Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 21, 1849, Image 4
" ' ' ' ' ' """- W-.y, , . . . . ""7 1 1 ' - i Qigctctilttxtr: v ,r , Ml i .,( " Ennr tea Tntri. , Aiont'tWiic time a 4 nroodasanv to, WuA .. the bodies witiiey, More )nccis aiiwornie r' will be canghi now than at any earlier poriodY Bear in mind that one pound, of good potash la one gallon pf water, will make a ley , that will kill the animals that come in contact with it, but will not hurt the birk.. It is more than thirty years since we have used this wash, and, we have never known it to, .injure ,a tree, young oroide i . .-, , i, 1 t. r A piece of woolen oloth nailed on a short handle will answer the purpose of a bush.- This wash must not be permitted to touch the leaves that are to remain on the tree. Washes of this kind have a tendency to kepp away animalcules that are inclined to harbor on the bodies of trees. r;When the trees have rough : bark on, ! it ought to bo scraped off before i washing. The loose bark affords a harbor to various insects and grubs. Massachusetts Plowman ; '' ; ( PEACH TREES. Examine the roots of your trees for worms kill them with the point of your knife a knitting-needle, replacing the earth and sow a mixture comprised of 5 parts ashes, 2 parts salt, and 1 sait-petrb around tho trunk, and beneath the limbs of the trees, giving to each tree about a gallon of the mixtuju ; that done, paint the body up us far us in the pro portion of 1 gallon of soft soap, n quart of salt and lib. of flour of sulphur. If you have not done so before, paint the bodies of your ap ples and pear trees as recommended for peach trees. . A NEW MAIRE. Robert Bryson, Esq., of Cumberland comi ty, about eight miles from Harrjsburg, Pa., has been experimenting for the last ten years to make exhausted tan bark availublo and valuable as a manure. Besides his magnifi cent faim, he likewise carries on the tanning business. Finally, after a great deal of ex pense, and many failures he has succeeded in discovering a method of producing from the tan an efficient manure. He causes his tan to be wheeled out on a level piece of ground and leveled off, two or three feet thick. Over this he spreads a layer of two or three inches of lime, and over that again a stratum of tan, then a layer of lime, and so on. He lets the bed so prepared remain for two years ; at the end of that time he finds himself in pos session cf a bed of manure, the effects of which upon the land can barely be surpassed for the richness of its product, and the dura ble fertility which it imparts. LECTURE ON THE BOA COSSTRICTOK. v ' "(John undo his tail.) There, ladies and gentlemen, is the wonderful boy constructor; so called beoause he constructs many pleas- " ing images with his serpentilo form. The constructor is a long animal as you will per ceive, and is very long-lived. He is of the - wormy species, and worms hisself ulong the ground without legs. Ho is capable of climb ing the highest trees, which he is fond of concealing hisself in the branches whereof, that he may impose upon the benighted tra reller, or other beasts, whereby to assatiate . his hunger. He mashes his victuals before he eats 'em, and then swallows !tm liend first, for which he is provided with great , strength for the purpose. Ho is sometimes called the bow constructor, from an ignorant idea that he ties hisself into bow-knots; but I am intimately acquainted with the creatur, and he never does it. I suppose he could if he tried, but there would be no use of it. "Some naturalists suppose that the boy constructor is the same personage that de- ceived our grandmother Eve, and that he staid on the land for the purpose of obtaining a livelihood, and his relatives took the water and became sea-serpents. This may be par egorical, or it may not. , I am not acquainted with the sea-serpent, having never been in troduced to him. Besides, the sea-serpent is much larger, though I think the boy con structor could lick him, for he is full of spunk and very 'plucky.' (Prick him, John, and ; make hira hiss.) When ho hisses he is very angry, and cares very little what becomes of him. This is because ho is w eak-minded, . and has a small head. He has, however, a very large belly, and when it is full he is good-natured. "The boy constructor is a resident of I5en- gal, a far country, which produces tigers and spices, and is nearest the sun. I have an uncle who has lived in Hengal, and he tells me he has seen ten thousand boy construe tors, a frolicking in the forest and eating each other up. He catched this one by feeding nun wan rum atut suar whereof bo got tight, as many olhcr leasts do, and conse quently was boxed up, a iclim to ardent spirits." Boston Museum. Curiosities of the Earth. At the city ; of Mo-dena, in Italy, and about four miles around it, wherever it is dug, when, thi workmen arrived at tho distance, of, sixty- three feet, they came to a bed of chalk, which they bore with an augur five feet deep . They then withdraw from the pit, before the auger is removed, aud upon its extraction, the water bursts, up through the aperture with great violence, and quickly Tills this new mad well, which continues full, aud is affected neither by rains nor droughts. But I that which is most remarkable in ibis operai tion, is the layers of Sarth as we decend. a- At the depth of fourteen feet art found the ruins of an ancient city, paved streets, houses, floors,' and pieces of mosaic ' Under this is ' found a soft oozy earth made up of vegeta. bles; and at 26 feet deep, large trees entire, ' such as walnut trees, with the walnuts still sticking on the stem, and branches in a per- ; . feet state of preservation, ' At twenty-eight feet deep a soft chalk is found, mixed with a , -. vast quantity of shells, and this bed is eleven feet thick. Under this, vegetables are found again with leaves, and the branches of trees . as before j and thus alternately chalk and vegetate earth, to the depth of sixty-three Moms. Verballe made another balloon ascension from Newr' Orleans ou the 17th ry'tilt.j in the usual mannei',4head to the earth, ..J i.iL. .1... m Ti. a r . anu irn iu me say. ,, ; nousanus 01 jirr&ons witnessed it. S urninc r A ri'a n ge m c n t. TOIMTXEt.rillA AND. RITA PlNOTKAl.I . KOAD, FROM PHILADELPHIA.,, ' TO POTTSVILLE. Jk i i ClTJtiGK OF HOURS; and nro TRAIN DAlLYt each trrti, -ttceft Sundays. " ! On and after Monday, Mi &m, i849 two trains Will run each way, dsilTt between Philadelphia and PotuvilM' " t MORNING LIN&--ACCOMMODATION, Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M, daily, except Sundays.' . ' -v ' ' l Pssees Reading t 10. A.M. . Leaves Prttevillo at Tj A. M, daily, except Sundays. :t ! -- . Paaw Reading et.9 19 A. M. i . , . .,Th abova Line stops at all way stations on the road formerly.' '( '. ' ' i ' AFTERNOON -LINEFAST TRAIN. -1 l'n -.Train '.' i . , .Down Train. ,. Leaves Philadelphia at I Leaves Pottaville at 2J 2 P. M.j daily, ax P. M. daily, except cent Sundays. - , Sundays. ; Leaves 'ch. Haven 2,37 " Port Clinton 3,00 " Reading 3,S0 , " Pottstown 4,40 ' riitriiixvilie 9,00 Leaves Phor.nixvillc 3,45 ' Pottstown 4,13 " Heading ' 5,00 " Port ( linton 5.4.. " Mch. Haven 0,10 Arri,esntP.itlsvi!lrB.2l Arrives ntftntc Rd5,50 J lie Ailrriioon 1 rain will sin) only at the a hove nn in oil stations. ' Passeimrrs for other point must therefore take the Morning