. SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Agriculture FATTENINS ANIMALS. ' v, ',. Article to be Heml Wew! .." ' ' ' At this teaton, ny the Jm Firmer, "the attention of tha farmer if often directed to the fattening of those animal! which are intended for the butcher; and it it impor tant for him to know how he may turn mch articles of food to the best ac count. Several article, mich as pumpkins and apples will not keep long, and are to be used in their season, it at all. The least nutritious articles, so far as it can be done conveniently, should be fed out first ; after ward those that are nutritive. Fattening animals should be kept quiet, and suffered to take no more exercise than is necessary for their health. All exercise, more than this calls for an expenditure of food, which does not avail any thing in the process of fattening. They should be fed regularly, with suitable food, and that properly pre pared ; and as much should be given them as they are able to convert into flesh and fat, without waste. "In the animal econ .omy, the accumulation of fat and extra flesh, is only a deposit of superfluous nutri ment, which not being required by the sys tem at one time, is laid by for future emer gencies ; and it must be obvious that the larger the quantity of food which a fatten ing'' can be made to consume daily, with a good appetite, or digest thoroughly, the greater will be the amount of fiVsh and fat gained in proportion to the whole quantity of food consumed." Animals will not thrive with any amount of food where they are uneasy and discon tented, even if they are so closely confined that they cannot wear off their flesh by exercise; it is, therefore important that they be fed regularly, and that there should be nothing to disturb them, or excite fear or discontent. Of the root crops, for nutritive proper ties, potatoes stand first : then carrots, ruta bagas, mangel-wurtzels, which are all nearly as valuable as potatoes ', while the English turnip is the least valuable and nutritious. Of grain, wheat stands first ; then peas, In dian corn, barley, and last, oats. Much Indian corn is used in fattening animals especially, swine. Eor these, there is a great gain in having it both ground and cooked. It is said that where swine are led on mush or hasty-pudding, they are much more quiet, and consequently gain flesh much faster, than where the same in gredients are fed to them uncooked. The following hints on the subject, from that valuable agricultural journal, the Al bany Cultivator, will be found of interest : "Substances in which the nutriment is much concentrated, should be fed with care There is danger, especially when the ani mal is first put to feed, that more may be eaten at once than the digestive organs can manage. Meal of Indian corn is highly nutritive, and when properly fed causes an imals to fatten faster than almost any other food. They will not, however, bear to be exclusively kept on this article for any length of time. Meal made from the hea viest varieties of corn, especially that grown in the northern and eastern states, is quite too strong food for cattle, sheep, or horses to be full fed upon. Hence one of the ad vantages of having the cob ground with the corn, by which the nutriment is diffu sed through a greater bulk, lays lighter on the stomach, and is more thoroughly di gested. The effect of pure corn meal on animals, we suppose to be similar to that sometimes produced on our own species by the use of fine wheaten flour the subject becomes dyspeptic, and is forced to use bread which has the bran mixed with the flour. The mixture of the cob with the corn, answers the purpose of bran the health of the animal is preserved, and the process of digestion goeson uninterruptedly. In fact, the advantages of grinding the cob and corn together for feeding cattle may be said to be well established. For hogs, the benefit of the cob, is not, we think, so evident; those animals appearing to be bet ter adapted to tnking their nourishment in a concentrated form, than those which ru minate or chew their cud. Yet food suffi ciently bulky to effect the distention of the bowels is necessary for hogs. "Hay or straw cut into lengths so short as to be readily mixed with meal, answers a good purpose in rendering the meal easy of digestion, and in enabling the animal to extract all the nutriment from it. "The conclusion arrived at from the re sult of a series of experiments instituted by the Highland Society of Scotland, a few years ago, was, that the superiority of cook ed over uncooked food for cattle is but tri fling, and not sufficient to balance the cost ; but for hos, the extra cost of preparing was repaid. "The appetite and health of the animals are promoted by giving a variety of food. This fact has led to the preparations for fattening stock. For fattening nogs we have used with advantage, the following mixtures. 1. Two parts potatoes and two parts pumpkins; boil together until they can be easily mashed fine then add one part meal, stirring and mixing intimately together. The heat of the potatoes and pumpkins will scald or cook the meal, and when cold the mixture will be a stiff pud ding. 2. Two parts potatoes, and two of ripe palatable apples, (either sweet or sour.) boil till they can be mashed fine then add one part meal, (either from corn, barley, or oats and peas, allowing the same weights, and mix together while the potatoes and apples are hot. "Hogs are more fond of food when it is lightly fermented, (not becoming pungent ly sour, and they appear to fatten fasWr if it is given to them in this state.) We have never seen hogs thrive faster than when fed on these mixtures, with occasionally a little dairy slop, and we have always found the porn noiia ana ol good quality." An Intssmtino CusToaFrom that tie lightful book, by Mrs. Kirkland, "Holliday abroad or Europe from the West," we glean the following curious practice among the Dutch at Harlem. It appears that the inhabl Ibiii on the birib of a child, place a gaily trimmed pincushion at the door of the house If tiie new comer be a daughter, the pinou ahii:i is white : if a son. there is a stripe of rr 1 .introduced under the worked muslin The exhibition of thi token secures to the house certain privilege, such as exemption from legal execution, and whatever would be likely to disturb the mother, it troops pass, the drums are silent for the tiro, and ail classes honor the custom and the symbol, SCIENTIFIC, AMERICAN. T Inventor, Mechanic and Artisan., j rTHS PuMUbert of thi Sctirrmc AstiatCAir In returning their thank to the community for, the liberal support and encouragement which has been extended to them durins- tha east four years, would respectfully give notice that the (I ret number of Volume five, will be issued on tn S2d of September, . aflerding a favorable opportunity for all to subscribe, who may wih to aail tham elve of the valuable information always found in its columns, i The new Volume will be com menced with new type printed on extra tine paper, . ?