r SUNBUKY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. Useful iUcctpts. Camphimc ron PoLtswso. Ladies are Very fofid of keeping the door knobs, poon, filatea &c, in biilliant order. Now, if In tead of water and ulialk, and such prepara tions, ladiea will tise camphine and rotten tono( a far brighter, quickr,nd mora dura ble polish can be obtained than in ny other wiy.f tamphirie is the article used fof pro ducing the exquisite polish ot daguerreotype plate, and nothing has yet been found equal to it. So says an exchange, and it is worthy of a trial. . To keep k Stovb BniniiT bt Two Arru eiTiONS a Year. Make a weak alum water, and mix yon aritish Lustre with it perhaps two tenpooiis to a frill of alum-water ; let the stove be eotd, brush it with the mixture, then take a dry brush and rub the stove till it is perfectly dry. Should any part before polifhiria:, become so dry as to look grny, moisten it with a wet brush and pro ceod as before. To Clean Oil Taint The best thing for cleaning oil paint is a spon?e dipped in am monia which has been copiously diluted with water. Soap dissolves the turpentine as well as the linseed oil, and not only destroys the smooth and shiny surface, but exposes also the lead to the influence of the water and air and is, therefore not practical. An ox's gall will set any color silk, cot ton or woolen. I have the seen the colors of calico, which faded at one washing, fixed by it. A warming-pan full of coals or a chovel full of coals, held over varnished furniture, will take out white spots. The place should be tubbed with flannel while warm. ' An ounce of quicksilver, beat up with the white of two eggs, and put on with a feather is the cleanest and surest bed-bug poison. In round small tin JOHN DONNELLY, Mam TATniE, '.Of Donnu.i.v Upright Safety Ulazi-.d Capsi lvd Clue i .. MATCHES, v and UmtkD States Oil Pasts ' v - n - " BLACKING, ;.: :'''''V i .. A'o. 83 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA, 1 11 THESE Matrlies re justly cftnsirc the best in the United Sutra they are free ffom pleasant smell and can bo introduced with pcrleci safety into all Stores and IJ welling Warranted to keep ten years. ''..' , ', '' . ' The Ulackinn irof super'" I""1?' nd froc irom and iniireuiriit that impair tho 1 .eat her. . COLM'liY DEALERS and SHIPPERS wi" find it to tlioir interest to call and aee for them selves. .. j I. V. 11 An assortment of Matches of various New ' York Maniiioetiire in. Matelies wood boxes- also, packed in large or cases, to ship to any linrt ot tlie world, JOHX DONNELLY. Late' of SO Ennk Street, now 83 North Third St, Slureli "I, 1849. ly FTMiK Suliperilwrs have on hnnd the largest as- imrlitient of Wail Parma in the city of l'hi larieliiliiii, Wholesale and Ketail, consist in r of every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Dining Itnoins, Chniulicrs, Ac., which for quality and style cannot be surpassed. Doins a cash business we are enabled to sell a better article at a much lower rate than any store doiiipt a TRADE BUSINESS. On hand, a Inrfrc assortment of Wirx Pateii, for Curiums. Eire Prints, llorders, etc., which will lie sold for Cash. Paper Hauling done in the country at city prices. i. B. Dealers are invited to call and examine llicir stock beforo purchasing elsewhere. FINN & BURTON, No. 14 i Arch Street, South sido Philadelphia, May SB, 1849. ly ST V7ATLD ncozvzs. FIlIE subscriber resperttuiiy informs tne punuc, I dint be continues the manufacture of CABI NET WARE, in all its branchss, at his stand in Market street in Sunbury, and that he has now on hand a handsomo assortment of well made and fafliionublo furniture. He also carries on, at his old establishment, in Fawn street, tho ni t III ItliKlAG IIITSIXESS, in all its branches, and keeps constantly on hand, an assortment of well mad ana msmonnuiv CHAIRS, tilnin and ornamental. All of which ho will dispose of at prices as low as at any esta blishment in the county. His lonir experience m the business, jusiuic him in the belief that be will bo able to (rive gen eral satisfaction, nnd therefore solicits from Ins customers a continuance of their patronage. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. SEBASTIAN HOUPT. Sunbury, March 17, 1849. tf Hfocellaucous scatter. LAWRENCE HOUSE, .Market Square, opposite the Court 1 louse Sunbury, Pa. MpHIS well known Hotel bos just been refitted, JL and handsomely furnished by the undersigned, and he be?s leave to say, that it is his intention to render it worthy of the liberal patronage, by which it has heretofore been Kiistaiiied. . J. C. PERKINS. Sunbury, May 17, IS49. 3mo H RSEINTE OF JAMAICA nlMGFTl PREPARED nnd sold onlvl ot FREDERICK -I UltnWVN TiBiTS nn.l CliKVIlVVLTNtore. in a concentrated I.irin, all the valuanic irnprrurs of Jamaica f linger, nnd will be found on trial an I excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re. Tnxa the Knot. Wo do not pretend to vouch for the truth of tho following ; but it is said that tho ceremony of tying the nuptial j x. E. corner of Finn ami Ciiksntt streets, Phi knot is very much simplified in the Jloosier hdr Wii.i. This Essence is warranted to possess ctato as tho following scene will show. 'What is your name, sir?' . 'Matty.' 'Any relation to Matty Van Curcn?' 'No-siroc.' 'What's your name, miss?' 'Polly.' 'Polly what ! Polly Hopkins?' 'No squire, jist plain Polly?' 'Matty, do you love Polly ?' , 'Wall, I does.' 'Well, Polly, do you love Matty?' 'No mistake, squire.' 'Well, then, you want to be tied V 'I reckon so,' 'Then I pronounce you man and wife.' Thank you sir.' Thi? Louisville Democrat says tlicro is an observing man about town who says lie al-', way look notice that whenever he lived 1 t!io.ij;li the month of May, he lived through j tho whole year. I :' Well Aliok, how's your brother Ike get-J ting along these times'.' ' t"ii at rate got a good start in the world; .married a widow who has nine children..' Jacob Hays, now in his seventy-seventh year, was appointed high constable in New Y.rk city in 1798, and still retains that ap pointmeut a suitable recognition of honesty and good faith. At the temperanco celebration on the Fourth of July, at Newmarket, Tenn., a little lad appeared in tho procession, bearing a flip, on which was inscribed tho following: ''All right when daddy's sober." The Cincinnati Dispatch contains an ric count of an accident on the Mad river rail road, by which four cars wero precipitated down a steep bank, smashing the bagrjagn car into pieces, and so mixing tip a party of 6'crmnu emigrants, that it took considerable c;oi.r u silver wake. J. STOCKMAN, JVo. 60 Chesnut-st, at the sign of tlu Gold lhin.blc, between 2d. If id. sis., down side Philadelphia. A N UFA CTURES and keeps constantly on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduced prices : dold and Silver Pencils, do 1 Iambics, io Finper Shields, Silver Table, JJescrt, Tea, Salt and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster Ladles, do t'omlm, Purse (Hasps, Scissor Hooks and L Iibius, Knitting Sheaths, &c. ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and ISnttntuim ware, German Silver Spoons, etc.; Gold Diamond poin ted Pens al various prices j Jackson's Superior Lverpointed Leads, Ac, &c. Philadelphia, May S6, 1849. TANNERS "TAKE KotTcE. IVew 1 1 III c Oil nnd Leather Store A'o. Ill A'or 3d St. 3 doors below Race St 1'hiladclvhia, THE subscribers olfer to the tanners on the most favorable terms their fresh importation of Hides, consisting of Duenna Ayres, Laplata, Caraccns, Euguira, Hung-Drv, Chili, Sailed Pcr ambuco and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and salted. Also, Green Slaughter, Dry Salted, und Black Dry Fatrm Kips, Also, Mmtuhts, and Uank oil and a general as sortment of Currier's Tools. They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on belter terms, than old Houses in the city, Cash paid for Leather of all kinds. KEEN & KIRKPATRICK. Philadelphia, May 26, 1S49 ly time to vr them ! New Iron should be gradually heated at first. Alter it has become innured to the heat, is not as likely to crack. Shout utt Trit. rOne of our exchanges jns'.Iy observes that "good newspapers are , the only paper currency that is worth more than gold or silver." j There certainly are manifestations of civ ilization in California. A fellow, for whip ping his wife, has been banished for three months to America. It is better to be alone than in bad compa ny. No less than 24 vessels are fitting out at Boston for California. "D i.'t your minister ever preach tern i pe ranee sermons ?" "No, he is too much of a getleman to mix liquor in the pulpit." ! To make a man "think a good deal of you," all is neccessary is to owe him more than ho imagines you can pay. To make him forgut you, all that is necessary h to re- versu the motion, and let him owe you. There is a German theatre in operation in ' Chicago, Illinois. Coi Bekton made a speech to Severn' hundred ludie,, at St. Joseph, on the Pucii'ic a Eailroad. . Wild pigeens are said to be very plentiful in the country, within a few miles of Pittsburgh. How many court in poriry, and live to getber in frosi. t It ii good manners to let others speak . first. Show not yourself glad at another's mis fortunes. " " Let your countenance be cheerful, tut in serious matters be grave. When a man does all be can. do not blame him though he succeeds not well. Qn of the pleasures of life taking off new fceots and putting on old slippers. commended us a tonic, to persons recovering from fever or other diseases, n few drops imparting to the stomach a rlow nnd vigor, eipial to a wine glni;s of brandy or other stimuland, without any of the debilitating effects, which arc sure to follow the use of liquor of any kind : and it is therefore especially serviceable to children and females. To the aged, it will prove a great comfort ; to the dys)eptie, and to those who are predisposed to gout or rheumatic allcctions, it gives great relief; and to the inebriate who wishes to reform, but whose stomach is constantly craving the noxious liiiior, it is invaluable giving tono to the diges tive organs, and strength to resist temptation : uud is consequently agreatagent in the cause of tem perance. ti?'Eull directions accompanying each bottle. The above article can be had at the office of the American. Philadelphia, June 2, 18 19. ly Notice, Tip)! E partnership, heretofore existing under the JL name of 'Dcwart & liruner," having been dissolved, the sid scri'.ier announces to the public that he will continue the practice of the law at the olliee formerly oecupi'd by said firm, in the Borough of Sunbury. Business entrusted to him will be promptlv attended to. CllAKLES J. BRCNEIJ. Sunbury, April 21, 18 19 3mo " APPLETON'S GREAT CENTRAL CHEAP BOOK STORE, 104 Chestnut Street, Tomer of Seventh, Sirnim,s Buildings, PHILADELPHIA. KNOWINO the wants of the community, the Proprietor of this Estahlisiimkxt has lilted up a .s'tore in the most elegant manner, having due regard to the comfort uf his customers, so that c cry Stranger visiting his Book Store, may fed entirely at homo. KI3 IMMENSE STOCK of Books is classified according to tho various De partments of Literature, so that visitors call find tlie Hooks they arc in search of for themselves. Buying Ins Stock for the most part at the Arc t;x Salt, and being connected with one of tho I.ARf.isr Pi pi.isiiixg ncsES in tliis country, besidt s publishing lurgely himself, enables him to sell all Books al XiOWEB. PRICES than any other house of a similar character on this continent. ' His facilities for the Imcobtatiox er Books from Europe arc unsurpassed, having a Branch of his Establishment in London, where orders of private gentlemen are carefully executed and forwarded to this Country by every 'tea.me and racket. A CATALOGUE of Books with the prices attached is issued quar terly, containing Lists of New Additions made to his large collection, wliicU are in all cases for sale at the LOWEST PRICES, or, from 25 to 75 per cent, below Publishers' Prices. Thus in buying even a Few Books, qu tc a considerable amount is saved. As u still further INDUCEMENTS to strangers visiting the city, eey one who pur chases One Dollar's wouth of Books, will re ceive a eopy of the ivruNi,iu ix J'uiLAnKLPUiA, an elegant 18 mo. volume, the price of which i25 cents. ; . ( '(T The limits of an advertisement are too con fined to enumerate the prices of any of the im mense advantages to be derived from purchasing at the tiiiEAT CtJiTRAL Cheap Book Store, but let all who are in search of Books send for a Cata logue, and buy the Books they arc in want of, and when i.Mting the city, give Applcton one call, and you will be sure to call again. STATIONERY ' in ull its branches, furnished at tho Lowest Prices. The Initials of those purchasing Letter und Note Paper, neatly stumped in the corner, without charge. ' .. Orders fcr any article may be sent by mail, ad dressed to tho Proprietor, and the directions in all cases will be fully carried out, with great punc tuality ami uespaicu. Orders fur Catalogues should be ras-rAin, ' GEO. 8. APPLETON, Bookseller, Publisher, Importer, and Stationer " 164 CAesniif St. cor. of Seventh, Sicaim's i ll m i , t i ' .i Eiuikjintr, ruituatipiiia. , tay, 18, 1649. 3ni . Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR' COVCllS, COLDS, CROhl', HOARSENESS, ASTHMA. HOOP- iNc corcn. uuonchitis AND CONSUMPTION. THIS vrtluatiie prrparntinn, so aytoniftliingly ihi'tvspi'uI in nintip liitM'aprj l the Limits in thv rt;.ilt it' a nkill ful conitnimtii'n oi thf known tunitive pr if triples nt mwhi'iiii'. ltn injrmliintn nre 1'rrriy uitidc kmwn t the put'lir, mid re those Hckn.m!tnlt;ed to mrdicid men un puitHCrwiiiu rartr nifliutl virtties, wliich peculiar virlus ure vuiubiiifU in the ''tJIKHitY I'KCTUUAL" in their prnit. ei'l purity mid ttfirtirv, and when used, im will be seen t'rum the lt)lljvinir vulunlile ttwtiiiin ; IMtUI'MSSiJK ChKVKhAXD. ut' Uiwd'in I'uHrge, liruiiHwiek, Maine, writtn: lmve witui'Mi-d the till'eelM ot" yuur Cherry l'ert'ral in my twn funiily tmd in that il' ii.y nieiulu, mid il has ffiveu grt-ut HutieluctitDi in e.tMOH hoih nffiijiiltR nnd rliiki'rrn." A VOU'i: VllOM MASSAl.IU'SKTTS. T'riMii Dr. liiyuut, Uruggist and 1'oul numtcr, Chicitpee In I In, Mus-s : D. .1 , C. AvFlt Pent iir : 1'nrl' sed ph-nne find remit tunc) for nil the Cherry lJeeUra1 hint sent me. 1 eun tin iM'pilutinsiy sty, tlint n ineiiicine we nell ives such n:t!in titelii'n uh ytiu d"i-s nor huvc I ever wen a nnvliciao which piired po iiiiiuy eaot-s ol couch nnd Inn;; (viiuphiiiitM. Mir lMivfUcniiif are nyiiiit it exteusiveK in tlie practice, uud with thf! hnppient eiTeetH, i ruiv your, u. m. uh- .. r. PR.PriiKIVS. President nf Vermont Medical Ccllece one of thr nvKt letuned and inli'Uieut pbweinus in the e;nntry, 4,r'inMdcrs it a eoui:ition 'f rare fxeeili-nee i'.t the etire of that for. niiiluMf dijise. Ci'iniiniptit.n." An alm'ist lneredilile nnnOvr ot ecrtiueafps have been rtfceive! ; proving titri ifif t hciy rfe'ural is, iu trulli, u liK I. A T H KM KDV "or Ctiutifl. Cfdd. Asiltma nnd :t!l pultnonnry rninplaints. I'lvH I. c) t r.M I'l.li If '1 1 14. prtmrrd hv J. C. AVLlt, L'.wrll, Muwt., nnd 4d bv II. MASi:it, Sunbury, and MARY MeCAY, Nurihuui-I)er1rtnd. Mureb III, llW Dt:iriiTo imi . couLVCLvN.sERmsoF- ; ! Tin Pupil's friend and Tiacher'i comfort. 