Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 22, 1849, Image 3

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rfTiiBiTiKT ia n act of the General As
Mmbly Of ihe Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, entitled "An act relating to the cl.-c
lions of this Commonwoalth," opprove.l the
second day of Jul Anno Domino, one th.rti.
sand eifflu hnrtdrea artd thirty-nine, I, JAMES
COVERT, Hig Sheriff of Ihe county ol Nor
thumberland, rennsyivama, ue nereoy mono
. known and give notice to the electors of the
county aforesaid, that a gonoral election w ill
be hold in said comity of Northumberland,
.'. on the SECOND TUESDAY I9th of OCTO
" HER, 1849, at which time,. State and Conn
. I.y Officers, as follows, are to be elected :
x One person as Canal Commissioner of Iho
. ' One person to fill the office of Member of
the House nf Representatives, to represent tin!
' county of Northmnberlund in the House of
Representatives of Pennsylvania.
: One person as Register, Recorder, and Clerk
I "of the Orphans' Court.
One person as County Treasurer.
. One person as County Commissioner,
i One pursuit as County Auditor.
I nlso hereby make known and give notice
. to the quulified electors of said county, that
on the fiflli day of April, Anno Domino one
' thousand eight hundred and fortv-tuno tho
, following Act entitled "An Act submitting it
to the people of Union nnd Norilmmberland
, counties, to votebv ballot for nnd against the
" erection of poor houses in said counties."
was passed by the seneial Assembly of this
Commonwealth as follows, to wit :
WnnnKAs, Ithns liccn represented to thclniris
. llnt.ure. Unit tho citizens of Union nnd Xorthnnilier-
land counties, arc desirous of knowiwi the nti
mcuts of the people expressed nt the ballot hot,
in order to ascertain whether i majority el' nitl
citizen are in favor of crectin? n county poor
house, in eneh f said counties, and if so, that tlicv
may tliorctilicf apply for the p:is-nse of law if
deemed expedient, to carry out the will and wishes
of the people thus expressed; therefore,
ftorrinx 1. 15c it enacted by the Senate nml
House of Representatives of Ihe Commonwealth
of Fcnusylva in General Assembly met, mi l it is
liercrv enacted by Ihe authority of tin; same. That
'the mollified voters of the sevcraldistricis of Union
-RiiA Xerr'humlwrlnnd counties, shall be permitted
to vdte the 'Oiifinns general election, for and
sjainst the erection ot' cetiuty poor house, in and
for Sffid counties respectively..
Humus 2. It shall lif Viie duty of Ihe olla-ers
Iholdifist Reneml election nt tho rime and places
provided by lirev. to receive from every potwn rpmli
lied vote, a written or printed iftckel cditainiuir
the words "lor poor house," or th( words "against
a poor house," and after the poll shall be closed,
add up the votes thus polled, nnd make Murn
thereof in like manner as that fit county commis
sioners; the slii-rill" of said counties shall irive no
tice thereof to the quiililic d dehors of said coun
ties, as is provided for in the election of rrcnibers
.of the general assembly.
' 1 also hereby m;ike ktvtvn and rie notice
that the pl;iei-s of holdine the afuresiiirf gene'
Tal election iir the several boroughs and
townships within the emw."y of Northumber
land are as follows:
The Sunlmry District. "Composed of the,
borough of Snn'lwry, ami Upper Augua, lit
the county Com I House.
Thrt Auunsta District, composed of the
towusliipol Lower Augusta, at the house of
George Conrad, in said lowushsp1
The Northumberland District, cnnificil of
the borouuh of Noilliuiiibuilauil, nl the house
of Henry Haas, in the borough of Northum
berland. Tho Point District, at the house of James
Hilbourn. iu the borough of Nerthnmberliiud
The Milton District, at the house of Fred
erick Slrickei, in said borough.
The- Tnrlvit District, at the huiwr
, 1 , 1
bv Abraham Kissiuycr. I
n i w ,,, ... ,v... il,.,.,. i,r i
H . IvI'lT if i
The Chilisquaipio Disirh-t, at the house oc- I
co tvz:- or Mi.-;
. , , 1 i
cnael Kcailer.
The Shamokin District, at the ivmsc of
n t - -
Charles l.eiscnriti!j.
- The Upper Mahanoy District, nt the house j
fl' t )' . I
Tholiu'irM'ahnnov District, at tho house j
f t- i L- i. l
The Lower Mahanoy District, at the howe
of Joseph Ifiiiireman.
Tho Hush District, nt the Liberty
school House.
- - Tho Jackson District
, at the house of Peter
Tho Coal District, at the houso of Felix
Tlie election to open hot worn the hours of
Vt anal 10 o'clock iu the forenoon, and shall
conthrr.e without interruption or adjournment
'until 7 w'c.lock in the evening, when the
poll shall be clospd.
The several 5 iirjieetnrv and Juilcpt elected
'nil the 3.1 Fnday of March last, iu pursuance
of the 3d Section t-l.i act of the 3d of July,
H30, will Md tkn flection on Tuesday tlie
lOlh day of October next.
"Thai every person except a Justice of the
Peace, wfih shall VM any olliee or appoint
ment of proiit or trust under the coveniment
of lho 1'uiteil Slates, or of tkis Slate, or of
iv city or incorporated flistrict, whether u
s-o.'nmissioiieel olticer cr arcnt, whs shall be
employed under tie lesislative. ivt or
judiciary (h-partment of this Stat, w the Uni
ted States, or of pfcy city or incortomied dis
trict, and also that sVery tnP1iber of Conuress,
uud of the State Legislature, and of the select
nnd common council of any city, or comtniti.
aionerof anv incorposnted Pistrrct. is by law,
incapable of holding or exercrship the ollice
or appointment of iiidsre, Inspector or Clerk,
of aney election of this cmnmnnwealth, nnd
that no Inspector, .Indjiti or any other otficer
of such election, shall be eligible to ftny ollice
to be then voted tor.
And the said Act nf Aseinbley, entitled
"nn act relating to lite elections of this Com
monweallh," passed July the 2nd, 1832.
further provide as follows, lo wit :
''That the Inspectors and Judires chosen as
aforesaid, shall meet at the respective places
for holding the election in the district to
which they respectively belong before nine
o'clock in the morning of the second Tuesday
of (Ictober in each and every year, and each
tnf said inspectors shall appoint one clerk, who
shall be a qualified voter of such district.
1 also hereby make known ana cive notice
that the following act of Assembly was pas
sed by the general Assembly of the Common
wealth on the 27lh day of February, A. D.
18-19, to wit:
"An Act relative to voting nt e.leetions in the
counties of Adams, Dauphin, York, Lan
caster, Franklin, Cumberland, Bradford,
Centre, Greene, and Erie.
Ssctioh 1. Be it enacted by the Senate
and HiNje of ltepresentalives of the Com.
monweahh of Pennsylvania in General As
sembly met, and it is' hereby enacted by the
authority of the same, That it shall be law
ful for the qualified voters of lho counties of
Adams, Dauphin, Lancaster, York, Franklin,
Cumberland, Bradford, Centre, Greene, and
Erie, front and after the passage of this act,
o vote for ll the candidates for the various
offices to be filled at any election on one slip
or ticket: Provided, That office for which
every candidate is voted for, shall be designa
ted, as required hy the existing laws of this
Commonwealth. .
SectioiI 2. That any fraud committc;! by
person voting in manner above pr.
sorltedf, shall be punished Z similar frauds
are directed tp be punished by tm exiating
Javrs of this Commonwealth. ; .
That by the, Sth section of an act passed
ty the said senera) Asaerrrbly on the 9lh day
of April, A. D. 1849, entitled "An Act rela
tive to tlopervisors in Franklin oounty," kc,
ic, it is entitled. "That the Ac parsed trt
.jreapryljcfsiuo pf jhc .Jc'ii'jMtiirf.vapprfiveiJf
ihe twenty-seventh day of February, one
thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, au
thorizing the qualified voters of Adams and
othor counties, to vole by general ticket, be
extended to Mifflin, Union, Crawford, Bedford,
Monroe, Warren and Northumberland coun
ties, o far as relates to voting at the general
elections. .
"In case the person who shall have receiv
ed the second highest number of votes for In
spector shall not attend on the day of nny
election, then the person who shall have re
ceived the second highest lumber of votes for
Judge the next preceding 'election, shall net
as an inspector in his place, and in case the
person who shall have received the high
est number of voted for Inspector, shall not
attend, the person appointed Judge shall njn.
point an Inspector in his place; and in ise
the person elected Judge shall not attend, tho
inspector who received the hiuheal number of
voles, shall appoint a Judge in his place; and
if any vacancy shall continue in the board
for Iho space of on hour after the time fixed I
by law lor the opcni;i of the election, Ihe
qualified voters ol ihe township, ward or dis-. !
hict, for whrch such oliicers shall have been ,
elected, present at the place of elections, shall
elect one of their number to (ill such vacancy.
