SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. WHOLESALE REMOVAL OF THE DE-POSITS. AnAini Disclosure!- 127,000 in Specie Abstracted from tk Missouri Bank. St. Louis, August 13. A deficit of $127,969 was discovered ii Hhe Bank of Missouri, on Saturday last. Th disclosure has causeJ rmjoh excite tment In our community, tuougk fears need t entertained as to the solvency ef the bank. ' It appear that on Friday afternoon t heavy draft was presented by Page & Bacon in paying which the paying teller had occa ion to resort to some boxes containing for ign coin. These boxes, together 'with a numluir 4f ntlinrn. had been laid aside to await an oniwrlunily to be sent to the mint for recoiuinc their contents; and, s the key of the vault containing the American gold had been temporarily di&placed, tlicse were Tesorted to. On opening the first box, the teller was astonished to find lhat'a bag of ten thaler pieces had been abstracted heiinme diately opened another box, when, lo! a bag lof sovereigns was gone and so on through the remainder of the boxes. The Teller immediately made the Presi dent of the Bank acquainted with the defirit, and a meeting of the directors wa held on Saturday morning for the purpose of investi gating the matter. It was soon made appa rent that some thirty-three boxes of foreign coin-on hundred and twenty-seven thousand dollars ban been abstracted! The coin was all counted and sealed up "last March. So far, only the foreign gold "has been counted, but a thorough examina tion will be had to-day. It is thought tho defalcation will tint be touitd materially greater. Suspicion having rested on the Into Paying Teller, Nathaniel Childs, he was arretted and held lo bail in the sum of $30.0011. until Wednesday, when fuither investigations will (be made. The required amount of bail was furnished tut the accused is not permitted to leave his residence. Mr. Childs lias heretofore borne an irre proachable character, nnd was universally esteemed. He was at the head of one of our principal Sunday Schools, lie has also been an ollicer of the Bunk since its founda tion. Gen. Ocdisot and tiu Amkiucan Consvl it Rome The house of the American Con sul at Home, Mr. Brown, was entered by French soldiers, and two persons anested. It appears, according lo the Republic, that Gen. Oudinut had instituted an examination into the affair, on the representation of Mr. Brown. In 4the course of this examination it ap pears that two of Mr. Brown" servants (Italians) had, repeatedly, during the day, in sulted the, French soldiers in passing. At ihe time in question, an individual belonging to a large crowd of Italians, which, in defi ance of a general order of the day previous, was assembled, lo the number of a hundred or a hundred and fifty, at the consul's house, had draw n a puinard upon the guard. A pa trol, .passing at the time, entered. the house, not being apprised of its character, und made u prisoner of the individual in question, and of another, who was recognized as a deserter frem the French army. They then with drew with the prisoners. It was in evidence, upon oath, that iho patrol dpported them selves without menace, and were uninformed if the character of the premises until they .vere on Ihe .point of retiring. Gen. Oudiuot, in consequence of Mr. brown's absence, addressed Mr. Cass, ex pressing the .profound regret which he had xperieneed at Ihe error that had been com mitted, which had been previously expressed l person to the American Consul and ice ousul. Me also renewed to Mr. Cuss the Sfcurancc that no one in the French army ad harbored the design of disregarding the ghts of his country, or questioning the in iolabilily of doiuicil of diplomatic function ies. The two prisoners were also released y the orders of Iho French General. All tat was required to satisfy tho Consul ap ;ars to have been done by General Oudiuot. Cf ci'MUER. When n cucumber is taken )m the vines, let t be cut off with a knife iving about an eighth of an inch of the cu mber remaining to the stem upon which grew, then slit the stem with a knife from 'end to the vino, leaving a paiticle of the cumber to each division, and us many slits divisions its are made in it, there will be w cucumbers, as large and as fine as those it grow to the natural way. Agriculturist. Strange u the above may seem, a person ures us he has repeatedly succeeded in experiment ; but the second giowth will be as fair or as large aa the first. Jftw ven Register. Irjt. Tw ioos, who distinguished himself Mexico, is appointed to superintend mili- operations against the Indians in Florida, i regiment, the 7th infantry, and four ipanies are assigned to his command. i. Twig;, is aecuslomed tit Indian war . Intelligence from Florida induces the ef that the Indian' difficulty in that State been exaggerated. The various com ids sent from Augustine have seen no In s, nor any signs of them, according to the ial report ot their officers. If there is fighting to do, Tw iggs will do it. iriNEMEM. A Hoosier paper thus hu msly enumerates the polished phrases h have superseded ancient vulgarisms: lady steps into a store and inquires for tighteners," (garters used to be the .) 'Caper sauce" is called "Elssler itn nce,' and ,!sweet potatoes," "dulcet aiea." "Raising the old Harry," or the Nick," is more politely expressed by ating the ancient Henry," or "walling venerable Nicholas." wtHinsK TaxDe. -The Elkton (Md.) crat says that the sawed lumber brought I Deposit, annually, is valued at $75,. K); while the shingles and unsawed r which are brought down the Susque to the same place awell the aggregate 1,009,000 feet ! Tho trade in granite, uarri s in the immediate vicinity of .posit, is valued" al over ?:5;ono. D1KD, In this place on Tuesday last, of cholera morbus, Mr. DANIEL J3ALDY, in the 60th year of his age. In this place, on Monday last, Of Consump tion, Mrs. DELANEY, of Philadelphia, aged 60 years. In this place, on last Thursday afternoon, AMELIA, daughter of Mr. Solomon Brocious, aged about S years. ' In Danville, on Monday last, Mr. JOHN Mc.QUAHE, of Elmira, N. Y , formerly of Danville, aged about 30 years. lle wast the time of his death on a visit with his wife and part of his family. His re mains were interred at Northumberland, on Wednesday last, in the burial ground of his relatives.) At Mount Airv, near Philadelphia, on Sun day morning, 12th inst., at 5 o'clock, Lieut EDWARD K. LE CLKRC, late of the 2d Re giment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, son of Jo seph P. Le Clerc, Esq., of Wilkesbarre, Pa., after a short illess, in the 31st year of his "go- L)C iHarkcts. Alii. 13, 1849. Wheat Prime Pennsylvania reds are held at SI 10 u 111 and white at SI ClaSl 15. Rye Market bare would bring58e a 5(le. Corn. Further sales of yellow Com at Olo per bushel of 5C lbs.; white is worth 5Sa til) c. Oats. Southern Oats aro held at 2? a 31 ; Peima. 