Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 01, 1849, Image 4

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f tPtoorih Undo fcaadsrd T Freedom
I lute gl Yea tome aooount of the ditln-
Silked Rangmriant, Connt Teleki, M. Poll.
And Colonel iketey, now'oi lately In this
ftwmry. TiWIowing rrtrcu1ars, famish
dMmtbjrt Mhool fellow )f Gorgey, nJ
for'Ae tdbqrM of which," lit ta far a I can
trust to m reoollection, can , youoh, will
pitrbiiJy proro' aeceptable to you, reader at.
the nometitVioit that Genertl, out mhau.
flng both Hajmau and Paakiawitoh, haa out
tT tlte oommunioalioni of th latter with his
bash of operations, and probably placed both
a eritieal ettnatiwi. George y (pronounced
aearly aj the aound can be rendered by
oflf "alphabet, Guergay,) maybe now between
two and fonr-and-thirty years of age. Destined
by Us fathor, one of the small landed Magyar
Ijentry'to the career of nrm., he might possi
bly, by proficiency in his professional studies
in which he left behind him all competitors,
leave made tip for deficiencies of patronage
and i'ulef est ; but his temper wastoounpliant so situated in such a semt-e ns the
Austrian. After holding his commission a
few years lie found himself involved inn
qiifirrel.Vjth. his superiors ; Ihouph notwith
standing ,tlte pnrtiul severity of military dis
cipline in these "casus, the nward wns in his
fiiror." Whether through di.-gust, or because
feeling1 ihat his future promotion, was barred,
Gorgey", retired Ts a lieutenant from that
army whose grey headed Generals he was
one day tlestKied so signally to discomfit.
.'Asvetim? himself now entirely to positive
scienoes, he repaired to Prague, where, un
willing to burthen then slender means of his
fatoer, he lived with the most rigid frugality,
and studying in particular, chemistry, with
untiring assiduity, under a professor of come
celebrity, who, brought to acknowledge that
he could teach nettling further to his pupiL
distinguished him by his friendship and tnti-
rnacy. , This professor was married to a lady
of large fortune, whose sister and co-heiress
a young person of considerable attractions
and lively imagination conceived so ronwm
tie an attachment to the youthful student, as
to make him an offer of her hand. Instead
of early profitting, as was expected, by this
good fortune, Gorgey, thanking the lady for
her flattering preference, replied, that she
Was to young, and had seen too little of the
world to be able to juilno of her own feeling
toward him J but that if, nftpr a years travel
oc sojov.rn, and the gayeties of Vienna, it
was quite nuchanged, he should be proud to
lead fler (6 the alter. The heiress, at the ex-
v" . 1,1 1
piration of a year, returned. Piqued in her
fqmiaine pride, she still distinguished Gorgey
amid her numerous suiters ; but he perceiv
ing, or suspecting, that a point of honor or
obstinacy, rather than affection, prompted
tliof fullihnont of her engagement, relieved
hftr'frtJnTTt by marrying a foreign lady, high
ly accomplished, but without fortune and fil
ling'if the writer remembers lightly, the sta
tion of governess or companion in that very
family, -it--'
The death of his father having taken
placeCorgey retired with the bride to his
email estate in the north of Hun
gary, where ho was endearing to apply to
the working of mines and scientific acquire
ments, when those political changes look
place in Austria and Hungary which brought
the opposition into power. Some office in
the mint being vacant, for which Gorgey con
ceived himself qualified by his knowledge of
mineralogyj n9 applied for it through a friend
to Kossuth.
"Gorgey," Kossuth is said to have replied,
"have heard much of Gorgey, I cannot give
him the appointment yon require."
"But," persisted Gorgey's patron, "I assure
yoV that his knowledge, talents, and political
sentiments qualify him eminently for the
office.",., ;,; yf, :. , , , ; ,
"Enough," said Kossuth. "I cannot make
tin) nomination you desire, because 1 destine
him for other purposes, 1 have long hud my
eye) on him, and before a twelvemonth is over
may want him as minister of war."
The baffled intercessor, at first conceiving
that Kossuth was in' jest, retirrd, but from
thiVperiod dates the advancement of this
unsuccessful candidate.
When the Hungarian army, advancing to
the relief of Vienna, Tjeeame convinced, on
thu &v of Swee.hnt, of the treuchery ol its
geaemlj Moga, it named Gorjey its chief by
imanitriotis acclaim." But that appreciation
by' hisT (idlow-soldiers on the buttle field,
whjictuthe sequel showed to be just, Kossuth,
wlio took a prominent part in the action, had
rnrftTe, as 'we have seen, long previously in
his' cabinet, and may have mainly aided.
Gorgeyj who through the Hungarian war
has held the most important command, and
obtained together with Bern the most deci
sive successes, shares with Bern the reputa
tion: of being the ablest leader of the Hunga
riafl'nrrhies.' This subaltern became at once
a great.oomtiandof, and the conqueror of so
many, generals of routine, is notwithstanding
his youth, distinguished by exceeding caution
so tbifjesuU Jes. brilliant and decisive
arebpe4ea from his genius than from 'the
adventurours Impetuosity of Bern, the Hun
garians intrust to him their main army, with
wirapucw peiiei mat be will never throw
awajf a etonee, nor risk the fortunes of his
eountry a the hazard of a die, however
tempting." ;
V'. am, Mr. Editor, Lo.,
ACleaavititf, accused, while ' in Lowell.
of "Violently dragging his wife from a revival
nieeUigj ud tomptllmg her to go home with
him," replied as follows to the charge :
1. I fiave never attempted to influence my
wifejaier views, nor her choice of a meet-
lnS- ftyKWifokhaa net attended any revi.
val uutejiofii io Lowell. 3. I have not at
tended even one of these meetings for' any
purpose whatever. 4. Neither my' wife nor
myself have any juclinatiou to attended those
ineetiugD , 4. J Mtirr had a vie !
Kkleb while Sketching. During one of
the recStit engarfement between the Austri
an Vnd' Hungarians, near Comorn, a battle
paioier, named IHeman, was killed by
canon shot, while he was taking a sketch of
thefjghWS" fft'i - -
MAHVTkctvn.tiL, brs Donkkllt'i Upright
' Satctt Glaicd Capsuud Blvx
r ato Vnitcd States Ott Paiti . , ,
.',',.-.. . BLACKtNO, -
,: Nt. B3 North Third Strut,. ;: 7
r, , HXXADaz.mA. ' '
THESE Matches are justly considered the beat
in the Uhited States they are free from on
pleasant smell, and can be introduced with perfect
safety into all Stores and DwtMnss; ' Warranted
to keep ten years. ,' ' ' -
The Blacking is of superior quiiity, and free
from and Ingredient that impair th Iieather.
- nAiTvmn.. - . ft.iinnl.'n o . Ml
wun iki utiALtiaS ana nan r win
find it to their interest to call and see for tliem-
mIm. t i t
N. D-An amottmcnt of Matches of various
New York Manufacturers. Matches in round
wood boxes nlso, packed in large or small tin
rases, to sliiu td any part of the world,
Lute of SO Bank Street, now 83 North Third Ht.
March 31, 1849. ly
7. wall" FaptosT"".
THE 8ulrrlliers haw on hand tire largest as
sortment of Wail Pjirrns in tlie city of Phi
1ndrlihia, Violnale. itntl littail, coiminting of
evrry variety suitable for Parlors, Entrii's, Dining
Koonis. Clisinlicrs, wluch for quality and
style canned tic sirrynsscd. Doaiff a cash bu&inrts
wc nrc rnnWi'd to sell a better article at a much
Iohtt rate than any store doing a , '
On hand, a large assortment of Win Purr.,
for Curtains. Kire Prints, Borders, &cM which will
be sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done in the
country at city prices.
N. tl. Dealers arc invited to call and examine
thfir stuck before purchasing elsewhere.
No. 142 Arch street, South side
Philadelphia, May 2C, 1849. ly
Markd Square, opposite the Court Jlotat,
Sckbvrv, Pa.
THIS well known Hotel has just been refitted,
and handsomely furnished by the undersigned,
and he begs leave s say, that it is his intention
to render it worthy of the liberal patronage, hy
which it has heretofore been sustained.