"It shall be ihe duly of mid osseysors re
spectively to attend at tlio place of holding
everv general, special, or township election.
duriiiS the whole time said election is kept I
opn.n, for tin? purpose of giving information to I
tne inspectors ami jmlge, when called on. in :
relation to the risrht of any person assessed bv J
.1. .. - . . . . . " t I ...: I. JL.U- 1
int-iii to vote at sticn eieuiion, or fuuii uuiei .
matters in relation to the assessment of vo- t
lers, as the said inspector or iuilae or either !
of tlmm. shall from lime to time require. j
"No person shall be permitted to vote at I
any election as aforesaid, other than ft white !
freemen of the une ot twenty-one or nore, j
who shall have resided in the slate at leust ;
ono veur. and in the election district when" :
he oilers to votent least ten days immediately
preceding such election, and within two years J
paid stnie or county tax. which shall have .
been assessed nt least ten days before the ;
election. Rut a citizen of the United Slates j
who had prevtonlv been a qunlified voter of ;
this slate. Bird removed therefrom nnd re- j
turned, nttrl y'lnl! have resided in Ihe election '
district, and paid tax as aforesaid, shall be .
entitled to vole alter residing in litis state six j
months. Provided. Tint the while freemen, !
citizen of ihe United JstieVs, between the age
of twenty-one and twontytvro years, am
having resided m the stale one year, ami in
Ihe election district ten days irs aforesaid,
shall be entitled ton vole, although they shall
not have paid laves.
No person shall be permitted to vote whose
name is not contained in Ihe list of taxaole
inhabitant furnished by the commissioner
as aforesaid, unless, First : He produce a re
ceipt fur the payment, within two years, of a
stale er count v tax assessed nsreetilftv to the
! ecus! intl ion, and give satisfactory evidence
j cither on frrs own oath or allirmation. or on
j the oafh or nltinnnlinn of another, Ihnt he
".las pa'jiff sue'r. lay, or on failure lo produce a
receipt, shall make an oath to the payment
j thereof; or second- if he claim a right to vote
I by being an elector between the ages of
i tvvenlv-ono and twenty-two years, he shall
depose on oath or attii mutioiK that ho has re
sided in the sta' at least one year next before
his application, and make such proof of resi
dence in the district as is required by this
act; and that he deca verily believe frnn the
accounts given him that he is of the age afore
said, and give such other evidences as is ie.
quired by this net, wherepon the name of the
person so admitted to vote, shall be inserted
in the alphabetical list by the inspectors, and
a note made opposite thereto by viitiuj the
word 'lav,' il he shall tie permitted to vole ly
. ' " ' "TV.-
II HI! SI 1 I HI" Ik'l 1 It' IU 1U1C Oil UCCOll III u
, . , . 1 . , ... .
his nut?, and in cither case the reason of such bo called out to the clerk, who
-j'"" ' ' lho llsl of votels Pl
T or th, . Tr
claiiiiuin; to vote is not lonui! nn the list fur-
i , , j
bv hl? ' onin.isMoncrs and Assessor,
"r his ri!ht to vote who her found thereon or
. , -. . , .. . , . . .
!'ut 'subjected to by any .pialUicd citizen, the
Inspector shall examine such person on oath
10 his. qualitietitinns, nd il he clamis to
have resided in tho state one year nr more,
I his oath shall be a proof thereol. lv.ll ho shall
prove by at least one competent witness, w ho
j khall be a qualified i-leclor, that he it-sided
i within the district nt least ifti tlavs next im.
mediately precedinp the election, and shall
.iso himself swear that his bona tide resi
dence, in pursuance of his lawful calling is
within the district, and lhat he did not re
mnvo into said district for tho purpose of vo
ting therein.
livery person qualified as aforesaid, anil
w ho shall make proof, if required, of his resi
dence and payment of taxes, ns itlorcsaid,
yftall tie oiluutloil to vote in ihe township,
I ward or distiict in which ho shall reside.
' If tiny person not qualified to vole in this
Commonwealth, agreeably Inlaw, (except the
sous of qualilied citii.-ii") shall appear al any
place ol election for the purpose of issuing;
tickets, or iiitliieticing cilieus qualilied lo
vote, he shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay
any sunt not exceeding ono hundred dollars
fur every suci oflence, uud be imprisoned for
unv term not exceeding three monll'S.
tt shall be the duty of every mayor, shei iff,
nldermftn, justice of the peace, and constable
or deputy constable, of every cit , county,
township or district within this common
wealth, whenever called upon by any olliccr
of nn election, fir by any three qualilied elec
toVs ihereof, to clear unv window or avenim
touny window, lo the place of general elec
tion, whicn shall bo olvstrncted iu such a way
as 16 prevent voters fiom approaching the
same, and on neglect or refusal to do so on
such requisition, said olRcer shall be deemed
guilty of misdemeanor in ollice, and on con
viction shall be fined in ituy sum nut less than
one hundred not more than one thousand
dollars; uud it shall be tin: duty of tho re
spective constables of each ward, district or
township, of this commonwealth to bo present
in person or by deputy, at the place ol hold
ing such eli-dlnns in said watd, district or
township, for the purpose of preserving the
pence as aforvsuid.
It shall bo the duty of every pence otlieer,
as aforesaid, who shall be present at any
such disturbances at an election as is de
scribed in this acl, to report tho same to the
next court u( quarter sessions, uud also tl'.e
namei of lho witnesses who can prove the
Ami by the 4th section of the act of 16th
of April,' 1S40, it is enacted, "That the 15th
section of the act, ns passed July 2d, 1839,
entitled an act relating to the elections of
this commonwealth, shall not be so construed
as to prevent any militia olticer or borough
olliccr, from serving as judge, inspector or
clerk, at any geimml or special election in
this commonwealth.
The Judges aie. lo muke '.heir returns for
the county of Northumberland, al the Court
Douse, in Sunbnry, on Friday, the 12lh day
of October, A. 1). 149.
BherifTs Office, Sunbury, )
Kept. 8lh, 1840. S
Gun save tub Commonwealth.
Urldre Letting'
NOTICE U hereby prn lhat proposals Will
bo received at tha hona of Martin Drum
heller, in Jackson township, tin Monday September
lj J;li. 484!1, for the repoirrnj or renewing a brlilfee
Rcroaa tire."' D(cr Creek, near tlie house of John
M, Snyder. Plain n,? PcilicaUona can he aeen
n th day of lettinu; -
j ., , Commiaaioner
( Vmmit sionrrs' ofliee. 1
SlinSiirv.'Ker. c J. I . . . .
TNpursusnec of nn order of the Orphans' Court
of Northmnlwrlnnd county, will I exposed to
Public sale, at Ifce house of Michael 8ptr.. ,in
(Vconretown, Lower Mahonny township, Nor
thumberland county, on Nnturday the 2tllh dsy of
Scptcmlicr inst., to" wit I A 11 the interest of Dsnlel
N. L. Rentier, (said to Iks tho undivided half) of,
and in certain ,101 of ((round, situate in Lower
MahotUiv township, near (leortrctown, bounded by
lands of Adam Uimjainiin, (jvorip Urosius, Jacob
Allemnn, and. the mcr gustpichsnni, containing
one acre. Lata the estate of said Daniel N. L.
Rentier deceased.
tVale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. Mof said
day, when tire conditions thcrecf will be mndc
known bv
llv order of the Court, j
Dnvid Hwkefcllcr, Clk. O. C. j
Mntibury, Sep. 1, 181!). U
vii(ii.i.sam; Di-.At.f.n or
Importrr of French itnskets l.aoklng ttlnssp,
atiit Fancy nonds.
No. IS North Spcond Street,
lletween Market nnd Arch Sts under J. Smxitr
Jones' Carpet Wnreboiwe, two doors Mow
Christ (.'hiiri'h,
TJ.VSen hand and in constantly n-eeivinir a
larije nnd extensive assortment of Combs,
Brushes, Fancy Good of every description, (loo
numerous to mention,) Looking tllassea oftlilt
nml Mahonnv frames. Uaskvts, Coaches, Chairs,
itc. I
Shalo.-r's K;u.tern Wisp nnd Country Droams,
M'iii.hiW niimls. Door Mats, Tubs,' Duckets,
Clnmi. Wushbnnrd hi fact. Wrtfl.lell and Wil
low Ware of every description, all of which w ill
lie scld low for C'Ssfi or City neecptanee.
.MvrYhnnts would saw themselves much time
uml Ironble. by calling nml examining my stock
before porehssimrv
N. 11. I.ookiSir Olusscs, are insured njS'.list
Hreakage to o(l parts of the Union, without extra
August 5S, !!! 3m
rriir. subscriber oilers himseli'to the electors cT
Northiiiiibcihind coniitv ns a cniidiilnto iif
should be be elected he will faithfully discharge
the duties ef his ollice.
Lewis township, June lS-lr.
to nil-: in depkn'dknt" "of
l'l linw CiTiir.;s : Warmly urged by mnny
of my friends, I have consented to lie a candidate
for the olfr.'e of
at the nevt ceneinl election. It U known to the
most of win tftst I submitted mv elaims to the
County Convention that nssembled in Simburv,
od Moinliiv la-it, And received a majority over nny
oilier "candidal on Ihe first four ballots. The
mean afterwards irscd lo defeat me, I consiilcr
were 'unjust and dislvMiorable. I uirree to submit
them now to nn inrellirx-nt community, and if so
lortlii'.ale as. to be elected, I will endeavor to dis-charpV-
the duties incumbent upon said ollice in
rooc' faith'.
Vcrv rrspcctfullj' vour fellow citizen,
' JOHN w. mii.i:.s.