Line. DEPOT in Reading, coroner of Chcsmit and Seventh streets. l'lissenners ennnot enter the Curs unless provided with Tieketa, liT NtVJ'lt'E Fifty poinida of liamaEB will lie allowed to earh pnswnrr in these lines ; and passengers are expressly prohilii'ed from taking any tliinc as lunreaae ln:t their wearing apparel, which will lie ul t!ie ri.kof its owner. No frcipht will be tiiknn ly these lines. IjvordiT of the Hoard of Mnnnws, .S. liKADPOKD, 5ccrv. April r, 18-lil. , . .' ninltiillc Ul'n InNnranre. Annuity , and 'l'i ut fjoitipaiiy, - ITFICTTt WAI.NPT PTDKI'T. PIItLAnEI.rHIA. : Capital SiW.ipnoLiuiaKR VcartTVAt. ri'lIK Ci'miany r now rf fnirt to trnnwiot buHnra JL tip-Mi tlif mwt hbfriil attii utlwnit.izf'itis terms. Tliev are authorial by their charier (ml. :l) "to trcike all unit even- iiwuranr np(iertniniii? tn Iiir ricks of whatfver kimt or linlurt'. ant !! ttcire ait -xerulP trusts, inuk rnilow mentB, and to cruat and pnrchiite minllil The Com pany cell nnnuitti and endowaicnti, and act as Trustees for tuinors and heirs. . j. Table of Premiums rcfimrpd for the Assurance of $100 for the whole term of Life. aae. Firm. 4A 3-' 47 3 49 48 .1 62 49 3 77 50 3 04 61 4 I 'I 62 4 32 S3 4 51 51 4 71 0.) 4 91 5ft 5 12 67 5 a-i 6 5 54 69 8 78 60 603 The premiums are leu than any other rotnnaiiv, and the policies ntrord crertler advuntiicrs. Tublrs of lialf-veurlv nnd quarterly premiums, htilf credit rates of premutm, short terms, joint' lives, survivorships and endowments; also, form ni jvppucuuim I," wmcu mere, arc uianK snceur) are to he luid on anplinition at the office, or by letter to the Agent, J. II. l'UHDV, Sunbury. Rates roR ixsi-atxc 81(10 on a single Life Arc. I Trem. Ayr?. Prem. is l n at 9 o n- 1 at as 2 is f I M a ) 2 20 10 I 1 60 .. . U4 3 S7 jo i o ; 34 aa 21 Ittl iW 2 4(1 !U 1 (W 37 2 47 SI 1 5) 38 2 SI 21 1 72 3 9tW !U I 76 40 3 70 211 13 41 2 (1 27 I b!) 42 2 W 28 1 pi 4:i 3 01 20 1 (if 41 3 14 30 2 01 45 3 23 For Life. 1.60 2. (14 2,70 3. pt 6,04 F-Xamtlf. A pers m aareil 30 venrs next birth dnv. by nsvluc the (VmimiiVfin cents would secure fllis fumily or heirs IjlOO uliunld he die , one veur : or for Su.uO he m?- cures to tlu'in SUMO; or t -r $1:1 uiiiiinlly lur seven years he sceur' " to tlienl SIOOO ch''iiM he riic in seven vears; or .'li. til T'i'l tumimllv durinir hie he secures Slnoo to be inu'l when he dies. The insurer securing his own bonus, hy the ilill'Tcnce in amount ot premiums from Ihosechtirced ,v oili.'i ciiiccs. For lfl.5n the heirs would receive SooOO sii-MtM he die in one year. l-oru olupplicfHin nnd all particulars mav he had at the oilicc. J. V. l.Alill()l!N, l'resi.lent. unAM'Tirn Francis u . Kawle. H. (i. 'I'uckctt, tcrreUtry. t.'ovfi.TiNo ruvMcnN l)r. .1. n. Mnsscr, Sunhury. J. II. IH ruv, Sunhurv, Agent for Northumherlaud coun Sunhury, Jurj- 6, l?lb Ayer's (Micrry ' Pectoral, . tvii couam, colds, crofp, JIU ARSES ESS, ASTHMA. HOOP. , ISG COUGH, BUOSCUITIS AXD COSSUMPTION. . THIS valuable preparation, s aaioiimhiugly successful in curing diseases of the I.ungs, is the result of a skill ful combination of the known enrntiva nriiicinl.. of medicine, lis ingredients are freely made kii'iwn to the public, and are those acknowledged to niedicul men as possessing rare medical virtues, which peculiar virtues are combined iu the "CHF.BKY PECTORAL" 111 their great est purity aud efficacy, aud when used, as will lie seen from the following valuable testimony : PIlOFESSOIl CU3VF.I.AVTV of Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, writes: "I have witnessed the effecls of your Cherry Pectoral in my own family and in that of inv friends, and it has given great satisfaction in eases both of adults and children- A VOICE FKO.M MASSACHC SKTTS. Dr. Bryant, Druggist and Pimtuiaster, Chicopee Falls, Mis : Da. J. C. Ayir Dear Sir: Kncloaed nl.e find remit. tuncc lor all the Cherry Pectonil last sent me. I can un- liesitullugly say, that no medicine we sell gives sue): satis faction us ynir's does tswr have I ever seen a medicine which cured so many eases of cough and hing complaints. Our Physicians are using it extensively iu the 'practice, and with the happiest ctrects. Truly yours. D. M. BRYANT. PR. PERKINS. , . President of Yennnnt Medical College one of the most learned and inlelligi'iit physicians iu the country, "conaidera it u composition of rare excellence for the cure of that for midable disease. Consumption. o An almost incredible uunitair of eertificntes have been received i aoving that the Chcrrv Pectoral is, in truth, a GRF.AT RF.MKDY for Cotighs. Colds. Asthma and all pulmonary eomplamu PRICK 75 CKNTS PKH BOTTI.R. Prepared bv J. C. AYl'.R. ltwell. Mass , and s-'UI bv H. MASSF.U, Sunbun-, uml .MARY McCAY, Northuni. berland. March 31, 1M0 I. ANDREWS OEATIITO 1.4I RRi.itr to nm Pick! Ilenllli In the Wen's!! A BALM is IihiihI lor the Whole Human Race in An drews PAIN KILLER. Tins is an entirely vegeta ble compound. comwiscd of Twcnty-Fivediib-rent ingre dieiits, and is an internal and mm r.xlernal Iteiuedy li the va rious ills tliut human ticsli is heir to sue 11 AS, Coiichs, Colls, Pains, Nervous and Hick Headache. Rheumatism, t.'utSj Sprains. Suusl Affuctasta, eluuuner Complaints, Cholcru Morbus. TiH4ltuc)us, Krupuous, t.Vrus Piles, Frozen Parts, liuriitf. S,ulds. Ague iu the Face and Hrca.t, Painters' Criilic, Bruises, old &res, Loss of appe tite, (.iiiernl pchilKy, Asthma. e. Put up in hottlea fuf I, S or 4 shillings per bottle. For further uorticulnm ore Pamphlets to la: liftd of every ugent gratis, t-outaining a briel history ot' the origin, discovery and g.wsla effects of A nun us ram niikrr, ceiliticstesol uures, directions, let LOOK OUT FOR FRAUD. The trinunihsnl suueess of Andreaa Pain Killer in re lieving Uie causes tliot produce dealh. the niitijnelv death of millions of our rune, lias induced some me 11 ul' whero it may tie truly snid, their vtllamous oacuoations nsmifest their villainy, t attempt to pnt bi eiroulatioa tperiou and u,, r I ,r.m '..uIUmI MS.;. 1 ll, ,. L. '".. . . - ui I.i.iu, , U. 1 1 1 BUIIIVUt uauies fur Ui pretended author, forged eertiflcates, Ac. Some have appeared, and others no doubt will appear. Let sit remember tliat Andrews Oeiwiue Pain Killer has the writtra sigiuitiira 01 1. A an raws oa the label of sack Bottle in black ink. Don't simply ask fur Puiu Killer, but ask for Andrews' ram Killer, ana nave no other. Hold bv M. A. McCoy, Bole Agent, Northumberland : J. W, Friling, Sunhury l John H. Baser, Mitloa ; Joan R. Myyex, Uloouisburg ; Win. A. Murray A. Co, PanviUe ( Davenport A- (imiib, Plymouth; Andrew Yohr, Wilkes barre : Hays McCormick, Atctwensvilk ; Scliaffle 4 Chamberlain, Iwisburg ; Oeorge MoAlpui, Jersey Shore; J. M. Judd. Wuiuuiisooit. Otdars addressed Iu I. Andrews, Inventor and only Pro. prietor st ltheea Tompkuis cuuiity, N. Y. Wil receivs prompi altenlioa - ' " HepUiuiber 3U, e4eU ly VAY RVM. An eirellent article for ale by - '- : HENRY MAStsEIt, Sunbury Jan. 87th, 1849 tf. 1 PLASTER, 8alt and Fish, Just received snd for A W J J. W. F RILING. Suuburf.Peit; 1848. pAINT8, s few for sals by .ri.ig.I V - ' HA. 8.BOGAR, Bunbuty, Marelk 10, U4. 1 A i -i r tt ' w ILtl o tUlti CAWY. An wed- lent remedy lor (ottghs. colds. , For sals st tnia oince Age. For I vcar. For 7 veari. 