Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 25, 1849, Image 4

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. --. m-;,-f'
..a mv "r,'
sj,j- wiw ,' a .
fH(ftccUanrotts jHattt r
-" HOW TO CURB A A rKMr.' j
Da?id,ammnofmek wid kindly spirit,
td long suffer frrt th. platMr-cIatter,
i tie8r.8nding,icolding tonflu of hi worM
1 ialf... ... ,.
' Om day an bb doctor greeted David, at
. hi work, With Well, Master fetid, how
, be yonV v ji ' " .r""
Oh, I be rery welt, ihanka to ye, but my
wlfe'a not so nicely.' ' 1 ' '
' trtdeedtale the herb doctor, witha quick
ear for an ailment, 'what ttty be the mailer
wi she, Master Daid 1' ' j
Well," said David, in. his usual dry quiet
way, 'she her a bad breaking oui about her
month every now and then, that ttonbles her
and me Terry aore, I 'sure ye, Master Doctor.'
1 ' jWell,' said the latter, 'I could makes a
1 grand cure of her, I'll warrant ) I hot a salve
'at I makes fra the juice of the juniper tree,
' and biling up a lot of different kind o' things
'at qnite cures that in no time!'
Deed,' said David, 'and what might your
charge be, now, for a box o' 'iutment 'at
would quite cure her V
Oh,' said the herbist, looking anxiously
up in David's face, only a matter of a ehil
'Well, that's dirt cheap,' said David. 'If
you cures her I'll give you eighteen pence,
now !' .
, , With this offer, the doctor set off home to
prepare his nostrum, and straightway hied
. the next day to David"s house, box in hand.
There he found Mrs. Prioe, and went at once
to business.
Well, Mrs. Price, your master tells me
you hev betimes a bad breaking out about
the mouth, and I've brought a box of fine 'in.
; ment 'at will cure ye !'
With this announcement, Mrs. Price fired
up at once, seeing her husband's jest, raised
-the brush with which she was sweeping and
pummelled the doctor to his heart's content,
even following to beat him a field from her,
: ho screaming out all tho while, 'Oh, Missus
Price, be you gone mad V From that day,
however, Mrs. Price has been wholly cured
of her scolding habits.
, David has only to look up in her face and
sap, I'll get a box o' that 'intmcnt,' and there's
an end of the mattet.
David honorably paid the doctor hi Is. 6.1,
and treated him to make him forget his pun
The more the merrier.
' Cross.
Not so; one haud is enough in a
' purse. , .
P. He that runs fastest, get most ground.
' , C. Not ao ; for ihe footman would get more
ground than the master.
J u P. Ho runs far that never turns.
Not so; ho may break his ueck in a
abort cours?.
' P. No man can call again yesterday.
C. Yes ; he may call till his heart achei
though it never come.
a P. Uo that goes softly, goes safely.
' C. Not among thieves.
P. .Nothing hurls the stcmach more inan
' C'' Yes lack of meat.
P. Nothing is hard to a willing mind.
"C, Yes, to get money.
! P. None so blind as they that will not see.
. C. Yes, they that cannot.
P. There is no creature so tike a man as
an ape.
C Yes, a woman. '
P. Nothing but is good for something.
C. Not so; nothing ia not good for anything.
P. Everything hath an end.
C. Not so; a ring hath none, for it is round.
' P. Money Is a great comfort.
C. Not when it brings a thief to the gal-
lows.' ' " " "' ' ' '
' P. The world is a long journey. '
Not so; the sun goes it etery day.
It ia a great way to the bottom of the
Not so; it is but a stone's east.
A friend is best found in adversity.
Not ao; for then there ia none to be
found. , .
P. The pride of the rich makes the labors
of the poor.
C. No, the labors of the poor makes tho
pride of the rich. '
P. Virtue is a jewel of great price.
C. Not so; for then Ihe poor could noi
eome by it. London Lady's Alugozt'nr.
Society Upset is CAi.iroaHU. There
: appears to be what the French call a (ouie
versementn complete overturn of the nsual
arrangements of society, at the gold region ;
for a specimen of which see the following
extract from a San Francisco letter in the
Boston Courier :
' Since my arrival I have seen a lieutenant
of the navy, and a New York merchant drag
'" Kim? a handcart, at on ounce per load ; a few
days since I met a professor in one of your
first colleges, driving his px team, hauling
emigrant' "traps" to the "diggings," at SSO
for one hundred pounds. A Georgia plainer
cooks my salt pork, and does the flap-jacks
brown : a nrinter from the Picavune office
.. keeps ray books, and two young gentlemen
froro jobbing houses in Pearl street take care
. - af the mutes, haul lumber and act as porters
. in the store; each from $10 to S16 pr day,
with board. , In California all labor, and one easily furnished with innumerable sources
of amusement by meeting old friends in such
comical employment. Imagine our friend
, the artist, with buckskin trousers, red
flannel shirt, and California hat, peddling
newspapers; "Sam, Herald and Tribune, sir!
latest date from New York, only two dollars
"j , ' A lady who her love had sold,
" ' Asked if a reason could be told
Why wedding-rings were made of gold 1
I ventured thus l instruct her :
r. '. i : Lav, ma'am, and linhtnincara ibe same.
On earth they glance, from heaven they
f ,.. . r . come ;- , v . . . ,
Love is the soul electric flame, , ,:
And gold its best conductor.
, The Line of March to the'gold rainea be
yond Fort Kearney, is said to be distinctly
marked by thtijiow made graves of those
who bare died on the road to fortune i
MAJfi'rACTi-REft ; op Donnelly's UfRiont
.'.- Safety Glazed Camhlkd Btvt
amd United States Oil Pitta
So. S3 North Third Strut,
THESE Matches at Justly considered ths best
in the United States t they ars free from un
pleasant smell, and can be introduced with perfect
safety into all Stores and Dwellings. Warranted
to keep ten years. ' '
The Blacking is of superior ijuaiity, and Ires
from and ingredient thst impairs the Leather.
find it to their interest to call and see for them
selves. N. B. An assortment of Matches of various
New York Msnufacturers. Matches in round
wood boxes also, packed in large or small tin
cases, to ship to sny part of the world,
Late of 20 Bank Street, now 83 North Third 8t
March 31, 1849. ly
THE Subscribers have on hand the largest ss
sortment of Wni PAPtns in the city of Phi
ladelphia, Vholeialt end Retail, consisting of
every variety sinlaulc lor rarlnrs, Entries, Dining
Rooms, Chambers, Ac, which for quality and
style cannot ho surpassed. Doing a cash business
we sre enabled to sell a better article at a much
lower rate than any storo doing a
On hand, a larpe assortment of Wina Parts,
for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, Ac, which will
be sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done in the
country at city prices.
N. B, Dealers sre invited to csll and examine
their stock before purchasing elsewhere.
No. 142 Arrh Street, South sids
Philadelphia, Msy !6, 1849. ly
Market Square, opposite the Court IIou$tt
Sundiry, Pa.
THIS well known Hotel has just been refitted,
and handsomely furnished by the undersigned,
and he begs leave to say, thst it is his intention
to render it worthy of the liberal patronage, by
wbich it has heretofore been sustained.
6unbury, May 17, 1849. 3mo
PREPARED and sold only, at FREDERICK
N. E. corner of Firm and Chksxct streets, Phi
ladelphia. This Essence is warranted to possess
in a concentrated form, sll the valuable properties
of Jamaica Ginger, nnd will he found on trial an
excellent Family Medicine. It ia particularly re
commended as a tonic, to persons recovering from
fever or other difcascu, n lew drops imparting to
the stomach a glow and vifror, equal to a wine
glass of brandy or oilier stimuland, without any of
Ibe debilitating clYccts, which arc sure to follow the
use of liquor of any kind : and it is therefore
especially serviceable to children snd females. To
the aged, it will prove a great comfort ; to the
dyspeptic anil to those who are predisposed to
gout or rhcumotic afl'ections, it j;ivcs great relief;
and to the inebriate who wishes to reform, but
whose stomach is constancy craving the noxious
liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to the diges
tive organs, and strength to resist temptation ; and
is consequently a stent in the cause of tem
perance. O" Full directions accompanying each
The above article can be had at the office of the
Philadelphia, June 5, 18-59. ly
rrMJE partnership, heretofore existing under the
l r.ame of "Dewart& Bruner," having been
Usolvcd, the subscriber announces to the public
that he will continue the practice of the law at the
cilice formerly occupied by said firm, in the
Borough of Sunbury. Business entrusted to him
will be promptly attended to.