Suobury, May 17, 1849. 8mo
PREPARED and sold only, at FREDERICK
N. E. comer of Fifth and Ciiksnut streets, Phi
ludclnhin. This Essence is warranted to possess
in a concentrntcd form, all the valuable properties
of Jamaica dinger, and will he fuuml on trml an
excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re
commended us a tonic, to persons recovering from
fever or otber diseases, a few drops imparting to
the stomach a clow and vigor, equal to a wine
glass nf brandy or other stimuland, without any nf
the debilitating ellects, w hich are sure to follow the
use of liquor of any kind : and it is tbcrcforo
especially serviceable to children and females. To
the aged, it will prove a great comfort ; to the
dyspeptic, and to those who are predisposed to
gout or rheumatic aUections, it gives great relief;
and to the incbriute who wishes to reform, hut
whose stomach is constantly craving the noxious
liquor, it is invaluable giving tono to the diges
tive organs, and strength to resist temptation ; and
is consequently a great agent ill the cause of tem
perance. t3Fuil directions accompanying esch
The above article can be had at the oflice of the
Philadelphia, June 2, 1R49. ly
THE partnership, heretofore existing under the
name of "Dcwart & Druner," having been
dissolved, the subscriber announces to the public
that he will continue the practice of the law at tlie
office formerly occupied by said firm, in tlie
Borough of Sunbury. Business entrusted to him
will be promptly attended to.
Sunbury, April 21, 1849 3mo
164 Chestnut Street,
Corner of Seventh, Stream's Bttildings,
TTNOWING the wants of the community, the
Proprietor nf this EsTAnuansiiXT has fitted
up a ."tore in the most elegant manner, having
due regard to the comfort uf his customers, so that
ecry Stranger visiting his Book Store, may feel
entirely ut home.
of Books is classified according to the various De
partments of Literature, so that visitors ran find
the Books they. Me in scorch uf for themselves.
Olivine bis Stock for the most part at the Aic-
Tins Sale, and being connected with one of the l i pushing iiorsca in tins countrv.
esiilcs publishing largely himself, enables him to
sell all Books at
than anv other house of a simitar character on this
ontiiieut. His furilitiea fur the Ixrua-riTios
nv Books front Europe are unsurpassed, having a
Brunch of hia Establishment in Loudon, where
orders of private gentlemen are carefully executed
and forwarded to this Country by every .Stiamii
and racket.
of Books with the prices attached is iwued quar
terly, containing Lists of New Additions made to
his large collection, wliicb. are in all cases for sale
at the
or, from 25 to 73 per cent below Publishers'
Prices, Thus in buying even a Few Books,
quite a considerable amount is saved.
.Asasull further
to strangers visiting the city, every one who pur
chases uss 1ollas a woaTa of Books, will re
ceive a copy of the
STBtBOEn it f aiiAniLFuiA. an ckgant 18
no. volume, the priee oi which is S3 cents.
I jr. I be hroits ot aa advertisement are too eon
fined to enumerate the prices of any of tlie im
mense advantages to be derived from purchasing
at the Gbiat ClstEal Cheap Book btobc, but
let all who are ia search of Books send for a Cute
logue, and buy tin Books they are in want of, and
when vikiting the city, give ApiJtton one call,
no j ou win uc sure to call aguin.
. STATIOMIB7 - , '
in all its branches, furnished at the Lois-eat Prices.
The Initials of those purcluuing Letter and Note
Par, ueutly slumped in tlie corner, without
charge. . .. . . . . , y. ; . ; ,
Orders fur any article may he sent by mail, ad
dressed to the Proprietor, and the directions in
ull rases will be fully carried out, with great punc
tuality and desputch. .
Orders for Catalogues should be rai-SAiu.
Boolcseller, Publisher, Importer, and Utatiouer
164 Chesnut St. tor.- of Seventh,' Su-Sim'l
Building, Philadelphia, .1
May, 12, 1849. 3m ,
THE subscriber respectfully informs tlie publie
that h has again become connected with the
above Foundry, and that hereafter it will be eon.
ducted solely under his management and control.
From his long experience in the bussineas he trust
he will be able to give general ssUa&ctioo to his
old bieodssndeustomers. The business will be
earned on in sJJ ka stand. H will toatinu
to msnufiwtur Ploughs, and ail kinds catlnn
will b dons with piumptnee snd in the beet
sasniisr. . - 4 , . CEO. &0HRBAC1I. ,
Sunbary, Jwm t, II.'" . , , .
f . xrAUD noons, v.-
THE raWeribet respectfully informs the public,
'that he continues the manufacture of CABI
NET WARE, m an Its branchss, at his stand in
Market street in Sunbury, and that he haa now
on hand a handsome assortment of well made and
fashionable furniture.
' He also carries on, at his old establishment, in'
Pawn street, the
lit all its branches, and keqit constantly on hand,
an assortment of well mads and fashionable
CHAIRH,, plain and ornamental. All of which
he will diapoae of at prices aa low as at any esta
blishment in the county, i
His long experience in the business, justifies
him in the belief that he will lie sblc to Rive Rf n
Orel satisfaction, and therefore solicits from his
customers a rnntinuanrw nf their patronage.
CS All kinds of produce taken In exchange.
Sunhury, March 17, 1840. tf
Ao. 60 Chamnt-Ht, fit the sipi of tkt Odd
Thmblttbctwten 2d. (V 3d. sit South side
ANUFACTLIiES and keepa constantly
on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol
lowing articles, of superior quality, at reduced
prices : Uokl and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do
Fintrer Shields, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt
and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Houn and Oyster
Idles, do Combs, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks
and Chains, Knitting Sheaths, Ac.
ALSO, Jewellery, Plated snd Brittannia ware,
German Silver Spoons, dec; Gold Diamond poin
ted Pens at various prices ; Jackson's Superior
bverpointed Leads, etc, Ac.
Philadelphia, May 36, 1849
New Hide Oil and leather Store.
No. 1 1 1 North 3d St. 3 doors below Race St
THE eulwcrilrs offer to the tanners on the
most favorable terms their fresh importation
of Hides, consisting of Buenos Avres, Lanlata,
Caraccas, Laguira, Hung-Dry, Chili, Salted Per-
ambuco and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and
salted. Also, Green Slaughter, Dry Salted, and
Ulack Dry Fatna Kips,
Also, Straights, and Dank oil and a general as
sortment of Currier s Tools.
They will sett or trade for Spanish or Slaughter
Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on
better terms, than old Houses in the city,
Cash paid for Leather of all kinds.
Philadelphia, Muy SO, 1849 ly
Ay it's Cheppy Pectoral,
rplllS valuable itrcrtcinition, ortonihinitlv fticwevlHl
1 in curing tlinr-ase ti the Luuti. in the rusutt oi" n kilt-
fit! coiiiMimtinn nf the know n fiirative nrincinlt. ol
mcclirine. Itr iiiretlicntit nrr frretv nwrte kipnvn t the
ptil. lie, umt upt thiwe nrknowkleil to i mi heal men m
Rrsxt-fhiiip nine umlitiit virtucn, which puliuf virtum tir
tr.Miis.initl hi Ibf -CHKIiltY PKCTOHAL" in their crmt
efl purity mxl effinicv, mid wlitm used, tu will be aeeu from
lire loiiowirw raimnip rt'smn-niv :
of fltnvd'Mn CVllpe, Bninviek. Mniiic, write: "I hav
witnejuvu tlw t-tlectst oi your CUerry feetorai ill tny own
I'm ii My mid in that of my friends, and it hus piveii great
kiii-siuciiuu in ciei ui d(iuii nun ciiiiurcii."
From Dr. Urunt, Driiciut oik! PostiisKter. Cliieopee
l)u. J. C. Ayfb Denr Sir : Enclosed please find remit-
tnnce for all the Cherry Pectoral hint sent me. I ran un
hesitatingly my, that no medicine we sell fives such satis
fuetiim us ytmr's d"s nor have I ever seen a medicine
which cured so many cases of onuuh Hiid tunc coniptaiuts.