N?0nuub iia'nd. Si p. 1 .lji-l".l.
i:i:(:isti:u &, UE(.o:ti)i:.:i, v.-.
rlHK i:niliTsi!?iiril respectfully olli-r himself an
a CaialiJate nt tlie next general Klection. fur
llicnc Plliec. Deins well ai-qiinintcil with the
(Hilien far ncvrrM yenra, (inii fully liwermiticil, if
cleeteil. In ilinclnruc tin in fjiliifnlly. lie ln-lirvca
he eoulil pivc -eiiernl Hatifieliinr.
I nlso pleilije myself, that, if cli-ctts', I will apply
the one hull'of the tietl (uoeeeiln of llic (iiricea, to
the support of Mm. Irwin atnl her Orphnn children
(whose iniiis;eiit eireiiinatniicca R.cutlV nocil it.)
for two yeiiva from Iiei-eiii'.H-r nevl. the time Mr.
Irwitt'a lerm would have expired, if he hail liwd.
The support of the electors would lie greatly re
inenltrcd hv
P'nnliury, AugtiKt 4, IS 19.
TliE subwril-er lias heen solicited to offer him
KClf aj.-tin for the ollice of
HKQlsTEU & KKi nttVKlt
for Nortlimnlierlnnd county, nd trut if elected,
his Experience in said olliee will enable him to dis
charge its duties sntisfactorilv.
joii.n p. ri UMn,.
.''unlmry, June 23, 181V)
: eootc?. ?.. JLVTL,'KC'l'Fri.I.V inl'onna the citizens of
this place and Vicinity, that he 1ms perma
nently located liinlarlf in "'unlmry. Hia ollice
is next dour to Mr. Jaeoh ruinter's liutter-nhop,
w here he can n't all tiuiea lie louud, unless pro-tCM-iioually
unhuiy, August 2."i, ISl'J. 3tn
EMtate of Jacob Gcarliart, (t'ar
pcuter) tlop'd.
TV OTieE is herehv tfiven that leltrra nfadmin
1 istriiliou upon the entitle of Jaeoh (.Yarh.irt,
(Oarjxniler) late oI HukIi township, Noilouinlier
land county, ilee'il, have l-ei n (routed lo tlie auli-ai-lilier,
n-siding in said towiihhip, AW pc-rauns in
dchled tu thccstulc are reipjrsted to tiiukc iinine
hiatu payment, and all having claims auinst said
estate are ilisireil lo present aliem to the aul-scri-dcr,
w ithout dclav.
WW. D. fRH.inT; .l.lnir'
.liic IS, 113 Ot.
I'OllNVlllO, iU.
Will promptly aHend to collections and alt buai
iu'sji t-irtriistcd to lit care;
June lfi, IS4&,
l'.Al llic- inllowiiip nt'ilicau- in an Cnpl. Uevne. the
i well kiKiwuuiiu u.ur Miutu lli-ul Cusuiu (nl' the
riubtuixi-nu, Uetolwr 31, It 10.
Hevcrul vmirs since. I w-ti nttiiekdl xvitti a lirenkiiitr out
on uiv neck in Ika mnn at"IVitr. whieb 1 am o-iiviik-1
win c.niirueliv! at the H:irtr'Miiii. It uruisliullly ealewt
el iv,.-r my I'uec unlil it tenebed the uppi-r mtI ol' ih
elii-kii. tiiiriint llie s-'veml in-iiiihs tliai it C'tiiiud
1Ma-tinc, I mmhI Uillerent Uiilieutiniis. snine nf wlneh hint
Ul elleel, Uiirelill nl list, lls-imsinv tlie dlwjae, hill
iroui imne ot lln-iii'ilnl I M:nvivu llie tumt licn--1it mil il I
lliil.l Ihe ItlMK HIS I MKNT. Hi ll"- II- S' one Jar H It,
I wus M4.-rl'eelly eurtxl nml have reinuin--(l Irev ol the ull'ae-ti-iii.
1 Isive siiien umI llie Ointment, liplillv n-Jiol l-ir n.ach.
nerfl is the tuff. I,liehe. i'l,:iiKll billHls, &e. With per.
I'tet fim-M. I Imve mi liesiuii isi ui revAatiaeuilinf u iu
the si ronsval luanner ui thfc uutilie. .
Aiienl HrT MirtCT, Unnhnry.
STOXE milk Pans, atone Jui;a and ritchers,
and other article, of atone ware hist received
and for sale by JOHN W. FKILlMi.
Sunbury, June 83, 164U.
OR SALE. A good eow, nearly freah for
aaie cheap. Eitquii at live ofhee of the
Sunbuty, June 9, 1849.
fllEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin
JL Tt Company. Tor aale by
Sunbury, Dee. ?, 1M8
ROSE OINTMENTe-rA frc.h aupply of lhi
excellent article for TeUor, 4e., just received
and for aale by HENRY
isunburv, Julv :, 119
of rim coxstiti tiox.
Pmni.vtn T Trt PntATB and rtowr or nsrnrniTA
T1VKS "S T f'rtMJtoNWr.l.TIt vr in
Oisksal Aokmi'LV sr. That the Ccwiftntvm of flails
L'.nniiiiMiwmlili Is-.siiinidnl in lliuswiml swtiisi of lhi
(ti'lli article, sn tlmt It slinll rmit as follnwa : The Jmlf cs H"
tliv PunreniR risirt.ol lliessv-mlCoirtof Cnmm"m I'll",
sail nl uk Ii "lli'-r Osiilr ol Record sa nrr or slinll be esta.
Iilishixl liy low, shnll Up rlrrlrd by tlif qualified elwlnrs ol
iho t'imiinoiiwnillli in ilie rnnnifr f'tlnwin, In wil : The
iiidpes of tha Siiirem l.'onrt. kv Ihr niifilifirrt eliixnr "f
thr flmnm'inwMlili at larsr. Tlie I'msiili-in Jnilirt-s .if the
several f.'onns of Conmvn Plons and of snrh mln l.'oSrls
of Iteeoril na ara nr slinll N rstnhlislint ),v hiw. nisi all
olhrrmtpea required rn ha leantfrt in Ihe In'w, In' the qmli.
Sril eloeUirs i the rusiirclivo tlislriris ovi-r which tliry
are to preside or net as Jiulfn. Ami llic Assoeinie JiKlgca
of the r.irtna if rmninni, plf-a l.v Hie iiiil.r..-t) rteetina
ol 'the TtM-iiHlirm .'Hh lnireme
r-nirt ahnll li--hl tlinr oTms f..r il,r t.nn of litlfxn tears,
if they shall so 1 fnt ln-hnve Ihrinwlvi w- lt: (snlii. et M
Ihe all vmi-IM ISTeinrtfler nrovhlil f.-r. siili-pirnt t-i Ihe
firsl :) The Pri-siiti-nt Jn.h-es of lh"-i -eriil fYuria
01 C'llnln-in l'lens. Hint o mrh i.lhet curls of Hi-e-ird ns
Ve "r slmtl he i-slnhlislieil bv Irnv. mi,l nil iifhi-r ,ln.l-s re.
qniriil lo lie tennii-il in il,.. .. .,,,; hi, ,.jr flipP ,-,,T
the term of leu years, if llmr hnll . lontr N-hnve Th-m-selves
well : The Ars n i ite Jn..... ,,r i. r--nrt hT-iiii.
ni-in l'lens shnll h 0.1 Itu-ir oin. M f,.r ihr lerm s live vesrs.
if they slmtl i ksn In-hove theiiHeh y,. : nil of h-in
stall li naimiissiiinnl ht Ihe llnvern-ir. Isit fur nny ren
s malile ennse which nhnlt nut 1. iilli.-ienl ko-iiihIs nl
iiii) the llnycriinr slmll ri in-ne nnv nf them nn
the aHrlress of tvn.thints nf eneh lirmieh of the' li;iliiliire.
The first eti elinn ahull lukr nrr nt ihi- ireniTnl ali-etien of
this f.Miaainiwenlth n--M nftenhr .,l..,ii,, nf ihismneml
ttient. nml Ihe naiiiiiiasiiins nf nil Hip mim who m.1v I
thru in oilii-e slmll exeirenn I,p f rst' Mmnbv of Decern
ber fill iwiiib. wlieil III- terms nf the new ' ilnleea shnft
roininenee. The -r .iw wlie xluill III. n ! rU-elnl Jinljes
(11 ihefmn-enie Cum slmll Iml.t tlieir effiees ns follows!
01 1I11111 lor three vinrs. one fir six enrs. one fit
nine yeurr. one for twelve yenr. nml -hip f.iffnle.-n vreirsl
Die term of eneh to hp il.xiil,.,l l,v ,,t l,v I lie mill imlr-s, ns
F.-.n ai'.-i in.'.-1-i'iir.iini.polivenKnl.iililltllproillt eerliliid
hy thi-iii to the r.iY-..rii.T. Ih.ii the emnmitsmns mnv l-isi-neil
in six- .ribnee Ihi-r.-ln. The imlce w hose enminis.
si'-n will hr1 expire shnll be riiief .Ih.iii p ihirin-.- his lenii,
nml thereaili-r pae!i'p wle-ne eoinnii i-.i, , rHt ex
pire shull in turn he the ( lii--l'.lulic-i., :n if ,Wn nr tnorA
enniniii .ns slmll expire en Hip siiiup il'.y. the imlijeS i
h-'lilini them slinll ilciilphy lot u-hieh slulf lip the Chief I
lustier. Any raenneips li-ipiiinir hv ilenth, ieicnnlien, !
nt nthi rwis... hi nny of the sniil e. i,il. shnll he filM bv I
nppnhilineiit bv Ihe ristyrwx-, lo pinitimir till the first '
. M-nslny nl DeeiMiiher -r.'lin" Hip npyl epm rnl elwlinu. '.