20 ' 'l :m ' on 40 1 .2i 1.01 50 I. HI 2.07 60 3,481 3,97 SUNBURN AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN ------- nT,TATr?. tt . IMPORTANT 'TO THE . PUBLIC. "ioiRSE -1TD CAT TLB i: MEDICINES.,: j: ''.jb'wi'.' permit your Horses or cattle to die, when tho means of cure are within the reach of all! The undersigned has aprnt several years in the study of Veterinary practice In "London and E dinboro'," he has also availed himself of tliereaear chesof Leibig, and otberrelebrateil men, who have contributed so much towards a judicious treatment of animals; the principles of our practice consists in the rejection of general bleeding snd the total rejection of all medicines that experience has shown to be of a dangerous tendaney. Those re medies set in harmony with the vital principle, snd when given according to the directions which ac company earh article they are capable of exciting and increasing the natural functions, without di minishing or destroying their power, hence are safcin .the hands of every one. - - ' ' " O.H. DAM), M. D. A 1.1st if Horde and Cattle Medicines, rhvsir balls, 75c. per boxi M IS Alterative, ball, 75c do. , , .. " ' powders for bad condition, 75c perpack nge. ' ' Heave powder fordincaaes or the lunes, 75c dr. lirine powder for " ' kidneys, 75c do. Tonic powder for bad condition "landers, 75c do. Cordial drink for iiiflamuUon of bowels, 75c per liottle. . Liquid liliMc.r, 75c per bottlr. Ointment for promoting the irrowth of hair, 50c per pot. llcnlitiK WsHtii for wounds nnd saddle galls, 75c. per bolllc. Wash for inflamed eves, 50y per bottle. Ointment for manijr scrtchc., old sores, etc., 50c per bottle. Knilimriilion for sore throat, 75c per bottlr. Hoof ointment lor caml cr.u k, brittle hoof, Ac, 50c per botlle. Horse Liniment, tho most celebrated nrtleln known in England for lameness of every description, 75c fc .$1 per bottle. ' ' l)i6U'mior powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for the removul of worms from the intestinal canal, 75 per packnrre. For sale bj NTIMPMON & KEKD. 2R Mer chants How, also at DADD'S HORSK AM) CATTLE MEDICINE DEl'OT, Nos. 1 k 2 Haymnrket Sqiiure, Boston. Pamphlets deseribinj the diseases for which these remedies are used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificates are in possession of the Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi cines. Sold by GREEN & FLETCHER, No. 26 South SIXTH Street. Philadelphia, and by his Aoests. Hr.xnr Masseii, Sunhury, February 3, 1849 tf 1)B. TOWNSENU'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SAKSAFAlilLLA. THIS F.xtrnt't in pnt up in quart lntt!uii. It it nix timr chmpcr rittt liter, and wurrniitni uprinr to ony Hld. ll cures diHeaKs without vomit inc. purging, nick nomi. ur debilitating tli patient, and ia particularly udapttxl for a FALL AND SPRING MEDICINE. The great beauty nnd auperioriiy of tins Stirmpnrilla over other reuRtiioii is, whilu it traduuitcadiauaaie, it iiivicti-nitrii the bin!). CoiiFumptin cured. Cleanse and Strenftthfn. ConsmnptiLin can be cured. Bronehitift. ConRuniption. Liver Cmiplnii.t. CitM. Cupliar C'utnrrh, Astliiriii.Spittiutfot' Wrv. Srenew in the Client, Iiectie liunt'. Might treats, l'uli cult ami Profuse Kxp-TT oration, und Pain in the Snlr, iVe.. Ac., Ii:iif mill ran U euri'd Prdtiiith' there m-v.-r w:i u renicity tlmt hnn heen uc tewtfiil iu ciexpernto Piisjen ol enniiii"pii('n nit this ; it eiinn ea uiul strciicthnis the Kvmcin. nnt! iippi'oin to hcol tlw ul ceri uu the luiijfj, nnd puticj.tii gnuln:tlly rcguhi tiiuir uaiinl liCJillU uud alrenutli. ' ci'KKHs casi: or roNPtr.MrTin.v. 'Hiere is scarcely a day wtK?rn hut thtTe nre n iiuuiIh-t of ritm of nitnmimptidti rejMirted n cMrr.l by the uit: nf Ir TuwuKeu a hurRipiuiilu. 'iw riluwinn wm recently re ceived : Dr. Tiwni:mv V,ir Sir: Vnr the lift three ye..ra I h;tve l.-rii :tii;ictitl with neutral di-hihty. und nervous c;m-xiunpii-m .if the lust nc. timl xiui not tfxpe-t tn eer caiu tuy ai itii. Alter a-'mu liin.uirii it r tuictl iiK'ilii-uit; uiulcr tiie care ot Mine tiic m t rcpuliir phici:nut nii.l iremiMTt of t lie Hoard it H.-;lth in -w York ami WMrhere. and Fpenthnr the in n ot my earuiu.i in nttinii'tinu to n-.' ini my tn-nltli. ami uit--r reaiim in B"iiie pftptr i'l y.'in MiKijKiri!la I n-H lved titrv it. After umiii! ki b-Mtii-H J I iititl it diMtn me nat if-HxI. uud cuiiett to avo ynu t y.iitr otiu-f j with your a-b u- I ket n, nnd do m.tfit h irtil) thrnk yon lor yur advice. J HTver in tikint; lUt- arjpnrillu, nnd have bt?n ublc to attend to my Urtual labirafT the kmt lour uituithit, and! hope by the lilsKsfiiiM of f. -d und your SarwpunJln to continue my hciilth. It hflpeti me iK-yoiiU the .Lpectntioiw of who knew my cane. CIJAHLK9 lL I.MJ1V t Hiamje, Kwtr.x eo. .. J., Ahjj. t!. Ie47. ?tateuf New Jimey, x county, na. Charles Q nim by being duly awont ammtinp to 4av, on liis iKith Siiith, tli it the foren-iinp stiiteineul is true according to the bent of hiikmiwledgeinitl belief. CHAKLKS CHUMMY. Sworn nnd afiliScrH)ed to before tne ut OrnniEe, the 2d August, m7. CVKI S HALDVVIN. Justice of the Peace. FPjmo nisOou. Read the follinving, and say tliat consumption is in tneu ruble if you can : New York, April 31, 1SI7. Dr. Tows!fD : t verily believe that your Sjrsapurilla has been the means, through Providence, of saving ruv life 1 hava for several years had a butt cough. It became worse and worne. At last 1 raiwl lurce quantities of blood, liad night sweats and was greatly detiibuited ami reduced, and did not expert to live. 1 have only used your ftiranpanlla but a short time, and there has a wonderful (-lunge been wrought in me. I am now able to walk all over the city. I raise no Motif I, aiwl my cough has left me. Vou can well imagine that 1 ant thankful t'-T thene results. S our obxli. rut aervniit. V.L RlfiSKLL, 65 Catharine st. IOSTIIKR PPKLCH. The annexed pertifioitd tells a aimple and truthful story of htilfer ins aud relief. There ure thousuntla of viinilar en se in this city" ami Brooklyn, bih. yet there are thousand of pjtr.-uli let their children die for fear of being humbugged or to save a few shillings. Rrooklyn, Pept. 13. 17. Dr. Twmfni: I take pleasure in staling, for the bene fit of those whom it may concern, that my daughter, (wo venrs and nix months did. was ulHieted with general de bility and loss ot" Seeeh. flie w:is given up as part ae coveryhyour family plivHician ; hut fortunatelv I was re. coimne.ndnl by a friend to try your Kirsijiunllii. iVloie having uicd one l-ottletli rt-covered her Mech and was enahlrd to walk alone, to the act -nihlimfnt (." oil wlr were aiHpinittted with the eireninstanrc!. jihp is nnwqui'e well, and m much Ix-t'T hc;ilth th:ui the h-is (wfii f r 1m months pa. JOSKPil 'I'AVLOH, - Vork ut., Brooklyn. TWO CHILDIILV 8AVI;D. Wry f'W fiiui!ie m icdiu fuct we have not heard of on' that mad Dr. Tovns'iid'n Srtvi.nrilta iu time. lt any cliil lren the past iunuiifi-, whim lit ise that dul imt. su k'.