Our Phyniciou are using it extemivety ia the practice, and
wiih uk imppicai ciiucm.
i ruiy yours, u.M- UKVAT,
President of Vermont Meditml College one of the most
learned and intelliftent phnicwni in the country, "considers
a composition tu rare excellence for toe cure of that for
midable disease, Gmsawnttoii."
Au almost incredible numlier of certificates have been
received - proving that the Cherry Pectoral n, in truth, a
unr.Ai nr. ii cuv
for Coughs, 0Ms, Asthirm amt all piilnvwn comploinU,
Prenared bv J. C. AVER. Lowell. Msss.. and aoM bv
H. MASTER, Sunbury, and MARY McCAY, NorUium.
March 31, 1610
RKLixr to ths Sici:
clih to the Ve.k!!A
HALM i. I'ouih) for Hm
Whole Human Kaea in An
This i an enlirtlv vcerta'
bl eonipnuiMt, c-Mnpcwnl 4'
Twenty-Fivediflrcnt ingre
riicnii, and an inlernnl and
Kzternal Hmedv lor the va-
rk-iu ilia tiut human nuh ia
h-ir to
Couqln, Col-la. rin, Nerrims and Sirlc Hraiilnohe,
rthuuiiuitinn, Cutt, Knrniu., Sniiiul AAW-titm, uiiiiiiur
(Jitiuplaiiiu. t'liotrtti Morlm.TxtliiK'het luptiiniitt t'urit.
Fnzen rartn. Hunt, N-ukta, Ague in the Kat-e and
llftKHl, I'liinU-rii' 0lti-, HniiiieA, ukt S-ire., lvai if apiir-
tilo, liciH-nil Dfhilnv. Altunu, . Put un in hotllra i'h
1. '2 or 4 nhilliiitf. wt b-rttle. t'nr furllier pnrticulanj afl
tHiinlilrtiit-ilMi iimt itt' wrry iijront rmtia. rtmuiinhta a
l-rifH' liini-wy ot llie oriniu. riiap-A'ery and good fWI'rrinof
Auun-w.' I mil Killer, tvililit-nica in l.iire,uirecttuus. Ice
Thn Iriuinithaut aiu-reia ui' Andmva liin Ki1lr in rr.
m-n'iiu: the uur. Iluit ttrmluce deulti. llie untimely dnth
uf iiiilli-mi 4 our ruoe, has imtiK-od une uieu s' wheni it
may be truly Mitt, their villiunoua ivrULatinn. rnanilriil
their villainy, toattetiipl t pul ill rirmlatioii apurinuiand
c-Minterfeii 'nrtielna called "Puin Killer,11 uaiiifr uetitkma
tw l'--r Ihe pretended autti-ii, forged certiucatea, S:e.
KHue hnve appeared, and other, no (iiuilit wiil anncur. Let
all renieinber that Andrew. Genuine Puin Killer baa tha
wuteii .iKiuitlirfi of I. Andrew, on the Intiel of euoh h-Htte
in lila'k ink. IK'ti't .imply n.k for lain Killer, but aak fur
Andrew' I'nin Killer, and have no.aher.
S -Id hr M. A. Hi-Cht. Bole Acent. Northuniherland :
J. W, Friling, lunlHirv; J.u It Haier, Milion: John K.
Myyer, Bl -onnUirg ; Win. A. Mnrray Co, Danville j
ltavenpon ft f miih, riym-nith; Andrew Yohr. Wilkea
barre : llayi t Mi(Vruiiek. MelCweim-ille : ttehnin. Si
t'hninljerliiltl. Iwiiihur : (inirf. MeAlnin Jrv.
J. M. Judrt, WiliiniiuKMt.
uirr. aoureami in i. Andrews, inventor and only rtn.
pneuir at liWca Tompkuis oueutr, N. Y. Wil receive
pr--ni4 aitanti-jn
September 30, 1818. ly '
AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT
LEKV.of sale by
Nos. 32 ouf 33 ARCADE, and 81 North
THIRD Street, ,
Comirising 5000 down Penknives, ekissors and
AUo, a choice assortment of Rorlgers If 8011a,
Wostcnliohn's Greavc's W. e 8. Biitclicr's and
Fenncy's Cutlery, . -,
Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. -
Also, Guns, Pistols, atul liosrie Knives..
AUo, The American Kasor KUop, a superior ar
tide, worthy the attention of Dealers. -
Cash Dealers in Cutlery, will find Ihe above
Slock worthy their attention, as tlie Subscriber's
chief business is importing and selling cutlery.
,, Philadelphia, Juno 9, 1849 ly
Co nee ul rated Sarsaparilla.
For ths cure of Tetter, Scrofula, Krj.ipalaa, Piles,
' L'broiihl Rliruinatiam 111 id all diaufderf of tlie
Blood, Mercurial Uiacase, cVc .
IT is reconimeiiiied to Physicians and others, aa
Ihe strongest preparation now iu use, and en
tirely dillcrent from that put up in quart bottles,
possessing little or no active principle ef tlie bursa,
parilla, but intended to deceive thB public For
sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland. t .
1 HEYL'8 EMBROCATION for Hotao will
cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Calls, ctweUinga, and
all coinplaints requiring an external remedy. It
is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, stiff
ness of h Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, tc , .
It has also been used wita great success by per.
sous afflicted with Rheumatism, snd other com.
plaints. Prepared only by W. MsnkaU. Pbiladel.
dUs, and (or sal by M. A. McCsy, North untber.
. Philaaelshis. May t6, IMI.1 j :
WINDOW GLAB, by 10, for uU lv
I f arttftntrttt. "i .
The Pupil't friend and Teacher' torn fort.
'A- work a already Introduced Into some of the
best Acadamles and a large number of Schools,
where its use has given decided and universal sa
tisfaction, both to teachef and pupil. It is purely
American In Its character, based upon our own
beautiful itrimitl nyttlem of titrrmcf. It contains
more, the arrangements are better, 'and It M tne
easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use
and it- is so considered bv hundreds of tlie most
competent teachers and men of science in tlie Uni
on, wbe have recommended it, It is the book,
particularly and expressly prepared for our A
rican Scholar! i Bv Alman Tirhior.
Tin Youth's CoLOMaian Cicct,Toa. This
volume contains 91 pages, with about 900 exam'
pies for solution on the slate. It embraces the
Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple
anil Compound Reduction, Single Rule of lnrce,
I'roportion, (sc.
TicRxon's Arithmetical lAQtr. ft. is destined
for the nae of younger classes in ths Schools of the
Lnited States. A beautiful little book and picas-
ing to children, and the only one of the kind of any
value, .
There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin'
gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in
which the solutions of the questions are given with
much extra matter for the black bosrd. These
Kevs are the most complete works of the kind ever
published, and contain, in addition, about two
hundred examples in Mensuration, dtc, for the
use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to nave
the above books examined, and no teacher who is
acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will
hesitate to pronounce them the best works that
have ever been published in this or any other
Although issued but a few months, they have
already been introduced into the Night Public
Schools of New York City in all the Schools
public and private, except two, in the City of
Heading. Also, in about twenty Academies in tlie
State of Pennsylvania in a large portion ef the
Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of
Lancaster, and in the Uoroughs of mrnsburg,
York, Chambersburg, Lebanon, Doylestowu, Potts-
ville, Orwigsbuni, tec, etc.
For sale by Hf.urt Mtssxa, Sunbury, Agent
for Northumberland County.
Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848.
THIS Powder is warranted far superior to sny
thins in use for impartin; a keen, smoothedge
to Razors, Surgical instruments, and all kinds 01
fine Ct'TLKHT ; it mav be niinlied to nny kind of
strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and Perfu
mery, wholesale and retail, by
Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and
Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 1 8 South Filth street a
bove Chestnut Philadelphia.
PiiiLAiitLi-iiiA, Feb. 15th, 1818.
This may certify that I hnve lined one of the
Strop prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA
MOND POWDER, and can attest in the most
unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be
found (hat will produce! the same etlect in my opin
ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will
find it superior to any htuctofore in use I can
truly say that I never knew wliat a sharp razor
was before.
JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 8. Third st.
PaiLADELruiA, October, 1848.
