em SUNBUHY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. . NAPOLEON'S HtOPHEC. "Before fifty yeart," aid Napoleon (o Las Gum, on day, at St. Helena, "Europe will fee republican or Cossack. . . Then, if my son is alive, he will be called o the French throne, amidst the acclama lions of the people. If h ta dea(1i "will become a republio again 5 for no hand would dare to grasp a sceptre which it could not wield. The branch of Orleans, though agreeable, is too weak; it clings too much to the other Bonrboni", and it will have the same fate, if it does not prefer living as simple citizens, whatever changes arrive. ' Once again France will be a republic, and ,otheT countries will follow her example. Germans, Prussians, Poles, Italian, Danes, Swedes and Russians will join her in a cm wde in favor of liberty. They will arm gainst their sovereigns, who will hasten to make them concessions, in order to retain a part of their nncient authority ; they will call themselves constitutional kings, possessing limited powers. Thus the feudal system will receive hs death-blow; like the ocean mist, it will vanish before the first ray of tho sun of liberty. But things will not rest there. The wheel of revolution will not stop at that point its impetuosity will increase five fold, and its rapidity in proportion. When a nation re covers part of its rights, it becomes enthusi astic from victory, and having taMod the sweets of liberty, becomes move enterprising, in order to obtain more. The States of Eu rope will be perhaps for some years in a con tinual state of agitation, like the ground the moment of an earthquake ; but at last the lava breaks forth, and an explosion ends all. The bankruptcy of Knglnud will be the lava which will shake the world, devour kings and aristocracies, and cement by its out break the interests of democrats. Believe me, Las Gisas, as the vines planted in the ashes which cover the feet of Etna and Ve suvius produce the most delicious wines, so the tree of liberty will become immovable when it has its roots in the revolutionary lava which will overflow all the monarchies. May it flourish forever! These sentiments imay perhaps appear strange to yon, but they .are mine. 1 was born a republican, but destiny and ithe oppression of Europe made me an Einpe iror." The Cholera is still on the decrease in those places where it has raged so dreadful ly. In Cincinnati there have been, from the 16th ult. to the 16th inst., 2475 deaths by -cholera, of which nearly two thousand were foreigners. The entire deaths for tho month was 3618, making a daily average moitulity -of 117. By the last accounts, 19th inst., the interments were less than one hundred per day. It had been nearly two hundred. In ;St. Louis, nlso, the pestilence seems to have done its worst, and the nuirjber of interments 'has been reduced to eighty per day. Compa red with those of 180 and 190, this is a very favorable change. The deaths in St. Louis since the 8th ol June, when the cholera broke out, have been 5,537, of which 3,262 were by cholera. From the 1st of June to the 9th of July, the reports show 3,484, deaths, exhibiting, with its actual population of 54,000, 4 mortality of 61 in every 1000, or one out of about sixteen, in six weeks. . In other places in the South and West tho disease appears to be dying away as rapidly as it grew in vio lence. Liberty, without obedience, is confusion Obedience, without Liberty, is slavery. LIST OF CAUSES P OK trial in the Court Common Pleas of Nor thumberland County at August Term 1849. Mary Delb Jacob Kccd Danville & Pottsvilte Kail Road Co. Win & R. Fegely Israel Gutclhjs Elijah Crawford vs John Dclb vs David N. Luke et al vs Hawood & Snyder vs George Hcckert vs Jolpi Porter vs M. & Philip Bilhnyer vs John McGinnis vs Wm. Ay res vs Leah Stroeckcr vs same vs isuae Ilown vs Win. MeCay'sadm'rs vs James Cummiugs vs Wm. Starks vs Thomas Llovd Wm. Stark Frederick Keener John Carver's heirs Andrew Garver et al Rotiert M. Clark Henry H. Burr Thomas Allen John McGinnis J. G. Montgomery' etal Jonathan Furman Lewis Crcssmrm et al Leah Stroecker Jacob House! & wifo John N. Marts lonathan Purse! & wifo Elijah Search Eleanor Reed's adm'rs T. Paulding & Co. Vtary MeCay ). Hoat for J. Bound Same for Mathews . P. Shultt 'eter Hichtcr's'ex'rs eter Erwine inn Myers Uchael MdCarty cob W. Scitzingcr ohn McMahan vs Samuel Furman vs Jacob Buhl's ex'rs vk Jacob Hodman vs Philip Houscl admr's vs Jos. ll. ee J. Kline vs same vs James Covert vs Jacob Weik vs Jus. De Normandio vs Wm. MCCay's adm's vs Herringtim A Giltuer vs Conrad Giltuer vs Jacob Wfike vs Dodge & Barret vs John Jacob Wcike vs Dcwart& Jordan etal vs Elizabeth WeiUeletal vs Leah Stroecker vs Wm. Frick & E Slifcr Vm. & R. Fegely & Co. vs John Shissrcr euaville Claip v Baltzer Garnhart foah S. Mackey vs Ramuel Finney liomas KeerTe vs Samuel Bluin loses Chamberlain vs Thomas 8. Mackey 1. Hosts for V. H. Frymins vs Isaac Brown annuel Boudman vs Jacob Hower . 8. Dodge for Moor & Biddle vs W. St R. Fcgcly srah Reed vs Eleanor Reed's adm'js icob Karchner eob W. Pforjts cob Weimer hn Hower iron Reply dmer B. Johnson ia. W. fiicbard iv id Miller iSS.'O. Softs cob P. Miller t si rah Bayer et si illiam Murry cob Shits m De Puey m H Thompson , .ry Snyder et al tame i-nh Vsndvke vs David Frymirs et si vs A. Khawn vs Ira T. Clement vs Frederick Haas vs Ira T. Clement vs James White vs Joseph Pertit Billington, Buyers & Hunter vs A. J. Feticr vs J. & M. A. Rwreney vs J. Wynn & J. Yanzant vs Balizar Uarnhart R. Goodman it the Com. of Penna vs JacOH Leisenring vs Jacob Cabel vs Robert W Drum vs James Drum , . vs Cornelius Smith ntius4- Thompson vs feamucl R Wood T McPherson vs B Snyder, M Snyder et al n Shook vs joun o onaoe oc wu , , w S D Jordan, S Hunter or rvsnu u.u.. . Alex JorJttn iweney Wife vs MichacJ Miller I Mmtiramerv vs Robert MeDbrmick a B Miller vs John B Boyd's ex'rs 1 L Dewart vs Nonhiftnttfriima county JOHN FARNSWORTH, i'wM rjr. rothonstary'soilice ) ' ' bury July J 4, 181?.