'.Wl.B'Jif i.l" i ! . l-W J P! ill iHiiil.WLLlniLJI.il .HI "L' I mmmmmm'mmmrjtmm SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. . '1 bExcRirnrE of tiie The above rnap re-presents the middle re gion of Hungary, extending from near the head ofthe great inland ofSchntt to theThrisv The attention of our reailr, in ,tho first place, it tlircctai. to the two great stream, the Danube and theism : the former Tiring far off in the Western part of Germany, while the source of the latter are nearly nil in the Carpathian mountains, a broad and dreary range running eaatwardly from Austrian Si lesia, and forming the boundary line between old Poland and Hungary, on the north. ' All the road leading into Hungary from Russia, with one exception (that by the Waag,) fol low the tribntarfrs nf he thciw. The main oatl by which Prince Pnskiewitch invaded he country, leave th hrti'. of the Theiss er Theiss) near Kushchau (about 100 mile rom Selseny,) and gaining the river Ipol, ads into the valley of the Danube below Iran, at the mouth of the Ipol. Pa.ritievt itch, nwi rcr turning off at Ipolkenny and tie ended through Hallan, Palli, and Gyangyos, ituated in the deliles of the Tatra moun' Xorciqn News ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMSHIP CANADA. evc days later rnoM felnon?. laspertant lnulllfea.ee. riLioaAPH Office, St. Johns, N. B.. Thursday, Aug. 53, 2, P. M. J The leamhip Canada, Capt. Judkin, ar rived at Halifax shortly after 9 o'clock last ertenirtg, having been delayed somewhat by rough weather and head winds. ENGLAND. The English papers are filled with the en thusiastic reception of tho Ciueen in Ireland. The cholera is on the increase in London. , . FRANCE. The Minister of Finance in France in his tatement to the Assembly, says that tho de teit on the 1st of next January, will be 350, 000,000 (rancs. It is estimated that the de ficit at the end of 1850, will be 320,000,000 francs. , The President of France denies that he ba any real desire to change the form of go vernment. ITALY. Gen. Rostolaw is appointed commander-in-chief of the French army in Italy, in place of Gen. Oudiuot. The Commissioners of the Pope had arri ved in Rome. They had dissolved the whole army even those who had been faithful to the Pope. , It is reported that Garribaldi had beaten an Austrian force that had attacked him. He bad been joined by many Hungarians. Venice still holds out, but it is said that rhree Armenian or American ships bad arri ved wfth previsions for the besieged. HUNGARY. . The news from Hungary still continues fa vorable 16 the Hungarians. They still occu py their old line. It is reported that Bern, with 4d,000 men, had completely beaten a fcuuian force 6ffl,or)8 men, inTransylvania, and that be bad taken Hermanstadt and Cronsladt. It is also reported That Klapka, the Hunga tian General, attacked and captured Raab, , , A , . , . . u . I ions and munition, of war, fell back to Co- , rn6rn. ' irtPORf ANT VICTORY OF THE HUNGA- si'" MANS 1 The Daily Ntwt correspondent writes' that a courier from Galatj brought the following . , . i new . . . -ID AUliriui aiiiu nuBBian simj, u,vuu strong, after occupying Hermanstadt and Cronstadt, and other small places, advanced to Bartratii. ' Vera colfec'ted 40,000 me a and lrgoa against tnem. , ine Dame enue m fl this place and vicinity, that be has perma a Complete defeat of the Imperialists. They neutly located himself in Sunbun-. His office fled torWstpitaWly, leaving 10,000 dead and nekrr-; all thetr artillery, and 8.001ft ferisonera. among whom ta Gen. Aulemburp. . " . . : , Von tbetrl foot poasesston of Hermannstadt and Cronsradt. In Gallicia, Dembinski is rei portod to IhaVo gtltted a victor)) and taken Cm. Fraying prfwner." Our Vianna naiwr and letteri of the fith i ..,, trtrn(1ience frbm the wt, eontatn imporUnt SS, eat of war in Hungary. The city W Iiaab has been occupied by the Hungarians, after sharp eoodiot with the Imperialist garrison. . - . , , v i.Zi..A .t A disorderly erowd of fugitives Arrived t Presburg OB tho 4th last., and it wi koon know that the rarriaoo of Raab bad been arprltwd by the Hungarians, w ho had poshed detachmeni of their bora to WieselDurg, and erbo were within sight of Altant-n'g, at tho distance of IS English miles fiom Frv borg. At Gorgo and Boab tho Uungarianl found largo stores of victuals and ammuni1 lion. 10,000 buhels of oats, and 2400 bead of MAP. OF HUNGARY orErWiioxs or the HLrvoAiUAX axd tain. By the way of Hatran, Aszott and Krepcs, he effected a junction with the Im perial forces, then in puf.Sotsion of Pesih. The battle of VVaiizen tools place subsequent ly, and the map shows how the army of Gteorpey em-aped. lis columns are repre sented on the Gyangyos road, tlasl of Wait- zen, and extending as far as New. This is called the ".VeOgrnd road." By this road, the army entered Kashchau without resi lniie or obstruction and subsequently de scending to th ThciM at Tokay, ft town about 100 miles from Baholna, opened Its communnications with the forces under the brave Dembinski, stationed at several points along the Thoiss and fti its Vicinity. The Debrecr.in Rail Road has been de stroyed by the Hungarians to prevent the transmission of Austrian troops by that im provement. Kornorn is an old but very strong fortress at the lower extremity or the great island of Sehntt. It is garrisoned by Hungarians and is represented on the map as surrounded by the Imperial army. At Totis, cattle, wbicb they carried off to the