A very herd beard and tender face has compel
led me to seek and test many contrivances design
ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with
indifferent success, until I made use of the Magic
DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett,
and Koussel s Shaving Cream. 1 heir united pow
er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor
to remove the most stubborn board, trillion! irri
tating the skill or temper of their owner.
J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street.
For sulc at this ofhVe Price 25 cts. per Box
November 85, 1048 6m.
iiTh i (w it ;a ; v m io iwi a vt.
I prrtrutintr the public with rflmetly forth trntrafnt
Biid cure 01' I'kver axd Aoi h ml tHher bilioui diwaM,
ti n htry t iienlwi. Yuxt miniU'rfi it the rnited buitc,
who nutter irom the? nflW'tit-mii in their tiriiti formi, aro
onniprHed to vHi relief tnm other mreen than tlf imrrtN
itiatv) ureitrriptitiim ol' tlie reffuliir phyiwiau. U becotuei
therefore nn object ot' huiimnity, it well un of public inter
eat, to brinir Itet'ore them remV-irty orejmrerf tioin much ex
lierirnr, and which mny olryi be relied Hon ai pafk,
luch ia the trite rhnmrter of the INDIA OHOLAGOGl'K,
ii amply attested by lb umveraal nieceM with which it hua
been einpkye1.
17 Kx tract from a rommm.Hntion of tlie llou. Wil
liam Woodkridub, of tha C. S. Henate, late Governor of
W ichi;aii.
Detroit. Oct. St, 1810.
Dear Sir, I hnvm read with much inter, your little
TKaKatuk upon the causes, trmtiiK-nt and cure" of the
febrile dirseaaea which have ao extensively prevuiled in our
country during the last few months an interest iiKTeosrd
no doubt, by tna fact that 1 have imlivittually su tiered ao
murh from (hero. Though I led myself very incompetent
to jiidsre safely upon a subject so entirely prtifeasional, yet
your theory seems to me well rena-netl, and your concln
aiona just, and 1 think withal, that your pamphlet is calcu
lated to produce much practical pood.
Hpenkinf of the medicine he suys : It fully Justified your
flatterinir expectations, and as a anfe, rttnvenieut, and popu
lar remedy, my own experience, fnr, induces me to le
lieve that it will prove a pMt public benefit. 1 am pleitsed
to learn lmt yon have recently established tevrral agencies
for its disposit iii thonh I refiret Hint, with a view to a
more tcneral disaetniimiion of it, you slum Id hnve found it
necessary to remove from your present residence enn-jug us.
With much respect ! Iiave the honor to be, sir,
- Your obliged servant.
nr From Hon. Btkimiks V. R. Trowbridge, of Michi
fan State ftenute. U the Apent ot Detroit.
Hir yon wish me to inform yon what I know of Dr.
Ostfood India Chosnftogne, or aiitiliilious nwrticine. I do
believe tint if the virtue and efficacy of this medicine were
t:nri ally known! the vtvbr and ague would disRppeur in
1 procured bottle ia tlie sprinf of I HI, and have fond
reason to believe that myiolf sad family escaped the ague
last season in eensemienee of its use.
IVrbuivi ia u ssounn-i at see 4he settlement ot Ihiaftne
peiiinsulu, has tbe fever and ague been so prevuleut as the
lust, i have reconimendf-i this medicine iu Ruinerous iu
atauccsv and yeitvm the disease had hecoute &xnd and bntfied
Uie skill of pliysiciaiis ; and I have never knowu it fail. I
has universally poduced tlte moat happy effects, and 1 bet
lieve it has never been exceed! by any aiedicine iu reaa
Vine; the Uuous diseases ot the dunaU.,
Ytyira, RspeHfuUy,
Atentfor Runhurv H. H. MASSKR; NhumtMrisnti,
Wi rillNGTOM A't-i Mikoa, J. II. RAoKHj aWluta
trove, MAY KUSrl.
May. lMtftf
(Late Keller & Oreenougli.)
Waiililugtoii, I), fj. ;
DRAWINGS and papers for- tlio Vmletxl
Ollioa, prepureU iul all the uecessary bu
siuess, in relutiou lo sticurinj; patents, trans
acted, and promptly attended to, at their of.
lice opposite the Tuteut Olhce. . . . , .1
Octwber 28, 1848.
BAY SUM As eiosllant ertid for aale
BunUiry Jan. 7th. 18tW-tf. .. ,. ,
PLA8TEB. 8Jt ami Pish, Its eeaivve' sad for
bjr , r J. W.
8uiiburr,Dee.t. 1848.
RAISINS, currant, cilrca : olw, pepper
sauce, tu. For sal by J. W. F RILING
Sunbmry, Dee. t, 1848. . t. -f .
' teiitcmely for ao tic lis, colds.
. For salt,
''tis eAr
Li y w 'ill i iiI u.Wjfffi s i J
Dont permh venr Henea at cattle to die, when
the means ef curs are wfeaia th reach of U I r
Th umlersitned Was ssasat several rears in th
study of Veterinary practka in "LowAun snd E
dinboroV' ha has also availed himself of the resear
ches of Lcibift, and other celebrated aavn.wbokavs
contributed so much towards a Juiliiiiui tmlssinl
of animals 1 ths prineipte of out eaciise cssists
in th niection of general UeedUg cad th total
rejection of alt medicine that experience has
shown to be of a dangerous tendency. These re
medies set in harmony wtta Hie vital principle, and
when given according to th directions which ac
company each srlicl they are eapabte of sxcitint
and increasing th natural (Unctions, without di-
sninialiiag or eVstrsying (kcir Power, hence are
safcin the hand t every one.
O. H. DADD, M. D,
A List l Hers and Osttle MvJIclnes.
Physic balls, 75c per box.
Alterative ball. 75c do.
" powders for bad condition, 7Sc per pack
acre. Heave powder fordiecsses of the lungs, 75e dc.
Urine powder for " ' kidneys, 75c do.
Tonic powder for bnd condition glanders, 75c do.
Cordial drink for inflamation of bowels, 75c per
Liauid blister. 75c per bottle.
Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50e
per pot.
Healing balsam for wounds and saddle gslls, 75c
tier bottle.
Wash for inflamed eves, 50c per bottle.
Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, etc., 50c
per bottle.
Embrocation for sore throat, 7ac per borne.
Hoof ointment for ssnd crack, brittle hoof, 4c, S0c
per bottle.
Home Liniment, the most celebrated article known
in England for lament's of every description, 75c
& !jl per bottle.
Distrmpcr powder for red water, $1 per bottle.
Worm powders for the removal of worms from
the intestinal cannl, 75 per package.
For sale by SUM PS( IN KKEU, 26 Mer
chants Row, also at DADO'S HORSE AND
Haymsrkct Square, Boston.
Pamphlets describing the diseases for which
these remedies are used can he had gratis.
Numerous Certificates are in possession of the
Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi
Sold by GREEN it FLETCHER, No. 36 South
SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his
Aoests. Hfcsei Msssxa, Sunbury,
February 3, 1849 tf
rpillS Kxtraot ii put nn in anart hottles. It b ix times
X clieaicr, plmaantiT, atwt uarrantnt aiipermr o nny
e"lf1. It rtirr riipcnuea withnitt vomitiiiff. niinrinff. airk-
nean. or debilitating the pnlient, and is pu'rticukirly adapted
or a
The great liemity and eupriorily of Ihia Saraunnritla over
otner renieniei ia, urniun it eranicaieadiiieufe,
it invitt-onitra tlie b"ty.
Cotuuinptinn rured.
Cleunae ajid t'lrengtlien.
CmiMimntion can he curat.
Bronchiti. Couaumptitm, l.irer Onnplaiiit. Cotds. Courha,
catarrn. Astimia,?.pmiinTni jiioi.mi, EVrenesa in the
Ckeal. Ilvrtie Fluih, Nicht Sum In. Iluti
cult and Prot'uac Kxpt-tonitioii,
and I'nin in the ride,
Ac., Ac,
have and cun be cured.
Probably there never win a renmly Hint hna tecn an n
t-eaaTuI in ileapernte enset of con8iim)tiin tia ItuR ; it clean,
sea and (treiigtheiii the aylein. and aiun-nm In linul the 11 1
cera ou the iunrx, and pnticnla gradually regain lltrir uftuul
neaiiu ana Bimigill.