$ PROCLAMATION. TVf OT1CE is hereby given that the several courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer nd Terminer and General Jail Delivery, In and for the county of Northumberland, to cemmcnee at the Court House, In the boroup;h of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Mondsy the 6th of August next, will continue ONE WEEK. The coroner, Justice of the Pence and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls,, records, inquisitions, ami other remembrances, to do those things to their several offices appertaining to lie done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner ar also requested and commanded to be then and there attending In their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall be inst and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hands at Stinbitry, the 14th day of July in the vcar of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine and the Inde pendence of the United .Stall's of America tho JAMES COVERT, Sh'rT. God save the Commonwealth. LIST OF JURORS OF Northumberland County for August Term A, D. 1849. Oi'.tiid Jurors. Lower Augusta. John Ebright, Wm. Do witt, Saml. Shive. Shamokin John Smith, Samuel John, Sam uel Evert. Jackson. Nicholas Prumhellcr. Solomon Billman, Ruben Zarlman. Lower Maltonoy. John Mcssner, John Bor rcl. jr. Little Mahnnoj. George Swinuhart. Upper Mahon'oy. Daniel Dunkelbeignr. Northumberland. George Everett, Point. Jeme Amermcm, John Mauser. Chilisquaque. John Simpson. Milton. Samuel Kyles, Thos. Taes, D. C. Caul, Turbut. Andrew Fullmer. Lewis. A. I. Karchner, Geo. A. Wyknff. Delaware. Joseph Durham. Traverse Jurors. Sunbury. Daniel Haas. Lotccr Augusta Ilurmun Sliipman, Daniel Zartmau, Henry Knufl'muii, John Daniel, Dan iel Conrad. Upper Augusta. ?imnn Snyder, Henry Yoxlheimer. Robert S. Grant Rush. Abiuham Huffman, Alex. Campbell Jacob rolper. Shamokin. Conrad Yeacer, Jacob Chites- ter, Jno. Dunkelbertrer, Michael Zimmerman, John I'ensyl, Geo. fox, John ltipplcy, valen tine Klase, Jacob Noecker. Jackson. Daniel Hilbish, Geo. Garmnn, Godfrey Scretllny, George Geise. Upper Mahono'y. John Maurer. Benj.Mar kel. Daniel Gonsert. Nortltamberland. Joseph Wallis, Wm. For sythe, jr. Point. J. C. Hnrton, Chilisquaque. John McWilliams, John Gib son, Daniel Dressier, Wm. C Caul, Cornelius McGinley. Milton. Joseph Hogendobler. John Resh, Christopher Stine, Samuel Shadnian, Charles Walters. Lewis Robert Finney, Philip Roup, Isaac Turner. Delaware. John Liser, John McKinney, D. C. Watson, John Gully. THE lMRMER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. KTIITED HY OorvKHNKfK KMKRWlN. N ONE VOLUME, Royal octavo, 1 165 pages, lieautifullv bound, containing, 17 fine plates, 1 besides numerous Wood (Juts. Sold at about one fourth the cost of the English work, without any Flutes. "The Farmer's Encyclopedia is a real treasury of practical information, wherein the experience of all ages and countries is carefully rnsTKii rr to the present day, and admirably arranged for con venient reference." Dr. Darlington. "We arc fully convinced that such an amount of valuable knowledge for farmer can be found in no other work in so cheap and convenient a form In fact, no Farmer who pretends to lc well inform ed in his profession, should be without this work." New Gcnnessec Farmer. An excellent work, fit to be distributed in pre miums by Agricultural Socitics J. S. Skinner. For sale at this Office, price $4. Also, by E. W. CARH, Third Street, opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia! and N.HICKMAN, Baltimore, Maryland. lH" ALU ORDsns mvst nr. acccmfamed bt THE CvtSH. July 14, 1849. 3m To all Creditors, 1etratecs AND OTHER PERSONS INTERESTED. Notice In Hereby Olveii That the fol lowing named persons did on the dates allixed to their names, file the accounts of their Aihiiimstra linn 1o the Estates of those persons deceased, and Guardians' Accounts, eve, whose names arc un dermentioned, in tho Oliice of the Register for the Probate of Wills, and grunting Letters of Admin istration in, and for the County of -Northuniler-laud, pud that the same will lie presented to the Orphans Court ot the said ( ountv lor continua. tion and allowance, on TUESDAY the 7th of Au gust next, at the Court Houxe, in Sunhury. 1S41). March 8. Isaac Hull, f7iiurdian of John, George, & Marv Mutchler. minor children of Elizalicth Mutchler, dee'd. 12. Michael .Smith, Guardian of Jonas Bobh, our of the children and heirs of Michael Ilohb, dee'd. 17. Catharine Herb, Wilmuustrator of Wilr.iun Herb, dee'd. April 2. James Moore anil David L. Irland, Aihmliistratnrs of illiam W. Ir land, who wits the Executor of Ro licrt Irland, dee'd. 9. Jacob Karchner, AdmiuisUatorof John Karchner. dec d. 9. David Eshhack, Guldian of Lewis and Margaret Esbbuch, children and heirs of Philip Eshbach, dee'd. 9. Jacob Kurehner, Administrator of Karchner, dee'd., who was Guar dian of Samuel Clupp, a minor. 