UilAKLbS J. lil.Cli.
Sunbury, April SI, 1919 3mo
164 CheMout Street,
Corner of Seventh, Stfotm's Buildings,
KNOWING the wants of the community, the
Proprietor of this EsTiiuisamsT has fitted
up a 5 tore in the most cletrant manner, having
due regard to the comfort uf his customers, so thst
every htraugcr visiting his Book Store, msy feel
entirely at home.
of Books is classified according to the various De
partments of Literature, so that visitors c . find
the Books they are in search of for themselves.
Uuyiiig his Stock for the most part at the Arc
Ttox Sale, and being connected with one of the
Ltnnrsr lYrt.isuisG ui-ses in this country,
besides publishing largely himself, enables him to
sell ill Books at
than any other house of a similar character on this
continent. His facilities for the latroaTsTiOM
or Booss from Europe are unsurpassed, having a
Branch of his Establishment in London, where
orders of private gentlemen are carefully executed
snd forwarded to this Country by every Steamer
and Packet.
of Books with the prices attached is issued quar
terly, containing Lists of New Additions made to
his large collection, which arc in all cases for sale
at the
or, from 25 to 75 per cent, below Publishers'
fnccs. l bus in buying even a Few Books,
quite a considerable smount is saved.
AsastiU further
to strangers visiting the city, every one who pur.
chases Use Dollar's worth of Books, will re
ceive a copy of the
braavuEa is f aiiAiirtu, an elegant 18
mo. volume, the price of which iU5 cents.
t-jr 1 lie limits ot an advertisement are too eon-
lined to enumerate the prices of any of the im
mense advantages to be derived from purchasing
at the CiuEiT CtNTBtt Che Book Store, but
let all who are in search of Books send for a Csta
logue, and buy the Books they are in want of, and
wnen vuiiing the city, give Applcton one call,
ana you will it sure to call again.
in all its branches, furnished at the Lowest Prices.
1 he Initials ot those purchasing Letter and Note
Paper, neatly stamped in the corner, without
Orders for any article may be sent by mail, ad
dressed to the Proprietor, and the directions in
all eases will be lull v carried out, with great punc
tuality and aespuicn.
Order fur Catalogues should be pss-paid.
Bookseller, Publisher, Importer, and Stationer
164 CAmmut St. cor. of Seventh, Swaim'i
JSuiUling, Philadelphia,
May, 13, 1649 3m
riHE subacribcr respectfully informs the public
X that be has again become connected with the
above Foundry, and that hereafter it will be con
dusted solely under his management and control.
From bis long exnerienca in tha UisaiiiM ha trusts
he will be able to giva general satisfaction to his
om menus snd customers. Ths buaims will be
curiieu un iu an iia uranclie. Ha will continue
to manufacture Ploughs, aud atf, kinds of casting
srdl be done with promptness and in the boat
manner. . ; UCU. ltU JiKHAvn.
cjunbnry, Juna 9, 1119 3u
THE subscriber respectfully informs the public,
that he continues ths manufacture of CABI
NET WARE, in all its branch, at his stand in
Market street in Sunbury, and that he has now
on hand a handsomo assortment of well made and
fashionable furniture.
He also carries on. at his old establishment, in
Fawn street, the . , , ,
; chair MAStivG Durness,
m all its branches, anfl keens constantly on hand,
an assortment of well made and laanioname
CHAIRS, plain and omsmentsl. All of which
he will dispose of at prices ss low as at any esta
blishment in the county.
His long experience in the business, justifies
him in the belief that he will be able to give gen
eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from his
customers a continuance of their patronage.
Ef All kinds of produce taken in exchange.
Bunbury, March 17, 1849 tf
No. CO Chesnut-st. ot the tipn of the Gold
Thimble, between 2d. le 3d. sit., South side
11 ANUFACTURES nnd keeps constantly
IV I on hand, st wholesale snd retail, the fol
lowing articles, of s superior quality, at reduced
prices .'Gold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do
Finger Shields, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt
and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster
Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks
and Chains, Knitting Sheaths, Ac
ALSO, Jewellery, Plated snd Brittannia ware,
German Silver Spoons, &c; Gold Diamond poin
ted Pens at various prices j Jackson's Superior
XAerpomtcd Leads, &c, ore.
Philadelphia, May 36, 1849.
Sew Illdo Oil nnd Leather More.
JVo. Ill North 3d St. 3 donrs below Race St
riMIE subscribers oiler to tho tanners on the
JL most favorable, terms their fresh importation
ol Mules, consisting of Uiicnos Ayres, Laplata
Cameras, Lsguira, Hung-Dry, Chili. Salted Per
amhuco snd all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and
salted. Also, Green Slaughter, Dry Salted, snd
Ulack fry 1'utna Kips,
Also, Htraights, and Bank oil and a general as.
sortment of Currier's Tools.
They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter
Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on
better terms, than old Houses in the city,
Cash paid for Leather of sll kinds.
Philadelphia, May VIG, 1810. ly
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
rPIiI3 valuable prepuriiunn, g out ttiiphingly successful
X id curing miTjac i inu iunu, is me result 1 1 a skit;.
rul cniuliuuiti n nt the known curative principles
medicine, lis incrcilieui uro t'rcelv inaile kmvrn to tin
public, and are ilinne nrkn wMitnl to mrrfical men as
poasciiiuff rare limliwil x'irtnes. wiith peculiar virtues are
combine,! in the CHI'.UU Y I'ECTOIIAL" in tlieit (treat,
est purity uml etfirttcy, ami wlie n used, tut will be seen from
the I'ntKiwinc valunhlc tmtiin"nv :
of D-rn-d lin folli-pe, Brunswick, Mniiie, writes : "I hava
wiintMieu tlic eil'ccts of your Cherry Pectoral in my own
family and in tlmt oi'iny fririnlii, and it hus riven great
atistacti"ll in oui-enlnili of n,lults and children."
Frrni Dr. llryunl, Drupgi.t and FoatnuiHer, Chicosee
Falls, Mass :
Da. J. C. Ayr I)cnr Sir : Enclosed please find remit
tance f t all the Cherry Pectoral last sent me. I can un
hcaitatinizly say. that no medicine we sell gives such ntis
fac'.i n u y nil 's A vt nit have I ever seen a medicine
which cured s many cases of couch and lung complaints
Our Physicians are lining it extensively in ihe practice, and
with the happiest effects.
Truly y ur, D. M. BRYANT.
President of Vermont Metlicul C'llece one of the nnst
learned and iiUellipeut ptiVKicians in the country, "considers
it n c 'mp"mtirm f rare excellence for the cure of that fur.
midable disease, C iifuniption.'1
An oliTKist inerediblo number of certificates have hern
received; puviiig that the cherrv P-jetdrai ia, iu tnnh, a
for Ccugbs, fl.Js, As'l'Tna iw. all pulmTnrv comylainU
PRICK 7.1 CKNT9 Pi;it JiuTTl.E.
