SUNBUHY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN .JOURNAL. 7" Prnm nnhmn'a RnrrmMn t Afo and Manner!. LIFE lit LONDON THE "TIMES" NEtv-. PAPERS-PARIS, JtO. There is everything in London to admire) its populousness, its wealth, its gorgeousness, its dazzling splendor J but there is the other extreme, and you cannot walk a rod, especial Jy at this season, without meeting objects which nil you with anguish, and make you '.Vender how human beings can live under 'such wretchedness and destitution. Here, in the midst of plenty, men, and women and ' children are dying of absolute starvation J and when you see theso poor shivering, hun gry creatures looking into tho window of t eook shop, redolent with every savory per fume, and crowded with viands, cooked and 'uncooked, of every description to tempt and pamper the Epicurean appetite, you are a mazed that a thin, transparent plate of glusa keeps them back from an actual onslaught "Whether any can by human ingemiity be i it- vented or found, is too difficult a problem for foe to solve. The tide of human life here that rolls along the great streets is beyond all description; where they all come from', ( where they are going to, how half of them . are fud, how half of them are lodged is in. conceivable Eight times out of "liine, the Times publishes a supplement, and Very frequently two supplements, almost ex clusively devoted to advertisements. The 'tiharge for advertising is always considerable .', though there is included a heavy duly to the government. Each column of advertisements. ; after tho duty to the government is deducted may be expected to pay at least twelve pounds sterling, or say sixty dollars. Now, in count ing the columns in the Times, with its two Supplements, which lay before me, I find seventy-six columns of advertisements. This would be Xl2, or S-litid for the advertise ments in this single paper: now, two-thirds 'of this sum, any for three hundred days would bo 9 14,0011. Add to this, the pro ceeds of twenty-five thousand papers sold, nfter 'all'ovin$ the trovertinieiit tav, which would bu SI 7ui) per day, and would be, by the year, $543,00, making total of the re ceipts for a single newspaper establishment, of 31,458,000. What do yon say to this ? With biiefcingle gross exception, the streets in Paris are as clean as in London tho public conveyances ' much better; their drivers are belter dressed, runt the voituret and carriages much cleaner. The driver be ing always required to give you his number on a card when you enter, and the table of fares being posted up in the carriage. Von are secure against imposition. The omnibuses are so w ide that you can get in ami nut with out crowding your neighbors, and there is an iron bar or strap overhead to steady your jKissage, besides lliey are always lighted at night. The streets aro more quiet than in London. None of those unfortunate creuturcs, who infest the streets of London, by night 'and by day, are ever suffered to show them selves before candle lighting; they are not pel milted, under the severest penalties, to speak to any person without encouragement, ami are at once taken to prison, if they are found in the streets after eleven o'clock. I was presented with a ticket a few nights since, for tho opera, to see nud "hear Jenny Lind. Parts of her singing, or rather the singing of certain parts, I have 'heard better executed by others ; but, as a whole, I have never heard her equal, or scarcely any one comparable to tier. I have never known such extraordinary compass of voice, such facility of exeCnVmn, tiuch flexi bility, such beauty and melody of articula tion and accent. It is something of a con 'trast, however, to find people paying two gineas, that is then, and sometimes fifteen, null sometimes twenty dollars, for a single 'seat, and then come out and bo surrounded with poor 'WTetches, begging a few pence to save thorn from lodging in tho gutter or on the sidewalks all night. SttKiKO Gold on the Rio GltX. A cor respondent of the New Orleans Delta writing from Chihuahua, North Mexico, says: Chihuahua, we find to be a place of much more importance than any place we have yet passed through. Many American merchants re concentrated here. There are not less than '150 Xmericans here, now en route for California, tor the "Gold Diggins" wherever they can find thom It is asserted here, and from pretty goVid authority, that tho Rio Gila abounds in gold rh'Sf where most apjiear to lie steering their course Several parties have left ttvve for lite Kin Gila, one of which is the one to which Dr. G. M. Wozencraft belonged. A, large parly is forming here to proceed to California with wagons-. We are informed that a Mexican went to tho Rio Gila, and came back in three months with $30,000 worth of gold dust. Wo expect it will consume about forty days 16 travel to the Gila. Oir Pr.siOKnTs. The following table shows the 'day of birth and time of death of our different Presidents : Horn. Dull. A;!i Geo. Wssliiiigtoa, John Ailiuiia, 'Ph.. Jelfcraon, Jamea MttdiVHt, JunuM Mtmrne, JiH Q. Adams, Andrew Juckatsi, 22d I'rb, 1734 Mlh lite. 1T!SJ Cl 3Mli Ol, 17U3 4th July, It-ao !ll 13th April 1713 4ih July, lt-jd fx IBUl M'rh, 1751 3MtlJuiie, lfjli f-5 3a April, 1751) 4th July, lull 7-.' Uth July, 177 l Fell, 1HIH Hh June, 1M8 Ht ill Uviiifc. 