reply Palmer B. Johnson Chus. W. Richards David Miller vs Ira T. (.'lenient vs Jumcs While vs Joseph Pettit BilliiiKton, Buyers et Hunter vs A. J. Feticr v J. et M. A. Sweney vs J. Wynn ct J. Vansaiit vs Jacob LeiKcnring vs Jacob Caliel vs Robert W Prum VI James Drum vs Cornelius ISmith Chas. G. Dott Jacob P. Miller et al S.lruh Hover et al Win De Puey Wm H Thompson Mary Snyder et al same Joseph Vandyke Pontius ir I hoinpson vs Samuel R Wood John 1 nicl'hersott vs 8 Snyder, M Snyder et al Com. for Saial Furman vs AJm JorJn M Sweney 4- wife' vs Michael Miller . li U Montgomery vs Koborl AtcuortnicK John B Miller vs John B Boyd ex rs Wm L Dewart vs Noruiuniberland couuty Robert McCay vs Eward A KuUucr J. P. SbulU va Jacob Weike 4 wife Jaeob Philip vs Goarge L. Weimer 4 b Lawrence adm r of vs Peter & D Weimer tl al Sarah Leighou, John Hartman vs F Burkenbina adas'r J Clavtoufor J MeWUIiam v Jolm Bower . r. O'Donnell Cut Wru V Nagle vs John Diver Com'wealth for J Kroh nl'A Billtngtoa 4- kail Henry W, tnyder va Wm F Wafenseller Oha F teasanu va Jams & Wm Row ' JOHX TARNSWORTH, frgtk'rf Proihoualary ' ofiloa Sunbury Oct. 13, 184 THS NEXT LEOISLATlHE. The following is complete list of die tiaitt legislature new tnetnbera are tnarlied with a star (;) Dtmoorats in Romati",; Vfbigi in Italics : SENATE. , . 1. Philadelphia CiyBen)ainin MattKatf William A: Crabb; , - 2. Phlladelphitf Cotjt'y Thoa. 8. FeK non, Thbl. fl. Fotayth, Peltg-. B. Sentry. 3. MohtgomeJosHua T. Jvjne. (Denr gain.) 4. Chester afld Delaware H. Jontt Brocke. 5. Berk Henry A. Muhlehberg BucksBennrrtm Malon. 7. Lancaster and tcbanoti-os. Jfohtg' fiiuiJicr', J3dnl. Sin. 8. Monroe, Carbon, Scnuylaill1 aftd1 Pike' Charles Frsiley. 9. Norihanipton and Lehigh Conrad Shi' mer, (Dum. gain.f 10 Sus(uehannah, Wayhe and Wyoming Francis B. Streeter. 11 Bradford an'd Tiogi John W. Guern' sey. 12. Lydoming,' Clinton', Centfe' and Sulli van Win. F. Packer. (Dem: gain.) 13. Luzerne ffnd Columbia V. Best. 14. Northumberland and Dauphin R. Mi Frick. 15. Cumburiaiitf and Perry R. C Stcrrett; 16. Mifflin, Juniata and Union. J. Cun nitigiuHi. 17. York -Henry Fulton, (Derri. gain.) IS. Franklin and Adams W. R.Sadler. 19. Huntingdon, Bedford and Blair Alex aiuler A'ing. '30. Armstrongj Cambria. Indiana and Clearfield Augustus Drum.-. 21. Wes'.mcreland and Somertet Isaao Ilutis. 2J. l''a) file nnd Green Maxwell M'Cas liu. 23. Washington G. V. Latcrenct; 24. Allusdieny nnd Butler George Darsic, Wm. Jl. Daslctt 25. Heaver and Mercer David Sankcy. 20. Crawford and Venango J. Porter Brawlty; 27. Erie Johti II. Wulk'r. 2S. Warfen, Jefferson, Chtridn; McKeart und F.Ik Timothy Ives. iKim-: OF REPRESENTATIVES. Adams Diim'i'I .1. Smystr. Allegheny Jonas K. M Clintock; iniliurH F.sp'y, John Miller, R. t. Walker. Armstrong John S. Rhey. Bradford Chas. Stonkvi-ell, Joseph C. Po well. Bedford Jolm tess-na, Samuel Rbbinaon: ( Beaver- John Allison, Wni. SniiiL Berks Daniel Zerbey, Wm. BhatTnerj Alex. S. Feather, John C. Evans: Blair t'Aos. H. Kblkead. Holler J). B. Vrower. Dueks Etlwiud NiekleSon; Hiram A. Wil Hams. JunUs Flowers. Crawford lieiijavun D. David, Anson Leonard. Centre and Cletilfield John B.Meek, Win: , J. llt-iitpliill. Chester Duiid J. l!cnti John Atker, John A. liowci. Columbia Wi n;. P- Fortnry. Cumberland Henry Church; thorhai C; Scouller. Cambria Wm. A. Smith. Delaware imtifs J- Lewis. Dauphin John E. Ruthfrfordi tnoinai Duncan. Erie James C. Rcid, LeffeA Hart. franklin Wm. Raker, John MLcan. Fayette James P. Downer, Joseph fet Grlliiii. Green Lewis Roberts. Huntingdon -liigiMlu A;. Cornjn. Indiana Wm. Evans. Jefferson, Clarion and Venango Jdhd 8. M'Culmonl, John Hastings. Lebanon Mu W. A'iliiiiftr. Lehigh and Carbon--Robert tloli, Baniiiel Marx. 3 Luzerne John N. Conyngham; Andrew lleamnuiit. Lancaster AndreU) Wcde, Lewis lturford, Robert lialdwin, Jacob Xissly, A. Scott Etc Lycoming, Clinton and Potter-Wm. Brin dle.'Wm. Doiiii. Mitilin Alex, tlibboney. Montgomery David Evans, Wm. T. Mor risou, Win. Henry. . Mercer John Hogp, Morris Leech. Northumberland John B. Packer. Northampton und Monroe James M. for ter, Michael Meyer?, John D. Morris. Perry David Steward. Philadelphia citj---IVioitJ C: Steel, George II. Hart, Charles U'Xeill, Jesee R. Burden, Craig Riddle. Philadelphia county Thos. K. Fiilletter, Fayette. Pierson, Joseph C. Molloy, Wash inyton J. Jackson, Richard Sirripson, Wm. H Snuder, Henry lluplet, Sylvester Cridtand. Scliuj Ik Ul Nicholas Jones, William J; Dob bins. Somerset Henry Little. Susquehanna and Wyoming Sidney B. Wells, Ezekiol Mowry. Tioa Jeremiah Black. Washington Jonathan D. Leet, tbomaa Watson. Westmoreland Harrison f . Laird, John F M'Culloch, Joseph GufTey. Warreu and M'Kean G. W. Sconeld. Wayne and Pike Tho. R drier; Union and Juniata J?Ii Slier; Jokn Mc Laueklin. York Edmund Trone, Jacob S. Halde man, Alex. C. M'Curdy. axcAriTutiTioii. Dfrtt. Seuate, IT House, Whig. 1 41 T6 58 67 bani. maj. on joint ballot, 1 Thi Blent Sot o a Womam. At tha Bourbon (Ky ) Agiicultural Fair, hsitd) ft Tuesday last, Mrs- Chapman. Coleman, dangk ter of Go. Crittenden, received the- pramluan, a $100 cup, for the beet silk quilt, mad wiih her own hands It ia a wholeaom ins die-alien to ladic contending for rr0M ""Ul i Vnanufacturei. . I j i t L