Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 08, 1849, Image 3

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wujmf.m 1 1
.1 - Sunbury, September o, isiv.
Amount of conl brought to Sunbury over
the Danille and PotUville rail road, from the
Shamokin Bines:
For the last week,
Per hut report,
l)c illarkcts.
r . " Ss, 4, 1849.
Wheat Prime Pntirutylvnttia red are
' 9i ua a iuo ana wnite ni si iuusi ix.
Cosn. Yellow is worth 64 a 65c; white
S2 a 63 b.
, Oats. Southern Oats are held at 28 a 30 ;
i'enna. 93 a 340.
Rr Market bare small sales at 65c.
Whiskey. Sales in hhds at 24 o and in
bbls at 28 cents.
Ojjict o the American, Sep. 1st, 1849.
' GRAIN. Sales of wheat at 1 04 a $1 I0o
for prime whiti;, and 98 a SI 04 for red,
and whitu suitable for family Hour at 110 a
115 cts.
CORN Sales at 54 a 56c. for white, and
60 a 61 for yellow.
We quote Md, ltye at 55c. J a lot of Pa. do.
old at 65o.
OATS Sales at 28 a 30c per bushel.
WI1ISKEV Is not plenty. Sules of hhds.
at 27 it, and bbl 27 1 28 cunts. We quote
N. E. Kum at 29 a 30 cts, per gallon.
Corrtcled weekly by Henry Master.
M'hk.t. -100
Km. -56
Cunx. 61)
On. 31
lli-TTia. t
riuus. 9
1'tlRK. .... 6
FllXHIKD. .... 1S5
Tiilow. .10
Ukkswax. ... 35
HrMgc I.vttln?.
OTIC'E is hereby given that proposals will
1 1 received at the house of Martin Drum
lieller, in Jackson township, ou Monday tSejitt'tiibcr
34tb, 184!), for the repairing or renewing a bridge
across Green Drier Creek, licur the house of John
M. Snyder. 1'laus uud 8x:eitications ran be seen
on the dnv of letting
Commissioners' office,
Sunbury, Sept. 8, 1810. )
Ts Invent, Mechanics and Artisans.
rTHE Publishers of the Scientific AMr.nicjx
in returning their thanks to the community
for the liberal support and ciu'OimigemiMit which
liss been extended to them during the past four
years, would respectfully give notice that the first
number of Volume five, will bo issued on tnc 221
of September, affording a favorable opportunity
for all to subscribe, who may wish to avail them
selves of the valual le information ulujys found
in its columns. The new volume will be com
menced with new type printed on extra fine pupcr,
manufactured expressly f. r this publication, and
embellished with a chaste and elegant border.
It will be published as heretofore in qunrto form,
thus affording tit the end of the vear a BEAUTI
FUL BOOK of OVER 400 PAGE.S, containing
f NEW" INVENTIONS, dcscrilnd by letters of
reference, besides a great amount of reading
matter, valuable to every man in the country.
An increased amount of care and expense will he
lies'towed upon this volume, to render it more fully
what it has been termed, "The liest Mechanical
Paper in the World." Its columns ns usual will
1 tilled with the moft reliable ami coireit infor
mation in regate to the progress of SCIENTIFIC
aiiB MECHANICAL improvement, Chemistry,
Architecture, Botany, Manufactures, Rail Road
intelligence and the weekly list of patents, pre
pared expressly fur this Journal at the Patent Office
in Washington.
As an evidence ofthe estimation in which the
'tilHilratiou is held by the Scientific and Median,
leal., portion ofthe community' it is only necessary
to sM'e, that its circulation has increased within
the W'-,fliree years to upwards of 10,000 copies,
already exceeding the united circulation of all the
Mechanic's! and Scientific publications in this
country ."(fud the lamest of any one in the world.
TERM : Two dollars a year in advance, or
if drslied, ic dollar in advance, and the remain
der in sijc'vWiilln,
TO CLJ'Brt : 5 copies, fi j 10 copies. $19 ;
50 copies, .firi. All letters must lie post puiJ and
directed to , MINN & CO.
Publishers of the Scientific American,
New York.
N. B- Patents secured and mechanical draw
ings executed fn the most reasonable terms, at
the Scientific American ollicc.
September 8, 1840.
IN pursuartr'e of all order of the Orphans' Court
of Northemfxirfa'iid county, will be exposed to
- Public sale, at, the house of Michael Spat., in
frrorgeUiwn, Lower Mahoiioy township, Nor-
thuiuls'rland county, on Saturday the 20th day of
September inst., to' wit : .411 the interest of Daniel
.. N. L. Reutter, (said to be the undivided half) of,
-and in a certain lot of ground, situate in Lower
Mahonoy township, near Georgetown, bounded by
lands of Adam liincamnn, George B rosins, Jacob
Allcman, and the rive r Susquehanna, containing
one acre. Late the estate of said Daniel N. L.
' Keutter deceased.
Sale to commence st 10 o'clock, A. M., of said
day, when the conditions tliereef will be made
known by
By order of the Court,
David Rockefeller. Clk. O. C. J
Sunbury, Sep. 1, 1849. ts
To the Friend of Humanity.
' 'This Is to certify, that since Mr. Rockefeller has
TWW Mvb orlices of Kegister Kceorder no n
IcinHIW and frrjly kuppot-ted mVscIt and seven
thildren, (the oldest being merely able to main
.:.. k'.n.ult ami that he tiledtres himself in hi
Mtm , -7 - ,
hotiees in the papers, that if tHe vdlerS of the
Iwunty will elect turn to tneso omces ai ine nexi
lM.ilnn. be will rHva the out half of the
net! proceeds of said olnces to the support of myself
. I.. . f T, I
anil tune ctiiioren, lor iwo yram nun
hext, in which pledge I most clieeriuiiy ana wu
IIH..Iv confide. Ha has offered to grive me secu
vf htfnf. hut I do not ask it of him. his word
'aloiie bVlng a sufficient guarantee to me for that
purpose. ,
'all tbs friends' of my late husband, Martin Irwin,
and the voters or ISortliuinrwrland county, gener
ally, to stippdA Mr. Rockefeller ; for should he 13
'mimlsiA f avnulfl bfl able, with thu ai nf ml rela
tives, (o discharge the debt uon tht bouse built
by tny nusbano, ana secure a nome lor myaeit ana
children. . . , :, t
I ,m In . fMbl state Of health mvaelf andbava
. W - " J
no means of support whatever for my family, nor
have I had any since June last, except what I have
received from Mr. Rockefeller and Uiat be has
fnndv and plentifully given. May God reward
him for his kindness. I. therefore, most earnestly
..J vi;nv. that iIia frienda of tha widow
IIUI" , V- - ..- " .
sad the latheless will support Mr. Rockefeller for
- a-., j-. ss am ' avv
t, offices. ,itALnaniM.
,, . . idow ef Martin Irwin
unhuryi Hrp. 1, ISI9.-3t:
To all whom It may concern.
V OTICE is herehy (riven that the following
certificates of Shares of Stoek, In the Centro
1 urnpike Company, have been lost or mislntd,
vitt one share in the name of John Buyers, de
ceased, one share in the name of Martin Weaver,
Es(. and two shares in the name of Jseob Gear
hart, sr., deceased. That application will be made
bv the subscriber, to whom the above lures hsre
been legally transferred, for new ccrtiflestes of
stock to be issued to him.
Sunbury, Sep. 1, 1849. 3t.
FsLtow CiTisr.xi t Wsrmly urged by many
of rny friends, I have consented to be a candidate
lot the office, of
at the next general election. It Is known to the
most of you that I submitted my claims to the
County Convention that assembled in Punliury,
od Monday Inst, and received a majority over Any
other candidate on the first four ballots. The
moans afterwards used to defeat me, I consider
were unjust and dishonorable. I agree to submit
them now to an intelligent community, and if so
fortunate as to be elected, I will endeavor to dis
charge the duties incumbent upon said office in
good fuith.
Very respectfully your fellow citizen,
Northumberland, Sep. 1 ,1849.
nrHE undersigned respectfully oilers himself as
a Candidate at the next general Election, for
these offices. Being well acquainted with the
duties for several years, slid fully determined, if
elected, to discharge them l-iitlifully, he believes
he could give gcuerul satisfaction.