-ni'tl und dirtf. T'ne ncrciticute we pu)'hh tmlow is eon-ttnie evnh m-e of ltd v tine, uud is only another tiiklunce of its Having the liv of children : Dr TowiKFNti Dearer: I had two children cured by yitur lr:trw;Kiilbi of tu- nunun r eotaplaitit antl dyatiitary"; ne wu only l:'t mon'li(il.l mid th. other .1 yt ar. They wre ery much reduced, nnd w- expoclelth''y would tie; they were given up ly two rehiiceLible phivicmns. When the doctor informed a tlmt wc uuurt ltsethein. we resol ved to try your NirsapunUa we had heaul mo much of, but hud litilfonntuVnct', there ben if so much sttuf advertised that isi worthh-ss : but we arc tluuikful that we did, for it ! uud iulte.ll) saved the lives of both. I write this (hat olh- ers may be induced to use it. Youra, resieciful.v, Jtll. WllslKN, Jr. Myrlic-avenuc, UnnsVlyu. ept. ia, ik7. TO TIIC LAD I KM. - I - ' tillEA T EM ALU MEDICINE. - Dr. TowsskniTs 8abuPiuilla is u soverenn and soev1v cure for incipient vonsuuiption, uud fvr the geuerui prostra tion of the system no matter whether the result of inhe rent cause or causes, produceO by irregularity, lUuess off ac ciduiit. NHiiinc can be. in-jre surprising than its invigoratiiic ef fects on the human frame. Persona all wtukm-s ami kuv. aitiuks from taking it at rue become robust and lull of energy unat iu uiduenc. li uaiued lately owutenieta the uorvelesaueaa ot Uus female fnuue, which is the great cutue barrenness. ll will ax be expocted of aa, iu eases of so delicate a na ture, to exhibit cvnihcfjurii of cures performed, but we etui assure the aiHicled that hundreds of uaaea have been repor ted tu ns. . Da. Towmsbkb) i My wife being greatly distressed by weakneaa aiht getxtrai tWstUty, and sutlering coiitiuuully by pain and with other difficulties, and haviug Iuhiwu cases where your medicine hat effected grrat cure; and ulao hearing il recommended lor sueh cases aa I have deacribetl, I obtained a bottle of your Lxiract of Kusupuriila and fol lowed the directions you gave me. In a short period it removed her compLajuta and restored her to attth. lteiug gresitlul for the benefits she rcsmaved, I take pleasure iu thus acknowledging it, and rououuueiidina: it to the public, M. D. MOOJtE. Albany, Aug. 17, U4. aor. Oraiid 4 Lydia sis. DYHPKPSU. No fluid or inedieiiw has ever been discovered which ao nearly reaeinbles the giiatric juice or saliva in decotupnang food and Btrrnglbeim.g the nraana of UurcsUon aa Uus pre paration ot' Hursapariiia It ptsutively cura every casa of dysepaia, however severe or chixauc. Bank Department, Albany, May 10, IrtJI. Dr. Towtiaend 8ir : 1 have been a til toted for scvsrul years with dyspeissia iu iu worst form, aucndesj with air neaa of sbaiiach, loss ctf appetite, extreme hear I bur u. and a great aversion to all kimts d food, and for weeks, (what 1 could cat) 1 have been amlae la rvbua bat a stnail purtioii on my atomaeh. I tried tae usual remedies, but obey had but little or uo effat-t in removing the cemvluiut. I was in duced, about two months since, lo try ytur Kxtracn of Hutv. snpanl&i, and I must say wiUi littta oajfidtetce; UltaJter using mwly two bottlea, 1 UaiinJ my appetite leettired aud tha hmrtbunt euir-iy icm.jvtml; aiid I would earnestly re commend the use of it to thne w)i have been arrlicted as? huvebeeji. Voura, e , rt; VV. WVAN KANDT. . r Apainftr Hoiftmry JOHN W. l-'.IMi; Nor Ihun.herland, MAKY i- McCA Y j spajivtUe. WM A. MI KPAY k Co., A pnl 'A loii ly tiiu c; 11 a mi rritfJAiivE. ron tub cvxts or ' h-Jr,l. r:;.i,l,..n t 1 0-1. a l V 1TisIm Plait Rheiim. Rheumatism, Piles, Heart Burn) Worms, Chuhira Mortms, ! e .-1 (.VniBl Quil.sey,, . , Avhooping Couah, , Ommmipiion, Fn,"'' ' Liver Comiilaint ' rj: . liMnelas. erifnest, r, l)nscnsia,9ettrrejr, email rnx,jimnuieo. ,. , Pains lathe llack, , ' Inward Welcin-., ' ' ' Palpitation of the Heart, K ismg in the Throut, , Dropsy, Asthma, Fevers of all kinds. 1 1 oil i iicruugs 01 me rtsin, ; CchVIb, Goat, (Jravel, Nervous Complaints, Female Complaints, sMD A VARIETY Of OT11EH DISEASES AftlSINO . FROM IMPURITIES Of TrtB BLOon, AfcD ' OBSTRUCTIONS' IW THE ORGANS Of ' DIOEJTIOV. ' ' Kjperienee has proved that m rhr every Plessseorisinste from Impurities 01 the Wood or derainrenMnis of the Dirm lives Orpiiti and to secure Health, we must remove those ohstructionsor restore the Blood to itsnnlnrel state. The arersion to tskinf medicine is most etlectimllr re moved by Clicsher's VioEtABia PeROATivs Pius, being e'lmpletely enveloped with a coning of pure white Pnrar, (which is as distinct froia Un internal innredients as a lint shell from the kerneQ and hnvanu taste of medicine. But are os easily swallowed as bits of candy. Moreover they neither nausettte or prlj-e In the sliclitcst di aree, but operate eqnalty on all me aiseasen aiism 100 siead of eonfiulng themselves Us nnd rucking imy particular region. Thus, if the Liver be urWted one imrredient will operate on that oruna, anil, by cleansing it of an Kxcess of Bile restore it to its natuied state. Another will operate on the Board and remove all impurities In its circu lation j while a third will etrectnully espel whntever impu riiies may hare been disclianrcd snto the stomacli, and hence thev strike at the root or disease remove all Impure Hu mors from the bcnlv, orn tlleimres externally nnd inl'r nallv) i'nrste all foreitm anil olaioximis particles from the rlivie, so that the bLvxl may be thoronghly pure thus sncu rin'gn fne nnd healthy anion to the Heart, l.ungsaiid Liver and therein- they restore health even when all olher means have failed. The entire truth of the above can be ascertained by the Iriul of a sinclc Itox: and th.-ir virtues nre sn positive and certain in rcstorins llcallh. that the proprietor binds himself to return the nionv paid for Ihem in ull cases where they do not give imivernl satisf iction. ltrtail I'rlt e, ir t. per Itox. Principal olTice No. IW Versey St.. N. York, S.ild by JOHN Y. YOl'.Mi. Siinlmrv. M. A. McCAV.Norlhnmlcrliind. tT" ItcmemherDr. r. V. riikncr is the inventor of the Pugar tloateit Pills, and that nothing of the sort was ever heard of until he introduced them in .lude. IHI.'t. Purcluisers shoulil. Iher'-fore always ask for fltrkner'S Sugur T'liitnl Pills, aud lake no others, or they wilt be made the victims of a fraud. February, 17, 1y SORES CA It ( I RED. Burns, Scahls, and all kinds of inflamed Sores Cured. TofSF.Y'S fNIVKRHAI. fllNTMFNT, is the most eomnlele Burn Antidote ever kn wn. It instiintly, (and as if Iry Magic) stiaisfsiins ot' the most de.pemte Burn and sicald. For old Sires. Utilises, Cuts. Sprains, Ac on mnn ra beast, it is the la-sr application that can tie made Thousands have tried and thousand praise it. It is the most perfect master of pain ever discovered. All who use re commend it. F.very family slnuld tie provided Willi it. None can tel how soihi some of the fumily nuiy need it. r Oliservc each hoc, of the genuine Ointment has the imeot . Iovsky, written on I ho outside label.' To unite to this is 11 "irery. Hontinen. Livery .Mill. Funners. nnd nil Who use Horses. will find this Ointment the very best ttiintr thev can use for Collnr (inlls, Scmtrhes, Kicks, fcc., Ac, on tlieirauinuils Purely every mercyfiil limit would keep his inliiruils as free from pnin as poasilile. Toust7's L itiversul tiintiueiit is ull tliat is required. Try it. HITI'S OF IXSF.CTS. Forlhe stina or bite of poison us Insects, Tousey's Ointment isimiivulied Iliiudredsbuve tried it nnd found it good. 1'ILLS CI' KF.D I For the Piles, Tousey's Universal Oint ment isone of thehest Kemidii s thnt run he upplled. All who have tried it for the Piles recommend it. OLU SOKKS Cl HKl). F.t old olmlmale Sores, there is nothing equal to Tousey's Omtlnrnt. A person in Miiini. us hud. f ir a inimlier of venrs, a s ire Ira- tliat bnlileil the skill of tlie doctors. Tousey's Ointment wss