There i wnrccly a day ruiBHeR hnl ttn're are a number of
vatrniA coiivimiptlou rrpfirl.'il tia cnrcl liv llie ue ol jlr
lowimrn'i fiirnijmiilla. The wllovring win n-ifiilly re.
e'ivttl :
Ur. Tow.N.llsn lV:ir Kir! Fnf llm I:ikI W. -ir. I
have hcoii ntliictcl wirh gentrul itcbility. and nervoiia tni
timii.ii.Hi of ilie Inst anise, ami did not expect to ever gain
my hrnltli nl till. After ging Ibrtmah a r'.iiir'oi'uiilii-inc
under the core of aomc i Ihe in dletiitiiFlied rt'gutar
pli ii i.iiia und inctnbera uf the Hoard .if Hmilth in New
i oia iiihi emewiicrc. ano riiciHluii; tlie ni wt ol mv ciiriiini:i
in ntlcuiptuiK to rciMin my hnillli, uml uller in
nine poier of yout tNimiiurillii I nilvcit lo try it. Alier
uvint vu houlea I fuiHl it d'Hie me great gaid, arid imllisl
to are you at ymr otTn-e; with your advice I kept on, and
do most heartily tbtiiik you for our advice. I pernevcre in
taking Ihe &irnpnrilln. aihl have been able to attend to tny
u.uul lalorafc the taat four montha, audi hope hy the
bleasiugiof i "d and your ftiraaparilia to continue my
health. It helped dm beyond the expectationn of all who
knew my caae. CHAIILES itl'IMDY
Orange, Kaaex en. N. J., Aug. 9, ln7.
8tateof New Jeraey, aex county, aa. Cbarlea Quim.
by being duly aworn ncomliiig to law, nn hia untb auith,
thil the f'Tepiing atatement true acordiug to the liest of
hiikiawleilgeand lielief. CHARLK& gtl.MHV.
Sworn and iulKTibed t before m at Orange, tlie ad
Aogurt, 1847. CVRl'S BALUWI.N.
Juatic of th Peace.
Read the following, and aay that eonauasptiun ia in incu
rable if you can :
. New York, April 23, 1847.
Dr. TnwxutNS I I verity believe that your ftaranparills
hua been tlie ineana, through Providence, of auving my hie
I have for several yeara had s bad cough. It uecniue worae
and worae. At luat I railed large quaiititiea of blood, liad
night swenla and was greatly debilitated and reduced, and
did nut expect to lira. 1 have only used your ttaraapitrillu
but a aliurt time, and there has a wonderful change been
wrought in me. I am now able In walk all over Uie city
I miae no laood, and my cough baa left uie. You can well
imagine that I am thankful for Iheae reanlta. Your nbedi.
cut servant. W.M. HLS.SKLL.rU Catharine at.
The annexed certificate telle s aimple and truthful auvy
nf auOeriinr and relief. There are thoueande nf aiinilar ca
aea in tliu city and llrniklyii, and yet there are lhwaala
of porcine let their ehiklreu die lor fear ot being humbugged
or to aavc s few ahiluiwa.
Brnoklvn, Sent. 13. 117.
Dr. TewNr.D: I lake pleasure iu tating, for the bene
fil of thoae whom it may concern, tluit my daughter, two
yeara and aix montha old, vu arrllrml with general dc
Uluy and luaa of apeech. 8he waa given up aa pout jc
eoverybynur family ph)-aician ; but fortunately 1 wti re
commended by friend lo lr- vour rVirninrilUi. llrfore
having used one bottle aha recovered her aiioeeh and waa
enabled to walk alone, to the aatoniahment of all who were
acquainted with Ihe circumstance. Site ia now ipulc well,
ami in much l- er health th-ui ahe hua been I" m nitha
paal. JOSKI'll TAVlAilt, l York at., Urooklyu.
Very few fniiiiliea inilced in fuct we hnve not heard of
one Hint uaed Dr. T"U'iiaenil' SarKiianlla ill lime, 11
nay children the punt (iiiniiler. while lh e that ilul n..,
ii'ki ili'd and died, 'llie cerriticatc we publish below ia
conclusive evkleuco of iis value, and is only nil' Slier instance
of ita saving the lives of children ;
Dr. Tows.KNn Dear Sir : I hud two children cured by
ynu rirsuairilla of ihe aumnvr complHiiit and dvaeumrv ;
one v.'ils only 1 luonlli old und Ilia other 3 years, 'i'liey
Were very llliu ll rciliu-eit, ami wo exi-le,l they woilhl ilie j
they were given up ! two resneclaWe phvaieiaiis. When
the doctor informed us Hint we lliuat loar 'them, we reanl.
ye.1 to try y,Hir 8ursasirilUi we had heard ao inueli of, but
hail little BHifidem e, there being much alulf advertised
that is worthless: but wcare Uiaukful that we did. for it
undoubtedly auved the lives of both. I write this lliat oth
ers may be uaHioad lo use it. Yours, reapentiullv.
Myrtle-avenue, Ilrooklyii. eVr. 15, 1M7.
Da. TowxaxsD'a Ssasxraauxi ia a anrcreigaand sneed
I?'!! ; ."'P1"'! caiaumptiosi, snd (. tha general prostra
...e ""s- ""ttter wbeiaer the'rouK oV inhe.
rencauaa or catuea, produesd by irregularity, Umeas or sc
fJ!W! U V""t taaa it invigorating ef.
sttuoe, front taknig a) al eno bscooM robust and full at
a.rgy maler iu Mlitt. , isaaaediately eounlemcutua
tali. taU.?i je. I essss of s elieata .
tare, to exhibit cartlkeatas of carta perforaMd. but wa
-.ij. aaK .w. hiri. of zs:
Da. Towaimni My wife being greatly jatresed bv
wenknesa and general debiUtv, and nilerin. ewuu7n. K
paut and wilb'otW dltlouhiU. .,7
. j uimicino naa eoeeted ureal aurmi
I and alau
aeanin; it reeoimuciided lor auch casta as I hv. rf ,o.
r . vi" a.. l i . . '
rerveirusr & is
greutlul lor Ilia begins .be received, I u,U nleaaura Z
U.u.1Wwi0,,gillr Uj u recommend',',!;" J&
1 Albany, Aug. 17, -44. . Gnual Z&Si'iP' '
SaVX?? '"!" "oe "diva ia aoaarapmsi,,
J'yl""", organa of d.geKiti aa Uu. ,
rjuf S-rnpuik It p.itivery cure, svary cue of
) spapaia, however aevera or chnaiic.
V-isI-rr""1 sifiimed fw'aaveral
dVWais la ita worst form, attended with sair
iZ. ...n'' " ppeuis simai. aeanbuxa, and a
h h unable W nuia Iwl a small Vwion
rVr"J' ' m removing the aanpluiirt. I waa i.
ZT! 101 ' S""'1 sine, lo try your Kairaes of Har
sapsrilla, aaat I must aay with little ouuArianua but alu
,rf "!"!' Iwo.hiStlea, I found my apixnita taatured aud
tha bburn antirely removed ; and I would earnestly re.
ommend Ilia use of h to Umaa who have been alflinerf I
Jr,"''e - ' W. W. VAN P.A.NDT
Agent for Hunlsiry JOHN W. KRIIJNi) !,.
Aril. I Is)
FOB THB tmi n
email rox, jeuiMK,
Palnain the Bark,
Inward Weaknen, '
Whoclrw Ooo,!,, '
OmnimpUon, Kite, .,' ,
ttver Comptalnl, ;
Krisipelaa. Deafneaa,
. Itching, or the Bkm7 t
CoHa, Oont, Oravel, .
Nervous Complaints,
Palnltalion of the Heart,
Riirtnf in the Throat,
vropay, Amnma,
Fevera of all kinds.
Female Complaints,
Kaneneaee kn nrnvad that mrh tmn -
iron lmDOrittea at Uie Blood at rieramtammil. Ihe IMm.
tins Onmnsf and to snesra Health, we muit nssotre thon
oMractlonaor restore the Blourl io iianataralatate. - -
1 He srersiaB io iasn awdteine ia moat efTi LWaSy r
aovei by Circsiraa's VmrM PeaaATiva Piu, fcemg
eomnletelv envelooed with a enatiia. nf mm wliM Sm.