I also lileilue mvsclf, that, if elected. I will applv
the one half of the licit proceeds of the offices, to
the support of Mrs. Irwin and her Orphan children
(whose imliucnt circumstances greatly need it.)
for two years from Deccmlwr next, the time Mr.
Irwin s term would have expired, if he had lived.
The support of the electors would be greatly ro
lneinUercd by
Sunbury, August 4, 1849.
""J" HE subscriber lifts been solicited to offer him
- self again for the office of
lllCaiiTElt & ItlCCOItVElt
for Northumberland county, and trusts if elected,
his experience in said office will enable him to dis
charge its duties satisfactorily.
Sunbury, June 23, IS 10.
THE subscriler offers himself to the electors of
Northumberland county as a candidutc for
should lie be elected he will faithfully discharge
the duties ef his office.
Lewis township, June 23, 1818.
T) Y Virtue of a certain writ of Fieri Facias to me
directed will be sold at 1 o'clock P. M., on
Monday the 10th of .September next, at the pul
lic house of Frederick .Sticker, in the Borough of
Milton, all the interest of the Defendants in a cer
tain lot of ground situate in the Borough of Milton
hounded on the north by an Alley, on the cast
by lot now in the occupancy of Blair ot Reed, on
the south by Mahoning street, and on the west by
lot of .Samuel Blair, whereon is erected a small
House. Seized taken in Execution, and to lie
sold as the property of David West and Motly
West his wife. JAMES COVERT, Mir'ff.
Sheriff's office, Sunbury, )
August 23, 18-19.
Importer of French flaskets Looking Glasses,
Olid Fancy C.ootls,
IV o. IS IVorlli Second Street,
Between Market and Arch Sis., under J. Sidney
Jokes' Carpet Warehouse, two doors below
Christ Church,
TTAS on hand and is constantly receiving a
large and extensive assortment of Combs,
Brushes, Fancy Goods of every description, (too
numerous to mention,) Looking Glasses of Gilt
and Mahogany frames, Baskets, Coaches, Chairs,
Shaker's Eastern Wisp and Country Brooms,
Window Blinds, Door Mats, Tubs, Buckets,
Churns, Washboards in fact, Wooden and Wil
low Ware of every description, all of which will
be sold low for Cash or City acceptance.
Merchants would save themselves much timo
and trouble, by calling and examining my stock
before purchasing.
N. B. Looking Glasses, sro insured against
Rreakugc to all parts of the Union, without extra
August 25, 1P49 3m
Wh ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of
I M tbia nlnr mid virlniti t!iut ti,. Una nprm-j.
Iirtltlv tmntjfl liimtu'lf in tiil,irv. ilia .tll',..
is next door to Mr. Jacob Painter's hatter-shop.
where he can at all times be found, unless pro-
fcssionally engaged.
Sunbury, August 25, 1819. 3in
Estate ot Jacob Gearbart, (Car
penter) dee'd.
V OTICE & hereby given that letters of admin
1 istratiou upon the estate of Jacob Geurhart,
(Carpenter) late of Rush township, Nortoumber
land county', dee'd, have been granted to tho suh-
, I . I , .
cuiNFr, resiuiug 111 saia luwnsnip, vin persona in
debted to the estate are requested to make ininic-
mate payment, and all huvmg claims against said
estate arc desired to present ahem to the subscri-
der, without delay.
WM. D. GE.4RIMRT, Mdmr'
-lug 18, 1649 Gt.
Valuable ItooUs.
IIFE or Christ, handsomely bound, D'Ar
ninxr.'s IlisTinu or tue RrroOMiTinN,
Bljsk Djt-sooks ash, full bounded.
For sale at the publishers prices by
Sunbury, July 14, 1S19.
.WTHEAT WANTED One dollar per
l bushel, cash, will lie paid for good wheat
Sunbury Jan. 27tti. 1849 tf.
TENINGS A cheap and excellent aru-
cle tor fastening sash for sale by
Sunbury, July t, 1819.
ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this
. excellent article for Tetter. 4-c, just received
and for sale by HENRY MASSER.
Sunbury, July 38, 1849
f IEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin
X Tea Company, r or sale by
Sunbury, Dee. 2, 1848
BOOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several cop
ies of the life of Christ, and also a number of
gold pens which we will sell at tho Philadelphia
prices. For salo at this office.
IOR SALE A good, cow, nesrly fresh for
; sale cheap. Enquire at th effics ef the
f-unbury, June 9, 1149.
Tiro Vnlnable riantations
T1Y virtue of tho last Will and Testament o
1 3 George Krcbs, dec'd,late of Jackson township,
Northumberlaud county, the undersigned Execu
to will sell at public sale, on the pretnrses on S
TcauiT, the 15th of Ssptshsxb, next at 10 o'
clock, A. M. the following described real property
A Plantation,
containing 56 acres, more or less, sitnate in said
Jackson township, bounded by lauds of Jacob
Gauger, John M. Snyder, Poter Rcybock and
others. J horoon is crocted a two atory stone
dwelling Wousc, a bank Barn, a Spring-house and
never-failing spring of water upwards of 20 acres
of this tract consists of of meadow land. , Also an
Orchard and Cider Press.
Another Plantation,
containing 100 acres, more or less, adjoining the
first mentioned plantation, and lands of George
Hoernor, William Schlegcl, David Zurtinnn and
others. On this plantation there is also erected a
two story log dwelling House, a log Barn, n never
failing spring of water, and a sufficient quantity of
meadow land, an excellent Orchard ot every va
rretv nf fruit trees. There arc upwards of 60
acres cleared ami the residue well timbered.
Attendance will be given and conditions of sale
made known on the dav of salo by
August 11, 1S4D. ts
8N pursuance of an order of tlic'Orphans' Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposed to
public sale, on tlic premises, on Saturday the 15th
day of September next, to wit : The undivided two
fifth parts of a certain
Tract of Lami.
situate in Shnmnkin township, Northumberland
county adjoing lands of j4u;rnstus Huey, Uphraim
Miller, John j)crr, Peter Kreegcr, Peter Puff,
Dunklebergcr and others, containing 200 acres
more or less about 100 acres of which arc cleared.
Whereon are erected a House and Barn, Orchard
A c Lute the estate of Daniel Furman, dee'd.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., ol'said day
when tho conditions thereof will be made known
bv S.4MUEL FURMAN. Adm'r.
Bv Order nf the Court
Davi'd Rockefeller. Clk. O. C
.Sunbury, August IS, ls49. ts
LAN3X warrants."
'J'lIE highest market price will be paid for sol
dicrs' Land Warrants, nt the
Pottsville, Pa.
Pottsvillc, August 23, 1SI! :it
Estate of Alexander Strickland,
" OTIC'E is hereby ivcii that letters testumen
1 ' tary have been granted to the subscribers, on
the estate of Alexander .Strickland, late of Upper
Auguttn township, Northiim'.ierland county dee'd.
All persons indebted lo said estate or huviiu?
claims against the same, are requested to tall on
the subscribers for settlement.
WM. GASS j - .
WM. M. MILLER, ) "x r!"
Up. lugusla tshp. Augusta II, I1'J. Ot
l'otlKvllIc, va.
Will promptly attend to coltctious and r'l h'usi
ncss entrusted to liis care.
June 10, 1819,
11 1-AD tie fi.lliiwmir rertTnentp from Devon, the
well kiu.uiiaiiil iviptilar siiuiii lioiit Cji'.ain (of the
Pini.Aei:i.ruiA, (IctoU'r III, 1&16.
S-vcral yiiTH .'twee I v:is ll:iekfd wilh n lnra.tii; oat
on niy ntH'k in the lonn of JVllrr, whii-li I nm c .nviitcctl
w:is c -iitnicicd ui the llaihcr'snliot,. h arotuliuillv exicml.
r,l .cr iny l';irc until it rcicii'-u llitf ii.(nr iirl of l lit
checLs. lmrin;.' Ihc st-vcriil . iii)Hih lii:tl it c mlinucl
spreu'tiu. 1 ii!Tl iltW'Teiil npt,!it'rtlioits, s unr l wliicli Imd
the t lli'i'l, appri ully :it 1" ir.criTisu-l tin diseiiw. tsit
from none 01 thnit ilitl 1 perceive llic least Inn-iii unlit 1
tipplinl the- Kosr. JlTMt;T. Hv Uiimim- eolifJ,,r it.