- J 1 . r - ... ..tli 4l. .nil . s 1 . - , , ... J I ZTSTT '?rC?Iy fr fTXt embellished with a chaste and elegant border. i Ii will K. ,.u!ji i...r In ouorto form. th,,. affording : ". of th. year I BEAUTI- ML JJUOK of OVER "t rAUMp comaimna; between 8 and 600 ORIGINAL, ENGRAVINGS of NEW INVENTIONS, described by letter of reference, besides a great amount of reading matter, valuable to every man in th country. An increased amount of care and expense will be bestowed upon this volume, to render it more fully what it has been termed, "The best Mechanical Paper in the World." Its columns a usual will be filled with the most reliable and correct infor mation in rcgnto to tho progress of SCIENTIFIC and MECHANICAL improvements, Chemistry, Architecture, Botany, Manufactures, Rail Road intelligence and the weekly list of patents, pre pared expressly for this Journal at the Patent Office in Washington. As an evidence of the estimation in which the publication is held by the Scientific and Mechan ical portion of the community' it i only necessary to state, tliut its circulation has increased within the last three years to upwards of 10,000 copies, already cxeecdinir the united circulation of all the Mechanical and Scientific publications in thi country, and the largest of any one in the world. TERMS: Two dollars a yeai in advance, or I ricsucd, one dollar in advance, and the remain' der in six months. TO CLUBS : 5 copies, $8 ; 10 copies, $15 ; 211 copies, VS. All letters must be post paid and directed to MUNN & CO. Publishers of the Scientific American, New York, N B- Patents secured and mechanical draw- liigs executed on the most reasonable terms, at the .Vientmc American office. September 8, 1849. SP.OWIT'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER PREPARED and sold only, at FREDERICK T HttOW.VS DRITO snd PHF.MrfiALI Store. BROWN'S DRUG and CHEMICAL' Store, N. E. corner of Firm and Chesxct streets, Phi ladelphia. This Essence is warranted to possesa in a concentrated form, all the valuable properties of Jamaica Ginger, and will be found on trial an excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re commended as atonic, to persons recovering trom fever or other diseases, a few drops imparting to the stomach a glow and vigor, equal to a wine glass of brandy or other stimuland, without any of the debilitating etlccU, which are sure to follow the use of liquor of any kind : and it is therefor especially serviceable to children and females. To the aged, it will prove a great comfort ; to the dyspeptic, and to those who are predisposed to gout or rheumatic affections, it gives great relief ; and to the inebriate who wishes to reform, but whose stomach is constantly craving the noxious liquor, it is in valuable giving tone to the diges tive organs, and strength to resist temptation ; and is consequently a great agent in the cause of tem perance. LSFull directions accompanying each bottle. The aliove article can h had at the office of the American. Philadelphia, June 3, 1849. ly WALL PAPERS. HE Subscribers have on hand the lamest as- X sortment of Wi.t PiFr.as ladclphia, Wholesale and Rttai nnnMriini. 1. i iviiDiaiuig i i every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Dining Rooms, Chamliers, &c, which for quality and style cannot be suqiassed. Doing a cash business we arecnnblcd to sell a better article at a much lower rule than any store doing a TRADE BUSINESS On hand, a large assortment of Wins Pirxa, for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, Ac, which will lie sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done in the country at city price. In. 13, Dealers are invited to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. i LiN & UlKTO.. No. 142 Arch Street, South side Philadelphia, May 20, 1849 ly AFFLETON'S GREAT CENTRAL CHEAP BOOK STORE, 164 Chestnut Street, Corner of Seventh, Stcaim's Buildings, PHILADELPHIA. "NO WING the wants of tha community, the Proprietor of this Establisumext has fitted up a Store in the most elegant manner, having due regard to the comfort uf his customers, so that every Stronger visiting his Book Store, may feel entirely ai nome. HU imMSZTBS STOCK of Books ia classified according to the various De partment of Literature, so that visitor can find tlie Hooks they are in search of for themaelvM. IJuying his block for the most part at the Auc. Ties Stx, and being connected with one of the largest rurLisHixe iucses in this countrv. besides publishing largely himself, enables him to sell ali. Books at LOWEB PRICES than anv other house of a similar character on thi continent His facilities for the Importation sr Hooks from Europe are unsurpassed, having a lirancn ol nis Lsiaoiunmoiil in London, where orders of private gentlemen are carefully executed anu lorwardeu to una country by every otbam sa and racket. A. OATALOOTB of Books with the prices attached is issued quar- wuv, vvmiuiiiiuu, mat ui inw nuuiiions made lo his large collection, which are in all cases for sale at tha LOWEST PRICES, or, from S3 to 75 per cent, below Publishers' Prices, Thus in buying even a Few Booa. quite a considerable amount is saved. As a still further INDUCEMENT to strangers visiting the city, every one who pur. chases Oat Doliab' voiti of Books, will re ceive a copy of the BTRASkEi in Pm la Delphi A, an elccant 18 nio. volume, the price or which is 85 cents. I v l lie limits of an advertisement are too eon. lined to enumerate the price of anv of the inv mouse advantage to be derived from purchasing: at the Great CektRal Cheap Bouk 8tobk, but let all who are in search of Book send for a Cata logue, and buy the Books they are in want of, and when visiting the city, give Applcton one call, ana you win do sure to call again. STATIONERY in all its branches, furnished at the Lowest Prioea. The Initials of those purchasing Letter and NoU t aper, neatly stamped in the corner, without charge. Orders for any article may be lent by mail. ad. dressed to the Proprietor, and the directions in all cases will be fully earned out, with great punc. luaiuy and ueepatcn. Urdorsfor Catalogues should be pbe-paib, Li . U'V0, 7ri , PMrt Importer, and toatumcr GEO. 8. APPLETON Bookseller, 164 Cktsnut Building, Philadelphia, May, 13, 1849 9m SUNBURY FOUNDRY. THE subscriber respectfully intbrm the publio that lis ha again beooui connected with tlie sbove Kpundry, and that hereafter it will be con ducted aulelr tinder hi. m.n.mn .,, .nnrnl Prom his long ejperienoa in th bussineaa ha tmsta na wiu oe ame to give general satisfaction to hi old friend and customer, 'fit btwines will be carried on in all iu branches. He will .nntin,.. to manutactura Plough, and all kinds f eaatinsr. will b don with proepptaea aad in th heat nnr. . BOMRBACU, Sunbury, Jun I, 18it-8ai :!i4'i-TfcrTr X7AIIS XlOOftS. THE Mbtcribet reiyetfuny informs the public, that ha continue the manufacture of CABI NET WARE, in all Its branches, at hi stand in Market street in Buriburv, and that he ha now on hand a handaomo assortment of well made and fashionable furniture. Ha also carrie on, at his old establishment, in Fawn afreet, the CHAIR BIAKIXG BUSINESS, in all its branches, and keep constantly on hand, an assortment of well mad and fashionabl Ball nwsVM UHCUt U TVUU BallU loillwii""iv CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. All of which , . . , ' r , "7 U"J""? " P"" " " " His long experience in th business justifie him in the belief that he will b able to give gen eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from hi customers continuance of their patronae. ' CP All kinds of produce taken in exchanire. BEBABT1AN BUUl'J. Sunbury, March 17, 1849. tf GOLD & SILVER WARE. J. STOCKMAN, No. 60 Chesnut-st, at the sten of the Gold Thimble, between id. tf 3d. sis., South side PHILADELPHIA. I V ANtTTACTIIRES and keens constantly if I on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduced prices ; Gold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do Finrrcr Shields, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hook and Uiains, Knitting Sheaths, &c ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and Brittanma ware, Uerman Silver Spoons, &c: bold Diamond pom ted Pen at various prices ; Jackson's Superior bverpointed Leads, &c, &c. Philadelphia, May 36, 1849. TANNERS TAKE NOTICE, New Hide Oil and Leather Store. No. Ill North Zd St. 3 doors below Race St Philadelphia. rTIHE subscriber offer to the tanners on the A most favorable terms their fresh importation oi Hides, consisting of Buenos Ay res, Laplnta, Caraccas, Laguira, Hung-Dry, Chili, Salted Per- ambuco and all kinda of Spanish Hides, dry and salted. Also, Green Slaughter, Drv Salted, and Black Dry Patna Kips, gortment of C8urri'cr., Tooli " ",. A J . Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on better terms, than old Houses in the city, Lash paid for Leather of all kinds. KEEN & KIRKPATRICK Philadelphia, May SB, 1849. ly Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROtfP, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA. HOOP 1NG COUGH, BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION. THIS valuable preparation, so BitnniBhinply iureefiil in curias iliffeaseR ot' the Lunffa. is the reiull of o tkill ful combination of tho known curative principles of mrnicine. n ingremeiua are ireely mane Known to me public, and are thnae acknowledged to medical men as poHcmuur rare medical virtues, which peculiar virtue! are eoinhiaed in the 't 'HEHR Y PECTOH AL in their treat. ret purity and efficacy, aad when nurd, as will be seen from me lOllowiiiK vamanie rrmimony : l'HOKESSOK CLEVELAND. of Bowdoin College, DruaRwick, Muine, wrilcn: 'I have witneMed the efleeu of your Cherry Pectoral in my own family and in that of my frlenrt. and it has siveii great aatmuction in caaeahoth ol ado la and children " A VOICE FROM MASSACHUSETTS. From Dr. llrraat. Druggist and Postmaster. Chicories ran, ftim Da. J. C. Avra Dear Sir : Enclosed nleaae find remit lance l,,r all the Cherry rectorul last Bent me. 1 can un- hesitaliiHtlr aav, that no medicine we sell gives such satis- faction as your's does nor have I ever seen a medicine rhvsicians ure using it extensive? in the nrnctiee. and mira ' iimii; 'i utiUKll MU IUIIB COmpiUiniS- :.u -1 '- 1 : If . wiin inr HiippitN c Truly yours, D. M. BRYANT. DR. rERKJN'9. President of Vermont Medical College one of the most learned and intelligent physicians in the countrv, "considers it a composition of rare excellence for the cure of that for. midaule disease. Consumption." An almost Incredible iiutntier of certificates have been received j proving thai the Cherry Pectorul is, in truth, s uif r.A i iti.Mr.UY for Coughs. Colds. Asthma and all pulmonary complaints. I'll I Llr. a lr.! I a rf.K BUI ILK. Prepared by J. C. AVER. Lowell. Mass.. and sold hv It. M ASSEK, Sunbury, and MARY McCAY, Northum- DeruiiHj. March 31, 1S49. I. ANDREWS," DEATH TO PAIN RELiir tn the Sice! Health to the Weak ! !A HAl.M is found fur the Whole Human Kmc in Aiw draws' PAIN KILLER. This is an entirely vecetii He c)niMMiiid. composed of iwomy-r iveainrreiii ingre dients, Dad is an internal and l-.xterrml llemrtly lor the va rious ilia that liuutun flesh it heir to- UCH AS, Cauejhs, Colds, Paint, Nervnns and Stele Hendache, Rheutiuitiara, Cut. Bjiruins, Spinal Aftx'tinns, Summer Conifrtnints, Cholera Morbus, Toothache, Eruptions, Conn Pthrs, Frozen Parts, Hunts, Scalds, Ague in the Fat aud lireast, Painters1 Collie, llruises, old Kres, Lw oi appe tite, Ueneral Debility, Asthma, fcc. Put up in hottlea ft 1, S or 4 shillings per bottle. For further jartirubinj tee Pamphlets lo ha hod iif every areut gratia, eontaiuine a briet history of tha origin, discovery and goods effects of Aiwrewa' ram sutler, leiuncaica 01 iurre,airecttma. &c LOOK OUT FOR FRAUD. ' The triumphant twees of Andrews Pain Killer in re moving the causes that produce death, the untimely death of millions of our race, lias induced aoine men of whem it may be truly en id, their villainous occupations mnnifrat their vilkilny, to attempt to put iu circubttiou spurious and counterfeit article tallied Pain Killer,' using fictitious luime for the pretended author, nrirJ certificates. Ac. nie have appeared, and others no doubt wiil appear. Let all remember tliat Andrews Genuine Pnin Killer has the written sniuature of 1. Andrews on the tube! of each butt I in black ink. JJou't simply ask for Pain Killer, but as Auilrewa' Pain Killer, tuul have no other. Sold by M. A. McCiiy. .Sole AffeuL Northumberland J. W, F filing. Sunbury ; John U. Raser, Milton ; John H Myyer, Hioontaburg : m. A. Mnrray h Co, Danville Davenport inith, Plymouth; Andrew Yofar, Wilkea- hnrre ; Hnyt t MrCnrnuck, McKwenariUa ; Schaffle fc Chamberlain, Isewisburg ; George McAlpin, Jersey Shore; J. M. Judd. Williainsnoit. Orders aotfresserf to I. Andrews, invendx and only Pro prietor at lthecu Tompkins county, fl. V. WU receive prompt attention nepiemner au, imp. ij CUTLERY. AN extensive 8tock of Pocket and Table CUT LEKY.of sale bv JOE1T Iff. COLElffAlT, Nos. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 8, North THIRD Street, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and Kaxftr. Also, a choice assortment of Rodger 4- Sons, Wostenholin's (iieave's W, if 8. Butcher' and Fenney's Cutlery, Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, (iuns. Pistols, and Bowie Knives. Also, The American Haxor Strop, a euperior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealer. Cian Dealer in Cutlery, will find th abov 8tock worthy their attentiou, a th Subscriber' chief business is importing and selling cutlery. Philadelphia, June V, 1849 ly MABIHAIL'I Concentrated Saraparllla i For the cure of Tetter, Bcrofula. Erysipalaa, Piles, Chronic Kheumuluin and all duwrdera of Um . BltKxl. Mercurial Uiaeaae, tc IT U recommeuded to lMiysiciana and olliera, m the stronget preparation now in um, and en tirely di Hi Tent from th&t put up in quart bottlea, poaainff UtUe or no activa principle af tha fears ht intendad to deceiv. the puWicKor HEYL'8 EMBROCATION for Hones wiU cur Sprain, Bruiaea, Cut, Galls, Swellings, aud sll complaint requiring an eiternal remedy. It is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, stiff, neas of the Joints, cracked Heel, Splints, eVc It baa also beea seed with great auccea by per sou afflicted with Ubempetiem, and other com plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel phia, and lor aai Dy m. a. juullay, orthumoer land.