Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 13, 1849, Image 3

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    '!. .Jli
We hao her4 muoh of tk annexation of
Canada, and aeen much discusion upon ihe
point in the Canadian papers, evidently, how
' er, induced by dissatisfaction with th Go
Pernor of that country, and not by any very
.'reat attachment to the institutions of the
Uriited States,' or any proper appreciation of
'the 'benefits they oonfer. A recent ajticlo in
'the'fclontreal Herald, one of the ablest pa
pers'lB Canada, drops all passion, and discna
sea the'project calmly and soundly. It first
shows that a Federal union of the British
provinoes, which has been advocated, in
volves a separation from Great Britain, and
the right to treat with independent nations as
an independent State. This would necoswi
Viiy throw upon (tie citizens the cost of maiiv
'tainirfft an artny and navy, for it would be
absurd to expect Great Britain to bear the
brunt of their quarrels. This Wings the edi
tor to the point of showing how much less
advantageous this arrangement would be
than annexation with the United States. By
i Federal Union the Canadians would have
:o incur the additional expense of a State go'
crnment, noVv borne by Orc.t Britain, and
n tho United States by the Federal govern
nent. Joined with tho United States, the
lopulation of the two would be twenty-four
nillions. But Canada separated with its two
lillions of inhabitants in order to tho main
snance of a thorough system of diplomatic
flatimis abroad, would require a many Am
assaders and Consul?, as would be necessary
r the 22 millions. Tho two millions would
,ne to go to all the cost of paying for a Cre
dent, instead of paying an eleventh pait of
in cost of one such functionary for tho 22.
he two millions must keep up a great va'
nty of other .civil establishments, nt the
mo way and out of their own resources, in
ad of sharing the burden with ten times
eir own number. The army and tuny
jnld have to bo erinally powerful with
oso of the United States, in order to pro
vt dmad.i against so powerful a nation.
.vq millions of population then must goto
same expense as twenty millions, or elso
ste all tho outlay in useless form, whereas
a Union with tho twenty millions, which
uld diminish the necessary cost of the pre
it 'military establishments maintained by
'larger ion, the same protection
jA be had for a til ho of the money.
it the Herald considers the advantages of
lexation over a Federal Union. It siys
Hie great advantage's to be looked for in
ier case, arise from enlarged markets for
produce an increased field for our fil
es industrial enterprises. Now a Federal
ion of the Brinish Provinces would add, if
y were all customers only, five hundred
usand people to our commercial system,
nir two staples, lumber and breadstuff.
ie five hundred thousand people would
u'ire nothing but breadstuff. Bntannexa
i to the United States, would add twenty
ions to our commercial system; would
us markets wherever railroad, canal,
uoing ship, or pack-horse could transport
t present produce, and would open the
imo vast region to our manufacturers, pro
fleeted from foreign competition by a high
deferential tariff. Instead of taking onr
ureadstnffs only, this immense population
would, everv venr. retiuire more and more
if the produce of onr foresis, while the funds
which came liere in return would aeeumu
ate till they grew into capital, ami w ere re
instated in the manufacture of fresh sources
.if profit. Finally, tha Federal Union would
'ive no privileges to our Canadian vessels,
steamers or otherwise, which they do not
now jtossess; annexation would give free
entry totcurcraft in every water of the Con
tinent. The ctutrast is succinctly slated, but we
think'ltMsulmjienfiy striking to induce any
one who ntfie'ets upon it to give up the Fed
eral' Union, aml uleave to the larger, and bet
ter measure.
The VVksteics'Cobk-'Croi' fully makes up
for tho 'deficiency in thu Wheat orcp. The
Cincinnati Gazette says the yield of Indian
corn in that State is abundant. It has been
estimated that the valley of Paint Creek,
'within the space of SS miles from the mouth
of that stream, has'produced nearly two mil
lions of bushels of niaine. 'Similar accounts,
'both n to Ihe "quantity and quality of the
corn crop, reach us fior-rt all the rii-h valleys
of tlia West.
'False Invoices. Tho 'Collector of
'port of New Orleans made a seizure on
28th ult. of bver 820,000 worth of (try foods,
'imported 'into that 'city by tho British ship
'Gussypium, under false invoices. Some sixty
'packages were taken, in one of which was
found a true invoice, which showed very
'plainly that on attempt had "been made to
pans the goods at -an undervaluation of aotit
thihy-five per 'cent.
Br METHot) recently discovered in Bel
ghtm, flax is rotted and 'cleaiised 'in a few
hours. "
, , ftJuMniRV, October 12, 18.
Amount Of coal broujiht to Sunbury over
the Danville and Poiuvirte rail road, from Ihe
Miamokin mines: Tons.
For the last week, 528
.Per last report, , 3457
Cl)c illarkcts.
...... Oct. 8, 1S48.
W'ttiAT Prim" Pehnylvania reiU are
;held at SI 66 a 1 08 and Vvhite al SI 12nS 1 14.
Ky Sulea of l'onna. W 60c, and South
ern al 57s.
Con.-Yellow U worth 64 a 65o; white
60 a Ct o.
Oat. Southern Oat are held at 28 a 3d j
retina. 35 a 36o.
WHisntr. Sale io hhds it 28 e and bblt
areo price. ,
Ojfxt of the American, Oct. 8, 1849. '
GBAIN-Sali of wheat al 1 04 a $1 08o
for prima white, and 08 a $1 03 for red,
and white writable for family flour at 110 a
lis ots.
CORff-Salcs at 60 a 61c for white, and
60 a 3c for yellow.
OATS Sales nt 29 a 32c per bushel.
WHISKEY. We note a sale of bbls. this
morning at 281 a 29c, and hhds. at 28cents
Corrected veekly by Henry Masser.
' T ailow.
Fiax. .
Hict KLKD Fiat.
DltlKI) Apple.
Do. Peaches.
JV OT1CE is hrrrliy friven thnt the several courts
' of Common Pleas, General Quarter Pensions
of llic pence, mid Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer
mid Terminer nml General Jail Delivery, in rind
Ibrthc county of Northumberland, tu ccmmeucc
nt the Court House., in the boroutrh of (Sunbury,
nt 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, fttli of November
next, will continue TWO WEEK.
The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are
reijiicsled to he then ami there in their proper per
sons, with their foils, records, inquisitions, mid
olher remembrances, to do those thinirs to their
several ollicVs Appertaining to he done. And all
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common
wealth against any prisoner arc also requested mid
coiiiiiiuiiiled to be then mid there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute, rtRaiust him, as shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors arc requested to la' punctual in their
attendance, at the timo appointed agreeable to
their notires.
(iiveii under mv hands nt. tSunh'ury, the fith day of
October in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and forty-nine and the IniU
pendencc of the United Males of America the
d'od save the Commonwealth.
fcF Northumberland Countv for Novcir.btr
Term A, D. lb19i
(staiul Juror.
Upper Augusta. Elisha Kline, Samuel Ili
land. Lower Aususla Peter ftlalick.
Rush. Joshua Heed.
Upper Mahout)). BeneVille llol-ihoe, Juhu
G. Kcnn, Felix Matiri'r, itarnnrd Adams.
Lower Mahonoy. Michael Emeiieh.
Jackson. Samuel Malick, John Otto, Levi
Cluli.tqiwtjuc. William Frick. Joseph N.
Xesbil, William fi. Iivi.i, Ncal Caul.
Milton Simon Randolph, William Fry
mire. Delaware. Samuel Finney. O. II. Watson.
Lewis William Tweed, William C. Ellis,
Levi Glaze.
Turbul. Peter Biilmiie.
Traverse Jurors.
ftunbury. Francis (hicher, Geoigo Bright.
Upper Autsusla. Frederick 1 Lias, Abraham
Sarvis, John Keefer,
Lower Augusta. Jacob Kchr, Thomas Up
deerall", Jno. N. Conrad.
Shamokin John Caseman, Isaac TitSworlh
Henry Leisimriiiir.
Rush Coo. A. Dickson, Isaac Woolverton
Stanley (Jpiirliarr, Jos Kelly.
Coal. Washington Smirk, John Everitt,
Jos. Zurn, John Thompson, Michael Deik,
Philip Stambach.
Upper Mahonoy. Daniel lline, Abraham
Geisl Jitcoh Ertmaan.
Lower Muhanay Frederick Tschoop.
Jackson. Win Deppin.
Northumberland. Tlioi. Witliinctoti, ('has.
Rev, Charles Little, Robert Martin.
Point. Thomas Vaukirk.
Chilisquatpte. Andrew Fetzer, Peter Yoris.
Abraham Lunger, John .Shell, jr.
Milton. Tlios. Strine, Jesse Derrickson.