I was iierlcclly curetl and have reimiiiu-d iicc ol" lla; ali't-c-li.'ii.
1 have since used (lie (intiiicnt. liphtly applied fiirrouph
ness of the luce, til tchrs. chnpped htinds, Ac. With per
fect suerrss. 1 liave no he.irniion in rccoiniueuiling il in
the tlronucst manner tu the pahlie.
Ajiriit ItrRT Masses, Panbarj-.
Jul) , lew.
I j EING a progressive und Comprehensive Sys--
tern of Orthoscopy and Orthoepy, including
s variety of definitions, udapted to the use of
Schools in the Aineiican Republic, by Alinon
Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-live year's experi
ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators,
Practical Common School Mensuration, etc.
The attention of Teachers, School Directors,
parents. ee., is invited to this new Spelling Book,
which conforms to the modem spelling and usages
in Orthography ashciui; one of the neatest, cheapest
U'st arranged, and belter adapted to the wants of
children, than any other published in the l ulled
Stats. H is what it purports tube, a Spelling
Book and not a Reading Book, and only requites
an examination on the part of Instructors of youth
to secure for it a universal introduction into the
Schools of the United States. J us! published, and
for sale by HkNrv MassF.ii, Sunbury.
Where Teachers and Directors can procure
copies for examination.
August 4, 1849.
WHY WILIj YOi: M l l LUi
will y u neglect
thRti jtri'in mit'try mploim
Which ore living you xvurnici; tbut fcimc
thing mimt be d ine t- ive ynu t'rom ihv gfuVC r(
the coitftuii)iivc Why eiKvuiUKir tltat
iiackiitg fi.uh the pum in the
ulf nilit nwt'itts rnising
01 bi hit or tliilirutty ol
brcnihiniT ? Why
clerisit-i1 aud
h'itt-r the
tluit is
preyhtit uwu
your vit;ili,
tnkinsr nmy yunr strength
with rarh uiiiini duy, and Juistfiiinc you to
'that b mrne trout whence no rvuvcllcr returns" He it
ii' i w able t truvtrl mif ntn''ui to hit liuviiH-u.
WititriMt the vixm-m ol lit v. Henry Joiie, Hip Kiyht Are
nut, who a t'urrtl ol a nujih ul CAi ytmr Kiuutlini' ; Mm.
AttrtM. No. JJ t;oriielttilreet. win bctn pivt-ii up
by Dr. Mull. UotM unit McCMliin. The jnniukluld ol'
L'liriiiaii K Villi, l.'w hutll vsire't, wli wua uLo yiveti
uptod'f. Mrs. Mi Hut, formerly ol' Hronktin, wh. m lite
firvt ritynii iam h.ui cmiid not be cured &"d ft hot of
oilier win Im v Ist-eti tttfli'led with
und all (he vuriciix f-rnu-of diftaitie in the vilul orgnni.
i)o any ihMibt the ciliai y tit'iliik rncdiciuc' Lot them
f n and couvcrw Willi lwu w ho have lweu cun d by ii.
'umplilctK c 'istiiiinuj; the ilhih h and rtttidt-'iittra ol miinll
ivorti u ul' litem nmy In; i blainwl, grnu. In !irchuf nitr,
rV tirt; vou el iht tfiitiine, uk lor -SH HUMAN'S Al-I
IIKALINU ilAlAM." und km.- Uuil the wr.iiMi mm.
ute ot A. Hieriuuii, M. U. nou the rupjierol' each buitlu.
hineurnl nv-re cam of thetimntini. Vain in the Bnrk.
Iulc I heart. LmiiUitro and WwiltHetM, than anyojiph
Ciilion l hut Imu incr : , htindreiW of unpriitcipled rabcah.
luiYullt3tiiled t4i C'luntericit it. and palm it upon ih
(-immunity aa thr i-iiuuhv " He wit re oi IWepti'Ti
llrmt'iiiiw inni uic iiiiv nnu ruimrr u iprnui p-ii
ruddiah naner ntude rjmrerly for (he nurrwo and even-
eue the itrnature ol' Dr. Miarinun i prlntt-d ujon the hack
o lhu Hbrt'-r, und thf whole WM-ureil by Copy -tight. None
nihert arc (reuuiue. Ttn-refor. when you wunt a gm-d
Sherinurri Hour Mun'i I'tamtjr, call at tJiuoftice, JUtf ISumuu
treet, aitg you will not tw onminttteu,
Remeniber principal Grfu loNHKiiuu-troo(.ew-York,
where all L)r Sheniiujri lsoxengea arc Jd. Uii Ageuta
are Mra. Iliya, VfJ Fulton Hrett. Ui.aLtlni ; Uiucaun,
Wllhainaburg : aiuj Kldiii'T A Co, Boston, und
JOHN YOVNG, Punhury.
M A. MoCAV, NoriiiuiiiberUuid
Aug. it, lSJ0-b eOra ly
STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers,
and other articles of stone wars just received
and for sale by JOHN W. FRILING.
Sunbury, June S3, 1649.
CHES An excellent article, for sale at
half the usual Price bv J. W. r FILING.
Sunbury, July 7, I7H.
m '
Rbtolved bt tnc Senate and tlotrat or RaCmmcrrA
Tivei or thk Commonwialtu or Pkmnbtlvahu in
Uenkral Assembly met. That Ui Conatitutittn of thia
Co!irrnmveHlth be amended in the aecoivd aeetloti of the
filth artK le, a that it ahall road aa tolk-wa: The Judgn of
the l?nprutiie Court, of the acveralCourtaof Conuu'W IMeaa,
and ot nttt;h other Couri of llecord ai are or aholl be eW
Hifthed by law, hnll I elected by the qualified electora of
tha Ooininoii wealth in thu innmier l llowin(r. tuwitt The
Judgcj of the Suprnme Court, by thu qunlihcd elector" of
the Ctunmonweulih at (urge. The priwidciit Judirea of the
tevcral Court ol Contmoii Plena and of ouch other Court
ol HewnJua are or shall be ustnbiiiihed by low, and all
other Jutlp'-K required to bekarncd in the law. by the quoli
fied clectoia ul the reanectivQ dixtricla itvT which they
are to rtfeMe or act na Jutlcea. And the Awnriute Judges
nf the CouriH f Couimoti l'leaa by the quolifivi eleMini
ofthe p 'Untie renpeelively, Tliu JuiIupe ol Mm Sujireme
Court nIiuII hold their oflieca ftr tho term of tirtct:i yti'ira,
if they a-nll at Imir lwlme t liemfelwa well: MtrieJt to
the allotment heref.ifiiter providi:d for ful'ffcfmeirt to the
fniit rltvt ixn ;) The President Judge nf (he aeverul Court
uT Couiiu in Plena, nitd of mt- h other rnurlit of ltecjrd ua
are or nlmll be e:dilmhel hv law. and nil other J mitre re
quired to be leurncd in llie liiw, ahull hold their oftieea for
tilt term ol ten yciira, it'lhev ahull bj long U'huve them
nutri'M well : The Ah rinte'Judgra of thu Court of Com
mon Plena ahnll htld their oltieea for the term of hve yenra,
if they ahull no long behove thetimelvea well : all of whom
ahull be c irniuiaaiouetl hy the (tovernor, but for any rea
aounhle cauac which ahnll not be auiTieicnt groiiuda of
imnchiiient, the Governor ahnll rem 'e any of them on
the oiMreaa tl twtt-thirda ofeneh limneh f the lcgialitture.
The first election ahull take place ot the general election of
this Commonwealth nexi filler the adopt ion of Ihia amend
ment, and the eonmiitiona of all the jndgea who may bo
then in ntlice alinll expire on the firat Mondiy ol' IDeoein
ber loll iwnig, when the term of the new judgea ahull
commence. The pent olw wh i ahull Ihenbe clectul Jmlgea
of I he Supreme Cmrt ahtiM hold their ffiieea na follows:
one of them tor three yuara. one for aix yenra, one fiir
nine yenra. one fr twelve years, nnd one-f f tiiteen yenra ;
the term of i-ach I ) be decided bv lol bv the auid jiidg.
