SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. SHtocrUirocottB matter SENSEOPATIIV. A correspondent whoso sad experience has been Wry impartially divided betweeu Ho majpathy and Allopathy, sends the Provx dent Journal the following parody on the lines which hove lately gone the rounds of the papers touching these two schools of medicine: Tnke the open air, The more you take the bettor, Follow nature's laws To the very lotter. Let the doctors po To the Bay of I Lst alone the Gin. The Brandy and tho Whiskey. Freely exercise Keep your Bpirits cheerful, Let not dread of sickness Make you ever fearful. Eat tho simplest food. Drink the pure cold water, Then you will be well, Or at least you ought to. ititone Island 1ms within her limited tcr- Titoy 163 cotton mills, consuming annually 88,000 bales of cotton, and manufacturing 70 000,000 yards of cloth. Chas. Avsry, a wealthy and philanthropic citizen of Allernny City, is erecting a large edifice at his own expense, for the purpose of founding a college for tho benefit of coloreil people. JOHN DONNELLY, Manufacturer, or Donnfxlv's UrniGHT Safety Glazed Capsuled Blue MATCHES, and United States Oh Pastb blacking, No. 83 North Third Street, riIT.LADEI.rHIA THESE Matches are justly considered the best in the United States j the? are from un" pleasant smell, and can 1 Introduced with .tcrleot safety into all Stores and Dwellings. ; Warranted to keep ton years. , The DlackinR is of superior quality, and free from and int-redirnt (lint impairs Hie Ie"tlinr. COUNTRY DEALERS and SHUM'EKS will nnd it to Uicir interest to call and sea for them selves. N. It An assortment of Matches of various New York Manufacturers. Matches in round wood boxes also, packed in larps or small tin cases, to shin to any part of the world. JOHN DONNELLY, Lata of 20 Bank Street, now 83 North Third 8t Man 81, 1849. ly WALL FAFEB.3. milE Subscriliers have on hand the hirccst a J. snrtmrnt of Wali P.wms in tho city of Phi- Irtilclnliin. WhnhtnU and Retail, consisting of every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Dining llmims, Chamliers, &c, which for quality anil style cannot tic surpiissrd. Doing a cash business we on-enabled to sell a better article at a mucn lower rate than any store doing a TRADE BUSINESS. On hnnd, a large assortment of Wins P.rr.s. for Curtains. Fire Prints, liiinlcrs, sr., which will lie sold for Cosh. Vaper HanRini; done in the country at city prices. . u, Dealer are mviteil lo call and examine their stock lforc purchasing elsewhere. No. 143 Arch Street, South side Philadelphia, May 20, 184!). ly - CABINET WARE ROOMS. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he continues the manufacture of CA111- NET WAKE, in all its branchss, at hit stand in Market street In Sunbury, and that ho has now on hand a handsome assortment of well mado and fashionable furniture. He also carries on, at his old establishment, in Fawn street, the . cimrt Miuixo, in all its branches, and keeps constantly on hand, an assortment of well made and fashionable CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. All of which he will dispone of at prices as low as at any esta blishment in tho county. His long experience in the business, justifies him in tho belief that he will be able to give gen eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from his customers a continuance of their patronage, ft" All kinds of produce taken In exchainr. SEBASTIAN HOUPT. Sunbury, March 17, 1849. tf CSOLK K SILVER Vr AIIII. J. STOCKMAN, No. 60 Chesnut-st, at the sipn of the Gold Thimble, between 2d. If Sd.sts., South side l'lIll.ADKI.l'MIA. MANUFACTURES nnd keeps constantly on hand, at wholcsnlo and retail, the fol lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduced prices : (mid anil silver 1 cncils, ilo J tumbles, lo r inner Milt-Ids, Silver 1 able, JJesert, Tea, Salt and Mustard Sjh,oiis, do Forks, Soup and Oyster Ladles, ilo Combs, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks and Chains, Knitting; Sbenths, A-e. AI.SO, Jewellery, Pluti-d and Ilrillannin ware, (ii-ruuui Silver Spoons, Ac.; (iold Diamond poin ted Pens at various prices; Jackson's Superior Everpointed Leads, cVc, cVe. Philadelphia, May 20, 1849. Unwashed French Ladies. An Ameri can lady, writing from Paris, says that she . . , . 1 j: . ,1 nn..t r.f tn tnnnV rumuiiftil and brilliant complexions seen in LA W t-Jui7 Oil UUUbli, that city. It seems that water is conceived Market Square, opposite tho. Court House f bv the French ladies ns the great spoiler ot feiNnuuv. Pa the skin, so that unless some untoward cir- rpilis well know n Hotel lun just lieen refitted, cumstance really soils their faces, they are und handsomely furnished by the undersigned, not touched with water from ouo week's euil .nnii,n, n,o owners content themselves IU UIIUIIK'I , ..." " with srcnllo rubbinff with a dry coarse towel, nd exclude water almost entirely from the toilet tables. The Emperor of Russia has sent a sack of whoat to Kossuth, and desired him to count the grains. Kossuth wrote back saying, "The sack holds many grains ; but I havo throe hawks and throe ravens who will pick them tip." The hawks are supposed to ba llum Dambinski. and Oeornev. tho ravens lo be June, July, and August, when the fever gen erally rages. anil lie liens leave to snv. Unit it is his intention to render it worthy of the liberal patronage, by which it bus heretofore been sustained. J. C. PERKINS. Funhury, .May 17, 1S19 :)mo TANNERS TAKE NOTICE. Sew Hide Oil niitl Leather Store. No. Ill North 3d St. 3 doors below Race St. Philadelphia. riHE subserilicrs oiler to the tanners on the JL most favorable terms their fresh importation of Hides, consisting of llueiins Avrcs,, Cnraccns, l.nuuira, Iluiie,-Dry, Chili, Salted Pcr- amburo unit all kinds ol Spanish Hides, dry unit salted. Also, (ireen Slaughter, Dry Salted, and lllaek Dry Palna Kips. Also, Straiiihls, and Hank oil nnd a general as sortment of Currier's Tools. They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, the aboe Hides, Kips, Oil nnd Tools, on lictlcr terms, tlian old Houses in the. city, Cash paid for Leather of all kinds. KEEN & KIRKPATKICK. Philadelphia, May SO, 1849 ly Acer's Cherry I'cctorsil, foii couaiis, colds, croup, IlOAliSESESS, ASTHMA. HOOP. 1NG COUCH. liltOSCHlTlS AS1) CONSUMPTION. Me itri-iKtmliMii, p nKtoniftiiiiclv PWfwfiil COLUMBIAN SERIES OF SfrCtlimctf ro. The Pupil' friend and 7'earher't eomfort. rpiIE COLUMBIAN CAI.CULATQR-This work Is already introduced into some of tho licst Acadaniies and a large numlier of Schools, where its use has Riven decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher nnd pupil. It is purely American In its ehnrnetcr, bnsed upon our own beautiful drtimat tytrm of eiirrtnry. It contains more, the nrranifemeiils nro better, and it is the easiest nnd eheajiest work of the kind now in use; and it is so considered by hundreds of tho most competent touchers and men of science in the Uni- on, who have recommended it, It is the book, particularly and expressly prepared for our A me rirtin Srhnlarl : Hv AlmoH Tirtnor. Tnt Yor-rn's CotrjrniA CALcrnron. This volume contains 91 paces, with aliout 900 exam' pics for solution on the