The .Iii.Iups nf the Supreme t'nm nml Ihe 1 resiileiits nf lh I
several '-nirls nf C-niaivin Piens shnll, nt s'ntnl limes, n
eeive for their services nn srtmpiiitp i-iniins-ittiin. tube '
fuiil hy Inw, which ulinll ivt he (liminii-hfd ilarlliB llifa -e-mtiiiiinnee
in o!fiee. hut they nhntl ri-eeive no f: or pS '
qtlifilesnf nlhee. n-r h-ilil nny other nfiiee n proiit llmler !
Ihi romiM-iiiwenltii. or iinih-r the ffoveniment nf tlie fni-. 1
tel Sl-ilc-i, nr nnv olh-rStni.. . ftbis fnion. The JaiVes !
nt'ttte-A-ipirmel'imrt ihir-nir their e-.-ntinitaner in rnlU-e i
flmll n-i-li. wiUim this C'-iimi-mye:ilii nni tll0 niher '.
.IiiiIj.-1'b i'iii inir Ineir enn'iiiiliniee In nffim- rhnllres-de wilhiil I
il-e iiiiriet i r t-mniy for which Ihey were respectively
j Speaker of thr otise nf representatives.
Spcphr of uie Senate .
Is Ttifc Sknatk. Marc-it J. 1.S4H.
Rrs'-I.vr!!, "Pint this res -Im inn pnx.. Yensl, Nny- P.
lAtuiet Ii'-m tr-v .luurnil.
lx r:ir Horsr. or Rci-uksentativrs, Arhii. 2,
1 sin.
Itriit.vmi. Tint this res'ihuimt pass. YnnsoS, Nnvs SH,
Kxtr.-tvl mm lite Juurnsl.
WM. JACK. O.r.tiK.
Slcrctarv's OrncE.
i r.i-il Aetil j, leic.
t)r;. Ser. of the Ciwmoutcealth.
Sf:citcT.nv's Oi-rif e.
I Pi-.x.tsvt.vAM t, :
I I no CKntiKY Ihnt thenhove nml foTcffninp is 'i true
litnl curnet in' the Ifrijehinl He. jijon of the teneml
Ass.-lilliK-,'-nllll.l "lles.ililll.-li rehlit c toan Ameruliiieiit
nl" the t.' -i.ttitiui -iu us ihe Kime renmins on tile in this
I uiliee.
Ill teslilllrinv wherisit I .hv lil..i.Hi
5 V--iS.". el lie
set my h ui'l, nml eaiis-l to Is afSrvil the
nl the sivp-tiiry's Olliee at Ibirris.
this eleventh Cay 11 June. Anno
564SS? Ifc'iinnn na th'UiKand cicht hinv.irftl mini
Sixty of the C ammo nuralth. or Senatk.
"If v Ami on. o I-", entiilitl 4lt lnti'n,' writ rend a
ttiml tiitH. On th qnertwn, vill thr avrea t ti c
rrs 'lution ? 'i he Xvn aw Sayu tskrii aeret ahly tu
Ihe (."'tiMtitutitiii, nnd v:r I .!. i , viz:
"Vi:.v McMit, H ' f, llfjw'U-y. i'rabli. f'ltnninulnin
Fwnyih. iiuc'iN J'thn hi, ljiwrwi''.i. Levin. Matvn, Mut
lliiun, M'L'aeiiiii. Kieli, Hichitrdu, S vtler, Hankey, Kuvrry,
Si tin I!, Stnvwr. Serrett nml Stun
Nav Mtwr. (4cV. lhtini. I'r i-rf. Ivet Kitip, Kunipr
maeher, IVtlteipr unit hir.i. Sit. i. eh
?ti the tir.tivtt vv:nt () lenniiifNl jti the mnnnative.
Tivr.s. :
1 'Shall the rrsn1ntifn ptwn ! TIm yni nnO nay it were
taken npreeitbly to the nr' iion l Uwr tt ntli urtiele ol tlir
Conit'.ituiiiiii. und are ni "oHnv, vi.S :
VltA McKum (iide.'it J. Hull,' David J. Rent. Cuil$
llutiilr, Tcter 1. HI mm. Dnvid M kle, Th'm:iM K. Ifnll,
Jncb t'rni, Jihu II. lirltl, Nntlii riel A. Kllmtt. iuenh
K.nier l)jitl U. Knit lei nun. Wilini Mvuiw, John Kuu 1I,
Sttmnel Fepely. Jiwpli W. Fwlter, Henry M, fuller,
Thutiai fittH'u, Kolwrt Ilfiini iu iirj;o P. Hennsey,
TU tntti J. Jlorrinr, J:ph Hiint fhrirlcn irta, Jiweph
H. llower, Hubert Klutz. Ilurripn P. Lftird. A Uml mm
LsHtiibrrtoti, Juutefi J. Iewiat, Jimit'i W. Iahm;, JmMb .M'
C'Hriney. J.4.n K.M i'ullt h. IlntrU Al Ker, Jt.lm SVljwh.
hn, Adliin .Mai tin, Niimiel ,Mirx, JclniC. .Myer. Ldwunl
Nicklei n, Heurt IVHrre, Jmuen tt'urter, Henry ('. Pratt,
AUnz Holib, lieirp Hujilt y. Thef diro Itynuut, HenuM
S. SehtNiivn'er, Hnninel 8eibert, ;1ohtt Sharp, Chrimiim
Snively, Thnimm C. Sieel, JiT'niiiih tt. rtii!il. JcL'ih J.
Stutznuii. Mnrnltnll Swurtwehter, Hmmtel TnjErrt, (ieo.
T. Thorn, .Niehobm Tlvrn. AntiifiU WnttleM, Kimnel Wei.
rieli. Aktixa I. Wikox, Uftniel y.i rber imk! U'ttlmni K.
Pucker, Sjiettkrtr. .V.
4.av Alrtwe. Aumirfni K. f!mn. Tnvid M. Court-
j noy, Uuvw! Kvnin. Henry S. Kvmt-. J-thn Kenl.rv, John V,
in'nine, i.'iniuip iiiiHUjiie, jonn 19. tt'tMon, in, jienry,
.Ininen .1. Kirk. Jteih Ijmtneh. Hobert II. T-itlle. John H.
M'Ljilinnit. J"hn M'Keet Willcim MShrrv. Jmnih Miller,
Wiln:im T. .M n-rimm. John A.tlltn. Wiltitiin Y H-'Iktih.
J-ilin W. lt..-lK-rrv, John H. Itntbeif mi. Ii R'mdle Smith,
Jnhn Smvttu Jotm Souder, liiitrgf Yaltern uul Uuvul K.
Willinnis -Jrt.
'S i the q4tetctiou w tut deieriniiKl u the adiMiuttive.
SKrKi.tAitV' Otvirit. )
II.uru-!Miif, June 5, 1M0. )
Pr.NNSY LV AM A. 5 !
Kmtr I ri c'KBTifv t'lut the alutS-r nrnl foreff.w
effr'tA l n lrn rrtit iv tlie 'euii'
nd Navn.' tnktimn the "IE munition re.
1 k lutii-e tonnanien'.iii-iit of t1ie'fmtitulinn,'
fV m1h apirn .n Ihe Joitninlii of the
$SSV H-weM ot 'thr ( nend Awiiit-ly oiihiii
i'JXK'i tVunivmwenlth. .r the Mex-iion ot leW.
AVttm-im my hnnd nntt the wnl f n dtl olliee, the ftl'tetnth
iWV ol' ,lune, one thiiwtnd eiphl hitnt'pnl nnd tortv-june.
of Ibe Commonwealth.
tuly7, M0 am.
V.DiTiio bv vi:itM:uu kmi;hso.v.
B.V ON E VOl.l ME, Koyul octavo, Ui3paca,
Uuiitilully Iniinul, eomainln-,', 17 fine plates,
In-siiles numerous Wood Cuts. Solil at alnnit
one f.mrlli 111" cWt of the Kuijliah work, without
any I'lntcs.
The Farmer's Eneyclopeilia Is a real treasury
of practicnl inlnvriiilion, wlierelf the experienee of
all ages nuil countries is carefully i-osTi.n rr lo
tliii present tluy, ami ailmirulilv srnegeil for eon
veiiieut refenMiee." lr. lnrliiri;tiiii.
"We are fully 'convinced thai such an amount
of valiialilc Unowleclne for liinner can he found In
no otlit-r work in so cheap uml convenient a TOrn
In fuel, no Farmer who prcleinlsto be well infuhii
ttl in his piofcasiuu, sliould be without thia work."
Xew tteiincKsee Farmer.
An excellent work, tit to be distributed in pre.
minuis by Auricultural Socilics. J. S. Skinner.
For sale ut this Ollice. price $ t.
Alo, bv K. W. ("AUK. Third street, opposite
the Exchunac, I'liiladtlphla and N. HICKMAN,
Unltimurc, Muryluud.
( V Avi tlHiina urtT nr. inmpiMiii nr
July 11, 1819: aw
fireen'a Oxyscnuttd Billfcr, price reduced.
OKI Jacob 1'ownsend'a SaTkupat-illu.
Oitkcr'a Sarauparilla.
Swayne'a ''yrup of Wild Cherry.
wa) lie's A'erniifuge.