Delaware. Wil-on Hutchison. James Iin
carson, John Work, Edward Druckemiller,
James Oaks, Wm. McWilliums.
Lewis. Kuilolph Huntsiii(er, Anderson
Dennis, Aaron B. Artrmin, Daniel Derr, David
Petit Jurors
Sunbury Jacob Cable, E. Y. Bright, Ed.
Gass, Caleb Fisher.
Lower Augusta. Wm Bloom, Wm B Sil
verwoud, Daniel Huhebach, John Foy.
Shamoktn. Jesse Campbell, Asa John.
Hush John 'Case.
Laircr Malwnoy. Charles Brosious, Benja
min Trego.
Jackson Jacob Philips, Geo. llepner.
Northumberland: John Adams.
Poiiif. Wm. L.'Cook, Thus. Thatcher.
Chilimprntine. Jacr!i Kramer, Daniel J. Caul
Milton John Frick, Wm. Fillman.
Delaware. Jackson Guffy, James Arm-
stroii!.'. J nomas 1) Aitnaiul, 1 tins. Kirk, JJjviu
Kuhns, Wm. Beard, Thomas McKee.
Lewis. David JNief.iiiie, iMicliael lirobst,
canine! luissei Amtis Maze.
Turbut. George Keitz, Martin Billmyer.
OR trial in the "( 7urt Common Pleas of Nor
B" thumberland Cfiunty at November Term
R. (idodtnan & the
Jacob Sliitz
'Com. of Pcnna
vs David N. Lake ot al
vs Hawood &. Snvder
Jacob Reed
Danville & Poltsvilhi
Rail Road Co.
Wm & It. Fegely
Israel Cutelius
v Cioorp!' Horkfrt
vb John 1'orti'r
Win. larks
Brady for Snyder
Frederick Keener
va John McGinnia
va (i (irant & tiurnilH--a
vs Wm. Ayvei
t I.imIi Ktrocker
V kuine
v Isaac Brown
v Wm. AloCny'iiailm'ri
v Wm. Starli
v Jacob Ktihl'a cx'ri
v Jacob Holl'nian
vi Philip Housel admr's
va Joa. H. & J. Kline
va Jacub Weik
va HcrriiiKton & Culture
va Conrad (ii'.tnr-r
va Dodirp & Ii;,iTPt
va John Jacob Wvike
va l)rwart& J. inland al
va KlizAliotli Weiteelclal
John Carver's heirs
Andrew (iarver et si
Robert M. Clark
Henry II. Burr
John Mctiiunis
Lewis Crcssman ct al
Laeli Stroecker
Jacob Housel & wife
Jonathan Purselet al
Eleanor Herd's adin'rs
D. Hoats for J. Bound
Same for Mathews
Peter Ricliter's cx'rs
Peter Erwlue
Ann Myers
R.ichaet McCartv
Jacob W. Hcitxiuurr
va Lruh Strncckcr
W ijv. & 11. t (irelv & Co. va John Khnislcr
I Noah Si Mackcy va Ktinuel Finney
.."(uni, ivL--iii-r va oaiiiiic.1 uiain .
Moa Chainlicrlaiii v 'i'homaa (S. Mackcy
i: iioam tor w. il, fry in ire va Isaac Brown
r-ainucl Houihnaii va Jacob Hower
.ii ..... ., -
U. b. Uoitjie for Moor & Uiddle va W. & K. Fegely
7K va tU'unor Iieed'a ailin'ia
Jttcot) Karchner va David Prviuire et al
Jacob W. Pfouu
Jacob Weiincr
John Hower
Aaron Iti-uly
1'a.lmcr B. Johnaon
Chaa. W. Richarda
Duvid Miller
Chat. O. Dotti
Jacob F. Miller et il
8arah Dover rt al
Wm l)e Puey
Wm H Thompson
vt A. Itliawn
va Ira T. Clement
va Frederick Haaa
va Ira T. demerit
va Jamea White
va Jowph Vettit
VI llillington, Buyer &
v A. J. Fetier
va J. & M. A. Rwenev
v J. Wynn & J. Vanxani
va Jacob Ieiaenring
vg Jacob C'ahH
Mary Snyder ot al vs Holxirt W Drum
unnie vs James Drum
Joseph Vandyke " vs Cornelius Smith
Pontius 4- Thompson vs Samuel R Wood
John TMcPhcrsort "vs Bfnyder.M Snvderctsl
Com. for Saml Furman vs
o v joruan, o liumur
Alex Jordin
M Seiic.r4- wife vs Michael Miller :
D D Moniaomcry vs Robert McCormick ,
John B Miller vs John U Boyd's sx'rs
Wm L Dcwnrt vs Northumberland county
Robert McCoy v Ewsrd A Kutzuer
J. P. Sliultz . , vs Jacob Weikc & wifo
Jacob Philips vs George L. Wcimcr
A H Lawrence adm'r of . ,,. . .
Snruh Leighou, v" P!,cr & D We,mcr ct
John HartniHii vs F Burkenbinc nJm'r
J Clayton for J McWillimns vs John Bower
F. O'Doiincll for Wm F Nn;lo vs John Divers
Com'wealth fur J Kroh vs 'J' A Billington 4-bail
Henry W. Snyder. . vs M'm F Wnijonscller
Chas Pleasants vs James &. Win Ross
rrothonotary's ollicc
runbury Oct. 13, 1848,
p.MIE on tho premises of the subscriber, real-
diuit in Upper Aunustn township, nt the Nor
thumberland In idiie, nbout the first of the present
month. Eiyht of said sheep arc marked on their
backs with red chalk, the other two arc rams and
no marks visible. Tho owner or owners of said
sheep pre notified to come forward, prove properly,
pay costs and take them away, otherwise they
will be dealt with according to law
Sunbury, Oct. 13, 1610. 3t.
To nil Oriiiloi'8, Jirftalecs,
IVolIre In Hereby tSiven, That the fol
lowing limned persons did oil the dates oiiixed to
their names, file their accounts of their Adminis
tration, to the estates of those persons deceased and
(iumdiuii accounts, &c whose mimes are under
mentioned, in the Ollicc of tho Register of lh Pro
bate of Wills, and granting Letters of Administra
tion, in, and for the County of Northumberland,
mid that the same will be presented, to the Or
phan's Court of said county, for continuation and
allowance, on TI.'KSUAY the tith day of No
vember next, at the Court House, in tSuiibury.
IS 19.
4. John J. Woolverton and William
Rued, Kxecutors of Climles Wool
verton, dce'd.
Christian Cubic, Uusrdian of Darnaid
John B. Lcinbach, Administrator oft
Daniel Lcinbach, dee'd.
William Dewitt. Executor of Marga
ret Dowttt, dee'd.
Painucl Caiuplicll, OuiiriUan of Sarah
Jane Wilkins, now Sarah J. Roth.
.tames Miller, Executor of Harriet
Summers, dee'd.
Thomas :md .lames Pollock. Execu
tors of Michael Hon", dee'd,
Abraham Sterner, Kwculor of llclirv
Cnlp, ilvc'd.
t. t'icorgo A. Frick, Administrator of
Henry F'ick, dee'd.
1. William II. Leghorn, Acting Survi
ving KxccutCT of Jeremiah Vastinc,
Daniel Urautighn and David Taggavt,
Administrators of William .McCuv,
Reqister's Ollicc, Sunburv, )
Oct. ii, lS4!t. ' 5
Kstatc of Alba ' Itairett, dee'd.
TJ OT1CK is hereby given that letters of admin
L istration have been granted to the subscri
bers on Ihe estate of Alba C. ltarrett, lulo of the
borough of Northumberland, dee'd. All persons
indebted to the estate are requested to make imme
diate payment, and ;!! having claims against said
ostato arc requested to present tlnrtii for examina
tion and settlement.
Northumberland, Oct. fi, HIU tit.
v'POLEN from the subscriber in .s'unbury on
Monday night the Sjth inst., u BLIND sOU
REL HOKNK with a white streak on his fore
head, long tail and inane of the same color, about
10 or 'l years old, A wagon saddle was also
stolen from the stable of Benjamin Hendricks, at
the same tune. 1 he above reward will be panl
for any information that w ill lead to the rocovcry
of the horse. FRAN L'l.s li I. CHER. .