9th m uflei the election nnr.Hivemeut. and therettnlt certified
by them to the Uovurnor. that the pommiaaiona muy be
imueil in ncconlunee i hereto. The judge whose comi'ilia
alon will lirst expire ahull be Chief JtiMiee durintrhia term,
and rhcrenttor en-h jiulfre wh me citnunianiim Hinll tiral ex
pire ahull in turn be Ihe Chief Justice, and if two or more
comminai us ah.111 expire on the aame dnv, the jmlg'-a
holding them ahnll ttct itle by lot which alia II be the Chief
Justice. Any vacancies hnppeuiut; bvdcith, tesignation,
or otherwute,' ih.iiy ofthe mid cmu'ls, ah;dl bo 'tilled by
appointment by Ihe IJ-vernor, to eontinue Ihe first
Moiidny of Oeeember aoeeeeding the nexl geiierti eleeliou.
The Judirea nf the Nipreine Court ntidtha Preaideutaof the
nayvrul C'lmria of Coiuuimii Pleas ahull, ut suited times, re
eeive for their services mi oderjunlc eoiiireiisulitn, to be
fixed bj -law. which shall not be diminished during their
continuance in onicc, Uit they altft'l iVeeive no fees or per
quiaiit'sof oOice. mr h kl any other ofiiee nf profit under
thin Cominonweidih. nr under the government of the I 'ni
ImI St:itea. or any other Stnte iifthis I'nion. Tlie Judcea
of ihe Supieme i'tmii during their ctntinrnrce in otlice
ahttll rraitlc wilhin this Cuminoiiwridlii untl Ihe other
JuMg'-s tlntiii" their eoiwinunnee tn otlice ahull reside within
the district tr county lur which they were respectively
Speaker of tht House vf Representatives.
Speaker nf the Senate.
In the Senate. MAitcit 1. 1849.
UoLvrn, Tim: i!m r--!iition puo. Vru -J, Nnys 8.
u.uu. i li, til llic ,l,,ui IKII.
In thr IloifE ok Rkpresextativks, Afhil 2,
ne-iLVKD, That this rc ilution puns Yeas OS, Nnys "JO,
Lxtrucl iruin the J,mrtmt.
WM. JACK, Cleiik.
SLi'tiCTAKv's Office.
Filed April i, It 19.
Dip. Src. of the L'ummouu-calth.
SKcttETARv's Office.
I no ckki IFY that thentiove ami lornrQinr i. a trite
oml e Trcft ,i-y ol ihe Ori'iiul Kra lutiou ol llie Uenersl
AiNni!.y. culiik'd "Met luiUm rt!alir nan Amendment
ul llie C iMKiuiiLii."1 e the mini- renuuis on lilt- in llii.
In trmimmy whereof I have hereunto
.,7,; V, K inv liaiul. anil eauawl t tie n:hxed llie
f !'al"1 t -ereliiry's Oifiee ol Harris.
id -1 1,l,re, tin rleveu:li day ,11' Jiinr. Aun
"iff tiy-T U.'iiiini, cue thuiiand ciulil huiKlri-d and
Scc'ry of the Commonwealth.
l4JotRNAL of Senate.
Res ilnti n, So. lr. eniitlutl Mies 'hit ion, ' wua read a
thud tmio. Otl lue quetl n. Will the Sennit Oi;ree t" the
rt-s Pinion ? The Veas uuU Suva were taken agreeably to
th'-' Constiiu'utn. and were ua w, viz:
I. as Messrs. It rtta. Ilmwlcy, tTubb. Cunuiuglnin
r rnth, lingua,,u, Utwienee. leviM, M-ta n, ,M:tt
Ihi.ta. .MM' Uich, Kn iiardsv Sailer, Saukey, Suvery,
Sinull, iser. Sierrett mid Siine ,l.
as .Mchms, iioal, Drum. I'riek, Ives. King, Konig
inucher. Poliemrr ami Rush, Spkaklk h,
"S the i)iR-iiuMi ;ti- tletenainetl in the u.rirniutive.
TIVKS. ihull t?ie re lution pans? The yeua and nay a were
taken agreeably to llie provision of the tenth urtiele ol the
Conaiituuou, und are ua follows, viz :
"Vkas .Mrwra (iideon J. Hull, Dnvid J. Went, Cinitr
Kiddle, Peter 1). Ul -oni, David M. Hole, Th aitaa K. Bull,
Jueob Oort, John 11- Diehl, Natliuiuel A. Kllintt. Juaeph
Kinery, lavid ii. Fthleiiiun. W'tUiiiiti ICvuna, John Kuua id.
Stimtiel Pegt-lv, Joveph V. Kiher, lleury M. Fuller.
Tti 4iuia lit v-, Holierl I In m pa n, tie lye P. Henaxey,
Th mna J. Herring, J tcph lligcins, Churlea llorix, Jacpb
11. Hower, Hnlcrt Klutz. llarriwn P. l.uird, Abralunn
fmiuertou, James J. Iwia, J times W. Ingh Jueob Mc
Cartney, John K-M'Cull ch, Ilutih M'KeetJohn .M'isOugh
liu, Adnin Martin, Simuel lurx, J ihnC. Myers, Ktlwurd
NicWh a 'ii, Stewart Penrce, Jnmea Ptrter. He'-uy C- Prutt,
Al 'iiz i Robb, George Uupley, The d re Ityniaii, Bermird
S. Seh, mover, SjiuucI Ssiihert, J thu Sluirp, Chriaiiaii
Snivrly, Thotima C. Strel, Jeremi.ih i4. PMuhl, Joseph J.
SUitzuun, .Marshall Swart z welder, Sinnuel Tuvgutt. Ooo.
T. Thorn, Nicholis Tiurn. Arunuh Wattles, Sjtnuel Wei.
rich, Al 'iiji I. W'iIcuX, Daniel Zvruey and William K.
PAcker. Spifiiker K, , .
'.NaY! Mt aua. Augimtiu K. Comyn. David M Court
ney, David Kvana, Henry S. Kvuna, John F colon, John W,
tie. rge. Til iiiua tiiilrKpie, John I, ti. rdon, Win. Henry,
James J. Kirk, JoH'i'h Iuulaeh, Rolwrt K Little, John b.
M'Calm ui. J hn M Kee, Wiihuiu Al'sherry, Jottiuh Miller,
Wjlham T M- irism, John A. Otto, William Y. Koberia,
J dm W. Koteheriy, John H. Uutherf rd. H HniMlle Smith,
J 'hn Smyth. ,h hn Souder, Ueorgo Walters and David Y.
WilHanis, 26.
"Sj the quehtion was dctentiined in the nirimiative."
Secretary's Orriric. )
Harhsburg, June 13, IStO. )
Pennsylvania, ps :
I oo ukrtify that the ab tyeand foreg v
rfffarV, lug is u irue and eorrecl copy ofthe "VeaM
S'JFb'dnt und .uy," taken on the ':Kc ltilion re
S&nrA l-'itivc tounumendmeut oftheCo4iatiluliou,M
i4l(ty u the. Kiune apienra on the Journals of tue
BJjaa l txv' ,atK l ie,lfraI Asaenihly of tins
i'i 'l i Cukuu ur.veultli, for tiie aeiwiou of lel'J.
"Witnesa my liand ami tiie s-al of aaitl office, the fifteenth
day of June, one thou wind ri?ht hninirl mid f Ttv-niv.e.
Sec'ry of the Commumrcatth.
Julyt, K9 3ni.
Tin: r iniicR's
IN ONE VOLUME, Hoy al octavo, 1165 pages,
lieaulifully bounJ. einituinliiir, 17 fine pistes,
liesiilcs numerous Wood Cuts. Sold at about
one fourth the cost of the English work, without
anv Plates.
"The Parmer's Encyclopedia is a real treasury
of praelieal information, wherein the experience of
all ages and countries is carefully rosTKU cr to
the present day, and adiniruMy arranged for con
venient reference." Dr. Darliligtdn.
"We arc fully convinced tliut such an amount
of valuable knowledge for farmer can lie found in
no other work in so cheap and convenient a form
In fact, no r'armer who pretends to be well inform
ed in his profession, should be without this work."