'THE COLUMBIAN C A LC IJLATO K. This J- work is slresdv introduced into some of the best Aesdnmies snd R Inrtte number of Hchools, where its use hss jriven decided and univorsnl sa tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in its chnrncter, based upon our own beautiful decimal system of eiirrniry. It contains more, the arrangement are letter, and it Is tlie easiest and chcaoest work of the kind now in use) and it is so considered by hundreds of the most competent teachers and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the book, purticulnrly and expressly prepared for our Amv rienn Srinlnm : ? A I moil Tiehior, Tiik Yovtii's Ciii.L-xiABUi.rrnTo this volume contains 91 pages, with about 000 exam ples foT solution on tlie slate, it etnnraees 1110 Pimdamentnl Kules, Compound Rules, (Simplo and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, &c. TirKson's AmTiiMr.TicAi Tables, is destined for the use of vountrcT clnsws in th Schools of the United States. A beautiful little book and pleas- inn to children, and the only one of the kind of any value. There are Kevs to both Arithmetics bound sin (?le or double, for the convenience of teachers, in w hich the solutions of the questions are given with much extra matter for the. black board. These Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, Ac, fur the use nf the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is unmanned with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works that have ever been nnblishcd in this or anv other countrv. Although issued but a few months, they have alreadv been introduced into the Niirht Public Schools of New York City in nil the Schools I public, and private, except two, in tho City of Rending. Also, in about twenty Acadamics in the Ctntc of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, nnd in the IJoroughs ot llarrisliurg, York, ChnmbcTsburir, Lebanon, Doylestown, Potts ville, Orwifrsburg, &c, fee. For sale by llKNrtr Missed, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland County. Sunbury, Dec. 2, ISIS. DIAMOND POWDER- FOR RAZOR STROrS. rjINS Powder is warranted far superior to any L thing in use for imparting a keen, smoothedge to linzors, Surgical instruments, anil all kinds of fine Cittleht ; it may !c applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Ka.or, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, bv ALFRED BKNNETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and Cheap Fancy Ooods, No. 18 Souih Fifth street a bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. Philadelphia, Feb. 15th, 1848. This mnv certify that I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAYN'ES' MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attest in tho most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can he found that will produce the same ell'cct in my opin ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will find it superior to any hejr tofore in use. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third A. IMPORTANT TO THE l'UBLIC. SOP.SE -AlTD CATTLE MEDICINES, Don't permit your Horses or cattle to die. when the means of cure are within the reach of all 1 ! ' Tho Undersigned has spent several vears In the study of Veterinary practice in "London and E dinboro'," lio has also availed himself of the resear ches of Lclhig, and other celebrated men, who have contributed so much towanls a judicious treatment of animals; the principles of our practice consists in the rejection of general bleeding and the total rejection of all medicines that experience has show n to be of a dangerous tendancy. These re- mcdica act in harmony With the vital principle, and when given according to the directions which ac company each article they are capable of exciting and increasing the natural lunctlous, witlioul ill' minisliing or destroying their power, hence are snfein the bands of every one. G. H. DADD, M. D. A l.lst of Horse and Cottle Medlciiirt. Thysic balls, 75c. per box. Alterative ball, 75e do. " powders for bad condition, 73c per pack age. Heave powder for diseases of tho lungs, 75c dc. Urine powder for " " kidneys, 75c do. Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do. Cordial drink for inlluuiation of bowels, 75c per bottle. Liipiid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting tho growth of hair, 50c per pot. Heuling balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c. lr bottle. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, Ac, 50c per bottle. Embrocation for soro throat, 75c per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, Ac, 50c per bottle. Horse Inniment, tlie most celebrated article known ill England for lameness of every description, 75c & !'l per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle Worm powders for tho removal of worms from the intestinal canal, 75 per paeknee. For sale by STIMFSON A REED, 30 M. chants Row, also at DADD'S HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Nos. 1 A S Haviuarkct Square, lioston. Pamphlets describing the diseases for which these remedies are used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificates are in possession of the Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi cines. Soldbv GREEN &TLETCHER,No. 86 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and hy bis Aof.xts. Hr.Mir Masskh, Sunbury, February 3, 1819 tf DR. TOWXSEXU'S IWOfXD EXTRACT OP SAKSYPAIilLLY. TI1B2 ;;2 A.Ml rCKKATlVE. I ron the cutis of HewlafUia, QuMiiieM, , Messlm giilt Rheum, lthranmtum. Pilts, Heart linm, Worms, Uyiuenftia, Seurvey, . CMsra Morbus, . u ,i i n....).. r.. ' Pstus in the Rack, ' Whotiuiiff Couih, Inward Weakness, Consumption, t ill, PnlpitKiion f the Heart, l.iver Compkiint, . , Huang III the i nroai, cnnpcins, urntnnis, llDpsjr, Asthma, ltrhiniia of the Wkln, V 1 Fevers of all kinds, t'ljils, Uont, Ornvel, female Coinplninls, Nervous ComplsiaM, AND A VARIETY OF OTHER DISEASES ARtSINO r- FROM IMfURITIB Ot TH S) - BLOOD) -. AMD ODSTRUCTONS IU TUB OSUAN'S OF .. .l . . illlGKStlON. J. . t Experience has prnvert thnl nearly every llisense originates from Impurities of the HtiKid nr derangements of the Dutch lives Uraans : aivl to sirurn lleulth. ws mum rcinov tliose olwirnriiiimior resinre tlie Blond to Itsnntitnitmsn.. Tl aversion Iji tnkinir mwlicine is innst ell'ivlunllv re- moved hv Cmcstikr's