Ayre's Cherry 1'ertoral
Dr. Uruke'a I'macea.
Dr. Cullen's do
Tidbit' Pain Killer.
I)r. Hoofland'a (iennan Bttler'
Indian Ycfctabl Fill
Horse and Cattle Medicines
For sale by HE.VRY MAS8ER.
Bunbury, July 14; 184.,
'ISSUE PAPEit Yellow Tuutue, paper for
covering elaaae, tte itn aale at the ofueeol
th American. -. ......
CUES Au excellent article, lor sale at
hslfiba usual price bv W. F RILING,
funhuty, July T, 171?.-
"KncourrtRc Your Own!" ,
rPlIE auliscriliers respectfully call the. attention
of tlie public to th-eir largo and splendid assort
ment of every quality tnd price of
which cannot fajl to 'recommend itaelf totvety one
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workmanship ami splendid finish, made up of the
best stock td bti bad in the city. IVd V)lort is
spared in the manufacture of their wure, aiid the
subscribers are determined to keep up '.villi the
many imiirovcmV-nl which are cmatnilVy beiiiff
made. 1 heir sdck consists of Mnhof-atiy
Sofa. If Iv ansi ami Iiouiin,
43urcat'.s, iStcrctnilcs, SfiJcOontns,
and alstt VK.NKTIAX Hl.LNDS, equal to Phita.
delihin mantifnctiire.
IiF.D.sTl-'AIWs, of every pulh-rn nnd price.
in short, every article in this line of their buainess.
They also manufacture nil kinds and qunlitfes
including vurictioa pever before to lie had in
Wunbiirv, aucli a .Mtioxi, Dlack Wimt
Atn Ct HLKn .MirLS ; itn Wixnsoa
CHAIKft ANBfAxet Pi vmi Mtoih.s, which are of
Ihe latest stylfa, and Wnrrsnted to lie excelled by
none mnnufactured in the I'ilies nr elsewhere.
The subscribers are determined thai there ahnll
be no en-use for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, ns every confidence can lie eiflnrtaiut-d
nhnut the qlislity and finish et their warn and
Chairs. .
Their snivles will hp disposed of on as good
terms n they enn ho piiP-hnscd elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in pay ment for work.
'ty UNDERTAKING attended to on reasoti
nhle terms.
T" The Ware Room is in Mnrkot Street,
opposite J. Voting's store, nnd nearly upiiosii
VeavcrV Tavern.
(iKORtili RfcXN.
Sunliiiry, April Cf5, 1S-19 tf
(:I.TO. Jfc Co. . .
.S. IV. Ciinirr Arch .V tit Sdrcr Philadelphia, i
AVr now in stre a well selected . stock of!
me n n nesi t nmuv wniccries, w?icn mev i
will nil ut the lowest prices aSd warrant to please, t
(ireen nnd lilnc; Teas from $ 1 down to 55 ets per I
Ih.. the Black 'Ten cents hy the Iiox. I Unusu ii- I
ly fine. Ciitfee ofrtil uiialhi'- 'l nnd pricrs la-ttcr
suu-ar for ( ets. per Ih., than any o'her store I
Mnccuroni, VrrinicelH, t.';itoii (iinser iu Syrup, j
Olive Oil of Ihe ln-ist lii.ind, iiii nssnitment of tho i
richest Jellies, and every article kept iu onr line, j
All jroods sent to the country, put Vip neatly And )
securely j
Please try us once and satisfy yourselves whether I
we can suit von. COLTO.N & CO. j
S. VV. t'tir. Arch Sr 0th t. 1
I'hilclphin, May 2(5, 1S40 chv.lin ly
vi CLEMliNT.
Saddle and IIariics .Makers.
FBM 1 F. niulcrsnfiicd resfwttfully
fl inform the puMir, that they
have commenced the above busi
ness in Sunbiirv, nnd will con
stantly keen on hand and nionulnctiire to order, ut
IhcirsUnd in Minket street neiirlv opposite Young's
store, nil articles Munginu to tlieir line of lnnines.
All ariicks inanult'etured by tlicm will lie made iu
the best and most fttrahlc n!j Ic, nnd at pikcrf ns
reasonable as iliey ci't Is- had at nny other estuli
lisliiueut iu the ro'unV. 1 'bey Ihcrelore resiectfully
solicit persons to call f n.l eiaininc for themselves
before purcliusiuj; ils-v. here. All kinds of pro
duce taken in by the "itoie will be taken in ex
change ut llic market price
HK.NUV Wl'.lsi',.
.-'unburv, June :), 1411.
JOHN V. FRILING hn just received at his j
store in Stinbury an extensive assortment of!
NEW GOODS, ci' every variety which he ia now
ready to sell or exchunjc for produce; and consist- (
ini in part of
Linen and Cotton drilling, and summri
vrir o f nil kind.. I
Cai.icii:, Chintz, CJimwam, Lawns, &.c. ;
Muslins hlt-iichfd and unbleached. i
Qtievnstcarc and Hardware of all1
DiU'cs Paints, ami Pvi:sTrrrF. I
And a creat variety of other articles all of which '
will Ii sold at the lowest terms. j
furtliury, .May 20, lxt'J. I
C'HKAr Nkw & Skcin'ii hanp 1'ookSior,
Snrih Wetl earner nf 'mirth nitnf jtrrA .SVree
Law Bonks, Theological and Classical Books,
SrlainTifi? aso MaihimaTicsi. Book.
JuvrntU Books, in great tarkty.
Hymn Books ami Fruyei Hooks, Bibles, all sues
and hrices.
Jiiwdi joolr, Writ iiiti Paper. ufluStulioiiarij,
II '. IHI Itlllllt,
W tl- prle'.si are ninelil owef tlmil llw kct.l'L.S prices.
r i.iniaries ttiHi sniua pni" -isim l-i pureunseu.
1" Honks imp--ro-d to i.i.l.-r t'roin 1sh1--ii.
fllllml. Iplnu, June 0, IMP y
'PHE suhscriU-r hit just recrittil Hew supply
of the lies! liquftra that evl-t catt to Nunduiy,
eonsislins iu pari of
Superior old u!e Urnudy.
Fine l'o;ni:io Braudy. .
Sus-rior Old Jnniuiea spirits:
New England Rum.
Fine HoII.iiiiI (Iiii.
Kuperior Old Whiskey
Couiin ni do.
.Superior Madcria Wine;
Lisliou do. do.
Superior I'orl Wine:
rttirnnndv I'ort do.
fwecl .Mnlntrji Wine.
riuperior Claret Wiue in bottle:
Ch.npnihie. do. do.
Sunhiin-, May SC 1819.
Notice lo Delinquent Col lector
ALL collectors of tales whoac duplicates pie.
vioua to 1S49, have not bean settled, arc here
by nolilwd that their bonds will be entered on re
cord if Battlement ie not made.
By order of tha Commissioners,
Ounbtiry, July 7, 1649.
Kotlce to Delinquent.
ALL persons indebted to the aubacribcr, longer
than nx months, on note or book account, are
requested to fell end make settlement, or else iheir
eccounla tll be left with maaisirat for eollec
funhuisi, July 7, l!, -
In sit Lhrh-tlsmn-d ..ST elel-IHI ennntHet. has e.u-1 a
Inranr rNirrii at-rieMhs lml(..By l.lh.-r mslaris Uisl
alfliets lh hnmnn t-nllyi il. U wllhjB , ,BW 'r
there lis nnt hern any refrain rvsWa tu stuu ta dcVasia
Mqu nf tha deptrnynr. Hnt.nuw-r-, , P. , . .
frtt ttry mmf nf thm mntt $&onbj mnrkfid nnd
cum oC ulctrmlBd and dinmstd tvXOAneh tortlm c-
m Wfre never befwra eun-tl "f othr jamMitn.
fin Mtrrh hoptlit went umt f th tfl.rtfT pKmi, m
to have btn prunuunrrd by pkvrtti nnd frienrU Vo
actc ali.t itin. !. h hd lHlr birTMolh
niMile, linve he-fii runtd. nd yrf livt lhrt, wl6n
mud wouM not litr ftnUirr ilny, r ttuw writ nnd
hinrtT mi thT nr wv.
It yo-iivnm nil tlm elfrtiininf fibl pnHfyin 'inuft
nrnrly nn powfrtul and nrfive ha tb ii;'Hi(tttuD n hicb
Thi d'ff.r fnirtt tlmt, lf nw thi tw? lAtril othtf
UtHrattf vehh nrn pr,nli-ir!g a &p'ti lu. ud mrm t
Cbughd And CJonRfunptions.
ml ntl ilUenwft of n ptilmminry imturf itrh difan nt
immrIIv pnivi mi Utnl uiidfir urditiNrv trt'ititttii, whiu
tht-y ntt4k the
BrfRst. Thronl, mz and Heart.