33 n 34c. Whiskey. Sales in hhds at 24 c and in bbls ut B4i cents. BALTIMORE MAKKET. OJict of the American, Aug. 14. 1819. GRAIN. Whent Sales of 4,000 bushels at 1 08 a 81 11 for prime white, and SI 04 a l 07 lor prime red. CORN Has slitrhtlv advanced, with sales of 10(11) bushel yellow at tin a i2 rents. OATS Sale at 2ti a 29c tier bushel. WHISKEY. Sales in bbls at 24 ie per gallon. SUNRl'RY I'lllCE CURRENT. Corrected weekly li Henry Masser. IIKAT. R t r.. ClIllN. Oats. BcTTin. Enns. PllllK. Flaxseed. Tallow. ljtKSWAX. Flax. II u KLiii Flax. Dhikii An-i.Ks. Do. I'kaciiks. 100 50 50 31 12 9 5 125 10 35 . 8 10 . 50 200 I'wo Vnhmlilc H'tnnta! ioijh AT PUHLIC SALE- TY virtue of the last Will and Testament o Georirc Krehs, dcc'd.late of Jackson low nship, Northumberland county, the undersigned Exccu to will sell ut pulilic sale, on the prcnirses on tS- TCiniAr, the l.itli ot okptkviikk, net at 10 u clock, A. M. the following described rcul property viz: .4 Plantation, containing 50 acres, inure or less, situate in slid Jackson township, hounded hy land of Jacob tSnnger, John M. S-'nyder, Peter Reyboek and others. Thereon is erected a two story stone dwelling; oust, a liunk li.n n, a Spring-housc nnd never-failing spring of w ater upwauls of 20 acres of this tract consists of of meadow land. Also an Orchard and Cider Press. Another I'Sitiitsilion, containing 100 ai res, more or less, adjoining (lie first mentioned plantation, nnd lands of tieorec Hoomcr, William Schickel, David Zurtmnii and others. On tins plantation there is nlso erected a two story log dwelling House, a log Ham, a never failing spriiif; of water, and a sufficient quantity of meadow land, an excellent Orchard of every va riety of fruit trees. There arc upw ards of 00 acres cleared and the residue well timbered. Attendance will lie given and conditions of sale made know ii on the day of sale bv GEORGE DEPPIN.Ex'r. August 11, 1849 ts Estate of Alexander Strickland. Occ'd. JV OTICE is hereby given that letters trstamcn ' tnry have lieen granted to the subscribers, on the estate of Alexander Strickland, late of Upper Augusta township, Nortlium!crland countv tlec'd. All persons indctitcd to said estate or "having claims against the same, arc requested to call on the subscribers for settlement. WM, (JASS i . W.M. M. MILLER. 'x "' L'p. .-lugusta Ulip. Augusta 11, 1819. 6t WHY WILL YOB! Sl ITESt? WHY will you n.fftect those preiu uitor nyinptoms Which ure iriviiijf you wuruug ihat somt thing must In- dime M save y.iu I'toin the (itai-t of the consumptive ? Why euciuriiut! tljtt Iiai king e,.iirli tin. uin in tn side night nweuta ranuig ef tilmxt or dnitculty u' bri-tilhiuir Wliy cb-nlml and tostiTliie biftKAxi; Hint l pr. yiuir npiu y.nir vitals, takuif! uwny your strength with eneli passu. Juy, and husteuine yog to "tliat b lurue irom whence au traveller returiun He it now uble lo trueel and iitlunil lo las tiuKini'sa. Witiuai the ea- of Key. Ilenrv J.huk, lis. Ki(iht Ave nue, who wu cured ol u eouuh ol SO years UiiiiIiiik ; M r. Allree, .No. e-j i:..rHt-llu-iitri'el. who had been pivrn up by'Drs. Molt, It.we Mil Mcl'lelluu. The iniuulrliild of Christum Klrulik, ISj l.udlow-sireet, who wus also given uploiliu. .Mrs. MiUne, lorinerly ol llr.siVIni, whni the first l'hysieiuiM said caikl lint In eurnl ; and a host of othfniwh.i have tweu nrilieut with ASTHMA. CONsSl.MI'TlON, UVF.ll fOMI'LAINT, and alt the varit-us tonus of dihrnse in llie viral nrirnus. Do any douls lln; rtlKtiey is llus medicine ? Lei thetn ffn and converse with those who hnve bei'ii cured by II. l'tunphlclK e Mituioui the imineg and rt'sidcueei of a siuiill isirtuM ol' luceii ir.nv tie otsniurd, erniis. In pureliasiuf;, he sure V"U B. t llie lienuiue, ask for "SIIKIIM AN S A I.I, HKAI.lNli ltAISAM.o und mm llml the written sieua. lure of A. MitTiuau, M. I), is on tin- rupiterof each ttoltle SHERMAN'S POOR MAN'S I'liASTKIt has cured more eases of Itheumntitui, l'uiu ia llie Hurk, Sule nnd Chest. LuiulsifM nnd Wefikni, lliuu any appli cation tiuit bus iiierejtseil, Inuutrtsls ot' uupruielpled ruseala liaveutiempu-d to emutcrfeit ii. and mhu it isf uisei th eoinmunily us ttie genuine. Beware S' lleceSitl.. Iti'iuember tht.l the true und keuuiue l'luster i suread uis reildikh pajwr made expieMly llie purtsiw and every lie Mifimlure ol 1-ir. i-ucuauu is priuttl uisin Ihe buck riavter. nnd Ihe whle secured bv Cony Itiiiht. NiHie others are iri-iiuine. Ther. f ire wlien you wuni u ruil uiskI Sheruu4's Pistf Mnis Cluster, eull ut Iheodiee, 1141 N'utsuu Mreel, and you will is be disaiinlnl. Keiueiuber pnnelMil litn.-e lisi .'Missnu-ilnt, ew. ora, where nil Dr. Mifriiiiui's li.i-iiU' ure a-ikl. His Auents "'f Mrs. llnya, I'lll Fulton streel. Uruoklyii; Hiii'i, Williaiusbum: and HeddiiiL' A Co. rtoslou, und JOHN Ylll Mi.lHiuilsirv. M. A. MeCAY, NurlhuihlierLiiul Au-(. Jl, ik(0 eh eSui ly Ili'tde Letting. pitOPOSALS will lie received at NpattV Hotel in licomi town. Lower Mahonov townshiu. on the 14th day of August, lb'4, between the hours of 11 A.M. and 3 P.M., for huilding a bridge over ths Run near the house of Peter Uixler, Esq.. WILLIAM FOLLMEH, JACOU HOFPA, CHAKLES WEAVER. . Couimistioncrs. Lommiuioiitn ofnee, Sunbury, July S8, 1849, Valuable Ilooka. IIFE or Christ, handsomely bound, D'Ao- utost's Histosv or ths Hh-ubmatio, Dlask Dir-aooKs asb Liuoius, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by H B MASSER. Sunbury, July II, 1M9. IVIN'S CRACKER BAKERY. Xo. 198 Xorth Front Sl.t above Vine, VnXX.ADEX.PHXA. THE subscriber eontinues to make of the best material, and keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of CRACKERS, Sugar Soda and Brand Biscuits, Jumbles, (pees, Scotch cakes and Gingeruuts, &c 41so a Urge supply of Navy, pilot and other shipping breads, all of which they guarantee to Le made of tho best materials, and engage to sell at tho lowest cash pices at their old iMnbhthul ,taud, No. 198 North Front st., above Vino. J. S. IVIXS'.k Co. Philadelphia, July 21, 1849.