Vrdktablk I'tnosTivs 1'u.i.s, beinii emrtnlnteiv envel. inert until a ccsilina of pur" wliite Mnanr. (whic h ini disiinel from the iniernnl inuredients osauut shell from lh kernrll nnd liave no taMe of iie-dieme. ltntnre as eosilv mvnll rwed ns bils of enlidy. M.itetiver th:y iifiilier tiinwufe or grille in the slihlfst degree. Isit onernte eipiuVv ini all the ilistsiseil iwiris ol the sy:l'in. sii'ioi eonTniinc tli'insrlvii to. nun nicking any iwinii-alar regl 'll. Thus, it' Hie t .iver It.' llfl'ectet one imrp'ilient lll operate on Utnt pnrtiru'tir ornt. anil, by rleansin? il of tin lixi''1 f Mile r.'s re it t . Its nntmeil elate. At; her will npT:iteinilhe Bmrl nnd rrtnnvenll imparities in its eirru lot l n ; whiten third will i lli-eluiillv esiiel whillrver nnpu rilies may h:ive U-en dieflnrjil inln the spini'irli. anil henre thev strike tit the rml or tln.nse remove nil ttnpnre Hu mors from th txsly.Oisnt Hie nnres exlertstllv and ititer- imllyj semmte nil foreign and obnoxious tartien fnnn the enyie. sotnnt mn i.vo m:ty ne lnomtiuniy purethus seeu riiurn fnv nnd he:il:ltv nrlixutn thellenri. I.tlnrvand l.iver nun therehr they rc5t(re henltli even when ull oilier means have failed. riHE AMI THIEF PROOF CIICKTBi FIRIriiyOi' DOORS FOR BANKS AND STORKS Seal nj Letter-Copying Presses, Patent . Skte-LinodRofiigoratorK, Water til. ' ter, Phtent Portable WatM Clr- ' '' ,; i tett, intended for the Sick V. ,v,i '" L' -j ' wd Infirm. i .i ..j !,EVANS & WATSON,,, , ,76 SoufA Third Sirtet, , opposiTK the PmuTiKU-fnA txtoXrtQt.0 MnnntnrSj,, jp etrnttaftf ' oil tiand. s Inrm. utt4nu.il M ab.vs atlieleX, l.gehef witk Hiiiii '"V'r '"em lmnrnverltabimd.r JiKPHOOPSAKEB, which aro so consimcted as to set at rest all manner of dmiht as to thstt twing strictly firs-prof, uii they will rei ik. s Z7l buikth... The rntu.de. rTl Ihess rVifes sre mndn oCboiler iron, the inside caseof sosar: wone, ann lie! ween the outer ense and inner ease is a spsca of t an tlKes inches thick, anil is tilled in with indestrueV p iMirrini. at, its 10 mw: 11 nil nnpossuaittv to Wlrn sny "f the i oinis inside nf this Chest. Tbesa SttapStorR) tiff .iu'i.-ir. m- nre prepiirrti nittt tio runiiengc ins worn 11 pnslueeany artiela in tbe slmpe of Hoik Sales that wi sntmt us tnur h hfiit. and we iiolil intrbl,.ea a. .1 ....... i , ntveinem Isirly testnl hy rsil.hc bonfire. W" also continue to inauulaetiire n large atal getteral assort, meat nf ,mr Premium Air-ltipl.t Vim Pr iLr. Kiu.tS there are over BUI now in use, and la avery Instants Ult hnvc given eniiic saiirfaettmi to the purehnsers-rrt" wSlet' vet will reter Die puUHs to a few yentlemen who kaV llnymssl ft Snvder. PomnHlie, i..k n t. r.laville; Mi. Wilhnni Carr, Ui.ylesu.wn. Pa ' . ft I,. Inylor ! north 3d st.; A Wright ft MerAe me hi .v.tnr, . . ..nurf... r.n... r. : AlexnndiT Onror. rjmvmuw The entire truth of the nls.vo can 1 ascertained by the I Filhert and plh sts.! John M. Ford, 3t north ad'nt.t MyerS trial of a single ls : nnd tli-ir virtues are so positive and I Hash, an north l at.; Jitmes M. Pnnl, Ml south 4th at-'' eertnin in resl-.ring llttlth. tlint the proprietor hinds himself to return the monev paid l'"r lla-m inullatiK'S where they no noi give univertiiti tenifiiieiioii. tletall I'rlre, 25 ctj, per Hox. t Prinripnt oTice n. IDi Ve'sev st., N. York, Sold l.y JOII.N V. YOIMI,' S.nhurv. St. A. MrCAY. Nortlinniberlnnd. IV RememlterDr. C. V. ChVkiier is the inmitnr nf ths Sueur IVutteil 1'ills, itutl tint nnthing of tin- sort wus ever luMtril nf nut it he introduced them in .lude, 1n:1. Purehasers should, tlierrfore nlu'nvs n.k for Cliektier's Wuirnr IVutre.) Pills, and take no others', or they will be uiuilc the victims nf a 1 rutin. February, 17, 1W If llr. llnvld Jayne. s sonlh 3d rt.! Mnihew T. Miller. A' nth 3.1 st ; nnd we could nnine sumo lmtulre.1. of It it werrnm-smry. Now we invite the attention nf ths pnl.he, nitd particularly those, hi want of Fire Proof Ssfss. to call at our store hefore piirehtiFiiig elsewhere, and w can sntisty them they will gel a betiHrnnrl rhenpet arttst I,, ..ii, p...,.- uiiiii ,,i nuy inner esTnttiisnmeni m Ine crty We also nmniifncttiri! the orilintirv Fire Proof Cheats; at at very low prices, cheaper than their emi be boucht at anr other storo ill Philadelphia. DAVIT) KVANS. JOHANNES WATSOX. ' Philadelphia, April B, IMS ly . Piiini.i Li'iii a. October, 18-1S. A very html beard and tender face bus compel led me to seek nnd trt many contrivances design ed to make shaving easy und pleasant, but with tndilli rcnt success, until I made use of tlie Maie IHAMO.ND POWHF.K, bold by Alfred Bennett, nnd Hotisscl's Sl.aviiu Cream. Their united pow er act like niitit'. and impart a poncr to tlie K.tv.or to remove the most stu!ib,,Tn beunl, without irri tiitiusr the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, -I!) Sntilli Fifth Street. For sale at this olli. c I'riie S3 cts. per Box I V... .....I .ir. ,0,0 I .u,ti!:o(I 1010 ..111 t i.' v ; y((1 TTiMIS Kxtritft is put up in rjiurt lnttlei. It in nix tnnr-s JL cliriiptT, iUjiniur, uml wairanttil nupfriur tit uixy tviitl. Il ruri'H ilkK!:irU's without vuiitiiiif. (mrmiur. ick lirwi, vr delMiitututg lhj puUr;ilt, uud lit particularly ti'Iapltil (or a FALL AND SIMMX. MKDICINK. The grKit 1inity nnd ftuwriirily of thin Rirwivirilla over other rtiiiwlirs is, whilst it ernrli'-oli-nUiiwute, it luvi ralfi tlie lt1y. t;niiiiiiptiim cured. Cleauso and Slrnigthn. Ci'tiflimptinn rim ho eunil. Ilrnnchitin, Ct-nsinnpti'm, l.iver r.nii;tint, Colt!n, Cnuglii, Caturrh, Atluiu. Spitting nf lilid, S rrii'i' in the Uhrnl. U-rUv Khidh. NifiM Sweats, Diili cult and l'rofun Kxpfftriration, und Pain in tlie Side, A c., Imvr nnd eun be cured. PriilmMy there never wan a remedy tlmt hup !rt'ii no mm cetujfnl in d-Hn'rate vtmen t i" (Mnfiunpliiui n ihitt ; it cloau Ki'Kiiml rirt-ntht'iin tin: Hr!'.eiu, and upje:itMltt lieul the til- ecrs mi t !e l.nr.'x. und paiit;tit (friidnul'y leijain their usual lifult.i and f!i-!mt!i. CI Itllil'rf CASK OK rONSl'MPTloN. v a d:iv m.vii.i;;tMii u p Thr re T .w ct ivul : 1r. Ti)vi:n l)-;tr hn e 1 iff 11 jiUiii tnl with t hii'it'.!' 11 i f l it hsl uiy Ii'-il.t. at n'j. A.V-r ii in.it' i' the c ue ol' i iiie iitid im-iui pa-t-rtt hut thcni are n iiuinhrM' tf 11'! e.l ai cured ly the use m Df The I lU -wui wus rcrcuity re- Sir: K r th List thren yenri 1 i-ucral dehmty, nnd nervou ern uud tlid iml rpeit t' tfveroiin 'inu lliMuh 11 ci niifte tl' uu'diet ie i'l" tiit lit t diiniiuhe 1 r'-.'.d;ir ' of the liurd"!" Hcalih in N.-w SORES CA!V itEcrai:n. Burns, Scahhj and nil kinds of inflamed Sores I, urea. rilfI SI-." '1 rMVI.HSAI, OINTMKXT. in the mom eomnirti Hum Antid Me ever known. It nmlaiitlv (midfiFit byMas-ie) PtupB pains of the mi'M der-tperatc iitirn uml r !i:ti. r nr urn i(irrn. Jjiuipes, i utnf cprntns, Ac on Minn or Wa, it i Hie best niiphriitioii Hint cnn be made rti at winds have tried und thousand, praim; it. It in them 't nerleet nvm r i ii i it ever diKcuvered. AH who un re rnnunend it. l-.very tamily uh mid Ik- pmvided M ith it .nne c:ni o-i iu'Wcikii nne oi iiu ( imiiv mny nenl it tlT Olierrve tiich U.i nf the c- ntiiiie )intuieni hut the ivinieot S. lorsKY, wnli. n on (he outside label. To unite 10 tiim is lorperv. li'Hitmen. I.ivcry Men, KuriuerB. nnd nil win use lltirtH's, wiu iiini uiif wunnii'iii me yen nest tuinir triev ran u f.