fortress ofCorhorn. Besides this, they captured two rompaniea of Austrian foot and six pieces of artillery. Tho Hungarian troops who were commanded by Klapka, did not keep posses sion of Raab, but returned to the fortress, in doing which they seized tho Vienna mails. The greatest consternation reigns at Vienna, and among lhe Imperialists ut Presburg. ITALY, The French in Rome. Tile expulsion of the "foreigners," as tho Italians of other than the Roman States were designated by the French, has not answered the intended purpose, and the Romans, now they are left to themselves, show no mitiga tion of their sdorn for their deliverers. On dinot therefore, has beon compelled to take the farther step of expatriating the most ac tive and inlluential citizens, in order to pret Vent in every way the manifestation of pop. ular opinion. M. Mamiami, well known as the Minister of Pins the Ninth during a por tion Of the Pontiff's career of reform, having expressed in print a decided hostility to the re-establishment of the government of the priests, was forthwith advised by Oudinot to leave tho country, and he accordingly took his departure for Marseilles on the 27th of July. Doctor Pantaleone, a physician of eminence and a close friend of M. Mamiumi, received a similar intimation, but, unlike M. Mamlaftii, he declined to follow it. With singular courage he virtunllv told General Oudinot that, his practice being worth 10 nnn i L L i ... 000 scudl a year, he had no intention of sac-1 rificing it through terror either of French or Papa! vengeance. E. J01TE3, WHOLESALE PEALt.R & SlAM FACTl ItEIl OF WILLOW AD MODES WARE. Importer ol Frrneh Baskets Looking Classes, and Foner ftooris o. JH IVorlli Scroiid Street, Between Market and Arch Sts., under J. Sidssv Jokes' Carpet Warehouse, two doors below Christ Church, PHILADELPHIA, tIAS on hand and is constantly receiving a laree and extensive assortment of Comti. Brushes, Fancy Good of every description, (too ' ntitn4.mil. I f m.nliAn N T i . rlBM f nil ' and Mahogany frames. Baskets, Coaches. Chair. &t" BROOMS, f baker s Eastern isp and Country Brooms, Wimlow Blihdl( pocr Mats, Tubs, Buek.t., Churns, Washboard in fact, Wooden and Wil- low Ware of every description, all of which will o'd low for Csah or City acceptance. Merchants would save themselves touch time and trouble, by calling and eiamining my stock (on purchasing. ... N. B. -Looking Glasaes, are insured against Breakage to all parts of the t nion, Without xtra enarge. DOCTOR R. S. JLL, 1 EffPECTFl'LLY Informs lhe eititehs of M "e,t door Mr. Jacob Painter's hsttsr-shop, h! ' M r l 'OT,I,J ngagca. Smbiry, Augurt S5, 1849 3rn SHERIFFS SALE. T3Y Virtue of a certain writ Of Fieri Facia to me directed wUl be sold st 1 o'clock P. M on Monday the 10th yf September next, at the pub lic house of Frederick Slicker, in tho Borough of uiwre oi me ucicnaanu in a cer- ffomi ituu' ln the " of MUton bounded on the north by an Alley, on the east by lot now in the occupancy of Blair cV Reed, en uJ'y."h.nin ,re"t. and on the west b, , ' smu Blair, whereon is erected a small j Hou-. toW , Ewutjon tnd to ta sold as the property of David West and Motly West his wile, JAMES COVERT, ShrtT. UtlA.. .11 .1.- . . ; , Auirii4TT, LAND 7AniLAiPf- rVllE highest market price will be paid for sol- diers' Land Warrants, at the EXPRESS OFFICE, . PotUxill., P,. re'UvflK Aorusl 15, 1649 St w,'yiiii,.rtticyAjiMilcittiS imperial AhMiES. immediately in the rear of the besiegers, Au lich, a hot'headed Magyar leader, is posted with about 35.000 men, ready with the first opportunity to throw supplies Into Kornorn, or attack the berieging army as may be thought best. Aulich's position, however, is exceedingly dangerous, the enemy surround ing him on three sides. Great allowance must be made for the or thography of the names. Some of the Hun garian towns have as many as r7ve different names, and beside this our reporters and telegraph operators are in the habit of com milting tho most egregious errors without notice or correction by the Editor. Gya sbryrt, for instant??, is in some of the papers, spelled "Jassbcrini." . . , The lnngitude in this map is calculated from Ferro which is ,70 degs. and 40 min ute west of Greenwich. Thus Buda, (some time called Ofen) which' i on the meridian of 37 degs. E. longitude, on the old maps, is in 19 de. and 29 minutes E. longitude from Greenwich. TV! OTIC'E is hereby Riven-, that the undersigned ' Auditor, appointed oy the Orphans' Court of .Northumberland county,, to settle and adjust the rate and proportions of the Assets to and aiming the creditors of the cstatb of Isaac Vansirklc. dee'd. hereby notifies sll persons interested in said mat ter, that he will attend to the duties of hia appoint ment, on Wednesday, the Sd rf September next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at hia office in the Borough of Sunbury. CHARLES J. BRUNER. Auditor. Sunl'ury, August S3, 1849. 3t ORPHANS' COUfi SALE. IN pursuauceof an ordeV of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland coulitv, will lie exposed to public sale, on the premises, on Saturday the 15th day of September next, to wll I The Undivided two tilth parts of a certain Tract of Land. situate in Miamokin township, iNorthurriher'inu county adjoin londa of Augustus Huey, Ephraim .Miller, John JJerr, I'ctcr Arccger, I'eter fun, TJunklcbcrgcr and others, containing S00 acres more or less about 100 acres of which are cleared. Whereon are erected a House and Barn, Orchard A c Late the estate of Daniel Human, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day when the conditions thereof will be made known by SAMUEL FI RMA-N. Adra'r. By Order of tho Court ) David Rockefeller, Clk. O. C. ) 6'unbury, August 18, 1849. 