- 4t, . BOSS OINTMENT, TOXt TETTEB "I ) EAI) the following cviliiirme from Pant. Dcvoe. tho J 1 welt known and popular lium iiuut Copluiu (of Uie Traveller.) PiiiLAHELraiA, October at, IMO. fevemt years sinro I w nttnckod with a braiktiifr ont rm my iieiik in tlw furni ot Teller, whirh 1 tint C'liiviaeMl w-iiR ntriiru-l al tlif. H:irlK'rShnn. It prunilnully extern), fil over my fnee until it rwirhen tlt upper irt of the eeks. tl'itrinv Ihi. si'veral iihiiiiIis llml it eontinuctl stnvilinr. I unit diuVrrnt nppliritlnns. inr iif vliiili luij llie i-fTifl, upprently nl It-aul, .f inrrensintr llie dieane, but from none ol thrtn'diit 1 perceive the kiutt. brnrlit until I npplied lh. Hour Dintmknt. lly tin use of one jar ol' it, I was purlectly cured und have r'uimuied free ol the nllee tlon. 1 have sinee ued the Ointment, tiplilly applied forrouph. newi of the luce, blntrhrs. eliannnl hiiitds. &.C. AVith ner- f'el net'rs. I have int hfMtntt.m ill recoiuiueudiag It ill Ihe slroaeest manner to Ihe patilic. jamks nr.vor.. Atrent IlrRV Masser, Sunbury. July 'ii, 1MII. TICSINOR'S COT,TJMBiyi.N r.PELLINQ BOOK. T)EI.(ia progressive and t!oiiiirchensive Sys" tem of Ortliocrapy and Orthoepy, iiicludiiig a variety of definitions, udapted to the use uf Schools in the American Republic', by Alinoii Ticknor, a Teaclier of twcnty-livo year's vxeri cnee, and author of the Columbian Calculators, l'larticul Common School Mensuration, Ac. The attention of Teachers, .School Directors, parents, &c, is invited to this new Spelling llook, which conforms to the modern spelling and usages in Orthography as being one of the neatest, cheapest best arranged, and better adapted to the wants of children, than any other published in the I'nited Stats. It in what it purports to be, a Spelling llook nnd not a Heading Hook, and only requires an examination ou the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of tli; L'nitcd States. Just published, und for sale by llc.Niiv Masskii, Sunbury. Where Teachers and Directors cun procure copies for examination. August 4, lN'IU P.TE1TT 1CEDISI1TEC. Green's Oxygenated Hitter, price reduced. ( Mil Jacob Ton-iisrnd'sSarsaparilla. Maker's Sarsaparilla. Swayuc's y nip of Wild Cherry. Sw. iv ne's Verinifiige. Ay re's ( 'berry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullen'8 do Til)bil's Pain Killer. Dr. lloofiand's (icrmnn Bilteia' Indian Veeetublc Pills Horse and Cattle Medicines For sale bv 1IE.NKY MASTER. Sunbury, July I I, 1S19. ELYS BURG ACADEMY. rPIlE necond term of this institution will com. nic nee on Monday the llth day of August next, uudbr the suprrvi4un of Spencer L. Piniicy, A. 11. It presents the advantages of cheap boarding in orderly families, a healthy locution, and a c.nuj c tent und experienced teacher. Terms of Tuition : For Latin and Greek languuges, and Malhematics, $3,00 Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Histo ry, Ac. ' ' 3.00 lirnnches of a Common School Educa tion. COO ('ompoMtion und Declamation will "oc required weekly from those who are sufficiently advanced in their studies. The term will consist of twelve weeks. Elysbtirg, July '.'S. 1S10. 4t. Kquitable l.ll'e Itixnraiicc, Annuity nnd Trust Company. OPF1CF.7I WAI.M T STKKKT, I'llII.ADKI.PItlA. Capital !?J'I).iioO. 1 uakteh Perietual rwIIl-' rnniuuy tire now prt'inrnl to trunwirt busines I ntfin the ui'wl lilienil nnd urtvnntuL'ms turuis. They nre aiitliirizi-d by their rhurtrr (wet. II) 'to nuike all und every imuntnrr upH-rl:tinin( t lite risks of whatever kind or nature, and t't reeeive and exeeule trusts, luuke endow ments, nnd to pntnl nnd puri-hnse nuuuiti." The Com pany wit nnnuilie und eiutowlueuts, and act as Truitters lor ininirsuiid heirs. Tulilv ol PrcmiuinN require.1 f.ii the Assurance of $100 lor the whole term of Lue. Afie. Prem. Ae. I'retn. Age. 1'retn. IA I M ill it tS.I 1U 3 : 17 1 1 ! S 15 47 3 40 H I AO ,'CI 4 -20 4S 3 0-2 10 I 1 SO SI S7 411 3 77 .si l no 3." i :tl so 3 !!1 1 It) 30 S 411 fll 4 n l 1 ml 37 47 sa 4 w 'JA I us IK s 51 5:1 4 51 I 1 7'. WJ l 51 4 71 C 1 7ti 40 !! 7U 55 4 01 -.11 t II tH) 5S Sill 21 I sM 4'J !i iri 57 i :tl 1- 1 t 4:1 3 (II 5 5 ol Jtl I le. "it 3 14 511 4 7 M Sol 45 3J 00 SCI The premiums are less thriu any other cimKiny, and llie sluies greater udviMiliitrrs. Tublrs of li:ilf-ye:uly und quarterly premiunis. halt' credit rales of prennliin. sliorl terms, joint lives, survivorship unit endowments; nisi, form of Application (fir which there ure bl.'ink slit-eU-) ate o lie hud ou upnlii:in..u tit the Klhee, or by teller to the Agent, J. II. Ft ItllV, Siiunury. n.riK rou iSki'Ko ilou ou a single Lifu A ue. -2o .'Ml 40 511 ill For I ir. bl tnl l,s 3, 1M For 7 vears. ol I,:hi 1, V4 2, (17 3, u7 For Life. l.lill 9.01 SI.7U 3.irl 6,04 F.KAUPl.a A persist ased 30 yairs nelt birth ihty, by psyuitf Uie CN.uiuiuy oa eenls would seeure In his fauiily or heirs t?ln" should he die in one year; or lor V,.g0 lie stw eareif toihem elono; or for put aimuiilly for seven ymii he seeuruu In them sillMK) should he die in seven years; 01 for siid uuuually durinu life lie secures tilimo to be Isuri wtuvi lie dies. Tiie insurer secuims: his own binus, ly the dill"rene in atlliuiit(U'lireilliuuui innullioseehHrveil by oilnx orhees. For M9.SU die heirs would receive 8.joiKl should hedie in one yejir. Forms 01 apiuieuimu unit ull pnrlieulars mav he hail at the olti.