recommended by one of the visiting physicians, (who knew its grout vir tues.) and two luxes prtMluctfl more benefit thnn theim lient hud received from any and all previous remedies. Let alltrvit. iH'ltXS AXD SCALPS CUHF.D. Tlnaimiids of cases ol liurns ttnil ?v;il(!s. iu ull pans ot the country, have been cured hy Tousey's (niverail Ointment. Certificates enough could l had to till the whole of this sheet. VIOLF.XT UUI ISl'.S CTItF.O. Testimonials on tcsti- mouial in fsvor of Tousey's flinlmeiit fir eurimr Hruises neve iM-en ottered tho pnprietons. Ilntidrefls in Syracuse wiltccrtitVto its great merits relievinc the siin of tlie inst severe Hruises. All n,'rs ns should trvit. ft'Al.ll I1F..M) I'TIUll). S.res of cases of fieald Ilend have been cured by Tousey's i iiniincnt. Try if. it seldom tails. SALT KHKl M crrtKV). Of all the reimilles ever ilis. coveren forllis ni st ilisajjroealiie c itiipliiint. Tousey's t'ni versil Oiiiluient is Uie most coiiinlete. il never was known to fail. t'HAPPIUI II AMIS CAX ItK CtUII'.l). Tousey's Vm vcrs il tliiiLineul will ulwuys enre the worst cases ul' (.'hup ped Itamb, Seo.-es ot' pws." ns will stale tiiis. SOUK Lil'SlTKF.D. For the cure ol S re l.ips there wns never nnytliina made ninal to Tottsrv's Oii.lineiit. It is sure to cure Ih.-tn. Try it. It isa seii-iitihe eoTiiixiuml. wirniii-d no to ciiuiiu nny nresimtion oiMereury. i is Price ceuis per box. For l'iirlherir!tctilars iiceniiuc thi rea'iy valual.le Oininieut the ;nl,!te nrr r, iened lo I'amiilels. to'be liud gratis, of re iMs l)nigisls mid Mm -Icuils tlir. iivh"ut thel'iiiied States. Prepnrerl bv S. TOI SKV, Untwist, No, ItlS Nasail Street, X, v York. Ar.KNTs JOHN YOfXO, Suitlniry, M. A. McCAY, Northmnherlnnd. February 17, 1HI9. ly LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPKI'SIA. CHKONIC OU NKUVOUS DKBILITV. DISKASE OF THE KIDNEYS, And all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stoviach in boii .1ae and . Female : Sueh as Constipation, Inwurd Piles, Fullness or Blood to the lleud, Acidity of the Stomach. Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgust tor Food, Fullmw or weight in the Stomach, Sour Krurtatioiu Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the Stoniueli Swimming "f tlie 1 1 uud, Ilurrird and HiiIk-hU lireuriiing. Fluttering at the Heart, 'linking or Suairatiug sensations when in a lung p turc Diumers of Vision, Dots or webs oelore tut Mght, r ever und dull pain in the Head, Detieien cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of tho Skin and F.vos, Pain 111 the Side, Hack, Chest, Limits. Ac, Sudden Hushes of Hent, Hunting in I he Fhish. Constant Imaginings of evil and great depr i-ssion of Hjiirits Can be eflectuully cured by - HOCFLsAlTE'S Cclebrateil German Uitters. Tlieir pwer over tlie alxve Amiueu is not exrUri if equalled hy uny other rt'rutu'ii in thr. riiitcU t-Matcs ns the oitres attf-st, in mmiy cuscs utu-r skillful pliysit-ians hn f ailed. - Dersinpeinent of tho laiver mid SlninoK.-h are sources nf liiKiitiiy, mill will ulso pnxiuec (Iik-uhu ul" tlie Htairl. Miii, liuiiff anil liidiii'ys, luni Invs tlx- Ixuly ovtn U an iiittn'k nf the Cti'ilera, Hili.-uv, or Yellow Fever, mid is pcneiatly the first c:ium ot'tluit m st K-meitil diitease, t:inMn)i)ttnn( Opinions of the Philadelphia Press, "THE D1S,ATCH.', December Hist savs: AN INVALUAHI.i: Ait;iilt'I.Ni;.Vehuvefr.)iienily heard the Ceiehrated tuMitun Kilters, maiialaetured by ilr. 11'K.Ui.ind, spiken of in terms of e umicinuiUoii, and we kn-'W deservedly s i. it is a too c minion prut-lice, in cer tain ouarlcis. I pulf all lullllliei ol Useless trusll, but III the a'.iove Mniers, huii.lred. are living wiincws of their great in oral and phtsicul wmth. Aa n medicine of the Liver CouipuiuH, JuiuiiIii'c, Xcrrons llebilay and Jya,vtia, it has lieen I. mull invaluable, i Heeling cures ami ller luu'hly er;nlitatlii: diseaxai. when ull irther medicines have tailed. Wc p el convinced, that in the iim- of the tiel iiuin Iillters, the patient il nn n become iV bilitated, but OHistanllvcauiS streuclh and vir-ortoibe I'ranit a fait worthy ot1 great consideration. The Hitters sre plcusaut in taste and sulci!, aud can Iw administered uisler any circumstances, to the inosr ueiii-ntc sioMtu-h indenl, they can In ustlbvull per son Willi Uul iinu perfect suiely. It would lie weS for those who ure niueli uff.-ctid in tlie nervous system, to eisniiienee with one ten Smfiil or less, and graiiuaUy in crease. We siieak from exnerience. uud are oi ,-, ,.ir- . proper indge. The nress ftu- and wide. Imve i l l h. cianineniling the lierinnn Hitters, and to the etiliclcd wo nrnH onltliuiiy Htiviaellioir use. SPIRIT OF THE TIMES," June tilth sai's: "DOOUHCOODCi l'IZKNS wIioare invalids, know the many nstouiahing cures Unit have Iweu pen'orninl by lil ll-silfkiud's CeWsaled (ieriimn Bitters If they di nol, we reeomiiiend them tothe'Micrnuin Medicine ("lore," all who ure aitticted Willi Liver Ciunnlanii. Juuiine. liv- prpsia. Nervous DebUily J the Doct'ir liiis rural lisinv ol" ,.mi , mtfii. uie, uie ,s- pasieunis nail tinted. have used ihem, aisl Uiey have noved to be a medicine that every one should know of, awl we cuuma roiruui giving our lea tinumy in their, and tiiai wliich gives them grmter claim spun our humble etfort, lliey nre entirety Vegetable "THE DAILY NEWS." Jiu4lhssvi: " spank knowingly ol' lir. HisiHand'a Celebrated Cer. niuu Unirrs, when we soy it is i blessing of this age ; and in duk-aacsof the biliary, dujestiveund Nervous S stems, it liuBot we think an equal. It is a Yejreutble Preiuration and made without Alcohol, awl t.i all invalids we would reJ commenil il as worthy their coiltldenee. -."..V. .e' wliolesttle and rrtail, il the principal Depot. OF.HM AN MEUICI.Njt: K J'OKK, No. a?s Itio. 8uS2 Philadelphia. 1 For sale bv M. A. McCAY. Nnnh.,n,lrl..ul ..J bury and fuspeotable deaiera scwnilly Uueiujkout the April Sl,ltti9.y Qotton Yarn, Cotton Carpel Chain, Cotton Laps " """, .miun wuHiines, neauy made Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Congress Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettles, just received lorsaieuy - . MA8SIER. feuiibury, Dec , IS48. . v A XES f very superior quality for isle by. .., H. MAiibilR. cunbury, Dec t, 1848. 