Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 15, 1849, Image 3

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QUI 0ott0 of 3tcm0.
cM plAc7(t6T'i --Doctor'
,t the mines hi California, are a hundred
dollar Wait., A phywcian from Westches
n N. Y., taa eatabliahed himself on the
nks of the Saoramento, in a log cabin, one
half of which he uses as a store, and the
vtber as a hospital ; and it is said that he re
0(jTM as much gold daily as the arerage of
Vrentjr miners.
' Floating Ssatos. The people of the
..stern Texas, says the Houston Telegraph,
rere to elect a floating Senator at the late
election, but we are unable to ascertain who
s the successful candidate, ine vmters
are been so high in that section that all the
Mnators and mails seem to be afloat.
"Lance Dam. The Hadley Falls Company,
which has a larger capital than any other
cotton manufacturing company in the United
States, is now building the largest dam in
America, being 1047 feet long and 30 feet
4iigh The water power is estimated capa
ble of driving 1,200,000 spindles.
The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of
'Pennsylvania, have within the past three
days purchased $113,500 of the State Loans,
for the sum of S10O,001 12. This is the
first purchase made under the law passed at
the last session.
''Chabies, do you really love my dnngh
'ter!" "You know I do, Mrs. Snipkins."
"How much do you love her t 4,I love her
as hard as hard as a horse can kick."
Mrs. Snipkins was satisfied of the strength
of his affection.
There is no ill so hard to bear,
No pain so sharp, no woe so keen,
No poverty so great to hour
A loss of those, who friends have been;
'Earth's starry flowers no longer smile,
Heaven's stars no lonpcr glow above,
Nor mirth can more the heart beguile
Shorn of it golden plumage Love.
'Destrcciivb Fire at Elmira--Lom 100,.
U00 Eaglt Tavern in Ruins. On the 2d
inst., the Livery stable of L. B. Fish, was
discovered to be on fire, and all parts of the
Tillage from where the canal crosses Water
street, at Thompson's Hotel, down to Bald
win street, and up Baldwin street, including
;the dwelling of Thos. Dunn, were destroyed
. , A bible and a newspaper in every house,
good school in every district, all studied
and apprecicted as they merit, are the prin
cipal support of virtue, morality, and civil
liberty. Franklin.
"Can yon tell me, Jim, where they get so
.fnuch corn from to manufacture into whis
key !" "Why, no," says Jim, "but I can
tell very well where the com comes from
-after the whiskey is madel"
The Democrats of Bradford county, have
-nominated George Sanderson and Charles
Stockwell, for Assembly. In the Senatorial
district of Bradford and Tioga, John W. Gu
ernsey m tie Democratic nominee.
Eg wtiich are not very fresh are unsafe
to eat in these times. A little putrid white
of an egg, called addled, taken into the sto
mach, occasions nausea, hence fainting, vom
liling, diarinusi, and gripes.
Some poetical genius, after being on a
.rgit, penned the fallowing verse:
WeR, brandy drink, and never think,
That girl's at all can tell it ;
' 'They Jiori't -suppose a woman's nose,
Was ever made to mell it.
The Assrvr.
'The spell . is broken s'he Sias laid
'Her treniblinc lips ajraimt his cheek ;
On hers there is a deeper tfhade
Of crimson, but ffue floes not speak ;
Hervoice in hushed I'nerwoice is still
'Tis given, half without 'her v.-ill !
Xibuo-. Bavfield, an English officer, has
'been for :30 years engaged in surveying the
St.lnwrence river, from the culf to the head
of .;Ake Supebidr, and tis -still t iTae same
wote. 'Be ey fheie are 22)000 intends in
this over ncd The eastern waters of Lake
The gold of California will have a great
rfTeat lujwn matrimony It isunderatoocl that
the generality -cf youngHailies new decline to
engage iffcemseWes, iprefersing to wait for a
year .or two When "the crowd returns from
the saiggsrra, at waioh time each one ex-
pecte te catch, a fifty thousand Hdllarer-
The Creek Slave, Towers' great work, has
been purchased by the Cincinnati Art Union,
and it is expected that it will fee put -up as
one of the prices for the annual drawling.
' A man is daring business in Cincinnati ia
room four feet wide by two and a half feel
deep., He makes money.
Poo FriLow.The "proud duke" of
Somerset, as he was called, used to say that
he pitied Adam, 'because he had no ances
tors. . .
' The priests df the Greek church, in order
to encourage (he recruits raised for the Rus
sian army, assure them that if they are killed
in Hungary, ihey will rise the third day at
The Colored Men of Connecticut propose
to have a Convention on the 12th instant, to
consider their "political condition," kc.
They want the right of suffrage, and regard
their exemption of taxation as a privilege of
little importance.
"Wild Pigeons. A few of these birds have
arrived on their semi-annual visit to the
North,, and have taken up their quarters in
the neighboring forests of Trenton.
V- The Late President ef the RepnNio el
;,JUyti, Geo. Boyer, has arrived in Paris. He
, Ulead purchasing as estate oear louloa
and passing the remainder ef bis life m
Pat roa inso stuck to thi wall, The
dean and chapter of Westminster Abbey
charge $100 for a plaoe on the wall for a
has relief two feet nine by five feet six.
' - Seventeen, out of the tt Democjatie pa
pers in Michigan, have come out in favor of
the exclusion of slavery from the free terri
Joriet by act of Congress.
Ten days per annum the average k li
ps cf human life.
Goal v?rabc.
SoNBuar, September t, 1849.
Amount of coal brought to Sunbury over
the Danville and Potteville rail road, from the
Shamokin rnfnes! Tons.
For the last Week, 020
Per last report, 1117
QLIjc itlarkct.
vhilatjetjphxa mahkit.
8ir, 11, 1849.
Wheat Prime Pennsylvania reds are
held at $1 05a 106 and white at $1 12aSl 13.
Corn. Yellow is worth 65 a 66c; white
61 a 63 c.
Oats. Southern Oats are held at 30 a 31 ;
Penna. 33 a 34c.
Kve Market bare small sales at 64e.
WhiIket. Sales in hhds at 24 o and in
bbls at 28 cents.
Ojjict of tin American, Sep. 10th, 1849.
GRAIN. Sales of wheat at 1 0681 He
for prime white, and 100 a SI 06 for red,
and white suitable lor family flour at 112 a
116 cts.
CORN Sales at 60c for white, and 63c
for yellow.
We quote Md, Rye at 56c. ; a lot of Pa. do
sold at 65u.
OATS Sales at 30 a 33c per bushel.
WHISKEY We note a sale of bbls. this
morning at 29 cents. In quantity they cau
be had at 284 cents.
Corrected weekly by Henry Masstr.