-e. 1'KTKH CL'U.I, I'resideut. Vice Frwiitent. Wm. M. Haiho. FUAh-cu V. Uawls, Si'eretary and Treasurer. Col.Tl FllYMClAS Dr. J. II. Masser, Sunbury. J. II 1'lu.jv, Sunbury, Ageiit for NorUiuuiueriaud coun unnury, j uiy IM'J, . ... .... CHARLES W H EG INS, AT LAV, 1'ottNvllle, ia. Will promptly attend to collections and all busl ncha entrusted to his care. June 1C, 1S4!), AME to the ireiniic8 of the Low. cr Ausiwt towushipalHiut tlirce weeks since, a dun-colored horse, with a black muuc, black legs below the kiiecs, und a bluck tail, and of snout the couunon siat). Ho hud 011 when he came a halter without a strap. The owner upon proving pro perty and paving tuo ei.pcuA'S can nave linn by talliiigon ' JOHX UCHXS. Lower August tshp, July 14, 1849. 4t fm OSE OINTMENT. A fronh supply of this exceltent Article for 1 rtter, t-c., jubt receive J ami for nale by HENKV MAbcitK. 8uubury, July 28, 1849. irKOB AND 8PK1NG MORTISE LAT It CUES. Au excllenl article, for caU at half llie uul price by J. W. FRILINti. Sunbury, July 7,17-19- FIIScJUE PAPER. Yellow Tiwue paier for 1 covering gluasEi, cVc, for tale al the of the American. BLANKS. ' of every dcacriptivn a Bai ANKi' ol' every dcacriptivn can b had by M3 applyms at the ctlitt of th Amrncan. KESOLUTION. RELATIVE TO JiX AMENDMENT OF TIIE CONSTITUTION. " RlUOMtD T Till flENATR AND Hot Or RBI'RtSlHT. t'ivm vw thk Common wkaltii or Petiiciylvajiia in Okvkral Arrmblt mkt. That Hie CoiiffUtutinn of tlm C"mmoitwlth b tmentled in lite Mooml vectimi of (lie fil Hi artlcU, i Hint it tluili read an lolW-wii The Judcre uf (he I?upreiii Court, of theiicveralCourtSfH'Cofiiiio" rlos, nnd ot Mich other Conrln of Rrcord nre fwhall tie etito bliNhed ly luw, tholl be eleftcri by tlie nimlificU elector'1 tho Conimoiiweulth in Uiu iniuiner folluwiiifr, to will The Jutlgoa " the Supreme (.'nutt, y the tiuahlied elector f theCoiiunonwenlth nt large. The Promt lent Jwlgi of the aTeral durtn 01 Coimiiuii Plo ami of anch lAfacr Conrla ol Itecurd aa are or ahall Imj etullthetl by iuw, aini oil othurJudpen requirrcl to hn k'irmil in the law, by the quulU fird electxra of the renertive dixtrirta over which they ore to preaidft or act aa Juihreft. And I He Am"uin,e Judi-a oft he Court of Common I'leu by ihe -jualtUi ekct-jra til' the ountii'! rftrN-livt;ly, Tin: Jutljt ol Ino Suiireme Court nhnll Imltl their oflic' fnf tin tenn of lifteeti years, if (liey ilmll a l-mi,' bftuive ibfintn lvi well: (ubjet:t Ut the ull'itnwMit lureuiiiir nnivitbti lr. aobioiueitt to the 6 rat eln-tioii ;) Thf Pr !.iciit jmimn il t)iea'erul C- urii of Coutinnn IMeiiK, nntl tf nnih otlior wiiirt of Hec ird M are or nhull be emablothed by w, tintl nil other Jutlurra re quired to Lit leiirnetl in the luw. Kh.ilt hold their ullicei ftr thu term of ten year, if tin y ahull lonp l'hnve tliein aelve well : The Aiwriute .Itnlpe l' tin? Court of Com Miori IMetia nlinti hUI their ortn ts r the term ot live yenrv, if they ahull so lung lbav theium'tven well : all ol whom kIiuII he c Jimiiinrti uitii by Lite fri'vrnor. lot for miy reu ntniiilile catw wliirh n"hull not bo miiiicitnt grounds of inipeitc luiit'iil, the ni-riior alinll remove uy of ihem on tho urlilruKS ot two-llnnlf of eneh brunrh of the liirt!Uure. The first election alutll ttike nlttee ut. the gem nil elenioii of thix Couimnmveuhh nrxt niter tlie n(ln)tiitti of thin nuiend incut, and the eniiniiits(ns ( nil the jikcs who maybe then in oifire aim II expire on the first .M'-inhiy of Di-eem-Ikt foil iwing, when the It rm t-f the new 'judtrea ahnll cominence. The pern nt wh i nhnlt then bt clcetetl Judges of the ?upn'tiH. Cotirt Khali hokl their titbeea as Mlows: one of litem for three veioa, one for aix yeara, one for nine yenrjf, om- fur twelve yenr, nnd one for liiteeii years; tlm term ol eneh t Iht tlecided by lot by the wild jodiri-a, na so n nflei theeleel ion iw convenient, mid llie remit certihed by them to the (invent -r, llml the eomnioBioua limy be iitittutl in mse.inlrinec thereto. The iudire whose etmiinis sion will first expire shall be Chief Juntire during his lerm, and therenller eju li judge wh ae cunuiiiHftion tMmll hirt ex- Hire shtill tn turn bu the I Inei Just ire, nnd it two ur more eonuuisriojii ahull expin' (tit the sume thiy, the judp s liolilinir them slmll decide by lot which slntU Iw the Chief Justice. Any vacancies hapH uiitg by denth. lesignfition. or otherwise, in uny of Uie mud eouils. nlmll m tilM by nppointiiietit by Ihe Owveni'-r. to continue till the first Monday nf Decfmlwr aneeeeding the m-xt tfenrrnl election. The JitUfftA of the Supreme Court und the Presidents tf the Severn I Cinirl ol Coinnnui Pleus shall, at sin led limes, r ceive for their services nn utlequnte compensation, to be fixed by law. winch ahull not Iw diminished during their continuance in office, but they shall receive no fees or per tjiosites of oihre. nor hold imy other oriiee of prolit under thin Continonwerdth. or under the government of the I'ni-d-d States, or any other State of this Union. The Jodvea 01 the Slip"'!"' Court during their continuance in olhce shttll resitle within this Ctniintonwt uliti, nnd the other .linhrt's tint in tln ir coiiiiiiniinee m oriVc tluili reside within the district i -r county for which they wete respectively elected. WILLIAM K PACKKU, Speaker of the Hovsc of Representatives. CEO. DAUSIE, Speaker of the Senate. Is the Sknati:, Mahth J. 1849. pK!oLv t:n, That thU res iluliou imm. Yens 1, .Najs S. Kxtruet iVfiii the Joiirtud. SAML. W. I'KAUSOX, Cleiik. I. N THE IloV'SE Of llEPKKStXT.lTIVES. At'llIL 2, 184i). Kk".vi:h, T!i:ittliisrej' '111111111 pjiss. Vt-usO'', N'uys J0, lixLruel lutnllio J.iuriiul. WM. JACK, Ci.KUK. $Krru:TAKYs Okpice. Tiled April 3. 