15th MVh, 1707 Martin Van llureu, Slti tlcc, 17t-3 W. II. Harrison, th Feu, 1773 Tyler, u M b, 1790 Juinea Kuni Polk, !U Nov, 17W Zarliary Taylor, 4 lb April, IMt Htill living. 15th June, 1819 S3 Btill livuif . Onecn Victoria's Kitchen is officered by two larderers, a chief otjok, and three master cooks, with four apprentices; a storekeeper, two ereen-ollice men; three kitchen maids, two steam engineers, and a chief cleik, on a salary of 83500 a year; The apprentices pay as high as $1000 premium to bo udmitted into the chief cook's employment. Kxitbaimt on Mabrugk. The Supreme Court of this State has decided that a testa tor can devise real estate to his widow upon condition that she shall hoi marry again. la tho Common 1'leas ol lantasier county, such condition was held to be void upon the principal that contracts in restraint of mar Kins are not favored by the law. But the Supreme Court lias settled the question an- nihur wav. tliiel juslico unison uerm-rea tho opinion. -' LuHtaster Uuion. WEISE & CLEMENT, Saddle and Harness Makers. THE undersigned respectfully inform the public, that they have commenced the stiove Dull ness in Sunburv. and will con. stantly keep on hand and manufneture to order, at their stand in Market street nearly opposite Young's wore, nil articlea belonging to tlicir line or business. All articles manufactured by them will I mnilo in the let and most durable style, and at prices :as reasonable as they can be hnd at any other cstab. lishmcnt in the eotmty. They therefore respectfully solicit persons to call and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. All kinrla of pro duce taken in by the stores will be tak'en in cz change at tho mnrkct price. HENRY WEISE. AUGUSTUS H. CLEMENT, funbury, June S3, 1849, JUST A Xew Assortment of Fresh Goods. IRA T. CLEMENT, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, eus. Innwn anil others, tftat he has iust receive.! a handsome assortment of NEW GOODS at his store in Mnrkct Square in Sunhury, such as Dry (Vortrfs, Groceries, Queens wnre, Hardware, &c. Sunbury, Juttc 21), 1S49 STONE WARE, CTOXE milk 1' alls. stone .Tinra nnd IMleliera. ami other articles of stnrip w:irn hist nwivnd nml for hiiIc by .11 111. N W. FR1LINU. Sunliiiry, June 2ft, 1S-19. CHARLES W. II EG INS, ATTOPJLTEY AT LAV", l'otlsvlllc, in. Will promptly attend to collections nml nil bind ness entrusted to Ins care. Juno in, 1HI9, SHERIFF'S SALE. 11 Y virtue of a rr. l'.-mi.r.r to me ilirerted, will lieevnoseil to public silicon Mond.iv the !Mh ilnv nf'.liilv 18-19, nt 10 o'elnek in the forenoon, nt the Court House in tho Dornoch of Suti'inrv, the tollowmc ilcscriheil proHTly to wit : 1 lie tiiiclivulcil otic-liltli part ol a house and lot of groimil, situated in Sunhiirv on the north east siile of Iilnckl-errv street Xn. ISO Iiouiidcd westwnr.lly by an ally, east by lot No. 1 79, north bv an ally, south bv lllncklx'rry street aforesaid, whereon is erected a two story dwelling house, rotter shop ami barn. e. ALKtl: The undivided one-lil'lli piirt of a house nod lot ofernund, sitiiiitcd in Simbury on the south side of Itliicklwrry stnn't No. 2li l. boumleil on the west by an ally south by (he rail road, enst bv lot No. 2112, north by lilackU'rry sheet whereon is erec ted n two story dwelling house, and a small log htalile. AT.SO: All the r'mht title and interest of John Itognr of In and to S r. rtnin lot of ground on the south side of Market MrVct in .Nunbury lajKiUtuled north by said i-ln et, eil by lot Xn. Hi, west by (Vlilro ally, south by ltntbnry ally, wliereoii is er'ceti j two two story b'ricV dwelling houses, a flame stable iVc Seixcd taken In ex'eVUtioh rHid 16 c sold as the proiierty of John rJoKar. JAMKS COVERT, Shr'ir. Sheriffs office, RUiibun', J June lfi, lS-10. J FAltM YOU 6ALfc. rPHE subscrilwr is authorised to sell at private sale, A trnct of Land, in Union tow nship, t'nion county, Pn., 3 railed from Northumlirrlrind, and 5 miles from Lewis burn. I villi; on the western road between these two Dorouchs, mill eoutaiuiiii; nlnitil l.r0 acres. Uoundcd by binds of Fenrou, Merrill, I'nulcy and others; only 1 30 rods from the West branch of the Susiiuchniiun. Alsuit .r)0 acres are cleared. The rest well wooded- some good timber. The improvements are a log house, barn and apple orchard. An unl'iiiling spring of pure and wholesome water, near the door. For some years past, more or less lime has licen put upon the land annually, and as Iron ore of Rood ijuality has licen found on contiguous tracts, there is leunon to believe it exists on this. In consciiieiicc of the distant resilience of the owner, Mr. Sumuel Hains, of I'hilndelphia. This tniet will lie sold probably nt a lower rate than any tillable land in the ncit'liWIuMxl. A title 'clear and unquestionable" wilt lie irjvcn. For terms nud conditions, inquire of the undersigned nt NorUiUiulicrlaiiJ. DAVID TAGGART. Attorney for Samuel Hains. Northumberland, Juno 16, 1649. 5t THE CHEAP BOOK STORE. DA1TIELS & SMITE'S ClIKAP NKW & SkCOND tlAND BoOK SlOBE, A'oWi Wel corner of fourth and Arch Slreelt rklladelphtd. Law Books, Theological and Classical Books, MEDICAL BOOKS, RIOGKA VI1IC A L V IIIHTOH1CA L BOOKS, SCHOOlj HOOKS. Scif.ntific and Mathkmatical Rooks. Juvenile. Boohs, in prctit vtirieiii. Hymn Rooks and Prayer Rooks, Bibles, all sizes ami prices. lil&nk Roots, M'rilinqVopcr.nnilStuliotuiry, U'holrtnle and Hrtall. XT' fvu pliers are uiwli lower tlitiil llie liKuirLAR liricua. I'i' l.ili.irn Mint Fiiutll tfir.