slate. It embraces the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple nnd Compound Reduction, Single Rule of 1 hree, Proportion. &c. Ticrkor destined for the uso of younger classes in tha Schools of tho United States. A beautiful little hook nnd pleas- mo; to children, and the only one of the kind of any value. There nre Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin file or double, for the convenience of tenehers, in which the solutions of the questions arc given with much extra mutter for tho black Iwwrd. These Keys arc the most complete works of the kind ever published, nnd contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, Arc, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the nlmvo books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitntc to pronounce them the ls-st works that have ever been published ill this or any oilier country. Although issued but n few months, they have already been introduced into the Night Public Schools of New York City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City, of Reading. Also, in about twenty Acadaniies in the State of Pennsylvania in n large portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in the Uoroiighs of Hiirrisburg, York, Chnmliersburff, Uebanon, Doylcstown, Potts ville, Orwigsburg, &c., oVc. For sale by Hknht M.issi:n, Sunbury, Agent for NortliunilH'rlunil t.onnty. Sunbury, Dec. 2,. 1818. MPORTANT TO THE TUBLlC E0R33S A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. Don't permit vour Hmn nr rattle in din. when the menns of cure aro within the reach of nil 1 Till; GllAND PlIllCtATlTE. FOB TUB CUBE OF i:ssem E OF JAMAICA ;iGru PREPARED and sold onlv, nt FREDERICK 1 BROWN'S DRUG and CllKMICAL More, N. E. corner of Firm and Ciiksm-t streets, Phi- adclnhia. This Essence is warranted lo possess in a concentrated form, nil the valuable properties of Jamaica (linger, and will be found on t'ial nil excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re- rnmmfrdf d a n tniiif In iutiuiiii ri'fivirilltr from ' ni ii 1.3 ... ...Li.. ...... i .... r.. ...... - .1 r. l : .i;...- i.. 1 .hi b.,......!! i.u .iiiii:iiim.,ui. ii.s I 1 iii eutaii: iliM-aM s ci ilic Limius, is Hie rusiill ' kll- A rogue, calling himself Washington, has been passing himself off as general mail- agent, and by means of a forged leftoi in the name of S. R. Ilobbie, Assistant Post Master General, has been travelling free over the railroads and stage routes of tho west, borrnwinrr mnnpv of Postmasters, &c. Ilo o J ' was dotccted at Pittsburg. To be Rr.rEALKD. Tho Pcnnsylvanian av anr.b is tha overshadowing character of the Department of which Mr. Ewing is the head, that resolutions aro being passed in some of tho Slates, by tho Democratic party, the reneal of the law under which ""O I it was constructed. the stomaeh n clow nnd vigor, eoual to a wine class of brandy or other stimiilaud, w ithout any of the debilitating cllecls, w hich arc sure lo lollow ttie usn of liquor of nnv kind : nnd it is therefore especially serviceable to children anil females. To the aged, it will iirove a great comlort ; to the dyss'ptic, anil to those who nro predisposed to gout or rheumatic atlcclions, it gives great relief; nd to tho iiifhriutc who wishes to rclorm, but whose stomach is constantly craving thu noxious liquor, it is invaluable giving touo lo the diges tive organs, and strength to resist temptation ; and is consequently a great agent in the cause of tem perance. OTFull directions accompanying each bottle. The aliovc articlo can lie had at the office of the American. Philadelphia, June 2, 1819. ly Notice. There is a lady in Cincinnati! named K.illv Porter, who amuses herself, when so j - inclined, by throwing tumblers, tea-cups, shovel and tongs, and the boot-jack at her husband's head. The husband has become such a proficient dodger, that he doesn't mind it much. A SO0, Tmt the Crntrnnlnl Celebration ! Harvard Col lege. When tho Puritans canto over Our hills and swamps to clear, The woods wero full of catamounts, And Indians red as deer ; With tomahawks and scalping-knives, That make folks' heads look queer ; 0, the ship from England used to bring A hundred wigs a year I The crows came cawing through the air, To nluck tho nilnrims' corn ; The bears camo snullling round tho door Whune'er a babe was born. The rattlesnakes were bigger round Than the butt of the old ram's horn Tbe deacon blew at tho meeting time On every Sabbath morn. ' But soon they knocked the wigwam down, And pine tree trunk and limb Began to sprout among the loaves ' In shane of steeples slim : And out the little wharves were stretched Along the ocean's rim, Ami up the little schoolhouse shot, To keep the boys in trim. And when at length the College rose, The sachem cocked his eyo At every tutor's meagre ribs Whose coat-tails whistled bv; But. when the Greek and Hebrew words Cume tumbling from their jaws, The copper-colored children all llan, screaming, to their squaws. And who was on tho Catalogue When College was begun i Two nephews of the President, And the Professor's son ! They turned a littlo Indian boy As brown as any bun ;) Lord '. how the seniors knocked about Tho freshman class of one ! They had not then tho dainty things That commons now aiford, But succotash and hominu Were smoking on ihu board ; They did not rattlo round in gigs, Or dash iu long tail blues, But always on Commencement days Tha tutor blacked their 6hoes. God bless the ancient Puritans! Their lot was hard enough ; But honest hearts made iron arms, And tenter maids are tough ; So love and faith have formed and fed Our true-born Yankee stuff, And keep the kernel on tbe shell ' The British found so rough I Dk. W. T. Bleosce, of Franklin How atd county, Mo., owns a mule, which it three years old, seventeen and a half hands high, and weighs one thousand one hundred jpounds. "Tall mule. -' An oia bachelor who edits paper some where in the western country, puts "Mel ancholy Accidents" at a bead for inurriagei in bis paper. Potatoes and apples are selling' in Am ' herst, N. H- at $! a bushel, ana scare at that. THE partnership, heretofore existing tinder the name of 'Dewartcc Ilruner." bavini been dissolved, the subscriber announces to ihc public that he will continue the practice of the law at the ollice formerly occupied by said firm, in the Ilorough of .Sunbury. Business entrusted to him will lc promptly attended to. CHARLES J. DRUNER. Hunbury, April SI, 1819 3mo APPIiETON'S CHEAT CENTRAL C II E A V 11 O OK S T O It E, 1G1 Chestnut Street, Corner of Seventh, Straim't Puddings, PHILADELPHIA. T'NOWINfi tho wants of tho community, Ihe Proprietor of this Kstaiii.isiimkt lias fitted up a More in the most elegant manner, having due regard to the comfort uf his customers, so that every Stranger visiting his liook Store, may feel entirely at home. HIS IMMENSE STOCK of Books is classified according to the various De partments of Literature, so that visitors can find thn Rooks they are in search of for themselves. Huying Ins Stock for the most part at the Arc- Tins Sale, nnd being connected with ono of the Liners? ri i'i.isiiiKo ioiisF.s in this country, besides publishing lurgely himself, enables him to sell all