Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 06, 1849, Image 3

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Coal (Erabc.
, ; Sumburt, October S, 1849.
AwiCunt of coal brought to Sunbury ovct
win uanviue and i'otteville ran road, lrom the
hamokin tninea: Ton.
For the last week, 626
'l'er last report, 12831
. Total.
; ' $l)c illarkct0.
: V' . . . Oct. 8, 1849.
'' Wheat Prime Pennsylvania reds .,. ore
.Twill at SI 04 n 1 06 and white at SI lOaSl 13.
Corn. 'Yellow is worth 64 a 63c: white
. ' Rye Market bare small soles at 60o.
" Oats. Southern Oats are huld at 89 a 30 j
Punna. 35 a 36ts.
Whiskey. Sales in hhds at 29 c and bbls
same price.
Offict of the American, Oct. 1st, 1819.
"JftAIN. Sales of wheat at 1 04 a $1 08o
'for prime white, and 98 a SI 03 lor red,
find white suituble for family Hour ut 110 a
, 119 cts. ,
CORN Sales at 60 a 61c for white, and
"60 a 63o for yellow.
OATS Sales at 29 a 32o per bushel.
WHISKEY". We note a sale of Mils, this
Tnorning at 284 a 29c, and hhds. at 28 cents
Corrected weekly ly Henry Master.
Wheat. ' -100
En. .56
L'oi.f. 50
Oats. 37
Buttib. '14
Eacii. 9
1'uuK. . . . . 5
Kimr.r.n. .... 155
Tallow. -10
Brawn. ... 25
Klax. . 8
Heckler Flat. ... 10
Dried Arri.Es. - 60
Do. Pr.AriiE. ... 00
ItEGISTElt & KEL'UltnKK, &c,
PHE subscriber ban been solicited to offer liim
7 self attain for the office of
or Northumberland county, and trusts if elected,
i e perieticc in said office will enable him to dis
harge its duties satisfactorily.
. john r. 1..
5unbury, June 23, 181!)
PHE subscrilicr offers himself to the electors of
I Northumberland county ux a candidate tor
nuld he he elected he will faithfully discharge
e duties ef his ollice.
Lewis township, June 23, 1813.
FtLtow Citizens : Warmly urged by ninny
f my friends, I have consented to be a candidate
lor the oflicc of
t the next ecncial election. II is known to the
most of you that J (submitted my claims to llie
i'ounty ('oiivcnlion that us.c u'.hu'il in Sunhury,
od Monday last, nml received a mnjoiity over uuy
other candidate on the first four ballots. The
means afterwards used to defeat me, 1 consider
v ere unjust and dishonorable. I air:re to submit
litem now to an intelligent community, audit's)
fortunate as to be elected, I will endeavor to dis
charge the duties incumbent upon said otlice in
food faith.
cry respcctfwly your, rellow eitren.
Northumberland, fcr,
1 .1819.
HCGISTER ft UECUUOi'.rt, &t.
'PHE undersis'ned fenpeetfully offers himftlfas
a Candidate t the next neneral Election, for
these offices. Beinj Well acquainted with the
duties for several years, and fully determined, if
elected, to diseliBrie them faithfully , he Uolievcs
he eould givr general satisfaction.
. I slo pledge niyficfy that, if elected, I will apply
the one half of 'the lictt proceeds of the offices, to
the support. of Mrs. Irwin and her Orphan children
(whose indigent circutristiinoes greatly need it.)
lor two years from IfciVrnher net, the time Mr.
.Irwin's term would rmvclfxpired, if he hail lived.
The support of the 'electors would lie greatly re
tnembered by
daV'id kocke feller.
8unbury, August 4, 1849.
I hereby offer 'myself to the citizens of Nor-Tliu-nbevUnA
eouiAy, s ct nlidstc for
and pledrje 'lnystlf, tihrfu'ld 1 Ve elected, faithfully
to discharge the duties of said office.
t Milton, Sept, 2Sd, 1849
. The People' Candidate lor
THE Subscriber havinrj been solicited by a
number ot bis friends to continue as a eaudi
dale fdr
And Wlleving tW a majority of the people were
favorable to his eleetion, 4k has consenLxl to sub
jnit his cluifrrs the Ismiueniiekt Elkctuvs op
No'bthumberlsxu Cocxtt, far that oflicc. His
treasons for (lving so is, that he believes the will
Vrf t.'ie tople was not fiairly expressed at the dele
Hate elections. He therefore deems it due to him
as well as to his triends to refer his claims to an
honest and impartial people for their decision,
and promises faithfully to discharge the duties of
the otlice, sliould he be elected
.ynbury, Sept, 23, 1849.
' $5 REWARD.
tOTOTJEN trata ttte subscriber in iunbunr on
OaiionHsy might tle 25th inirt., a BLIND KOH
WEI. HORtSE with a white streak on his fore
head, loiuT'taS and mane of the same color, about
10 or It vesr old. A wagon saddle was also
stolen from the SisWe of Benjamin Hendricks, at
the same time. The above reward will I paid
for any information thai will lead to the Meovery
7 vuiVfilonnfUl'D
of the hone. rsnavwuuviimi.
t Sunbury, 8epU 59, 184 3t
Eleven School TeAchcr wanted,
rVHZ School Directors of Shamokin township
1 will meet at Biiumown, October the 13th, to
exam ins and employ eleven teachers, for the se
veral schools ot said district.
H. JOHN, Secretary.
Snufflown, Sept d, 1849. 3U
HfTK BRANDY for preserving brandy
neache "I an excellent quality, tor saw
Buubury, Sept 88 3, 1849
r TEN INC 8. A cheap and excellent arti
, for fastening sash for sale by
,,,4, J. W.I RILING.
Sunbury. July 7. 1819.
DR. J. N. KEELER & Bro. most respectfully
Nnlicila nttnufinn In ihntr frnali atrink nf 7Txr.
solicits attention to their fresh stock of Eug
i.'A, French, German and AmcicaH Drng, Med
icines, Chemicals, j'aints, Oils, Dye ,vtulls, Ulass
ware, I'crfumcry, Patent Medicines &c Havuig
opened a now store No. 294 Market St. with a
full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we re
spcctfully solicit Country dealers to cxamino our
stock bclore purchasing elsewhere, promising on
and all who may feel disposed to extend to us their
patronage, to sell them genuine Urugs ana mcui
cincs, on as liberal terrus as any other house in the
city, and to taitlitully execute all orucrs cmruswu
to us promptly and with disjunct!. ' . ,
One of the umnrietors heinn a regulnr physician
alTords amide cuarantec of the genuine quality of
all articles sold at their establishment.
We csneciallr invite druggists and country
merchants, who may wish to become agents for
Dr. Krelcr't L'clcbattd Family Medicine, (stan
dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad
dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, wc respect
fully remain,
N. KlSliWiiauuu., vvnolcsaki JJruggists,
Io. SU4 Market street, l'liiladclpliia,
September 15, 184U. ly.
cigrallfcKle Is IJu- ItaNfMt tilmc of
T'E are not among that class of Editors who
' I'lM-n fvL-.lrtlUr. ...ill fn. IV ...ll.
.... ......... a .. 111, uL ll.l.- I .ll r,f Ull 1 Ul 11
nd honesty) "crack up" on article and hrini it
into rapid sale ; neither are we willing to remain
silent, after having tested the utility of ait im
provement or discovery in science or art. Our
readers will recollect we told them wc were tin
well with a sore throat mid violent cold sonic few
weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottles of
and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot wc
ever had a cold. Those who nro alllicted, may
try it upon our recommendation Lcwigtvn Tele-
A fresh supply of the above valuable medicine
just ro-cived, and for sale in iSunlnny, by John
W. Friling, Mary A. McCay nt Northumberland,
and at wholesale by Frederick Klett, cc Co., cor
ner of 2d und Ciillowhill streets, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, fSept. 22d, lfil'J. 8 nio.