Wmiat. - -100
Kti. -56
Cork. - .50
Oats. - 31
BlTTll. IS
Eons. .... 9
Pur. .... 6
Flaxsiio. .... 15
Tallow. . . .10
Beeswax. ... 95
Flax. - - .8
Heckled Flax. ... 10
Dried Apples. - . - .50
Do. Peaches. ... - SOO
to pnrsiciAss, druggists and cointky
TR. J. N. HEELER & Bro. most respectfully
solicits attention to their fresh stock of Eng
lith, Frmirh, Grrmtm and Amriean Iirus, Med
iciues, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stulfs, GIuss
ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &e. Having
opened a new store No. "94 Market St. with a
full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, wo re
spectfully solicit Country ilculers to examine our
stock lielbre purchasing elsewhere, promising one
and all who may feel disposed to extend to us their
patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi
cines, on as lilierul terms as any other house in tlio
City, and to faithfully execute all orders entrusted
to us promptly and with dispatch.
One of the proprietors being a regular physician,
affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of
oil articles sold at their establishment
We especially invito druggists and country
merchants, who may wish to become agents for
Dr. Kttler't Celebrated Family Medicine, (stan
dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad
dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, wc respect
fully remain,
J. N. KEEI.ER & BRO., Wholesala Druggists,
No. 294 Market street, Philadelphia.
September 15, 1849 ly.
Rridge Letting.
T&TOTICE is hereby given that proposals will
1 be received at the house of Martin Drum
lisllcr, in Jackson township, on Monday Scptenilicr
Sltb, 1849, for the repairing or renewing a bridge
across Green Drier Creek, near the house of John
M. fnyder. Plans and specifications can be seen
on the day of Istting
Commissioners' office, )
Sunbury, 8epL 8, 1849.)
T InvcnUrs, Mechanics ad Artlsaaa.
THE Publishers of the Scientific America
in returning their thanks to the community
for the liberal support and encouragement which
has been extended to them during the past four
years, would respectfully give notice that the first
number of Volume five, will bo issued on tne S"d
of September, affording a favorable opportunity
for all to subscribe, who may wish to avail them
selves of the vuluable information always found
in its columns. The new volume will be com
menced with new type printed on sitra fine paper,
manufactured expressly for this publication, and
embellished with a chaste and elegant border.
It will be published as heretofore in quorlo form,
thus affording at the end of the year a UEAl'TI
FL'L BOOK of OVER 400 PACES, containing
between 5 and 600 ORIUINAL, ENCRAVIMiS
of NEW INVENTIONS, described by letters of
reference, besides a great amount or reading
matter, valuable to every man in lite country.
An iucreased amount of care and expense will be
bestowed upon this volume, to render it more fully
wbat it has been termed, "1 nc best Mechanical
Paper in the World." Its columns as usual will
be filled with the most reliable and correct infor
mation in regate to the progress of SCIENTIFIC
and MECHANICAL improvements. Chemistry,
Architecture, JJoany, Manutacturea, Kail Koad
intelligence and the weekly list of patents, pre
pared expressly for tltis Journal at the Patent Otlice
in W asltington.
As sn evidence of the estimation in which the
publication is held by the Scientific and Mechan
ical portion of the community' It is only necessary
to state, that its circulation has increased within
the last three years to upwards of 10,000 copies,
already exceeding the un.'ted circulation of all the
Mechanical and Scientific publications in this
country, and the largest ef any one in the world.
I E K.MS : Two dollars a yeai in advance, or
if desued, one dollar in advance, and the remain
der in six months.
TO OLUBS : 5 copies. $8 1 10 copies, $15 ;
SO copies, $28. All letters must be post paid and
directed to MUNI & CO.
Publishers of the Scientific American,
New York.
N.B- Patents secured and mechanical draw-
inga executed on the most reasonable terms, at
the Scientific American oltice.
September 8, 1849.
IN pursuance of su order of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposed to
Public sale, at the bouse of Michael Kpatx, in
6'eorgetown, Lower Mahonoy township, Nor
thumberland county, on Saturday the 29lh day of
September inst., to witi 4 II the interest of Daniel
N. L. Reutter, (said to be the undivided half) of,
and in a certain lot of ground, situate in Lower
Mahonoy township, near Georgetown, bounded by
lands of Adam Biugaman, George Brosius, Jacob
AUemsn, and the river Susquehanna, containing
one acre. Late the estata of said Daniel N. L.
Reutter deceased.
Sals to commence at 10 o'clock1, A. M., of said
day,- whea Ibe conditions thereef will be mads
known by
Bv order of tha Court,
Havni Rockefeller, CHi. O. C
Sjiuibury, Kej.. 1, U19 1
TO the Friends of Humanity.
This is to certify, that since Mr. Rockefeller has
held tho offices of Register cV Recorder tie has
Kindly and freely supported myself and ssven
children, (tho oldest being merely able to main
tain himself,) and that ho pledges himself in his
notices In the papers, that if the voters of the
county will elect him to these offices at the next
general election, he will give the em .half of the
nctt proceeds of said offices to the support of my self
no iiuie cnnuren, lor two years rrom iseccmncr
next, in which pledge I most cheerfully snd wil
lingly confide. Hs has offered to give me secu
rity thereof, but I do not ask it of him, his word
alone being a sufficient guarantee to me for that
I, therefore, htimhly and most respectfully, ask
all the friends of my late husband, Martin Incin,
and the voters of Northumberland county, gener
ally, to support Mr. Rockefeller j for should he be
elected I would be able, with the aid of my rela
tives, to discharge the debt upon the house built
by my husband, and secure a home for myself and
I am in a feeble state of health myself and have
no means of support whatever for my family, nor
have I had any since Julie last, except what I have
received from Mr. Rockefeller and that he has
freely and plentifully given. May God reward
him for his kindness. I, therefore, most earnestly
hope, and believe that tho friends of the widow
and the fatherless will support Mr. Rockefeller for
these offices. RACHAEI. IRWIN.
Widow of Martin Irwin.
Suiibnry, Pep. 1, 1849. 3t.
To all whom It may concern.
JVOTICE is hereby given that the following
certificates of Shares of Stock, in the Centre
Turnpike Company, have been lost or mislnid,
vii: one share in the name of John Buvers, de
ceased, one shnre in the name of Martin Weaver,
Esu.i and two shares in the name of Jacob Geur-
hart, sr., deceased. That application will be made
by the subm-rilier, to whom the above shares have
been legally transferred, for new certificates of
stock to be issued to him.
Sunbury, Sep. 1, 1819. 3t.