14s Daniel lit ho, Executor of Susannah Paul, dee'd. 1. George C. Welker, tinardion of Phil ander, and Sarah Emily Giberson minor children of William Giberson, dec d. 28. Peter Reed, Executor of George Reed dec cl. May 26 Jesse Campbell, administrator of Alex anucr 1 harp, dec d. June 12, John Gcarhart, Jr., and William Mcttter, Jr., Administrators, 4c, of l uarlcs liearhart, nee d. July 8. William Montgomery, Guurdian of Mary Montgomery, child and heir of John T. Montgomery dee'd. 2. Samuel r urman, 4hniiiisu-ator of Daniel I urman, dec d. 3. Jacob Reed, Administrator of Haaaah Reed, dec d. 5. John Haughawout, AdatinistratorwiUi the Will annexed, of Issao Van. suckle, dec d. DAVID ROCKEFELLER, Register. Register's Office, Sunbury ) July 6th, 1849. fTlEA8, from Hie New York Canton and Pekin X Tea Company. For sale by J. W. FR1LING. Sunbury, Dec. S, 1S48 Wji&Ai vAiULU.T-uii tioiiar per buwlirl, cakh, w ill he puiri for good wheat 1 1 1 r x-nin rv . . by IK A I t L)lfcNT. unburv Jan. Klht H49if. BESOLUTION. RELATIVE TO AX AMENDMENT OF THE COJVSTITUTIOX. nuflLVBP T TOT SSNATI AND HotTS OF RkFRIWKUTA tivka ov run Commonwealth of Pehstlvakia in Gbnkral AHiEMBLT mrt, 'i'lmt tliQ Constitution ol ttiifl r'nininniiweutth be mem led in the Mwniid PRctiim of tlio filth article, en that it fliftll rend an t'ullowa: The Judtfco ot' the Supreme Cimrt,of the vt-ral Court r of Cmnmon l'leas, aifd ol mich other Court of Hecoril as ure or nIkiII be blirticd by tow, nhnll Im? elected by the qualified etrotorn of iir viriuunniwiiiiin in we limiinur lollowhig, to wit: ine uduea ol' the Supreme Court, bv the aualitied elect or uf the CiniimnMviith ul large. The Presitlont Judfjea of tho fleveml t'oiirt' il Cmnmii Picon and of nucli other Courte ji Heeunl nn are or nhull be efftnblinhed by law, and all other Jutltfin ritiuired to berisimed in the luu-. bv Hie uuali- riod rk-ctoin uf tho retueetive dimrii-tn iiver whieh they arc to preside or art ae Jiidg. And the Ananeinte Juripea ine i nnnaot Connnon rienn bv tho quohhed ciecUtra the coiintiea rePiM-i-tivolv. Tlit Jurftree of the Supreme mrt ahull hold their omens for the term of fil'tecn venra, they lnt II ao Mitr behave themaolvea well: (aubieot to the ell'itment htTeiiuilter provided for, anlweqiient to the am ritcliuii :) Toe I'reMiUotit Judrea ot ttieacverui counn of Connnon Pleuis and of luch other cOurta of Keeord aa are or ahull Ire eatubliahed by low. and all other Judgea re quired tu be Imriied in the liuv, afiall hold their oriicea for the term tt ten yenra, if they ahall ao loiifl; belmve thein- ivoi wen 1 The AMormte. .iniifrea ot tne ionn 01 i;om- m rieiia aluill ft"il their ultirea Mr the term or live yeiira, thev ahnll Wi Uma Uhuve themaelvea well : all of whom dim) I bo cviiitiiiittiioned by the Governor, but for any rea tollable ciium; which nhnll not Iks aumeienl grountia 01 iiineurhmeul. the (loveriior ilmll remove nnv of thein on the udilrefN two-tltirdn ofeneh bninch of the lepilnture. he tirnt election ftiull tuke pltiee at the enerui election ot tin Comnionwfraltli t)pt fitter the udontion of tbifi amend icntj and the nmtuiriioim fif all the judge who i nay be im in otltce ahnll expire on the first Mow lay of Decern- cr foil wiii. when the lenna f the new judfrea aliall 'iniurnce. itie tierNon wiionntiu wien ie eieeteu JtKigea the Supreme (Nuirt kIiiiII hold llietr omoea n tollowa: one of ihiuii lor three ywtra. one for aix venra, one for nine yeurr, one for twelve yeurn, tind one for fifteen yenra : te term ot ench to ue iieeideti oy lot ty the hiki judpfit. na n ultei the election na convenient. anil the remit pit tilled them to the (lnvarnor. Ihut the pom mixtion a nmv Iw nailed in ueconlunce thereto. The indite wliono wimmin u will lirnt (Mire wliall lie Chief .hint ice diiriuir In term. nd tli'TeuittT citeh jinhrn wh"e cmmi.fion ulutll lirnt ex- ire itlmll in 1 urn In 4 he ( luet .ln.tiee, imd it two or more niiimneioi) tthnil expire mi tlie itme dny, the juilt-a Ifinii? tiiein imii di-eitie ny 101 winch ahull he the i inei 111 ice. Any vncmieieH Impiwiiinir bv denth, lesiennttoh. ttlierwiHe. in anv of the Kiitl coutt. ahull be tilled bv )M)iutmt-nt by llic (Joveiuor, to continue till the firwt uitluy ot Dcermuifr uceeettiuit the next peiiernl election, ic .ludire of the Supreme Court mid the PreHident of the .-erol Court of Omnium I'lett hull, ot Rtat'fl time, rc ive for their service nn mlenunte comnenwitioti, to lie xetl bv law, Which nluill not be liiiiiniihed during their contiiniiinee m olbce, but thev nall receive no fee or per- maite of oliice, iir h"ltl nnv 'ther niHce of profit under hi Oommnnwinlth. or under the ffoverunient of the Uni ted Suite, r any other Stale of this Union. The JuHuea the SupieHte Con it durinir their r-mtintlimre in office fchnll reside within this Commonwealth, nnd the other udt'cs during their continuance m njfii-e mIuiII reside within e district or county lor which llicy were respectively WILLIAM P. PACKER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. GEO. DAHSIE, Speaker of the Senate. Is Tin: Senatk, March 1. 1849. RrsoLvKD, Tlsil this resolution pons. Yras 41, Ns C lMruci irni ine joururii. SAML. VV. PKAIISOX, Cleiik. N THE IlofSE OF ReI'KKSENTATI VES, Al'RII. 2, Rks'ilvkp, Tlmt Ihin rcs'iliition wms. Ycas58, Nsys J6, lxtract I'runi tiie Journal. WM. JACK, Clerk. SEciiETAnv'8 Office. Filed Aprils, lain. A. L. RU5SEL. Dep. Sec. of the Commoincealth. Secretary's Office. Pennsylvania, ps : 1 no CEKTIKV thnt thf above suit foreirniiiff it n trtii and corrprt copy ol'tlie Origlnul lii.ution oi' the Gcuernl sseiiiuiy, entill.Kl "Iti'S Hulioii relulive to an Aiuendmeut the Coi'stituU 'ii, ' u the Ruine remuius on file in this iUire. ilttf . '" tl'",,"y whwrof I have hereunto njiV. . t my httiul. and funned t lie a:lll the S,'ul'" lhe SeiTetury's (iBiee. lit Hnrris K, Aj8. InirR. this eleventh day of June. Anno 3K4SfW? Domini, one tliousnnd t'iglit hundred and SNSSv furty-nine. fm TOWXSEXD HAINES, see ry or tnc Commonwealth. "JofHNAL OF Sl'.NATE. Resolution, No. IhH, entillcHl 'Re..nlion.' was rend a inlttuw. On the uuextion. will the jVniitc nvrre to the solution ? Tin; Venn and Nuvs were taken aruealitv lo ei oiiHiitutiou. iinu were iih loilow. viz: Kis Messrs. K ins. Ilrnwley, I'rahli. runninshnui, orsylli. Jluus. Johns,iii, iiwrenei', Levis. Mnsoti, Mat ias, M'Casliu. Kieh. Uieluirils. Sadler. Knnkev. Siivitv. Sniidl. Stayser. rterrell