-!s ol Ufiki mri-liuw.Ht. I'" IIo-iVh imiMirlivl t. ontiT I'roni liinton. I'liiriilt lpliui, Jllur II, IM!l y 1 4 II J) LAMPS. tuRNKLIIK k O . !'u. 170 Oil-mill M., R fcsi'ECTKl'LLV uiiuouiice that they have just lini.shed the most extensive assortment LAMPS, they havcevt r oltered for sale, comprising KLF.(JANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, liUAGKETS, PENDANTS, MANTEL LIGHTS. &c. In great variety, and if ORIGINAL DESIGNS; MUeh attention hiis liecn Paid hi IX'ONOMY, in the construction of these Lamps, and sui h lire made as will produce tho greutest amount of light from the least consumption of Ltiril. Recent improvements in the manufactory, with the introduction of new nml ierfectel machinery, enables them to sell at a wry GRKAT RKDLC 'i'lON from former prices, and all articles Is IWre leaving the mmiiifm-tory, are rarvfully inspecti'J, and am warranted n rfcclly tight, and to give satis faction. Philadelphia, June 3, IS 10 ly riMir, Subscrils-rs have on hand llic largest ns X sorlmeiit of Wali 1'ik in the city of Phi ladelphia, WLultialt aud liiiiul, coiisistiug of every variety suitable fof Parlors, Entries, Dining Rooms, Chambers, 4c, which for quality and style cannot tie surpamni. Doing a cash buaineaa we are enabled to sell s better article at a much lower rule than any store doing a TRADE BUSINESS. f)fi hand, a lurge assortment of Wins Pirsa, for Curtains, Fire PrinU, Uordcrs, Ac, which will be sold for Cosh. Paper Hanging done in the country at city prices. IV, i), Dealers are invited to rail and examine their stuck before purchasing elsewhere. FINN At 111 RTON. No. I ii Arch cartel, fcouth side Philadilphii, hUy 3li, 13I' Notice. TMIE venders and retailers of domestic and fo reign merchandize of Northumtorland rniiuty, will tnke notice that they are assessed and rated bv the appraiser of Mercantile Taxes for the year 1840 as follows : Mrm and Residence. Lewis. A. T. Uciscl, Snvidgc & Kamp, Delaware. Ocorgc & S. T. Piper, Ludwig ft Wank, Hays ci McCormiek, Kciehner & llollurd, Levels & Uuiitle. C7n, License. 13 li.pior 15 00 13 do 19 00 13 10 00 14 do 10 50 15 13 60 11 do 10 50 18 So 15(H) 14 7 00 14 7 00 1 V60 13 36 IS (to 13 13 50 U 7 00 13 'do 1H75 15W 14 7 'on 14 7 on 13 13 50 is to mi 14 7 00 U do 10 50 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 do 10 50 11 7 00 I I do 10 50 II do 10 00 II do 10 00 13 do l." 00 14 do 10 50 14 do 10 50 i4 7 00 4 7 00 13 10 00 )l 7 00 1 1 do ID .VI 14 7 on II 7 00 14 7 00 I t i 00 13 do 15 00 13 do 15 no! 14 do 10 50 I I 7 00 13 do 15 00 ) I do 10 50 14 7 00 13 do 15 00 I I do 10 50 14 7 00 14 7 00 l.'l do 15 00 14 do 10 50 12 12 50 14 do 10 50 13 do 15 00 11 do 10 50 11 do 10 50 14 do 10 50 14 7 00 I l 7 00 II T 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 I t do 10 50 14 do lb 50 14 do U) 50 14 do 10 50 John F. Dentler, J urbrrt. Isaac Hrtwm, Millnn. Bwcnk ir MasIellcV, Isaac Brown, Aaron Comlev, H.J. Hhiller,' Wn. H. Frvmirb, Hehftn Sr Urothcn rVth Cndwnllnder, P. McDowell, Rwcny if Huhr, w m. r. Igle, George Correy, lJInir lr Keed, John H.Rnser, John Murrny, hutrcr Munonoy. h. Woyer, (toorgn Brosioiis, Elias Weist, Renjamiu llclluer, Jin hum. John Carl, William Deppiit, Daniel Swurlxe, William Kcrcs, , Lilllr Mnhiimt. William Rothuiinel, 'CM... Solumon hover, ,. t in. k Reuben I cely Chilifitiiutnic. .lolm H. Vincent, James Rood. Adam Conrad, Iredell Ciul wu Milder, Northiimltciluiid. S. B. Drnnrmaiidii', James Risk, Win. H. Waples, Eoisvlhe ; l'ricsllv; Weu'ck & Elliott. " George Apslev, James TauL'art S; Son, M. J. D. Withiiigton, Sunlmry. John Voniiii, Geoiire Blight, lia T. Clement, Win. II. 1'hoinpson, Gcoi-ro P. liuvuis, .lolm W. Friling, Hum v Mnsser, )'o',if. yaninol R. Wood, Lnicrr Aiipiisti). IIl'illK.'l' & liollllllCI', J. Riiker & Co., Simeon llcmpt, Ilenrv M;user & Co , Upper Awrtista. J. Campbell &. Co., ShiimnHii. Jesse Heusel. Leiseiirjnz & Woolvnrtrtn, Joseph K. Taylor i Co., Samuel John. Samuel Bergstresser, John Vanzant, John C. Mni'snn. Upper MnhmtMj. Bonneville HoUhoe, Peter lioisscl, John G. Renn, l!:Kn HutsKs Axil Oystkh Ckllaus Mi I Ion. Joseph Eckbet t, 8 5 00 8 5 00 8 S 00 8 5 00 iv mthumlicrland. Henry Wenck, Siinlmry. Philip Brymire, Simon Mart, ADDITIONAL. Thnso persons engaged in Selling patent Medicines in Northumberland County, will take notice that they are assessed, and rated by tho appraiser of Mercantile Taxes for the year 1840, us follows : AmU. Names, Residence Class. License. Geo. J. T. Piper, Delaware, 3 4 10 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 6 00 i layes kai lonuicK, Amos T. lieissul, Lewis, 4 ll. J. Miatler, Sweny & Haag, John H. Raser, Mary McCay, JohnG. Renn, Milton, 3 " 4 " 4 North'land. 4 Up. Mahouoy4 Sunburv 3 John W. Friling, Sam' I Muleuer, pd. Chilisquaque, 4 i uos. juiie, travel- f ling agent for Dr. E. L. Soule, 3 10 00 All persons engaged in Distilling liquors in Northumberland county, are assessed as fol low i t If'kiskey, Xa. of I lass. License, griffons ;cr year Jiehveure, Jos'. Nfeely, Turbut, Gonr-ia Good, Milton. Aditm Icnee, John Kohr, 10 