Fellow Citizens : Warmly urged by many
of my friends, I have consented to be a candidate
for tho office of
at the next general election. It is known to the
niol of you that I submitted my claims to the
County Convention that assembled in Sunbury,
od Monday last, and received a majority over any
other candidate on the first four ballots. The
means afterwards used to defeat mc, I consider
wcra unjust and dishonorable. I agree to submit
them now to an intelligent community, and if so
fortunate as to lie elected, I will endeavor to dis
charge the duties incumbent upon said otlice in
good faith.
Very respectfully your fellow ritizsn.
Northumberland, Sep. 1 ,1849.
'T'HE undersigned respectfully oilers himself as
a Candidate at the next general Election, for
these olfiees. Being well acquainted with the
duties for several years, and fully determined, if
elected, to discharge them faithfully, he believes
he could give general satisfaction.
I also pledge myself, that, if elected, I will apply
the one half of the nctt proceeds of the offices, to
the support of Mrs. Irwin and her Orphan children
(whose indigent circumstances greutly need it.)
for two years from Decemlier next, tho time Mr.
Irwin's term would have expired, if he had lived.
The support of the electors would be greatly ro-
mcnibered by
Sunbury, August 4, 1849.
'"PHE subseriler has lioen solicited to oiler him
t self again for the office of
itnaisTKit si.
for Northumberland county, and trusts if elected,
his experience in suid otlice w ill enable him to dis
charge its duties satisfactorily.
Sunbury, Juno 23, 1819.
THE subscriber offers himself to the electors of
Northumberland county as a candidate for
should he be elected he will faithfully discharge
the duties af his office.
Lewis township, June 23, 1848.
Importer of French Baskets Looking Classes,
mid Fancy Roods,
No. IS North Second Street,
Between Market and Arch Sts, under J. Sidsxt
Juke' Carpet Warehouse, two doors below
Christ Church,
HAS on hand and is constantly receiving a
large and extensive assortment of Combs,
11 rushes, Fancy Goods of every description, (too
numerous to mention,') Looking Glasses of Gilt
and Mahogany frames, Baskets, Coaches, Chairs,
Shaker's Kaslcm Wisp and Country Brooms,
WinJow Blinds, Door Mats, Tubs, Buckets,
Churns, Washboards in fact. Wooden and Wil
low Ware of every description, all of which will
be sold low for Cash or City acceptance.
Merchants would save themselves much time
and trouble, by calling and examining my stock
before purchasing.
N. li. Looking Glasses, are insured against
Breakuge to all parts of the Union, without extra
August 25, 1849. 3m
REPPECTFULLV informs the citizens of
this place and vicinity, that he haa perma
nently located himself in Sunbury. His otlice
is next door to Mr. Jacob Painter's hatter-shop,
where he can at all times be found, unless pro
fessionally engaged.
Sunbury, August 25, 1849. 3m
Estate of Jacob Gearhart, (Car
penter) dee'd.
1 OTIC'E is hereby given that letters of admin
1 iatration upon the estate of Jacob Gearhart,
(Carpenter) late of Rush township, Nortoumber
land county, dee'd, have been granted to tha sub.
sclilwr, residing in said township, All persons in
debted to the estate are requested to make imme.
biate payment, and all having claims against said
estate are desired to present ahem to tha anlwcri
der, without delay.
Auq 18, 1849 tit.
1 TENINGS A cheap and excellent arti.
lo lor fastening sash for sale by
J. W. f K1L1AU.
5unbury, July 7, 1849.
W OSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this
B. excellent article for 1 etter, 4c, just received
and for sale by HENRY MAooEK.
Sunbury, July 28, 18!--
WHEAT WANTED One dollar per
bushel, cash, will ba paid for good wheat
by IKA I . tLCMtn i ,
Sunbury Jan. S7tli, IB4U u.
rriEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin
J. Tea Company. For sale by
j. w. iiiii.i:u
Punbury, Dec. S, 1818
I'too Valuable Plantations
T1 V virtue of the lasl Will ami Testament o
tJ George Krehs, dee'd, late of jacksfln tbwnship,
Northumberland county, tho undersigned Execu
to will sell at public sale, on the premrsef on H
Trail at, the lflth of Sbptkmbkii, next at 10 o'
clock, A. M. the following described real property
vis t
A Plantation,
containing 56 acres, more or less, sittltiu! in said
Jackson township, bounded by lands of Jacob
Ganger, John M. Snyder. Peter Reyltock and
others. Thereon is erected a two story stone
dwelling ouse, a bank Barn, a Spring-house and
never-failing spring of water upwards of SO acres
of this tract consists of of meadow land. Also an
Orchard and Cider Press.
Another Plantation,
containing 100 acres, mora or less, adjoining the
first mentioned plantation, and lands of George
Hoemer, William Schlegel, David Zurtman and
others. On this plantation there is also erected a
two story log dwelling House, a log Burn, a never
failing spring of water, and a sufficient quantity of
meadow land, an excellent Orchard of every va
riety of fruit trees. There aro upwards of 60
acres cleared and the residue well timliered.
Attendance will be given and conditions of sale
made known on the day of salo lv
August 11, 1849. ts
IN pursnauce of an order of the Orphans' Court
ef Northumberland county, will be exposed to
public sale, on the premises, on Saturday the 15th
day of September next, to wit : The undivided two
filth parts of a certain
Tract or Land.
situate in Shamokin township, Northumberland
county adjoing lands of Augustus Huey, Ephraim
Miller, John Derr, Peter Krceger, Peter Puff,
Dunklclwrgcr and others, containing 200 acres
more or less about 100 acres of which arc cleared.
Whereon are erected a House and Barn, Orchard
4-c Late the estate of Daniel Furman, dee'd.
Kale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of suid day
when the conditions thereof will be made known
by S.1MUEL FURMAN. Adm'r.
Bv Order of the Court )
Davi'd Rockefeller, Clk. O. C.
Sunbury, August 18, 1849. ts
rplIE highest market price will be paid for sol--t
dicrs' Land Warrants, at the
Pottsville, Pa.
Pottsvillc, August 25. 1649 at
Estate of Alexander Strickland,
TV OTICE is hereby given that letters testamen-
' tary have been granted to the subscribers, on
the estate of Alexander Strickland, late of Upper
Augusta township, Northumberland county dee'd.
All persons indebted to said estate or having
claims against the same, are requested to call on
the subscribers for settlement.
WM. GASS i r ,
WM. M. MILLER, ) " "'
Up. Augusta tshp. Augusta 11, 1819 fit
lNittNvlllr, k'a.
Will promptly attend to collections and all busi
ness entrusted to his care.
June 10, 1849,
1 F. A I Hie following ei-ililinitr from Onpt. Dnrw. Hie
V v-ll kiiDwn onrt popular Slunn Hont I'opuiin (o" tlie
rniLAKKi.niiA. October 31. 1HI6.