(whteh ia aa dwttart fnim In internal inaredinrrta aa IDM
aV from tWe V-eraxJ) and save no lasts ufmedieaw.
Hatareaseamyawaiwweo uona oi sandy, Moremmr
ey neither mnwesle or grip la tha aUrhteet Srrea, bat
operate eqaatty oa all the AWensnd tania of the sntem. k
eeMet enninmr inenwervea in, ano mcKina any panienlar
reT.i. Trnn, rf the IJvsr be arTeeteS one Inaredieat w
nperate oa that parlvenlar orpin, and, by eteauemf it sf an
hxceap of Bile reator It In He natnied atate. Aanther wis
operate na the Bmrd and remove all impuriiie. in na eiren
Wt km wbilea Until wiR efTeetnnlly exnel whatever Imnn
ritlea may hnve len diselatrsed into the atomnrh, and hence
they strike at ths root or dime remove all Impure Hn
mir from the limtv. onen the i.ires exlemnllr and tmer.
rmllv aeinrate an f.tmen and nlmaxiimii iarticlea from Hie
rhvle. a-Uint tlie hbwid mnv lie Ih-irmnrhlv rmrr llui. ara-n.
ring free and lion It hy aetH-nl'i Ihetlrarl, l.nnjri'niHl I.iver
ami theretiy they reMorc lienilh even when afl iHlier means
have fnilcn.
The entire truih of the shove ran lie narertainnl by the
trial nf a aincle. Ihix: nnd their virtue, ore ai ivmiiive nitd
eerUiin m rent-irlng Multh, thnl I lie pr-iprietur hiuihi hiinwlf
i-j remm me iiiiuhtv jieui i-, mem 111 uii eaAea where Uioy
uu inn K.vv iimveiiHii Mtiniiciicu.
Retail rrlce, 25 rl, per Box.
rrinriiml o'TIpi n. 00 VrriM'y nt.4 N. York
hy JOHN Y. YM (i, Sinlmry.
M. A. Mcf'AV.Nnrtliiimli.Tlr.nrl
IT Rniioinlinr Or. C. V. Clu kmT in the invrnitr nf ii.-
ffiiijrir C'vintpil Vn, and thnt iHiliiiur nl tlir mirt w-.w rfr
lituruul until hr iiitn1itritl ttifin in .Iiiiip, Purdinitrrp
MmuM. lnTprre nlw-nvsnnk t'nr ClirkntT'ii Snurir Contifl
nnd Iwke no other, or Ihr-y will heiiKNln the vitiimsof
a innui.
rcbruiiry, 17, ly
soncs cax keciiieo.
Burns. Scalds, and all limls of inflamed Soro
lOI Sf.V'f l"NI VKIIf At. OINTMENT, ialhe most
cminleie Muni Antid itc evi.'r known. It instanrlv.
(and ns if by Miitfii) stops iviins ofthenst desnemtc
II IU 1.1 . .Lt . IJ...: ...... -
on manor Imisl, it is the liem niiplicatiou Ihut can lie made
i.iiinan,. .-i,m. ni nncis niiiiie-i., . inn, -ivinus. c
Thonsnnds hnvctriiNlniifl thousands praise it. It isthein'ist
nencct master ol isnn ever nise'tvereii. All who use
cointaeist it. l-.vcrv liiuulv slioui,! i ponileil with it
None can tel how s,m sxliie ol the family may need it.
tyotwerve eneli K of hn genuine ( liiitlll. il) has the
nmneof ?. Torsnv, wrini on the outside kiM. 'i'o unite
io this is lortp-rv-
Ilontmen, Livcrv Men. Purnwrs, nnd nil wtinuse Horses.
will find this Ointment ihe very best thing Uiey can nse
for t'ollnr iinlls.rVnilches, Kicks, Ac, Arc, on their animals
Surely every inercyfiilninn wouM keep hisnnimuls as f n
fnim pain ns .issil4e, Touscy's I'uivcraul Ointment is all
thnt isrciptirrd. Trv it.
I11TES OK INSi:i:T.H. For Ihe slim or 'bite of poison
ns Insects, Touney s Oininicnt is umivalled Hundreds have
triiil it nrsl found it good.
PI LET) C t' It ED : Por tlie Pilca. Tonsey's Universal Oinl.
menl isone of thehest It cmcdies ttutt can be applied. All
wlio Imve tried it for the Piles rrniinmeinl it.
OI.DSOHErt CI'RED. For okt obstinate Sores, there
is nothing cipinl to Tonsey's Ointment. A person in Mtimi
us hud. for n number nf years, a aore leg tluit bullied the
skill of ttic doctors. Tonsey's Oininnmt was recoiiimended
by one of thevisiling physicitins, (who knew its great vir
tues.) and two boxes produced more benefit than the pa
tient hnd received from any aial all previous remedies. Let
all trv it.
RUINS AND SCALDS CPRED. Thousands of case
of Burns ami Sensls. in all pnrts of tlie country, have been
cured by T-'iisey's t'niversal Oiniineiit. t-'crlificatcsmMiigli
could lie hnd to fill Ihe whole ol'tliis sheet.
VIOLENT lift USES CI'RED. Testimonials on t..-i-mouiol
in I'aV'tr of Tous:v's Ointment for curtiiir Bruises
heve lieon offered ihe proprieloas. IliiiMlreds in Syracuse
will ierlify toils great merits relieving the pain of the most
severe Bruises. All hts iis sih'Iiki trv it.
SCAl.DIIEAl) CTRKD. 'resol cases of Scnlilllenil
have beclicuredby Toiucy's Oiniineiit. Try it it si iriom
fu its.
SALT RIIEI'M Ct'HF.D. Of nil the icninUm ever ilis
covercu forllis most dinigreeable cotiiplaint. Tonsey's I'.ii
versal Oiiitmeiit is the in -wt coiii.le:c. It never was known
to fail.
vernal Ointment will always cure Ihe ivorsl cases ol Ciiuii
pod Hanils, Srorcs of pers ius will Htatetb'S.
Stllii: l.ll'Sl rill'.li. For the enru ol S .re I.ipslhere
was never anytliing untie rpi!il to Tonsey's (lii.'uient. It
is sure to cure them. Try it.
it isn w'ii aiili-' conn, mi'!, warr.inie, n-i to eonr.iiii any
prestation of .IeriMiry. I l'riee W cents per l.x. i'or
further pari iculars concerning this ritilly vnhuiMe Ointment
the publie are referred to Pniuphlets. lo Is hail gratis, of re-siMi-tahle
Drugjihts uud Merchants throughout Ihe I'nitcd
Preinrnl liv S. TOPSEY, Druiiirisl, No. Iu6 Nnssau
Street, New Y.irk.
Aokxts JOHN YOl'NG, Sunbury. M. A. McCAY,
February 17, Iftfl ly
t,frt( all diseases arising from a disordered
Liver or Stomach in loth Mate and
Female :
Pilch as Conflipfiti.'ii, tnmird Pilc. Kuttnrw nr Illond to
the llnuJ, Aridity of the Stnuivh, Nnnt, lleart-lnini,
1)i(tytit tr I' , rulliiim or wright in Ihe Stonwirh. Amr
Kructati'tti. Siiikinc or Kluttrring nt tlir pit ol' thoSmmnrh
Swininiiiig of tlie Hl, Hurried am) JiiKitill llreutliiiifr,
Kluttfriim nl tlio llt-art, flutkiiiR or Smtiinting Knutii ni
when in Ivinc p.wtnre Dimncm of Vinion, Iti ir wfl
Itcfore the titht, Fevrr ami dull t-iin iu the Hrtid, Ucfu'ten
ry ot IV rupinitiott, Ypllovnnn of ttiti Skui find Kyc, Vuin
in Ihe Side, Hark. Clio-t. Liuilw. Vr., Suttdfii fluithei of
Iltut, Biiriunjr in the Flrnh, I'ouM.uit liniipininc of evil
nnd grvot depf etMion of SpifiU Cuu be effectiiiiily cured by
Celchruted German Hitters.