Sunbury, Sept. 29, 131031
will y a neglect
those prtm milory Bniptomi
Which are giving you wanner thut lime
thing must be U-mc to save you Umiij the giave of
the conwimptiVB f Why rncmiroire thut
iiuckui a uph lti jum in ihe
iitc nighl nvvoatu rumnij;
ui' blxd or tlti!tilty ot
baathiiiff ? Why
Cl'CTtsintl Ulllt tiiu
tllUt 18
ijrt' inij uj(Ou
yur viiiiin,
tnkiiip itway your t'trcneth
wilh rach ptttMnfr day, untl ij iftcuiiiK y'l to
'that boiirnu irui wiituce ih liavuiU'r rfiurniif" llu is
n- uhk- t travel ;ul attuinJ t" hm UimiiohV
WitucMM tlic cams ui itvv, liiiiry Jont-n, It pi Kifiht A v
ihh, w ho w an cimtl ti u cm ut oii ynam Miaiulutu ; Mm.
Atm-c, No. Coriicha-itLrii-l. who hail ntt-ii itii up
by I)r. Moll, Ham- miti .Mot h lH. This niuiutcliilil oi"
I'hrtiftiui! Kli'lillM. l.KJ huilloW-KtH'tt, wlll WU ulfHl IVL'II
tip lo die. Mih. Millui', lonut'rly ut Itronklin, whom thu
hrt IMiyftii'laiui wiiil could not be curttl ; Hiid a hot of
utlitTtt who have ln-iii ntiliiMcit with
and all the vurieua forms of diwium in the vital urana.
Un ttny duiilii tlie cil'uiu')- ui Una iiinlii'iimf Lei ttitiii
1'uiiipl.lclp cmtuiniiin tim'. uiul tcai.lni.M-, ol a alnuli
jiorliull ul' Ilium llliiy U- .ibtuliu-ti, finilla. In iir,-iittHiii,
lie vuiit t,u tn , in- t-iiuiiiL-, uaa i.,r r.ii ,,i .A A n Al.l.
HKAIJ.Sli HAI-SA.M," und aun thai tha written npim.
ture ot A. Sherman, .M. 1). iaou lliu ru:i.'r ol' cacti boltlu.
Imp more rnat-p nf ltiiciiirifitipiii. l'uiu in th Ttnik.
Kidu anil Ciirpf. 1.11)11141110 and W'.-.-iknfH, limn anv nnnli- I
c-JliiMi that Imp!'. iiniHir.iia uf uiiirin''ii!.-l niM-ala
luive at l.-iiiill to t'iiilL-rrt-il il, anH ulin it olf npnn tiie I
riqiiiiiiinny up nir pi'iinnir. I V iirwuir.ii I'.v.'jiimn.. i
It.-lnrtnlic-r tlmt Ihe iril und 'i-niiinr LMilt-r ip ir-u.l ii,nn
r.-ililili uiM-r muilc .tifKly for I lie pnrMiat' mut i-vrv '
f.-iiu. th,. di.Tiiiinir.. !' IN, HI.rniHi, ia nriiitcl itiHit, tin. I.-...L i
t'l' tlii- I'lnplrr, and tin- wliolf Ktt-nrwi liyt'ojiy Hij;ht. Nuiii-nlht-ra
liri' i:i-iiuiii-. 'I'lt'-n-f trt- w ln-n yu v;inl n r.-til u.nnt
Sli.-rmur'a I'oor Mmrp Vlnpt.T. i-lill ul tliti.'tiicL', UK) Nuaaau
llrcet, unit you will not hr (liaiipitimiteri.
Kt'tiifiit a-r iirliicliiu I, nice lob .Niiawitl-alreei. eu. VitrV
whure all Ilr. Shcriiiiiu'a IxtKenir.-a ure a 'l.l. Jlia Aapnta
ore Mia. lluya, l:iil Fnllun aircet, lirooldyii ; iliiiL-aiHi,
V'illuimabur( ; niut ltetliiinv A; (.'o, llopton, und
juil. vim Mi, snnimrv.
M. A. McL'AY, Xorlhuiiltierland
Aiijt. II, 1tt1. cheSin lr
1" KAU the fnUowma cwtifuMito fmm Cnpt. Dovot. thr
well known and itnnulur tShuui JVitt ( antuiii ff the
1'lMT.ADI.LPIiU. OrtnlHT.H, llfi.
Several Vfiir'K niiii't I wm utlaeketl with u brwikiiiir out
on my iiec'k .11 the f irm nfTeiitr, wlih h 1 ain cuiviiire.1
Wiiu coutmeteu ut iiie iiarber Mmp. It gmiRl.iuIiy exH-ml-Ci
over my fare until it retichul thu Uper uit of the
cheeks. Inirintc the HeveiuJ iu nthi that it 1 iitinni tl
pnnil:nt. I utiert diflcreni iipplieutmun, s nn nf wIul-U had
the rlrirt, uppicntly at leuM. nf iiierfUMun tht) .lit-ai), but
iVoui none nl them did 1 priceivt) the least beni til unlit I
ujiplied the Uiwk Ointmiat. Hy the u ofmiejar nf il,
1 wart peilcetly vuird uud huv-e rei named free of tht a&iv
. I liuvu miicd ucd the Ointment, liphtly applied birr'Kipli
inm uf tins luce, U-trhe, chuitftud Imuri, 4c With per
fect KiiuceHM. 1 luive no henituii'm in rtxximmeuduig u in
(he BirmiuesL nuumer U lh pubiu.
A pei it IIpnky Mamkh, Sunbury.
. July UH, IMtt.
WHITE BRANDY for preserving tramly
peaches of an excellent quality, for Mile
8unbury, Sept. S2d, 1841
TENING8. A cheap ini excellent arti
cle lor fastening sash for aule by .
funbury, July 7, 149.
TXR. J. N. HEELER & Bro. most respectfully
-' solicits attention to their fresh stock qfi"".y
link, French, German and Ameiean J)riitri, Med
icines, Chemicals, Paints. Oils, Dyo Studs, Glass
ware, Perfumer-, Patent Medicines Ae. Having
ojiened a new store No. 804 Murket St. with
full sojiply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, Wc re
spectfully solicit Country dealers to Cxeluine our
stock lieibre purchasing elsewhere, promising ono
and all whoiiuiy leel disposed to extend to us their
pntroniifc-o, to sell them genuine Drui?S And Medi
cines, on as liberal terms ns any other house in the
City, slid to faithfully execute all orders entrusted
to us promptly and with dispatr.h.
One of the proprietors liciiiit n rcgulnr physician,
affords ainplo guarantee- of the genuine quulity of
all articles sold nt their c'litblishtn'ciit.
We 'csiwially invito druggists and founiry
mciThaiits, who may wish to become' agents for
Dr. Kriler't CtlehateJ Frr-nily Metifeiut). (strin
ibird and popular remedies,) to forward their ad
dress. Soliciting the patronage or dealers, We respect
fullv retnaiti.
J. N. KEELER&I1RO., Wholcsal Druggists,
No. attl Market street, Plitladclpiiiu.
(September 1ft, IS ly. ly.
lui-ittitude 1m tbe bsiMCfit crime of
VXE an; not among that class of Editois who
" for a few dollars will, (at Ihe expense oil ruth
and honesty) "crack up" an article and bring it
into rapid sale ; neither nre wo willing to remain
silent, after having tested the utility of on im
provement or discovery in science or int. Our
readers will recollect we told them we were un
well with a sore throat and violent cold some few
weeks ago. Well, wo purchased two bottles of
find so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we
ever had a cold. Those who aro alllicted, may
try it upon oar recommendation. Lcieiston Ttte
giajit. A fresh supply of tho above valuiiblw medicine
just received, and tor sale in Sunbury, by John
W. Friling. .Mary A. Mi Cay at Northumberland,
and at wholesale by Frederick Klett, it Co., cor
ner of Sd und Cullowiiill streets, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Sept. USd, 1S-P.I 8 mo.
I Wl'.Ol.KSAI.K M'.Al.I-ai ft MAM
I Imporlrr ot 1 rciuli la,kiu l.uukins .lnT,
I util r:iin-)' ;ooU,
I No. IS Norlti scroinl Slrcel,
i Between Market mid Arch Sts., under J. Sidxiy
JoxKs' Carpet W'ln'ebti'.iM', two doors below
Christ Cbiircli,
S on baud anil is constantly re-eiving a
large and extensive assortment of Combs.
Brushes, Fancy liooihi of every description, (too
numerous to mention,) Looking Classes of i tit
and .Mahogany tiauu'S, Baskets, Coaches, Chairs,
liROO Al S ,
Shaker's Eastern Wisp and Country Brooms,
Window Blinds, Door Mats, Tubs, Buckets,
Churns, Washboards in fart, Wooden and Wil
low Ware of every description, all of which will
be sold low fur Cash or City acceptance.
Merchants would save themselves much time
und trouble, by calling and examining my stock
before purchasing.
