- - ssr-T"""- ( SUNBURY AMEMCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. KOMVTH AND Mli ECllETAHlr.eA lrf HIS CABINET. T-. : t Initor dated DlBRtE ... J,,n. 1819. Translated arid commit nicaled for the Tiibune, by tr. Garbor At toil are already aware, at the rery be ginning of the Hungarian Revolution", ieveral . nnnintnrl Iti Ifnulll h'a CnVii- (secretaries "ii - net one of them understanding Bohemian Another , Croatian, another Italian, another French and German, and all of them under standing Magyar. Among them I Had the plaoe of Translator from tKe French' Into the Magyar. '. Of Kossuth, one might almost eay'tKat the physical part of him has no longer an exis. fence of its own ; tho man is nothing but piritual energy, for if it were not so, the perishing, sickly hull would long since have been dissolved in spite or all the wisdom of the physicians But he is perhaps the only living being whose mighty will is alone suffi 'cient by its own force to urge forward the wheels of physical nature, and keep them constantly in movement. He will not be sick, and he is not. Great as are his bodily infirmities and sufferings he is strong and in defatigable. His spiritual resource, his will, 'his enthusiasm, endow him with the powers "of a giant, although his physical strength is not more than that of a boy of six years. He tids defiance to death that threatens him in ao many different maladies; his spirit keeps the body alive. That spirit is still young and Vigorous, and can only cease to be so when the too great tension shall have irritated the nerves to such a degree that they refuse to obey the will, and thus the organism destroys itself. 1 do not express myself clearly but Words will serve no further. Hut to our labors. I had scarcely taken my place when he began to dictate a letter to Bern for me to vrie, and So we were employed some four hours, during which I wrote two letters and each of my three colleagues three, all by his dictation j he himself hail in the tunanliine prepared two despatches, one for tcre'Jel, the other for Commit. After nine o'clock he left us work in abun dance for the whole day, and went with the Ministers, Szemero and Dnschek, who came for him to the Hou'ts of Representatives, ta king along with him some papers, on wliieh ' he had made several memoranda. He came back about 4 o'clock in the after noon, accompanied by several Representa tives, with whom he had a conference of two hours, answering their question and sng irestions; this did not prevent him from ex amining the documents we had prepnred du' jjng his absence, or from dictating more let ters. While he was thus dictating to us three or four letters, with totally different contents, being giving olf together by the same lips', we had to be exceedingly careful in taking them down. At six o'clock camo more despatches, ond verbal inquiries, nil of which were answered without any delay. My dinner consisted of v glass of wine, a piece of ham, and some m-ad, which I had on the table beside me, iiid disposed of with the best appetite as I as writing. The Representatives, with one xception, went away; the one remaining, at dowu nt the side of Kossuth and began to lelp us. This made five secretaries, and to ive you some conception of the labors of he evening, 1 will tell you that from hnlf ast 7 to half-past 8 he dictated to us, at the m time, five letters, all of different con Mits! One of them was to Dembinski, one i Bern, the third to Paris, the fourth to Vi ma, and the fifth to Gyongyos; two were i German, one in trench, ami one in Hun trian 1 la it a man whocan do such things! My fiiend, if beyond the ocean, in the free id happy America-, there aw men who feel mpalhy for our good cause, w ho desire the ccess of our efforts, do not ask their prayers much for the triumph of the Magyars as r the life of Kossuth, for Hungary canirot conquered ao long as this iircomprehensi- being, whose name is Kossuth, is spared, jugft Russians and Austriansenter thecoun ' by myriads, and though thousands "of our thren fall as sacrifices of Freedom. He ; he inlfage of Liberty, Equality and Fra nity ; he is the incarnate spirft of Justice ; is the Washington of Hungary, and so jin Kossuth 1 MARKIKD, )n the 21st int , by the Rev. J. P. Shin ,Mr. JOHN WEND, to SARAH FISHER, h of Penns township, Union county. l) 1 1: n , Vt.his resid-ence in Pottsville, on Sunday : ,Mr. JOHN C. BOYD, aged about tS is. lis remains were interred at Danville, near ch place he formerly resided, on Monday , followed by a large concourse of friends acouaintances. Mr. Bovd was one of most active and enterprising tV.en, and been intimately connected with some of . most important publio improvements publio spirit and interprise, renders his to this section of country most serious, is place cannot readily be supplied. HsilurYEEUHZA. HIABKET. Avo. i'i, 1849. heat Prirpe Pennsylvania reils are at &i,19a 111 and white at SI 14a$l 15. Yellow is worth 64 a 65c; white A'2 a T4-&oitherri Oats are held at 28 a 30 j a. 33 a 34c. , Market bara-would brinp58o a 60o. huiet Sales in hhda at 24 o and in it 27 cents. BAtTIMojlE MARftET. Offict of Uu American, Aug. 81, 1849. AIN, Sales of wheat kt 1 08 a SI lie ime white, and tt 04 a $1 07 for red UN Sales at 58 a 67c. for white, and a tor yellow. rS Rales at 26 a 2o per bushel. IISKEY.-Salet in bbls at 36 cent. nm'ry price: current. 'orruttd tcukty lj Jfnr j Haner. lT. . . 100 56 it .' . 60 . . 81 rsa. ' IS sssa. v. 10 Two Valuable Flantationa AT PUBLIC SALE- TY virtue of the lent Will and Testament o J Georffo Krcbs' dec'd.late of Jackson township, Northumberland county, the undersigned Esccu to will sell at public snie, on the prcmrses on S Tiatur, the 15th of Skptimbkr, next at 10 o' clock, a. M. the following described real property A Plantation, , containing 66 serra. mora or lets, sitnnte in sail! Jackson township, bounded by land of .Jacob uaujrer, jonn M. Snyder, Peter KeyborK enq others. Thereon is erected a two story stone dwelling 7buse, a bank Barn, a Bprlng-house and never-failing spring of water upwards of 20 acres of this tract consists of of meadow laud. Also sn Orchard and Cider Press. Another Plantation, rontaiiiing 106 acres, more or less, adjoining the first mentioned plantation, and lands of George Hoerncr, William Schlctrel, David Znrtmnn and ethers. On this plantation there is also erected a two story log dwelling Houso, a log Darn, a never failing spring of water, and a sufficient quantity of meadow land, an excellent Orchard of every va riety of fruit trees. There are upwards of 60 acres cleared and the residue well timbered. Attendance will be given and conditions of sale made known on the dnv of sale hv GEORGE DErPIN,EY. August 11, 1849. ts Estate of Alexander Strlfckland, dee'd. . TV OTICE is hereby given that letters testatnen ' torv have lieen granted to- the subscriber, on the estate of Alexander .Strickland, larc of Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county dre'd; All persons indebted to said estate or having claims against tho same, arc requested to call d'l uie auliscriucrs lor settlement. WM. (JASS J f WM. M. MILLER. J t,x r Up. uguiita tshp,Augusla 1 1, 1849. Ct CHARLES W. II EG INS, i-TTCPwlTET AT LAW, I'otlsville, Va. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi- ncs entrusted to Ins rare. June 16, 181H, WIN'S CRACKER BAKERY. vVen 198 A'orih Front St., nhvvt Vint, rHXZ.ADSZ.FHZA. rMIE subscrilier continues to make of the kesl 3 material, and keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of CRACKERS, Sugar Soda and Brand Biscuits, Jumbles, i4pecs. ecotcn cukes ami tuugcrnuts, xc. llso a large supply of Navy, Pilot and other shipping breads, all of which they gtiurantcc to be made of tint best materials, and encage to sell nt the lowest cash prices, at their old established Hand, No. 198 Aortli 1' ront St., above me. J. S. IVINS' & Co. Philadelphia, July 21, 1819 4t BOSS OINTMENT, FOR TETTEZt TJEAI) Die following cMtiricntr fr.a Topi. Drvoe, the .IV v eil kuuwuaud popular Siium Bust Cunlsin (in" the 1 ravellcr.) rniLAiiELriUA, Octrr 31, 1M0. vcrsl years siiirc t wns attacked With a breaking out on my nwk in the form of Tetter, wliieh I nni coviiicrl w c 'iitruetf 1 at the Iforher' Slxm. It (traiuliuillv extend ed over my face until it readied the upier purl uf the yieeks. Unrbig the several iii'inihs that it ontinaed spremliilB, 1 uSinl dirterent applh utinus. t nr wliieh h.'id the effect, app-ently at I increiminff the iliseae. hut f roin untie ol theni did I tierceive the least benefit until I applied Hie ltnK Ointmfvt. Ilv the tine if one inr of it, I was periectly curetl and liave remained free ef the ail'cc tion. I liave inie used the Ointment, tiphtlv applied for Much ness nf the face, til tehes. elmppiit inni!. if. Vith per. feet success. I have no hesitation in reeoinrueiuliiig It in the strongest nianifr to the imhlii'. JAJIHS DEVOK. AgnitItexar Maiieh, Snnhury. July 2-, ls-ttt. TZCKNOR'S COLUMBIAN PPELLIIJO BOOK. T) EINO a progressive ntid Coinprclienive Sjtn tern of Ortlto;-r.ipy 2nd Orthoepy, including a variety of definitions, adapted to the tt.-e of Schools in the American Kepublie, by Almon Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-five year's exjieri ence, and author of the Coiumbian Calculators, Practical Common Wtool Mensuration, &c. The attention of Teachers, School Utrrctors, parents, &c., is invited to this new Spelling Book, which conforms to the modem spelling and usages in Orthography as being one of the neatest, cheapest best arranged, and belter adapted to the wants of children, than any other published in the United Mats. It is what it purports to be, a Spelling Book and not a Heading Uook, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the UniU'd States. J ust published, and for sale by IlENsr Massed, Suiibury. here Teachers and Directors can procure copies for examination. August, 184!. WHY WILL YOIi M 1 1 i:it? WHY v will )nu uej-ket tnote prLiiiiiuior symptoms Whieh are piving you wuriiief that some thing must lie done to suve you fnsa the grart of llie ccsiiiuiSur ? Why ruetsirosu Uut hjiokiiij; ei'titrlr Ihe iin in the Side night sweats ruiMiig of lkKl or difficulty oi Lreathiug ? Wny cUrifhed and foster tl(r Ihllt is preyinv Uwu your vituls, takins awuy yiair strenscN , with each pawiiiK lav, uad liasteuinl vmi to tliat bourne from whence no truvellcr returns?" He Is . now alile to travel and trtluml to his iHisiness. Witness the eases of Rev. Ileurv Junes, inn Kirht Ave nue, who was cured oi a euuyh ui SU years nuindiiix ; Mis. Xtliree, no. vt uornella-slrevt. wnu Irnrt hern liven Hp by l)ra. Molt, Hose and MeClellan. The jraiuk-liild ol Chrnliau Klenhs. I.M Irfiillow-lrcrt, who was also ii veil up Indie. Mrs. Millne, formerly m' Hria.kliu, whoni the first I'tiysrctuiis amd cmild ins lie cured ; and a host of other who have been aitlieted w'itli ArVlitMA. CtNrit;.MHTIN, I.IYF.R COMPIJMNT, snfl all the variriis fortusuf disease in the vital orpins. Lo any uimiis tae enicaey ta this ineitieuie r Irt them (to a'ud eiaiverse With those who liave been curWI by it. Pumiililets containing fhts uiiines and reMdem'es ol' a suuill isirtion nt taeiu limy lie rsiUtineil. gnitis. la purchasing, lie sure v n get the genuine, usk for "MIKRMAN'H AM. IIKAI.INll ItAIAM," and see that the written sigiui tureoi A.Shcrriiaii, M. D. is on the rapper of each bottle. shermaVs poor man's plaster has cured nsvre ruses of Ilhemnatriu. t'liin in tlie llnrk. Huleanrl t'hest. launUiffouiid Weakness, llutu nity appli cation that has inrrnased, Inuslrisls of untirineiiilnl rascals huveuttumptHl to oauarriVit it. and pnlm it olT ureal the community as the genuine. (V Hewnre ol' Deception..,!.! Hemeuilier tliul the- tm anil genuine Plaster is sprmd ii'ii reddish er uuule eipressly fiuj the purpose and every or mr pigmuure ui ui. enieniwui is rmted upon the rsiex of tlie Plaster, aial the wbrtle secured by Copy K ight. Nisie others are genuine. Tl. ire when von wsilt s real g.mi rncrnwje s mr aiau s l'nisicr, eull at llieuluee, HO Nussuu street, and ytaj will w4 be disiiiMiiitMl. HeiiMMiilM-r priiKaiSitfihee IIRI asMiu-street, New-York, where all lr. Shennaire lixvngesare 4il. ilia Aveius are Mrs. Havs, 1W Fullisi street, Hnaiklvu; Ituicsun. IV'Oli L . ? lLi;...- M. i a, i 1 JOHN YOl'NG, SKuilsiry. M. A. MeL'AY, NorUiuiuberland Aug-. 