Thrir pmver over Ihe ahnve dijmwMi in not excelled if
equulltxl hy any other prepi.rnti i in the I'nilt-d tutm
n the rurrm atlettt. iu iituuy cuw: m'ter ikt tilt ul pliyarciaiu
bad fuiletl.
Ueringciuent of the livrr and JMiwich are H"Urrii of
Inmiiity, uint will al pn-hire diimre of the Iltttrt, Skiti.
Iiuiirn oihI KidiifyB, and the UrIv ojwii to an aiiark of
I lie t'lifni. Hiliui, or Yiil'w FfVi-r, and in prnrrulky the
tirttt t-auafe o( tuul twmt banetul dianiae, L'tn.uuiptiuti.
Opinions of the Philadelphia Press,
jptvrmhr :ilt4 kivm:
AN INVAI.LAlil.liMilUll l.i:. Wchiiverr-.pirnft)
heard the trlrlirai-d licriu:ni iintrru, imuiniiioturtxl hy ir.
11h;mhI. iK'kii of in trrnm of eoimnciiitii iii, ami we
kiMW drwrv"dly . It ia a t tniuiiii pnu'tii't'. in rtn
tiiin qiinrtrrn. to' puifall nuinm-f of um'1imi tniitli, hut iu the
uhtjvtt Itutem, huudruJ, are living wiiiit a-vvi nf their tirrat
in r:il und plix.ii-nl u'lTlh. Aa u iiiittu-ine ot" Ui Liver
Coiiipl'iiut, Jiiundit'f, NtTVou IMtiliiy and l)aitwiu, it
ruii Itren found iuvuluitlile, eild'ting run-, aud thrHi:h!y
enn Unit iitf; UisKuirt'a, when all ollu-r uiHliciuca have failed.
We if'l eonvmml, tluit in the uf ot tiio iiciinun ItUttTn,
tha iatitnl deiiut UtDiue di'lulitntnl, IhH eonirtiiutly (ram
sstrt'iiirih and viiT'tr to the fmuif a fart worthy oi unot
eonaidi-riition. The iiittiTaure pluniul iu tJiitteiuul muell,
uud ivui In- iiiliuiiiiKitTcd uiutiT uny finituinuuicf, Ui the
moat deticntr fcl'muich. Inttetit, they ran be ned by all per
ua with the 1111 ptTovt a:iuty. It would be well for
thoae who are niult utIW-U-d in the uervoua ayst'iu. Iu
roiDiuenre with one te apofulor Ivm, and yrtuluiilly in
fritue. Weap-ak fioni eiMtriK uud are4kt' dnirsv, a
pr'p.r jndjrf. The prt fur aial wale, laive uniti-d ia rv
ciinnneiHliiiK the OtTiimn Ilitlt-n, and tu the uiilictcd we
uoat eordialtr adi'iae their uae.
June telth snvs:"
'DO Ol'R rifMiUtiTIXENH who are invalids, know
the uumy nan. nshuw cures Hut have been performed by
l)r. H.onTand's Celebrated German Hitler f If they do
if, we recommend lliein tothe"l!crmun Mtvliciue Store,"
all who are mllicted with I jvrr Coinpluini, Juuiahre, Ui-s-peHiia,
or Nervous Debility ; tbe Doctor buscured ninny ol'
our eitizeasafier the beat physicians hnd fulled. We have
used I lieu, ami tliey hnve psuveri lo be a medicine tint every
taie abNud kiaiwot', and we eunmS refrain giving our tea
tuivmv in their invor, and thul which gives Ibem greaiar
claim upon our bumble etfort, they are entirely Vegetable,
July 4th anya:
"We iak knowingly ui Ut. Htnfoiid's Celebrated Ger.
man Bitters, when wa auv it ia a bleaaing of thai aae ; and
iu dieeascsof the biliary, digestive and Nervous 8 atoms, it
liusms weihink an eqnul. It is a Vtaretable Pruparatioo,
and nuda without Alcohol, and to all invalid we would re
commend it as worthy their eonndenoe.
For sulc, wholenile ami Mail, at Hat priiuilpal Depot,
GKHMAM MED1C1NK BTORli, No. Uaoa tkraet,
For sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumbertand snd Bun.
oury ial Kspscuibl dealers generally uirouguoui llie
April 81, 1819 ly
Ctotton Yarn, Cotton Carprt Clmin, Cotton Laps
J ami Wsdding, Cotton Outlines, Koailv msile
Pantaloons, Kcady made Vests, Cotifreas Knives,
Porcelain lineal prtwerving kettle, just received
for sal by H.MAS8EK.
Wunburv, Dee. S, 1848.
AXES of a very superior quality (ot al hr.
. H. MASSEK. '
. Sunbury, Dew. 9, 1818. (
T)I.ANK BOOKS-An aMortrm-ng of Slaus
-' Book, just reoeivsKl aiui ie by
i Puntmrj', Dm. 8, 1848. .
njYKL'P MOLAScsES. Huiwrior refilled Hyrup
kJ Molajwrs lo, l by ' HE.KV MA8cER.
Cunbur , Dec. t, 1848.
rillr; Afctt tHIEf FTltVOF CRttTI,
Seal end I-Rr-Cin(f Presses, Patent
Slate-Lined Refrit;(ra torn, Water FiU
- ters, Patent Portable Water CU
"' . sets, intended for the Sick '
and InArtn. -' .
EVA8 (t WAT80N,
76 South ThintStro,. , t
Maanfaeture snd knap constant
ly oa band, a large, assortment of
the above articles, Wether wit!
then- Patent Imoroved flnatmandar
aie so renrtmster) a6 set st res
a ana nasi of oM so Ihesf
asaj axrietlr Ire-proof, and thai
m mn will resist la Sr of anr
a naildhw TV. uu. Jt
than SmVs are mssV nrbotler iron, tha maide caae of eoas
atona, and IsA'acisi Mm tajies taw and isanr eaa ia a spacS
of some three (net- thick., M ts ftSed in with indeatroc
note mat .n si so as to irmlre Stan vmeKssqesnty to burn any
of thrroatmts hande of this Ore. TtasM Saapstone M-'
snnsmlera we are prepared o ernre ehe world t
nrodnee anv article hi tbe shane of Boas SsSM tkat
stand as nencli bent, snd ws noW osvneces frsmly SA alf"
trrne to heve them tairrtr teatea ny panne nrsinre, v.
etsoeoatlnne to rnaiinfartiire s targe and general assort-'
tamnt ot oar Premium Air-tight r ire I'reor Bares or which
there are over W0 now in nse, snd in every instance thev
have given entiie aaliafactinn lo the purchasers of which
we will refer ilia ptilsre to a few gentlemen who have
them in trae '
Haywood A SVivder. Pottsville; Joseph O. Lswton'
Potlsville; Mr. AVillinm Carr, Doylestown, Pa.,
N. ft 0. Tavtor, lp north 3d St.: A Wright ft Nephew
Vine st. wharf; Alcxnnder Cnror, Conveyancer, wrner of
Filhert nisi qtli ats Jolm M. Ford, 34 north 3d st.; Mvert
Bush, 411 north Sdsi.t Jnmca M.Psul, 101 smith 4th st.;
Dr. Dnvid Jayne, S south 3d at.; Mnttiew T. Miller, SO
south Hd st.i nnd we could nnme some hundreds of others
II it were necessary. Now we invito the attention of the
public, and pnrticnlnrly those in wnnt of Fire Proof Safes,
to cnll at our store before pnrehnsiror elsewhere, and wa
win satisfy tliem they will irei a better and chcnr article
nl our store thnn nt nny other establishment in the city.
We nlso mnuulnctitre Ihe ordinary Fire Prjof Chests, at
nt very low prices, cheaper thun they can be tionght at sny
other store in Philadelphia.
riiikidelphin, April ?, IMS ly ,
ii o isj m S3 . '
A sovi:ni:tt;N nr.Mi:nY for
GEORGE B. GREEN, Pruprietoiu ,
Windsor, Vermont.