Prepared by J. C. AY ER, Lowell. Mass., snd Md by
II. MASSER, Sunbury, and MARY McCAY, Northum
berland. March 31, 1919
mrt, 'H
ealth to the Weak
BALM is foond for th
Vhole Human Race in An
This ia aa entirely vereta
bl compound, oomposed of
Tweuty-Kiv duff rem inxra
dieuu, snd is an internal and
External Remedy for the va
rum ill that kuman Bess is
heir to
v'ca as,
Couehs, Colds, Pains, Nervous and Sick Headache,
RheainotiMn, Cuts, Sprains, RpuiaJ Affections, Suaitucr
Complainls, Cholsra Morbus. Tootluiehe, Eruptions, Corns
Piles, Frozen Parta, liurus, Naki, Ague in the Face aud
ureiut, rauiters' lhik, llruises, oh Bores, 1ws ol appe
tite, lieneral Debility, Asthma, sic. Put up in bottle for
I. 2 or 4 aliiiluira per b tlle. For further purtivulata see
Pamphlets I h had of every seent aratia, eintaiiiing a
briut history of th origin, discovery and goods ciiccu of
Anarews' rain tuner, ucrtincates oi cares, directions. A.c
The triumphant success of Andrews Puin Killer in re.
moving the cause that produce death, the untimely death
of intlUoiis of our race, ha induced noiu men ol whein it
may be truly said, their villaiiru occupations msnitcst
their villainy, to attempt to put in circulation spurious and
e uutelfeit article called "Pain Killer," using fictitious
names f.irthe arctended author, lijrscd eertintes. Ae.
Rmie have appeared, end others u diHibt wiil appear. 1-t
all rememlr Dial Andrews Genuine Pain Killer has ths
written signature of I. Andrews on the label of each bottle
in black ink. Don't simply uk for Pain Killer, but ask for
Andrews' Pain KiUtr, and liav no other.
8 .Id l.y M. A. MeCay, ole Agent, Northumberland j
1. W, Fnling, Pnuburv; J .hn H. Raser. Milton : John R.
Myyer, BLxuunlwrg j Wm. A. Mnrrey ,V Co, Denrille i
Davenpori A Sluilh, I'lvnnulh: Andrew Yohr. Wilkes.
barre : Hays A McCorinick, McF.weusville : Schifflo 4
Chamtierliiin, lwishunr : Gcorr McAlnin. Jeraev Khr!
J. M. Judd, WiUiaiuspoit. '
Outers sddrcsted to I. Andrews. Inventor and only Pro
prietor at Itheca Tmnpkui cuuuty, N. Y. Wil rcceiv
prompt aiteuiion
Bcptember 30, 18l If
AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT
LERY, of sale by
Nos. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 81 North
THIRD Street,
Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Sciswrs and
lin or.
Alro, a choice assortment of Rodgers 4- Bonn,
Wosteiiholm' Uresve's W. d 8. Butcher's and
Fenney's Cutlery,
. Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives.
Also, (iuiis, Pistols, and Bowie Knives.
Also, The American Kator Strop, a sujierior ar
ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers.
Ca Dealer in Cutlery, will find tbe above
Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscriber's
chief buainea is importing and selling cutlery-.
Philadelphia, June 9, lb49 ly
Conccnfraled Suraaparllla.
For ths cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erjaipala, Piles,
Chronic Kheumatism and all disorders of the
Blood, Mercurial Diuease, 6lc
IT is recommcnderl to 1'hysirians and others, aa
the strongest preparation now . in , snd en
tirely tlill'erenl from that put up in quart bottles,
pusaesaing little or no activa principle of the baraa,
paritla, but Intended to deceive the public For
sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland.
HEYL'8 EMBROCATION for Hones will
eura Sprain, Uruwos, Cut, tiall, Swelling, and
all complaints requiring an external tsmedy. It
is highly useful in Wpavin, Curb, Ringbone, atUf,
aea of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, dec.
It has also been itaed with great success by per
sous strlicted with Rbeumstiam, and other com
plaint. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel
phia, and tor sale by M. A. Mct'ay, Northumber
Philadelphia, May SS, 1 819 ly
IXDOW"(jLAS97 byMor sale '
8uaaurvju S7th, 1849- tC ' -
77e Pupil's friend and Teacher1 1 comfort.
A Work is already Introduced into some of the
best Acadamies and a larjre number of 8chools,
where its use hagivcn decided and universal ss.
tiafaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely
American in its character, based upon our own
beautiful decimal tyttem of titrrrncg. It contains
more, the arrangements are better, and it is the
easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use ;
snd it Is so considered by hundreds of the most
competent teachers snd men of science in the Uni
on, who hsve recommended it. It is the book,
particularly and expressly prepared for our Amt'
rirati Scholar : ' By Almon Tiehior,
Tas YofTii's Cou-wniM CiLcrLATon. This
volume contains 01 poges, with about 000 exam'
pics for solution on the slutc. It embrace the
Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple
and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three,
l'roportion, &e.
1 ickkoh AstTHMETieit Tintis, is destined
for the use of younger classes in tha Schools of the
United Mates. A beautiful little book and pleas-
ing to children, and the only one of the kind of sny
There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound an
gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in
which the solutions of the questions are given with
much extra matter fur the black board. These
Keys arc die most complete works of the kind ever
published, and contain, in addition, about two
hundred examples in Mensuration, Ac, for the
use or the 1 cuchcr. All that is wanted is to have
the above books examined, and no teacher who is
acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will
hesitate to pronounce them the best works that
hare ever been published in this or any other
Although issued but a few months, they hove
already been introduced into the Night Public
Schools of New York Citv in all the Schools
public and private, except two, in the City of
Reading. Also, in aliout twenty Acadamies in the
State of Pennsylvania in a lar;c portion of the
Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of
Lancaster, and in the Uoroughs of H.irrislnirg,
York, (Jhambcrsliurt, Lebanon, Doylcstown, Totts
ville, Orwiusburg, &c, &c
For sale by Hoar Masses., Sunbury, Agent
for Northumberland County.
Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848.
rlxjilS 1'owtler is warranted fir superior to any
J thing in use for imparting a keen, stnonthedc
to Tlasors, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of
fine CcTT.r.aT ; it may be applied to any kind of
strop. Also superior Ka .or, Knives, nnd Perfu
mery, wholwale and retail, by '
Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, finishes, and
Cheap Fancy Oouls, No. IS South Fifth street a
bovc Chestnut Philadelphia.
I'.itijiM:te:iiA, Feb. 15th, 1S4i?.
This mny certify that I lnve used one of the
Strops prcp"arod with IIAYNES' MAGIC DIA-
MOND ru Vh.ll, and can attest in the most
unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be
found that will produce the same ellcct in my opin
ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will
find it superior to any heictoi'ore in use. I can
truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor
was before.
JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 8. Third st.
PnttiDF.ieuit, October, 1848.
A very hard beard and tender face has compel
led me to seek and lest many contrivances design
ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with
indifferent success, until" I made ue of the Magic
DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Dennett,
and Roussel's Shaving Cream. Their united pow
er act like magic, and impart a power to the Uaror
to remove the most stubborn heard, irUhoul irri
tating the skin or temper of their owner.
J. COX. 49 South 'Fifth Street
For sale at this oi'iicc Price 20 cts. per Dox
November 25, IS JS Cm.
In presenting Ihe public with s remedy for the treatment
and cure of 1'kveb and Aor and other bili his diseases,
no apolocy is needed. Vast numbers in the I'nitrd Mates,
who suili r from these anVetinus in their vuncd forms, are
e -impelled to seek relief from other siurcra than the imme
diate prescript! roam" the rejuhr phvsiciaa. It becomes
therefore an object of humanity, as well as of public inter
est, to bring before them a remcdv prepared from muc-n ea
perieiwe, and which msy alwrjys be relied upon as sais,
such is the true character of the INDIA ClIDI.AtiOOl li,
is amply attested by the universal auuecas with which it has
been employed.
I Kitract from a communication of the Hon. Wn
lum WooDsamos, of th f. 8. !enate, late Guvernuf of
Michigan., - .,
rETaou, Oct. 21, 1S40.