10 9 10 10 S5 00 5 00 8 00 5 0(1 5 0(1 8 00 9,000 P,000 13,500 1,924 1,850 10,800 Kcctilyiug, C. Slum, Aus'ista. Joseph Weitzel, Breweries within tho Colirily. Class. License. Gallons. Milton. George Baker, 9 8 00 Beer, 5,250 Ale, 17,500 Porter, 2,100 An appeal will bo hold at the Commis sioner's Oil icM; lit Simbury on tho 4th day of Juiy hum, at ten o'clock A. ul which time aud place those interested may attend. DANIEL 1. CAUL, Mercantile Appraiser, Chilisqnaqne, Juno 4, 1849 4t 2000 PltKMiUM UNT)s! II. J. WILLIAM, NO. 12 NORTH SIXTH STREET, l-IUMbfclJ'lilA. rtblllau llllnd and Wlndotv Shade Itlttiiulucturer. (AWARDIU) the first and higlit Mcduls at New York, Bnlliuioie and Philadelphia Eiliil.i. lions, for the suiN'riority of his RUN D, wilhron. firincd confidence ill his maiiiifiu'ture.'J asks the attention of purchasers lo his assortment of 3000 Blinds of narrow and Wide slats with fancy and plains Trimmings, of ntw styles and colors. Also a Inrt'e and general aswirtmcnt of Tli ANM'A- RENT W1N1MJW iSUAUKS, all of which he will rll at the lowest cash price. Old Blinds puinled aud trimmed to look equal to new. , . IDEALER8 SUpPLIEDori lilwral U-rmssj The Ciliicua of North umlnTioud County are res- iectfully invited to rail before buying elsewhere confident of pleasing all. CorEN IN THE March 34, 1S49. 3m BOOKS and Golj Pen. On hand several cop ies of the life of Christ, aud also a number of gold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices, t oi Mlv at this omce. BP.OWIT'S . . ESSENCE OF JAMAItA blStOETl PREPARED and sold onlv, si FREDERICK BROWN'S DRUG and CHEMICAL Store, N. E. corner of Fivts and CassstiT streets, Phi ladelphia. This Essence is warranted to possess In a concentrated form, all the valuable properties of Jamaica Ginger, and will he found on trial an excellent Family Medicine. It Is particularly re commended as a tonic, to persons recovering from fever or other diseoses, a few drops Imparting to the stomach a glow and vigor, eipinl tn a wine glass of brandy or other stimulnnd, without miy of the debilitating efl'eets, which are sure to follow the use of liquor of any kind! and it is therefore esK-cially serviceable to children and females.. To tho aged, it will prove a great comfort to the dysicptie, and to those who are predisposed to gout or rheumatic affections, It gives great relief; and lo the inebriate who wishes to reform, but whose stomach is constantly craving the noxious liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to the diges tive organs, and strength to resist temptation i and is consequently a great agent in die cause of tern iterance. V3T Full directions accompanying each hottln. The above article can be had at the office of the A mcrican. . Philadelphia, June 3, 1849. ly CHOICE GROCERIES. COLTON & Co. S. If. Corner Arch If fiffc Street Philadelphia, II AVE now in store a well selected stock of tho very liest Family Groceries, which they will sell at the lowest prices and warrant to please. Green and Black Teas from 1 down to 35 cts per lb., the Black Tea 45 cents by (he Boi, is unusu il hy fine. Cotlee of all qualities and prices Micr Sugar for fir cts. per lb., than any other store. Mnccaroni, Vermicelli, Canton Ginger in Syrup, tlliie Oil of the U'st brands, an assortment of the richest Jellies, mid every article kept in our line. All goods sent to the' country, put up neatly and securely Please try us once and satisfy yourselves whether we can suit you, COLTON & CO. 8. W. Cor. Arch A: 6th St. Philadelphia, May 30, 1S40. chc'lm ty ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of on order of thcOrplinns' Court of iNorlliumls'rlniid county, will be exposed to sale, at the Court House in fSuiibiirv, on Monday, the Uth dav of July next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., a certain lot of ground on the South side of Black- b'erty street, in iid Borough, No. 231, bounded East bv lot 233, West bv lot 232, on which are erected two loir dwelling lloii'S. a small shop Slid a lo:; Ram. I n lo sold usthe prcrly of Piiitiel Hotl'innii, dee'd., !y Henry .Miisur, his administra tor. Conditions of sale will be made known on day of Fale. MARTIN IRWI.V, Clk., O. C. Orphans' Court office, Siinbuiy, May, 28, 1H4'.1. ) LAWRENCE HOUSE, .Market Square, opposite the Court House, ScNiiiiiv, Pa. riHIIS well known Hotel has just licen refitted, X and handsomely furnished by the uiulersimieil, and he bei;s leave to sav, th:it it is his intention to render it worthy of the lils-ral patronage, by w hich it has heretofore K'cn sustained. J. C. PERKINS. Sunhury, May 17, 1819. 