Several ynrs since I wit tttnekeri with a hrrnkinir out
on my neck in llie lonil 01 Teller, which I mil convinced
wiis enniniclc.1 til (he ll:irlier'sShip. ll Rmiuliiiillv cxlcml
rd over niv face until it nwhed the upper (inrt of the
cheeks, ll'urittg llie several m-mtli tluit it e iiiliunerl
sprcmliui;. 1 iikciI ilillerent uppltciilloiifl. some nf which Imtl
the crt'ccl. npprenlly nt I'-tiPt. .f incpumn the liciic, but
from none of lliem'ilid I perceive Ihe leurt liciuiit until 1
spplietlthe Hnim Ointment. Ily the uie ofouc jnr of it.
I was iert'eclly cureil uul liuve reiiuiiued free of the ntrec.
1 hnvc sines used the Ointment. Itshtly applied for Much,
ness of the face, hlotches. clutpped' nanus, Ac. With jer.
feet success. I have no hesitation in recoinnjeuiliur it in
llie strongest manner to Ihe pnUie.
Agent Hixrt Masseii, Sunbury.
J sly , I Ml).
BEING a progressive and Comprehensive Sys
tem of Ortlioirrnov and Orthoepv. including
a variety of definitions, adapted to the use of
Schools in the American Republic, by Almon
Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-five year a experi
ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators,
Practical Common School Mensuration, dec.
The attention of Teachers. School Dtrectors.
parents, &c, is invited to this new Spelling Book,
which conforms to the modem spelling and usagca
in Orthography as being one of the neatest, cheapest
best arranged, and better adnoted to the wants of
children, than any other published in the United
Mats. It is v. list it purport to lie, a Mpi-lling
book and not a Reading Uook, und only requires
an examination oil the part of Instructors of youth
to secure for it a universal introduction into the
Schools of the United States. Just published, and
for sale by Hcnht MAssca, Sunbury.
Where Teachers and Directors can procure
copies for examination.
August 4, 1K49.
will yi neglect
those preiuouitory symptoms
Which ure giving you wuruu-g tluit smii
thing numt lie dlie save yttu fnsil the gisve of
the couiaiuiplive ! Why encourage Ihsl
hacking Cough the pain in lh
siile night sweats railing
of bkftHl or dnliculty of
Ucuthing f Why
rueriwhe.1 ami
foster the
tluit is
preying iima
your vitals,
taking; swiiy yimr strength
with each passing day, and hastening yon to
that bourne from whence no traveller returns?" Hs is
how shle to travel uiwl sttand to his tsisineis.
Wilneaa the eases of Kev. Ileurv Jinies. list Kight Ave
nue, wIhi wus cured of s cough of 3U years standing ; Mrs.
Atlree, fin IN CornelM-street. WHO nail been given Up
hv Drs. .Mist. Kose atsl McClellan. The grandchild of
Christum Kleulis, 133 liillow-street, who was also given
up to die. Mrs. Millue, formerly of Hrooklin, whom Ihe
first Physicians snid eiaikl not tie cured ; aiat a host of
other, who have tieeu arilicted with
ASTHMA. CO.MU.MlllO, UVI'.K Cll.MI"i.Al.T,
and sit Ihe vsrieus forms of disease ui the vital organs.
Do sny uouta the emcacy ts tins medicine r uei uieia
go and cimvcrsa with those who have been eured by it.
rsillUlleis SHHUIllll me uamea anu rcsHieiieea fas anuin
LMMilial ts nem uaty or umiiiw, gratia, in purciauiug,
Im uire set the genuine, ask fur "HiKHMA.VH AI.1
IIKAIJNO 1IA1-M," and see thai Ibe written signs.
ture ol' A. ttbermuit, M. D. ismi tlte rapper of each bultls
tin rurcri mor auei if RheninatiMn, Vmim iu th Bwk,
Kill bimI rhuml. IsUiubuffti mihI Weukiienm. tbuii anv imli
rttlKiii tliat bu uwrcu4mi, liumlmi iif untvinripli'd ntafalt
huve atlrjiuptcu to vtiuiLrlcU it, mux mua it 141 upuu ma
roniDWiitty u thr frimiitK. V Btwtre DcnrpUim.jj
KeiuciiiUef tlwi tha true aiwl iruuiiiC FUaltjr in priut Un
rmMivh pnfttt uuule exiifttuly r the (vur(HNie end every
euee thr if(iutlure of i)r. Hmvomii i pruiied himsb thr m
ut the l'kler, im1 tlte wu4e eeruretl by tn " ighL Nmie
ther ere teiium. i nrrur wnen you wtuh nm
Mieranic'sVtMif M tin's P bister, cell at tlieoacv, lta) Ntasmu
treat, ainl you will m he diaippiNuied.
RmiwhiImst U Naaauu-atreet, New-York,
where all Dr. Hhenitan'a lAseiigeaare aikl. Hia Acmu
are Mra. !!) I w r uiitm atreet ttruoaryni uiuraun,
WllUuuuuurx aiK. neon in tt 10, ikwuhi, anu
JOHN YUL NO, unlury.
M.A.McCAY, Nortimuiberland
Aug. U, lN9-ch 3m ly
STONE milk Psns, atone Jugs and Pitchers,
and other article of atone war just received
and for sale by JOHN W. FKIL1NU,
Sunbury, June 93, 1849.
FOR SALE. A good cow, nearly , fresh for
sale cheap. Enquire at Ihe otlice of the
Hunbury, June 9, 1S19.
Rs.oum t tna Ssiats sd Home or Risk!ta-
TIVSS of tHE CoMMOKWEALm or Pkshsvlvssia is
OknksaL Asksmklt Msr, That the Constitution of this
Commonwealth lie smended in the second section of the
fifth srtlcle, so that it shall read ss Oilkiws i The Judges of
the Bilpfcme Court, of the several Courts of Common Pleas,
snd of such other t'oitrts of Record ss sre or shsll be estn
Winhrd by law, shsll be elected by the qualified electors of
the t;oniiniHiwenlth in Ihe trimmer following, to will The
Judges of tlie Puprome Court, hy the qualified electors of
the Commonwealth at targe. The Ft mideut Jatlgea of the
several Courts of Common Pless and of such other Courts
f Record as sre or shall be estshlishea hy lsw snd all
other Judges required to be learned in the la w, by (hs queli.
lied electors of tha respective districts over which they
nre to preside or set as Judges. And the Associate Judges
of ths Courts of Common Pleas by ihe qualified electors
H' the counties respectively. The Judges of the Supreme
Court shall hold their offices for the term of fifteen yesrs,
if they shsll so tng lichnve themselves well! (subject to
Ihe slloiiacitt liereinufter provided for, snlisequent to ths
first election :) The President Judges of the several Courts
of Common Plens. and of such other conns of Record as
ore or shall lie established hy Is w, and nil other Judges re
quired to be Icnmed in the law, shall hold their offices for
the term of ten yenrs, if they shall so long behave them
selves well : Tl'ii; Awiciate Judges of the Ciairl of t;:-!ii-mon
Pirns shall h U1 their offices f.r the term of five yirs.