Doe To Chavlk Osoood,
lieor Sir, 1 hava read with maeh interest, vour tittle
tkaeatus iiion the '-causes, trentmrnt and cure" of the
lebrile diseases which have i extenaively prevailed in our
country during the last lew months mi interest iiwreaiuil
nod ubt, by tbe faet that 1 have individually sudired so
much frmn them. Though I feel myself very inc mi)ielrnt
im iuukc siicir upon a Buu.ieit au entirely professional, vet
your theory seems to me well reaa wd, and your conclu
sions jiikt, and I think withul, that your 4iiuuhlet is calcu
lated to produce murh prsurieal f-nA.
Speaking n Um ntedicine h says ; It I'ullv jusiilieil vour
nattering expectati ns, ami as a safe, convenient, and p inu.
br rematy, my own axpericnte, s fur, induce me n be
lieve that it will pr iv gre'.l 1 iiMic lirurlit. I am nloiaid
to learn ihat yon har recently cMahliahcd several ncencies
for itadtsp si'khi DinarK I ri-gret thai, with a view 1 a
m ire general dissemination ol it, y u should have found it
iiecesstiry to remove from ynir present residence anwug us.
With much respect I have the h 'inr to be, sir,
Vonr obliged servant,
f" From Hou. Btepiie.n V. It . TsowsaiDot, tsj Michi
gan State Senate, to ihe Agent at Detroit.
HtsMi V.HAM. Oasla.nd Co., Dec 13, 1HI.
Sir yoawish nisi, infirm yoti what I kmw of l)r.'s luiha Choi ig gue, or auti-bilims mnliein. I d
believe thai if the virtue ami ethcacv of this medicine were
generally known, the itvek aoce would diaappeur in
I procured a bottle in the spring of 1811, and hav gnod
reason to believe that myself aud family escaped the ague
sast seeson in eonsemicuce of its nsc.
rerhans is no summer since th settlement nf this fin
peuiusula, has III fever and ague been a prevuieut as tha
lust. I have rec imnieiiiled tins inedicnie ill nuiuerous in
stances, snd when the di sense liud benmie Sxed snd batllcil
Ihe skill nf plivKiiiuns; and 1 buv never kn wu it lull. I
hns universally pr duced the m st happy elTects, and 1 bet
licva it baa never beeu eaceedid by any median iu remo
ving the bilious diseases of the cuiuatc.
Years, respeelfiillv, -
Agent fi Funliurv II. 1) MASTER i Norlhiimt-eilaiil,
W1THINGTOM ft'Co j MUtun, J. II. RASLR ; tSelius
May , IMtu
'J. J. G?.EE1TSTJ3H.
(Lnlv Kcllrr At Greriiitiigli.)
DRAWINGS and ppers for the Patent
Olfice, prepared aud all the necessary bu
siuees, in relation to securing patents, trans
acted, and psomptly altemled u, at their of
fice opposite tho Patent Office.
Outisber 28, 1848. . i . ' J
AY RUM- An excellent arttcle for sale
Sunbury Jan. 7th, 18411 If,
PLASTER, Sail aud Fun, just received and for
by , 1 W, FRILINO.I
Sunbury, Dec. S, 1648. , '
RAISINS, eurrenta, citron cheese, pepper
sauce, As. For sal y J. W. FKILINU
Bunbury, pec S, 1818. , ;
lent remedy for cough, colds. For sale
at this office
Don't permit vour Horses or cattle to die, when
tho means of cure are within the reach of all I
The undersigned has spent several years in the
study of Veterinary practice in "London and E
dinboro'," he has also availed himself of the resear
ches of Lcibig, and othercclcbratcd mcn.whohave
contributed so much towards a judicious treatment
of animals; ths principles of our practice consists
in the rejection of general bleeding and the total
rejection of all medicines that experience has
shown to be of a dangerous tendancy. l hese ro
medics act in harmony with the vital principle, and
when Riven according to the directions which ac.
company each article they are capable of exciting
snd increasing the natural functions, without di
minishing or destroying their power, hence are
safcin the hands of every on,'.
O. K. DADD, M. D.
A List ol Horse and Cattln Medicines.
Physic balls, ?5e. per box.
Alterative ball, 75c do.
M powders for bad condition, 75c per pack-
Heave powder for diseases of the lungs, 75c dc.
Urine powder for " " kidneys, 75c do.
Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do.
Cordial drink for inflamation of bowels, 75c per
Liquid blister, 75c per bottle.
Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c
per pot.
Healing balsam for wounds aud saddle, galls, 75c.
per hot lie.
Wash for inflamed eyes, 60c per bottle.
Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, Sec, 50c
per bottle.
Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per bottle.
Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, dec, 50c
per boll lo
ll or se Liniment, the most celebrated article known
in England for lameness of every description, 75c
& !)1 per bottle.
Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle.
Worm pawders for tho removal of worms frjm
the intestinal canal. 75 per package.
For salo by STIMPrfON A REED. S3 Mer
chants Row, also at DADD'S HOUSE AND
Haymarkct Square. Doston.
Pamphlets describing the discuses for which
these remedies arc used can be had gratis.
Numerous Ccrtilk-atc.i arc iu possession of the
Proprietors, of cures pcrfcnccd ly ti.e above McJi.
SIXTH Sircct, Philadelphia, aud by his
AiitxTs. Hemiit M.vss.a, Sunbury,
February U, t S i J. tf
THIS Extract is put up in quart bottles It is six times
cheaper, j.Ieafnnrer, and wurran!il snp:.'i r to sny
s M. It cures tl'srt.peii wi:bo;it votnitiiig. piiryini, sii-A-ucs,
or dcbilitatu.g the aiicu:, and is iiriicularly adapteJ
for a
The great be.'iuty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla over
other remedies is. whilst it crtidu-utes disease,
it invig Talcs the b)dy.
Cnnsuniiti in cnreil.
Cleanse uisl Strengthen.
Consumption can be cured.
Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint. Colds, Coughs,
uniarrn. Asiiuuu, fpniing "I monti, ircuess lntlie
Cheat, lleclie Flush," N iht fweuts, UilB
cult and Profuse j:.pcrtoralioii,
and Puin iu the Side,
Ac. Ice.,
have and can be cured.
Prolb!y there never was a remedy that has been so suc
cessful in desperate raises of consumption us this ; it clean
ses and strengthens the system, and appears to tieul the ill
eers on the lungs, snd puiients grudnully teain Uicir usual
health und strength.
There is searccly a day passes but there are a nuinbrt if
vases of consumption reported na cured by the uie ol llr
'rowimeu's SxirMjiai i!.a. The following was recimily re.
eeivi-d :
Dr. Townknd Hear Sir: For the last three years I
have been uriiti'ied willi general ilehiliiy. and iiitvoms con
sailit.ti n of t!irt lust yra-,!;, nnil ilul ii"t expi-ct to eviT gain
n. y l:.::i::h at nil. After g. iii tlir nili a c unse of i.icdu-ii.e
umlei- lae ean- cl some i-f me in n distin'iiin.i., J ri-.'u! ir
r-iy...i::L..i- nnd ineinV.-rs o tiic lliinrit ol llealUi in :.-v
Yi.ik aii'l el-iMMieiu, an.! fpiiMui tne in st of niveanunji.
ill ulteini.tlii.' to li".iin my lir-tltli, an 1 alter I'ijulIiii in
s -inc j apcr ol y.'in ar.i;riiii.a 1 res ilvitd t.i try tl. A ! :ir
uaiiik nix b iltlt-s 1 l'iitii.1 it done iui great g.Mnl, and eaili'd
to see you ut your otlnre ; with your mlvire I kept on. and
do most heartily thank you lor, -.our udvire. 1 persevere in
taking the Sarsnparitla. and have In-en able to attend to my
usual labors f ir Ihe last four mouths, and I ho by the
blessings of G-hJ and your Marsapnnlla to continue niy
health. It helped me beyond tho expectations of nil who
knew my ensc. CHAKLKS QL'IMRY
Orange, lCssex co. N. J , Aug. 8, lr47.
ftateiif New Jersey, Kssex county, s rharlra Qniin
by being duly swum according to law, on his outh suilli,
that the foreg ling stnremenl ia true aeerilitn; to the bnn of
hnkiKiwIedgesndbelief. CIIARI.DS CjLIMHY.
t")m and subscribed to before me at Orance, the id
August, mi. CYlilS HA I. ll WIN.