11-19. A. L. lirSSEL. Dep. See. of the Vum man wealth. iSKCHLTARV's Opkice. PENNSYLVANIA, . I poi'LKTU'v that theabove nnl foregoing ia a true nnd r irri-ct copy the Drihml lies -lution (Jf the A.usfnib!y,eutiti"d "Wis 'luti 'ii reluiive t-p an Amendment of the Cui inii tnl ion," as the Hinne rtniv.ins ou lile in this oil tec. -tTf lu teniim uy whereof I hnvo liereunto O-lRivV, et niv luikl. an.l cnnsciJ to be aHtveil the 'WLfctf Sidtti the Secretary's HTu-c at Uurris v't -T imL'' cU veiitti rbty of June. Anno V&4Z$j i oinitii, one thous;iud eight hundred and SiV'V forty.inne. ITFS TOWN'S END HAINES, Seeri) uf the Commonwealth. l.Toi'UNAL OF SKNATK "lit s ilution. No. 1", enliiled 'It .hit ion. wis read third time. On the (piesiion. will tlie S'-uate nree to the ics ilulion ? The Yeas umt Aava were lakilt agreeably lu the f i institution, und were as iv, iz : -Yks Messrs. lt-us. Urawley. Crnl-U runninghaiii porsuti, 1 1 iiiih. .1 )iii.s.n, laitwreuet, Levis. Mus in. M;il ihias. M'Cnsiin. Ilieh. Ilifli-u-ih. StdliT, Ktnkcy, Sat ery Sumll. Soiyser, S:err--tt ami Stmr '. -Sam AIestr. Itt i, Itriim. I-rick. lv King, Koniy-. luaeher, Potteigcr anil laisic, SeiJAhF.i; -S the qui .siion was determined lu the alTinnative." "JUL UNA L OF THE IIOL'SC OF HKPKUsENTA TIVKS. 1 Shall the rcMlntion pas ? The vena nnd liny were t iken agreeably to tlie pr vision oi' the tenth urtielu of the Constitution, and nre Ha follows, viz: "Yka Messrs .Gideon J.Hall, David J. llent. Cmig HiiUle, Peter 1. I(t oin, David M. Bole, Thomas K. Hull, Jacob Cort, John II. Uiehl, NathouM A. KHiott. Josejih Kinery, David ii. Kahletnan. William tlvnui, John pans ild( Samuel Kegely Joseph W. Fisher, Henry Af. Fuller, Th aiias Giore, liolx-rf IIrimism, George P. UensKey, Thoinria J. Herring. Joseph lliguins. Charles Hortz, Joseph II. Ilower, Iloln-rt Kltitz, llarrtstm P. Ioird, Altralmm lamlerton, Janis J. I'wis, .lauiea V. long, Jacob M' Curtney, John F-.M'Cnlloeh, IJui;h M'Kce, John M'iJingh I nr. Atiiim .Martin, Samuel Marx, John C. Myers, lid ward NirklestMi, Slewnrt pearee, James Porter. Henry C. Pratt, Alonzo HoMi, tieorgc Hupley, The odi-re II y man, 1 tenia ni S. Sehomover. Somiel Niberl, John Sharp, Christum Snively, TlMimaa O. Steel, Jerfinirih H. ShtbtiH, Joseph J. Siutiium, Marshall Svviirizwelder. Samuel Taugerl, Ge. T. Thoru, Nicholas Thorn. Armiah Wntiles, Knnuel WVt rich, Alouzn 1. Wil -ox, Daniel Zerliey und WiUiuin F. Packer, Speaker. a-. 'Nays Messes. Aimnslns K. Cornytt, David M. Court ney, David F.vans, llmry S. Ivims, Jnlm Fenlou, John W. George, Th anas Gillespie, Juhu II. Gordon, Win. Ileurv, .bttitr J. Kirk, Jofeph lit.ib:i'li, ltohrt K. Little, John S. M'f almont, J.,hn M'Kee, William M'Sherry. Josiah Miner, William T. M oriisou, John A. Otto, William Y. Ko)ertN. .I.'hu W. IloftelMary. John H. Itutherford, H Hundle Smith, John Smyth. .Lhu SAudi-r, George Wultera und iuvid F. Williams, -.'U. Sj the tmesium Was determined in the QtVuumtivc." fKBKTstiv'a OrFirr. ) llarribui, June 16, lullt. LN.NSYLVAMA. SS : r i miitntin iiiuv nit au r njui i"rTE"- a-L.L.a intr ii a true and eirrtvt copy "I'llm 'N'eaa1 I .. V ., - ir ...t .1 o. ..i.. attl Lit lie to ii ii iniit'iiriineiil il't In-1 'imdiiul um " i? UK ,lllt'' aiipeaiti on ihe Jonrnnl of (he KZ'-C' two 11 iui f of Llie iteiternl AjUsemlilv of this J vIV Coimu mutiilih, tor the -wion of lr!9. Wiined inv hand and the ea of naid office, the fifteenth lav of June, mie thMtnand eiuhl huntlrl nnd fortv-mue. TOWNSKXI) MAIXKS, Scc'ry of tlie Commonwealth. July 7, It-Ill 'tut. TUB FARMER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. MDITKI) BY liorVKKNKt K KM I'.HSON. N ON E VOLUME, Hoyal octavo, 1 1 C.5 .iRf , U'uuiifully bouail, containing, ,17 fine plalra, I 1m fiiilos nuinrtou Wood Cuts. Sold at about one fourth tlie rout of tlie KugUuli work, without anv 1 lutca. l'lio r'arnier's Kiicvolopodia is a real treaaurv of practical infovinatioii, wherein the experience of all unc and countries ia cure lutly rosTr.o rr to the present day, and admirably arranged for con venient reference." l)r. Darlington. c arc fully convince! that such an amount of valuable knowledge for farmer can be found in no other work in to cheap and convenient a form In fact, no Farmer who pretends to lie well inform ed in las profession, should be without this work." New lacnncssce Farmer. An excellent work, III to re ciiMriinneci in pre miums bv Agricultural nocitiea. J. S. Skinner. For Kile at thia Office, priiti $4. Also, bv E. W. CAR It, Third street, opposite the Exchange, I'hiladclphla I and .N. HICKMAN, Uulliniore, Maryland. (7 Ali Oautni Xht re inrnrisut at tuk CAH. July 14, 1819. 3m s hlntr ol Jauv Hipp, dec 'd. .T OTICE is hereby given that letter Test rlicnlary, have U en granted to tho uhrnk licr ou the estate of June Kinp, late of Rush township, Northumlicrland county, dee'd. Per ous'indebted (b said estate or having claims gaiiisV the same, are requested to present the same lor settlement to the suuscritiers, WILLIAM 11. KIPP. - ... ROUEUT C. KUSSEL, J Push township, July T, 1849. Ot VVTHEAT WAN T CI) On. dollar W i bushel, cash, Will ba paid for good wheat by IKA T. VLEMCAT. Sunbury Jn.S7th, 184'J tf. ir: JV. TENINGS. A cheap and excellent arU cl lux lasU iung sasb tor sale hy V J. W. F RILING, f unbury, July T, MtJ. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be expoaed to public sale at the Court House in Bunbury, on Saturday tho 4th day of August next; the undi vided two-sevenths part of a certain tract of land aituato in Shamokiu township, Northumberland county, adjoining Und of Jacob Lcisenring, Mor gan Hughes, Wilson Price, Solomon Rucli and others, containing in the whole about 387 acres, about Ti acres of which are cleared ( wtieron are erected a lot and frame house, a bam, fruit tree Ac, cVc. Late the estate of Joseph Yoeum, dee'd. Wale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when tha terms thereof will he made known. HCOH H.TEATsj. ) JOHN FAKXWORTH. J Ciuardiaus. U order of the Court. i Havid Kockeicller. Clk.O. C. Hunbury, Julv 7. I84!t ta AVUISK & t'LEMKM', Saddle and Hai-iieN .Tinker'. fKH E iiiidr.rsigned respectfully Q iiilorin the public that they have commenced the above busi ness in ttutihurv, nnd will con stantly keep mi hand and ninnuliicture to order, at their stand in Market street nearly opposite Young's store, all articles l?longine to their line of business. All articles manufactured by them will be made in the bent and most durable style, and at prices as reasonable as they can be had at uny other estab lishment in the county. They therefore respectfully solicit persons to call and examine for 'themselves before purchasing el.sewhcre. All kinds uf pro duce taken in by the storvs will be Uikcn in ex change at the market price. HENRY WT.IsE. Ai:t;iTi:s n. clement. .Sunbury, Juuu S3, 1S1U. CHOICE GROCERIES. & co. S. If. Comer Arch A" Street Philadelphia. B AVE now in store a well selected stock ol 0 C the very liest Family Ciroecries, which they will sell ut the lowest prices und warrant to please, (irern and lilack Tens Irom 1 down to '.ii ets per lb., the lil.u k Tea 45 ccnu hy the llox, is unusu il ly line, lnlii e of all quulilics and prices better tugar for li etc. per !!., tlnju any other store. Muccaroiii, Yermieelli, Ciuiton Ginger in tyrup, (Hie Oil of llie U-.