1 Fetate of Jacob CSearhsirt, (Cttr penter) defc'd. V OTlCE i hereby given that tetters of admin i titration upon the estate of Jacob Ocarharti l-;inter) late of Rush township, X or lan(1 county, dee'd, have been granted to .Hiber, residing in said township, illl pe ortoumher the sub- persons in debted to the estate are requested to make imme luate payment, and all having claims sgsinst said estate are desired to present ahem to the subsc ri der, without delay. WM. D. GEMRIURT, Aim? Aui 18, 6t. KEGlsTEtt & KECUKDf.'.K, cV.c. rpilE undersigned regpcctfully oflers himself as a Candidate at the next general Election, for these offices. Being well sCqtiainted with tlis duties for several years, and fully determined, if elected, to discharge them faithfully, be believes he could give general satisfaction'. I also pledge myself, that, if elected, I will apply the one half of the nett proceeds of the offices, to the support of Mrs. Irwin and her Orphan children (whose indigent circumstances greatly need it.) for two years from December nett, the titrte Mr. Irwin's term would have expired, if. he had lived. The support of the electors would be greatly re membered by DAVID ROCKEFELLER. Sunbury, August 4, 1649. REGISTER & RECORDER, &c, THE lulxcriber has been solicited to offer him lf again for the office of nEQHTSH Jb RBCtMDBR for Northumberland eounty, arid trusts if elected, hia experience iu said otiice will enable him to dia charge it duties atisnictorily. JOHN P. PIRSEL. Sunbury, June S3, 1819 COUNTY COMMISSIONER. THE subscriber offer himself to the electors of Northumberland county as a candidate for cokHtmoNEn. should he he elected he will faithfully discharge the dutie f hi office. ' . . ' wiLliaM Wilson. . Iwi township, June S3, 1848. riEAS, from the AeW lork Cantou and Pekin X Tea Company, for sale by J. W. TRILIXG. Sunbury, Dec , 1848 BOOKS end Gold Pens. On hand several cop ies of the life of Christ, and also a number of gold pens which w will sell at the Philadelphia price for sate St this office. ADD1 eelebraftd Horse and Cattle Medi tin for sale by HENRY MAfiflttt unbury Jan. STdi, 184) KB AND BPRINO MORTI8B LAT. L tHES. An excellent article, for sale at half the usual pries by J. W, FKILING. Sunbury, July T, 1T49 FOR RALE. A good cow, nearly fresh tur sale cheap. Enquire at the office of the American. Kuhbury, June 1849-. Tito YHiuablfe PlAnlatlon) AT PUBLTG SALE- BY Virtu of the tart M ill and Testament e George Krcbs, dee'd, laid of Jaekeon township, Northumberland county, the undersigned Eiecu to will stll at public sals, ou the pramrse on 8 Tcaust, tin 15th of ScrrtnsKa. nx) at 10 o' flock, A. M. the follbwiiig described real property . . A Plnhtnilnn, eontaihint; i6 teres, more or less, sitnate in said Jstkson township, bounded by lands of Jacob Gsorct, John M. Snyder, Piter Key bock and ether. Thereon is erected t twe story stone dwelling House, a bank Barn, a 8prinehoue and nevrr-fallihf (print, of water upward of 20 acre of this tract consist of of meadow Itnd. Alto an Orchard and Cider Pre. Anotlirr lMnntntlrtn. containing IOC acft, mors or Irs, adjoining the first mentioned plantation, and land of George Hoerner, WillisrB Schletrcl, David Znrtman and titer. On this plantation there i also erected a two story log dwelling IIoum, a log Darn, a never failing spring of waut, and a sufficient quantity of meadow land, an excellent Orchard of evrry va riety of fruit . tree. There are upwtrd of 00 acres cleared and the residue well timbered. Attendance will be given and conditions of sale made known on the dav of snlft bv GE'OKGE UPM.V,tx'r. August tl, 1849. t Estate of Alexander Strickland, dee'd. V OTIC'E is hereby given that letter testament ' tary have been granted to the subscribers, on the estate ol Alexander Strickland, late of Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county dee'd. All rsona Indebted to said estate or having claims against the same, are requested to call on the Subscriber fof settlement. WM. OAKS iVr, WM. M. MILLER, S Vp: .riugMst Uhp. Augusta Ui 1849 St . v CHARLES W. HEGINS, ATTOP.1TET AT L.tVTT', l'OIISt IIIC, 1 II. Will promptly attend to eoltertion and til busi ness entruited to hi care. June 10, 1840, IVIN'S Ck ACKER BAKERY. .Vo. 198 XoHh Front HI., abort Vint, rHZZ.ADEI.PHZA. J HEsubscriUr kontittuel to make of the kst 1 material, snd ktcps corlstantly on hand a full auortuiciil of CRACKERS, Suear Soda and Brand Biscuits, Jumbltes, itpees, Scotch cake and Gingermits, die. tlsit a large supply of Navy, Pilot and other shipping breads, all of which they guarantee to be made df the bet materials, snd engage to sell at the (sweat cash prices, at their hid tstabliihtd gtafid. No. 198 North Front sL, above Vine. J. S. IVINS' k Co. Philadelphia, July SI, 1619 4U BOSS OINTMENT, rOa TETTER KF.AD ths followthlf eeitificsie from Capt. lM--oe. the well knows and populur Miam Boat CapUUi (of the xravcuci.j PntLAnixrnix, October 31, 1646. Several years since I was attacked with 4 breaking out on my neck in the form of Teller, which 1 sm convinced was contracted at tha Barber's Shop. It grsiitJuaUy extend ed over my face until it reached the upper part of the cheeks. During the several motitha tliat it continued spreading, I used dificrent applications, soma of which bad the ctlecL, apprently at least, of increasing th disraae, but from none of them did t perceive the least benefit until 1 appliedtheRossOiNt.Mx.it. By the use of one jar of il, I waa perfectly cured and have remained free of the affec tion. I have since Used the Ointment, lightlv applied for rough ness of the face, blotches, chapped hands, ic. With per fect success. 