Books at LOWES PEICE3 than anv other house of a similar character on this continent. His facilities for the Imi'iiutition nr Hooks from Europe are unsurpassed, having n Uraiich ol Ins Lstubhshmeiit ill London, where orders of private gentlemen are carefully executed nnd lorwnided to this Country by every 'tkamlk uud Packet. A CATALOGUE of Hooks with the prices attached is issued qunr ...i l : .. . ..e iv- t i i!.; . u-iijr, i-uiiiiiiiiiiiK jiisis in aiinr .'luniuoiiK mado to his largo collection, which are in all cases for sulu at tho LOWEST PRICES, or, trom "5 to 75 is-r cent, below Publishers Prices. Thus in buying even a Ftw Books, quite a considerable amount is saved. As a still further INDUCEMENTS to strangers visiting the city, rvery one who pur chases !)nc Dullau's woUTH of Books, ill re ccive a copy of tho !sTMM.tu ix Phii.iov.lihi j, an elegant 18 mo. volume, the price of w hich is 25 cents. f - 'J'he limits of an udxertisemeut arc too con fined to enumerate the prices of uny uf the im mense advantages to lm derived from purchasing at the (iheat Cuius Hook Scobs, but let all who are in search of Hooks send for a Cuta logue, and buy the Rook they arc in want of, and when visiling tho city, give Applctun one cull, und you will lie sure to cull again. STATIONERY in all its brandies, furnished at tho Lowest Prices. The Initials of thobc purchasing Letter and Note uper, neatly stumped in the corner, without charge. Orders for any arUclc may be sent by mail, ad dressed to the Proprietor, and Ihe directions in II cases will he fully curried out, with great punc tuality and desputch. Orders lor Catalogues snoulil oerss-rnn. GEO. 8. APPLETON. Bookseller, Publislur, Importer, and Stationer 164 Chesnut St. tor. of Seventh, Suuim'i Building, Philadelphia, May, 13, 1649. 3ui fill e'UiilHiiiillon il lis; known enr.illve hriiirintin of iiiritiniiiL-. lis inriiht-iits art? lYi-Hy iiunlc loi"wil lo Hie poMif. nisi are tltose ni'kiS'WtMlsi-il to intfliral nien m Imbscsmm'; rarr ni'ihral virlm-s. winch m-culiiir virtiifunra csiilinml in I lie "t'llr.lSHY rKL'TIUtAI' in uii-irsriM esl. purity mill etni-ary. nisi wliHi iimxI, ns will tie seen from Ulc lollowuill ViilllillMf Icsllllloliy : I'ltOll'.KSnlt n.K.VKI.AXD, of lowltit College, Kriiuswick, Mnin, writes: (-I have w itnrsseit ttm fft'.i'ts of your Chrrry I'eeloml in my own fauiily nail in thai ol itiv friirnits, nnd it Imn piven greut Kllislaclion ill pa?wsliollt ol' inlulls mill rhiklrt-n A VHi:K KKIl.M AlASSAI'lll'SK'rrS. From Dr. llryunt. Uruuiiil anil Post master, Chicnpre FnMn, .Ma: 1R. J. 0. Ayfs Pesr Sir: Knclosed pli-nse fuvl rrinil- iuiicc lor nil tar inerry j'pnnrui nun sent nit'. I ena an- lit siiui nmly Biy, that no tut .lirine we sell pives saeh itiiis fael i"ti as yoiir's does nor lim e I ever seen a tneiticinu wliirli enret so luniiv rases of eonch nnd Iniitz eouinlnints. Our Physicians are usiiiK it extensively in Hie uraetice, and Willi the happiest efld'ls. Truly yours, D. M. DKYAXT. PR. PMKKIXO. rresiilent of Yeriuoul AI,litTil Collet one of the mst learned mill intellieul physieams in thveoiiutry, ;einsiiters it n eoiiiposilion of rnrti execllruce for lliu cuie of lliut for- liuuulk' intense, . "lisuinplioii." Aniitnsipt iiHretiltte iiumiImt of eerlifie-ites h.ive ren reecivwl ; nrovitm Hrit ihe I'herrv PcMorul is. in tiulh,a tiiii-:.T i:i:.mi:i)Y for C'Hijzhs. Colils. Asthni7i nntt nil niilmonnrv minplaiittfl l'llll'l. 7.. t.'K.NTS l'KU IIIITTLF.. Prepareit bv J. (. A Yl'.lt. Iiwell, Mum., nnd iiW hv II. MAS!i;lt,Siuiliary,nnit.IAUY .MrL'.W , Northum-tHTlnnit. .March HI, 1I!I. DIAMOND POWDER. FOR RAZOR STROPS. fllMS Powder is warranted fur stiierior to any JL thing in use for impartiiign keen, smnolhedirc to Union, Surgical instriimcnts, and nil kinds of fine Ci'tlrbt i It mav be applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, nnd Perfu mery, wholesale nnd retail, by Al.l l!i;i) Ur,..KTT, Agent. DeHit of Fine Razors, Strops, finishes, nnd Cheap Fancy (iomls, No. IK South Fifth street u bovc Chestnut l'liiholi-l.ii:i. TEsTIMO.MALS. Piiu.AiiM.i'itiA, Feb. 15th, 1K1S. This may certify that I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAVMJS' MAUIC DIA MO.M) POWDKR, and can attest in the most uncipiivocal manlier, that there is nothing can he found that will produce the same clleet in mv opto ion, nnd must say to others, try it, nnd you will find it suiH'rior to any heietofore in use. . I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor was la-tore. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 8. Third sU Pmiiiir.i.riiu, October, 184fl. A very hnrd lieard and tender fueo has compel, led me to seek nnd lest many contrivances dusign. ed to make shaving easv and pleasant, but with indilli-reut success, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Hennelt, and Roiissel's Shaving Cream. Their united pow er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor to remove the most stubborn ward, Hit ho it t irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 40 South Fifth Street. for sale nt this otliec Price 25 cts. per Uox November "5, 1848 (mi. Tho undersigned has snenl sever! In the siuny ot veterinary practice in "London and E- itmboro , n has also availed himself of the resear ches of Leibig, nnd other celebrated mcn.whohave ermtrilnitcd so much towards a judieious treatment of animals the principles of our prnetiro consists in tne rejection ot general bleeding and the total rejection of all medicines that experience has shown to lie of a dangerous tendaney. These re medies act in harmony with the vital principle, and when given ncconling to the directions which ac company each articlo they are capable of exciting and increasing the natural functions without di minishing or destroying their power, hence are salein Ino hands of every one, G. H. DADD, M. D. A List at Horse nnd Cnttle Medicines. Physic balls, 75c. ier box. Alterative ball, 75c do. " powders for had condition, 75c per pack' ntre. Heave powder for diseases of the lungs, 75e de Urine powder for " " kidneys, 75c do. Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c ilo. Cordial drink for iullamation of bowels, 75c per iMittle. Liquid blister; 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c. per bottle. Wash for inflamed eves, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, Ac, 50c ier iMittle. Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, 50c per bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article know n England for lameness of every description, 75i ife $ l per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, per bottle. W orm powders for the removal of worms from the intestinal canal, 75K-r paeknge. For sale by 8T1.MPSON ft KKF.D. 51 Mer- chants Row, also nt DADD'S HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Nos. 1 cV 2 Hay market Square, Ilostou. iimphlets describing the diseases for which these remedies nre used can I had gratis. Numerous Certificates are in possession of the Proprietors, of cures performed by Ihe above Medicines. SoldbvCREEN e FLETCHER, No. 20 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, ami by his Anrvrs. Hkniiy Masskii, Sunbury, February 3, 1819 tf tTendnche. Oi'1-liness, nrieuuintiMtn. met, 1 yK-nsi, teurvey, Hinnll Pox, Jaundice, l'nins in the Murk, Inward Weakness, Piilutiiilon of the Heart, Kisiiur in the Thrust, Jlropsy, A si hum, I- evers 01 nil Kiaas, Mensles Pelt Rhmm, Heart Hum, "Wornit, 1 rholera Morlnis, Coughfl, Cuinsey. I. ANDREWS Vbooping lsurrl, Consumption, File, Liver Complaint, Krimpebii, Den loess, llrhiiiis of Ihe ikin, Colils, Itoim, lmvel, einale Ctsnulaiiils, Nervous Cisoplniitis, Nn A VARIETY Or OTHER DISEASES AR1S1HO FROM 1MPVRITIKS or TUB BLOOD, AND OBSTRUCTIONS IN THE ORGANS OF DIGESTION. Experience has proved tlint nearly every Disease originates fnsu linnnitie); thi-Ussirl or dernnceinenn of the HiBes- lives Orinins ; ami to si-cure Honlth, we must remove uue olisiructi'insor restore the llhssl to itsnnliiml stnte. Tlie avi-rsion to tnkiui inedieine is most etlectunay re moved by Clickses's Vkoktabi.b Pobcitivi 1'tt.t.s. Iieing completely enveloped Willi a OMtillB of pure while !u.nir, , .iicii in ie iiiiiiiei iioin tnw im.-i ...n . .-p hell from Ihe kernel) nist hnveno tnste S medieme. . lint sre ns i-asilv snlloiil as nils ol enisiy. nioreover tliey neither usiisente or gripe in the iliehti!. deffree, 11 "rs-min npi-jiir on nil the disnimt pnrtsof the system, in- "teiwiof etmnninc themselves to. sisl rnelimy any isirtieunr "S.--H. i nns, it tne lvcr Is-anecten one niKrisnem i operate on thnt particular orirsn, nnd, liv clennsinit It of mi l-.seew of i,, r,.,nore it to il iiiiIutisI state. Another will 'ijsTiueisiil,,. Il.nnl nnd remove nil iinpnnlies tn Its elren- tillisi; wliil.. n tltiril will ell'eitlliillv exuel whatever lltusi- rities nmy have lieen ilin-hnrgnl into the stomneh. nnd hence " "inseiii i no r.,l or, i.,.nsi- remove nil lniimre llll- from Ihe . nnf.ii lite nores evteritnllv unit inter- llnllVI Sennnite till foreUti n.ul ,.l.n., n.,rtiel..a frvim (he chyle, so Hint the I.I.hhI umv lw thnronolilv mire thus tecn- nnira iree nml lienlihv neliontn tliell.-nn. 1 .,,.,. n. ..I l.lver siKltherehy they restore ln-nlih even when nil other meant nnve iRiiisi. The entire truth of Ihe nl.v enn lie nseertninnt hvthe trinl of n Sill-lle (mix! lUI.I their virtues are so nosiliv-e fltwl eerlnin in resloriiic lliollh. Hint the proprietor liimls liimself I" r rn me ni y kiio mr litem in ull t-nscs wticrc Uiev do not give universal satlslaelion. lletnll 1'iire, 35 els, per llox. SALAMANDER, rirtK AND THIEF TROOP rilEaT, FlBE-PItOOF DOORS FOR BANKS AND HTORR9 Seal and Iotter-Coriyinn Presses, Patent Slute-Lineil Refrujcerators. Water FiW : tore, Patent Portable Water Clo- , , i sets, inteniled for tho k , , nnd tiifirmi . . , 4 EVAMS & WATSON, 1 70 Smith Tltird Street, oppoPiTij Tin: rim.ADKi.fniA kxcHanok. .t NVl!Cf BT-f mi 'y "' '"", large asanrtn l:lt'!3.,yfrlift "'""-e .rtieles. t-wethe Puw liy Jill. . ni .Mi, Pmilmrv. M. A. M?CAY,.Nfinlitiiiilipr1niKl f?- RTnriTiUTnr. 0. V. Clifkimr in lb iuvitilitr uf Hm PticTir ('ilfl I'illK. nml t hut iiMilmiir t" tin innt wan rvrr IihjihI of until )u intnultHtil tlirtii in .luili-, PnrrlmKro rtliiniM. tliiTrfiire nlwtiyn fur Cite km-r'n Sfi-pir rmittil I'iII. nnd tnke iwoHktb, cr thrj- will Ik; iiuhIl: the viftimiKif 11 InniM. rclirimry, 17. 1 . 0 1 y DR. TOWSSESD'S COMPOL'SD EXTRACT (IF SAKS A PARI LLA. 1)K4THT(MAI ItKLirr t Tint Sick! lltiltli lt the Weak!! A HVI.M it itxind ur thu Whole Human Kure hi An- 1'AIN KILLER. Thii in nn ntirelv vmeta We eoiurtoiiihl, roi)vi-(l (" Twnty-KiveiliiT n nt iii(ir dnnt, nml it nu iinnt:il mul KiUTiml Itt:mijy lorilievn noiii ilk Uuil hniiiun flueh 10 Ueir U tocn An, Conplm, Cokln, Taina. Nrrvonn ntiH fiiW Ilradnrli, Klifmnutium, I'utK, jruttm, tHjwl AflVN'timui, Summer CompliMiitit, ChoU-ra Morlrun, TtKrtliat'hc, Kruplionn, Oiriin ViU'tt, Froen I'urlt. Hiinin, 5caUls, Apue in the Fart aitd llreiut, PmiitiTi' Coll it-f ItrniiH't. aid S're, Inm tH appe tite, t.fnfml IMtility, Anthnia, Ac Put up in I tot lit ttt 1. 1i or 4 fliillmpi per bottle. For further jmrtivubira aw I'luujihlct tolie lutd i tf every agent ftnit.a. rontiiining a lirirl hintory ot tlm origin, dirWtvery and ft'tod efTrcU of Andrcwi' rain Killer, Ceilititiitcn of t'uroi,dirtHtioiu. Ac LOOK OI T FOR FRAl'D. Tlie triumphant nueetwa of Audrewa Pain Killer in rr movmp the eHUM tlmt nnwluee uVnth. the untimely death ol mtlliitita ol unr ruee. ruia induced amne men of wliem it nut j he truly auid, their villuui mih otviipuiioiiii mnnilVKt their villainy, to nltetnpt to put in eireulution KMiriou and ctmiiterfeil artielea eatlled "luin K tiler." miiiit! fieiitHKii imiutnt lor the pret ended author, lorded rertitiinten. Ac. S'lne have apietirtil. nud ottirrn no dontit will appear, l-t all -eiitciuler that Andrew i.enuiiH Pain Killer him the writieu muiuiiure 01 I. Andrew on the M it" earn little in M-it k iik. IMi t minply aitk tor Pntn Killer, Uit rtak for ! Ainlrewv' I'nin Killer, and Imve 110 other, 1 S -M hv M. A. Mrtiiy, S.le Airetit. Nortmnnlierhud : J. W, Friiin. SuuUiry; John II. Ituei, Miltou; Jnlm R. Myver, III smiitftaiii; ; Vm. A.. Murray A ti, lhmvdle ; Iliivejipori A Ninth. Plymouth ; Andrew Yohr, Wilkea Utrre ; Jlnya A .Met'oninck. MrKweimville ; Heluiflle & t'h:iinlerl:itii. it wihlmr ; lieorgv .MrAlpm. Jertey Siorc J. M. Jti.M, VVillmuvoit. 1 Onl.-rtt uddriitHtHl in 1. AmlrewH. inventor and only Pro prii'tor at Itheen TompkniN ttmnty, N. V, Wil receive pfHltpt HtJt'llli'Ml S plt uilKT l, tslN. ly " CIT'J'LEHY. AN pxtPiisivo St(H-k of Pox-krt and TuMs CUT LKKY.df salr by J0H1T Ifl. CCLElrCAlT, Nos. 32 .uni 33 ARCADE, and df, North 111 llil) street, Comprising 5000 down Prnknivps, 8riiwor and Kaznrs. Also, a rlmii'C assortiiirnt of licsljprs .V Rons, Wosti-iiliolin's (ircave's W. 4" Dnti'lif r's and Kriiiii-y's Cutlery, Also, rSpnnisb, Dirk and Hiuitinp Knives. Also, (in us, Pistols, and Howie Knives. Also, Tim Aiiu rirnii Huor Mtrop, a superior ar tide, wortliy tbo attention of Dealers. Ciaii Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above Stoek worthy their attention, as the tiuhseriber's chief business is iinortiiis and selling cutlery. HnluuVlpliiu, Juno U, 181'J ly In prcnentiuir the pidtlie with a reiuetlv for the trejitineut and enre of Fitter ai Aoi k him! other hitious dimtincn, no apology is needed. Vnrt 11 Ik-it. in the I'm ted Statea, who antler from thee affect ioti in their varied forma, are compelled to seek relit fnmi other aotircen than the i mine. riiate preMriplion of the rcfruliir phyneian. It bectaiies therefore an object ot hiunnmty. an well as of puhlic inter eat, to la-iufr lefore them a remedy prepnred imru much e perienee, and which may alwuyn Iw relied upon aa avk. EFFECT!' At,) Aitt BARMLEHR TO TIIR ClNHTtTrTION. rnichia the true eharaeter of the INDIA t'HOLAiOOl 1- it amply attented l.y the univeranl iiicceaa with which it Una oeen employed. IV F.xtract from a ronununicntioii nf the lion. Wn,- mam WiH.DuaiUsK, of the l . . Kemde, lui Governor of lil'UlgUU. DcTitoiT. Oct. ai, 1810. UOTTOK CltARt.F.1 OtMlOOT. lear Mir. I hiive nml with much intercut. vmr little TRAKATlR iimhi the cniinc, trefihnent mid rilfe" nt" the fehrile iliHeniMf whih Imve extensively prevaiWI in tmr csHtutry during the luvit few tnoiiihn nu interval inerenM-d no