If n sovereiii reuinty f..r I)Vll'Prl A, in snanv nf sit
forum, such ns iniu in the ftoiii ieh. Henrlbilm, habitus'
Costivrnejis, Acid Stomach. Headache, loss of Appellia
Piles, N' iirllt Swints, mill even t'oiisiuiiittion (l)vtpeplii
Phthisic,) ami Asthma, or Phthisic intended with demure
incut oi lh Hioiniirh (nr Dyspeptic Asthnm.) Dilncul
nrenthinr. which often results front innicrlrct digestion (
Dyspeptic riyspnira.) is relieved by these Bitters, In short
their uae hns been proved in th. relief of almost all thi
sympbnns thnt proceed from a debilimted of atonieeendi
tionof theHtomneh; nlso in general debility arising Iron
sg or from the effects of Fever, particularly Fever am
Ague. Fenmles sutferiitg tinder any uterine deranremea
rising from weakness, will find th "OlTofrsTta Bit
tsss" an excelleut remedy, and not surpassed by any mtiii
cine in use.
The history nf this medicine is peCnllar. It has nnd h.
wny to politic invr solely by the lOrce of its own intrissis
merits. to nrtihcitil means hnve been nurd lo give it na
toriety nisi thrust it public iittenti-11. It ban neve
before even been nilvertised. but having first shown iu re
innrkabte etneaey in the tinnity ot the proprietor, and hi
him aftrrwnnls iiduiinistered b'i his nltlicted Iricivls and ac
iltiaiulaiK-c. with a lihe result, its reputation jrraditaHv ei
tended nnl it it is known iu the most disbud jons o'f th
I.' ui. in. ns ii iiieriieim. nf uitrivalliit virtues in the core ''
Dyspept-iu in till its ilitf'.Teiit tonus, nnd nJo for llie cure a
AellniL-i or I'litliisie. lis only herald and its nnlv enl-'g
lias lieen fSi. sl'irynf its V'.nil--ri'il' eiTieaev, ns fold t'ror
month 1 1 mouth or l,v b-lter from fiirnd to irleisl. In est
ry instniiee wlieie tli--". Hitters have l-i-en nse,, n,id the r
suit known to tlie jiro-iriotor. Uiey have proved a n
ini-iy. , . . . 9
Noun Tons eertifn-ite,.. nttestiu'; the simrular efheaey a
the -t iTi.n I'lTri-K.." are iu tbe imsnession o' Ui
pr i, ; manyot them signed by persons already e-idi-knowu
to tlie public.
;i:r. n. finnnii. rr,.riewr. ,
U'IMiMij;. Vi.. iHtl-u. .j
The following L'ci'lificntcs bnre reeentty bean
received t
Wl.llltoTo-r. Xt. C Jrs tft, 1st.
Ilnvinc nnde use of the -l layxrmted Uitlers" prepsriit
by lit. ;.o. It. liieeii. of Windsor., Vt. nnd fnm know,
halire obtained ut liieir rtihiicy in other msea, wecheeriu lv
reeointneisl lliein to U-lievinc that tbcv
sustain Ihe ret-Minneistntion of the Projirieliir. We hose i
t III IllilT
dif!'u'd I
all ut f
lliat this valuable remedv nwy ba so grrr-rallv dirt
thronchoiil the iniintrv tluit it mny be arrevsibt. t
.MKI. PIIKI.PIS. . , , ' ' .
(VILLI A. XI I l-IHM. -""l.-r irom Trrmcal.
J..'i:S F. SI.M.XIli.SS. I . S. Sen-tot Irom R. Island.
J. 'I'. i.lOKEIIl-.AD, I S. rk-iutor and lonrurly Woters
or of Kentt ekv.
I. II. AltiMH.D, Member of Congress and formerly
vern-ir of It. I.
W.M. XVI ii iDKIfi:!:, T. rVrntoi and farraariy Oa
vernor of Miehitiaii.
.M. L. MAKTI.N, D'K1', ln Conrre.s from trite!-:
From Hon. II. D. Fnojr.s. Rr'nbr .if Cmtett frsr
Wa.iiin'utox. D. C. Jcn 10, IK-
Tlear fir I hnve been a dyspeptic sufferer for shoot lS
years, and liuve resorted to various medicines fur relief
without siieeess. until I made use ol' vour 4-Oxvgenated
Hitlers." I Imvc used ulsmt two bottles, and hod imseaf
restoreil bi -riivt h The forms in which tha dis
ease showi-d itself, in my ense, were, great acidity f lb
stomach, .s uf uppelile. extreme flntiilenca, severe coastl
pntion oi the bowels, and violent headache. Feeling desi
Mtia lliat a kisiwlcilue of your valuable remedy may reach
others similarly atllicted. I take greet pleasure is record
ing my lestiinouy to ita curative power; and would alas
remiiik, thnt while on a at home a short time since, I
administered u sn t of a bottle to a number of my afflicted
frieisls, with great slices.. They are desirous that ye
should establish an agency at Pittsburg, or inform them
where the medicine can he obtained. With an earnest as-.
ire for ynnr prop-ritv aisl liapniness, I subscribe nwasif
truly your friend , D. FUSt'iiK. -
Ihict. iIko. H. t!srr.-.X"iiidir, Vt.
Slid XVIfilesale ami Itetall bv Clora llMskar,
SO Soutli Sixth Sired, Philndelphin.
Agent for Sniibiirv II. II. MASSI3T.
Agents for Milton MAI KAY A HAAfi.
Acent foi I nner .MahoiH'y J. C. UrA.N.
April 15, ltMe
rhitatlelphia. ' .
YVnulO! rcspcrlfnllv invita attention In hi superior
style of luts lor autumn, 184S, which will l
fuuml the most ieilcit ever before olTcred In th ..
eomintiiiliy. Its (wruliar forms render, it th mnr
tlcsirabl , a. ii combines sll th essential nf dun. 1
liiltty amlneaincss, rcuuisile in that anicln of ilras
wliilts lii iiicrcasid f.ciluios in iu roaaufettwin
with nil (lis nmuVru improvements, siiablu nil
To Chaiiasbk the W oRtH to produce bellrr
Hal. .'... . c .
Chilpsss's Fiscr Hart as a Ciss tss Mons. Tltrae boikIs have ln-n sslrcled
with great crc, snd will be found most bttj(u
ml ehssts in their styles.
Limns' Kini.iu Hits sag, Cars nr Estibs
it .w 1'iTTiuss. Great care has len bestow,
ed in ronstrurtitig thr atlicl. ihut they may fil
peid clly ay and form a (racefol asnMrsBC.
104 Chestnut st. a lew doors sbo Third.
Seemlier 30, June 81, 1818 ly '
Plc(orlnlEdlllon of d'AnblfftM
great H ork on tbe Helrmilla
publnhsd or. or about th 1st ef April. !8, by
JOS. A. SPEEL, No. 98 Cherry at. sbov taw ,
his splendid lSmo edition of th too amd
work, with 18 engraved illustrations frees ri-
ginal desins; 4 volt in 8, bound ia nlrt cloth .
and library sheep. .
Th publisher resnettfully calls th ittention '
of th trad and th publie generally, to Ihie 1
work being the only illutratdditioj published
in th United Ststes H trusts that th beauty
of its embellishments, th strong tad substantial
manner in which it is bound, ia conjunction wits
th known popularity of th work itslf, will k
a iur recommendation to publie laser.
JOS. A. SPEEL. 08 Cherry st. abov 6th. ' -J.
A. 8 haa also kftely publithcd, a aw and?
besutirul Editioaof Sergeant IWll'gRar Show, t
a suitable book for children, neat I u itn. im '
ggtr (loth. ' . i , if
f Phimdelphia, April t, 18 A ..t iaiii Misf
I JATETrTrt.e. of- all krnd. Harfisei'
wnnng and tudellibl ink, Cetsom yetw aW
lllll. illd .ill! m. .1 t. T
-,j .M Uj ' V if
Sunbury, DccS, 1848. ' '"'
CVRl'S An anrtiiieut just meived,
' silk H A'l'S.i aV l-n i..." -i. L
Ale. , ,
- - t , ivi wns j
. MAHaiaV. '
t'unhurv tVc 148.