-t brands, an assoilincnt of tiie richest Jellies, and cery article kept in our line. All goods sent to the country , put up neatly and securely l'ivasc try us once and satisfy yourselves whether we tau suit you. CUl.'i'ON & CO. S. Y. i:or. Arch & (ith !St. Philadelphia, May SO, leS4'.). chi-Uin ly CtRKAT AltitlVAL. OHN VY. FKIMNtt has just received nt his store in Sunbi'rv ml extensive assortment of NKY tiOODS, cf every variety which he is now ready to sell or exchaiiie for produce; and consist ing in part of cloths, lissi.mi:ri:s, Linen and Collon drillintf, and titmmei vrttr of nil kin il.s. Cai.hxirs, Chintz, Gincham, Lawns, &c. Muslins !il i;ac lied and utiblcaclifil. PALM LEAF AND OTHER HATS. Queens tea re and Hardware of all kinds. Dkugs Paints, anl Dyestti-ts. FISH, SALT, AND TLASTER. And a great variety of other articles all of which will be sold nt the Inwest terms. rMinbury, May 2d, ISt'J. LlQUOIxSVINKS,&a THE aubseritspr has just received a new supply - cf Ihe best liipioin that ever came to .Sunbury, consisting in part ot Superior old pale Uraiidy. Fine Cogniue Umndy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirit. New England lium. Fine Holland Gin. Suerior Old Whiskey Comm. in do. Sus?rior Maderia VYine Lisbon do. do. .Superior Port Wine, liurgandy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottles. C'hnmpngiie do. do. HENRY MASSER. SHiibury, May SC ISO. JUST. ARRIVES. A Sew Assortment orFrcNli (iooda. IRA T. CLEMENT, I) E.'PECTFLLIA' informs his friends, cus turners and others, that he has just received a handsome assortment of NEW GOODS ut his store in Market Square in .Sunbury, such as Drv lioods. Groceries, Quecns v h re, 1 1 a rd v a re, k . ."unbury, June S3, lP tO. THE rilEAP DOUK STORE. CAITIELS&SICITS'S C'uKAr Nkw k SKcoD hand Book Smoke, North H'c.l corner of Fourth and Arch Slreett Vhiladclithttt. Law Books, Theological and Classical Book, MEDICAL DOOXS, BIOGRAPHIC A Lie HISTORICAL BOOKS, SCHOOL UOOKS. Scikstific io Mathkhayic!. Room. Juvenile Books, in srent vnrielij. Hymn Books and Prayei Books, Bibles, all sites aim price. Blank Boo J s, TS'ritiifr Paper, amlStationnry, HViaOmt'e aud Ititall. IV- Oia prices are aHirh lowrr iliaii llw mmixah prisfs. ( r l.iliinni-s unit Hitiull unci-is ol ( ks purclias:ij. Hooks ini)oric1 lo orilcr troiu l.-iiidou. J'liiluilililuu, juiil U, ins-y otltc to l'liiitif ut lt tors. ALL eollcelnrs of taxes wh.we duplicate pre vions to m4ll, have not lieen settled, are here by notified that their bond wil! be entered on re cord if settlcmqut is not made. By order of the Commissioners, GKOKGE MAKTIN, Clk. Sunbury, July T, 1S4U LA 111) LA MI'S. COKXELIll . CO. No. 110 ( lirsnut t , ESPECTFl'LLY announce that Ihcyhave just finished the most eitemive asswlment of LAMPS, thev have ever offereilfor ale, coiniirisinj ELF.dANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, slAMTr.L lujhts, &c. In gri-at variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGN'S. Much attention ha been paid to ECONOMY, in tlie construction of tliee Lamps, and such are niade as will produce the greatest amount of light from tlie least consumption of Lard. Recent iniiitoveoienUi in the manufactory, with f - 1 . J L . tlie introduction 01 new ana permcuso niscmnery, enables them to sell at a vary GREAT REDUC TION front former prices, and all articles before leavina th manufactory, are carefully inspocled, and are warranted perfectly tight, and to give satis faction. Philadelphia, June t, 1849 ly IJAISINS, Currants, citron, cheese, pepper sauce, Ac. For sals by J. W. J KILING Punbun-, Tec. 5, IHI- rthfHandof Cut of fwr Cnnm. fyptilitind Othtt mpurr riiwiwjt of the hloml-nd iftkrl aunt HUAXTITY which u of 7 a f Proof of the purifying mdirot ptm- Haemte thtn th$n is unquestionable ttidtnet thai- BRANT'S INDIAN i fuch A Mriicinr. in rvorr ro':t ; Mid there t abuiv dmit pro.. I. hi trial curt r'tlurU'il. Uiat ONL HOT! l,K .if tt iiHitniii ftur iMiriitinff. hfHltnir virtur nnrl medical pwr tn mi Ut re j cnntJiii'-il tn four Hottle$ of y r mparilia, ur tiny othvr medk'inr tlmt h'i ever .Mien iittl-rud lr mile. 1'hfi- ii utniMulitl pntut iti mir pinjililct, thar It th uhv of tin- enrnt Tntiittn Purler, tticy thi wr bri.vo tt't LtVK ihjy tlmt wern I. auk uml tJair ri.KD cun inw Walk thi y 'tliHt were Hick. rcKoruinti, iiJ utlmrwitttf dlM'itrfd, liuv lcnn Hkai.kii Hint CtiiKb. IIuiliitGds Thousands frit bttvH unrtl Khakt'r I'fHtuKit. uttftr 17 used nnit totted at. t. thr rnrtPfHtritlKt irJ other ntcdtciiic rucuui Bieitded tu t-urif bliHnl riiicBi"rt hnvii dtd'ltd llmV Brant's is tho Cheapest, bream Out llutth of it Im mort incilii-xl. curmive mut ter in it hiuI. iti ctt:.M aetice, eurm tnrc tiisct in ruucU Usi tme. Limn vne luftHr of imy tit her incdicinti. M. ih.Mi. O.Si: liuuUui hiiA'r I'uihkikk curn FOC'H 1'IME.S untie dit H8 thuti hottir uf mmattl riiU n PrHtrirn' woiiM be us th-ap Ht frurdot- tart n l.mtle. uf tawaftri.V t w dattir. Hut HH ANT'S I'L'Kii'lKIL 1. ihi l.l lur unly (INK 1M jLI.AR 11 buitltf t hikI r h IniUlt! of it ka cun-d. and ii A;wiVr cf ctinn. Fauf Tine n much diieHtti m one bottle of mrmHirHlt. tliitre fure, "ur-t'(pui.!ii, in coiin qumoti of it cm, pownr hiuI lesn hn-di'Hl Hlii N'-y, should bit miM Ht no mere tltou 'IHtenly b'irc (-t jilt bottle, to bu h c?. h tbj I'tHl Hk i One liuUctr. Ono Dollar's Worth! How much t'AVCKH -ihiw much Svpmilii Imw mifh Schokli. will t htv J tutiar'e tcorthn't llra-tt $ PL lUe'ltZH rum? KchiI liic lulIowuit lUtciiieut. wlncli i u luen of ii- uotver. CANCSROITS SCROFULA! 