dotiltt. hv the fuel thiil I luive individiinllv anlVereil ni niiH-h fnaii them, Thouch I feel mvuHf very inwHiipetent tti jndtre cifdy iiwi u nilneet mi entirely profeaiiiofi:il, yet ymr ineory aeem u ine well renaoned. nntt ytnr cotu-lu-hioiib jujit. and I think witluil, tlitit ymir pumphlet ia cak-u- iiiieti pi piiMiuee mucn practical 700I. rtwntii(ff 01 me medicine he anya : it fully pint ihcri your llutlerint; cxtwctntMHis, at id aa n a:ife. ciaivenient, and popu lar remttly, my own experience, a i fur, itMlucea ine to lie. lieve that it will pr-n-e a pinut Hihlic henetit. I am plenaed to IturiMluit Vimi have niftitty ect:illiihetl aeveml tiueueics for iit di(Pitton thonyh n-a-ret tiiut. with u view lo a more general diwemimition it, you atiould have 1'oiuhI it ueeevanry to remove from your prexeiit reaidence ati) n u. un mucn refpeci i nave me to lie, nr, Your otiliired ncrvant. WIL I JA M Wt M U)l III I l)f iK. tV From IIn. Ptkpiikx V. R. Tbowbriiige. of Michi- can Nate Heiuile. ti the Agent at Detroit. Ihuvisr.HAM. Oaklanh To., pec. Itl, 1M1. Sir vn wivh me to iiilnnu mi u-kil I Liunsi m' llr OkuimkI'ii linii.i L'lioLi goue. or aiitlliittun nie,ti'UC. 1 ,t,i believe tlmt if the virtue and ctTicaev of thin medicine were (reiieiiilly known, the rrvitM and aocr would dmipenr in .t ii uiKuit. I pMcured a liottle in the aprinc of and Have jrwx renaon lo Iwheve tlmt myaeli niwl fiuuily eacaped the asue last aenaiai in ce-tiacijueucc it ita uae. lVrhana in ia miuiuiui aince the at-ttlernent of tnia fin peiiiiiBuUi, hna the fcViT utd upue been ao prevalent aa the luat. 1 Imve rerianmended this medicine in numenaia in-auiiK-ea, aial when the diatuse IumI becme fixed and bullied '' oi iHi urn, uihi i nuve never Known n uni. . hna miivcrenlly pndiH'eil the moat happy cttVeU, and I Ut lieve U baa never leeii exceed! M- any medicine in remo ving the bilioui diatwaea of the cliiiaite. loun, reapeeltnllv, TKi'in: v. n. TRownnmnK. Affent for 8milHirvll. It. M AHSKR V,,,t...ul WITillNtiTOM A' Co. i Miiion. i. Jl. UASKH: Svliaa grove, MAY & KUSK. aiay o, ittv u SUNBURY FOUNDRY. THE autarilier respectfully informs ilia public that be has again become connected with the above Foundry, and that hereafter it will im con. ducted solely under bis management and control. Kroa his long experience in the bu semens he trusts he will be able to Hive general satisfaction lo his old friends and customers. The business will be carried on in all ita branches. Ha will continue to manufacture .Ploughs, and all kinds of coatings will ba done with promptness and in the best manner. . . , UEO. KUHKBACH, . Buubury, June 9, 184U.w3at , MASIHAIiL'l Conceulrated SarnaimrlIIa For the cure of Tetter, Serofulu. Erysiula, Piles, Chrome Itlieuiiiutisiu and ull disorders of the IIIikkI, Mi-nuri;il Disease. Ac. IT is reeoiiiiiieiiileil to l'liysk-iuus and otliera, aa the strouuest prriuratiuu now in use, and en tirely ililli-reut from that put up in quart Iwttles, possessing little or no active principle ot the Huna- purilla, but intended to deceive the public For sule by M. A. McUA , AortnuuiberUnd. HEYL'8 EMBROCATION for Horses will cure Kpraina, Bruises, Cut, Galls, Hwellings, and all complaints reimirine an external remedy. It is highly useful in Bpavin, Curb, Kiughone, stitf- ness of tlie Joints, cracked Heels, fplints, Cec il has also been used with great succese by tier- sous anlicted with liluntmatum, and other coin plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel phia, and lor sale by M. A. Met. ay, iNorUiaiuber laud. PhUadelpliia, May 26, lH4ly , WINDOW OLAKB, 8 by 10, lor sab It HENKV MASTER 8unkury,Jan SVth, Ui9- ti: - ... - J. J. GP.ZEITOTTG'Z. (Lute Keller & GrGcnougli.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER, Waslilugtoii, I. Vm DUAW1NGS mul paixn for Ihe Talent OlKce, prepared and all the necessary bu i ii 'a iu relation to necuriug patents, trans acted, and promptly attended to, at their of fice opposite the Patent Ollice. Outuber 28, 1848. THIS l'.xtrwt ifi put up in qtmrt IxMtl.'f. It in fix lirnrn rlM-ap-r, plttiNatittT, ami Wiirninttil mtwnitr tn niiy a'ril. Ii rmrn intttwa without v Mtiitiiitr. iturifiti;. nirk- nw, or Ut'l rilt luting Ui pitliciit, oikI ii particiibuly atlaptnl ' FAI.I. AND Sl'HINO MKDICIXK. Tlit grwit Iraiity atnl puperiorily nf this S:irmptirillj over other reiiil- ia, wlulvt it eraflimteBdiauiac, it mvift'iDitfa the IhkIj-. CiiiKiiitiitioM rurtfl. riii ami irintliPii. CotiKUinptum ran Iw ciirtl. Broiirhiti". Cmffimiptin. I,ivtr nnpl;iitit. Cnl.ln, rulm, Catarrh. Aftlnii:t.Spillint;of ItliMul, rWritmn in the Cheat. Iliftir KIiikIk Nk-lit Swt-nta. Unit' cult ami I'miuau Kxwfttrntitnf anil Tain in the Sutc, Ar,, Ac, hav and ran hrriinl. Pril1ily there iu-vnr wan a rrimily tlmt, linn hreii an anr rrNHiiil in th-Kprnite e:nrn t' t'Mnttiiiiiptinn im lliii ; it rlrnn acft lliut RtrtMitfilmid lln- nvniPin. nml itniifniit in hi'nl the ul- ptr nn the hums, mul viiiunts ginftinilly rrguin their urunI UftlUll U1H1 Btrt'tlliUt. CI:R1(I'S CASH C)F CO.NSrMrTIO.N. There ia aenrei-lv a dny pnwtpR hut there nre n iiuhiImt n) eine t' eufiiiiiiptniii ri-porhil nn eurel hy Ihc uw n lir Titwnwti'a SartitpiiiiUii. The fnllnwiii); was recently re eeivMl : Dr. TtwxKn Pear Sir: For the lurt three yeurR I havo Ix-eti atilietiil with jrenernl ih-hitity, and nervnuR imii mimption of tin- lint Kttice, nml did iwi expeet tn ever cnin ! my lu-tilth ut all. Alter itniiur tttnuiii a muijieiii' tiieilit iuc ntler the eare nl attnie ! llieni t t1irtiitj;uifhTf n-iruhr pliyKiciiinit ami iiienniera of the Ihiird i lleiiltli in New l ink and elsewhere, ihhI ipikIi?ui the ni 'Kt m my eiiniinu'ii in attetnptiii); tn nirtm my health, ami nllT rinidtii; in lite ntper nt vnn NtrtvumriHti 1 rtMlven tn trv- il. Alter living nix IxMilt'i I t'onnd it d'n me emit (mi. um! ealhil ti aee ymi at ymir ntliee; with ynnr mlviee I krpl on. mul im i ix 11 tinirtily thank vu lor v'ir nitvK'e. I in-riifvere m tiikiii the SarKiinrillii, and have U-fti uhle I'Witti'inl to my uriiiii laimrfl i"T ihe lafn tour in-uniii', until lnpe hy th MetwingR of God and your S:irKiuirill:t to enniinne my inilih. It lit lncUme Ik'V'HuI the nxiwlntiotin ot nil who knrwmy rnae. CHAKhKS Kl.l.MUV Hranct. Kunex e. N. J., If 17. Stalrof NewJerwrv. Kmw' roiint v. kr. Ohtirh-n Ouim- hy iH'injf duly sworn aeeordmt; to liiw. on hiR otith kiiiIi, th-il the inrceoiiitf Ktnleiiu'iil ia trite uTrdiii'4 lo the Im nI of hi kn wlede and IMiet. ni.YKIshS (l l.MUV sSu-orii and fiubaeribed to before me nt l irnnse, the 'Jj Ausuat, mi. CYKl S AI.IVIN J tut tee t tha Ttiiee. 