If they shall so long hchnvc themselves well : all of wh 'in
shall lie cisnmissioiied by the Governor, tint for sny res
sonaMc cause which shall not he siitTicictit grounds of
impeachment, the fJovernnr shnll rem vc nny of ihem on
the ndilress of two.thirtls of each branch of tlie Legislature.
The first election shall take place st the general election of
this Commonwealth next after the adoption of this sinend.
meat, ami the commission of all the judge who tiinr be
then in olhVc shall expire ii the first M. unlay of Decem
ber foil owing, when Ihe terms of the new judges shnll
eiaiiiiieiiee. The person who shall then be elected Judges
of the Supreme Court rlmll hold their offices ss follows:
one of ihem for three venr. one for six yenrs, one for
nine yearr, one for twelve -car. and one for fifteen vearai
the term of each to be divided hy lot by the said judges, ss
soon aflci the election a convenient, and iheremilt certified
hy them to the Governor. Ilinf the eomminsions ninv be
ismed in nceordsnce thereto. The judge wh.we coinmis.
sion will firsjf expire shall lie t'hief Jiuaice during his term,
and thereafter each judge wll'ise couiniiwion eluill first ex
pire shall in turn lie the t hief Jiifticc. mid if two or moro
commi'iaou elinll cxire in the auine day. the judges
holding them shall decide by lot which Khali la the Chief
Jimtice. Any vacancies happening bv dinth. lesignnlioii,
or otherwise, in any of the mid c intls. shall lie filled hv
oppoiuluient by the Gveruor, to cntitimie till the firrt
Monilny of Oeeeluber succeeding the next general election.
The Judges of the Supremo Court nud ths Presidents of the
several Courts of Common Pen shall, at slated time, re
eeive for their serviiTcs nn adequate eouiKuaation, to be
fixetl by law. which shall not lie diiniiiiKhed during their
niqitiminnce in office, lait they shnll receive no fees or per.
qtlisitcs of office, nor hold any oilier office if profit under
this Commonwealth, or under the government of the L'ni.
ted Slntes, or any other State of this Union. The Judges
of the 9apfeme Court during their continunitee in office
shall reside within this Cisnnionwealth, mal the other
Judge during liieir continuance in office shall reaide within
the district or county for which they were resjiectively
Speaker of Ihe House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
In tub Sknatk, March 1. 1849.
Rssolvkp. Thut this res ilutioit pass. Yeas 31, Nsys 8.
Kxtruct from the Journal.
In the Hot;si: ok Rcpkesentativm, Atril 2,
RssoivtD. Tlntthis resolution pass Yeas 58, Nays 86,
lUtrsct from the Journal.
WM. JACK, Clerk.
Silcrktary's Office.
Filed April S, l&IC.
Dep. Sec. of the Commouivcalth.
Secretary's Office.
Pennsylvania, ps :
I fo ckrtipt thut tlit-above anil f.trcjfoinffii a true
and rorrort py of the Original Krmiliition ol' the General
ArWr'tnhly. enliticd "Keilntiin rclittit'c to an Aineiitlmeitt
oi ihe C.ittitiitijii,'' ua the auine remnim on file in this
In ?.! inrmy whereof I have hereunto
et my hand, and rmiwd t Iw afhxt-d the
JB "utr. ii iih ripvr'iitii uiiy "I jump. Alllio
AP? Il""imi, one tlHuisund eight hundred and
Secry of the Commonwealth.
rirM ilutitm. No. . minted HegIution. wun rend
third tune. On tin? r.ut-sti 'u. will llie Scutitc aixrco to the
lulifiti 'i'iic Vi?n iiuil Na wcru UiWni unrei'uhlv to
thf I'oiisutntii'ii. unit were ns inllnw. viz:
Yeas Mrnrn. II tin, llriiwli-v. C'rahh. ( uuniiii'tmm
Foray Hi. llutiK J -lmstiii. l.tvvrftM'f, in, Mummi. Mut
iuuh. 31 lumhii. lurii, KK-iuintp, Nxller, sunkcy, su urv.
SiiiiiII, iiipit. Sh-rri'lt nnl Stiiif 2,
Nays Mr-Mr. Ilert, Urmn. I'rirk. Iw. Kinir. Koniir-
nutrhrr. I'oiUM't-r uud DnrMt. Si'E vher
the qm-itti.iii wjik ilcltTiiuiittl in the affirmative. "
T1VKS. liall the rrsnlution pa f The vena mid imva were
t'lknt nreeahly to the provision of the tenth urtu-le ol' the
Count itui ion, and are an follow, viz :
EA! MeMrtrn. (ialt on J. H;ill, Onvid J. Kent. Ciaii
Hiddle. IVti-r 1. HI kuiu. Uivid M. Boh. Thuut K. Hull.
J nc -li Crt, Jnhn M. Uiflil. Nutliani.-l A. Kllartt. Jueh
Kiihtv, David 1. KitlilL'iuaii, William Kvam. John Fittiaold.
Siiiiiuei Kejjely, Jiweph W. Finher, Jlcnry M. Fuller,
innuia iiMive, iv-hk-ri namj.)8 n, tieore I . llfiiazey,
Thoiik-ia J. Herriuir, Joaenh MiL'iiin. C'liarl. llortz. J'tili
B. Ilowt-r, HolRTt Kioiz, llitrriiioii I. Laird. Ahmham
IsUintterton. Jhjiu'4 J. lwi, J nine W. Loiuf, Jacoh A'.
Ciirtney. John F..rCull k-Ii, HiiuIi M'Kee.John MM-nuli.
nn, Aiutui .iuitin, s.imiiei Marx, John C. Alyera, bdwanl
Nu'ka-e"ii. ritewart Iiraree. Jiiinea orler, llViiry C, lmit,
Aloiixo Uohli, Uvoriie Kupley, Thesdir Kynutn, Bernard
S. Hi-hooiKtver, iSamut'l Se'ibert, John Sharp, Chnminii
Snivcly, TticMim C. rttepl, Jereiuiuh B. Hlulrlw, Joaeph J.
Mtutzinaa, Murahtilt Sv.irUweltltr, Sanmel TopKert,
T. Thorn, XiohohK Thorn. Armudi Wuttlea, Kmiuel Wt i
rieh, Aloyza I. Wilcox, Duniet Zerhey and WiUiuiu K.
rneaer, npenher. o(?.