N. B. Lon!;ing Classes, arc insured against
Breakage to all parts of the Union, w ithout extra
August a5, 1S-19. :ttn
ft Vt EsPECTFUl.LY ii'.i'onns the citi.cns of
ifi Ci this pl.ic: and iciuily, that he has penna-
: nrntiv locali:! hi;u:- ir in .s'tiiihtuv. His otViee
j is next iloor to Mr. J.'eoii Painter's hatter-shop,
I wbc ie he can ot all tisues lie found, unices pro
I ICHionally engaged,
j ."-'iinbiiry, August s5, IS'10. 3m
l'OltiltlC, s'il.
Will promptly cttend to collections and all busi
ness entrusted to his care'.
June 16, 1810,
CTrtNE milk I'anit, atone Jul' and PitchcrSi,
' J ami other article of atone ware just reeeiv'c'J
and for sale by JDIIN W. FKILING:
Sunbury, June 23, 1S1U.
ISSUE TATEIt. Yellow Tissue paper for
I covering glassca, &c, for sale at the oliiec ot
the American.
BOOKS and Cold Tens. On hand several cop
ies of the life of Christ, ami ulno a number of
gold pens which we will sell at the riuludelphia
prices, for aale at thUofiirc.
"13 El Nil a prouresdivp and Coiiiprehonsivc Sya
tein of Orthotviapv and Orthoepy, incliidili
a variety of definitions, mlaptej to tho use of
Schools in the American Kepublic, by Almon
Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-live year's experi
ence, and author of the Colombian Calculators,
Practical Common School Mensuration, &c.
The attention of Teachers, School Dtrcctors,
parents, Ac, is invited to this new Spelling liook,
j whii-li coiifoi ini! ti) llio mmli rii hpi'llinu and tiBaes
I 1,1 ' 0 !lo-r pli v aHliomt; one oftlic ncutmt, flu-aiM-st
wrsi uirunt'U, anu uriHT aiiii)icii to tur wantH oi
children, than any other pnl'ii.tic.l in the United
Mats. It is what it purports: to he, a Spelling
Look and not n Kcatlintr Hook, and only requires
an examination on the part of InMruotora of youth
to pccure tor it a univcrpal introduction Into the
Schools of the United States. Just pulihhcd, and
for aali! by Hbshi Maskr, Sunbury.
Where Teacher and Director can procure
copica for examination,
Auuunt 4, 1 S 19
Tiiu FAinii:u's
r.nrii'.i) hy hoi.'vkkxki'u i-:Mi-:itf-u.
N ONE VOLl.'Mi:, lloyul oitavo, llG5iap;c,
iK'nutil'iilly bound, coiiliiinlug, 17 fine jilatea,
hi-si.k-a nuiiK'tou Wood ( tits. NiIU at about
one I'otirtli tlio eoat of the English work, without
any l'lutea.
Tin- Farmer's EnryoloneiVm i rcul treuaury
of prnrticul infoiiiiiiti.'n, wherein the experience of
all ubc nnd eountriea i carefully rim-ttii fi to
the present duy, and ilmifbly ananyed for con
venient refereiu e." Dr. Diirliucton.
"We lire fully rotivitu-eil that ttieh an nmoitnt
of vulualile knowledge for farmer euii be Ibund in
no other work in to cheap uiul coueiiicnl a form
In fact, no Farmer who pre tend to lie well inform
ed in hi profession, xHoiilil be without this work."
New lit iiiiessoe Farmer.
An etcelhiit work, tit to lie distributed in pre
mium by Agricultural nnviui': J. o. Pkimier.
Fpr ule at thia Ullice, price $4.
Also, by E. VV. CAKU, Third utreet, ppposite
Ihe Exchange, Philudeipiila ( and N. lHCK.MA.N',
Baltimore, Muiyluud.
Ijff AhV OfcUKB nrvT D ICICalllllD Bt
the CAHH. :.
July 14, 1S49 3m
OR SALE. A good tow, nearly fresh for
le cheap. Enquire at tho ollicc of the
Sunbury, June , 1849,
TEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin
Tea. Company. For .ale by
fiu'nbury, Vet, S, 148
"Encourage Your Own!"
'T'HE subscribers respectfully call the attention
A of the public to their large sni) splendid assbrt
ment of every quality and price of
which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one
who will examine it, op account of its durable
workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the
best stork to be bail in the city. No effort is
pared in the manufacture of their ware, and the
subscribers ore dcteriilined to keep up with the
many improvements wliich are constantly being
made.. Their stock consists of Mahogany
Solan, IMviiii anil l.ounffc,
Umcatts, Same intfes, SLujcbonrlis,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, e.iual to Phila
delphia iminufaclurc. (
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
in short, every Article hi this tine of their business.
They also manufacture, all kinds and qualities
including varieties never before to lie ltad in
Sunbury, such us Maiiouasi, Black Walmt
ami CmLcii Maim.k Cbeciav : ANII WlXIIBMll
CHAIRS, Axui-AN'-r I'uxo Stools, which arc of
the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by
none manufactured in the Cities. or elsewhere.
The subscribers are determined that there shall
be no excuse lor persons UWpurrliosc furniture in
the cities, ns every coiilidiTl e ran be entertained
about the quality and fuiish of their wait and
Chairs' f
Their articles w ill be disposed of on as good
terms as tiny can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
UNDERTAKING uttendod to on reason-'
able terms.
tr' The Ware Room is in Market Street,
opposite J. Younj's store, and nearly opposite
Weaxer's Tavern-.
Sunbury, Anil '18, 1S19 tf
S. H Corner Arch ir 0i Street Philadelphia,
E now in stove a well selected stock of
the verv best Family Groceries, which they
will sell at the lowest prices and warrant to please,
Green anil Black Teas from tjil down to Co cts per
lb., the Black Ten -13 cents by the Box, is iinusu-il-ly
line, t olli-e ofall qualities and prices better
Sugar for cts. per lb., than any oilier store
Maecaiinii, Vermicelli, Canton Ginger in Syrup,
Olixu Oil of the 1'Cr.t brands, aw assortment of tho
richest Jellies, and every article kepi in our line.
All goods sent to tin: country, put up ueiitly and
Please try us once and satisfy yourselves whether
we can suit you. COLT OA ec CO.
S. W. Cor. Arch Oc Dili St.
Philadelphia, May SO, 1M!J che:Sin ly
weisl: Ac clHaMent,
nddlc sid Ilariu'ss Sauoi'!.
rnHE uiidoisignediesiieetfully
0. iuloini the public, that thcy
have coiiniK'iiced the above busi-
'l5 " '"" ncss in ."-'unburv, and will sou-
stautly keep on band and manufacture to ovder, at
theirstaud in Market street nearly opposite Voting's
store, all articles belonging to their line of business.
AU articles niauiilai'tinvil by them will be made in
the be.-t and most durable style, and ut prices as
reasonable us f.icv can be haoiilaiiy other es'.ah- ,
lisbinent in the couf.ty. They therefore respectfully
solicit persons to call and examine fir themselves
before jji'rehasini elsewhere. All kinds of pro
duce taken in by I he stores will be taken in ex
change nt the market ) rice.
HENRY Wl'.lsE.
.vunbury, June 18PJ.
AltKIV All.
TOII.N W. FRIl.lMi huH just
received nt his
store in iSuuliurv an extensile nshortmcnt of'
MOW (iOtllls, of every variety which he in now
ready to sell or cM-liann for produce; and cotmist
int.' in port uf
Linen 'and Cuiton (ctV;!?, and sum ma
wear of all kinds.
Camcoes, Chintz, (Iivijiiam, Lawns, &.c.
Muslins lih'itched and uiiLli-ached.
Quccnsware and Hardware of all
Duuos Paints, and Dykstit ts.
And a p-cnt vuriety of other articles all uf w hich
will be sold at the low est term.
iSuuhuiy, May "',,
f JcYTOlTsTwiNKSi kC,
rTMM. ftultscriltor h:is just rcrciveil a nrw supply
oi llu Ust liquoia that ever otiii.c t ;S unluiry t
rouaUtin in part ut'
ISuprrior old ue Brnntl) .
Fine Coffnino 1j randy;
Hnprrmr Old JunuiU'a spirits
Nl w Kncluud Kum.
l ini' llolluml (Jin.
Sup(fiir Old Whiskey
(.'imiiiuii du.
StiMrior Mui'.rriu Whir.
LUbou du. d'.'.
Superior Tort Wine.
Huranndy I'ort do.
Sweet Multi cm W "uwi
Superior C:arrt Wine in
1'hiimimcni? do.
1R 1U.
5utibury, May
lircen' dxy?i niitid l'itter, pri.o red'uebd.
Old Jiicoh Towuseiid'sSarbupaiilij'.