- - - Philadelphia, My M, 1M9-Iy - . WIMWy OtASS. by 10, for aale Ir yy HEMtV MJ.9CK. Sunbury, Jan 37th, 1M- tf. COLUMBIAN SERIES OF atcti.mct(e. Tht Pupil's friend and Tenchet'storAfort. T HE COLUMBIAN CALCULATORThis work la alreadv Introduced into some of the best Acadamie and a large number of Schools, where it Use ha given decided and universal tisfartion, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in it character, based upon our own beautiful decimal system tf eurrencf. It contain more, the arrangement are better, and it I the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use) and it is so considered by hundreds of the most competent teacher and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It ia the book, particularly and expressly prepared for our Ami' ricttn Beholart : Bv Atmon Titlnor. The Yocth' Colcmbi a Cauiitlatob. Thi volume contain 01 paces, with about 900 exam. pies for solution on the (late. It embrace the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, dec. J icKifon s Arithmetical tabm:s,i destined for the use of younger classes in th School of the United States. A beautiful little book and pleas ing to children, and the only one of the kind of any value. There are Kevs to both Arithmetics bound in gle or double, for the convenience of teacher, in which the solutions of the questions are given with much extra matter for the black board. These Key are the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, dtc, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best work that have ever been published in thi or any other country. Although issued but a few months, they have already been introduced into the Night Public Schools of New Vork City in all th Schools public and private, except two, in the City of Reading. Also, in about twenty Acadamiea in the State of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in the Boroughs of Hamsirarg, York, Chambcrsburg, Lebanon, Doylestown, Potts ville, Orwigshurg, cVc, Ac. For sale by IIenrt Masseh, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland County. Sunbury, Dec 2, 1848. DIAMOND POWDER. FOR RAZOR STROPS. THIS Powder is warranted fur superior to any thinz in use for imparting a keen, smootliedce to Razors, Surgical instruments, and all kinds ot fine Citlkbi : it may be applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Kazor, Knives, and rerlu mery, wholesale and retail, by ALr KUU BEniNBTT, Agent, Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and Cheap Fnncy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a- bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTI.MOMALS. Philidelfhi, Feb. 15th, 1843. This may certify that I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA- MOISU POW DER, and can attest in th most unequivocal manner, that there i nothing can be found that will produce the same euect in my opin. ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will find it superior to any lieietofore in use. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st Philadelphia, October, 1848. A very hard beard and tender face has compel. led m to seek and test many contrivances design ed to inuke shaving easy and pleasant, but with indiilercnt success, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Dennett, and Rousscl's Shaving Cream. Their united pow er act like maic, and iinirt a power to the Razor to remove the most stubborn beard, vthoiil irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street For sale nt this ollice Price 35 eta. per Iioi November 33, IS IS Giu. fi3k iTTrrmrjtnTtTa ?35 mini In prewntmg the public with a remedy for the treatment and cure of FrvK axd Aonx and oilier bilious diseases. no apology is needed. Vast mimhera in the t'nited Slates, who surfer from these affections in their varied forms, are compelled lo aeek relief front other .mrcea than the imme diate prescriptions of th. regular physician. It becomes therefore en object of hunuuity, as well as of public inter, est, to bring before them a remedy prepared fiom much ex perience, sua which nwy always lie reiien upon aa savs, xrrxcictL, aid babmlus to tiis constitdtiox. Thm such is the true rharaiu-r of the INDIA CIIOI.AliOGl'K, is amply atleMed by th. universal success with which it has been employed. tV Kxtract from a communication of the Hon. Wit. ham Woodbbidgi, of Ui. Li. 8. Semite, lal. Governor of micuiRuii. DmoiT, Oct. 1, IfcUO. Doctob Chablbs Osoood, Dear Hir, I have read with much interest, your little trabatisb upon th. ''causes, treatment and cure" of tin febrile diaeosra which have an extensively prevailed in our country during the Inst few monthsan interest increased uodinibt, by Ihe fact that I have individually suffered so much from them. Though 1 feel myself very incompetent to judge sufely upon s subject so entirely professional, yet your theory seems to nie well reuned, and your conclu. aions just, and I think withul, tluit your pamphlet is calcu lated to produce much practical good. Speaking ol the medicine he ears : It fully justified your nattering expectations, and aa a safe, convenient, and popu lar remedy, my own experience, an far, induces me to be lieve that it will prove a great public benefit. 1 am pleased to learn iltat you nave recently established several agencies for its disposition though I regret that, with a view to a mor. general dissemiiiution of it, you should have found it necessary to remove from your present resilience among us. . uu iuim:m mjnn I nave inr nonor ui oe, sir, Voar obliged servant. WILUAM WOODBKIDGE. r Flora Hon. Btifhis V. R Tsoivaainr... r MiKL. sttM owe oviwie, w uie Agent at iletroit. ni.Kiai.iiAH. uaslahd ui., iiee. 13, 1841. Sir voa wish me lo inform vou what 1 know m' rr Oesood's India Chohigngu., or aiai-bilioua medicine. I do believe tliut if tlie virtue and efficacy ol this niolicine were generally knowu, the rrvsa and aous would diaappear in Michigan. a?I piucured s bottle in tlie spring of IMI, and have good reoaon lo believe that myself and family escaped th. sgu BUM sr. soil UI eenaequeitco its uea. Perhaps in no summer since ths settlement of this fina peiiinaaki, has th. fever and agn. been m prevalent as th. last. I have recanniended ihis medwin. in numerous in stances, and when th. d ionise had become fixed ami bamed th. skill of physicians; and 1 have never known it full. I lias Buiverselly produced the moat nappy effects, oral I bet liev. it haa never been exceeded by any medic iu. iu reaio- vuj the aiuous oiaeases ut tn. curate. lours, respeciiuiiy, STEPHEN V. . TROWBRinc.R Agent fol 8unlairy H. B. MA&KR ; Norlhumberlars), WITillN'GTOM Ci. Milton, J. H. RASERi lleluJ rmva, MAY KI.CiCK may a, 1Mb u J. J, GP.3EK1TCTJGH. (Late Keller & Greenough.) PATENT ATTOiNEY. ' AHV MEOHAXVIOAZ. ENOINBER, WaaliluKtou, U.Cs fTmRAWlNGS and papers for the Patent LPOflice, prepared and all the necessary bu siness, in relation lo ecurin patents, trans acted, and promptly attended to, at their of Ike opposite the Patent Office. October 88, 1848. ' B AY RUM An excellent article for sale by HENKT MAS8ER. eunbury Jan. !7(h, 1849 tt PLA8TER, Salt and FWh, lust received and for A by J. W. f RILING. 