11 IT TlXft RIstHII). Rend the following, and any that coiutuinptiori is in ineu rable if you can ; New York. Anril L C7. Dr. TnwNRExr: I verily Wliere tliat yonr SiriuntirilLi naa ueen ine mean, in rone n rrovKieiH'e, ot riviiic mv hie 1 liava for ae viral yeuri tuui a Uid eaih. It lieenme wotM ami worae. At lnt I nnsed larce uiKintitiea of UUnxi, Imd nicht sweutaaial wtiRernitly dehihtnteil and redneed, nml did not rXMH't to live. 1 have only utnl ymr KirKipnrilki but a ahnrt time, and there hit a wonderful ehiinie U-eii wrouchl in me. 1 am now able to wnlk all over the eilv. I rnie nn IJoml. and my eonh Iiiin left me. You ran well lintiKme that I am limnklnl tor thene reRiiliR. Your nbeili- vitt aervunt. AI . H I NKI1, bV Catltui ine I.OSTHKR HI'KKCH. The annexed eertifieute tell a aim pie and truthful atnry af RntTeriiir ami relief. There are UimmandR of Mitmlnr m. ea in this city and llrnnklyn. ami vet there are ihoumird ol pureiit riH their elnklreu die lor fuur ut being hu nil nipped or u sw c it.'w uiiiuiv. JlrnnkKn, Pent. ,t lir. Pr. Tnw?iRB(D : I take pleawire in auiliny, for the lene fit of thirae wIhhii it nuiy iuiceni, tliat my dainthter, two years ami six month okl, was atllictoj with general ile Itility and aawof siweeh. She waa civen nn aa luist je- envery bviair family nlivsieuii; hut forluimMv 1 waa re- einnmeiideil by a friend tn try your surariiurilui. Ilefore liuvine Uiteii 4ine Utttle alia rntivered Iht SKeeh and was eiaiMed to wnlk akaie, tn the aitonishnieut ot all wh were art) um nied with the eireunutanees. phe is mw nuite well, and in tuueh I setter henhli tlaiii she has been for it miitlis pasl. TA IMli, ItW Yrk St., tir.aik.yii. TWO Cnil.imKN fHAYKl). Very few families indeed in fact we nave not heard one thai used Dr. lowiiaewl Snranpardla in tune, lost any ehiMren the ivist umiimr, while Uiose that did iM. Riekeunl ami dutl. Ihe eereilienl we publiidi below is ronehuive evitlem-eof itsiihie, and is only another instance if its ki vim: the lives of ehiMren : l)r. TnivvsFNU I.)tair Hir : 1 had twn eliiltlren cured liv your rsirTiiriiiii l itie summer complaint and dysentnry aie wa only l.i mntii uiu aiiu tti.i oilier Hvohis. Tht were very imu-h rediieed, and we expcvtel thijy wmiM die they wire vivrit up by two reaiieeUilite iihvtieimi. iiei tlied'HHor informal us that we umrt lune them, we re 4 ved to try ymir S;iraapunHa we. had hejird o mueh nt, but i mi i iiuk' rotm.k-iHe. mere ieui( . much at ml mlvertiMt thai is worthless: tnit we are tlianklul tliat we did. uml mkeUy saved the, lives of ttti. 1 wrilo this tiaU oth er may n tmiueeu w use it. j mir. re?pe-tiidlv, JOHN YILKJN. Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Rpatklyii, Sept. 15, Ie47. TO THE LADIES. ORKAT FKMAI.K MKDICI.VR. Dk. TnwNsEXlt's isa anveremiinnU ny eiire fr iiK-ipient eiiimiptitm( um) foe lite jfeta-ral pniit ""i me ieui mi luam-T vrminei in resiiR ol liihe rent euuau ur euusua, pnaluceii by irreyoJarity. lUuraa nr uc Ciilent. NmhiiiK enn be more surpnaimr tlian ita invipnnitirnr ef facts ihi the human frame. IVraous nil weakness ami bia- smate, I nun tikinir it at tuiee lieeome naaiat aiut lull ttieffry uihUt its inltuenee. It immtliately count enu-t tha veirsPiiuw oi inc icinuic tiuuiet willt'U IS UIO great CUlkSC waa. iriiiit-M. It will not le expected of ns, in rases nf delicate a na ture, tn cxlnl'it eertihraies oj cure )iertoriued, hut we ran assure me aimeien inai umairuia m vases navo been repK 1k. TuWNsENn: My wife Uiiur area! I v diatreaaed bv Weakness ami fteneml debiliiy, and snliWiiui oHilinually by SORES CAN IJCCMtLO. Burns, Scald$t and nil kinds of injhimcd Sores Lvrcd, rfiOl SI-.V'? rNIYF.RSAI. OIXTMKNT, ithe mnt 1. 1. liurn Anlid'tc over known. It nitmtlv f '1111 a ll bV.Mttflie) RtonRnriltlR of tlie(ii""t detmenil lbirnaud S'ald. For old Srei. IIiutKeR, fnt. prainx, Ac "ii manor le:int, it iRlhelrent application that can le made I liMiinind! hiivelriflatldlli'iiinidrpi';tlie it. It iRthemont pcriect miifier o ptmi ever dtwiveriHl. All wlm iw min.-iHt it. i-.verv innniv siiouui he pro video wiili it None can tel how n Route nt Mm :itmlv mav need it. serve eaeh mtt of the cenn ine Ointment has tli nnmeiii iirK. wrilteti iai Die nutvnle hlel. To unite io tin is lirierv. li-witirien. i.iverv ,iien, harmera. nnd nil wliniic IIorRei will iiit'i HUH ifiutiiient ttie very m at thnai Kiev enn life lor t ollur liuhR,9eniirheR, hicka. A:e.. Ae..,n their uuinitil: Purely even tuercyfiil mtiu would keep hi in im tain an free from p:iiti nn ixwihle. Touscy's I nivrrml ( )iiituieut ir all that m retniireii. I rv ll. 1UTKSOF IN'SKCTS. Forllie Rtin-r or 'bile rf niim tiR Insect (. Toiwey'H ( liniment iRUutivalleil lluitlreiU hnv tried it nnd I omit it eond, IMLKSlTKIH)! For ihe Piles. Touscv'r l"niverfil Oint nient lanue of thelx-rtt IteineilieR that can lie applied. All W ho have tried it tr the 'ilea rec.innienil It. Id)!il(i;s t.TIIKD. Forold f'bmiimte H-tcr, there is tint linn; eHinl to roimev r ( Mntmeut. A penftn in Mmr iir had. f.r a nuinl-r of venrn. a aorc leir, that UitHeil tli tkillnf the doeturR. Toimey'R ( liniment was recommend if by one oi the vinitma nlivnit'iam', (who knew its prni luea.) nml two l'Xer armlneed m ire benefit than the pa tient hnd reeived frnm any ami all prevaais remedies, i-t nil trv ii. HI 'HNS AVI) SCAIsPS rn I'D. Th-airiiid- of maea of llnriiR mill Serdils, in nil part f the caititry. have 1mcii cured by Taisey'R I niverwd Ointment. Certihnite8en-uh Could 1h- h:nl t fill the wlfle nf this Rheet. YlO,FATHUi;iSi;st I RKI). Teatiin.nialR nn teati mnniat iu fav4 of TouRty'R Ointment for cunnj: ltniine heve leeu otl'eretl the proprit tona. ilnndreda iu SyrueiiRe will certify toils irrent meritRrelievinp the paui of the most severe Hrins'-a All pern-ft? should trv it. M'AI.DIIKAni'TKKI). S ires of caw-R nf ft-nld Head hnvu iH-eiicuretl by Tnimey's Ointment. Try it it seldom fail. SALT RHKFM rrilKD. Of nil the rniDflipa ever dis coveren forihs moat diRnirreeable eotuplnint, Tiaiaev's 1'ni verwil Oinimt iil is theiuoNt ompluie. It never wus known tn fnil. CIIAPPKO ir.WDS CAN IIF.CT'RFO. Taiseys Tni versa I Ointment will always cure the wort ruses of t'liap. Maimfngtiira awl kar)nnataiM ly on htuid. n In nre assortment of wether witlt Mnlitmnndof whieU ore an foiiRtrurtcd a tn A at rest nu mnuner ut ri.mU u thu if liemt rtrirriv fireprmr, nnd thaf they will resist tlie fir uf ant laiildinff. The nutshl- Jt these ftifes nre made nfhniler iron, the inside raSfcof r, atone, nnd between the outer nine and inner ease isa aiietltree tmiiea ihieK, ami is nuu m wim iiuimtun- tible nvtterinl. Rn irs tn timk n unpwthility tn burn ay of th contents inside of this Cheat. Theac rVmpstow. InirmmlerR we are prepnreil nml do rhaueiHr the worlit Is prohiee nnv nrtiele in tae Ritape oi irmi;i irmi wiu stnnd as nineh bent, nnd we hold ntiraelres rendy at all tines In have them fnirly tested by public; bonfire, t Iro eoiitiinie to maiinlnctiire o larce and tteheral tRift- m'iit nt our prernuim Airttht Fire Prenf Aifes rtf i-tiicV there are over wm now in use, and in every insthnf trftfy hnve triven enthe aritisfnetiou to the pnrMinsera nf wmrW we will refer the public to a few gentlemetl who bar hem in use Hnvwnod Pimler. Pnttuvillei Jnaeph O. Iwtmf roltsville Mi. William Cnrr, TVwIePtnwn. PK N. ft H. laylnr. lvn north :M at.i A Wnsht tt Nephew Vine st. wharf ; Alexander Cnfof. Cntive,nitcerJ mrner of Filtwrt and oth st.! Jnhn M. Fnrd. W mirth 3d t.: Mvere Itush. Sn north 3d Rl.