ami Slim '2. aVs .Messrs. II.Ht. llrnin. I'riek. Ives. Kin?. Koniir. Iltneher. I'ott.ML'iT uml Diusie, Sl'KAKKH r. S i the qui'Sliim was ili teruiiued in the utfinnntive." JOURNAL OF THE HOl'SE OF KEI'UF.sENTA- T1VES. ' Shall the resolution nass The veas and nnvs were iken a.'reeahly to lhe provision of tlie tenth article of the Constitution, und are as follows, viz : 1 has .Messrs Oideou J.Hall. David J. Rent. Ciaur linane, reier K. llioin. unvnl l. Hole, Th olluis Iv. Hull, acoh I'ort, John H. Ilielil, Nathaniel A. Klliolt.Jcj.ei.il incrv. David (. Kslileuiun. William Evans. John Fanso Id. Samuel l igely, Jowph W. Finlier, Henry M. Fuller, liomas inove, lioiiert llauipson, t.eorpe V. JlennKey, 'hotiais J. Uerritnr. Josenh Iliiriririi. Charles Ilortz. Josenh i. Hower, Rols rt Klotz. Harrison P. Laird. Ahrnhnm jinuMTion. jiunes j. is-wls. .lames XV. Loiur. Jacob Al'. Curtaev. John F. M'C'nll.ieh. llinrh M'Km-. John M'ljilluh. u, Anam ftlanin. Samuel .Marx, John C. ftlvers, Edward .'iekleson, SlewTirt l'earce. James Porter. Henrv C. Pnilt. Alono Hohb. tNroe Ruiilev. 'J'he sloro Itvinan. Hernard S. Selioonover, Samuel Seihert, John Shnrp, Christian nmveiv. inomas v. tcel. Jeremaih 11. uu. . Joaenli 1. Stulniau, Marshall Swurtzwclder, Siiinuel Tnciicrt, Geo. T. Thorn, Nirliolus Thorn. Aruuali Wattli. Samuel Wei. rich. Alonia . WileoK, Daniel Zerliey und William F. ueser, npeaser 'Nays Messes. Auzustu.K. Cornvn. David M. Court. liev, David Kvuiis, Henrv S. Kvnns. John Fenlon. John W eorne, i nouuis uiuespie, Joan u, lionlon, nni, llenrv, Imiiici J. Kirk. Josenh liuhaeh. Robert It. Little. John 8. M'Caliisiut. John M'Kci, Willium M 'Sherry, Joaiah Miller, William T. Morrison, John A.tltto, William Y. Roberts, lm w. itoseberry. John II. Kutherlord, K Kundlr Sinllh, hn Sinvlh. Je hu Souder. Georirc Vulters and David F. llliniiis,-u. So the ipiestion was determined in the aflirmutive. 1 Skcrbtart's OvricE, ) Hurrisliurir. June 15. lHtfl. ( .'ksnsti.vasia. m : , 1 no ( CBTIKV that lhe alsn e and forego- -Ouf?..- ill is a true iind efirn-el ennvol'lliu V).s" -wr.sya'.i-- .. .;. . 7llClMlsV -"V. laKenontlie "Itesolutlon re. Af A n. lutive toan niuendmenl oi'ttie t'oiifltitulion.' 'okSfSw' n"1'"' same appears on the Journals ol' lhe rXfZflfJC' two III, lis I'M ol' ll... Ilsii,.n,l A 1 ,1V.,, II,,. .j-7?r.- - " Comuionwilih, lor the session ol le!. WiluesK luy hand and lhe m of aaid otfiee. the fit'teenth lay ol June, one luolncind eipht liuudriMl nnd torly,iuue. TOWNSEM) HAINES, Src'ry of the Cummonvealth. July 7, IKtn. ,1m. STRAY HORSE. OA ME to the premises of the subscritwr.in Low er Augusta township ulmut three weeks since, a dun-coliircd horse, with a liliu-k inane, Muck legs clow the knees, and a black tail, undo! about the common size. lie had on when he came a halter without a strap. The owner upon proving pro perly and paying the expenses can have nun by ciillingon JUH.N HUKJNS, Lower AugUBt tshp, July 14, 1849. 4t School Lair Notice, IN pursuance of the lute Act of Asaembiy oh the subject of Common School, the Treasurer of Sunbury School District will attend at the ProthonoHiiry's oHicc in Sunbury, on Monday the SOth day of July, from 8 o'clock A. M. till 0 o'clock P. M., to receive the School Tax for tlie current year. All taxable inhabitants of said district, are respecU'nlly notified to pay their School tax on or belore said day, in order lo save costs. JOHN FARNSWORTH, Treasurer, Sunbury, July 7, 1849. irKOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT 1 CHES. An excellent article, for sale at hull the usual price by J. W. FRILING Bunbury, July 7, 174U "MT ENNEDY'S PATENT SA.vH FAS TENINGS. A cheap and excellent arti cle tor fastening sash for sale by J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, July 7, 1849. Notice to SulMcrlbera. THE History of tlie "Army and Navy of Amer ioa," ia now ready for delivery, and subscri bers will he waited on shortly, by the agent, with copy of the work. IJLANKS. B LANKS of every description can be had by applying at the otlice of the American. T ' ISSUE PAPEIL Yellow Tissue paper tor covering glasses, &c, for sale al the otliec the American. TJAIKINS, currants, citron, ctsrese, pepper ssucc, Ate. For sale by J. W. FRILING Kuuhuty, Dec. 2, l18. WEISE & CLEMENT, Saddle and II.inicM Makers. THE tiiiJprslgiirbspoctfully inform the public, that they have commenced the' bovo busi ness in .Sunburv. and Will con stantly keep on hand anil miinufuclure to order, at their stand in Market street nearly opposite: Young's store, all articles belonging to their line of business. All articles manufactured by then will be made in the best and most durable, style, i nd at pricci 'as reasonable as they can lie bad at aity other estab lishment in the county. They therefore respectfully solicit persons to call and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. All kind of pro duce taken in by the stores will be taken in ex change at the market price. HESKV WKISK. AUGUTCs H. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Juno '23, 1849. ORPHANS' COtmT SALE. FN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland countv, will lie exposed to public sale at the Court House in Sunbury, on Saturday the 4th day of August next( the undi vided two-sevenths part of a ccrtnin tract of hind situate in Shamokin township, Northumberland county, adjoining lunds of Jacob Leisenring, Mor- uii Hughes, Wilson l'rtcc, Solomon Km It and others, contuining in tho whole about 287 acres, about Ti acres of which are cleared j w heron are erected a log and frame house, a luirn, fruit trees arc, etc. Late the estate of Joseph Yocutn, dec d. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, hell the terms thereol will be made known. HUGH H.TKATS, ) JOHN FARNWOKTH. Guardians. Bv order of the Court, David Rockefeller, Ok. 0. C. Sunbury, July 7, 181!) U Notice to Delinquent t oilet tors. A LL collectors of taxes whose duplicates pre vious to 184!), have not been settled, nre here by hotilicd that their bonds will be entered on re cord if settlement is not made. Uy order of the Commissioners, GEORGE. MARTIN, Clk. Sunbury, July 7, 1819. Notice to Delinqiiciil. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, longer thnit six months, on note or book account, are quested to cull and make settlement, or else their accounts will lie left with a magistrute for collec tion. JOHN VV.FRILING Sunbury, July 7, 1849, - I'Ntato of Jane Hipp, dee'd. "f OTICE is hereby given that letters Testa- yi mentary, have l?en granted to the subscri bers on the estate of Jane Kipp, late of Rush township, Northumlierland county, dee'd. Per ons indebted to said estate or having claims a gainst the same, are requested to present the same for settlement to the subscribers, WILLIAM li. KIPP, ) r . R015ERT C. IIUSSEL, $ tx r ' Rush township, July 7, 1849. 6t JTJST ARRIVED. A !Vew Assortment ol" Fresh Goods. IRA T. CLEMENT, "O ESPECTFULLY informs his friends, ens- tomers and others, that he has just received a handsome assortment of , NEW GOODS at his store in Market Square in iSunbury, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens ware, Hardware, &c t'ttnbtiry, June 23, 1849 STONE WARE. STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, nnd other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN V. FRILING. .Sunbury, June 23, 1849. CHAR. L E S V . II EG IN s"," ATT0R1TEY AT LAV, l'otlNvilfc, ia. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi- ncss entrusted to his care. June 1(1, 1849, BROVTPS ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER "PREPARED and sold only, at FREDERICK BROWN'S DRUG and CHEMICAL Store, N. E. corner of Firm and Chxssvt streets, Phi ladelphia. This Essence is warranted to possess in a concentrated form, all the valuable properties of Jamaica Ginger, and will lie found on trial an excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re commended as a tonic, to persona recovering from fever or other diseases, a few drops imparting to the stomach a glow and vigor, equal to a wine glass of brandy or other stimuland, without any of the debilitating effects, which arc sure to follow the use of liquor of any kind : and it ia therefore especially serviceable to children and lemales. 1 o the aged, it will prove a great comfort i to the dyspeptic, and to those who are predisposed to gout or rheumatic affections, it gives great relief; and to the inebriate who wishes to reform, but whose stomach is constantly craving the noxious liquor, it is invaluable giving tono to the diges tive organs, and strength to resist temptation ; and is consequently a great agent in the cause Of tem perance. I Full directions accompanying eacu bottle. The above article can be had at the office of the ylmerican. Philadelphia, June 5, 1849. ly THE CHEAP BOOK STORE. DA1TIEL3 & SMITH'S Cheap Nkw & Skcond hand Boos. Stork, North 1Vcj corner of fourth and Arch Street i VhUadtlpMa. Law Books, Theological and Classical Books, MEDICAL BOOKS, BlOGRAVHWALSf HISTORICAL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. Scientific tuo Mathematical Boors. Juvenile Books, in great varietyx Hymn Books and Prayei Books, Bibles, .11 sizes and prices. hlank Books', Writing Paper, and Stationary, 'hotfnle and It t tail. VV Ora prices sre much lower than thr ssr.rL.s nrirei. IV i,imarm sou inula purccis oi dooss purctuisea. UtT dooks niiponen to urner mini i.oikioii. fuilailelpliui, June 9, 1MU y LARD LAMPS. COP. N ELI IS CO. No. ITS Mir. nut St., It Ot ESrECTFL'LLY announce that they have just finished the most extensive assortment LAMPS, they have ever offered for sale, comprising ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, BliAGKtVlo, l'fcM)AM5. MANTEL LIGHTS, &c. In great variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of these Lanis, and such are made as will produce the greatest amount of light from the least consumption of Lard. Recent improvements in the manufactory, with the introduction of new and perfected machinery, enables them to tell at a very GREAT REDUC TION from former prices, and all articles before leaving the manufactory, are carefully inspected, and are warranted peribctly tight, and to give satis faction. Philadelphia, June S, 1840 ly Notice A LL persona indebted to the aulswriber, either by note or book aocount, are requested come and make payment immediately Prompt attention to true notice may save trouble. CHARLES. H. BOGAR. Sunbury, June 'M, 1819. II WALL PAPERS. ' ' THE Pttbscribors have on hnnd the largest as' sortnient of Wui PAfras in the city of Phi ladelphia, WholetAtt and Retail, consisting of every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Diuin Room's, Chambers, &c, which for quality and style cannot be surpassed. Doing a cash businbss we arc enabled to sell a better article at much lower rate than any store doing a TRADE BUSINESS. On hand, a large, assortment of Winx Papki for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, &c, which will be sold for Cash.. Paper Hanging done in the country til city prices. N. n.