1 have no hesitation in recommending it in the strongest manner to the public. JAM Ed DEVOE. Agent Hxv Masiis, Sunbury. July !, If 19. TICKNOR'S COZstySIBIAXT UPELLINO BOOK. T5 EING s progressive snd Comprehensive 8ya tern ot OrUiograpy and Orthoepy, including 4 vsrftty r deQllltions, adapted to Uie use af Schools in the American Republic, by Almon Tieknor, a Teacher of tWentv-five year's experi ence, snd author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, cVc Th attention of Teachers, School Directors, parents, die., i invited to thi new Spelling Book, which conform to the modem spelling and usage in OrthogTspby as being one of the neatest, cheapest best arranged, and better adapted to the wants of children, than any other published In the L'uitcd Stata. It is what it purports to be, Spelling Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the School of the Utttted State. Just published, and for sale by llENar Massk, 8unburV. Where Teachers and Directors tan procure copies for etaininatlom August 4, 1649. WUl WILft 1 ot; StFI tit? WHY will you uejlect tboaa premonitory symptom Which sre ivmg you wanucf that aome thing must be aVuis to save you from uie grave of tic consumptive ! Why encmrage that hacking cough the tain in the) aide night sweats raisuaj of blood or ditiiculty of breathing t Why cherished and oster the itSKAriL that is greying upon your vitals, takirlE away your strength with each passing day, ami baataulng yoo to "that bourn troui whence uo traveller returns ?" He is now able to travel and sttaiid to hia business. Witness the eases of Key. Hourv Jonra. lis- Kutht Ave nue, who waa cured ol" a cough ol SU year Standing ; Mm. Attree, No. 84 Cornelia-street, who bad been given dp by lira. M Ht, Rose and McClclian. THo grandchild of Christian Kleuiie, irijl Lu (How-Street, who was alao given up to die. Mra. Millne, lorinerly Hrooklin, whom th 6r,t Physicians snid could not be cured : and host of others who have been afflicted with AKTI1MA. CO.MSLMPTIO.X, UVER CO.MPLALNT, and all the vnrleus fonns of disease iu the vital organs. iio any oouu uie eincury una nieuieine r lci them go and converse Willi tuose who have beui cured by it. Pamphlets eaitaiiiing the names and residencea ol' a small portion of them may be obtained, gratis. In purchasing, be sure vou get the aeiuiinc, ask for ''N1UK.M A.N '8 A Lb. HEAL1N0 BALSAM," and see iluu th Written siana- tura of A. Sherman, M. D. i oa Ui rapper of each boute SHERSoVg POOR MAN'S PLASTER has cured more ossrs of Rheumatism, Pain m the Rack, Bide and Chest. Lumbago and Weakness, than (rly appli eation that baa increased, hundreds of unprincipled raacala save attcmptM to counterfeit it. and paint it ot upoa ths eonimunity as the ganuin. rBwars of Deception, Keraemhvr that Ilia true and genuine Plastar is auraad upon reddish uaner made exureaslv for th tstrnnta and every ease tha signature of Ur. Shannon Ik printed upon th hack of the Ptaaun-, and ths whole secured by Cony Might. Nona others are geuunie. Trteref when you went s real g.iod tUwrmae'a Pour Man's Plsstsr, call at tiwomt, I0S Nassau street, and you Will not be ditsppoinlad. Remember principal Crltes lMNaaaau-atreet,New:York, where ail Dr. Shermsn' Loacuge sis 4d. Hia Agent ars Mra. Hays, 13 Fulton street, Brooklyn; llineac, YVtluamsbarg : ana nsoains io, Boston, ana ." ,.,, JOHN YOVNOi Bunbory. si, A. met. A i , noruiumrjeruuM Aug. 11, IMs-eh cSnvuly Valuable Books. LirE or Ciibiit, haiirUortlely bound, D'Ar isSs's Hismar or tas Rrosif low, Blisc Dsv-sooas Lssesas, lull bounded) For sake at the publishers prices by Hi b. masser. 6unbury, July Ui 1149. WHEAT WANTED On dollar, p bnaheti cash, Will be paid for Roe) wheat by tHA T. CLEMEftr. - BunbUry ian. ti th, 1 84 tf. ' TrrENintDY's patent ash rxs. TBNINGtL A cheap arid eicelUttt artt de tor MUning sash fcr al by ' J. Wi FRILINQ. SunbWt. July M. V ' , w ROSB OINTMfc.NT-A tretH supply of thi exotlleitt ertklt (or Tetter, tVc jut reeiv4 and (or sU by HENRY MXaMER. v 8wib7, July S, 1649 , HESOLUTION. RELATIVE TO rWJMJMitiEJW . , of the cowTrruTioM , MksdLvn sv vita -n a Sm.,.h.i ttvks ur tilt Commonwsaltii ow Pinhstlvssu m OtKtst A.rstv T, That ths Coi.stiiation of this bumnoiiwaaua b amamlee in Ui sraon section of lhe Bllh article, so tint It shall reatl a fuUuws t Ths Jadge of ,.u.,,,., ,nw!rcrai lonrtsoi votnimm rieaa, and oi Men other ruaris oi Rnmr , .k.n k. --- klisnod by law, stall be eliwtMt by tb titsulificd k-etnra of Ilia Cvnimonwrsltli la U) imniMr lulluwinf.'lo' wit: The Judfes t the Huptems Court, by th nnnfiscil electors of toe .ipip.w eH4i si targs. Ti,a l'reRlem JmJns uf the ssvsrai Covlrts iM fonim-si Plm surt of snch other Court f Kscml a art or Shall b rsmNiVm) i hw, and all thr JnUc rkquintf lu to fcarnrd tat ths law, In ths aaali. led clccttira of the raiubftive districts uri-r which they are to preside ol ki't as JiWb s. And the Arsneinte Jurists if the Courts of Common I'less hy ti qmlifinl slectTirs n miw uiih r-("-T-iivriyi j m- jutiffes ot the mipretna ;.sirt shall hokt thilr o.tiers fir the term of lin.,. v, it they shall sii I mn tieliavr thrtnrlres well: (subject to wi 'iiiifiiii unriTmiirr I'mvinm SUnseOUCin U lh first election ;) 'l'h Prmiilnil Juhtcs ' ihesrveTal Courts 4 Cuuint'D Fins, itd H such other court m Keeord as are it shall be estahhshnl by Inw, und nil ntSer JudRes re quired to to learned iu the liiw, .