Tlii BAf..A yfhuth and rrrt fl.m in tht .uwr. nw.l
r)n-wu rv internal!, rtrtninl tU titnUv nn the Mm
FriNt) Kx i iuct rum mitt hml tiUar rr'frnnllv, 'YU
Hitn fi?Tt .Vfwf rnwfs ol Cotah mid f'rtnmmvtiffn nut
ul 7n. ntu-r nil tirimr rrnidh'i Uitrt faitrd tn rfo rood.
thousands of Consumptions
ntW Chrvnir f.fiA., hndntty pViv its vnfutinf
fvy in nu-h V:d H tlfttlutiVtfd riimtive iovr(
unit nndilittiif, hflin? TMnrrtn, tlif hiHuH in runi
(tlHiiitt nmt Hifti4i, vit.l iffttinr rf Wwl. WttUinp nt
tf' AfiA'i, f'ntn in the irM-i atidsitf, .VifiAt Sirmt, ,Vr.
rmn OmiJn int., palpitation tit' tr.e ftart, hrlrra fnjiw
tttftt ttprtf utnl Svtnwur V&rnif'atHt$ in VhUUrrn fend
MnitM, Arfltria, mud ALL
hiii half n trrt4n nnd 'ffertvhl rvrrtrtin ALL the in-
i-iilMniNl i,knw snH irrrlrrii'9 .-I the leninln sex.
MUSTS I'VLMOXARr KAf.T.4.t. It mule. u dit'- .
ten-iiee whether Ihe ilemii(fi.i,.nl I... i-prr..i6s. wf, '
or elher incidentel irirt.irf il Itr.til.'I.A'l Al.t.. bv
vtrretStnin? tl... sv.trtn. rtit ;-Ai-1 lit rires'sriVn, un-J I
. t-.u M'.uviirti iititiTAtiu.rrv. sit l
sue ramAtrtf inr pinuf.
A Dying Woman t'tti'ed !
thm enre to nrnv tha ftoieer to sbr life, in
tliU t.1.M.M U ii'tU i'vrn trtr thtt iwin in ront't.tntt
by phviii:l n mid frirti.lp In th lat acn nl dintr
notn!v it.:iir -n'tJ. tn thl rrifc. nt Jar f(vnt thnt lh
fhromi nl bur tal elth wtrf honflir. Kr r'n parti it
lorn t.f tint cH-r. mill th Tfttfirdiit nml nJouOtui pniT
tf n'l tin Hivum-tHli. ! ii mi tni t. r n-l. T tu nur
I' A MI'Hl.r.TS.
Tin- i nr.'W'tB effitr.l nn Mm 7M K HYKKMAN. r
fltfUttnit ,ti. tanttagr' tt., S 1. WV tnn pn. Iw-Vfiitt
n ilmi-t. m.ny i " l'i' altt n ltutfU ; mut ''Ynlt
Sicrnf'le t'nsi i oi fXi.-.w imh( t'ortmr,i i-tnn CI ft .". hu'li
err p4iti'un'i( incurehU ,y -killnl hysirian$.
th cure ol lr. Ul'mrd uf Hint'.Vt.i J, ft., uud it'llfr.
Dyspepsia ?
iltp cn-t nf ' M il:-(tx. mrvhn. 'f Aihfn, Wyu
ni;rS (u . N. t'.. nml nintiy muiv. in tt'.r I'Miiihi' ts.
Jyi3entcry 5: i:inmei Complaini
ir CfrifJrtH 'ii"1 .t'luh tf, mlvatfp ctrc'u Wtukhj ChiUimt
hcrtifu ffthu, hralt.'iv. nnd hrarty, miti (trow raj-iJly,
hy f ie ut nl thit ItAl.SAM.
No mithT itr-rd Tr mourn the dn!i of her ehild tv
flinh-rn Infrui'nut, wliil.- ti-ciliiu, it' WANTS
Pt'f.Mftyjtr n 4LA U VWminM. r.d !t nhuuld be,
ter 'ich rni' lven In Ur?it thnii the nrdinm-y doiet.
TSh ftii!tiwni;-nriMi'il h-rtwt ni.1 Phtiriam Unra
tiulilv rrp(.nM. ii..-d ItK ANT'S M KlUCiNKS
Iir. N. 111,'llll.Mtl), SUinlol-.l. t'oiin.
V. J. N. .- VI Til, Vvuei lo n. N. V.
I lr. llus-i't Vl.- Ilrnrr Vlh et, Hrontlrn, ft. V.
Ur. T. M. ill 'NT, Aa'iurn. N. Y.
I Hr. lii:o. I tAM'ls lovrn. Conn.
i nr. iKi. a i:oiii:i;s. Hvh. s. r.
i lr. M. WIIITK. Kmlnnln. N. V.
Mr. O. H. CiAl.llNTI.NK. Ilvron. N. Y.
I Pr. J. O. SIIIPMAN. Kave'tloTille, . Y.
i Hr. J. KKINN'Kli. Ilenrr t.. Ilnnklrn, N. Y
j Dr. O. HIIII-MAN. rorlisml. N. V.
; Ft HI SAI.r. BV John V. Frilun,-, Snnimrr Ps.
Mury A. Mel.'uy N.irltintuUiru'.nil.
.1' Iiii II. liusrr ' MiIi.jh,
ll--nri-.1. ShnflT..r d.i
i IMw.'iril A. Kntvtier ,t.
, Al! ir'ti ri anil .irU-rn inns Im itililrcttii-,1 li WiilJnee ,V
1 Co.. I'nl !irii:i!w.iv. N--W Yntk.
tiiinlsire, July -Jl, 1-lf ly.
i:iitiKal:o I.tfc Insurance, Annuity
and Trust t'umpuiiy.
i Ull'H'i: Tt W.U.MT STISKKT. I'llII.AllI-.l.nilA.
M'lIK C'-i-niany are nnw prciriri-tl to trpllsiiet l':itii.-s
i np-'ii ihe iii.'it hlii-nil nnil ilivniitfi.'i-iHl:. Viul' - They
; nie -lulh' I'i tlieir tlmrler (si-l. .'!) -M.i ih:ikc nil null
evei y ,ii.-io':uiee itppi-rtuinin- ti lite rinks i-l' wlmlever kiml
nl nutim. 'ill'l t-i 1'eeeiv'e anil I ei-tlle lril-1.. inake fH-tiv-i
meiils. nml l-t crniit nml pirchne sinmilii-..M The Cnin.
Kiny .dl iiniHitti-. anil eistovvinents, aisl act as Trustees
i-ir iiniHrs uisl itt'irs.
Table oi Premium rerpureil f-r llie Assiinnieu of SltsJ for
, the whole term of l.llr.
Aire. I Prcm. 1 Age. Prem. .t?e. Frem.
Ill 1 60 ill It Ml Id 'J'M
17 1.W M Sl 7 lit!
l I 2d St S Jo 44 I 3 d-i
111 I 1 &!l I 31 S M7 411 3 77
!0 1 INI 11,1 11 U l St! 3 D4
VI I ttl M 1 41) SI 4 I I I
M 1 do !7 il 47 W 4 M J
il 1 n :w 4 st 53 4 31
-li 1 T-i 3d .T 54 4 71
J." 1 TU 40 TU &A 4 VI
!W 1-5 41 id 6 W
r I .-M li -i Mi 57 5 :H
1 lit 43 3 III V. A At
!1 I ! 41 3 li All 5 T.-i
:in toi 4.i :i-.:i uo uii
The iin-iniiiiiH nre less llimt anv other cnminiiv. ami ihi
nolK-ics hifoid ftttvler aitvnnt!M.-r. Tahli-s ol luill-vt'iHy
umt ipiurterly pieiniiitns, luilf ercltt rS,tes irf preiniuia, (licit
tcvnui, ji-iul lives, snr ivorshiis ai. eiHlnu-ineiiis; uli,
fi.tiii ul Applietili.-n O'-ir which Ihi-re are Munk she,.!-) sis
to lie unit on tt-plie;iu"in nt th oiHee', or hy U-tt-r to th
Ah'cut, J. II. I'L KDY, Sitnt'Vry.
It.rr.s rnK N.L-Ri.ti yiision a single t,'ii ,
I'm teuis. I I or l.if".
ijl 1 i. mi
i..-n I ?.fti
t.l!4 .?
i.lU i H.'il
M...7 i
Kka.mitv. A n-rin bc-iI 3o y--in' iiel hitth day, hy
pn.iuir ihe t'linptuiy rai emits w'i.ul.1 i-i.e to his fnillily
t.r'ht'iin tiiou nhoyAl he die in on- yi-ai ( or cHmiH he se
Hire to ih.-iii eMino: i-ir l3anniiutlyiVir stveu vnirs
In iMffS Ui lllem ei'SHI .h"illil lu- die in sevn years : 01
I -r .IMII pniil anlltiully ilnril.a llie Ih- seeurea HIISSI t.i Ihi
p-oi! wh'-n he dies. Ttienisiirur seeuinit Ins own b-niiis,
In- ill.- riifffreiu'i. in tun. mill id nreitiiiiiiin mini lhist:eli:ire-d
by oilier isliees. For sHq.Mj the heiriwoiiM r.-eeive gfltsju
Foriii. oi uppheutioii and nil nnrl', n-iir. innv lie had at
the olliee. 1' t.,1. LI.KN, Wvaideui.
ice Pn-rtWit. Y. .M. Hum .
l'aANCl H . Kaule, tn-errtary aial Trei! surer.
rneLllM ritltu?i 4r. J. H. Mnwr, fiinlsiry. . .,
J. II. 1'cRiiv, SiinOiiry, Agent for .ortliiimberlMisrt-iiaa'
Siuilsiry, July t., IHIII.
( o k k r. i r s a. ro.