11, IB19 eh e3ui ly TMluable Books, T IKE o C ii a ht, handsomely bound, D'Ac-- siusi't Histoht ur TkS RcrosMiTins, BtsVic Dtx-sooKs asb Lsuo ems, full bounded For sale at tilt publishers prices by H. B. MASSER. S'unbury, July ii, 1849. WHEAT WAWTE1J. une Uollar per bushel, cash, will las paid for Rood wheat by 1KA T. ClsCMEIXT. Sunbury Jan. 27th, 184a tf. TKTT ENNEDY'S PATENT SASH FAS. HV TENlNGSe A cheap arid excellent atU. cl for fastening sash for sale by , t. W. F RILING. Sunbury, July 7, 1849.' R OSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this excellent article for TetU-r, Srt just nesivtd and for sals tv . JIL.NK1 MACK. Huoliity, July 1619. , . KESOLUTION. REL1TIVE TO Jltf JlMEJVDMEXT of the cojssmmiox. RRflOtVtD Y THI 1MAT A?lD IloTTgR IlPRWSTA ttvw or Tim Commonwealth or rBNttsTLVAitiA in (iRN KRAL Af"EPLT MKT, Thtlt the CoiIHtitUllUll Ol thli (lomniollWeuHh be aniPlidnl in the ornnrl nctim. nr thn filth article, thnt It fthnll rend nit followi: The Judgni of ine CHproiiic iun,w ineKveraieourUol Uonnnn I'lvm, ml ol mich other Court., of Reconl m mr nr tilinll hf PNtn. Uiriied by taw, nhnll be electud by tlte qnalified eletirrri ol' ino uninrnrmiin in uie manner folluwinft, to will i no liHbreft of Ihe lnpremf tVurlby the qualified elector of IheCoinintinweulili at lurge. Tlie Prenideitt Judgea of the Several Conrla of Cormnun Plwm and of mch other Count of Reeord nm are or rhnll be eatabtinheil by law, and all other Judftea rwfuirrd to be kurned in the faivr, b- the ,uiili ! electura of the reanertivc ilintricte over which they art to preaMft rtict JiHtrei. Aiti the Aaaoeinte Jnthrea of the CorniH of (kfmmoii Pleati by the qualified elecUra of the count ici" rcapvrtively. Tliv Judfrea ol the Supreme conn annii now their omeea mr tito lurm oi nneru yeura. if they Khnll m l-mir liehnve tirniIWra well: (winjix't to tliu nllMimeiit livrcinnfler nnnided fori, auhaenueut to the hmt. elwtinit ;) Tiie l'rexidctu Jutlgen of theKVcrul Conrla of Coitmi'm rictiK. nnd ot nuch other court n of Kcnird na nre or ahull Iw entabtinhril hy InVv, nitd al othnr Jndfrca re quirrd In br liwntcd in Ihe inW, ahall MU their oflicea for the term -if ten -irj if l hey ahull ao long behave them arli'rt vvl : Tlie AnWwifitc .ludpea of the Court of Com mon 1'k-ti wltfiH hold rtwir oXi-tn for the term of live y-.iirp, If lit. y Mhtill k" Uvfi h hitve tlieniKclvrn w l) t till of whom nlnill Im! cJHiiuiwioned by the Oovernor, but for tiny reft noiialtlf cinife whieh aim 1 1 tn4 he KiiTltcicfit f nfliiida of inipefrHiinrt.f, the Oovernor ahall remove niiy of them on lite aisiilrt'iM irt Iwo-lhirda if em-h brmtrh of the Ijeifinliiture. The first election rludl tnke jikire al the general election of tliis Cimionwealt h next after Ihe ailoption of thin amend uiciitj and Ihe eomiuiMiona of nil the juilt;ra who nwy be lhtii in nflino ahall rxnirc tll the fimt Mmidnv nf 11mhi brr foil i wing, when Ihe terma nf the new judea ahull onmimee. 'The erMina whoehnll Ihen lw elected Jtnlfrea of ihe fitnreme tV nrt aim It hold their oineea an follnwt: one nt" tliem for three yeara, one for aix yenra, one fivf nine yeura. one fr twelVcycnVt, ii.mI on for fittfcn ymrl ( tlte term of each to be decided by lot hy the tend Judaea-, an anon aflet the election r convenient, nnd the result certified hy them to the (it pernor, that the coumiiiwoiii may le ifmed in aeeordiniee thereto. vIhe )ttde whoae eoinmiV will firpt expire ahall Itc Chief J tint ire tluriiiff hia term, no uifreauer raf-n jmijte wwjut nniniaaioii phuii lira! e lire ahull in turn Ite Ihe Chief Jnahee. nnd if two nr inure couiTniainia almtl fxptre on the an me day. the jttdffea holdiiiff tln-tn ahull deride by lot which ahull' be the Chief J nut ice. Any vurnucir-a htippeniH( by detith, leaitrnntiou, nr nthcrwim', in rny nfthe aaid c in it a, almll be. (illtfl hy 'nppnintmi nt by llic (Uvertior, t contiliue till tlie find .I'tniiny ol jjccetiiiier ancefcunn: tlm tn-xt irenernl ercrlimi. The Judge of th SnnrVuic Court mid th Prcairlentii of tin aveml Conrla of C'lininmi I'lcaa almll, nt Hlntetl timea, re reive for their aervicea nil ndcOunte eoTi,M.-nKition, to be fixed by law. winch almll not be diminialied dltrimr theii Cfitinunirc in office luit they almll receive no feeji or per rptiaiteaof olliee, nor hold any other otT.ec of profit under thr; CommonwenUh. or under the povcniment of the 1'ni. ted rt!tea, or any other State of tine Union. Tim Jridfft-a of the fnpienie Cmiit duriitir their contiimnnce in othce ahall reaiile within thia Coiimioawenllli, anil tfie i-thT Jodirra during their continuance in otTu-e lintl re a i tie within the tliatriet r eouuiy lor which ibey were reaeetively elected. WII.UAM F. PACKER, Speaker of the House nf Representatives. GEO. DAKSIK, Speaker of the Senate. In tub Sknatk, March 1. 1849. RcwLvxn. Thst this iwlutioii ss. Yens 41, Xavs S. Lxtruet front the Joiirunl. SAML. W. PKAliSOX. Ci.khk. In the Hoise of IIei'uesextatives, April 5, JI54!I. ItK'iLvtn. Thtit this resolution pass. Yens 58, Nuvs 'X, Kxtraet fr.iiii Die Journsl. WM. JACK, Clehk. SttRttARV's OmtE. Filed Ai.ril S, 119. A. I. RUSSET.. Dep. Sec. of the Comntouweullh. Si'.ciietarv"s Orncic. PCN.NSVLVAKIA. SS : I no cESTtsr tliat Iheshoee end forep.iup is s true ami correct copv of the tlriilenl lies lutiou of the General Asscmhly, entitled 4lrsolnii u relative to an Anieiiiluient of Ihe C'wstitutioii," us the same remnins on file in this ofiice. In teslim uy wliereW I have hereunto "Journal ok Skkatg. I'Kesoliiiion, No. Irrl, entitlKl 'Res ition,' wns rend thiicl linn-. On the qm sli .n, will the Semite agree to the res tlution ? Tlie Ynis nnd Nays were taken agreeably tu llie t'oiirttitiiriou. uiil were as lotl.-w, viz: 'Yeas Messrs. Ii sis. llruwley, l nil.li. funiiinrlinni Forsyth, linen. J liiison, liwienre, Irfivis. MuSoli, .M.il Ihiris, ArL'asilu. Illi'ii. Hieluinis, Nelier, ISuukey, Sivery, Sllliill, Sllljser. Merrelt anil Mini til. .S'aVs JIiiwa l!-st, Ilrmn. Fnek, Ives, Iking, Koillg llineher, lottelu"T anil lirsic. PKfKFR Si the qn.niion wu ileti iin.n.il in the iilliruialive." "Jul'RN.tL OF TI1K lllll'SE Or KKl'KCSENTA TIVl:s. 1 Shall tlie resolution ns ! Tlie yeas and invs were fcikeu uiirt ral:- to ihe pr. uiou el the tenth unirle ol llie t'oiistiuilion. iind Tin? es foll.nvs, viz : "Visas .Messrs. Iiideou J. Hull, lluvid J. Dent, t'laig Uiddle, Peter I. I'l s.iu, D.u i.1 M. Hole, Th suns K. Hull, Jiicub Curt, John II. lluhl, Nathaniel A. KIIMt. Joseph Emery, David I?. F.lilein.iii. Wilhaui Kvaiai, John Kuua.ilU, Samuel l-'ecely, Joseph V. Fisher, Henry .M. Fuller, Tlesisis lone, Ii. U - rl lliuups .n, Cciriie P. ilenszev, Thomas J. HerrnisT. Joseph Hipxins, Cluirhs Hons, J.asepb U. How it, Ki4s.i t Klotz, Ilurnsoii P. Luir.l, Alirnhani IjunU rlon. Jum.'t J. lewis, Jntties V. Lous, Jueoh M'. ( artney, John F.M'Cull k-1i, llucn -M Kee. Jolul Al'jin(h. in, Adam Martin, tSumuel Alarx. J.'lm t'. At vers, Kdward Nleklesou, Stewart Pearee, James Porter. Henry I-. Prult, Alonz i llolih, firir(re Riiiley, The.slore Kymiui, llernnnl S. Selksmover, Suuiuel rteiirt, John Slmrp, Christian Snively, Thiiiiuis C. Steel, Jeremiah H. Soililis, Joseph J. Stiit'niun, Marshall Swaruwelder, Sauiuel Tnciri rl. lieu. T- Thorn, Nieholas Thorn. Ariinah Wattles. Samuel Wei. ri. li, Aloiixa 1. Wile.m, Daniel Kerliey und William F. Paeker, Speaker. je. "Nat .Messes. Augustus K. Cornyn. David M. Court ney, lluvid Kvaus. Henry S. Kvnns, John l Viil.ai.Ji.hu W; lioorpe, TImiiiuis tiiltespie, Jtsin it. Gordon, Win. Hetirv, JauwaJ. Kirk; Joseph IjmUi. h, lioliert R. Little, John j. M'( aliienl. John M'Kn- William M'Sherrv. Josiuli .Miller. William T Morns.si. John A.utl... William Y. liolierts. John W. Itoseberry, John 11. KulhiU' ul. It ItiuslleSmilh, John Smyth. John Soulier, Ceorfe Walters and David r . nilams, ju. the question tvos determined in the allinnalive Sfchstaiiv's Oi rirs. i llarrishuri;. June ntA i Pennsylvania, ss : -j I rm lERTll'T tliat Ihe nhove and fnrego- S. J'Wjn'5'. nisi "Nnva," laken on the "ites.ilulion re- rt ox M n ,,,- i in ii-v, , imi. ma ) ens Hllll C UJUII llllieiKlllieill ,, me A IM1M ItlllHSI, " l........ ,. us the same apiiears oil the Journals ot the two Houses ot' the Itenerul Asseinhlv of litis t'oiiiui.siweulili, lor Ihe sessiou of Into. Witness inv ltund and llie seal of said ofhee. the fifteenth day of June, one thousand eirht hundred and f.'tlv-iiiue. lUWiM!..NU 1IAI.M1.. Sec'ry of tlie Commonwealth. July 7, it-lft 3iu. TIIE F.in.vIER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA., f.wtf.d hy tiorvKHNKru kmkiisun. IN ONE VOLUME. Royal octavo, 11G5 ii,iKrs, Ix-autifiillv taiuuil, eontaiitliig, 17 fine plates, l?siires numerous WoihI Cuts. Sold st abolit one fourth llie cost of the English work, without anv Plates. "The Former's Enryclotietlia is real treasury of practical information, wherein the experience of all sje and countries is carelully riisTtu is to the Jiftsent day, and aHmiruMy arranged for con venient relcrcllre. Ur. Darlington. "e are fully convinced that such an amount of vuluable knowledge for l'uriner can he found in no other work In so cheap and convenient a form In fkc no Farmer who pretends to be well inform ed irt his profession, should be without this work." New lity,mece Farmer. An excellent work, tit to be uistnhutei! in pre miums by Ajjrricultitral Socitiea. J. S. Skinner. r or sate at this Ultice, price !J1. Also, by E. W. CAKK, Third street, pnosite the Exchdnee, Philadelphia ; and N.HICKMAN, liulltmore, Marj'luud. IJy All Ouusus avtT se AcrcxrAsiSB ar the CAm. July 14, 1818. Din tireen's Ojiygcrtisted Bitter, price reduced Old Jacob Towusend'kSursaparilla. Baker's Sarssparills-. Sway ne's yrup of Wild Cherr)-. Sway lie's V eruiifuge. Ayre's Cherry Peclofil Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullen's do Tibbit's Pain Killer. lr. Hoorland's Uerman Bitters' Indian Vecvtable Pilla Horse and Cattle Medicines For sale by HENRY MASSER. bunbury, July 14, 1849. Ktlce to Uelluqucuta. ALL persons Indebted to the subscriber, longer than ait months, on note or book account, are requested to call and make settlement, or else their accounts will be lctt with magistrate for collec tion. . a JOHN W.FFIL1NG fcunbury, July T, 1M9. '" ,,,K (eeret:ir) 's DfTiee nt Harris. SS5lv2 "'' eleventh day of June. Anno iiSJIr;t1AJ """"'ii. one thousand eight hundred and VA-C forty-nine. Ji-k- TOWXSEND HAINES, Sec'ry of the Commonwealth. s.rjvait uiim vtiunu 't vrr. (i.liA'TI IllB ar ssiki rtiski i A. mini, n I Equitable Life lniirnnc, Annuity nnd Trust Company. OFFICE 74 WAt.NtT PTnF.fct, Jmi.ADF.LHlIA. Capital (fctfO.UOO. Ciiakth PssntTVAL. tflfF, Compny srs now prersired to Iransoet busines .1 noon the most llhersl and tlvant(roons tennf. They re suihorizett hy their ehsrter (seet. 3) "to malts ill suit every iiuninee apiertninint to tit's risks of whatever kind or nature, snd to reeeive stsi eneeute trusts, make endow, ments, sud toffrnutsud puruhssesunuities.n The Com. puny sell annuities and endowments; and set SS Trustees for nilhors and heirs. Table of Premiums required for the Asaunulea of tluu for the whole term of Life. Af. Prers. 1 SO 1 S3 1 SS IS I 60 1 0.1 I 06 I SS I I 78 1 M 1 bl) llrl I dH 9 01 Ats. prem. IS ir 19 IS CO VI 2i m ii fi-i nt !i7 34 S!t 311 3 no 3 40 IN 3 77 3 04 4 II 4 34 4 SI 4 71 4 01 19 1X1 iU S7H StJfl The premiums are less thun arlv Hher eonisiuv, and the policies nlionl ereuter advnutiie'rii. 1'nliles of hnll.vesrle snd quarterly premiums, half erec'it rates of premnim, short terms, Joint lives, survivorshipf, i-M etslowmenls; nhi, lorni oi Appiirmmn 1'ir wnirtl there are wank sheets') are to lie IumI on ajiplientmn nt the ouW, or hy letter to the Agent, J. II. rl'UDY, rMumury. Rates Vok insusiio eiunort single Life Ape. Ape. Prem. 91 I0 W 15 .11 tun 34 II 7 OS 9 XI 1W (I? 47 S4 30 9 6.1 40 9 70 41 9SI 49 t M 4.i n oi 44 3 W 44 81 For iki. 20 .10 411 SO 60 I. SO 9.04 9.;o Sill ,03 F.iAMPl.s A persisji seed fln veurs is-tt WrlS dnv. hr "J the Oisiipuuyiin i-.iita would secure to his. family or urns e,ia, siioiihi lie uie UI one year ; or lor ?u oil he se. enrestotliem sllsi; or f.ir 81.1 iiiiniiallv for seven years heVreiires to them fKHKl shonkl he die in seven y'ars; s for S-H. 10 pnid fuumiilly duriui hfr h seeures sjnaio tots- anil when he lllrs. I lie insurer set'liiuiff Ills own .Isnilis, (iy the dirt'ePMiee ill atllouiitol' nreiniuuis 1'roillthoki'VjiiireMl hy other ollii-es. For f 10,.w tlie heirs would reeeive 8.10II0 slionld he die in one year. . rornis ot upplieuliou sun nil nnrlieulnrs mnv lie hud t tnsoili.-e. l'l lTI'.lt t'l l.UCN, Wesiifrllt. Viee I'resMent. Wit. M. Haisii. Fsamcis W. Itswi.s, SVereury and Treasurer. foxsi-LTlNo 1'iiv.tclAS Dr. J. 11. Mnascr. Siuihury. i. II. Tetibv, iuil'iirv. Ascut for Northumlierlaiiireotfie t". Sunlsiry, Jilly !, IStfl. M'EISE & CLEMENT. Saddle and Hnrne iTInkei'H. HIE undersigned respectfully nilbrni the public, that they have commenced the above busi ness in .S'unlmrv, and will con stantly keep on hand nnd manufacture to order, at their stuiul in Market street nearly opposite Young's store, all articles hcloiiirinir to their line of business. All articles manufactured hv them will bemudc in the best nnd most dntvhle style, and at prices as reasonable as tltcy can lie lind tit any other estate. lielimclit in the county. They therefore respectfully solicit persons to call and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere, All kinds of pro duce taken in by the stores will be taken ill ex change at the Inorket price. IIENKY WEIKH. AKilTi: II. CLEMENT. Sunburr-, Jtint! Ti, 1843. GREAT AIIRlVAti. T OilN V. FKILING hs just received nt his store in Suubury an extensive nssortintiit of NEW (sOOUN, of every variety which he is now ready to sell or exchsn;c for produce ; and consist ing in part of CLOTHS, CnSSIMERES, S c Linen und Cotton drilling, anil summa wear of all kinds. Calic-oks, Chintz, Gingham, Lawnp, &.c. Muslins bleached and unbleached. PAt.M LEAF AND OTHER HATS. Queens ware end Hardware of all k ind.i. v DrtfGS Paints, And DYHstrtrs. FISH, SALT, AM) PLASTF.R. Anil a crcat variety of other articles all of which will Is; sold at the lowest terms. Suubury, May S6, lti I!). ijQuoiis'Aviii&c. HIIE subscrilier has just received a new supply of the best liquors that ever came to iS'tinburv, consisting in part of Superior old pals Brandy. Fine Cognise Brandy. Superior Old JnmaicS Spirits. New England Rnmi Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey Common do. Superior Madcria M'ine. Lisbon do. do. Superior Tort Wine. Burgundy Port do. Sweet Maluga Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bodies: Champagne do. do. Henry maSser. Suubury, May 26 1849. LARD LAMPS. OnNELllS CO. fio. Itb ( hrsnut fcl , R of ESPECTFULLY announce that they have just flnished Ihe most extensive assertinrnt LAMPS, they have ever offered for aale, comprising feLfctJAJST NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, MANTEL LIGHTS, &c. In great variety, and of Original designs. Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of these Lamps, and audi are made as will produce the greatest amount of light IVntn the least consumption of Lard. Recent improvemenle in the manufactory, with the introduction of new and peifccted maeliinery, enublea thent to sell at a ery GREAT REDUC TION from former prices, uli'd all articles before leaving the manufactory, are carefully iiisnectiil. and arc warranted periectly tight, and to give satis faction. riilluJMpliia, June 5, 1819 jj- TIIE CHEAP BOOK STbKfc. .bi.iTXEL3 & SMITH'S Chess New & Second hand BboaSiokk, North Vett earner of fourth and Arch Streett Philadelphia. Law Books, Theological and Clstsieal Books, MEDICAL BOOKS. BIOGRAPHICAL it H1STOK1CAL BOOKS, bUMUUL. OUUKS. Scientific and Mathematical Booes. Juvenile Books, in great variety: Hymn Books snd Prayei Boots, Bibles, all sixes ana prices. Blank Books, U'ritingPepeondStalionary, ll"ftaVa and ttttail. Cf Ova prices are mueh lower thau the au,tn.Ae prices. r Lltsaries and small parcels at bonks purclsued. UNlts iwuorteu to usder t'roni lxduu. rnuuaeipDia, June , imu y A Xew AsjsorlmeiilorFrfHlk Gdodt. IRA T. CLEMENT, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, cvts toiners and others, that he has just received t handsome assortment of NEW GOODS tt his store in Market Square in Sunbury, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queen' wnre, Hardware, tkc. Sunbury, June S3, 1849. STONE WARS. STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, nd other articles of stone war just received snd for sale hy JOHN W. fFlLlNG. Sunbury, June S1, 1S19- For I year. For 7 vea'lt'. t)l f'i ! l.0 ),' 1. 01 l.efl 9.07 3.1S 8,B7 In sit t 'jrtstliinli. tl nurj clvllUd eriuhtrlni. has caused a laei(,T .piirttoB Ol instils llinn any ather milndr that Brtli,.t ilia liumsn Minify .vsnd. until williio a lew years, lli.re lin, not lieen any rrtiznt rvmtrty to stop &e devosls lli.a r th i destroyer. Bill now BRANT'S iNblAN PULM0iAR BALSAM Orrst sery mis nf the est srenSsr'y marlisd and del. oped esses of Pulmmmy ilsrutssinrfisa SBALsidraalad easr of alVsrarsd and dwa-sd .t.VO.V mieh Xojplm ea sr ss wees aevi. nature e..erd by sut ethsf aledtirtna. Su mntrUf kafttUt were some f tbe srnieted peMoas, ss Iti bsve heen t'ruiiouneed by 9'y 4ctn$ and friends to be ArreiLlT lTla. Sniue. 'vrlio Ltd Ihelr hiirisl tl-ilhn is.te. hsen hmi etrd. and yur Jiv?other. who It Was said miuld not live anoUisr'dn, sr., now us wsll sad husi ty ss tlicy wer wr, Ir iiosie..,.s all the etesuslnff sna' pruifrtnf virtues nearly as puwertul sad aolirn ss the iiraparMiea which we esH . BRANT'S INDIAN URIFVINQ EXTRACT. Tills d'tf,-r from thst lavsu'e Oils pnasestes ss.ra ors Mt.licnttont wlii,li .re MeWssrjr Siuiaied to, and are ssrrn tiallf seressrtry, tu cure Coughs and Consumptions, snd sll diseases of a pulmonary nature sufh diseases sf usually prove ao latsl under ordinary treatment, whea lUey aWk the llrrnxt. Thrntil, l.nn?s, nnti Heart, Tills fl.t r.XA W snls sad esrs. nrrs fit f .ss s. snd elsewhen fetrraauy as errtninif snd sosty a. tliu Pvsi rriNO tXTBACT carss and .(. uln-rs rsra(y. This Itals im rur,-. Kint ess,,, nf Osj- and Consmsntiim nut of Trm. after all oilier remediea hsvr failed to do good. Thousands of Consumptions and CTrosic Ctiuess, almnilantly prove It, unfoilhr . e" f in "U' h disea.es. an. I Its iiiirinnbted eiirniire power ami soothing bealini properties. In the fullnvslne rum planiU snd dii.a,s. vir. i fpi'tiif of U'ood. UUrilinr al Me l.uni: Mia in the Hrerta and ,ije. 1..SW(, .p. OSsnau'sls. I'etljntntioK eif tot Heart, Cknlrro infan lytsp!trt and Sesisier C'usi(nints in CVtiMrrs and AdutiM, .f'.'tnfnl, and .1 1.L FEMALE WEAKNESSES & COMPLAINTS. No rvmpcly tht h Ivrrn nn'orotl to Ui puhlfn bn-t enr Iwi-n kalftu rtrtain nnd rjbetvat in itrrtctintf ALL Ihe In 5iilintil vrnknrtfif firnl irrtfulrtritir .( tb Ifiiinle tutx nt m.1Vfi PULMOSAftr'HALMM It tniMo no dif ftrncti whfr.ir iIih HcrHnffi'inrnt b".upprtfion. ezct$, fr t.ilior incidental weakness ItK(rtA'rV,S Al,l bv $trrnifthenirnf mivm, rnvnth.hit tr circulation "nil mttkinf ""ft MUaifinfr NKHVOLb IKHITABIUTV. St 9ur i'amphkts Ur not if. CONSUMPTION. A Dying Wcidiari Cured ! e t1iij rr to pnv ibe pawcr to tavr Kir, mhttn thn B I.HAM i HMHt, tAvtl iltfHf Hip (htmi , cfiHtiJtrt by jibyiirittn Hftil iriends tu u In tbn Ut ttafes dlciv hcUihI!j dyhufi- urI, in ihio i-nntt. m jar gone that llie rftkJ nSd bvr.at clolXet w.;n bnnulit. Fur the particu lars if tli in fuse, mid the rerptj'zblt mid fijuteJ prtntf nf nil tb clrcum flu nre nnd fact., wb rtfvr lo our I'AM I'HI.F.Tri. Thli rur.'WHi rfT.Tt-fl nn Mri ?.llK PYKKMAN. of Hatltton $p4. SarntoeA Va , X Y run prom. iH-v-md ft ifnit-t, ni(ijtrti-i almost atfitalh ts lupV'l,- ""d innu mirable vtw uf Cjua n,l ConMumnttont C l'RtD,Thkh wure prHoiin!ti. incurable by s-ktlful pky$u iart. LnfElt COirlPLAlNT. See the cure ol Vr. HMard. nf f'tnuilor'J, l't., sud others. Dyspepsia ! SVie the enre nf V S H'tfrox merehnr't. rlf Al'iles. Vyo nung C'u , N. Y., snd many inuru. in inir Pauu.ililets. Dysentery & Summer Complaint in Children sn.l .lv!t.4 sre sleays eurtif. H'takly Children will beennie .rTsi;. healthy and hearty, and uroir rsi.itlly, by the us.! ul this HAI.SAAI. No mother need ever mourn the death of her ehlld hv rimlern Infnntnin, wh le leviliinr, if MtA-STS PULMO.VA HY BALSAM be administered. It should be, Isr such cases, firen in larser thin the crdinary doses. & PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND The fo!loivin;-ii..ind florfs.s and 'yfictanr hsra hi.Mi.y recommended BRANT'S) MKMCINKS: Ur. N. III'miAM). .Slainlurd. Conn. Dr. J. N. SMITH, Wattfrtuwn. N. V. Dr. liO.I.