( Jninns M. Paul, 101 smith 4lli et.t lr. Pavirl Javne, 8 south I st.; Matbew T. Miller, 9tf Rtnth JV1 st.: ami wc could name atme hnwlreda nf others If it were nwRsnry. IVow we invite the attentnm nf the pnblie. nnd partienlnrly those in want nf Fire Proof Safe, tncnll nt tmr store iM-fore pureltnsintf elsewhere, owl we run antlsfv them Ihev will etJ MutbimI cheaper article our store than nt nnv other est u hush men? in tm city. Ve nlw unmnfneture the onhunrv Fire Prnnf Chest, mi nt very ltw prices, ehenner than they enn 1 bought at any other store in niilniieipma. ii' r. v .i .r. JfIIANNKf WATSON. Philadelphia, April , ly d Ibmds. S'orea of per m will mate this, SoltK I.I PS f I UII. For Ihe cure of Una there was never nuvthini! made equal to Tniiscv's Oniliuent. It is sure to cure them. Trv it. It is a seieiililic compound, warranted nolo contain anv pre(mti'Mi of Mercury, ffr Price cenis per l-x. For further particulars ciueerniutt this reallv valnaMe tMntniertt tilhlie areielerrel lo Piililpldets. to (ht bad cnUlS. ft: tnl!f Diuivits and Mt rtlianU tliroiihntl the l'iiite.1 Stntes. Prepared hv . TO!'Si:Y, Pruccirt, No. lOft Nassau Slres't. New York. gkts JOHN YOINC. Sunbury, M. A. Met" AY. NrthuinlM-ilnud. Fcbrmiry 17. 110. ly It AV RUM. An eicrllrnt artirls for aals by HENRY MA88ER. banliury Jan. t7th, 181U tf. PLASTER, Salt and Fish, just received and for by J. W. FR1I.IKG. Saubun.DecJ, 1848. RAISIN8, currants, citron, rhrrsr, pepper aaucc, Vc For aala by J. W. FK1UNG SMbury, Uw. S. 1H48. lI.EY'iS CUUISi tM.VUY. An oel- Irnt remedy for coukIis, colds. For sak at this otiit w OXYGENATED n Z2. "Q? 3tM ixi A sovi-iir.tQ itic.Mi:nv run l'HTII ISIC, AM) GENERAL BSBILZTT. GEOUGE B. GREEN, Pkoi-rietokI Windsor j Vermont, 1? a sovereign remdy for PYSPKISIAf in ftianv nf n f'Tins, ucu ns mi n in tbe Sl'Miiaeh, llenrllairn. habitnal (ToRliveneSR, Acid Stomtieli, Ibvidaehe, liRnof Ap(et!te, Piles. Nmhi Sweats, and even Ciaismnption M)npepiie Phtliifir.) nnd .Ntlntet, or Pbihisie attended with drrrmjta nient of the Si .tn icli (.r lystHpiic ARthmn.) li:hcult lirestiliitt. which often rertults from miHTfeel digestion (01 Dyswptic Syspno-a.) is relieved by these Hitter. In short their nc Im lwen provel in thi relief ot' almost all thi symptoins tluit prtweed from a debilitntrri nr utmiie eone'i tiou of the Stomach ; t,Ui in generul debility arisiiiK Iron Hire or from the ctleets of Fever, pnrtieulnrly Fever am Airne. Females anOerinv under mty uterine derm icemen nrisinu froui M'ejiknejw, will find the "Oxvii'.NArr.n Bit tkks" tin i-xcelli-nt reiiKtly, and not snri;inse y any nn-Wi cine in use. The history of this medicine is peculiar. It has mmle it way to public favor s-ey hy thv i-iree of its own intrinsi merits No nrtilieial liitani have (M-en used t-i iivc it torieiy and tliml il upon pal lie nttenti"it. It has neve Im-ioic even bet-n a-b -erted. but liaviiii lirst sbown its re markuble !fiin,y iri the family of the pmprtrtor, and a bitn aitei wauls ndnmr.steriil to Ins nfrlieted friends and ai fiiniMtain t-K with a like re.oiii, its r nnttitkiM calHallr teiwUHl until it is known in thu m-ist. hi.tiit p-irts nf tl l ui'Mi. in u iiifdieine oi iinrivalleil virii-i at the rurs i Jtyspepsin in nil its diflrent tonus, nnd nt for the cure Asthi'ia or Phthifie. lis only herald ruri its oulv eulj Uis lwen thu story of its wonderful ethntcy.. as told frm in-'iith lo itH'iitli or by letter from n rd: a friend. In e ry insianee where these Hitlers have rWn ujI, aial the r Rtilt maile known b the pioprii tor, they hnve proved a tr unity. Nmu. ron t-eriiOVaie. uitestnur the sintrulnr efncaey the ( tki Un rKi:.,f m the row'saiiu of t pronrieior; many or them sipisvl ly iHtrwmft already widsl' knovvu to the public. (ifO. II (Mit-'t-N Pcuntuil. WINDSOR. Yt., Oet'itt j; The fallowing Certirrcntes have rereMilr received i Wa-ixot.k, P. C.. Jtrw IfX rrt. Ibivina mndc ueof tire HKv:4 Hl-r" t"parrf by lr. (o. H. (Ireen. of Wimbor.. Vt. mat trom know ledee ohtniued ih iht ir ctira-y toicr enses. wreheertultr ree -imiii.-ihI them lo ihel4s Uli v uu; tlmt ther wiflfntrT sustain the r-c"iuiiietMfcrt'Sof th ProprieCr. 'We h thai Ibis vahmhle rena.-!r nmN mi "rtKrarry difliieH thnaihout the eauiir Mat imi kSi arrtil4 le sU ike alllleliil. smi i:i, riiF.t.p. i r WII.UAMI-PIIAM. ' from Tarmal J A W I .S I-" . SI M t INS, I . S. Hemior Imro R . Islswt. J. T. MoKKIII-Li)r L .S. Sr(U'r uihI mriitorly Worara or ol KenTneky. I. II. ARN MenilTH" Cnrrea and fnrmarlv ili.l. uiii aial wilh other duhcultic, and bavins; kmwn mee Where your medicine has eUwted prcut cure ; and abaj hmriiui it rec mi mended ba such cuse 1 have deacrilaml, I (Niuinnl a hotlle oi yair K&trad uf Sarsaparilai and foj. lowed the Uireetmns you ptvu me. In srHtrt period it removed her omplaiuls aial restored her to bmlih. Ueina; frreutful for the benefits aha rceivid, 1 tnke lOejuure io UHuaufciaJWaalgiiisj U, aud recutiuucuaJiiks; U to th pulilw. M. 1. MOORtl Albany, Aag li ,t- Grand 4 l-ydiasu. DYM'KPHIA. No fluid or mnliciiK has ever bocn discovered which n Marly resaamhlea the fraatrie a. ice or saliva in demitoiug foiaj ajid strengtbeiiiu! the organs of diicestiou as this prv pantiiwi of HaraanariUa. It positively cures every euau of sj siiwfsaH icrviaui rilionic. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNIMCK, DYSPEI'SIA. 1'IIUOMC OU NKUVOUS nKHILlTY, P1SKASK OF THK KIDXKYS. lnd nil disvn.srs arising from a disordered Liver or blomuch. in bolfi Mac and Female : 8uch as CoiHi nation. Inward Piles. Fullness or BVvwt tn the II e:id, Aeiditv of (he Stomach, Nausea. Ileail. Kuril. Distrust tor I'NhhI. Fullness or weight in the StoinuHi. Smr 'nictations. Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of ihe Stomach j 'Wtiuniini; of the Head. Hurried ami Itiilieutt Itreidliun;. Fluttering at Ihu lh-.irt, t.'hokim: or Suiiienting acnaatioiis when in a lyuur posiure Itimnesa tf N'isiou. lola or webs before lint Smht, Fever and dull pain in the Head, I)eficien ey of Perspiniiiou, Yellowness nf tint hkiii and Kvea. Pain Hi the Mite, I kick. ( lies), Kmihs, Af., Sutldeil Mushes of Ileal. Hunting in Ihe Flesh, t'oiistnnt lnutuitiinH of evil and urit depression o Spirits Cun be ell'et'tually cured lv hocflaitd;s Celebrated C.erman J Jitters. Their power over the nlmve diwnsea i not excelled if epialled by any ol her prepuruti"ii in the l'uilet States as ihe cures attest, iu many cunes after skillful physiciuns nun laneu. eningement of the l.iver and Stomaeh are aourcea of Iiiauiiiv. and wilt ulsi prisluce discuse. of the lliui, Skin. I.uii'jf and Kidiievs, and lays the Usly oiieu to an attack ot ihe 'le Jem, Hilious, or Yellow Fever, nnd i geuemity tle first cause tH mat loneiul disease, OaiiaiiiiptitHi,' Opinions of the Philadelphia Press THK DISPATCH." Pecctnlki-l tllst anv: A N 1 N V A . ' A I i 1 .K Si IU It'lN K. luive frepnt ly heard the 1'eU hrnted tieruwn 11 liters, nuuiutadure)! hv lit llHlliauil. sMken of in terms of muiiiieialntn, and we know deservedly si. ll ua too cominou pruetiee, tu cer tain qu:irtemt tn puil all imuner of' use tea lunh, ImiI in the ahovH Hitters, bundled, arc liviuft witnesses ot' their great moral and piiysieiil worth. Asa metlieiuu ol the Jivr t'oinplaiiit, Jauiulier, NerVHi Delaliiy ami lysp. psiu, it luis been fomul iuvuluitble, ejecting cures und lliorouuhly enidieutiia.' diseaises, when ull oilier medicine have faihtl. We feel convinced, Lhat in the use nf the tiei'iunn Itilters. t he t ii lent does not bt?nniie debilitatetl, tail ionsbuitlvgniu Mrengin ami vaor m the tnuue a tuel worthy nt preut tiushteraiioii. 