3mo CUTLEltY. AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT LERY, of sale by JCZlt 3. CCLElfCAlT, A'os. 32 rm! 33 ARCADE, and 8i A'orfA . THIRD Street, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and Razors. Also, a choice assortment of RodgCrs lr Sons, Wosteuholm's Greave's W. A S. Butcher's and Fenney's Cutlery; Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives, Also, Guns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives. Also, The American Razor Strip, a siqierior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. Cahii Dealers in Cutlery, will find (he above Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscriber's chief business is importing and selling cutler-. Philadelphia, Juno 9, 1849 ly JVoticfc. THE partnership, heretofore existing under the name of Dewartoi. Bruner," having U-en dissolved, the subscrilicr announces to the public that he will continue the practice of the law ut the office formerly occupied by said firm, in the Borougli of Sunburv. , Business entrusted to him will be promptly ultendcd to. . . CHARLES J. BRUNER. Sunhury; April 21, 1619 3io GREAT ARRIVAL. TOHN W. FRILIN'bTaa just received at his " store in Sunbury an extensive assortment of iCW uuuue, oi every vaneiy w nicii no ta nuw ready to sell or exchange for produces and consist ing in part of CLOTIIS, CJlSSIMERESi t 'c. Linen and Cotton drilling;, and tummei wear of all kinds. Calicoes, Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, &.c; Muslins bleached and unbleached. PALM LEAF AND OTHER HATS. Quccnsicare and Hardware of all kinds. Ditftis Faints, and Dye-sti'its. FISH, SALT, AND PLASTER. And a great variety of other articles all of which will be sold at the lowest terms. Sunburv, May SB, 1813. TANNERS TAKE NOTICE. New 1 1 hie Oil nud Leather Store. No. 1 1 1 North 3d St. 3 doors bcloie Race St. l'hil'iidclphia. flHE sulwriU-rs oiler to the tanners on the 1 rilnst favorable terms thbir fresh importation of Hides, consisting of Duellos Ay res, Laplala, Curiiccas, Laguira, Hung-Dry, Chili. Salted Pcr ainbiieo and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and suited. Also, Green Slaughter, Dry Halted, and llliuk Dry Pdtna Kips, . Also, Straights, and Rank oil and a general as sortment of Ctirrier's Tools. They w ill sell or trade for Spanish br Slaughter Leather, (he alsivo Hides, Kips, Oil and Toots, on better terhis, than old Houses in the city, Cash paid for leather of all kinds. KEEN it KIRK PATRICK. Philadelphia, May 0, lfttU ly f.OM & MLTfcll WARE. J. STOCKMAN; A'n. 60 Chcsnut-st, at the sipn of the G'oKl Thimble, Ixtvet n 2d. If 3d. sis., Stnilh side Pii!i.Ani:miiA. MANl'FACTl RES and keep eoustautly on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol low iug articles, of a siiM'rior quality, at reduced prices : Gold and Silver PenciU, do Thimbles, do Finger Shields, Silver Table, .Desert, Tea, Suit and Mustard Simkuih, do Forks, Soup and Oyster Ladles, do Comix, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks and Chains., Knitting Sheaths, &e. . ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and Ilrittauuia ware, German Silver Spoons, Ac; Gold Diamond poin. ted Pent at various prices ( Jackson's Superior Everpoint4d eads, Ac, Ac. Philadelphia, May S8, 1449- BAR IRON of all kinds for sale low, at the hwe of UOiAR. Sunhury Jan. SOth, 189. tt w ILEY'S t'Ol'G CilNDY An exec). lent remedy lor roughs, eoldt. For tats ut thi otlke lAASIHALDi Concentrated Saraaiarllla For tho cure of Tetter, 8crofula. Eryripalas, Piles, Chronic Rheumatism and all disorders of the ' Blood, Mercurial Disease,. Ac. 1 T is recommended to Physicians llnd others, ss the strongest preparation now in use, and en tirely different from that put up in quart bottles, lif sensing little or ho active principle f the Sarsa parilla, but intended to deceive the public For tale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland. (. HEYL'S EMRROUATION for Horses will rure Sprains, Uruisc'i, Cut, Galls, Swellings, and j'l complaints requiring an external remedy. It is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, stiff ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, A.e. It has also lieen used with great success liy per sous nlllietcd with Rheumatism, and other com plaints. .Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel phia, n'ld for Vile by M. A. McCay, Northumber land. " " Philadelphia, May SB, IMS'. ly APPLETON'S GREAT CENTRAL C HEAP BOOK STORE; 104 CheKtnut Street, Comer of Seventh, S'irmm's Jluildings, PHILADELPHIA. TNOWING the wants of the community, the Proprietor of this EstamlisiI'iixnt hns fitted up a ftore in the most elegant manner, having due regard to the comfort uf his customers; so that every Stranger visiting his Hook Store, may fccl entirely at home. HXS IMMENSE STOCK of Rooks is classified according to the various De- parlinents of Literature, so that visitors can find the Rooks they are in search of fur themselves. Iliiying his Slock for the most part at the Arc- no Sai.k. and Is-nig connected with ono of the LAiiKFsr PrraistiiM; foi st in this country. besides publishing largely himself, enables him to sell A ll Rooks at LOWER PRICES than anv other house of a similar character on this continent. His facilities for the Imfohtatiox or Rooks from Euroie are unsiirsisscd, having a Ilianch of his bstalilishmcnt in London, where orders of private gentlemen are carefully executed and forwarded to this Country by every Sruxtt and Packet. . A CATALOGUE of Honks with the prices attached is issued quar terly, containing Lists of New Additions made to his large collection, which are in all cases for sale at the LOWEST PRICES, or, from 2a to 75 per Ceiit. Mow Publishers' Prices. Thus in buying even a Few Rooks, piile a considerable amount is saved. As a still further INDUCEMENTS to strangers visiting the city, every one who pur chases Osk Dollar's wuiitu of Rooks, will re ceive a copy of the S in ;i; it iv I iiiuM.i run, an elegant In mo. volume, llic