Importer of French Ilnskets Looking filnsses,
and Fancy (joints,
No. IS Noi lii S'(oiil Sliort,
Between Market and Arch Sts., under J. Snivtr
Jones' Carpet Warehouse, two doors below
Christ Church,
TTASon hand and is constantly receiving a
large and extensive assortment of Combs,
Brushes, Fancy (Joods of every description, (too
numerous to mention,) Looking Classes ol'Cilt
and Mahogany frames. Basket. Coaclies, Chairs,
i? r 00 ais,
Shaker's Eastern Wisp and Country Brooms,
Window Blinds, Door Mats. Tubs." Buckets.
Churns, Washboards in fact, Wooden and Wil
low Wareofcvefy description, all of which will
be sold low for Citsh or City acceptance.
incrcliants w ould savo themselves much lime
and trouble, by calling and examining my stock
bctorc purchasing.
N. B. Ijookin-r Classes, are Insured asuinst
Breakage to nil i.,aits of the Union, without evtra
August 25, IS 10. 1
TN l A ff"W
i ja r.M'l.l If !. l.l.i informs tiio cttiwns of,
JlX: this place and vii initv, that he has nerma- !
IH'iitly localcd lumself in Nunburv. His olVicC i
is next dour to Mr. .lacoli Painter's luiticr-sbop,
where he can nt all times be iuud, unless pro
fessionally cngtmed.
.Sunbury, August 25, 1S49. Cm
1F.AD the following eertifieate fr an Oipt. llrv n', tie
well kiiiwnaiul njpul:ir Simla U,iat l.'uplaiu ( t!'
riiiLAntLPiiiA, October 31, 111.
rVvsral years siaee I was ailnekcd with a hrtjikin. nut
on my neck in Uic i' inn ol''I'eiler, wiiieh 1 uiu c )iiviiKM
Was c nlraetivl at the Hurler's Slum. It irnui.liiallvexlciicl.
fit over my face until it readied tlie upper purl of Ihe
rheelis. Jiiriii(; die several unntln that il emtiiaieil
snicmlini:, I lieit rlifl,rent U)plieutioi:s, s line nf whit?h hmi
llie rtleci, apprently nt at, i,f increaMnjr tlie (liceaei hut
from iinnc of them did 1 pcrceivo tlie least liencfit until I
applied the KnK Ul.VTMKNT. Hv llie lint ofoliejnr ul il,
I w.ii perfectly cured sad have remained free of the artur.
1 have tinea used tlie Ointment, lietitlv nnolied for Milch-
doss of llie face, blotches. ch:ipH-d hanrij, if. With per.
feet sitceeeii. I tiave no hesiiati in in recounueudiag it in
tlie strongest manner to the public.
JAMkM UliVtlK.
Apenf Kknrt MAssEn, Sunbury.
July 4s, into.
I'oflKtllle, ia.
WiU (irompily attend to collections and all busi-
ness entrusted to his care.
June 10, 181!,
wilt y 'U lU-jileet
th" prem mit'iiy Kyinplnni
Whir are tiviiig you wnriuee that sours
thin? must lie d lie t t sive y iu I'rnin the frravC of
the riiamiiililive f Why ene airsce that
SiarUlriff Cyiili :he miu in the
tide night sweati ruisiiuf
1 til or diilieiihy tif
breathing ? Why
clxTii-hed und
I'msIit llie
that is
prpyintr iiiob
your vitalu,
takina nwuy yinir ptrenirtri
Wilt erh pasiiiii day', mirl h.iKt'eaiejt yiu to
that binrae trout whence no traveller returns?" lie is
unw ulHe to travel and nttunit t i his tmniness.
Vitlle the runes oi Key. llenrv Jones. ttiH KitfM Ave
nue, who trus eur.'d of s rotiuh of M years slaiulinir ; Mrs.
Alle, No. a l'irnt-lln-street. who had been pien up
by l)rs. M ilt, Hne and MeClellim. The guiiuli hild of
Cbritft4AR Klenlui, I'm laidlow-street, who wus also given
up loiiie. Mrs. Millne, lOrmerly of Jlronkliu, wtioin the
hrt I'liy.ietuns s:iid cuild n'i tie cured I and a h sl of
il hers ho have heen tililieteit will)
uiM Hii tuc varieits fnruisof diserme in llie vital organs.
llo uuy uoulil the eiticaey ul tins meiliclne f IM them
uo and converse with those who have Wen cured hv it.
l'ainplijcts curtaining the names und residences of u small
iioru.-ill ui mem may uo tummies, sraoa. in piirciiasitif!,
He sure V"U el llie genuine, usk fisr SIIKK.M A.'! Al.1
IlKAl.l.Mi ilAlAA.M," and seo lluil the wrilteu signs
turool'A. Slicnuau, M. p. is on the rapper ul' each bottle.
tins cured more ruses of Khealiialii-rn, Puin in the Iluek,
Side uud I'liest. l.tllilliai'o and WrukneKs. Iliuu imv uiinli'
callnit that )i:i incteusett, hundreds nf uuprilu'ipled tummIi
nave mieiiiptnl to munterlcit II. aim jsilm It nil upon the
community ut the genuine. fy Oi-ware of l)iseeptioit..c
iruii.i,er nun ih true anu genuine I'utsier is siireuu up
reitiltvh )atter niude cxpnsly for the purHis and every
eue the signature of l)r. Shcriimn Ispruilud upon tlie hueii
ol the t'laater, und the whole secured by C'npy Hiulit. Kim
others are genuine. Theref ire when you want u real ,iud
niieiiimc s rmir siun's I'lmtet, cull ul Ihoulhce, Itie Nassau
iiii, sun ynu will IV tie nis't'ip'jjnlrrt.
ltememlier pniiciiuil ( . ifiets 111 .Nusstu-ltreet, New-York.
where oil Dr. Sherman's l,zeiitfi- ure s ild. Ilia Aeeuts
re Mrs. lluy, Full.iii ,trer, Bnsiklyu; Jluies,jii,
nuaiuniurg sua ueonins Ik ( o. Hoslon, ana
- JtlHN YOL'.NO, Hunbury. .
M. A. MeCAY, NorUiuuiberlaud
Ang. 11, elm 1T
STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers,
and other articles of stone w are just received
and for sale by JOHN W
Sunbury, June S3, lSlSr
'In.SL"E PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for
1 covering grasses, oic, lor sale at tlie olliee of
the American.
n OOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several cor
irs of the life of Christ, and also a number of
gold pens which we will sell at tlie Philadelphia
prices. For sule at wis omr.
PURSUANT to an act of the Genoral As
sembly of the Common wealth of Pennsyl
vania, entitled "An act relating to the eleo
tionsofthis Commonwcalih." annroved the
second tiny of July, Anno Domino, one thnn
sand eight hundred and tliirly-iiine, I, JAM ES
COVERT, Hiirh Sheriff of ihe county of Nor
thumboihind, lV'iinsylvaiiia, do hereby make
known and give notice to the electors of the
eounty aforesaid, Unit a general election will
be held in snid enmity of Northumberland,
on ihe SECOND TUESDAY (9ih of OCTO
BER, 1849, at which time, .State mid Conn
tyOlficers, as follows, are to ba elected :
One person n Cnmil Commisuioner of tho
One pi-rson to fill the office of Member of
the House nf Roprcsuutntivea, to represent the
contity of Northnmherhind in the House of
Ki'presenUitivi's of Pennsylvania.
0,ir porsnii n. Hepister, Recorder, and Clerk
(if tin! Oiphnns' ("onrt.
One petsuii a dimity Treasurer.
One poison as County Commisskmur.
One person as County Auditor.