Justice of th I'cac.
Read the following, and say that cotuiunption ia in ineu
rabi if you can :
New York, April 21, 1S47.
Dr. Townsenv : I verily believ that yunr Sarsaarilla
has been Ihe means, through Providence, ot saving inv lite
l nave lor several years liuu s bud cough. It became worse
and worst. At last I ruised large quantities of hlo sl, had
inpht sweats and was greatly debilitated and reilureil, aisl
did n.H expect to live. I have only used your Sarsapariilu
but a short time, and there has a wonderlul cUivje been
wroueht in me. I am now ab to waik all over the city
1 raise no blaid, and my cteh has left me. You can well
imagin that 1 am thankin! I 'r these reaulis. Your
cut aervaut. W .M. KLKiKLl., Sj Catharine st.
The annexed reriitiinte tells aimple aud truthful story
of suffering ami relief. There are thousands of similar ca
ses iu Ibis city and Ilrooklyn. and yet there are th lusauds
of parents let their children die it fear of being humbugged
or to suv few shillings.
Itradflyn, Sept. 13. 1I7.
Pr. TaWNmns: I take plraaiir iu suiting, fur the bene
fit of th ise whom it may coiit'ern, tlmt my daughter, two
years aud six m ml lis cud, was arhictcd with general de
bility aud Inm of peech. Slie was giveu up as past je
gjvery by air laiuily nhvsieian : but fortunately I was re.
J cHniuended by a friend In try your Saraapaulla. Itef re
nu.uig useu one noiuc sue recovereu her speecli and was
enabled to walk alone, to the at: nn.iim'ail of ull wii i were
acquainted with the circumstance She is now quite well,
and iu much lietter health ihaii she has been fir Is ni ml In
pas,. jufcru i.ti L,tj, las ork st., Dr juklyu.
Very few families in.leetl in fitet we have rrn heard of
one that used Dr. T 'Wnseud's &irsapurillu in time. 11
any children th past Summer, wllilcthise did n ,
K'kenetl and died. The cemticate we pulilish bel w is
e inclusive evidence of i s v due. aud is .silly an 'liter iastxue
-f iis saving the lives of ehildrtu :
llr. Townkm Dear Sir : 1 had two children cured by
y ur S irsaifirilla f the summer e snpl ii;it unj tlyscnt iry ;
iwv.-us -.iily 15 mauhiild and lha Mher 3 vears. They
were very nint h un I we ex'weu-d ibt;v tlic i
they were (tuen up by lv res.ieclnble plivsit i uis. When
ihe duct ir iuf rmed us I hat we must I se thin, we res I
veil lo try y -ur S irsaparill i we hud heard si much of, lint
laid little onh leuve, there being s much stud advertised
that ia wnrthleaa; but we are lliankful thai we di I, it
und' sibledly saved the lives of b 'th. I write this that oth
eis may be induced lo um it. y xirs, res ifullv,
Myrtle-avenue, Drrxiklyu, Sept. 15, M7.
tu. Townsknd's StuAPAUiLLi is a sovereign and speedy
cure f ir Incipient c iis.iuipiinu, awl for the general pr sira
l li ol the system no mailer wbelhrf Ihe ivuilt of inla
reut cause or causes, uradueed by irregularity, iUnw or ae
eiueut. Nothing enn be mre surprising than its invigorating rf
feels on the hitutsu fruma. Pera-Mts all weakness and Ion-
situue, Iroui uikmg it ut one become rdmst and lull of
eueigy under lis lullueuee. II iiuulalialely VHinteracts the
nerviksMuas of the female frame, which is the great cause
It will a be exeeled of us, in euses of n delicate a na
tare, to eilitl it rerliln-nii s ni eures erforine,l, but w can
auntre lite aitlicted ihat liundinla of ones have becu reiwr
tctltiue. .
1. Townsemi: My wife being grruly dilruml by
Weakm-ss anil general di-hilily, aud s.uUring c nlUnuallv Lv
lai.i and wuh other diihviilties. and having kinwii east s
where yi-ur liitHiifine has eiieeted greut eurea; ac-l als
kewuti it reeouiiiieded lor sw'h aw as 1 have dcaonlied,
i ouauied a bolii ul your Exuuct of tfawijufili anil I'tJ
b'Wed the direr! win yoagat me. In a sliort ieriist II
removed her complaints and rest,ed her to health. Being
greatlul for lb beueSl h received, 1 tak pssisure in
thus avkiiowledguuj it, aitd reoomuMuding il to lite public.
M I). MciOKK,
Albany, Aug. 17, Mt. ear. Grand A Lydia um.
No fluid or nsMifiiia km ever beau discovered which ao
nearly resembles the giisirie juice or saliva ia diroinpoBUic
food and slreugllieuini! tha orgsns of digtssuou us tins pre-
Ssratain ol rjursupuiiHa. Il piiailively cure every case uf
yspepaia, however severe ur chronic.
Bank Dtsjartuwul, Albanr, May 10, lHi.
Dr. Townsend Sir : 1 hav hawa adi tried liar several
yeara with dyspepsia in ils worst form, attriated with air
lieaaol stiaiau-h, ViBBof anietile, extreme aeartbuni, and a
(raiC aversion in all loads of food, sod lor works, (wtuti 1
eould eat) I have been unable to roUtu hut a suiall uortaH)
on my stomach I trie.1 the usual reuiedics, but Ihey had
but little ur no effect in re.mtving the eompluint. I was iu
dnreil. afaunt two raaaUis suict, to try your Eximm of Har
ssparilla, and I must any with lilt kt e-mlnl-iH-a ; bill alter
asn nearly two brntk I found my apprtil restored
nsnuura aiiia-eiy rensxnsl i aud I wtaUatniM v re.
neatly re-u-trd
as I
oauuokl lbs Use . a lo those who have been all!
have been. Yours. Ac,- W. V. VAN 7ANDT
Agent for Slunbory JOnV W. FHIIJ.VsJt N,
thumbertand, MaBY A. NeCAY 1 "ranviUa, W.M A
Apitl , Ibis g
THE tillArVIH rt ltUATIY L.
Headache, Giddiness,
Measles ,t Hheatn,
Heart Barn, Worms,
Cholera Morbus, ' ,
Cough. Hutiisey,
AVhoopins; Couth, '
Consumption, I'lte, .. ,
Liver Coinplnint,
P.risipelns, Dcnl'ness, ''
Itrhiiur of the Skiu, .
Colds, Omit, Crnvel,
Nervous Complaints,
nneumttism. rues,
llyspensin, ttcnrvry,
Hnuill PuX, Jaundice,
Pains in the Hack,
Inward Weakness,
Pulnitsiiun of the Heart,
Rising in the Throat,
llropsy, Asthnn,
Fevers of all kinds,
Female Complaints,
Kxpefienee has proved that nearly every Iiise orlglnnte
from linpornir of the Blood or riemupeuienls of Die 1)ik
tives Ornn j and to secure Health, we must remove tuosa
opsiructl insor rrmorc inc n" --j i., ,m iimui., u,.