-pcalrrs are inviled lo call and examine then slock before purchasing elsewhere. FINN & BURTON, No. 1 43 Arch Street, Houlh side Philadelphia, Muy 20, 1819i---iy CHOICE GH0CERIES. COlsTOi ib Co. S. W. Corner Arch If 6th Street Philadelphia, WWAVPnow in store a well selected stock of B the vei'v best Family Groceries, wlvtch they will sell ot the low est prices and warrant to please. Green and Black Teas from $1 down to 25 ctsper lb., tlie Black Tea 45 rents by the Box, is unusu il ly fine. CofTee ofall tnTilities and prices better Wugar for C cts. per lb., 'ban any other store. Maccaroni, Vermicelli, Cuuton Ginger in Syrup, Olive Oil of the best brands, all assortment of the richest Jellies, and every article kept in our line. All goods sent to the'eountry, put Hp neatly and securely Please try us once and satisfy yourselves whether we can suit you. COLT ON' & CO. S. V Cor. Arch & Oth St. Philadelphia, May 2G, 1K4!) clieSin ly LAWRENCE HOUSE, Market Square, opposite tie Court Jlottse, Si'Nnvnr, Pa. riHIS well known Hotel has just been refitted, A and handsomely furnished bv the undersigned, and he begs leave to suy, that it is his intention to render it worthy of the liberal patronage, by Which it has hercloiurc iiccn sustained. J. C. PERKINS. Sunbury, May 17, 1P40. 3mo CUTLERY. AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT LERY, of sale by JOH1T 1. C CLEM AIT, Nos. 32 atirf 33 ARCADE, and 8i North THIRD Street, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and Rny.ors. Also, a choice assortment of Rodgers J(- Sons, Wostcnholm's G leave's W. if. Butcher's and Fenney'a Cutlery, Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, Guns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives. Also, Tho American Razor Strop, a superior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. Caiiii Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above Stock worthy their intention, as lhe Suliscri!a?r's chief business is importing and selling cutlery. Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly CHEAT XllFuVAK T OHN W. FRILING has just received at his store in Sunburv an extensive assortment of NEW GOODS, of every variety which he is now ready to sell or exchange for produce; and consist ing ill part of CLOTHS, CASSLVERES, frc. Linen and Cotton drilling, und mtmmei wear of all kinds. Cai. irons, Chintz, (i'imuiam, Lawns, &.C Muslins bleached and unbleached. PALM LEAF AND OTHER HATS. Qttcensicure and Hardware of all hinds. Drugs Paints, ano Dykstitfs. FISH, SALT, AND PLASTER. And a great variety of other articles all of which will be sold at the lowest terms, Sunbury, May ilfi, 1849 MARSHALL'S Concent rated Snrsaparllla For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipalas, Tiles, Chronic Rheumatism and all disorders or tlie Blood. Mercurial Disease, Ac. TT is recommended to Physiciana and others, as 1 the strongest preparation now in use, and cn- tircly different from that put up in quart bottles, possessing little or no active principle of the Sarsa- parilla, but intended to deceive the public. For sale bv Al. A. McUA I , rsortliutntwrlanu. HEYL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will cure Swains. Bruises. Cut, Gulls. Swellings, and all coniDlaiuts rcuiiiriiic an external remedy. It ia highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringtmne, stiff ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Mplints, Mc It has also been used with great success by per sons afllictcd with Rheumatism, and other com plaints. Prepared only by V. Marshall, Philadel phia, and tor sale by Al. A. McLay, INortliumDer- land. Philadelphia, May SO, 184'.). ly LIQUORS. "WINES, &C. '"PHE subserilier has just received a new supply of the best liquors that ever came to 'iuiburv, consisting in part of Sujieriorold pale Brandy. Fine Cofniae Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. New England Rum; Fine Holland Gin. SuiM-rior Old Whiskey Comm. m do. Superior Mndetia Wine. Lisbon do. do; Superior Port Wine. Burgundy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine; Siqierior Claret WiiiC in hollies. ( liutnnauiio da. no. , D HENRV MASSER. Sunbury, May 2C 1K4U. JOHN DONNELLY, Manitacti REil of Donnkma' Lpkigiit Saketv Glazkh LArsui.ED Ui-ue MATCHES, And Umtko StAtes Oil Paste BLAlklNO, No. 83 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA, T M1E8E Matches are justly considered the best l in the United IStutes 1 they are free from un- uleasant smell, and can lie introduced with tierfeet safety Into all iS lores and Dwelling. Warranted to keep ten years. The blacking is of superior quaiity, and free from and ingredient that impairs the Leather. COUNTRY DEALERS and 8HIPPEK.S will find it to their interest to call and see for them selves. N. B. An assortment of Matches Of Various New York Manufacturers. Matches in round wood boxes also, packed in large or small tin cases, to ship to any part of the world, Late of 20 Bank Street, how 83 North Third St. March 01, 1849. ly Notice. FTMIE partnership, heretofore existing under the X name of "liewart & Bruner, Having been dissolved, tlie subscriber announces to the public that he Will couunue tha practice of the law at the office ibrtnerly occupied by aaid firm, in the Borough of bunbury. Business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. CHARLES J. BRUNEI? Sunbury, April 21, 1849 3mo Alt IRON of all kinds for sale low, at the 9 store of C. H. BOGAR eiunbuiy Jan. 20lh, lgto U. "Encourage Your Own!" IIAAS &TIENN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. THE subscribers respectfully call the attention of the public to their large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of CABINET-WARE, which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best slock to bo had in the city; No effort ia spartid in tho manufacture of their ware, and the subscribers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which aro constantly being made. Their stock consists df Mahogany SoftiH, nivans nnd jLounffefl, ttumius, Sccrcwiff s, sre clxmtis, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIMNG TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. Tnry also manufacture all kinds and qualities ol Oil ATI'S, including varieties never before to be had in Sunburv, such as Maiiohast, Black Walxct as 11 CtnLEii Matuk GititfiAff ; amu Wishsob CHAIRS, A.vi) FAcr Piano Stools, which arc of tho latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that theiti shall ie no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce laken in payment for work. I.