9unbary,Dee.S, X848. RAISINS, camiaU, citron, cheese, pepper auc. cVa. Far sale by J. W. fHIUNC 5 uBaryDaV 1848. ' - WILEY J VOVGH CUNDY. An excel lent remedy far eeuga, alaW ' Fet sal at lai efliee Mmil IMPOttTANT TO THfi WBLIC. H02U32 AITS CAVtt&Z. MEDICINES. Don't permit your Hortn or cattle to die, when the mean of cure are within the reach of all 1 , Th undersigned ha (pent several rear tn the itudv of Veterinary practice in "London and E- dinboro'," he ha also availed himself of the resear ches of Leibitf, and other celebrated men, who have contributed so much toward a judicious treatment of animals the principles of our practice consists In the rejection of general bleeding and the tout rejection of all medicine that experience haa shown to be of a dangerous tendaney. These re- medic act in harmony with the vital principle, and when siren according to the direction which ac company each article they are capable of exciting and increasing the natural function, without di minishing or destrovina' their power, hence are safein the hand of every one. O.H. DADD.M.D. A List ll.rse and Caul Medicine. Physic balls, 75c. per box. Alterative ball. 75c do. " powder for bad condition, 75c per pack sore. Heave powder for diseases of the lungs, 75c . dc, Urine powder for " " kidney, 75c do. Tonic powder for bad condition glandera, 75c do. Cordial drink tor InBamation ot Dowels, DC per bottle. Liauid blister. 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c per pot .. -( -' "' Healing balsam for wound and saddle gall, 75c per bottle. Wash for inflamed eye, 80c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old cores, Ac, 50c per bottle. Embrocation for ore throat, 75c per bottle. Hoof ointment for (and crack, brittle hoof, oVc, 50c per bottle. Horae Liniment, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description, 75c & $1 per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powdera for the removal of worm from the intestinal canal, 75 per package. For ale by 8TIMPSON A REED, 26 Mer chants Row, also at DADD'S HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Noa. 1 A 3 Haymarket Square, Boston. Pamphlets describing the disensr for which these remedies are used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificates are in possession of the Proprietor, of cures performed by the above Medi cines. Sold by GREEN A FLETCHER, No. 26 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his Agists. Hehbt Masskb, Sunbury, February 3, 1849. tf DR. TOWNSESD'S C0MP01ND EXTRACT OF SAUSAPARILLA. THlfl Extract ii put Dp in quart bottlm. It ig mx timet chfarr, plrumnter, tid warrant M anprrior to nirf tcrd. 1 1 currg diaroirs without vomiting, purtuff, lick ncsa, or debilitating tii patient, and ii particularly ailapted ('ri FAt-L AND SPRING MEDICINE. The great bcfliity and superiority of thin HnnraparlUa over other remedies is, whilft it eradicate disease, it invigorates the ixly. CoiifumptirHi cured. Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can be cured. Bronchitis. Consumption, I.iver Compluint. Colds, Coughs1, Catarrh. Asthma, SniMinffof Hlond. Hrenen in th Chest, Hectie Flu.Ui.NiRlit Sweats, Ihtfx cult and Pnt'use EipwUiration, nttti rain in the Side, Ac. Ac, have and can be cured. Pro1M there never was a remedy that has been so sue eessful iu desperate cases of coimumption as this ; it clean ses and streiiffthcns the smem, and appears to hal the ul cers on the lungs, and patients gradually regaiu their usual health ami strength. CURIOUS CASE OF CONSUMPTION. There It scarcely a day passes but thcra are a number f vssea of consumption reported aa cured by the use of Or Tuwnseu'a AarsRpaiilla. Tha following vus recently re. ceived : Dr. Towxsitxp Dear Sir: For tha but three years I have neen alhicted with geueml debility, and nervous cm sumption f the last stHirt:. and did inl extef't to ever cam my health at all. After" going through a ponme of medti'ine unnrr toe cure oi S'Mue t me in fv iiistii,LuiNbtti ri'ju:.ir nliysiciaus and nieinlwrs nt' the Hoard ( IUultli iu New Vmk and elsewhere, aivd SfM-hding the iu ml ol' my earnings in attempting to retrain my Utnllli, uud alter reading m s-Miie piiper ol' yoiu $4jrsaiurilla 1 rea-lvi d u try it. At'lrr uinj mx Unties I found it d nie me great p iod. and called to ice yiHi at your office; with your advice I kept on, and do mtsst henrtily I hank you for your advice. I rwntrvfrt in taking the Saririua, and have been able to attend tn rnv usual labors fr the last four months, audi hope hy the blessings of God aud your Suranpahlln to cintinue my health. It helped ma beyond the expectation nf all who knew my case. CHARLES qt'l.MUY Oraime, Ksaex on. IN. J., Aug. 3, ItXl. In ite of New Jersey. Essex count v. s. Charles O nim by bring duly sworn according to law, on hia oath suith. tint the foregoing statement is true according to the itrst of his knowledge and belief. CHAKM.S Ol IMUV. Sworn snd aubacribed ta be fort nie at Oranse, the'l August, IM7. CYRUS BALDWIN. justice oi in rear. SPITTING IlEfKiD. Read the following, and lay that consumption it iu incu rable if you can : new York, April ail, M7. Dr. Tow!fttD : I Terily believe tliut vour tirauiwrilla has been the means, through Providence, of suving my life I liav for several years had a Lad cough. It became w-Ttte and worsa. At last 1 raised large quantities of bkod. had insht sweuuand wasitreutly dehiliuted and reduced, aitd did not expect to live. 1 have only used your t&irsaparillu ihii m anon unie, aiiu incrts nui a wouncnui cnange neei) wrought in me. 1 am now able to walk all over the city. I raise no blood, and my eiugb has left me. You can well imagine that 1 am tlumkful lor these results. Your obedi ent servant. WM. KUSSELL, W Catharine st. UltfrHKK SPEECH. The annexed certificate tells a aim file and tnithful atory f suffering and relief. There ara luouauuds of similar ca ms in this citv and Hrooklvn. and vet there ara thouMiHl of sreiiu let their ohildreu di fur four uf being humbugged or w aav a icw auiiuugi. Brokln, Sept. 13, 1AI7. Dr. TawnsKND: I take pleasure in Mating, fur tha bene fit f tboa whom it may concern, tltat my daughter, two yoars and iz m'iini ow, wua aitJicted witii gnwral de- uiuiy m litv and Itwnf iiech phe waa uivea up aa pun je- ettvery by our family pliyiician but fort una t el y 1 wus re- ciiintiHld by invnU tii try your SunHiunJIa. Helore having used one bottle she recovered her speech and wua eiwbted lo walk atone, to th. aabaiishineiit of all who were ..-quainted with the circumstances. She is now quit, well, ami in much better health than she haa been for 18 mouths past. JOSEPH TAY LOK, Me York at., Brooklyn. TWO CHILDREN SAVED. V.ry few families indeed la fact we hav. not heard of ene lhat used Dr. Townsend's Sarsapanlla in lime, lost sny children the past Summer, while those that did not, sickened an died. Th. eercihcate we publish below is conclusive evidence of its value, and is only another instance uf its aaviug the live, of children i Dr. Towkusd Dear Sir i 1 had two ohildren cured by your Saras parilta of th. summer oumpJaiirt and dysentary ; on. waa only 15 mouth old and tlw other 3 year'.. They were very much reduced, and we expected they would die j they were given ap by two reepeMable phyftciatw. When the doctor informed us that wo must kiae I hem, we rc4 ved to try your Suras(iariUa w. had heard ao much of, hut had little confidence, ther. being an much stuff scjyartiscd lhat ia worthless : but wa are liwnkful tliat w. did, for it undoubtedly aaved th. Uvea of bah. I write Una lhat oUw era may bs induced lo use it. Yours, respextfullr, JOHN WILSON, Jr. M yrtle-evenae, Brooklyn, Sept. 15, 1M7. TO THE LAD1E. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Ds. TowssljiD's SsBsirxBiLL. is a eovereign and icedy eur. for incipient ooi.unptun, aisi for the general prostra tion of the system no manor whether the result of inhe rent cue. or causes, produced by regularity, illuese or ac cident. N others tu lie more surprising than its invigorating ef fects on the human frame. Parama all weakness tuia sis situda, front taking it at once become robust sih! lull of energy uialef us iiitluence. It immaduitely oiNantemcta Ihe uerveieaaueas of the f Cauda frame, which is the great cause barremie... It will not be expected of us, In oases of ao delicate a na ture, to exhibit certilioatee of cures performed, but w. can aseur th. stiticted that hundroda of case, have been repot . ted to ea. Da. Townssxn: My wife being greatly dkttreaMd by weakness aud general debility, aud atutesing eonunually bf pain and with other diScukiee, and having known cues whers ytatr medicine has Reeled groat cures ; end .hu hearing it reoommeisied for such osses .a I hav. deeoribed, I oouuned a bottle ol your Eatract of Saranparilki and fol lowed the directions you gave me. la a snort period it removed her eotnplaiala and restored her to health. Being Kealful for the benefits she received, I lake pleasure ia ussckuowledKiiif it, and reconsueoding h lo the puhlie. M. D. M CM IRE, Albany, Aug . 17, '44. eor. Grand Lydia ata, DYSPEPSIA, No fluid or medicine ana aver been diauovered which an nearly resemble, th. guMrie )uiee or saliva in deooinpiieinf food end atrengtheniiut the organs of ekgeatkm aa tins pre paration of Suras patina. It pnaitively cures svory ease ol d) apepaia, however severe or chrnuie. Bank Demrirmrot, Albany, May 10, IS4J. Dr. Towiuwnd Sir t I aav. been alBicted fur aeveral yean with d enepeia hi Hs wont form, attcude4 with wr ues. of aueneca, Vjw of .ppetiu, eauerne baartourn, aud grmt aversion to all kinds of rood, and for weeks, (what I euuld eat) I save been arable lo retain but m small portioa on sly stomach. I tried the usual remedies, bui they bad, bet little or no elf cot ai removmg the complaint. I was in. (raced, about two months aince, to try your Ittracl of far. aaosriila, and 1 auiat any with little eteirideoce ; hut after Benaj asarly two bottles, I found my appetite resumed aud tha ueartburn entirely rarnovca; aud I would encneatly re eoosuieiKl use uae of It to those who have been tttirlec as I Bke Imw. Yours, a, W W. VAN ZANDT. Agent for fJuubury JOHN W. FR1UNO i Nor Ihumbaramd, MAHV A. McCAY DeavUsa, WM. A. MCKRAY A Co , Apia tt, IMI -f THE Git AND PUltGATIVE. . roR TBa evaa or , Hsadaeka, OlttUnesa, Mesales Salt Jthsasa, H nmimatism, riiss, Heart Burn, Worms, Cholera Morbus, Cooghs, Dainsev, Whooping Cough, Dyspepsia, Beamy, Small Pol, Jaandioe, , rains in ins imck, f Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, lamaiimpunn, r iuj, Liver Cmrmleint. liistnf in we arum, Dropsy, Asthma, Eriaipelaa, Deafness, Itching, or the Skin, Colds, Gout, Gravel, Nervous Comniahits, r erers m an sinus, Female compninisi AMD A TARIETT Of OTMCB DISCASCS AlSt0 FROM IMPUMT1M Or THI BLOOD, AND OBSTRUCTION IN THB ORGAN Of DIGESTION. Einenence has Droved that nearlv averv DImu nrWimte. from Impurities of the Blood or derangements of the Diges. uvea urgana am io secure nrann. we imis remove uiose abstractions or restore the Blood tn Its natural suit.. The aversion lo taking medicine is most effectually re. moved by CLicsnaa's Viobtablb PsaoaTiva Pills, being wmipineiy mveiopea wiin cviuig ,i pure wnn. ongnr. wmcn i. a. nisiinci in, in ma nucutm .usiouiBms es.nui shell from the kernel) and have no taste of mrdieine. But are as easily swallowed as bila of candy. Moreover they neither nauaente or gripe In the slightest degree, but operate equally on all the diaraised parts of the system, In stead of confining themselves to, and racking any particular region. Thus, if the I.iver be affected one ingredient will operate on that particular orsnn. and. bv cleansing it of an I.xre of Bile restore it to us nntuied etflte. Another will operate on the ltntird and remove all impurities in its cirru Union whiles third will eflectunllv esnel whatever imnu irties may have been riisrlmrsed into the stomach, and hence they strike at the root or disease remove nil Impure Hu mora from the body, open the pores externally and inter nally! separata sll foreign and obnoxious particlea from the chyle, so that the Moid nmv he thoroughly pure .thns secu. tiumm-itm and henltny action to the Heart, Lungs and I.iver and thereby they restore health even whea all other mains have failed. The entire troth of the above can be ascertained try the trial of a single box i and thrir virtues are ao noeitiva and eertuin in restoring Health, thnt ths proprietor hiuds himself tn return the money pain tor them In sll eases whers they uv ircn give uiu cihu nuiiuai'Jih . j . j Retail Price, 25 ct, per tletx, Principe,! orV No. OS Versey St., N. York, Hold by JOHN V. YOUNG, fttntmrv. M. A. McCAY. Nnrihtimlierkind tf Remember Dr. C. V. Clickner is the inventor of tl, Sugar Coaled I'ills, aud that nothing of the urt wss ever heard of until he introduced them in Jnde, I'M:!. Purchasers snouin, uiereiore always ssK for Clickner'a Kuear Coated rills, and take no others, or they will be made the victims of . irnuo. February, 17, 1W9 ly SORES CAX nEClUKD. Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of injlamed Sores Lurca. rilOUSr.Y'S IJXIVERHALOINT.MF.NT, ia the most omplfle nurn Aiilidit. evrr known. It instantlv, (and as if by .Mnsir) stops nina of the me dcsprrslt oiii T- im. r ur iimi wirrs, muisrs, l nil, sprains, c nil manor Iwast, il ia the lirst appllrallon that ran he made 1 h ustnHls hnvetriednndtlKHiKindspniise it. It is the must periecl masirr oi nam ever dmrnvrred. All wlio use commend it. tvery family sh nild be pnivided with it None can tel howan.n sonic of tlm funiilv mnv nenlil. tVOIerve eui'h Ik of the .enuine Kintiiieiii has the naineof S Tovsst, wriitrn on the outside kibel. To unite )o this is loracry. Hoaiinen. Livery nini. l- armers, and nil who use Horses, will fiml tins Ointment the very best thing thev eon use for Collar (.alls, fV-rntehes, Kicks, tie., Ac.,111 their aninuls Surely every mereyfnl man would keep hia auimtila as free from pain as possible. Tuusey's Univensil Oiniment is all that is rennireit. Trv If. HIT1-S ir" INSKi"TS. Forlhe stini or bile of poison us Insects, Toiisey's Ointment is uniivalled Hiindreil. have tried it and fotmd it cood. PII.KSCUHI'.U ! Knnhe Piles, Tousey's Iiivernl Oint menl is one of the best Remedies that ran lie applied. All Who have tried it for ihe 1'ilm recommend it. OI.UfOIIK- Cl lli:i). Forokl otatinale t.rea, there is niHhius euiit tn Tonw y's Ointment. A person in Mtnni. us had, for a nmnlier of years, a s re leg lhat bnllted the. skillofihedortors. Tousry's Oiniment was nwoinmended by one of the visiting plnsieinns, (who knew its great vir tues.) and two boxes produced more benefit ihiui the pa tient hml received from any and all previous remedies. Let all trv it. M'R.VS AND 8CA1.D CURED. Thousiiids of rases ol minis anil PH-nhls, in