-r ('filar (.nils, S-ra'.rht , Kicks, Ae...n their unitiuils Surf ly every uierejluliiiuu would keep hm unmuis fn fi-..m pain as p' s.-i!.le. T.-u y's I'luvrisd tintinenl is nil that i4 required. I iv it. HIT!!S i V FN'Siri'TS. r..rt!.e ftin? or U t. v' ii n i?":. T.nistjv'B Oinlnu-iit ik uxii i uiit d JlindietU h tvu Irietiit und l'"Uiifi it p i n. I'lMX'l'Hr.D! !- 'TthePileii.T ufev'Frii:vcr.! Oint ment is one nf tfiet.--.t Uenieities that ean U; Upplitd. All who have tried it fnr th- Piles nNvumuend if. OI.l) SOUKS IfUKI). Forold olntinute Stref, H.ero Uiioihini' e pi.-d t Tui.s.y Onuiiient. A ptT.-a ni .Matui lis had. f ir n ninnlr nf yiirn. a reeff iluit buifll Urn kill iif the dnct-re. T.ia-w-y'n uiipinetit v:m ree mmvnded by one of the visit injr phy-df-innc, (who knew it jrrn:t vir tn.'S.) nnd tw b i.es prtKhuetl more tienetit thun thepu tient had received from any mid ull nreviuua rL'tiiediet. t-t all trvir. HtKXSAXn SCALDS CI IIF.I). Thonmuds of rnss of Uiirtiii and Scul.lf, in ulljwnifl of the c iiintrv, Imve been riintlhy T.msey s ! niverftd Ointiucnt. t'eriifii'uleseiH.ugh cot i It I 1h- hnd t.' fill the wlvle nf this shert. VKH.KNT lilil l-l-.S CI HIH). Tcatimnninln on Irsti- mnninl m fuvr ot ruifey's I iiiitineul f. r enrinn niisrn heve leen nllVred the proprirtotin. Hundreit in Svnicuse will certify to it tirmt merits relievinir the uiii of tlie inest bevere linn'se.. All pers iib Khnnld try it. SCAIJJIII'.AD CTIiKI). S.resnf cuies nf Smld Hwl have been cured by Toiwcy's Uintnu'iit. Try il it m id m tailx. SALT KlIKt'M CCUKI). Of nil the renie-lies ever dii coveren I tftlm uin' cliwi-rnwible cniplaiiit. Tousey's L'ni versal (JintTiient is the m-iHt complete. It never w:w kimwii to fail. CIIAPPKD HANDS CAN UK crRF.D. Tmsev'n Vui. vern.il Ointment w, ulwas eme the wrut cases of Chap ped II iud. Se.tr,.) ,,f )MTS -Its Will Bt:ttC tlllS. MiKt: l.il'Si'l'KKi). Pnr the cure of S ro T.ipstlier was never itn tliinir nrMe inal to Tuih. v s Oinlm. ut. It in sure to cure tiieni, 'Jr- it. It is n rtei-n'ifu1 cotnnnimd. r:rnui!ed no to ronlnin nny pre;wimti n of Meicury. fir Prie rents per Imx. For imm'h riKirtieulais e'ineerniii thin rea'ly vnlnndli! Ointment the p;!-!ie ;ire reterietj t() J 'rt n i ptd-i M. to be had yraiis. of rr s;v-t.d.le Driu'is'tR und sMer.-hujit thiouuh ut the I'liite OXYGENATED LLi EI !P RLP 2Si J3i f33 A SOVKRKION REMEDY VOO. DYSPEPSIA. I'lITIIISlC, AND GENEIJAL DBSILZTT. GEORGE B. GREEN, Pkoi Windsor, Vermont. Tl a sovrn-iirn renmly fir DVSPT.PIA, in niatiT of i X Itirius, Sticli as pain in Uic M jt-ti, iliurlouru, riabitnal Pil.s. Nii:lil Streala, anil evoi (.'omitniptioii (Uvspeptic I'lilliif ie.) anil Astliina, or I'li'.htvir atttfiitlil with derange mailt t'l" tin ritt.iiia. il (or HvsniM.iie Asthma.) Difticult Hreathm'.'. vhieli lit n rt-Mtlla Ir un inmrrlVct iliit-slion (or Ivajfi tie dyspnea.) is n-lirvnl bylhtsc llittrrs. In short, tt:ir ui: luji in?eu itrttvc.l in thi relirf ol' almost all tb nip! -inpilrit Tf('rit i rum a dt'Iiilitaud or atonic consli. lit'i Hit-S; .tii.u l. ; also in Kdicral d'bllitv arisiiK from (.'i'r ir 'in t!,.t Mlf.-is "I tfvrr, tamnilurlv Kever ami true. 1 ,' iti,,l.. .ifi.-rii:r? tiiHr-r onv Wi-riiie rlpramrrinsnt nrtii liMit: wuikm . will t.iiil the '-Oxior.NsriiD Bit TKit" mi rft.-!lL'iit rt-itf ly, anJ ivtt aarpaswl by any ronli- 'l'h Iiiatory of llti.i ineili.-ini. is nfctiltnr, It lias mads its way tit iiiilnif l:iv T Kik-ly li lltu l Tt'c til Hs own itttriiuis nifrits. ' t tinitifhtl mem. Imvc li.ca u.tl In mlvt it na luriwy unit tltrtnl n u;t. n wiltlic ittti-ult .n. It las nsTsr hfl.trt' fii-ii liffti a'h-,-.-lifl. Inn having first saown lis r ii'irkalilr! r'.rt itnv in nie i tntily of itie proprietor, and hy liiln nt'tiTwanli .ulniinitttiTfil to his afllKlnl I'risisls and as. iiaintniipiv wiih a like result, it rffsWii gnakmllf sx- I'ttitftt ttnitl it in kifiwn in tlie most rlmant t.itis o'f lbs 'tiittn. its a litt'flirinn til' unn ailed virlnes in th rara nf l)Prtr;ttia ill :tll iltt tula-rent l.-nilj., atid l!ao for tit cars af Attthinti it I'htlnsir. Its only lifraUV md its only rnlofy luts li't'-n llio story o(" its v..itlei-tiii ctLw-f as told from liionili to in. ml Ii or l.y teller i'r. tin Irkinl to triers!. In rs ry insltiiife wlt' te llieso Hitters lint s hiren used, snd ths ra. Kttit made known to the imj,iie.tor, el,ey have proved rs-iitflv. NnniiT.ms eertitieates, atleittir.n Ilia singolar erSeacr af .Yiii:xATr.u IliTrKKs," we in Ihs possession of ths lir.i.rtetor : ninny of tlicm signed by person already widalf kmtwii to tlie public. 1.1. U. II. UUKE, Piwamatoir.. WINDSOH, Vt., O. t .berS IWU. Thr follow lug l ertiriratfT har iaal reerivrd l WsfiitNoTos, D. Co Jrs lflt W44 Ilavini: hvi.Ip use nf lite "I lygenati'd Ultiers'1 arcparsft I'r. (ie. i. IJ. liieett, of Windsor.. Vt. ai'd front k no w- l!pe obittiitetl of th-ir eflieaev irr ot Her eases, we chrrrfaUe reeoiinnrntl ilietn to Hie 'pnl.lie. tn lievntu thnllliry wrB fulW siis'uiii lite ri eiinineii.liiti. ii.it' the I'mprietiir. W hops tlnu ttittt vabtalile renicilv inuv be ao Kenerjllv dlifdaesl throtmlton.. tl.e e niinrv thut it l.uty i u;ic.vibls In sll ths utllleled. svmi i:t, iMin."-. ,. c . , . M'll.l.'AM I I I! HI. t I P. Sector f Terrooiit. J MI r.sIMMit.:s, I'.S. S.-iuitttr from R. Ivland. J. 1'. M Ut 1. 1K Ail, L. S. tteiiiilor und Ktnrarly tSovern- i f Kt 111 lo'kv. I.. II. AIINiil.n, Mentlter of Conpre-aarsl jbrrnsrly vertior ol il. I. W.M. Wi KinilllUXii:. tV . Simtir aaf Itsrrneri? Oa. rtl"f Oi' M If' !!!!!. .M. I.. MAUTi.N, Dcleeuie ill Coinireas frunl -- Territorv. From Tton. Tl. 1. I'ttTKR. Memtier of Congress fraa) IVtttiHlitinia. Wasiiixoton. D. C. ftst M, 148. llenr Sir. I have been a dvaneritie aufferar lor altfmt ta yeara. and have resorted to various medicines for reliaf witlHHil uteees. until I made use of vour 'Oxwenated Hitlers." 1 Itavn nsetl alssit two ltotllea, and giidmvsslf restortj t i petitt t heaith The forms in whteh ths dt rase a.h'iw-e.1 itself, in my rase, were, ureal aridity of ISa tlomnrli, I ss of apnettte. rtrenie Itutnleiiee. severe eonsll- nti 'it ot ire h in-fit, and violent headachs. Feelinrdeai- ons iit:t: -i t.n iiviettae oi your valuable remedy may reseh titers simtl.irl, atlliettvl. 1 Hike great pleasure in reeord iic my te'tiiu htm its rurattve power : and would alsa rental k. tiiat wlnle tin a visit ut home a short time since, 1 ailiniiiisieird a part of a hottlti to a numlter of mv afflicted mrit'ls, witn grutt aittvss. They are desirous that yon sh"u!,l establish tiiinu'eiicy at I'titsliure. or un'orin ihsia where the i:t.uli. in eat, iie obtniuttl. With an earnest da. sttel-.r y air pio:ity i.n.1 happiness, I sulmcril rnvsolf, truly your tn. n. h. D. FOSTKR. Hoet. Heo. It. (iKrpN.Wiiii1s.ir, Vt. S-tld Wholesale and Retuil hv Oreen & Fletehar, Ha. MSillth tSlMh Street, l'liiladelpttirl. Airent for Sunburv II. It. M ASSKIl. Aprenls fur Milton MAl'KAY HAAO. Agi-nt foi Coper .Malimoy J. 6. HK.N.V. April 15, 1S4S . OAKFOUD'S U.MUVALLED STYLE OF HATS' FORCiEXTLEMEX. r if a it i. e o a k r o n a. No. 104 CHESTNUT STREET Philadelphia. Would" rcspi ci fully invite ittmtiori to his upcria.r style nf lutts lor autumn, 1848, which will ha found lh most ieil'rrt eer before otf.rej to lb cointiitiniiy. Its (.eculiar forms lenders it ths more dtsinl'l , as il combine all the psseiiiiais of dura tiiliiy sntlnestnesa, rrquisita in that aiticle of ilres whilts hi incirast'i f.tcilnies in in manuftcturinf wiih all the niodcru improvement, ensblo him To Chsllikoi; thi Would to produce better HaU Chi tnREx't Finer Hat Attn Cap or rum Latest Monr, These goods he been sehrded with great (are, nd will be found mot besHtiloL snd chaste in their alylea, Laiiiks' Kiniso Hat and Caps or Eti--it iw Pattkhms. (irest rare has barn bestow., ed in constructing these siticle, that the mj fit, pel fictly easy snd form grsceful sppearaDC. CHARLES OAKFORDs 104 Chestnut st. s few Jours sboee Third. FhilsdelphU. 