New riennessce Farmer.
An excellent work, lit to be distributed in pre.
miuinsby Aqriculturnl Soeities. J. S. Skinner.
. For rtile at this Ollice, price $4.
Also, hv K. W. CAliK. Third street, eppositc
the Exchange, Philadelphia i snd N. HICKMAN,
Uultimore, Maryland.
tTir A hi Osuebs mcst as .cceriiD sir
July 14, 1819. 3m
Green's Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced.
Olii Jacob Townsend'sSarsapaiilU.
Buker's Sarsaparilla.
Swuyne's Pyrup of Wild Cherry;
Swsy ue's Vermifuge.
Ayre's Cherry Pectoral
Dr. Drake's Panacea.
Dr. Cullen's do
Tihbit'sPain Killer.
Dr. Moorland's German Bitters: ' -
Indian VegeUble Pills :
Horse and Cattle Medicines s
For sals by HENRY MASSER.
tunbury, July 14. 1849.
Notice to UellnqueoU.
ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, longer
than six months, on note or book account, are
requested to call and make settlement, or else their
accounts will be left with a magistrate for colleo
lion. .. JOHN W.rRILWO
funhurr, JsjIt T, 149, -
"Encourage Your Own!"
'THE stibscribersrcspeetfully call the attention
of the public to their larfre and splendid assort
if.eilt of every quality and price of
whluh cannot fail to recommend itself to every one
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workmanship and splendid finish, made up of tiie
best stock to be hail in the city. No effort is
spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the
subscrilwrs urn determined to keep up with the
many improvements which are constantly being
made. Their stock consists of Mahnsrany
Sufim, Olv'am and I.oungefc,
liurcnus, Srcrct.irrcs, Sftcbonrts,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to TfmV
delphin liianufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern nnj price,
in short, every article in this line of their business.
They also manufacture all kinds and qualities
including varieties never before to be had In
Sunbury, such as MAiinnitT, Black Wainvt
mi Ct-iitin M.plk (iiiteiAX ; txn Wixnsoa
CHAIRS, ami fancy Pi ano Stools, which are of
tlie latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by
none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscriliers are determined that there shall
he no excuse for persons to purchuse furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can he entertained
about the quality and finish of their wars and
Their articles will he disposed of on as good
terms as they can bo purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
W UNDERTAKING attended to on reason
able terms.
f3f Tho Ware Room is in Market Street,
opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite
Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbtm-, April 28, 1S-19 tf
No. 198 Norlh Front St., ubove Vine,
flHE suhscriher continues to make of the kvst
il material, and keeps constantly on hand a full
assortment of
Sucnr Soda and Brand Biscuits, Juinldes, jpccs,
Scotch cakes and t .intermits, &c. Ilso a lartjo
supply of Navy, Pilot and other shipping breads,
all of which they guarantee to he made of the best
materials, and cnnnirc to sell at the lowest cash
prices, nt their vld tstaWshcd stand, No, 1!I8
Norlh Front St., above Vine.
J. S. IVINS' & Co.
Philadelphia, July 51, 1813.-4t.
CWD.TOA' & Vo.
S. !!'. Corner -4i ri 6th Street Philadelphia,
HAVE now in store a well selected stoek of
the very best Family Groceries, which they
will sell at the lowest prices and warrant to please,
(recti and Black Teas from $1 down to 25 cts per
lb., the Black Tea 45 cents hy the Box, is unusual
ly fine. Coll'ec of all qualities and prices better
SSuRiir for C cts. per ll., than nny other store
Maccaroni. Vermicelli, Canton Ginger in Syrup,
Olive Oil of the licst brands, uu ussoitment of the
richest Jellies, and every article kept in our line.
All goods sent to the country, put up neatly and
1'lcasctry usoncc and satisfy yourselves whether
wc con suit you. COLTON &. CO.
.S. W. Cor. Arch & 6th St.
Philadelphia. Mav "0, 1S4M chc'Jru ly
Sndtlle and Harness .linker!..
y!v.yr fBMlE undersigned respectfully
Kt-A '" ,r'" l',c ful'''1'' ',at ,ncy
rJJfeiliV have commenced the above busi-Hg-4
ncss in iSuiiInirv, and will con
stantly keep on hand and manufacture to order, at
their stand in Market street nearly opposite Young's
store, all articles belonging to their line of business.
All articles manufactured by them will be made in
the best and most durable sty lc, and at prices as
reasonable as they can be had at any other estab
lishment in the county. They therefore respectfully
solicit persons to call and examine for themselves
before purchasing elsewhere.' All kinds of pro
duce taken in by the stores w ill be taken in ex
change at tlie market price.
Suni'ny, June 1849.
JOHN W. FRILING has just received at his
" store in Sunbury extensive assortment of
NEW GOODS, cf every variety which he is now
roady to sell or exchange for produce ; and consist
ing in pait of
Linen and Cotton drilling, and summer
vear of aU kinds.
Calicoes, Chintz, Gixciiam, Lawn?,&c.
Muslins hli-acheil and unbleached.
Quechswtire and Hirdware of all
Drugs Paints, and Dvestitfs.
And a great varioty of other articles all of which
will be sold at the lowest terms.
Sunbury, Muy 20, 18 id
Chkap Nkw & SscoKn hand Book Siom,
A'orM iVesi earner of fourth and Arch Streeli
Law Books, Theological and Clattical Baoks,
Scientific and Mathematical Books.
Juvenile Books, in great iaritty.
Hyrhn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, all sites
and prices.
Blank Booh, Writing raper.and Stationary,
It oust Hrtail,
XT' Ora prices urn imirhl ovvr than th ason-AB prices.
l.irsariea anu snial) parrrls of book, purcuaaed.
3T Hoicks iutpiwied to order irorn lAMUuoa.
ruiUkk.nhui, Juue , lei J y
HHE subscriber has just received a new supply
of the best liquors that ever came to Sunbury,
consisting in part of
Superior old pale Brandy.
Fine Cognise Brandy.
Superior Old Jamaica Spirits.
New England Rum.
' Fins Holland Gin.
Superior Old Whiskey
Common do.
Superior Madcria Wins.
Lisbon do. do.
Superior Port Wine.
Burgundy Port do. '
Sweet Malaga Wine. .
Superior Claret Vine in bottles.
Champagne do. dp, ...
SsmViire.Msy 1 H49.
t s.
la all ChHitlsnlfeil and ctv)H,.A ,untri ),. rmm d
lrer inorHuB of dfarh. ih.n .ny nth.T m.l.rt. lht
fttlcU the bunian fSmllfj and. uatil within a lew vers, ha. eat beva an ctriiin muds to Mup Ua davuia
Uod of tha deitroyer.. Hut ao
Cmdw rry mtnv of the tnMt ttronrty marked and der1.
oped ea of . Pulmonary CommmvtirmKAV, undonbud
earn ol ulcrtrt and dHtd HV.V05 ieh hopttea en
m m m-era nover befortj cured hy ny other medicine.
So utxtrty hoptUn wcr mm of tliff afflicted person, m
to have Iteen 'pronounred by phvicf and friend to be
actually tmNfl. Sumo, who hd their burial rlothM
made. Mn bavn runtd. and yt livo other. whrS it u
ntd would not livo another day, are not? as well aud
hearty an they trmr wre.
It poMftfto all the clean fin and fnirifylu rirtne
nearly u powttrtul aud acute aa tli pa-paration wbicb
we eall r ,
Tlil durr from tliat heehiie tlil nneriir $ertral oihit
Mrttiratinn whieh are pn-uiiarlif ateptrd tu, and are Mtm
tially ntcttMirit. to euro
Coughs and Consttrfiptioito,
and all di ; f a pultnonarr nutuiv tueh diteasei at
Osuially prnm o fatal undor ordinary trealnient. whm
they attnek tht
BrrnM, Thront, Lun, and licurt.
Thin BALSAM hvtU and cure tJl'trr in tht Lunpn. and
rHewlutro internally, at certnintv and eatily lhu runt
rriNO Kxtbct cure and kmt nleer tzteruatlv. T!tU
HNltitn eurea -Vine eauew nf Coneh and Cnn-hmptin out
of 7i. after all other reined-t hv(? failed to do good.