all porta nf the e-'Untrv. have been rured by Tousey's I'liiveraal Ointment. Certificates enough could he hnrt to fill Ihe whole of this sheet. VIOLENT BK l'l!KS fill El). Testimonials on loti. moiiuil in fnvor of Tousey's Ointment for curing Ilnuses heve lecn nlTercd the proprictnas. Hundreds iu 8vruciise willeeriiiytoits creut merits relieving iliepuiuof the most severe Hnii.es. All pera-ms slinuld trv it. SCALD HEAD CTHKD. Swes of eases of Scald Head have been cured by Tousey's Ointment. Try it it seldom aits. SALT RHEUM CURED. Of all the remedies ever dis. coveren lorlhs in"at disiigreenbln coraplalut, Tousey's Uni' versa! Oiniment is the most complete. It nyver wus known lo tail. CHAPPED HANDS CAN HE CURED Tortsev'a Uni versnl Ointment will alwnys cure the worst cuses of Chaji ped Hands. Sores of persons will stale this. SORE MI'S CURED. For Ihe cure of .r Lips there was never auyuiuig mnue eiual lo Tousey's lllfltiuent. Jt is sure to cure them. Try it. It is. arientihc compound, warranted no to contain snv pTeiralion ol Mercury. Vr Price 'J.l cents per b". For furlber tmrticulurs concerning this really vnluahle fliulmeut Hie pntilic arcreirrre t r:ttuplilets, to tw bsd grutis, ol re. Hncr-tuMe Drupj-ita und .Ier'-hants throughout the Uuilix Clings. Prepnreil bv S. TOUSI'.V, Druiurist, No. 10(1 Nassau Street. New Vork. A'r.ET IOHN YOUNG, Sunbury, M. A. McCAY, Nonhumlterlund. FebruurytT, 1810. ly LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, And all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or stomach tn both Mat and Female : Such ss Ciaistipntion, Inward Piles. Fullness or Blood to th. Head, Acidity of Ih. Stomach, Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgust tor Fond, Fullness or weight iu the Stomuch, Sour Krucmli.inm, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the Stomuch Swimmiiit; of Ihe Head, H uracil and Difficult Urentbuig. t liilterlug at the Heart, t'hoking or Suthcullng aenntious when in a lying posture Dimnca of Vision, Dois or wela liefore tlm Sight, Fever and dull pnin in the Head, Deficien ry of Persiiruii.ai, Yellowness of the Skin and Eves, Pain in the Side, Buck, Chest, Limbs, Ac, Sudden flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Iiuagiiiinss of evil and great depression of Spirits Can be edectuully cured hy EP.. HCCFLAITIC'S Celebrated Gernian Jitters Their power over the sbove diseases is not excelled if equalled by any other preparation in the United Slates aa Ihe cures attest, iu many cuscs after skillful physicians nae lutiou. Derangement of th. Liver and Stomach ar. urcrs of disunity, and will stao produce disease ol the Heart,'. in. lyings .nd Kidneys, end lut s the body open to an attack of the Chideru, Bilious, or Yellow Fever, and ia generally the firat cause i that moat baneful diseuse, Consumption, Opinions of the Philadelphia Press. 'THE DISPATCH." Decembei Jlirt auyn; AX INVAr.rAlJLE MrUiK'.KWeliavefrequently heanl tht Co.oirutl Germuu Bttten, ntaiiuiafturcd by Dt HiUbflland, apk9H uf hi ternia uf eiimmaBdmion, and wt knw deawvmlly ao. It 11 a Loo ciiiiiKan pnatico, iu eer tuin quarter, to p"ff all nttutitef of utleata iPuali, but in ilia aliove Hittera. huivrfrvd, are living witneaara of tiieir treat moiul and pliyair.il umrtta. Aa a mdiv.rtc of tha Liver Coin p taint, Jaundice, Neryuiti Dt-bility and lyueuiuj., it hua been fund uivaluuble, rtfeeting rurei and tli"ftUjjl ervdiratiic diaeaaea, when all oilier mtsdif-inca Kave fuil, Wa feel cuuvinced, tliat in the uae if the Gennatt Uiitera. the patient doeanut beoinie debilitate. I, btlt coiMtUiitlry gwuia sttit V imiurj t itu'a wtrTiny UI grnil eonaulefattuii. The Bitteraare pleaaant ia tuMe ant. tinel), and can he adtniuiatered Uitder any airunwtaiicea, to Ihe ntoat delicate auanach .Indeed, tliey ean be uaeii by all per- na with the moat nerfnet anletv. H would be well for thoae wIkj are much aifeeted in tha nrv.ua avetein, to commence wiin one tea apotaii 111 tir leaa, ana ttraauaiiy uv create. WeapeHk from esperieiace, and are of iHirae. a proper judge. The pr fur and wide, have united to re iHjsnineuditi,r tlta Gefifwa UiUeray aud lo the aiflicted wa ui'iet eordially ad vim uirir uae. SPIRIT OK THE TIMES," June tilth aavs "DO Ol'R GUODOi'lZF.NS who are invalids, know the uniirv astonishing cure, that have been performed by Dr. IbKjO laud's Celebrated German Bitters t If they do not, we recommend the4ntothe'tierniaii Medicine Store,1 all who are attlicled with Liver Complauit, Jaundice, Dya. nepaia, or Nerviaia Debility ; the Doctor haseured naxny of our citisens ait-: in. oeat pnyaicuius ojui tailed, we buve used them, and 1 ley nave proved to be a medicine I hat every one ah, hi Id know, and w cannot refrain giving oar tre timony in their favor, and tlmt which give, thein greater claim upon our horoble effort, they are entirely Vegetable. "THE DAILY NEWS," July tlhasvs: "Wa spesk knowingly of Dr. H.ftund'sfelebnilad Ger. mas Bitten, when we say it ia a blessing of tins age ; and in diseuMiif tin biliary, digestive and Nervous S sterna, It has not w.thiirk an equal. It is a Vegetable Preparation, and nssd. without Alcohol, uat to all invalids we would re. eiuninend il as worthy their eoufidence. Por aale, wholeanle and retail, at the principal Depot, OI.UMaN MEDICINE BTtlKE.No. 174 Race Street, Philadelphia. For aule by If. A. McCAY, Northrrmberhnd and Sun hury eunt respeetable dealers (enerally Uuoughoui the State. April tl, lWly Cotton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cottoa La and Wadding, Cotton Outline. Roady mad Pantaloona, Ready made Vests, Congreaa Kuivea, Porcelain lined preserving kettle., iuat received for aale by H.MA8SER. Sunbury, Vfe. 9, W. , AXES of a very seperior equality for aale hr. , H. MA86ER. unbury, Ps 1848. BLANK BOOr.& An assortiaeht of BlaauV Bookat jus received and sale by 1 ' " " ni a. :t ' w H. MASSES.' Sanhury. Dc S, 1148. .. , j. . :i. t CYKUP MUI.AKS. Superietr relnerf Svnip O Molaaaa for aale by HENRY MAWER. anbury, Dec. 1, 1141. SALACZAHBEXl, fins aud tmiet moor cmiTt, riRlt-PROOF DOORS FOR BAWKS AND STORC?) Seal and Letter-Copyinfl Prmksi, Parent 8late-IJnedBefrifreter WaWr fil ter, Patent Portable Wafer do eta. intended for the Sick r "' . i and Infinite .io't ' EVANS tt. WATSON, 7 Sontk Third 8tfM. ' v sAT. oppomre tub philjadklpmt a sxciMftost Msntifsctur. and totp dnnataat . ly on hand) a larg assortmeal of the above articles, together wit t m rnproveriA.lunand.r PIRE-PHOOFSAKES, whisa o ttreted a to set atrial sll manner of doubt as lo lluar being strictly aeproof, and ilsl they wiV resist to. r of m1 Imi d n. Tk , It these Safes are made or boiler iron) the inside rjeof soaar sione, ana oeHveen the outer case and Inner ease is s In.. iu, im-'ira inicH,.im ia niiea in win inoestraos tiMe material, an as tn make it an impoesibilitv to burn aaV of the"eontenis inside of this Chest. These friapatone 8a' ..,. we arc prepnrea ana ao cnaiienge tha worM ta c "r rurio in tee snape ot Book safes that will stand a. much bent, and we hold ooTSebres reedy at all .i.iV1'' ("l'y ,Mted hy Pfl,,,ie hm6'- VV mtn!rf, Dto '""""fsrtnrta hrfreand general asaort' If "n I"w in "nd " every instance they thJm in use. PU '"C 10 few "n who mrr ffraAiSSSBs- Dr. David Jayne, rath 