price of Which isS'i cents. The limits of an adteiliscmeiit are too con fined to enumerate the prices of any of the im mense to lie di rived from purchasing at the fillKAT Cl'.NTltAL Ciicap Rook Storc, but let all whi4 are in wureh of Hooks semi for a Cata logue, and buy the Risiks they are in want of, and when visiting the city, give Appleton one call, and you w ill v sure hi call again. STATIONERY in all Its branches, furnished at the Lowest Prices. The Initials of those purchasing Letter and Note Pajicr, neatly stamped in the corner, without charge. Orders fur any article may be sent by mail, ad dressed to the Proprietor, and the directions in all cases will I filly carried out, willt great punc tuality und despatch. Orders for Catalogues should 1 FRt t,Ain: GEO. S. APPLETON. Bool'srfOr; Publisher, Importer, 'and Stationer 101 Chesnvt St. cor. of Seventh, Stcaim's V uild in a, l'h iladelphia. May, 12, 184 9. 3m SILENCE That dreadful Cough ! the Lungs arc in dan ger, the work of the Dostroyer has been begun, the cough of Consumption hath in it a sound of Death, Hev. HENRV JONK& I0H Kiylitli avenue, wns cured til' whwIiuihI ciiliirrtiul nUi'lieii i HO yntrs itihtiiiK Tho firat ile siivl! liim more rrliel' limn ill the tshrr niediriiie lie hull ever tnkull. Dr. I.. J. Ilrali. Ill Drluni'V-slrret pive it lo a AiitcT-ili'luw who whs uilmuriliK llmlrr Cun suinptii'ii; nisi tu oiiiStter sorely alMietcl wall the Aitthuui. In lth niBi'S lla i-d'i'ta were iuiiimliale, anon reauiruig tlieiu to csiit'.irliitilv hmtlti. Mia. LCl'KKTIA WKI.U", fAJ rhritie.t. sufTered fern Aitliniu 4'2ynm. Hlieriiuin llultiiii rellevtl her nt iniee, ami she ianii'llninilively wvll, I 1iii nmUnl y nltalue eve. K atlaelf liy UiliinH)' line ul'this uinliriiie. .Thia imlral ia Ilia grit n-niity lor Cisiphi.CvhU, tiiiiin,ill.l. laver Cisiipluiiita. ant all the aoeclioiia of Uia throat, ami even Antlinia ami ConauitiiiliiHi. ... , written aipmturc is on earn buUjc. Ask lur Mieriittiu a AiMieniing iiulaum, and see that bis rnee wceuisniHi (i per nsiit. i, , , . Dr. Wirriiinij'i Wimn and CVugh Luxrngea, and Poor Man's luuaers sukt as above. SHERMAN'S POOR MAN'S PLASTER Kits rurrd more cat of nheumntiMn, Pmin in the Buk, and lhrt. lnuihuso mtvA Vkutnw. thnn miy appli- Ci I it hi lltal luii iin'iiaurtl, huiMlruls )f uiiirinciplrd raavnlt iveuttfinpU1) to oiuitttTiVil it. and putm it otf utxin tlie roimniiiiity -at tht fttmiiue. C7'Bet7irt: iH Dcceplnnij triiifiulier Unit the true and frniiitir nHtr is cprmd upun rtHhJiith pim inudr fxpittnly ft tjau mrpis and everv ruse the itfiiuturv U Dr. Wienium i arintni upon the Imck fl' I he rbi0tti,tniid the miiirwi by C(ty Kifzht. Nm lbrr ar fffitniii. Thtrtff.w iviVn yt wnnt a rl f Kht-riiiue' IVaur Afjin'i rbultT, call nt Hie office, IU6 Numiu wrwt, ami you will IV4 In dtmpiwHiilMj. lit-imuiUf rim'iptiliili(e Haft Nftnuu.Mrcet, w-Ynrk, whT nil f r, f-hrriivtn'i Nizt iit snrp Hn Aul Hr Mm. Iliiyi, F ii Hon ititfi. Unntklyu; llineatau, Williuiii&liurg ; wn! Uc-Mniff A Co. Iloston, u'imI JIIN VorMi, . M. A. MrCAV; NorUmmherlaud Miiy 1fi. Hi -3m ly JOHN DONNELLY, MANlTACTUir.U OF DoN.NKLI.vV UpRHillT SaFETV fil.AZKH C'ArstXED Bl.LE MATCH ES, AND UNITKI) 8TATK.S Oil, l'ASTfc U LACK I Mi, No. S3 North Third Street, FUILADELPUIA, TIIIESK Matebes ore justly considered the licst 1 in the United Slati-s ; III! ) are free from un pleasant smell, and can be introduced with ierfcct safety into all "'lores and Dwellings. Warranted to keep ten years.. . The UlackiiiK is of suicrior quality, and free from and incrulient that impairs the IjCalher. COIINTKV DEALEHtS nr! HHllTER will find it to their Interest to call aud sco for them selves.' . N. 1). An, .assortment of Mutches of various New Vork Manufacturers. Malchca in round wood boxes also, iaeked in large or small tin rases, to ship tu any rt of the world, JOHN DONNELLY, Late of SO Bank Street, now 83 North Third ML March HI, lKm ty LI0UOliS;AVINi:S,&C. nHE subscrils-r has just received a new supply of tlie best liipiom that ever came to Nunbury, coiikinting in part of Ruprrior oU pule ltraujy. Fine Coguiao llraudy. Kufierior ( Hd Jamuica Spirits. New EiiKlnud Hum. Fine Holland' (iin. 8iiierior OlJ Whiskey Common do, Superior Maderia Wine. Illation do. do. Superio't, Port Wine. UuruaH'ly Port do. risreet Malaga Wine.' Huperio ('larrt Wine in bolllea, i'uampasne do. do. , I1ENKY MAS3EK. iiinbury, May 36, 1819. "Encourage i'our Own!" .FASHION A BLb MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. HEauhacribeiarespectlrullye.ll the attention of the public to their large nd splendid assort ment br every quality and price of CAniKCT-WAllE, ! which cannot fail to recommend itself to every ono ' who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock lobe had in the, city. No effort la spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the subscriliers are determined .to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Sofa, Divan And tpunffe. ?8FA, .BREAKFAST DIMM TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila- i,. , , delphia manufacture. DED8TEAD8, of every pattern and , price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET .TABLES ANb EXTENSION TABLES, in shott, every article in this line of their business. . ThVy also manufacture all kinds and