The aversion to taking toedieln I most effectually ra
mived by Clicsnks's VsnttTtata PtiSotTlvc Pills, uels
e nnplelely envel 'petl with n e mmm i f pure while rMutnr,
(Wntfn IS ItH aiSUntTI Itin Mia Mltrilia, ,m,,,T inn ,iaa,.
shell fr nn the kernel) nnd hn'en "tsstniif nwdicin1.
lint nre ss easily sv:ill iwed as hits nfcitnly. Mirrovor
they neither inu'seiite or crire in Iho sluliti-st decrw, but
onemte equnlly on nil the diseased parts of Ihe system, in
siend of c 'iifiinii(t iliemselvrs !, nnd mckiiii nnv pnrtioul ir
riirin Thus, if ihe I.iver he affi'Ctnil one Ineratient will
oporale on Hint particular orpon, nnil, by rlanuniitg it i f n
INcess of llile rrstore it ti ils uatuied stnte. An ithcr will
ojierTiteonthe ll-ieird nn-l reiuovenll impurities in its eircii
tnti'ai ; wbllea iliird will efTeeturlly exl wlntrver impu
rities nmy have been dischariri-d into the stianaeh. ui hence
they strike at the root t.r disease remove oil linpnie liu-m-irs
fr im tho tvwly , oj.u the res externnlly runt inter
nnlly ; sivirnte nll'f iretiu nod obnoxious pnrtieles from the
chyle, sothtit the IiI.kmJ may be t)i Tonghly (Hire thus seen
riiirn fre and lietiltliy urii-itito tbe Heart, t.ungssnd l.iver
and iherebv they restore henlth even when all other means
tuive fnileil.
The entire truth of the above enn be nseertained try tha
trial of n single b',x: and Ihrir virtues ore s n-vwivo' tuid
crrtnin in rest irimr llenlth. tlmt the pr iprietor binds himself
to return the money pnid for thrin in all cases where they
do not give uuivcrs il satisfaction.
Itrlnll I'rlrc, 25 rl, prr Itox.
Principnl oTiee No. r0 Vi-rsey St., . Vork,
8 ild by JOHN Y.YOI'NU. Sunbury.
M. A. MeCAY,Norihnnilrhnd.
tf ftemember Dr. C. V. Clieknnr is ihe inventor of the
Suirir Coaten Pills, end that nothius- nf the s Tt wns ever
heurd of until he intr odiiced th ein iu .lude, IH4-T. Purchasers
s'i 'iild, Hierefire alwiys esk f ir t'lii kner's Sntrtir C.wtnd
I 'ills. fln.l take luothero, or they will beniuilc the victims of
a fmnd.
Fehrunrj-, 17, IPlf ly
sori:s t iv ncxiti:u.
Bums, Scalds, and all kinds of injlamcd Sores
StlLMl-;Y-! IMVi:SAI. OINTMF.NT. i;t ,e most
em lete Hum Antnl le ever kn mi. It im'.sivlv.
(andasil by .Viprie) a'.onamii! f the m-si d,..mi
Hunt mi l M'-iltl. r ir Ir; :. ires, llims.-s, Cu's, Sprains, C
on m m or Waul, i' is tlte ben ap-icMtio,i that cm be made
i ti its-uitis raveirivdtiiKl th Mis mils .r.iiKC it. It is the in st
pcriec; master 1. 1 pain ever disc vered All win use re
common I it. ry f i;nMy sh u! I le pr rvi.led with it.
. .ue cm tel It wmii a uie ti the t muly m-iy need it.
17" Observe e:ie!i KT i f the genuine Uin'mcnl fc-ta the
tniiiei)f S. Tousi.y, wtuiui en ;Uu ouiie label. To unite
lo this is 1 r'i-i-ry.
H itiini?n. i. ircry Men, Fanners, nnd all wh-iuso II Tses.
wiil lin.1 this uiiituiciit the very best thing tiiev can use
f r C ll ir ' ii:s.S-ra--hr s. Kicks Ac., Ac .,. their animal
Surely every nc rc;. f iltii'in w 'til.l Uce i liisiuiim ils ss free
f.- in puin p ssii.le. T uacy's lnivcraal Uui.tncnt ia all
til-it is rcpti.c). 'P. v il.
HH'i:ol- l.S ii:TS. F irihc slin? nr bite of pois n
us Inset" ,T's Ointment is mint at;ed have
tried It lltl'l f llii'l it -n d.
I'll.l.SCl'KKl) ! For ihe Piles. T us"y's I.'uivnrs-il Oint.
niciiliaiaie f thulvst lirncrtiicii lint caii be applied. A:l
who lrr.e trie 1 it f r tb-l'il.-s rec itnmend il.
OF.!) i0!ti:- tritF.I). F-roll l,s-nnte P-rcs. there
in n illitt: e pi il t T iu&cys UiiilniciC. A pcrs-m in .Maini.
us (rid. l la ncni'i'-r of years, a s re leg bulled tho
v' . I'U;'. d cl rs. 'r..usc s tlintaicnt was re-.' iniai-n li il
by one nf the vis1 ins hrsiciatis, (who knew its great vir
tues.) nnd tw i b 'xes produced more benefit lliun the pa
tient bid received from any and ail previous rctuilies. Let
all ti - it.
miHKS AND ICAt.l CtritKI. Thntmu.lsof enses
of liurus nnd ScaUs. in all parts of the e uiutry, have liven
cured by T.iusey's Uitivcrsal Ointment. Certilu-uteseuough
could lie bad to fill the wh-'le of this sheet.
lOLKNT llll I ISF.S Cl'ltKD. Testimonials on test i
moniid in favor of Tuuscy's Cliutmeut fir curing liniihes
heve been orfcred the pr. ,priet u. Ilumlredi) iu Syracuse
will certify to its great merits relieving ihe pain of the inxt
severe liruivs. All pers ,t,s shm'.d try it.
SCAI.DIin.M) CTHED. S.r.s, if cases of Scald Head
have been cured by Tousey 'a Ointment. Try it it seldom
SALT Rtll-XM Ct'RKD. Of all the remedies ever dis
coverrn f Tths m ist dis:igreenble C'lttlplaiut, 'JVinsey's L'ni
versil Ointment is the most complete. It never was known
ver-al Oiiituiciit will always cure the w irst cases ol Chap
ped Hands. S-orcs "f prrs'.ns will state this.
SOKE l.lPSCUtKD. For the cure of S ve Mps there
was net !.-r anyt'iuig ovule equal lo Tousey ' Uiiitiucut. It
is Siire to cure them. Try it.
It is a scientific colilp .u;-.if. mrninted no to em'.iiin miy
preparati in of Mercury. ( V Price J.i cents per b x. For
furib ; urticiil irs e nicerniMp I'tis reativ vnhinlilc tbiitne.'nt
the i -iiMic arere:i rrl t-, pamphlets, to be hud gratis, of re.
i"l e. ta: !c Ura'flsts and .Merelwnls Ihrougii-.-ut the United
Prepared by S. TOFSI'.Y, rntggist, No. 100 Nasrou
rttreel, .ew ork-.
Ar.i-ATs JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury, M.
Kcbniury 17, If 19. ly
4nd all diseases ariiing from a disordered
Liver or Stomach in both .Malt and
Piich as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness or Blond to
the Head, Acidity of Ihe Stomach, Nunsra, Heart-hunt,
Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, M-mr
Kructuti wa, Sinking or Fluttering st tbe pit of the Stomach
Swimming of the Head. Hurried and Difficult Itreatbing,
Fluttering at tha Heart, Choking rr Sallicating aeusati us
wnen in a lying p siurc DinimS"! vnurn. Hots or web
be tore ths Sight, lover and dull nuiu in Ilia Head. Deficien-
cy uf Pers-.irati hi, Yellownrrs f tin Skin ami l ives. Pain
in the Side, Hack. Chest. I.iiabs. Ac . Su l len flushes of
Heal, ILirning iu ibe Fh sh, Coiistsnt Itntigiuiius tf evil
uid great dcj.rcssi .ii of S, tnts Con be cu'eettially cured by
Cclithrated Crnnan Uiltor?.
Tlifir power vct the bIjav diwnntM i not rxct-llrd il'
eiuiiUNl by biiv other prfpurtili n in the L'mttil Siatc
an the cures atlcst iu tuuny cuhci after!ful phyaiciaist
hud fuilffd.