Thousands of Consumptions
and Chronic CtjrA, hiindantly wore ltd vnfnilhif rfi.
cary in Mteh dieisj, ami il undiMibted eunttive ov,-r,
and lontliinir. Iieiilinir properties, in lln fnllowinq eum
nliiittra sinrl ttisii4fa . Vi ! Snittin of TtlfinrL Ill,rli, mi
the Luntr, Pain in th ltrrat ttnd Side. yijfht-Sttrntu .Vtr
romt OftploitttM, I'aipi'ation of the Heart, Ch'drra Infan
tum. JrMnentertt ntid Summer Conjoints in Children and
Adults. Afthma, and ALL
No remedy that lint been ottered to tho public brut ever
betn half a certain and effectual in rvrrtrtine ALL the In
eiilfittnl treaktteiren and irregular hie nt Ihe tenmlc c.t. h
feroiM:o wberber the rtViHiigfUirnt f ruptreivn, etcetr.
or other incidental trfaAnrxr ir iSllf.ri.A'l ;s AI.U bv
trm gtheninq the rvitnt. eyualh.wv the eir'ulntn, tnid
Morhitiff rnd allav-ng NLll VOL'S IKKITAUtLlTV. See
our Pamphlets Ur pruuf.
A Dying Woman Cured !
We ttutp tliii cure, to prore the pctrer to rave life, whn
th'n II -VI. SAM ii ued, t-visn alfer the neiotm i-, toixidcrvd
by phynifiitn nnd friendi to be in the lit 5fnj?.r. ni li-eu-u
aeiutiliy tt'a--and, in thin enne. no far ifonr tl'Ht the
fhroud and burial clothes wen bo'ialit. l-nrte partl-u-lars
nf ihia cae, nnd the rctjxetalic and hubrrd profit'
nf a'l the f-lrcuniNliincea ui.d luct. reler to our
I'AM IMll.K.'lX
Thia eur.' win eiTeeted on Mm. ZU1A HVKKMAN. nr
Batltton Saratoga Co, A I'. We enn prnve. hcvnn l
a dimtt. fnanyoihe alnort equally lmp'n.. mp.I im.
merable ea-n ltt Coitffhsvud Cwntr n:t?rt; Ct 7tT,w lin;ii
were pronouncetl iaiurabU hy hk;ltul ff.ytisicnft.
See tha cure of Dr. Hubbard, of HtnmluTd, Ct., nud other
Dyspepsia !
R' tlie cure nf 7 S H'tlroi. merrh;itit. iif A'tica, Wyo
mini; t o . S. V anl many muiv. in tntr l'm?v-;;h!' i-.
Dysentery 8c Summer Complaint
In Chillrrn Mint Adnhs are alvayn rure t. Weakly t'bil-lrw
will Wet. me aVAr. henlthv and hearty, nnd ruw raniilly.
by the ua ul'ttit 'BALCAM.
No Hiorher nerd ever mourn tho death of her ehild hv
Cliilrn TnCnnfiiri. while leeihiinr, if BRANTS
PULMONARY BALSAS! be aiimini-tered. It Hhould be,
far ach case, given in hircer thuti the ordinary doma.
uucroas & physicians recommend
The lMowin?ti',m"'J l-l--.. nr. I rhvtirians have
hijlilv ivi-iimni. inl,:J liRANT.i MKtllCtNtd i
tr. N. llt'lUIAtai, Stmnrunl. Ci.nn.
Dr. .1. N. ."Mfl'II, Wmertriwn. N. V. '
Or. ItOHMAN. 1.1.' Ili-nry tr.t. Brookiyo, N. T.
Hr. T. M. 1 1 1. 'NT. A.ilrarn. N V.
Dr. liF.D. nt WIS. Mi,l,IJ.-:ovii. Conn.
Dr. (iKO. A. ltor,Kll.-. Hh'Ii. N. Y.
Dr. S. WHITK. Kmlonin. N. Y.
Dr. C. H. tiAI.KNTl.NK. Bvron. K. V.
Dr. J. O. SlltfMAN. KarptterJIe. N. Y.
Dr. J. MKtNNKK. Henrv t., Hrnoklyn, N. Y
Dr. O. KHII'MAN. CuiTliili.t. N. Y.
KOU 9.t.F. BY W. Frilinif. Silnlmry Pa
Mnrv .V. .Mcrav N"rthuinte:aliid.
J..I111 II. Hiwi Milt'Si,
Henry J. SlKirffiT d
Kdvv.iril A. Kutzner n,
All t.'iiera ntl outrr must be adiires-vtii to Wallace Ar
Cv. IIMt lluio-'wnv, vv York.
Siliil.ury, July 21, 1WP ly.
Equitable Ufe lniNurnuce, Annuity
niul TriiMt :oiiiiany.
orrit k T4 waiai't priir.v.T. rmi.APi'LriiiA.
C.VP.TAL Si'Sl.tHJO. L'n.VKiER rElirtTLAT.
fPIUC C"iiiiniy lire nmv r,.-wirt to tr;iun-t tmsine.
1 up ni ttie lil"il liln'nit mut iitlVniil:iirtvuii ti-riii. Tlu-V
ore oulli'irizwl liy tlu-ir clmrtrr (mfl. :i "to ir.iki: nil nnl
every ilivurauee iipperttiiiliui t' tile risks of vhut'ver kinit
or inlurr. and to rrecivc uutl eXHt'iiln triinii', luukf emiow
menti, ftnit to irnuit and purHiiiHf nimuit." Tlie Coiii
luy Hl aiuiitilii'H aud cudowiut-iiis and act as Trusuts
lor inimira and heirs.
Tuble of premiums required for the Assurance of 8100 lor
the whole term ot Lite.
Arc. Prera
Ane. Prem.
Arc I Prem.
1 so
1 &'l
1 58
1 SH
1 00
1 &1
1 0J
1 74
1 70
1 W
1 SV
1 tt
2 01
C 00
It 15
9 !n
a -ci
9 4U
2 31
? Kl
9 70
a i
3 -St
.1 U9
:i 77
I ft
4 39
4 St
4 71
4 m
5 19
i 7H
Tlie premiums sre leas than any other company, nnd ilia
polu-ics ail'ord urttiler advnlilnpra. Tut.U-s tl' linlt'-v early
and qiuirli:rly premiums, hull l-rclit rett of preinuini! .hurt
teruia, jisiil live, .iimvorgiiipa and einiiivviniuiM; al,,
furn: ol Application ( vvliu'li ttnre nrc blank .ticftr) arc
U tie had on anplirnti m at llie oiRl'c, or ly letter tu the
Agent, 1. II. PLIIDY, tfuntairy.
Kavki roa 5Cai.a 8100 On a sinele Life
lor 1 year,
h'vr 7 yeara.
3 i' . .
Tor l.ue.
I. -to
Kxav.m: A person pc"d 3ii years rcat birttt day. hy
pnviinr the C.Miiurtv run. vioulil aet ure lo hm fatniiy
or heir. HW .ImhimI ve die in one year ; lor he si
cures to Uiein elnou : vr lor 13 aiuuiuUy for widi yvura
he .rciirc. Ui llicul 5? 1 0-Sl vliould he tilt- in M'v-n years; of
for tf9ll,40 paid niiuunllv during llie hi secures HUUM to la
Kid wlieu he dies. Tf'e inSuitr set'-iuiii; his own homi.
ilia dilterencu in amount ol pretniuiii. fr,suttioscliarired
by oilier olKee. I' or Htu.rit) tue heirs wouiU nveive SjouO
ahiMikl he die in one year.
rorni. ol uptiticalion ai.t nil pnrlioutnr. mav he had ut
the oifu e. 1 K ilM ( L l.i.K.N, 1'icsideid.
Vice Prctid'nt, Its. M. Haiiiu.
Francis W. Hawlk, S-cretary ftml Trenwircr.
CoJTki;l.TiNC PliYSiciA-f-Dc. J. U. M;esar, tSiuibury. .
i. U. Ptituv, Sunbury, Aift-nt lor Nortiuiiubeilanu'coun.
fiunl'urv, July 9, 1S49. .
sto. 110 t he.nut St ,
ESPECTFtl.LV iiiinoiinrc that thrv have
just fluislied the most cxtrnsivo aaisrtmcnt
they have ever offered for. sale, conijirising
In great variety, ami of
Much attcmion has been -paid to ECONOMY,
in the construction of these Lamps, and eiuh are
made as w ill produce the greatest amount of light
from the least consumption of Lard.