qualities ! ,...... .CHAIRS, , including varieties . hover before to be Had ih Sunhury, such ns Mhooat, Hlack Walxct Ap C' RLKii Matlk Ghkciax ; xii W'txiisnn CHAlltS, ArAct Piao Stools, which aroof the latest styles, and warranted to lie exeellcU by none manufactured in the Citi?s or elsewhere. The subsi-rilsirs bpj dcterniini'il that there shall Ihmio excuse for persons tn purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence hill be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will lie disposed of on as good terms as they can lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pnvincnt for work. tvf' UNDERTAKING attended fj on reason able terms. t"i" The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's storc, and nearly opposite Wcater'a Tavern. DANIEL H A AS. UEOItGU KENN. Sunburv, April 28, 1B49. tf THE MINES OF CALIFORNIA OUT DONE! FINE H ATCHES AND JEWELRY. The Diamond City or riillariclpliln .Still Ahead ! JAC018 LADOMUS, 2 Hi 31A1JKKT ST , HELOW EIGHTH, SOUTH SIDE, PHILADELPHIA. IS eoiistiiutly ree; ivinif from all tile bct M.lliu r.ii.liiri.m ..l'l'iir...u ul. I.. ..I' FINE (iOI.D AND tslLVEIt WATCHES. tins advertisi-'-nent cut it out of flic pajicr put it in your pocket, and call the first timo you visit tho city. Ahioni; the assortment w ill lie found : (iold Levers, IS k. cases, full jewelled, $M Silver Levers full jewelled, - - 15 (old I'Epincs, 18 k. cases, jewelled, - 25 Silver I'Epincs, jewelled, . ... 10 " ljuarticr Watches, .... 4 to $10 Silver Tcu Spoons, equal to coin, cr set, 4 50 " Desert jo " Table " ' " 15 1)0 Together with d splendid assortment of Chaste and Rich, Jewelry, &c, &c, &c (old Chains of every variety and pattern at a slight advance Upon the original cost. Examine them bv all means. The Trade will be supplied upon the most advantageous terms. J.LADOMl'S, No. 21G MARKET Street, lii low Eiulitli, -: South side, Philadelphia. April 11, 1818'. 3 mo. CAIUKET WARE ROOMS. flHE suhscrilicr .respectfully informs the public; X that hb continues the manufacture of C A HI NET WARE, in all its hranchss, at his stand in Market street in Sunbury, and thai he has now on hand a handsomo assortment bf well made and fashionable furniture. He also carries on, at his old establishment, in Fawn street, tho CHAIR MAKING IU7SIXESS, in all its brunches, and keeps constantly on hand, an assortment of well made and fashionable CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. All of which he will disjHise of at prices as low as at any esta blishment in the county. His long experience in the business, justifies him in the belief that he will be able to cive iren. eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from His customers a continuance of their patronage. (7 All kinds of produce taken in exchangpl ... . SEBASTIAN HOUPT. Buhbury, March IT, 1649. tf Tee. Cbrapeal d Mast SalradU Asaartarirat af WATCHES? AND JEWELRY IN PHILADELPHIA, AZMARKET STREET,43 A FEW POORS ABOVE ELEVENTH, NORTH SIDE, HAS just received, by lute arrivals, from the most celebrated Manufacturers of Eunnie, a magnificent and judiciously selected HsHortineiit of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, which be U1 sell cHEirsa than any other estab lishment in the United Slates. Among the as sortment will be found ! f!old Levers, Ink. fuses, full jewelled $30 Culver levers, full jewelled, 5 t,old ri'piiies, 15 k. cases, jewelled, 25 Silver I'Epincs, jewelled, 10 " Qiiarticr Watches. , 4 to $10 Silver Tea Spoons, ciuul to coin, per set 4.5(1 Desert, 10.00 " Table, . u u u 15.00 Together with' a splendid assortment of C'hasto and Rich Jewellry, &e, &c, &c . (iOl.D CHAINS, of vurioue styles, from the liest Manufacturers. Hi' l'lcusc preserve this advertisement, ami call at J.KWItS LADqMirs'K, No. J3 MARKET STREET, above Eus viKTit, North Side. ff I have (Jold rihd Silver Levers' still cheaper than the uhove prices A lilieral discount hiadb to the trade. April I I, lSlt 3iri SUNBURY FOUNDRY. THE aulwicrilft-r resetl'ully informs tlie jajblie that he has aiin become conuectcd with the above Foundry, and that hereafter it will be con ducted solely under his management and control. From his long experience in the bussjnoss he trusts he will lie ahlq to give general satisfaction to his old friends and customers. The business will he enrried on in all its branches, He will continue to manufacture Doughs, and all kinds of castings will Iw done with promptness and in the heat manner. (JKO. ROIIRBACH. Sunbury, June 9, 1840. 3iu IOR KALE. A good cow, nearly fresh for sale cheap. Emuire at the otiica of the A mcrican. Sunbury, June 9, 1849. rilEAS, from the New York Canton and I'ekiii m Tea I oiniiaiiy. 1 or naie ut. J. W. FKILINtl. Sunbury, Dec. t, 1848 HEAT WANTED One dollar per bushel, cash, will I paid for good wheat by IRA T. CLEMENT. Hutibury Jul. S tli, 1 6.4 J tC IRELAND. Tfc't Bavages at Drain. Rer. James Anderson. Rector nf ftallin hat addreased a Fourth letter o t.or'(i RussbI, on the atate 6t the poor In his disVri'ct'.' Ho ays: i.. "Two aged Women, gislers, of Einfagh, more than seven miles from fclifilen, .Mob famine-stricken, killed thoir own rlof. boilVd it, and then partook of the flesh and stmp! un the following day ono of thorn died ! All nis was distinctly deposed on oath before iohy PPP'ngi Esq., resident rnagistrate, by a mn. l! . I .... 