I also hereby make known and sive noilce
to tho qualified electors of said county, thut
on the fifth tiny of April, Anno D-imino one
thonsniid cijiht hntidred and forty-nine the
followitic Act entitled "An Aet eubmittinar it
to the people tif Union and Northumberland
counties, lo vote lv ballot lor and agniiist the
erection of poor houses in said counties."
was passed by tlvt neneial Assenibiy of this
Commonwcalih ns follows, to wit :
Wheukas, It has heen represented to the legis
lature, that the citizeus of Cnion and Norlhnmber
lnnd counties, are desirous of knowinu; the senti
ments of the people expressed nt the ballot bov.
iu order to ascertain whether n majority of said
citiens are in favor of crectins a county poor
house, in each of sjid counties, and if so, that thev
may thereafter apply for the passairc of law if
deemed expedient, to carry out tlie will and wishes
of Ihe people thus expressed! therefore,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the (Senate and
House of itciircscntiitivcs of tho Commonwealth
of I'eiiusylva iu General Assembly met, and it is
hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That
the ipiHlilicd voters of the several districts of I Tninn
and iNorthiunberlaiid counties, shall be permitted
to vote tit the ensuing; ecncrul election, for and
atraiiist tlie erection of a county poor house, in and
lor said counties respectively.
Skctiun -. It shall he the duly of the olli 'crs
holding llie general election nt lho tinia and places
provided by-law, to receive from every person quali
fied to vote, a written or printed ticket contaiiiini;
the words "for poor house," or the worJs "against
n poor house,'' und alter the polls hhall la? closed,
ul. I up the votes thus polled, and mako return
Iiercol in like manner as 1 1 1 tit tor county commis
sioners; tlie slicrili ol said counties shall give no
tice thereof to the tpndilicd electors of said coun
ties, as is provided for in the election of members
of tlie general assembly.
1 also lvrebv make known and fiivn. notice
llril tin; places of holdiui; the aforesaid "eue-
1 eleelion in the several buonylis and
townships within the. county of Nottliumb'ji
land are as follows:
Tho Sunbury District, composed of th"
borough ul 'Sunbury, mid Uipjr Aeyiitfta, ul
I he county Court llous".
Thi? AuL'iista District, composed of the
towiishipol Lower Augusta, nt tho house of
George Conrad, in said township.
The Northumberland Distiict, composed of
the borough of Norlhanibeilaiul, ut lho house
of Henry Haas, in the borough of Northuni
betland. The Point District, nt the house of James
llillioiirn, in the boyniyh of Northuniberlaiul
TheMiltoii District, at the house of Fred
erick Slriekei, in said borough.
Tlie Turbtit District, ut tin.' house oeet'pied
by Abraham K i-inLriT.
The D ilawnre. District, at the House ol
II -"in v i;
'J'li Chiliviui
n:.-:rii-t. nt ih'
enpi.'d by 11-,'i.i'iiiii 1'
Tli I. "wis D'.rict
ill il-ii;i of M:
elliiel Header.
The Shamoki'l Distiict, at the hut! so of
Charles Leiseiiriu.
Tim Upper District, at the h inse
of Peter Bcissel,
The Lillle Mahnnny District, at the house
of Fiederick Raker.
The Lower M.ihanoy District, at tho housj
of Joseph Hiurretrian.
The Hush District, at the Liberty Pole
School House.
The Jackson Distiict; at the hutise of Peter
The Coal District, at the house of Felix
The election to opcm between the hours of
6 und 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and shall
continue without interruption or adjournment
until 7 o'clock iu the evening, when the
polls shall be closed.
The several Inspectors and Judges elected
on lho 3d Filday of March last, in pursuance
of Ihe 3d Section of the net of the. 2,1 of July,
1S13U, will huld the election on Tuesday toe
1 0 h day of October next.
' That every person except a Justice of the
Peace, who shall hold any ollice or iippoint
ment of profit or trust tniiler the jovernrneiit
of tho United Slates, or of this Slate, or of
inv city or incorporated distiict, whether a
commissioned ollieer or aa;eut, who thall be
employed under tho legislative, exctitive or
judiciary department of this State, or the Uui-.
lea Mates, or ot any city or incorporated dis
trict, and also that every member of Cnngri'ss,
and of the Statu Legislature, and of the select
and common council ol nny city, or commis
sioner of any incorporated D. strict, is by law,
incapable of holding or exercising the office
or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk,
of nuey election of lliis commonwealth, nnd
that no Inspector, Judge or any other ollieer
of such election, shall be eligible to any otlice
to be then voted for.
And tho said Act of Assemble", entitled
"an net relating lo the elections of this Com
monwealth," passed July the 2nd, 1S32.
further provides as follows, to wit :
''That tho Inspectors and Judges chosen as
aforesaid, shall meet at the respective places
for holding the election in the district to
which they respectively belong before nine
o'clock iu the morning of the second Tuesday
of October in each and every year, and each
of said inspectors shall appoint one clerk, who
shall be a qualified voter of such district.
1 nNo hereby make known and give notice
that the following act of Assembly was pas
sed by the general Assembly of the Common
wealth on ihe i!7lh day of 'Fcbiuary, A. D.
1849, to wit !
"An Act relative to voting at elections it, the
counties nf Adams. Dauphin,. York, Lan
caster, Franklin, Cumbeiland, Bradford,
Centre, Greene, and Erie.
Suction 1. He it enacted by the Sennte
and llouso of Representatives of lho Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania in General As
sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the
authority of the) same, That it shall be law
ful for the qualified voters of the counties nf
Adams, Dauphin, Lancaster, York, Franklin,
Cumberland, Bradford, Centre, Greene, and
Erie, from and after the passage of this act,
to vote for nil the candidates for the various
offices to be filled at any election on one slip
or ticket: Provided, That office for which
every candidate is voted for, shall be designa
ted, us required by the existing laws of thii
Section 2. That any fraud committed by
any person voting in the manner above pre
scribed, shall be punished as similar frauds
are directed to be punished by the existing
laws of this Cotoinonweallh.
That by the 5th section of an act passed
by tho said general Assembly on the 9th day
of April, A. D. 1849, entitled "An Act rela
live lo Supervisors in Franklin county," &o.,
Sic, it is entitled, "That the Act passed the
present session at-""" iure, approved
the twenty-seventh day of February) one
thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, au
thorizing the qualified voters of Adams and
other counties, to vote by general ticket, be
extended In Mifflin, Union, Crawford, Bedford,
Monroe, Warren and Northumberland coun
ties, so far as relates to voting at the general
"In enso the pprson who shall have receiv
ed the second highest number of votes for In
spector shall not attend on the day of any
election, then lha person who shall have re
ceived llio second highest lumber of voles for
Jodgtt the next preceding election, shall act
as an inspector in his place, and in case the
person Who shull have received tho high
est number of voted for Inspector, shall not
attend, the person appointed Judge shall ap
point an Inspector in his place; and in case
the person elected Judge shull not attend, the
inspector who received the highest number id
votes, shall appoint a Judge iu his place ; and
it any vacancy shall continue til tho board
for the space of tin hour niter lln? lime fixed
bylaw for the opening of Ihe election, the
qualified voters of the tow nship, ward or dis
trict, for which such officers shall have been
elected, present nt Ihe place of elections, shall
elect one of their number lo fill such vacancy.
"It shall be the duty of said assessors re
spectively to attend at the place of holding
every general, special, or lowuship election,
during the wholu time said election is kept
open, for the purpose of giving information to
the inspectors nml judge, when called on. in
relation to lho right of any person assessed by
them to veto nl such election, or such other
mallets in relation to the assessment of vo
ters, as toe sai l inspector or judge or either
of llieui, shull fioui time Iu time require.