NAta Meattea. Aucualua K. Cofiivn. I)nvid M. Court
ney, David Kvunit. Henry S. Kvam, John Feiilon, Johu W,
(ieore, Thoinua Gilleapie, John B. Oordon, Wm. llrtm-,
Jaim-a J. Kirk. Jom-ph LuiiUu h, Hohert R. Little, John t.
M'Culmout. J'llm M Kre. illium Mh-rry, Jcmati Miller,
William T. Mnrrin-m. John A. Otto, William V. It-terta.
John W. Kovflterry, John H. Hiitlnronl, K Handle Smith,
jonu rniyin, jonn rvuncr, oeorge viuu-ra ana utiviU r.
iiiiuiim, 'M.
the queation wa deter in inert in the amunativc.'
SKrhttTARv'a OrnrK. )
IlarriHburiT. June 15. 1-40. t
Pennsylvania. n :
I rwirEBTirv tliat the alftre and ftttHfu
iiiff ii a true aiMlesirrect ronvof the 11 Veua'
L'oiniiiiuweulth, lor the ae&niou ol' IrlO.
Wilnma tny hatrd aial llie a! of wtid oiTice. the fineenth
day ol June, nue tlHiiiwind eiphl hundred and (Vrty-uine.
Secry of the Commonwealth.
July 7, 16.0.-3m.
FjinT.u hv mn vf.H.NKrit kmkhson.
IN ONE VOl.l'ME, Royal octavo, 1 165 pages,
beautifiillv IhhiihI, eoutainlnir, 17 fine plates.
besides numerous Wood Cuts. Sold at about
one fourth the cost of the English work, without
any Plates.
'The Parmer's Kncyi-lniKdiii is a real treasury
of practical information, wherein the experience of
all ages and countries is carefully piistkd t r to
tlie present day, and admirably arranged for con
venient relereuce. Dr. Darlington.
" V e are fullv convinced that ailch an amount
of valuable knowledge for farmer ran be found in
no other work in so cheap and convenient a form
In fact, no t srmcr w no pretends to be well inform
ed in his profession, should be without this work."
New Gennessce farmer.
An excellent work, lit to he distributed in pre
miums by Agricultural Socitiea. J. S. Skinner.
I or sale at una (Mlice, price
Also, by E. W. CAKR. Third street, epnosite
the Exchange, Philadelphia ; and N. HICKMAN,
Baltimore, Maryland.
Cxf y4Li Oauxaa mcst ai acccarsxicD ai
ths CtSH.
July 14, 1849 3m
(irren's Oxygenated Bhter, price reduced.
Old Jacob Townsend'aSarsaparilla.
Baker's Sarsaparilla.
Swayne'a 'yrup of Wild Cherry.
Bwayne'a Vermifuge.
Ay re's Cherry Pectoral
Dr. Drake's Panacea.
Dr. Cullen'i do
Tibbit'a Pain Killer.
Dr. HooHand'a German Bitter: .
Indian Vegetable Pilla
Horse and Cattle Medicines
For sal by HENRY MASSE R.
bunbury, July 14, 1840.
TISSUE PAPE1U-Yellow Tiasti papa for
covering glass, &c, for al k lh oHiae ot
lh American.
CHES.An sicalloiil article, for sals al
hall lh usual price by J. W. T RILING,
buiibury, July I, I'M?.
4ttAiM Vr and ".Nayn," taken on the "Ki'Mulinn re
ST'Th at iff k"lvc 101,11 uuiendmeiit n the Constitution,"
VT4S lfv n" "r,,nt niMx-""1 " the Jonrnala nf the
two II-" t thetienend Anyeiiililvot'thia
"Encourage Your Own!"
'T,HEiubacTibortresp;tfi,llyC,ii the attention
Of the publlt to thtir large and splsndid assort
ment of every quality and price of
which cannot fall to recommend Itself to evWr one
ho will examine it, on it-cdutit of Iti durable
workmanship and splendid finish, made tip of the
best stock to be had in tne city. No effort
pared in the manufacture of their ware, and the
subscribers are determined to keep up with the
many improvement which are constantly being
made. Their stock consists of Mahogany
Sofas, Dlvana and Loung-en,
Uurraus, Secretaries, Sftetoarts,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to I'hila
delphia manufacture.
libUSrhADS, of every pattern and price,
in short, every article in this line of their business,
Thry also manufacture all kinds and qualities
including varieties never before to be had in
tSuuhurr, surli as MmoGssr, Black. Walxct
ash C in mi Matlc Grkcia ; ixn Winsna
C1IAIKS, An r A?r cr Pi a mo .Stools, wliirli arc of
the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by
none manufactured in tne I'Kics or elsewhere.
The aiilisrrilwrs are determined that there shall
lie no exrusc for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can be entertained
about the quality and finish of their ware and
Their articles will be disposed of on as good
terms as they enn be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
ty UNDERTAKING attended to on reason
able terms.
I"? The Ware Room is in Market Street,
opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite
Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbury, April 28, 1849 tf
Ol,TO &. Co.
S. If'. Comer Arch (f 6th Street Philadelphia,
W J AVE now in store a well selected stock of
J B the very best Family Groceries, which they
will sell at the lowest prices and warrant to please.
Green and Black Teas from $1 down to 85 cts per
lb., the Black Tea 45 cents by Ibe Box, is unusual
ly fine. Collce of all qualities and prices better
Kuirnr for C cts. per lb., than any other store
Muccaroni, Vermicelli, Canton Ginjrcr in Syrup,
Olive Oil of the best brands, an assortment of the
richest Jellies, and every article kept in our line.
All coixls sent to the country, put up neatly and
Please try us once and satisfy yourselves whether
we can suit you. COLTON & CO.
S. W. Cor. Arch & Clh St.
Philadelphia, May 20, 1840 che3m ly
Saddle and Harness .Tinkers.
H E undersigned respectfully
1 inform the public, that they
linve nnmmeneeil tlm nlinvn liimi.
ness in Sunbury, and will con
stantly keep on hand and niunulucture to order, at
theirstaud in Market street nearly oiposite 1 oung s i
store, all articles belonging to their line of business.
All unit ies manufactured by llinn will bcmiule in
the ln'M und most durable style, and at )irices us '
reasonable as they can Iw had at any other estali- ,
lisliineut in llie county. They therefore respectfully I
solicit uersnns to call and examine fur themselves I
Isjl'orc purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro
duce taken in by the stores will be taken ill ex
change at the market price.
Sunbury, June 23, 1849.
TOHN YV. F RILING has iust rei-eived at his
" store in Sunbury an extensive assortment of
JNf.W (,)()I)N, or every variety which he is now
ready to sell or exchange for produce; and consist
ing in part of
Linen and Cotton drilling, and summer
wear of all kinds.
Calicoks, Chint, Ginuham, Laws, See.
Musliim bleached and unbleached.