-IMAS. IJJ Hear, .ir.l, Ilrooktyn, K. . Tr. T M. HCN'T. Aillmni. N V. Dr. OKO. KK ANCI.H, Miililletown. Conn. Pr. GEO. A. ItOliF.KS, llatli. N. V. Dr. S WIIITK. Kredonia, K, V. Mr. C. II. (J ALESTINK, Hvron. N. Y. Pr. J. O 8IIIP.MAS. FsyetiUie. X. Y. Dr. J 8RINN'KII. Ilcnrv St., Hr.ioklyn, H. V Dr. I). SIIIPMAK, Cortland, N. Y. FOTt SAI.K riY John W. Friling. Sunlsirv Pa. Mary A. .Mel'uy N'Tiliumberslnd. John II. Unset Millon, IJenT-.1. Slsiefl'er do I.iUvi'ir,l A. Kiit.ner do A II letters unit orders must l addressed to Wallace dt Co.. led Ur.ieihviiy, New York. fuiiUiry, July 21, IKili y. "Baconrns'e Your Own! Haas &in:xx. FASII10NARLR MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. rPHE suliscriliors rcsjieetfully rail tho attention of llic public to their lar?c am) sulcniliil assort ment of every quality ruirl juice of - :aiii.i:t-wake, whirn cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its tlurahle workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is sparbdin the manufacture of their wuro, ami the sulic.-riliers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly hcina; inadc. Thoir st'ti'rk cHnsists of Mahogany Solas, UlvaiiM nnd Lounge;, tturc.-uts, Sccrctarfcs, snjcftoiiDs, Sfirii BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila- dclphia inamil'oetiire. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, .YORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in tlils lih'e of their business. Tliey also manufacture all kinds snd qualities CHAIRS, inciuJiiiR varieties never before tiilie.tmJ in tSiinhury, sueli as Maihioakt, Black Walsi-t AisiiCiBLtn Maple (lur.eiAX ; ixn Wixiisnn CHAIRS, ash rAcT Pi ano Stools, wliieh are of the litest stales, and warrntileil to be excelled by notje ilianufdcturtld Ih the Cities or elsewhere. Tlie sulis riliers are determined that there shall lie no excuse for persons lo purchase furniture in the cities, as every ronlidciice call be entertained atsriui llic quality and fiiiisli of their ware and Chairs. Their articles, will I disposed of on ii (rood terms as they can be pun-liased elsewhere. Coun try Produce tnkell in psvnicnt for work. rF CNDEItf AKING attended lb mi reason able terms. ft The Warn KiJtwu ifi In MarS't Street, nppoaite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite Weaver's Taveiiu DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN. Suubury, April Si, 1849 tf CHOICE! GROCERiES. tOlsT4 & Co, . S. If. Comsr Arch if 6th Street Philadelphia, HAVE now in store a well selected stock of the very best Family Groceries; which they will sell at the lowest prices and warrant to please. Green and Black Teas from $ 1 down to 23 cts per lb., the Black Tea 45 cents by the Box, is unusual ly fine. CollVe of all realities Snd prices better Pugar for d eta. per lb., than any other store. Maccarnni, Vermicelli, Canton Ginger in Syrup, Olive Oil of the 11 brands, an assortment of the richest Jellies, and every article kc.pt in our line. All goods sent lo the country, put up neatly and securely Please try us once sud satisfy yourselves whether we can suit you. COLTON & CO. 8. WiUt',Arch&6thSt. Philadelphia, May 56, 1849. chc3ra ly Notice to lelli.ueut Collector. ALL collectors of taxes whose duplicstes pre viotls to 1849, have not been settled, are here by notified that their bonds will be entered on re cord if settlement is not made. By order eftheCoramiaaioners, n. ' GEORGE MARTIN, Clk. Bunbury, July 7, 1849. flI6SL'EPAPER- Vellow Tissue paper lor 1 covering lasses, &. for sale at the office of the American. l.LANKS. B LANKS of every deeeription ran Vs bad wj applyinf st internes ei tut Amttictn. Caution Extra. This T?w3,st is ne merly a worker -on the railroad, ZLT 'J ?lkw" ?' he assumes the Idle ef Dr., fer the nuTlSiil fc "2,u for what hei. not This , Z SfirTloTZX deceived, and pureh.se non. hut lne0en?in7l.f00,3 Dr. Jneoh Town.end's 8e.rsp.rlll., fc,' Sj'S'S-RL, Dr likeness, kit fnily coat 0 aind'h.T iJ across the coal of arms. " OLD DOCTOR JACOB TOWXSEKD, TIIE ORIGINAL DISCOVKRER OF THE Genuine Touniicnd Snrsniiarllln ! OLD Dr. Townseisl is now shout 70 yenrs of Sfe, and has l.ns; been kisiwu 11s the author and discoverer nf llie rieiiniiie Oriftlusl "TownsaKl Sarsnpurilln 11a. Inc poor, ho wis erunH-llul to hunt its mniiulaeliire, l,y Whieh means it haslsieii kept out nt market, and Ilia soles eircuniserilHJ to those only who liave proved its worth and known its value. It had reached the ears of mnuv, never llielcss. as those nervals who had been heulcd snredisenses, and saved I'roiu death, proclaimed its excellence sml woo den ul HEALING POWER. Knowiinr, ninny years npo, that ha had; by his skill, sel. eiice, and esiieriunccil, dtrviseil on nrtiele ' which wimkl Im ol ineulcuahre admitnrt td mnnkuiil, when otic knovn and extensively used, lie hoied and persevered, epcctiii tile time to nrrivs when the minus would be furnished lo Win)! it into univcrsol 11 dice, when its inestimable virtues would be known and appreciated. TWs time hai corns', the menus are supplied ; this GRAND and UNEQUELISD PREPARATION, Is mnniifaetiirod on Ihe larsest scale, and h calte'd for throughout the Iciuith and breadth of tliu Unid, eaiiecially oi It to liaind ineaisilSe at ifcaauerulion deterioruliun. . Let every man ruif th-.aigh.ait the laud, tliat Okl Dr. Jue.Hi I'.iwuseud is now niauuliH.,iiriue the real -Townseud u-sanaiills ' which never soert. h'ever Tennentsl and never clinniresils chariieter,, Tioiii this dnv fnnli the peopr- shall liave llie Pure Gen uine TownseiKl Sirsparilla, which shall never sour in Uie bottle, or in the stomach, and it shall yrt Ismish frouithe hud all Pemientiiifr. foirinj, Kxplodingr, Vuieirary Sar sanriluis, now in use. A fntst r.rsniuril!, s!re mid f . iiulnc. ougnt 10 live; a poor souring, slip-uop isursuBi. riltn oupht todroopaml die. The Old Dr's. Sarsainrl'ta frill keetj pure fl'id retrVt Iflti yenrs. i:ulike youiur S. P. Townsend's it improves with ntre, and never chances, but for the better; beea'-se it is pre pared on scientific ptllieiph'S by a selemilie rlla'i. The holiest kuowledire ol rhemistry. and the latest discoveries 01' the Art huVeall liei.e liroiirht into reiiuxiti.in m the manufacture of the ILL) DR'S. fAHSAI'AKIJ.I.A. The Hirsiiparillu root, it is well knowii to medical men, eon taina many nledii'lnal properties, nlid aimc properties which are inert or useless, and others, which, if retained in ptcpuriug it for use. pr. since feruicntalioii mid acid, wlileli is injurious to the svsteut. Sane of the properties of Surliiirilla are so volatile, thnt they entirely evaiurale and are lost in the prepnrali.ai. if they are not preserved hy hya scientific process, known only to llir.se cxperienci-d iii its tlintiufticturc. .Moreover, these volatile j,riuciics. which Hy oft" ill vujsir, or its un el halation, under Icat. are the very essential Ulcdical pivjiei'lles of the root, winch givo toll all