-V I AUEUTAKl.Mj attended to on reason able terms. lV The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. 1 ottng s store, mid nearly opposite W cacr a 1 avern. DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN. Sunburv, April 28, 119 tf APPIiETON'S GREAT CENTRAL (3 N E A V BOO K S T ORE, 1G I Cliostmit Street, Corner of Seventh, Swaim's Hitildings, PHILADELPHIA. "TTNOWING the wants of the community, the Proprietor of this Establishment has fitted up a Wore in the most elegant manner, having due regard to the comfort uf his customers, so that everv Stranger visiting his Book Store, may feel entirely at Inline. HI3 IMMENSE STOCK of Books is classified according to the vaiious De portments of Literature, so that visitors can fihd tho Books they are in search of for themselves. Iiuying his Stock lor the most part at tho Auc tion bale, and being connected Willi one ot the Lahkest Pfi'i.isiiiNt! Mouses in this country, besides publishing largely himself, enables him to sell all Books at LOWER PSSICES than any other house of a similar chnrcctiTon this continent. Ilts facilities lor the Im poiitatiox or Books from Etirope are tiusurpnrscd, having a I Branch nl his Establishment 111 London, where orders of private gentlemen are carefully executed and forwarded to this Country by every &tkami:h and Packet. A CATALOGUE of Books w ilh lhe prices attached is issued quar terly, containing Lists of New Additions niado to his large collet tion, Inch arc in all eases lor sale at the LOWEST miCES, or, from 25 to 75 per cent, below Publishers' Prices. Thus in buying even a Few Books, quite a considerable amount is saved. As a still further INDUCEMENTS to strangers visiting the city, every one who pur chases Use Dollau's worth of Books, will re ceive a copy of the irriiANOKH in Philaiiei.I'iiia, an elegant 18 mo. volume, lhe price of which is'JS cents. fif The limits of an advertisement arc too eon lined to enumerate the prices of any of the im mense atUantages to be derived from purchasing at the Great Central Cheap Book Stoiie, but let all who are in search of Books send for a Cata loguc, and buy the Books they are in want of, and when visiting the city, give Appleton one cull, and you w ill be sure to cull agnin. STATIONERY in all its branches, furnished at tlie Lowest Trices. The Initials of those purchasing Letter and Note Pupcr, neatly stumped in thd comer, without charge. Orders for any article may be sent by mail, ad dressed to tho Proprietor, and the directions in all cases will he fully curried out, with great punc tuality and despatch. Orders for Catalogues should be 1'HE-paiii. GEO. S. APPLETON. Bookseller, Publisher, lyipurter, and Stationer 1G4 Chisnut St. cor. if Seventh, Suaims ISuiluins, 1 hiladilphia. May, 13, 1S49. 3m SILENCE! That dreadful Cough I the Lungs are in dan ger, the work of thd Destroyer lias heen begun, the cough of Consumption hath in it a sound of Death, ltcv. lll'.NKY Jl)M".S. 1118 Kialith avenue; was rareil i fHiiifiliaail catarrhal ulieiiioii ot ill years Rtauillait. The Inst tl"t-c,itv'c lulu more rclll l Uiiill ult lhe oilier llliitieiau lie liacl ever taken. Or. I.. J. Heals. Ill lleluney-street, pave it lo a sister-in-law who was labourinp nailer 1'nii Niiinutiiat und to ullnther sorely alnieteil with the AKthina. 11 Ik a 11 cases l'S t-aects were luitntMialc, soon mnornig thein to cxnltorttllile hcilta. Mrs. 1.1 t'itl-.TlA i;i.l.S. ft C hrutlc-sl. sntlertxl Iroin Anllima 4J veum. Hiernmirs Itulsaia relieved her Ht once, una he i coiiiiurutivcly well, ls-int cnaMed lo snlnlae eve ry atlnek liy a ninety use ol una iiicnicine. iiusiiHieen is tins sTcal remedy lo'r Coughs, Coltl, fnntiuit Mood, lnvcr t'iiiiilaiuts, uud all lhe ud'ectioas of die throul, und even Asltmui uihI l-oilBltuiption. AalclorMieniuiirs All-Healing liaifcini, ana tee mat 111s wriltell sijjaalare is on riieh Imllle. Price ! cents ami $1 per hoitle. Dr. (hermuii's Worm and Cough Lozenges, and Poor Muu's Plunte.nl sold us sliove. SHERMAN'S POOIt MAN'S PLASTER lias en red more eases of Rheumatism, Pain in lhe Illicit, bale anil t'hest. l.timhsirn and Weukness, than uny upll rulioa Ihut has increased, hundreds of unprincipled ruM-als haveultenipted lo counterfeit it, uisl palm it Sl'Uioii die commimily ss the genuine. 19 Itewareof l)cceplion..1 Hememher Ihut the true uud genuine Plaster is spread ufmu reddish patier made eiprcjwly for the purpose sad every ease the sismitare of t)r. Sherman is printed apou the hack of the Piaster, sad the whole secured by Copy liitdit. None others sre genuine. Therttfnre when vm wunt a nl K'ix! flu-mule's Poor Man's l'laer, cull st theotfii'e, HB Nusaau street, and yisl will not he disappointed. Renieinlier principal limes 1( Nassuu-street, New- York, Where all Dr. tUieniian'i IsenK-s are sold, llis Aitrtlts are Mrs. Hays, VM Fallon street, llrooklyili Ilincsna, W'illuuusburg : ami KtshliiK ft Co, lli.stoii, and JOHN YOt NG, Sunbury. M. A. McCAV, NortliutuberUuiu May 19, iaiO clteSiu ly SUNBURV FOUNDRY. TH E subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has again become connected with the above Foundry, uud that hereafter it will be con ducted solely under his munaitement and control. From his long exiierience in the bussiness he trusts he will be able to give 'general satisfaction to his old friends and customers, lhe business will he carried on in all its branches. He will continue to manufacture I'loughs, and all kinds of castings will bo diaie with promptness and ill