(mil hold th-ir nthces for tne term oi ten yeuns u inejr shnll su lon toluv them selves well : The Associate Judrs nf the Court of Com mon rieoa shall h kl thetr nfficrs lt the tern uf five Tears. If they shnll kmu liehsVe themselves well : all of whom hull be commissioned bv ths Governor, but fur anv rea sonable esuss which shall not he sitrSrirnt (rounds of inipeucnntem, ine vovcrnor smtu reimw any or tnem on the uiMrcM ol two-thirds of rue h hrtnicli of the lnishture. I lie first election shall take plnce at the (reiiersl elretifh of una woniiiinimesitn nest alter ine adoption ol tins amend nient. anil the ctmmissions of all the 'mlpirs who tnsy to then in itfSee shall esplfe on the first Monrbv of Deeem bee f -lljwint, wlien the terms of the new ' jud(.'is shall commence, rhc pers w w bo shnll then be elected Judces oi me i-npruna c.mrt shall hold their tiifici s as followa: n of tlient lor three yeors. one for six ynnrs, one for out; ioc twelve yenrs. anu one t irniteen years j wie term oi encn to oe aecioeu bv lot by the mid judges. M soon allot th i election as convanirnt. ami the result earthed T thj 'o the CroVrrnor. (hat the commissions fluty be "r:nT i ne lunirc wnoea commti aiou in Dm -.pir ,unu m ttiiet Justice diirine his term, and thrresiter ,ach jiidfe wh e e-.mmissioit shall first ex tlte thnll in turn 1 the Chief Justice, and If two or more oironiMtona shall expire t a Ui snme ilny, the judces . Hiiwnico hioii oe ine chief Justice. Any vacnncii-s hnptwniMf; hv dentb, leaianation, or otberwise. in any of the said eiim'ts. shall lie rilled bv appointment by the Ort i-nvr, to continue till the first Mond.iv of Deeemlwr sdcccvdir'.g the next renrral election. The Judircsof the Supreme Court aiul tht Presidents of the Severn i cuns iisumon i-tcn shall; at Mated times, re ceivetor tnctr serv icn nn sdcouste compensalKsi, tube fist-d by law. Which shnll not be diminished during lhvii continuance in otfice, but they shall receive no lers or per- qtusites ot onice. nor noni any nUier offr?e of profit under tins i.oniroonwcititii, or under trie tovenimcnt of the L'si. ted Ctnti-a, or any other mate of this Union. The Juilcs of the Sujiieme Court, during their continuance in offics snau reniun wnnui mis vummonweaith ami the other Judfc dining their ewitlnunnct irtoltice ahall reside within tin insirivi or ciAinty lor wnicn they were respectively WILLIAM P PACKER, Sf taker of the Houre of Representative!: GEO. DARSIE, Speaker of thi Senate. In Tiir Sknatb, March 1. 1849. RMULvss, That this res ilution pals. Y eat ai, Nayl 8. -Aii-iv, ,iviu mi rfuiirnai. SAML. Wi PKARSOX. Clerk. Is Tiie IIocse or Repuucktatives, April J, 1849. . RstoLvxn, That this resolution pan YeaiSg, Nays 0, lixtract trora the Journal. WM. JACK, Clerk. Secretary's OrHcE. filed Aprils, I (MP. A. L. RUSSEL. Df. Srr. of the Commouwealth. Secretart's Orricc. Fekssylvania, ss : . I no ciSTirr that the ab'?re and foregoing 1 a true af.d eorreet eo,y ol th Original Klutton of tiie tieneral Assembly, enuUed "llesolutiou relativ ti Amendment or the Constitution." aa tiie same remains on file m this office: In testimony wSfcrcof I have hereunto set my hand, and Caused to be aXxl tha Heal of t!i Secretary's Office at Hams burg, thi eleventh day of June. Auno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and forty.niue. TOWNS END HAINES. Scc'ry of the Commonwealth. "Journal or Senate. ''Resolution, No. IM, entitled 'Resotltion, waa read a third lime. On the questMni will the Senate agree to the resolution ? The ims and Nays were taken agreeably to the Commotion, and were aa lollow, sir; Yxas Messrs. Hoes. Urawley, Crabb. Cunningham Jprsyth, llugiu, Johiuwn, Lawrence, Levis, Maaon, Mat. thus, M'l'asiin, fiich, Richards, Sadler, Sankey, ftaverv. tMuall, Smyner, Sterrett and Stine SI. "Nara Messrs. Best, Drum. Prick, Ives, King, Konig macher, Pottciger and Llaraie. rjPiAX 8. "So the qucstiou was ilctermined in the sffirmativs." "JOURNAL Or TIIC HOl-SK Og RlCPRt.C.STA- Tt vsfa. lh rc;iution pass ? The yeas and nave were taken agreeably to the prevision of the tenth article ot the icnwiiiuiion, ana are as follows, viz : "Ysss Measra. liideon J. linlL David J. Bent, Craig Diddle, Peter 1) Bloom lleviH t bnl TVa.. it Jacob cort, John M. Uichl, Nathaniel A. Elliott. Joeeph fcmery, David l. Lfhli man, Willmm Evaia), John KsumW, j,url h'ti --mepn . r isner, nenry .11. f uller, Th'Xiiua Glove, Hobert llnmpson, (ienrc P. Ilenazey, Thomas J. Herring, Joacph Hiciiins, Chartca Horts, Joaetih . i.imm, nwueu nioiz, riairiaoii i'. liro, Abraham Cartney, J ihn P.M'Culloeh, Hugh M'Kee, John M'Laugb I111, Adam Martin, tsomud Marx, John C. .Myers, Edward Nicklcson, liieWart Pturce, James Porter, Henry C. Pratt, Alona.) Robb, Oeorge Ruplcy. Theodora Hymen, Bernard 9. Sehoonover, Samuel Seibrrt, John Sharp, Christian Snively, Thomas C. Steel, Jereminh B. Stnbbe, Joseph J. Lllloenon. Jrunca J. Lrfwis. Jnmea W Iinv l.