Swuyne' fyrnp of Wild Cherry.
Swnvnc's Vermifuiie.
Avre's Cherry Perioral
Dr. Drake's Panacea.
Dr. Culltli' do
Tibbit' Pain Killer.
Dr. lloolland's Cerman DitUr'
Indian Vtitclalile Pills
Home und Cattle Medicine
For sale by HENRY MASTER.
huiitmry, July M; Ifii'j.
otl( C (U Eti'IilHlllt'lllPi.
A I.I. pei.-cms indclittil to the fubiieriliei'. longer
than sin mouths, on iinte or bunk account, are
rcipicHted to cull nnd niuke settlement, or else their
atH-ounts w ill be U It with a iniirjiHiriito for colloc
Hunlmiy, July 7, li4!l, -
Valuable Iluokn,
LIFE or Cu hi it, handsomely bound, D'Ar.
Btcsi.'s Hiaroar or tuk Rkiohmatiox,
lUixk Dat-hoiik axu Lr.urftna, full bounded.
For sale at the publishers price by
11. B. MAPSER.
Sunbury, July 14, 1849.
) of every dewriptton ci
VBLANK3 of every description can be bad by
applying at the office of the American.
CHES An excellent article, for ale at
half Ihe usual price by
Sunbury, July 7, IT49.-
"t .Wxto, ttair , md
th.r mfiltrr dtmiua tf Ike Hlnl-mwl ifthrriiy SHALL
WfAXi'lTY which tttu unrtl ,,r n LI. .it t.- ... .
of tirrk llnnim. he ai'l pnnf nf Ihe pmifyiv, m,Mml pme
n in thf Mlirlnr Wn A.i ui.l ind eimifumi roc
lHtra.-MttuH there it uny maivmtl,lt evi'Unat .
niTDim ivn
1 fir a MrdMne, In every i)iect i snit thm U bun
itsiit (iroof, ill great rufM i lloi-liil. tlmf ONK IIOTTI.K t
It t-wiliitin mure piullvlinr, lieslini virtue, snct mnhcal
pmn llimi thi-rn i mihtaineil 111 Fort Hottlu uf say tar.
nuntiUh, or miy nthtr n-nlicint llint hm ervr heen urferm)
fur pulii, Tin in i iiinliiHlild ii ,i,it in nur pRmpliloU.
tlmt l,V t, UfO of llii crent ImlNi 1'vrifi r. tlmy thl
en hriKd l.l'vij-lh.iv Hint wit -;ll"
i sn no WALk-ihuy ilmt wi'i' Sni'.,
nil iilli.'i'i.-B di-sMU'il, liuvu Lecii IlK.u.iiO unit I.euF.D.
wli,. Iihvh ti-eit tiiiMO-'s J'cnim:ft. slk-r ltviin nwrt unit
lenli-it All, 111,' ar3iipjril.trt Hlitl "ttn.T tnt'tll'-iin'i rtivolll-lilelllf.-J
tn curt btoud iii''li.ei. Iimvc ittci'kd III"
Erant'fl li the Cheapest,
bee rm no On tiottL id' it 1ihj more ini'li'nl. t;'ntiV'
tor In It, mill, in em! .mu-tht, cuh-h wrr tli'iftn it much
left time, tttnn vpr hite ui any ntht-r in:dii iiir.
If. Ui.n, v.MK Ifiilmii' iliu.v'i rumnm wHI cure
Faff: 'i'lMKS nioif di-fHi than Lnr. hmUr nf far.'va
rititt. It hunt's IHibiktiik' wmhl h.s vh up at fv'vriitA
far. briitjH, m earstpariUa nt one tioii-ir. Uut liUA Tri
I't'hlMt'U n oU tur only ONK In il.l.Alt n hottlu :. nrnl
m h lnitli- ut' it hdf cuivd. find i en; tMr of nirimt, "nur
VVffJfls Hf much dit! h- cue bi'uh nf tarttririUa, then1
turn. ni-nmiill. in cii-"';iitfiic! id' llu iui (nnvyr and
hit un dii - ciii :tn y, nlin.i,! I,m fu, nt flf Jntnr tliau
Twt f'tj frr. Ct-tt ,w bottUt, to bo uk vhit.p at tim i'uiu
ritcn nt Onr. thtllar,
Ono PoUar'a Woith !
How nnn h tvrf:n how tum li Svr'in.ii lim mnr-h
ScKorcr.A will One War' worth ci liraut t I'l HIFi f.H
euro ? Kt'ttil tlm toliuVMiip: feUitt'iuunl. which u U tfltti
bieu of it-t power.
I hi i- llu- (!-' o( h J it' t n sr i,.(7'i wtto vet lrri. lit- Ira
rtirrrl of h wtirfM nf Hrrol'ttl't. by iiidy Tvrlte Mottle
tif it'H'ir'rt I'linti-r. thitu vwv wm rurvd by tilt' u of
Tiulft Unacit ui tii; tn tf tnf-af'iril'q th.ii m t vr-r rnitdu.
.iir.-njiinilH bus m: fnJiri--nt pt'U'ir tu titift'l the
I'ti'M ttl iu'eh m rw!".m h hf c'." emu.
Mr .1. I'.. U.tiKi.v.ol R,im,, 0.m:i (' . .V. . liml .rf
uta four yrrtr.i w t-untiiitMl i. I, is iit-,1 th' Uit yrt'-bn
Wn.- so litui'tl di-cttyct Itiid t? ', d ur- Ut lit? iintiHU- tn
IHl-i: hi! hutid to Id" lirmi. lie hii llie t iih iiind ml
virc UNil tim tI afl ol the bi.L fUrHiivtriii'i In tm jruinl
elb-i-r -L t icid y.?ri' imd wm- i nn-nlf ivii tn ut; in
h liv.u A'fttr. untl rmiid not 1 - tin-ntn h-mr l-inri-r,
W. hu t'oinmi'iio'il iiMinf! lilt A NT. "l I 'It i l"l Kit. Uin
vct'k wm mVii n(.ir,'y fjt I'roin r ir to ttirn ko'r. am eutru
tfiniiiuli 1m whiUta'fX uiicitT inn t litii, -io tt.nt. h lui-titliut)
t.'iroiuh tb" Imif'liifl icr win ui f;ttin tutuiini tlint it
eutiM I if ii'icd up out ot' itri, it only huMim; liv h
pntttll pifcr tin n-e id' w.c iir-n i.h li.-trvtrj ,y i'A.
eci itn VU'cr niitlcr tbt: iimt. tii li.ri' n i iniTi h'in't.
hd iniirly entiP ibi'i'tiub his niJi1 into kh b ihj. 'Ihn. Le
wis ii!ll;clril wvji Wen :.'' IK h putrid, a rti. it',T;.rt (l
en., nti vu ion pftiN nt hi" perjoii. 1 nt iiulliL'i' ml lull
piirtleiihir-'. uur i'ampMi
hi pl-v- j
IJOt't. 'I'lloMAB II.1.1A..I-. Ulie Of lilt' PifVt sit
'ii lHii.-. ii( lui'tie, whs etdiril t" -'-i' Il.ifliiu ihe h
he futinni'nvfd "iii'Z Ihnttfs I'tn.'jitr )'i't, '
tin i) and h-n tuld liitn lii'it nil t'.tt- medic n
tcorl.l ( (.itiid not aire him tlmt lii-- nc-.o w ns
7 ha'ort
.11 the
Worse thaii Hoptless !
Now hivtr Mr. IIASKIN'S st'iti-te
Mv 'i.e ii'i' -ui'i'il "tn- !..,tt:-' ut' .'.'
Kl'r:.i 'V nf '. -; istutnri.
I i iuntii. -nceil u-iti:: t j -t . in ii i.-.vo
tit el' curt- Hi, -niil
I vy,v fCIUFVirt.
Hne.-ii.t-. i.f I! .mi.-
1 b'ttr- i ha
I'.d'l ir.K i-iud li'ii On- to ,1'tt W'i br- wiii'if I j'ld iiei-n
ci'itt'.iicil u. i v fi''--the si.tiiMi t.iittlif fi.iiMed ttn- to if
tit.t nf 'fir roi -r -'lie Tlllilil ImS'lf rfKiI.I.'d lll' It. l'-':.'
'J'txt MH t, tn I'.iiiii' Ci rlre. whrre I pmeiiri A Sir f'.atl-
iii"it: umi when 1 hud iiinhi'd Uiiiu; them. ,f ,(, l)(it
id '."Wt 7; ;y I'!, .-t H I I1K.M.K1) 1 I'-HIld thv-.r fctJ',- Uinn-
tieeti-it ii i'l'.fl I l.i ' r t'l.'Ki; id uM tli.- tli-L-r, mid ru-
Kitvd roe tn ArflrA.