"No person fliall be permitted to vote at
any election 113 aforesaid, other than a w hile
freemen of the nie of twenty-one or more,
who shall have resided iu llie state at leust
one year, and iu the election district where
ho oilers lo vote lit least ten days immediately
preceding such election, and within tw o years
paid state or county la; which shall have
beri assessed at least ten days before the
election. But a citizen of the United States
who had previouly been a qualified Voter of
this state, nnd removed therefrom nnd re
lumed, and shall have resided in the eleelion
district, and paid tax as aforesaid, shall be
entitled lo vole aller residing in this state six
mouths, Piovided, That the while freemen,
citizen of the United Stales, between the nge
of Iwenty-one and twenty-two years, and
having resided in the stale one year, und in
Ihe election district ten days ns aforesaid.
shall be entitled Ion vote, although they shall
Itol hive paid laves.
No person shall be permitted to Vote whose
name is not contained in llie list of taxable
inhabitants furnished by the commissioners
as aforesaid, unless, First : He produce a re
ceibt for ihe payment, within two years, of a '
slate or county lav assessed agreeably le the
ivnslittitiuti, and give sntisfaetoi y evidence
eilh'.T ee his own oath or atlirmalioii. or on
the oath or allirmutuui of another, that he j
has pti l such lax, or on failure to produce a
receipt, shall make an oath lo the payment '
lliereol : or second, 11 he claim a right to vote
by being nu elector between the ages of
iwentv-niu.' nud twenty-two years, he shall
depose on oath or allinnaliuu. that he has re
sided iu the state ut leasl 0110 year next before
bis application, and make such proof of resi
dence in the distiict us is required by this
act ; and that he does verily believe from the
accouulsgiVen him that he is-of the nge afore
said, mid give such other evidences as is ie
quired by this ucl, wherepon the name of ihe
person so admitted to vole, shall bo inserted
in the alphabetical list by the inspectors, and
a note made opposite thereto by writing the
word 'tax,' if he shall be permitted to vole by
reason of h iving paid tax, or the word nge,'
il he shall he permuted to vote tin account o
liis age, and iu either ease ill" reason of sicli
votes sh ill b' C:ii!'! cut to th" ch'lli. who
!i..i! nial.e notes in t!i list id voieis kepi by
' hem.
I 1 nil c is -s wliue l!i" nate" f ih,. p.-ison
claiming to vote is if it found 1111 llie !it lur-iii.-hotl
by llie Comniis.-iiint'is and Assess ir,
iu his right In vote whether found th renn or
not, is objected to by any qualified citizen, the
Inspector shall examine such person on oath
as lo his qualifications, nud il he claims to
li.ivo resided in the state one year or more,
his oath shall be a proof thercot, but he shall
prove by at least one competent witness, who
shall be a qualified elector, that he resided
wilhin Ihe district at least ten das next im
mediiilely preceding the election, and shall
also himself swear that his bona fide resi
dence, in pursuance of his lawful calling is
wi'hin the district, and lhat he did not re
move into said district fur the purpose of vo
ting therein.
Every person qualified as nforesaid, and
who shall make proof, if required, of his resi
dence and payment of laves, as aforesaid,
shall be admitted lo vote in the township,
want or distiict iu which he shall reside.
If nny person not qualified lo vote in this
Commonwealth, agreeably to law, (except the
sons of qualified citizens) shall appear at any
place ol election for llie purpose of issuing
tickets, or influencing: citims qualified lo
vote, ho shall, on conviction, forfeit nnd pay
any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars
for every such offence, and be imprisoned for
any term not exceeding lhree moulLs.
II shall be the duly of every mayor, sheriff,
alderman, justice of the peace, nnd constable
or deputy constable, of every city, county,
township or district within this common
wealth, whenever culled upon by any officer
of an election, or by any three qualified elec
tor thereof, lo clear any window or avenue
to any window, lo lho plaCe ot general clec:
tion, whicu shall bo obstructed iu such a way
as to prevent voters fioih approaching llie
same, und on neglect or refusal to do so on
such requisition, said officer shall be deemed
guilty of misdemeanor in office, and 011 con
viction shall be lined iu any sum not less than
one hundred not more than one thousand
dollars; and it shall be tlie duty df the re
spective constables of each ward, district or
tow nship, of this commonwealth to be present
in person or by deputy; nt the place of hold
ing such eleciions in said waul, district or
township, for the purpose of preserving the
peace as aforesaid.
It shall be the duty of every peace officer,
as aforesaid, w ho shall be present at any
such disturbances at an election as is de
scribed in this act, lo report the same to ihe
next court of quarter sessions, and also the
names of the witnesses who Can prove the
And by the 4th section of (he net of 16th
of April, 1840, it is enacted, 'That the 15th
teclion of ihe act, as passed July 2d, 1839,
entitled uti aet relating lo the eleciions of
this commonwealth, shall not be so construed
ns lo prevent any militia officer or borough
officer, from serving ns judge, inspector or
clerk, at any general or special tdeclion in
this commonwealth.
The Judges are to make '.heir returns for
Ihe county of Northumberland, at the Court
House, in Sunbury, on Friday, the 13th day
of October, A. D. 1849.
JAMES COYEnT, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury,
Sept. 8th, 1849. ' f
God savr the Commonwealth.
TtOR KALE. A good cow, nearly fresh for
.!,.. V,,; .1 .ilTw-n , J" 111.,
HIV . ... I. NW V ...V
Sunbury, June 8, 1849,
rilEAS, from the New York Cwiton nd Pckin
X Tt Company. For tale by
J. W. FEILim
Sunbury, Dee. 3, 1848 '
ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this
. excellent article for Tetter, 4c, just received
and for sale by HENRY MAMtER.
Sunmy, July 28, 1519.
TtKflnLVKt) ET Title RfcATR AtJ Hofr o ncpnr.-ttNT4
tivm op The Commokwralth hp Pvyi.vamia in
(KMCRAL Amkmblt MKT, Thnt the Coiililut.'ti ol' tliii
f'oininnnwctiiih be miieiMied in 0io ai-cuml w-ctimi nf the
filth nulcltj, n thnt it nhull rwul n Mlnv: Tho Judiron of
the ffnprfiiie Court. ot the several Court of Common HJchh,
nnd oi mich other Omitu Heron, hi nro r mIihU he eniH.
Minlied by lnv, nhnll he rlectnl hy thv qualified electors of
int voiniitonwinui 111 wif mnnnor uniowntp, tu wit : Ihe
.iimutn (il 111c .-iiihiitc .uitu, uy me UlHIllllWI QllJi'tOrM Ol
the rVmiwniwHtth nt laree. The I'n-Kiuriit JiKlprff of the
tivertil Cort ol Cotimi' it Pkinwuinl ufmieii other Coitrtn
of lienor. u lire or rliull be ontn.-li.ihri. hy ln t nnd nil
other Juiipes required to li hunti-il In the. luW, h the qiuili.
fied elector of the reaper live diti inn ivt xvhich they
are to preriiJe or set hh Jmlre. And the Affceitiic .UuUes
of the Couris (f CoimnMii iMuhii by ihu iiimiucd electors
of the r million respectively. The Jutcs of th Supreme
Cuirt Mlmll li-'M their olheiV fur the term of fifteen years,
if they shall s I nir hi have Iheriif-elve well t (subject tu
the 11 !1 'tuieiit heri'htafter Provided fi r, miltPetpieiit titlio
tini tier it 'ii :) The l'n .niih-iit .lin!(ics of ihe si-vend Cmms
ol C0111111 n IMfits, mill of jwh otltiT fi-nrt of Kecnrd us
ore r shutl be!ihshe. by law. uiu! nil oilier J initios re
quired to bo learned jti Ihe hv, shall hold their offices for
the term of ten years, if lliey shall 'i Ion? hehtivo. them
selves well : The Asn'iri;ite J:idie of the, (Vnrt of Cnm
tinn Pious shull h ilrt their onVrs iVr the term of five venrs,
if ihcy shall s liny brluve themselves well : nil of wh m
shnll be c 'iiiinis!i 'tied by the fi'-viTii'ir, but br nnv ren
s 'iiuhle fMtMe wiiieh kIiuI) ii -t be Kinlk'ic nt ifrmmU of
ittijtetirhriicnt, the (5nverii'r shull rrni"vti nny of them on
the nddreff nf twolhirils 01 vv branrh of the tientslntuie.