-Ji Mi. iiiiaiiuiii, niiKvuan nwunxweiaer, snmuci luggert, lieo. T Thorn, Nicholas Thorn, Ariinah Wattles, humnel Wei. ncn, Aionxa 1. vvtieox, Daniel Zerbey and William F Packer, bpeaker Sr. "Nats Messes. Aucustns K. Coram. Tl.vlH J rs. rev, David K.vsns. Ilenrv S. Evan. Ji'ihn Fenion John w eorge, 1 nomas univspii-, John B. Onrdon, Wm. Henrv, 'amesj. Kirk-, Joseph Lauhach. Hobert R Linle. John h. M'Calnwnt, John M'Kee, William SI 'Sherry. Joswh Miller, William T Momssi. John A. Otto, William Y. Roberts, r .1 u. d 1 , . .... .. ... j ' ..in . . 1 i.rnrrrT .im n. n iiiii.iii wn n h nnni. . . . John Smyth. John Soudtr, Ceorg Walter and David p! 11 mieiiip, lev. So the quettion was determined ia th affirmative." SKcseTAHv'i OsTice, 1 flurrittluir- lima , I HA tt t Pensstlvasia. ss : ' ' I do CKBTirr that the above and forego, ing is a true and correct copy of the "Yeas" and "Naye." taken on Uie "Resolution re. m lativetoanamendmentof the Constitution," as ine -nine appears on m journals of th two Houeea of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, for the session of le40. Witness mv hand and the seal of aaid office, the Sfteentk nay 04 June, one tnotu-and eight hundred and forty-miie. TOWNSEM) HAINES, Sec ry f the ConHnoiitreuli'rl. JulyT, IMP bm. TIIE FARMER ENCCLOfEDIA F.DITLD BY OOlVr.B.NF.LR E.MEKSC t.MERSO.V. IN ONE VOLUME, Royal octavo, 1 163 pages, beautifully bolind, containing, 17 Ine plates, besides numerous Wood Cute. Sold, at about one fourth the cost of the English work, without any Plates, 'The Farmer's Encyclopedia is a real Irestury of practical information, wherein the experience of all age snd countries is cirefullv roafttt If to the prevent day, snd sdirilr'ftbly arranged for con- venirnl rclerence." Un IJarlingtont "We arc fully convinced that such an amount of valuable knowledge for farther can he fotlnd in no oilier work in so cheap and convenient form III fact no Farmer who pretends to be Well infortn. ed in his profession, ahoutd be without this Work." ew tiennesaee firmer. An excellent work, fit to be HUrtributet! IH pre mium by Agricultural ftocttlr J, 8. Bklhner. For sale at this OHlce. pHce $4. Also, bv E. W. C'ARK, Third street ettodsit the Eichiuitre, Philsricluhla and N. HICKMAN, naiitmorc, Maryland; CF An Castas nest III ICcfMrsali fe TMlCSH.- July U 14: 3m ' Green's Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced'. Old Jachb To'wnsend's Sanaparilla. Baker's Saraaparilla. 8wyn' Pyrup 8f Wild Chtrrry. Bwtyne'lt Vermifuf. Ayre's Cherry rcctdral Pr. Draket Panacea. Dr. Cullen's do Tibbit's Psin Killer. ,- Pr. Hooflsnd's Cenriih BitW Indian Voluble PUU Hone snd Cattle Medicines ! For sal by HENRY MASSER. ' (Sunbury, idly 14, 184. Notice to bellnquents. ' ' ALL person ihtftbted to tha aubacriber, longer tliaa six months, os not or boost account, are requested to call and make settlement, or (la Uteu reounts will be bft with magistral (be coirvc ioa. f JOHN W.- FRlLIiVO. CUnbury, July T, 1849. -o - . - r i Kqirttabt life faftnmiHte, Annnlty 1,1.1. LaDa Tru Company . iKKS ?tREBT' pwubKLPHu. THi. 1.orsj-iCaTx rsSnrrtAi.. nrLnTC2?o!.',?W V" "ormset bonne mante anil tn 71t trusts, make endow- menu, ana to gram and purchaea armuiliea The roes, pany nil annutt es snd s- . . " . Thr ia, minors and heirs a Trustee. Tsbl of Premiums rcqntred for tha Aasuranea th whole terra of Ur. of trJdfor Ap. Prw. I Age. I Pram. 1 ISO "sT so 17 163 at tIS 18 IM 93 19ft 1 I fM It 117 ISO 35 33 t I as M 40 166 37 7 S3 IS 3H M ss 170 10 tn W I S3 . 41 HI S7 It 43 393 2 let 43 3 01 2 i 44 3 1 30 104 44 Age. I pfem. TaT 47 14 4 t1 4 T7 M 4 t 4 13 M 4M S3 4 01 4 4 71 63 4 91 50 1 1 57 srtri CS 654 511 S 7H 80 603 The premiums are less than any other corHraily, and tha P, 1 S,'!rd t"0"'" dvnntagea. Tbles of holt-yoarly RAtka roa IKabsim SI 00 on single Uf s.wquariariy premiums hall erwlit rates of prernuim, abort lerms, Joint live, snrvivorahips and endowments! also, i!l Z ' W'leat .si (lor which there are blank Sheets') sr W.,S."pt!RDVrulrt"' " " U W Fur 7 ytfsrs. For Me. ,70 3,ot 6,03 J.94 S,07 3.b7 ExA.Hr-r.s-A person aged St) yc,r kti birtri day, by r-r.-ia v..,.,, m veins wotliu aCrttre to his fninilr or heirs 810U (hot.kl he die in one year ; for 0 ta as! cures to them eiUCOj n for Sin annua ly fi jev.u yeira he secures to them SIIHjO sbsild he die in seTeT via rsT r reiM paid utnnllv during Uf. he .We! ti ta paid when he dies. The insurer seeming hi.onb."tlV by ihedulcrencc in amount ol premft,m. Vrotn.horchsrfr5 should h die In one year. Forms ot application aKrt nil twrtieular may be hl 4k theotnee. l'F.TERCLLLEN, President Vice President, Wm. M. Baikd. VA!ris W. Rawlx, Secretary and Treasurer i il'V"'0 PMTsrciAS Dr. J. B. Masser, Sunburv ty "EDT' Sunljur'i Agent for Nonhumberland'eoun- ftmbury, Jury 98,184B. , r a M'EISE & CLEMENT, Saddle and Ilarnetm Makers. THB tiiulcrlgwjtlrcpertfully inform the public, that they have commenced the a hove fellatio stailtly keep on hand and manufacture to order, at their stand in Market atreet nearly opposite Young' tore, -til srticfcs belonging: to their line of business. All srticles muhufaetlired by tlicin will be made in the best and most durable style, and at prices as reasonable as they can be lu'd at any other estate lishttiwit in the county. They therefore f bpectfully olicll persons to call and examine fof themselves before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro due taken in by the stores will bs taken in change at the market price. HE.KY WEISK. AUGUSTUS II. CLEMENT. Sunbury, June 2d 1949. GREAT ARlsIVAL. TDHN W. FKILING has just received at his stofb in Sunburv eon. JfEW GOODS, of every variety