'Ilie Hitters are pleanil in taste and sinell. and can U administered under any circutiuluce, to the most iHimie siouiai-h. lialeed, they enn be used hy all per s ins with thv most iKart'ect Kifety. It woukl be well for tlnwe wlm are mueh tufecttit in tbe nervous system, to iaiauetH-e with one ten apoonlttlor ksss, aial grudually in crease. v e speak Horn cxterience, niwi ure c4irsc, a nniiK-r indffe. The press far and wide, Ituve unileil in re. oaaiiH-iHlmg I lie ttenumi Hitters, and to the uttiietet) we ns'si en naiiy auvisvineir uc, SPIRIT OF THE TIMES " June IJIih air: '!)( Ol'n fiOdUl I liy.KNS wlui ore im-uli.U. know i.TT ..u.u, ..,., ii.mni ,-ur.-, irui luiti- imm-ii r-n.iriit-il l.y lir. iiiasiMiin-s irii-hniuit lit-rnuiu llitirn ! ll lli.-v it ish, wo rnuiKiiuieiui ll-iu llh--l it-mimi Mi.liriua lorv " all wlm un- Hillirl.l with Livt-r f.iiii.kinl, Juuutuv, l)i p. ..m. iit N. rv.iun D. lulity j thn tk.-l-.r hjiai-urul many . iHir rili-n. nller Ihr Ih-m plunruna hu,tlHifc-l Wo have umI lli.-in, iiihI i hey latveprovnl l.i hi-a imji.-iunlhal evory i.iie Kil.l kuowof, iul wc ounM ninim eiviiiv our In. tiiii.Ki- iu tlirrr iuv,.r, ami which lv ihrui gmter rlniiii UK.uuur ImuS-tertfiri, Ihuy are railirvly Vg.-tutJe. "THE DAILY NEWS," iiitv llhmvs: " hvhV linowiiiKly i lir. Il.maiusl'i Cek-l-mtnt Gr liwn Ilillcn. when wn wy ii iit a uu-huui ,-l Una ami iu rlia-iuu-a.if ih,- hiliary. dige ive ami itv.hi.SiSmiui. il IumihS wtlhuik an Mil. ll ia a VtvHtnlila Hn-innithni. aial iiauk- wiiIi.mii AkhIhiI. and l" all iiivahila we wuuM re eonuui ml i u w-irlliy their i-airnlt iw-e. ',1,ir wl-l-tle nml rt-lnil. at Ihe principal Ptwt, OKIl.M.W MKIHCI.NK STtiHK, Xu. 70 R- fcrlet, I'lnbult-lphia. ' K.w aufe by at. A. MoOAV. Nunliiinila-rlaml ami iui-ri-srwuilila dmlt-ra gviieruily llimuj-lmut the April 91, WnuW Uank UriMrtaieiU, AlUiny, May 10, 1R13. ir t 1 have tarni alliictod fur auvoru it- TowriaMM nir 1 luve bueu altliclod fur avVBra year, wilh dyaueneia iu iu wivat ft -no, altcmM withnir. saaa uf atumuck, U ia" apMli!e, elrue hearthurn, and a great avcraun Iu ull kiuda uf food, and fur weeka, (what 1 ciiukl eal) I hay, been uiaible In retaai but a at null purtioa (M wy stnmaca). 1 uiud Uae luual rainediea. but they lead tmt little 1 no effect in reiauvuur the euuiplaiia. 1 eriia ia daeed. alusit two lu-ullia auu-e, ii try our Kxinut uf Hur 1 par ilia, and I aiuat aay wilh little eouadenaa 1 but after uaii nearly two Ustlea, 1 fouud my appeiae raabred and tha kmrtbara entirely remived; aial 1 would eariieally re. o-uuiwnd Uie uae s a lo Ukae who have been arMuW as 1 aavebeeu. Vnura, 4e., W. W. VAN ZA.NiiT Aiieiu for HunlMry JOHN V. FHII JNti : Nor Ml"HH'AVJci,lV A MctAV HmwUs, WM. A- Atad'j, lata. ly fotton Yarn, Cotton (.'arx-t C'lmin, Cotton l.aj'S anj AVaiUinir, Cutton Outliiu-s, Kracly made Pantaloons, lu mlv mado VrsU, C'oinrri-sa Knives, Porioluin lined (iruacrviii); kettles, just received for sale by 11. MASMJK. 8uuhury, Pec 3, 1648. sale bv. A8JSER. AXES of a very auierior quality for H. M Ovnbury, Dee. 3, 1848. . , TJI.ANK BOOKS. Aa asaortmcnt Books: just rereived and sale by H. MAS8ER. Sunbury, Dee. 3, 1849. WM. WiMXUilillMiK, C. S. mlor and lomi-nrO. v. I 11- -I "I .,1 11 11 1'. 1,11 . M- ' M AI!TI.. Duk--et in Cougrtw lima TTj it-rnutry. Fmm lion. II. D. Fo.teii, Mi-mIm of Congreea frssk l'i-nnH Ivnuiii. Wahhin'utos. D. C Jvk Ifl, IM Dear Sir. I have hen 11 dyrpi-ptip aulli-rer lor aboat tei yrnin. nml hnre rr"rtnl to vnnoiia innlirinra fur relief willh-ur aiii'1-.-m. until I inrnle liao of vour "Oxvcaaated llitu-i.-' I linvi-ii-. il nli-iit inn l.illh-a, and Burl myaeli r.-Ki.inil 1.. pi ii.vt lutiiih "I'lie loima iu which lha Si- !l--w-il i'-ll'. iu my i-nm-, wi-ri-, pri-nt aridity of ! ali-nin.-ti. I. -f -l fipi-.-lit,-. i-xtr-ine lt:ttuli-iioe. avere coa.U lit" I III.-I.iwi-ia. :m.i VK-l'-nt ll.-inl.n hf. Kei-lint; irw. r-Hi Hi 't n k-i i l.-il-.-..f your valimtaV rrmnrf nn? reaeh olhi-rv mmi:! ir'y iillin I11I. 1 ,si'm print pl.-liaur'e la record--in uiv t.sliui -ii l-i it. rnritixe power; nnd would ales ri-nmtk. r'ml wluU- on n viait nt home a abort time ainee. I ii.hiuiiini ii rt oi a l.itib- to a munlier of my afflinret tri.-iolF, wi'li i;rc;ii Ktii-i-K... They ure itrMnma thnt ye ahoulil i-.l:ihliah nn usi-iit-y nl IMitalairr. or inform thVia where the iui iIViiu- Im Wilh nn uorn.-.t de. aire fir y-mr .r-i.-ritv nml h.ippjnr.-ui, I Mi!.rrite no .lf, truly yoi-r liii-ml II. II. l'(lTt!R. llm t. (Ir... II. i;iiiE.ViiHl.r, Vt. Sild WlHileanli- nml Hi-uol In- rtieea & FleUrnar, Me. SOSiulh fixth ft nil. INnhlihlphKi. Asnil for uuliurill. It. M iSi:lt. Aaeula Milton .MAI 'K.I V II.WO. A-.'.-ui for I ,Hf M.ihow.j.J. o. KKNN. April 15, t-l OAKFOIUVS rXKIYAI.I.KO STYLE OF HATS FOU GENTLEMEN. CHAKl.tS OAkt-WRD. No. 101 CHESTNUT STREET Fiiiiatlelphia. rfipfelfully invite altenlinn In bissuperiar style nf bale for autumn, ISIS, which will he found the most (irrfiTt erer before nlU-red lo the commiiniiy. Iu perulinr forms lender, it the mote di sirslil", as il combines all the eseeiiiials nf dura, tiilily aiiilnealni-ss, retiuinite in that aiticle of disss wbills his inervsKi-d ficililin in in manufacturing wilh ull ihe moderu iinirovenitnts. enshles hiia Tu Ciulls.-iuk tiis Woblii to produce a better Hat. CiimisF.s's Faxci Hats ash Caps er tss Latast Miiiik. 'l'lii'so goods have been selected with Rr. nl cure, and will be fouud most bcsalilul and chssie in their ttvlcs, Lnir.' Hi in nu Hats aro Cam or Esti It lirw Patt(Iins, (.'real cere ha ben beetow cJ in fonstrui-lii.g these articles, ib .l they may tl fieifi clly eafy and lonn a graceful appearauca. CHARLES OAKFORD. 101 Chestnut st. a lew doors above Thiiit, Philadelphia-. September 30, lslft.ta June 5-1, JtS f ritioiiaf Edlllou of (l'luUritriM't grvat orK on the IteroruiMttoiv OK THK SIXTEENTH rKaTURV It GftrV MAN V, SWITZERLAND, &0.-.WiH' be' published or. nr about the 1st of April. Ki4S, by JOS. A. SPEEL, No. 06 Clterry st. above Cth, his splendid lima edition of the above naoiei) work, with IS engraved illustratioM from ori--ginul designs; 4 vol in 8, bouud ioeitia cloth and library sbeep. The publisher respettfolly carlrs tbe atteatiaa of the trade and the public generally, to this work being the only illustrated edition published? in the United State He tryate that the beauty of it embellishment, the strong and ubtantiat manner in which it is bound, in conjunction witb the known popularity of the work lUelf, will be a sure recommendation to public favor. JOS. A. SPEEL, 06 Cherry t. above 8U, J- A. S. has also lately published, a new and beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell's Raree Show a suitable book for children, neatly done ub in extra cloth. r Philadelphia, April I, 18 ffr-t , ' of Blank CJVRUP MOLAKSES, nperior refined Hyrup O MuUssee for sale by 11E.N K Y MASSKIt. Buubury, Ik. 3, 148. PATENT Trussn. of all kiltda, HarrieonV wntiiij; and inoVllihle ink, Cotton yaT anal Up, just rtteived and for sale by Hunbury, Dee. 3, 1849. CAPS An wsoTtirient just received. Af silk HATS at i25, for sal by - , H. MASSES, Hunbury, Dec. 3, 1818.