Mr. lMSMN bn wlrtl 1o the Itbove vn, tun! tVe
Hfu witiii'-.e(i ii nd t-erti'h'ii Iti by IKtCT. V.I.
I.IAMS Mr. (i. II. USioWN. pmpt i. ioi ol tut; IVrt-t-Hvnu
.'' -Mi;nr lilSSn.I. (V I.KONAIJI). UholeiiiM iili.l lb la'i.'.r'ti-niid l'',l,F.'KN other rr - a.'itt ttitnesm.
We ChaUcngo the World
To I'lluVK a Cure of . rerfit'titf toij utirrly ho; Ins a
i-R-.' nt S-Tt'fid:. by the . ol TI'.N 'I I MK ! ntu''b
i-tirfiiHtrllia, or m-y nther ini uit-.i.e. it- ' iibi-d ot' Urant't
Punfr to i t!, ft tbi t uiv- bit'li gitn: hhuil Ijb
jirnvi'd l y inwy tCtU knuir.i, rtjei ''"i'jt'c tti'.:is$nt hi U
the aiiuvc cute.
Foil HLV. RY .Tolm AV
Krilnitf Ptinbiiry Pa.
Marv A. A;eCa
.1 n J t. H:i'i
llenry .1. Miji'IIVt
I Idvrard A. Kut.n'-r
A 11 It tiers mat urdeis niut b
r.i.. 1(1 Itroadwav. N-'W York.
Siiiil,m, July I'i'.i ly.
d t.'
add re
M'a'.bcu .V
):eiiiHa!!c tAie I sterna ni?, lituuity
: ri v.i m r
1 1'lTAL ti'J il'.bOlt.
i Inuiwu-t tuifiiiepn
np'ii Uv tntM lilwal hiuI mU ;iii(mrf('iiii iwniif. Tiicy
j art' .iiiUi.'iir il li t.i-jr clKirtifr (:uvt. ;i) "to ni:il': :ill untl
i- -fry lib-uii'iti :is"pt "(iiiitiny t iiii- riss nf wtintt-v-tr kiiui
I ni iriliur, :piuI 1 i I'i'i'fivi? uml t'xifiiif triwtn, ntikc tml.w
I iiwiiti. iiikI (i cruut runt pnrrhiiw immiHk," Tl' C'l'in-
(viiuy !! imiiiuiuii mui tiidn munliT ami ncL uk TiumU-ck
ir i:iui'ir.s .mU In ir3.
cf Pictniiirns rwinrt-d (n tli AJfliuuu'C oi" SUMi for
tin; whole Urm n Luc.
Aj-i-. Prnn. I Ayr Vi :u. . .. J Ag". Vrcm.
Hi j I :.n ;;i 3 co 41, ' :i ;iti
17 1 6-t ;i jr. 17 :i -m
li 1 ;ii -i'jd 4,-s no-.'
If I 1 Sil I :t i! 40 :( 77
an i nw At x ;i ' M i y
31 1 Hi -2 in r, 11
1 (Jt( 37 M -17 W .li
?:t I tW li-i tl A I 5.1 4 .il
Jl I 7'J :w if (il til 1 71
t ro 4 li ;n v, 1 i
i'l 1 N 41 e cl 5 11
"JT 1 til 4.1 o ... 57 G
y-ri 1 yi n rm r 5.11
2:1 1 n- -it ii fiw 5 7H
M uvl 4.1 ai;i tin Uu;t
)7H I
nrt'itiinmsurc Um tiian imv h'Ikt rniiiwim. anJ tlie
lulu'iu.s utlonl m-.,u-t utlvuiiliig..).. 'l'iU.k ul lmli-yiriy
in il i-nari'-rly prpimums, rtnlt n r.lit intra nf prnnuiin. jilmrt
U.-iiim, joint livt-f. mu v uiritup n.l : nlm,
onii oi piim-.ii i in wiiicu ui to un; nuuiK Miri-tr.-) ai
t'l be had "ii iinmi' ah-'U at the
nr by kii.T in il'c
Agciit. J. 11. I't'liDY, Simlinrv.
lUrKs ixsrui-ta PHfO un n single Life
I rur , veiua.
1 (l
1 !.:(
I 1 ''t
1 n U7
j 'Jp7
J vt-ai next
Vor l.if.
:i in
V..Ain.K A per-Mil
pa. 1 1 m tht' t 'oiiiji-my -.ct i
l.ittlt ilny, by
mU won I' 1 Kreine to In- family
iih SHH ;t. ilii- In nin year ; nr for ;j.i)' he
ei:ien t- ibiiii .-rM-tMt nr lor $i snnnitilly tnr ncvtii tui
lie ttt-eniei to tin-in t.(i'0 (.h -aal !m die in f'-vtii cai; m
for .'ii. Ill ,;tiil itinaril'v tturiuij hie In- M-etm . JHMd toby
ai.1 when liiMben. t he ittunrer feeniin-r iHKnwn ivmi.
i l tin- illlti-reiic
1 bv otli'-i oll'iees
uiu inn i! rt'ii);.ii:in Ir 'tiillioweliartifi
I C 1J. ' i- 1101a -ni l 1 .i i ll.. .jitXiw
pin mill In; ill.' in on.: year.
I-'iii iii iitaiiilu-iili'iii ai"t nil Vnii-iTl:ir mv t,.' li:.. at
tiip t'lii.''. I'l-yrUK t I'l.l.KN, ii-,-ai.k'iit.
Vi.-.. JVii.t.-iii, Wm. M. H.ui-.:..
I I-'kam ii W. It iwi.k, S'-.-ri-t.u y iiii l Tn-'iKiiri-r.
! roci.Tfi t'iYu-i- Dr.J. It. M.-is'T, S.imIiiii-v.
. It. l'CKin. uiil'iirv, Ayt-ni l"r .ViiUi.iniU-i';miil c-'illy-
.Inly 'J;; irt!l.
Ji A 1! J) LAMPS;
t O It m; L U S CO.
u. I Hi C hfuiut !l ,
i EsPIH-TrTLLY annoimce that iheyhave
5. t..,M... l .t ... .,. :.
ju-i w.u m- .u i .u Uiitii uuuiau..,
they have ever oiVcred for sule, rompriRin;
In creat variety, nnd of
Much uti'-niioii hus been paid to ECONOMY,
in the construction ol 'these Lamp, uud such an)
made as will produce the. greatest amount of li,'!it
from the least consumption of Lard.
Kccent improvements in the manufactory, with
the introduction of new and perfected machinery,
enables them to soli lit U very GREAT KKDI'C
T1UX from former prices, und all urtii les before
leaviriir the inamifu tory, arc carefully inspected,
and are warranted perfectly tight, and logie satis
faction. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849. 'ly
A Keit .tsisurliiioiilol ri'-Nli Gool.
i E.TECTFl IXY informs hi friend, cua.
-LV joiners snd other, that It hasjut received a
handsome assortment of
at his storb tn Market Square in Sunbury, such as
Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens
wnrc, Hardware, &c,
Sunbury, June J3, 1849.
ADD'S cel.ibiate.l Horse and Cattle Mndi-
A 9 ' "r "l" l,V HENRY MASHKR
'"iinhury J in. v'.lh, ISp.l
" Caution Extra: 1
A train brttn aama of CI.APP (i!ri with
youiin man of the" mme nf . t. -TowiMna, him) ami hil
name tn put up rVimnrilln, whi-h t her cut) Dr. Town-
end'aSnmuaiiltodenonitnntini it OKNtTNE Oriinl, c.
Thin TownmaH.I no 'kMir, aad ammt waa , hut mm for-
incrly a worlier on tti railmntlp, cnnnla, ,m1 Hip likn. Yl
he tmiimcp the title of Dr.. furthPrnirpumol ismin credit
for n-liat hpia not This l K) culituai llio mililif not to ba
ftpceivod, and parchnin n'na fuf the Genuine Original Old
Ilr. Jacob Townprnil'p Snrppnrilla. tiaviiift on it tbe OI4
Ilr'p. likeiippe. hip family loul of anup, and hn aigiiaturs
cross llic aoat or arnn. ..; .