its value. ( Any pern ill can lioll or stew the ro-t till they ftct a dnrl e iloicl liijuid. whieh is more from the coloring matter iu the root than from auVthlillt else ; they eau then strain this insipid or vupid h.piid sweeten Willi t mr molasses, and then call it uSars.iartlla Extract or tynip." But 911M1 ut not the article known as the OEM INE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SAR BAPARll.lJ. Tliis Is so prepared, that oil the inert properties of the Sarsparilla rmit are first retnoved every thins capable of bccoinltur acid or of fermcntiution. is exliucled uml reject ed ; then every particle of medical virtue is s.curcd in n pure and enneciitriiteit forth : and thus it is rcriihTcd ineu pable of losiuK nay of its vnluhhle and healing- properties. Prepared 111 this way, it is made the most iiewciml atreut iu the CURE OF IXNl'.VfiRAni.E DISEXSES. Tleneethe reason why we Inmr commendations on every side in iu fuvnr by inetl. wotneu, and ehPdreii. We hud it doing wonders in the cure ol' Consumption, l)ys'piu. unit Liver Complaint, mid ill Rlieiiuritisui, Serolula, Pi!'"S, C.istiveiiess, all t?iitnui.nins l'.ritptions, Pimples. Dlotehcs, sud all atlcctlousnrisiui: from l.Ml'L HITY OF TIIE RLtiOl). It sssesses a inarvollolisefneney. ill ail eolnplnihts arising from indices! ion, from Acidity of the Stomach, from 1111-c.u-il eiicul.u ion, determination of M.i.kI i.i the head, palpi tation of the hcurt, cold feet and eold hands, cold chills und hot fhislu: over the lusty. It has id Its cipial iu Colds ami Conijl s : und proiiiotn iisy ex(ieetor.ilion, nnd ut nlle ier spirmiou rclaxuifr slrieluie 01 the huujs, throut, und every other (sitt. Ilul 111 notions, is its excellence, more manifestly seen aisl acknowledged than in all kinds mid atugr oi' Fenmle Ciail- IlllllllS. It vvoiks wonders in essi r.f l'lnor Alrsis or Whiles, F.iliint; of tlie Womb. Oltslrucled. S-ipprtseit. or Paietul MeiiM'S, lircgntarily of tlietileustriril peliods, Qlal Ihe l(ke; and isa cltectiad in euriiis tdl thcforiiiK of Kidney Disease. 11 rem .vtiiic ohslriii'tious. and rcviuuting tlie ueucrat so tc'in, it gives tone and stituth' lo the whole body, and thus euresall forms of MdtVOl S DI.F.A8I AND DEfllLITV, And Ihils prevents nr re.iuves a (treat variety wf oilier ma ladies, as ripiusl IrriuiUon. NeuraUtis, St. Vitus Daiue, Swoiitiiiir, Epileptic Fits, ronvulsions. JLe. it is not possible fs this medicine to do ggod ; it luu no thiiur in tt wliieh etui ever harm, it call never soar or spoil, and therefore, can never kssw its curative properties. It cleanses the Mood, excites the liver to healthy action, tones the tdoinach, and givea pood digs tion, relieve s the bowels of torior and cunstimtiou, rillnys inrlamsliou, puri ties the skin, equalizes ttie Circulation of the blood, pro ducing gentle warmth equally ullover the bndy.and at the inaeuBUileperspiroiioh: relaxes ull obstructions, and invigo rates the entire nervous system. Is not this, then, tlie medi eine vou pre-emineutly need! But can any of these Uiuigs be sai.l ot S. P Townsend's inferior article I This young man's liquid is not to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR'S. Because ol one grand fact, that the one is iiuuipuble of de trrimati.il,, and MSVKK SPOILS, v.-hile t!i other i!o'c; it sours, ferments, and blows the bnllies coutaiums it into fragment ; the sour, acid liquid. exphsJutg, aisl lUimaKiiig other g.s sis ! MiiKt not this horrible compound Isa siis. ous to tlie svstein What ! put acid Into n system ulrendy distsiscl with acid! What causes Dyspesui but acid! Do we is.t all know , that wllen nasi anirs in our sloinaelia, wliat luischicf its pr-sluecs ! Hiilulcncf, hcnrthlmrn, palpi, tnlion or the heart, liver compbiint, d'arrho.u, ilsiHitcry, colic, sud eorrupti.m m the hlotsi f Wliat is cvrotulu, but an acid hum. in Ihe laxly I Wbnl pr.slucesnllthe hiuis.rs whii '11 bring on Eruptions of the Skin, Scald llimd, Salt llhcum, Erysi.us, White Swellings, Fever Sores. uiKl sll ulcerations' internal nisi extensd ! It is nothing uisler keaven but an acid auUtanee, whicli s.urs ami thus skills nil the Huids of the fsslv, mote 1 h-ss. What causes Hlieuirsilisui; Ian a sour ir acid rluid, wliieh insinuates it s.Jf Isitweeu the joints uud elsewhere, irriUilnig and in huming the lender ond delicate tissues upon w In. ll It acts f So of nervmis diseases, m' impurity of the btoml. is" de. runged circulations, and nearly all Ihe uilluteuts which at- Uiet lliluuill unlurr. . . . r ,, .1 . , . , Now is It led Horrible to make add sell, on:: infinitely Wtirse lo use this HOLRING, l ERStENTING. ACID "COMPolND" OF H. P. TOWNSE.ND! And vet ho w.sild luiu liave it un.'.er.l.sid that Old Dr. Jiicih'Towiwcnd'a Genuine Origiiml Sursupnrilta, is an IMITATION of his interior nresirati.Mi! , ll.nveu f.rl.id tliat we sliiaild dd in nil article wliieh wmild bear the most distant resemblance lo S P. Town send's article ! and which would bring down upmi the Okl Dr. silrh . mountaiil ksid of eoniiluinta aisl enimiiiitl.su frmn Ageuts who have so!d, snd pureluiaers who have ua.1 S. P. Townsend's KeriiKsitliujt Csnp-HiiHl. Ws wisli it und.-ralo.sl, lieiNiuse it is the utasdule truth, tliat S. P. Townseud's article and Old Dr. Juesd. Towussl's Surci parilla ore liairen-wels apart and lunuitely dissimilar ; that they are unlike ill every pnrticulni, having isM oue single Uiu'ts iu eotHiiam. As 8. P. Townseud is no Aictor, and never wus, is no chemist, no pliaruusuuiirt kisiws no more ol lunlicine or discuse than any other common, unscientine, rnproies siorhd man, what gunrantce can the public huva tliat they i r-e-.,,,., a mhoiw acientllk! lueituiiue, ivmlniiinn nil the virtues used UI uri islrmg if. ami which are ini'.iil,lc of ehniiges which niight iinder them the agents of disease in- instead of health . But what else should be expected from onu who knows nothing coiuparstiveiy ol' medicine or disease ! It requires s seism of s,sne exiienenee, to eiMk und serve up even a eomhvai decent meal. hnv much more iinpnrtniit is ii tint Ihe larsons wbomanujacture nuslicin, designvd . wenk stoiiuu lis and enfeebled systems, sli-mid know well the medical pniperlicsof planis. the best nianner ol seeuriiig and concentrating then heulih virtues, also ail exteusiv knowleilge of tho Turious discuses which nrt'ei-t the huliisil s'stetn, snd how to silapt reinclics to tlae diseases ! It is honihlelo think, aisl to know how cruelly the af flicted are imposed upon by presumptuous men lis the sake of usaiey ! Fortunes make .an of the agonies ot" the sick t and no equivalent rendered the dcssirhig sufferers ! It is to orrest frauds upon the uufortuisite. lo nonr balm into wounded hunwiiitv, lo kindle hops m the drSilruig bosoru. to restore heallh and lasuu. and vicor into Hie rrushol sml broken, and to baniah infirmity, that Old Dr. Jac Townsend Isis s.ighl and found Ihe opportunity and means to bring his Grand I niverssl Cwioentnjjd KeOkdy wilhin Uie reach, and to lbs knowledge of all wls need II, that they niay hum and know, hy J''ytul experienca, us TRANSCENDENT PfJWER TO HEAL, And thus to hsvs the unnnrehsseat astisfactios of hsving raised ih.wsauds and uulhonS I rom the bed of sickness and dMmaenev to b"t. "d io" '"e ' v''0, uaefuluness to thermsdves. their families sml friends. AaisT-IIENKY MASTER, Bunbury. July 96, lrMB. iy uw rilE A8, from tlie New York Clinton snd Pekin I Tes Company. For sale bjr S. W. FRILING. Bunburyi Pec 4. 