1 ' ureunuoie person, Austin Malley, who w with his own eyes a portion of the dog boiling j ,ne pot, and also saw .anptU'por. tion U aside fo'r.the next meal This hap pened during tU a.t year, 'a, did the, follow-ing:-At Ihn summer assiees of Galway, a fT' W.M convfcJed for having stole a calf. Twelve months' imprisonment was the sentence about ; .being pawed up0'n him by Baron Lefroy, when Mr. Doppipp Jt0OW. ing the dreadful circumslanceH under 'which the act was committed, requested Mrmiaainn of his lordship to say a word, in behalf of the prisoner. He (Mr Doppmg) then informed the Court that i'our of the poor man's chil li ren )iad died of, starvation, thnt the husband ami the who had been brought from Kilker- rm to tlifilen, upwards of twenty miles that tho yrifu, on being conveyed frotrt the car to tho Cridewell was found to be dead throngh' tho exhaustion of famine, and that they hnd both (a short timo before her death) declared that such wore the extremities to.which they had been leduccj, that they had absolutely eaten a portion of tho hps of one of their children; that in order to come at tho truth if possible', tho bodies of tlio said children were, exhumed, anil thnt the appearance of mutilation, as Hinted, wns visible. The re cital of such a tragedy moved tho bcnevor lent Jmi-,'0 liimstlf to tears, and constrained him to a commutation of the sentence to that of some trilling nominal punishment'. Lot it not bo said hi y lord, that theso are bygone tales, bpcntire, inilcod, they occurred in tho past year; for 1 can with truth assure your lordship that, independently of what I daily witness myself, every one I meet, in every grade of life, has something so mournful to relate that no language can depict the mis erable condition of the whole West of Ire Intnl. The police themselves can well attest it, fur they tiro discovering dead bodies among lln walls of ruined habitations or rather novels nud find the frightful prey of nits ami scarecrows. 1 hits it is. mv lord that Ihe famine progresses ; and oh ! how awftd the prospect for at least two or thrco months to come!" AQf eer Head Dress. Lvnch. in Inn v. j j ... pedition to tho Dead Sea, thus describes ti queer head dress, which the wbih'jli about ueyrotit wear : ''The ninst striking nec.iilinrilv nf .Irn'.o saw, was tile tatour or Horn, worn mostlv hv the wives of niomitalneerb. tt was 14 inches tp two feet long, thre'o cr four inches wide at the base, and about one inch al the top. It is mailo ol tin, silver or gold, according to tho circumstances bf the wearer, and it is sometimes studded with precious stones. From the summit depends a veil, which falls upon the breast, nml, at will, conceals tllo features". It is worn otilv bv married ones of tho highest rank, and once assumed, it is wont lor lilo. Although the temple may tiirdb and tho brain bo racked with fever, it cannot bo laid aside. 1'ut on with the bridal robe, it does not give place to the shroud. It is supposed to have some reference to tHo words,, the horlis of tho rishtcous shall be ex alted." SijLfiiiitic Ethf.h in Cholera. Dr. Ab rter Phelps states, in a communication, to trie Boston Traveller, that he recently adminis tered sulphurio etber to a cholera patient; with the most beneficial results. Its almost mmfMiate effect was the relief of the spasms and violent distress, and a return bf haturai warmth. The patient recovered; Gas. The citizens bf York, Pa have made up the capital necessary to erect and put ih operation a gas works. , , 1' ... ... The name of, the town of Jjloomingtont Iowa, has been changed to Muscatine. ; REGISTER & RECORDER, &c:, nritE siilm-riber has been solicited to offer him - self again for (lie office of , HKUUTKli HKCOnnKR ' " for Nortlmnilierland county, and trusts if elected, liis exs rieneein wi,l oliieo will cnuble hint to dis charge its duties satisfactorily. , ,. John p. ruRSEt: ' bunl.iirv, Juue 23, 181H. COUaNTY commissioner. rTHE s'ibscrilier offers himself to the electors e'f Northumberland county as a candidate lor COMMISSIONER. should he I elected he will faithfully discharge, tho duties of his oilUvi ... , Wn.IJAM WILSON. : Lewis township, Juno S3, lsirt. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNtV. Fmuiw CiTiasas. Enentiragi-d by nii'niero'us frii inUl hereby iilli r myself to your consiiluratiori as a caiulidale for the ollice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the next general election. Should I receive i majority of your sullragcs, I will endeavor to .liy. charge the duties of said office with fidelity. "ii.i.iAM M. AI7TEN, l lulisquaiiue township, Juno 16, 1819. TO THE KLECT0US OF NOKTHlTMBEIt- l.AAU WH'NTY. WMiW- I1K'n''VON, of rP!r AugWa'; offers himsi If to tho clw tiHra ul NorthuuH herlund cutinty as a candidate for roi'NTV TIlElSlltEH. , Should lie elected, he nromiaee to discharge tlie duties uf said office with fidelity. I ppcr Augusta, June t, 184SJ. ; VI county treasurer. , J A CO II YOl'NG, of the Uorough ofunbury oilers liinim lf to tlie elector uf NurthuinrW lund County, as a candidate lor the ullice of , . , Slionld' lie he eWteil, he will emlravor to dikrliarije' the duties of tlie oflice in such a manner as to live general aaUsfartion. Suubury, June U, 1849 ' 1