The tirft election fliall bike plaer ot Hie puiw-rd of
this Onnitionwenllh next afier the (idopti-in tl this amend
iwnt, nnd tlie r'Hiiminsioiis of nil the jinttrf's Vho may bu
thou in oifiee shall expire on the first Monday of Dceeni
ber f'll iwmp. wht-ii Ihe terms ff the now jndjyis sholl
r-mnneiieo. The pers m who rhnll then be electeil .Indfrus
uf the Supreme I'mirt shall hold their otlices follows:
one 01 them lor three year.", om f r S'x years, one for
nine ye.arf. one f r twrlvc years, and one for lifloeu your
the term of e;u-h to be Hetided by lot hv ihe mid judpos, us
soon ni'tei ihe elect iim one invenieiit.nnd tho result certified
by them to the Govern r. uwt the eoiumissimm tuny be
isHiied in it--o Titanic iN-p-to. The inde wlre commis
sion will firnt expire Hh;dl Ik: Chief Just ire dtiriiig his term,
nnd therentter wh j tripe wh se c mimissln shall first em
pire shall in turn he the Cliit.i- Jiistiro, nnd if two or wire
C'ltnniiwi mis fOmtl expire on tlie same day, the judges
h --IdinmhiMii shall r!e'-i.!eby lot which shall be the Chief
Just ire. Any Meanries h;i; :i!ini bv de ith. tsiennti ill,
or otherwise, in r.ny ot the mid o ui'ts. nhull bo filled I iv
appointment by thn Crdvorivri t rdutinne till the first
.Moiirl ty of prt'ctnbor iiU'eeciliiur tho m;x? uenfral election.
The Jiulu- s W the fSuprcme C'Hirt nnd Ihe I'lCsidcnts of the
several Courts of C miu n iMeus shull, nt stnicd times, ro
ooivr for their servirrs an nrieipiatr rompfus-itioir, to bo
fiX'-d liy law. which shall irH In; diminished riurincr thnir
ronthmaneo in otVtec. but tliey shall receive no tcr or pec
qnisites of offii e. 1101 hold nny other otlu o of profit under
this CommoiHveulth. or under the povemmont "f tho Cni
teil States, or nny "ther Slate of this 1'nion. The Judges
of the S iinenie Coutt duriim their r ntum:inre in otlice
shall reside within this Conmi nVonlth nnd the other
Judge ditrinp th-ir crintiinianee motTieo shnll reside within
the district 01 t'junly for which they were r imperii vtly
S; of the Monte of Veprcstntixlh-es.
Speaker of the Senate.
In T!ir: Sksatk. March 1. 1849.
ltiniu.vED. Tliat this res ilntiun .i.. Vias lit, Nayn 8.
liMuicl I'iiu il,c .l.'iinifil.
SA.ML. W. PEAKSO.V. Clehk.
In the Hoi-si: ok Ki.ritEsc.NTATivt.s. Ait.ii. il,
KRLtKn, 'i'h'it :Ht rr .Inti m puiw. Yeu.,V, Xvs 88
lixuacl lr,,ui tiio Jniiriml.
WM. JACK, Clerk.
fr.l HET.Uil 's Ol'l ICE.
ril'.-J Aj-ril 5, ls4!.
Dip. Ac. of the Vommmuetalth.
Secketarv's Ohice.
Pennsylvania, s :
I iHirKiiTirr lln' ntni' oik) fnrppoinp-iiia Irw.
iilul nml r ,.y ,.r tin-1 inNml ii,-, in: , n,c (i,
Aii-lnl,ly. rntilli-ii "ltf.'s.jluli ,i rrlnlivi: to till Aiil.-ii'liui-nt
ul' tin' C.i"'.ttn.l Hi,'' an tilt- utile ri'iii-ilim tu ti.c in llui.
.'ttf. In tinhn 'iiy wlirri' if I lnvc lifrruiit i
y'r.rSl-'.. "1 ") Iwinl. and i":ia.i t-. be ii:!inl ihe
Wli "' ""' Stiwiar)- (Uti.'C t JlnrriK.
Jwvf '""I5, "" l'l,'v''1"" Jay "I Jane. Anna
Syif,'c' 1,,l",1:"' "- llii'usiiiui t-lii liniiclrcj und
VSawrfV I'Tty-Miii,-.
Sac'ry of the Commonwealth.
"Jol ltNAL OF .Sf.NATE
"!) ,'iii ,n, Sa. .-s, i.iiui..j 'tin lii'irin.' w-n mdi
tliinl Iliuu. On tt;- iiivii .. ill tin- S. nnt.- um w t,i Urn
rrs ,nti,,ii Tiip iux uhiI Xriys wirr t-,k,-ii iisrccaMy to
the r.'iifiiitu:i in, Lnil lii-lc an lnll,,i-, vi :
JJ.i. Mr.piii. ll,i. Itr.iwlfi-, i, rniininlinin
1'iiryili. Iliiiis. J il'ii ,n. K-iwri-iifi'. l.ciih, .Man in, Ainl
tiiian, M'i'iimi.i. Kin':, ln-h:ir!. Sailli-r, tNinkcv, Sjiverv,
Niiiil', Siumt, S;i rrc'.t ini'l Stiii, !.'! .
;.ais Mii-Mii. lii-', llrinn. l-'rwli. lvi. King, Konig.
inni lKM . I ,ln i.-, r atiJ) l.iriir, Hl-K.lkkn s.
' llie j!i-H,i-., V;. ,;.! .i.:in,., in tnr itinruinlivc.'1
JillllNAl. OK THE II. 1E OK lU'.l'UEsE.NTA
T1V lis.
Stin'.l the ni li-.ii ,...' yn, B.:t) ,,.,vs tm
tikrii :it:ii'i-;il,iy i.i il,c r i im,,, (,r tli'c H nlh nnirli; ol Hip
CoiixiiuiuiT.. i.ii'l :tri- us .,u.,u. vi.:
Yti M,i.ii.. iiid.Mii J. 1,-tii, Diivnl J. Unit. Ciiia
lluklli-. 1VI.T 1). llieui. llavi.i l. lt.,1,-, 'i'h mull K. liull,
Jar 'I. H,'rl, J, tin 11. lli. lil, .iiit, ini, 1 A. Kllintt. .1 p,,h
liincry, Davi.l li. 1 istili-nlan, ii.ian, Kvaitoi, J elm l'uli .Ul,
I'i-bi ly. J M'ih V. l-'ilier, J l.-nrv Al. l'i,ll..r,
Tlnniiiia (i,.n-, Holn-rl llaiii ii, Iwnpe'l'. Il.-imzi-v,
Til 'ina J. 1 1 . -i liiiir. .1 ,s,q li Hiai'tini, Cliarirn Hurls, J.ifili
II. lliV.VLT, ttiiltrt Klolz. Ihuriin'ii I'. l.-iird, Aliralianl
l.aliihcrtnn. ,'alni'rt .1. I.rvi, J.,111, VV. 1a),il', Japnb -M'-C'urtm-y.