Dt-nngri-mMit f th I.ivrr and At .uritich ore inircrsj of
luitaiiity, ti'i1 wilt alxi prudiife dieiiic ot the Heart, Skin,
laUiiLrt nu1 KiHm-ys, Hiiii lavn Ihe Unly opeit to mn attack ut
the Ch ifra. Hilt 'in, r Yell xv Fever, tuid it generally the
tun cuuse nl' that in t banelul discuHe, C'niuuipLiuu,
Opinions of thePhiladvtphia Press
.Jeefinttt-t Oint ivivt.:
AN IWAIA'AlU.KMiam.'iNih:. Yehavefriemly
heunl tlic CcU-luanxJ (jt-iuuii liittri. muiiutitcUuci. by Lv.
Jl svUltuiU, p 'kvu 4 f in it-1 im ni c n i man Uu , unj we
kill w (Itaei vci: ". it inu uc stinii n practice, 111 Cer
ium quarter. I (iiii ull uuniR-r uaek-n iruili, I mi in the
utsv I'liteis, humlrcd, nre Itviiig wiiHi t-t W their great
in Ml um! i rixnical n rUi. Aa a metliviiie nt iho Liver
Coui,.ajui, Juuuicc. Svtv jvu iieljiliiy and ly$;refma, it
ha been l uu J luvulu thlc, HlecVing etin uiiti th t uhly
er.ulk'j.iiig Uimuh ii, when ull uilivr inliouiwi liuve failed.
H e led euuvinccd, lluil ui the uwe oi tha German Bitten,
Uie ititical d ru -i btrc me iieliluutet, but OM.attimrly pau.g
lit ret iff :h und vi r t tha intiuo a .u-t vi'i-dhr oi freut
onuutrr tti n. The liittrrs nre plcjnut iu Uite and trnwl,
and c-iii te ttdmiuutricd uuUcr any ciu'uuiuuie, li the
ui tt delicate nl m ich hulcetl, ttiey cu be unvti bynl per-
nl with the in t peil'dM uicty.' It w uid be well I r
th e vh i are much alict-lixl in the ucrvua aytiuiu, t
c mrtcu'e with one tea aHiiiftil ir k, oiid priiuully in
rrtruse. u ,h; ik fu-m exrit-iuv, mid ure I e u.e,
pr 'per jttlfte. The pre fur tmd wide, lm e mu td iu re
C -ininriidiiitf the 0 rui in iiiacrit, und W the iiwcU4 m
m.t.t cidully udvica-'iht ir ui.
June 'Jlfh Biys: t I
' DO Ot:R fiflflDCI TI.KVS who are invnliJs, kniw
the ui my list siniini cuun tint lnve lecn erl rmed by
llr. II i uau ,1's t eteliraii j tieruiun Bitters If they i i
u , we rec nuit ntl iIkiii olte"Ueniiuu iMeiilein Suire,'1
all who are aiiiictnl u-nli Liver Coiuiiliiut, jauisliee, Ly.
pe; si t, or Nirvoiu behilltv ; t,u D,ri r hascureil many of
,.ul citueusal.rT the btut (Jij.iei.tns bad failed. We bave
un d ll.e.u. and ihey li ivniavvil 1 tbruinetbcnietlial ev ery
oiui sli tulti kn nvi, ruid we einii .t refrain giviue our lejt.
tun ,ny iu Uteir lav . ami that wbich gives them grwtirr
ulauu urxu our humble cii'.in, tbey aia cuUrelr Vsgeluble
July tib stvs.-
V . rieali knowingly of lir. II e.flind sCelebruted Car.
man Hitlers, when we sty it us Llesriur, of tins age; and
In discuses ,f tt,e biliary. tlige;iv 1111 ! .ervousSvsienis, it wetliins un ejual, ll is a Vegetable l'rcnuraliou
and mule without Ale -It 1 aud 1 1 all mvuliils we wjuU r.'
e 'illliiend il ns w inltv their e Milulenee.
Ki r sile, vvlioleBiie and Ihe principal HeisM.
r:,K1l.A,N MEUIC1XE feTOHL.Xo. a; liicu Street
rliiladelilua.' ... . .
r'oraulebyM. A.'McCAY, N irtbnaiherland and Siiu
bury und resiiectablu dealers geuerully lUroughoiu tbe
tstate. . .
April tl, Ib40 ly , , . , . . , t , ,
potton Ysris. Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps
and sJilins;, Cotton Outlines, Koudy made
Pantaloon", Kcsily made Yeats, Congrcs kuivsa.
Porcelain lined preaoniiig a-ctlka, jual teouived
i sale by H.MASfcEK.
Ouobory, Dec J, 1848. i
. ,- , , T. , H , -"f
A XE8 of a vttf SMperior tjuaKtr fJe sale tv. ,
- : . MASSliR.;
8urtbur7, Dec S, J848. ...
TJLANK BOOKS. An ssswrtment of BlanJ
- ISooWs, just teceived and sale bv
ll. MASTER..
Ruubury, Dec. S, 188.
-Hiiperinr n-fined hvrua
Molsasr for sale bv
riRE AKtt Tlllf r PttrtOF CHESTS),
Seal and Lettnr-Copyiiiir Prw-wi, Patent
Slate-Lined Befri-r,orn"tors. Water FiU
tors, PutentPortablt Water Clo- v
euts, intendfid for tlo Sick
v: ' '" , ttrid Infirm.' " '"
' EVAi8 & WATSON, n .
76 Soitlk third Stmt, s-; n... i .
Manufacture and keepconstant
ly on hand, a btrge sssnrtmersl nf
the shove article, together with
their Pntmt Improved Solarnander
FtKK-PHOOK HAFfcl, whiah
are so constructed aa to set at rest
all maiinfg of Aad, ss Iheir
being strictly fire-proof, and that
thev will resi.1 A., ai. -I .....
if building. The mu.iH. . It
these tsufos nre mnde oCb-dler iron, Ihe Inside cnaeof sVaisV
stone, Slid lietweell Ihe outer ease and inner ease U a ipe
of sonic tlinte inehi'S thick, and is rilled in with indestrue
tilile mid-rinl.s ns t mike it nn imposstlalitv So tstra any
of tin contents inside of this C hest. These s sipstone 8.-
Inninndcrs we nre prepnred and d i challenge tli world ta"
produce am-article In Ibe shape of Hook Sales that wil.
s'and us lunch hmil, and we hold ourselves rendy at all
limes to have the in liiirlv tested by public. I:iifir. W
soconlittneto nininil'neture a large and general asjorl-
ment of our Premium Air-tight Fire l'faof SaK-s of which
there are over MSI now in use, nnd in every instance thry
have given cntlie an isfiictinit to the ptirehasers-if wbteh
we will refer the public to a few gentlemen ,wlio bars
them in use
Hav wood A Snvdcr. rottsville I Jrweph O. : Lewten
Pottsvillej Mr. Wil'linm Cnrr, llovlestown, Pa.
N. O. Tnylor. It?n north nd si.) A Wright A Nepkew
Vine St. whnri' i Alexander Cnror, Convej-nncer, corner ol
Filbert and nth sts.t John M. Ford, 35 north 3d si.: Myers-
Hush, ail north 3d St.; James M. Pall, HU nuth 4th St.;
Dr. David Jnyne. H smith !kl Matdew T, mitff. '
snutli Hd sr.; and we c-atlri nntne siimc hundreds ,rf tdhrrs
It it were nocess-irv. Now we invite Ihe attention of th
public. Q,i, pnrticnlnriv lliose in want of Firo PrtKif Safes,
1 1 call nt our store bef'iro pnrelirtsiug elsewhere, and w
can sntisfy them they will get a better nnd cheaper article
at our store than nl any other establishment in tbe city.
c als'i mnniilncfure the orihuary Fire rrool I nests, at
st very low prices, cbenper than they can be brmght at any
other store in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, April S, IMS ly
GEORGE 13. GREEN', PnornitToii- .
Windsor, Vermont.