1 J LAJSK iiOOKb. An sasortmrnl of Blank Uukls, just received snd sals by - vi , , II. MABER. Sunhury, Dee. B, 1H48. SVRUP MOLASKeW-Wuporiorrertiiea' Hvmp Molasses (nn aats hy , HENRY MAbSER, r-unuurv, ure. s, lslsv JOUHNAl. c; - J COLtJilMA; SKRIES Of J i Th Pupil' friend and 2kW tomfnrt . . rpHE COMtMBIAJf CAW)ULATORTIiis :A, wrafk ts alfcndy IntroilucTsI hitw snnio of 'the) tust AcarlsVtiioS snd totff) miltlhrr irf Schools, atrfcrre Its tisr! has jrfTfri aVrirlcrt snrt imivrrsal sa tisfaclion, both to tcsrlier snrl pupi). h is ptrrely American m Its ehsractor, tmsod tion our own beautiful tireimal tflin of ettmnnf. It contains more, ths arrsnamcnts nre hotter, anil it is the easiest atiil chenpeat work of the kind now in use ) and it ia so considered hy hundreds of the most competent teachers snd men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the book, particularly snd expressly prepared for our Am titaA Srholar : ilf Almon Ticinor. Tub Yocrn's Colcm si air Calculatoh. This volume contains 91 pages, with about DUO exam pins for solution on the slate. It embraces the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules. Simnlc and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, &c. ii- ;.' . ' I itKNort s AniTHMSTifjiL Tables, is destined fur the use of younger classes in tha Schools of the I luted elates. A beautiful little book and pleas ing to children, und tho only one of the kind of any value. . , There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions arc given with much extra matter for the block board. These Keva arc the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, Ac, for the use of the Teacher. AH that is wanted is to havo the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the seienco of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works that ti nvc r-vrr Ihtii niiMisliml in litis or snv nl...r mc ccr wen nuuiisiicd in nits oratty ouur eotiritrv ' Allhotifrli issuer! hut a few montlis, llirv have alreatty lieen introduced into the Night Public Schools ot Now York City in nil the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of beading. Also, in about twenty Acadamiesin the State of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the fvliools m the Ulty ot Wilmington, in the lity or Lancaster, and in the Doronghs of Harrisburg, York, Chnmliersburg, Lebanon, Doylcstown, Potts ville, Orwigsburg, &c, A'c. For sale by HrxaT Masker., Sunhury, Agent for Northumberland County. Sunhury, Dec. 2, 1848. DIAIVIOND POWDER- FOR RAZOR STROPS. riIIIS Towder is warranted fur stiier!or to any A tliin; in use for iniartiiiK a keen, sniootlieilfrc to linton, tSurgical instruments, and all kinds of line Ci'TLGHT ; it may tic applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and l'erfu incrv, wholesale nnd retail, bv ALFRED BENNETT, AprenL Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. PiirtAiiKi.rniA, Feb. 15th, 1848. This mnV certify thnt I have usrd one of the Strops prepared with HAVNES' MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attest in the most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be found that will produce the same etlcct in my opin ion, nnd must say to ollicrs, try it, and you will find it superior to nny flejetnforc in use. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor was liebire. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st. Pi; ! Ti a, October, 1848. A very hard bean! and tender fin e has compel led mo to seek ond tmt many contrivances desiprti ed to make shaving easy and plcasmit, hut with iiiiliflerent success, until I made use of the Maine DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, and Round's Shaving ( 'ream. Their united pow er act like ma;;ie, und impart a power lo the Ri.or to remove the most stubborn beard, iritiuiit irri- iiling the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 4'J South Filth Street. For rale at this oilicc Price t!fi eta. per Box. NuveuiUr S. IS IS (iui. MrrarTsVj.its.. I ist.rVpri lit In presenting the public wilh a remedy for the treatment ami cure of FeVKS AND AoilS and other bilious discnr noapolotry is needed. Vail numbers in the I'mted States, who sutler fruoi these affrciuiis in their varied forms, nre compelled to seek reliel l rum other sources tlu imme diate prescriptions of the rrgidur physician. It becomes therefore nn object of humanity, us well as of public inter est. to hrina before Ihem a remedy prepuri'd fiom much es lierience, and which nun always be relii'd upon as itr. arrEcriAL, and iiar.mi.i... to tiik coxstitctiox. That aiieh is the Hue character of thelNlliA I'll! ll.Al.OI.I'K. is umply attested by the universal success with which it lias lieen employed. I V Kxlract fmra a eommnnieiition of the l!o v,r . liaji WounssiDt.K, ' the I', S. Scnaw, late Governor of Michirau. 1 DsTttotr, Oct. 81, 110. liocToa Charles Osooon, lieur Mr, 1 iuivo read with much interest, little tkasatisk upon the "eausos. tmittueiit iiml cure" ol the febrilv iliseoses which have so extensively prevail, in our iinitry ilniliii; the last lew mouths an interest increased doubt, by the fact that I have indivuhiallv milerol 10 inucli from them. Thoinrh I feel myself verv iui-nin tent to jinlL'e safely upon 11 suhicct s i mitirrlv vet your theory seems to me well rmsonnt. nnd vonr eoiie'ln. sinus just, und 1 think withal, that vour tnimoUet is calcu- laleil to pliKluit' mnrb prnclieal it-smI. Spenkluj; irf the intilieine he says : It fully justified Vonr uatlemi" expectations, and as a safe, convenient, und popu lar reniiily. my own experience, s , far, induces metoW beve that il will prove a (treat public benefit. am plmised to letiln lhat yon have recently established severul uceiicies for its dlsii ili..n thotnrh rctfrrt that, with a view lo n ni ire ceuernl dissciuuiatiou ot it, vou should have found il nee.-KMiry to remove fnnn your presi nt residence union); us. in, 1m.11 iu(m.i nuve me nouor 1,1 ue, sir, our oblm.1 servant, Wl! 1.1 AM WUtiUHUirOF.. FiT Fiom Hon. Stephen V. It. Trovvbsidge, of Michi pun Slate Senate, to the Apent ut Detroit. Uismisoiiam, Oakland Co., Deo. Ifl, 1M1. Siryou wish m."lo ilil'oiin yon what I know of l)r. jlsirood'i IihIir Clioliigoue. or anti-bilious medicine. 1 do believe I lint if the virtue and enVucy nf tins medicine were eneTnliy knowu, the rrvEB and auie would disappear ill .Mlelnnnii. " 1 ptocure.1 s bottle in the spring of dl, sisi huve eood reuson u lieheve that myself and family escaped the nuue last season in raiuM-iiuenee of ita use. I'erliaps iu no summer since tho seltleuient of Ibis fine peninsula, has the fever and aiue been so prevalent ss tlie In. 1 have recommended tins medicine in numerous iu. stiiucei and wheu tile disinso hud beoiHne hxnl und bullied the skill nf physicians; snd I huve never known it lud. I has nmversally produced the lie sit happy effects, and I bet neve it luu never been eicced-d bv any medicine iu remo ving the bilious disesses ul' Uie cluualo. Yours, reiiecli'iillv, STKPHF.N V. n.TROWBRlDOE. ...AfM f" flmmury 11. H. MASSKR ; Nortluunberlund, WITHINOTOM Co. Miluai, J. 11. KASKK; Hellas, trove, MAY A KI.OSK. MayS, IMS tf Pictorial Etllllon of d'Anblfrne'g frreat Work on the Uerormatlon OF THK SIXTEKNTH CF.NTURVIN GER MAN V, SWITZERLAND, &C Will be published os ar abmit the 1st of April, 1818, by J09. A. SPEEL, No. 96 Cherry st. above 6tb. his splendid 13mo edition af ths above nsmed work, with 16 sngrsved illustrations from ori. ginal designs; 4 vols in 2, bound ia extra cloth snd librsry sheep. The publisher respectfully calls ths attention f the trade snd the public generally, to this work being ths only illustrated edition published in ths United States He trusts tbst the besot of its embellishments, ths strong snd substantial manner in which it is bound, in conjunction with tha known popularity of lbs work itself, will b stir recommendation to publis favor. - t JOS. A. SPEEL, 9fl Cherry st. above th. , J. A. 8. has also lately published, a new and beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell's Raree Show, a suitable book for children, neatly done op in extra oloth. 