Quccnsware and Hardware of all
Dnur.s Paints, and Dvkstiifs.
And a great variety of other articles all of which
will be sold at the lowest terms.
Sunbury, Muy 2(5, l g 19.
Cheat NkW k Skco.nd Hand Rook Siorc.
A'orA MVm corner of fourth and Arch Streeh
Law Books, Theological and Classical Book,
MEDICAT. nbnire
SriKjiTipic and Mathkmaticai. Books.
Juvenile Books, in crreat fnVu.
Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, all sizes
ana prices.
lllank Booh, Writing Paper.andStalionary,
Whole tale nntl tlrtnil
UT Ova prices ara muehi ower than tlie aanrxia prices,
re" l.usuries sih! snull iurerls ot hoiks pureliased.
W luniks liiisrlr.l In unlrr I'nmi Londuu.
niwuLipiuaj uue v, IMS-y
'T'HE stibscrllier has just received a new supply
of the best honors thai ever came to .SY.i,l,rv
consisting in part ef
Superior old pale Brandy.
Fine Cognise Brandy.
Superior Old Jamaica Spirit.
New England Rum.
Fine Holland Gin.
Superior Old Whiskey
Common do, '
r!uienor Made'.i Win.
Lisbon do. do.
.Superior Tort Wine.
Burgundy p0n do.
Sweet Maluga Wine.
Supe-.Jor CUiret Win in bottle.
Cbpagn. -a. HEjdo.v mAmer
Suubury, May 1849.
A'otlceto Wellnquent Collector
ALL collectors of taxes whose duplicate pre
vious to 1849, hav not been settled, ar here
by notified that their bonds will be entered on re
con! if settlement is not made.
By order of lh Commissioners,
Punbury, July 7, 1849.
IVstlco to Delinquents).
ALL persons indented to th sulsvriher, longer
than aix months, on note or book account, era
requested to rait and make settlement, or els their
account will be left with a magistral for collec
bunhurr, July , 119,
f Cur if Atow(s. Ossnrs. ssMII. mU
otker Hnmtrt ii-wt of ls Blood en fi tktUri SHALL
QUA.VTlTr mhirk ? i of a MuH'fri t Can
tf tmrS IMfna. ssv inof of the pmifyiv matted m
i I ike MnUriiu wtU U iMwl i ersfww ss
DuttMt A dure U nnqiuKionahU nitUna Ual
it raes McMcine. la Ter respeet t sni there Is sbi
dsat proot la gjtut ewes etleeleil, that OMR BU1TLK 4
It enmsliM more purllTins. hesllei virtue snd swsVsi
pow. imi thers Is sniiislnea tu Fvtr Boaia at ssy
Mpari'ds, nr my oth r mnldlss tbst hs ever lea offirwl
tor ssle. VlHcre u uiiduubli d proof In rat psmplrtels,
thst liy the aw of thin (Trent IniHm Pvrifirr. tliev thst
were tivino yet Livs they thst were Lavs snil (;atr enn nn Vi.k they thst Vre lir, HcStll vloui,
snd uUierwiw dlieMed, bsvs been IIsaI.kd snd Cvaas.
Hundreds ThouaancU
wh hsT urd Ksast s Prsiriss. nfter hsvlns used sd
tested Att Ihe tarmparUlto end nther sneHieiiieS recuns
aieuded to cure blood diienies, hsve ttchtd tbHS
Brant's is the Cheapest,
bcnun One Bottle of it hM more mmliritl, ruratlrc miU
trr In It, und, in tMiUfnif, turrn more Hittwt in much
U$$ time, thnn imr bottle of Hty uOkt nmtlicint.
If. ilirn. O.VK ftattlt tif Kkant' Purtirtm will tnrm
TOVU TIMES inure dinfMt thrni on bottle of Mrtapa
rilla. Hiunt'S PLmupikh' woM In an ch. ap nt four dot
lorn h hnttlf', h mrsapnrilla n one dallnr. Hut HRANT8
Ft'UIKIKK in toM tor only ONK DMAK bottle; ni
n huttlv of it hat vnrvd, mnl i capable of curing, Fr
'timet ttiuph diense m fifte boute f nar'aparilla. there
for!, nrripniill. in cenufqueiicu of it It, power uid
ijt in. t)irn! -fflrntr. nitotild hv fold nt no morn thna
Tirrnty f tre O ut yet bottle, to be M thtttp u tu Fvl
Pi km t One Dollar.
One Dollar's Worth I
How mu. li Cancer how muHi HvpiULii tin mwW
ScatiruLA will One Itnfiar'e wimh ot lirnnt'e PUBIFIKR
rure f head lln; iollownig ttutvuieut, which i ft
men of ii port-r.
'I hi id the chm' of n Itying nan who yt kve. i tMtf
curt J nf a won cbso ot 'tcrolula, by only Twelve bottUu
ot IttKiit t'uritier. thin ever Whi cured by the vns of
7Vft (ittllnnsut the brut tttrfaparilta thnt wm ever mnde
JNiripiml!ii hna not tujfirirmt medical potter to effect Um
cur of utirh n feraUinely hapele n pe.
Mr. i B. IIaskin. ot Ifomn, Oneida Co . A. Y., hud Sen
via four yftr$wnn ronrinrd to hi ld the last yror-he
wan o much HieH d mid deMlitnf-d u tn be uimble to
mine ht bund tohl h;nd. He hid the bet medical d
v ice had ttid till ot the best nirgaparilla to do food)
tlWt Kot IMW und iror. nnd was connidfred to be in
ft Dl'insj Sto:e, nnd rould not lire tventf-fouf hour longer
wh.'n he eommiirnd utinf BHANTH PUKIFIER. His
wM wn tatin nearly off. front ear to ear n hole was eaten
through hi windpipe, under hit chin to that he breathed
thruuifh the hole hii ear wna ao eaten around that It
ennfd he lifted up out nf it pi nee, it only holding by ft
email pifc-t the u of one arm waa dertroftd by two Ul
rvrii an VU-rr undir the arm. hi targe aa a man's hand,
had fwnrly ratrrt tlirouah h)s aide into hi bmdy. 1 hua, bm
waa ntHii'tfd with Twtnty auch putrid, acrid, offensive UL
tm. on varioii" ynvt nf hi peraOn. For further nnd full
particular, oeo oir VampHUu.
Dart. 1 if)MAi Williams, one nf the thoftt flkllfel phy
4irmna of Koitw. whu cnl:o(i to Haakin the day befort
tie coinin,n(rd intinit IlrttRt't PttriJiiT. Iincf. W. exauv
in't and tlcu tn(d him Hint all the mtdicines to tha)
world ro'ild nnf rurr liim tli'it hia vnts wni
Worse than Hopeless !