Recent improvements in the manufactory, with
the introduction bf new and pcrlifcted machinery,
eiiahlea them to sell at a very GHEAT KEDl'C.
TIOI from former prices, snd all articles before
leaving the manufactory, are cnrefully inspected,
and are Warranted perfectly tight, Snd to give satis,
Philadelphia, June !, 1849. ly
A XcwAMortuneiit of Fresh Goods.
RESPECTFULLY inform Itii friendi,. cut
tomen and others, that h haa just received a
handsome aaaortment of
at kit itore in Market Suara in 5unbUry. such aa
Dry Hoods, Groceries; Queens
. . ware, Hardware, &c ' ! 1
U Sunbury, June $3, 1849.. , . , , J
DADD'S celebrated Hftrae and Cattle Medi
tna for rile b? HtNFY MA?tJt
uaHrr Jin-Tdi, Itlt-tw.,
Caution Extra.
A msn by the name nf CI.AI'P mn enrs'H with a
jmuns man of the name of 8. P. Tpwnwnd, nud m hia
name tn put up a SiirspnriHn. wtileh Hu-v mil Dr. Town.
sinfl's Sorpnnlln drnomimilinf! it 'il'Nt'INKOririniil, ete.
Th;s Townsoud is no dorlor, nud never wtis : hut wn. for
merly a worker on the railroad., tmmkt, and the like. Yet
he assumes the title of Dr., for the purpose of iraiiiinf credit
for what he ia m This ia to motion, the rsihlic not to ha
deceived, and purchase none (ul the Uennine Oririnal Old
Dr. Jacob Townsend's fomnenllS, hailnf on Ihe-OM
Ur'a, likeneaa, bis family coat ol armt, and his siguaturs
seroas the coat of arms.
Genuine Tovnst nl sSnrNnpaiiitat
OIJ) Dr. Ti-wnsend is ivrw iiIkmij 70 yqara tf age. nd
haa hna been kTiowii a nuihur ned dinenverer of
Uie Genuine Original "'IVtwnt i.d SaiKiparilbi " Bo
intTp'xir. lie wna enni,ellod t lii'iit ila nmiiuhirlure, hy
whieh nieani it hnbetiii kept nut nf market, and the aolea
ein utnaji rilw-d lo ilr prrnly win have proved iii worth and
known ii vuhie. It had renehed the airs ofniany, never
thelean, un those pers ns who had ht en lienled aorediauoaea.
and naved from death, proclaimed ill exeellenco and won
derful HEALING POWP1T. - J
Knnwinjr, many yenra air , that he tad hf his skill, sci
cn';c. ond experii'iieed, d'. vined un nriicle which would be
ol inealeunh'e ndvnniaire lo r.wuktnd, when onee known
ond extenftive'y uwd. he h tped nnd pern:vcrel. expecting
the time to arrive when the innufi would b! furnished W
hriini it into imivera 1 n iiire. when its ineaiiinahle virtues
w.juid le- kn-iwn nnd npproctaltd. This time hua come, the
imams nn suppp.-d ; thin
li nuniiliit lured on the Inrzc-U Peale, and is called for
throughout 1 1 lei -h nnd lir-a.Itti of the lard, especially aa
it is lound meajauUie ot (It-ui iieratioii or dtexi iruiion. (
Let eerym,ui ring ttn uili'mi tli limd, that Old Dr.
JafvltT iwiieml if n w luniinrnernhntr thpreitt'Towusend
s'oiii.nMH iil:!,1 whk-li never jtuis, never teriueuta, and never
cIionLTCKii cliiiTiieter.
Ki 'in tliiaitny I'nrih tlie people almll have the Pure Gen
nine TtiwiiH'-inl S;irn;rriil:t. which h-ill never in the
bottle, nr iii II. atmiineh. and it shail ytt U-miah from the
hmd nil l-'enni-ntiiiir. S tuiiii. i-.xpl mIuist. Viucgary Sar
e:iviirili.ia, ixnw in htc. A !f Hd S-ir.iiriiJ:. jaire an4
pt'iiulm. taunt in live ; a p j.-r hoiuiii, ehp-tilop ISariapar
ri!l:i tui'.'tit t-ilr.-p nnd the.
Th 'Id lJr;j. ri.-irHiip:)iillu w ill keep puro and perfect
l.'Iilike VMiuvr s, T. Townaend'a it improvin with ajre;
nnd ii' ver eiiiiii':.. luii for the better: hecunse it is pre
pnreil tin M-i'-iinlif? pnnripli hy u seientilie man. The
binlier'-i kiMv!tit-:e ol i.'liHHiiMrv. nnd the hi teat iltjeuvcrics
ofthe Art h:ivc;il bt n lir.n-;ht iho requilliou ill the
numii'trnirc nf t!u 'ni,L DlfS W r VA It I . Tha
Simtpiihl.:. rot t. it ik we.ll ktunvii l medienl nieii, co
tiiiiis in iny me Ut-.n il prn; -riu s, mid s:me properties
Witieli are inert or!tr. and miiern. wlii';h. if retailed
in prejiarina it i-jr it,-, j-i-. tl'i'-e l nm'iitoi i -u und neid,
Wi'Wi ij i ui in i-iH to the pyteui. Soimm. n;' the propertioi
of tAii ip;tril.a nrun voiunic, t'.Kit. Llu.y uitirely eviioriite
:nnl me I. in tin ;-repfi,iition. if tht y iiro not preserved by
by n se h-nl. tf prcee"". kt.nwn only i tiose vxperienred m
iii iH!ii;iii:ie!;irc. .More iv r. the,- vl.'it :!e prineiplea. which
fly olf in -npor. or rn xhrthtlion. uvUx hxut, ure the vcrv
e;ii.itil intoual pi'opeiii.M il ili.j iit'it w.iicli give toil
a!! its ? 1 1 1 1 .
Any p-r.-iiu e;:n boil or Ke.v ihe lift tiil they gftLti durjc
e '1 'led liijdi'l, whieli ip more iron ihe coltirin mi;ter r.i
the root titim ffiin imyt!iLnr e!?e : llie-,- enn then at ram this
innipit! or :';id limud fV':-'.eii wtili f mr m-thiwa, and
then e ill it "S-irsntusril;:! or Synip,"' Hut uueh is
not lh- aniele kii. una the
t;i;M"i.i; ci.i) dr. .uron townsend's sar-
This is s i prepyred. tlmt idl the inert properties ofthe
S:irri:irilhi root nr' lirnl removed every thinir capable of
iH-coiiiiiii; neitl or of tertneiitiiilion, i?t mid reject
Hi; then every p:irtie!e if virtue ii wcured ine
piireioiil eoneetiiiateit f inn ; nml thus il id rendered iuea
n:iJ!eo' !or-in any of itJ Vitlna'i'e tuid be.din M3pertie.
Frfjwretl m this way, it i maiN thetrioai pveriul ngettt
m the
t t iu; OK INM'MER MtI.E DlESKS- .. ..
Hf .ieethe reas -n why we hear commendations on every
side in it fnvor hy men, w tneii.nnd ehildri n. We find it
doimr, w-Hitler n ii thur.qr ut i.omiuuplion, Dyapepiiitr, nnd
Liver tlomphi'i!, ui.i'. in Kheitmaii'ri, Scri.tiiln. Piles,
('of-iivene, all Cutnitp.'iita V-rupUotw, 1'tniplvs, Blotches,
and ail adeei! nsit.'tux ip'ti1
i.Mi'ttiit'v or Tur m.ooD.