1 i i . : i. ; . ? : ; Pkilsdslpbis, April 1, 1848-w ' ' ! ' -A , , ... . , . AP8e An assortment just received. Also, -I It. II A PLa . f s a, ii tifii o ii V ior twie iy y H. MAS8ER. Hunbury, Dec. 5, 1818 - 1 J -L .t SALAIMADEU, J tmv. Attn thief proof erttTO A FiRE-rnooi pooto for Hanks and trroRF. Seal snd LottnrCopyrng Presses, Patent ! i , Slatc-Lirirrl Refrigrdrators, Water Fit-, it j ' ' ters, fatentCortable Water CIb ",' ; ,. sew, Intended for th Sick ' and inhrm. .. . . . ... ' EVA8 & WATSON, 76 South Third Sirtd, , , i OPPOWTK Ttifi PHILADELPHIA EXCHAftOF.. Mnnnfocture arid keep aMutant iv un kand, a large assortment isT the ahova articles, together 1ltS their Patent IjtiprnvedSalalitander FIRE-PKOO? SAFES, WhicS sra so cohitrarted as to set at rest all manner of doubt as to their belti stristly 8 reproof, and that IMeV will resist tha Ire of any bUildina. Tha ontsids ssn of these Safes are made of boiler iron, the inside caseof soap stcrne, and between the outer ease and inner ease is a space o( sutne three inches thick, and is filled in with indestruc tible material, so as to mske il nn impossibility to bum any a( the contents inside of this Chest. These Soapstone 9a. Inmnndera we nre prepared nnd do challenire the world to produce any article in the shape of Book 8afee that will slnnd ns much heal, and we hold ourselves reody at all times t have them fairly tested by pnblic bonSre. We nlso continue to mnmil'iictitre a tnrfrc snd aeneral assirt. mcnt of mr Prrmiunt Air-tiaht Fire Vreof Safes of which there are ovr eHO now in use, and in every instance they have given entile satisfaction to the purchasers of whica we will refer the public tu a few gcutlunen who have Ihem tit use Hnywontt At Snyder. Pnltsvillc; Joseph 0. Lawton PiittsriMc i Mi. Willinm Carr. Doylcstown, Pa. N. O. Taylor, li north 3d St.: A Wricht k Nephew Vine st. wharf ; Alexninter Cnror, Conveyancer, corner of r illiert anil f" J""" I'oril, M north ad St.; SI vers Ibtsh. ill north al St.; James M. Paul, 101 south 4th st. I Dr. Ilnvid Jiirue, 8 south 3,1 st.; Mathew T. Miller, IM wnth Hd St.; nisi we could name wime hundreds nf others II it wore necessary. Now we invite the attention nf the public, nnd pnrtifuhrly those in want of Fire Prissf Safes, to enll nl our store before ntircliusinff elsewhere, and we inn satisfy Ihem Ihey will act a lietter and chenner article i "t nr store thnn nt any olln-r estsl.lisliment in the city, ... .im nism.r.,.,,, n,e .miionn. Pip. p.o,,r n,.. . .i I r , ., .1 ' , . . ' st very low prices, cheaper than tlicy ran be bought at any oiuit store in riimuiemiiia. DAVIT) F.VANS, JOIIAXNLS WATSON rtiitadrlphin, April 8, ISIS ly OXYGENATED A SOVEREICK ItClSKDY FOR DYSPEPSIA. l'HTHI 1C, AND GENERAL DEBILITY. GEORGE B. GREEN, Proprietor. Windsor, Vermont. IS s sovereign remedy f,a- DYSI'KPSIA, in innnv of sit forms, such ns on in in the Stomach. Henrllmm h.,l,oii) ,1'.",lv"lf' Acid Stomach, lleadaclie, rm of Appetite, I lies, Nijrht Sweuts, and even Consumption (Dyspeptic rhllnsir,) and Asthma, or Phthisic sttended with dcrsnp;e inent ol the Stomach (or Dyspeptic Asthma.) Diflicult llreuilitnir. whwh often results from imperfect digestion (or Dyspeptic Stipnrra,) ia relieved by these Bitters. In short, their use hus been proved iu the relief of almost all the symptomi that proceed from a debilitated or atonic comli lion ot the Sliimneh ) also in general debility arising from age or from the efl'ectl of Fever, mrtienlnrl Veeer .,,.1 A(;ue. Femalei luflering under any uterine derniicement ii.oiK mohi neusness, will and the "I )XVOEATKU HIT. Tins ' an excellent remedy, and not surpassed by any medi cine in use. I he history or thu medicine is peculiar. Il has made its way to public favor solely by the force of its own intrinsic i.., uiuiicuii means nuve been used to give it no .....e,, ii upon nn line attention. It lias never lietore even len adveriised, but having first shown its re mnrknlile effieney in the family of the proprietor, and by ...... . ,..,lua ntiiiiiiiimereu m ins fttnictea irienus und ac- nitaiutiincee with a like resell, its nn..iMM, ... tended until it is known in the most distant iwrti cif the I uion, si a medicine of Unrivalled virtues in the cure of Dyspepsia in ail ns different fonns, and also for the cure of zinnia or ruinistr. its only herald and its only eulogv has been the story of its wonderful effieaev, as told from inoiiin to in. nun or by letter Irorn friend to friend. In eve ry instance where these Hitters Imve been used, and the re. e..., inane snown w uie proprietor! they have proved a rc- iue.iv. Numerous certificates, attesting the lingular efficacy nf the "IIxvgenatkd HiTrKlls." are in the possession of the proprietor; many of them signal by o-rsons already widely known to the public. ' -ivD,.r. K(I. H. GnF.EN, Proprietor. i.NDSOR, Vt., (Ictols-r !l, jhiS. The following Certificates have recently been received I . Wasiiinoton, ! C.Jvsk 10. IMS. Having made use of tho "(Ixvgenaled Uitters" preiinrMl hy Dr. (m-i. H. Oreen. of Windsor.. Vl i,H I'nn Lim,. ledge obtained ol their etfienev in other enses. wecheerliillv re.- .iiiuiend them lo thepuUie. radievmg tliat thev willfull'v sustain the reconmiendulion of the Proprietor. 'We hoi. that this valuable remedy mnv lie so generollv itiniiscri tlir.Mlioiit Uie eounlry that it may Ik nrvessibla' to all the nllllete.1. SAMI F.I, PIIT.LI'S. I ,. , WILLIAM I I'llA.M. I ' ' J AMKS F. SIMMONS, I' S SA.MI F.L PIIF.LI'S. ).... f- rw'iiairir irniu 1 rrmniii. Seteit... It I.I.....I J. t. .iiii;i:ui:.ii. r. s. s,.iu,t,,r ,.,t ,.,rL.ri, or of Keutiiekv. L. II. AII.NOIJ), Mrmber of CoiicTcssand formerly Oo- Vern or of 11. . ' W.M. WO inimillfiK, r. S. Senator and fonneriv Uo. vernir ol Mlehipan. M. 1 4. MAItTi.N, Delepite in Couaress from Wisconsin lerritory. I'rotn Hon. II. It. Kostfs, Member of Congress frmn I'eunivlvanis. Waihinotok. I). C, Ji-xk 10, IMS. Deur Sir, I hnve been a dyspeptic siifl'erer for ulsiut ten venrs. snd have resorted to various medicines for relief vvilhoiit success, until I made use of your "Oxveenulcd Hitlers." I Imve used nlsnit two bottles, and fiiilmvsclf restored to perteet health The tonus in which the dis. ease showed itseli, in my case, were, (rrint acidity of the stoiuiich, loss ol appetite, estreme flatulence, severe constl. paten in the bowels, and violent hewtoche. Feeliiuj desi rous that a kimwlerice " vmir rulimble remedy mav reuch oUiers similarly alttietcd. I take CTeut pleasure in record tinr mv testimony to in curative power; and woull a .so remnik. that while on a visit at home s shirt time since, I administered a part of a tsatle to a number of mv ntflicied irieails. with great sue,-. Thev are desirous that you should establish an airency at Pitiiburt-, or inform tl'em where the medicine can be obtained. With an earnest de. sire for your prosperity and happiness, I subscribe mvself, truly Tour I r iris! jr. D KoSTlift UoCt tian. B. OSFirs.Winds.'a', Vt. S-ild Wholesale and Retail hv Oreen Fletcher No. !!S South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Airent for Suubnry rt. H. MASSKR. AircuU for Milton MACK AY A HA AG. Aiieut foi 1'ppcr Muitiaioy J. o. HLN.V April 15, IrHe OAKFOKD'S rXRIVALLEO STYLE OF HATS FOK CENTLE.MEX. cii ahlks ii.ui'on li, So. 104 CIIESTSVT STREET Philadelphia. Would resneelfully invite attention to his superior style of hais lor autumn. 