3d Chew r MiJer sntilh 9d st.; and we could name son., hundreds of other II it werenecesmry. Now we invite the attention of puHic, ami partiealnrly thoM III waut of Fire Proof (We," lo call at our store before purchasing elsewhere, and ws can satisfy them they will get a better and cheaper artiel at our store than at any other establishment in tha oily V e also manufacture Ihe ordinary Fire Proof Chests, at at very low prices, cheaper than they oaa be bought at aar other store In Philadelphia. "-"-xmaiaay DAVID EVANS, , j , . . JOHANNES WATSOM Philadelphia, April , WB-ty .v. OXYGENATED , . LS 'O Dtb LCI 553 , A SOVEREIGN REMEDY roR . DYSPEPSIA. PHTHISIC, AND GENERAL DEBILITY. G EORG E B. GREEN, Proprietor, Windsor, Vermont. IS a snvereijri, remedy for DYSPEPSIA, in many f u' fi)rms, such as viin In the Sbwnach, Heartburu, haWtual .jsiivwiw. Acid Stonni, ',, Ileadaehe, loss uf AppetjU, 1 lie", Niuht yiueKt nu even tnsumplion (Dvapmti Phlhisic.) inui Athnia, or Phthisic attended with erVnn--ment oi the Stomach (, Dvsoentic Aahn, Drenthinir. which m'tra n.Blti...... . . IJyspcptic Sysirra,) is relieved hy these Uillers. In short, their use bus been proved in tin relief of almost sll th. symptom runt proceed irom u debilitated or atome condi tion ol the Moiuufh : aln in general debllitv arisin. Irom age or from Ihe eifects of Fever, particular Fever ana Ague. I- eimilca suirering uialer any ulerin. deranrenwit arising from wenknen, will find the "OxTOttTB BiT-TKHs- an excellent remedy, and not surpusseri by any sii. cine in use. 1 ' ' I he history of thu medicine j, peculiar. It has msd. it. wuy to public liiv.ir solely by the force of its own intrinsi. merits. .V artificial means l,:,ve lieen useil to giv. il a. lonely ami Ihriisl it upon public nllcnlion. It bus n.v.r beiorc even len ii lveriiserl. bill linviug first shown its r miirkiil.le cirnra-r iu the ituiuly of the proprietor, and ky hun ailrrwanla administered to his afllii-ted friends and se (ii:ilMtaucc wilh a like result, its reputation graduallv at tended until it is known iu the most distant runs of la. Union, as a medicine of nnriviilled virtue, in th. ear. ef Dyspepsia iu all its different tonus, nod also for th. eur. ef Asthma or Plithisin. Its only herald and its onlv eulogy has been Ihe story of its wonderful efficacy, as told frost mouih to mouth or by letter from friend to friend. Iu .va ry instance where these Miters hav. been used, and the re sult nude known to th. proprietor, they hav. proved a re- Numerous certificates, uitestiiig th. aingular efficacy ef th "OxVbKxxreu HiTrsnn," are in tha possession of the proprietor ; iimny oi them signed by : persons dread) widsly known to the pubhtf. r.KO, R. ORF.r.N. Prs.rix. WINDSOR j Vt., October n, IMS. ' rnr"m- Tlie following Certificates hav receatly hesK received I . , Wasiiisotov, D. C, Jcsg 0. 14. Having fnside ue. w 'Oxvgenaled Hitters" prepare b Dr. lie. K llreen, ,,f Vj,u,r.. Vt. and from know li dge oliwiu. il .1 their eiticncy iu other cases, weeheerlVJy m'lunueinl them l 1 1 bt- p.i!,h... helievihg that they willl'aUy siitr.iin Ihe rcniiiimnnlatioimf the Proprietor. We haa. lh.it this viilnable remedy limy be so generallv diflu.si tliruughoui tne country that il may lat accessible' t. an th. uinicico. SAMt-KI. Piiri.ps, .,.., WII.I.HMI -I'HASr! j V S''0' from TeratMi. JAMES I-'. SIMMONS, S. Scnatof from R. Lisas. J. T. .MOIII-.IIEAD, I . S. SeiBiior and lonrwrly hiovwa or ,. Keti'nrky. 1.. H. AK.NOLI), Member of Congress and formarrt . Verte'r of II. I. N .M. YOOtlRlDr;E, C. 8. Senator .ml fenaarif. TCIIP'I III ,M lt-IIUIIII M. I. MAIITI.N. Dsletrata in Conirssa from Wi, Territfirv. ' from Hon. H. D. F..t. Memnar nf !!, rraa Fennsvlvaiifa. Ws.Hix'nrori. D. C, Jem 10, 14. Dear Sir, I have been a dyspeptic sufferer for .teat tse yeurs, and have resorted lo various medicines for relief without success, until I iiBtde use of your "OxygwiiW Hitters." I have used about two bottles, and Sridmrssa' restored In pc.rir.-l healih Th. forma in which th. 'n ease slioweil ilsell' in n,u auc. ... .r Homnch, loss of appetite, extreme Hiitnk nce, aever. eoasu. palilalia the bowels, and violent heailacne. Feeling da rous Hint n kie.wlnlge of your valnabl. remedy may rea.k others similarly alhicted. 1 take great pleasur. in raere mg my testimony to its curatlvs power; mi would else remnik. tltat while on a visit at home a short tint shim, I arituiiusiesa I a pnrt of a hot Ik to . number of my sfrlislsd . friends, with ureal suivss. Thev are desirous that ven should establish ail aeeury at Piitshurg. or infotra tkMB where the medicine ran lie obtained. With an earnest de sire for your prosperity surf happiness, I sulscrih ssvssk, trulv vour iriciid H. i. FSTIxll. D.t. tlKn. II. ;BXst.W:rids,r, Vt. old Wleilesule and IteiaH hv riiew Ji Flslehsr, Ms. 98 iulh Sixth rtreet, I'lnladelphia. Agent for Sunlairv II. II. MAKHF.R. Agents for Milton MACKAY ft H AAO. Aseifi fot I'pper Muhonoy.J. O. HKN.N. April IS, IMS t'.VlUVALLED STVLE OF HATS FOR GENTLEMEN'. CHARLES OAK FORD. AV j04 CHESTNUT STREET Philadelphia. Would respectfully invil aitentuin tn his superier aiyle nf hat fof aaiumri 1848, which will be found lh nvwt fvnfecl ever before efTered In lb coiinhuoiiy. (is peculiar forms renders il th mora ill sir. Ii.-, as ii combine ill the essential nf durai biliiy sndnestness, reijuisite in thst srticle nf ilress wliilts hia mereasrd fncililie in in manufacturing1 wi'h ah ihe n rxlcru improvemrrila. niablv-a bua. Tu ChallsSss thi W oats' to produc a better Hat. ' . CHiiaaia'a Fiwcr Hst Csrs or ti Latest Morn. These good have been selectee? with grral cre, and will be found most beaalilat and chmia in their styles. Lames' Kiftme Hat jb Cam or Estibs it aw Pattibbs. Grsal care haa been beatow eil in roiisiiortii g three ailiele. that they assy It ieifictly y and loim a graceful eppasranr. i CHARLES OAKFORD, 104 Chestnut at. a law door abas Third. Phii..Ulnlia 8f terober W, 1848h Jun 9. 1848 ly Pictorial Edition of d'Aublane't rreat Work on the Heformatlon OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY IN GER MANY. SWITZERLAND, fcC Will be published or. or about tha 1st of April, 1848, by JOS. A. SPEF.L, No. 96 Cherry St. abov th, bi splendid 12 mo sdilioa of th abtrv aamed wmk with IB ensraved illustration from erw giaal deaifns, 4 vols ia 9, bound iq exU clots arul lihrarv sheen. Tb publisher rnacctfully call th attention ofth trad and tha public generally, to thi, work being tb only illustratededition published ia th United States Hs trust that tbs beauty of it embellishments, tb strong and substeatiaf manner in which it i bound, ia conjunrtioa with th known popularity of tb work itself, will bo a ur recommendation to public favor. JOS. A. 9PEF.L. 6 Cberr t. abov 6th. J. A. 9. baa also lately published, a new and!, besetiful Edition of Sergeant Bell' Rare Show, ' a uitabl book tot children, neatly dona ay Irr ( eatre cloth. Pbtkidelphia. April 1, 1848 - ' " -fJATrNT TVbjbm of aB.kiuda, HarrieawVi Br wrrtmg and indelUbla ink. Cotton yara a?! Ulis.iuJt Kioeived s!nd bt aale by , .-jh V i 8unbqgry, Dct, 1848, . - iajI . -, , Hi S I S SI l CAPS An aaKBTtaonl Juat m A HATS at SSI, fetal W wMia erUll . -t ii MAssaa. uirKiry, Dot. , 1MB. is i imm ii T