'I ict titf raw of n luituf man who yet I'w ll rrt curiJ nl m wurfte car ot r'i rotiilH, by oniy Tutlre Buuim ol Hi mi iti Purifier, tfinn ever hi curcii by the liie uf Tttcltt tialfontoi the hmt ur6ponlla rhttt wmc ev r niudf. SHrsHpHiii: Un not mtfficitni mcdicbl ptTVret to (tlliuct tha CUi of tucli n rrval:imtlo hoprUtfi vhp Mr. J li. JUsxt.N.ol Nome, Onri tin Co . A. V. hd Srof tila four yrvfr.wiu coutined tn hi U-d the Ut rr-li wh no much di-CM-ed itiiti dehiiitttod to ! uimitltt to ruiev hi" h-o.d MliU Lend, lie hn.l the brA nietiicnl nt-tt-e iittd imeit all ut the O ft turf anllat lo no v,H. rtftirt i!it torte Mnd wort. Mid vtn t uo-nt.-n d in be in nnd could nut live tjcriitv hntrr$ longer, when he ci inmi need otna IUIAN T-i'l'tHIKIKIt. Hit rA wmh ttittn ntttrUt oft', front tr u rtirn olt w Nt enten thioiii!ll Ida tcindjiipe uiitler hi i hin. no lit it lit I'tvmliMd tliitiujii the ho!o his titr win to i.ntin b-oimd thtl it could be lifted up out fit it phtre, tt only holdinj; hv n email ic llie 11 e t! mie aim vmj d!-tror.,d by two V,. ct:rj an l lrrr iirtli-r the unti. Ht lucre nt n nntu'4 Aa.iJ. hud iii-ti y rt't t throui'h Ui lilv ir.tu Am ittuiy. liu, . wm itttlieieil with Tirextj inch jttTid. . rftnnvc ? ctTji. n vhiu.u iMit- ot hi.- pm.uti. l-oi tut tin t itud lull pftrticwiitt'-i. sre our VatujthUu, I'iMt. 'J11.1MA8 Williams, oho of tin in out skdlul pli icieli4 ol ;uloe. Wn i-Hlled tt" fee iuaKiti Hiu day before h cottitneni'fd u-iici UrauT'e 'irifi r lncV V." exHiu uie.t htm. hud then told hiiu 0ml aU the iitiiu'i'iti In iLts itxrWcoiiUi no: curt hint tlmt hi l-;uo wmm Worse than Hopeless ! Now hear Mr. HAMS IN S Mat. in. -m .f cure f- HNjil Mv Mit'r procUM-d one bottle ot IWA.WS I'llilP i. (J X TKACV of liit!l t J.,,t nut-. of li,,n-e I commenced uiny mid bfJtttit Ut t'ei bitter that BUTTLK I'imldi'd me li ojf WiV in i. Where 1 hud beep nn.iiird one ymr -the'.J) l.i.ulc etiwliled toe In trrt OHt of th- AuMn'-the TIlIUIl bofthf enhle.l me to H'alk J 'ipo MtU. to .ionic Centre. whrr I procured Sir Haiti? tiiote ; Mtti win, n 1 ii.t.i implied ti-ilJi; them. .'' rrnirtn out ot '.'Verity t'h'er Hah hkai.ku I'P Hint thro buttle morv ctJ'cited it l'ldti r.t r I'LiiK of nil tin L'lcurtt, und re- feloted me to mittd hrtU'ft. FOUIITSEN WITNESSES! Mr. IlASKtN lm u m n tn the h'mve furls), nd the fHCt Hi-ti uitneitsed ftud eertlllcd to hv lUil'T. 'I'. WlL-I.IAMS-Mr. (J. II. DHOWS, proprietor of the If'tX Uvuit W.f-Miffct-rn. I1IS.K1.1, A. J.tHJN .Mill. Whole-le t.iui ruuil Urueiitt'H nnd KI.KVKN other rreprctahle vitneses. Wo Challenge the World . To I'ROVi: tt Cure of k rtxoltii'j nnd utterly hottest n cfine of fcrofulH. by the u.- 01 'i i.S TIMKs tnui-h tarravarilta, or ttny oihcr nit dicnie, h whh ued of Itrant n I'urjjier tn erii ct llie nbovc cure wh'ch 1:1110 kIihII b provt d hy iu Yuiny wilt Itnoirn, re.ipetabk ttitntsete, t the 11 hove cuiv. FtiK SALK II Y John V. Frilinr. SunMirt fn. Mnrv A. McL'jiv .irt..1.o.UM.lf..l J 'In1, n. It !ifci Mil'on, Hfiiry .1. Win. iTt tlo Kdw.'ird A. Kut suit do All Iciteismid onl'TS tiitntt he QiUlcvMcd Vt "nll;tc k Co.. Hifl Ilr-.tnUvKv, New Y.rk. iSiiiihury, July sil, IMi ly. "Encourage Your HAAS AcliKXX. fasiuonadlj: make of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. 'PHE suliSi'tibcr rcspcctfullv lull tlie nttrntion ut' the ullii' to tlicir large ami spli'iulid assort ment ol'evtry (juulity and price uf AltIll-VBSI which cannot (Jul to reconiinciut itself tu'evcrv one who will examine it, on account of its durable workimihsliip on J spkndiil finish, made up of the best stuck 10 he had in the city. No etl'ort is spared ill Wus manuliictiirc of their ware, ami l!ie subscribers are determined to keep up with the many improvement which are constantly be inn made. Their stink consist of Mahogany Siil'aM, Oivaii nnd Loiiuscm, litirr ntts, Srcrrtntfrs, Sftcb oralis, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIMNG TABLES, and olwi YUNETIAX 13L1NU.S, equul to VluU' delphia nianulactun-. BEUSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CI.TBOAUDS, WOUIC AND CANDLE . STANDS, TOILET TAULES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in 'iort, every article in this line of their business. Thi s alo manufucturc ull kinds and qualities of CIIAII'S, inehulin; varieties never la-tor to bi" lnul in iSiinhiirv, such as Maiiiirjixt, Uurt ii-xt'T Cl'VLKII Mll-LF. (illtCIW ; AMI WlXllSllll CHAIKS, iviil iM t I'iami Stools, wlncli are 01 the latest stylr, ami warrante.l rti Ho eveelleil tiy none manufactured ill the C itics or elsewhere. The subscribers an- determined that there shull be 110 eVcuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, a every confidence can W entertained about th ipiulity and ilnUli of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good tei-ms us they can la; ptirchnsed elsewhere. Coun try Producp takfu in payment for work. fir I'NDEKTAM.NG attended to on rcanon- ttble terms. tV The Ware Room is tn Market Street, opposit J. 01111g s store, and nearly opposite Weaver's Tavern-. DANIEL HAAs. UEOHCiH RENN. 1S49 tf Sunbury', April 2S, Notice to Ot'llnciui'iitt.. LL persons indebted to the suhscrilier, longer than six months, nn note or lonk account, are requested to call and mako n-llleim-ut. or else their accounts will be left with a magistrate for collec tion. JOHN W. FRILINti Sunbury, July 7, 1849, - STONE WARE. STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and lltchers, and other articles of stone ware in received and for sale by JOHN FRILINti. Sunbury, June 53, 1849. tOR SALKi A good cow, nearly fresh for sale cheap. Enquire at Uie office of tlie .