1818, which will ha found the most jieifeci eter before oltrej in the coiiiinuully. Its peculiar forms renders it the more di suable, as it combines all the essentials of dura bility andnealnes, requisite in that article, of dress wliilts his increimd facilities in in mnnufectarinii wiib all the niouVru improvements, enablea bun Tu Challasbs tus Wohlu to pruducs s better Hst. . Chiiuhim's Fauci Hats asb Caps of ths Latest Mons. These goods have been selecled with great care, snd will be found moat beaatiful and chaste in their styles. Ladies' Jiihino Hats aip Caps or Ertibs it hew Patteuns. firest care has been bestow ed in constructing three srticles. that they may fit perfectly easy and form s graceful appesrsnce. CHARLES OAKFORD, 104 Chestnut st. a few doors above Third. Philadelphia. September 30, June 74, 1848 ly TO THE PUBLIC Come who wants lo have llonea Cured! THE subscriber informs the public that ha haa devoted much time and study on the numerous diseases afflicting Hones, snd that he has success fully been practising ss a PARKIER, for several years past, and therefore respectfully orTers his aid to those persons who may deem it proper to give him call, and hs hopes to render general satis, faction. WILLOBV TKEXLER. Shentokin Dam, Union county, P l May 19, 1849 Sm T. J. GREEITOTJGE, , (Late Keller CrenoulJ PATENT ATTORNEY AND MEOHaUTXCAXs BXrOZXfXBB. ' naslUnKtoo, U.C . - DRAWINGS gnd papers for the Patent Otticts, iwepared ud all the necesmry bu smess, in relatiou c securing puteuU, tmns acted, and promptly attouded to, at their of, fice opposite the Patent Oflice. fp ; October 28, 1848. . - i . - 1 PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing snd indcllihto ink, Cotton yari atad Uai,just received and tor sale hy - ' J.'W. PRILINC. . Sunbury, Dec. S, 1818. ;i,.,P.Alf H, NOTE 1. 1 ST., The fnllowlns list shows this, current value of sll rWMnlantl Bank Notes, t Ths most Implicit re. lianes may bk placed Uoon it, it Is every wee xrsfallf compared Wlin upa corraciea irom uica nell's BeporWr. ' ' "." '" "' l ' ' Nai :li!i.i-i 1 ' Loeitrow. "' 1 Diss, isi Pa-i lid. Bnhk nf ITnrlti Ameries psr psr f psr psr psr psr psr psr psr par par pir psr psr Pr Pr par pr par psr Birhk oTths NoTthsm Ubartles Commiu-eisl Bsnk of Perm's. .., is Fartners' and Mechanics' Bank Ksnslngloif Bsnk ' ' ' 1 . : ,,; .' 1 PhilsslphW Bsnk . . . j n .' , Schuylkill Bsnk - .:: Boalhwsrk Bsnk . . . Vveslem Bank MechsnhV Bsnk 1 : . ' " Msnafsctnrsrs'cV Me ehsntcs' Bsnk ' Bsnk ef Pcnn Township ; ., . (third Bank . . Bank of Commcrre, lats Moysmfhsing Bsnk of Pennsylvania ' . Countrr Bank). Dank of Chester County Westchester Bsnk of Delaware County Bank of Oermsntown ' '. Bank of MontRomery Co. Doylestown Bank Easlon Bsnk ' Chester ' Oermsntown Norrlatown ! Doylestown hast on Farmers' Bank of Bucks co. Bristol psr Bank of Northumberland 'VorthumhrrlenJ fair Columbia Bonk Ar ft ridge r.o.'Columbis . rnf r armers Unnk or Lancaster' I.ancistei , par Lancaster County Unnk Lsncssfpr ' psr Lancaster Bank Lanrister : par Formers' Hank nf Resiling Reading imt l lltice ol Dank nl t'etin a. HarrisburO These Omce do do niTiee do do Office do do ' NOTES AT "ink of the United iSlates Lancsslcr I office Keitding ' rdo onl Ksslon J issuen. DISCOUNT. Philnilchihia n psr failed 1 1 t Miners' Bank of Poltsrillo Bsnk of Lewintown Bank nf Middlnlown Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Do do branch of HarrisburuvBank Lebanon Bank Merchants' & Manuf, Bank Potlsville Lewistown Middletown Carlisle ; Pittsburs- Hollidaysburg Harrrsburg Lebanon . . Pittsburg Piltsbutg WilliamspoTt Wilkeaharrs I I psr I L li' Bank nf Pittsburg' West Branch Bank Wyoming Bank Northampton Bsnk Berks County Bank Office of Bank of IT. 8. Do do do Do do . do Bsnk of Chambershurg Bank of Gettysburg Bsnk of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' 6t Drovers' Bank Frsnklin Bank Honesdale Bank Monnngahela Bank of B. Vork Bank ' Allentown . no e ta rt eading fail,! Pittsburg railet'i Eris tlo New Brighton do Chambershurg Gettysburg Montrose Erie Waynesburg Washington Honesdule Browns lille York IX. B. 1 he notes of those banks on which ws omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are nm purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wilh tin stcejition of those which hsve s letter of reference, BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav, n. Philadelphia Loan Co. $chuvlkill Sav. Ins. Kensington Ssv. Ins. A Penn Township 8v. Ins. Manual Labor liana (T. W fownnda Dank Alleghany Bank of Pa. Unnk of llesvnr Unnk of Huutara . Bank ol U'nshington Centre Blink City Batik Farmers' & Mcch'cs' Farmers' fe Meeh'cs' Hank F armers' A- Mcch'cs' Bank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bsnk Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Rsnk Northern Hank of IS. Philadelphia failei do failsi do fsite- do do Pyott, prop.) fiilf Towanila Bedford no sa Beaver clou Ifarrisburg . rlosi Washington tail Bellcfonle elos Pittshutg no si Pittsburg fail Fayetle co. f.n! (ireencastla fit Ifiirnionv no s HitnttncWi no s l,ewistcFn nos Warre 1st Duiid.r.f no i New rfoie cb Miltcel no MesxNille eh Port Carbon Carlisle ft Mmitrose el' Urmintowr)' M GfCMlslillrll' (if : Wiflh'ShSrH. ilo New Hope Del. ttriilirn Co. Norffnimli'd Union t.'ol. Ilk. North Western Hank of Pa. Oilier! of Schuylkill llitik i'a. Attr. A Manuf. Bank Silver L ike Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoielatiil Hank Wilkesharre Bridge Co. erj- All notes purfmrting to be on atijf Pem sania Bank nnt given in the abovs Ifcty rjy I (own as frauds. Bank nl' New litunawick Bruniw irk Uclvideie Unnk Iturlintiioii Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumlwrland Dank Fsrmcis' Bnk Bclvidore Me.irord Purih AnrrVry Brffleeinsi Mount Holly fanners' slid Mechanics' Bk Rabwav Farmers' snil Mechanics' Uk N1. Btunswick Farmers' aud Merchants' Bk' Middletown Ft Franklin Bsnk of NN. J'.- Jersey City It . , 1.1. . ., . n ' . rioooKeii use, uiaitng i;o Hoboaen lersey City Bank Jersey City Patterson Belleville . Morrtstown Freehold New.yk Trenton Jersey City Newark LstuueiUvilli Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' snd Manuf. Bk Morris and Ukg Co Poet Notes Newark Bkg & Ins Co New Hope Del Bridge Co N. J. Mduulac. and Bkg Co Hoboken N J Protectuii & Lotnliard bk Jersey City Orange Bank Orange Palermo Bank Peterson Peopr-s' Bank do Princeton Bsnk Princeton Salem Banking Co Salem Stste Bink ' Newark Ktate Bunk ' Elixabeihtov 8tat Bank Camden State Bank of Morria . ' Morristown Slate Bank , Trenton Sulem and Philsd Manuf Co Salem Susaei Bsnk Newton Trenton Banking Co , Trenton Union Bank Dover Wsshlnglon Banking Co. Hsckensscl DELAWARE. . Bk of Wllra & Brandy wine" Wilmingtoi Bsnk of Delaware Wilmingtoi Bank of Smyrrrs " ' Smyrna Do biench 1 Milfcrd Farmers' Bk of State of Del Dover Do branch Wilmingto Do branch' Georgetowt Do branch'. Newcastle Union Bsnk r " Wilmingto QJ- Under 8s tjj- On sll banks marked thus () th. Iber coDntsrleii or altered poles of ths v nnminslirsns, m drculsdon. NEW GOODS CHEAPEHTH4JS El ( . Henry Magger, - HA just received at his store, in an assortment nf the cheapest G ever came to the place, consisting t Dnv COOD8, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, French black Cloths, Cassinetls, I coes, of exeeljent quality and ' price 6 to 10 ets.1, Good Musi yard wide, at cents. These are not the low prided tra usually stilcf. Lsines, ot jty and pattprqs JSj". " Handsoro and other Shawls and Various ofh ' The public are rendested to, call taf themselves., f, ' , Sunbury, Nov. 18; 148. WINDOW GLASS, bv 10, fdr HNKe J eUtnbury.Jan V7th, 1919- l If 1 1 St 3.. i I) n r