Grniiine TounNi iut SsirMjii iiia
01A Dr. T owiinrU now nboui 7U yennof age. ani
hm I'ft been known tin the author anil iliiienvrer of
lite (iuiiuiiu: Onuhuil "T'jwiim-ud Atrnupurilla " H
imipopr'. In wtin compel'iil to limit its rtiamuaeturc. by
idch iii.-ani it 1pn bf ii kept nut of umrkJt, mid thu wlc
eiittmiis'.'i'ibcd to th-ine only who havi proved it worth onii
known it vnlue. it Imd rinohod thu enrs of ninny, nevert
IhelesK, us tnuse perjun v ho hail b'twi lw;ilud mirudtwusei,
uii'l savftl tV Jin de;dh. prut'liiiuKfdita exuvlluiice and won
derlui I!I'.AUi POAVKR.
linowiiiir. many yenri njr'. tlmt lt had, by hit tkill. nci
cnee, imil i.-xpuneii-jcil. devised an ni licl which wuuld Ihi
ot iur nlf uiiblu mtvaidmre to infitikitiil, when Oiiix1 knowu
and L'.MeuMvely used, lie liopud uiid ,:i'r.eviruit rxuecling
llietiiii-to m i" iw w en the tjiifiiin would be fu riii.sied to
brinrii into iiiiiverdol tu.tif f, when its im-Htiinublu virtuoa
Wuuld le kyown mid nppiveiuttd. Thi timu hau cumo, lh
im-aiin are t"itplieil ; thin
lt m iimlaelni'eil on the larj:';nt scale, and in culled for
throiiLiiuui ihe length and breadth of thu laud, eipeeially ai
it if (;und iiu'tipablt: ot di'iriiif rut ion or delttftoratiuu. .
.el eery iii.ui r 11114 thionKlHmt the Ittnd, thut Old Dr.
.bieob 'IV'WiiM-inl in now inaiiuiueturiiiji the i'e:il 'Towiiicnrt
H'lrftipariU'i,' wliii'li ne t-r u ius, never lunnenu, and ncvtir
idianuCM 'i'i rhimieter.
l-'iuni this day forth the peoplu slmll have the Pure Gen
nine Tow nseiid S.irnp' ilia, which shall never sour in lb
bottle, or in the wtoiuat h, tind il hn, yet bunisii froiu th
land nil l;erinen!in!i-. o.nin, Kj.pbuliiifE, Vinegary Stir-KTpaMllu.-,
tinw in upm. A jriHd S.irmXirilln, pure and
! (Ti'imine. uriit tn live ; ti poor Boiuiii, mip-fiiup rturaupu
! iilin otmh( toitroopund cl it.
Tlt: tdd Jrf. haiMtipL.ritu w:ll keep pure und perfect
10il y.TMpi.
. I nhkti yoiin-r rf. P. TownPeud'n it iinjtfovef! with ngt,
und never eliaiiiM, but lor the; b'-i-uuse it il pr-
jviired on r.:ifiiiitic principle! by a. ncietdilie man. j'ho
Jiiirhest !oi '. I'-diit.- nt ( .iiemisti ymid llic latent dirfcoveriea
: ot me Avi nnvt ait ieen tiroufriit. mio twimiMtiuti 111 me
i in mui.teturu ut the OLD Ult'S. AKS-APAIili.LA. Tho
I S irs:i;,:u ilia ro.t. it U well known to incijienl men, con
j luins nuiiiv iiu.ili' ;ij;d properties, nnd , tionie properties
I willed ::io inert o: u::i ;t'v:d, Mud "tliern. witifh. It' retained
' i-i pu-;;ariitv it lot 11!, j r -dnee levn.ennitiiih and ueid,
j u iiH-h if mui "Lis 10 tin; Hem. i-niie ufihe properties
j oi u'.-':-; .:in!b tire s-' Adlniil.', ir.t ihi.-y entirely eVHjKtrate
I iin I .in-1 ..'. in the pi'ep.u'ii'otiu. iftneyuru not preneivod Wy
I b;, n -l uii'je pr 'f hiii'Wii only to th. t.-i; e.-cpei ieneed 111
i its inaMiitaetm!. Alore.Her. tbese voLdile pi ineiples, which
ilv :! i
or ua an i .li:d:di"n. under heat, are the very
a' properties of (In root, t'hich give to it
; i-'Sellli'll lie
i till Us v.ilue
! Am t-'Tf- -n e .11 Imii o- stewthe poo till they pot S dork
j eo ted Ihpiid. whh'h ij m-Te tioi-i t he eul 'riuif nun ter in
: tl:e r"oi i ii u ; t'l . an y lh: nir i'4'" they ran ttten Htryin thu
j insipid or va,Md bipiid fw!'!''!! with s mr iii'.'ljKHe, and
) then eall ii Sartfipnnlla Kxtruct vt Syrup.11 Hut such il
j im il -- a' tie',.- ! T V n :ik ti e
I (,l I'lM-i OLD DR. .lAt.'OH 'i'ovsi:.D si SAR
I SAI'AlMl.l.A.
i 't'!iif i vo prvfmrf'd'. ihyt nil the inert pi'opertiet of thfl
j Sirspanliii ro i are l:isl 1 ni-ned every lliin; eiltfthU) iif
j bee inii: acid or of irmioiiiiiit. 'ii. is extnietid nnd reiect
' 1 : then ever;- pjriiele ct itn.-uieal virtu: in Kecured in.a
1 pure and e. meeiit ; at eti f r 1 n ; irnl thus it in rendered ineu
1 pable of I i:iLr any of its valuable and healing propirUeA.
Prepared 111 tias way, it is made the ni 'M powerful Hgtnt
in the '
t-rin; oi- im .Mi'.CAiti.i; dikasi:.
, lli'uei -the rea- ;n why we hear e.iinnniidatHni' on every
; .sjtleiu u favor iy men., women. und children. Wetind it
t d V "lide' S ii, I !n: en e 1 I' ' tnsiimpl ioil, I IvnjK'pMin. nnd
j Liver t'fiitjif'tiitt. mi t in If k ttm atinin. Sc'miuki, lile.
j (' i: e. viie-.-, u!t iiie.iHii i li up.i' 1'iniplet. Hktcheit
ui.d :
tMPl'iUTV i.'V TUi: ltl,OU!. ,.r , , . ..
- . in v 't;f li'M- y. in ii tl c.;ii.iliii,tt8 arising
:r.i:i it. i tn i Vci.iiiv nf t!i;n'h. frmii ttn
u;:t"i'. lii-ictriMutii-'ii ! I'ii-o'l t-i tlic iieml. )Miip,i
. !t! t'cfl r .'(! Itnuiln. t I rliilts mid
suv rM- li'i,ly, U iiiii ii"l iltiqn;il ill CoUsiunl
;!:.! i .molt , i-iiyy .-irciitr;:llnii iiiul (Ti'iitk pT-
"f ;
!l ol II.
' -luni -n rt 1 ,mi:v Mirii-Uin.-oi ii.r liui'j!, throat, and every
i nlll. T pr.,1. ;
, liiit in m it !i s 't-.r is i!-, xi,flli-n"-vMu'f; HLiniily nfUii aiiij
t in''iii')'l'ji:i;. ;'. '.h.ui i;i kuiiU ,:ut : k ti 1- -iiih!i: Cum
J pl.ii'i'.i,
I It w 0rr- in iw-h nf I'lijor Mm or 'ili,
' Kiillitiu "I llu- ' iMis'nu h 'l. S'.iin i :..(!, nr Vmid
j .Vl'Msi -i. Uri'iiiihirity n' tin- m u:i! n-iiinN. uiul the like)
i uml if :i i iii'i-tn i! m -'H invj nil tin 1 n:;f m KtiJn-y Di-'.-tHe,
1 My rr!:i'U".mr ij-trnfti i-". ut rfvt'laHnf tKc etiitr:il n
i triii, i tri'i'.- ton'- ;i!iiUu.'u-,lii tn llu; wiinu !ou, ami ihus
! i ill'-.- I'-rn.-' ol'
I And t!uis i-iit.- "i n-li'-.'-s n irn .il arKty "fuilier nia
j t'niifrt, ii jtiinl lirlliri.tii. Nfiiialyta, St. Vital Ututce;
iSwiKiniiii;, i'.i'il --jit it l'i:. i'-'iivuisi nif, t.
, Ami vri'lie V nld f.iiii Iriv' H iui.fiNttv,nl tlmt OM Pr.
.I.if tti 'rnwi'St'iKl'c Ciinunii th filial !SitrxupurilUit U ftU
LMITATHA i.i ):':?. i; 1 1. -.-i r .r.-pi.itl.n:
lr; t'll 1'ol'ltlil '.hit! vt Hln'iM 1 i.;l ill Uf IHticle Tvtlich
w-'ulii .i"ir tin- iii"-i ilit-'iuit t'iiilil:tiii e tii S I.1, Ti'wii-(M-iiiCii
arfii-lc : mui u-lii'-li viii Hriii!i down upon th OH
lr. Mi.-li ni nnt:ii:( '."ait )t C-iinp!;tinU amt rriuiiuatiun
! rut ii A.'-'i:'.- who I. i i inM. Hint jturrhiDtTH who hiiVi Ux&l
S. I. Townsi-iul's l'frim:iit)tii; t.'nnip iitntl. V winh it
iiiiit'-isionit, I,. i-:iti.-'i- it is lii- alis itutf truth, that S. I.