J,ilm ('.Al'l'iill ill. Ilnuh M'Krr, Junn ,M'ljiU(.'li
lui, Adam Mailin, Niniiii'l Marx. J ihn 11. AhvrH, lalward
Nu'UIi-iliii. Sirwurt I'furei'. .lanni l',,rlrr. Il'i-nry t Pratt,
M m-. . llnlili. (irjiri:i ltu;il.-y. The hI-tij itiiimii, Hi-rnaril
S. ry'tiiKiiifiVfr, Siinu.l Si'ili.'il. J thn Si'iari, I'lirintian
Silivt'ly, Tli'imaii C. Slwl. Jrrvini.iti II. Suililm. Jum.-'Ii J.
SliU.niail, iMarshall SivjrlzVi;l,liT. Sjlinil Tai;i;iTt, H,'(l.
T. 'rii irn. .Nli'h il-iH Tii jrn. Arnnaii W'Mttltii, Sinnift W'l'i
rii'h, Al mxa I. Wilcm, ilanicl Zi r!.-y ami iliiani V.
TurkiT, Mpi riUrr SH.
'Nav. Alritfrii. AtieiiH!!. K. rnriiyn, Dfivid M. t'onrt.
ney, Ual'iil tvuun. Hniry S. l'.vain. .li.lin l'i'ii! ii. Jntm V.
livnf, 'J'li.inian i 11 -. J ,'m H. (i.Til Win. llmrv,
J.mii'ii J. Kirk. J.wppli jinl,ni:li, HoU rl It l.inlt-, John S.
MTalin int. .1 ilni .M'Ki-r. William M'Shi-rrv. J.inali Mil,-r,
W illiam ''. Al irriH 'ii. .Inlni A.dti i, Wiln im V. H"hcrln,
J 'tin W. Himr luTry. Xihn II Itiith.rl". t,I. It Him.ll.-Kmiili.
J'lhn Sniylii, J ..hit Muclor. llf irpu WiiIiitk un I IMivid V.
Wiliianii., '.tl.
-Sj ll.t- cjiit-siji u waa ilrtcrmincrl in the airninative.'
SKnrriHY'. Ovv
ll'UCF. f
l;j. 1.-11. t
IlairiiiaiiiL', Jllnu
Pen.nsylvasia. fs :
.... i in i i mitii v mat i ne an ' v ana i ri-(c i-
k.V-.-Ax:. inir in H I rm it i ill .iirm! .,n.v , ,l' I Iw. ' ,.!,.'
5 lative lun am
lakrii on Hit: "Hi ii iln'iui n
ninenilnienl ,'l tin-1 iiiiKtitntiun."
us llif naiiHi appi-al'ii im Itiv .r,r.rnnl. ul' lln
twwl aiiiei. ul lln-In il-TMl Amt'inMy "I tlm
C'jiinil inwiullli, lur tin: lh.ii ii ut lrlt).
A'itiiiM my lianil und tlip f.-:il ni' n.iid ii;ri"i-, tin1 liftwnth
llav ol June; one tti iimanil , ip!it liiin-lnit anil t' ,ilv-niuc,
Scc'ry of the Commonwealth.
July", lO'.l.-ni.
TUB FttlU!:il'g
f.Di i'i'.b i:v nu i.KMit.u i:.Mi:i!fiu
IK ONE VOLUME, Povnl octavo, UBS pases.
K ticiitilifiillv bound, oniitiiirilnir, 17 line i lutci,
lu-iilc nuiMi'ioiin Wood Cn's. Sold at about
one fourth the cost of tlie English work, Without
uny Plates.
"The Pumicr'a Knf-vrlopiili.i is a real trrasurv
of practical nil'oi, whcr.' in the experience of
all grs und rorintrira i carefully rnstn i f to
the present llav, und mluiirablv urriiued lor con
venient rel'i'iriiei!." Dr. Darlington;
"We arc fully convinced that mull an amount
of vuluublo knowledge for farmer run lie found in
nd other work in so cheap and convenient a form
III fact, no Purincr who pretends to bo well inform
ed in his profession, should lie without this work."
New lieiincswc Farmer.
An excellent work, lit to be distributed in pre
miums by Arjricultural Socities. J. 8. Skinner.
For sale at this Ollice, price !j4.
Also, bv E. W. CAliH, Third street, oppocite
the Exchange, Philadelphia t and N. HICKMAN,
Ilaltimore, Maryland.
ME A i.i On uk as mi-st ek aci CMr.Mi'D nt
July 11, 1SI9 3rd
1 ) E1NG a progressive and Comprehensive Sys---
teni of Ortliograpy and Orllioepy, including
a Variety of delinilions, adapted to the use uf
Schools in the American Republic, by Ahnon
Tickuor, a Teacher of twenty-live year's experi
ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators,
Practical Common School Mensuration, &c.
The attention of Teachers, (School Directors,
parents, Ac, is invited to this new Spelling Uook,
which conforms to the modern spelling and usages
in Orthography as being one of the neatest.cheapest
best arrunfrod, and better adapted to the wants of
children, than any other published in the United
Stats. It is what it purports to be, a Spelling
Book and not a Reading Uook, and only requires
an examination on the part of Instructors of youth
to secure for it a universal introduction into the
Schools of the United States. Just published, and
for sale by II EN at Massf.h, Sunbury,
. where Jcm-heri and Directors can procure'
copies for elimination.
August 4, 1M9.-S
"Encourage lour Own!"
'THE subscribers respectfully call the attention
x of the public to their large and splendid assort
ment of every quality and prico of
which cannot fail to recommend Itself to every one
Who will examine, it, on account of its durable
workmanship arid splendid finish, made up of the
best stock lo bt had in the city. No effort is
spared in the manufacture of tlicir ware, and the
subscriber are determined to keep up Willi the
many improvements which are constantly being
made. Their stock consist of Mahogany
Suras, IMvnn nnd Loungcn,
Uttrcaus, SrcrcWrtw, Sfocboirrtis,
and aUo VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila'
ili.'lpliia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern nnd price,
cupboards, Work and candle
stands, toilet tables and
extension tables,
in short, every article in this line of their business.
They also manufacture oil kinds and qualities
including Varieties never before to be had in
Sunbury, such as M uiooant, Dlack Walnut
CHAIRS, and ka vc r Piami Stools, which arc of
the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by
none lnanul't.ctnred irt the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscribers arc determined that there shall
be no excise for persons to purchase furniture, in
the cities, as every confidence can be entertained
nboui tho quality and finish of tlicir waro and
Tlicir article will be disposed of on as good
terms us they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken iu payment for work.
Xlr" UNDERTAKING attended to on reason
able terms.
11? Tho Ware P.oom is in Market Street,
opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite
Weaver's Tavern.
funburyi April 2S, 1S-19 tf
S. II'. Conirr Arch iV Cth Street Philadelphia,
H P AVE now in store a well selected stock of
E II the very best Family Groceries, which thev
will sell at tlie lowest prices and w arrant to please.
( Irer'i and Mack Teas from tji 1 down to 25 cts per
lb., the Muck Tea 45 cents bv the Ilox. is unusual
ly I'nCi Collie of all qualities and prices bettcY
SitKiir for t'l cts. per lb:, thuii nny other store
Aliicvcroni, crinicelll, I iinton (miffcr in Syrup,
Oliic Oil of tlie best brands, un assortment of tho
richest Jellies, and every article kept in our line.
All froods sent to the country, put up ncatlv and
Please try us once and satisfy yourselves whether
we can suit you. COLTON & CO.
S. W. Cor. Arch & 6th St.
Philadelphia, May tifl, 1S4!) cheflm ly
S.nIdSc m id EI:u'c:cm.4 .U.-ikci!.
fBTlIE iui'lMs!,'ncJ respectfully
Si inl'orni the public, that they
linvn p.,m.i,.l nKn. .. 1...;.
i'iJ"!4 ncss in .Siinliurv, und will con
stantly keep on haiid find manufacture to order, nt
their stand ill Market street pearly opposite Young's
store, all articles belcitguiii to their hue of business.