8e temler30, lSlS.ch June 24, 1848 If riAorlui ldUloii or d'AubtKue'aV great Murk on the llerorraattMr OF THF. SIXTF.FXTH CENTPRYW GER--MANV, SWITZERLAND, 40. Will he' piiblithetl or. or about Ilia 1st oi' April, 1818, by Jt)S. A. Sl'EF.L, No 66 Cherry st. ebove 0th. hi ipleiit'.itl lJinn edition of the above named work, wiih 18 engraved inspiration-from ori--ginal desigtit; 4 vols in 3, bound in extra cloth' and library sheep. The publisher resnettfully rails the atteatioa of th trade and the public (enerarlly, to thl work being (he only illustratededirioa published in tbe United Btst He truate that the beauty of its emhelliahmeuts, tbe strong and substantial manner io w hich it is bound, in conjunction with the known popularity ( the work itself, will k a aure recornmefijation tq public iaror. , JOS. A. SPEF.L. 86 Cherry st. above ttlv; J. A. 8. ha alto lately published, a new and beautiful KeUtioa of Serneaiit Bell's Rare Mow, a suitable book, for.e hildrep, neatly dan of irr extra cloth. ' ' Philadelphia, April I, .1848-- i '' PVJ'ENT TruM of all kinday ffarriaon wrkiut and ipiWIIilile inks Cotton yarn an4 laps, just rt'euived and for sale by J. W. fRILINO. ' Suiiliirry, Dec.-1, 1848. Alar . VVir ' Health KF T THE SlCK ! tn the Vr:ik ! ' A is inund inr the Wh'ile Human Ituce in Au- cir,ws' PAIN KILLER. This it fin entirely veprtu- Twnly-Fivedi(fr,iu inprr dient, wid 11 an intcriKtl uud Kxtfriiul Henicdv lr the va rious tlla that human flesh is heir to SUCH A, Cnifrh,,. f'nldn. Pains. Nerrnns and Birk Hcndnflie. niirnumliatn. Cuts, Spriiins. Spiuui AtTc'linii, 8umitUT tVnipliiint. l.'h"lro Morhun,TiKthaclie, Kruptimm, Cimut ViIch, Fmzen i'urts, liurnf, S-ulds, Apue in the Face and Mrciift, Painters1 Cullic, Ilnuscs. nld Sires, Iaiss ot' Hppo titt. tiftu-nil Debility, Aflliinu, Ac. Put up in rxittles (of 1, 2 ir 4 nhilhnp pT Diutle. ror inrtncr ntirtiruturv see Vjuiijililfls tr had of every Ofrent prittis, eouUiiuiug a lirii'l' hiptory el the orijrin, diwuvery ttnd ivxhi eiFerts of Andrews' Pain Killer, CertihVutrs of Cures, direc tions. o LOOK OUT FOK FRAUD. The triumphant sucTest. of Andrews Puin Killer in re mnvint the emiBt'S that iirxlur deuth. ths untimely death of millions of our rare, iium induced some inen tit wheni it may be truly suid, their villainous omiputions niauiiVftt th fir villainy, to utteuipt to put in c imitation spurious uud CAiuulerfeit article called "Pfi in Killer, ' usintr fictitious uuiui-s for the pretended uuthm, forjted perlifieaten, Ac. Suae have ain arcd, and ntht rs no douiit wiil uppeur. Lt-t all rstueniher tltat Aiklrewn (jeiitiiue Puin Killer Iiik the wriitm mtfiiuture of I. Andrew on the liihel of mrU hiMile in .dork ink. l)n't simply unk for Puin Killer, but otsk f.ir Annrewbj' ruin tviner. una nave no other. S ld ly .M. A. AleCay, S le A cent, Northnniherland ; ' J. W, FriUnf. Suuhury ; J'tlui II. Kujkm, .Milton; J-hu R. 1 Myyer, Hl-iin.iliiirt; Win. A. Murray X &u Unuvillf ; , iJiivi-nivri V S'-iiiith, Plynriinh ; Andrew Yolir, Wilkti Uirrc ; lluy A MfC'onnirk, MrKwrunville ; SelutrTle ft t'h:ti:itK-rl;oii. I.ewiirmrp ; (jetrrue MeAlpiu, Jersey Shore; M.J add, V liliatiupoil. (tiU-rs atJdretit to I. Andrews, inventor aitd only Pro. prctor at Itheea Tompkins county, . k. V il receive prompt btteiithm FH-ptrultier tfo. imp. iy CUTLERY. AX extensive Stock of Poeket and Table CUT LEU V, of sale by JCH1T 1. COLEIAIT, Nos. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 8, North THIRD Street, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknive, Scissor and Kaznra. Also, a rhoire assortment of Rodger A- Sons, Wosletiholm's (Ireave's YV . If 8. UnU'lier's and Fenney's Cutlery, Also, tSpanisli, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, (inns. Pistols, and liowie Knives. Also, The Ainrriran Itaxor Strop, a auperior ar tide, worthy the attention of Dealers. Caan ileulem in Cutlery, will find the aboe Slts-lv worthy their attention, a the Subscriber's chief business is itnportinir mid selling cutlery. PhiUlclphia, Juno 9, 1849 ly f ' i 1 1 U. : 1 V. ' . t u I f '. I ' i VI c iVI tl K'.8 SUNBURY FOUNDRY. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he baa again become corrected with the above Foundry, and that hcreafur il will be con ducted solely under his management and control, r roin us longeiperienca in tlie lua ue be trusu be will be able to give general jotuikcaoii to his old rneiuls and cuslouiers. The b'isimss will be carried on in all iu tranche. If will t,oiitiuue to manufacture Plough, and all kind ufcasliug. n"i uuue wiiu uiompuiea and in the best manner. jeo. KoHUUAL'il, Munbur), June 9, lS493in IVIAnSHAl.I,'S Conrcnlrated IsiaraaiiurUla, For tlie euro of Tetter, Scrofula. Eryaipalas, Pile, Chronic lihciiiuulitflu and all disorders of the lllood, Mercurial Disease, &c. IT i rrcoiiiiiietiileil to Phyucian and other, a the strongest prejtarutiou now in use, and en tirely dill'erent from that put up in quart bottlca, possessing little or no active piinciple ef the Santa parilla, hut iuteiided to deceive the public For sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland. eIIEYL'8 EMBROCATION" for Hones will cure Sprains, Jiruiavs, Cut, Call, Swelling, and all complaint requiring an external remedy. It is highly useful ia Spavin, Curb, Kitighone, still nes of tlie Joint, cracked Heela, Splints, &c. It ha also beeu used with great success by per sous aillu tvd with iiliouuiatism, and other oom plaint. Prepared only by W, Marshall, Philadvl. pliia, and fur sale by At. A. McCay, Northumber land. Philadelphia, May 86, 1849. ly WINDOW tiLASS, 8 by 10, for sals Iv HENKV MAteftR ' 8unbury,Jau 87th, 1849- if. In prrsrntinu Ihe pnlilic vvilli a remnlv for the trrtitmnit ami cure ot' Fkvps ami Aona tititl mlirr bilious ilinnist., no upolti)- is twet1l. Vust iiiiiiiticrs in tlia lliiitml htutes, who stiU'ttr I'roin llnit ali't-t-liotia in lliftr varied I'ortiis, ure i-uinptllctl lo Sffk relief t'runi otliitr snirt-f titan the imme diate prescriptions ol' the ret-iii.tr phvsician. It heeisnes liter ef i .re an ottject of huiuaiiity, as well us of public inter est, to tiriaic before tlicm a remetly preparttd fniiu much ex perience, anil which may always lie relied upon ns safk, ISFECTUAL, 0 HARMLESS TO TUB C ONSTtTCTloW . Tllttl such is the true eliumetitr of the INDIA t'HOl.AOOCil'K, is amply attested by Uic universal success with which it 1ms been employed. tV F.stmct from a cnniniiitiirtill.nl nf the Hull. Wii,. liam Woodbkidg, of tlie V. . heiialK, late Oovcriior of Michigan. IlETROIT, Oct. 31, 1810. Doctor Charlcs Osooon, Vror Sir. 1 have rtstd with much interest, your little TRaeatise Ukiii ihe mu8es, triilititiit and cure" of the febrile iliseiihrs which hnve st.: extensively prevailed iu tttir country iliirini. the Inst lew iii.inthti mi inieresl ini'icim-d no ditiihl, by lint fact Ihnl I litice jiitlivitliuilly stilb-reil so much fruin them. Tlatuirh I leel myself very' iiict.itipetciit lo jutlire sttl'ely 4t n u sultje.'