It jytfcessrs a ntirv ilUio eJu-aey in nil coiuplu.tRnriMng
ffi'in i-i-'ie- ion. i rum Aridi' y f t tl io:i!nt-h. l"nrn un
etjiial irv'iihmoti, deti i iimiiiuon if blood i i tiie hejtl mlpi
latjon . f iite hrart, cimI feet :md cold hai.rlp. eold oh:lls uivi
hoi llashtr. over the lxxly. It hti? n t ut eqnut in Colds and
Ontqiiw : nnd pr-Mils t i-h ensy ifxpeetorntioii. nnd jentle per
F;iir:itioii relax niir i-trielureoi the liiuir.t thront, nnd every
ot!ir i art.
lint in if -I K i 1 14 is i;j Xi-ei'.er.cemore maiiiietly seen and
0'knowieJfd tnan in a!, kintia und atai;r of Kemnlr Coro-
li v."l; w nui rr in e:tin i Vhior Albns or Whites,
rtdamroi ihe Woiiiii, tJl.siiueKtl. S'lpprewett, ur Painful
.Mt iis , liTt -ciilaniy of tht- mensiMinl periotln. tmd the like;
und iMa eileeiuat iit'eavintt all the form? of Kidney Disease.
By rem tvini.' ih,rii.'ii iis inut reyuluiiu-r the neuerul sys
tem, it $vr tone und nrength to the whtde bfnty, and thus
cureaull tonus of ,
Ami tluiif pfeven'a or relieve a irreat variety of,Hlier mi
ladies, aa Soinal Initn'i 'ii, Netiratciat Si. Vitus Dunco,
Swooning, Epdepite Kit?1, Coiiviiiw-tnit. i.e.
Il is noi poitile for thi menVSie to do giwxl ; it has no
tlunir in it whieh eun ever haiui, jt can never, auur r
if poll, ain t!ierel-re, euu never b 'Se ils inrntive properties.
It cleanses the Id w kI, excite? the liver to henlihy action,
tones tlie stonuieh, and pves ttm! diae tioit, relieves the
bwe!aof t irp f nud eoi8iipatioii, ttlt:ia iiillumatioii, pun.
lien th t?iii. epia!;:e the eirenlntioii of the blood, pro
dueiiu etiitlc waiiiuh equally all over the body, and ut the
m n)iUe M:r)lrutlol ; relaxed all olL ructions, ami inviffo
rnley i he mi tire nervous eyMt-iu. 1m mil ih it, then, the medi
cine you pre-i nnmviily need ? Rut can any oftheae tlliiif(S
be Hit id of )S p 'IViwiiReiul's mfertor urtiele ? This vung
m ui b tumid in- not t- be
Becauefi one if now t smT. that tae. one is incapable of de
tefi .r.ih ui, iind NEVER SPOU. wlum the Mfhpr dors;
U wtutst. fei iit. ii:?, niul hi nvs the b 'tth utaii it into
fiaiieij; tiiu y,.ur. ycid h'piia e;lotlin, and damaijinf
other titt Of ! Miti-i not thin h ti th!e i-iupomid be pom.n
i)ui to tiie avsteiu t Wlml ! put amd intoa system already
tlic;iiul wilh iieal ! What etmtt x lopej bia but avid ?
lo we tvt ail kii-tvv. that when i md t tn in oar stomachs,
what ini ';iit.t' li? produces f rl I'li'. nee. h''arihbiir, pulpi
tali n of the t-iot. h r c -im. lamt, d:arrhna, dyaentery,
C"ueyjKl miTupii -n oi liie hlid .' What u ST' itila but
na ne .l h:;i;;. r ia the bxU-1 Wh ttpr letsniithe humors
wliteSbtin.'n Ermit im i-f the s;.m. Said H-u4, thtlt
Klifiua, l'.i H-ei.ts. White Sveiiiu.s, Fever Stres. und all
ule. Tit i.itit iuieru'it ar.d t-.teiual It m a ithing umter
Ik'uni but mi in-iti iubji iinf, whwM a urs and jhussfsuile
si' lh Hinds of the body, more or Wrat causes
Uht-iimaiiMn. but a s ur or n-id llutd. which msiuuatet it
teii betwetjii the jomt k and rUi-wlLTc, imiatiiifc and lu
ll mm..,' tlie U a ler tiad deli'-ate tinsue i:ou winch it sets t
Soil ntroua riitteaaea. of insert!) rt the Moisd, de
rat(ivt eirealdtioaa. ami neuriy uU ttiu uiilmcuta which si
lllel hainau iiHtitre. , ,
N a in it u t lurrihlc to traUe and sell, nnd infinitely
Worwe to use this
Aud yet he w n'd lam hav e it muiernt xd ibnt Old Dr.
Jar b 'I'li'viacaid's ticMiim Ori'iiml f iriipJTiJta, is aa
I.Ml'l ATitJN of hi interi r preiuii tu
Heaven ( Had that we ttiioutd deal iu on article St lycJl
Would tM.(r ihe i-iost divaat r-h. inl.laiirt) to S P. Town
send n :trieU ; and whieh w uM bi iiii: 1 wn upon th, Old
Dr. such a m aintain load if r iinplaiiitjj aud cnirtitwiions
iVoia A i! cms wli have ao'.d, and pue4iaeri ula huve used
S. P. T vatM in''i Keriueatiie roiiij"imd. We wish it
anderr-to'id. htivitise it i the I ii 'Inif truth, thai 8. P.
T-wtiM-iura urtiele aud Old Dr. Jacl Townaeiai's tSarse
kriini are heae!i-wide ioid uit.iiitely dtauuimlar ; that
they are unlike m every puri-vulai, liavinj; not one single
Uiiiiic Ut eoimr -ii .
As S. P. T-'Wnnend e e d f' t. and never was, ia no
chmit, no pliumiiuujeiiint knw jhj more of uiedicine
or difceriM- ihan any other ei'iiimou, uusenutilie, uuprofe
i inalni iii. what tmanintee caa the public have thai thev
are ree.'ivi.iir a tr- mine at ientilic ineiiicme, conUiiiinf all
tin viriiu-M us I m pn-aiiiw it.aial winch are meapuUe of
chimp whicn m hi rcinh-r them ihe agents of diseuse
instfut ' heith f a it -
Hm v hai v.f-e should be tucpeetPd ivm one wen knnwa
iioiimnf ciiiniKfrativi'fy of im du-iae or ibfeaae ! It requires
a (M-ttt.a ol situe experience, t" cook bud nerve up even a
email -n decent meal, h v lmieh lu -rc im porta it is It that
the wr 'ii w hom-mafaetnre medicine, designed f.r weak
!sloiiia('hjaiid eneehlul sysiema, aiiould iikw well the
ned)eal pr M riu plait'n, t'.ie lent urn ruer of securing
and eoiu eatr-eme their htntli.iff virtues, also an extensive
ktii-wUiljre of the vuiioiiS'ii,rt. whieh eJteet ihe kumaa
ayein, and how to a.lajrt. rvititxlic to th-ae diseases!
' It is h n ible tn thin1, ami to know how cruelly lite a
llicied are imtwaied r.pon by presuuipluous mentor the sake
of in an y ! t'ort'jiiei makei'Ut of the agonies of tlie sick i
and no equivalent rendered th detijuiirniH sarlerem !
It is lo avri at frauds ui"n the unfortuiule, t p.ur heha
innwouarl -d hamanitv, to kiiatlelape in the despair uiC
Usmi, to rentore health and btonm, und vifror into the
crushed 'jnd brt-keit, tetd to bamsh uihnmiy, 1mU OM Dr.
JaC4h tiwnaend Jiaa mghlantl fomid the opportunity an4
niee-.u to brini his tirand Euiverwil Ctnteeni rated Kemedy the m.h. and to ttie knowkvl(t ol all wla? iteed it
thiit they may team aud kiww, by joyful eAperiicSi
And thus to have the uupurrliaaeahle saiistactinn of aevintf
raised th luwinds and imlhona from the t-ed of sickneasand
desp- 'lulencv W hojie. health, and a kn(r Uteol ivvJS and
UMifaluiii-ss ei thrnrtetves. their famiheaend irieno.
AoKnt. HENRV M ASSEH, aauibury.
July i, ly row .. . i
Notice to Delinquent Collectors)
ALL roUeclora of taxea whose dtipUcalM pa
vtous to 1849, have not been settled, are here
by notified that their bohdt will be entered an v
cord if eettlrmentis not toade. . . .
By order ofthe Commissioner,
Sunbury, July 7, 1649.
T ISSUE PAPER. Vcllow Tiaeue paper fee
covcuoa, glascae, frt sale at tlie Nitea eft
the Amenrsn-