All articles uiunufacturcd bv them w ill be made iu
the best and most durable style, and at juices as
reasonable as tlicv can be had ut any other estab
lishment in the county. Thry therefore respectfully persons to cj!I and examine for themselves
bclore purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro
duce taken iu by the stores will be tuken in ex
change, at the market price.
iSuubury, June 2d; 18 lit.
CltKAT AlilllVAL.
1 (HIN W. FRII.INO has just received at his
' store iu Sunbury an extensive assortment of
NEW GOODS, of every variety which he is now
ready lo sell or exchange for produce ; and cbhsist
ing in part of
Linen und Cotton drilling, and aumrnei
wear of all kinds.
CALtroits, Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, &.c.
Muslins bleached and unbleached.
Quecnswarc and Hardware of all
I) it res Paints, Af.n DvnsTiTfs.
And a great variety of other articles all of which
will be sold at the lowest terms.
Sunbury, May 20, 1S1!I
'THE stibscribei has received a neiv supply
of the best liquors Unit ever came lo unbui ,
consisting in part of
Superior old pale Ifrundy.
Fine Coguiac Mainly.
Si pcrior Old Jamaica Spirits.
New England Ruin.
Fine Holland Gin.
Superior Old Whiskey
Comm. in do.
Superior Maderia Winn.
Lisbon do. do;
Nuperio' Port Wine.
liurgniidy Port do.
Sweet Malaga Wine.
Siqicrior Claret Wine in bottles.
Champagne. do. do.
.?uilhury, May 2C 1819.
Green's Oxygenated Hitter, price reduced.
Old Jacob Townscnd'sSurauparilla.
Raker's Sarsaparilla.
Sway lie's iyrup of Wild Cherry.
Swuyne's 'crmil'uge.
Ayre's ("berry Pectoral
Dr. Drake's l'anacea.
Dr. Cullcn's do
Tidbit's Pain Killer.
Dr. Hoolland's German Mtters:
Indian Vegetable Pills
Horse and Cattle Medicines
For sale by HENRY MASSER.
Sunbury, July 14, 1849.
Notice to Ielliiiiiicnli
ALL persons iiiih-hU-tl to the subsrrilier, longer
l...n .n.....u ....ttx nrhnak nri-Amil nm
rcqiicstcd to rail and make settlement, or else their
aeeouisls will be left witn a inaiiiMirnie ior roiuw
(Munhury, July r,1849-
Valuable Book.
rlFE or C'uaisT, handsomely bound, D'Ar-
ioi's llisToar or tbi RtroaMATioii,
Itmi DiT-aooKS aid Ledcess, full bounded.
K or sale at the publishers prices by
11. B. MASSES.
Rjinbury, July 14, 1819.
LANK5 of every description can ba had by
applying at tlie office ot the American.
CUES An excellent article, for sale at
ball the usuul price by J. W. FKILING.
unl'urV, July 7, H13-
tn nil ('hrUtlftnlzed Mid Hvli?r1 cnumrtn. hnn nmitA A
InrirT iroiiirLinn uf rlf itbt than nny thcr tnnltMy Hint
hfthct' lh human lnjiiy t nnd, until w ithin ft few yenrt,
Hirre hut not bt-tm any rrrtnin rtmtdy iu it op tile JeTal
tiun of the deitroyer. ltut now
Cure, itry many nf Uiu mp.i motility m.ik iil suit i!iit1.
"pod eiwi ot ("vtfflonary CVtsnnnriffm seal, vnimbui
ns ol ulunttd mi diuutd LUHGS-tut-h H)ilw ca
lf" nnT!r Iwloni currd lit but ihIht miaHiine:
Bo .irifrrV "il wrrf mmi nf th'.' mllicu-il nnhri s. iMiai iironuunitril by phini so,l liii iida .tu Im
ACTUALLt tiio. gn,8. who ,,Hd ,no,r ,iri,.l clothes
r cun-a, and yet live tnh.'r.. ub il
.Hid wmial n,,t live .,tl,r day, mi ni .
hi'.l If h (ticy .Tnr Knrn.
It u .11 tl rlmnrtn n,l ,,nrirvini vtrtm,
Tel-all '"' u '' i'reUHr'ti.m -vhieh
brant's Indian POmtYiNQ extract.
TIiI dllf'.-r. fi nm t'cr.ti.o tin. ,r.,.,.,., fnM i,t,J,
Wr.i. Oii.wi. ivlil. h inn ;,tt-ii!irj)f (I l,u,M to, and art sili
tialhj n.rt rtiri. tn cure
Cowgiis nd Csnsunip'ticnis,
nnd nil iH-ci-v" of h pntmotinrr nntiirf -wh Hinrnrnt
touullv jmnv im unJT urUuitiry trrnimuut, whNi
llrnist, Tlironl; Lnnss, and Itcnrt;
Tlii" BALSAM and
rWwhiTo iit'crnatlv a cirt'ihtty Htnl tnniv JH'ri
rviNo KXTmcr citvt nnH hanl rlrir rttcrnnny. Tbi
i,if- un im- iViie cfiCK of L'oufh wi'l Conttmptioti out
ut' VV, Mi cr nil other rcim tlifti bw failed fJ dt goM,
Thousands of Consumptions
rnl Chronic (httsrh., nlnindnntlT prnrp In unfailing tfi.
m y in tich rli-cif-fj. mnl ita undoubted curtitiro pnwt-ri
fiiil foitliiiiir. lifHliinr nHrfiM. In th fulluwinp com
,'l'inf(i fAnd dwiMMi-n. vtz.: Syittiitr of lihod, Blredityt oi
th- .vrre-. Vnin in ihr Ilr ai avSati'ie. Xifht Sirent AV
rom (imvhihiu, Vnlpitatmn vf thn Mart, Chalrw Tttfant
rt.m. I ty -ni rru him fi'imnur Ct.y hints in ChiUien and
Adutt. A. than, mid ALL
No it'mi dy tlmt ltnf bfcn ntlerrd to th ritflilic hnn i'Vf
hern half a rtrtnin nml r'frrtunl in correcting A1J, the in
ii.j--t'il irm'tne tr mnl imwtlnritir9 -it ihe letti'ilo ffX, 4
lilt AST S in.MoSAHY flALSAM. It rnnkes no dif-tt-rt
ner vhehiT tht; 1f 'on-nit'iit If upprt!ion ezresti,
or other inridintal tnii--i' 1i,K(ii;i,A'i KS At, I,, by !. m-nN-m. rfur'liiiiie te .ir ulmitm, ind
toothi'i? m il ollanine NKH VOL'S IltltlTA BtHTY. Su
our J'anipUUi for p' o A'.
. A Dying; Woman Cured !
V'r nit thi- cure in provn tKf poitcr to sare Ufa, whfif
thi-t I'.M.SAM iii il--i1. t,vin HMer llir ii.-rnt.ii i rhnsi Irrid
hy phvHt.-liin find frit ndi tj l.c in lliu int .taifr$ ol di-t'n.f
- iiftit 1 y tl9Htr - nnd. m t!ii ruse, tn fur ionr thr ihu
inrnm' tmi buriul cloth'cs were hd-i-ht.' t,r tU. parti en
lor nf thin rttte. mid tht Ttyexr.Me urn xudotihml pruof
I'VIMn r L'UUt'l lanti;i Ul ti tucl'''- l -t'er tj our
, 'I nii rnr -wrifi fi!".TtM oi ,B K tYKEMri, of
llnUtton Si-a, Siira'oea Co . .Y , V- cun protn, bvin
dnii-it. mfnyri'li.'r !mo t rjt:a!v n Impcli ii, nnd iniiu
mrrnblf c.mvi ut Coupht m-1 Cvnu-rn:tiati$ CVREUtvrufck
wt ie prniinnin i d hicurahlc hy fkillil f h'Jii. iant.