1848 BOOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several cop ies of the lite of Christ, and slso s number of gold pens which we will sell at tlis Philadelphia prices. For sule at this office. DADD'S celebrated Horse and CaUle Medi ciits for sale by HENRY MArfitR PunVury Jan. Srth, ll THE 8PAF11SU CONSUL BOUND OVER. CHAntcsToic. Aug. K. The rftuments of counsel in the kbduc tion case are terrhinateil, and tbe Spanish Consul has been bound over in the suth of $5000 to answer the charge of abduction be fore ihe United State Circuit Coutt, at ita December sitting. Hia four accomplice Lorenlz, McCorinellj Maria and Engle, have bean bound over in the sum of $3500 eachi to be tried at thn aama lima. Th. Consul Ihaa entered a ablethn protest against the1 whole proceedings; : : f (; ' " 1 'IIS ( . ; Geh. Taylor'i Reception in Ptlhburg- . PlTTSBVRO, Aug,. 18. General Taylor arrived in our city thia af ternoon, and jntet . a moit cordial reception from Ihousands of our citizens. The topi out of the militjtry, Wak very imposing. He teeme quite well; though soriiewhat fatigued with travelling. California Gold on the Hot; to tlte Mint. Unci, Aug. 18. Frank Williams and Mr. Webster arrived here tin's morning with about $30,000 of Cal ifornia gold. They left again in the 10 o' clock train en route for the Philadelphia mint. They left tlie diggings in Junoi Fatiikr Mathew has lllusfar admimMPit'd the pledge id atout io,d"do ferlons iri Bdston and tho iriimedl'ale Vicinity; T7M..C. WILSON, of Milton respectuilly f. ' ' fers himself as a candidate for the office of ltcgister A. Hccorder, for Isortliumb'-rlnnil County. Should he be clee ted he promises faithfully td dif-hargc the duties of dniil office. , . Millon, Aug.lS, 184H'. To tlie Democratic Toiers of S6r tlitinib'crlnnd County, Fni'ilw ilit.ns: Wtirrtily ttrped by many of my Irirl'dn, I oiler myself as a candidate for the oirtcc of REGISTER AND RRCOHbER at the ensuing cbctinn, soliciting at Uie hands of my Ueniocrutic. brethren the preliminary nomina tion, plcdtt'me myself (if itominntcd anil elected,) lo illschanre in f(uot faith all the duties incum bent mi said nlli. e. Very respectfully your fellow citizen, JOHN W. MILES. Jniv 'ji. isi'.i: MiG INTER ft 1'sECORUr.R, &c. 'J'HE tni.!eisii;iicd respectfully ofl'rrs himself as a Cnikliil.iie at the next jroncral Election, for those offices, licinrr well acquainted with the duties for wveral years, t) ml fully determined, if elected, to ilischarge them faithfully, he believes he could ijive tri-nertil sntifictinn; I also plciltrc myself, thnt. if elected, I will apply the one linll'uf the nrtt proceeds of the olliccs, to tlicKtipHirt jd'.Mis, Irwin and her Orphan children (whose indigent circumstances greatly heed it,) lot two yenrs fnrM Dhcembr rleit, the litne Mr. Irwin's term would hiivc expired, if ho had lived. The support of lite electors would he (really re membered bv , DAVIT) hDCKF.FF.LLER. Suiitiury, August l, let-ltl: TtlTHK Kl.KC.TOnS OK NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. 'I'HK stibs.-i il'cr lakes this ocras'.on to announces to his irii iiils and fellow cilizctis, of NorthuCi Is rlnnil i-onnly, Ilia In- Wu candtdate for the office "REGlSTfiR & RECORDER. &c. fur the crtunty ii N oiihuniicrland, and respectful ly solicits their sujipnrt nt the ensuing, election. Should he Ik- elected he will perform the duties of said otliee with fidelity. FREDERICK HAAS. Up. Augusta township, July 14, 1849. Td THE ELF.tTORS OF N0UTHUMBER- LAND C0lTNTY. 'T'HE suliscrilier at the solicitation, of s number 'of his friends Sfrain oiftrs himself to his friends and fellow citizen uf Northumberland, as a candi date for tlie office of REGISTER &. hfeb'ORDER &c. Should he be. elected, hie promise 19 ;spa,re no time or atten(ion to Jischargo the duties of the said office faithfully and iinpartiallv. JAMES Di BARR. Lewis township, July 14, lc.49. REGISTER & RECORDER, &c.; THK stilsvriber has been solicited to otVer hira sell" n;am (or the ollice of HfOliTKU S. RECORDER for Northiinilicrlniid county, and Irnsw if elected, his experience in said otliee w ill enable him todis chhr(e Its duties satisfactorily. , . . JOHN P. PURSEL. 'uttbury, June S3, lSlsi. TO THE ELECTORS t)F NORTHUM BERLAND COUNTY. Fri-i.ow-CiTizi.Ms: At Ihe solicitation of a number of my old frietlds, ih diHl-'rcnt parte of the county, I hereby ofi'rr myself as a candidate for tlie office of REGISTIsR Si. Itl.C OhDEU at the distant; election, , Edward oyster. runWiry, June 30, 1849. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTIirMBEU LAN'b COUNTY. ( Fsllow Cms ens. Eiicouraijed by numerous friends I hereby offer myself to your bensideratioa aa a cohtlillate frlf the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the next general electio'ti. fehoiild I receive a majority of your aulfranea. i will endeavor tu dis charge tlie duties tlf said office with fidelity. WILLIAM M. AUTE1S, Chilisquaquc township, June 16, 1849. "COtTNTY COMMISSIONER. ThE subscrilier offers himself to the electors of Northumberland county aa a candidsta for COMMISSIONER: should he be elected he will faithfully discharge ' the duties ef his office. WILLIAM WILSON. Lewis township, June SU, leUo'. COUNTY TREASURER. JJVC0B YOUNG, of the Borouih ofSu'nbMyjr oflers himsctf to tfie electors or Korth'flrnessr land County, as a candidate for tlie offict ot TUEA81 REII. Should he be elected, lie will endeavor to discharfe the duties of the office in sucH a hiannar as to (ive general satisfaction, Suubury June 9, 1S49 TO ffiEtetCT0lyS0F NORlTlUKk , LiND COUNTY. WM, W. BfeTTlLYON. of Upper Auj- oiTeyi himself to the electors of Noif j berland county ss a candidatrfoc . J tOlXTT TUCISI'R v ribould be elected, he promises to f f duties of said office with fidelity. ' Uj-pcr Augusts, June P, 15 - 3-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers