,J.ll Jl! Lg.iLLL.. SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAJM0K1N JOURNAL griroltui?. tPfon 0i Ohlo-ultiva1ot 1 '" '' ' tlXTtRK Of SWTET POTATOES-r f Mr. H. Stately, oT Ciroleville, is the tirot juccesrtfsl cultivator of sweet potatoes witnii jsjr kwewledge ; he also succeeds porfuctly U preserving Iham Ihrouglr the tinier for 4 this spring, and proposes, nlso, to seil plants to all yrha may desire tliem, in this te flon of Ohio. . . ' , ' " The following are his directions for growing aad preserving sweet potatoes : j DraccnoNs for Sprouting. -Put up boards edgewise, like a box.' Fill in fresh stable manure, 18 inches deep. On this lay thrue ' Inohes of good light black mould; and on this " lay your potatoes so close os almost to touch. Cover them with the samokiml of .mould two '' and a half inches deep. Keep the bed quite '" wet whfle the potatoes are sprouting. Whrti - the plant is six Inches long, place you thumb and finger on the potato,' and pull tlio plant, bat be careful not to disturb tho potato. ' Keep ! them well covered wbilo sprouting..iind bo careful to replace all the dirt removed from the potato when pulling the plants. Water your bed night and morning while sprouting Be careful not to let your bed get too hot, or the potatoes may scald. Try the heat of the bed by feeling below the potato, if too hot, cool it by watering mora freely. Dikections for Kcepinc. You may keep them through the winter in boxes of one bushel each, by covering them with dry sand and keeping them in a cellar where the temperature must be kept to near a summer heat; if it falls below this point they will not keep ; anJ any one can keep them ut this point. Directions for Planting ano Raisinij. Put two plants in the hill ; if the hill is sm:il one is better than two. Set them four inches apart, and make the hill a little hollow, so its to hold a pint of water. Set the plant half , its length in the gronnd : do not wait for rain in order to plant. If the weather is dry, plant them in the evening and a pint of water in each hill ; the water should be ns warm us rain water. It is better to plant in a dry time than when the ground is too wet, for when the ground becomes dry it will bake nnd re tard the growth of the plant. The plant may be planted in ridjcs, and when theynro thus planted, put them ten inches apart. At the first plowing, scrape tho weeds and grass from the hills and draw up hut little dirt the first time you work them, for the hills will warm through better when small. Hill them tip the last of July or the first of August. If the vines have grown across the furrows turn them to the opposite side of the hill, hoe the the side left bare, then turn them back. Never wind the vines upon the top of tho hill, it will prevent the sun from warming it as much as it requires to the full growth of tho plant. The vines should not be cut oil if they grow very rank. Pull them loose from the hill and drop them down again ; this is to prevent tho little sprouts from growing and encumbering the hill with a load of stringy potatoes. Any quality of soil that will produce good corn will produce good sweet potatoes. , The plants will be ready for delivery; and may be planted any lime between tho tenth of May and the firstof July. Plant early and dig before the first frost, If the vines are frosted the potato becomes watery and will not keep any length of timet II. STANLEY. , Circleville, 0. FOILI.NG POTATOES. The accompanying recipe, which wc liml In an exchange paper, is valuable it its appli cation has the effect claimed for it : "The following method of dressing jiotatocs will be found of great service ut this season of the year when the rkiim are tough and po tatoes are watery :' Score the skin of the po tatoe with a knife lengthways and across quite round) and then boil the potatoes in plenty of water with salt, with the skins on. The skin readily cracks where it is scored, and lets out the moisture, which otherwise renders the patotoes soapy and wet.' Tho improvement to bad potatoes by this method of boiling is very great ; and all who have' tried it find a great advantage in it, now that good potatoes are very difficult to be obtained." i,T' " '-' ' " ' Summer Arrangement. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL- road. From Philadelphia i ' " 1 TO POTTSVILLE. I ; CHANGE OF HOUJiS, and TWO TtlAlNS UAiL.1, eacn tray, except -" i N A NT) AFTER MONDAY, April 2.1,1849 two trams will ran csch way, dtuly, bctweon Philadelphia and Pntttnrillc:. ' , ' t MORNINO LINE ACCOMMODATION, ' Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily, f xcept ftlntlaya. ' ' Pauses Reading at 10.45 A-. M. Leave Pottsvillc at ?J A. M., daily, except Sunday. ' " Possca RcB1iaat9 40A.M. i ..' '. 'J'lic above Lino stois at all way stations on Jlhe road as formerly. ' ' AFTERNOON UN E FAST TRAIN. ' ! i Up Train . Dmm Train. ' Leaves Philadelphia at 1 LciiyumI Pottsvillc at 2J i' Pi 1VU daily, ex- P. M., daily,' except .-..rrpt Sunday. . ,.' Sitmlays. t ; ; Leaves Phuviiixvillc 3,45 ,Levos.-Ylu Hnvrn 2,117 PottshfW '4,13 Rcadimr fi.fM , Tortt'lirlon 5,4.1 .th.Hucn 0.10 Arritemit I'ott.A illefi.'.'O Port Clinton 3,00 HcAding 3,50 Fottstown ' 4.40 Pirn nixvilie B,t)u Arrives nt State IM5,.r0 J ho Alienioon l nun will slop inily at the a hove niniieil stations. FaBHeiirrcrs for other points must therefore take the Mortiinrr Line. DTJPOT in Keaditiir, coroner of Cbesnut and Seriitli streets. Passenrrers cannot enter the Cars miles provided with Tickets. tV" AOTICK. Fifty pounds of bnjrirnjrc will lie allowed to each passenger in these line ; and passcnaers lire expressly prohibited from taking nnv thimt us Itaagnigr hut their wenrinrr apparel, which will lie ut the risk nf its owner. No freight will he taken by these hues. ISv order oftlto Hoard of Mini n tiers, S. BRADFORD, Scc'ry, April', 1M0. IMPORTANT 'TO THE PUBLIC. HOUSE A1TD CATTLE . MEDICINES. I Don't permit your Hotaes or cattle to die, when the means of cure are within the reach of all ! Kquit;itl- Life Insurance, Annuity mid I rust Company. OfFlOK.TI WAt.M T STUf.f.T. riUt.ADKI.PIUA. Capital SiVi,(M lIimiTEa PEiiraTCAL. rpHK roniiiy ore linw prepiirtt lf tmnraft btlfinps 1 nm lti' ni'wt lith'nil unit iiilviinl:i!;r iik ti-rniB. Tliey lire uitth'iriz'-d by their eliartrr (rm. :)) "M nmkc all anil every inFiirnnrp appcrrniiiin to lile risk of whatever kiln or nature, and tn rereive and exeeule trtictn. innke eniluw lilenli. aa(t lo cninl and ltri'liaie iiiinliitlt'i.:' Tin: Ciail vuiy im'II anntiiti'-K aihl eiutuwiiienln, and act as Trustees liif minors nuu neirs. Tahle of Premium irpuriit fnr thp Apsuruuei: of gl(K) for the whole term Lite. Age. Prejn. I : Aire. Prein. I Ajre. Prein. in l .'(i :it s on to ' :t :t 17 i t :!.' a ii 47 :i in i t sii :ct a sn 4 a nj 1 I i'.H !) a -27 4!) :i n jo i en :u a xi no :i tit ai i iu : a to ;, i in aa i mi :i7 24 sa 1 : a:i 1 ii.i a. '.i i 4 .'.t at 1 va :tn a fi t m 4 n a 1 ;n in a ;u m 4 ri ait iv, 4t 2 1-1 art 5 ia a 7 1 mi 12 2 vt 57 s :ci a-. t f.t 4:t :i(n w e.'M an ' 1 it it ia r!i ,r rs :m a 01 4- na.1 00 itiKi The rmtuTiif are trw limn any tth.-r e initfiny. nni Ihfl The underaiined haa a pent aevoral rears in the atudy of Veterinary practice in "London and E dinboro'," h haa alao availed himoclf of therescar- cheaof Leihiff, and othercelclirated men, who have contributed ao much towards a judicious treatment of animals j tho principle of our practice consists in the rejection of genera bleeding and tho total rejection of all medicines that experience haa shown to be of a dangerous tendaney. These re- mudies act 111 harmony with the vital principle, and wln.ii given according to tho directions which ac company ach article they aro capabVc of exciting and increasing the natural functions, without di minishing or destroying their power, henco are sntiiti the hanrta ot rrcTV one. . r-r . " o. II. DADD, M. D. 'A List et Horse and Cattle Medicines. Phytic ball. 75c. pet hot. : ! ' ' : H Alterative ball, 76c do. ... . " ' powders for had condition, 75c per pack age. 1 Heave powder fordiwancs of the lungs, 75c dc. Urine powder for " " kidneys, 75c do. Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do. Cordial drink for inflninatiun of bowels, 75c per nouie. Liquid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddle gulls, 75c. per hottle. Wash for inflamed ryes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, &c, 50c per bottle. Enibroeiitinn for sore throat, 75c per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, Ate, 50c per hottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description, 75c y 1 per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle, VV orni powders for the removal of worms from the intestinal canal, 75 per pnekutre. For sale by STIMPHON A REED. 80 Mer chants How, also at DADD'M MORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Nos. 1 A. 2 Hiiymarkct Square, Boston. Pamphlets describing the diseases for which these remedies are used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificates are in possession of the Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi cines. Sold by GREEN A- FLKTCHER,Nn.SfiSoutli SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his Aiikxts- Hs!av Masskr, Sunlmrv, February 3, 1K4!I If A sr. Fur 1 rear. I For 7 years. M' nl SO eq I 1.M0 411 I.-Jtj I l.fil I.HI I S.H7 ' fln y,is :i,r,7 AHABIA CATTLE. Lieut. Lynch brought with him, from Sy fia, a male and female of the beautiful Khuii breed of cattle, which ho presented to the Bute of Virginia. The Legislature of that Commonwealth, in turn, presented them to the Governor, to dispose of at his discretion, to that farmer within tho state, whom ha ahould judge aa most likely to secure tho pro pagation of the breed. Governor Floyd, ac cordingly, gave them to Col. James Cuslle man, of Clarke county. The cuttle were lately exhibited at Washington, D. C, and a spectator thus describes them in the N. V. Herald : "The khaists are, respectively, eighteen and sixteen months old, and weigh, the bull 950 pounds, and the heifer 650. The bull is 4 feet 10 inches high, and 10 feet 4 inches in length, from the nose to the end of the tail the heifer of a propottiouate sie. They are the most beautiful animals of the cuttle kind we have ever seen. Their limbs aro as deli cate as those of a gazelle, yet strong and well set as those of a race horse. Their heads have something of tho elegance of outline of a deer ; their nostrils are aa thin and flexi ble ; their feet are broad and flat, yet deli cate ; their tails, thick and flat at the inser tion, taper down to tho' thinness almost of a whip lash, ending iu a long tuft of silky hair. They are of a deep chining bay color, and their horns, which are just sprouting, aro black as those of a buffalo. When full giuwn, they are said to stand seven feet high, and Hm cows are said to yield three half bushels of milk a day." The stock of the valley of Virginia, it is believed, will be much improved by the in troduction of this now breed, Cp). Castle nan values the pair at $10,000.' Thc ttirrEKMCE. Disease has depopula ted the earth three times, supposius the oorv ulation to have always been the same as new J war haa depopulated it nie timts, and then reserved victims enough to manure a l:ir'U'F nil nl L'rralcr aavaalni.. Jnlilcs 01 hall-yearly Mid fnartTly premium, hall' rn-ilit rates el' premaiiii,ntinrt term, joint liveH. hiirvivurchipH aati enrtmvrnenti ; aln-i, ltnii .Application (l'ir which thero are lil.-mk nheets') arc i he hatl a iippli.-ate-n at the nllice, ur by k-tler to Ihe Apcal, J. II. I'l'KDV, Sttnbary. Katk tor lxsvaisn 10f) na a sirarle Life For I, ii'e. 1,011 S.70 Jl.lll 0,111 Kxmvi.k A pern ia a);iit 311 yenr next birth clay, by awnr lh' ('"Hjpniiy W cent would sernre ta his I'ainily fx heir 100 ihoiil'l he ill .5 nn vwir : or lor !?f,.fifl he se cures to theni (KM; or i.t Sl.l uiumall) iVir seven years he seenreK tn tlirni SIlHKl jhouM he die in nevca yearn j 01 t'nr aii.fl iiil aiaaially tlurini; ht'n he secure frlOoO to lie iait when h ilien. The insurer aeeui mi hinwn buitim. by llie dillereare ia ani'iiint nl iireiiiiainii lniut)iMM:hHri;e.i by other olliera. Fnr 810,30 the heirs would rect ivc S5(iO vhnalil he the iu one year. I'nrnw 01 appiicati.m liurl nil partiealnrs niav lie trail at III'' nflice. J. V. CI.AHIKIKN, 'President. TBKAsraai! Fbascis W. It awls. II. O. 'I'nekeM, Secretary. 1'ov.rl.TiMi I'nvsiclAX l)r. J. II. Master. SanlHiry. J. II. Pisnv, tsuabary, Agent lor Nnrlhuiilbtrland coun tv. Siiabury, July t-, 1?8 Aycp's Clierry Tectonil,. run coram, colds, crocp, HOAHSEXKSS. ASTHMA. HOOP. 1x1; couaii. into scums AND COSSUMPTIOS. THIS valuable, preparation, t artoniahinalv meerarul in eiirilir iliw-usi (il the Luii;, in the result of a aklll tut euiabiaation nf the known eurulive principles of niHlirine. Its inureillellt:Wire freely lllHfle klinwtl tn the. puhhe, anil ure Ihoee ui-kuuwlt-iked to uie, Ileal nien us po..se,ii!ff rare luetlieal virtues, vhirh ptraliar virtues ure iHiiui.ieit iu the '( 11I.KIIV l'i;CT(IKAI." in thrirarent est purity nml ethYacy. unit when used, as will be seen from I the following valuiible testinainv : pii(iFi;ssi)K ci.kvfi.anh, ofllowdoin lolUne, liruiiswick. Maine, writes: "I have witnessed Ihe e'b iMf of your Cherry Pectoral in my own family and iu that of niv friends, and it has piveu treat KitlsliuMioti iu i'a,eslH.l!i of ndalts and ehlldren 11 A VOICK l'HCl.M .MAMACill 'SKTTS. From Dr. Ilryant, llrupaist and l',linaslw, Cliienpee Fidk", Mils: ' v Hk. J. 1:. Avra Hear nir: Fnelnaed please find reinit tunee for ull the Cherry Pectoral last sent me. 1 eat) un hesitatingly say, that an ineilii'ine we sell pives siieh satis faction aa yonr's iliS'S isir Itnve I ever sfen a medicine wliicl re.1 s.i inany cases of iMiph and lime coniplainls. ( lur Pliynieiaus are asiug it ejiteusii ely 111 Uie pruetice, and With the happiest elleels. Tnuy yaurs, - D. M. BRYANT. , DIl. PliltKlNH. Pri'Siileiitia' Vermont Melhl Cnlleire one of the most learned and iiuelli.-iu plivsii'iuns in tlieeoiintrv, "eonhi.lers it a eomsitinn rf nire exerllenee lor the cure of that for initlable dnit)..., Coiisuiaptinu' An uluiit incredible number of eertifiratra hove been reenved ; proving that ihe cherrv Pretnrul is, ia UuiU a UKKATitF.MKUY for Coughs. Colds. Aslbma and all piihnnnarv eiiinpluiuts. PUICKT-iCKNIIipKU IKITT1.E. Preire,l by 1. c. AYKK. Iswell, .Mass., and sold bv II. MASMilt, Suulsiry.iuidMAHY MeCAY, Xonlnmi berland. March 31, 1MR THE JIIAID PURGATIVE:. roB ths ctjbb or Headftehe, GiddiiKss, Rheaimtlim. Piles, l)y-spejns,8eiirve)r, .' maD Pos, Jaundice, Peissin IhcHnck, Itrwarrt Weakness, Pslpitaiion of the Heart, It Mug in the Throat, 1)rotMy, Asthma, Fevers of all kinds, female Complaints, Measles Halt rtbciim, Heart Burn, Worms, Chuter M'Vbua, , 1 Couth, tuinney, Whooping Couch, '' Consumption, Fin, Liver Complaint, r'risipehja, neatness, I. ANDREWS, ItlLcrr to ths tie! t y'CXi Healih to the Weak ! ! A vr liLJij HAI..M i ion. id lof the r-, '-,-V,,V Whole llunuiu Huce in An- tWW k Thi" ' e TttrViV "3 Me e..nin,.und. eompms'd of Twentv-Fiveduinrent inmc In ul, and is an internal and Internal Remedy f,n-the va. s rinus ills tint human ficsh ia Coughs, Colds, Pains, Nerviais atul tiek llradaehe, Itli.-iiuiiitiin, Cuts, puuu. Spnail AiTtioiei, hiiuulier Coiuplniuls. Cholera Moibuf.Tottllmche, I'.riijaitiiis, Corns Piles, l-'r,. en I'ans. Itiirus. Scalds. A'uc in the Face and Prolan. Puinters' Collie, llruisus. oltt S.ras, sts uf appo tiie, (.eueial llshillty, Aslhnia. A c. Pui up in bottle I'm I. SI or I shiliiiiL'S sr Isitllc. Fiv fnrthtv puntculura oe luupliiick to!,,. IuhI of every le.'eut gratis, eoiiuiiuiug a bnel history 01 lite nritiln. chscol t-ry and bimkIs effects of Aiidiewii' l uin Killer, eitiU'Ulcs 01 Cures, direclioiis.'A ;c l.ddK HIT Fdlt FIIACI). The uiatnpluuit success of Andrews Puin Killer in re. taoi n.B the. causes thai unsluce death, the umniu:lv ikalb ol UlllUoiiS ol our face. h;is liuliiee.l Home iiif,, of ,eli..m it luayhcliuly haul, likir t illamoas o, eMiilions manifest lla-ir viMiiltiv. to iiLteiimt to t,i , r..lu...... ....... Ulu 1 c Kin eifeit uiUeln called "),i rviik-r,'1 tuiuK lutuuuw names I ftlie pr.ieuhd author, f aj id cert ili, ales, 4c. San. have aparl, and ether, no doals will appear Lei ull leiucmls-r that AisirewsCisnuine Pain Killi lias the " Hiu.noe "l I. "ISHewSOU ,e lnls-1 of cadi liollle in Wni ink. IMi'l simple ask for I'm,, Killer, but ask fur Anilieus Pain Kilar, aisl kave uo iahi.f. Sad by M. A. Jletay, svdc Aput, N.M-ilminhnriaiat : W, Friluii;. Ku.ilHirv ; John II Itaser. Milion J,. I,., 11 Mvvcr, Htsansburi; : Win. A. .Mnriav & Co. lii,.-mu . IJavenuon nniiih, Plymouth ; Aistrew Yobr, Wilkes barre ; llayi It McConuu k, AlcF.wriut ille j H,-hallV sl ChauilierlauL U'WIsbtlrff : Oeorira .McAlplu, Jersei- !.. J. M. Jurhl, Wllliamsisilt. , OliKmsdilrcasrit 10 1. Andrews, inventor sisl only Prn. prietor ut lltieea 4uuikius cuuut), a. 1. w 11 retaavs pronipt attention ew pteuiiK-r an. ir-is. ly 11 AY ItUMr An excellent article Kir sale by HKNKV MAStsuit. riunbury Jan. 27th, tf. PLASTER, bait and Fish, ' by Bunburv, Dec 3, I84S. just received and for J. W. r'ltll.lMi pAlN'1'8, tew for sale bv i 'HAS. K.BOUAR. unbury, Man It 10, 1849. ' ' ' SI YRL'P MOLA88E8 Ku!f rior refined ul Molaaaes tot sale by MSB y MASMilt, DR. TOWNSEXD'S COMPULXD EXTRACT OF fSARSVPAIilLLA. rplllS F.nlract is put up iu quart Mile. It Is llx tilrn J. cheaper, phusamcr, and warr.'mtl superior 10 any sold. Il cures diseases without vitiiiunc, puroiut. sick nesn. or debilitating the imtieiit, and is particularly aJriitiii I'AI.I. AND SPIUNO MI'.UICIM:. Thc grtsit beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla over other remedies ia. wliilsl ii eradicates diiauke, it invip, irales the b ly. Consuttiition cured. Cleanse uud Strengthen. Consumption can be cured. llrojichitis. I'oiiMinipii l.iver Complaint. Cold". C"up!is, Calarrh. Ai-tlltna. Spiltnilnt Himd, Soreness in the Chest, Hectic Flush," Nidit Sweats, lilii. cult and Profuse Fxpectoratiou, Biat Pain in the Side, ckc, A c, have and can be cured. Prolfiblv there never was a remedy that has been so sue. ecssful iu des;H.nite eases nf consumption as Ihis ; it clean si s and strcu)-hciis the system, anil appears tn heal the ul cers on the lunt;, and jiaiieuts gradually regain their usual health and strenulh. Cl'KIOl'S CASK (IF CONSFMPTIOX. Thern is mnreely a dnv passi-s but there are a number nf i-aiaa ot eonauniptiiai repurtitl us cured bv the use nl llr lownaeu's !Sariiiaiillu. Tho iiillowunr waa recently re Ceivcd : r . 'Jiw-srxi Pear Sir: For the tost three vears I have liceu ulilicted with pencral ilcbilily, aist nervous con. suniptiou of the last staire. aial did not expect to ever ptin my health at all. Afler pmiK lliroiiuh a course nf niedieiue under I lie care of some of thc moat distinguished reular physicians and members of the Hurd nf Health in New Ynrk uud elsewhere, and spendinji the most 01 my earnuura in nttciuptiuc. tn rcinun my health, and alter reading iu s nic paper of youi Surs;ijsirilla 1 resolved to try It. After uslnp MX bottles I found It done me ureat Jo,hI, and calhil lo sin: you ut ymir oiliee with your inlviee 1 kept en. and do most huirtih thank yon for your advice. 1 persevcru in taking the SarMipurilia, and have ts-en able to attend to my usuul Int. rs for the list lour mouths, audi hope bv the oxrpn.n ,,, .....i Bl,, y,Nir rvirsai:irilla to continue my ' health. It helped me beyond the eipcctatinns nf h II who knew my ease. CIIAUI.F.S Qt'lMHY ' Oraiure, llssex eo. X. J., Aup. a. IS7. ftateof New Jersey, F.sez eouulv, s. Charles (Jutlil. i by hemp duly awnm aernnlini to law. eu his iwth sailh, I lint the loreKoinp stalcuiclit is true according to tlie lsjsl nf hikisiwlcdKe and belief. CIIAKI.i;S yl I.MBV. Sworn and suliscribed to before me at (irunee the -Ml August, IM7. CYKVS II Al.llWI.N. Justice of the Peace. si'irnNi! m.rioi). Real the following, and say that consumption ia in incu rable il you eau : New York, April 23, 1S17. Dr. I nwNsKND : I verily bcla-ve that vour Sarsaarilb haa been the means. lhmu(;b Provtdeue..., 6l Buviug iny hie 1 have lor several years laid a tiad cough. It liccatue uoi se und worse. At last I raised large qtiuutitica of blood, had night aweats and was gnutlv debilitated and reduced, and did not eei't to live. I have only used vour Sarsuianlla but a short time, and thr re has a ' wonderful chani-e been wrought in me. I am now able to walk all over the eitv I raise no bloiJ, ami my enigh has left me. Y'vu can well linusuie that 1 am thankful lor these results. Your obtdi ail servant. M M . RFSSKI.U M Catharine at. LOST lll.R KPP.KCII. The aaneied eertilieate tcJIs a simple uud truthful story of suffering and relief. There pre thousands nf similar ea s. s in thtsj-ity und Brooklyn, luul vi iliereare thousands ol (areata let their children die for fear i beine huiubugaed or lo save a few shillings, Hmnklvn, Sept. 19, HM7. Dr. Tnwxsaso: I take pleasure in stating, for the bene fit ut Ihoae whom it may concern, that luy daughter, two years and six mouths oM, was afflicted with general de bility ami loss S aiieeeh. She was given up us paat jc eovery by our family phvsieian; but fortuuutelv 1 wua re eianmeiidcd by a I neial to try ynnr Sarsapariita. llctore ""cu .sir isaiiesue recovered tier speech and was enalje.1 to walk alone, to the astonishment nf all who wr. acuiunntcd with Ihe eirenmstam-ea. She is now iiuile well. nn iu much Is-lter health thun she haa been for Iw months puai. JOSia'll TA MK, IJs yrk at.. Bronklvn. TWO CHILDREN SAVKU. ery few families indeed iu fa. we luive not l.enr.l ru' one lliat used lr. Townsend'a Sursuiairilla in time, lost any children the past Summer, while those that did not, sickened und died. The ecrcitieaui we publish below ia conclusive evidem-e of ita value, und iaouly another instance nl Its saving the lives of chlklren : nr. liwssK.NU near Mr: I hud two children cured by your Suraaparill ' ,4 the summer complaint and dyaeimiry; one was only to mouth old and tlw isher a vears. Thev were very much rrtluceil, and we expected they would die ; they were given up by two rcsn'Uible physicians. When the dH lor inf-a-nied us that we must lose'thein, we resol ved lo try your SuraaariUa we laid heard an much nf, hut luul little uMih'Inne, there being ao much atiuf advertised that is worthless: lull we are lluiukl'ul that we did, for it undoubtedly saved the lives ;' both. I write this Halt oth ers nuiy be induced to use it. Yours, respect f ull v. JOHN VIIJoN,Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn. Sept. Is, 1h7. TO THC LADIES. GRKAT FF.MA1.K MF.DIC1.NF.. Da. ToWNSKNU's SAKSAPAK1L1.A iau aoverciaaaiid sniMsle cure fsr haapicut etiiuuiinptiiin. ami for tlie.gcuerid prosnu- ,i.si oi me ssiein isi maner wueiner inc ritsun nl inhe rent cause iw causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac ciiieui. Nnthnis can he morn suriirisiiir. Ibqii ita i,,ritfi,ntl,,,v m feels on the human frame. Persons all wenkucsa anu lus sniale, frran taking it at om-e lieeoine nibnst and luH nt energy under ils mllueme. It immediately csjutesacls the llervek-asiKss of the female frame, which is Ihe eruat uuuc harreiiiiesa. it Will not be exneed'd of us. in rases of s.1 drlinule a iui. lure, to exhibit Certlticutea is cures n..rlomiM. Iu,t w m.n asse.re Ihe sliticted tluit humlreds o" cases have beeu rcixir. 1IR. I'oH N.iNn: My wua buitif greatly distressed by weakness mid general debility, anil sulfetum caitinuullv by iaia und with other dttlu'iillies, and having known vasisi where your medicine has elfetwt great cures i uiat also liejirniK ret'miiienueu lor sueil CUses us I have dcs:rllMxl, I nlsaitie.) a l l 1 1st of your ICxtnict nf Kirauiarilui aiut f.U Inwed ihe ihrections you g ive me. In a short pen.Nl it reiiKivurl her j.niiluiuts and restiunl hrr t i hmlili. , lleiit! grcatliU'lor Ihe heiv-hia she reeeivnl, I mke pkaisuru In inuauckiuiwa:,iiiig u, una lucouuuanduur it to ihe pubh. M D. MllOKK, Alluiiy, Aug. IT, Mt.enr (iiand It l.yduists. DYSI'F.PSIA. No ttaiil or nuslieina has ever been discovered which i neurly resembles the g:islne juice or saliva in decouiisislug ftssj and sirengtbeiung the orgunsol' digestion as this pre. naraliiaiot' Sarsanuulla. it posilivciy cuies every cauus of uyasiMiu, however aevereur chriauu. Iluuk Deiiariiuent, Allsmr. May lit, IR15. Dr. Tnwuseisl Sir : I havs beaa arUUtwl for several years with dystaaisia ui its w.irst lunil. alteialetl withsrair- ueas uf atnnuudi, kaa .a' apiietite, extfeiue heurtburu, aial a s'"' sversiou lo all km, Is irf f.ssj, and for weeks, (what 1 csild eut) 1 havs been unaha to fctauu bat a small porn, n on my atomaca. I tried the usual remedies, but they lust mil- r mi enact iu reimivlng the ooiiipuunt. I wiui m- duced. Slsait two mouths sou-... tn aw vour F.Klrs.4 nf Hi.: saisrillu, and I must say with lathe eonndencs but alter using nearly two bottles, 1 f.aiml uc aivellls ruSoral and Uu huullairn entirely teu)V-il; au'd I woukl euniestly -cmuncad the use nl It in tlasw who have laen afflicted as I nuvv usvh. ours, etc., w W, V AN 'sAMt r Agent for Puubury-JOHN W. FKIIJNl.; Ne. li,,"V)S'J,S,VMAHY A MAVi panwlle, WM. A Ml hKA Y 1 O , Itchiiiffflof the Skin. Narvoui Coinplainu. AND A VARIETY OP OTHrR DISEASES AHIfilNO rHOM IMPURITIES OF THK BLOOD, AND OBSTRUCTIONS IN THE ORGANS OF I)K.E!TlON. rxneriftnrr linn nrnvrH thnt marlv errrv Dimnw ox'it imtn from liiitiritipn tt the Blood or dt-'raiimMiimiU ut'llie tivt Orjraiii; and to m.iun Ifciiltlt. we munt remove tliotw UPmrilCil'miior rfuxorc un- iiinni vj iih imvurHi nintr, Tin vsrio(t bi tnkinff mefhrini m tiMist Hthiallv IV- tnuvv'd In- CurnNKit't Veoktadlr Pdiiuativb Pillm, tteiiig Cttnplrtt;lv rnvek'DttJ with n cfutmif tf pure white THienr, (which in hn dixtimH t'rin the internrtl inpredicnta aaanut ahcll from tbv kern!) antHwivcimUiMe vi mdicine, Hutare iw wwilv nwnllowed a wta of wmdv. Mnmiver thy nHlher imnarnif of eripe in the fliphtrri dei?rw. tut operate ua:.!rv on nil tno uiaeaaen nanaot tan nmrni, Mend uf ctntlinma thHiin-ivrn lo, and rnrkinp any pMrticutar rtrion. Tlnin, if the Liver be ufTV;eten one inpnMiciit will nitrate on thnt mrtioular nrran, nnd. liv clcaiinitur it nf nil Kicewof Hile rnatore it to ita antaied ntnta, Anotbfr will ops-rntp on lit Rmrd nndreirtiivenll itnpnruira in ita circii- Ifiuirn: winl a imru will eitecttinilv i:xtci whatever itnuii- ritira may have been diarlmrrHi into tin atoinarh, and hfi the atnkrnt tho root nrdnenae rrnin'e oil Impure Hit mcfi ttrm th body pnm the norm exlernallv and inter hhIIv; aepantte ail frHf ifnaml uimoxionn particfm from the chvle, an that the bkod uv be Uirniahlv unrr thua awn- ring a frf and henllhy notion tn the Henri, l.nncxnnd Liver and therein' they reatore health even wlie have fnileu. Tlie entire truth of the above rrin bn aacertained liy the triulof aeuiffle box; and their virtuea are ao jtoaitive mtd i pertain in nttorinfi Ilenlth, tlint tlie propHctoT biitda hirrmelf trt return the mowy paid for them in all coaea wli!re they donotfriveunivenwil aaliafaction. Iletall I'rlco, 35 els, per Ilox. Prineinnl offiee No. W Verapy at., N. York, 8okl by JUII.N' Y. YOl Nti, Hunburv. M. A. MeCAY, Northumberland. tV Ttenipmber Dr. C, V. Clickner ia the inventor of the. Bufrar IVwitf-d Pilla, and tlmt nnthiim of tlie ort wna ever heard of until he iiitrndiiedthem in imle, 184:. Pnrrhaaera altonhl, therrfore always auk for Cli'-kner'a Pnirar Conted Pill, and Uike noothera, or the- will beinndc the viftimiof a frniid, Februnry, 17, IflO ly , SORES CAX IlECi nrD. Bnrnsj Scaldsf and all k inds of inflamed Sores Cured. TOUSKYV I'NlVF.KBAli OINTMF.XT, ia lite nmut complete Bum Autidto ever known. It instantly, (nnd nit if by Majrin) fttopnpniiiit of th; ni"t dt-Kptntte Hnrn and Stuild. Fr old !oni, IIiiiim!, CiiIh, Sprnuu, At, on manor bract, it ia tin In-at niplirtition thnt mil bp made. I Thou Mild huvetrit-d und thonwiulH pniie it. It in tlini'irt ! perfwt tnuftter of puin evr riivcoVfnd. All who uso r- romniend it. I-.v;ry tamily ahoulil In pfividnl with it. None can tell how aoon wmic of th. family tnny need it. IV Obaerve enrh boq of the (TntjiiHi t hntmeni haa the naiufot r. TotKv, written on the ontnidf; lubel. To mute to thin it, forpt-ry. Hunt men. I.ivcn' Mt-n. Farmer, nnd nil who nw Ilorura, will hud Hint Ointuifut the very b-it ihiujt thy run un-. for 1 V sllitr (-Hlls,STutfhe, Kii-kK. ftc, A ,uii tli:iruiiuiuil Surrlv evrrv inrevful ninu would keti lit tiniitinlw lie free I from pam tu nfntb!e. Touit.'v'a I niverwd Ointment in ull th:it in required. Try it. ! lii ri :sOF IXSKCTS. For the Miiif: or bite uf poiaon ns Iiin.x'ts, TouneyV (MiitiiM.'iit ia unii.uiliil limi-lrcd huvc trietl it nnd fonnd it pood. PH.F.Sl'ritKL! FortliePtM. Ton.'y'arnirKilOint iiteiit iion of the lu-i1. lirnu'flien that ran bu upplit-d. All who h r tried it f'r the Pilett rei"intnrnd it. OI.ll UKLIS CFUKl). For old fbatiiiiilu S Ten, tliere ia nothing tual to Toiwy Oimiiient. A prs min Mami ns h:nl. i-r n niimVr of y'Tre, ii n re U-g tlmt iKitftr d tiie nkill of iIip dociorn. Touiry" OintiiH.iit wna reconiinend'it by one if the vicitinfr pliietyna. (who knew iti print vir tiien.) nnd two boxen produced more Imm-fit tlmn thepu tient h:nl rin-civ-! from uuv ami hII previoua reinalu-a. L:l nil trvit. Ht. KNS AM) SCALDS CI KF.I. ThoiiWi,N of cow-a of Hnriiv find StiMt. i it ull pans of the r Miutry. liavt- been enrrd by Tounry'ii Fni verbal Ointment. fertilicuiestrHdUj.'h pould be htd to till the whole nf thia aliept. VIOIJ'.NTHUI lS;Sr'l(Kl). Tenlimonintf on teai nioiiud m fuvor of Toufey'a Ointtuetit l-r t-nritij? Hruiseo lieve Iwrn odered tlie proprii-t.-un. Mtmdredit m Syruriie wdleertifvtoiiftirreat ineritun-lieviiit' the puin of tlie moat Revere MruiM. All pern nm tdionld try it. SCAlslillKADCTKKn. Sres of r;ien of Smddll..tid have tMuiieurril by Totiyev'H Oiiitui'iit. -Trv it it aeldom I lailH. I SAl.T HHKFM CFRKD. Of all the rmicliea ever dis. I coveren lortha niout ditcireefihte compl.imt, Touwy'a l.'ni- vrvtui uuitiutrui ia tlie moat complete, it uuver wua uiown to fait (ilAPPF.D HANDS CAN Ull (TH F.D Toum y'a I'm vernfti oiutmmt will alwuyn cure the worat caaea ot Chap ped Hand", S'oren of pera-'ii will state thin. StJltli IJPSCFKI.I). For the cure of Sore l.ipa there waa never anything mde epial to Touae)-t Ointment. It ia mi re to cure them. Try it. It n u acieutilic compound, warranted no to contain any preparation ot' Mercur-. IV Price 2T cents per box. For further particuliirB concern mp thia really valuable Ointment the public itrerrlerrd to Pamphlets, to be had jrratie, if r! upet-tnble lrup;iat8 and Merctiunta throughout the United Slntea. Prtrre,1 by H. TOFSKY, Rruirpiat, No. lfiS Nasaau Street, New York. Ar.RNTa-IOllN YOt NO, Sunbury, M. A. MeCAY, Northumlierlaiid. February 17, ln. Iy LIVER COMPLAINT, JAl'NPICK. DYSI'F.PSIA. CHKOMC OR NKUVOUS DKBILlTY.'DISF.ASli OK THE K1DNKYS, wind nil disposes arising from a disordered Liver ur Stomnch iA both .Male and Female : 9ucti aa Constipation, Iimurd Files. Fullness or llkmrl to the llrail. Acidity of the Hhimaeh, .imu, Heart. l iirn, Distrust lor Food, Fullness or weiplit in tlie St,, much. Sour Kriicuiiuua, Siukius or Flutterliijt at the pit ol the Ktoutjcli Hwiiiualtitf of Ihe Head, Hurried unil liitlicull itreutluiifi, Flutlerinp at tlie lleurt, Cbokins; or Sullicatiiitf scumlious when in a lyiua posture l)iuine.-s of Vision. I),rfa or wel4 bel'ure lbs Sicbt, Fever und dull uui in the llcuil. Dclicicn cy ol' Feispiriitem, Vetluvi'llcss is' lbs (Skin aiul Kves, Fain in the Side. HtK'k. ('best, l.inibs. e., Sudden flushes i.' lletil, Hui nine iu tlio Fltsli, Constuul liii-jsiiiiiii ol evil uud great degression ol spirits Can be eiiivtuully cured by BR. HOOPLAITD'S Colehrnted (lernian Hitters. Their power over the above diwaeu ia not excelled if eriualled by miy other prefMiratiMt in the I'nited Suitei aa thc cures attc&t, in uiuuy cuara after nkdlful phykieuum liad failud. lenuiffriutent of tho Liwr aiat Sumioch arc aourceu of IiiMiiity. and will alao produce dint-ant: pi the Heart, Skin, Mir and K idneya and tnva t)e body Open to an attack uf the siiolrra, Miitottis r Yellow Fever, and i generally tlie tirai cauw of tluit uiogt buneful diacuiH, CouMiiuptioii, Opinion of the Philadelphia Press. UTHE DISPATCII.! DeceiulMi :tsit Hava: AN INVAIsFAUIsF .IKD1CIM:. We havefrcouentlv. heard the Celelwuted (iertnaii Hi Iter m. inuniifai-tured by Ur llootlluiid. ap)iketi o in ternm ot coiuiiieudati-n. and we know deservedly m it uu too ouuiion nructice. iu cer tain quarter, to pull' all maimer oi uaclec tnili, but ut the ab-'ve Jfitter, hundnd. ore living w itiu-MtcM of their grc;it ib.tji uiw pii-auu wortn. Aa a iim-oicuic ot lite Later Complaint, Juundicc, Nervou D' bility und yhpewui, it ha beeu found iiivuluubie. rtfW'liuir curev and thorniwldv erndicaliuft diHouiee, when ull other medicine liuve fulled. e led conviined, tluit in tin mm ol the tiernuu Hiltcra, the (Miticnt ilorc nt bectirue debilitatrd, Imt contuiitly fruiiut atreiiffth and vigor to the frame a fact worthy ot (treat eomuderutioii. The Hitter ure pleuuiit iu taste and aineil. and can be administered under any ciicuiuataiue, to the mow ueiicate tomui U indeed, they can be uaedbyallpcr aone with tba nitxit perfect aufety. It woukl be Well for those win are much affected in the nervous system, lo commence with one leu tfjuoiifulor lehs, and frradually lie eruuae. We speak from esncrience, ami are of otMirne. proper judae. The nres fur aial wide, huve united in rv eouimemling the German Jtitterv, and to thc ulHicted We in'Wt coraiaiiy iMiviKeiiieir uce. SPIK1TOFT1IET1UKS," June 'Jlth mis : 'lM)(iFRrtO()UCIfiy.K.ShoarB invalids, know tlw inuiiy astouishiutr cures tliut huve Imeu perloruusl by l)r. lltk'ti laud's Cclebruted (ii rnsui Hitters Il they rtn n'S, we reuHinneud them tolbe"(icmuiu Miylieiiia Hliire.o sll wan ure afflicted w ith Uver Ciaupbiut, Juumh. e. llys. IH'psia, nr nervous iJetuiuy ; inc lkK-l,ir luisauml many us our eittiuuis utter Ihe best nbvsfc inns bud lulled Wi luiva used thi ui, and they luive proved to be u medicine tluit every one simukl know.', and we cmuns. relruln ariviusr our u-s. Iiiii'iuy in tlieir lavor. uisl tluit whii k uivcm iheiu smu claim U.)u uiir huuibla cdort, they sr. entirely Vegetable. "TH E DAILY NEWS," Julv 4tli s-ivs ' apeak kiinwuurly iu' lr. 1 1 ooflind'a Celebrated Ker. nan llilteia, when we suy il is a Isessinii oi tins aae j and iu diswtaxna thabjliury. 4isrsifisl Sarvi sis S slums, it bus ii. H wctlitiik un eqimt. II is a Vino tublo I'rcpnniliou, and uuide witlsiut A Icily. I, and lo all iinnlsl we would ru- eoiiuueuq it us wirlhy tbcir cunlirleuce. Fs sub rhokBjiln mid reluil. at the nriiieiisil tier,! fiKHMAN MKU1UMK 8T()I' Nu. -J70 Huco Utrirt llltladelilliu. ' For aule by M . A. SWAT, NnrtliunuVrlnnd and Sim bury uisl rcspueuble dculers gsnerally throuitlsmt the mum. April 81, tHI9.1y COLUMBIAN SERIES OF . j attttiMuttta. Th PvpiVt friend and Teacher s comfort . 'rHE COLUMBIAN CALCUl.ATOl?--niia Wrk is alrenitv tnlr.ut.,o.1 t,,ln aoniffi of the best AcatlaAic ami a lnree mtmlicr of Schools, Wliere its use has rriVCn decided and universal art ttsfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is ruffly j......j. i , cnaracter, hascil upon our own bratrtifnl dtctmal sy.,trm f currency. It contains mort.,lho atTBtiircnients me better, and it is tltc easiest and chenst work of the kind now in use ; ana n is so cotisi.tercd ,y hundreds of tlm most competent teachers and men of science iu the Uni on, who have recommended it, It U tho book, particularly and expressly prepared for onr Ame rican tcfiolnrf : Jitj Almnii Ticinnr. Tub Youth's C'iili'mihab I'ah i lstus. This volunio coutnins Ul pnt;es, with ubout UtlO exam ples for solution on tlio slnlo. . It omlirnecs the Kundamentul Kules, ('oinpoiind Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, fciiirrle Rule of'l'lireo, Proportion, &c. TiritsoK's Abitiimktic t Tabi.es, is desiined for the use of youtitrcr classes in tlu iSchools of tlie United State. A beautiful littlo hook nnd pleas ing lo children, and the only one of the kind of any value. , There are Keys to both A ritlinictics hound sin- irle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of tho questions ure iriven with much extra mutter for the black bonnl. These Keys arc the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, &c, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no tearhor who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the liest works thnt have ever been published iu this or any other country. Althoucll issued but a few months, thev have already been introduced into the Nitiht Public Schools of New York City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in thc City of Reading. Also, in about twenty Aciulatnics in the State of Pennsylvania iu a birjic portion of the Schools in the City of "Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, nnd in (lie I3orou(rhs of Hnrriiluirp;, York, ('hiimlK-rsburr;, Lebanon, Dorlestown. Potts illc, Orwiiisburff, &c, See. Forsaleby llKNnr Masskh, Sunbury, Agent for Nortliunilvrhinil County. Sunliiiry, Dec. 2, 1K1S. . , 'SALAMANDER, : FIRE AMD TIIIF.F monF CIIF.Tsj, FIllE-PilOOF DOOHS FOH BANKS AND STORF.9 Seal and Letter-Copy inp; Prnssca, Pa tout , Slate-Lined Refritrerntora, Water Fil- -ter, Patent Portable Water Clo Buts, intended for tho Sick and Infirm. EVANS & WATSON, 76 JSohM Third Street, fflTOflTK THE I'HlLADF.Ll'lllA KXCHANOF.. Mnnul'nctnre nnd keenconstnnt ly on huuil. alnro nssiirtmeni iH" TlieHliove nrticlcs, urellicr wun tbeir lent lmprovetlr;ilnmBiirii?f FIIII'.-I'IKJOF SAFIirt. which are so const t uetcd ns lo set at rest nit iiliiuucr nf d"ubl os to then betne rtrictlv fire-oroot", and that As r.V wjaJ-sei "c; will resist u,e lire, "i nuy idP.2t&TT- Isiilrnig. The outsiile eases is' these fMifcs nre mnde of boner lrm, uieinsmeenseoi issjp. atmie mi'l Islwwil tlie outer ease nnd inner esse ia s spare ....'.... tu.. i..i.us il,M-U.uid is (tiled ill wmMi indestruc tible imtnrial.sot'S tsusua a an llini-sisuauiy uurn tiny .1. is Chest. These Smitsl'Hie Sa- Isinsmlers M e S- rtri'psrill MIS on ensn.-nie ,ne wim in priKlueeunenrri.-! ill the Shius- ' lk!ites that Will slaail ns nun Ii heill, and Wu I'""' ooiseivt-s icwiy "n times. ti have them fnirlv lusted by vnl.he Issibre.. We alsneonliiiee ., nisiuifaetiire a larire tind eeneriil aaa-rt-(nenl of our IV-niiaul Air-ti'.-l t Fire TreKf tnfes eA with b Iheie ure over Mm now in use. nnd in every instaiive lh. v have given entile sittisliictioil to the purchasers nil wlueh we will refer tin! onblic to a lew Kcntleincli who liuve lAiwton i DIAMOND FOWDHK- von RAZOR STROPS. riIHN Powder is warranted fur superior tn any Il tiling iu use liir impnrtiiiir a keen. huooIIhiIitc to Katnr, Surgical instrument, and all kinds of liiii; I'l TLKiit ; it may he iipplied tn any kind of strop. Also superior Razor. Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale unil retail, bv ALKRK1J IIP.XNKTT, Ayenl. Depot of pine Razors. Strops, Rrusbes, und t'lienp Kaiicy (iooils, No. IS South Fifth street u bove Chcstiiut Philtnlcliihiti. TESTI.MdMALs. Piiii..tii.i.i'iiiA. Feb. l.'llt. lsts. This may certify tliut I have used otic ol" the Strops prepared with HAY.NF.s' MAtilf 1)1. V- Mtl.M) I'tiW iiinl run attest in tin- most ititi'qtuMicul niaiiner, that there is iiotbiii"; can be Ootlon Yarn, Cotton Cariet Chain, Cotton Laps and Waddinrr, Cotton Outlines, Ready niade PauUiloons, Heady inude Vrsts, Coiigreaa Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kcltles, juut received for sale by H. MA8SKR. riunbury, Dee. 8, 18-1 8.' tlietn in usr llnye.sl At Snviler. IMtsviHc; Joseph O. FoltSVllle: Mr Willmm Pnrr 1 1. ,vl..Hl,,UMi. ta. N. ft (.. Tnyl r. -.',, ivuth ad s'.; A M'riirht A Nephew Vine st. wharf; AlexrindiT L'nror. C'mvevuiK'er, corner of Filbert nnd u'li sis.; .l.ihn M. Ford. HJ ni'.rlh fsl st.( Myers Hush. On ii'irth nd ft.: James M. p iul. mi smith 4th st Ur llnvict Jayne, f is,ntb :H tt.: Muthew T. .Miller, l!b S'tith st.t and we e-nld name same hrmitretls of ottiers II it were ner-essarv. N"v we invite the nttentiim of the public, nud ivirticularlv those in want of Fire I'roof Safes. In mil nt our store before pureiiionuir elsewhere, end we can sntH'y them they will set u lietlrr and eheaper article at nur store Item at nnv other cseinasnment in tlie eitv. Wv n's-T inaiuifaeture the ..clinary Fire l-ns.t chests, at nt verv lnw pri'-es. ehnaper than Ihcy ran be b"ii(;ht nt any other store in rhilailelnlua. 11 Will F.VANP. JdllANNl'S WATSON Philsilelphin, Sprite, I (-lf 1 y OXYGFAATED -.(ivi ttt k; i:i;ii:iiv ior 01-.-101.. HANK NOTE LIlT. ' rEcSWSTlsVAcSIA. Ths followin tiat attoVi Che current value of ail f.nn.Wsnia Bank Note. The most implicit r- lianc may be placed upon it, aa it Is every week larerully compared wun ana correctea irorn dick nell'e Reporter. Ilnnkn la Philadelphia. , Due. id NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North America , Dank nf ths Northern Liberties . Commercial Hank of PennV . . FaTmeti' and Mechanics' Dank . '. KensinRton ll.ink , Philadelphia Ilauk . . I .Schuylkill Pank . . . , Southwark Hank . Western ltsnk . Mechanics' ltsnk ' Manufacturers' eV Medisnics' Bsnk Rank of Penn Township . . Rirsrd Bank Bank of Commerce, Iste Moyamensing uank of Pennsylvania . . Country nnnkii. Rank of tThester tJounty Westchester Bank of Delaware County Cheater 1 Bank of Cermantown fSermantown Bank of Monttjomery Co. Norrfstown DoylestnstrS ltnnk Poytestown r.aston i.nnk" Eastnn Farmers' Hank of Bucks en. Rrivtol par per par pat pat pal par par par pal par fat pi? pat par p., T pat pel pat par pal Lancaster par Lancaster ("n Headin; par IUrtWWrg" These Laucatster . I offices Resdins nt Easton J issue n. AM) GSNISAL nrniLiTV. CJDORCK U. (;Ri:F., PiioriMiroit. Windsin; Vermont. IS a suveremn remedy fur DYMMTH A, in ninny of nt lorins, sucn uii pain in the Stomach, Keartniirn. httl'ltlial j 1'iistiveliess, Ael.l s-tiilll-lcll, lle.i'lnejie, l.-'bsof A jtii:titc, I l'il' S. .Nlclii Swi at. unil evnt t 'iii.LUniitinn I ll)eptlc I'llthieic.) Hti.l Asthma, ur Plitliisic atteii'leil wilh lieniiitri iiu nl of the stnuiaeh (..r ly.-,eptie Astluiia.) Ilnticnlt llreatllilii-. S hlch oi'ieil Ii-miIIm Iu Hit UU,ei I, Cl. itt;, slli.ll ("M ly.,e ie Syjaiica.) is ri !l le,i bj (Ihm- IJuteis. Iu slei.t, I tin ir U5e h: Ihcii m-'Vc'I in tlie 'relief of nlni'Vt all t!ie j s niit itns that ,reM-il fiTTii a il' l inniteil ur nt. nic .mil- j Iwn nl the r-l 'inaeh; a',., in j., n, iat ib l.llily tirisiu Imul ' tiL'e ur lV'Mii tin- tlV...-i i if Filer, iwrliiaibrly 1'ev'i.r laul I Aeuc. Fi mali s sr.:f, rile- unit, r nny tit' riac ifarn v'em'a.t ; utisinc Irniii weakness, will taut tlie ixvfn:A r i 11 Iti r- T:ii.'' an i:ee.lent inner,', anil ni't sariniss.til bv any tnctii- j cine in lle. The history "f '.!i:i Way l- jui! !i.- lav -r meres . ' i ' 1 1 . i ' 'i t I' net v nail thri:-i i! I lielun- ..yen I... a ; t-ii" , i-ire. ,. ! . , i.-t ! . tt 1 as inaile it; Its nlvii in'riusa -I t site il a. It fas net c taalkaM'- e:V,ei,ey m tin: I'IM'i. him altia wauls a-li lieu; :i I i found thnt will produce thc same cflivl in niv opiu- i t', r,.i-,l .mtd it is kuuwa ia o. imi. und must say to others, trv it, and you will I 1 a-"". I,s ' on ili, n m' u.in fin.l it .nniirl,,, t., ,,v I,.,, ..I. ,!'.., I,. I I nsuiysin 111 all lis ill I nit t. truly suv thnt I never knew what a shut was before. . I til,' t 1 el.ir. 1 1's ri aii' I by Jlldlie- Hank of Nnrihunibetlnnd Northumberland par Columbia P..nik St rtridna coColumhia pal Farmers' Hank of Lancaster Lnncistet pal l.nnraster t-nuiuy Uank Lnncaster Hank Fsrmers' I'aiik nf Reailini' CMiee of Hank of Peiin'a. ')tliee do do OMice ilo do Otlice do iht MITKS AT DISCOUNT. "ark oflho I nite.l states Philadelphit Elmers UtiiiK ol Fnllsvillc" Ilauk of l.ewislown Cuik ef Midilb'towii fnrtiste Hank Kxcliangu llatik 1 tb blanch of Itiiirisbnrn Hank Lebanon Hank Mcchniits' V Mntnil Hank1 Hunk ol PitNh'.iris West litnnch H .iik Wvomiiirr Hank orlhaniptoii Itink Berks County Malik Ollice of lititik ofF. S. Ilo do do I) i lb) do ISallk of Ctiainbershlirg Hank of CitttysburK Bank of Sti-ii;elisiiii.i to, Krie Hank Fanners' cV llmvers' Hank Krunklin li iiik' Hotiesdalc H.nk M mciheh Hank of It. Voik Hank .N. It. 'I be Holes i.f tlmse banks on which wo iruil .itiataiiiuis, and iilililule a dash ( ) are not purchased I v tlie Philadelphia brokers, wilh thfl o;cr.iioii i.l lli.isc which huve a Idler of reference. It K n K K N H A N'KS, Pottsville Lewistown Middlciown Carlisle Pittsburg Hollid.'ivsbnin llarrisliurg Lelmrmn Pitisburti Pilts'iuig Willininsport Wilkesbane Allenlown iicailinr; Pittsburg Kric New Hrighton Chunila-rsbtirg (iettysburg Motilrose F.rio Wsynesluirg VVushiugtoii Hotiesdiile Browns ille Vork 17 par failed t I t I I par I t It no sstsi failed failed do di :i 4 II T JUHX SCOTT, Iron Safe .Maker, 41 S. Third st. Pu i i.a ii i: i.i-tt i a, October. A verv hard Is-ard and tender face has coiiuiel- led inc to seek nnd'er many contrivances design ed to make ahnving easy und pleusunt, hut with tiitlillcrcnt success, uiilil I inaile use ol tlio Matric DIA.MOM) POWDFI!, bv Allied Iicnn.tt. and Rousscl"s Shuvinj Cn-utii. Tlieir united pow er act like magic, and impart u power to the Razor to remove the most stubborn ta-ard, without irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 4il South Fifth Street. For sale nt this otlice Price So cUs. per Box. November S3, ISIS Cm. mmmmm Asliiiti i "r lli I li:i. hcn lh' ir'r i in 'U,!i ! i ii, i;' !i i t I i n.t;.iic- v if. c (!. t UMit tint!- ku m n i j Hi" !y. I Nuum r. uf ciTtii'f: t'l" "l!'.i,KA I VU I (if li t. t ltl'C l ;. !.-li j J.i:..- i ii tihi-'1. t lit" i ' 1 f ; Hi ( .:i 'U ti t- tin .1 I pu: Hi I ; : 'Tc-. sM"ll i it pri-sentntc Die public with a remeilv fur the treatmciil and cure oi Flvi:k ami Ai.i-k un,! otlier bili-ms dts.-;, , no a.ol"i!y is ueeil.-d. Vnsl iiiuu!i.'rs in the I'uitH Stares, Who antler Irian lla se atlectums in then- varil forms, me eonipciled tu se. ll relief fruia other s .urees tliau the imme diate preserlpti'tis uf the r.-:;iiuir physician. It bee inn s thercf.'re uu ul'ji ct of huinlitiil y, as well us of public inter est, lo brine befoie them u rein-.h prepuicd tioiii uuu li ei p'henee, and which may n!wu s be relied upon es s,l-i:, li m'll'AL.AMI KARMli.R ill TtlK COSsI iTri ION. That such is the true character l" ihe INDIA t'HUl.Al.l.'iil I:. is unaply uttestcd by thc unit crsal success with which 11 bus been employed. W Fxlrael from a communication of the II, m. Wil ¬ ms Wc.oimr.nxiE. nl' the F.. (senate, lute Uovennv nl' Allchlr-uii. PETKOIT, Oct. St. I"lll. FlOl'TOB ClIAai.ejt OsiiOlin. llcui Sir 1 liuve Mud with nitieh interest, vour little TKAFATIsE upon the "causes, ireat nient and cure" ol the febrile iliseHses which have so extensively prevailed in ,mr country durinir the List few iuuihs an interest increased no doubt, by ths fact tluit 1 have individually sulli reds i much from them Thoueli I l'c.1 myself very iiieiiiuHieut to judre safely upon a aiil.iect su entirely professiomil, yet your theory seems In me vvcll re;isoi,cti, und vour c.iiie'.u sious just, und I think Wlthul, th.il your ,uuip!,lct is calcll tnt.fi to posJuce much inictid irtsst. KcakniB of the unslu iiie be miys : It fully justilutl vour ttatteruur exieetaliona. uisi us u sul'c, Miiiveuiint. and popu lar relllealy. 111V own experience, s I far. Induces me lo be lieve that It will proven great public U-netit. 1 utii ph-as, d to leurn thut you have reeeutlv ettatilished several mreueies for us disposition tbouuli I riirret tiiat, Willi u view lo u more peneral disscimiiulioii of it, you should have found it llecessury to remove frisn yair present residence unions us. With much respect I huve the honor to 1. sir, Vour ohliecd servant. Wit I JAM WliODHltlDOF.. tV Fiom Hon. Ptkpiikx V. It. TaowiiBiixiK, of .Michi juii Huuc Senate, to the Aijent at Detroit. ItlKKIM.IIAH, (Jakland (ki., Die. 13, Nl Sir you wish me lo iuloriu vou wbul 1 know of llr. Osaixsl's India t 'liobie;. -Kue, or anti-b:lius nicdiciuc. I do believe thut if the virtue und ethenev ol" litis medicine Were Bcueiully kisiwu, the .avag anu Acta would disupiieur ui Aticlliuiui. -I pos'iireil a bottle in Ihe spriita of K1, and have aassl reason to believe that iiivsclf und family cscuped the ague lusl aeiusai in eanseuueuee of its use. IVrliapa in ao aiiuuuer since the settlement of this tine lieiuusiila, haa the fever uud ague lieen so prevalent lis the last. I huve recommended this medicine iu liiuuernua in stances, aial when the disuse had become fixed and Isillicd he skill of physmiiiisi and 1 have never kisiwu it fail. I haa uuivernilly ir,Klui't Ihe must happy rneeis, and I b. I bi've it has never l-een exeeeiM by any medicine ill rei.-io. vmg the bilioua diseases of tho clliuule. Vours, respei'lfullv, PTF.I'IIKN' V. R. TnoWHItllKiF.. , Aeentf.K Himbnry II. B MASSFH ; Norlhimilierlaisl, AVlTlllMiTDM .V iv,.; Miium, j. u. BASI H j Scbaj. grove, MAY Kl.OSt:. Wiiy U, Irslv-u wixnsoit. vi., The fulluu iui t.i:i). 11. (il:i;i:.. Proprietor Orloli.'i JI, lrr,. . Ceiiitictiles have recently been j reicivcii j Wsiuvr7oN. D. C, -Usr. 10. M. 1 llavintj niaile use i Jn,. "( li enateti Hitters' prepared ! tu lr. tie.,. 11. dreeit, ot' ', tnilsur., Vt. nnd tr,aa sn-oi. j leilfC ulitliiaed of their tiieai'V ill other cases, weeheerllllly , reeouuiieiid I hem lo ibeinit.tic. Isitcvim- that they will fuliy ! sustain tile rcc ,lumeiid:ni.-u i -t the Proprietor. 'We hope t tint tins v.iliiaii:.- reiiirit,- u, v l,e s i ei-ni raMv ililla... , throuBliout the canntrv lliat it inay tic accessible' to all the lilllicti'd. SA.MI'F.l. l'lU'.l.l'S. l WII.I.IA.M I I'll Wl. ( I . S senator Ir in ennait. JAMl'S F S..VMHNS. I". S. -ii'.t..r ir.n.i II. Isiaml. J. T .UtilM'.lll.Al). I . S. -u'it a ami t riii.,tly lio- eru or of Ii aitia'kv. I.. II Ali.VU.n, M. iii'ier ..fl-,,...r.'s:.ii.l 1. .rul.-.t .- (1 . vera a .a it. I W.M. IMiD.IHIlli;!;. I . . Saiutor rind lor.iienv l.o vcruor ia" M iel.1.. in. M. 1.. !I.K'1':.. I'f'.r j; U ill I" iii'Ti'SS unil Wisi atsill 'I'er.'il.Ty. . Frotii ll-'u. 11.11. I'o-Tiat, Mi lal nr ot' t'ljiutrcss Irian l-einisylva'ii.i. i Washing-!. , I), i"-., Ji,nk III. Hid. j Dear Sir I huve be, u o dys;,.ytie stttterer lor about ten years, and have res.iiieil to vuiii iis i.ieiliiaui s tor relict ! Wi'hont sn.'i'ess. until I Inaile list: ot' vour "O.w f-cualcd ; llltlcis." I have used .. I. .ut two litlh s, mid liiid mysi lf res!,. r.-.l lo peti.n'l jiealib 'I'nc forms in which the dis-ca.-c sli'iwcl itieit", in uiy case, M ere, r real ai.'idity of llie St 'tn.icli. i' Ss nl rijijietlt.-, c.vti'eiue ll.itllli'iiee, si'lerc COllstl- ' pati m ol the bowels, uud violent licwluclie. Fi-ellllK desi- j runs that n knowl' tiee ot your valuable leniedv may reach j is-jers similarly alile-teil. I lake oreat uleiiMirV in recad- t i tin; ray teMnu ny to iti curative jwiwer; und would ats i ; ' reai'ilk. that wtule on u visit nt home a short lime sii ee. 1 ' , ii'iiu:i:.leie.l u irt ot a lutlie to a inmilK-r of mv ultltetvl liieir's. wilh (treat sucess. They are desirous that Vol I I j s!!..u;-l i stalilish mi u-jeney nt I'l'ttsburir. or inform tliem ! where the tueui'-ine e:ut 1... ol tTiiucl. With tin curuciit de- sire f..r your inospeiity mid laipj iiicfs. I sul,-.il- mvself, j Hi''', vour tnond H. il. FCSTFl;. I I IKs i. (.so. II. fiat KN.Win.lsor. Vt. ! rl.l noiusate u.nl lletail by cueen & Fletcher, Nu. .ant .xl:l Mnet. rt.'.iaceii iiu,. Airml f'r Simbury II. II. . S.It. A;eiiis.n .Millon M.vA'KA " , II A (1 Ai'. iit I' l t'liper .Mail, u n. J. Ii. April 1.1, Ms Philadelphia Snv. Ins. Pitiladelpliie i'liil.otciphi'i Loan Co. do i'lni . Midi Sav. Ins, do Keiiiti iioit Sa v. I m, do I'etill Tow nsnii Snv. Ins, to Manual Labor Hank ( I'. W Dvott, prop.) I'ouaiul i Hank Tnwauda Mieel nnv H ulk of Pa. Hedford H.mk of lienvcr Heaver Hank of Kwatnra llnrrisluiri; Hank of Wasliiiijtuii Washington Centre Hank Ili llefonte City Hunk I'lltsbuiR Farmers' Sc Meih'cs' Hank Pittsburg Formers' & Mecb'cs' Hank Fayette co. Fsrmers' ft Mech'cs' llatik (ireencastle Hsimoity Institutn Harmony llunlliinilin', Hunk Huntingdon Juniata Hank Lewistown Lumbermen's Hank W'anen .Northern Hank of I'a. Uundstr New Hope Del. Hri.ltje tn. New Hope Xiirthuuib'd Fui.iii Col. lik. Millon .North Western Hank of Pa. Meadsille Dlliee ot Schntlkill Hank Porl Carbon I'a. Avr. V Maiiiif. Usnk CarlUlo silvct Lake Hank Montrose I'iiioii Hank of Penn'a. Cninntnwri estuioielnnil Hank lirceiishurir W iikcsliarrc llrt.le ( o. (TT AH notes purpurlius to be on any IVnnsvl. vnniti Hank not given iu the above list, may be set luwu as frnutls. seh .ii:rsi:v. railed filled failed failed no sale closed closed failed dialed no salo failed failed failed un s'h on sal,, no s.ib. failed no salo closed no sain closed failed closed fniled eliwee) Wilkesbarre noaale HaukofXi'W lliunswiik llelvideie Hank llurlinittun Co, Hank ouliincicml Hank Jniiil'rlanil Hank r.nm is' Hank rarini-rs' and Mechanics' Ilk Hrunswick llelvideie Med ford Perth Aniboy llrideton Mount Holly Haliwsy failed i par i par par i farmers' and Mechumcs' ilk X. UtunsiSltk (ailed Furaiers' and Mcrcbatils' Ilk Midilletowrt Ft. 1 HATS XE8 of a very superior qualitv for aula by. ii. masse'k, Bunnury, Uee. 1848. "JJLASTEK, i lot for oaie by ja, ' i Sunhury Jan. :0th, 1849 tf. C. 8. 0OGAB.' "BLANK L00K8. An assortment of Blank -J Books, just iscrived and sale by v " II. MASSE R. Sunbuiv, Dee. S, U48. Pltloi-lal IMIIlou of d'Aiibituic'tt prt-at Murk on tlio Itrloriuutluii OF THK SlX'I'KF.XTIl CKNTFKV IN (iF.R MANY, bVVri.KKLAMJ, KC. Will be published or, nr about the 1st of Apiil, lh-18, by JOS. A. SPKF.L, No 06 Cherry tt above 6th. his spleudid 1'iroo edition of Ihe above named work, with IS engraved illustrations from ori ginal designs; 4 vols in 2, bound in extra clotb mid libiary sheep. The publisher respectfully calls the attention of the trade and the public generally, to this work being the only illustrated edition published in the United States He trusts that ths beauty of ita embellishments, the strong and substantial manner in which it ia bound, in conjunction with the known popularity of Ihe work itself, will be a tare recommendation to public favor, JOS.'A. SPEF.L. 08 Cherry st. above 6th. ' J. A. S. baa also lately published, a new and beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell's Raree Show, t sellable book for children, neatly done up in extra clotb. ' Philadelphie, April I, ISIS , , C1AP8. An aaasortmrnt just received. Also, silk HATS at Wlb, for sale by li. MAB8EK. bunburv, Dec. S, 1848. )AKF()i;iS rNIUYALl.F.liSTVLr-: OF ;kti.f..)j; (&x,: io4 cursTM-r street 1 :iilni!iljhia. Wi lli.! res ci-lfully invite altention to bis superior style of bats for uutuinn. IU IS, wbu li will be found ihe most pt-ilret eier before elf, red to the coo lor.y. Its pccivt.ir furm rcnder.it the more di siraiil , as it c.uiibines sll the i sseiiltnis of dura, biliiy snilnealness, rcipusite in that article uf dress wlulls his increasid facilities in in in aiiufarturinii with ull the moderu improvements, einibb-s bun Tu CiiALLANr.k. ths V oHLii lo prtducd a belter Hut. Chilphkk'b Fauct Hats mn Caps or ths Latest Mode. These rosui have t-een selected with ereal care, and will be found moat hciatilul anlcriss'e in iheir styles, Lauii.s' Ii'iiiinii Hats and Caps or Kstihe hw stw Pattesns. firesl care hsa been bestow ed in coiinnictii g these ailictcs. ihst they may tit peifeclly easy and lonn a grsceful upear irre. CHARLF.S OAKFORD, 1U1 Chestnut st. a lew doors above Third. Philadelphia. Kepti-mlier 30, 1848.ch June 24, 1818 ly Frunkiiu Hank o.' IS.J. Jersey City il, u ol.cn liKiicv (iiizuig t o lioboken leisey City Hank Mechanics' Uank I Manul'ii ttiriTs' It. ink Morris t'ouuiy Hunk Vliiiimoitlh Ilk of .N.J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Uk .Morn t 'an.il and Hk( Co Post Notes IVewaik Hk & Ins Co iNew Hope Del Undue Co .N.J. M.inul.ic. and liku t'o Jersey City Patterson Helleville Mornstown Freehold Newark TrentiMi Jersey City Newark Lambertavilla lioboken failed fttired failed failed failed i failed i par no sale no sale to Tin; runLiG C'ume Iu vatil!n lit have llornoa t'lii-t'il! r'l'tllK substtriber iiiforius tin- public Unit ho has il devoted much time ami study on the numerous diseases al'.hctiiii; Horses, and that In- has suivesa lully la-en pruclisiui; as a FAKK1KK, for several years past, uud therefore respectfully oilers his aid lo those pei'sotis who tii.iy deeia it proper to (five him u cull, und he hos-s to render pencrul aatite. faction. MII.l.OUV TKKXLEK. bhiitnokiu Dam, I'nion county, Pu., i May l'J, 1RPI '-'m " J. GPsSZXTC'JGH. (Lute lii-IU-r K CrcH-nuusU.) PATKNT ATTOli.NKV. AND MECKANICAI. rNClNEEn, Vluxltliistoii, 1J.C. PiAWlXOS ami piitx-ra for thn P.ati.nl Oli'uuJ, tui-jsiiej ami all the uuct-asiry hu s, in rs-Iation lo t-ciiriiiir mtenin tm,w. at-tfil, anil promptly attciii.-,l ttl) nl thi-jr of-lii-.o opisisito thn Patent Otfice. IVUibcr '.'8, 18ls. IJATENT TrusM-ji or all kinds. Hsrriaon's writing und indelliblo ink. Cotton yam and laps, just received and for sale bv j.'w. rniLixo. unbury, Dec. 2, 1818. siiiess, , N J 1'ioiecioii iV Louii-anl bk Jersey City I lrunte U ink Orange I'aier.on Hunk Paterson Peoples Hunk do Ptiiiceiun It ii 1 1 k Princeton fulem Hanking Co .Salctn Mate Hsnk Newark Piale Hank Elizabelhtown eilate Hank' Camden Suite Hank of Morris Morristown iinie Hank Trenton eialctn and Phil.iJ Manuf Co cialem Sussex Hank iS' ew loil Trent on Hanking Co Trenton Fiiiuii Hunk Dover asbiiigloii Hanking Co. Hackeusack ii:lat4h Uk of Wilrn & Hraiuly wtnt Wilmington Hunk of Duluware Wilmington tlauk of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch Miliord Fanners' Ilk of Stale of Del Dovsi Do brunch ' Wilmington Do branch (ieorgelowo Do brunch Newcastle Union Hank VVlliningtofl uj i.nuur o a failed1 failed failed i par psr i par failed tailed I par failed par' par par par P' par fi I 3 QJ' On all banks maikcd thus ( fcsas an ek'. li i ounler feil or altered isutsa oi? ihe wriona ).. lllcl e,oiiiiriali,iua in circulation. Cllt: AVER THAN EVER. Jlcnry 3Iasser, , HAS just received at his store, in Sun bury, un ussnrttut-iil of the cheapest Goods, that , ever camo to the place, consisting of miv (soons, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, Ire. Froiich Mark Cloths, Cassint-Ui, &c. Oilt t-ovb, ol exoolloiit quitlity and colors, ' price 6 to 10 ct. CiooJ Mutslins, a yard wido, at b j oeuu. These aro not the low prioed trash artlclra usually bold. Muslin do I.ttineii, of tine qual- i ity and patterns 18j. Ilumlsome Terkeri uud otlu-r Miuw li und various other art icleav The public aro reijueaied to cult and judgs for themselves. fiinbury, Nov. 18, 1848. WINDOW CLASS, 6 by 10, for sale tv continent. rsunbury, Vcc. a, 1818. HENtt Jsunbury.Jan ";7th, 19- U. a. i , i's.