the best manner. tiKO. KOHR0ACH. Sunbury, June 9, liM'J. 3in DREAOFt'L OCfTltf: KC't3 AT R ATHRC.H'S HOTEL. Attempted MxTRirtnR and SfietD. The inmates of Rathlmn'a Hotel, in Broad. way, were startled ltns mornitip, by a Acces sion of loud screarhs issuing from tho cham ber of Mrs. Rathbun, tho wife of the proprie tor, and on entering the room, shn was found lying on the floor, weltering in Mood, frdrn a severe wound in the throat, inflicted .with a razor by her son, who was near the spot, also bleeding profusely frbih a woutk! in his own throat; The partieulaiS, so far as we could gather therPj are as follows : Loomis Ruthban, tho attempted murderer; is about 35 years of age, and has for some time past led a most dissolute life, being drunk the greuter part of Iho titno, and mix ing with lbw and abandoned characters; all the efforts of his frjPn(js t0 r,!Claim him proved Iheflectualj mid his father finding that a reformation Was hopeless, gave him bp to his vicious courses; permitting him 'trt livdat the hotel when ho felt disposed ; but' little Was seen of him, ns ho was out most of lhe day, anil found his way to his bed room at nil hours of the niirht. For the past week he h;i8 been on n drunken spree, and tho dreadful act was doubtless perpetrate.! whilj in a fit of delirium tremeiirj. About 0 o'clock, tin's morning, ho appeared at his mother's door, with a t-azorin his hand, sayinjr, "Good-bye, mother," drew tho in strument across his throat, inflicting a wound on the left side of a severe, but not of a seri ous character. His mother, in alarm, rushect to him ami seized his hand, when ho turned furiously upon lmr, and evclaimed, ;D 11 her, I'll kili her," and, throwing her down on the floor, knelt upon her body and cut her throat almost f:nm ear to ear. Her cries were heard by one of tlie wai ters, who ran to the room and fucceeded in dragging tho son off the body, and secured him until assistance arrived. A surgeon was immediately summoned, who examined and dressed the wounds; that of the man is not of a serious character, but great fears are en tertained that Mis. Kathlum will not recover, and at the last accounts she was lying in a very low state. The son who is evidently insane, was pro- perl y secured, anil will be sent immediately to the Insane Asylum to await the action of the authorities in tho matter. .V. Y. Mirror. Ripo poaches sell in Cincinnati at 10 cents a piece. To tlie Democratic Voters ofJYor tluimlierlaiitl County. Fellow Cilizens: Warmly urged by many of my friends, I titi'cr li'yst-lf as a cauilidatc for the oliice of REGISTER A1D RECORDER ut the ensuing el.ierion, folicitiui; at the hands of my Dciuocralic brethren lhe preliminary nominar tion, pledging myself (if nominated nnd elected.) to Discharge 111 good faith till tlie duties incum bent on said oliice. cry respectfully your fellow citizenj JOllX V. MILES. July 21, 11!!. REGISTER RECORDER, fccj rrilE aul-vril rr has been solicited to oiter him 1 self again for the oliice of musts-nut & nt:coiiiit:it for Northumberland enmity, mid trusts if elected, his experience in Kai.1 uliice will enable him to dis charge its duties siitislact'irilv. JOHN.P. PUH'EL. Sunbury, June i.'i, lls, TO Tiln F.LECTORS OF XOHTHUMj BKRLAND COU.NTY. FriioW-Crrrrxs: At the solicitation of a number of my old friends, in ilitl'ereut parts of the county, I hereby ol'er myself a candidate for the oliice of IllX.ISTrit & RtXOIlUER ut the ensuing clcclion, EDWARD OVSTKK. Sunbury, .lunc 30, 18 t'J. TO Tilt KLF.CTonS OF NOUTHUMBEK- LAX I) COUNTY. 'T'HTl Subscriber at the solicitation of a number of his friends aimin oilers himself to his friend and fellow citizens of Northumberland, as a candi date for the oHicc of ItEGISTEIi & nECOlU)ER&fc. Should he be elected, he promises to spare no time or attention to discharge the duties of the said oliice failht'ullv und impurtiitllv. JA.MKS D. DARK. Lewis township, July 1-1, lsl'.l. TO TIIE EL Kf 'TOUS OF NOltTHFMBER LANI) COUNTY. J'lIK suIisnrilaT takes this occasion to almoin to his friends and fellow citizens, of North nnouneea tint- i"'i iui ue ia cuiuuiiaie lor Hie oliice of ltEGISTEU & 11EC011DER, &c. for the countv of Northumberland, and respectful ly solicits their support at the easuitur election. Should he be elected he will perform the duties of said oliice with falelitv. ' FREDERICK HAAS. Up: Augusta towiithip, July 14, 1S40. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. rpilE subscriber oilers himself to tho electors of Nuithtimbeiltiiid county as a candidate for COMMISSIONER. should he be elected he will faithfully discharge l...rt.....l .1... 1. 1 . ... the duties ol Ills olbce. WILLIAM WILSON. Lewis township, June 'i'J, 1S48. TO THK ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. Fsllow Citizkns. Encouraged bv numerous friends 1 hereby ollir luvsclf to Vour consideration as a candidate for the oliice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the next general election. Should I receive 4 majority of your sullrau'es, I w ill endeavor to dis charge the duties of said oll'ico with fidelity. WILLIAM M. AUTENj Chilisquaque township, June 16, 1849. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBKlU LAND COUNTY. WM. W. BETTILYOX, of Upir Aupvrta. ' oilers himself to the electors of Korlhum bertutid county as a raiididat for C Ol Vry TKU1SI BEU Should lie elected, he promises to discharge th duties of said oliice with fidelity. l'plr Aug;usla, June t, IfUft. COUNTY TUEASURER. JACOB YOUNG, of the Uoroush of r'unbufv, olli rs hinis. if to lhe eleeUirs of Norlhumrer land County, as a candidate for the oliice ol THEASt'KKH. Should he lie elected, he will endeavor to discharga the duties of site oliice in such a manner as la give general satisfaction. 'unhurv. June u. 11" - -1