19 a sovereign remcdv for DYftPKPrMA. in manr of r
toniiH, such ns p iin in Ihe St mi icli, Heartburn, hsbttuaj
C sliveiiess. AciJ Siouiatli. llt-uilac lit, U ssoi Apctlts,
Piles, Night Sweats, nnd even Consumption (Dvspeptis
I'lithisiu.) and Asthma, or Phthisic attended with rierangs
luent of the St aiueh ( t IASj Citir Asthma.) Dirhcalt winch ,f'e:i re:i!t ir iu imperfect digestion (or
lys: i: lie S iitu.) is relieved by these Hitters. In short.
Iheir uro has I.e. n .r-ivi inlh. it-hci tit' nliuost all th
a nipt. ,u.b thai jr ri etl in in a deinliitited or atonic cond.
ti at of the St a:i.i'-h ; nlso in general debility arising frm
ape or from the rfUrta of Fever, particularly Fever and
.Vjue. Feni-iVs sitiieiiliL' under titiv uterine derangement
i arising from wetivness, will nnd the "Oxvuoarin Kit
j tcus" un ex.-,:ci.t rcmvJy. and nut siircesaedbjr any medi
cine in use.
I The hii-i'-ry of this r.n.'licine u peculiar. It has mad hi
way t ) r1:: l-iv-ir s ,b-,y by the I' ree of ils own intrinsis
I merits N i er'.il.cial p.eoirs have been used to give it n
l iriilyan.t tlirnst it n; n pnblte ntl-iiti ni. It has ncvsi
belore even been ailvertisi:,!, but Inivunj hrst shown iu re
mirkalile eirteai.-v in the lannly ot ll.e proprietor, and bl
him sftiTwarils nilininisterral to Ins nfHicled friends and ac
(ju iiutunecs wiili n Wm result, iu. reputation gruduallv ex
tended until it m 'nmovii in Hie m.tst distant p.irts o'f th,
L', as a lAitbcinc of unrivalled virtuea in the cur o
Dyspepsia m :.ll ils ilnTi rent l inns, ami al. for lbs curs
Asihtna or Phthisic, lis only herald and ita OIjy cul'r
luis been Ihn story of its wonder iul elficicv, ns told frot
m tilth to ni .tilli or by letter from Irienrl to friend. In evs
ry iii-bmce where ti.ejc timers have been used, and ths rr
suit ni-jdekniwn to the proprietor, they hnvo proved a rr
Nnmeroiis rerlincales. atlesting the singular efficacy i
the "OxTGKxsTSD HtTrKiis." are in lbs possession of ll
proprietor; many oi'tliem signed bv persons alreudy wide
known to the public.
..,,, CKO. B. f!Itr.E, Prorietoe.
YV INDSOU, Vt., October 0, 1U
The fallow hi; Certificates have recently beta
received I
VWmv.Tnv. T). C. Jt-Ne 10. IBIS.
Having mtele use of the '-t ixt genatej Hitlers'1 prepsr
by iir. It. lirecn, of Wiuiistr., Vt.and from km"
ledre otnsninl ol theti elliitncy in other euros, weeheerfu
rec .mmeii.l them t'ifnii.lie, lalievmg tlmt Ihey willlu
s-'.siam Ihe re" ,inuteiid-ti"n ot tiie l'Mprbt'T. W h"
that this Hlii-.,e icin.-.l;- t j- l, generally diSui
thr .l-.;lee.;t t'i" e untr; that it ri::iv be aereai-iliH," le ad I
SAMUEL I'!Ti:r.r. I ,. -
tYII.I I l l'll V 1. S. Senator from Yenno
V V.. '. " . '. ' " r"'n K- Iitnmt.
,i. i..iioi.i.tiiui1i,., Rcrui'ir and t
ivrinarly Wove
or ol Itiailiieliv
1. 11.
A li.i ILD. Member of Coueress nH r.,n,..i
vemor ot R. I. '
w.m. wtiiiiiiiRiDtin, r
vcrnur of Miehigen.
imtor and farmeny i
M. L. MAKTl.N, Dvlfgatc in Congress from Wiser
crritory. '
' rrom Hon. II. D. Fo.-ts, Member of Congress frei
Peuiis;. Ivnnis.
Wamm ro. D. C. Jog 10, 14-
Dear Sir I bsvs been a dyspeptic snfterer lor shout
years, nd have, resorted lo various medicines for r
without success, until I made use of your "Oxygen
Diltcrs." I have ustd about two lotuina, and fiiiilBK
restored to p, ri, , l health The forms in which 'lis '
ense showed iteeh, in inv ease, were, great acidity ot
si much. I w oi appetite, extreme rUitnlenee, severe e
piti n oi tbe Ioivi-Ij, nnd violent headache. Feeling
urns that a kn v.le .!ge of vonr valuable remedv may r
others similar.) uii'ictcl. take great pleasure in ret
l roasik. Ihat v. iok on a visit ,t ho,,,. . .
ik in, tetitti. nv 1 1 ub enmuve ptwer : and would
! administered a ro.'l "I a bmle to a nuinl.r ni m K
iricllCS, Wltll creat SUecss. Thev nr. .!.;...,
s!v llhl establil-h an agenev at Tiitsbure. or mfotm
where the me ticme can be obtained. With an eames
sire I T y -i:r pr serily uiul !.apt mess. I rnVserihe in
truiv your iticim ii i, i-istk
! ft. tli'j. !i. Ur.r.r.vVV!n.!r. Vt.
S-ild Wh ilewile and Itetuil bv f.reen A I'letehsr
S0S,uih Stxih btrcit, I'luluilrlphia. '
Arjent f r Sunbury H. II. M SSKR
Agents for .Milton MACKA Y 4 HA.Vf.
Agent for 1'prnr Mahonoy.J. O. HL.N.N. '
April 15, IMS- .
WoulJ re eelfiill invite aiientinn to his sni
sijle of Inn Tor autumn. 184S, which
round lbs most ilei i eter hi ont-rml ti
comnitiitiiy. li peculiar forms renders il the
ib siral'l , as ii combiiics all the easeiiiiain of
Viluy siiilnealiiess, n qo'site in that ailicleof
bi I his inrreasid f tciltiifs in in rn inufael
tsi h all ihe ntvl. ru impr .vemt nis. enabbi
To CusiLSKOK ths WoHLn Iu produc a
Chiibsks's ret Hstib6 Cars
I. .Minis. i'litse goods hsv Uen n greai c re, and will t Touod raosn t
anilciii-sn in ilivir l,le.
1. a in as' Itnutfo Hits tan CiM fit El
IT nw I'sTTkiiJi- (iai car has IxVo t
rd in ronstii'itii these article. ihl (hay
eifiCtlj euy and I'urm a graceful appears
101 CI eetnut it. a lew dour above Thii
Bi-i teml erSO, 1S18.C b June SI, 1848-
rictorfal lUliiiatt of d'Aukl
tfi'iut l m il on llie Ui luruiM
pnliltslici or. or about the Isl ol' April, I
JOS A SPEEL. No 90 Cbrry at abo
his splendid Mmo edition of Ihs sbovs
woik, with 18 enslaved illustrations fi
ma I designs; 4 vols in 4, bound fa eiti
and libtary ,lieep. . -.
'Tbe publisher rie(tfilly salts the
Of lh Had and tha public generally,
work being the only illustrated edition p
in lb United tftates He trusts that Ihe
of its embellishments, the strong and su
manaer ki raUh it is boand, in conjuatl
lht kaown ptipulantj, of tb wark Utol.
g sura reef aniiejulation ta public for.
OS. A. SPEEli. Ch.rry t.,b
J. A- S has also lately published, a
beautiAil Edition of Serfeant, Bell's Rsr
a satiable boat far childrsa, ntl rt
extra cloth.
i Pbiladelphis, April t, l84l' , . ,
PATENT Tni-u- of .11 kind
ruins and indellibr ink, Cotton
laps, just received and for sale by
j. w.m
Sunliury, Dec. S, 1848.-
lAPf4 Ait ansotluMnit iust rweii
silk HATH at WiS, for aula by
unburj, Pec. , 1341.
rvnrmrr, Pee. , 1819