No. 116 ( kesnut ht ,
EsSl'l'.CTFl'LLY announce uW Ihey have
SI iiimI tiniahflti Wie moat rvtviistve aaHartmrtit
thev have ever ofl'crcd for sale, coinprisin;
LltaiTS, &c
In great variety, anil of
Much atleiuion hasU-eu iaiil lo ECONOMY ,
in the oonstruction ol Uicmi Ljinps, ami auch are.
mutle as will pr.vlucc thn t;rcrtle.t ainounl of light
from the least consumption ofl.arl-
Recent iuipioveinenla in llw inanut'actorj-, t.lh
1.. .,,i,.i.,..i,., ...ur anil is-rlix-ted mni hitierr,
cnaMes Uieni to sell at cry Gh'FAT KE11CC.
tllWLiil a un ui IO SAll J ... .
TI1.1.N from former prices, and an articiea ra-iorn
leuvintr llw munuliiciory, a -r, .....
and are warranted pt rlt-ctly tight, und to give aatis.
1'hilud.lphiu. June , ltiu ly
A XetvAortmeutorFresth Uood.
RESrEl'TFLLLY inform bur friends, erl.
toincre and other, that he has just received i
baMidsouie assortment of
it hi ftore in Msrket Square ih 5unbiirr, eurli
Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens-
care. Hardware, ice.
Sunbury, June S3, 1849
D.VDD'S caUbrated Horse end Cattle Medii
cine fir ate br HINFY MAWTR
Sunburv Jin. "7th, If i
Ate. For I car.
an m
: yo
40 l.--'
Ml I ."ii
.VI 3, IS
Ciulloii Kxira.
A man lav tUjt nama nf It.alin . a ..a
younn mnn uf thrf nrne of ft, X n.t)vnte,.1, and umt bit
tinnm tfi put Hp ntnparilln. thr rmW ))r Town-
m-wV SnrnparrthdmiHiiMuiliiiir iHrMM;frif inii, ete.
Thi Tgwiinntid i ih linet, niU-n'vni wan ; hn wee for.
nterlya worltrr en tit raitr-imK cniinl, nnd the like. Yet
h nnMim the title nf Dr., f-n- Hi' purpt'e of ffniiiinf credit
r't wiwi nciRirn imn ie i" rniiirtii in- pumir mm to M
deceived, and puprlMne nir (nt Ihe Of mi in Orieifwl Ok
fir Jnsih 'Pi.a-aaau.l'. bn i... ri lira ,i.'lta m It ika tlA
Vt likenew, hie family cit of Brin", ami hit iguatara
acroea the cuatuf arim. '
thk oui'ji.naC bier)vi:i;u of nil
(Outline ToM iiseiid Mnrsnparllln I
0IT l)r. Tm-iiirnd i tiiw alwmi Til yenrn h age, ani
hnn fcniff U-en kilrtwn e ihe nnthvr and diemverer of
tho (iriniiM- Oriuinnl ' rnwuHi'ii-l ftirrwmirilln H.
fcijrpuor. ho wnn tiiinpnllril to limU H tnannl'nrtnre, by
j Which mrrftii- it n h!i-n kept t ol iitorkH, and the aalea
; virpiitnori(KtJ to thorn only vh hnv1 prnvJ itg wth and
4 kinm ili valno. Ii had rrhil the enra of many, never
ini-i"i, rn tlit.w permj who tunl tMrrn rtcnied artrfiiiaeatea
nnd nil iivm duii It, prlaunedit exetllcnce and tooav-
U Mill
iikauxo pon:n.
Ku twin,, rnnny yi-nrf n. tlifit he hud, by hit lVtll, tcf
rnwt Hint ein-rH'iicpd. devicfil hii article which would ba
ol it icak't Ultimo adv:aatitv' t innnkimt. when one knutrn
j -tu ft'iiivnty ii nl. lit- h.tpM nnd pTevrr.iJt txiHiiof
thi- tunc i,t nrrin wt-n Mm tiinni would be turnixned
, brmj ii into imivri -t M .'tf. v hn it tin'ttiiiiaola virtuea
; would b- know n tn I aujirtfiairri, Ttiff uiue boa come, the
i menus me mp.i ; llii
In umini!a on .the unmi tralf. nnd if cnJIeA for
, thri' ih" M-mrHi nnil lirt;iili ol llic kinl, enpycinUy aj
Let tfvcrv tiiiin I inif iM.m'v.Bt thu ihtit Dkl Tr
; Jruvb T xvitttcnil n n v iiiHiiiitm m' inn the rl Towiinttid
; :i..MpMrill;. Iim'Ii nevt-r juia, iwvrf tunnenu, anil never
ch.-inucfMlH chul.iftr.
Ki it in ihi. ihi ii-nli the penplf nhnll hnv tn Ymto Oen
, tt i ii- T.'WiiHtMHi Siii'fpni-iUu, which hIkiII ncvit noor in tha
I N.ule, or in Hip dtiinmi'h. mid it nlmll yd Utnirh from tie
' Ifuiii all i-'ciiiieniinj;. Siuiiii;. Kxplitiliiijf, Vinegary Bat
, nttporilL'in. in !,. A ifHU S.irsuiriPa, piire and
Kciiiilni. oii-,lit t'tiive: a injur Muring, mriapa
1 rill.-i oiiu'hl I'MtpNtp and t.-.
1 'J'ln- tJld iir'f. SHisatiaiUlu wilt keep pure and bcrleet
I ul i a. u yttiinr f. P. Ttwiiwinr it improve!, with
nml nt-
ii-.". hut ini iiic iii-ti'-r; h'Titime ill nr.
I wirttl nu jtcir-iitili.' pnii"ijtfii- lr-t Hh-uiilh- irmji. Tha
j Iiiht:.4i kii"vii-,U;-oj (lifHii.-iry. anil the lituft; dwouvcriea
I M th Art li:iv nil 1 i '-r .njV it.. r.-r imi.,n in tha
iiniiiUH-'Uir.' ..i i.W f 1.L lU' S MAPa'K!U.A. The
Snir-;tp:nil!:t r""t. ii i. v. cl Vn n t nn-iii.:il int-n, em1
tain- iinnv mt-.lii m il pni;--, m utt I H.yii'j prOTtiet
' which nrc inrt -r ii !,. :nv tir-ry. v.-l h-Fi. ii" retained
nt ptcjjjiriiif: i tur use, pr jIiu'c iriinrii;ite n and acid,
u lilfti i- iiii'tii 'Hrt li i-iii. S iiui- ot i h pritrtiea
ni S.tiV.itii t :t imp. vti volttiitf. Hut tlif-y entirely cvnnorata
( niiil:if L'.i', .ii tii pi-'p-MU'i.'ii. ii";!if ti;f not preserved by
hy u ccii-niili'" pit'. ktntvn 'ii'y f t thiee esper-S.-ncVd in
its tttiinirictute. .Vnr' tin s- v.ilmilfpritniph-whirh
! tt v iil in vn)r.itf -jhuii . ti:il.ith'n,Mli r tnnt. are i he very
Itlitil lli'.'i llL'ill pl'ipi'iiii'S ul llie m1. Winch give to It
( till itn (line,
I Any pci son emi boit r siew tho J-oot till they cat a dark
' il - rt'tl iiipiif. wlie il iv Mi.rc Vi,-n the coloring imitter in root mart I'oirn niixiiiiii-' elw ; ihvy c iu then strum this
tiiipid or vap.d h'pinl sw't'tn Willi n nr itivho'ik'ii, and
1 it 'itrip-tril'!! I'.xtrai-t vt Syiup. But such ia
1 in' )r artr- i' Vnoivn t tin
! A Xhis ii prcpnrw), that nil tlie inert pmnWtie rf tha
' Sinipnriliii rn"t an- tirei retnovetl ev:ry thing euhlc of
! ttin Just aetil or of ferment intton. in fTtrsrted and rejeet
I i then every jmrticle of medical viriiia Hi weeu red in a
! pure and roneenirnteit form : ond ihntt if r ndcritl inea
1 uuiileot' lottintf luiy it volunbl ami heuHnt; properties.
! 1'ren.tred in thm way, it id inuilc the rr."St pveiiul agent
; in ilia
. t't'Rn dV lWrMKRAlHaK TI?T.ASE9.
j Heiic-lhe renm why we Item- unnttendaiions on rery
I Kiilcin iu mvor hy int-n. voififit,fiuii einldicit. Wcfind it
I doiii wiiitlcri in the fine o( C in.iiipt n, Dyspepsia, and
, Liver C- -iiijiiamt, nnd in 11 lifunnvwii, ricruiulo, Filetst
tnrtiMict!i, all fntaiii'-'U r.itipuoiif. r.iiipli'M. l'Mriiea,
i and ail ariceilottri-ti Mti.u i roin
imih i:iTv of tut-: ni.oon. .
Il pitsesses a UKirVotlonne fittn y, iiiullti.tinplnintsiirisin;
1 from indijes ion, from Acidity i.4 lite n;v.imeli, from un
f etpttil cirttiHilion, dctt-riiiinati-tn oi )(kI lo the hend, Milpi
'. (ntioiit.i the herut, eoltl tejl and cold humht, eikl chilli nd
I Itot lt:iiieH itver (he bU It lias n tt iis etptnl iii Colds and
t t'viti:!) 1 : nnd proni'tteit easy eprctorati'tn. and pyntte par
i ratfon rcla.i:i. slrieitire'.t the Iuiil', throot, nnd every
other jrtrt. ,
Hat in ic'tliinir ,,,"',r"c in ire tinni'V''- wrn and
ncktU'Wicitged ijumiu all knul umt slag. ul Kcnmle Coin
i . It w t to!. rs in cni i' ,;por lhnf of Whites.