! i eitliri-lv profi'ssiniiril, vet jinir iiie.'iy aiuis i. nie wt'tt nitviutti, situ ymir eoncitl. sious jimt. unit 1 think wtlhul, thtit uttir pamphlet is ctilcii latt'tl In piiKlttee lliueh pnictltnl gitittl. I Spcuknip nf the iiietliciiie he says : It fully jtistitietl your j tltltterillff exectutiilis, and ns a sttfe. conveilletll, uud p 'pll i Ittr remedtr, mv own experience, s i ftir, imlut'es me l.i Ite- lievc tlmt it will prove a (treat public hrm-tit. I am plenw-d to learn ihnl you htivs rei'etttly crtriltlifhtil seccml titrt'ticies j for its dihvtsitiiai though I reirret that, wiih a view to a more (renentl dissemination of 11, you should lave l'nuu.1 it liecesRiry to rensive from your prtetit residence uiu ni us. .. mi itiueu iLpeci i nave lite nunttr tti tn", sir, Your itli!i.cd seryant. Wli 1JA.M OODUKIilfii:. rV From Hon. Stephen V. It. Tv.ttwiainr.s. nf Mi.-I,;. gun Slate Semite, tn the Aitejit ut lletroit. lllBMIXr.HAM, li.ikLA Nn Co., Dec. Ill, I'll. Kir yim wish me tn iulorm ynu what 1 know of Dr. Ostroixl s India f IioI ir ngue, nr unli-bilious intlicine. I do bclu've that il' tha virtue aiul ellicucy of tlua meitutiiitt wers irenei ally known, the rrvxa a.nu auue would Uisuppear iu Michipan. i I piocured a bottle in the sprtit nf lf-lt, and havs iid reustin lo believe tlut myself uud funiily escaicd lite agu lust seusnu in conseijueiKNt of its use. Perhaps in no summer smce (lie settlement of this fine peninsula, b.is the fever and uiue been so prevalent us the lust. 1 Imve recommended litis meiucine in numerous in stance., and when Ilia diacusc had become fixed and Isillled (lie. skill of physicians; and 1 have never known il fall. I. has universally prtsluced the imutt happy erlects, and I bet have it has never been exceetl-,1 hy any medicine in remo ving the hilinus discuses uf the climate. Yours, respeclfnllv, PTEHHE.VV. R.TROWmtinOK. wl5.nJc,S'1;'.ta,,'-H' "' M ASSKR ; Nnrlhumberlantl, V.'.'aVHSk: m- RAS,:K' Muyd, im8tf J. J.'OTIEEITOTJGZ. (Late Heller &. (.rsenough.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER, WaMltlugton, U. J. DRAWINGS and pane r for ihe Patent Oil ice, prepared and all the necessiry bu. bums, ji rtlaliun to securing patentn, trans ueted, and promptly attendexl to. at their of. fiu-e opposite the Patent OlRce. OctoW 28, 1848. It AY RUM. An excellent article fur la by HJiXKY MASKER. fcunbury Jail, :7th, 1849 tf. PLASTER, Palt and Fih, lust recriTed snd for A y ' J. W. KRII.INU. Sunburv, Dec. 2, 1848. , T) AISINS, currants, citron, cheese, pepper uce, Ac For sale by i. W. r'RlI.lNU 1 Buiiluiry, Dect, 184H. - . ILKVif lUl tiV 'y,MY. Au excel- lent remedy far coturtis, colds, for sale al this office k n rr) - .'vl".trn. nn.l mfii1nitT Inr in n t mv r.-trnimrs m iiiU'ini'iintr lo lcLTiit my lu-aiih. :um1 mtr rtnlin:r in Hmiif j.pf-r m!" y -iu S;tm;;;ir:i;a 1 rt 'Ivt-d t j try it. Ai'itT lining mx b 'ttU-H 1 i ntiJ it tf -ii- ni 2if-it p Kttt, mill r;i!!r1 t" ure yiMi at V-H'.r n:hci-; Wiiii -mr :nh ice I k-;t on. mill d" nnwt lMriil yi'ii nr v. 'ir utlvi'-fl. J persrvtrru in tnknii; llic .trMi ;inil;i, itnil lu c htrii nLlt' tn tlttnul tn my tmnil tilxtrn t" -r the Ins' Imir nvuithi". und I hnpebytht Mcfsintrs uf titad mvt ytuir Sirrttt.irill:i to rout in U' my ht-:ilih." It lu lpctl mo beyond the rxpci'tiitiontnii' nil wla. knew my t:iw!. ..HAK 1,11s tilJl.MJIV (ianu;, Ksctrx n. . J., Aup. 2. lrJT. Slaicft" pvJrrsrv, F,rx r.umtv. p. rhnrlpB Ouim- hy U'liiff duly nwnrn ai-rttntiiiR hi l:iv. hi his mitli nuith, tint tlit inrftfoiiur utiitmifnt ia trut ucfonliii; to ihr best ol" hikiitwtttriiiidbeit-t. I'llAlMsllS Ql l.MHV. ? worn hi id uwicTitMtl to ptire in t iirnncr. thr2U Auut. It47. C HI liALDWI V. .lmLice ul' the IVnce. shttixo nisO(u. Rrn.t the follmviiig, aitd my tlmt emmtmption it in iiu-u-rablo il' you can : New York, April iKI. 117. Pr. Townbend : verity bt-ufve thai yuur tSuiKiiuirilla hn bmi the tnraii. throui:ti I'roviili'iK-e, ul wivinn tny lu' I hiivu Tor MVf-rut years huil Uul uouh. It liecumv worse and wire. Al ktM 1 ruiwU Itire tiiaiititii n liJinx), butt iniiht Bvvrattand wtuprtutly dftiiliUttrd nnd redurt-d, and did not expect to live. 1 have only uwd yiMir harmipanlla but a short time, and tlu-rc h;m u woinleriiil change tx-en wrnuijlit in me. I am imw n!!e U walk uli owr the city. 1 mine no blixid, ud iny ootih h:m let't mo. You run well i mui ine tlmt 1 uiu LiuuiAtuI !r tlirHe r'Kal!K. our obedi ent iorvunt. t W.M. It L'SSKIsl,, tki Catharine ut. t.ost urn fii'FsKrii. The annexed reriiticutu tella a wmple and truthful story f mitreriiiff uml relirl. Theru ure thjuitriiidi ol" similar en. ses in thin eity and Hrooklyn. and yet there ure thotiwnids of parents let their children die lor feur of being humhusyvd or to gave a few shillings. Hmoklyn. 8ept. 13. 147. l)r. Townrknd: I take pleasure in UiUiiK, ftir the Iwne fit of thMe wiiom it in iy eiint iTii, that tny daughter, two Vftirs and ix mouths oiii. win nmieten WUh genrml u iulity and ltsif ttjitwh. Sho whb piven up as past it e 'Very bv our family physician; but Itirtunuiely I wus re iMiiuiiendr'd bv a frieiul lo try your Kirauimrillu. Iteftire hax nttf used one Urttle slm rm trvt-rfri hr speech mid was enabled to walk alone, to the ustoiiUtmient of ull who were uetpiauiti'd with the -ircuiiiitaiicts. She is now quite well, and in much belter betilth tlian she has Itreit fur 1 inotiths paal. JuM;1'I1 1 AVlsOli, I2 Vork st., Uiuoktyn. TWO CU1LUKKN tAY KD. Very few families indeed in fuet we huve not heard if on that imed Ur. T"Wnsend's i;irtn;inltii in time. I uuy cbildren the past Suminer, while those that did u t, ickcned aiul died. The oerciiicnte. we publifli lieliiw is (HH'lustve eviib'iiee of its value, und is only another instuiu'e of is tat, iinr the livs rt children : lJr. Towx9BNi le.ir ir : 1 had two children cured by yur Kirwpurilia of the auuuuer cutnpfciuit and dysenuiry ; i ne v.'as only 15 niouih old und tlw ittlnr H yeurs. Tin) were very iimch reihice!. und we exiMn-ted they would die ; thry were en up by two resae:tuble physicians. When the doctor iufurinetl us that we must lose them, wrrraok veil to try your SuraapiinUu we had heurd so much of. but had little cotifitlfiue, there beiuir s much atulf advertined that is worthier: but we are thankful that we did, for it luuloubtnlly auved the lives of ytU. 1 write this tnuiollv era may be' induced to use it. Yours, respeclfnllv, JOHV WILKi.V. Jr. Myrtlc-vcuue, Brooklyn, Sept. 15, lh47. TO THE LAD IKS. liRfcUT FEMALK MKDICINB. Pb .Townsknd's 8absapabilla is a aovereisi and speedy cure for incipient consumption, and for tbe guuerul prostru lion of the system