'riiwtirir.,r. mii. lf uml Ulil Dr. Jm b 'rinviU'-uii ttiiM
.'trni.'i mv h-:i ri). m i.U up:tr! :ttnt iiitiiiiM'Iy iliMiiiuilar ; tlmt
tti- yaii.' rMiiKi' i i (.'.cry parti' iilat , having not nnu ningla
lllil'Sf 111 OlH!lol, ,
.kS. P. 'I' lwiwn.l i ii' it Tt r, and ii'-vr m no
'u-mivi, no uliiintiii n'aiift kiuwn no nitini uf nitMuMiie
nr iliv - n-.. iltT.o 'itit iil'ti'i' i' ilHiii'iH. ui'fM'irii! ifii. lliiitfi il't.
; -,,,: t.-.t 'on.oimi. .. rmi tl..- hvn thut lhv
, UIC , v,-,;i tim u Kfiiume wifitt uu-chvn-. c 'ptiiiniiitf till
ihr- vtu- m u.-.-.i in pn paruii; it . titul whu-h hp- iiirnpulil f
I cIumvi-h vvhu-U i'il;ui n-mler lh--ui iUv agcuta uf liumie in
u,s i .l ..t h. : : i '
j ',i,i vvltat riw- t,toit!Utf fcpfi-tnl tV-ui ntu who kuiw
ll''i':ill'i i' MMpaVailV rl l HKtlU'llu; ni uot.-niT . Il Ci.Uiri:
n p.i ii oi .iin- '.Vrit-iii'M. m r-Htk ami h.tvc tip even
c-uiiiii in h't'-iii nii'il, how imu'li ui r- i:np-ruint m il tbut
tin p-ut -n-i wli i "..iiufa 'iiitf lih ilicin'. iti'H;ii'i, f ir wenk
il'iiiiii'lin iui'I t'iit(.t li!rl iyttftMB, vliouitl kuuw ws'll flm
itn'ilun! jir 'jicrtn H i;t (il ni!ii liit- Ik"! manner nf securing
uml I'lim-i iitniiintr t'ti-ir In itinix iiint-i, hIm un -l-iitiiv
kn i h Ay in tin' v in i. -us ili..iMtfrt w hi h itiiiTt the huiiuia
:.! Ii iw l,i nrl-int i ui.i'ifM tn llit-m- iih4t '
' p. tli u,)t ((t..;. i unf Nit-tlnine t il" ft.Hj ; il hat u-
tlnnii in it vv'in-!i v-r hann. it can n:vr mr or
i i' -. i;ni iit i'l In-in- llu ruintivi' i10pj;tU'i.
b!'.il. ri-H.'( llnlijTl i huiltiiy ucll-'ii,
:t. uiul y,'$ ji-H il di'.'c iimt. rchtivn Uie
inn! i'"n.-.;iiiiti ii. aiiajH iiiiliuunt mn, puri
tmli'i t'.i-I'ii'rvil i(ion i f thf hi -ltd. uro-
; , j-i,.;m.
( t ,,, .,,,,
h ,w, u nf na-po
' i,.s e
I'M'l- L! -'Ill It
I'llfltlll IM-'V
v;.imtli erpMilv ii "Vir Ihe U'liv, lunt ut th
;;i.ui i. ii ; ii lni-fi nil iiltiiieiiim, mi invin
r.ih -a t in.' i nun: nerv.-nti yj:iin. ic imi un. Mien, ihe nnxli
enie y 'ii t - -t i i n -i it iy n--il ' Hul e;in :iny o Oh-hc ttiiupt
h - nuiil 'M s. I' V iwut.i'j'd'h iyferinr article? Tliii yuuny
ni:ill' ll.l't'il i lli'l t '
t i)Mi' iti'.i win? Tin; oi.ium:
Hi-i-;uifli Ul tiju yiiuiil l;iet, lint tiie file itt incnpiil.lp o( do
t ii tuu n, uit.l l tIl. wlnlu th other .-
it ir.niii-. ii-mii'iiif. mui ht vs the tM'itlex H fnt
l..iini:ii.K : lu; smiu. neul lniui e.vj.l'nliii. nnd dunwjjnig
in In i ,: ilr ! Mnt n -l ltii li-rri!ie ernin ttii(l Ihj puiattii
oith tn the nytt !ii t W hul ! put nct'l into u. ayiitetn.iilroudy
diw.iMtl wiili iieitl ! Vli;ii emiMetf iyt()eU hul acid ?
1 i we ii. n all Uiuiw. tliiu when t khI n mm in tmr tUunuicha,
Wliul llll-H'hli'l ll .frdueec .' llnlllleliee, heurthhuri), H(ipl
tiilt 'ii t-i iin lusrrl. liver e.'iM.lnini. (iL-irrluru, dymitery;
c 'he, uud e.nijiU.m m Hie li!'l W'hal m iVr 'tula but;
im ueid Iniiiii.i in tin- ll 1 Whitl jr-ihu'tn utj r!ie huniora
,,.,.,,.1. h,1tllfllll Knir.ll :.iih ol the Skin. SeUI Hmd.
j Kheinii. Kim tn. While Sweiiiu:', I'eyer A-rea. und all
i internal nnd e.xieiiud ! I i iii'thing under
p'l lii.- llinils-ul llu- l'i"lv rc or 1.11.. What euaat-a
t'lii-uiiiiilii-iM. Ii-H a a ur or u-i.l tlili't, wliich liiaimiatcH it-Pi-ll
I..-I i-'ii ll:'- j 'Mi's uml i lM'lli.rt, irritating uad lu
ll iiniiiy- ilit- t' uml .i'Iu'iiip ii";'i-i, iiVHi which it acts?
Ni ul m-n 'u tilMvo.-s. Impunl) nl' lliu bUu ot' de-rmi-.'i-tl
rtrcu' ilimis. uu.l u.-arl; i'l! the lil'lnieuta which af
lilt I buiuit i.ul nio. t
S nv i.. ii ii t h .rrililc tn make uml nil, and iufinitelr
Wiil'PU l' US.' llll
oi itiii. i t:i!Mi'A riNii. Arm '-ctiMPOi xu"
li ii. h'!--1" liiiiiU, mi I to kni'W hove cruelly the af.
I!.. "-.I arc iki -s'-'l by rsai.iiiuiiua iii'-iimr Hie auk
oi' in w ! i'"n un- s mil!.'-' -tit oi the nuiiiua o' the sick !
aai ul ii ' .,..!lvtileiil r.'"i1 Iha tlt-spuinufi autlerers !
It is In an. si UaliUi upi'li the uiili.i'liiiiuttf, to piiur Lsi!lll
int i w.'iiii'l.-rt Itummiii;', t. kin-!li-hope in the ut-apuirinf
b..Kiui. t., rt-s!iir, health and l.lih.iii. and vivor inlo th
cililic.l ami hroknn, und to liuiiii-U iidirulity, thut Old i)r.
J u- iti 'I'liwiiM-inl hiiaai.ulit uud t.'iuid Uie'upiiurlUiiity aiul
nicsna In tiring liia lini'id I'liu'ersul ( .'iic.-iilratpd KL-ma1y
wilhia thv reach, mid lo tha kuowltaie ..rail who llded il,
thai Ihcy uuiy It-uJii uud kiuivv, t.y joyiul cspcritm, it
And thus to 1' ivc ihe iiiinirchiis.a.lik, uaiisiiiclioii of hs'inf
mixd und millions (nun ih,- ., piuknvss si J
d'-sp -lid. uey lo h"p.'. lu-ulth. Bud ltig lilt of virar and
uai laliiuras In lli.'iiiaelcaa. ilwlr fiiinilieaand IriMidi
A.invT HI'.MtV M.iS-KU, Suiitsuy.
, 'uly C-, 11!!. ly e. i vv
I'li-vt-ii School Tt-acbera m anted.
M'UF School Directors of Shamokin township
3- will meet at Niufllown, October the 1 3th, to
examine and employ eleven teacher, for the so.
veral school of said district.
JOHN, iVereuiry.
fnumown, Sept. SWd, 1849. 8t
7lVb.SE OINTMENT.., fresh suuply rhui
j ti excellent article for Tetter, A e just rereiveii
snd for sle by HENRY MiS.SEa.
Stinfciw, July , 149