which he is now ready to sell or exchange for produce ; and consist ing in part of CLOTHS, V.lSSmEnES, 4 c. Linen and Cotton drilling, and tummm wear of all kind. Calicoes, Chintzv Glncham, Lawns, &c. Muslins bleached and unbleached. PALM LEAP AND OTttEfe HATS. Queensu-are and Hardware of all hinds. Drlgs Paints, xrf Dyestcffs. FISH, SALTj AND PLASTER. And a crest vsrietv of other article all nfwhi'cl. will be aold a tile lowest terms. Sunbury, May 86; 1849 LIQUORS, WINES, &C. rPHE subarriher has junt received a new supply of the best liquors thst ever came to Sunburv. consisting in part oi Superior did pale Brandy. Fine Cogniae Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirit. New England Ruin. ' Fine Holland Gin. , Superior bid Whiskey Cornmon do. Superior Msderia Wine. Lisbon do. do. Superior Tort Wine. Burgandy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottle J: Champagne do. do. henry Masser. Sunbury, May 26 1849. L A 11 D LAMH. CORNELIUS eV CO. N. ITS Ckesaut t , f EsrECTFULLY announce that thevhave . Just finished the most extensive stMrtment ot LAMPS, they hsve ever otTcred for sale, comprising ELf.t3ANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIKRS. BtlAGKETS, PENDANTS, MANTEL LIGHTS. &c. In great variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much attention has been paid lo ECONOMY, in the Construction Of these Lamp, and such sr made a will produce the greatr-st stnount of light from the least consumption of Lard. Recent improvement in the manufactory, with the introduction of neW and ptrfrctcd machinery, enable tlieni to aell kt 1 very GRBAT h'EDUO. TION from former prices, arid all article before leaving the manufactory, at carefully inspected, arid are warranted perfectly tight, snd" to give satis faction. .. ..:., Philadelphia, June t, iS49 ly TilE CHEAP BOOK STORE; ecUTXL3 & SMITE'S C Nxw H Sitontr BaSb Booa 9tbi, AorfA Wat corner nf FbuHA ant Arth Strettt frkilmditftktm. Law Bboks, Theological snd Classical Books, MBDIOAZ. BOOKS. BIOGRAPHICAL 4 HISTORICAL BOOKS SCHOOL BOOKS. ' SciiMTirre ass MaTksiiATicti. Boost. Javtnilt Bookt in great varieivi Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, all sixes and prices. Blank Books, Writing Paptr,nnd Stationary) IWoJMr inset HelaU rr ptja pHeea are mbehl oWer than th Wail aeiee. S fcw"'- Psi of bnokl purrhe. OT,11 imported lo order from Urnduo. rmwipuia, vuu , IbtaWjr A IVewAtMrlincatorFreiilt booU. IRA T. CLEMfiNT, TE5rECTFCLLY informs his friends, cus tomers and others, that h has just received uudcA aortmenlof . NEW GOODS t hi star in Mark Square tn Sunbory, nch as i)fy Goodi, Qrbceriei, Quecnt ware. Hardware, die. Sunbury, June 23, 1849. . , . CTONU 7Ann Art. For I year. Bl m gn So VsS 3,48 G TON K milk P.K,orss Jug. anT Pitch w J and other artKles) of stone ware hist rwwtvad and fof sate b john w f FttlNO. Sunbury, June t3, )S4 ' TnVnlsaaats af (firm tf rWefai. CaMum swtou tr tmrnm ditwm of th Mood ens' if ow ar A ifiij. tV4SrTr tsr ims ustf of Moifrim a, ceel Ok-as sac 'It suss. s an prow tj te as. tyt v im aaa. sac HUtnon. a an proof f tht ss. ifliv s r m ras M'dlHnt sMic toMvit and esnmars swft Otwsses -Osa lAsrs it atjssrosassls rtitnuo Stat-. , BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFHi EXTRACT; is sunt s MtdOms, in every respect 1 and tfcnra I -dsnt nrouf. m rsst ears eiteeted, Unit ONK eOTTLK af It eontsins swrs aurllrlng, brsling virtue, i d In Toil fionlm tti aar s- supsrWa, ot any oMsr moMnt that bs aver bretl uaV tor aula. There la undoubted proof In our nsmubJesa, that bv tbe a-s of this grust ftNm PrtjVi Hy e "ire UVwo ! I.ivk ibrv that were l.s-l Car- .r.o ran nuw Wtt.K they that sm ml . Srai su.i otlirwiH, iiwlMj- . hea uLao aad hundreds tTious an ct- whs li.ro itd R.ast's Posirns, after bssln aai I Wsied ait the tarMptriiiof slid other iiHilUritfee raas meiiilad to run- blooil disesws, bsva itaiti abas Braivt'a U tlia Chotipwat, Heestw th, Mnik of It h nidieal. esrstlV Its liMc. Uimii esi- hortc uf anv nth,r mrfi..it in in ii. m.,i. in rui, uetne, cures Meet dtsanss la I dJ.... i :(:.. """ rusirin srui FOL ft 7if..V inure itis.'kwt ihan on htu .J u. Ii' !... nvi' lf-f. i..k ... . ... rfla. - llaT't PvsiV-iks" wmllil lm as rfaia at ftrnr tar a bottle, as rarfapartfta nt 6nt a'sla. Ijut atHAtt . nt Oil aMiW b..s till aMMT-S I'UlitFIKR la'tflil It.ronlT ONK 1U1.1,AH h-.u . mmA m iHiitlt itf it Ait eitiftl, mvl i r'&ptbtk of curing, Fwwr TiMt n- ifnirh li'nif - 4tf bouU ! HtrparlLx ikmr- !um. r-'Hfir,H; irt ctiK'tlui'itej nt Iu ltt tiowtr m4 en itirtif( tn."sii.y. houhl he lultl M iw Mr tbna 7nty f. e Out pur b Jille, to be m cheap m W fvs trium hi One Dollar. One Dolly's Wortal How mufli VAsrtn hnwmiirh HTrmtrt-rho marh Sch)Kula-MI1 On Poll' worth '( Br$ PlRITTtK cure ? lies,! l lie l,,llowiii auieiucat wtucb Is men ut iu pnivcr. CANCEROUS SCROFULA ! I ii., i. thr rs-e ut a Ity'i mAn wbo yei Mess. Hs asi rrt,i of a mr.i' esse ut fcnifiils, hy hilly 7VeIs ffirMsl ui Itraut'a I'urilW. thnn ever was ertred by tea se aT Tmlrt fltllltnt m lhe htrt mtefiariUa that was ever taadl. riarsepnrilia baa nut raj.rnu awnVat sever to efTeet tjbe cure of turh a revoltimiy sesciftts ese. Mr. 1 U. Haskin.oi oi. Oinda Co. jr. Y.. bsel re ' four yearwaa eoiiiiueil tu bis bed the M year-lie Waa sii much dlx-nsed and di-billlatrd as to Iw uaahle ks raise bi. hand lu hi. bead, lln had the test aacdlea! aaV sicc-had u-l til uf the oat nnapmriUtu tn au rood tl.wt-iit icerst and crs. and mi