no mutter whether the result of inhe rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ae eidenl. . Nothing can be mora surprising thun ita invigorating ef fects on the human frame. Persona all weakness and las situde, from taking it at once Imcoine robust and full of energy tinder its iutitience. It iimnediuteiy count cruet tha iierveliwuesa oi Uie feaiiule fruttie, which ia tlie great cuusa bur rein iuat. It will not be expected of us, Iu cusca of an delicate a na ture, to exhibit certificate of cures perfonnxl, but we can uuHtre the adlk-Led tbut hundreds of times huve buun repot led to us, Pr. ToWKsENn: My wife being greatly di'tresscd by weuknesa and general debility, and suflering eontiuualiy by pam said With i!ier dnficuliies. aud buying kiwwu easts where your medicine lim eilecud grout cures; and uJho hearing It reonimueuileU for such caws us I lmve deenbed, 1 oo'uined a bottle of ymr V.xiruet of RirsuiKinlia and foU lowed the directions' you gave me. Iu a snort period it reiuoveil her complaints uud restored her to heulth. Ucing greuU'ul for the betu tits she received, 1 take pleasure ut Uuacki.owledRiiiK it, und lecjauinciidiiuf il to the puUic. Albany, Aug. 17, Ml cor. Grand lsydia U. UYSl'KPSIA. No fluid or nrnliciiia has aver beeu discovered which an nearly resembles tlie gusino juiee tu snliva in deoiMnMasiiig IimmI aitd atrejivthetiiitg the orgaua ot' ibneatiou as this pre puratiou ol' sSaraupariUu. H psiiivety eares awry uas of dysiscpsiei, bowevJT severe or chmuic Bank Department. Alliany, May 10, IM3. Dr. Townaend Sir : 1 have tieeu aJttioted f-JC aevemt yeaia with UyspeiMia in ita worst fociu, attended withaour nees of sttMiioeii, loss of appetite, extreme heartlturu, and a grt-ut aversion to ull kinds of fo-nl, aitd f'r weeks, (what j could eat) I hare been unal4e to re4aui but a siimU putia on uiy siumavit. I tried tit usual reiueiliea, but they bad but utile or no rflVot In retnoviiig the cimipluint, I was uv. durd, about two ctonlhs siiice, to try four I". x tract ol' Kar auptirillu. and I mutt any witii little uontuleaiee but alter am tig neafty two uttle. 1 imuh1 my apoetii reaU-rud an4 lita kwu'li'Uin entirety fcim-ved; anil 1 would ettriMMily e eoiiuiw itd the use ol it to tuoac wh hare been aitliHeif at have beeu. Yours, ., W. W. VAN VSANPT. Agent for Huiibur) JII W. HUI.IXO; No iha.uU rboKl, M AKV A. McCAY j Danville, WM A. Ml It KAY A V, A (Mil , IM8 ly 1 IV.-pW I v S. TtU'SKY, Pruvirisl, No. 100 aem Ar;RM .KiHN YOrXtl, Sunbury, M. A. McCAV, Fcbnmrv IT, 1-lf), LIVER COMPLAINT, J.UWniCK. nvSI'EPSIA. chiiomc ok j AEIIVOUS OKRIIslTV. D1SF.ASE OF I ' THE KIDNKYS, fit all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Slonuich m both. Male and Female : Such ns Coiitiutin. Inward Files, Fullnew nr tllood to the 11 cud. Aridity t' the Stomach. Ntmsta, llenrt-buru, Disgust for FrMl, Futlnewinr weight iu the Stomach, S.)ur r.ru.-uH'iiR, Mnkuig or l- Itiltcnng at Uic pit oi thenunucl Swumiimii of the llcatl. Hurried and Dnfk-ult Hreathuii: 1- lutieruig at the Heart, Choking or Sudicatiug aemtutkuis when iu u Ivinu posture Uiinnt-js of Yisi'm, Hois or w-bs before tha Siutit, Fever and dull pam in the llntd, IMi.eu. cy of Fcrnpiiati.nl, Vtlliwnew oi th Skin and Kvtta, Fum in uic rinc, isaev, t iicm, i.imlw. Ac, Su Mcu tluhei ll'nit, Hurnnig in the Flesh, Constant IniairiiiiiiH at' evil unu grout ui-piesMon oi Spirits Cun be clitvluully cured by Cclelu'ateu (IcFinan iiilters. Their jMrn tr over the uKve diuiswea is not ex'-elM- equallifi- ly any other preparation in tlie Fnilcd Slut as the cures aucsi, in rnuuy cumus aiier siiillful physicians nan luueu. lJeranacment of the l.iver and Stomach ore a purcn hiftatiity, unrt will also pi duee difenneot the Heuit. Skin, Jjiutes and Kulneys, and lujs the body oiieu tt un utuv k the tUrliru, liiih'U, or Veilow I't vei, and is gciiuruJly lii hrst caiue of that most banef ul diKease, Comuiuptioii, Opinions of the Philadelphia Vrcas. 'TUE WSPATCH." Dcceuihci :h1 kivm: INVAU-AlllsK.MKUU'lMi. We have frequently iK-uni un- -,-i.r.iun iicruiuu iiuiern. iiuumtaetured hv Ur ItooUl.tnd, itjrokeu tt in teruia ot coiniut mlau ii, and w kiww ueBcruui ao. i ma too cainnou pi act ice, m eer- tain quaiUTK, to pun all iiiunnt i ol ut'lr iiahli, but iu th above Un tern, hundred, ure bung witnetwes of their great laoml and ph sical wonh. Asa medicine of the hivi r CionpiainL, Jaundice, Nervous Debility and Pysiiepitiu, it has been found invaluable, eilecliiig cures and thoroughly eradicating uiscaseit. when ull other medicines have failed. We fewl coin inceil, lliat iu Ihe use of the tierman liitlers, the wiiriil d aesuot bevonie liebihialwl, but (Namtantlygiuna atreuirth and vigor to the liaiuc a fact Worthy ol great eomidcrutiofi. The bittern are plenanut in taste nnd stm-ll, and can be administered uisler any rircumstniK-ea, to the most delicate stomach. latte.-d. they cau be used by ail per eoui with the ui -att ien'ect safety. It would be Well for those who are much utfecled in the nervous avatein, to oonmieuce with one ten ajwoatulor iesa, tual gradually bj. creuse. We ajwak from ejtpcricnce, and ure of course, a proper judge. The pre far and wide, have united in re commending the German Uittera, and to the aiineted wo most corduiily udviiki their use. SPIRIT OF THE TIMES," June tilth mi's: 'DO OfB00011CH'lzi:NS who are invalids, know Ihe many ssiciiiialiini; rum that huve twrn pcriuruml by Dr. HiKillianil'a Celelmill (iiriiitin Biilrrs If ihey d.i ism, we rasinuiieiHl tlieiutoHw'lMiriwuiMnlii'iii eaore," all wlui are artlirlnl w ith Uvit CnnniUiiiit, Jaiualiiw. Oys pciisia, ia- Xurvnus l.-bilit-; the U,iot,.r luiscnreil msiiy of mir eitizeaa alter the hrsi ihysirians luul failed. We have usi d Uiisil. aixl liiey have pmvud lotwainulu iuetaut everv mm shnuU knuwia, and we imiiiiuI reiraui (living our tut liiiiiiiiy iu iheir luvnr. und that . which give Uieui greaier clunn mioa our huinlile eir.ift, they are eiuirely VegeraUe "THE DAILY NEWS," Jnlvtilisuvf 'We epeiilt knowuarly w Ur. tlrviflsnd'sCel.-hnit, Ger. nuiu Hiii-i., hen we say u is a Uessiis: m' this aiie ; sii.l in ilisoaseaiif tlie biliury, Uij. iii o and NiTViiunSyBimu. it lmsu we think an eriuiil. It Is a Viyeiuhle Preisiniiinu and made without Alivihol, and to all invulids we woukl ri coniiaeud it as worthy ikwr nalidii. , Kur sale, wholesale and risiol, al list nriivspat Deikit fJKHMAX AUiUU IXIi tmiUK.No. UTS Hum l:'rvt' l'hilailelpliia. ' 1'ur sule by M. A.Mi CAY, NorihuiulierkiuU aud un hnry aist resjieiHabUi dualers guuerally Ihronch.Hit Uie eitbta. Apru at, MMr Cotton Vara, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps aud Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made Pantaloons, Keady made Vets, Congress Kuivea, Porcrlain UueJ Jireseniug kettles, just received foralely H. MASTER. . Sunlmrj', $it. AXES of a rery auirior quality for sale bv. H. MASrSER. . Bunbury, Dec. 8, 1848. 1 TJLANK EOOKS.Ab assortment ot Blank Hooks, just received and sale hy Sunbury, Dee. t, 1848. 11. MASSER. tjVKL P MtU.AritsEt rluperiot refined Syrup O Molasses for sale bv 11 E.N K IT NLVKbEK. Huubury, Dec. 8, 1849. "APS. An assortment just receivesi. v stia ma ia at VK.a, lor sal by . - . , H. MA89IH f unbury, Dec. 8, 1818.