I 'rdlin- of the v prati. .'!";ui-te.i. fHppuwtl, or Taiiiful
i M-ti-i.... lin-cii iiriu .'l' llic iii.-iiiit iu-1 i.-inils, siitl lh lisa;
I nml :sa i'tl--itn-il in e-itin-; nit 'iief nn-- ot KiiJnuy Disease.
Hy rinin mi: i-ilwlrui'ti.iiin. iiu-l r-ttoilaliiiv Ihe seneral svs
', letll, i. K'.A'i Tonn Hull ntrej.tll til Inn whuk tnnty, ana thua
I elllesnil l'-rili!nl" .
M'.iivtn s and phhilitv,
I Atnl Ihns pri-veiiin or r.-liei is o ureal Vnrieiy of oilier ma
billes, ns Siuiit lrrit:ili.'lit .i:iliuliu, M. Yitus Dsuca,
iv.n,nin. i-.pii.-jsu'.- ns, t onveisisis. e.
It is isilpn-fi'-le l-i this nn-dw.-iue lodugood; Haas Bo
thnia ' it " . -eh i-nn ever harm, it enn never soar or
spnl, anil th. i-'i'.-re. enn never loose lis curative properties.
Il i-lenin"- Un- l'1-j.l. t-v-iii-s ihe liv.-r to hvaltdy aciiua,
Usies die iitoiiiAeh. mul f;ives t-od dure tior, Teherea tha
h m-els !! l.irpor nml unuslipnu 'li, nU.i)s mrlMnintlua, SSCl
fies the nkin. t-feili.cs Ihe circulation of the bfcmi, pro
Uueiii ii.-ntl-.-wnrinih cipiull nllover at taa
liieiiiie ti.-in;.'.inii.-n : n-laxei nil ohstrncii'iis, and iavifo
rates ih.-.-ntne n--i-vi ii- ineni. l-iii-iiihii. then, taemeeii
einc y.'ii pre.etiiinentiy le-iM Hut e;iii:in ol'thcse thiuga
l. util . i -i l !'. .,..,. ii. r. i.h'i ii. r urti,.. Tin. Mfmiw
t in.iii1. li.iicii i t.i V
i:uMl'Alll'.l) WITH Till'. OLD DR'S. (.i-yuill'l I'rirt. ll-'l -.!i-' "lie I-. Hx.iiaUe of de-
leii -ran n. mid M.Vi:it tl'iill. wtiile the other dors;
it Horn. l uit. iin. iiikI blurt i ll.e U -lui. e-'iiLuiiilng it into
iniuinruo-: tin-...ur, ueid hqiu-l exploding, and daiuaguis;
i .
er i;. ' .Miit ti.-t tin-, h'.i- i-.'iiiiMuiid be puisou-
ou i'i tlx- vvm .' W : put will into ft tvMMi. ftlrewW
diiMiiHitl w ith m ill tiut causcn iKcpeiu but Mid t
i Uo r mil all Irit.ivv. tlmt vh:n imhI .uv in ourMonuehtt
: wlmi iiii liti't iu pr ittii't J ii;iiiiii:iicf. ttt'urthLurii, puljMV
( (attiii iM t"ri. livr eMiiiptiiint, ilntHitri dHriilryt
; ivlic. dint inifil,ill"a ul tin: h) nl f Wlwl ) r-luL bol
1 un uritl iu tin Un)y I Wlmt pnnJiir'-HsIl tUr hunktri
wltu-li br.Mji on Krupitiii! ' thu, llnd, Ikll
l Itlh iim. Kr r.iiHUi, V liiifS.veilitij:-, 8ri, and til
' iiH'fraiiitnn ui'fiii:i! ii i it t xtt-nti : It i4 nothing uinifrr
Ihmiii NH nu mill nutu':!.. r, winch mum hihI lima poilt
: mIi tin- lluiilf oi u-- Ush1, nitre or kMi. WlnU ckdMt
Hhi'iinviiiniii. tiit n ui tit acul miiil, tiich iiiaiiiiuttUv it
I li lM!twv-u tlio jimittf hi id hii-, imiaiiiif aud In-
ll uniti the ltinl r mwl d-ucaUa titi'' un wliivh it arts?
n:rtHisi OiMfnnfM, 4t iinpuiitv tire bkxtd, of d
r.iiinl i iri til.i'ioii. ami i'rl uli lUv talliuciiu bicj
.Now i ii n-I luiiritilr tiiiiuikc uii'l tvll, aJ infiuiulf
WtrTHe tl UC llllai
' HOI' KIN ti,
i It.' W It 'I'i 11V Vi.' V O I
Awl yt w.'iikl imn Imu u tmtl(irt 0tl that Old Dr.
Jac 4i Tiv a ir nuiii- (h ipimil fv'i;iinli3, a &a
) IJT.Tlti. Iiiimriir yr ,unitn I
11 .ivt;n i orl.ul tlMi vfioHnl tl- .ti in an article which
n-.nii'l iK-ir tire HLtii iliktaui iiwiiUaiicti to P. Town
mrud Mrta-lt-! nmT w liu li wnul l.nnir down upou tb Old
Ut . aucb u m Hiuutm I jud o c 'iii.nuiiiU aiid crnniiwtKm
I iroiii Aj.' nt vli.i hnif ibI iiariMwn.jivuu iuvt tiaea
f S. I. '!.wu-inl hVnniiliinf t4tfiitiiMl. W wiaa ii
' uiui.mixl, Uiaiw it i" ittr ul'lutc tnnhv thai H K
J 'i.m-iwciid ni. iaJ Ai. Jmrii Towiurnd Hura.
1 paruhurr Imvi-h -w ulf u(ari mikI mliuilt !v ilmuoUkiT ; Uil
j Ucv arm iniUkti in vfty utUtou Iwvii.g nut oh aiuf t
A a I'. T)U'ii4nPrf if rt ft r and iwvfr i 9
cVinitii, D llla.illl.lcuIl.-4I klow im nt.rr awdictua
. . a
iiitiru, Hiin-nniiiw, unr.ici
iiial mti, whtit (iiiuwiU'-e fiia ih.; pu4ic Uava lUut they
ssm ...1,11,1.1 as ars-iintnat hafltHtllriC mnfirina asllLUlnillaV aaal
1 the virtat timtl in prt-Dirui il.and uluch are tiwapaUt
I r hai iir -x w'ii-h uili;tit n inlt r llicui thv uciita of diaeatt in
I lIatttl M lltNtllll f , ,
llui w l:;it ifU f'lttiiM ' cjV'.:ril tr m ln who aiiffw
noiliiny : tinmt:iH ! ni fiitiix'tiai tu tliitt ! Jt feqoiraa
h (fiKiii of ' if '(rl'iii'f, to t-itok und wrve up tv
t'oiiuu 'ii iU-i-ftti iiicd, low niuvh more .mpivrtaui ia il rhai
ti c its Ht- w iun.i yiiii.trmrr- iiitlir.tu', ined ioff waa
lorimch to id c.UoeiHrd tut-tllit. xliouli kaor wtl tha
nu'ili-iii pr.-i'-'f'io "i plain, i'"- )M.-kt uuiuicr of aowiticaj
mitl c.tiic'-nir-ititi t'cir Utju,i!ii vttittfi. mtfi an extftauva
IttKHvUnt' nl tin; vuritau lii.f huh urtuct tho hunuui
fcvuun. mitt li w toatkipi iMicit i( to thcuii di!atua!
It li h'tnil'l"' to iltiitk. tini tn know how crui Uy th af
ill. tix I ar' iuii M l ui. u i.y ptoimi'UKu inciilur tha aahd
ti iiioii- rirnmn niiikt oui ni llic ag'mtt nt tha mckl
and iv fUiVaU'iit nnidfml the Uvpuutug hulimwa !
tt iKviHpTM i ru u(ii n)vii Mm uiiioftujvjtc, to pwr mam
j inf. mn.l.-.l hiiiis.niiy to kimllc liope ly Hi.
t-,MHii. In rraturu h.a th Slid l.,i.ii. mul vi..
,.ril,hM UIKl ,, lld Ulmjll iluirmilv tBal old Pr.
Jae. T w-iisoikI Irs s. lupin sii-1 t'.ximt the'isiportuniiy and
in istonruiL- Inslimnil ruiverii.'il Coneisius10 Rssnsey
within iln- rwu-Ji, htoI ui tl.e knnwMSiirr of sll wls aaaa it,
llui ilnv niav karn an.) know, by j-'ttul spriuc, il
Arst thus to anv Ui. unpaieuasssbls suiaiaetioa of IswW
nul tli sudUKla sud millien. iroii Ihe bad o. sieaaaas sul
Asp .iKtency o b-jsi, a-Miliu, and a knif lift of lt east
usduhuieas to themLlrs. ihe'' lanulies snd friend,
A..I-.T JIK.NRV M.tiEU, ounoary.
July K, le49 ly
ralakble Hooks,
T IFE ' CjtT, handsomely hound, D'Af
j aisit's H(Tor or Taa Ktroaai sTieir.
Dl Di.okm L , full bounde4.
Foraslt at tht pvbUthet price hy
' Sunhury. July 14, 1849.
00 K 6' and Gold Fen. On hand sewr earn. .
its of the life of Christ, and also s number-
jold pens which we will sdl at th rhil lf
e's. Fer suit at this hVe.