considered to be Mi k Iffint Slate and riiulrl not live nsrnryear knars liasfar: when he riirniiM-iinHl iislui BHANTrt I'L'lllr'IKlt. ItJ teji waa aafsa nesWy off. Irum oar u aar holt waa rate tbruiidi bis Srhidpipr, umler hia rbiu. so thst he b real keel Uiruiig-li ilia hub: hia ear was eo eaten aruuad Uaat H eiil.l be lifiti tip out nf Its iluee. It only huhlief bv a ssistt titer,. the usa nf esu am waa dmiaassl hy tweVV cersn fVcrr under the nnn. ss large as a sasn'a a est, had nearly niirH throne bM stile nils Ut ar. 1 has la wa. attlirtril with tVenfy auch atnel acrist sfluest rtt. oh rsrttids strts of his persuu.' fur farther aa fast particulars, are our l'ooiphtctt. Unct. TimmsS Wtixtsrss, one nf ths most sttrtfal p icisus uf Kulne. was railed ti sre Haskia the Say otfon ae eumtiieui uil uiinrr Rro.nCt purifier. Imrt. W. rxasa ineil Inm. ami then told kirn that ail la ssadtMsjas la Ike ' kerld cuulri Hot curt linn that hia casa was Worse tha A Hopeless! ' Now besr Mr. MASKIN'S ststi'tnsnt nf cure, lie said Ms wile nriKureil une Ix.itlr of IUUKT3 fURIFllXtf . EXTHACT uf ftUnU s Ltonord. fjriiucials. uf r una I cunimeiired e.ihj that, end rsan to set errwr-TH.V surri.s rnaliled me to fret of my Ltd. where I had keen eonhnrd one tir the sicbso liullle enabled natirs eat of tlte cu- the Tinsn laittlu rnshled me tn trik Vtto Miln. to Hum On I re. when-1 (iriiciireil .! tttUm mure : Kiel when I bail Amslied using thi m. eVswaiaa ew ut Ttrnitu Ulcers had iikaLku rr-nnl rarac ssalss asur rtlucUHj a I'KKFM.'r " LKK ul all tha Ulcers, a4 lw sturcd mi tu mood tu-oltk. FOURTEEN WrfitESSES! Mr. HAfKIN has swnm tu the ah'ore facts, and ek fsett sm witiicsned snd certified to hv I)(CT. T. WIL I.lAMSMr. G. It. BROWN, prorirleti'.r uf the raf.aal' JSiawl.Mcsars. UIS."KLl. LK.ONAIIO, Wllolesal aaat renal Ilr,i;eiiu mmJ KLKVl'.N utber rrtpeetotU mtntotm. Challenge the) World To rrtoVK a Care uf as rrioilm snd atrrfly Hiyslais ease ut ."rnilula, hy the uw of '1'KN TIMK aa mack ssrMrwril.". nr any other rnedirinr, aa waa used uf trmtt) Pwrifier tti fleet the shoV cure wHicrl cure shall k proved hy aa tMHt wtU knom, rupttiabU k ftnauaa. as M the above Htr. FOR SALE BY John W. FrUing, Sunbdry Pa. Mary v. AtcCay Norihuinbwaas. John II, Itnsei Miltoni Henry J. HhrieSrr do Kilwurd A. Kutzncr do All Irttrra and ordrrs must be addrfcxed to WIJae a. Co.. 106 llrotiilxrav. New York. Sunbury. July.'l, IMS ly. "Encourage Vou Own!" HAAS &IIENX. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. rTHE Subscribers rcirjH-rtfully call the attention - of Uie public to liicir large uid splendid orV ; rnent of every quality abd price of CAIalVCT-AVAItr, which citnnot fail to rccorbmend itself to every on who will examine it, on account of iu durable workmallMtirj and sjikti'di'd finish, rhada np of tho beat stock to be had tn the cityi No effort in tpared in the matiufarture of their ware, and tha ', lubscribers are determined to keep up with fh niany iinproVfmputs which are constantly being made. Their rock consists of Mahogany SofiaA, Dlvann and Louna-M. liurcnus.Srcrctftrtfs.aaicboarliit. SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DICING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Fttfla- dclphia manufacttire; BEDSTEADS, of every pattrrri and price. CUPBOAUDS, WORK ANb CANblE STANDS, TCMLfcT TABLES AND EXTEN'StON TAflLES; ih short, every articlo in thi lint) of their bnarieeK, They also ' manufacture all kitlJl and rjualititss .CHAIRS including varictie never btfcfre to be had la fc'unbury, such a Mhoi;avi, IIlack Waiver tm Ciiittn MiruOticu; is) Wiia. CHAIIiS, axd rsycr Pi a so rVrboLS, wliichareof the latest stvlba, and Warranted io be excelled by none manufactured th the Cities dr els where. The eubscribers are detcrmint'd that there hll be no excusb for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, ns every confidence can be eiitrtain4 ibou the quality and fihish of their war and Chairs. Their articles will be tliNpoaed of on J aWoil term as they can be purchased elaewliere; Ctflin try Produce taken in pavtnent for work. CP" L.NDF.RTArtlNt. attended b dn rease. i able term; tt?' Th Ware Kbom ia irt Market fitrkM. opposite J, Young's stbrs, and nearly Bpobail Weaver' Tavern: DANIEL HAAS, GEUKU KENN. . SunbUry; April SS, l840-tf . , .:i , choice fenocEniaCi COLl-0. & Co. S. IP, torner- Arch f 6th Street Philadelphia, HAVE now in (tore a well etlectad slock of the very beat Psmlly Grocerie. which lby will aell at the lowest ftricceaiid wirantopia; 1 Green and Black Tea from tr 1 down U ctt fss? i Ilk, the Black Tea 45 cent by the Box. b unttMiU. . ly finci Coffee of all (jiialities and prices baiter (sugar for fit ct. per Its, than any Other stotw Maocaropi, Vermicelli, Canton Ginger in tyran. ' Olive dil of the beat brand, an Mortmnt of Hva richest Jellice, and every article kept in mu liav. AU good cnt td the cburitry, put up neatly assl ecurely Plec try n once ihd adsfv yotrrselvw wbetner w can uit you; COLTON dr. Ca S. W. Cor. Arch V 6th Ut Philadelphia, May 16, 1849 che3m ly Kotlce to Dcllnqneat CaitortaMBs ALL collector of Use Whoa dtlrjAcSt fn viou tq 1849, have not been UitA.vti by notiCcd thai their bonds will bs sobsred ta cord rf ettlcmept l Hot mde. By Dnletr Of the Coenaiisiar, pEORGE MAKTUr, Clk.' Sunbhry, tAy T, 1841V TtSStt PAtERWr.Uow Tiasa paper fcs conerm glas, te for J t Ae tSmot the AwMWaJ. BLANKSs Jj LANXS of very dWripaau itaa b hsi by SjUSr ITrJ,n ' insemos 01 nr AaUncaaV