Feu tin: cure of . IliilMal nl' Slumlord. L't., slid oilier..
I3Tspepsla !
Sro Un, cnri- nf T li ll'iV or ,1 1 . r. 1 1 m i , I . nf Antra, Wyd.
initio Co , N. Y-. mnl nnniy min-K, in our I' .
Dyentsrjr Sc Summer Complaint
ii- fh'l rrn nu.! A lulu nro n',wt nir,l, Waly Chiiire
will !( me . -Ay. ArrT.,,'iv..nnd tomit, utui uru'w rapidly,
hy f!ie n.e .,1 ih;. ll.M.SAM. " ,
No ue-ih'T iiffil fv.-r mourn 'uf .3nt1t of her eVIld tiy
r.K'lTii IirimiiiM, whil.'.iti'iliinu, ii" UliASTS
I. yfOSAfiV HALS-AM rj.- i..ln.ii,i-r,-r-d. Ii -h.Mild bt;
tor audi ca-tb, h'ixvh in lurc.-T i.i.m ll'.y ordinary d ,
'I'll,' r,i'l.,w :li : irir.i ,J iJ ,, i iciant
hi,!i y iviuiii'ii n . 1 . -. I tR.N'l".S N'tMlli.'INKij:
Ilr. Y fl;;i:H.U.Il, ,t nnl.,r,l. Conn.
Ilr. .1. X. f Ml I'll. Wati-now,!, N. V.
Ir. I. li-'S.M.IN ! (,.,,rv tr. nt, nrootilyn, N. T.
Hr. T y. l't; i-'C. la'.nln. N. V.
IT (fKif l-li.lNi'ls, Mi,i,iRtovn, Cona.
I'r. (ti'.O. A IlilliliUS. li.ith. N. V.
Dr. H. WlllTI.;. Knilniiia. N. V.
Ir. C, 11, ti tt.KNTixi:. Ilvruii. N. V.
I'r. J. I) SIHI'MAN. lVvc'ttovill,.. N. V,
IV. J S'KISVKI!. Hen -i- .l., Hrimklya, N. T
Dr. (). MIII'MAN, c.irtmn.l. N. Y.
VOn SAt.K BV .loliu V. Frilins, Punt'iirv Pa.
Mary A Mcl.'uy Nnfllnimbsrellld.
J. ha II t'.asi i Milton,
Henry J. Shadier do
Itihwnl A. Ku'.i'.cr da . ,
All Mi.a-!-uial iirilr pinm be ailiiri'ssed to Valiace jfc
Co.. II fi Hi ,a,l .i' . .-v York.
Siinl nrv, Jatv SI, 1M'.1 ly.
g:ul(allc l.lfe IitNiirniirr, iiinuity
mikI 'fi tiil ( ouiitUKy.
OITli'I. 74 WAt.M'T S'l'ltKI-T, rilll.ADKLriUA;
I .M'lVAL .' IMI I 11 1111 Ka 1 KKrETCAL.
lit'. C 'mi,:, a un- ii'iw pri'iiiired to Iruinu'et bii.iil(..i
i ,ii tht: in I, i -Tal ami lulvantai' me terms. Tlier
an-antjii ,i i..-,l liy ia,.ir I'li-iricr (m-ci. :i) "tn niak nil and
every ni,lira,K-i- a;ip,a 'ainiiii' t j Ine 01' whatever kind
or nature. an,l 1 1 ri i-,'i r unit execute trtita, ntik endow.
ini'lits, ami t-i cranl rind (inreliaM.' unnuitiefl." The Corn.
(aey .,'11 aiin'i it it h nail ei.,'ivinent, mid aet as Trustees
1' ir miliars uud licim.
Tulle of l'rumiuiu. rcipml for the Asft'.raitce of 8100 for
llie whole term of l.ii't.
A gt. Pram.
3 as
a 4,
3 64
3 77
4 13
4 3i
4 51
4 71
4 01
5 14
6 7rt
Tin? prfiiiiinim arc IrM than any other, company, and the
pnticidi ult'ird p'ftnlcr atli-iiiilnct's. Tutilcs of hull-yearly
unit inartfi ly pi t'iniinnii. hall credit rutva of premium, short
tdn:., .i.'int livi'.. ynriivriitilaa und ciidtiwiuentR,' al,
form of Applu-ali -n (f r w.'tii-h tlirrc urc blank sheets') arc
to ,t: i:a,l on a;t;,!i,'.iti n at the olHi-e, or by letter to the
Ag.til, J. II. l't ItllY, Sunlairv.
It A T E I'OU INKVEIM $1IH1 on S singto Liftt
t'or I
For 7 yvurs.
For Lifa.
6 03
1.-1 4,U7
3,l 3;U7
r.-VAMi i K A T.-r .ii njf.-d 30 years next birth duv, bf
pnymir llie Coiiipany i,, et iils would aecurs to hia family
nt h,-ii tii nii. mill he ili.' in mil' yisu ; or lor he s
ciin to lla-iii imkii or f ir $13 uimnalli fur seven yenri
he n'iir. ii l,i llieui 10(111 all .ulil he die III seven, veursj Of
f i Mil. 10 paid iinnuaily rlnritis; life he aeeures StilllU to bi
imiil win n In- ilim. The insnar si'viuing hisown bonus:
bv Ihe dirl. ii '.oe ni am t,n i rrni'ainui from lli,sei hur);ed
hv other oili. en. For Mg,.ju tlie heirs Would receive $oOti
Sh ul!d he ilia in one year.
Form, oi appliiuii'in and all pnrlii iilura iriav Ks hud at
h "i1"'1-- l'l'.Ti:i i;IT.l.K.. i'nsident.
ice Pri-.'iili'iit. AYm. m, HAiitn.
Fk.ncis W. Kawi.e, Seen tary and Treasurer.
CI.Ni.rt.TiNo I' iAN I'r. .1. 11. Maimer. Sunhury.
J It. l't any, Sunbury, Agent fur .Northumberland coua
Sanlmry, July 9', It-l!l.
LA Ii I) LA 31 PS.
t 6 It N L 1. 1 I ' k CO.
tio. 170 I IliMiut St ,
RKI'llCTFl'LLV announce that theyhave
justfinibhed the most extensive assertment
they have ever offered for sule, comprising
In treat variety, and of
Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY,
In the construction of these Lit nips, and such are
matte as will produce the greatest amount of light
from the least consumption of Lard.
Recent improvements in the manufactory, with
the introduction of new and perfected machinery,
enables them Id Sell at a ery GREAT REDUC
TION from former prices, and all articles before
leaving the manufactory, are carefully inspected,
and arc warranted perfectly tight, and' to give satis
faction. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849 ly
A A'ew AaNoi lnieiilorrreaU Uoodl
1 ESPECTFL'LLV informs hia friends, eu.
V turners and others, that he has just recalled, i
handsome assortment of
at bis store in Market 5ijuare in iSvnbury, stick M
Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens
ware, Hardware, 6ii.
Sunbury, June 13, 1849.
DADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle MtdX
cine for aale hy HENRY MASfiEU
enuiibxiry Jan. i7th, 1$19
A-e. Prcm. I A?c. Trcm.
ni i su ni iuu
1 1 SI ; ta
in i sa a go.
U I 51 34 4S7
I ho as 4 ;n
VI ltl 3li 8 4U
Si t tilj 37 4 47
i!3 1 ti l ; 4 f,
'-'I 1 "i S 4 H3
tt"i 1 7tl 4U 4 70
'Ji! 1 41 j
!i7 1 Ml 44 4 W
2-t I (il 43 3 01
1 He 44 3 14
3(1 Silt 4 3 15J