Now hear Mr. HAS KIN'S Ftati-Tnmtt of t-ore. He aald :
My wife pmrurt ii on.- buttle of IWASTS PUXIFYIXtM
KXTtiACT of iwH t Itvnntd. l)nigeita, nf Rome
1 mm tne need aiim tluit and btaan to iat better tha
ROTTI.R enabled me to frit off my bed, wheftt I bad beetl
eon rincd one urar the second IkjhIh enabled me to tret
O'tt of the hou-v the tiii no Imttle enabled me to Walk
Two MHe to Rome fVntre. where I procured Sit Bottle
inure: and when 1 had tiuiabod uaitig tbtin. Strata out
ot Twenty I'trera mn rp nn.i there bottle mora)
i-ilected n I'KUKKt I" iX'Kt: of all the Ulcer, and r
a to red me to yW hralih.
Mr. IlASKIN haa awnrn to the above fueta, and tha
fHrt ar! uitre.fed arid eertitied to hv IKJCT. T. W1L-l.lAMS-Mr.
(i. R. Hit OWN. proprietor of the iVe-Rom4
Hnt!Mist.r, HISSKI.I, & LKONAKD, WTioleanle and
rt!tul triiwifta and KI.KV'KN other rejertQbU wan wee.
We Challenge the World
To PUOVr. s Cure 1' hs revolting snd utterly kopettn a
cm, ut' ."rrul'ulH, by the Udu of TKN TIMKS ss much
9arnpTriltd, ur hiiV other medicine, ss we. used of Hrmttt
Purifitr to t-llerl the slm.e cure which cure shsll b
proved by ns many rtll-knoirn. ruptrlablt itSMs. as t
Iho shove cure.
FOK SAI.K KY Jolm W. Filling. Sunln'rv Ps,
Mnry A. Met'ny N. rihuniberolud.
J.illll ft. ItlliU'l Mill, HI,
Henry J.SInetrer ilo
IMwiii'il A. KuTzner
All lenersaiui iiril.'is mint be aJJret-d to Wal'eee h
Co.. lift llrmulwnv, .New nrki
filiil liiy, July IM0--ly.
i:pii(uMc l.lle IriMiirnnce, Annultjr
suid Ti'iiNt Company.
pellli C'lnjwir.y lire iinw prejvireil to transai't bnsitles
I n;ti the must liheml und nilvnntnirenni, terms. They
an liy tln-ir linrter (se-t. a) "to ninks all and
every iiitiirunee iig.rtiti,iuiu t'i life rinks of Wlmtever kind
or nature, uml t-i nveivc snd execute tritns. inuke eislow
mi nts, nnd to cnint and purchase snnuities." The Com.
Iii,y lell niiniMli! " an.l endowments, and act as Trustee
fur minors mid heirs.
Table of Premiums required for the Assuniucs of (100 for
tlie w hole terta of Llie.
Ase. 1 Prem. I Aire. I Prem. I Ase. Prera.
IS I 5n HI tiua 40 l' 3M
17 1 it t 2 15 47 3 4
14 1 50 SI 3 'JO 4S 3 Si
1 I I ill 'Ml 87 4 3 77
S" I fit) a, a XI 60 3 94
ji i tu .to a iu si is
tt 1 (Hi 117 J 47 Si 4 s
ai ls ;w S54 63 4 fll
41 I 7'2 39 il tt) S4 4 71
05 I 70 40 4 70 44 4 l
Jn I M 41 SHI S 6 Vi
7 1 e'J 4'J M 47 .Tl
I u4 4:1 3 (l 4N 6 44
I W 41 .1 H ill 4 7H
:103 m is ja 60 6 03
Tlie premiums sre less than sny other company, snd th
polieies HtTorU ttreuter nilvaiilaiies. Tuhles is hull-yearly
siwl quarterly jireiiiiuins. hull' ereilit rutts of premium, short
terms, joint liven, survivorships and endowments ; slsn,
form of Apiiiieuiinti (i':r whieh there ars ISuiik sheetr) ara
In lie had .ui upolieuti 11 at the olfice, or by letter to lh
Aijent, J. II. PtHDV, f-unhury.
Uatks sua iN.ratNo 8II1O on a single I.ifs
Ace. Fori yeur. For7vnS. For Life.
!! el fll 1.80
sj S.irt
HI -.'(, l.lU .70
fill !!.II7 3.(i4
5J 3.IH 3.)7 0,03
Kmmi'LK A per hi nsed 30 years next birth day, by
puyins the t'oiiiiauy ijq cents would secure to- his finally
or heirs tilil should lie die ill one venr ; or for fy.g0 hs se
eurei in ihem lll; or Inr Pl:l aiinnully for seven years
he secures in ihem tiino should lie die in seven years; or
f"rt.1i.l0 paid niiiiuiiMv diiriiip Ine he secures til null to be
mitl when he dies. The insurer aecui mt, lusown tssias.
by Ihe ilillerence III am uil 01 preiuiniiis iromtli"Serlmryfd
by oilier oilices. Foi HlB- jU tne licirs would receive S6000
shimld he die in one year.
Fnriiu 01 application ned ell nnrtieiilars may ht hsd st
th olliee. l'lVl'LU I'FIJJJX, Presideul.
Vice I'reisitViit, W. M. Haiku.
Fawns V. Kaa-i.s. S-erciarv snd Treasurer.
roNi.ui.TiNn I'h-,i,i( ux Dr. J. H. Masser, Sunbury.
i ll. I'vauv, fiuiibury, Aucul for Xorthsiubsrsusl eoaas
Ambarv, July 9i, 1119.
lOBXElll's co
Ns. 176 (hesliut Si,
KSPKCTFI'I.LV announce tliat they bar
they have ever oflcrcd for sale, eohiprishi t
In great variety, and of
Much attention has been paid to ECON'OMY,
in the construclioii of these Lamps, and aoch ara
made as st ill produce tlie greatest amount of light
from the least consumption of LarV).
Recent improvement in th manufactory, with;
the introduction of new and perfected machinery,
enable them to sell at very GREAT REDUC
TION from former prices, and all articles befor
leaving the manufactory, are carefully inspected,
and aru warranted perfectly tigli't, and logiv satisx
Philadelpliia, June S, 1819. ly
A New AtjMorlmeiil of Fresh Oooda
T) ESPECTFl'LLY informs b'n friend. rJis--LV
tomersand other, that he basjuat received m
handsome ajaortment of
aOiis atore in Market Square in Sunbury, sveh a
Dry (ioodi, Grocenei, Qileen.-
vvare, Hardware, &e,
F unbury, June S3, 18t. 0
ADD'S Mlebrated Horse and Cittht Had.
M.9 em "r saUi W HENRY MArwEV
sunbury Jjii. Yt th, 1849-