-imcrican. Sunbury, June 0, 1819. ' n OOK.S and Gold reus. On hand several eon- ies uf the life of Christ, and tuso a nuiulicr of gold pens which we w ill sell at Uie Philadelphia prices. For sale at this office. DADD'8 celebrated Horse and. Cauls Medi cine for sale by HENRY MAER Sunbury Jan. 27th, 1849 flE Aft, from the New York Camon and Pckin X Tea Company. For sale bv J. W. FRILING Sunbury, Dee. t, 1818 notice to Subscriber). TMIC History of the "Army and Navy of A aver tea," is now rcidy for delivery, and subscri bf ts will be witc4 cn chortlv. by thr sieat, with . r.i.. - ' ' ' - - - oj'- vi isv -k-ik: IMPORTANT MOM tlllllt AHVA. Depredations of the Indians Sonon and 1 Paso laid Waste Cholera among United States Troops and the Camamhtt. Sr. Lotiti, Auifust 13. By an arrival hare from Chihuahua, learn that the Indians were very hostile lh that region. They were murdering Amrl cans and Mexicans in cold blood, wherever an opportunity offered. ''''" The Governor had raised and lent out ft party of men ro meet the enemy, offering 50 for every scalp takun. . ' J The Indians had entirely laid waste ths) State of Sonora, but the government is doing nothing to cheek them. They have also entirely desolated the re gion mound Kl rum), driving off the stock ami killing the inhabitant. ' - This arrival came by way of Santa Fe, but britipn nothing later from that hlace. , ; Some U. S. troops were met on the Cima roon river, anions whom there had been se erai cases of cholera. Tliu cholera had severely scourged the In diiins of the Arkansas, and many hundreds hail died. Air. Angus Bootes, at Independence, from Santa Fl', writes that three hundred Indians, principally Cumatichus, had died on the Ar kansas river. The rest of the tribes had dis persed nnd gone South. These ate the In dians from whom trouble was feared by the trailer?. The St. Josi'pl'i's Gazette publishes a letter from Dr. Edyiu, of the army, written at Fort Laramie, statin;; that there had been 45 case of cholera and 7 deaths among the soldiers. The health of the emigrants along the Plains was rapidly improving. They had thrown aw'ay much property in order to fa cilitate t'.ieir march. Wagons which cost S13j, were sold for $5. Mr. Rm, au emigrant from Wisconsin, was immlered by the Siou.v. Indians, while hunting o;t llie Platte river. IIKGISTKR &. RECORDER tic. rpilE iiiidi-isijnoi respectfully offers himself as a u tlie next (tcneral Election, for tlicc oll'mM. licini; well acquainted with th duties tor ye.irs, and fully determined, if eli'ctt d, to .lis. l,.ir.:c them f.iithlully, lie believas lie ciiidd tsive ci-iH-rul satisfaction. I also plo-.liff nivself, that, if elected, 1 will apply the one hall' of the ru tt proceeds of the offices, to the support of Mis. Irwin and her Orphan children (whose iih!i-'ent circumstances greatly need it,) for two years from December next, the time Mr. Irwin's lerm would have expired, if he had IWsd. The support of the electors Would bo greatly re membered bv DAVID KOCKEFELLER. Sunbury, Amrust I, lb-l'J. To Ihe Democratic Votern of Xor tD:iiiilcrlaml County. Fklluw CiT.ixi:ji: Warmly urged by many of mv friends, i offer my-lf as a candidate for the office of PJX.ISTEft 'AND RECORDER at the msiiing cl.ction, soliciting at tho hand of my Di inocriitic brethren iho preliminary nomina tion, ph'thrine myself (if noiiiinarcd and elected,) to'.'i! in uood luitn alt tlie dime Incum bent ou said ouVc. . Vciv resiiei-ll'iil'-v vour fellow citizen. ' ' JOHN W. MILES. July VI, lulO.-- TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COL'NTY. 'PlIK -nbsci:bcr at llie solicitation of a number of bis friends again offers himself to his friend ami li-Mow citiM-nK of Northumberland, as a candi date for the ollii-c. of RKCILSTER &. RECORDER tkc. Should he Ve cleetrd. he promises o Spare no time or attention to discharge the duties of the said office faithfully and impartially. JAMES D. BARR. Lewis township, July 11, 1849. TO TIIE'ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY, 'JIIE subscriber takes thia occasion toannonncee to his friends nnd fellow citizens, of Norlhum-l-rhind comity, that he is a candidate for the office KEG I ST CU & RECORDER, &c. for the county of Nerthiiinberland, and respectful ly solicit their support at tho cnauing election. Should he lie elected he will perform the duties of said office with fidelity. FREDERICK HAAS. I'p. AusnMa township, July 14, 18-19. TO Till: l'.LECTORS OF XOfttllUM U Eli LAND C0U.NTY. Fi i-uiw-Ci riati s: At the solicitation of a iiumbi-r of in v old friends, in diflerent part of the countv. I lifichy oM'-r mvsctf as a candidate for the oilice of IlM.lSTr.R & RFC'ORDER at the ensiling J.oetion, EDWARD OYSTER. Siin'iury, June 30, lts-1'.l. RE(JISTER & RECORDER, &c.v 'T'lIK subscriber hns been solicited to offer him t si If arain lor the olHce of i:t:atsrt:u &. iiecorvkh lV-r Northimilierlaiiil county, and trusts if elected, his experience iu said office will euuble him to dis churge its duties satisluctorily. JOHX P. PURSEL, Sunbury, June 23, 18-18. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER- LAND COUNTY. 7M. W. 11CTT1LYON, of Upper Auruxa ' olU-rs himself to the electors of Northum-' In-rlulid eoulttv us a candidate tor ,oi .r TUElSrRER. should U- eliH-tcd, he promise to discharge tk duties of said office with fidelity! i Upper Austisltt, June B, lb43 . , , COUNTY TREASURER.., A COU YOl'Nti, ol'lbe borough ofSuobuy.r otli rs bniiscll to the electors of Nnrthumber laud Couuty, as a candidate for the office of TREASURER. Miould he bveleeteil, he will endeavor todischarte the duties of the office in such a manner as ta give gi-neiul satisfaction. Sunbury June u, I IU. "lOUNTYTTmsussioKa. nHE subscrilier offers hiuatelf to tlie electors of -- Northumberland countv as s.nti.l.i- Inw COMMISSIONER. luniUl hf yc oloclttl W will kithfulljr dichrg WILLIAM WILSOX Lewi towiisiiip, June S3, 1848. TO THE EtECTOUS OF XORTHl'MBUU LAND COUNTY. Fklsow Citissss. Encouraged by saisaareass fritruls 1 hereby offer mysell' lo your "-niitltraiest as a csudidats for the office of COUNTY COMMISSlOSr at the next general slectien. feheuU ' J majority of your suffrage, I will euaV- charge the duties of said olEce with ' Wil tiiu Chili: qifniue tewBthtr-. Jun IV V